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academics who wrote biography
Showing 201-208 out of 1170 results
Andrew Grove
Andrew Grove (1936-2016)

engineer, entrepreneur, professor, scientist

  • University of California, Berkeley, City University of New York
Swimming across
High Output Management
Only the paranoid survive
One-on-one with Andy Grove
Nur die Paranoiden überleben. Strategische Wendepunkte vorzeitig erkennen
Physics and technology of semi conductor devices
Le management multiplicateur
Physics and Technology of Semiconductor Devices
Seuls les paranoïaques survivent
Las relaciones interpersonales en el trabajo
Physics and technology of semiconductor devices
Only the Paranoid Survive
Physics and technology of semiconductor devices
High Output (Product Code:C-10029)
Strategic dynamics
Ruth Ozeki
Ruth Ozeki (born 1956)

film director, bhikkhunī, television director, television producer

  • Smith College, Nara Women's University
The face
My Year of Meats
All over creation
A Tale for the Time Being
The Book of Form and Emptiness
Mon épouse américaine
Moi︠a︡ ryba budet zhitʹ
Inside and other short fiction
Timecode of a Face
Shi guang de bi an
Alles opnieuw
Geschichte für einen Augenblick
Il Libro della Forma e del Vuoto
Glimmer Train Stories, #66
Scrolling Forward, Second Edition
Benim Baligim Yasayacak
Katie Roiphe
Katie Roiphe (born 1968)

journalist, academic, literary scholar, man of letters

  • Harvard University, Princeton University
Uncommon Arrangements
Uncommon Arrangements Seven Marriages
The Power Notebooks
The violet hour
The morning after
Still She Haunts Me
Last night in paradise
In praise of messy lives
The Morning After - Sex, Fear, And Feminism
Rätselhafte Alice. Die Geschichte von Lewis Carroll und der kleinen Alice
Janet Malcolm : the Last Interview
Meghan Boody
Lof van het rommelige leven
Violet Hour HB
William Woodruff
William Woodruff (1916-2008)

historian, memoirist, economic historian, academic, soldier

  • University of Nottingham, Harvard University
The Road to Nab End
Nab End and Beyond
Billy Boy
Beyond nab end
Impact of western man
A concise history of the modern world
Vessel of sadness
America's impact on the world
Shadows of Glory
The struggle for world power, 1500-1980
Paradise galore
Impact of western man, a study of Europe's role in the world economy, 1750-1960
The rise of the British rubber industry during the nineteenth century
Technology and the changing trade patterns of the United States
The Suez Canal and the Australian economy
Alain Mabanckou
Alain Mabanckou (born 1966)

poet, poet lawyer

  • Paris Dauphine University, University of Nantes
Le sanglot de l'homme noir
The lights of Pointe-Noire
Lumières de Pointe-Noire
Écrivain et oiseau migrateur
Rumeurs d'Amérique
Dictionnaire enjoué des cultures africaines
Le monde est mon langage
Mémoires de porc-épic
Tomorrow Ill be Twenty
Blue White Red A Novel
Black Moses
Broken Glass
Broken Glass
Quand le coq annoncera l'aube d'un autre jour
African psycho
Memoirs Of A Porcupine
Et Dieu seul sait comment je dors
Les Petits-Fils nègres de Vercingétorix
Black bazar
Verre cassé
Bleu, blanc, rouge
Lettre à Jimmy
Penser et écrire l'Afrique aujourd'hui
Les arbres aussi versent des larmes
Mañana cumpliré veinte años
African psycho
Tais-toi et meurs
Petit Piment
L'Afrique qui vient
Zikhronotaṿ shel dorban
Tchicaya passion
Huit leçons sur l'Afrique
Tant que les arbres s'enracineront dans la terre
Lettres noires
Le commerce des Allongés
Poésie africaine
כוס שבורה
Demain j'aurai vingt ans
L'Europe depuis l'Afrique
Lan Cao
Lan Cao (born 1961)

lawyer, jurist

  • Yale Law School, Mount Holyoke College
Family in Six Tones
Monkey bridge
Culture in Law and Development
The Lotus and the Storm
Roland Oliver
Roland Oliver (1923-2014)


  • University of Cambridge
The African experience
The African experience
In the realms of gold
Africa since 1800
A short history of Africa
Africa in the days of exploration
The Cambridge history of Africa. Volume 3. From c. 1050 to c. 1600
The Cambridge encyclopedia of Africa
The Cambridge History of Africa. Volume 6. From 1870 to 1905
The African middle ages, 1400-1800
Sir Harry Johnston & the scramble for Africa
Africa in the Iron Age, c500 B.C. to A.D. 1400
How Christian is Africa?
The Cambridge encyclopedia of Africa
The dawn of African history
The middle age of African history
A short history of Africa. [With maps and a bibliography.].
Medieval Africa, 1250-1800
Fast workers
History of East Africa
A short history of Africa [by] Roland Oliver and J.D. Fage
African history for the outside world
Afurika shi no akebono
A Shepherd'S Life. Foreword By Phil Drabble.
The missionary factor in East Africa
History of East Africa
Africa in the days of the exploration
Journal of African history
A short history of Africa [by] Roland Oliver and J.D. Fage
The Cambridge history of Africa
The Cambridge history of Africa
The Cambridge history of Africa
The dawn of African history
A short history of Africa (Penguin African library)
The middle age of African history, : Edited by Roland Oliver
The African experience
Darcy O'Brien
Darcy O'Brien (1939-1998)

  • Princeton University, University of California, Berkeley
Two of a Kind
The Hillside Stranglers
Patrick Kavanagh
A dark and bloody ground
The hidden pope
W.R. Rodgers (1909-1969)
Papież nieznany
Power to hurt
A way of life, like any other
The conscience of James Joyce
Murder in Little Egypt
Margaret in Hollywood
Moment by moment
The silver spooner
Murder in Little Egypt
Patrick Kavanagh
Moment by moment
W.R. Rodgers
Power to Hurt: Inside a Judge's Chambers
The conscience of James Joyce
Reflections on literature and the law
Two of a kind
W.R. Rodgers
American Murder
Patrick Kavanagh