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academics who wrote biography
Showing 113-120 out of 1170 results
Paul Avrich
Paul Avrich (1931-2006)

historian, pedagogue

  • Cornell University
Anarchist portraits
Sasha and Emma
The Russian anarchists
Sacco and Vanzetti
An American anarchist
Russian rebels
Ahrne Thorne
The Modern School Movement
Kronstadt, 1921
The Anarchists in the Russian Revolution
Anarchist Voices
The Haymarket tragedy
Bakunin & Nechaev
The Avrich
The Russian revolution and the factory committees
Haymarket Tragedy
Anarchism materials collected by Dr. Paul Avrich
Simon Schama
Simon Schama (born 1945)

art historian, historian, television presenter

  • University of Cambridge, Haberdashers' Aske's Boys' School
Dead certainties
Rembrandt's eyes
Two Rothschilds & the Land of Israel
Dead certainties
Bet Rotshild ve-Erets-Yisrael
The face of Britain
Rembrandt's eyes
The Face of Britain
The American future
A History of Britain
The Embarrassment of Riches
The Power of Art
Rough Crossings
Rough crossings
Landscape and memory
Rough Crossings
A history of Britain
Rough Crossings
A History of Britain
The embarrassment of riches
The American future
Rough Crossings CD
The story of the Jews
Death of a Harvard man
Patriots and liberators
A History of Britain
A History of Britain
Patriots and liberators
Scribble, scribble, scribble
History of Britain Boxed Set
Rough Crossing
The Story of the Jews
A History of Britain, Volume 1
The American Future LP
The Story of the Jews
A History of Britain, Volume II
A History of Britain
A History of Britain, Volume 3
A History of Britain at the Edge of the World
Landscapes From Brueghel To Kandinsky
A History of Britain I
Flesh in the Age of Reason
L'embarras de richesses
A History Of Britain 3
Anya Gallaccio
A History of Britain 2
Landscape and memory
Simon Schama's power of art
Certezas Absolutas
A History of Britain, Volume II, The Wars of the British, 1603-1776
Rembrandt's Eyes (Allen Lane History)
Le paysage et la mémoire
Cy Twombly
A History of Britain the Fate of the Empire 17762000
Overvloed en onbehagen
Dead Certanties
Landschaften von Brueghel bis Kandinsky. Die Sammlungen Thyssen und Carmen Thyssen- Bornemisza
The Story of the Jews
Cy Twombly: Fifty Years of Works on Paper
The essential Cy Twombly
A History of Britain at the Edge of the World? 3500 B.C. - 1603 A.D
Auge y Caida del Imperio Britc?nico
Confesiones y Encargos
A History of Britain
A History Of Britain 3 (Lord Peter Wimsey Mystery)
Scribble, scribble, scribble
A history of Britain
Rembrandt's Eyes - British Ed
Les Yeux de Rembrandt
The Cambridge Mind
The Ambarassment of the Ritchies
Rembrandt's Eyes - Dutch Ed
The American Future
Youtai ren de gu shi
überfluss und schöner Schein
De Amerikaanse toekomst
Cy Twombly
Waar is de tolerantie gebleven?
Oğuz Atay
Oğuz Atay (1934-1977)

civil engineer, engineer, playwright

  • ITU School of Civil Engineering, TED Ankara College Foundation Schools
A. S. Byatt
A. S. Byatt (1936-2023)

poet, literary critic

  • University of Oxford, Bryn Mawr College
The biographer's tale
Unruly Times
Wordsworth and Coleridge in their time
Babel Tower
The Matisse Stories
Passions of the mind
Angels & insects
A whistling woman
Imagining characters
Still life
The Djinn in the Nightingale's Eye
The tragedy of King Lear with related readings
Sugar and other stories
The Game
The virgin in the garden
The Children's Book
On histories and stories
Little black book of stories
The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror--Ninth Annual Collection
The Pen/O. Henry Prize Stories 2009
Iris Murdoch
Deadly Sins
The Virago Book Of Ghost Stories
Degrees of freedom
Selected Essays, Poems, and Other Writings
Peacock & vine
Medusa's Ankles
On Histories and Stories
The Oxford Book of English Short Stories
Vintage Byatt
Writers on Artists
Grimm Reader
The Pocket Canons Bible
Portraits in fiction
New Writings 4 (Special Sale)
Geschichten von Feuer und Eis
Die Verwandlung des Schmetterlings
Konzernrecht und Kapitalmarktrecht
Des anges et des insectes
The virgin in the garden ; and Still life
Bülbül'ün Gözündeki Cin
Angels & Instincts
Bp Portrait Award 2003
Die Jungfrau im Garten
Shadow of a sun
Jack Milroy
New Writing
Medusa’s Ankles
Der verliebte Dschinn
Das Geheimnis des Biographen
Nature morte
Medusa's Ankles
Elaine Feinstein with A.S. Byatt
Angels & Insects: Two Novellas (Vintage International)
X 10 Djinn & the Nightingale Counterpack
Collected Stories
Kees Fens finding the place
Raw Material (Storycuts)
Stone Woman (Storycuts)
Still Life
Possessione / Posession
On Histories and Stories
Ángeles e insectos
Pocket Canons
Pink Ribbon (Storycuts)
Küçük Kara Hikayeler Kitabı
Thing in the Forest (Storycuts)
El libro de los niños
Angels and Insects
Future House
Untitled Novel 2 (Byatt)
Untitled Novel
Petits Contes noirs
English and German Cultural Encounters
Selected Essays, Poems and Other Writings
Stern- und Geisterstunden
The Song of Solomon
Natura morta
Song of Solomon
Angels and Insects
On the Conjugial Angel
El libro de los niños
Untitled A. S. Byatt
Le mal de peau
X5 Possession Reading Guide Exp
Naturaleza muerta
A. S. Byatt Boxed Set
Portraits in Fiction
A. S. Byatt Airport Pack
Das Buch der Kinder
Body Art (Storycuts)
Il libro dei bambini
Angels & Insects-Film Tie-In E
Middlemarch; Possession
Angeles E Insectos
Untitled Stories
Naturaleza muerta
Detskai͡a kniga
New writing
Le livre des enfants
Cesm-i bulbulun icindeki cin
Naomi Shepherd
Naomi Shepherd (born 1950)


  • University of Oxford
E. H. Carr
E. H. Carr (1892-1982)

historian, journalist, diplomat, political scientist, professor, politician

  • University of Cambridge
The romantic exiles
Michael Bakunin
Dostoevsky, 1821-1881
Karl Marx
The Twenty Years' Crisis, 1919-1939
Foundations of a Planned Economy, 1926-1929. Volume 3
Studies in revolution
The Bolshevik Revolution, 1917-1923
The new society
The Comintern and the Spanish Civil War
German-Soviet relations between the two World Wars, 1919-1939
Socialism in One Country, 1924-1926. Volume 2
From Napoleon to Stalin and other essays
The Russian Revolution
What is history?
The twilight of comintern, 1930-1935
The interregnum, 1923-1924
International Relations Between the Two World Wars, 1919-39
The Bolshevik Revolution, 1917-1923. Volume 1
Socialism in One Country, 1924-1936. Volume 1
The October Revolution: before and after
Conditions of peace
The Bolshevik Revolution, 1917-1923. Volume 3
The Soviet impact on the western world
The Bolshevik Revolution, 1917-1923. Volume 2
German-Soviet Relations Between the Two World Wars (Albert Shaw Lectures on Diplomatic History)
Nationalism and after
Foundations of a Planned Economy, 1926-1929. Volume 2
The october revolution
Foundations of a Planned Economy, 1926-1929. Volume 1
Socialism in One Country 1924-1926. Volume 3
Essays in honour of E.H. Carr
Propaganda in international politics
1917: before and after
Democracy in international affairs
Grundlagen eins dauernden Friedens
The moral foundations for world order
The future of nations
Guerra y revolución
Public opinion as a safeguard of peace
International relations since the peace treatiies
The Russian revolution and the peasant
La révolution bolchevique, 1917-1923
The future of international government
History of Russia
Nations ou fédéralisme
Jean-Yves Tadié
Jean-Yves Tadié (born 1936)


  • École Normale Supérieure, Paris-Sorbonne University - Paris IV
Ana Urkiza
Ana Urkiza (born 1969)

professor, journalist, translator