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theologians who wrote autobiography
Showing 17-24 out of 32 results
Karen Armstrong
Karen Armstrong (born 1944)

theologian, Islamicist, historian of religion

  • University of Oxford
St. Paul
A history of God
The great transformation
The Spiral Staircase
The Case for God
The Gospel according to woman
Holy war
The Bible
A Short History of Myth
The battle for God
Pocket Canons Bible II
Fields of Blood
In the Beginning
Through the narrow gate
Visions of God
A Short History of Myth (Canongate Myths)
The Lost Art of Scripture
Gospel According to Woman, The
Remembering Karelia
The History of God CD
Tongues of Fire
Jerusalem CD
Living Into Hope
Freedom from Fear
Pocket Canons Bible II
Feminist theology
Islam (Universal History)
Beginning the world
The Bible A Biography
Una Historia De Dios/ A History of God
Fields of blood
The Battle For God CD
The Case for God
A Short History of Myth (Myths, The)
Buddha (Lives)
Twelve Steps to a Compassionate Life
Campos de sangre
Le Bouddha
The end of silence
Le combat pour Dieu
The Future of God
History of Jerusalem
A Short History of Myth
Francis of Assisi
Lost Art of Scripture
Breve Historia Del Mito
Every Eye Beholds You
The Myths Series Collection : Books 1-3
Historia De Jerusalen / Jerusalem
Muhammad Prophet For Our Time
The Battle for God
San Pablo
Sacred Nature
Historia de la biblia
The changing face of God
Twelve Steps to a Compassionate Life
El Islam/ Islam (Breve Historia Universal / Brief Universal History)
The Myths
Shifting Ground and Cultural Bodies
The Case for God
Holy War
St Paul
Kleine Geschichte des Islam
Sacred Nature
La Escalera De Caracol/ the Spiral Staircase
Short History of Myth, A (The Myths)
St Paul
Pladoyer Fur Gott
Resisting modernity
Shifting ground and cultured bodies
Tongues of fire
Jerusalem:One City,Three Faiths
Las preguntas siguen
The Great Transformation
The Bible
Una Historia de Dios
In the Beginning
Die Botschaft
From the Heart
Angel Eyes
Short History of Myth
Breu història de l'islam
A Short History of Myth
Los Origenes del Fundamentalismo En El Judaismo, El Cristianismo y El Islam
Une brève histoire des mythes
The Bible
El Islam / Islam
Maum ui chinbo
Een Geschiedenis van god
Musalmanon ka siyasi uruj o zaval
Tanri Adina Savas
In the Beginning
Keto Diet for Women Over 50
Em Nome de Deus (Em Portuguese do Brasil)
Spiral Staircase
Twelve steps to a compassionate life
Tanrı Savunusu
Battle for God
El arte perdido de las Escrituras
Fields of blood
En defensa de Dios
Twelve Steps to a Compassionate Life
Starting A Cake Business
Coming Back to Life
History of Jerusalem
The great transformation
Is the recommended dose of plant food the most appropriate for the plant in the case of cress(Lepidium sativum) plants
The Great Transformation: The Beginning of Our Religious Traditions
On the Bible
The First Christian
Una historia de Dios
Fields of Blood
A Life of Christ
Im Namen Gottes
Muhammad: A Prophet for Our Time
Mahoma. Biografía del Profeta
History of God
Historia de la Biblia
In the Beginning
Die Geschichte von Gott
Through the Narrow Gate
MuhammadSangNabi : SebuahBiografiKritis [Muhammad
Doce pasos hacia una vida compasiva
In the Beginning
Een Geschiedenis van god
Twelve Steps to a Compassionate Life
Spiral Staircase
Gospel Accord Woman
Los orígenes del fundamentalismo en el judaísmo, el cristianismo y el islam
Een Geschiedenis van god
History of God CD SP
De wenteltrap
The Great Transformation The Beginning of our Religious Traditions Unabridged
Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Hebrews
Mitlerin Kisa Tarihi
Büyük Dönüşüm
Breve historia del mito
Tanri'nin Tarihi
Blood Red Roses
El Islam
Short History of Myth, A
Xue tian
Istori︠i︡a Boga
La gran transformación
The English mystics of the fourteenth century
Historia de Jerusalén
muhammod mohanobi saw er jiboni bangla
Sejarah Tuhan
Berperang demi Tuhan
Dějiny Boha
Istorii͡a Boga
The battle for God
The spirit of Palestine
ha-Hisṭoryah shel Elohim
Shen de li shi
Histoire de Dieu
Twelve steps to a compassionate life
Los orígenes del fundamentalismo
Bitva za Boga
Billy Graham
Billy Graham (1918-2018)

pastor, theologian, preacher, autobiographer

  • Wheaton College, Bob Jones University
Just As I Am
The Holy Spirit
How to be born again
Peace with God
Till Armageddon
A biblical standard for evangelists
The secret of happiness
The Jesus generation
Answers to Life's Problems
Approaching Hoofbeats
Facing death and the life after
Breakfast with Billy Graham
Hope for the troubled heart
Storm warning
Peace With God The Secret Happiness
The secret of happiness
Living in God's love
Billy Graham speaks
Hope for Each Day
Billy Graham Talks to Teenagers
Unto the hills
Nearing Home
The Journey
Approaching hoofbeats
The evangelist and a torn world
The key to personal peace
The challenge
Death and the life after
Death and the Life After
My answer
The faithful Christian
The wit and wisdom of Billy Graham
World aflame
Billy Graham
The faith of Billy Graham
The Billy Graham Christian worker's handbook
I Still Miss Someone
Rules for Christian living
Life wisdom from Billy Graham
The enduring classics of Billy Graham
Parasubano marag
God's sacrifice for you
God's passion for you
The reason for my hope
La Jornada
Angels, God's secret agents
You His Witness
The Daily Prayer Journal with Billy Graham
Billy Graham in quotes
The Journey
The 7 Deadly Sins
Peace with God
Divine Inspiration
The Collected Works of Billy Graham
Heaven the Final Journey
God's blessing for you
Don't Be Left Behind
God's Love for You
Choose ye this day
The Holy Spirit
Just As I Am LP
Where I am
New Testament; Psalms; Proverbs
Living as a Christian
Building a Christ-Centered Home
Storm Warning
Led to believe
Led to Believe
Billy Graham, the Inspirational Writings
Learning to Pray
The reason for my hope
Nearing home
Secret of Happines
Hear my heart
Is God "dead"?
Joni Planner
The Billy Graham Training Center Bible
El Secreto De LA Paz Personal
Celebrate the Risen Christ (Today)
Wisdom for each day
Facing Death
The early Billy Graham
Searching for Hope
Billy Graham Christian Worker Handbook
So wie ich bin. Die Autobiographie
Finding Freedom
50 Years of Sermon and Song
Tal Como Soy
Freedom from the seven deadly sins
Revival in our time
America's hour of decision
The Journey Group Study Kit
Transforming Church
The King's Astronomer
Unto the Hills Daybrightener
God bless America
Enfrentando la muerte y la vida en el más allá
Confronting the Enemies Within
Words That Will Live Forever
The Pastor's Guide to Effective Preaching
I saw your sons at war
Holy Spirit, The
Is Peace Possible?
Revival in our time
Billy Graham Magyarországon
The Collected Works of Billy Graham (Angels, How To Be Born Again, The Holy Spirit)
Dealing with Doubt
Esperanza Para El Corazon Afligido / Hope for the Troubled Heart
Leaving a Legacy
How to Be Born Again
Wld Aflame
Embracing the Good News
The cherished works of Billy Graham
The secret of happiness
Day by Day with Billy Graham
His greatest works
The Billy Graham Classic Library
The Last Crusade
The 7 deadly sins
The chance of a lifetime
Paz Con Dios/Peace with God
The cradle, cross, and crown
Church Humor Digest
El Mundo En Llamas/World Aflame
The Journey Facilitator's Guide
The quotable Billy Graham
Unto the hills
The Jesus generation
Wisdom for Each Day , Large-Print
Peace with God - The secret of happiness - Answers to life's problems
The secret of happiness
Como Obtener Paz Con Dios / Steps to Peace with God
El Papa Juan Pablo II
Storm Warning (Books on Cassette)
Nearing home
The Billy Graham Christian worker's handbook
Day by Day with Billy Graham-Calendar
Billy Graham's the Bible says
Make a Difference
A Christmas Message
Day by Day 2002 Calendar (Page-Per-Day Calendars)
Unto the Hills-Calendar
Till Armageddon:A Perspective on Suffering
Billy Graham/Eternal Praise
Friede mit Gott
Are You Ready
Onnellisen elämän avaimet
Billy Graham
Solving life's problem / Soluciones a los problemas de la vida
Great preachers
Leva-sof shalom
Peace with God
Billy Graham in Romania
Tanrı ile barışmak
Day by Day With Billy Graham (DayFramer Calendars)
Just as I am
The Secret of Soul Winning
The journey
Give this man place
The Holy Spirit
Hasta El Armageddon
Hope for the troubled heart
Your Disaster Checklist
The Holy Spirit: Personal Bible studies on the Holy Spirit
Freedom from the seven deadly sins
Billy Graham's - Christian Life & Witness Course
Soluciones a Los Problemas de
The challenge
La razón de mi esperanza
Manual de Billy Graham Para Obreros / Billy Graham Handbook for Christians
The illustrated Bible
El Espiritu Santo
Divine Inspiration Box Set
Peace with God
How to Be Born Again (with Built-In Study Guide)
The leader's guide to effective preaching
Billy Graham answers your questions
Nacer A Una Nueva Vida
My Answer (Cedar Book)
El Espiritu Santo/Holy Spirit
I Am the Way, the Truth, and the Life
Storm warning
The quotable Billy Graham
World aflame
El Secreto De La Felicidad/Secret of Happiness
Billy Graham, God's Ambassador
Esperanza Para Cada Dia / Hope for Each Day
The Holy Spirit Activating God's Power In Your Life
So wie ich bin. Sonderausgabe. Die Autobiographie. Der Diplomat des Himmels
Angels (Calendar)
Passion with a purpose
Crusade hymn stories
Usted Es Testigo de Cristo
Angeles / angels
Words Of Wisdom
Unto the hills
The seven deadly sins
Aviso de Tormenta
Paz con Dios
Alone with the Savior
The wit and wisdom of Billy Graham
The classic writings of Billy Graham
Billy Graham 50 Years Sermon/Song
Billy Graham talks to teenagers
Gerald O'Collins
Gerald O'Collins (1932-2024)

theologian, philosopher

  • University of Cambridge, University of Melbourne
Fundamental theology
Retrieving fundamental theology
A concise dictionary of theology
Interpreting Jesus
Interpreting the Resurrection
Problems and Perspectives of Fundamental Theology
What are they saying about Jesus?
The second journey
The Calvary Christ
The Second Vatican Council On Other Religions
Experiencing Jesus
Living Vatican II: The 21st Council for the 21st Century
Jesus risen
The resurrection of Jesus Christ
Easter Faith
Light from light
The legacy of John Paul II
Jesus Our Redeemer
Pause for thought
Tripersonal God, The: Understanding and Interpreting the Trinity; 2nd Edition, Revised
Experiencing Jesus
Jesus our priest
The case against dogma
Following the Way
Finding Jesus
Tripersonal God
Foundations of theology
The redemption
On The Left Bank Of The Tiber
What are they saying about the Resurrection?
The Easter Jesus
Friends in Faith
The Resurrection
Experiencing Jesus
All things new
The theology of secularity
The Trinity
Rethinking fundamental theology
The convergence of theology
Tripersonal God
The cross today
Focus on Jesus
Philip Pullman's Jesus
The Resurrection
Jesus today
The people's Christmas
Theology and revelation
The Bible for theology
The Lord's prayer
What Peter does for the Church
Man and his new hopes
Theology and revelation
Foundations of theology
Believing in the Resurrection
Experiencing Jesus
Problems and perspectives of fundamental theology
Problèmes et perspectives de théologie fondamentale
Patrick McMahon Glynn
The Incarnation
Reflections for busy people
Christmas for the people
John Stevens Cabot Abbott
John Stevens Cabot Abbott (1805-1877)

historian, theologian, biographer, preacher, pastor, pedagogue

  • Bowdoin College, Andover Theological Seminary
The history of Napoleon Bonaparte
David Crockett
Christopher Carson
South and North
The history of Napoleon III, emperor of the French
The history of the Civil War in America
History of Louis Philippe
The history of Christianity
Austria, its rise and present power
Maria Antoinette
History of Mme. Roland
The life of Christopher Columbus
Ferdinand de Soto
Benjamin Franklin
Prussia and the Franco-Prussian war
Louis XIV
Lives of the presidents of the United States of America
The school-boy
Daniel Boone
The Empire of Russia: From the Remotest Periods to the Present Time
Miles Standish
The Empire of Russia
The history of Maine
Captain William Kidd and Others of the Pirates or Buccaneers Who Ravaged the Seas the Islands and the Continents of America Two Hundred Years Ago
Chevalier De La Salle and his companions
The mother at home, or, The principles of maternal duty familiarly illustrated
Italy, from the earliest period to the present day
Confidential Correspondence of the Emperor Napoleon and the Empress Josephine
The history of Joseph Bonaparte, King of Naples and of Italy
The Life and Adventures of Rear Admiral John Paul Jones Commonly Called Paul Jones
Peter Stuyvesant
The history of the state of Ohio
History of Frederick the Second, called Frederick the Great
History of King Philip
The Empire of Austria Its Rise and Present Power
The life of General Ulysses S. Grant
Kings and queens
George Washington
The romance of Spanish history
The Life Of Napoleon Bonaparte
Henry IV
The pictorial New Testament
The path of peace
The story of Francis, Day and Hunter
Through prairie and forest, or, The adventures of de La Salle, discoverer of the Mississippi
John Paul Jones
The French revolution of 1789, as viewed in the light of republican institutions
The young astronomer
The history of Prussia
Them other at home, or, The principles of maternal duty
Practical Christianity
Life of Abraham Lincoln
The History Of The Civil War In America V1
The History of Napoleon Bonaparte, Vol. 3
The History of Napoleon Bonaparte, Vol. 4
The Life And Adventures Of Daniel Boone And David Crockett
Benjamin Franklin And George Washington
Napoleon at St. Helena
The life of Napoleon Bonaparte
The child at home
Native Life in South Africa
Abbott's Concise History of Christianity
The history of the Civil War in America
The History of Napoleon Bonaparte, Vol. 2
Boone, the backwoodsman
360 Degrees of Tailgaiting
The hero of the prairies
Strategy Six 2
The history of Napoleon Bonaparte. By : John S. C. Abbott
Empire of Austria; Its Rise and Present Power Volume 1
Italy, and the war for Italian independence
Empire of Austria; Its Rise and Present Power Volume 2
Life of Napoleon Bonaparte 2 Volumes
The Buccaneer Chiefs
The History Of Napoleon Bonaparte : With Maps And Illustrations
Famous Characters of History . . ; Volume 5
The history of the empire of Russia
The History of Napoleon Bonaparte, Vol. 1
Empire of Russia Volume 1
The History of the Civil War in America; Comprising a Full and Impartial Account of the Origin and Progress of the Rebellion Volume 1
Empire of Russia Volume 2
那翁 外傳 閨秀 美談
Napoleon Bonaparte and the French revolution
Die Familien-Mutter, oder, Vertrauliche Darstellung der Grundsätze, welche eine Mutter in der Erziehung ihrer Kinder leiten sollen
The history of Napoleon III
Advice to young tradesmen
A sermon on the reciprocal duties of pastor and people
Das Kind im elterlichen Hause, oder, Vertrauliche Darstellung der Grundsätze
Heroic deeds of heroic men
Heroic deeds of heroic men
Preussen und der französisch-preussische krieg
Geschichte des Bürgerkrieges in Amerika
Daniel Boone, pioneer of Kentucky
Christian duty
Dr. Abbott's letter
Prussia and the Franco-Prussian war
Christopher Carson, known as Kit Carson
Kings and queens, or, Life in the palace
True stories of famous men and women of America for young people
Heroic deeds of heroic men
True stories of the favorites sons and daughters of America for young people
The school-girl, or, The principles of Christian duty familiarly enforced
Madame Roland
Dorothee Sölle
Dorothee Sölle (1929-2003)

theologian, Dichter, poet, Germanist

  • University of Cologne
Dorothee Soelle
Watch For The Light
The arms race kills even without war
Wählt das Leben
To work and to love
Grosse Frauen der Bibel in Bild und Text
The window of vulnerability
Mystik und Widerstand
Creative disobedience
Theology for skeptics
Den Himmel erden
Thinking about God
On Earth as in heaven
The strength of the weak
Die Wahrheit ist konkret
Christentum und Sozialismus
Not just yes and amen
Träume mich, Gott
Politische Theologie
Welches Christentum hat Zukunft?
Gott denken
Zur Umkehr fähig
Political theology
Mystik des Todes
Celebrating resistance
Christ the representative
Phantasie und Gehorsam
Fürchte dich nicht, der Widerstand wächst
Verrückt nach Licht
The truth in concrete
Revolution ohne Todesstrafe
Das Recht ein anderer zu werden
Stations of the Cross
Death by bread alone
Beyond mere dialogue
Ein Volk ohne Vision geht zugrunde
Zivil und Ungehorsam
Fliegen lernen
Of war and love
Und ist noch nicht erschienen, was wir sein werden
Die Hinreise
Spiel doch von Brot und Rosen
Gott im Müll
Dorothee Sölle im Gespräch
New Yorker Tagebuch
Aufrüstung tötet auch ohne Krieg
Meditationen & Gebrauchstexte
Die revolutionäre Geduld
Im Hause des Menschenfressers
Untersuchungen zur Struktur der Nachtwachen
Atheistisch an Gott glauben
Untersuchungen zur Struktur der Nachtwachen von Bonaventura
Revolutionary patience
Bernard of Clairvaux
Bernard of Clairvaux (1090-1153)

theologian, philosopher, religious figure, mystic, religious

Watch For The Light
Sermones super Cantica Canticorum
Selected works
À la louange de la Vierge Mère
The works of Bernard of Clairvaux
On loving God
Saint Bernard on the love of God
Sermons on conversion
The treatise of St. Bernard, abbat of Clairvaux, concerning grace and free will, addressed to William, abbat of St. Thiery
Œuvres complètes
Three Treatises on Man
Life and Death of St. Malachy, the Irishman
Bernardus De cura rei famuliaris [!]
On loving God, and selections from sermons
St. Bernard of Clairvaux seen through his selected letters
The steps of humility
Some letters of Saint Bernard, abbot of Clairvaux
Five books on consideration
The life and death of Saint Malachy, the Irishman
Love without measure
On the love of God and other selected writings
Love without measure
Sermons for the summer season
Obras completas de San Bernardo
Volgarizzamento del trattato della coscienza
Sermons sur le Cantique
L'Amour de Dieu
The steps of humility and pride
Homilies in praise of the Blessed Virgin Mary
The Twelve Steps of Humility and Pride (Christian Classics)
Le précepte et la dispense
Sämtliche Werke lateinisch/deutsch
Die schriften des honigfliessenden lehrers Bernhard von Clairvaux
The love of God, and spiritual friendship
Life and works of Saint Bernard, Abbot of Clairvaux
Bernard of Clairvaux on the Song of Songs III (Cistercian Fathers, No 31)
twelve degrees of humility and pride
Sancti Bernardi... Opera
On the Song of Songs II (The Works of Bernard of Clairvaux,m Volume Three)
Cistercians and Cluniacs
I gradi dell'umiltà e della superbia ; L'amore di Dio
Sermons for Lent and the Easter Season
Treatises I
Sermons divers
On the Song of Songs 1
On grace & free choice =
Sermons for the Autumn Season
Bernard of Clairvaux, a lover teaching the way of love
Saint Bernard on the Song of songs
Opera omnia, post horstium denuo recognita, repurgata, et in meliorem digesta ordinem
On the Song of Songs III
Sermons on the Songs of Songs (Bernard of Clairvaux on the Song of Songs)
Steps of Humility and Pride
Opere di San Bernardo
The works of Bernard of Clairvaux
Éloge de la nouvelle chevalerie ; Vie de Saint Malachie ; Épitaphe, hymne, lettres
Sermons on Conversion
Sermons for Advent and the Christmas season
Some letters of Saint Bernard, Abbot of Clairvaux
Sermons for the Summer Season
Saint Bernard On consideration
Conseils au Pape
On the Song of Songs III
S. Bernardi Opera
A rule of good life, 1633
On the Song of Songs I (The Works of Bernard of Clairvaux, Vol 1)
Opera genuina, juxta editionem monachorum sancti Benedicti
Sermones de tempore
The steps of humility
Three Pseudo-Bernardine Works
The twelve degrees of humility and pride
Life and works of Saint Bernard, Abbot of Clairvaux
Opera omnia ..
Diui Bernardi, religiosissimi Ecclesiae doctoris, ac primi Clareuallensis coenobij Abbatis, Opera, quae quidem colligi undequaque in huncusque diem potuêre, omnia
On the Song of Songs I
Plaintes de la vierge en anglo-français 13e et 14e siècles [par] F.J. Tanquerey
Song of Songs I
The book of Saint Bernard on the love of God
Saint Bernard
In praise of the new knighthood
The Song of Songs (Christian Classics)
Textes politiques
Oeuvres de Saint Bernard
La considération
The Nativity
On the Songof Songs
The two-fold knowledge
Sermons for the seasons and principal festivals of the year
Herafter foloweth an Epistle of saynt Bernarde called the golden epistle, whiche he sent to a yong religious man whom he moche loued ... it is translated out of latyn in to Englysshe, ... Than after the sayd epistle folowe four reuelations of saynt Birget ..
Sermoni di San Bernardo volgarizzati nel buon secolo di nostra lingua
Your angels guard my steps
St. Bernard's sermons for the seasons & principles festivals of the year
Opera genuina, juxta editionem monachorum Sancti Benedicti
Traité de l'amour de Dieu
Li sermon Saint Bernart
In hoc opere sequenti continentur libri a beato bernardo abbate clareuallensi dulcissimo ac mellifluo doctore editi ac co[m]pilati
Della miseria umana
On the love of God
Saint Bernard Abbot of Clairvaux
Questo e el lamente de la Virgine Maria
Song of Solomon
Opuscula quaedam, et sermones
Li sermon Saint Bernart sor les cantikes
St. Bernard of Clairvaux's Life of St. Malachy of Armagh
Various Sermons
Sermons pour l'année
Qu'il me baise d'un baiser de sa bouche !
A hive of sacred honiecombes, 1631
Opuscula Divi Bernardi Abbatis Clarevallensis
On Loving God
Select treatises of S. Bernard of Clairvaux
St. Bernard's sermons on the Canticle of canticles
Oeuvres complètes de saint Bernard
The twelve steps of humility and pride and On loving God
Bernard of Clairvaux
Conseils au Pape
Pensées et méditations
Lettres, tome II
Sancti Bernardi Abbatis Primi Claræ - Vallensis ... opera ..
Melliflui deuotiq[ue] Doctoris Sancti Bernardi, Abbatis Clareuallen[sis] ... opus preclaru[m] suos co[m]plecte[n]s sermones de te[m]pore, de sanctis & sup[er] Ca[n]tica ca[n]ticor[um] alios[que] plures eius sermones & sententias nusq[uam] hactenus impressas ... ceteraq[ue] vniuersa eius opuscula. D[omi]ni quoq[ue] Gilleberti, Abbatis de Hoilandia in Anglia ... sup[er] Cantica sermones ..
Treatises II
Obras completas de San Bernardo
The life of Saint Malachy
Ecrits sur l'art
Corona Virginalis de laudibus deiparae virginis in litanias lauretanas
An epistle of sai[n]t Bernarde, called the golden epistle, whiche he se[n]t to a yo[n]g religyous man whom he moche loued. And after the sayd epistle, foloweth four reuelations of Saint Birget
Oeuvres de Saint Bernard
Papst und Papsttum nach der Zeichnung des h. Bernhard von Clairvaux: Übersetzung und Erläuterung seiner Schrift
Treatises III
On the Christian year
Le "Jubilus" dit de Saint Bernard
D. Bernardi doctoris melliflui ac primi abbatis Claraeuallensis coenobii Opera quatenus in hunc usque diem extare noscuntur
Chrestomathia Bernardina..
Lectures spirituelles sur la vie chrétienne
Papauté et épiscopat selon saint Bernard de Clairvaux
St. Bernard's Treatise on consideration
St. Bernard's Sermons on the Blessed Virgin Mary
The Works of Bernard of Clairvaux (Vol. I, Treatises I)
Oeuvres Complètes de Saint Bernard...
The steps of humility,
The proverbys of Saynt Bernarde
Opera omnia Sancti Bernardi abbatis Claræ-Vallensis
Oeuvres complètes de Saint Bernard
Floretus in se continens sacre theologie & canonu[m] flores ad gaudia paradisi finaliter eos (qui se inillis exercitauerint) perducentes
St. Bernard's sermons on the Canticle of Canticles
Sermons variés
The twelve steps of humility and pride
Homilies in Praise of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Epistola sa[n]cti Barnardi abbatis clareuallensis utilissima & moralissima de bona gubernatõne familie omnib[us] xp̃ianis valde necessaria
La considération
Sermons on the Song of Songs
Tractatus et opuscula
Of conversion
Sancti Bernardi Abbatis Primi Clarae-Vallensis... genuina sancti doctoris opera quatuor prioribus tomis complectens
The steps of humility and pride
A la louange de la Vierge Mère
St. Bernard's Treatise on Consideration
Life and Works of Saint Bernard, Abbot of Clairvaux; Volume 2
De conversione ad clericos
Von kreuzzug Krieg und den Juden
Éloge de la Nouvelle Chevalerie
"Vitis mytica," or, The true vine
St. Bernard's Sermons on the Canticle of Canticles; Volume 1
Zhong shi ji ling xiu wen xue xuan ji
Das Priesterideal des hl. Bernard ...
Sancti Bernardi Abbatis de Consideratione Ad Eugenium Papam Libri V Juxta Editionem Ad Ss. D. N. Clementem Xi Dicatam Adduntur... ...
A compe[n]dius [and] a moche fruytefull treatyse of well liuynge
St. Bernard's sermons on the Nativity
Sermons for Lent and the Easter Season
SC 518 Sermons divers, II
Homélies Sur les Gloires de la Vierge Mère
Saint Bernard
Sancti Bernardi, Claravallensis abbatis primi, melliflui ecclesiae doctoris, Opera omnia
St. Bernard's sermons for the seasons & principal festivals of the year
S. Patris Bernardi Claravallensis... Operum..
Life and Works of Saint Bernard, Abbot of Clairvaux; Volume 2
Life and Works of Saint Bernard; Volume 2
Sancti Bernardi Abbatis Primi Clarae-Vallensis Opera Omnia Cum Genuina, Tum Spuria... Post Horstium Denuo Recognita, Repurgta et in Meliorem Digesta Ordinem... Indicibusque Copiosissimis Locupletata, et Illustrata, Tertiis Curis Domni Johannis Mabillon...
On Loving God
Sancti Bernardi ... Volumen I. Genuina ...  Opera Complectens, Post Horstium Recogn., Aucta Indicibusque Locupletata ... Appendices, Accurante J.p. Migne, Volume 2
Song of Songs I
Saint Bernard
Pistola di S. Bernardo a' frati del Monte di Dio
Sermons on the Song of Songs
Liber meditationum beati Bernardi
Sancti Bernardi Abbatis Claræ - Vallensis ... opera omnia
Sermons for Advent and the Christmas season
St. Bernard of Clairvaux Seen Through His Selected Letters; 0
Opera genuina, juxta editionem monachorum Sancti Benedicti
St. Bernard's sermons on the Canticle of Canticles
Song of Solomon (Cistercian Fathers Series,)
Del libero arbitrio, trattato di s. Bernardo
The Life of Saint Malachy of Armagh
St. Bernard
Die Reden des heil. Bernhard über das Hohelied
S. Bernard's pious meditations
Opera genuina, juxta editionem monachorum Sancti Benedicti
Of conversion
On the Song of Songs II
Epistola di S. Bernardo a Raimondo
On Loving God
Meditations on the Human Condition
St. Bernard's Sermons on the Canticle of Canticles; Volume 2
Opera omnia Sancti Bernardi abbatis Claræ-Vallensis
Saint Bernard on Consideration. Tr. by George Lewis
La dédicace des églises
St. Bernard's Sermons on the Canticle of Canticles; Volume 2
Della perfezione della vita spirituale
Tractatus de interiori domo
In Praise of the New Knighthood
Saint Bernard on Consideration
Sermons pour l'année - tome 2 1 De la septuagésime à la Semaine Sainte
Life and works of Saint Bernard
Epistola di San Bernardo a Raimondo
Monastic sermons
Medytacōns of Saynt Bernarde
In Praise of the New Knighthood
On Loving God
Diui Bernardi abbatis Clareuallis ..
Opera omnia
St. Bernard's Sermons on the Canticle of Canticles; Volume 1
In praise of the new knighthood
St. Bernard of Clairvaux's Life of St. Malachy of Armagh
Divi Bernardi abbatis ad sororem. Modvs bene vivendi in christianam religionem
Oeuvres complètes de Saint Bernard
Sermons of St. Bernard on Advent and Christmas
Bernard of Clairvaux, Treatises III
Saint Bernard, his Meditations: or, Sighes, sobbes, and teares, vpon our Sauiours passion
Œuvres mystiques
The Treatise of St. Bernard, Abbat of Clairvaux, Concerning Grace and Free Will, Addressed to William, Abbat of St. Thiery
Life and Works of Saint Bernard, Abbot of Clairvaux; Volume 2
Sermones in Cantica Canticorum
Tractatus duo spiritales
Oeuvres complètes de Saint Bernard
Oeuvres complètes de Saint Bernard
Saint Bernard on the Love of God
De Diligendo Deo et de Gratia et Libro Arbitro...
On Grace & Free Choice (Cistercian Fathers)
Oeuvres mystiques
De diligendo Deo
The letters of St. Bernard of Clairvaux
Bernard of Clairvaux
Des heiligen Bernhard, Abtes und Kirchenlehrers Gedanken und Betrachtungen gesammelt aus dessen Werken
Sermons of St. Bernard on Advent & Christmas
Oeuvres mystiques
Rhytmica Oratio
Select treaties of St. Bernard of Clairvaux
El libro de s[an]cto Bernardo
St. Bernard's treatise on consideration
Sermons on Conversion
Richard Whytford's The Pype or Tonne of the lyfe of perfection
Opuscula Diui Bernardi Abbatis Clareuallensis
St. Bernard of Clairvaux
Life and works of Saint Bernard
[Divi Bernardi... Opera omnia tam quae vere germana illius esse nemo inficias eat, quam quae spuria et supposititia... plerisque videri possunt, diligentissme nunc primum recognita, aucta ac emendata..
Epistola S. Bernardi De revisione cantus Cisterciensis, et Tractatus Cantum quem Cisterciensis Ordinis ecclesiae cantare
The medytacyons of saint Bernarde
Meat from the Mystics
Was ein Papst erwägen muß
Oeuvres complètes de Saint Bernard
The Jubilee Rhythm of St. Bernard of Clairvaux On the Name of Jesus and Other Hymns
Divi Bernardi ... opera omnia divinae institvtionis refertissima accvratione iam denvo censvra recognita ac reposita
Divi Bernardi... Opera
On Loving God
Lettere ai monaci di St. Bertin
Les plus belles pages de Saint Bernard
St. Bernard of Clairvaux Sermons on Advent and Christmas (Works of St. Bernard of Clairvaux)
The Treatise of St. Bernard, Abbat of Clairvaux, Concerning Grace and Free Will, Addressed to William, Abbat of St. Thiery
Bernard of Clairvaux on the Song of Songs III
Melliloquium Sancti Bernardi
Opera omnia Sancti Bernardi abbatis Claræ-Vallensis
Life and Works of Saint Bernard, Abbot of Clairvaux; Volume 1
Prière et union à Dieu
St. Bernard of Clairvaux's Life of St. Malachy of Armagh
Magnificat: Homilies in Praise of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Cistercian Fathers Ser. : No. 18)
The Steps of Humility
St. Bernard of Clairvaux
Sermons for the seasons & principal festivals of the year
St. Bernard's Sermons on the Canticle of Canticles; Volume 2
Sancti Bernardi Abbatis Clarae-Vallensis Opera Omnia, Volume 1...
The Steps of Humility and Pride (Cistercian Fathers Series, No 13a)
Schriften des Heiligen Bernhards, Erster Band
St. Bernard's Treatise On Consideration
De gradibus humilitatis et superbiae
Saint Bernard On loving God
Treatise of St. Bernard, Abbat of Clairvaux, Concerning Grace and Free Will, Addressed to William, Abbat of St. Thiery
A rule of good life: written by the mellifluous doctor S. Bernard (monke and abbot of the holie order of S. Benet) especiallie for virgins, and other religious woemen; and may profitably be read likewise by all others, that aspire to Christian perfection. Faithfully translated into English by the R. Father Antonie Batt, monke of the holie order afore-said, of the Congregation of England
Life and Death of St. Malachy the Irishman (Cistercian Fathers Series No. 10)
The golden epistle of Saint Bernarde
Epistola di San Bernardo a Raimondo
Li sermon Saint Bernart
On loving God, and selections from sermons
Oeuvres de Saint Bernard
[The  works of Bernard of Clairvaux]
Thoughts of St. Bernard of Clairvaux for every day
Saint Bernard on the Christian year
Sancti Bernardi Opera Genuina, Volume 3...
Elogio de la nueva milicia templaria
St. Bernard's Treatise on Consideration
On the Song of Songs (Cistercian Fathers)
Del libero arbitrio, trattato di s. Bernardo
The Steps of Humility
Sermons of St. Bernard on Advent & Christmas
Life and Works of Saint Bernard, Abbot of Clairvaux; Volume 1
Diui Bernardi, religiosissimi Ecclesiæ doctoris, ac primi Clareuallensis cœnobii Abbatis, opera, quæ quidem colligi undequaque in hunc usque diem potuere, omnia
Medytac[i]ons of saynt Bernarde
Éloge de la Nouvelle Chevalerie
St. Bernard of Clairvaux
St. Bernard of Clairvaux Seen Through His Selected Letters
Traité de l'amour de Dieu
Oeuvres complètes de Saint Bernard
The twelve degrees of humility and pride
Saint Bernard on the Love of God
Grazia e libero arbitrio
The love of God, and spiritual friendship
Some Letters of Saint Bernard, Abbot of Clairvaux
A mirror that flatters not, or, A looking-glass for all new-converts
Sermons sur le cantique
Oeuvres complètes de Saint Bernard
Treatise of St. Bernard, Abbat of Clairvaux, Concerning Grace and Free Will, Addressed to William, Abbat of St. Thiery
Incipit tractatus primus De vijs vite Sancti Bernardi, Abbatis Clarauallensis, doctoris deuoti. [I[n]cipit s[e]c[un]d[u]s S[an]c[t]i Bernardi D[e] viis vite. Incipit tractatus S[an]c[t]i Bernardi, Abbatis Clarauallen[sis], De ordine vite [et] mor[um] institutione. Incipit tractat[us] S[an]c[t]i Bernardi D[e] gradib[us] hu[m]ilitatis [et] sup[er]bie. Incipit libellus meditationu[m] b[ea]ti Bernardi, Abbatis Clarauallen[sis], De cognitione ho[min]is [et] quomodo seip[su]m cognoscat vt Deu[m] inueniat [et] videat. Incipit sermo Sancti Bernardi De miseria humana. Incipit libellus be[a]ti Bernardi D[e] pla[n]ctu b[ea]te Marie V[irginis] i[n] morte siue i[n] passione Christi. Incipit Contemplatio Sancti Bernardi de passione Domini Nostri Iesu [Christ]i s[ecundu]m septe[m] horas canonicas. Epistola deuotissimi Ber. ex p[er]sona Helye monachi ad p[ar]e[n]tes. Incipit Ep[isto]la ad fratres de Monte Dei]
St. Bernard's Treatise on Consideration
Diui Bernardi abbatis ad sororem
Saint Bernard et Notre Dame
Predigten des h. Bernhard in altfranzösischer Übertragung
Éloge de la Nouvelle Chevalerie
Opera Bernardi
Opera omnia: tam qvae vere germana illivs esse nemo inficias eat , quam quae spuria & supposititia ..
Life and Works of Saint Bernard, Abbot of Clairvaux
Life and Death of Saint Malachy the Irishman
Sancti Bernardi abbatis Clarae-Vallensis opera omnia
Del libero arbitrio
Melliflui deuotiq[ue] doctoris sancti Bernardi abbatis Clareualle[n]sis Cistercie[n]sis ordinis Opus praeclarum
Œuvres complètes de saint Bernard
Opera omnia Sancti Bernardi ... post Horstium denuo recognita ..
Jerusalem the golden
Mellisini doctoris diui Bernardi abbatis Clareuallensis Super illo euangelio. Ecce nos reliquimus omnia Declamationes
Opera Omnia in sex tomos distributa
Liber meditationum
St. Bernard's sermons for the seasons and principal festivals of the year
Der Myrrhenberg des heilegen Bernhard von Clairvaux
Life and works of Saint Bernard
Flo es sancti Bernardi
Sancti Bernardi abbatis primi Clarae-Vallensis opera genuina videlicet in primo et secundo volumine; spuria, dubiaque in tertio comprehensa
Divi Bernardi Clarevallensis abbatis primi, religiosissimi sane ecclesae doctoris, svavissimiqve et qvod pro eximia illivs pietate non iniuria dixeris, plane Theodidacti, Opera omnia
Opera omnia Sancti Bernardi abbatis Claræ-Vallensis
S. patris Bernardi Claravallensis abbatis primi, melliflui ecclesiae doctorum, Operum ...
Oeuvres comple□tes de Saint Bernard
Floretus Sancti Bernardi
Liber meditationu[m] beati Bernardi
Leben und Briefe
Life and works of Saint Bernard, abbot of Clairvaux
A boke newely translated out of Latyn in to Englisshe called The folowi[n]g of Christe, with the Golden epystel of saint Barnard
Dit is dot boec van Sinte Bernaerd[us] sermone[n]
Über die Gottesliebe
Sermoni Vulgari Deuotissimi di Sa[n]cto Bernardo Abbate di Chiaraualle necessarii alben uiuere
Melliflui deuotissimiq[ue] beati Bernardi abbatis Clareualle[n]sis insigne opus Sermonu[m] de temp[or]e precipuisq[ue] festiuitatibus ac quibusdam specialibus materijs feliciter incipit
Sancti ... Bernardi ... Opera omnia
Les sermons de sainct Bernard abbe de Clerevaux
The treatise of St. Bernard, abbat of Clairvaux, concerning grace and free will, addressed to William, abbat of St. Thierry
Treatises I.
Quand passe le vent de l'Esprit
Traité de l'amour de Dieu
Sancti Bernardi opera
Floretus in se continens sacre theologie [et] canonu[m] flores ad gaudia paradisi finaliter eos (qui se in illis exercitauerint) perducentes
Meditationes seti[us] Bernardi abbatis
Divi Bernardi ... Opera quatenus in hunc usque diem extare noscuntur, omnia accuratissima recognitione & solerti collatione ad fidem exemplarium permultae antiquitatis restituta natiuae integritati
St. Bernard's Sermons on the Canticle of canticles
On the Song of Songs
The steps of humility, by Bernard, abbot of Clairvaux
Oeuvres de Saint Bernard
Epistola S. Bernardi De revisione cantus Cisterciensis
Ein christenliche vnd nutzliche Sermon oder Predig
Über die Gottesliebe
The song of songs
Opera. Quibus adiecimus eiusdem authoris opuscula, non minus, qu© m cetera omnia, & aurea, & diuinissima ...
Homilies of S. Bernard, S. Leo the Great, and Thomas à Kempis for Christmas
The letter of St. Bernard and The tract on the Cistercian revision of the antiphoner
Opera omnia Sancti Bernardi abbatis Claræ-Vallensis
Sancti Bernardi abbatis Clarae-Vallensis opera omnia
The steps of humility and pride
Saint Bernard on the love of God
Das Hohe Lied des hl. Bernhard von Clairvaux
Oeuvres de Saint Bernard
Life and times of Saint Bernard
Een deuote contemplatie vander grooter eerweerdicheyt der glorioser moeder ende maghet Marien
Lo stimolo d'amore, attribuito a S. Bernardo, testo di lingua inedito
Pistola a' Frati del Monte di Dio
[Bernardus ad Eugenium Papam]
Secuntur quinq[ue] libri de consideratione domini Bernhardi Abbatis Clareuallensis ad Eugenium papam
Predigten des Hl. Bernhard in Altfranzosischer Ubertragung
Floretus in se co[n]tinens sacre theologie et canoum [sic] flores ad gaudia Paradisi finaliter eos (qui se in illis exercitauerint) perducentes
[Epistolae] Opus preclarissimum Epl'arum deuotissimi beatissimio₃ Bernardi primi Clareuallñ abbatis
La considération
[Sancti ... Bernardi ... Opera omnia
Opera omnia Sancti Bernardi abbatis Claræ-Vallensis
Traité de S. Bernard, De la consideration
Incipit speculu[m] b[ea]ti bernhardi abbatis de honestate vite
Das Priesterideal des hl. Bernard ..
Sermones de tempore et de sanctis
Florum nobiliorum libri X
St. Bernard's sermons on the Canticle of Canticles
Office de Saint Victor
Oeuvres complètes de Saint Bernard
Sentenze e altri testi
Divi Bernardi Clarevallensis ...
Sermoni deuotissimi del deuotissimo Sancto Berardo Auna sua sorella monacha
Parables and Sentences
Life Of Saint Bernard, For Children From Eight To Ten Years Old
De consideratione libri V. Curante C.F.Th.Schneider
Sancti Bernardi abbatis primi clarae-vallensis ... opera ...
Traité de l'amour de Dieu
Divi Bernardi Abbatis Clarevallis, Ordinis Cisterciensis, doctoris disertissimi ac vere mellifluvi Opera omnia divinae institutionis refertissima
Sämtliche Werke, 10 Bde., Bd.7
Floretus (cum commento)
Opera genuina videlicet in primo et secundo volumine
Opera omnia Sancti Bernardi Claraevallensis ..
Xenia Bernardina
Opera omnia
Les plus beaux écrits de Saint Bernard
Pístola di S. Bernardo a' frati del Monte di Dio
Oeuvres complètes de Saint Bernard
S. Bernardi Abbat. Claraevallis
Sancti Bernardi abbatis primi Clarae-vallensis opera omnia cum genuina, tum spuria, dubiaque
Floretus in se [con]tinens sacre theologie [et] canonu[m] flores ad gaudia paradisi finaliter eos (qui se in illos exercitauerint) perducentes
Dit is ee[n] deuote boecxken ghegheten Onserlieuer vrouwen souter
Boecxken van verduldich lijden ...
A Hive of sacred honie-combes
Sancti Bernardi opera
Studi su s. Bernardo di Chiaravalle nell'ottavo centenario della canonizzazione
Opera ..
Sancti Bernardi Abbatis Primi Clarae-Vallensis ... genuina sancti doctoris opera quatour prioribus tomis complectens
De sermonen en[de] maniere[n] van leuens des godlijckste en[de] heylichste Berbaerdt ...
Saint Bernard
Onser liever vrouwen souter
Sancti Bernardi abbatis primi Clareuallensis et ecclesiae doctoris, opera omnia
Lo stimolo d'amore
Incipit opus Beati Bernardi saluberrimum de imitatione Christi
A hymn of St. Bernard's to the holy Jesus
The nativity
Een nyeu ende seer suyuerlick boecxke[n] leerende en[de] seer ghenoechlic vercleere[n]de die natuer ofte aert vande[n] hemelsche[n] wijngaert ...
Oeuvres complètes de Saint Bernard
Opuscula diui bernardi abbatis clareuallensis
Medulla operum omnium Sancti Bernardi abbatis primi Clarae-Vallensis
Sermons on the Canticle of Canticles
Sancti Bernardi ... Opera omnia
En la escuela del amor
Sermons pour l'année
Tractatus de planctu beatae Mariae virginis
Tratado dos louvores da Virgem Mãe
Dleuen van Sinte Bernaert met vier schoone omelien die hi ghemaect heeft op dat eua[n]geliu[m] missues est angelus Gabriel
Cantica canticorum
Commento al salmo 90
D. Bernardi ...Opervm
Predigten des h. Bernhard in altfranzösischer übertragung
Incipiunt contemplationes beati Bernhardi abbatis clarauallis de interiori homine
Della miseria umana
The golden epistle of Saint Bernarde
Oeuvres de Saint Bernard
Floretus sancti Bernardi in se continens sacre theologie et canonum flores ad gaudia paradisi finaliter eos (qui se in illis exercitauerint) perducentes
Govierno politico y santo hallado en los libros De consideratione y buen govierno
Donald Spoto
Donald Spoto (1941-2023)

biographer, theologian, biblical scholar

  • Fordham University, Iona University
High society
Spellbound by beauty
Reluctant Saint
The Life of Alfred Hitchcock
Marilyn Monroe
The kindness of strangers
Laurence Olivier
Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Onassis
A passion for life
In Silence
The kindness of strangers
The art of Alfred Hitchcock
The Blue Angel
The Hidden Jesus
The decline and fall of the House of Windsor
Marilyn Monroe
Blue angel
Falling in Love Again Marlene Dietrich
Enchantment: The Life of Audrey Hepburn
High Society : The Life of Grace Kelly.
High Society: Grace Kelly and Hollywood
Stanley Kramer, film maker
Elizabeth Taylor
Jackie O. Das Leben der Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Onassis
Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Onassis
The Redgraves
Rebel  the Life and Legend of James Dean
Stanley Kramer, film maker
Audrey Hepburn/ Enchantment. The Life of Audrey Hepburn
Otherwise engaged
Die Seeräuber-Jenny
Laurence Olivier
A passion for life : the biography of Elizabeth Taylor
Odri Khepbern
A Passion for Life
High Society
High society
Ingrid Bergman
Marilyn Monroe
Diana. Ihr letztes Jahr
A girl's got to breathe
Ingrid Bergman (Zhenshchina-mif)
Āto obu Hitchikokku
Elizabeth Taylor
Girl's Got to Breathe
Un inconnu nommé Jésus
Marilyn Monroe
Zarafet - Audrey Hepburn'un Hayati
Elizabeth Taylor Hb Bclub
Francisco De Asis
Audrey Hepburn
Aodaili Heben
Otherwise Engaged
Marilyn Monroe
The Hidden Jesus - A New Life
Grace Kelly
Marlene Dietrich - El Angel Azul
Les secrets des Windsor
Woman of Myst
Esplendor y Ocaso de La Dinastia Windsor
Lawrence Olivier
Bt Viewrs Gd Film A H
Elizabeth Taylor
Die Windsors
Diana - El Ultimo Ano
Dynasty the Turbulent Saga of the Royal
James Dean
El Jesus Desconocido
Rotte Rēnya
Falling in Love Again
The Redgraves
Wyższe sfery
Grace Kelly
Camerado Hollywood
Grace Kelly, una biografía
L'ange bleu
Lotte Lenya
Marilyn Monroe - La Biografia
Romano Guardini
Romano Guardini (1885-1968)

Catholic priest, theologian, philosopher

  • University of Tübingen, University of Bonn
Stationen und Rückblicke
Watch For The Light
Freiheit, Gnade, Schicksal
The conversion of Augustine
Vom Leben des Glaubens
The saints in daily Christian life
The living God
Letters from Lake Como
Vom Geist der Liturgie
The Faith and modern man
The End of the Modern World
The Art of Praying
Von heiligen Zeichen
The essential Guardini
Rainer Maria Rilkes Deutung des Daseins
The rosary of Our Lady
Jesus Christus
The Lord
Der Gegensatz
Meditations before Mass
Die Existenz des Christen
Vom Sinn der Kirche
The church and the Catholic, and The spirit of the liturgy
The death of Socrates
Vom Sinn der Schwermut
Das Christusbild der paulinischen und johanneischen Schriften
And the Word dwelt among us
Pascal for our time
Rainer Maria Rilkes Deutung des Daseins. Eine Interpretation der Duineser Elegien
Angefochtene Zuversicht
Das Gebet des Herrn
The inner life of Jesus
Eternal life
The humanity of Christ
Unterscheidung des Christlichen
Das Ende der Neuzeit / Die Macht. Ein Versuch zur Orientierung / Versuch einer Wegweisung
The wisdom of the Psalms
The Lord's prayer
Vom lebendigen Gott
Wurzeln eines grossen Lebenswerks
Hölderlin. Weltbild und Frömmigkeit
Werke. Tugenden. Meditationen über Gestalten sittlichen Lebens
Liturgie und liturgische Bildung
La puissance
Die Verantwortung der Universität
Power and responsibility
Dantes Göttliche Komödie
La mort de Socrate ; interprétation des dialogues philosophiques Euthyphron, Apologie, Criton, Phédon
Le commencement de toutes choses
Johanneische Botschaft
Sacred signs
La fin des temps modernes
Die Annahme seiner Selbst
De la mélancolie
Die Lebensalter. Ihre ethische und pädagogische Bedeutung
Gegenwart und Geheimnis
The Lord
The Death Of Socrates, An Interpretation Of The Platonic Dialogues
Living the drama of faith
Vorschule des Betens
Liberté, grâce et destinée
Learning the virtues that lead you to God
Romano Guardini
Religiöse Gestalten in Dostojewskijs Werk
Freiheit und Verantwortung
Theologische Briefe an einen Freund
Prayers from theology
Die Annahme seiner selbst / Den Menschen erkennt nur, wer von Gott weiß
Berichte über mein Leben
Der Dienst am Nächsten in Gefahr
Le Seigneur ; méditations sur la personne et la vie de Jésus-Christ
Ehe und Jungfräulichkeit
The church of the Lord
Vergib uns unsere Schuld, wie auch wir vergeben unsern Schuldigern. Cassette
Morale au-délà des interdits
The virtues; on forms of moral life
The End of the Modern World
Das Recht des werdenden Menschenlebens
La messe
Sacred signs
Weisheit der Psalmen
Geistliche Schriftauslegung
Initiation à la prière
Der Tod des Sokrates
Der Heilbringer in Mythos, Offenbarung und Politik: eine theologisch-politische Besinnung
La messe
Liturgische Bildung
El Señor
The humanity of Christ
L' esprit de la liturgie
Zu Rainer Maria Rilkes Deutung des Daseins
Die Sinne und die religiöse Erkenntnis
Das Wesen des Christentums
Discorso sull'opera d'arte
Gebet und wahrheit
Briefe vom Comer See
The focus of freedom
Las Etapas de la Vida
The last things: concerning death, purification after death, resurrection, judgment, and eternity
L'exégèse chrétienne aujourd'hui
Der Blick auf das Ganze
Das Bild von Jesus dem Christus im Neuen Testament
Royaume de Dieu et liberté de l'homme
Die Macht
Predigten zum Kirchenjahr
Les âges de la vie
Religiöse Erfahrung und Glaube
Rainer Maria Rilkes Deutung des Daseins
Rilke's Duino elegies
Wahrheit des Denkens und Wahrheit des Tuns
Der Anfang aller Dinge
Der Weg zum Menschwerden
Gläubiges Dasein. Die Annahme seiner selbst
Der Herr
The art of praying
Preparing yourself for Mass
Sorge um den Menschen
Gottes Angesicht suchen
Psaumes et Fêtes
The world and the person
Die letzten Dinge
L' image de Jésus-Christ dans le Nouveau Testament
Form und Sinn der Landschaft in den Dichtungen Hölderlins
La puissance
Form und Sinn der Landschaft in den Dichtungen Hölderlins
Briefe über Selbstbildung
O Senhor
Vom Geist der Liturgie
Die Lebensalter
Auf dem Wege
Nähe des Herrn
Die Bekehrung des Aurelius Augustinus
Engel. Theologische Betrachtungen
Unterscheidung des Christlichen, in 3 Bdn., Bd.3, Gestalten
Berichte über mein Leben. Autobiographische Aufzeichnungen (Schriften der katholischen Akademie in Bayern , Band 116)
Sorge um den Menschen, Bd.2
Vision und Dichtung
Religion und Offenbarung
Landschaft der Ewigkeit
Rilke's Dunino elegies
Christliches Bewusstsein
Einladung ins Heilige
Der Sonntag, gestern, heute und immer
Gegenwart und Geheimnis
Letzten Dinge
Wurzeln eines großen Lebenswerks 4. Aufsätze und kleine Schriften
The Church and the Catholic ...
Lebendiger Geist
La Mere du Seigneur
The word of God on faith, hope and charity. Translated by Stella Lange
El Servicio Al Projimo En Peligro
In Spiegel und Gleichnis, Bilder und Gedanken
Der Herr
Sorge um den Menschen, Bd.1
Pascal; ou, Le drame de la conscience chrétienne
Der Engel in Dantes Göttlicher Komödie
Sprache, Dichtung, Deutung ; Gegenwart und Geheimnis
The last things
The life of faith
Das Wesen des Christentums ; Die menschliche Wirklichkeit des Herrn
Den Menschen erkennt nur wer von Gott weiss
Grundlegung der Bildungslehre. Versuch einer Bestimmung des Pädagogisch- Eigentlichen
The Conversion of Augustine (Fraditio)
Der Glaube in unserer Zeit
Systembildende Elemente in der Theologie Bonaventuras
Kultbild und Andachtsbild
Die Mutter des Herrn
Power and responsibility
Johanneische Botschaft / Jesus Christus. Geistliches Wort
Der Rosenkranz Unserer Lieben Frau
Vie de la foi
Der Raum der Meditation
Der Mensch und der Glaube
Wurzeln eines großen Lebenswerks, 2 Bde., Bd.3, 1930-1948
Le rosaire de Notre Dame
Die Lehre des Heil
Vom Wesen Katholischer Weltanschauung
Die offenbarung
Libertad, Gracia y Destino
Dante, visionnaire de l'éternité
Worte zur Trauung
In Spiegel und Gleichnis
Studi su Dante
Freedom, grace and destiny
Die kirche des Herrn
Das Ende der Neuzeit
Begegnung und Bildung
Christianisme et culture
Die Bekehrung des heiligen Aurelius Augustinus
Wunder und Zeichen
The saints in daily Christian life
Sprache, Dichtung, Deutung
The way of the cross of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ
Welt und Person
Initiation a la priere
The conversion of Augustin
La coscienza
Unterscheidung des Christlichen, in 3 Bdn., Bd.2, Aus dem Bereich der Theologie
Initiation à la prière
De la mélancolie
Der Glaube als Überwindung
La Aceptacion de Si Mismo
Le monde et la personne
Auslegungen des Glaubens
Christliches Bewußtsein
Deutscher Psalter / Theologische Gebete
Über das Wesen des Kunstwerks
Der Kreuzweg unseres Herrn und Heilandes
Die menschliche Wirklichkeit des Herrn
Lob des Buches
The way of the cross ..
Über Wilhelm Raabes Stopfkuchen
Les fins dernières
L' univers religieux de Dostoïevski
L' esprit de la liturgie
Nur wer Gott kennt, kennt den Menschen
Das wesen des Christentums
Der Heilbringer in Mythos, Offenbarung und Politik
Italienische Reisen. Meditationen zu Landschaften
The world and the person
Prière et vérité
Zu Rainer Maria Rilkes deutung des daseins
Contraste, El
Les âges de la vie
Der Tod des Socrates
Una Etica Para Nuestro Tiempo
Wille und Wahrheit
Rilke's Duino elegies
Grundlegung der Bildungslehre
Cartas Sobre Autoformacion
The humanity of christ
Die Mutter des Herrn
Der heilige Franziskus
Der Tod des Sokrates
The death of Socrates
Der Bericht über das Leben des heiligen Franz von Assisi, oder, Der Spiegel der Vollkommenheit
Nähe des Herrn
Libertà, grazia, destino
Wahrheit und Ordnung
The way of the cross of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ
Essenza del cristianesimo
The Lord's prayer
Gesù Cristo
Form und Sinn der Landschaft in den Dichtungen Hölderlins
Beten im Gottesdienst der Gemeinde
Les fins dernieres
Die bekehrung des Aurelius Augustinus
Unterscheidung des Christlichen
Vom Geist der Liturgie
The Conversion of Augustine
Freedom, grace, and destiny
Prayer in practice
Versuche über die Gestaltung der heiligen Messe
Vom Sinn der Kirche
Über Wilhelm Raabes Stopfkuchen
Stationen und Rückblicke
The humanity of Christ
Kontemplation unter Bäumen.
La cuestion judia
Liturgische Bildung
Die Annahme seiner selbst
Power and responsibility
The last things
Tod, auferstehung, ewigkeit
Der Herr
The humanity of Christ
Gedeutetes Dasein
Rainer Maria Rilkes Deutung des Daseins
La muerte de Sócrates
Die Macht
Freedom, grace, and destiny
Die Lehre des Heil
Christliches Bewusstsein
Der Gegensatz
The focus of freedom
Pascal; ou, Le drame de la conscience chrétienne
O posvátných znameních
Jesus Christus
Prayer in practice
Der Anfang aller Dinge; Meditationen über Genesis, Kapital I-III
Die Sinne und die religiöse Erkenntnis
Das Wesen des Christentums
Těžkomyslnost a její smysl
Über das Wesen des Kunstwerks
The faith of modern man
Sprache, Dichtung, Deutung
Vom Leben des Glaubens
Freiheit, Gnade, Schicksal
Meditations on Jesus Christ
The Lord
La Mere du Seigneur
Lauterkeit des Blicks
Prayers for theology
Von heiligen Zeichen
La existencia del cristiano
Welt und Person
Opere di Romano Guardini
Der Heilbringer in Mythos, Offenbarung und Politik
The Life of faith
The life of faith
Freedom, grace, and destiny
The conversion of Augustine
Europa, werkelijkheid en opgave
Liturgie jako hra
Tre scritti sull'università
The church and the Catholic, and The spirit of the liturgy
Les sens et la connaissance de Dieu
Rilke's Duino elegies
Vom Sinn der Schwermut
Gegenwart und Geheimnis
Meditations before Mass
Rainer Maria Rilkes Deutung des Daseins
The spirit of the liturgy
O živém Bohu
Das Bild von Jesus dem Christus im Neuen Testament
The humanity of Christ
Christliches Bewusstsein
In Spiegel und Gleichnis
The Church and the Catholic
The world and the person
Über das Wesen des Kunstwerks
The death of Socrates
Die Existenz des Christen
The church of the Lord
Gehalten von Gottes Hand
Pascal for our time
Meditations before mass
Sprache, Dichtung, Deutung
Vom Geist der Liturgie
The end of the modern world
Power and responsibility
Theologische Gebete
Der Gegensatz
The wisdom of the Psalms
Briefe über Selbstbildung
Il Signore
Systembildende Elemente in der Theologie Bonaventuras
The death of Socrates