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scientists who wrote autobiography
Showing 73-78 out of 78 results
Noam Chomsky
Noam Chomsky (born 1928)

philosopher, linguist, psychologist, anthropologist, human rights activist, educator, media critic, opinion journalist, computer scientist, historian, philologist

  • Harvard University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Retargeting Iran
Hegemony or Survival
The fateful triangle
Rogue States
Power and Terror
Pirates & emperors
Manufacturing consent
On Western Terrorism
Media control
World orders, old and new
Year 501
Failed States
Class Warfare
Keeping the rabble in line
Syntactic structures
Aspects of the Theory of Syntax
A New Generation Draws the Line
Powers and prospects
Profit over People
Necessary illusions
Deterring Democracy
Why Only Us
Letters from Lexington
The culture of terrorism
The Pentagon Papers
Perilous power
On power and ideology
Rethinking Camelot
The Essential Chomsky
Cartesian linguistics
The umbrella of U.S. power
Secrets, lies and democracy
Die politische Ökonomie der Menschenrechte
Language and mind
The logical structure of linguistic theory
Turning the tide
The New Military Humanism
Rules and Representations
Language and politics
Imperial ambitions
Getting Haiti right this time
American power and the new mandarins
Chomsky on miseducation
The sound pattern of English
On Palestine
Acts of aggression
What Kind of Creatures Are We?
Reflections on language
What Uncle Sam really wants
Understanding Power
Middle East Illusions
The common good
Radical priorities
Chronicles of dissent
After the cataclysm, postwar Indochina and the reconstruction of imperial ideology
Propaganda and the public mind
Hopes and prospects
The political economy of human rights
Towards a new cold war
The Chomsky reader
Lectures on government and binding
For reasons of state
Imperial Ambitions
The Washington connection and Third World fascism
Optimism over despair
Dialogues avec Mitsou Ronat
Topics in the theory of generative grammar
The prosperous few and the restless many
The Chomsky-Foucault Debate
Current issues in linguistic theory
Modular approaches to the study of the mind
Inside Lebanon
Chomsky notebook
Government in the future
On language
At war with Asia
Gaza in crisis
War Is Peace
Targeting Iran (Open Media)
Who Rules the World?
Chomsky On Anarchism
Angriff auf die Freiheit? Die Anschläge in den USA und die „Neue Weltordnung“
Arbeit, Sprache, Freiheit
Die neue Weltordnung und der Golfkrieg
Problems of knowledge and freedom
L' analyse formelle des langues naturelles
Masters of mankind
What We Say Goes
Langue, linguistique, politique
Global discontents
Powers and Prospects
Clintons Vision
Terrorizing the neighborhood
Chomsky on Mis-Education
Knowledge of language
Chomsky for Activists
The Cold War & the university
New Horizons in the Study of Language and the Mind
Dissidents of the International Left
The science of language
Objectivity and liberal scholarship
A hated political enemy
Democracy and power
Making the future
Chomsky on Democracy and Education (Social Theory, Education, and Cultural Change)
Language and Problems of Knowledge
Interventions (City Lights Open Media)
The minimalist program
Power Systems
Requiem for the American dream
The generative enterprise revisited
Noam Chomsky on the Generative Enterprise
Le langage et la pensée
Censored 2001
Bare phrase structure
After the Cataclysm
Working Class History
The race to destruction
How The World Works
Language and Thought (Anshen Transdisciplinary Lectureships in Art, Science, and t)
Media Control
Peace in the Middle East?
Latin America
Optimismo contra el desaliento
La grammatica trasformazionale
Anarchismus & Marxismus/Anmerkungen zum Anarchismus
Human Nature Justice Vs Power The Chomskyfoucault Debate
El nuevo humanismo militar
The Responsibility of Intellectuals
Crime, social control and human rights
Year 501
After the cataclysm
Consequences of Capitalism
New Horizons in the Study of Language and Mind
It is the Responsibility of Intellectuals to speak the truth and to expose lies
New Generation Draws the Line
Art under duress
A New World in Our Hearts
Because We Say So
Pocos prósperos, muchos descontentos
Sobre el anarquismo
Eine Anatomie der Macht
The emerging framework of world power
New world of indigenous resistance
Some concepts and consequences of the theory of government and binding
Esperanzas Y Realidades
On Nature and Language
What We Say Goes
Perspectives on power
El Nuevo Orden Mundial y El Viejo
Chomsky esencial
Trials of the resistance
The Architecture of Language
Media control
The Precipice
Acts of Aggression
Nature and language, with an essay on "The secular priesthood and the perils of democracy"
La deseducación
On Anarchism
La responsibilidad de los intelectuales
Studies in Semantics in Generative Grammar (Janua Linguarum - Series Minor)
Studies on semantics in generative grammar
Lectures on Government and Binding
Theory and practice
Le Champ du Possible
Noam Chomsky habla de América Latina y México
Die Herren der Welt
Lucha de clases
Entrevista a Noam Chomsky
Because we say so
What We Say Goes Conversations on Us Power in a Changing World
Cooperación o extinción / Cooperation or Extinction
LÀmérique et ses nouveaux mandarins
Como Nos Venden La Moto
Between Thought and Expression Lies a Lifetime
Modular Approaches to the Study of the Mind (Sdsu Distinguished Graduate Research Lecture Ser)
The backroom boys
Réflexions sur le langage
Superpowers in collision
Mei ti cao zong
Indispensable Zinn
Chomusukī shōjiten
Optimizm vopreki otchai︠a︡nii︠u︡
What we say goes
NATO rat i sukob na Kosovu
De la propagande
Structures syntaxiques.Trad. de l'anglais par Michel Braudeau
Year 501
Derivation by phase
Ch'omsŭk'i, nuga muŏt ŭro sesang ŭl chibae hanŭn'ga
Strukturen der Syntax. Eine kultur- und sozialhistorische Spurensuche
La guerra nuclear y la catástrofe ambiental
Failed State
Sintactica y Semantica En La Gramatica Generativa
Knowledge of Language: Its Nature, Origins and Use
Dopo l'undici settembre
Syntactic structures
La Quinta Libertad
How the World Works
Consequences of Capitalism
Language and Thought (Anshen Transdisciplinary Lectureships in Art, Science and the Philosophy of Culture, Monograph 3)
Porque lo decimos nosotros
Morphophonemics of Modern Hebrew
Chomsky - Foucault Debate
Resistencias a la guerra global
De la guerre comme politique étrangère des États-Unis
Théories du langage, théories de l'apprentissage
Carter y la lo gica del imperialismo
Knowledge of Language
Doctrines and visions
Chiapas Insurgente
Raison contre pouvoir
Kampf oder Untergang!
11 de septiembre
Structures syntaxiques
Consequences of Capitalism
Théorie du gouvernement et du liage
Essential Chomsky
Propaganda y Opinion Publica
Permanence et mutations de l'université
La nouvelle syntaxe
Transformational analysis
Chomsky o Skinner?
Estados peligrosos
An American Addiction
How the World Works
A minimalist program for linguistic theory
Essential Chomsky
Notes on Resistance
The architecture of language
Reflections on Chomsky
La natura umana. Giustizia contro potere
Chomsky, selected readings
Rethinking Camelot
After the Cataclysm Vol. 2
Como mantener a raya a la plebe
Taming the Rascal Multitude
Topics in the theory of generative grammar
Because We Say So
Of minds and language
Ubú en Kosovo
Turning the tide
Drone Eats with Me
Instinct de liberté
Razones para la anarquia - 1.edición
Essays on form and interpretation
Ano 501
Two essays on Cambodia
Turning the Tide
i koultoura tis tromokratias
Los Guardianes De La Libertad
Climate Crisis and the Global Green New Deal
Chomsky on Democracy and Education (Education, Social Theory, and Cultural Change Series)
American Power and the New Mandarins
The menace of liberal scholarship
El control de nuestras vidas
La doctrine des bonnes intentions
On Language, Democracy, and Social Justice
Syntactic Structures
Language and Mind
Bains de sang constructifs dans les faits et la propagande
New Horizons in the Study of Language and Mind
Anarchia. Idee per l'umanità liberata
Il governo del futuro
Current Issues in Linguistic Theory
Rugged Individualism and the Misunderstanding of American Inequality
New Horizons in the Study of Language and Mind
Global empire
Intellectuals and the State =
Peace in the Middle East?
Conoscenza e libertà
La scienza del linguaggio. Interviste con James McGilvray
Mathematische Linguistik
Wer beherrscht die Welt?
Sobre democracia y educacion / Chomsky on Democracy and Education
Chronicles of Dissent
Il nuovo umanitarismo militare. Gli insegnamenti del Kosovo
Massaker im Namen der Freiheit
Chomusukī to no taiwa
Los guardianes de la libertad
World Orders, Old and New
Las consecuencias del capitalismo
Cómo funciona el mundo
For Reasons Of State [Paperback] [Jul 07, 2003] Noam Chomsky
Masters of Mankind
Rethinking Camelot
Una Nueva Generacion Dicta Las Reglas
El beneficio es lo que cuenta
Demokrasi Gercek ve Hayal
New Generation Draws the Line
Centers of Power, Corona and I&I
Gendai gengogaku no kiso
Ju fa jie gou
La responsabilidad de los intelectuales
Distorted morality
Wirtschaft und Gewalt
Imperial Ambitions
Anarcho-Syndicalism (Libertarian Critique)
Not by Omission
Rogue States
El beneficio es lo que cuenta
La responsabilidad de los intelectuales
Strukturen der Syntax
Por qué Ucrania
Psicologia de La Liberacion
Medya Gercegi
La era obama
Imperial Ambitions
Le langage et la pensée
Noam Chomsky habla de América Latina
Un monde complètement surréel
Mei guo shuo liao suan
Iktidari Anlamak
After the cataclysm
Mantener la chusma a raya
Vida más allá del capitalismo
Hegemony or Survival
Who Rules the World?
Strukturen Der Syntax (Janua Linguarum Series Minor, No. 182)
Letters from Lexington
War and peace in the Gulf
Reflexionen über die Sprache
Hegemony or Survival
I nuovi mandarini. Gli intellettuali e il potere in America
Propaganda & Control of the Public Mind
Case Studies in Hyprocrisy
Noam Chomsky Open Media Collection
Medya Denetimi
Terör Ne? Terörist Kim? Cilt. 1 (ABD Emperyalizmi ve Latin Amerika )
I padroni dell'umanità. Saggi politici
Cartas de Lexington
Le nouvel humanisme militaire
Current issues in linguistic theory (Janua linguarum)
Culture of Terrorism
Problemas actuales en teoría lingüística
Los Vencedores
Lo que decimos, se hace
Year 501
Réponses inédites
Language and Mind
Devlet Ugruna
Morphophonemics of Modern Hebrew (Routledge Revivals)
Government in the Future
Malestar global
Year 501
Emperyal Arzular
Terorizm Kulturu
New Generation Draws the Line
Mailing Teriak Maling
Media Control. Von Macht und Medien
Vida más allá del capitalismo
Morphophonemics of Modern Hebrew (Routledge Revivals)
Sprache und Geist
Super powers in collision
analyse Formelle des Langues Naturelles : (Introduction to the Formal Analysis of Natural Languages)
Lo Que Realmente Quiere El Tio Sam
Syntactic Structures Janua Linguarum NR4
Noam Chomsky, Bush y los años del miedo
Conocimiento y libertad
Aspects of the theory of syntax (Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Research Laboratory of Electronics. Special technical report)
Demokrasi ve Eğitim
Sound Pattern of English (Study in Language)
Chronicles of Dissent
Dilin Mimarisi
Saggi linguistici
Chomsky - Dünyayi Degistirmek Istiyorsaniz Onu Anlamaya Calismalisiniz
Illegitimate Authority
Filistin Üzerine Konusmalar
Dominer le monde ou sauver la planète
Morphophonemics of Modern Hebrew (Routledge Revivals)
Propaganda ve Toplumsal Zihin
How the World Works
Virtual objectivity
Kartezianskaja lingvistika
Rethinking Camelot
25 años de neoliberalismo
Review of 'Verbal behavior by B.F.Skinner'
Monkeywrenching the New World Order
Der Neue Militärische Humanismus
Crisis and Hope
On Nature and Language
Cómo funciona el mundo
Because We Say So
The politics of genocide
Masters of Mankind
PROBLEMS OF KNOWLEDGE AND FREEDOM (The Russell lectures) by Noam Chomsky (1971-01-01)
Conversaciones con Chomsky
Democracy in a neoliberal order
La poudrière du Moyen-Orient
Güc Kimin Elinde?
L' an 501
Yeni Askeri Humanizm
Le Bouclier américain
Working Class History
Of Minds and Language
European Union and Turkish Accession
Cómo funciona el mundo
Dil ve zihin
Lingwistyka i filozofia
Yasamla Olum Arasinda Gazze
Class Warfare
Ocupar Wall Street
Chomsky on MIS-Education
Rethinking Camelot
September 11
Escritos libertarios
For Reasons of State
Nukleer Savas ve Cevre Felaketi
Los guardianes de la libertad
Morphophonemics of modern Hebrew
On Language
Chomsky's Linguistics
Science of Language
Terörizm Kültürü
Because We Say So
Noam Chomsky na UFRJ
People Before Profit
Cómo funciona el mundo
Capire il potere
Essais sur la forme et le sens
Was Onkel Sam wirklich will
Chomsuki sesang ui murum e tapada
Power and Terror
Harvard Educational Review. Volume Sixty-five. Numer Two. Summer 1995. Special Issue
Questions of Form and Interpretation
Regards croisés sur le langage
Hablemos de terrorismo
Language and mind
American Power and the New Mandarins
Transformational analysis
Bati Terorizmi
Who Rules the World?
Essential Classics in Politics
El Gobierno En El Futuro
Selected Readings (Language & Learning Series)
Rethinking Camelot : JFK, the Vietnam War, and U.S. political culture
The Sound Pattern of English
Occupy - Isgal Et
Iklim Krizi ve Küresel Yesil Yeni Düzen
Syntactic Structures
Minimalist Program
Ambiciones Imperiales
Year 501 : the conquest continues
Sobre l'anarquisme
Discurs polític.
Syntactic Structures
Free Market Fantasies:Capitalism in T
Gelecegi Kurgulamak
Topics in the theory of generative grammar (Janua linguarum)
Karanlık Çökerken Umutsuzluğa Karşı İyimserlik
Because We Say So
Political Economy of Human Rights, Volume 2
El Lenguaje y Los Problemas del Conocimiento
Doga ve Dil Uzerine
Syntactic Structures (Janua Linguarum Series Minor, Volume 4) (Anua Linguarum Series Minor 4, Series Volume 4)
How the World Works
Selected readings on transformational theory
Elections 2000 Les Schemas Du Vote Et De L'Abstention
Dunyayi Kim Yonetiyor
Cambiar o morir
On Anarshism, Marxism and Hope for the Future
Questions on Form and Interpretation
El Lenguaje y La Mente Humana (Ariel Filosofia)
After the Cataclysm
Notes on anarchism
Postmodernizm ve Sol
Topics in the Theory of Generative Grammar
Problems of Knowledge and Freedom
Hegemonia o supervivència.
Dare ga sekai o shihai shite iru no ka
Bilgi ve Ozgurluk Sorunlari
Linguistics and revolutions
Porque lo decimos nosotros
Masters of Mankind
Piratas e Imperadores. Antigos e Modernos (Em Portuguese do Brasil)
Critical Writings
El Miedo a la Democracia
Kadife Karanlik
Dues hores de lucidesa.
Bilim ve Postmodernizm Tartismalari
El mundo después de Iraq
Racing Toward the Abyss
Insan Dogasi Iktidara Karsi Adalet
Propagande, médias et démocratie
Quem Manda no Mundo?
Analyse Formelle des Langues Naturelles
Powers and Prospects
Les dessous de la politique de l'Oncle Sam
Trials of the resistance
Biz Ne Tür Yaratiklariz?
Tikslai ir vizijos
Essential Chomsky
Las sublevaciones democr‡ticas globales
Morphophonemics of Modern Hebrew (Routledge Revivals)
Insanligin Efendileri
Human Rights and American Foreign Policy
The Withdrawal
Quel rôle pour l'État ?
Autodeterminacion y nuevo orden
Razón contra poder
Generative Enterprise Revisited
Líbano, desde dentro
New Horizons in the Study of Language and Mind
Turning the Tide
Responsabilités des intellectuels
Peering into the abyss of the future
Problemi di teoria linguistica
Sobre el poder y la ideología
On nature and language
Kriz Kapitalizm Isyani
New Generation Draws the Line
Analyse Formelle des Langues Naturelles
Essential Chomsky
On Anarchism
Les conséquences du capitalisme - Du mécontentement à la rés
Gambito de torres
Current Issues in Linguistic Theory
Los duenos del mundo
Secrets of Words
Anarsizm Uzerine
The Chomsky Quartet (The Real Story)
New Generation Draws the Line
Yil 501
La aldea global
Comprendre le pouvoir
On Anarchism
Olive Branch from Palestine
Sobre el anarquismo
Merge and the Strong Minimalist Thesis
El Terror Como Politica Exterior de Estados Unidos
Internationalism or Extinction
Kader Ücgeni
Los Limites de La Globalizacion
Regles i representacions
Cuba and the U. S. Empire
Como Mantener a Raya a la Plebe
Case Studies in Hypocrisy
Clinton Vision (CD)
Necessary Illusions
East Timor and the Western Democracies
Korsanlar ve Imparatorlar
O Lucro ou as Pessoas?
Media kontorōru
Ambicions imperials.
Prospects for Democracy
Presidente Bush
¿Quién Domina el Mundo?
Masters of Mankind
On Anarchism
Democrazia e istruzione
Minimalist inquiries
Language and Mind
Bilgi Sorunlari ve Dil
Propaganda & Control of the Public Mi
Amerikan Rüyası İçin Ağıt
Cartesian Linguistics
On Language
The Sound Pattern of English
Topics in the theory of generative grammar (Janua linguarum. Series minor)
Somurgecilikten Kuresellesmeye
Pirates and Emperors, Old and New
Year 501
Teoria Extandar Extendida, La
Science of Language
Syntactic structures (Janua linguarum)
On Western Terrorism
La educación
On Anarchism
La quinta libertad
Chiapas insurgente
El Bien Comun
Selected Readings on Transformational Theory
El Lenguaje y el Entendimiento
Syntaktické struktury
Sociedad Del Futuro
Rebellion oder Untergang!
Questions de sémantique
Language knowledge in bilinguals
Idéologie et pouvoir
Comprendre le pouvoir : l'indispensable de Chomsky
Toward a New Cold War
World Orders
U.S .A. & Timor Leste
Saggi di fonologia
Amerika Serikat dan dunia ketiga pasca perang dingin
La Sociedad global
For a Free Humanity
Un monde complètement surréel
USA: mito, realidad, acracia
L' analyse formelle des langues naturelles = Introduction to the formal analysis of natural languages
Estructuras Sintacticas
¿Quién domina el mundo?
De l'espoir en l'avenir
Problemi di teoria linguistica
Pribylʹ na li︠u︡di︠a︡kh
Actos de agresión
Imperial Presidency
Estados Canallas
La Naturaleza Humana
Programa Minimalista, El
Some methodological remarks on generative grammar
De Macht Van Amerika En De Nieuwe Mandarijnen
La Globalizacic"n de Los Derechos Humanos
Noam Chomsky
Los vencedores ; Una ironía de la historia
Collateral Damage or Unlawful Killings? The Amnesty Report (Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation: The Spokesman, No. 69)
Sobre la responsabilidad de los intelectuales
Le language et la pense e
Foro Social Mundial
Some empirical issues in the theory of transformational grammar
War Crimes & Imperial Fantasies
Review of Verbal Behavior by B. F. Skinner (Irvington Publishers Reprint Series in Social Science)
Al-Himana Am Al-Baqa' =
Language and thought
11 Settembre
Conocimiento del Lenguaje, El
Le langage et la pensee
Emerging Framework of World Power
America Latina
Big brother and the holding company
On innateness
Le pouvoir mis à nu
Im Krieg mit Asien I
Chomsky Library Hardback Pack
N. Chomsky
Yazdah I Septambr
Haben und Nichthaben
Al-hadi ashar min aylol
The Chomsky Trilogy
Politica y Cultura a Finales Siglo XX
DOS Horas de Lucidez
World order and its rules
Le nouvel humanisme militaire
Selected readings
Trials of the resistance
War Plan Iraq
Conditions on transformations
Nuestra pequeña región de por aquí
Guerre et paix au proche-orient
Deux heures de lucidité
Introduction to Logical structure of linguistic theory
Principes de phonologie ge ne rative
Guerre en Asie
Naturaleza Humana
Problems and mysteries in the study of human language
Dehshat gardi ki siqafat
Cavtesian lingusties
September 11 und die Folgen
Nuestro conocimiento del lenguaje humano
Lucha de Clases
Government In The Future (Open Media Pamphlet Series)
Sur le contrôle de nos vies
Actos de Agresion
Kunskap och frihet
Linguagem e mente
Strukturen der Syntax
Beyond explanatory adequacy
Before and After
In defence of the student movement
De la guerre comme politique-nouv édition
Steve Jones
Steve Jones (born 1944)

geneticist, scientist, television presenter, professor

  • University of Edinburgh, University of Chicago
The Darwin archipelago
Almost like a whale
Darwin's island
The language of genes
The language of the genes
The Internet for Educators and Homeschoolers
Introducing genetics
In the Blood
Introducing Genetics
Almost Like a Whale
The Mammoth Book of Best New Horror
The Intelligent Warrior
Cybersociety 2.0
The Single Helix
Torture Porn Popular Horror After Saw
Darwin's Ghost
College Oral Communication 4
Revolutionary science
Complete Medicine Cabinets
Introducing Genetics A Graphic Guide
Encyclopedia of New Media
The serpent's promise
Introducing Genetics
On My Knees
Computer Human Interaction
Brand Like A Rock Star Lessons From Rock N Roll To Make Your Business Rich And Famous
When the Lights Went Down
Wie der Wal zur Flosse kam. Ein neuer Blick auf den Ursprung der Arten
Mountain Bike! Deep South
Behind the Rose
Northumberland and Durham....the Sinister Side
Food and cultural studies
Capital Punishments
The Illustrated Police News
Nottingham...the Sinister Side
Life of David (Solid Foundation Sermon Starters)
SQL Server 2005 Maintenance Plans
En la sangre/ In The Blood
Critical cyberculture studies
Insects Of Cornwall And The Isles Of Scilly
Doing Internet Research
Lancashire Lasses
Virtual Culture
The Darwin Archipelago The Naturalists Career Beyond Origin Of Species
Lonely Boy
Through the Keyhole
Wicked London
The Cambridge encyclopedia of human evolution
Birmingham...the Sinister Side
Banking Operations - U. K. Lending & International Business (Banking Certificate)
Manchester...the Sinister Side
In darkest London
Pop Music and the Press (Sound Matters)
The Best of SqlservercentralCom Vol7
Psychology express
Lonely Boy
Psychology in Focus
Writing from Reading
Afterlife As Afterimage
Virtualizing Hadoop
The Darwin archipelago
Y : the descent of men
London - the sinister side
Zombies and Sexuality
New management techniques in Royal Mail
Winning Isn't
Yorkshire the Sinister Side
At the Centre
London through the keyhole
Yi chuan xue
Rothman's Rugby Year Book 1985-86
De man
Endless Winter
The Elephant Who Lost His Memory
Genetics in medicine
Bench Joinery
Cruising guide to West Africa
Next Generation Grammar 1 Student eText w/MyLab English
Living processes
Mapping Motivation for Engagement
Lake District Bagging Log Book
Wainwrights Lake District Walks Bagging Log Book
Lake District 214 Wainwright Challenge Logbook
From Genes to Cells
Torture Porn
Serpent?'s Promise
Introducing Graphic Guide Box Set - the Origins of Life
Dahilere Gerek Yok
Rothmans Rugby yearbook
Neko of Nagano
Critical Cyberculture Studies
Intelligent Warrior
Psychology in Focus
Shades of Blue
Darwin Archipelago
Sex, Age and Death
Turning on Your PROFITS Tap
ACT Made Yorkshire
Génétique en Images
Donelle Woolford
Cheese Beer Wine Cider
Lake District Word Search Puzzle Book
WJEC Vocational Award Constructing the Built Environment Level 1/2
Lake District Wainwright Photo Book
Introducing Graphic Guide Box Set - the Origins of Life (EXPORT EDITION)
Customer services
Focus Audio Workshop
Havant the Golden Years
Site Carpentry Level 2
Neredeyse Bir Balina
No Need for Geniuses
Rothman's Rugby yearbook
The Sea
Evolution (a Ladybird Expert Book)
Construction Award and NVQ, Level 2
Edge of Feedback
Darwin Archipelago
Lake District Tick Book Family Edition
Revolutionary Science
Serpent's Promise
Torture Porn
Research Methods in Psychology
Out Rage
Brand Like A Rock Star
Fresh Linen Is Best Served Cold
Here Comes the Sun
Psychology in Focus
Darwin's Island
Henry Kissinger
Henry Kissinger (1923-2023)

politician, political scientist, diplomat, entrepreneur, pedagogue, autobiographer, businessperson, foreign minister

  • George Washington Educational Campus, City College of New York
American foreign policy
World order
On China
The troubled partnership
Nuclear weapons and foreign policy
White House years
Years of renewal
Does America need a foreign policy?
For the Record
American foreign policy
Years of upheaval
The necessity for choice
On China
Nuclear Security
For the record
American Foreign Policy
Ending the Vietnam War
White House years
On China Henry Kissinger
Years of Upheaval
Years of Renewal
Does The 21st Century Belong To China Kissinger And Zakaria Vs Ferguson And Li The Munk Debate On China
The Age of A.I.
Problems of national strategy
Meaning of History
Reflections, October 2001
World Order
Kissinger on Kissinger
White House years
Das Gleichgewicht der Grossmächte
Years of Upheaval
Troubled Partnership (Atlantic Policy Study)
The export of nuclear technology
The global challenge and international cooperation
Hanʼguk ŭi wigi '87, 88
The National Security Council
Les Malentendus Transatlantiques
Global consensus and economic development
China - 1. edición
Les malentendus transalantiques
The White House Years
White Youse Years Special Income
World Restored Europe After Napoleon
American Foreign Policy
Zhu Rongji on the Record : The Road to Reform
Le chemin de la paix ; essai
Report of the National Bipartisan Commission on Central America
White House Years Reprint Income
Debate Entre El Vino Y La Cerveza Y Otros Papeles De Cocina
Mafhūm al-siyāsah al-khārijīyah al-Amrīkīyah
Die Herausforderung Amerikas. Weltpolitik im 21. Jahrhundert
Ending the Vietnam War: A History of America's Involvement in and Extrication from the Vietnam War
Crisis : The Anatomy of Two Major Foreign Policy Crises
Les années de renouveau
Problems Of National Strategy
La Nouvelle Puissance Américaine
Die Vernunft der Nationen
Years of upheaval
Kissinger Report
Issues on My Mind
The Kissinger transcripts
Major statements on Latin America
Lun Zhongguo
The troubled partnership
Nuclear nonproliferation
New Russian Diplomacy
Henry Kissinger the Complete Memoirs e-Book Boxed Set
Does America Need a Foreign Policy?
The Transatlantic crisis
Hemispheric cooperation for development
Beyaz Saray Yillarim
Nuclear Weapons and the Peace Movement
Problems of National Strategy
America and Asia
Global peace, the Middle East, and the United States
Years of Upheaval
A la maison blanche (1968-1973)
Kissinger Transcripts
Kernwaffen und Auswärtige Politik
Kisshinjā hakushi Nihon no 21-seiki o yogensuru
Zhu Rongji on the Record
Southern Africa and the United States, an agenda for cooperation
The United States and Japan in a changing world
Years of Renewal
Human rights and the Western Hemisphere
Diplomacia, La
On China
Memoiren Bd. I. 1968-1973
Building an enduring foreign policy
The Troubled Partnership
Wo men wu pan le Zhongguo
U.S. and Soviet Policies Toward Asia and Implications for the Korean Peninsula
Zhongguo jiang cheng ba 21 shi ji ma?
Report of Secretary of State Kissinger on his visits to Latin America, Western Europe, and Africa
Statement, May 9, 1975, Washington, D.C
Reconsideracion Del Nuevo Orden Mundial
The troubled partnership
Henry Kissinger
Years of Renewal
Les Années orageuses, tome 2
Henry A. Kissinger speaks on Communist parties in Western Europe,  challenge to the West, at the Conference on Italy and Eurocommunism, sponsored by the Hoover Institution and the American Enterprise Institute, Washington, D. C., June 9, 1977
American Foreign Policy
Years of Upheaval
The United States and Latin America, the new opportunity
Years of Upheaval
Problems of National Strategy
Kissinger the Negotiator
American unity and the national interest
Latin America, Europe, and Africa
Bureaucracy, politics, and strategy
Problems of National Strategy (A Book of Readings)
NATO, the next thirty years
Communist parties in western Europe
Henry Kissinger Foreign Policy e-Book Boxed Set
United States and Middle Eastern policy in a changing global arena
The United States and Africa, strengthening the relationship
The industrial democracies, the imperative of cooperation
Monetary Policy and Defense of the "Grey Areas"
White House Years
Statement, December 3, 1974, [Washington, D.C.]
White House Years
Orden mundial
Cohesion of industrial democracies, precondition for global progress
Ordinea mondiala
Lee Kuan Yew
Years of Upheaval
Egypt-Israel agreement
The future of America's foreign policy
American Foreign Policy
Strategic trends towards the 21st century
Kakuheiki to gaikō seisaku
al-Bārzānī wa-Kīsinjir wa-al-dawlah al-Kurdīyah
Henry Kissinger papers
Three addresses on foreign policy
"We will never abandon Israel"
O Kitae
Da wai jiao
Poni︠a︡tʹ Putina
שנותי בבית הלבן
נשק גרעיני ומדיניות חוץ
La Diplomacia (Diplomacy)
Wo yan zhong de Zhou Enlai
Hanʼguk ŭi wigi 87, 88
Lezioni di politica di Henry Kissinger
À la Maison Blanche
Communist parties in western Europe
A nova América Latina
Memoiren 1973-1974 Band 2
I︠A︡dernoe oruzhie i vneshni︠a︡i︠a︡ politika
Stanet li XXI vek vekom Kita︠i︡a
The necessity for choice
The troubled partnership
American foreign policy
Nuzhna li Amerike vneshni︠a︡i︠a︡ politika?
Bārazānī wa-Kīsinjir wa-al-dawlah al-Kurdīyah
Manning Marable
Manning Marable (1950-2011)

anthropologist, political scientist, historian, sociologist

  • University of Maryland, Earlham College
W.E.B. DuBois, Black radical democrat
Beyond Black and White
Race, reform and rebellion
Malcolm X
Black American Politics
How capitalism underdeveloped Black America
From the grassroots
Speaking truth to power
Freedom on my mind
The Crisis of Color and Democracy
Black Leadership
Black liberation in conservative America
African-American thought
The Portable Malcolm X Reader
Beyond Boundaries
Let Nobody Turn Us Around
Souls of W. E. B. du Bois
The great wells of democracy
The Autobiography Of Medgar Evers
African and Caribbean politics
Barack Obama and African American empowerment
Seeking higher ground
Beyond Race
African-American thought
The new Black renaissance
Race, Politics and Power
Living Black history
Race matters in the new labor movement
Transnational Blackness Navigating The Global Color Line
The New Black Renaissance
Beyond Black and White
Black politics in transition
Black routes to Islam
New social movements in the African diaspora
Black Genders and Sexualities
                Critical Black Studies
Black America
Black America
What Black America Thinks
Dispatches from the ebony tower
Rethinking the seventies
On being black
Race and Labor Matters in the New U.S. Economy
Speaking Truth To Power
Speaking Power to Truth
Black Leadership
Great Wells of Democracy
Souls, Volume II, No. 3
Souls Vol. 1, Bk. 4
Barack Obama and African American Empowerment
The road toward effective Black power
Race, difference, and the historical imagination
Living Black History
Racializing Justice, Disenfranchising Lives
Race and Class 39/4: Black Fundamentalism
Souls Vol. 3
Black Routes to Islam
From the Grassroots
Dispatches from the Ebony Tower
Racializing Justice, Disenfranchising Lives
New Black Renaissance
Racializing justice, disenfranchising lives
Souls Vol. 1, No. 2
The destruction of black higher education
The fire this time
Toward independent Black politics
Reaganism, racism, and reaction
Through the prism of race and class
The question of genocide
Obama and African American empowerment macmillan
Race, class and conflict
Frank Northern Magill
Frank Northern Magill (1907-1997)

encyclopedist, editor, library scientist

  • Columbia University, University of Southern California
Dictionary of World Biography
Masterplots, 18 Volume Edition
Magill's survey of world literature
Great Events from History II
Magill's survey of American literature
Masterplots, Various Editions
Masterpieces of world literature in digest form
Cyclopedia of world authors
Chronology of Twentieth-Century History
Great Lives from History
Masterplots II
Critical survey of long fiction
Masterplots, 15 Volume Combined Edition
Magill's Literary Annual, 1986: Essay-Reviews of 200 Outstanding Books Published in the United States During 1985
Magill's Literary Annual 1982
Magill's Literary Annual, 1988
Critical survey of long fiction
Magill's Literary Annual, 1978
Masterplots II, Poetry Series
Magill's Literary Annual, 1987
Magill's Literary Annual, 1989
Magill's Literary Annual, 1985
Magill's Literary Annual, 1983
Magill's Literary Annual 1984: Essay-Reviews of 200 Outstanding Books Published in the United States During 1983
Masterpieces of Latino literature
Magill's Literary Annual 1979
Masterpieces of Christian literature in summary form
Masterplots II
Survey of Science Fiction Literature/With Bibliographic Supplement
Masterplots cyclopedia of world authors
Cyclopedia of literary characters II
Notable poets
Critical Survey of Long Fiction
Survey of contemporary literature
Cyclopedia of literary characters
Critical survey of long fiction
Masterplots Ii/Volumes 7-8-9-10
Magill's survey of cinema--English language films, second series
Magill's Cinema Annual, 1983
Masterplots; combined editions
Magill's Cinema Annual, 1984
Masterplots 1965 annual
English novel, Conrad to Woolf
1,300 critical evaluations of selected novels and plays
Magill's Survey of World Literature
Masterpieces of Catholic literature, in summary form
Magill's Cinema Annual, 1985
Magill's Quotations in Context, First Series
Magill's Survey of Cinema
Critical survey of long fiction
Masterplots 1967 annual
Masterplots II, Poetry Series
Critical Survey of Mystery and Detective Fiction
Masterplots 1966 annual
The American presidents
Magill's Cinema Annual 1995
Magill's Cinema Annual, 1982 (Magill's Cinema Annual)
Magill's quotations in context, second series
Masterplots 1968 annual
Masterplots 1969 annual
Critical survey of drama
Masterplots 1971 annual
Masterplots 1970 annual
Magill's Survey of American Literature
Magill's quotations in context
The Nobel Prize winners
Magill's Cinema Annual 1997
Great Women Writers
American literature, colonial age to 1890
Great events from history
Magill's Literary Annual 1994
The Nobel Prize Winners
Masterplots II
Magill's Literary Annual 1981 (Magill's Literary Annual)
Magill's survey of cinema--English language films, first series
Masterplots 1964 annual
Critical Survey of Short Fiction Authors Pas-Z
Tru - Z. - S. 7793-8507
Magill's Cinema Annual, 1990
Notable Poets
Masterplots II
Magill's Cinema Annual, 1989
Res - Sol. - S. 6385-7072
Magill's Literary Annual 1995
Great Events from History
Masterplots 2 (British & Commonwealth)
Survey of contemporary literature
Magill's Cinema Annual, 1988
Great lives from history
Dictionart of World Biography Set (Dictionary of World Biography)
Magill's Cinema Annual, 1993
Masterplots cyclopedia of literary characters
Masterplots II, Drama Series
Magill index to masterplots
Let - Mid, 4283-497O
Masterpieces of world philosophy in summary form
Critical survey of literary theory
Critical Survey of Poetry English Language Series
Out - Res. - S. 5693-6384
Masterpieces of World Literature
Magill's Literary Annual, 1993: Essay-Reviews of 200 Outstanding Books Published in the United States During 1992
Masterpieces of Catholic literature
Magill's Literary Annual 1997
Magill's Cinema Annual 1994
I Kn - Let. - S. 3587-4282
Great lives from history
Magill's Cinema Annual, 1991
Masterplots: English fiction series
Chronology of twentieth-century history
Magill's Cinema Annual, 1992
Critical survey of long fiction
Critical survey of long fiction
Gar - I Do. - S. 2863-3586
Notable poets
Magill's survey of cinema, foreign language films
Survey of Science Fiction Literature
A - Bey. - S. 1-688
Masterpieces of world literature
English literature, Middle Ages to 1800
Great women writers
Magill's Cinema Annual 1986
Magill's bibliography of literary criticism
Masterplots II / Drama series
Critical Survey of Literary Theory
Survey of modern fantasy literature
Great lives from history
Col - Edg. - S. 1413-2138
Magill's Survey of Science
Short story writers
Critical survey of drama
Magill's Literary Annual 1996
Masterpieces of World Literature in Digest Form, Series 2
Magill's Cinema Annual, 1987
Masterpieces of women's literature
Masterplots: European fiction series
Masterpieces of American literature
Mid - Out. - S. 4971-5692
Magill books index : all authorized editions, 1949-1980, by title and by author
Great Events from History II: Ecology and the Environment Series
Magill Index to Masterplots
Masterplots II
Magill's Survey of Cinema English Language Films, First Series, Volume IV (Sca-Z, Indexes)
Magill index to critical surveys
The Nobel Prize winners
Cyclopedia of world authors
Great lives from history
Masterplots 1980 Annual. Grolier's Literary Annual Essay Reviews of 100 Outstanding Books Published in the United States During 1979
Masterplots II
Magill's History Annual, 1983
Great events from history: Ancient and medieval series
Masterplots 1973 annual
American literature, realism to 1945
Christian Spirituality
Great Events From History Volume 4
The Middle Ages
Masterplots II Women's Literature Series (Masterplots II)
Magill index to Great lives from history
Great lives from history
Cyclopedia of world authors II
The Renaissance (Dictionary of World Biography Series, Vol 3)
World Philosophy Essay Reviews of 225 Major Works
Magill's Literary Annual, 1992
Masterpieces of world philosophy
Magill's Bibliography of literary criticism
Critical survey of poetry
Critical Survey of Drama
Critical survey of drama
English literature--romanticism to 1945
*Great events from history
Magill's Literary Annual, 1990 (Magill's Literary Annual)
Masterpieces of world literature
Great Events from History 2
Chronology of twentieth-century history
English Literature
Critical survey of short fiction
Critical Survey of Drama  Vol 5
Masterpieces of Catholic literature in summary form edited by Frank N. Magill with associate editors A. Robert Caponigri [and] Thomas P. Neill
Masterpieces of Christian literature
Magill's history of North America
Science fiction, alien encounter
Critical Survey of Poetry
Critical survey of poetry
Magill's survey of science
Great Events From History Volume 2
Magill's Survey of Science Applied Science Series Vol. 6 (Sti-Z) (Applied Science Series, Volume 6)
American novel, Crane to Faulkner
Masterplots II
Masterplots II
Great events from history
American novel, Brown to James
Magill index to critical surveys
Masterplots II
Masterplots 2
Critical Survey of Short Fiction
English novel, Richardson to Hardy
Magill's Literary Annual History and Biography, 1985
American Presidents the Office and the Men
Survey of social science
Magill's Cinema Annual
Great events from history
Great events from history: American series
U.S. Government Leaders
Survey of social science
Great events from history
Psychology Basics
Critical survey of drama
Critical survey of poetry
Masterplots 1981 Annual. Grolier's Literary Annual Essay Reviews of 100 Outstanding Books Published in the United States During 1980
Magill's Medical Guide
Magill Books Index
Magill's Literary Annual 1980
The Ancient World
American Novel Brown to James (Magill Surveys)
Great lives from history
The American presidents : the office and the men
Magill's American film guide
Magill's survey of science
Magill's Survey of Science. : b Applied Science.  n Set.  n 6 vols.
Masterplots II
Contemporary Literary Scene
Masterplots II, # 7.
Masterpieces of World Literature in Digest Form, Series 4
Masterplots; best Masterplots, 1954-1962
Critical Survey of Drama, Volume 2 - 423-864 Authors -COW-Gua
Magill Index to Great Lives from History: With Additional Citations for the "Principal Personages" Found in Great Events from History
Survey of social science
Critical survey of long fiction
Buddhism (Magill Bibliographies)
Masterpieces of African-American literature
International Encyclopedia of Psychology
Magill's survey of science
20th Century Go-N
Critical Survey of Long Fiction, Volume 3 (Foreign Language Series, Authors Lax-Sarr)
Magill's Literary Annual History and Biography 1984
International Encyclopedia of Government and Politics
Dictionary of World Biography
Critical survey of poetry
The Great Scientists (Grolier Fundamentals of Science Series)
Masterplots II
Critical survey of short fiction
Magill's history of Europe
The Great scientists
17th and 18th Centuries
Magill's survey of science
Literature and Film (Magill Bibliographies)
Great lives from history
Magill's survey of science
Twentieth Century Great Athletes
Great Lives from History
Critical Survey of Drama, Volume 5 (English Language Series Authors Shaw - Z)
Cinema great directors
English Literature Middle Ages to 1800 (Magill surveys)
Magill's Survey of Science. Earth Science Series. (Physical Properties of Minerals- Rock Magnetism, Volume 4 1681-2224)
Masterpieces of Christian literature in summary form
English literature, Shakespeare
Masterplots; comprehensive library edition: two thousand and ten plot stories and essay reviews from the world's fine literature
Critical Survey of Long Fiction, Volume 1 (Foreign Language Series, Authors A-Dod)
Psychology basics
Middle Ages
Masterplots: American Fiction Series
Critical survey of short fiction
20th Century O-Z
Masterpieces of Catholic literature in summary form
Chronology of European history, 15,000 B.C. to 1997
Magill index to masterplots
Dictionary of world biography
Cinema--the novel into film
Masterplots II Women's Literature Series
Great Events from History II
Critical Survey of Drama, Foreign Language Series (Foreign Language)
Masterplots: British Fiction Series
Victorian Political Biography (Magill Bibliographies)
Magill's survey of science
Survey of science fiction literature
Magill index to great lives from history
Magill's survey of science
Masterpieces of world philosophy in summary form
Great Lives From History American Series Volume 5 Sit-Z
Masterplots II
Masterpieces of world literature in digest form
Critical Survey of Drama  Vol 5
The Nobel Prize winners
Masterplots II
Magill's American film guide
Masterpieces of catholic literature in summary form. Ed. by Frank N. Magill. Associate ed. A. Robert Caponigri, Thomas P. Neill
Masterpieces of World Philosophy
American Novel, Crane to Faulkner
Great lives from history
Chronology of Twentieth Century History
20th Century A-GI
Critical survey of mystery and detective fiction
Critical survey of long fiction
Critical survey of drama
The Nobel Prize winners
Magill's survey of science
Masterplots 11
Magill's survey of science
Masterplots II. Poetry series
Magill's literary annual, 2007
Magill's cinema annual
Critical Survey of Drama, Volume 3 - Authors Hal-Mas
International Encyclopedia of Sociology
Magill's literary annual, 2006
The Nobel Prize winners
Magill Survey of Science Fiction Literature Volume IV
Great women writers
The Nobel Prize winners
International encyclopedia of sociology
Great Lives From History American Series Volume 4 Mic-She
Critical Survey of Long Fiction, Volume 2 (Foreign Language Series Authors Don - Lag)
Great Lives From History American Series Volume 2 Com-Ham
Critical Survey of Long Fiction, Volume 5 (Foreign Language Series Essays, Index)
World Philosophy
Victorian Poetry (Magill Bibliographies)
Masterpieces of World Philosophy
Cyclopedia of world authors
Cinema the Novel into Film
Magill's literary annual, 1980
Magill's survey of science [v. 2]
Magill's American film guide
Critical Survey of Drama, Volume 1  - English Language Series - Authors - A-Con
Critical Survey of Long Fiction, Volume 4 (Foreign Language Series:  Authors Sart-Z)
Magill's Survey of Science Applied Science Series Vol. 4 (Las-Pho) (Applied Science Series, 4)
World philosophy
Masterplots 1966 annual
Magill's quotations n context, second series
Masterplots II
Masterpices of world literature
Masterplots Complete
Survey of science fiction literature
Magill's literary annual, 2008
International Sociology
Masterplots comprehensive library edition
Masterplots II
Critical Survey of Drama, Volume 6 (English Language Series - Essays, Index)
Edward Said
Edward Said (1935-2003)

literary critic, journalist, philosopher, musicologist, political scientist, translator, researcher

  • Harvard University, Princeton University
Out of Place
Covering Islam
The politics of dispossession
Peace and its discontents
Representations of the intellectual
Culture and imperialism
The end of the peace process
The question of Palestine
From Oslo to Iraq and the roadmap
After the last sky
The world, the text, and the critic
Parallels and Paradoxes
On late style
Reflections on exile and other essays
The Edward Said reader
Acts of aggression
Emily Jacir
Joseph Conrad and the fiction of autobiography
Humanism and democratic criticism
Freud and the Non-European
Musical elaborations
Power, politics, and culture
I saw Ramallah
Blaming the Victims
Music at the limits
Interviews With Edward W. Said
Culture and Resistance
Musical elaborations
Literature and Society
Selected Works of Edward Said
Paradoxical citizenship
Am falschen Ort. Autobiografie
The pen and the sword
Waiting for the Barbarians
Authority and Transgression in Opera (The Empson Lectures)
La Pluma y La Espada
Hispanic New York
The Palestine question and the American context
Musical writings
La cuestión palestina
Heart of Darkness
Edward Said on Palestine
La Posmodernidad
Musical elaborations
Mona Hatoum
Cronicas Palestinas / The End of the Peace Process
Yitsugim shel ha-inṭeleḳṭuʼal
Power, Politics, and Culture
Anthro 139, Anthropology of Media
Iktidar, Siyaset ve Kültür
Humanizm ve Demokratik Elestiri
A Profile of the Palestinian people
President's lecture
Música al límite
Lun wan qi feng ge
Elaboraciones musicales
Israel,al-Iraq,al-wilayat al-mutaheda
Haberlerin aginda Islam
Música al límite
Kültür ve Direnis
Grand Street 60
Sürgün Üzerine Düşünceler
Paralellikler ve Paradokslar
Müzik Üzerine Görüsler
al-Wāqiʻ al-Filasṭīnī
The Palestine question and the American context
Elaboraciones musicales
Edward Said
Little Mountain
Culture and Resistance
Gec Donem Uslubu
Kultur ve Direnis
A house of many mansions
Estilo Tardio (Em Portuguese do Brasil)
"Ghazzah-Ariha," salam Amriki
Hümanizm ve Demokratik Elestiri
Reflections On Exile
Nuevas Cronicas Palestinas (Ensayo-Cro)
Said on Opera
Bing xing yu diao gui
Question of Palestine
Uslu 2
Late Style
Politics and Revelation
Khiyānat al-muthaqqafīn
He visto Ramala
Palestina Existe!/ Palestine Exist! (Investigacion/ Investigation)
Idwārd Saʻīd
Humanism and Democratic Criticism
Qaḍīyah al-Filasṭīnīyah wa-al-mujtamaʻ al-Amīrikī
Intellectual work
Songs of an Eastern Humanist
Yeats and decolonization
Poder, política y cultura
Sheʾelat Falesṭin
Kis Ruhu
Muzikal Nakislar
Yazinsal Elestiri Soylesiler
The Selected Works of Edward Said, 1966 - 2006
Taʻqībāt ʻalá al-Istishrāq
Parallels and Paradoxes
Baslangiclar - Niyet ve Yontem
Paralelismos Y Paradojas
Representing the colonized
Grand Street #70
Bao dao Yisilan
Dianooumenoi kai exousia
Gaza y Jerico - Pax Americana
Conversations with Edward Said (Conversations With)
La Loi du plus fort
Nationalism, colonialism, and literature
Representaciones del intelectual
Der wohltemperierte Satz. Musik, Interpretation und Kritik
A contre-voie
Ren wen zhu yi yu min zhu pi ping
Parallèles et Paradoxes
The Arabs today: alternatives for tomorrow
Reaction and Counterrevolution in the Contemporary Arab World
Humanism and Democratic Criticism (Columbia Themes in Philosophy)
Two Studies on the Palesinians Today and American Policy
Edward Said with Salman Rushdie
Isrāʼīl, al-ʻIrāq, al-Wilāyāt al-Muttaḥidah
Kultur und Imperialismus
Krivotvorenje islama
Isrāʾil, al-ʻIrāq, al-Wilayāt al-Muttaḥidah
Latent and manifest Orientalism
Humanismo Y Critica Democratica
Ghazzah-Arīḥā salām Amrīkī
Representaciones Del Intelectual
Ūslū 2
Combates e utopias
Taʻqībāt ʻalá al-Istishrāq
Edward Said
From silence to sound, back again