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priests who wrote autobiography
Showing 9-16 out of 21 results
Clayton Christensen
Clayton Christensen (1952-2020)

priest, missionary

  • Brigham Young University, Harvard Business School
How Will You Measure Your Life
The Innovator's Dilemma
Seeing What's Next
The innovator's solution
How disruptive innovation will change the way the world learns
The innovative university
The Innovators Prescription
Harvard Business Review on Innovation
HBR's 10 must reads
How will you measure your life?
The innovator's method : bringing the lean startup into your organization
Disrupting class
HBR's 10 must reads on managing yourself
Innovation and the general manager
El dilema de los innovadores (Futuro)
How Will You Measure Your Life?
HBR's 10 Must Reads Leadership Collection (4 Books) (HBR's 10 Must Reads)
Fast Innovation
The Innovator's Solution
HBR Classics Boxed Set (16 Books)
Innovator's DNA, Updated, with a New Preface: Mastering the Five Skills of Disruptive Innovators
Strategic Management of Technology and Innovation
Harvard Business School Business Essentials Collection
The Power of Everyday Missionaries
The innovator's prescription
The Clayton M. Christensen Reader
HBR's 10 Must Reads Ultimate Boxed Set (14 Books)
HBR's 10 Must Reads on Managing Yourself
Disrupting Class, Expanded Edition
Competing Against Luck
The Innovators Solution: Creating and Sustaining Successful Growth (Chinese Edition)
Harvard Business Review Leadership and Strategy Boxed Set (5 Books)
HBR's 10 Must Reads on Innovation
HBR's 10 Must Reads Boxed Set with Bonus Emotional Intelligence (7 Books) (HBR's 10 Must Reads)
HBR's 10 Must Reads
El ADN del innovador : claves para dominar las cinco habilidades que necesitan los innovadores - 1. edición
HBR's 10 Must Reads on Design Thinking
Innovator's Prescription
HBR's 10 Must Reads on Strategic Marketing
HBR's 10 Must Reads on Business Model Innovation
HBR's 10 Must Reads 2017
The Disruptive Innovation Set (2 Books)
The innovator's solution
Inovasyonda Ustalasmak
HBR's 10 Must Reads on Organizational Resilience (with Bonus Article Organizational Grit by Thomas H. Lee and Angela L. Duckworth)
HBR's 10 Must Reads on Creative Teams Collection (7 Books)
Innovative University
Ni yao ru he heng liang ni de ren sheng?
Power of Everyday Missionaries
פתרון החדשנות
HBR's 10 Must Reads on Technology and Strategy Collection (7 Books)
Innovator's Solution, with a New Foreword
Competir Contra la Suerte
HBR's 10 Must Reads on Business Model Innovation (with Featured Article Reinventing Your Business Model by Mark W. Johnson, Clayton M. Christensen, and Henning Kagermann)
Competing Against Luck
Yenilikcinin Ikilemi; Yeni Teknolojiler Sirketleri Nasil Basarisizliga Sürüklüyor
How Will You Measure Your Life?
De succesfactor
HBR's 10 Must Reads 2015
Got Skills?
Innovator's Dilemma, with a New Foreword
Innovation killers
HBR At 100
Toeval is geen goede strategie
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (1881-1955)

theologian, paleontologist, paleoanthropologist, Catholic priest, geologist, philosopher, scientific collector, stretcher bearer

  • University of Paris, Villanova University
The letters of Teilhard de Chardin and Lucile Swan
Reconciliation in Christ
Milieu divin
The Phenomenon of Man
Cœur de la matière
Comment je crois
Groupe zoologique humain
Science et Christ
Avenir de l'homme
Letters from Egypt, 1905-1908
Letters from a traveller
Activation de l'énergie
Ecrits du temps de la guerre
Hymne de l'univers
The appearance of man
Le milieu divin
Lettres à Léontine Zanta
Human energy
On love & happiness
Letters from my friend, Teilhard de Chardin, 1948-1955
The making of a mind
Letters to two friends, 1926-1952
Activation of Energy (Helen & Kurt Wolff Book)
Pierre Teilhard De Chardin
Directions de l'avenir
Lettres intimes à Auguste Valensin, Bruno de Solages, Henri de Lubac, 1919-1955
Genèse d'une pensée
The Divine Milieu
Le phénomène humain
L' activation de l'énergie
The human phenomenon
Sur la souffrance
How I believe
Let me explain
Dans le sillage des Sinanthropes
The vision of the past
Lettres de voyage (1923-1939)
La place de l'homme dans la nature
La vision du passé
L' avenir de l'homme
Je m'explique
Meditations with Teilhard de Chardin
Lettres de voyage (1923-1955)
Letters from Paris, 1912-1914
The Heart of the Matter
Écrits du temps de la guerre
Teilhard de Chardin en Chine
L' apparition de l'homme
Nouvelles lettres de voyage
Lettres familières de Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, mon ami
Early man in China
Oeuvres, tome 8
Lettres de voyage
La messe sur le monde
Lettres d'Égypte, 1905-1908
Genèse d'une pensée; lettres 1914-1919
Genèse d'une  pensée ; lettres 1914-1919, présentées par Alice Teilhard-Chambon et Max Henri-Begouën et préc. d'une introd. de Claude Aragonnès
La question de l'homme fossile
Letters from Hastings, 1908-1912
Lettres à Jeanne Mortier
Le milieu divin, tome 4
Oeuvres, tome 3
Oeuvres, tome 6
Réflexions sur le progrès
Fossil men
Mon univers
Etre plus ; directives extraits des écrits publiés ou inédits du Père, de sa correspondance ou de ses notes
Oeuvres, tome 11
Science and Christ. Translated from the French by Rene Hague
Geheimnis und Verheissung der Erde
Lettres à l'abbé Gaudefroy et à l'abbé Breuil
L'e ́nergie humaine
Le groupe zoologique human
Ai ni tsuite
La place de l'homme dans la nature ; le groupe zoologique humain
Le milieu divin ; essai  de vie intérieure
Lettres intimes à Auguste Valensin, Bruno de Solages, Henri de Lubac, André Ravier, 1919-1955
Le groupe zoologique humain
Oeuvres de Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
Images et paroles
Écrits du temps de la guerre (1916-1919)
El Medio Divino
L' oeuvre scientifique
Oeuvres, tome 2
L' œuvre scientifique, 1905-1955
Etre Plus
Das Teilhard de Chardin Lesebuch
Sur le bonheur
The proboscidians of south-eastern Shansi
Le coeur de la matiere
On love
L'énergie humaine
Accomplir l'homme
Das Herz der Materie. Kernstück einer genialen Weltsicht
On happiness
Accomplir l'homme, lettres inédites, 1926-1952
Réflexions et prières dans l'espace-temps
Hymne de l'univers ; La messe sur le monde ; Trois histoires comme Benson ; La puissance spirituelle de la matiere ; Pensees Choises par Fernande Tardivel. --
La aparicion del hombre
La milieu divin
Escritos del tiempo de guerra (1916-1919)
On the Cenozoic formations of Kwangsi and Kwangtung
De Activering van de Menselijke Energie
La activacion de la energia
Oeuvres Completes  Le Phenomene Humaine Vol. 1
Lettres d'Egypte (1905 1908)
Notes de retraites (1919-1954)
Lo Que Yo Creo
Les directions de l'avenir
Letters to Leontine Zanta
El Grupo zoologico humano
Être plus
Cavicornia of south-eastern Shansi
Himno del universo. La misa sobre el mundo.  Tres historias a la manera de Benson. La potencia espiritual de la materia. Pensamientos escogidos por Fernande Tardivel. Traducción de Florentino Perez
Das göttliche Milieu. Ein Entwurf des Inneren Lebens
Oeuvres, tome 5. L'Avenir de l'homme
Avec Teilhard de Chardin
Ciencia y cristo
The Post-Villafranchian interval in North China
Notes de retraites, 1919-1954
The prayer of the universe
Die Entstehung des Menschen
Letters from a traveller, 1923-1955
Letters From A Traveler
El porvenir de hombre
L'Avenir de l'homme, tome 5
Le Prêtre
Oeuvres, tome 1
La aparición del hombre
L' éternel féminin
Bozansko Ozracje
Human Energy (Harvest Book)
Le Christ èvoluteur
Lettres d'Hasting et de Paris, 1908-1914
Der Mensch im Kosmos
Himno del universo
Sauvons l'humanité
La vision del pasado
El fenomeno humano
Le néolithique de la Chine
Preliminary observations on the Pre-Loessic and Post-Pontian formations in western Shansi and northern Shensi
Le vision du passé
Building the earth and The psychological conditions of human unification
The Cenozoic sequence in the Yangtze Valley
Notes on continental geology
A correlation of some miocene and pliocene mammalian assemblages in North America and Asia with a discussion of the mio-pliocene boundary
L' hymne de l'Univers
Lettres intimes à Auguste Valensin, Bruno de Solages
Le cœur de la matière
La energia humana
Fossil mammals from the late Cenozoic of northern China
Teilhard de Chardin album
Ep-Archaean and epi-Sinian intervals in China
Lettres à Edouard Le Roy (1921-1946)
The fossils from locality 12 of Choukoutien
Science et Christ, tome 9
Activation de l'Energie
Le Christ èvoluteur
Lettres de Chine
Early Man in China (Peking Institute De Geo-Biologie)
Lettres de voyage, 1923-1955
Accomplir l'Homme  Lettres Inedites 1926 1952
Oeuvres, tome 7. L'Activation de l'énergie
Lettres Intimes a Auguste Valensin
Lettres d'Egypte, 1905-1908
Cartas de Hastings y de Paris
Ecrits du Temps de Guerre (1916-1919)
Lettres d'Hastings et de Paris, 1908-1914
Construire la terre =
Hymne de l'univers
Ecrits du temps de la guerre, 1916-1919
Yo me explico
Dearest Lucile
Le christ évoluteur
Réflexions sur le Bonheur
Il sacerdote
Le Pretre. --
Reflexions et Prieres dans L'Espace Temps
Science et Christ
Science et Christ. Oeuvres complètes, tome 9
Le\Phenomene Humain
Genese d'une Pensee  Lettres 1914 1919
Sur L'amour
Fenomen čeloveka
Der Mensch im Kosmos
Energie Humaine
Lettres a Leontine Zanta
Toujours en avant
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, Maurice Blondel, correspondence
El corazo n de la materia
Le\Groupe Zoologique Humain
Prier 15 jours avec Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
Pavel Florensky
Pavel Florensky (1882-1937)

mathematician, inventor, physicist, philosopher, engineer, priest, poet

  • Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of Moscow Imperial University
Obretai︠a︡ putʹ
Sobranie sochineniĭ
Beyond vision
La perspective inversée ; L'iconostase et autres écrits sur l'art
Opravdanie Kosmosa
The pillar and ground of the truth
Arest i gibelʹ
Sochinenii͡a︡ v chetyrekh tomakh
Perepiska svi︠a︡shchennika Pavla Aleksandrovicha Florenskogo so svi︠a︡shchennikom Sergiem Nikolaevichem Bulgakovym
Vse dumy -- o vas
Stolp i utverzhdenie istiny
Maloe sobranie sochineniĭ
Analiz prostranstvennosti i vremeni v khudozhestvenno-izobrazitelʹnykh proizvedenii͡a︡kh
Salt of the earth, or, A narrative on the life of the Elder of Gethsemane Skete, Hieromonk Abba Isidore
Izbrannye trudy po iskusstvu
Perepiska svi︠a︡shchennika Pavla Aleksandrovicha Florenskogo i Mikhaila Aleksandrovicha Novoselova
Pawel Florenski
Vse dumy--o vas
La colonna e il fondamento della verità / Pavel Florenskij ; traduzione dal russo di Pietro Modesto ; introduzione di Elémire Zolla
Deti͡a︡m moim
La prospettiva rovesciata e altri scritti
Predpolagaemoe gosudarstvennoe ustroĭstvo v budushchem
Taĭna imeni
Die umgekehrte Perspektive
Iz istorii antichnoĭ filosofii
[Stolp i utverzhdenie istiny
Pavel Florenskiĭ i simvolisty
Le porte regali
Cartas de la prisión y de los campos
Filosofii͡a kulʹta
Werke in zehn Lieferungen
Sobranie chastushek Kostromskoĭ gubernii Nerekhtskogo uezda
Smisao idealizma
[U vodorazdelov mysli
Svi︠a︡shchennoe pereimenovanie
Stolp i utverzhdenīe istiny
Bogoslovskie trudy
U vodorazdelov mysli
Troit︠s︡e-Sergieva lavra
La colonne et le fondement de la vérité
Petar II Petrović-Njegoš
Petar II Petrović-Njegoš (1813-1851)

poet, priest, philosopher

Gorski vijenac
The mountain wreath
The mountain wreath of P.P. Nyegosh,Prince-Bishop of Montenegro 1830-1851
Gorski vijenac
Njegoševa bilježnica
The ray of the microcosm
The mountain wreath of P.P. Nyegosh, Prince-Bishop of Montenegro
Lažni car Šćepan Mali
Pustinjak cetinjski
Gorskīĭ vīenac
Gorski vijenac
Spomenica Petra II Petrovića-Njegoša, vladike Rada
The mountain wreath of P.P. Nyegosh, prince-bishop of Montenegro, 1830-1851
Der Bergkranz
Luča mikrokozma
The mountain wreath of P. P. Nyegosh
Cjelokupna djela
The rays of microcosm
Luc̆a mikrokozma
Gorskiǐ vienats
Celokupna dela Petra II Petrovića Njegoša
Lažni car Šćepan Mali
Gorski vijenca
The rays of microcosm
Luča mikrokozma
Petar II Petrović Njegoš
Pisma Petra Petrovica Njegosa
The ray of the microcosm
Gorski vijenac vladike crnogorskoga Petra Petrovića Njegoša
Lazni car Sepan Mali
Celokupna dela
Plam u plamu
Manje pjesme
Plam u plamu
Lzhet︠s︡arʹ Stepan Malyĭ
Gorski vijenac
Cjelokupna djela P.P. Njegoša
Celokupna dela Petra II Petrovića Njegoša
Vienat︠s︡ gorskiǐ
Svi︠e︡di︠e︡nii︠a︡ o rozhdenii
Gornyĭ venet︠s︡
The mountain wreath of P.P. Nyegosh
The mountain wreath of P.P. Nyegosh
Pustinjak cetinjski
Njegošu, pjesnici
Manje pjesme
Noć skuplja vijeka i druge pjesme
Spomenica Petra II Petrovića-Njegoša, vladike rada
Ogledalo srpsko
Thomas of Cantimpré
Thomas of Cantimpré (1201-1270)

hagiographer, philosopher, friar, Catholic priest

The life of Margaret of Ypres
Vita Christinae Mirabilis
The life of Christina of Saint Trond
Vita Lutgardis
Liber de natura rerum
Die gynäkologie des Thomas von Brabant; ein beitrag zur kenntnis der mittelalterlichen gynäkologie und ihrer quellen
Thomas of Cantimpré
Vie de Sainte Ludgarde
Les exemples du "Livre des abeilles"
Thomae Cantipratani ... Bonum universale de apibus
De natura rerum (lib. IV-XII)
Die Gynäkologie des Thomas von Brabant
Eine altfranzösische moralisierende Bearbeitung des Liber de monstruosis hominibus Orientis
De disciplina scholarium cum notabili commento
Pal. lat. 1066
Thomae Cantipratani ...
Miracvlorvm et exemplorvm memorabilium sui temporis libri dvo ...
Thomae de Cantipratani, s. theol. doctoris, ordinis praedicatorum, et episcopi suffraganei Cameracensis, bonum universale de apibus
Dimitry of Rostov
Dimitry of Rostov (1651-1709)

composer, monk, Eastern Orthodox priest, hagiographer

  • National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy
The great collection of the lives of the saints
The Great Collection of the Lives of the Saints   Volume I, September
Sabine Baring-Gould
Sabine Baring-Gould (1834-1924)

Anglican priest, folklorist, translator

  • Warwick School, University of Cambridge
The Vicar of Morwenstow
The Lives of the British Saints
The Lives of the British Saints
The Life of Napoleon Bonaparte
The Vampire Archives
The Twelve Frights of Christmas
Curious myths of the Middle Ages
The lives of the saints
The book of were-wolves
The vicar of Morwenstow
The lives of the British saints
Yorkshire oddities, incidents and strange events
The book of were-wolves
Cliff castles and cave dwellings of Europe
In Troubadour-land
In Troubador-land
Family names and their story
Grettir the Outlaw
John Herring
The Icelander's Sword
Village preaching for a year
Myths of the Middle Ages
Bladys Of The Stewponey
Virgin saints and martyrs
The tragedy of the Caesars
The Gaverocks
In the Roar of the Sea Volume II
The book of were-wolves
In troubadour-land
Legends of the patriarchs and prophets and other Old Testament characters from various sources
The Frobishers
Chris of All-sorts
Miss Quillet
One hundred sermon sketches for extempore preachers
The mystery of suffering, 6 lectures
The origin and development of religious belief
The Church in Germany
The Lives of the Saints
The lost and hostile gospels
The origin and development of religious belief
In the roar of the sea
An old English home and its dependencies
Sermons to children
Legends of Old Testament characters
In the Roar of the Sea Volume I
In exitu Israel
Curious myths of the Middle ages
Chris of All-sorts
The deserts of southern France
Devonshire characters and strange events
The Oblong Box & other Tales of the Uncanny
The Vicar of Morwenstow
The golden gate
The vicar of Morwenstow, R.S. Hawker
A book of ghosts
The mystery of suffering
A book of South Wales
Red Spider (Nonsuch Classics)
A book of Dartmoor
Strange survivals
Germany, present and past
A book of fairy tales
The Gaverocks
The evangelical revival
Historic oddities and strange events
The Origin and Development of Religious Belief
Red spider
Post-mediaeval preachers
A history of Sarawak under its two white rajahs, 1839-1908
Strange survivals
A book of the Pyrenees
Family Names and Their Story
The book of the Rhine from Cleve to Mainz
Cliff castles and cave dwellings of Europe
Through flood and flame
The Exham Cycle
Red spider
The seven last words, sermons
John Herring
Curious Myths of the Middle Ages
Freaks of Fanaticism and Other Strange Events
John Herring, by the author of Mehalah
The Frobishers
A book of Brittany
Old English fairy tales
A book of the Riviera
The Lost And Hostile Gospels
Mehalah: A story of the salt marshes
A book of folk-lore
Strange survivals; some chapters in the history of man
The silver store
The village pulpit, 66 short sermons
English minstrelsie
The Vicar of Worwenstow
Court Royal
The tragedy of the Caesars
Curiosities of olden times
Devonshire Characters and Strange Events
Sermons to Children
A book of North Wales
A book of nursery songs and rhymes
The Icelander's sword
The tragedy of the Caesars
Historic oddities and strange events
Old country life
A book of the Cevennes
Cornish characters and strange events
Our inheritance
Devonshire characters and strange events
Death and Resurrection of Jesus
A Dead Finger
The tragedy of the Caesars
Cheap Jack Zita
The Book Of Were-wolves
The Crock Of Gold
The Broom-squire
Some modern difficulties
The queen of love
Family names and their story
Virgin Saints and Martyrs
One hundred sermon sketches for extempore preachers
The preacher's pocket, sermons
A book of the west
A book of ghosts
Nazareth and Capernaum
Pabo The Priest
Iceland, its scenes and sagas
English folk-songs for schools
Dartmoor idylls
Conscience and sin
Further reminiscences, 1864-1894
The silver store, collected from mediaeval Christian and Jewish mines
The church revival
Royal Georgie
Myths Of The Mountain Of Venus
Village preaching for a year
Trials of Jesus
A history of Sarawak under its two white Rajahs, 1839-1908
Myths Of William Tell
Court Royal
The story of Germany
In a quiet village
Werewolf of the North
A book of Dartmoor
Legends of the Patriarchs and Prophets and Other Old Testament Characters
Jacquetta, and other stories
The golden gate
Germany, Present And Past V1
The Wandering Jew
A study of St. Paul, his character and opinions
In the roar of the sea
An armory of the western counties (Devon and Cornwall)
In the Roar of the Sea
The seven last words
Early reminiscences, 1834-1864
Silver store
In Troubador-Land
The book of were-wolves
Book of the Rhine from Cleve to Mainz, by S. Barring-Gould ... With eight illustrations in colour by Trevor Hadden and forty-eight other illustrations
Historic oddities and strange events
Early reminiscences
The Pennycomequicks
The Divining Rod
The land of Teck and its neighbourhood
Devonshire Characters And Strange Events V1
Myths Of The Man In The Moon
Passion of Jesus
Prester John
The restitution of all things
The life of Napoleon Bonaparte
The Origin And Development Of Religious Belief Part II
Eastern Orthodox saints
Devonshire Characters And Strange Events V2
Curious myths of the Middle Ages
Way of Sorrows
In Troubador-Land (A Ramble in Provence and Languedoc)
Songs and ballads of the West
A Book of the West Being an Introduction to Devon and Cornwall  with  Illustrations
Myths Of The Seven Sleepers Of Ephesus
The church revival
A Book Of Devon
Red Spider V2
Family Names
Further Reminiscences 1864 to 1894
Myths Of The Terrestrial Paradise
Trials of Jesus
Myths Of The Fatality Of Numbers
An old English home and its dependencies
Cornish characters and strange events
Myths Of The Tailed Men
Village preaching for saints' days
Red spider
A book of Cornwall
The frobishers
English minstrelsie
Myths Of The The Dog Gellert
The Origin and Development of Religious Belief V2
Legends of Old Testament Characters
Mrs. Curgenven of Curgenven
John Herring
A book of Dartmoor
Origin and Development of Religious Belief, Part 1
A garland of country song
Curious myths of the Middle Ages
The Antichrist And Pope Joan
Curious Myths Of The Middle Ages
Songs of the west
Margery of Quether, and other stories
Bladys of the stewponey
A Book of Folklore
The Lives of the Saints
The Deserts of Southern France
Castles and Cave Dwellings of Europe
Mehalah A Story of the Salt Marshes
Our Inheritance
Curious Myths of the Middle Ages
Legends of the Patriarchs and Prophets
Freaks of fanaticism and other strange events
Through flood and flame
Book of the West : Volume 1
The Gaverocks; a tale of the Cornish coast
Book of North Wales
An Old English Home and Its Dependencies
The book of were-wolves
A book of the Riviera
Curious Myths of the Middle Ages
Book of the West
The Gaverocks. a Tale of the Cornish Coast
The Lives of the Saints Volume III March
Broom-Squire (Esprios Classics)
The Lives Of The Saints, Volume 6
Lives of the British Saints
The church revival
Legends of the patriarchs and prophets and other Old Testament characters from various sources
Natural Causes of Lycanthropy
Bladys of the Stewponey  .  By : Sabine Baring-Gould
Freaks of Fanaticism
Yorkshire Oddities, Incidents, and Strange Events
Cliff castles and cave dwellings of Europe
Noe mi
A Book of North Wales
Book of Ghosts
The Lives of the Saints. With Introd. and Additional Lives of English Martyrs, Cornish, Scottish, and Welsh Saints, and a Full Index to the Entire Work Volume 1
Yorkshire oddities, incidents and strange events
A Book of the West
Curious Myths Of The Middle Ages
The Lives of the British Saints, Vol. 3 of 4
A Book of Dartmoor
Curious myths of the middle ages
A Book of North Wales
Curious Myths of the Middle Ages
The lost and hostile gospels
In Troubadour-Land
A book of Brittany 1901 [Leather Bound]
Pabo, the Priest
Curious Myths of the Middle Ages
A Book of Dartmoor
The Lost and Hostile Gospels
Our Inheritance
Curious Myths of the Middle Ages
In Troubadour-Land (Dodo Press)
The Broom-Squire
Miss Quillet
Through Flood and Flame [by S. B. Gould]
Red Spider Complete
Jacquetta and other stories
The Collected Supernatural and Weird Fiction of Sabine Baring-Gould: Including Three Novelettes, 'Margery of Quether, ' 'Mustapha' and 'a Professional
The lives of the saints
Village Conferences On The Creed
The golden gate
The Queen of Love (Nonsuch Classics)
Arminell, a Social Romance
The Lives of the British Saints, Vol. 1 of 4
Songs and ballads of the West
The Lives of the Saints - Volume II
Richard Cable, the lightshipman
Through flood and flame
In Exitu Israel
The Pennycomequicks
One Hundred Sermon Sketches for Extempore Preachers
The story of Germany
A Book of Brittany
Bladys of the Stewponey
A Book of Ghosts
Old Country Life
The Broom-Squire
Guavas, the tinner
The Lives of the Saints. 12 Vols. [In 15]
The Lost and Hostile Gospels
Lives of the Saints. with Introd. and Additional Lives of English Martyrs, Cornish, Scottish, and Welsh Saints, and a Full Index to the Entire Work
Myths Of The Seven Sleepers Of Ephesus
Curiosities of olden times
Cheap Jack Zita
Freaks of Fanaticism and Other Strange Events
Coat royal
The passion of Jesus
A Book Of The Pyrenees
Pabo the Priest
Chris of All-Sorts
El libro de los hombres lobo
Legends of the patriarchs and prophets
Lives of the Saints; Volume 3
In the Roar of the Sea
Origin and Development of Religious Belief
A study of St. Paul, his character and opinions
The Lives of the Saints. With Introd. and Additional Lives of English Martyrs, Cornish, Scottish, and Welsh Saints, and a Full Index to the Entire Work; Volume 2
In the roar of the sea
Tragedy of the Caesars
Folk Songs of the West Country
The lives of the saints
Yorkshire Oddities, Incidents And Strange Events
Only a Ghost
Lives of the English Saints
The origin and development of religious belief
Vicar of Morwenstow
Further reminiscences
Sermons to the children
The Lives of the Saints, Volume 13
In the Roar of the Sea
The Lives of the British Saints; the Saints of Wales and Cornwall and Such Irish Saints as Have Dedications in Britain
Lives of the Saints
Luther and justification
In Exitu Israel
Deserts of Southern France
Historic Oddities and Strange Events
The mystery of suffering
The Broom-Squire
The Lives of the Saints Volume II February
The Village Pulpit
Post-Mediaeval Preachers
Red Spider; Volume 2
Old country life
The Frobishers
Old country life
Chris of all-sorts
The vicar of Morwenstow, being a life of Robert Stephen Hawker, M.A.
The Vicar of Morwenstow. a Life of Robert Stephen Hawker, M.a
Grettir the Outlaw
The church in Germany
The Book of Werewolves
The vicar of Morwenstow
The Vicar of Morwenstow
The lives of the saints - Scholar's Choice Edition
The seven last words
The Lives of the Saints. With Introd. and Additional Lives of English Martyrs, Cornish, Scottish, and Welsh Saints, and a Full Index to the Entire Work; Volume 14
The preacher's pocket, sermons
Devonshire Characters and Strange Events
In the roar of the sea
Book of Werewolves
Devonshire Characters and Strange Events
A garland of country song
Our parish church
Cheap Jack Zita
Cheap Jack Zita; Volume 3
Book of Folk-Lore
Village conferences on the Creed
The Vicar of Morwenstow
Gaverocks; a Tale of the Cornish Coast
Deserts of Southern France
Village Pulpit, 66 Short Sermons
Songs and Ballads of the West
Family Names And Their Story
Kitty Alone
The way of sorrows
Curiosities of Olden Times
Grettir the Outlaw
Lives of the Saints; Volume 1
In Troubadour-Land
An historical sketch of English national song
A Book of Nursery Songs and Rhymes
The Lives of the Saints, Volume 3
Grettir the Outlaw
Post-mediaeval preachers
Red Spider; Volume 1
Little Tu'penny
A study of St Paul
Legends of Old Testament Characters from the Talmud and Other Sources; Volume 2
The Book of Werewolves
Book of Folk-Lore
A History Of Sarawak Under Its Two White Rajahs, 1839-1908
The Pennycomequicks A Novel Volume II
Kitty alone
The lives of the saints
The restitution of all things, or, The hope that is set before us
Pennycomequicks, a Novel
A Book of Cornwall
Kitty alone
The preacher's pocket
An historical sketch of English national song.
The Village Pulpit
Five Devon seafarers
Lives of the Saints; Volume 4
A history of Sarawak under its two white rajahs, 1839-1908
The Origin And Development Of Religious Belief, Volume 3
Red Spider Volume I
Lives of the Northumbrian saints
Strange Survivals
Land of Teck and Its Neighbourhood
Further reminiscences, 1864-1894
Cliff Castles and Cave Dwellings of Europe
Book of Dartmoor
In Dewisland
Curious myths of the middle ages.
Red spider
The Bideford Witches
Virgin saints and martyrs
The lives of the saints
Freaks of fanaticism and other strange events
The origin and development of religious belief
Through all the changing scenes of life
The village pulpit
Historic oddities and strange events
Cornish characters
Red spider
Now the day is over
The church revival
In the roar of the sea
Freaks of fanaticism and other strange events
Strange survivals : some chapters in the history of man
Royal George
The Gaverocks
Old Century Life
Family names and their story
Nebo the nailer
Devonshire characters and strange events
A history of Sarawak under its two white Rajas 1839-1908
The Baring-Gould continuous reader
The Beehive Hut
Court Royal
Strange Cornish Characters
A book of Brittany
Family names and their story
The salt marsh
Some modern difficulties: nine lectures
Yorkshire Oddities
Six Devon rogues
Old Country Life
Further reminiscences
The holy grail
The crock of gold
Ladys of the Stewponey
Monsieur Pichelmere, and other stories
A book of the Riviera
Strange surivals
Foundation Sacrifices
Romano Guardini
Romano Guardini (1885-1968)

Catholic priest, theologian, philosopher

  • University of Tübingen, University of Bonn
Stationen und Rückblicke
Watch For The Light
Freiheit, Gnade, Schicksal
The conversion of Augustine
Vom Leben des Glaubens
The saints in daily Christian life
The living God
Letters from Lake Como
Vom Geist der Liturgie
The Faith and modern man
The End of the Modern World
The Art of Praying
Von heiligen Zeichen
The essential Guardini
Rainer Maria Rilkes Deutung des Daseins
The rosary of Our Lady
Jesus Christus
The Lord
Der Gegensatz
Meditations before Mass
Die Existenz des Christen
Vom Sinn der Kirche
The church and the Catholic, and The spirit of the liturgy
The death of Socrates
Vom Sinn der Schwermut
Das Christusbild der paulinischen und johanneischen Schriften
And the Word dwelt among us
Pascal for our time
Rainer Maria Rilkes Deutung des Daseins. Eine Interpretation der Duineser Elegien
Angefochtene Zuversicht
Das Gebet des Herrn
The inner life of Jesus
Eternal life
The humanity of Christ
Unterscheidung des Christlichen
Das Ende der Neuzeit / Die Macht. Ein Versuch zur Orientierung / Versuch einer Wegweisung
The wisdom of the Psalms
The Lord's prayer
Vom lebendigen Gott
Wurzeln eines grossen Lebenswerks
Hölderlin. Weltbild und Frömmigkeit
Werke. Tugenden. Meditationen über Gestalten sittlichen Lebens
Liturgie und liturgische Bildung
La puissance
Die Verantwortung der Universität
Power and responsibility
Dantes Göttliche Komödie
La mort de Socrate ; interprétation des dialogues philosophiques Euthyphron, Apologie, Criton, Phédon
Le commencement de toutes choses
Johanneische Botschaft
Sacred signs
La fin des temps modernes
Die Annahme seiner Selbst
De la mélancolie
Die Lebensalter. Ihre ethische und pädagogische Bedeutung
Gegenwart und Geheimnis
The Lord
The Death Of Socrates, An Interpretation Of The Platonic Dialogues
Living the drama of faith
Vorschule des Betens
Liberté, grâce et destinée
Learning the virtues that lead you to God
Romano Guardini
Religiöse Gestalten in Dostojewskijs Werk
Freiheit und Verantwortung
Theologische Briefe an einen Freund
Prayers from theology
Die Annahme seiner selbst / Den Menschen erkennt nur, wer von Gott weiß
Berichte über mein Leben
Der Dienst am Nächsten in Gefahr
Le Seigneur ; méditations sur la personne et la vie de Jésus-Christ
Ehe und Jungfräulichkeit
The church of the Lord
Vergib uns unsere Schuld, wie auch wir vergeben unsern Schuldigern. Cassette
Morale au-délà des interdits
The virtues; on forms of moral life
The End of the Modern World
Das Recht des werdenden Menschenlebens
La messe
Sacred signs
Weisheit der Psalmen
Geistliche Schriftauslegung
Initiation à la prière
Der Tod des Sokrates
Der Heilbringer in Mythos, Offenbarung und Politik: eine theologisch-politische Besinnung
La messe
Liturgische Bildung
El Señor
The humanity of Christ
L' esprit de la liturgie
Zu Rainer Maria Rilkes Deutung des Daseins
Die Sinne und die religiöse Erkenntnis
Das Wesen des Christentums
Discorso sull'opera d'arte
Gebet und wahrheit
Briefe vom Comer See
The focus of freedom
Las Etapas de la Vida
The last things: concerning death, purification after death, resurrection, judgment, and eternity
L'exégèse chrétienne aujourd'hui
Der Blick auf das Ganze
Das Bild von Jesus dem Christus im Neuen Testament
Royaume de Dieu et liberté de l'homme
Die Macht
Predigten zum Kirchenjahr
Les âges de la vie
Religiöse Erfahrung und Glaube
Rainer Maria Rilkes Deutung des Daseins
Rilke's Duino elegies
Wahrheit des Denkens und Wahrheit des Tuns
Der Anfang aller Dinge
Der Weg zum Menschwerden
Gläubiges Dasein. Die Annahme seiner selbst
Der Herr
The art of praying
Preparing yourself for Mass
Sorge um den Menschen
Gottes Angesicht suchen
Psaumes et Fêtes
The world and the person
Die letzten Dinge
L' image de Jésus-Christ dans le Nouveau Testament
Form und Sinn der Landschaft in den Dichtungen Hölderlins
La puissance
Form und Sinn der Landschaft in den Dichtungen Hölderlins
Briefe über Selbstbildung
O Senhor
Vom Geist der Liturgie
Die Lebensalter
Auf dem Wege
Nähe des Herrn
Die Bekehrung des Aurelius Augustinus
Engel. Theologische Betrachtungen
Unterscheidung des Christlichen, in 3 Bdn., Bd.3, Gestalten
Berichte über mein Leben. Autobiographische Aufzeichnungen (Schriften der katholischen Akademie in Bayern , Band 116)
Sorge um den Menschen, Bd.2
Vision und Dichtung
Religion und Offenbarung
Landschaft der Ewigkeit
Rilke's Dunino elegies
Christliches Bewusstsein
Einladung ins Heilige
Der Sonntag, gestern, heute und immer
Gegenwart und Geheimnis
Letzten Dinge
Wurzeln eines großen Lebenswerks 4. Aufsätze und kleine Schriften
The Church and the Catholic ...
Lebendiger Geist
La Mere du Seigneur
The word of God on faith, hope and charity. Translated by Stella Lange
El Servicio Al Projimo En Peligro
In Spiegel und Gleichnis, Bilder und Gedanken
Der Herr
Sorge um den Menschen, Bd.1
Pascal; ou, Le drame de la conscience chrétienne
Der Engel in Dantes Göttlicher Komödie
Sprache, Dichtung, Deutung ; Gegenwart und Geheimnis
The last things
The life of faith
Das Wesen des Christentums ; Die menschliche Wirklichkeit des Herrn
Den Menschen erkennt nur wer von Gott weiss
Grundlegung der Bildungslehre. Versuch einer Bestimmung des Pädagogisch- Eigentlichen
The Conversion of Augustine (Fraditio)
Der Glaube in unserer Zeit
Systembildende Elemente in der Theologie Bonaventuras
Kultbild und Andachtsbild
Die Mutter des Herrn
Power and responsibility
Johanneische Botschaft / Jesus Christus. Geistliches Wort
Der Rosenkranz Unserer Lieben Frau
Vie de la foi
Der Raum der Meditation
Der Mensch und der Glaube
Wurzeln eines großen Lebenswerks, 2 Bde., Bd.3, 1930-1948
Le rosaire de Notre Dame
Die Lehre des Heil
Vom Wesen Katholischer Weltanschauung
Die offenbarung
Libertad, Gracia y Destino
Dante, visionnaire de l'éternité
Worte zur Trauung
In Spiegel und Gleichnis
Studi su Dante
Freedom, grace and destiny
Die kirche des Herrn
Das Ende der Neuzeit
Begegnung und Bildung
Christianisme et culture
Die Bekehrung des heiligen Aurelius Augustinus
Wunder und Zeichen
The saints in daily Christian life
Sprache, Dichtung, Deutung
The way of the cross of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ
Welt und Person
Initiation a la priere
The conversion of Augustin
La coscienza
Unterscheidung des Christlichen, in 3 Bdn., Bd.2, Aus dem Bereich der Theologie
Initiation à la prière
De la mélancolie
Der Glaube als Überwindung
La Aceptacion de Si Mismo
Le monde et la personne
Auslegungen des Glaubens
Christliches Bewußtsein
Deutscher Psalter / Theologische Gebete
Über das Wesen des Kunstwerks
Der Kreuzweg unseres Herrn und Heilandes
Die menschliche Wirklichkeit des Herrn
Lob des Buches
The way of the cross ..
Über Wilhelm Raabes Stopfkuchen
Les fins dernières
L' univers religieux de Dostoïevski
L' esprit de la liturgie
Nur wer Gott kennt, kennt den Menschen
Das wesen des Christentums
Der Heilbringer in Mythos, Offenbarung und Politik
Italienische Reisen. Meditationen zu Landschaften
The world and the person
Prière et vérité
Zu Rainer Maria Rilkes deutung des daseins
Contraste, El
Les âges de la vie
Der Tod des Socrates
Una Etica Para Nuestro Tiempo
Wille und Wahrheit
Rilke's Duino elegies
Grundlegung der Bildungslehre
Cartas Sobre Autoformacion
The humanity of christ
Die Mutter des Herrn
Der heilige Franziskus
Der Tod des Sokrates
The death of Socrates
Der Bericht über das Leben des heiligen Franz von Assisi, oder, Der Spiegel der Vollkommenheit
Nähe des Herrn
Libertà, grazia, destino
Wahrheit und Ordnung
The way of the cross of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ
Essenza del cristianesimo
The Lord's prayer
Gesù Cristo
Form und Sinn der Landschaft in den Dichtungen Hölderlins
Beten im Gottesdienst der Gemeinde
Les fins dernieres
Die bekehrung des Aurelius Augustinus
Unterscheidung des Christlichen
Vom Geist der Liturgie
The Conversion of Augustine
Freedom, grace, and destiny
Prayer in practice
Versuche über die Gestaltung der heiligen Messe
Vom Sinn der Kirche
Über Wilhelm Raabes Stopfkuchen
Stationen und Rückblicke
The humanity of Christ
Kontemplation unter Bäumen.
La cuestion judia
Liturgische Bildung
Die Annahme seiner selbst
Power and responsibility
The last things
Tod, auferstehung, ewigkeit
Der Herr
The humanity of Christ
Gedeutetes Dasein
Rainer Maria Rilkes Deutung des Daseins
La muerte de Sócrates
Die Macht
Freedom, grace, and destiny
Die Lehre des Heil
Christliches Bewusstsein
Der Gegensatz
The focus of freedom
Pascal; ou, Le drame de la conscience chrétienne
O posvátných znameních
Jesus Christus
Prayer in practice
Der Anfang aller Dinge; Meditationen über Genesis, Kapital I-III
Die Sinne und die religiöse Erkenntnis
Das Wesen des Christentums
Těžkomyslnost a její smysl
Über das Wesen des Kunstwerks
The faith of modern man
Sprache, Dichtung, Deutung
Vom Leben des Glaubens
Freiheit, Gnade, Schicksal
Meditations on Jesus Christ
The Lord
La Mere du Seigneur
Lauterkeit des Blicks
Prayers for theology
Von heiligen Zeichen
La existencia del cristiano
Welt und Person
Opere di Romano Guardini
Der Heilbringer in Mythos, Offenbarung und Politik
The Life of faith
The life of faith
Freedom, grace, and destiny
The conversion of Augustine
Europa, werkelijkheid en opgave
Liturgie jako hra
Tre scritti sull'università
The church and the Catholic, and The spirit of the liturgy
Les sens et la connaissance de Dieu
Rilke's Duino elegies
Vom Sinn der Schwermut
Gegenwart und Geheimnis
Meditations before Mass
Rainer Maria Rilkes Deutung des Daseins
The spirit of the liturgy
O živém Bohu
Das Bild von Jesus dem Christus im Neuen Testament
The humanity of Christ
Christliches Bewusstsein
In Spiegel und Gleichnis
The Church and the Catholic
The world and the person
Über das Wesen des Kunstwerks
The death of Socrates
Die Existenz des Christen
The church of the Lord
Gehalten von Gottes Hand
Pascal for our time
Meditations before mass
Sprache, Dichtung, Deutung
Vom Geist der Liturgie
The end of the modern world
Power and responsibility
Theologische Gebete
Der Gegensatz
The wisdom of the Psalms
Briefe über Selbstbildung
Il Signore
Systembildende Elemente in der Theologie Bonaventuras
The death of Socrates