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politicians who wrote autobiography
Showing 169-176 out of 223 results
Pat Buchanan
Pat Buchanan (born 1938)

columnist, journalist, politician, businessperson

  • Georgetown University, Columbia University
Nixon's White House wars
A republic, not an empire
Suicide of a Superpower
Where the right went wrong
The Death of the West
State of Emergency
Right from the beginning
Day of Reckoning
The great betrayal
The greatest comeback
Churchill, Hitler, and "the unnecessary war" : how Britain lost its empire and the West lost the world
Sekrety globalʹnogo putinizma
The new majority
Conservative votes, liberal victories
Marcus Aurelius
Marcus Aurelius (0121-0180)

politician, philosopher, monarch

The thoughts of Marcus Aurelius
The Apology, Phaedo and Crito of Plato; Golden Sayings of Epictetus; Meditations of Marcus Aurelius
The emperor's handbook
D. Imperatoris Marci Antonini Commentariorum quos sibi ipse scripsit libri xii, cum ..
The Emperor Marcus Antoninus
Marcus Aurelius in love
Ad Se Ipsum Libri XII
Marcus Aurelius
M. Antoninus imperator ad se ipsum
Wie soll man leben?
The fourth book of the Meditations of Marcus Aurelius Antoninus
Pensées pour moi-même
De rebus suis, sive, De eis qu©Œ ad se pertinere censebat, libri XII
Pensieri ; a cura di Antonia Marchiori ; note di Maria Luisa Gambato
The Fourth Book of the Meditations of Marcus Aurelius Antoninus
Helpful thoughts from the Meditations of Marcus Aurelius Antoninus
Wege zu sich selbst
The communings with himself of Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, emperor of Rome, together with his speeches and sayings
The thoughts of the Emperor M. Aurelius Antonius
Markou Antõninou autokratoros Ta eis heauton
Pensées de Marc-Aurèle
... Wisdom of the Emperor Marcus Aurelius
Marcus Aurelius' Golden Book
Marci Antonini Commentariorum quos sibi ipsi scripsit libri xii
Selections from the Thoughts of Marcus Aurelius for every day in the year
A se stesso
Marco Aurelio latino
Markou Antōninou autokratoros tōn eis eauton biblia 12 =
Marci Antonini Imperatoris De rebus suis
Pensées pour moi-même [par] Marc-Aur̀ele, suivies du Manuel d'Épict̀ete et du Tableau [de la vie humaine] de Céb̀es
Maximas y ensenanzas
Marc-Aurèle pensées
Markou Antōninou tōn eis heauton viveia dōdeka
The commentaries of the Emperor Marcus Antoninus, containing his maxims of science and rules of life, wrote for his own use and address'd to himself
Sonnets from Marcus Aurelius
The communings with himself of Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, emperor of Rome
Markou Antōninou autokratoros Tōn eis heauton biblia 12
Soliloquios o reflexions morales
The thoughts of the Emperor Marcus Aurelius Antoninus
The Emperour Marcus Antoninus
Pensées pour moi-même, suivies du Manuel d'Epictète et du Tableau de Cébès
De rebus suis ... Libri XII
To himself
Libro Aureo de la Vida y Cartas de Marco Aurelio Emperador, y eloquentissimo Orador, nuevamente corregido y emendado
The golden book of Marcus Aurelius
Markos Antōninou autokratoros Ta eis heauton =
D. imperatoris Marci Antonini Commentariorum
Liber de Moralitatibus
Scritti di Marco Aurelio
Leven in het Heden
Commentariorum quos sibi ipsi scripsit libri XII
Les pensées de marc-Auréle
The thoughts of the Emperor Marcus Antoninus Aurelius
Soliloquios de Marco Aurelio
The commentaries of the Emperor Marcus Antoninus. Containing his maxims of science, and rules of life. ... Translated from the original in Greek, by James Thomson, Gent. With a short preface by the translator, ..
Wie soll man leben? Anton Cechov liest Marc Aurel
The golden book of Marcus Aurelius, tr. out of the Greek by Meric Casaubon
Markou Antōninou tōn eis heauton
Marcus Aurelius Antoninus
Soliloquios o reflexiones morales
emperor of Rome. M. Antonius imperator ad se ipsum. Ed. By I.H. Leopold
Les pensées de marc-Auréle
[Golden boke]
Myšlenky Marka Aurelia
Marci Antonini imperatoris in semet ipsvm libri XII
Raʻyonot Marḳus Avrelius
Manuel tiré d'Epictéte et de l'Empereur Marc Aurele
Chen si lu
Marci Antonini imperatoris eorum quae ad seipsum libri XII
Three wise men
Mark Aurel's selbstgespräche
Communings with himself, together with his speeches and sayings
De seipso et ad seipsum libri XII
I ricordi
The commentaries of the Emperor Marcus Antoninus. Translated from the Greek, by Mr. Thomson
The communings with himself of Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, emperor of Rome
Marcus Aurelius and his times
Tōn e is heauton biblia 12
The golden book of Marcus Aurelius
The communings with himself of Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, emperor of Rome
Words of the Ancient Wise, from Epictetus and Marcus Aurelius
Leaves of comfort from Marcus Aurelius Antoninus
Chen si lu
Markou Antōninou autokratoros tōn eis heauton biblia [12] =
The thoughts of Marcus Aurelius
The XII books of Marcus Aurelius the emperor
Pensées de l'empereur Marc-Aurele-Antonin
Pensées de Marc-Aurèle
Ricordi dell'imperatore Marc'Aurelio Antonino
Marco Aurelio
M. Antoninus imperator ad se ipsum
Marci Aurelii Antonini Ad se ipsum libri XII
Happiness (Illuminations)
The thoughts of Marcus Aurelius Antoninus the emperor
Psychiatric Emergency Part 3 (Psychiatric Emergencies)
D. imperatoris Marci Antonini Commentariorum: quos sibi ipsi scripsit libri XII
Marcus Aurelius' Golden Book: Selections
The Spiritual Teachings of Marcus Aurelius
The Emperor Marcus Antoninus: His Conversation with Himself. Together with ..
Marc Aurels Selbstbetrachtungen
Psychiatric Emergency Part 2 (Psychiatric Emergencies)
Commentaries of the Emperor Marcus Antoninus
Thoughts of Marcus Aurelius
M. Cornelii Frontonis et M. Avrelii Imperatoris Epistulae
Gennaro Sasso
Gennaro Sasso (born 1928)

philosopher, politician

  • Sapienza University of Rome
Le autobiografie di Dante
Niccolò Machiavelli
Machiavelli e gli antichi e altri saggi
Machiavelli e Cesare Borgia
Il progresso e la morte
Tempo, evento, divenire
Il guardiano della storiografia
Le Porcellane Europee Della Collezione de Tschudy
Il principio, le cose
Storia, filosofia e letteratura
Filosofia e idealismo
Profilo di Federico Chabod
Machiavelli e Cesare Borgia
Essere e negazione
La potenza e l'atto
Il pensiero politico di Niccolo   Machiavelli
Per invigilare me stesso
Variazioni sulla storia di una rivista italiana
In margine al V centenario di Machiavelli
Ernesto De Martino fra religione e filosofia
Machiavelli e i detrattori antichi e nuovi di Roma
Tramonto di un mito
La storia d'Italia di Benedetto Croce
La verità, l'opinione
Dante, Guido e Francesca
Niccolò Machiavelli, storia del suo pensiero politico
Dante, l'imperatore e Aristotele
Studi su Machiavelli
L' illusione della dialettica
Per Francesco Guicciardini
La fedeltà e l'esperimento
Le due Italie di Giovanni Gentile
Discorsi di Palazzo Filomarino
L'essere e le differenze
Discorsi di Palazzo Filomarino
Il logo, la morte
L' essere e le differenze
Il logo, la morte
Tramonto di un mito
Kamala Harris
Kamala Harris (born 1964)

politician, lawyer, prosecutor

  • University of California College of the Law, San Francisco, Howard University
The Truths We Hold: An American Journey
Superheroes are Everywhere
Run to Win
Smart on crime
Dogs Color by Number Coloring Book
Truths We Hold (Young Reader's Edition)
Hope Is Back
Lynne Cheney
Lynne Cheney (born 1941)


  • Colorado College, University of Wisconsin–Madison
Virginia Dynasty
We the People
Blue Skies, No Fences
Our 50 States
James Madison
A Time for Freedom
The body politic
When Washington Crossed the Delaware
Guide for Developing American World History Standards
A is for Abigail
Augusto Boal
Augusto Boal (1931-2009)

theatrical director, politician, playwright, scientist, director

  • Columbia University, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
Hamlet and the baker's son
Legislative theatre
The rainbow of desire
Jeux pour acteurs et non-acteurs
Teatro del oprimido y otras poéticas políticas
Theatre of the Oppressed
Aesthetics of the  Opressed
Teatro del oprimido
Aqui ninguém é burro!
O teatro como arte marcial
Hamlet e o filho do padeiro
Il teatro degli appressi
O suicida com medo da morte
Técnicas latinoamericanas de teatro popular
Categorías de teatro popular
Theater of the oppressed
Milagre no Brasil
Théâtre de l'opprimé
Theatre of the Oppressed
L'Arc-en-ciel du désir
Ejercicios y juegos para el actor y para el no actor con ganas de decir algo a través del teatro
Teatro del oprimado
Arena conta Tiradentes
Augusto Boal
Coffret "augusto boal" jeux pour acteurs et non acteurs - theatre de l'opprime (coffret 2 vol.)
Stop: C'est magique!
Stop, cést magique!
Il teatro degli oppressi
Teatro legislativo
Aqui ninquen e burro
A deliciosa e sangrenta aventura latina de Jane Spitfire, espiã e mulher sensual!
Tecnicas latinoamericanas de teatro popular
Theater der Unterdrückten
The Sartroville experience
Tres obras de teatro
A estética do oprimido
Teatro de Augusto Boal
Théâtre de l'opprimé
Documents of the theatre of the oppressed
Murro em ponta de faca
Juegos para actores y no actores/ Games for Actors and Non Actors (Artes Escenicas/ Scenic Arts)
Der Regenbogen der Wünsche. Methoden aus Theater und Therapie
O corsário do rei
Teatro de Augusto Boal
Crónicas de nuestra América
A deliciosa e sangrenta aventura latina de Jane Spitfire
Teatro do oprimodo e outras poéticas políticas
A tempestade ; As mulheres de Atenas
3 [i.e. Tres] obras de teatro
John Burgoyne
John Burgoyne (1722-1792)

politician, playwright, military personnel

  • Westminster School
Hadden's journal and orderly books
A state of the expedition from Canada
The lord of the manor
The substance of General Burgoyne's speeches on Mr. Vyner's motion, on the 26th of May, and upon Mr. Hartley's motion, on the 28th of May, 1778
The maid of the oaks
A letter from Lieut. Gen. Burgoyne to his constituents
The Dramatic And Poetical Works Of The Late Lieut. Gen. J. Burgoyne V2
A letter from Lieut. Gen. Burgoyne to his constituents, upon his late resignation
Copy of Gen. Burgoyne's answer (dated July 8, 1775) to Gen. Lee's letter of June 7, 1775
Richard Coeur de Lion
A letter from Lieut. Gen. Burgoyne to his constitutents upon his late resignation
A Brief examination of the plan and conduct of the northern expedition in America, in 1777
The dramatic and poetical works of the late Lieut. Gen. J. Burgoyne
A letter from Lieut. Gen. Burgoyne to his constituents, upon his late resignation; with the correspondences between the secretaries of war and him, relative to his return to America
Orderly book of Lieut. Gen. John Burgoyne, from his entry into the state of New York until his surrender at Saratoga, 16th Oct. 1777
The heiress
Richard Coeur-de-Lion
Appendix to the Canada papers
Burgoyne and the Saratoga Campaign
The speech of a general officer in the House of Commons, February 20th, 1775
Orderly book of Lieut. Gen. John Burgoyne
A supplement to The state of the expedition from Canada
A manager's guide to self-development
Substance of General Burgoyne's speeches at court-martial
The maid of the Oaks
Fruits & Vegetables 2006 Calendar
Bon ton; or, High Life above stairs
The heiress; a comedy in five acts ... as performed at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane
Airs, duets, trios, &c. in the Lord of the Manor, a comic opera, as it is performed at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. The music entirely new
The substance of General Burgoyne's speeches
The lord of the manor, a comic opera
A letter from Lieut. Gen. Burgoyne to his constituents upon his late resignation
A state of the expedition from Canada
The heiress, a comedy in five acts
[The Lord of the manor]
Songs, chorusses, &c. in the pastoral entertainment of The maid of the oaks. As performed at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane
The heiress
Prologue and epilogue to the play of The way to keep him
A brief examination of the plan and conduct of the northern expedition in America
The lord of the manor. A song from that opera
Appendix to the Canada papers
A supplement to The state of the expedition from Canada
James Madison
James Madison (1751-1836)

politician, diplomat, philosopher, lawyer, statesperson

  • Princeton University
The papers of James Madison
The papers of James Madison
The Federalist papers
The mind of the founder
The Federalist papers
Letters and other writings of James Madison
The writings of James Madison
All impressments unlawful and inadmissible
Review of a statement attributed to Gen
Letters and other writings of James Madison, fourth president of the United States
Madison's famous original letter against nullification, 1832 ..
Jonathan Bull and Mary Bull
The papers of James Madison, purchased by order of Congress
Calendar of the correspondence of James Madison
The complete Madison; his basic writings
The deerslayer
James Madison's "Advice to my country"
The Federalist papers
Basic documents relating to the religious clauses of the First amendment.
Selections from the private correspondence of James Madison, from 1813 to 1836
By the President of the United States of America
The Federalist
Washington-Madison papers collected and preserved by James Madison, estate of J. C. McGuire ... containing highly important letters from General Washington ... also letters of Edmund Randolph, Edmund Pendleton, Joseph Jones, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Monroe, Jonathan Dayton, General John Armstrong, Henry Clay, and other eminent statesmen, to James Madison, as well as James Madison's own letters embracing the period of the stamp-act trouble, revolutionary war, constitutional convention, war of 1812, and Jackson's administration.  Also the remainder of the extraordinary collection of American historical letters and documents, gathered for the purpose of illustrating  Bancroft's History of the United States, and Parkman's Works ... Rev. Jacob Duché's letter to General Washington, relics of Washington, oil portraits, etc.  To be sold ... December 6th and 7th, 1892 ... Catalogue compiled and sale conducted [by] Stan. V. Henkels.  Thomas Birch's sons, auctioneers ..
New Hampshire Patriot extra
The Federalist Papers
Letters of Helvidius
The Federalist papers
Canadian Courant Extra
The Federalist, or, The new Constitution
The Federalist papers
The papers of James Madison
The papers of James Madison
To the Honorable the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Virginia. A memorial and remonstrance
Message from the president of the United States to both houses of Congress, at the commencement of the first session of the twelfth Congress
The Federalist
Message from the President of the United States [i.e. Madison], transmitting copies of a correspondence between Mr. Monroe and Mr. Foster
The Federalist
A memorial and remonstrance, on the religious rights of man
The complete Madison
Memorial and remonstrance
The Federalist
Message from the President of the United States [i.e. Madison], transmitting a letter from the Secretary of War
Message from the president of the United States, transmitting communications from the plenipotentiaries of the United States, charged with negotiating peace with Great Britain
The mind of the founder: sources of the political thought of James Madison
The federalist
The Federalist papers
Selections from the private correspondence of James Madison
federalist PAPERS
President Madison's inaugural speech
The Federalist
The Federalist
Mr. Madison's motion for commercial restrictions
The Federalist, on the new Constitution, written in the year 1788, by Mr. Hamilton, Mr. Madison, and Mr. Jay: with an appendix, containing the letters of Pacificus and Helvidius, on the Proclamation of neutrality of 1793; also, the original Articles of Confederation, and the Constitution of the United States, with the amendments made thereto
Extract of a letter from the Secretary of State to Mr. Monroe, relative to impressments
Letters from the Secretary of State to Mr. Monroe, on the subject of impressments, &c
The Federalist
Letters from the Secretary of State to Messrs. Monroe and Pinkney, on subjects committed to their joint negotiations
Resolutions of Virginia and Kentucky
The Federalist papers
The Federalist papers
Journal of the Federal Convention
The Federalist
Letters and other writings of James Madison
The Federalist, or, The new Constitution
James Madison, 1751-1836
Political observations
Speech, in the House of Representatives of the Congress of the United States, delivered January 14, 1794
The reply of Mr. Madison, in answer to Mr. Rose, in discussing the affair of the Chesapeake
The Federalist
The forging of American federalism
Notes of debates in the Federal Convention of 1787
Letters and other writings of James Madison
The Federalist
The Federalist, or, The new Constitution
James Madison papers
Message from the president of the United States, transmitting copies of certain documents obtained from a secret agent of the British government, employed in fomenting disaffection to the constituted authorities, and in bringing about resistance to the laws, and eventually, in concert with a British force, to destroy the union of the United States
Letters on the constitutionality and policy of duties, for the protection and encouragement of domestic manufacturers
Further and still more important suppressed documents
American State papers
The papers of James Madison
An examination of the British doctrine, which subjects to capture a neutral trade, not open in time of peace
The Federalist
The Federalist on the new constitution
A memorial and remonstrance, presented to the General Assembly of the state of Virginia, at their session in 1785, in consequence of a bill brought into that Assembly for the establishment of religion by law
The Federalist, On the New Constitution
The Federalist
The Federalist
The Constitution a pro-slavery compact, or, Selections from the Madison papers, &c
The last day of the Constitutional convention
The Federalist
The vital federalist papers
The Federalist
To the Republicans of the state of New York, reasons of the government of the United States for laying an embargo
Letters and other writings of James Madison
The Kentucky-Virginia resolutions and Mr. Madison's report of 1799
The Federalist and other constitutional papers
The Federalist, on the new Constitution, written in 1788
The Federalist papers
The Federalist
The Federalist
An examination of the British doctrine which subjects to capture a neutral trade, not open in time of peace
To the Republicans of the state of New York
The Federalist, or, The new Constitution
The Federalist, on the new Constitution, written in the year 1788
Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a letter from the Secretary of State to Mr. Monroe on the subject of the attack on the Chesapeake
El Federalista
The forging of American federalism
The Resolutions of Virginia and Kentucky
The Federalist
El Federalista
The Federalist
Two letters <addressed to Joseph C. Cabell, esquire> on the constitutionality of the power in Congress to impose a tariff, for the encouragement of manufactures
The Federalist papers
The Federalist
The Federalist papers
An Address and instructions from the people of Spotsylvania County to James Madison, Esquire
Further and still more important suppressed documents
Message from the president of the United States, transmitting the treaty of peace and amity between the United States and His Britannic Majesty
Further and still more important suppressed documents
El Federalista
The Federalist
Considerations in favour of a national bank, independent of government influence, with checks and balances to guard against illegitimate speculations, and the dangerous consequences of a vicious administration of its affairs
Religious freedom
The Federalist on the new constitution
The Federalist
The Federalist
The writings of James Madison
The Federalist
Letters on the constitutionality of the power in Congress to impose a tariff for the protection of manufactures
Letter to Oliver Fowler of Spotsylvania, Virginia, lamenting he is unable to pay his debts
The Federalist
The Federalist
The Federalist
The Federalist
The Federalist
The complete Madison
The writings of James Madison
The Federalist, on the new constitution, written in 1778
The Federalist and other constitutional papers
The writings of James Madison
In Senate of the United States, December 6, 1816
Resolutions of Virginia and Kentucky
Letters on the constitutionality of the power in Congress to impose a tariff for the protection of manufactures
Drafting the Federal Constitution
The Resolutions of Virginia and Kentucky
The Federalist
The Federalist, on the new Constitution
The Federalist, a commentary on the Constitution of the United States
Who speaks for the Constitution?
The federalist papers, or, How government is supposed to work
El Federalista
The Federalist, on the new Constitution
Examination of the British doctrine which subjects to capture a neutral trade, not open in time of peace
The Federalist and other constitutional papers
James Madison papers
The Federalist
Letters on the constitutionality and policy of duties, for the protection and encouragement of domestic manufactures
Political observations