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politicians who wrote autobiography
Showing 153-160 out of 223 results
Al Franken
Al Franken (born 1951)

actor, politician, radio personality, television actor, journalist, film actor, comedian, television producer

  • Harvard College, Blake School
Al Franken
Lies (and the lying liars who tell them)
The Best American Nonrequired Reading 2005
Rush Limbaugh is a big fat idiot and other observations
The Truth (with jokes)
Why Not Me?
Oh, The Things I Know
Rush Limbaugh Is a Big Fat Idiot
The truth (with jokes)
Rush Limbaugh is a big fat idiot and other observations
The Truth
Lies And the Lying Liars Who Tell Them.  A Fair and Balanced Look at the Right
Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them
Truth , The
I'm Good Enough, I'm Smart Enough, and Doggone It, People Like Me!
Thirtynine Years Of Shortterm Memory Loss
The Truth
O'Franken Factor Factor
Oh, the Things I Know! A Guide to Success, or, Failing That, Happiness
'The Al Franken Show' Party Album
Brave New Workshop
Al Franken, Giant of the Senate Lib/E
Rush Limbaugh Is a Big Fat Idiot and Other Observations
Mentiras Y Mentirosos/ Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them
You're Good Enough, You're Smart Enough, and Doggone It, People Like You!
Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them
Rush Limbaugh Is a Big Fat Idiot
Truth (with Jokes)
Oh, the Things I Know! Lib/E
Leugens en de liegende leugenaars die ze vertellen
Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them
Why Not Me?
Oh, the Things I Know!
I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and doggone it, people like me! : daily affirmations by Stuart Smalley
Al Franken
Al Franken, Giant of the Senate
Alan Bullock
Alan Bullock (1914-2004)

politician, historian of Modern Age, historian, biographer

  • University of Oxford, Bradford Grammar School
Natalia Ginzburg
The twentieth century: a Promethean age
Dictionary of modern thought
Hitler and Stalin
The life and times of Ernest Bevin
The humanist tradition in the West
Personality and power
The Fontana Dictionary of Modern Thought
Building Jerusalem
The Liberal Tradition
The humanist tradition in the West
The life and times of Ernest Bevin.
Ernest Bevin
Ernest Bevin, foreign secretary, 1945-1951
Twentieth Century Culture
Ernest Bevin
Is history becoming a social science?
Harper Dictionary of Modern Thought
The twentieth century
The humanist tradition in the West
The Harper dictionary of modern thought
Building Jerusalem
The life and times of Ernest Bevin
The Fontana biographical companion to modern thought
The past and the future
Select List of Books on European History, 1815-1914
Has history a future?
Twentieth-century culture
A select list of books on European history, 1815-1914
Hitler and the origins of the second World War
History of the 20th century
The twentieth century
The Fontana biographical companion to modern thought
Life and Times of Ernest Bevin; 2
The Faces of Europe
Contemporary history in Europe
Men, chance and history
World History - Civilization From Its Beginnings
The New Fontana dictionary of modern thought
History of the 20th century
The life and times of Ernest Bevin
Hitler & Stalin
A new English history
A select list of books on European history, 1815-1914
Meeting teachers' management needs
The life and times of Ernest Bevin
Gitler i Stalin
Germany's colonial demands
Humanist Tradition In the West
Ernest Bevin, foreign secretary, 1945-51
The Norton dictionary of modern thought
Have the humanities ceased to be relevant?
Great Britian in the world of the twentieth century
John Wheeler Wheeler-Bennett, 1902-1975
Fontana Biographical Companion to Modern Thought
Great lives of the twentieth century
The Doubleday pictorial library of world history
Great Britian in the world of the twentieth century
A select list of books on European history, 1815-1914
The Fontana dictionary of modern thought
Great rivers of Europe
Ernest Bevin, Foreign Secretary, 1945-1951
A select list of books on European history, 1815-1914
Ernest Bevin, foreign secretary, 1945-51
Great Lives of the Twentieth Century
20th Century Culture; A Biographical Companion
The British political tradition
Die Grossen Ströme Europas
Past and the Future
The life and times of Ernest Bevin
John McCain
John McCain (1936-2018)

politician, naval officer, autobiographer, fighter pilot, aircraft pilot, television presenter

  • United States Naval Academy, National War College
Faith of my fathers
Worth the fighting for
The restless wave
Why courage matters
Obama Vs Mccain Voting Records Of Barack Obama John Mccain For The 109th And 110th Congress
Last letters home
Character is destiny
Hard call
Forging a military youth corps
Thirteen soldiers
The restless wave
Hard call
Why courage matters
Deterrence in decay
Hard Call
Thirteen soldiers
Last letters home
Hard call
The restless wave
Conor Cruise O'Brien
Conor Cruise O'Brien (1917-2008)

politician, diplomat, journalist

  • Trinity College Dublin, Sandford Park School
The Siege
The long affair
God land
Ancestral voices
On the Eve of the Millenium
States of Ireland
On the eve of the millennium
Maria Cross
To Katanga and back
The long affair
God Land
Passion and cunning and other essays
The great melody
First in Peace
Great Melody
The suspecting glance
Edmund Burke
The United Nations
Passion and Cunning
Murderous angels
First in peace
To Katanga and back, a U.N. case history
Power & consciousness
Concise History of Ireland
Edmund Burke
Power & consciousness
Power and consciousness
Herod, reflections on political violence
Edmund Burke
First in peace
To Katanga and Back
The press and the world
Reflections on the revolution in France
Religion and politics
Long Affair Thomas Jefferson and the Frenc
Address to the Friends of the Union
Freedom and censorship
Writers and politics
Writers and politics
States of Ireland
No Royalty A/C Writers and Politics
On the Eve of the Millenium
Genio y Pasión y Otros Ensayos
Passion and cunning
Murderous angels;
An epic of the '30's: Graham Greene
Great Melody
The Irish factor in Anglo-American relations
The shaping of modern Ireland
Parnell and his Party
Maria Cross
God Land
French Revolution
What rights should minorities have?
The Northern connection in Irish-British relations
Writers and politics
Parnell and his party, 1880-90
Parnell and his Party, 1880-1890
Gli Irlandesi negli Satai Uniti e il problema della divisione dell'Irlanda
Address to the annual conference of the United Kingdom Unionists Party
Passion and Cunning
L' unité de l'Irlande et les Irlandais d'Amérique
States of Ireland
First in Peace
Why did the Irish want home rule?
Writers And Politics
Suspecting Glance
Writers and Politics
States of Ireland
Conflicting concepts of the United Nations
States of Ireland
The shaping of modern Ireland
Murderous angels
Parnell and his party, 1880-90
To Katanga and back
Maria Cross
Parnell and his party, 1880-90
Michelle Obama
Michelle Obama (born 1964)

lawyer, politician, podcaster, jurist, sociologist

  • Princeton University, Harvard Law School
Michelle Obama in Her Own Words
Farewell Speeches
American grown
The Light We Carry
Be Vigilant But Not Afraid
Designing History
Gofre & Mochi
Follow That Food!
The Healthy Lunchtime Cookbook
Wayne Swan
Wayne Swan (born 1954)


  • University of Queensland, Nambour State College
The good fight
Mountain We Climb
Hans Martin Sutermeister
Hans Martin Sutermeister (1907-1977)

politician, psychiatrist, physician

  • University of Basel
Zwischen zwei Welten
Grundbegriffe der Psychologie von heute
Schiller als Arzt
Summa Iniuria - Ein Pitaval der Justizirrtümer
Über die Wandlungen in der Auffassung des Krankheitsgeschehens
Psychologie und Weltanschauung
Kriminalpsychologie und Medizin
Von Tanz, Musik und andern schönen Dingen
Neue Gesichtspunkte in der Psychologie in gemeinverständlicher Darstellung
Von Tanz, Musik und andern schönen Dingen; psychologische Plaudereien
Der Arzt
Das schweizerische Tuberkulosegesetz
Möglichkeiten einer inneren und äusseren Schulreform im Sinne der Gesamtschule in der Stadt Bern
Möglichkeiten und Grenzen einer stadtbernischen Bildungspolitik mit dem Ziel einer inneren und äusseren Schulreform ("Gesamtschule")
Psychosomatik des Lachens und Weinens
Nomen atque omen
Mahammad Amin Rasulzade
Mahammad Amin Rasulzade (1884-1955)

politician, journalist, translator

Sbornik proizvedeniĭ i pisem
Azerbaycan Cumhuriyeti
Kafkasya Türkleri
Ăsrimizin Sii̐avushu
Azerbaycan Cumhuriyeti
Azerbaycan şairi Nizamî, sekizyüzüncü yildönümü münasebetiyle, 1141-1941
İran Türkleri
Azărbai̐jan shairi Nizami
Āz̲erbāycān Cumhūrīyeti
Azărbai̐jan Ji̐mḣurii̐i̐ăti
Bir Türk milliyetçisinin Stalin'le ihtilâl hatıraları
O panturanizme, v svi͡a︡zi s kavkazskoĭ problemoĭ
Azerbaycan kültür gelenekleri
Guzarishhai az inqilab-i mashrutiyat-i Iran (Majmuah-i tarikh-i muasir-i Iran)
Azerbajdzan w walce o niepodległość
Guzārishʹhāyī az inqilāb-i mashrūṭīyat-i Īrān
Asrımızın Siyavuş'u
Das Problem Aserbeidschan
Yeni Kafkasya yazıları (1923-1927)
O panturanizme
O panturanizme v svi︠a︡zi s kavkazkoĭ problemoĭ
Mehmet Emin Resulzade'nin Meclis-i Mebusan konuşmaları
Jumhūrī-i Āz̲arbāyjān