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politicians who wrote autobiography
Showing 97-104 out of 223 results
Ronald Reagan
Ronald Reagan (1911-2004)

television actor, film actor, politician, autobiographer, character actor, military officer, actor, trade unionist, announcer, statesperson, voice actor, diarist, lifeguard, anti-communist, game show host

  • Eureka College
Reagan's path to victory
The Reagan diaries
The uncommon wisdom of Ronald Reagan
Reagan, in his own hand
Ronald Reagan
Quotations from President Ron
Abortion and the conscience of the nation
The Reagan diaries unabridged
An American Life
Ronald Reagan, a man true to his word
The Reagan Diaries
Speaking My Mind
The notes
The Reagan wit
Dear Americans
Amendments to the 1987 appropriations request for the Department of Health and Human Services
Veto-- S.J. Res. 316
Veto of H.R. 2466
Proposed legislation--"Medicare Catastrophic Illness Coverage Act"
Proposed legislation--Criminal Justice Reform Act of 1987
Export-Import Bank authority
Deferral of budget authority
Use of United States armed forces in Lebanon
Request for supplemental appropriations
Veto of H.R. 2787
Veto of H.R. 3
Amendment to the 1986 appropriations request for the Department of Commerce
Participation of U.S. armed forces in the multinational force in Lebanon
Veto of H.R. 1096
Criminal Justice Reform Act of 1982
Use of United States armed forces in Lebanon
Where's the Rest of Me? The Autobiography of Ronald Reagan
Veto--S. 2577
B-1B aircraft acquisition
An American life
Grinning with the Gipper
Veto of H.R. 3036
Building peace through strength
Veto of H.R. 4264
Reappropriation and supplemental appropriation language requests
Deferral and revised deferral
Pertaining to additional economic assistance to the Central American democracies
The Reagan Diaries
Federal pay adjustments--alternative plan
Governing international fisheries agreement with Poland
U.S. binary chemical munitions program
Amendments to request for appropriations, fiscal year 1989
Veto--Senate joint resolution 149
International terrorism--proposed legislation
Proposed legislation--"Low-Income Opportunity Improvement Act of 1987"
Message from the president of the United States transmitting a proposal for legislation to promote economic revitalization and facilitate expansion of economic opportunity in the Caribbean Basin region
Revision to rescission
Extension of Jackson-Vanik waiver
The Enterprise Zone Tax Act of 1982
Waiver extension
Further report on the use of United States armed forces in Lebanon
Defense reorganization
Governing international fishery agreement with the German Democratic Republic
Veto--S. 684
Developments concerning the national emergency with respect to South Africa
Recission and deferrals
Export-Import Bank authority
Budget amendment
Proposed legislation--"Federal Credit Reform Act of 1987"
Veto of H.R. 5922
Economic sanctions against Libya
Further developments concerning the national emergency with respect to South Africa
Program for economic recovery
Renewing the U.S. commitment to peace
Veto of H.R. 3
Veto of H.R. 6682
Veto of H.R. 1404
Civil Rights Commission Reauthorization Act of 1983
Rescission and deferral
Veto of H.R. 6682
Appropriation amendments
Appropriation amendments and amended language
A proposal to transfer the functions of the Department of Energy to other agencies
Veto of H.R. 3384
Veto--S. 557
Economic support for the agreement between the government of Ireland and the government of the United Kingdom
Veto--S. 2577
Governing international fishery agreement with Soviet Union
B-1B aircraft acquisition
Veto of H.R. 4868
Central America Democracy, Peace and Development Initiative Act of 1984
Health incentives reform program
Veto--S. 1503
Revised deferral of budget authority
Veto of H.R. 1154
Veto of H.R. 1062
Federal pay adjustments--alternative plan
National security strategy of the United States
Designating eleven Caribbean Basin countries as beneficiaries
National security
B-1B aircraft acquisition
Amendments to the 1987 appropriations request for the Department of Health and Human Services
Budget amendment
Veto of H.R. 4264
America's commitment to peace
Naval petroleum reserves production
Veto of H.R. 2
Federal pay adjustments--alternative plan
Import relief of specialty steel
Request for assistance for the Nicaraguan democratic resistance
Veto-- S.J. Res. 316
Use of United States armed forces in Chad
Veto of H.R. 6863
Settlement of the Cyprus question
Export Administration authorization
Nancy Hanks Center
Revision to rescission
Request for supplemental appropriations
Continuing the national emergency with respect to the situation in Iran
Caribbean Basin economic recovery
Amendment to the 1986 appropriations request for the Department of Commerce
Veto of H.R. 3247
The greatest speeches of Ronald Reagan
An American Life
Further report on the situation in Lebanon
Appropriation amendments and amended language
The Enterprise Zone Tax Act of 1982
Amendments to request for appropriations
Proposed legislation-- "Philippines Assistance Act of 1986"
Rescissions and deferrals
Whaling activities of Norway
Waiver extension
Concerning imports of heavyweight motorcycles
A time for choosing
Proposed legislation--President's Pro-Life Act of 1988
Highway construction
The Enterprise Zone Employment and Development Act of 1983
Import relief of specialty steel
Veto of H.R. 2316
Prohibiting imports from Iran
Veto of H.R. 6863
MX missile system basing mode
National emergency with respect to Panama
Veto--S. 1259
Veto of H.R. 1096
Veto of H.R. 1362
The President's tax proposals to the Congress for fairness, growth, and simplicity
In the words of Ronald Reagan
Amendments requesting reductions in foreign aid for fiscal year 1982 (EC 1994)
Proposed legislation--Criminal Justice Reform Act of 1987
Appropriation language
Amendments--the convention on the international regulations for preventing collisions at sea, 1972
Waiving certain requirements of the Agricultural Trade and Development Act of 1954
Amendments to request for appropriations
Proposed legislation--Superconductivity Competitiveness Act of 1988
Veto of H.R. 5922
Report on federal pay adjustments
Waiving the fiscal year 1983 ceiling on troops permanently stationed in European NATO countries
A shining city
Building peace through strength
Interim restraint
Prohibition on the import of Krugerrands
Developments concerning the national emergency with respect to Libya
Employment Act of 1983
Extension of nuclear cooperation with the European Atomic Energy Community
Designation of nine Caribbean Basin countries as beneficiaries of the Caribbean Basin Economic Recovery Act
Situation in Grenada
Merit pay system exclusions
Compact of Free Association
Requests for supplemental appropriations
Proposed legislation--Child Protection and Obscenity Enforcement Act of 1987
Quotable Reagan
National emergency with respect to Libya
Proposed sale of arms to Jordan
Expiration of the national emergency with respect to South Africa
Tax-exempt status of certain schools
Intent to designate 32 countries as least-developed beneficiary developing countries
A proposal to transfer the functions of the Department of Energy to other agencies
Veto of H.R. 6198
Veto--S. 742
Transfer authority and appropriation language for fiscal year 1982 and 1983
Rescission and deferrals
Revised rescissions, deferrals, and revised deferral
Proposed legislation--Civil Rights Protection Act of 1988
Request for bipartisan support for aid to Nicaragua
Continuing national emergency with respect to Nicaragua
Proposed legislation--"Medicare Catastrophic Illness Coverage Act"
Participation of U.S. armed forces in the multinational force in Lebanon
Amendments to appropriations request, fiscal year 1988
Governing international fisheries agreement with the Soviet Union
Extension of nuclear cooperation with the European Atomic Energy Community
Use of United States armed forces in Libya
Waiving the fiscal year 1983 ceiling on troops permanently stationed in European NATO countries
Whaling activities of Japan
National emergency with respect to Nicaragua
Review of federal juvenile delinquency programs
Ronald Reagan talks to America
Production of lethal binary chemical munitions
Amendments to the fiscal year 1988 fiscal year appropriations request
Assistance for the Nicaraguan democratic resistance
Whaling activities of the Soviet Union
Veto of H.R. 1562
Building an interim framework for mutual restraint
Veto of H.R. 1
The Reagan Diaries Abridged Selections CD
U.S. policy on ASAT arms control
Summary report Department of Energy sunset review
Appropriation language
Participation of U.S. armed forces in the multinational force in Lebanon
Participation of the United States in the MFO force deployed in the Sinai
Federal pay comparability alternative plan
State of the Union Addresses of Ronald Reagan
Budget amendments
Budget amendments
Health incentives reform program
Aid to the Nicaraguan democratic resistance
Veto of H.R. 3036
Amendments to request for appropriations
Amendments to the 1987 appropriations request for the Department of Labor
Veto--S. 973
United States-Bangladesh agreement of peaceful uses of nuclear energy
Extending the international agreement with Poland concerning fisheries off the coast of the United States
Extending the international agreement with Poland concerning fisheries off the coast of the United States
Federal pay rates
Developments concerning national emergency with respect to Nicaragua
Veto of H.R. 2466
President's Emergency Food Assistance Act of 1984
Federalism, the first ten months
The Trade, Employment, and Productivity Act of 1987
The Reagan Diaries Extended Selections CD
Certification of transfer of AWACS aircraft to Saudi Arabia
Appropriation amendments
Veto of H.R. 2787
Veto of H.R. 1154
President Reagan supports Nicaraguan peace process
Waivers to permit expedited construction of the Alaska natural gas transportation system
Designation of Aruba as a beneficiary country under the Caribbean Basin Economic Recovery Act
District of Columbia budget amendments
Presidential address
Why democracy matters in Central America
Sequestration order for fiscal year 1986
Continuation of export control regulations
Democracy, peace, and progress
Freedom, regional security, and global peace
Initial sequestration report, fiscal year 1989
Continuation of export control regulations
Agencies and units of agencies excluded from the federal merit pay system
Fishery agreement with Poland
Appendix to the Fiscal year 1985 arms control impact statements
Recission and deferrals
Veto of H.R. 1062
Veto of H.R. 1371
Minority Enterprise Development Week
Request for supplemental appropriations for fiscal year 1987 and amendments to the request for appropriations for fiscal year 1988
Extension of Jackson-Vanik waiver
National energy policy plan
Educational Opportunity and Equity Act of 1983
NATO's conventional capabilities
District of Columbia fiscal year 1985 operating budget
Amendments to requests for appropriations for fiscal year 1989
The U.S.-Soviet relationship
International terrorism
United States-Bangladesh agreement of peaceful uses of nuclear energy
Oil import levels
Cooperation concerning peaceful uses of nuclear energy between United States and Sweden
Extension of waiver authority under the Trade Act
Continuation of national emergency with respect to Nicaragua
Proposed legislation--"Low-Income Opportunity Improvement Act of 1987"
Continuation of national emergency with respect to Libya
Proposed legislation--Superconductivity Competitiveness Act of 1988
The legacy of the Marshall Plan
The 1984 budget supplemental of the District of Columbia
Status of Portugal under the Generalized System of Preferences Program
Veto of H.R. 2
Unified and specified commands
Joint session of Congress
National Productivity and Innovation Act of 1983
South Africa
Federal pay comparability alternative plan
Rescission and deferrals
Continuation of export control regulations
Veto--S. 366
Veto--S. 973
Federal pay adjustments--alternative plan
The productivity improvement program
Establishment of a free trade area between the United States and Israel
Budget amendments, fiscal year 1982
Request for certain rescissions and repeals of appropriations
Veto--S. 1259
Proposed legislation--Civil Rights Protection Act of 1988
Proposed additions to the National Wilderness Preservation System and to the National Wild and Scenic Rivers System
Reducing world tensions
Amendments to request for appropriations for fiscal year 1989
Stories in his own hand
National security strategy of the United States
Veto--S. 557
Deferral and revised deferrals
Veto--S. 1503
The speeches of Ronald Reagan
The strategic defense initiative
Removal of Romania and Nicaragua and suspension of Paraguay from the list of general system of preference eligible countries
The president's trade policy action plan
Verifying nuclear testing limitations
Continuing national emergency with respect to Iran
The President's tax proposals to the Congress for fairness, growth, and simplicity
Progress in Cyprus negotiations
Appropriation amendments and amended language
Where's the rest of me?
The 1983 National Energy Policy Plan
Continuation of national emergency with respect to Iran
Caribbean basin initiative
Pension Equity Act of 1983
Decision not to negotiate voluntary production restraints on copper
Strengthening American security
U.S. policy on ASAT arms control
Promoting global economic growth
United States-Canadian crude oil transfers
Deferrals of budget authority
Rescissions and deferrals
Amendments for appropriations for fiscal year 1982 and reduction for fiscal year 1984 appropriations
Adherence to and compliance with arms control agreements
Continuation of the national emergency with respect to South Africa
The Drug Free America Act of 1986
Import relief determination
Requests for supplemental appropriations for fiscal year 1985 and amendments to the request for appropriations for fiscal year 1986
Rescission and deferrals
To proclaim that all member coutries of the Caribbean Common Market shall be treated as one country under section 502 (a)(3)
Deferral and revised deferral
Designation of the Bahamas as a beneficiary country under the Caribbean Basin Economic Recovery Act
Federal pay comparability alternative plan
International terrorism--proposed legislation
Fiscal year 1988 supplemental budget of the District of Columbia
Review of United States strategic forces
Fiscal year 1986 budget of the District of Columbia
Budget reductions for fiscal year 1986
Proposed agreement between the United States and Japan concerning peaceful uses of nuclear energy
U.S. interests in Central America
Veto of H.R. 2316
The new network of terrorist states
Veto--S. 366
Ronald Reagan's weekly radio addresses
Compact of Free Association between the United States and Palau
Fiscal year 1982 budget revisions
Suspensions of certain litigation against Iran
October 1981 federal pay adjustment
Along wit's trail
Developments concerning national emergency with respect to Iran
Developments concerning the national emergency with respect to Panama
Exclusions of agencies of the government from the performance management and recognition system
NATO's nuclear posture
Block grant proposals
Constitutional amendment
Statement of relationship of 1986 budget to soil and water programs
Maintaining peace and freedom
Progress toward ending the system of apartheid
Relief for the footwear industry
Economic recovery program
Proposed fiscal year 1986 supplemental budget for the District of Columbia
U.S. policy on ASAT arms control
A report on United States-Iranian military engagement
Appropriations amendments, fiscal year 1985
Federal pay rates
U.S. interim restraint policy
Appropriations request for the Drug Free America initiative
Constitutional amendment concerning prayer
Rededication to the cause of human rights
Stikine River Region access study
Ending apartheid in South Africa
Proposed legislation--Truth in Federal Spending Act of 1988 : message from the President of the United States transmitting a draft of proposed legislation to require analyses and estimates of the likely impact of federal legislation and regulations upon the private sector and state and local governments, to provide for deficit neutrality of new spending legislation, and for other purposes
Amendments to the request for appropriations for fiscal year 1986
Proposed legislation--Child Protection and Obscenity Enforcement Act of 1987
Waivers to permit expedited construction of the Alaska natural gas transportation system
Removal of Brunei Darussalam, Bermuda, Bahrain, and Nauru from the list of General System of Preference eligible countries
Continuation of the national emergency with respect to Iran
Generalized System of Preferences
Status of Chile as general system of preference beneficiary
State of the Union message
The binary chemical munitions program
Sequestration order for fiscal year 1986
Appropriation amendments and amended language
Sequestration order for fiscal year 1988
Fair Housing Amendments Act of 1983
Veto of H.R. 6198
International terrorism--proposed legislation
Exercises by U.S. forces in the eastern Mediterranean
France and the United States
Nicaraguan democratic resistance
Veto of H.R. 1362
Developments concerning the national emergency with respect to Iran
Fishery agreement with the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
Cyprus negotiations
Report on federal pay adjustments
International agreements
Cooperation on the uses of atomic energy between the United States and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland for mutual defense purposes
Ronald Reagan's wisdom for the twenty-first century
Economic progress through individual freedom
A mission for peace
Progress in Cyprus negotiations
Federal pay adjustments--alternative plan
E.C. 1273
Natural Gas Consumer Regulatory Reform Amendments of 1983
Report on the nonaligned countries' communique of September 1981
Supplemental budget of the District of Columbia for fiscal year 1982
The new Europe
The U.S. and China
U.S. binary chemical munitions program
Libyan sanctions
Further report with respect to the situation in Lebanon
Actor, ideologue, politician
Veto of H.R. 5922
Veto of H.R. 6863
Fishery agreement with China
Rescissions and deferrals
Extension of waiver authority under the Trade Act
Fiscal year 1985 budget revisions
Youth Employment Opportunity Wage Act of 1984
Federal pay comparability alternative plan
Tax-exempt status of certain schools
National security strategy of the United States
Veto of H.R. 1404
Authorization requests for combatant ships
A historic opportunity for the U.S. and China
To improve equity and quality in American education
Comprehensive Crime Control Act of 1983
Promoting freedom and democracy in Central America
Revised deferrals of budget authority
Federal pay adjustments--alternative plan
NATO's nuclear posture
Import relief
National emergency with respect to Iran
Veto of H.R. 4868
Health incentives reform program
Appropriation language change and budget amendments
Quotations Of Ronald Reagan
Veto of H.R. 1
United States Sinai Support Mission
Soviet noncompliance with arms control agreements
National emergency with respect to South Africa
Proposed agreement for cooperation between the government of the United States of America and the government of the Republic of Finland
Investigation on the continued production of the naval petroleum reserves
Veto of H.R. 3564
Rescissions and deferrals
Further extension of waiver authority granted by subsection 402(c) of the Trade Act of 1974
Possible avenues for cooperation with the Soviet Union in the development of capabilities for verifying compliance with nuclear testing limitations
Veto--S. 742
Veto of H.R. 3384
Korean airline massacre
Recissions and deferral
Proposed legislation--"Federal Credit Reform Act of 1987"
United States-Canada Free-Trade Agreement
Arms control agreements
Pertaining to additional economic assistance to the Central American democracies
The current state of Soviet-American relations
Superfund legislation
According Greenland preferences
Reductions in travel and transportation, fiscal year 1987
Agencies excluded from the federal merit pay system
1985 District of Columbia budget supplemental
Veto of H.R. 3247
Continuing national emergency--Iran
Proposed legislation entitled "The Educational Opportunity and Equity Act of 1982"
Veto of H.J. Res. 338
Revised rescissions, deferrals, and revised deferral
Proposed legislation--President's Pro-Life Act of 1988
Veto of House Joint Resolution 748
Compact of Free Association
Pay adjustments for federal employees
Amendments--the convention on the international regulations for preventing collisions at sea, 1972
Veto of H.R. 1562
Rescission and deferrals
Rescission and deferral
Veto--Senate joint resolution 149
Deferrals and revised deferrals
Veto--S. 684
America's agenda for the future
Continuation of Iran emergency
Fiscal year 1985 budget revisions
Peacekeeper missile
Establishment of an International Space Year in 1992
Agencies and units of agencies excluded from the federal merit pay system
Central America and U.S. security
Fiscal year 1985 budget supplemental of the District of Columbia
Progress toward a negotiated settlement of the Cyprus question
Removal of preferences accorded certain countries
National Productivity and Innovation Act of 1983
Energy Security Reserve Amendments of 1984
Continuing the acquisition of the Peacekeeper missile
Nuclear cooperation with the European Community
Addition of Aruba to list of beneficiary developing countries
Proposed legislation entitled "The Educational Opportunity and Equity Act of 1982"
Tax-exempt status of certain schools
Extension of waiver authority under the Trade Act
The budget, part II, recommendations for executive, legislative, and judicial salaries
District of Columbia budget fiscal year 1983
Veto of H.R. 5118
Geneva summit meeting--November, 1985
Extension of waiver authority under the Trade Act
Progress in Cyprus negotiations
Semiannual report on actions under the International Emergency Economic Powers Act
Veto of House Joint Resolution 357
Report on United States military action
Progress in Cyprus negotiations
Agencies excluded from the federal merit pay system
Pension Equity Act of 1983
Prospects for a new era of world peace
Veto of H.R. 6682
The common sense of an uncommon man
Veto of H.R. 2316
Report on Reykjavik
Veto of H.R. 4868
Fiscal year 1983 arms control impact statements
Rescissions of budget authority
A forward strategy for peace and freedom
Proposed legislation entitled "The Educational Opportunity and Equity Act of 1982"
U.S. interim restraint policy
Alliance security and arms control
Veto--Senate joint resolution 149
Amendments to appropriations request
Fiscal year 1986 arms control impact statements
Veto of H.R. 6682
E.C. 1273
Veto of H.R. 5118
Challenges of world development
Freedom and vigilance
Federalism, the first ten months
America's foreign policy challenges for the 1980's
Proposed budget deferrals
Request for supplemental appropriations, District of Columbia
Navy shipbuilding authorization for fiscal years 1982 and 1983
Health reorganization message of Ronald Reagan, Governor of California
Situation in Poland
United States-Bangladesh agreement of peaceful uses of nuclear energy
Fiscal year 1986 budget of the District of Columbia
Veto of H.R. 1062
Veto of H.R. 1154
The Washington summit
Amendment request for fiscal year 1988 appropriations
Veto--S. 366
Berlin, a message of hope
Waiving the fiscal year 1983 ceiling on troops permanently stationed in European NATO countries
B-1B aircraft acquisition
Endangering our national ideals and interests
Reagan par Reagan : la jeunesse, Hollywood, naissance d'un président
Proposed legislation--"Low-Income Opportunity Improvement Act of 1987"
State Of The Union Addresses
Budget amendments
America's vision of the future
Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States, Ronald Reagan, 1984, Book 1
America's new beginning
Fiscal year 1984 arms control impact statements
Tax-exempt status of certain schools
District of Columbia budget fiscal year 1984
Reducing world tensions
Budget supplement ... 1971-1972
Arms control and the future of East-West relations
A foundation for enduring peace
International agreements
U.S. interests in Central America
District of Columbia budget fiscal year 1982
Deferrals and revised deferrals of budget authority
Proposed legislation--Superconductivity Competitiveness Act of 1988
U.S. program for peace and arms control
Amendments requesting reductions in foreign aid for fiscal year 1982 (EC 1994)
America's agenda for the future
Veto of H.J. Res. 338
The agenda of U.S.-Soviet relations
Continuation of national emergency with respect to Iran
The U.S. and China
Progress in Cyprus negotiations
National materials and minerals program plan and report to Congress
Rescissions, deferrals, and revised deferrals
Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States Ronald Reagan, 1982, Book 2
Veto of House Joint Resolution 748
California's blueprint for national welfare reform
Extending the international agreement with Poland concerning fisheries off the coast of the United States
The creative society
Compact of Free Association between the United States and Palau
Amendments to the supplemental appropriations for fiscal year 1981 (EC 1189)
Amendments request for fiscal year 1988 appropriations
Meeting the challenge
Export-Import Bank authority
Peace and national security
Appropriation amendment
Deferrals and revised deferral
Developments concerning national emergency with respect to Libya
NATO's nuclear posture
Veto of H.R. 1371
Amendments to requests for appropriations for fiscal year 1989
Amendments to request for appropriations, fiscal year 1989
Amendments to reduce the 1988 fiscal year appropriations request
Federal pay rates
Veto of H.R. 3
Veto-- S.J. Res. 316
AIDS initiatives
Recission and deferrals
Amendments to appropriations request for fiscal year 1986
U.S. initiative to Iran
Preserving freedom
Caribbean Basin economic recovery
The significance of Reykjavik
My early life, or, Where's the rest of me?
The quotable Ronald Reagan
Whaling activities of the Soviet Union
America's commitment to peace
Veto of H.R. 3247
Removal of Brunei Darussalam, Bermuda, Bahrain, and Nauru from the list of General System of Preference eligible countries
State of the Union Address
Agencies and units of agencies excluded from the federal merit pay system
Freedom, regional security, and global peace
Revision to rescission
Veto of H.R. 1562
Initial sequestration report, fiscal year 1989
Veto of H.R. 2466
The U.S.-Soviet relationship
Farewell to Reagan
The trade challenge for the 1980s
Ronald Reagan in quotations
According Greenland preferences
Amendment to request for appropriations for fiscal year 1988
Rescissions, deferrals, and revised deferral
Dicta on faith and morality
Federal Housing Administration fund
Tax convention with the Republic of Argentina, with related protocol
Amendments to the 1987 appropriations request for the Department of Labor
Sequestration order for fiscal year 1988
A shining city
Establishment of an International Space Year in 1992
Semiannual report on actions under the International Emergency Economic Powers Act
Agenda for peace
Cooperation concerning peaceful uses of nuclear energy between United States and Sweden
State of the Union message
Extension of nuclear cooperation with the European Atomic Energy Community
Additions to the national wild and scenic rivers system and the national wilderness preservation system
Fiscal year 1987 supplemental budget of the District of Columbia
U.S. binary chemical munitions program
Progress in the quest for peace and freedom
Letters from the desk of Ronald Reagan
Progress toward ending system of apartheid
Building peace through strength
Economic recovery program
Budget reductions for fiscal year 1986
Confirmation of achievement of deficit reduction
Veto of H.R. 6863
The President's trade policy action plan
Waivers to permit expedited construction of the Alaska natural gas transportation system
Keeping America strong
Budget supplement ... 1973-74
The Deepest and Noblest Aspirations
Verifying nuclear testing limitations
Veto of H.R. 3384
The Youth Employment Opportunity Wage Act of 1985
Proposed legislation--President's Pro-Life Act of 1988
Revised deferrals of budget authority
Amendment to request for appropriations
Message from the president of the United States transmitting a proposal for legislation to promote economic revitalization and facilitate expansion of economic opportunity in the Caribbean Basin region
The alliance at a crossroad
Appropriations amendment requests for fiscal year 1988
Nuclear waste disposal
Veto of H.R. 2787
Promoting democracy and peace
Requests for supplemental appropriations
Welcome Olympians, 1984 Olympic Games, Los Angeles, California
Rescission and deferral
Veto of H.R. 6198
Speaking my mind
Fiscal year 1985 budget supplemental of the District of Columbia
The productivity improvement program
Revised rescissions, deferrals, and revised deferral
Appropriation language
Managing the global economy
Appropriation language change and budget amendments
Veto--S. 1503
Continuation of national emergency with rspect to Nicaragua
Report on federal pay adjustments
A proposal to transfer the functions of the Department of Energy to other agencies
Rescission and deferrals
Whaling activities of Norway
Korean airline massacre
Generalized System of Preferences
Prohibiting imports from Iran
Amendments--the convention on the international regulations for preventing collisions at sea, 1972
Comprehensive Crime Control Act of 1983
Extension of Jackson-Vanik waiver
Recissions and deferral
Amendments to appropriations request, fiscal year 1988
Budget amendments, fiscal year 1987
National Productivity and Innovation Act of 1983
Veto of H.R. 1096
Appendix to the Fiscal year 1985 arms control impact statements
Veto--S. 2577
Rescissions and deferral
Cooperative strategy for global growth
The Enterprise Zone Tax Act of 1982
A reasonable program for...revenue control and tax reduction
State of California program budget supplement, 1972-1973
Central America at a critical juncture
Requests for supplemental appropriations in fiscal year 1981 and request for amendments to appropriations for fiscal year 1982 (EC 1233)
Deferrals and supplementary deferrals
Stand up Reagan
Veto--S. 742
Project narrative, California Community Work Experience Demonstration Project
Abortion and the Conscience of the Nation (New edition/issue)
Veto of H.R. 3036
Veto--S. 973
Interim restraint
Deferrals of budget authority
Amendments to appropriations requests
Budget supplement, 1974-75
Proposed agreement for cooperation between the government of the United States of America and the government of the Republic of Finland
Veto of House Joint Resolution 357
The Quest for Peace, the Cause of Freedom
United States and Soviet dismantlement and strategic force projections
Revised deferral of budget authority
Pension Equity Act of 1983
Rescissions, deferrals, and revised deferrals of budget authority
Saving freedom in Central America
The Geneva summit
Import relief of specialty steel
Minority Enterprise Development Week
United States-Canadian crude oil transfers
Veto--S. 557
Proposed agreement between the United States and Japan concerning peaceful uses of nuclear energy
Proposed legislation--Criminal Justice Reform Act of 1987
Veto of H.R. 1
Veto of H.R. 3564
Amendment request for fiscal year 1984 appropriations
Veto of H.R. 1362
International terrorism--proposed legislation
Report on United States military action
Amendments to the request for appropriations
Proposed legislation-- "Philippines Assistance Act of 1986"
Defense reorganization
Proposed legislation--Truth in Federal Spending Act of 1988 : message from the President of the United States transmitting a draft of proposed legislation to require analyses and estimates of the likely impact of federal legislation and regulations upon the private sector and state and local governments, to provide for deficit neutrality of new spending legislation, and for other purposes
Prospects for world peace
Revised deferral
Reducing the danger of nuclear weapons
Proposed legislation--Civil Rights Protection Act of 1988
Strategic importance of El Salvador and Central America
Amendments to the fiscal year 1988 fiscal year appropriations request
Central America and U.S. security
Designation of the Bahamas as a beneficiary country under the Caribbean Basin Economic Recovery Act
Implementation of the recommendations of the President's Special Review Board
Import relief determination
Nicaraguan democratic resistance
Participation of U.S. armed forces in the multinational force in Lebanon
Veto of H.R. 1404
Amendments to request for appropriations for fiscal year 1989
Proposed legislation--Child Protection and Obscenity Enforcement Act of 1987
Request for reduction of supplemental appropriations
Rescissions, revised rescissions, and deferrals
Fiscal year 1985 budget revisions
Exercises by U.S. forces in the eastern Mediterranean
Proposed legislation--"Federal Credit Reform Act of 1987"
Offsetting amendments to the request for appropriations for fiscal year 1988
Supplement budget of District of Columbia
Participation of the United States in the MFO force deployed in the Sinai
President Reagan supports Nicaraguan peace process
The Trade, Employment, and Productivity Act of 1987
An American life
Request for certain rescissions and repeals of appropriations
The Reagan Diaries, Leatherbound Edition
Developments in Iran
The new network of terrorist states
Proposed alternative sequestration reductions, Department of Defense, fiscal year 1988
Veto of H.R. 2
Temporary transfer of power
Appropriations requests for fiscal year 1987
France and the United States
Reorganization of the executive branch of California State government
District of Columbia budget authority reductions
Proposed legislation--"Medicare Catastrophic Illness Coverage Act"
Renewing the U.S. commitment to peace
Amendments to the 1987 appropriations request for the Department of Health and Human Services
New deferral of budget authority for the Railroad Retirement Board
Nuclear cooperation with the European Community
Ronald Reagan the Grt Communiator
Veto of H.R. 5922
Appropriations requests
Veto of H.R. 4264
Veto--S. 684
Where's the rest of me?
Request for bipartisan support for aid to Nicaragua
U.S. policy on ASAT arms control
Veto--S. 1259
Amendments request for appropriations for fiscal year 1988
Appropriation amendments
Establishment of a free trade area between the United States and Israel
Opening statement at Cancun Summit
Proposed fiscal year 1986 supplemental budget for the District of Columbia
Paths toward peace, deterrence and arms control
Freedom and Vigilance
Fiscal year 1988 supplemental budget of the District of Columbia
Reagan on Cuba
The quest for peace, the cause of freedom
Paths toward peace, deterrence and arms control
Joint sitting of Dáil Éireann and Seanad Éireann on the occasion of the address by Ronald Reagan, President of the United States of America, Monday, 4 June 1984
Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States, 1988-89, Book 2
Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States, 1981
Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States, 1987, Book 2
The triumph of the American spirit
Strategic importance of El Salvador and Central America
President Reagan's quotations
Ronald Reagan
Challenges of world development
Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States, Ronald Reagan, 1982, Book 1, January 1 to July 2, 1982
Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States, 1985: Book 1
Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States, Ronald Reagan, 1981, Book 1, January 20 to December 31, 1981
Peace and national security
U.S. program for peace and arms control
The agenda of U.S.-Soviet relations
Business Taxes in Greece
Ronald Reagan, 1986, Book Ii-June 28 to December 31 (Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States)
Ronald Reagan, honorary fellow at the Hoover Institution, speaks on United States foreign policy and world realities to the Foreign Policy Association, New York City, June 9, 1977
Cumulated Indexes to the Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States Ronald Reagan
National Security Strategy of the United States
Promoting democracy and peace
Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States, 1986, Book 1
United States foreign policy and world realities
My early life, or, Where's the rest of me?
Reinvigorating our schools
Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States, 1987, Book 1
Fiscal year 1985 arms control impact statements
Caribbean basin initiative
Ronald Reagan, The Great Speeches, Vol. I (Greatest Speeches of All Time)
Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States
Freedom and global economic growth
Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States, Ronald Reagan, 1983, Book 2
Managing the global economy
U.S. initiative to Iran
Ronald Reagan
Saving freedom in Central America
The official Ronald Wilson Reagan quote book
Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States, 1985 Book 2 (Ronald Reagan)
The great communicator
Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States, 1984: Book 2
I goofed
The Presidency and separation of powers (The Gauer distinguished lecture in law and public policy)
Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States, Ronald Reagan, 1983, Book 1
Endangering our national ideals and interests
Nuclear nonproliferation
Ronald Reagan in quotations
Berlin, a message of hope
Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States, 1985, Book 2
How to Save Free Enterprise
The great communicator
Una vida americana
Kim Il-sung
Kim Il-sung (1912-1994)


With the century
On developing the movement of Koreans in Japan onto a new higher stage
Kim Il Sung
Chuchʻe sasang e taehayŏ
Revolution and socialist construction in Korea
Kim Jong Il
Inmin kundae nŭn chagi ŭi suryŏng kwa tang, chagi ŭi chedo wa choguk ŭl moksum ŭro hayŏya handa
Kkosŭttarikka Sahoedang wiwŏnjang imyŏ Kkosŭttarikka Kija Tongmaeng wiwŏnjang in Kkosŭttarikka Chosŏn Chʻinsŏn Munhwa Hyŏpʻoejang i chegihan chilmun e taehan taedap
Let us reunify the country independently and peacefully
On enhancing the role of social science to meet the present demands of our revolution
The new-emerging forces should unite under the banner of independence against imperialism
On stepping up the work of the Union of Agricultural Working People
Chosŏng toen chŏngse ŭi yogu e matke hyŏngmyŏng undong ŭl tŏuk hwaktae palchŏn sikʻija
Report to the fifth Congress of the Workers' Party of Korea on the work of the Central Committee, November 2, 1970
For the successful introduction of universal compulsory eleven-year education
On breaking outdated patterns and bringing about a fresh change in party work
For the further development of our juche art
Answers to questions put by the chief editor of the Yugoslav newspaper Vecernje novosti, February 22, 1974
Chigŏp tongmaeng saŏp ŭl tŏuk kanghwa halte taehayŏ
Report to the sixth Congress of the Workers'Party of Korea on the work of the Central Committee, October 10, 1980
On further improving party ideological work
Let us enhance the sense of responsibility and role of teachers in the universal eleven-year compulsory education
For the efficient administration of the statefinance
For the strengthening and development of the party and the revolutionary ranks and a fresh upsurge in the construction of the socialist economy
The youth must take over and carry forward the revolution
The Workers' Party of Korea is the party of the great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung
On the summing up of the implementation of the "Theses on the socialist rural question in our country" set forth by the respected and beloved leader comrade Kim Il Sung and the future tasks
The Workers' Party of Korea is a Juche-type revolutionary party which inherited the glorious tradition of the DIU, October 17, 1982
On improving higher education
On the tasks of the Women's union
Chinbojŏk minjujuŭi e taehayo
On the building of the Workers' Party of Korea
Chōsen no jishuteki heiwa tōitsu
Chuchʻe sasang e taehayŏ
The Workers' Party of Korea is the party of the great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung
On improving party guidance to the work with young people and children
Kuktʻo kwalli saŏp ŭl kaesŏn kanghwa halte taehayŏ
On some problems of our party's Juche idea and the government of the republics internal and external policies
Report to the Sixth Congress of the Workers' Party of Korea on the work of the Central Committee, October 10, 1980
Choguk tʻongil e kwanhan widaehan suryŏng Kim Il-sŏng Tongji ŭi munhŏn palchʻwi
Progressive journalists of the five continents, wield your powerful revolutionary pen and sternly condemn U.S. imperialism
Let us increase the party's fighting efficiency and bring about a fresh turn in the building of socialism
The new-emerging forces should unite under the banner of independence against imperialism
Accomplishing juche, revolutionary cause, 1964-1971
Choguk kwangbok ŭi taesabyŏn ŭl chunbi ikke maji halte taehayŏ
Let us increase the party's fighting efficiency and bring about a fresh turn in the building of socialism
For the establishment of a United  Party of the working masses
The present situation and the tasks of our party
The Worker's Party of Korea organizes and guides all the victories of our people
Kim Jong Il on the juche idea
Let us completely frustrate U.S. imperialist aggression and intervention in Asia
Abuses of socialism are intolerable
For a free and peaceful new world
The present situation and the task of our party
Mujang tʻujaeng ŭl kungnae ero hwaktae palchŏn sikʻigi wihayŏ
On further accelerating the building of the socialist countryside
On eliminating dogmatism and formalism and establishing juche in ideological work
For the independent, peaceful reunification of Korea
On the occasion of a Japan Socialist Party delegation's visit to the DPRK
Selected works
On the situation of our country and tasks of the League of Korean Youth in Japan
On the victory of socialist agricultural co-operativization and the future development of agriculture in our country
Let us effect a revolutionary change in party work to meet the challenge of the present situation
Giving priority to ideological work is essential for accomplishing socialism
For an ultimate solution of the rural question under the banner of socialist rural theses
Tō no shidō no kyōka
Our socialism centred on the masses shall not perish
On the fundamentals of revolutionary party building
Talk with the director of "Daho express", official newspaper of the Dahomeyan government
On the five-point policy for national reunification
On further enhancing the role of the party organizations of the central authorities
Answers to the questions raised by the delegation of the National Association of Senegalese Journalists, Aug. 21, 1974
On some problems of education in the Juche idea
On developing the movement of Koreans in Japan onto a new higher stage
The Democratic People's Republic of Korea is the banner of freedom and independence for our people and the powerful weapon of building socialism and communism
Chŏnbanjŏk sibillyŏnje ŭimu kyoyuk ŭl sŏngkwajŏk ŭro silsi hagi wihayŏ
Sahoejuŭi yesul ŭi uwŏlsŏng ŭl on sesang e nŏlli siwi haja
Answers to the questions raised by Secretary-General of Peru-Korea Institute of Culture and Friendship, June 13, 1974
Answers to the questions raised by l'Unita, organ of the Italian Communist Party
Improving the work of party organizations of commissions and ministries under the Administration Council
Giving priority to ideological work is essential for accomplishing socialism
For correct management of the socialist rural economy in our country
Kyoyuk saŏp ŭl tŏuk palchŏn sikʻilte taehayŏ
Panil minjok haebang tʻujaeng ŭi kanghwa palchŏn ŭl wihan kongsanjuŭijadŭl ŭi immu
The US imperialist army of aggression must unconditionally withdraw from South Korea
All for the post-war rehabilitation and development of the national economy
Panil Inmin Yugyŏktae chʻanggŏn e chŭŭm hayŏ
On juche in our revolution
On the building of an independent national economy
To spread and develop the armed struggle into the homeland
Nitchō yūkō to kokkō seijōka ni mukete
Selected works
Let us inspire the people with hopes of national liberation by advancing with large forces into the homeland
The historical lesson in building socialism and the general line of our party
On enhancing the party's leading role
The great idea of Lenin on the national liberation struggle in colonies in the East is triumphing
Segi wa tŏburŏ
The non-alignment movement is a mighty anti-imperialist revolutionary force of our times
Pimil kyorirŭl pipʻan punsŏkhan Molmonʼgyo
On further improving the standard of living of the people
Kakumeiteki shingi to dōshiai
Every effort for the building of a new democratic Korea
On thoroughly establishing the system of party leadership
Monkey brothers
Korea must be reunified
On some questions in understanding the Juche philosophy
Kim Jong Il
Sahoejuŭi naradŭl sai ŭi chʻinsŏn tanʼgyŏl ŭn pʻyŏnghwa wa sahoejuŭi, kongsanjuŭi wiŏp ŭi sŭngnirŭl wihan tambo
Duties of literature and arts in our revolution
Chosŏn inmin kwa Kkuba inmin sai ŭi pulpʻae ŭi chʻinsŏn tanʼgyŏl
On preparing for the great event of national liberation
On bringing about a fresh upswing in socialisteconomic construction
The tasks of Communists in the strengthening and development of the anti-Japanese national-liberation struggle
Iron kwa silmu rŭl wihan nosa kwanʼgyepŏp haesŏl
Kim Chŏng-il chuyo munhŏnjip
Let us advance under the banner of Marxism-Leninism and the Juche idea
The common struggle of the revolutionary peoples of Asia against U.S. imperialism will surely win victory
Socialism is a science
On the Juche idea of our party
Let us fight on staunchly for the liberation of thefatherland
A talk with the delegation of the Japan Socialist Party
Chʻŏngnyŏn haksaengdŭl ŭn sidae ŭi sŏnʼguja ka toeja
The effects of glasnost and perestroika on the Soviet sport system
Let us prepare the young people thoroughly as reliable successors to the revolutionary cause of juche
On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the foundation of The Workers' Party of Korea
On improving and strengthening judicial and prosecution work
Guan yu wo guo ge ming di zhu ti
Chae Ilbon Chosŏnin undong kwa Chʻongnyŏn ŭi immu
Unity based on revolutionary comradeship is the source of the invincibility of The People's Army
Answers to the questions raised by the president of the Nepal Journalist Association, November 29, 1990
Let us develop our youth movement to a new, higher level
Kuan yü Chʻao-hsien lao tung tang ti chien she
Our socialism centred on the masses shall not perish
For the establishment of a united party ofthe working masses
Minjok haebang, kyegŭp haebang e kwanhan widae han suryŏng Kim Il-sŏng Tongji ŭi kyosi
Report on the work of the Central Committee to the third congress of the Workers' Party of Korea, April 23, 1956
Choguk tʻongil ŭl wihayŏ
On some experiences of the democratic and socialist revolutions in our country
On introducing new systems of economic management
Kim Chŏng-il kaltŭng radio
On some experiences of the financial operations in the rural areas
Theses on the socialist agrarian question in our country
On the further improvement of the health service
The results of the agrarian reform and future tasks
Shakai shugi kyōsan shugi igyō no kansei
Tang saŏp kwa kyŏngje saŏp esŏ nasŏnŭn myŏt kaji kwaŏp e taehayŏ
Hyŏngmyŏng kagŭk kŏnsŏl esŏ irukhan sŏngkwa rŭl konggo palchŏn sikʻilte taehayŏ
Chosŏn inmin kwa Monggol inmin sai ŭi chʻinsŏn tanʼgyŏl ŭn yŏngwŏn halkŏt ida
On thoroughly establishing the system of party leadership
Nationalization of major industries
On the building of the Workers' Party of Korea
Kim Il-sŏng chŏnjip
The historical lesson in building socialism and the general line of our party
With the century
On building a Marxist-Leninist Party in our country and its immediate tasks
On socialist pedagogy
Yŏnʼgil Yugyŏk Pudae chihwi sŏngwŏn kwa han tamhwa, 1933-yŏn 9-wŏl 19-il
On some theoretical problems of the socialist economy
On the three principles of national reunification
Invincible is the Korean People's Army, founded and trained by ever-victorious, iron-willed genius-commander Marshal Kim Il Sung
Talk with journalists of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, May 27,1976
Talk with the editor-in-chief of the Japanese politico-theoretical magazine Sekai, March 28, 1976
Uri nara esŏ ŭi Maksŭ-Reninjuŭi tang kŏnsŏl kwa tang ŭi tangmyŏn kwaŏp e taehayŏ
Selected works [of] Kim Il Sung
For the independent, peaceful reunification of the country
The character and the actor
Tʻongilgyo chŏngchʻe
On the proposal for founding a democratic confederal republic of Koryo
On the questions of the period of transition from capitalism to socialism and the dictatorship of the proletariat
On speeding up the building of socialism
Theses on the socialist rural question in our country
New Year address, January 1, 1974
Pukhanpŏp kangjwa
Hyŏngmyŏngjŏk chijorŭl chikʻyŏ chosŏngdoen nanʼguk ŭl tʻagae hae nagaja
On speeding up the building of socialism
On the 20th anniversary of the founding of the Korean People's Army
Report to the Fifth Congress of the Workers' Party of Korea on the work o the Central Committee November 2, 1970
Hyŏn sidae wa chʻŏngnyŏndŭl ŭi immu
On some problems of education in the Juche idea
On creating revolutionary literature and art
Answers to the questions raised by the managing editor of the Japanese newspaper Mainichi shimbun, April 19, 1991
On revolutionizing and working-classizing the whole of society (excerpts)
Sahoejuŭi nongchʻon tʻeje ŭi kichʻi nopʻi nongchʻon munje ŭi chonggukchŏk haegyŏl ŭl wihayŏ
Minjok taedong tanʼgyŏl e taehaya
Let us bring the advantages of our people's government into fuller play
On correctly understanding the originality of Kimilsungism
Sahoe munjeron
On some theoretical problems of the socialist economy
Sahoejuŭi naradŭl kwa ŭi chʻinsŏn tanʼgyŏl ŭl wihayŏ
Guan yu zhu ti si xiang
Sinnyŏnsa, 1976-nyŏn 1-wŏl 1-il
Accomplishing juche, revolutionary cause, 1964-1971
Let us bring the advantages of our people's government into fuller play
Chosŏn Nodongdang ŭn yŏnggwang sŭrŏun <tʻ.t> ŭi chŏngtʻong ŭl kyesŭnghan chuchʻehyŏng ŭi ida, hyŏngmyŏngjŏk tang 1982-yŏn 10-wŏl 17-il
Guan yu zhu ti si xiang (zhai lu)
Talk with the editor-in-chief of the Japanese politico-theoretical magazine "Sekai", March 28, 1976
Answers to questions raised by the general director of GRANMA, the organ of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba, October 26, 1989
On the victory of socialist agricultural co-operativization and the future development of agriculture in our country
Chōsen ni okeru interi seisaku
New Year address, January 1, 1972
On further developing educational work
Chosŏn haeoe kyopʻo undong e taehayŏ
On national reunification (excerpt)
Kim Chŏng-il sŏnjip
The youth should be dependable heirs to the revolutionary cause of Juche
Ningen chūshin no shakai shugi
On enhancing the Party's leading role
Answers to the questions raised by foreign journalists [by] Kim Il Sung
Our socialism centred on the masses shall not perish
Kim Il-sŏng chŏjakchip
Let us bring about radical improvement in education by the full implementation of the theses on socialist education
Let us achieve national reunification and world peace through struggle
Answers to the questions raised by the delegation of the Yugoslav News Agency TANJUG
Den alliancefri bevaegelse er en maegtig anti-imperialistisk revolutionaer kraft i vor tid
Let us fight on staunchly for the liberation of the fatherland
Answers to the questions raised by the delegation of the National Association of Senegalese journalists, August21, 1974
Answers to questions raised by the general director of the Latin American news agency "Prensa latina"
Kim Il Sung
Answers to the questions raised by an APF correspondent, May 31, 1975
On improving and strengthening the training of party cadres
On some experiences of the democratic and socialist revolutions in our country
Answers to questions raised by general manager of "Dar-el-Tahrir" for printing and publishing of the United Arab Republic, July 1 1969
On some experiences of the financial operations in the rural areas
Let us inspire the people with hopes of national liberation by advancing with large forces intothe homeland
For the correct management of the socialist rural economy
Kim Il Sung on the land law
On the building of an independent national economy
Kōnichi kakumeiki chosaku senshū
Answers to the questions raised by foreign journalists
For the development of agriculture in African countries
Sinhŭng seryŏk naradŭl ŭi minjok munhwa rŭl palchŏn sikʻigi wihayŏ
Let the progressive students of the world fight for peace and social progress
On improving the press and students' education
Answers to the questions raised by the Chinese Xinhua news agency delegation, April 23, 1981
On improving and strengthening the work of general education
Answers to the questions raised by secretary-general of Peru-Korea Institute of Culture and Friendship
On the building of new Korea and the national united front
Let the North and the South open the way to peace and the reunification of the country in a united effort
The youth must take over and carry forward the revolution
On the non-aligned movement
For a free and peaceful new world
On improving higher education
Let us further promote the building of socialism by vigorously carrying out the three revolutions
On the Korean people's struggle to apply the juche idea
Answers to questions raised by the managing editor of th e Japanese newspaper Asahi Shimbun, March 31, 1992
Let us achieve national reunification and world peace through struggle
The working class should become the pivotal force in the struggle for modelling the whole of society on the juche idea
Antworten auf Fragen einer Reportergruppe der NHK, 3 Juli 1977
For the reunification of Korea
Speech at the banquet to celebrate the 35th anniversary of the founding of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea
Tang ti kung tso chung chu yao ti shih chiao yü, kai tsao ho tʻuan chieh so yu ti jen
Young people must accomplish the revolutionary cause of juche, upholding the leadership of the party
Nytaarstale januar 1976
Kim Il Sung on the agrarian reform
On further developing the nursing and upbringing of children
To bring about a great revolutionary upswing in socialist construction
Answers to the questions raised by a journalist of El Moudjahid, official newspaper of the government of the Algerian Democratic and People's Republic
For the development of national culture of newly-emerging countries
Answers to questions raised by a delegation of journalists of Washington Times from the United States, April 12,1992
Answers to the questions raised by the Iraqi Journalists' Delegation
The present political situation and our new tasks
All efforts to attain the goal of eight million tons of grain
Answers to the questions raised by foreign journalists
Chʻŏngsonyŏn saŏp e taehayŏ
10-point programme of the great unity of the whole nation for the reunification of the country
On further developing the nursing and upbringing of children
Izbrannȳe stat'i i rechi
Tasks of the People's government in modelling the whole of society on the Juche idea
Members of the Children's Union of Korea, be loyal and dutiful sons and daughters of our party
Rōdōsha kaikyū wa zenshakai no shutai shisōka o mezasu tōsō de chūkaku butai to nare
For the establishment of a united party of the working masses
On improving and strengthening the work of general education
Kim Il Sung on the work of the United Front
On further accelerating the building of the socialist countryside
Theses on socialist education
On the occasion of founding the Anti-Japanese People's Guerrilla Army
Progressive journalists of the five continents, wield your powerful revolutionary pen and sternly condemn U.S. imperialism
Talk with the Panamanian journalist delegation, September 1, 1974
The tasks of Communists in the strengthening and development of the anti-Japanese national-liberation struggle
Choguk ttang e hyŏngmyŏng ŭi hwaepul ŭl nopʻi ollija
Let us repudiate the "left" adventurist line and follow the revolutionary organizational line
Kim Chŏng-il sŏnjip
Kim Il Sung on the development of local industry
On introducing new systems of economic management
On the question of the national united front
On the building of the people's government
Education, literature and art should contribute to equipping people with a revolutionary world outlook
On the question of the national united front
On eliminating dogmatism and formalism and establishing juche in ideological work
For friendship and solidarity among the youth and students of the world
Choguk tʻongil odae pangchʻim e taehayŏ
Answers to the questions raised by an AFP correspondant
Chibang kongŏp ŭl tŏuk palchŏn sikʻija
On the independent, peaceful reunification of the country
Let us further consolidate and develop the great successes achieved in the building of a socialist countryside
Report to the sixth congress of the workers' party of Korea
Chuche shisō ni tsuite
On the socialist constitution of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea
The Democratic People's Republic of Korea is the banner of Freedom and independence for our people and the powerful weapon of building socialism and communism
Answers to questions raised by the managing editor of the Japanese politico-theoretical magazine 'Serai'
Kyōsan shugiteki hinsei to sakufū
On the building of the Workers' Party of Korea
Marukusu Rēnin shugi to chuche shisō no hata o takaku kakagete susumō
On our country's experiences in the solution of the rural question
The Democratic People's Republic of Korea is the banner of freedom and independence for our people and the powerful weapon of building socialism and communism
For the efficient administration of the state finance
Let us promote the world revolution, holding high the banner of Marxism-Leninism and proletarian internationalism
Sahoejuŭi nodongpŏp ŭl chʻŏlchŏhi kwanchʻŏl haja
Talk with executive managing editor of Japanese Yomiuri Shimbun and his party, April 23, 1977
Chuche shisō to Marukusu Rēnin shugi
On juche in our revolution
On the non-aligned movement
For the successful introduction of universal compulsory eleven-year education
Kakumeiteki bungaku geijutsuron
Answers to the questions raised by chief editor of Al Sahafa
Answers to the questions raised by the director and editor-in-chief of the 'The Review of International Affairs' of Yugoslavia
Yugosŭllabia Tʻanyugŭ tʻongsinsa taepʻyodan i chegihan chilmun e taehan taedap
Selected works
Selected works
Answers to questions raised by the chief of the bureau of the Italian radio and television for the Far East, October 29, 1988
Answers to questions raised by the N. H. K. reporters, July 3, 1977
Answers to the questions raised by the editor-in-chief of the Egyptian newspaper 'Al Massa'
The US imperialist army of aggression must unconditionally withdraw from South Korea
The Korean revolutionaries must know Korea well
On bringing about a fresh upswing in socialist economic construction
Let us embody more thoroughly the revolutionary spirit of independence, self-sustenance and self-defence in all fields of state activity
Kim Il Song on the development of local industry
On the work of the women's union
On socialist pedagogy
A talk with the editor-in-chief of the Japanese politico-theoretical magazine "Sekai"
Let us shatter imperialist moves towards aggression and war and safeguard peace and independence
Answers to the questions raised by chief editor of Al Sahafa, organ of the Sudanese government
Answers to questions raised by the president of the Kyodo News Service of Japan, June 1, 1991
Enhancing the role of the popular masses is the guarantee for victory in the cause of independence
Let us further strengthen the people's government
Answers to questions raised by deputy director of 'Granma', the organ of The Central Committee of The Communist Party of Cuba
Let us accomplish the cause of socialism and communism under the revolutionary banner of Juche
Education, literature and art should contribute to equipping people with a revolutionary world outlook
Let us step up socialist construction under the banner of the Juche idea
On the thorough implementation of the principles of socialist pedagogy in education
Ilbon chŏnʼguk hyŏksin sijanghoe taepʻyodan kwa han tamhwa, 1972-yŏn 5-wŏl 14-il
On Juche in our revolution
For the reunification of Korea
Let us further strengthen the socialist system of our country
On fully displaying the revolutionary spirit of self-reliance (excerpts)
On the building of new Korea and the national united front
Every effort for the building of a new democratic Korea
On agricultural cooperation (excerpts)
On progressive democracy
The peoples of the Third World who advance under the uplifted banner of independence will certainly win their revolutionary cause
Let us develop south-south cooperation
On improving and strengthening the trainingof party cadres
On the work of the United Front
On organizing and waging armed struggle against Japanese imperialism
On the road followed by our party and some immediate tasks
Namjosŏn hyŏngmyŏng kwa choguk tʻongil e taehayŏ
Koreas uafhaengige og fredelige genforening
Sur quelques problèmes internationaux, précédé de La République populaire démocratique de Corée
Let us bring about radical improvement in education by the full implementation of thetheses on socialist education
The present situation and the tasks of our party
The youth should be dependable heirs to the revolutionary cause of Juche
A talk with the delegation of the Japan Socialist Party
For the development of agriculture in African countries
Let us uphold independence
On the situation of our country and tasks of the League of Korean Youth in Japan
On the Korean people's struggle to apply the Juche idea
Talk with the managing editor of the Japanese politico-theoretical magazine "Sekai," October 6, 1972
On socialist industrialization
Litteraturens og kunstens pligter inden for vor revolution
All for the post-war rehabilitation and development of the national economy
Susanŏp ŭl tŏuk palchŏl sikʻilte taehayŏ
On the work with children and youth
Chajusŏng ŭl kyŏnji haja
Let us accomplish the cause of socialism and communism under the revolutionary banner of Juche
On progressive democracy
Let us promote the building of socialism by vigorously carrying out the three revolutions
Let us prevent a national split and reunify the country
On the thorough implementation of the principles of socialist pedagogy in education
On the occasion of a Japan Socialist Party delegation's visit to the DPRK
New year address
Let us promote the world revolution, holding high the banner of Marxism-Leninism and proletarian internationalism, the banner of anti-imperialist, anti-US struggle
For the developmenmt of physical education and sport in the non-aligned countries
Duties of literature and arts in our revolution
On immediate political and economic policies of The Democratic People's Republic of Korea and some international problems
On increasing the vitality of the work of the League of Socialist Working Youth to suit the character of young people
On the thorough implementation of the principles of socialist pedagogy in education
Nationalization of major industries
For the establishment of a united party of the working masses
Enhancing the role of the popular masses is the guarantee for victory in the cause of independence
The Mission of contemporary literature
Chʻŏngsonyŏn saŏp kwa sahoejuŭi nodong chʻŏngnyŏn tongmaeng ŭi immu e taehayŏ
On further accelerating the building of the socialist countryside
On further developing the Daean work system
On the land law
On socialist construction and the South Korean revolution in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea
On the situation of our country and tasks of the League of Korean Youth in Japan
On further improving class education of party members
On the occasion of founding the Anti-Japanese People's Guerrilla Army
Answers to the questions raised by the editor-in-chief of the Egyptian newspaper Al Massa, October 16, 1986
On building a Marxist-Leninist party in our country and its immediate tasks
To spread and develop the armed struggle into the homeland
Report made at the meeting in celebration of the 15th anniversary of the August 15 liberation, the national holiday of the Korean people
Ilche ŭi taeryuk chʻimnyak chŏnjaeng ŭl chŏji pʻatʻan sikʻigo choguk kwangbok ŭi wiŏp ŭl aptanggija
The present situation and the task confronting our party
Answers to the questions raised by the president of the Nepal Journalist Association, November 29, 1990
New Year address
On the Korean people's struggle to apply the Juche idea
Answers to questions raised by the director of the RSS News Agency of Nepal, June 22, 1982
On rural financial operations
Theses on the socialist rural question in our country
Let us repudiate the "Left" adventurist line and follow the revolutionary organizational line
New year address; January 1, 1981
With the century
For the independent, peaceful reunification of the country
Choguk tʻongil ŭi 3-tae wŏnchʻik e taehayŏ
Let us further strengthen the People's Government
All efforts to attain the goal of eight million tons of grain
The Korean revolutionaries must know Korea well
Talk with Executive Managing Editor of Japanese "Yomiuri Shimbun" and His Party
On the management of the socialist economy
Great anti-imperialist revolutionary cause of Asian, African, and Latin American peoples is invincible
Answers to questions raised by a delegation of journalists of Washington Times from the United States
New year address; January 1, 1980
Juche-idéens storslaaede resultater
The main thing in party work is to educate, remould and unite all people
Let us embody more thoroughly the revolutionary spirit of independence, self-sustenance and self-defence in all fields of state activity
Answers to the questions raised by Secretary-General of Peru-Korea Institute of Culture and Friendship, June 13,1974
The DPRK represents genuine people's power and is a banner of the unity and solidarity of the masses
On preparing for the great event of national liberation
Answers to the questions raised by the chairman of the Costa Rica-Korea Association of Friendship and Culture who is the chairman of the Costa Rica Socialist Party and chairman of the Costa Rica Journalists Union
Young people must accomplish the revolutionary cause of Juche, upholding the leadership of the Party
Let us achieve the great unity of our nation
For the complete victory of socialism
Answers to the questions raised by chief editor of Al Sahafa, organ of the Sudanese government, April 25, 1974
Talk with a Japanese visitors' group
On socialist consturction and the South Korean revolution in the  Democratic People's Republic of Korea
On creating revolutionary literature and art
On the character and tasks of the trade union in socialist society
Young people and students, be the vanguard of our times
Answers to questions raised by the managing editor of the Japanese politico-theoretical magazine Sekai, June 9, 1985
Unity based on revolutionary comradeship is the source of the invincibility of the People's Army
Let us promote the building of socialism by vigorously carrying out the three revolutions
Chŏndang, chŏnʼguk, chŏnmin i tallabutʻŏ kansŏkchi kaegan kwa sae ttang chʻatki rŭl wihan tae chayŏn kaejo saŏp ŭl himitke pŏllija
The Democratic People's Republic of Korea is the banner of freedom and independence
On the three principles of national reunification
Speeches delivered during the visit to the Algerian Democratic and People's Republic
New Year address, January 1, 1975
Speech at the banquet to celebrate the 35th anniversary of the founding of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, September 9, 1983
The Korean revolutionaries must know Korea well
For an independent world
Let us repudiate the "Left" adventurist line and follow the revolutionary organizational line
Tasks of the people's government in modelling the whole of society on the juche idea
For the correct management of the socialist rural economy in our country
For the development of agriculture in African countries
Kim Il-sŏng chŏjak sŏnjip
Tang saŏp ŭl kaesŏn kanghwa hagi wihayŏ nasŏnŭn myŏt kaji munje e taehayŏ
On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the foundation of the Workers' Party of Korea
Om visse teoretiske problemer i den socialistiske oekonomi
The new-emerging forces should unite under the banner of independence against imperialism
On the socialist transformation of individual trade and industry (excerpts)
Let us step up socialist construction under the banner of the Juche idea
Answers to the questions raised by a journalist of El Moudjahid, official newspaper of the government of the Algerian Democratic and People's Republic, May 29, 1975
Sidae ŭi taegang
On the revolutionization and working-classization of women
The non-alignment movement is a mighty anti-imperialist revolutionary force of our times
Answers to the questions raised by the chairman of the Costa Rica-Korean Association of Friendship and Culture,who is chairman of the Costa Rica Socialist Party and chairman of the Costa Rica journalists union, April 13, 1975
Let us bring the advantages of socialism in our country into full play
On the proposal for founding a democratic confederal republic of Koryo
Answers to questions raised by the general director of the Latin American news agency Prensa Latina, February 26, 1987
The peoples of the Third World who advance under the uplifted banner of independence will certainly win their revolutionary cause
Tasks of the people's government in modelling the whole of society on the Guche idea
Inmin chukwŏn ŭl kanghwa hayŏ uri hyŏngmyŏng ŭi chonggukchŏk sŭngnirŭl tŏuk ap tanggija
On eliminating dogmatism and formalism and establishing jooche in ideological work
Let us achieve the great unity of our nation
Answers to the questions raised by L'Unita, organ of the Italian Communist Party, July 3, 1974
Sahoejuŭi chaejŏng kŭmyung saŏp e taehayŏ
Let us uphold independence
Juche! The speeches and writings of Kim Il Sung
Let us inspire the people with hopes of national liberation by advancing with large forces into the homeland
Guan yu tu di fa
The results of the agrarian reform and future tasks
Answers to the questions raised by the managing editor of the Japanese newspaper Mainichi Shimbun, April 19, 1991
The non-alignment movement is a mighty anti-imperialist revolutionary force of our times
On some problems of our party's juche idea and the government of the Republic's internal and external policies
Answers to questions raised by the editor-in-chief of the Ghana Times, organ of the government of Ghana, October8, 1981
On the tasks of the Women's Union
For the peaceful unification of the country
Kin Nissei chosakushū
On the tasks of the youth in the building of socialism
Answers to questions raised by the vice-chairman of the Indonesian newspaper Merdeka, March 6, 1986
On building the party, state, and armed forces in the liberated homeland
Let us step up socialist construction under the banner of the Juche idea
Sonyŏn tanwŏndŭl ŭn chuchʻe hyŏngmyŏng wiŏp ŭi hubidaero tʻŭntʻŭnhi chunbi haja
On organizing and waging armed struggle against Japanese imperialism
The present political situation and our new tasks
The youth should be dependable heirs to the revolutionary cause of Juche
Interview mit dem Direktor des Organs der Regierung von Dahome "Daho-Express" 19 September 1974
Let us embody more thoroughly the revolutionary spirit of independence, self-sustenance and self-defence in all fieldsof state activity
Widaehan suryŏng Kim Il-sŏng Tongji ŭi pulmyŏl ŭi hyŏngmyŏng ŏpchŏk
Inmin pogŏnpŏp ŭl chʻŏlchŏhi kwanchʻŏl haja
The youth must take over and carry forward the revolution
Mundŏk sŏnʼgŏgu sŏngŏjadŭl ap esŏ han yŏnsŏl, 1957-nyŏn 8 wol 2 il
Nōson mondai kaiketsu no keiken
The tasks of Korean communists
3-tae hyŏngmyŏng e taehayŏ
Talk with the editor-in-chief of the Japanese politico-theoretical magazine "Sekai", March 28, 1976
For the independent, peaceful reunification of the country
The youth must take over the revolution and carry it forward
Answers to the questions raised by foreign journalists, 4
On the non-aligned movement
Answers to questions raised by the editor-in-chief of Horizont, a newspaper of the German Democratic Republic, August 4, 1988
Kim Il Sung on the non-aligned movement
Kim Il-sŏng chŏjak sŏnjip
Izbrannye proizvedenii͡a︡
Answers to questions put by the chief editor of the Yugoslav newspaper Vecernje novosti, February 22, 1974
Sinnyŏnsa, 1982-yŏn 1-wŏl 1-il
Talk with the editor-in-chief of the French newspaper Le Monde, June 20, 1977
Talk with the Panamanian journalist delegation, September 1, 1974
Shakai shugi ni okeru zaisei kanri jigyō
On revolutionizing and working-classizing the whole of society (excerpts)
New Year address, January 1, 1975
New Year address, January 1, 1982
On the duties of educational workers in the upbringing of the children and youth
Answers to the questions raised by the Iraqi journalists' delegation, October 11, 1971
New Year address, January 1, 1980
On some theoretical problems of the socialist economy
With the century
Kim Il-sŏng chŏnjip
Answers to the questions raised by the delegation of the Democratic Youth League of Finland for the "Kansan Uutiset" central organ of the Communist Party of Finland, September 2, 1969
Chʻŏngsonyŏn saŏp kwa sahoejuŭi nodong chʻŏngnyŏn tongmaeng ŭi immu e taehayŏ
Selected works (of) Kim Il Sung
Kim Il Sung on the independent, peaceful reunification of the country
Answers to questions raised by the managing editor of the Japanese newspaper Asahi shimbun, March 31, 1992
The non-alignment movement is a mighty anti-imperialist revolutionary force of our times
On the building of the people's government
New Year address, January 1, 1976
Aryŏn "Tarŭ Al Tʻahŭrirŭ" Chʻulpʻansa chʻonggukchang Abŭdel Hamidŭ  Ahŭmedŭ Hamŭruswi ka chegihan chilmun e taehan taedap, 1969-yŏn 7 wŏl 1 il
Irakʻŭ kija taepʻyodan i chegihan chilmun e taehan taedap, 1971-yŏn 10 wŏl 11 il
On revolutionary literature and arts
Chuche shisō to sokoku tōitsu
Kim Il Sung on socialist pedagogy
Answers to questions rasied by the managing editor of the Japanese politico-theoretical magazine Sekai, June 9, 1985
For the development of national culture of newly-emerging countries
New Year address, January 1, 1978
Torzhestvo ideĭ Velikogo Okti͡a︡bri͡a︡
Answers to the questions raised by foreign journalists
Theses on the socialist agrarian question in our country
Chōsen Rōdōtō Dai 6-kai Taikai hōkoku
Ilbon "Iwanami" Sŏjŏm sangmu chʻwichʻeyŏk chʻong pʻyŏnjipchang kwa han tamhwa, 1973nyŏn 9 wŏl 19 il
Chajuhwa ŭi kil
Answers to questions raised by the director of the RSS News Agency of Nepal, June 22, 1982
Benin Inmin Konghwaguk Naemu Anjŏn mit Minjok Panghyangbu Yŏnʼgu Kyehoek Kukchang i chegi han chilmun e taehan taedap, 1979 nyŏn 6 wŏl 30 il
On agricultural cooperation (excerpts)
The great idea of Lenin on the national liberation struggle in colonies in the east is triumphing
Kim Il-sŏng chŏjakchip
Answers to the questions put by the foreign editor of the Yugoslav news agency TANJUG, May 29, 1976
Report made at the meeting in celebration of the 15th anniversary of the August 15 liberation, the national holiday of the Korean people
Chuchʻe ŭi hyŏngmyŏng wiŏp ŭl muryŏk ŭro tʻŭntʻŭnhi tambo haja
Prodigy of human thinking
On the questions of the period of transition from capitalism to socialism and the dictatorship of the proletariat
New Year address, January 1, 1972
Talk to correspondents of U.S. newspaper "the New York Times", May 26, 1972
Chuchʻe sasang e kwanhan widaehan suryŏng Kim Il-sŏng Tongji ŭi munhŏn
On the socialist transformation of individual trade and industry (excerpts)
Speeches delivered during visits to the People's Republic of China, Africa and Europe
Answers to the questions raised by the Iraqi News Agency, July 1, 1969
Pʻyŏngan-namdo tang tanchʻedŭl ŭi kwaŏp e taehayŏ
Za stroitelʹstvo sot͡s︡ialisticheskoĭ ėkonomiki v nasheĭ strane
Answers to questions raised by a journalist delegation from the American newspaper, the Washington Times
Answers to the questions raised by general manager of Dar-el-Tahrir for Printing and Publishing of the United Arab Republic, July 1, 1969
For the implementation of the rural theses
Choguk ŭi chajujŏk pʻyŏnghwa tʻongil ŭl wihayŏ
Kim Il-sŏng sonjip
Jin Richeng wen xuan
Minzoku kanbu yōsei ni tsuite
Report at the celebration meeting of the 10th anniversary of the founding of the D. P. R. K
Sinnyŏnsa, 1980-nyŏn 1-wŏl 1-il
Kim Il Sung: renforçons la lutte anti-impérialiste et anti-U.S
Tʻongil chŏnsŏn saŏp e taehayŏ
Talk with journalists of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, May 27, 1976
Jin Richeng wen xuan, 1945-1967 nian
Sinnyŏnsa, 1982-yŏn l-wŏl 1-il
Tochihō ni tsuite
For the victory of the anti-imperialist revolutionary cause
Chajusŏng ŭl ongho hanŭn segye inmindŭl ŭi tanʼgyŏl ŭl wihayŏ
Œuvres choisies
Answers to the questions raised by the delegation of the National Association of Senegalese Journalists, Aug. 21, 1974
For the independent unification of Korea
Answers to the questions raised by correspondent of the Lebanese newspaper "Al Anwar", November 22, 1969
On the work of the United Front (excerpts)
Sahoejuŭi kyoyuk e kwanhan tʻeje
Apʻŭrikʻa naradŭl ŭi nongŏp palchŏn ŭl wihayŏ
Pʻillandŭ Kongsandang chungang kigwanji "Kʻansan uu tʻisetʻŭ"rŭl wihayŏ Pʻillandŭ Minju Chʻŏngnyŏn Tongmaeng Taepʻyodan i chegihan chilmun e taehan taedap, 1969-yŏn 9 wŏl 2 il
Tōkatsudō o kyōkasuru tame ni
On the Juche idea, excerpts
Wŏsingtʻon e innŭn Chosŏn Munje Yŏnʼguso Sojang ege ponaen hoedap sŏhan, 1967-yŏn 1 wŏl 4 il
On the policy towards intellectuals in our country
Tʻongsin podo punya esŏ ppʻŭllŏk pul kadam naradŭl ŭi hyŏpchorŭl kanghwa hagi wihayŏ
Let us reunify the country independently and peacefully
Answers to the questions raised by the Director of the Research and Planning Department of the Ministry of Internal Security and National Orientation of the People's Republic of Benin, June 30, 1979
Theses on the socialist agrarian question in Korea
Let us intensify the anti-imperialist, anti-U.S. struggle
Selected works
Answers to the questions raised by the Editor-in-chief of the Indonesian newspaper Media Indonesia, September 1, 1992
Chōsen no jishuteki taigai seisaku
Answers to questions raised by N.H.K. reporters, July 3, 1977
New Year address, January 1, 1973
New Year address, January 1, 1974
Oeguk kijadŭl i chegihan chilmun e taehan taedap
On the management of the socialist economy
Izbrannyi statʹi i rechi
On sahoerŭl chuchʻe sasanghwa hagi wihan inmin chŏnggwŏn ŭi kwaŏp
The life of a revolutionary should begin with struggle and end with struggle
Talk with executive managing editor of Japanese "Yomiuri Shimbun" and his party, April 23, 1977
For correct management of the socialist rural economy in our country
Tōitsu sensen no riron to keiken
Answers to questions raised by the vice-chairman of the Indonesian newspaper Merdeka, March 6, 1986
Sahoejuŭi kyŏngje kwalli munje e taehayŏ
Shakai shugi igaku wa yobō igaku
Seinen wa shutai kakumei taigyō no tanomoshii keishōsha to nare
Rapport présenté à la réunion célébrant le 15e anniversaire de la libération du 15 août, fête nationale du peuple coréen
Emilio Lussu
Emilio Lussu (1890-1975)

soldier, politician

  • University of Cagliari
Road to exile
A Soldier on the Southern Front
Un anno sull'Altipiano
Sardinian Brigade (Lost Treasures)
Lettere a Carlo Rosselli e altri scritti di Giustizia e libertà
Anno sull'Altipiano
An autobiographical account by a leading Sardinian Republican politician of resistance to Fascism in Sardinia from 1918-1930
L'uomo dell'altipiano
Il cinghiale del Diavolo
Sul Partito d'azione e gli altri
La catena
Enter Mussolini
Marcia su Roma e dintorni
Essere a sinistra
Théorie de l'insurrection
Teoria della insurrezione, saggio critico
Sul brigantaggio in Sardegna / Emilio Lussu
Per l'Italia dall'esilio
La difesa di Roma
Discorsi parlamentari
Il cinghiale del diavolo e altri scritti sulla Sardegna
Enter Mussolini
Un anno sull'Altipiano
Marcia su Roma e dintorni
Diplomazia clandestina
Un anno sull'Altipiano
Su sirboni de su dimoniu
Tutte le opere
Lotte sociali, antifascismo e autonomia in Sardegna
La difesa di Roma di G. L. (9-10 settembre)
Diplomazia clandestina, 14 giugno 1940 - 25 luglio 1943
Stuart Christie
Stuart Christie (1946-2020)

linguist, translator, autobiographer, anarchist, politician, publisher

Granny Made Me an Anarchist
The Floodgates of Anarchy
We, the Anarchists!
Arena Two
The Christie file
General Franco Made Me a 'terrorist'
Life for Anarchy
Stefano Della Chaie
The Angry Brigade - The Cause and the Case
Anarquismo y lucha de clases
Michela Murgia
Michela Murgia (1972-2023)

politician, blogger, columnist, literary critic

Y la iglesia inventó a la mujer - 1. ed.
Istruzioni per diventare fascisti
Instruccions per fer-se feixista
L'inferno è una buona memoria. Visioni da «Le nebbie di Avalon» di Marion Zimmer Bradley
La Guerre des saints
Instrucciones para convertirse en fascista
Una relació perillosa
Acabadora (Em Portuguese do Brasil)
Morgana. Storie di ragazze che tua madre non approverebbe
Instruções para se tornar um fascista
Instrucciones para convertirse en fascista
La Guerre des saints
How to Be a Fascist
Futuro interiore
Viaggio in Sardegna
Il mondo deve sapere
Ave Mary
La acabadora
Fascist worden
Giovanni Ruffini
Giovanni Ruffini (1807-1881)

poet, librettist, diplomat, politician

Doctor Antonio
Amheida I
Lorenzo Benoni
Il dottor Antonio: Nuova traduzione dall' inglese di Marina Carcano
Il dottor Antonio
Vincenzo; or, Sunken Rocks
Il Dottor Antonio
Lorenzo Benoni
Dear experience
I Paragreens a Parigi
Costruire chiese
Lavinia V1
The Paragreens on a visit to the Paris Universal Exhibition
Lorenzo Benoni
The Paragreens on a visit to the Paris universal exhibition
Lorenzo Benoni
Doctor Antonio
A quiet nook in the Jura, by the author of 'Doctor Antonio'
I Paragreen a Parigi
The Paragreens on a visit to the Paris universal exhibition
The Paragreens, or A visit to the Paris universal exhibition. By the author of 'Lorenzo Benoni'
I Paragreens a Parigi
I fratelli Ruffini, lettere di Giovanni e Agostino Ruffini alla madre dall'esilio francese e svizzero
Doctor Antonio, by the author of Lorenzo Benoni
Maajid Nawaz
Maajid Nawaz (born 1977)

politician, essayist, human rights activist, political activist

  • London School of Economics and Political Science, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London
Chronēs Missios
Chronēs Missios (1930-2012)
