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philosophers who wrote autobiography
Showing 97-104 out of 143 results
Hannah Arendt
Hannah Arendt (1906-1975)

philosopher, historian, political scientist, essayist, sociologist, political theorist, resistance fighter

  • Humboldt University of Berlin, University of Marburg
Hannah Arendt
Eichmann in Jerusalem
The Origins of Totalitarianism
The Human Condition
Between past and future
Rahel Varnhagen
Men in dark times
On violence
Essays in understanding, 1930-1954
Between Friends
On revolution
Crises of the Republic
Love and Saint Augustine
The Promise of Politics
Lectures on Kant's political philosophy
The Portable Hannah Arendt
The life of the mind
Der Liebesbegriff bei Augustin
The Jewish Writings
Hannah Arendt/Karl Jaspers correspondence, 1926-1969
" Édifier un monde"
Gespräche mit Hannah Arendt
The Jew as pariah
Responsibility and Judgment
Hannah Arendt/Heinrich Blücher
Thinking without a banister
Briefe 1925 bis 1975
Within four walls
The Life of the mind (in 2 vols.)
Vor Antisemitismus ist man nur noch auf dem Monde sicher
--in keinem Besitz verwurzelt
Conferencias Sobre La Filosofia Politica de Kant
Les Origines du totalitarisme, tome 1
Hannah Arendt, Kurt Blumenfeld
Wahrheit und Lüge in der Politik
Les Origines du totalitarisme, tome 2
La Tradicion Oculta
Letters, 1925-1975
Hannah Arendt
Correspondence 1926-1969
Walter Benjamin, Bertolt Brecht
Was ist Politik?
The Life of the Mind (Combined 2 Volumes in 1)
Correspondence of Hannah Arendt and Gershom Scholem
Hannah Arendt/Karl Jaspers Briefwechsel, 1926-1969
Reflections on Literature and Culture (Meridian: Crossing Aesthetics)
Que Es La Politica? (Pensamiento Contemporaneo)
Die verborgene Tradition
Bayna al-māḍī wa-al-mustaqbal
Die ungarische Revolution und der totalitäre Imperialismus
Von der Menschlichkeit in finsteren Zeiten
Arendt und Benjamin
Der Briefwechsel 1967-1975
La vida del espiritu
Reflections on literature and culture
Vita activa, ili O dei︠a︡telʹnoĭ zhizni
La disobbedienza civile
Vita activa oder Vom tätigen Leben
Hannah Arendt - Diario Filosofico - Vol 2
Was ist Existenzphilosophie?
Bayna al-māḍī wa-al-mustaqbal
Origenes del Totalitarismo 3
Qu'est-ce que la politique ?
Ich will verstehen
De La Historia a La Accion
Macht Und Gewalt
Una Revision De La Historia Judia
Una Revision de La Historia Judia y Otros Ensayos
Rahel Varnhagen. Lebensgeschichte einer deutschen Jüdin aus der Romantik
Revolutionary Russia
Origenes del Totalitarismo 1 - Antisemitismo
La Philosophie de l'existence et autres essais
Hannah Arendt, Karl Jaspers
Lettere 1925-1975
Im/Ts Kreise
Vies politiques
La última entrevista y otras conversaciones
Diccionario de Derecho Civil   Vol. 1
Vida del Espiritu, La
La crise de la culture
La nature du totalitarisme
Que Es La Politica/What is Politics? (Pensamiento Contemporaneo)
I Anthropini Kalastasi
LA Tradicion Oculta/the Hidden Tradition
Hombres En Tiempos de Oscuridad
Elemente und Ursprünge totaler Herrschaft
Eichmann en Jerusalén
Freedom to Be Free
Die Freiheit, frei zu sein
Briefwechsel 1926-1969
Denken ohne Geländer
Essays und Kommentare 1. Nach Auschwitz
Rahel Varnhagen. Lebensgeschichte einer deutschen Jüdin aus der Romantik
Che cos'è la filosofia dell'esistenza?
Rede am 28. September 1959 bei der Entgegennahme des Lessingpreises der Freien und Hansestadt Hamburg
Verdad y mentira en la política - 1. edición
Über das Böse
Origens do totalitarismo
Música para Água Ardente (Portuguese Edition)
Qu'est-ce que la philosophie de l'existence ? Suivi de "L'Existentialisme français"
Participar del món
Between Past and Future
Zwischen Vergangenhei und Zufunft
Istina i laž u politici
Walter Benjamin 1892-1940
Journal de pensée
Vita activa. La condizione umana
Correspondance, 1926-1969
Ensayos de comprensión
Verantwoordelijkheid en oordeel
Considérations morales
Verdade e Política
La condició humana
Briefe 1936-1968
On Lying and Politics
The burden of our time
Denktagebuch. Bd. 1: 1950-1973. Bd. 2
Sobre a Violência
Qualitat Des Lernens Im Internet
Sobre la violència
Sulla rivoluzione
Entre o passado e o futuro - between past and future of the great books of Hannah Arendt in Portuguese
Menschen in finsteren Zeiten
La Promesa De La Politica
Entre el pasado y el futuro
Entre Amigas - Correspondencia
Korzenie totalitaryzmu
OASE 106 : Table Settings
Crises of the Republic
Disput |ber den Totalitarismus: Texte und Briefe (Berichte Und Studien) (German Edition)
Denktagebuch  (2 B ande)
The Modern Challenge to Tradition
On Violence
Zur Zeit. Politische Essays
Escritos judíos
Kant'ın Siyaset Felsefesi Üzerine Dersler
Ich will verstehen
Pensar sem corrimao - Compreender 1953-1975
Life of the Mind
Vom Leben des Geistes. Das Denken / Das Wollen
Crises of the Republic
Insanlik Durumu
Zihnim Yasami; Secme Eserler 9
Über die Revolution
Una revisión de la historia judía y otros ensayos
Wir Juden
Siyasette Yalan
In der Gegenwart. Übungen im politischen Denken 2
Auschwitz et Jérusalem
Eichmann Em Jerusalem
Philosophie contemporaine
Eichmann y el Holocausto
Zwischen Vergangenheit und Zukunft. Übungen im politischen Denken 1
Eichmann en Xerusalén
Totalitarizmin Kaynaklari 1 - Antisemitizm
The Life of the Mind (2 vols. Volume I: Thinking, Volume II: Willing)
What Remains
La vie de l'esprit
Totalitarizmin Kaynaklari 2 - Emperyalizm
Fragwürdige Traditionsbestände im politischen Denkender Gegenwart
Das Urteilen. Texte zu Kants politischer Philosophie
LM/Wk Kreise
Hannah Arendt papers
Life of the Mind
La pluralidad del mundo
Im Vertrauen. Briefwechsel 1949 - 1975
Los hombres y el terror
Freedom to Be Free
Set Grote Klassieken – Arendt en Seneca
Siddet Uzerine Secme Eserler 6
Eichmann war von empörender Dummheit
La libertad de ser libres
Eichmann Jerusalemen
Devrim Uzerine
Penser l'événement
Hannah Arendt und Patrizia Nanz über Wahrheit und Politik
Hombres en tiempos de oscuridad
¿Qué es la política?
Crisis De La Republica
El valor de pensar
Kotulugun Siradanligi
La liberté d'être libre
Tiempos presentes
Besuch in Deutschland
Entre amigas
Sur l'antisémitisme :les origines du totalitarisme
Les origines du totalitarisme
Der Liebesbegriff Bei Augustin
Kanto seiji tetsugaku no kōgi
Eichmann in Jerusalem
La mentira en política
Sorumluluk ve Yargı
Wir Flüchtlinge
Sobre la revolución
La promesa de la política / The Promise of Politics
Der Briefwechsel
Diario filosófico 1950-1973
Entre El Pasado Y El Futuro
La vita della mente
"Ich bin Dir halt ein bisschen zu revolutionär"
Eichmann la Ierusalim
Von der Menschlichkeit in finsteren Zeiten
חליפת מכתבים
Ketavim Yehudiyim
Hannah Arendt/Karl Jaspers Briefwechsel, 1926-1969
Sechs Essays
Die verborgene Tradition
Skrytai͡a tradit͡sii͡a
Sur l'antisémitisme
Hartsaʼot ʻal ha-filosofyah ha-poliṭit shel Ḳanṭ
Schreib doch mal hard facts über dich
Rahel Varnhagen
Der Liebesbegriff bei Augustin
Wie ich einmal ohne Dich leben soll, mag ich mir nicht vorstellen
Eichmann w Jerozolimie
Desobediència civil
Yesodot ha-ṭoṭaliṭariyut
We Refugees
Journal de pensée
Ich selbst, auch ich tanze
Eichmann Jerusalemen
Fernando Pessoa
Fernando Pessoa (1888-1935)

poet, translator, philosopher, essayist, literary critic

  • University of Lisbon, University of South Africa
La Educacion del Estoico
Livro do desassossego
Fernando Pessoa & Co
O Banqueiro Anarquista
The Selected Prose of Fernando Pessoa
Probleme des Naturalismus
O guardador de rebanhos
A little larger than the entire universe
Always astonished
Poètes de Lisbonne
Cuentos portugueses
A hora do diabo
A educação do estóico
Pessoa en personne
Os demônios morrem duas vezes
Antinoj (Antinous)
Ficções do interlúdio
The Collected Poems of Alberto Caeiro
The Complete Works of Alberto Caeiro
Poemas de Alvaro de Campos
The tobacconist
A critical, dual-language edition of Quadras ao gosta popular/Quatrains in the popular style
Poesie di Álvaro de Campos
Mad Fiddler
Poemas de Alberto Caeiro
Encontro magick ; seguido de A boca do inferno
Sobre literatura y arte
Phernanto Pessoa. K.P. Kavaphēs
Cartas entre Fernando Pessoa e os diretores da "Presença"
Selected English Poems
Livro do desassossego
Das Buch der Unruhe des Hilfsbuchhalters Bernardo Soares
Voz Do Silêncio
Selected poems [of] Fernando Pessoa
Suave Es Vivir Solo / How Sweet to Live Alone
Drama en gente : antologia
Yo soy una antologia : 136 autores ficticios - 1. edicion
Páginas de estética e de teoria e crítica literárias
Oeuvres Poetiques
Vida e obras do engenheiro
Paginas Escogidas  Selected Works
                Clasicos Poesia
Ode maritime
A Centenary Pessoa (Aspects of Portugal S.)
Escritos autobiográficos, automáticos e de reflexão pessoal
Selected poems by Fernando Pessoa
Obra completa
Odes de Ricardo Reis
The surprise of being
35 sonnets =
Huzursuzluğun Kitabı
I Have More Souls Than One
Sixty Portuguese poems
Fernando Pessoa
A passagem das horas
Moral, Regras de Vida, Condições de Iniciação
Il libro dell'inquietudine
Ensaios políticos
Oda marítima
Contos de Natal portugueses
Fernando Pessoa & Ofélia Queiroz
Crítica, ensayos, artículos y entrevistas
Poemas de Álvaro de Campos (Ilustrado)
Poemes d’Álvaro de Campos
Banquero Anarquista y Otros Cuentos
Letra Escarlate
Llibre del desassossec
Pessoa Pessoa'yi Anlatiyor
O eu profundo e os outros eus
Poemes d’Álvaro de Campos
Anarsist Banker
Obras de António Mora. Volumen 6
13 poemas do amor
Mein Lissabon. Ein Lese- und Bilderbuch
Oh Lissabon, du meine Heimstatt
O Eu Profundo e Os Outros Eus (Ilustrado)
Baron von Teive
Poesia, 1931-1935
Poesias Inéditas (Ilustrado)
Ksiega niepokoju
El primer Fausto / Todavía más allá del otro océano
El elfo y la princesa
Fernando Pessoa. Anthologie essentielle
Poesía completa de Alberto Caeiro
Poesias inéditas (1919-1930)
Poesias inéditas (1930-1935)
Álvaro de Campos
Cadernos. Volumen 11
Centenary Pessoa
El Primer Fausto
L'hora del diable i altres ficcions
Páginas de doutrina estética, selecção, pref. e notas de Jorge de Sena
Poesias Inéditas
Obra poetica
O mendigo e outros contos
A educacao do stoico. Volumen 9
Banchiere Anarchico
El banquero anarquista
Uzakliklar, Eski Denizler
La educación del estoico
Libro del desasosiego
Cartas de amor de Fernando Pessoa
Aklin Haysiyeti
Ophelia'ya Mektuplar
Livro Do Desassocego : Imagens Do: (ou para O: )
Antología poética
Poesie di Fernando Pessoa
Os Maias
A língua portuguesa
English Poems
Poesía de Alberto Caeiro
La oligarquía de las bestias y otras ficciones políticas
Poemes d’Alberto Caeiro
El banquero anarquista
O Pastor Amoroso (Ilustrado)
LIVRO DO DESASSOCEGO - X Volume : Imagens Do
Pessoa múltiple
El banquero anarquista y la tirania / The anarchist banker and the tyranny
Alberto Caeiro - Dichtungen
Poesia - Poesie
Un corazón de nadie- RUSTICA
Das Buch der Unruhe des Hilfsbuchhalters Bernardo Soares
Obra poética e em prosa
Basibos Bir Yolculuktan Notlar
Edição crítica de Fernando Pessoa
L’educació de l’estoic
Wenn das Herz denken könnte...
Sensacionismo e outros ismos. Volumen 10
Fernando Pessoa and Co.
El banquero anarquista
Mein Lissabon
Aforismos y Afines
Heróstrato e a busca da imortalidade
De ontraadselaar
Odes de Ricardo Reis
A memória do presidente-rei Sidónio Paes
Alvaro de Campos. Poesias. Dichtungen
Ich Ich Ich
Carmina pessoana
Um Jantar Muito Original Seguido de a Porta
AntologÍa Del Devenir
Ricardo Reis
Obra Poética de Fernando Pessoa - Caixa
Livro do desasocego. Volumen 12
Faust. Tragèdia subjectiva
Ficciones del interludio
Crónicas de la vida que pasa
No, No Es Cansancio y Otros Poemas Sin Fecha
Contra la democracia
Self-analysis and thirty other poems
Poemes d’Álvaro de Campos
Textos filosóficos
Fernando Pessoa. Poesía I: Los poemas de Alberto Caeiro 1. El guardador de rebaños, el pastor enamorado - 2.ª edición
Toda la gente que conozco
Escritos sobre genio y locura
Başıboş Bir Yolculuktan Notlar
L’educació de l’estoic
Ser todo de todas las maneras
El banquero anarquista y otras ficciones sociales
David Wevill Collected Translations
Mensagem (Portuguese Edition)
Poemes de Fernando Pessoa
Fernando Pessoa. Dokumente zur Person und ausgewählte Briefe
Los poemas de Alberto Caeiro
Os melhores poemas
Cartas de amor
La confesión de Lucio
Antínoo y otros poemas ingleses
Cartas, visões e outros textos do Sr. Pantaleão
Forever someone else
Os instrumentos do tempo
Sobre el fascismo, la Dictadura Militar y Salazar
Escritos autobiográficos, automáticos e de reflexão pessoal
Stations of the cross
Prensin Ölümü ve Seytanin Saati
Mensagem - Poemas Esotericos
El banquero anarquista y la tirania / The anarchist banker and the tyranny
Libro del desasosiego
Da república (1910-1935)
O assobio da foice
Lo mejor del mundo son los niños
Cancioneiro (Ilustrado)
Comment les Autres Nous Voient
Livro Do Desassocego : Imagens Do
Il libro dell'inquietudine di Bernardo Soares
Una cena muy original
O interregno
Os fantasmas da gaveta
Algebra der Geheimnisse. Ein Lesebuch
LIVRO DO DESASSOCEGO - V Volume : Imagens Do
Oeuvres poétiques
Fernando Pessoa, nada se sabe tudo se imagina
Poemas esotéricos
Noventa Poemas Ultimos
Alberto Caeiro
L’educació de l’estoic
Chronique de la Vie Qui Passe : Proses Publiees du Vivant de l'auteur I
Lisboa en Pessoa
A nova poesia portuguesa
Cartas a Ophelia
Writings on Art and Poetical Theory
Antologia Poetica (Biblioteca de Poesia)
Contra Salazar
Visage avec masques
Odes de Ricardo Reis
El marinero
Una sola moltitudine
Antinous David & Jonathan
Lisbonne revisitée -Anthologie-
Fernando Pessoa e a filosofia hermética
El banquer anarquista
Obra Completa de Alberto Caeiro
Poemas de Álvaro de Campos
Il poeta è un fingitore
A maconaria vista
Un corazón de nadie- RUSTICA
Odes de Ricardo Reis
Hicbir Sey Istememenin Mutlulugu
O umbigo do anjo
Gizemli Bir Maske
Anarsist Banker Seytanin Saati
El camino de la serpiente
Dokumente zur Person und ausgewählte Briefe
Poemas de Álvaro de Campos
Máscaras y paradojas
Ficciones del interludio
Quaresma, descifrador. Relatos policíacos
Complete Works of Álvaro de Campos
VIII - Livro Do Desassocego
Primeiro Fausto (Ilustrado)
Páginas de estética e de teoría e crítica literárias
Textos Portugueses líricois
Ich legte die Maske ab
Very Original Dinner
Philosophical Essays
Una sola moltitudine. Volume primo
Poemes d’Alberto Caeiro
El poeta es un fingidor
Visage avec masques
Der siebte Saal
Argumentos para peliculas
Em redor do A
Canções de beber na obra de Fernando Pessoa
Un disfraz equivocado
Plural como el universo
Sobre o fascismo, a ditadura militar e Salazar
L'hora del diable i altres ficcions
Plural esencial
Páginas íntimas e de auto-interpretação
La educación del estoico
Oh Lissabon, du meine Heimstatt
Apreciações literárias
Textos de crítica e de intervenção
La hora del diablo
Fernando Pessoa, o comércio e a publicidade
Bulmaca Meraklisi Quaresma
Antologia Esencial Edicion Bilingue
La hora del diablo
Arco de Triunfo 1 - Poemas de Alvaro de Campos
O Conto do Vigário
O banqueiro anarquista e outros contos de raciocínio
Quaresma, decifrador
Ein anarchistischer Bankier / Ein ganz ausgefallenes Abendessen. (Wagenbach SALTO)
Felsefi Denemeler
Llibre del desassossec
Fotobibliografia de Fernando Pessoa
Llibre del desassossec
Pessoa inédito
Cuentos de locos
Libro del desasosiego
Crítica, ensayos, artículos y entrevistas
Escritos sobre génio e loucura. Volumen 7
L’educació de l’estoic
L'Heure du Diable
Tabaqueria y Otros Poemas Con Fecha
Imminenza dell'ignoto
Rosea Cruz
Teoría poética
Escritos sobre génio e loucura
Livro de versos
Poemas ingleses
O louco rabequista
Das origens e essência da maçonaria e do seu contributo judaico
Os Portugueses
As múltiplas faces de Fernando Pessoa
Dista ncia constelada
Livro do desassossego
Fernando Pessoa
Fernando Pessoa I-IV
Livro do desassossêgo
42 Poemas - Pessoa
Poesia de Fernando Pessoa para todos
Antología de Alvaro de Campos
Lenigma E Le Maschere
Meh ʻaśiti min ha-ḥayim
Crónicas da vida que passa
Portugal, Sebastianismo e Quinto Imperio
Le Livre de l'intranquillité, tome 2
Textos de cri tica e de intervenc ʹa o
A essência do comércio
O marinheiro
Poemas esotéricos
Ficção e teatro
O rosto e as máscaras, textos escolhidos em verso e prosa
Selección Poética
Poesia de Fernando Pessoa
Almas e estrelas
Fernando Pessoa
O banqueiro anarquista
Obras em prosa
El marinero
Poèmes français
Algebra der Geheimnisse
Correspondência 1905-1922
A demonstração do indemonstrável
Um jantar muito original seguido de A porta
A passagem das horas
Poemas de Alberto Caeiro
A grande alma portuguesa
Contos completos
Encontro "Magick" de Fernando Pessoa e Aleister Crowley
Destacado e nítido
Escritos sobre genio y locura
Le retour des dieux
Obra poética
Livro do desassossego de Bernardo Soares
Poemas drama ticos
Fernando Pessoa
Mensagem e outros poemas sobre Portugal
Antologia poética
Alguma prosa
Apologia do paganismo
Mensagem de Fernando Pessoa
Poesias inéditas
In ons leven tallozen
Antologia poética
Fernando Pessoa, poeta-tradutor de poetas
Cartas de amor de Fernando Pessoa e Ofélia Queiroz
Notas para a recordação do meu Mestre Caeiro
Crítica literária
O guardador de rebanhos e outros poemas
Escritos íntimos, cartas e páginas autobiográficas
Erostrato y La Busqueda de La Inmortalidad
Una sola moltitudine
Fernando Pessoa, o poeta singular e plural
Crónicas intemporias
Correspondência inédita
Ficções do interlúdio/4: poesias de Álvaro de Campos
Prosa de Álvaro de Campos
Cartas de Fernando Pessoa a João Gaspar Simoes
Lo mejor del mundo son los niños
Fernando Pessoa, 50 anos depois de sua morte
Obra essencial de Fernando Pessoa
Ḥanut ha-ṭabaḳ
Paginas de doutrina estética
Obras em prosa
Escritos autobiográficos, automáticos e de reflexão pessoal
A mac ʹonaria vista por Fernando Pessoa
El malestar del presente. Escritos de Antonio Mora
Poesía completa
Como viver ou não em 777 frases de Fernando Pessoa
Contos, fábulas e outras ficções
Cartas de amor a Ophélia Queiroz
ha-Banḳai ha-anarkhisṭ
Cartas a Armando Côrtes-Rodrigues
Vozes da saudade
Fernando Pessoa e a Europa do século XX
Textos de intervenção social e cultural ; A ficção dos heterónimos
Poemas (Intemporales)
The Fernando Pessoa Auction
Tren de cuerda
Politica y profecía
Poesia II
Alguma prosa
Pedacinhos de poemas de Fernando Pessoa (Alberto Caeiro)
Poesias inéditas (1930-1935)
O guardador de rebanhos e outros poemas
O Banqueiro Anarquista e outros contos filosóficos
Páginas de pensamento político
O rosto e as máscaras
Provérbios portugueses
Fernando Alberto Reis de Campos Pessoa
Pa ginas de pensamento poli tico
Páginas sobre literatura e estética
Ficções do interlúdio/2: odes de Ricardo Reis. /3: para além do outro oceano de C[oelho] Pacheco
Ultimatum e páginas de sociologia política
Homenagem a Fernando Pessoa
Poemas de Fernando Pessoa
The collected poems of Álvaro de Campos
Herostrat, die ästhetische Diskussion
Poemas - 619 - Pessoa
Palavras do livro do desassossego
Novas poesias ine ditas
Sociologia do comercio
A galaxy of poets 1888-1935
Paginas Escogidas - Edicion Bilingue -
Mensagem: À memória do presidente-rei Sidónio Pais: Quinto império: cancioneiro
Antologia Esencial
Poesia profética, mágica e espiritual
Elogio da indisciplina
Poemas dramáticos...
Antologia poética de Fernando Pessoa
Marketing em Pessoa
Poesia dos outros eus
Teatro do êxtase
O banqueiro anarquista e outras prosas
Drama En Gente - Antologia / Bilingue
Primeiro Fausto
A procura da verdade oculta
Obras de Jean Seul de Méluret
Crónicas intemporais
O privilégio dos caminhos =
Poemas de Fernando Pessoa
Poemas Completos de Ricardo Reis
Poesia de Fernando Pessoa
A economia em Pessoa
Obras completas de Fernando Pessoa
Quadras ao gosto popular
Fernando Pessoa, o último ano
Mascaras y Paradojas (Coleccion Aforismos)
Livro de viagem
Sebastianismo e Quinto Império
Passo e fico, como o universo
Novas poesias inéditas
Exo rdio em prol da filantropia & da educac ʹa o fi sica
A educação do estóico
A poesia de Alberto Caeiro
Cartas reencontradas de Fernando Pessoa a Mário de Sá-Carneiro
Quadras e outras cantares
O banqueiro anarquista e outros contos de raciocínio
Poemas dramáticos de Fernando Pessoa
Poemas ocultistas
Nas encruzilhadas do mundo e do tempo
"Inscriptions" =
Poesia - Pessoa
Sobre Portugal
Sobre Portugal
Je ne suis personne
Antologia Poetica
Seleção poética [Estudo crítico-biográfico de Maria Aliete Galhoz]
Associações secretas e outros escritos
Palavras de Fernando Pessoa
Poesias de Alvaro de Campos
Fernando Pessoa
Ultimatum e páginas de sociologia política
Ficções do interlúdio/1: poemas completos de Alberto Caeiro
Poemas inéditos destinados ao no. 3 do "Orpheu."
Escritos Autobiograficos, Automaticos y de Reflexion Personal
Poesias ine ditas
Poemas Completos de Álvaro de Campos
A memória do presidente-rei Sidónio Paes
Obra poética
Texto crítico das odes de Fernando Pessoa--Ricardo Reis
Poemas dramáticos. Poemas ingleses. Poemas franceses. Poemas traduzidos
Poesias heterónimos
Poemas inéditos 1915-1920
Ficções do interlúdio
Fernando Pessoa
Poemas Escolhidos
Antologia de poemas Portugeses modernos
Obras em prosa
O poeta fingidor
Hora absurda
Escritos sobre genio y locura
Fernando Pessoa, poète pluriel, 1888-1935
Poemas ingleses
Textos de crítica e de intervenção
Da república (1910-1935)
Ecologia e território
O pensamento vivo de Fernando Pessoa
Livro do desassossego
Poesia inglesa
על העמוד היציב
Poesia 1931-1935 e não datada
O Caminho da Serpente / O Verbo do Arcano Luciferano em Fernando Pessoa
Fernando Pessoa, tempo, solidão, hermetismo
Edição crítica de Fernando Pessoa, série maior
Mensagem e outros poemas afins
Pela verdade
Teoria da heteronímia
Escritos sobre genio y locura
Selección Poética
O conto do vigário
Mensagem e outros poemas afins
Fernando Pessoa, Le théâtre de l'être
Poemas de Fernando Pessoa
Cartas de Fernando Pessoa a João Gaspar Simões
Textos filosóficos
Eknath Easwaran
Eknath Easwaran (1910-1999)

translator, philosopher, literary scholar, man of letters, scholar of English

  • Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, St. Thomas College, Thrissur
Our Gandhi
Dialogue with death
Gandhi, the man
Take Your Time
Your Life Is Your Message
The Compassionate Universe
Love never faileth
Words to live by
The mantram handbook
Seeing with the eyes of love
The monkey and the mango
Climbing the Blue Mountain
God makes the rivers to flow
A Man to Match His Mountains
The end of sorrow
Conquest of mind
Nonviolent soldier of Islam
Thousand names of Vishnu
The Dhammapada
The play of God
The Dhammapada
The undiscovered country
Original goodness
The supreme ambition
Passage meditation
Strength in the Storm
Timeless wisdom
The Bhagavad Gita
Formulas for transformation
Essence Of The Bhagavad Gita A Contemporary Guide To Yoga Meditation And Indian Philosophy
The Bhagavad Gita for daily living
Conquest of mind
The Bhagavad Gita for Daily Living, Volume 2
Bhagavad Gita for Daily Living, Volume 3
The Dhammapada
The Bhagavad Gita
To Love Is to Know Me
365 Pensamientos Inspiradores
The unstruck bell
Classics of Christian Inspiration
The Upanishads
The Mantram Handbook
The Bhagavad Gita
Like a Thousand Suns
With my love & blessings
Gandhi the man
Amor Nunca Falla, El
Bhagavad Gita
El Amor Nunca Falla
Meditation: A Complete Audio Guide
The Bhagavad Gita, Translated with a  General Introduction, with Chapter Introductions. A New edition (Arkana)
The Upanishads
The Upanishads (Classic of Indian Spirituality)
The Bhagavad Gita for Daily Living, Volume 1
Conquest of Mind
Living Thoughts of Great People
Classics of Indian Spirituality
A more ardent fire
Les grands textes spirituels du monde entier
La Conquista de La Mente
The Wisdom of the Buddha
Instrucciones en la meditación
Los Mil Nombres del Señor
Es tiempo de vivir
Face Behind All Faces
La bondad
Handbooks for Spiritual Growth
A More Ardent Fire
Discovering Your Hidden Spiritual Resources
Bhagavad Gita: Dhammapada
El Libro Del Mantra
Badshah Khan  il Gandhi musulmano
The Upanishads
God Makes the Rivers Flow
Following the Way of the Buddha
The Bhagavad gita
Wer sich ändert, ändert die Welt
The Bhagavad Gita
The Bhagavad Gita (Classics of Indian Spirituality)
The Dhammapada (Classics of Indian Spirituality)
Bhagavad Gita for Daily Living, Volume 2 : A Verse-By-Verse Commentary
Following the Teachings of the Upanishads
Liebe und tu, was du willst. Spirituelle Meditationen für jeden Tag
Following the Inspiration of Mahatma Gandhi
Following the Path of Jesus
Passage Meditation - A Complete Spiritual Practice
Essence of the Dhammapada
Words to Live By
Classics of Indian Spirituality: Includes
Nimm dir Zeit. Ruhe finden in einer hektischen Welt
Strength in the Storm
The End of Sorrow
Viaje a la montaña Azul
Gandhi the Man
Gandhi the Man
Bhagavad Gita for Daily Living, Volume 1 : A Verse-By-Verse Commentary
End of Sorrow
Meditation : a simple eight-point program for translating spiritual ideals into daily life
Bhagavad Gita for Daily Living
God Makes the Rivers to Flow
Libro de Los Mantras, El
Learning to Love, Part 2 : A Love That Lasts
Conquest of mind
Words to Live By
The Making Of A Teacher
The Little lamp
Toma tu tiempo
What Is Karma?
The Bhagavad Gita for Daily Living (3 Vols.)
Take your time
Your Life Is Your Message
Mantram Handbook
Strength in the Storm
Maŭm ŭi sokto rŭl nŭch'uŏra
Bhagavad Gita for Daily Living
Gandhi the Man iPad Edition
The Upanishads
Selections from the World's Most Sacred Literature
Samadhi : The Journey Within
Passage Meditation
Bhagavad Gita
Instrucciones En la Meditacion
Essence of the Dhammapada
Tu Vida Es Tu Mensaje
God Maes the Rivers to Flow
Conquest of Mind
God makes the rivers to flow
Easwaran Eknath
Take Your Time
Palabras Para Vivir
Timeless Wisdom
Take Your Time
God Makes the Rivers to Flow
Original Goodness
Bhagavad Gita for Daily Living, Volume 3 : A Verse-By-Verse Commentary
Climbing the Blue Mountain
Your Life Is a Message
Essence of the Upanishads
Compassionate Universe
Mantram Handbook
Essence of the Bhagavad Gita
Love Is God
Dialogue W/Death
Take Your Time
Timeless Wisdom
Mantram. Hilfe durch die Kraft des Wortes
Passage Meditation - a Complete Spiritual Practice
Words to Live By
Sacred Literature of the World
Essence of the Bhagavad Gita
Bhagavad Gita
Essence of the Upanishads
Conquest of Mind
Die Essenz der Upanischaden
Mahatma Gandhi
Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948)

politician, barrister, journalist, philosopher, autobiographer, essayist, newspaper editor, civil rights advocate, memoirist, humanitarian, peace activist, revolutionary, jurist, freedom fighter

  • Mahatma Gandhi Museum, Inner Temple
The essential Gandhi
An autobiography
Autobiography or the Story of My Experiments with Truth
An Autobiography
An Autobiography
Prentice Hall Literature - Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes - The British Tradition
Prentice Hall Literature--The British Edition--Volume II
All men are brothers
The essential writings of Mahatma Gandhi
The Words of Gandhi
Satyanā prayogo athavā ātmakathā
Mahatma Gandhi
The Gandhi reader
The Essential Writings
Hind swaraj and other writings
Gandhi on Non-Violence
Gandhi in India, in his own words
The Way to God
Gandhi on non-violence
The collected works of Mahatma Gandhi
Gandhi: selected writings
Non-violent resistance (Satyagraha)
The Bhagavad Gita according to Gandhi
The Wit and Wisdom of Gandhi (Eastern Philosophy and Religion)
Mohandas Gandhi
Mahatma Gandhi at work
The Penguin Gandhi reader
The Moral & Political Writings of Mahatma Gandhi: Volume III
Gandhi and Charlie
Satyagraha (non-violent resistance)
An autobiography or the story of my experiments with truth
The wheel of fortune
Mahatma Gandhi, his own story
Satyagraha in South Africa
The breath of my life
Vows and observances
The book of Gandhi wisdom
Gandhi's letters to a disciple
Indian home rule
Gāndhīnī vīrapasalī
Gāndhī-Vinobā patravyavahāra
Dakshiṇa Āphrikānā Satyagrahano ītihāsa
Merī rāʼe
The story of my life
Aatma katha
Mahatma Gandhi & the railways
Indias̕ case for swaraj
The encyclopaedia of Gandhian thoughts
Mahatma Gandhi (Living Philosophies)
Selected writings of Mahatma Gandhi
Gandhiji and international politics
Gandhi on christianity
The nation's voice
Gāndhījīno sarakāra sātheno patravahevāra, 1942-44
The Gandhi Reader
The mind of Mahatma Gandhi
The moral and political writings of Mahatma Gandhi
Gandhi, a man for humanity
In search of the supreme
Gandhi's Autobiography
The Mahatma and the Poet
Gandhiji on Sindh and the Sindhis
Saṅkshipta ātmakathā
Mere jela ke anubhava
Freedom's Battle
Gandhi's autobiography
Vyāpaka dharmabhāvanā
Mahātmājīñce satyāce prayoga, athavā, Ātmakathā
Mushtarkah zabān
To the Hindus and Muslims
The Moral and Political Writings of Mahatma Gandhi: Volume I
Women and social injustice
Gandhi, an autobiography
The selected works of Mahatma Gandhi
Mahatma Gandhi, letters to Americans
The gospel of swadeshi
Anasaktiyoga: The Gospel of Selfless Action
Kalviyil vēṇṭum puraṭci
The Collected Works Of Mahatma Gandhi
On myself
Constructive programme
Character and nation building
Autobiography; the story of my experiments with truth
Reflexiones Sobre La Verdad
Śrīmad Rājacandra ane Gāndhījī
Collected works
Mahātmā Gāndhīnī vicārasr̥shṭi
Bāpunā patro
Mahātmājīcī uttara-gītā
Hind swaraj, or, Indian home rule
Jung Indien
Sampūrṇa dārūnishedha
The removal of untouchability
The quintessence of Gandhi in his own words
The Moral and Political Writings of Mahatma Gandhi: Volume II
Bapu's letters
Third class in Indian railways
Gandhiji's correspondence with the government, 1942-44
Hamārā kalaṅka
The voice of truth
Mushtarakah zabān
Autobiography, or, The story of my experiments with truth
Mere samakālīna
Gandhiji and Sister Maria
Yuddha aura ahiṃsā kī śakti
Talāsh-i ḥaqq
Dilhī ḍāyarī
The Gospel of Selfless Action
Food for the soul
Sermon on the Sea
To a Gandhian capitalist
Bapu's letters to Mira, 1924-1948
Gandhi's Health Guide
Hind swaraj
Yeravaḍanā anubhava
Gandhi (In My Own Words)
What Jesus means to me
The Penguin Gandhi Reader
Tyāgamūrti ane bījā lekho
The message of Jesus Christ
Living from the Heart
Freedom's Battle Being
Readings from Gandhi
What Gandhi says about Ambedkar
God is truth
Gandhi ai giovani
All men are brothers
Speeches and writings of M. K. Gandhi
Tyāga kā Sandeśa
Dharmātmā Gokhale
The pilgrims' march
M. K. Gandhi: select speeches
Ahiṃsāno pahelo prayoga
Gandhi and South Africa, 1914-1948
My early life, 1869-1914
Muj zivot
Selections from Gandhi
Writings and speeches of Mahatma Gandhi relating to Bihar, 1917-1947
Āja kā vicāra
From Yeravda Mandir
Rāshṭrīya cāritrya nirmāṇa ke buniyādī tattva
For Pacifists
Gandhiji's correspondence with the government, 1944-47
q Gandhi's autobiography
Non-violence in peace & war
The law and the lawyers
The essential Gandhi : his life, work, and ideas
To the women
Hinda svarājya
Mazhab aur dharm
Hinda svarājya
La Jeune Inde
Āzādī-yi Hind
Freedom's Battle Being a Comprehensive Collection of Writings and Speeches on the Present Situation
The teaching of the Gita
My Early Life
Śvadeśīnāṃ sūtro
Gandhi on the Gita
Constructive programme, its meaning and place
The Indian demand and British policy
La Verdad Es Dios
My Life Story
Nītināśane mārge
The ideology of the charkha
Ārogyavishe sāmānya jñāna
Mahatma Gandhi, his life, writings & speeches
Towards non-violent socialism
Key to health
Our language problem
The South African Gandhi
Diet and diet reform
To the princes and their people
Gita, my mother
The wisdom of Gandhi
Gandhis India
Satyāgraha Āśrama niyamāvalī
To the students
Freedom's Battle (Being a Comprehensive Collection of Writings and Speeches on the Present Situation)
The Oxford India Gandhi
The health guide
Mi Dios
Cultivar el corazón
Gandhi on Islam
What is Hinduism?
Satyagraha in South Africa: The Making of Mahatma Gandhi
Thus spake the Mahatma
Non-violent resistance
Reorientation of Khadi
Friends of Gandhi
Bāpū ke āśīrvāda
Khadi (hand-spun cloth)
Ethical religion
Mahātmā Gāndhī yāñce sāmarthyavān vicāra, athavā, Mahātmā Gāndhīñce nivaḍaka lekha
Deśī rājyono praśna
My dear child
Village swaraj
Selected letters
Epigrams from Gandhiji
Die Kraft der Wahrheit. Mahatma Gandhi in Worten und Gedanken
Kheḍyānta jāūna kāya karaṇāra?
The law of continence
Gita, the mother
Young India, 1924-1926
Satyāgrahāśramano ītihāsa
Pen-portraits and tributes by Gandhiji
Ākharī pheṃsalo
M.K. Gandhi
Kharī keḷavaṇī
Nīti, dharma, darśana
Sāco śramajīvī
Sabiduria De Gandhi/ Gandhi's Wisdom
Economics of khadi
Fasting in Satyagraha
Cent per cent swadeshi
Swaraj in one year
M. K. Gandhi à l’œuvre
Glorious thoughts of Gandhi
Āśramavāsī pratye
Svadeśī aura grāmodyoga
Educational reconstruction, a collection of Gandhiji's articles on the Wardha scheme along with a summary of the proceedings of the All-India National Education Conference, held at Wardha
Democracy; real and deceptive
Constructive Program
Keḷavaṇīno kauyaḍo
Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi, Voume Ninety-six (96), Gandhi - Kallenbach Correspondence
The story of my experiments with truth
Socialism of my conception
Anāsaktiyōgaṃ enna Bhagavada Gīta vyākyānaṃ
Todos Los Hombres Son Hermanos / All Men are Brothers (Coleccion el Peso de los Dias)
Ārogyanī cāvī
Rāshṭrabhāshā vishe vicāra
The good life
Caste must go and the sin of untouchability
The village reconstruction
Pāyānī keḷavaṇī
Sāḍe piṇḍāṃ dā punara-niramāṇa
My theory of trusteeship
Communal unity
Gandhi-Jinnah talks
The message of Mahatma Gandhi
Sobre el Hinduismo (Biblioteca Ensayo) (Biblioteca De Ensayo Menor)
Bread labour
The Mahatma and the poetess
Delhi diary, prayer speeches from 10-9-47 to 30-1-48
Expériences de vérité
Gandhi's Congress Party...
Verdad y perfección
Towards lasting peace
Préceptes de vie du Mahatma Gandhi
Discourses on the Gita
The Gandhi sutras
Mohanadasa Karamacanda Gandhimahabhagasya Atmacaritaracanam, athava, Mama satyaprayogakatha
Atam katha
An antobiography or the story of my experiments with truth
Gāndhī-Jinā vārtālāpa
Intyan svarājyaṃ
India and the National Congress
Words That Changed the World
The Mahatma and the missionary
Pensamientos Escogidos
The Sayings of Mahatma Gandhi
Gāndhījī-Paṭṭaṇī patravyavahāra
Gāmadānnī vahāre
Khadi [hand-spun cloth]
Gītā b̤ūdh
Tous les hommes sont frères
Towards new education
Reflexiones Sobre La No Violencia
Gandhi's great fast, 1932
My appeal to the British
Résistance non-violente
Cent per cent swadeshi, or, The economics of village industries
La Voie de la non-violence
From Yeravda Mandir, ashram observances
Palabras De Verdad/ Words of Truth (Bolsillo (Ediciones Sigueme))
Eka satyavīranī kathā, athavā, Sokareṭīsano bacāva
Makātmā Kānti aruḷiya Cattiyākkirakam
Mine forsøg med sandheden
Gandi yü lu
The words of Gandhi
The nature cure
Was macht es schon, wenn man uns für Träumer hält? Lebensweisheiten
Gāndhijiyuṃ Kēraḷavuṃ
Towards non-violent politics and the relation of constructive work to ahimsa
None high: none low
Basic education
Hindu Swaraj or Indian Home Rule
Gandhi's wisdom box
Industrialize--and perish!
The Bhagvadgita
Hindu dharma
Capital and labour
Satyana Prayogo athava Atmakatha-Gujarati
Gandhiji's reflections on democracy
The wit and wisdom of Gandhi
The master and the disciple
Power of Nonviolent Resistance
Gandihiji's correspondence with the government 1944-47
Gandhiji and Haryana
Mangal prabhat
The science of satyagraha
A day book of thoughts from Mahatma Gandhi
Panchayat raj
The wisdom of Gandhi in his own words
The Hindu-Muslim unity
M.K. Gandhi's reply with appendices to "Congress responsibility for the disturbances, 1942-43"
Gandhi against fascism
Freihet ohne Gewalt
My soul's agony
Political and national life and affairs
Āpaṇe sau eka pitānāṃ santāna
Gandhiji no vinod
Hindi and English in the South
Gandhi - Aqui y Ahora
Ein Wegweiser zur Gesundheit
Mein Leben
Self-restraint v. self-indulgence
Diet and Diet Reform
Non-violence in peace and war, 1942-[1949]
Gāndhī: saṃsmaraṇa aura vicāra
My views on education
The prefaces
Bapus̓ letters to Ashram sisters, from 6-12-1926 to 30-12-1929
Camino Hacia La Paz, El
My Experiments with Truth
Mahatma Gandhi
Mahatma Gandhi speaks of his religion
Delhi diary
Indian Home Rule
Letters to Mirabehn
Relacion Con Dios, La
Economic thought
My God
Letter to a Hindu
Aṃgrejoṃ se merī apīla
The essential Gandhi
Sg Prin Mangl Finan Canad PB
Readings from Gandhi
ill- Essential Gandhi: HIs Life, Work, and Ideas
Young India, 1919-1922
The Gospel of Selfless Action or the Gita According to Gandhi
No Violencia, La
I ask every Briton
My Experiments With Truth (Listen to Genius)
Yaravadana anubhav
Reflexiones Sobre El Amor Incondicional
Famous letters of Mahatma Gandhi
My Experiments with the Truth
Village industries
Conquest of self
At Work
Quotes of Gandhi
Mahatma Gandhi, la Storia Dei Miei Esperimenti con la Verità
Māro Īśvara
Key to health
M.K. Gandhi's Hind Swaraj
Modern v. ancient civilization
Triveṇī saṅgama
Gandhi, Patel
Christian missions, their place in India
Gandhiji's autobiography
Pandraha Agasta ke bāda
El Valor de La Verdad
Gift of gold
Gāndhījīno saṃskāravāraso
Curacion Natural, La
Non violence in peace & war
Drink, drugs, and gambling
Gandhi's Bible
The essential works of Mahatma Gandhi
Truth Called Them Differently
The way to communal harmony
The gospel of renunciation
La voie de la non-violence
Teachings of Mahatma Gandhi
Pathway to God
Economic thought of Mahatma Gandhi
Non-violent way to world peace
Autobiografia - Mahatma Gandhi
Gandhiji's dialogue with Christianity
The Jamnalal/Jankidevi Letters
India of my dreams
Ashram Observances in Action
Gram Savraj
Maro jail no anubhav
Non-violence in peace and war, 1949
Ethics of fasting
Stonewalls do not a prison make
A guide to health
Through self-control
Evil wrought by the English medium
Letter to a Hindu
Conversations of Gandhiji
Mi Socialismo
Fellowship of faiths and unity of religions
Sampūrṇa Gāndhī vāṅmaya
Gandhi's Autobiography
Selected Political Writings
Poona statements
Conquest of self
Mahatma Gandhi and Leo Tolstoy letters
The problem of education
Bedārī-yi Hind
Quit India
Ma Foi Dans le Végétarisme
Gandhiji's correspondence with the government
Gāndhī racanābalī
My socialism
The Little Book of Gandhi
Letters to Rajkumari Amrit Kaur
Gandhiji on Hind Swaraj and select views of others
Food shortage & agriculture
Verdadero Amor, El
Service before self
True education
Soul Force
Mi Religion
My varnashrama dharma
The spirit of Hinduism
All Men Are Brothers (Modern Classic Sof Peace Series)
Gandhi speaks
Interview autographe de Mahatma Gandhi accordée par lui en 1922 à Mr et Mme Dreyfus-Barney (fac-simile)
To my countrymen
Gandhi's Way to God
My Experiments With Truth
The gospel of selfless action, or, The Gita according to Gandhi
Gandhi on women
Speeches and writings of Mahatma Gandhi
How to serve the cow
Gandhi : an Autobiography : the Story of My Experiments with Truth
The dawn of freedom
The unseen power
Vie de M. K. Gandhi, écrite par lui-même
Sarvodaya (the welfare of all)
All religions are true
Rebuilding our villages
Dr. Yusuf Mohamed Dadoo
My picture of free India
The role of women
Mahatma Gandhi's "works" & interpretation of the Bhagavad Gita
La llave de la salud
Ma non-violence
To the protagonists of Pakistan
Guide to Health
Forcing Justice
Thought for Day -OS
Letters to Manibahen Patel
Delhi Diary (Prayer Speeches from 10-9-47 to 30-1-48)
Young India
The law of love
Le Guide de la santé
The Communist Manifesto and Other Revolutionary Writings
Chātraṅka prati
The law and the lawyers
Why fear or mourn death?
Gāndhī ji ke taʻlīmī k̲h̲ayālāt
Towards Non Violent Socialism
Man v. machine
Leur Civilisation et notre délivrance
My appeal to the British;c̋
Mi Credo Socialista
Śikshaṇa aura saṃskr̥ti
Third Class in Indian Railways
Busqueda de La Perfeccion
Friedvoll siegen. Die Kraft der Beharrlichkeit
My religion
The Indian states' problem
Letters to Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
Aforismi e pensieri
All Men Are Brothers
A thought for the day
The Essence of Hinduism
Handeln aus dem Geist. (7032 811).
Satyana Prayogo
Wit and Wisdom of Gandhi
What Gandhi says about Ambedkar
Sayings of Muhammad
Non-violence in peace and war. 3rd ed. Vol. 2
The power of nonviolent resistance
Guide to Health
The story of my life
Satya Hi Ishwar Hai सत्य ही ईश्वर है
Los Romanov
The Story of My Life
Harijan, Volume 17
Great lives, great words
The Gandhi Reader; a Source Book of His Life and Writings
Non-Violent Resistance (Satyagraha)
The wisdom of Gandhi
Gāndhījīne jagavandanā
Mahātmāvin̲ maṇimol̲ikaḷ
Mahatma Gandhi at work
Mahatma (A Golden Treasury of Wisdom Thoughts & Glimpses of Life)
Reflexiones sobre la no violencia
The moral basis of vegetarianism
Harijan, Volume 03
Mahatma Gandhi, la Historia de Mis Experimentos con la Verdad
The Wheel of Fortune (Classic Reprint)
Rāshṭrabhāshā Hindī para Mahātmā Gāndhī ke vicāra
The Bhagavad Gita according to Gandhi
Palabras para la paz
From Yeravda Mandir
All men are brothers
Letters to Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
Freedom's Battle Being A Comprehensive Collection Of Writings And Speeches On The Present Situation
Anasaktiyoga =
Ganjī, Nerū
Gandhiji's correspondence with the government, 1942-44
Gandhi quotations for all occasions
The Collected Works Of Mahatma Gandhi
Towards non-violent socialism
Bir Özyaşam Gandhi
Die Kraft des Geistes. Auswahl aus den Schriften
Worte des Friedens
To a Gandhian capitalist
My Non-Violence
Mahatma Gandhi: 100 years
All Men Are Brothers
My experiments with truth
Anāsaktiyoga aura Gītābodha
Wheel of Fortune
Non-violence in peace & war
Non-violence in peace & war
Una grande anima
Hundred years of Gandhi
Semua manusia bersaudara
Gāndī jijoden
Nitya manana
Gandi's Autobiography
Mahatma Gandhi : autobiografía
Tan︠g︡damaly khattar men sȯzder
Chilli ŭi sirhyŏn
Thus spoke Gandhi
Yarawādā mandara wicoṃ āsharama sādhanāṃ
An autobiography
Hind swaraj, or, Indian home rule
India of my dreams
Words of Aquarian
Yuga purusha
Gandhi jyot
Sangkshipta atmakatha
125 viṃ jayantī ke upalakshya meṃ Rāshṭrapitā Mahātmā Gān̐dhī, jivana, evaṃ ādarśa
Mi. Ema. Ke. Gāndhī kī Campāraṇa ḍāyarī
Truth Called Them Differently (Tagore-Gandhi Controversy)
To the students
Sermon on the sea
"Śāśvata Gāndhī" pustaka pañcāmr̥ta
The Story of My Experiments with Truth
Romain Rolland, Mahatma Gandhi edition definitive
Speeches and Writings of M. K. Gandhi
The Bhagavad Gita According to Gandhi
Gandhi at Work
Gandi yü lu
Guide to health
Sathya Sothanai
Nature Cure
100 tributes to Gandhiji on his 100 portraits by his 100 contemporaries in their own handwritings
Indian home rule =
Wo dui zhen li de shi yan
Speeches and Writings of M.K. Gandhi
Escritos selectos
"Merā jīwana", arathāta, Sati dī prāpati de yatana
An autobiography, or, The story of my experiments with truth
Hind swaraj, or, Indian home rule
Mahatma Gandhi's Quotes Book
No hay salvación posible para la India
Wheel of Fortune
Third class in Indian railways
Lettres à l'Ashram
Christian missions
Hamah- ơi mardum bira darand
The Mahatma and the missionary
Voluntary Poverty
Hind Swaraj, or, Indian Home Rule. with the Latest Foreword by the Author
Per la pace
Correspondence between Mahatma Gandhi and P.C. Joshi
Ashram observances in action
Mohan-mālā (a Gandhian rosary)
Śrī Nāraṇadāsa Gāndhīne
My God
Third Class in Indian Railways
Earth charter & Gandhi
Freedom's Battle
Gāndhījīno aksharadeha
An Autobiography - The Story of My Experiments with Truth
From Yeravda Mandir
El pensamiento de Gandhi
Aṇṇal Kānti malarañcali
Economic and industrial life and relations
Harijan, Volume 01
El alimento del alma
Gāndhījī aura Rājasthāna
Destino in Fondo Al Cuore. Ascolta Te Stesso e Trova Il Tuo Sentiero
The gospel of renunciation
Mahatma Gandhi
Gandinin sȯzdȯru̇nȯn
Base Moral Do Vegetarianismo
Third Class in Indian Railways
Indian Home Rule. Reprinted With a new Foreword by the Author
Mahatma Gandhi At Work: His Own Story Continued
Non-Violent Resistance
Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi
Quien sigue el camino de la verdad no tropieza
A thought for the day
Tolstoy Gandhi Mektuplasmalari
A Guide to Health
Story of My Life
Saca kā safaranāmā
An Autobiography : The Story of My Experiments With Truth
Nature cure
Young India, 1924-1926
The Story of My Experiments with Truth
Gandhi : an Autobiography
Selected Writings Of Mahatma Gandhi
All men are brothers
Gandhi, Patel
Political and national life and affairs
Gandhi - An Autobiography
Chi segue il cammino della verità non inciampa
L’Art de guérir
Özgürlügün Savasi
Bread labour
Beloved Bapu
Bhagavad Gita According to Gandhi
Sab insān bhāʻī bhāʻī hain̲
India of My Dreams
Freedom's Battle
M.K. Gandhi's wit and wisdom
Rgya-gar rang srid rang skyong
Gandhi, a life revisited
Gāndhī vyaṅgavinoda kośa
Gandhi an Autobiography
 edited by A.T. Hingorani
Harijan, Volume 08
The Story of My Experiments with Truth
中小学生必读丛书:甘地自传 (Chinese Edition)
Gandhi Essential Writings
Gāndhī mattu Karnāṭaka
Gāndhījiyavara rājakīya patragaḷu
Gandhi, Patel
Voice of Truth
Three Translations of the Bhagavad Gita
Harijan, Volume 09
Pathways to Nonviolent Resistance
Words of Gandhi
An autobiography
The story of my experiments with truth
Freedom's Battle - Being a Comprehensive Collection of Writings and Speeches on the Present Situation
Pathway to God
L'Histoire de Mes Expériences Avec La Vérité
Khurak awr sihhat
Gandhi and Sri Lanka, 1905-1947
Mohandas K. Gandhi, Autobiography
Book of prayers
Hind Swaraj, or, Indian Home Rule. With the Latest Foreword by the Author
Sabako sanmati de
International community's homage to the Mahatma
Ashram Observances in Action
Gandhi's Autobiography
Mahatma Gandhi
Satya Sodhana
Minami Afurika de no sattiyāguraha no rekishi
Bhagavad Gita
Mahatma Gandhi
Kānti val̲ik kataikaḷ
Eine Autobiographie oder Die Geschichte meiner Experimente mit der Wahrheit
Guide de la SANT�
Nitinash Ne Marge
Bapu's Letters to Mira, 1924-1948
My appeal to the British
Gandi zi zhuan
My philosophy of life
A guide to health
The Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi XI (April 1911 - March 1913)
Gandi zi zhuan
The gospel of selfless action, or, The Gita according to Gandhi
Letters to Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
Famous Speeches By Mahatma Gandhi
Harijan, Volume 16
Gospel of Selfless Action, or, the Gita According to Gandhi
Bhagavad Gita According to Ghandi : (unabridged)
Mohandas K. Gandhi, Autobiography
Ethical Religion
Qiṣṣah tajāribī maʻ al-ḥaqīqah
Ausgewählte Texte
Mahatma Gandhi. Die Kraft der Gewaltlosigkeit
bharat ek khoj
Autobiographie ou mes expériences de vérité
Prier 15 jours avec Gandhi
The writings of Gandhi
The Words of Gandhi/Cassette/CP 1740
Gewalt überwinden - aus dem Geist handeln
Für Pazifisten
Mahatma Gandhi: his life, writings and speeches
Aus der Tiefe des Herzens. Über Gottesliebe und Gebet
My Relligion -Op/34
Talāsh-i haqq
Mahātmā Gāndhījīnā patro
Bernard of Clairvaux
Bernard of Clairvaux (1090-1153)

theologian, philosopher, religious figure, mystic, religious

Watch For The Light
Sermones super Cantica Canticorum
Selected works
À la louange de la Vierge Mère
The works of Bernard of Clairvaux
On loving God
Saint Bernard on the love of God
Sermons on conversion
The treatise of St. Bernard, abbat of Clairvaux, concerning grace and free will, addressed to William, abbat of St. Thiery
Œuvres complètes
Three Treatises on Man
Life and Death of St. Malachy, the Irishman
Bernardus De cura rei famuliaris [!]
On loving God, and selections from sermons
St. Bernard of Clairvaux seen through his selected letters
The steps of humility
Some letters of Saint Bernard, abbot of Clairvaux
Five books on consideration
The life and death of Saint Malachy, the Irishman
Love without measure
On the love of God and other selected writings
Love without measure
Sermons for the summer season
Obras completas de San Bernardo
Volgarizzamento del trattato della coscienza
Sermons sur le Cantique
L'Amour de Dieu
The steps of humility and pride
Homilies in praise of the Blessed Virgin Mary
The Twelve Steps of Humility and Pride (Christian Classics)
Le précepte et la dispense
Sämtliche Werke lateinisch/deutsch
Die schriften des honigfliessenden lehrers Bernhard von Clairvaux
The love of God, and spiritual friendship
Life and works of Saint Bernard, Abbot of Clairvaux
Bernard of Clairvaux on the Song of Songs III (Cistercian Fathers, No 31)
twelve degrees of humility and pride
Sancti Bernardi... Opera
On the Song of Songs II (The Works of Bernard of Clairvaux,m Volume Three)
Cistercians and Cluniacs
I gradi dell'umiltà e della superbia ; L'amore di Dio
Sermons for Lent and the Easter Season
Treatises I
Sermons divers
On the Song of Songs 1
On grace & free choice =
Sermons for the Autumn Season
Bernard of Clairvaux, a lover teaching the way of love
Saint Bernard on the Song of songs
Opera omnia, post horstium denuo recognita, repurgata, et in meliorem digesta ordinem
On the Song of Songs III
Sermons on the Songs of Songs (Bernard of Clairvaux on the Song of Songs)
Steps of Humility and Pride
Opere di San Bernardo
The works of Bernard of Clairvaux
Éloge de la nouvelle chevalerie ; Vie de Saint Malachie ; Épitaphe, hymne, lettres
Sermons on Conversion
Sermons for Advent and the Christmas season
Some letters of Saint Bernard, Abbot of Clairvaux
Sermons for the Summer Season
Saint Bernard On consideration
Conseils au Pape
On the Song of Songs III
S. Bernardi Opera
A rule of good life, 1633
On the Song of Songs I (The Works of Bernard of Clairvaux, Vol 1)
Opera genuina, juxta editionem monachorum sancti Benedicti
Sermones de tempore
The steps of humility
Three Pseudo-Bernardine Works
The twelve degrees of humility and pride
Life and works of Saint Bernard, Abbot of Clairvaux
Opera omnia ..
Diui Bernardi, religiosissimi Ecclesiae doctoris, ac primi Clareuallensis coenobij Abbatis, Opera, quae quidem colligi undequaque in huncusque diem potuêre, omnia
On the Song of Songs I
Plaintes de la vierge en anglo-français 13e et 14e siècles [par] F.J. Tanquerey
Song of Songs I
The book of Saint Bernard on the love of God
Saint Bernard
In praise of the new knighthood
The Song of Songs (Christian Classics)
Textes politiques
Oeuvres de Saint Bernard
La considération
The Nativity
On the Songof Songs
The two-fold knowledge
Sermons for the seasons and principal festivals of the year
Herafter foloweth an Epistle of saynt Bernarde called the golden epistle, whiche he sent to a yong religious man whom he moche loued ... it is translated out of latyn in to Englysshe, ... Than after the sayd epistle folowe four reuelations of saynt Birget ..
Sermoni di San Bernardo volgarizzati nel buon secolo di nostra lingua
Your angels guard my steps
St. Bernard's sermons for the seasons & principles festivals of the year
Opera genuina, juxta editionem monachorum Sancti Benedicti
Traité de l'amour de Dieu
Li sermon Saint Bernart
In hoc opere sequenti continentur libri a beato bernardo abbate clareuallensi dulcissimo ac mellifluo doctore editi ac co[m]pilati
Della miseria umana
On the love of God
Saint Bernard Abbot of Clairvaux
Questo e el lamente de la Virgine Maria
Song of Solomon
Opuscula quaedam, et sermones
Li sermon Saint Bernart sor les cantikes
St. Bernard of Clairvaux's Life of St. Malachy of Armagh
Various Sermons
Sermons pour l'année
Qu'il me baise d'un baiser de sa bouche !
A hive of sacred honiecombes, 1631
Opuscula Divi Bernardi Abbatis Clarevallensis
On Loving God
Select treatises of S. Bernard of Clairvaux
St. Bernard's sermons on the Canticle of canticles
Oeuvres complètes de saint Bernard
The twelve steps of humility and pride and On loving God
Bernard of Clairvaux
Conseils au Pape
Pensées et méditations
Lettres, tome II
Sancti Bernardi Abbatis Primi Claræ - Vallensis ... opera ..
Melliflui deuotiq[ue] Doctoris Sancti Bernardi, Abbatis Clareuallen[sis] ... opus preclaru[m] suos co[m]plecte[n]s sermones de te[m]pore, de sanctis & sup[er] Ca[n]tica ca[n]ticor[um] alios[que] plures eius sermones & sententias nusq[uam] hactenus impressas ... ceteraq[ue] vniuersa eius opuscula. D[omi]ni quoq[ue] Gilleberti, Abbatis de Hoilandia in Anglia ... sup[er] Cantica sermones ..
Treatises II
Obras completas de San Bernardo
The life of Saint Malachy
Ecrits sur l'art
Corona Virginalis de laudibus deiparae virginis in litanias lauretanas
An epistle of sai[n]t Bernarde, called the golden epistle, whiche he se[n]t to a yo[n]g religyous man whom he moche loued. And after the sayd epistle, foloweth four reuelations of Saint Birget
Oeuvres de Saint Bernard
Papst und Papsttum nach der Zeichnung des h. Bernhard von Clairvaux: Übersetzung und Erläuterung seiner Schrift
Treatises III
On the Christian year
Le "Jubilus" dit de Saint Bernard
D. Bernardi doctoris melliflui ac primi abbatis Claraeuallensis coenobii Opera quatenus in hunc usque diem extare noscuntur
Chrestomathia Bernardina..
Lectures spirituelles sur la vie chrétienne
Papauté et épiscopat selon saint Bernard de Clairvaux
St. Bernard's Treatise on consideration
St. Bernard's Sermons on the Blessed Virgin Mary
The Works of Bernard of Clairvaux (Vol. I, Treatises I)
Oeuvres Complètes de Saint Bernard...
The steps of humility,
The proverbys of Saynt Bernarde
Opera omnia Sancti Bernardi abbatis Claræ-Vallensis
Oeuvres complètes de Saint Bernard
Floretus in se continens sacre theologie & canonu[m] flores ad gaudia paradisi finaliter eos (qui se inillis exercitauerint) perducentes
St. Bernard's sermons on the Canticle of Canticles
Sermons variés
The twelve steps of humility and pride
Homilies in Praise of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Epistola sa[n]cti Barnardi abbatis clareuallensis utilissima & moralissima de bona gubernatõne familie omnib[us] xp̃ianis valde necessaria
La considération
Sermons on the Song of Songs
Tractatus et opuscula
Of conversion
Sancti Bernardi Abbatis Primi Clarae-Vallensis... genuina sancti doctoris opera quatuor prioribus tomis complectens
The steps of humility and pride
A la louange de la Vierge Mère
St. Bernard's Treatise on Consideration
Life and Works of Saint Bernard, Abbot of Clairvaux; Volume 2
De conversione ad clericos
Von kreuzzug Krieg und den Juden
Éloge de la Nouvelle Chevalerie
"Vitis mytica," or, The true vine
St. Bernard's Sermons on the Canticle of Canticles; Volume 1
Zhong shi ji ling xiu wen xue xuan ji
Das Priesterideal des hl. Bernard ...
Sancti Bernardi Abbatis de Consideratione Ad Eugenium Papam Libri V Juxta Editionem Ad Ss. D. N. Clementem Xi Dicatam Adduntur... ...
A compe[n]dius [and] a moche fruytefull treatyse of well liuynge
St. Bernard's sermons on the Nativity
Sermons for Lent and the Easter Season
SC 518 Sermons divers, II
Homélies Sur les Gloires de la Vierge Mère
Saint Bernard
Sancti Bernardi, Claravallensis abbatis primi, melliflui ecclesiae doctoris, Opera omnia
St. Bernard's sermons for the seasons & principal festivals of the year
S. Patris Bernardi Claravallensis... Operum..
Life and Works of Saint Bernard, Abbot of Clairvaux; Volume 2
Life and Works of Saint Bernard; Volume 2
Sancti Bernardi Abbatis Primi Clarae-Vallensis Opera Omnia Cum Genuina, Tum Spuria... Post Horstium Denuo Recognita, Repurgta et in Meliorem Digesta Ordinem... Indicibusque Copiosissimis Locupletata, et Illustrata, Tertiis Curis Domni Johannis Mabillon...
On Loving God
Sancti Bernardi ... Volumen I. Genuina ...  Opera Complectens, Post Horstium Recogn., Aucta Indicibusque Locupletata ... Appendices, Accurante J.p. Migne, Volume 2
Song of Songs I
Saint Bernard
Pistola di S. Bernardo a' frati del Monte di Dio
Sermons on the Song of Songs
Liber meditationum beati Bernardi
Sancti Bernardi Abbatis Claræ - Vallensis ... opera omnia
Sermons for Advent and the Christmas season
St. Bernard of Clairvaux Seen Through His Selected Letters; 0
Opera genuina, juxta editionem monachorum Sancti Benedicti
St. Bernard's sermons on the Canticle of Canticles
Song of Solomon (Cistercian Fathers Series,)
Del libero arbitrio, trattato di s. Bernardo
The Life of Saint Malachy of Armagh
St. Bernard
Die Reden des heil. Bernhard über das Hohelied
S. Bernard's pious meditations
Opera genuina, juxta editionem monachorum Sancti Benedicti
Of conversion
On the Song of Songs II
Epistola di S. Bernardo a Raimondo
On Loving God
Meditations on the Human Condition
St. Bernard's Sermons on the Canticle of Canticles; Volume 2
Opera omnia Sancti Bernardi abbatis Claræ-Vallensis
Saint Bernard on Consideration. Tr. by George Lewis
La dédicace des églises
St. Bernard's Sermons on the Canticle of Canticles; Volume 2
Della perfezione della vita spirituale
Tractatus de interiori domo
In Praise of the New Knighthood
Saint Bernard on Consideration
Sermons pour l'année - tome 2 1 De la septuagésime à la Semaine Sainte
Life and works of Saint Bernard
Epistola di San Bernardo a Raimondo
Monastic sermons
Medytacōns of Saynt Bernarde
In Praise of the New Knighthood
On Loving God
Diui Bernardi abbatis Clareuallis ..
Opera omnia
St. Bernard's Sermons on the Canticle of Canticles; Volume 1
In praise of the new knighthood
St. Bernard of Clairvaux's Life of St. Malachy of Armagh
Divi Bernardi abbatis ad sororem. Modvs bene vivendi in christianam religionem
Oeuvres complètes de Saint Bernard
Sermons of St. Bernard on Advent and Christmas
Bernard of Clairvaux, Treatises III
Saint Bernard, his Meditations: or, Sighes, sobbes, and teares, vpon our Sauiours passion
Œuvres mystiques
The Treatise of St. Bernard, Abbat of Clairvaux, Concerning Grace and Free Will, Addressed to William, Abbat of St. Thiery
Life and Works of Saint Bernard, Abbot of Clairvaux; Volume 2
Sermones in Cantica Canticorum
Tractatus duo spiritales
Oeuvres complètes de Saint Bernard
Oeuvres complètes de Saint Bernard
Saint Bernard on the Love of God
De Diligendo Deo et de Gratia et Libro Arbitro...
On Grace & Free Choice (Cistercian Fathers)
Oeuvres mystiques
De diligendo Deo
The letters of St. Bernard of Clairvaux
Bernard of Clairvaux
Des heiligen Bernhard, Abtes und Kirchenlehrers Gedanken und Betrachtungen gesammelt aus dessen Werken
Sermons of St. Bernard on Advent & Christmas
Oeuvres mystiques
Rhytmica Oratio
Select treaties of St. Bernard of Clairvaux
El libro de s[an]cto Bernardo
St. Bernard's treatise on consideration
Sermons on Conversion
Richard Whytford's The Pype or Tonne of the lyfe of perfection
Opuscula Diui Bernardi Abbatis Clareuallensis
St. Bernard of Clairvaux
Life and works of Saint Bernard
[Divi Bernardi... Opera omnia tam quae vere germana illius esse nemo inficias eat, quam quae spuria et supposititia... plerisque videri possunt, diligentissme nunc primum recognita, aucta ac emendata..
Epistola S. Bernardi De revisione cantus Cisterciensis, et Tractatus Cantum quem Cisterciensis Ordinis ecclesiae cantare
The medytacyons of saint Bernarde
Meat from the Mystics
Was ein Papst erwägen muß
Oeuvres complètes de Saint Bernard
The Jubilee Rhythm of St. Bernard of Clairvaux On the Name of Jesus and Other Hymns
Divi Bernardi ... opera omnia divinae institvtionis refertissima accvratione iam denvo censvra recognita ac reposita
Divi Bernardi... Opera
On Loving God
Lettere ai monaci di St. Bertin
Les plus belles pages de Saint Bernard
St. Bernard of Clairvaux Sermons on Advent and Christmas (Works of St. Bernard of Clairvaux)
The Treatise of St. Bernard, Abbat of Clairvaux, Concerning Grace and Free Will, Addressed to William, Abbat of St. Thiery
Bernard of Clairvaux on the Song of Songs III
Melliloquium Sancti Bernardi
Opera omnia Sancti Bernardi abbatis Claræ-Vallensis
Life and Works of Saint Bernard, Abbot of Clairvaux; Volume 1
Prière et union à Dieu
St. Bernard of Clairvaux's Life of St. Malachy of Armagh
Magnificat: Homilies in Praise of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Cistercian Fathers Ser. : No. 18)
The Steps of Humility
St. Bernard of Clairvaux
Sermons for the seasons & principal festivals of the year
St. Bernard's Sermons on the Canticle of Canticles; Volume 2
Sancti Bernardi Abbatis Clarae-Vallensis Opera Omnia, Volume 1...
The Steps of Humility and Pride (Cistercian Fathers Series, No 13a)
Schriften des Heiligen Bernhards, Erster Band
St. Bernard's Treatise On Consideration
De gradibus humilitatis et superbiae
Saint Bernard On loving God
Treatise of St. Bernard, Abbat of Clairvaux, Concerning Grace and Free Will, Addressed to William, Abbat of St. Thiery
A rule of good life: written by the mellifluous doctor S. Bernard (monke and abbot of the holie order of S. Benet) especiallie for virgins, and other religious woemen; and may profitably be read likewise by all others, that aspire to Christian perfection. Faithfully translated into English by the R. Father Antonie Batt, monke of the holie order afore-said, of the Congregation of England
Life and Death of St. Malachy the Irishman (Cistercian Fathers Series No. 10)
The golden epistle of Saint Bernarde
Epistola di San Bernardo a Raimondo
Li sermon Saint Bernart
On loving God, and selections from sermons
Oeuvres de Saint Bernard
[The  works of Bernard of Clairvaux]
Thoughts of St. Bernard of Clairvaux for every day
Saint Bernard on the Christian year
Sancti Bernardi Opera Genuina, Volume 3...
Elogio de la nueva milicia templaria
St. Bernard's Treatise on Consideration
On the Song of Songs (Cistercian Fathers)
Del libero arbitrio, trattato di s. Bernardo
The Steps of Humility
Sermons of St. Bernard on Advent & Christmas
Life and Works of Saint Bernard, Abbot of Clairvaux; Volume 1
Diui Bernardi, religiosissimi Ecclesiæ doctoris, ac primi Clareuallensis cœnobii Abbatis, opera, quæ quidem colligi undequaque in hunc usque diem potuere, omnia
Medytac[i]ons of saynt Bernarde
Éloge de la Nouvelle Chevalerie
St. Bernard of Clairvaux
St. Bernard of Clairvaux Seen Through His Selected Letters
Traité de l'amour de Dieu
Oeuvres complètes de Saint Bernard
The twelve degrees of humility and pride
Saint Bernard on the Love of God
Grazia e libero arbitrio
The love of God, and spiritual friendship
Some Letters of Saint Bernard, Abbot of Clairvaux
A mirror that flatters not, or, A looking-glass for all new-converts
Sermons sur le cantique
Oeuvres complètes de Saint Bernard
Treatise of St. Bernard, Abbat of Clairvaux, Concerning Grace and Free Will, Addressed to William, Abbat of St. Thiery
Incipit tractatus primus De vijs vite Sancti Bernardi, Abbatis Clarauallensis, doctoris deuoti. [I[n]cipit s[e]c[un]d[u]s S[an]c[t]i Bernardi D[e] viis vite. Incipit tractatus S[an]c[t]i Bernardi, Abbatis Clarauallen[sis], De ordine vite [et] mor[um] institutione. Incipit tractat[us] S[an]c[t]i Bernardi D[e] gradib[us] hu[m]ilitatis [et] sup[er]bie. Incipit libellus meditationu[m] b[ea]ti Bernardi, Abbatis Clarauallen[sis], De cognitione ho[min]is [et] quomodo seip[su]m cognoscat vt Deu[m] inueniat [et] videat. Incipit sermo Sancti Bernardi De miseria humana. Incipit libellus be[a]ti Bernardi D[e] pla[n]ctu b[ea]te Marie V[irginis] i[n] morte siue i[n] passione Christi. Incipit Contemplatio Sancti Bernardi de passione Domini Nostri Iesu [Christ]i s[ecundu]m septe[m] horas canonicas. Epistola deuotissimi Ber. ex p[er]sona Helye monachi ad p[ar]e[n]tes. Incipit Ep[isto]la ad fratres de Monte Dei]
St. Bernard's Treatise on Consideration
Diui Bernardi abbatis ad sororem
Saint Bernard et Notre Dame
Predigten des h. Bernhard in altfranzösischer Übertragung
Éloge de la Nouvelle Chevalerie
Opera Bernardi
Opera omnia: tam qvae vere germana illivs esse nemo inficias eat , quam quae spuria & supposititia ..
Life and Works of Saint Bernard, Abbot of Clairvaux
Life and Death of Saint Malachy the Irishman
Sancti Bernardi abbatis Clarae-Vallensis opera omnia
Del libero arbitrio
Melliflui deuotiq[ue] doctoris sancti Bernardi abbatis Clareualle[n]sis Cistercie[n]sis ordinis Opus praeclarum
Œuvres complètes de saint Bernard
Opera omnia Sancti Bernardi ... post Horstium denuo recognita ..
Jerusalem the golden
Mellisini doctoris diui Bernardi abbatis Clareuallensis Super illo euangelio. Ecce nos reliquimus omnia Declamationes
Opera Omnia in sex tomos distributa
Liber meditationum
St. Bernard's sermons for the seasons and principal festivals of the year
Der Myrrhenberg des heilegen Bernhard von Clairvaux
Life and works of Saint Bernard
Flo es sancti Bernardi
Sancti Bernardi abbatis primi Clarae-Vallensis opera genuina videlicet in primo et secundo volumine; spuria, dubiaque in tertio comprehensa
Divi Bernardi Clarevallensis abbatis primi, religiosissimi sane ecclesae doctoris, svavissimiqve et qvod pro eximia illivs pietate non iniuria dixeris, plane Theodidacti, Opera omnia
Opera omnia Sancti Bernardi abbatis Claræ-Vallensis
S. patris Bernardi Claravallensis abbatis primi, melliflui ecclesiae doctorum, Operum ...
Oeuvres comple□tes de Saint Bernard
Floretus Sancti Bernardi
Liber meditationu[m] beati Bernardi
Leben und Briefe
Life and works of Saint Bernard, abbot of Clairvaux
A boke newely translated out of Latyn in to Englisshe called The folowi[n]g of Christe, with the Golden epystel of saint Barnard
Dit is dot boec van Sinte Bernaerd[us] sermone[n]
Über die Gottesliebe
Sermoni Vulgari Deuotissimi di Sa[n]cto Bernardo Abbate di Chiaraualle necessarii alben uiuere
Melliflui deuotissimiq[ue] beati Bernardi abbatis Clareualle[n]sis insigne opus Sermonu[m] de temp[or]e precipuisq[ue] festiuitatibus ac quibusdam specialibus materijs feliciter incipit
Sancti ... Bernardi ... Opera omnia
Les sermons de sainct Bernard abbe de Clerevaux
The treatise of St. Bernard, abbat of Clairvaux, concerning grace and free will, addressed to William, abbat of St. Thierry
Treatises I.
Quand passe le vent de l'Esprit
Traité de l'amour de Dieu
Sancti Bernardi opera
Floretus in se continens sacre theologie [et] canonu[m] flores ad gaudia paradisi finaliter eos (qui se in illis exercitauerint) perducentes
Meditationes seti[us] Bernardi abbatis
Divi Bernardi ... Opera quatenus in hunc usque diem extare noscuntur, omnia accuratissima recognitione & solerti collatione ad fidem exemplarium permultae antiquitatis restituta natiuae integritati
St. Bernard's Sermons on the Canticle of canticles
On the Song of Songs
The steps of humility, by Bernard, abbot of Clairvaux
Oeuvres de Saint Bernard
Epistola S. Bernardi De revisione cantus Cisterciensis
Ein christenliche vnd nutzliche Sermon oder Predig
Über die Gottesliebe
The song of songs
Opera. Quibus adiecimus eiusdem authoris opuscula, non minus, qu© m cetera omnia, & aurea, & diuinissima ...
Homilies of S. Bernard, S. Leo the Great, and Thomas à Kempis for Christmas
The letter of St. Bernard and The tract on the Cistercian revision of the antiphoner
Opera omnia Sancti Bernardi abbatis Claræ-Vallensis
Sancti Bernardi abbatis Clarae-Vallensis opera omnia
The steps of humility and pride
Saint Bernard on the love of God
Das Hohe Lied des hl. Bernhard von Clairvaux
Oeuvres de Saint Bernard
Life and times of Saint Bernard
Een deuote contemplatie vander grooter eerweerdicheyt der glorioser moeder ende maghet Marien
Lo stimolo d'amore, attribuito a S. Bernardo, testo di lingua inedito
Pistola a' Frati del Monte di Dio
[Bernardus ad Eugenium Papam]
Secuntur quinq[ue] libri de consideratione domini Bernhardi Abbatis Clareuallensis ad Eugenium papam
Predigten des Hl. Bernhard in Altfranzosischer Ubertragung
Floretus in se co[n]tinens sacre theologie et canoum [sic] flores ad gaudia Paradisi finaliter eos (qui se in illis exercitauerint) perducentes
[Epistolae] Opus preclarissimum Epl'arum deuotissimi beatissimio₃ Bernardi primi Clareuallñ abbatis
La considération
[Sancti ... Bernardi ... Opera omnia
Opera omnia Sancti Bernardi abbatis Claræ-Vallensis
Traité de S. Bernard, De la consideration
Incipit speculu[m] b[ea]ti bernhardi abbatis de honestate vite
Das Priesterideal des hl. Bernard ..
Sermones de tempore et de sanctis
Florum nobiliorum libri X
St. Bernard's sermons on the Canticle of Canticles
Office de Saint Victor
Oeuvres complètes de Saint Bernard
Sentenze e altri testi
Divi Bernardi Clarevallensis ...
Sermoni deuotissimi del deuotissimo Sancto Berardo Auna sua sorella monacha
Parables and Sentences
Life Of Saint Bernard, For Children From Eight To Ten Years Old
De consideratione libri V. Curante C.F.Th.Schneider
Sancti Bernardi abbatis primi clarae-vallensis ... opera ...
Traité de l'amour de Dieu
Divi Bernardi Abbatis Clarevallis, Ordinis Cisterciensis, doctoris disertissimi ac vere mellifluvi Opera omnia divinae institutionis refertissima
Sämtliche Werke, 10 Bde., Bd.7
Floretus (cum commento)
Opera genuina videlicet in primo et secundo volumine
Opera omnia Sancti Bernardi Claraevallensis ..
Xenia Bernardina
Opera omnia
Les plus beaux écrits de Saint Bernard
Pístola di S. Bernardo a' frati del Monte di Dio
Oeuvres complètes de Saint Bernard
S. Bernardi Abbat. Claraevallis
Sancti Bernardi abbatis primi Clarae-vallensis opera omnia cum genuina, tum spuria, dubiaque
Floretus in se [con]tinens sacre theologie [et] canonu[m] flores ad gaudia paradisi finaliter eos (qui se in illos exercitauerint) perducentes
Dit is ee[n] deuote boecxken ghegheten Onserlieuer vrouwen souter
Boecxken van verduldich lijden ...
A Hive of sacred honie-combes
Sancti Bernardi opera
Studi su s. Bernardo di Chiaravalle nell'ottavo centenario della canonizzazione
Opera ..
Sancti Bernardi Abbatis Primi Clarae-Vallensis ... genuina sancti doctoris opera quatour prioribus tomis complectens
De sermonen en[de] maniere[n] van leuens des godlijckste en[de] heylichste Berbaerdt ...
Saint Bernard
Onser liever vrouwen souter
Sancti Bernardi abbatis primi Clareuallensis et ecclesiae doctoris, opera omnia
Lo stimolo d'amore
Incipit opus Beati Bernardi saluberrimum de imitatione Christi
A hymn of St. Bernard's to the holy Jesus
The nativity
Een nyeu ende seer suyuerlick boecxke[n] leerende en[de] seer ghenoechlic vercleere[n]de die natuer ofte aert vande[n] hemelsche[n] wijngaert ...
Oeuvres complètes de Saint Bernard
Opuscula diui bernardi abbatis clareuallensis
Medulla operum omnium Sancti Bernardi abbatis primi Clarae-Vallensis
Sermons on the Canticle of Canticles
Sancti Bernardi ... Opera omnia
En la escuela del amor
Sermons pour l'année
Tractatus de planctu beatae Mariae virginis
Tratado dos louvores da Virgem Mãe
Dleuen van Sinte Bernaert met vier schoone omelien die hi ghemaect heeft op dat eua[n]geliu[m] missues est angelus Gabriel
Cantica canticorum
Commento al salmo 90
D. Bernardi ...Opervm
Predigten des h. Bernhard in altfranzösischer übertragung
Incipiunt contemplationes beati Bernhardi abbatis clarauallis de interiori homine
Della miseria umana
The golden epistle of Saint Bernarde
Oeuvres de Saint Bernard
Floretus sancti Bernardi in se continens sacre theologie et canonum flores ad gaudia paradisi finaliter eos (qui se in illis exercitauerint) perducentes
Govierno politico y santo hallado en los libros De consideratione y buen govierno
Alexander Hamilton
Alexander Hamilton (1757-1804)

economist, philosopher, military personnel, politician, aide-de-camp, military officer, businessperson, lawyer

  • Columbia College, Columbia University
The Federalist papers
The papers of Alexander Hamilton
Alexander Hamilton
The Federalist
The Federalist Papers
The law practice of Alexander Hamilton
Opinion as to the Constitutionality of the Bank of the United States
The Federalist Papers
The works of Alexander Hamilton
The Federalist papers
Citizen Hamilton
Wings of Night
A few of Hamilton's letters
Letter from Alexander Hamilton, concerning the public conduct and character of John Adams, Esq., President of the United States
The Federalist, or, The new constitution
The federalist papers by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison and John Jay
Industrial and commercial correspondence of Alexander Hamilton
Alexander Hamilton and the founding of the Nation
The basic ideas of Alexander Hamilton
Letters of Pacificus and Helvidius on the Proclomation of Neutrality of 1793
Selected writings and speeches of Alexander Hamilton
Hamilton's Itinerarium
The Federalist papers
The deerslayer
The Federalist papers
Alexander Hamilton
The Federalist papers
Papers on public credit, commerce and finance
A letter from Phocion to the considerate citizens of New-York, on the politics of the day
The Works Of Alexander Hamilton V7
Industrial and commercial correspondence of Alexander Hamilton anticipating his report on manufactures
The letters of Pacificus and Helvidius (1845) with the Letters of Americanus
The Federalist
Observations on certain documents contained in no. V & VI of "The history of the United States for the year 1796,"
A defense of the treaty of amity, commerce, and navigation entered into between the United States of America & Great Britain
Genl. Alexander Hamilton's confidential letter to Robert Morris on the government of New York
The Federalist Papers
Selections from the Federalist
Die Federalist-Artikel
The Federalist papers
A defence of the treaty of amity, commerce, and navigation
The Federalist, or, The new Constitution
The Federalist papers
Le Fédéraliste, ou Collection de quelques écrits en faveur de la constitution proposée aux États-Unis de l'Amérique, par la convention convoquée en 1787
A full vindication of the measures of the Congress, from the calumnies of their enemies, in answer to a letter, under the signature of A.W. Farmer
The fate of Major André
Documents relating to American economic history
Alexander Hamilton papers
Letters of Pacificus
An act to organize and establish an exchequer of issues as the fiscal agent of the people of the United States
The Federalist
The Federalist
The official and other papers of the late Major-General Alexander Hamilton
The Federalist papers
The Federalist
The Federalist
The opinion of Alexander Hamilton on the constitutionality and expediency of incorporating the United States Bank
The essential Hamilton
The federalist
The Federalist papers
The Federalist, on the new Constitution, written in the year 1788
federalist PAPERS
The Pacificus-Helvidius debates of 1793-1794
The farmer refuted: or, A more impartial and comprehensive view of the dispute between Great-Britain and the colonies
The official and other papers ..
The Federalist Papers (Mentor Book, Mt328)
The Federalist
The Federalist
The Federalist
Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson
The Federalist papers
A full vindication of the measures of the Congress, from the calumnies of their enemies
The argument of the secretary of the Treasury upon the constitutionality of a national bank
The Federalist, on the new Constitution
A few of Hamilton's letters, including his description of the great West Indian hurricane of 1772
The Federalist, on the new Constitution, written in the year 1788, by Mr. Hamilton, Mr. Madison, and Mr. Jay: with an appendix, containing the letters of Pacificus and Helvidius, on the Proclamation of neutrality of 1793; also, the original Articles of Confederation, and the Constitution of the United States, with the amendments made thereto
The Farmer refuted
Letter from Alexander Hamilton
Le fédéraliste (commentaire de la constitution des États-Unis) recueil d'articles écrits en faveur de la nouvelle constitution telle qu'elle à été adoptée
Adultery and apology
The Pacificus-Helvidius debates of 1793-1794 : toward the completion of the American founding
The reports of Alexander Hamilton
Philadelphia, September 26, 1792
The Federalist
Letters to Dr. William Osborn
Colonel Hamilton's second letter, from Phocion to the considerate citizens of New-York, on the politics of the times, in consequence of the peace
The Federalist papers
Hamiltonian principles
The Federalist
The Federalist, on the new Constitution, written in 1788
The Federalist papers
The Federalist
A letter from Phocion, to the considerate citizens of New-York
The Federalist
Thep apers of Alexander Hamilton
On the American constitution
The Federalist, or, The new Constitution
The Federalist Papers
Letters of Pacificus and Helvidius on the proclamation of neutrality of 1793
Selected Federalist papers
The Federalist papers
The Federalist
The nature of the Republic
The federalists
An address to the people of Rhode-Island ..
Amerikanskie federalisty
The Federalist
The Federalist, or, The new Constitution
The examination of the President's message at the opening of Congress, December 7, 1801
Federalist Papers
The Federalist
The Federalist papers
Observations on certain documents in "The history of the United States for the year 1796,"
Report on the subject of manufactures, made in his capacity of Secretary of the Treasury ... 1791
Alexander Hamilton's pay book
The federalist
American State papers
Federalist Papers
Alexander Hamilton on finance, credit, and debt
The revolutionary writings of Alexander Hamilton
The Federalist
The Federalist on the new constitution
A second letter from Phocion to the considerate citizens of New-York
The Federalist, On the New Constitution
Selections from the poetical works of Alexander Hamilton, the poet of Kirkroads
The Federalist
The mind of Alexander Hamilton
Réflexions sur la république
An address to the electors of the state of New York
The Federalist
The Federalist Papers
The Federalist, on the new constitution
The Federalist
The Federalist papers
Lian bang dang ren wen ji
The Federalist
The Federalist
The vital federalist papers
Alexander Hamilton and the founding of the Nation
The Federalist
The Federalist
The examination of the President's message, at the opening of Congress December 7, 1801
The Federalist
The Federalist
The Federalist and other constitutional papers
The Federalist, on the new Constitution, written in 1788
The Federalist papers
Federalist Papers
The Federalist
The Federalist
Il Federalista
The Federalist, or, The new Constitution
A letter from Phocion to the considerate citizens of New-York
The Federalist, on the new Constitution, written in the year 1788
The Federalist
El Federalista
The Federalist
O Federalista
The Fœderalist
The Federalist, on the new Constitution, written in the year 1788, by Mr. Hamilton, Mr. Madison, and Mr. Jay; with an appendix, containing the letters of Pacificus and Helvidius, on the Proclamation of neutrality of 1793; also, the original Articles of Confederation, and the Constitution of the United States, with the amendments made thereto
The Federalist papers
Pay No Taxes
The Federalist
Four Flowers
The Federalist
The federalist
El Federalista
The federalist, on the new Constitution
The Federalist
The papers of Alexander Hamilton
The Federalist papers
The Federalist papers
Colonel Hamilton's second letter, from Phocion to the considerate citizens of New-York, on the politics of the times, in consequence of the peace
The Federalist
The Federalist
The papers of Alexander Hamilton
The Federalist papers
The Federalist
A few of Hamilton's letters, including his description of the great West Indian hurricane of 1772
The Federalist and other contemporary papers on the constitution of the United States by Hamilton, Jay, Madison and other men of their time
The Federalist
The works of Alexander Hamilton
The Federalist
The Federalist
El Federalista
The Federalist
An address, to the electors of the state of New York
Alexander Hamilton papers
The Federalist on the new constitution
The Federalist
Practical proceedings in the Supreme Court of the State of New York
The Federalist
The Federalist papers
Opinion As to the Constitutionality of T
Selections from the Federalist
The Federalist
The Federalist
The soundness of the policy of protecting domestic manufactures
Observations on certain documents contained in no. V & VI of the "Hist. of U.S. for 1796" and a refutation of the charge of speculation
The Federalist
Essential Federalist and Anti-Federalist Papers
Alexander Hamilton and the founding of the Nation
The Federalist
The law practice of Alexander Hamilton
The Federalist
Federalistički spisi
A letter from Phocion to the considerate citizens of New-York, on the politicks of the day
The works of Alexander Hamilton
The Federalist
Report of the Secretary of the Treasury on the subject of a mint
The Federalist, on the new constitution, written in 1778
The Federalist and other constitutional papers
The Federalist
The Federalist papers
The papers of Alexander Hamilton
The Federalist
The Federalist
The works of Alexander Hamilton
Alexander Hamilton and the founding of the Nation
The opinion of Alexander Hamilton, on the constitutionality and expediency of incorporating the United States Bank, February 23, 1791
The Federalist
Federalist Papers
The Federalist
The Federalist, on the new Constitution
Genl. Alexander Hamilton's confidential letter to Robert Morris on the government of New York, and his estimate of the leading men of that state
Propositions of Colonel Hamilton, of New-York, in the Convention for establishing a constitutional government for the United States
The Farmer refuted
The Federalist, a commentary on the Constitution of the United States
The Foederalist
Letter from Alexander Hamilton
The federalist papers, or, How government is supposed to work
New York Conspiracy or a History of the Hebrew Israelite Negro Plot 1741-1742
Federalist Papers
El Federalista
The Federalist, on the new Constitution
The Federalist
The Federalist and other constitutional papers
Selections from the Federalist
The Federalist
Federalist Papers
The Federalist, on the new Contstiution
The Federalist
Industrial and commercial correspondence of Alexander Hamilton anticipating his report on manufactures
Raymond Moody
Raymond Moody (born 1944)

physician, psychologist, psychiatrist, philosopher

  • University of Virginia
Closer to the light
Life After Life
The last laugh
The light beyond
Elvis after life
Coming back
Elvis after life
The book of Cobham
Laugh after laugh
Discovering the soul
Leben nach dem Tod
Burford Through Time
Life After Loss
Vida despues de la perdida / Life After Loss
Life after loss
La vie après la vie
Mas Alla De LA Luz
Glimpses of eternity
Nachgedanken über das Leben nach dem Tod
Coming back
Leben nach dem Tod
Destellos de eternidad
Nouvelles révélations sur la vie après la vie
Afterlife Healing Circle
Making Sense of Nonsense
La vie après la vie : Enquête à propos d'un phénomène
La vie après la vie
Life before life
Proof of Life after Life
Vida Despues de La Vida
Retour de L'au-dela
Vida después de la vida
Leben nach dem Tod. Die Erforschung einer unerklärlichen Erfahrung
Glimpses of Eternity
Reflexiones sobre Vida después de la vida
Lumieres nouvelles sur la vie apres la vie
Voyages dans les vies antérieures
Glimpses of Eternity
La Vie Apres La Vie
La Vie Apres La Vie (Aventure Secrete) (English and French Edition)
Coming Back by Raymond Moody, MD
Lumières nouvelles sur la vie après la vie (French Edition)
Zusammen im Licht
La vie après la vie
Vida después de la vida
Guérissez par le rire
La lumière de l'au-delà
In Camera
La vie après la vie
Lumières nouvelles sur la vie après la vie
Lumieres Nouvelles Sur La Vie Apres La V
Regresiones (Improve, Enter)
Laugh After Laugh
Glimpses of eternity
Induced after Death Communication
Vida después de la vida
Humor y Salud - El Poder Curativo de La Risa
Leben nach dem Tod
Al otro lado del túnel / The other side of tunnel
Rencontres (French Edition)
All men Desire To Know
Out of Body
Vorige levens
Life after Loss
Vida Despues de la Vida
Zhizni posle smerti
Vida después de la pérdida : Vida después de la pérdida de seres queridos
La vie apres la vie
Más allá la luz
Témoins de la vie après la vie
Más sobre vida después de la vida
ha-Ḥayim she-aḥare ha-ḥayim
Zhiznʹ posle utraty
Vida después de la vida
Zycie po zyciu
Das Licht von drüben
Das Licht von drüben
Life after Loss
...a Thousand Words
Guglielmo Ferrero
Guglielmo Ferrero (1871-1942)

historian, journalist, classical scholar, philosopher

  • University of Pisa, University of Bologna
Women of the Caesars
The women of the Caesars
Grandezza e decadenza di Roma
The reconstruction of Europe
The women of the Cæsars
Characters and Events of Roman History from Caesar to Nero
Europe's fateful hour
Characters and Events of Roman History, from Caesar to Nero: The Lowell Lectures of 1908
Problems of peace, from the Holy alliance to the league of nations
Ancient Rome and modern America
Peace and war
Between the old world and the new
Militarism, a contribution to the peace crusade
The women of the Ceasars
The gamble; Bonaparte in Italy, 1796-1797
La tragedia della pace
Characters and Events of Roman History
Charter and Events of Roman History
The two French revolutions, 1789-1796
The ruin of the ancient civilization and the triumph of Christianity
Zwischen zwei Welten
A short history of Rome
Who wanted the European war?
Grandeur et décadence de Rome
The principles of power
The life of Caesar
La vecchia Europa e la nuova
The unity of the world
I simboli
The reconstruction of Europe
The women of the Caesars
Characters and events of Roman history, from Cæsar to Nero
Criminal Woman, the Prostitute, and the Normal Woman
La ruine de la civilisation antique
La vecchia Italia e la nuova
The Greatness And Decline Of Rome V5
Les deux révolutions françaises 1789-1796
Criminal Woman, the Prostitute, and the Normal Woman
The seven vices
Ruine de la Civilisation Antique
Colloqui con Guglielmo Ferrero
Problems Of Peace
Words to the deaf
El poder
La palingenesi di Roma, da Livio a Machiavelli
Grandeur et décadence de Rome
Grandeur et décadences de Rome
Grandezza e decadenza di Roma
Die Frauen der Cäsaren
Julius Ca sar
The most beautiful women in Imperial Rome
The two French revolutions, 1789-1796
A Short History Of Rome I
Four years of fascism
The gamble
The gamble
Roma nella cultura moderna
Women of the Caesers
Memorie e confessioni di un sovrano deposto
Da Fiume a Roma
Characters and events of Roman history
Who wanted the Europen war?
The ruin of the ancient civilization and the triumph of Christianity, with some consideration of conditions in the Europe of today
Women of the Cæsars
Characters and Events of Roman History
The Greatness and Decline of Rome
Nouvelle histoire romaine
A Short History of Rome
Women of the Caesars by Guglielmo Ferrero
Donna Delinquente
The principles of power
Aventure; Bonaparte en Italie (1796-1797)
Ruine de la Civilisation Antique
Poder. Los genios invisibles de la ciudad
Lois Psychologiques du Symbolisme
Grandeur et décadence de Rome; Volume 1
The reconstruction of Europe;
Grösse und Niedergang Roms, Erster Band
Peace and war
The Greatness and Decline of rome (volume 4, Rome and Egypt)
Die Einheit der Welt
Entre le passé et l'avenir
Ancient Rome and Modern America
Le origini della guerra presente
Sudore e sangue
Le militarisme et la société moderne
Gli ultimi barbari
Les lois psychologiques du symbolisme
Discorsi ai sordi
Grandezza e Decadenza Di Roma Vol. 2
Memorie e Confessioni Di un Sovrano Deposto
The Greatness and Decline of Rome
The Female Offender
Characters and Events of Roman History from Caesar to Nero
Guglielmo Ferrero tra società e politica
The Fall of An Aristocracy (The Greatness and Decline of Rome, Vol. III)
Grandezza e Decadenza Di Roma : L'opera Completa
A short history of Rome
Characters and Events of Roman History, from Caesar to Nero
Characters and Events of Roman History
The gamble; Bonaparte in Italy, 1796-1797
Between the Old World & the New a Moral & Philosop
Between the Old World and the New; a Moral and Philosophical Contrast
The Greatness and Decline of Rome. Vol 2
Reconstruction of Europe Talleyrand and the Congress of Vienna 1814 1845
The Greatness and Decline of Rome; Volume 1
Grandeza y decadencia de Roma
Four years of fascism
Problems of Peace, from the Holy Alliance to the League of Nations
La rovina della civiltà antica
Four years of fascism
Nouvelle histoire romaine
Da Cesare a Augusto
Le génie latin et le monde moderne
Conquista Dell'Impero
Grandezza e Decadenza Di Roma
Ancient Rome and modern America
La rovina della civilta' antica.
The Greatness & Decline of Rome. Vol 1
Kvinden som forbryder
La democrazia in Italia
Constantin et le Triomphe du Christianisme
Giulio Cesare
Militarismus und Imperialismus in Frankreich
The Reconstruction of Europe
Roma antica ..
Les deux révolutions franc̨aises
europa Giovane
Vecchia Europa e la Nuova
Characters and events of Roman History
Augusto e il Grande Impero
The Women of the Ceasars
Peace and war
The Greatness & Decline of Rome. Vol 5
Le génie latin et le monde moderne
La rivolta del figlio
The Greatness and Decline of Rome, Translated by Alfred E. Zimmern and Rev. H.J. Chaytor, Volume I : The Empire-Builders, Volume II : Julius Caesar, Volume III : The Fall of an Aristocracy, Volume IV : Rome and Egypt, Volume V
Le due verità
Repubblica Di Augusto
Characters and Events of Roman History
The greatness and decline of Rome
The women of the Caesars
Discours aux sourds
Julius Cäsar
Grösse und Niedergang Roms, Erster Band
La guerre européenne
The Women of The Cæsars
Characters and Events of Roman History
Grandezza e decadenza di Roma
Le guerre européenne
The life of Caesar
I simboli in rapporto alla storia e filosofia del diritto, alla psicologia e alla sociologia
La fin des aventures
La reazione
The reconstruction of Europe
Fra i due mondi
Le due rivoluzioni francesi
La rovina della civiltà antica
Der untergang der zivilisation des altertums
La vecchia Europa e la nuova
Le donne dei Cesari
Demokratie oder terror
The life of Caesar
Nouvelle histoire romaine
Talleyrand ay congrès de Vienne, 1814-1815
La guerra europea
Why Europe has not made peace
Sudore e sangue
The women of the Caesars
La democrazia in Italia
Julius Cäsar
Discorsi ai sordi
La vecchia Europa e la nuova
Cronache criminali italiane ...
La Torre de Babele
L'Europa giovane
The greatness and decline of Rome
Lombroso, prophet and criminologist
Grösse und Niedergang Roms