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philosophers who wrote autobiography
Showing 81-88 out of 143 results
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (1881-1955)

theologian, paleontologist, paleoanthropologist, Catholic priest, geologist, philosopher, scientific collector, stretcher bearer

  • University of Paris, Villanova University
The letters of Teilhard de Chardin and Lucile Swan
Reconciliation in Christ
Milieu divin
The Phenomenon of Man
Cœur de la matieĢ€re
Comment je crois
Groupe zoologique humain
Science et Christ
Avenir de l'homme
Letters from Egypt, 1905-1908
Letters from a traveller
Activation de l'eĢnergie
Ecrits du temps de la guerre
Hymne de l'univers
The appearance of man
Le milieu divin
Lettres aĢ€ LeĢontine Zanta
Human energy
On love & happiness
Letters from my friend, Teilhard de Chardin, 1948-1955
The making of a mind
Letters to two friends, 1926-1952
Activation of Energy (Helen & Kurt Wolff Book)
Pierre Teilhard De Chardin
Directions de l'avenir
Lettres intimes à Auguste Valensin, Bruno de Solages, Henri de Lubac, 1919-1955
Genèse d'une pensée
The Divine Milieu
Le phénomène humain
L' activation de l'eĢnergie
The human phenomenon
Sur la souffrance
How I believe
Let me explain
Dans le sillage des Sinanthropes
The vision of the past
Lettres de voyage (1923-1939)
La place de l'homme dans la nature
La vision du passé
L' avenir de l'homme
Je m'explique
Meditations with Teilhard de Chardin
Lettres de voyage (1923-1955)
Letters from Paris, 1912-1914
The Heart of the Matter
EĢcrits du temps de la guerre
Teilhard de Chardin en Chine
L' apparition de l'homme
Nouvelles lettres de voyage
Lettres familieĢ€res de Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, mon ami
Early man in China
Oeuvres, tome 8
Lettres de voyage
La messe sur le monde
Lettres d'Égypte, 1905-1908
Genèse d'une pensée; lettres 1914-1919
Genèse d'une  pensée ; lettres 1914-1919, présentées par Alice Teilhard-Chambon et Max Henri-Begouën et préc. d'une introd. de Claude Aragonnès
La question de l'homme fossile
Letters from Hastings, 1908-1912
Lettres aĢ€ Jeanne Mortier
Le milieu divin, tome 4
Oeuvres, tome 3
Oeuvres, tome 6
ReĢflexions sur le progreĢ€s
Fossil men
Mon univers
Etre plus ; directives extraits des écrits publiés ou inédits du Père, de sa correspondance ou de ses notes
Oeuvres, tome 11
Science and Christ. Translated from the French by Rene Hague
Geheimnis und Verheissung der Erde
Lettres aĢ€ l'abbeĢ Gaudefroy et aĢ€ l'abbeĢ Breuil
L'e Ģnergie humaine
Le groupe zoologique human
Ai ni tsuite
La place de l'homme dans la nature ; le groupe zoologique humain
Le milieu divin ; essai  de vie intérieure
Lettres intimes à Auguste Valensin, Bruno de Solages, Henri de Lubac, André Ravier, 1919-1955
Le groupe zoologique humain
Oeuvres de Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
Images et paroles
EĢcrits du temps de la guerre (1916-1919)
El Medio Divino
L' oeuvre scientifique
Oeuvres, tome 2
L' œuvre scientifique, 1905-1955
Etre Plus
Das Teilhard de Chardin Lesebuch
Sur le bonheur
The proboscidians of south-eastern Shansi
Le coeur de la matiere
On love
L'énergie humaine
Accomplir l'homme
Das Herz der Materie. Kernstück einer genialen Weltsicht
On happiness
Accomplir l'homme, lettres inédites, 1926-1952
ReĢflexions et prieĢ€res dans l'espace-temps
Hymne de l'univers ; La messe sur le monde ; Trois histoires comme Benson ; La puissance spirituelle de la matiere ; Pensees Choises par Fernande Tardivel. --
La aparicion del hombre
La milieu divin
Escritos del tiempo de guerra (1916-1919)
On the Cenozoic formations of Kwangsi and Kwangtung
De Activering van de Menselijke Energie
La activacion de la energia
Oeuvres Completes  Le Phenomene Humaine Vol. 1
Lettres d'Egypte (1905 1908)
Notes de retraites (1919-1954)
Lo Que Yo Creo
Les directions de l'avenir
Letters to Leontine Zanta
El Grupo zoologico humano
EĢ‚tre plus
Cavicornia of south-eastern Shansi
Himno del universo. La misa sobre el mundo.  Tres historias a la manera de Benson. La potencia espiritual de la materia. Pensamientos escogidos por Fernande Tardivel. Traducción de Florentino Perez
Das göttliche Milieu. Ein Entwurf des Inneren Lebens
Oeuvres, tome 5. L'Avenir de l'homme
Avec Teilhard de Chardin
Ciencia y cristo
The Post-Villafranchian interval in North China
Notes de retraites, 1919-1954
The prayer of the universe
Die Entstehung des Menschen
Letters from a traveller, 1923-1955
Letters From A Traveler
El porvenir de hombre
L'Avenir de l'homme, tome 5
Le PreĢ‚tre
Oeuvres, tome 1
La aparición del hombre
L' éternel féminin
Bozansko Ozracje
Human Energy (Harvest Book)
Le Christ èvoluteur
Lettres d'Hasting et de Paris, 1908-1914
Der Mensch im Kosmos
Himno del universo
Sauvons l'humaniteĢ
La vision del pasado
El fenomeno humano
Le néolithique de la Chine
Preliminary observations on the Pre-Loessic and Post-Pontian formations in western Shansi and northern Shensi
Le vision du passé
Building the earth and The psychological conditions of human unification
The Cenozoic sequence in the Yangtze Valley
Notes on continental geology
A correlation of some miocene and pliocene mammalian assemblages in North America and Asia with a discussion of the mio-pliocene boundary
L' hymne de l'Univers
Lettres intimes à Auguste Valensin, Bruno de Solages
Le cœur de la matieĢ€re
La energia humana
Fossil mammals from the late Cenozoic of northern China
Teilhard de Chardin album
Ep-Archaean and epi-Sinian intervals in China
Lettres à Edouard Le Roy (1921-1946)
The fossils from locality 12 of Choukoutien
Science et Christ, tome 9
Activation de l'Energie
Le Christ èvoluteur
Lettres de Chine
Early Man in China (Peking Institute De Geo-Biologie)
Lettres de voyage, 1923-1955
Accomplir l'Homme  Lettres Inedites 1926 1952
Oeuvres, tome 7. L'Activation de l'énergie
Lettres Intimes a Auguste Valensin
Lettres d'Egypte, 1905-1908
Cartas de Hastings y de Paris
Ecrits du Temps de Guerre (1916-1919)
Lettres d'Hastings et de Paris, 1908-1914
Construire la terre =
Hymne de l'univers
Ecrits du temps de la guerre, 1916-1919
Yo me explico
Dearest Lucile
Le christ eĢvoluteur
Réflexions sur le Bonheur
Il sacerdote
Le Pretre. --
Reflexions et Prieres dans L'Espace Temps
Science et Christ
Science et Christ. Oeuvres complètes, tome 9
Le\Phenomene Humain
Genese d'une Pensee  Lettres 1914 1919
Sur L'amour
Fenomen čeloveka
Der Mensch im Kosmos
Energie Humaine
Lettres a Leontine Zanta
Toujours en avant
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, Maurice Blondel, correspondence
El corazo n de la materia
Le\Groupe Zoologique Humain
Prier 15 jours avec Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
Cornel West
Cornel West (born 1953)

theologian, philosopher, actor, critic, executive producer, podcaster, political activist

  • Harvard University, Princeton University
Black prophetic fire
Race Matters
Breaking bread
Keeping faith
Prophesy deliverance!
The American evasion of philosophy
Restoring Hope
Democracy Matters
Prophetic fragments
The Cornel West reader
The ethical dimensions of Marxist thought
Hope on a tightrope
Brother West
Taking Parenting Public
White on White/Black on Black
Beyond eurocentrism and multiculturalism
Go Down Moses A Celebratuin Of The Africanamerican Spiritual
Struggles in the promised land
African American religious thought
Post-analytic philosophy
The War Against Parents
Making it on broken promises
La pensée américaine contemporaine
The courage to hope
The Affirmative action debate
Theology in the Americas
Black Intellectual's Odyssey
Urban Voices, Racial Justice, and Community Leadership
Race Matters, 25th Anniversary Ed.
James and Royce Reconsidered
Keeping Faith
White on White/Black on Black
Brother West : Living and Loving Out Loud
Heart of American Darkness
Plough Quarterly No. 24 – Faith and Politics
Regarding Malcolm X
Making It on Broken Promises
Prophesy Deliverance! 40th Anniversary Expanded Edition
Miseducated Lib/E
Trauma of Caste
Guardian Poplar
Ethics, historicism and the Marxist tradition
Revolution Will Rhyme
Radical King
Theology in the Americas
Cornel West Reader
Conversations with Cornel West
Prophetischer Pragmatismus
And the Spirit Moved Them
Let the Healing Begin
Taking Parenting Public
Keeping Faith
American Evasion of Philosophy
Benedict Anderson
Benedict Anderson (1936-2015)

political scientist, anthropologist, philosopher, historian

  • Eton College, Cornell University
A life beyond the boundaries
Imagined communities
Under Three Flags
The spectre of comparisons
Mythology and the tolerance of the Javanese
The Fate of Rural Hell: Asceticism and Desire in Buddhist Thailand
In the mirror
Language and power
Violence and the State in Suharto's Indonesia
Coming To Terms With The Nation Ethnic Classification In Modern China
Exploration and irony in studies of Siam over forty years
Indonesia Journal
Java in a time of revolution
Indonesia Journal
Pramoedya Ananta Toer and his work
City in Transgression
Culture and politics in Indonesia
Indonesia Journal
Bibliography of Indonesian publications
Mencari demokrasi
Buried Cities
A preliminary analysis of the October 1, 1965
Indonesia - April 1994
In the Mirror
Why counting counts
Mapping the Nation
Buried City
Indonesia Journal
A Preliminary Analysis of the October 1, 1965 Coup in Indonesia
Long-distance nationalism
Java in a Time of Revolution
Spectre of Comparisons
Indonesia - April 2003
Java in a time of revolution
Indonesia Journal - April 2006
Indonesia Journal - October 2007
City in Geography
Imagined communities revisited
Indonesia Journal - April 2007
Life Beyond Boundaries
Some Aspects of Indonesian Politics Under the Japanese Occupation
Xiang xiang de gong tong ti
City in Transgression
City in Geography
Sinirlari Asarak Yasamak - Bir Sosyal Bilimcinin Yasamindan Anilar
Indonesia Journal - April 2008
Buried City, Unearthing Teufelsberg
Indonesia Journal - October 2006
Nationalism and Revolution in Indonesia
Indonesia Journal, October 1969, Volume 8
Indonesia - April 2004
Interpreting Indonesian politics
Religion and social ethos in Indonesia
Some aspects of Indonesian politics under the Japanese occupation: 1944-1945
Indonesia - October 2003
Sukarno, Marxisme, dan Bahaya Pemfosilan
Kahlil Gibran
Kahlil Gibran (1883-1931)

poet, painter, philosopher

  • AcadĆ©mie Julian
Kahlil Gibran
Kahlil Gibran, his life and world
The Prophet
Jesus the Son of man
The garden of the prophet
Kahlil Gibran
A tear and a smile
Tears and laughter
Ajniįø„ah al-mutakassirah
Secrets of the heart
The madman
Patterns of happiness
The wisdom of Gibran
The eye of the prophet
Prophecies of love
The procession
Sightlines 9
Jesus the Son of Man
The storm
Spiritual sayings of Kahlil Gibran
Spirits Rebellious
The vision
Between night and morn
Tesoros de La Sabiduria
Twenty drawings
El Loco
The voice of the Master
The forerunner, his parables and poems
The collected works
A second treasury of Kahlil Gibran
Prophet (Arkana)
A treasury of Kahlil Gibran
Beloved prophet
The Beloved
The beloved
Profeta, El - El Loco El Vagabundo
Maximas y Aforismos
Secrets of the heart: meditations
The Procession
Iram, cité des hautes colonnes
Thoughts and meditations
The wanderer, his parables and his sayings
The Prophet
Le Précurseur
El Profeta
El awassef
El taehe
Nymphs of the valley
A Treasury of Kahlil Gibran
Les Dieux de la Terre
Yassoa eben el ensaan
Gibran's Little Book of Love
Sand and foam
Vagabundo, El
The treasured writings of Kahlil Gibran
El Hereje
El saabek
The Essential Kahlil Gibran
Biografia - El Profeta
Mirrors of the Soul
Llama azul
The Prophet
Spirits rebellious
Prophet, Madman, Wanderer
The Kahlil Gibran reader
The madman, his parables and poems
The beauty of friendship
Love letters
A Third Treasury of Kahlil Gibran
Love Letters
Secrets of the Heart
The procession
The Prophet Collection
Loco, El
The forerunner
The forerunner
The Kahlil Gibran Reader
The broken wings
Thoughts and Meditations
Love letters in the sand
The voice of the master
Voz Del Maestro
El Jardin Del Profeta
Arena y Espuma (Pequeños Libros de la Sabiduria)
Second Treasury of Kahlil Gibran
El Profeta El loco (Literatura Universal)
NabÄ« al-įø„abÄ«b
The wanderer
Jesus, the Son of Man
Gibran love letters
Blue flame
Tears & Laughter Pa
The Thoughts and Meditations of Kahlil Gibran
El Loco
I care about your happiness
Garedn of the Prophet (Arkana)
Wild Palms
Love Letters in the Sand
Le livre des processions
The Kahlil Gibran Reader: Inspirational Writings
Kahlil Gibran, a prophet in the making
Sand and Foam (The Kahlil Gibran Pocket Library)
Prose Poems
Der Prophet
Der Vorbote. Gleichnisse und Gedichte
Dramas of life
Jésus, el hijo del hombre
Little Book of Love
The Wisdom of Kahlil Gibran
The Prophet
Ź»ArāŹ¾is al-murÅ«j
Prose poems
The Collected Works
The letters of Kahlil Gibran and Mary Haskell
Kahlil Gibran
The Prophet & The Wanderer
Khalil Gibran
El vagabundo, los secretos del corazón, los dioses de la tierra, el jardín del profeta
Treasured Writings of Kahlil Gibran
La Procesion Y Alas Rotas
La Voix de l'eternelle sagesse
El Profeta/the Prophet (Alba)
Spirits Rebellious (Kahlil Gibran Pocket Library)
Lacrime e Sorrisi
Loco, El
Pensées et méditations
Das große Khalil Gibran-Lesebuch. Mit seinem bekanntesten Buch - Der Prophet -
The nature of love
RasāŹ¾il Jubrān al-tāŹ¾ihah, maŹ»a 19 risālah yukshaf Ź»anhā lil-marrah al-Å«lá
The Prophet (Kahlil Gibran Pocket Library)
Prophet and Other Writings
Love Letters in the Sand
Die Stürme
The art of Kahlil Gibran
Jibrān Khalīl Jibrān bi-ījāz
E Profeta
Voz Del Profeta
Las Tempestades
Jesus, the Son of Man
Visions of the Prophet
Les Esprits rebelles
Larmes et Sourires
The Storm
Nymphes de la Vallée
Geliebte Mary. Briefe von Khalil Gibran an Mary Elizabeth Haskell
Liebesbriefe an May Ziadeh
A History Of Chemistry
Les trļæ½sors de la sagesse
Rebellische Geister
Lazarus and His Beloved
Sprich uns von der Freundschaft. Worte des Propheten
[The prophet] El profeta
Lázaro y Su Amada
Die sieben Worte der Weisheit
A self-portrait
Die Nymphen der Täler
Springs of Islamic Wisdom
The earth gods
Paroles Spirituelles
Jesus Menschensohn
Il profeta
Sprich uns von der Liebe. Worte des Propheten
Abgründe des Herzens
The Kahlil Gibran Diary for Nineteen Eighty-Three
al- MawaĢ„kib
The Prophet, the Garden of the Prophet, the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam (3 Cssts)
Sand and Foam (Kahlil Gibran Pocket Library)
Tears and Laughter
al- MajmÅ«Ź»ah al-kāmilah li-muŹ¾allafāt Jubrān KhalÄ«l Jubrān
Die Götter der Erde
Les ailes brisées
An den Ufern der Seele. Lebensweisheit des Propheten
Prophet (Non-Fiction Classics)
The Art of Kahlil Gibran at Telfair Museums
Rasa'el Jubran
Die Rückkehr des Propheten
Sand und Schaum. Aphorismen
The spirit of friendship (Hallmark Crown Editions)
Secrets of the Hearts
Shā\U+02c1\ir wa-bilāduh
El Loco
Khalil Gibran
The Eye of the Prophet
Procesion y Alas Rotas, La
Profeta, El
Poems, parables and drawings
FÄ« Ź»Älam al-ruŹ¼yā
DamŹ»ah wa-ibtisāmah
Tränen und Lächeln
El Profeta / The Prophet
Saint Teresa, a novel 1922 [Hardcover]
Wenn du liebst, dringst du ans Licht. Lebensweisheiten
al- ShuŹ»lah al-zarqāŹ¾
El Profeta
Die Sehnsucht des Propheten. Lebensweisheiten
Os espiritos insurgentes
Earth Gods
Twenty Drawings
El Jardin del Profeta
The prophet
Kahlil Gibran's the Prophet
RasāŹ¾il įø„ubb
Erde und Seele. Ungewöhnliche Weisheiten
Jesus, El Hijo del Hombre (Coleccion Universal (Panamericana))
El Profeta
Tears and Laughter (Kahlil Gibran Pocket Library)
Khalil Gibran Reader
Cartas De Amor Del Profeta
El Profeta
Die Propheten- Bücher
The Kahlil Gibran Companion
Prophet (Reader's Library Classics) (Illustrated)
Man and the land, a cultural geography [by] George F. Carter
Spirits Rebellious
Voce Del Maestro
Lazarus and his beloved
Espiritus Rebeldes
La Alas Rotas
El Perro Sabio y Otros Cuentos (Grandes Para los Chicos)
Der Prophet. Mit Bildern von Marc Chagall
Espiritus Rebeldes (Clasicos de Bolsillo)
Gibrans Little Book of Love 10-copy prepack (10 copies for price of 9)
The Vision
Le prophète et le jardin du prophète
The Madman
Between Night and Morn
Enfants du "Prophète"
Vor dem Altar der Liebe
Kahlil Gibran - A Self Portrait
The wisdom to Gibran
The Forerunner
Kahlil Gibran: a self-portrait
Spirituelle Sprüche
Voz Del Maestro
Der Prophet - Wegweiser Zu Einem Sinnvollen Leben
The Wisdom of Kahlil Gibran
Der Wanderer
Spiritual Sayings
Lettres d'amour de Khalil Gibran
Arena y Espuma
Rires et larmes
Sand and foam
Thoughts and Meditations (Kahlil Gibran Pocket Library)
Die Musik. Der Reigen
Beloved prophet
The prophet
El Loco
The book of giving
The Madman, His Parables and his Poems
Prose Poems
Kahlil Gibran's Broken Wings
Khalil Gibran ke ahd saz afsaane
The spiritual sayings of Kahlil Gibran
The Broken Wings
Le Prophète (Petits Classiques Larousse (233)) (French Edition)
Jesus, the Son of Man
The Wanderer
Secrets of the heart
Prophet Kahlil Gibran
The Wanderer, His Parables and Sayings
Ailes Brisées
al- Arwāįø„ al-mutamarridah
EspÍritus Rebeldes
Die Prozession
Larmes et Sourires
Ninfas Del Valle/ Nymphs of the Valley
al- BadāŹ¾iŹ» wa-al-į¹­arāŹ¾if
Jesús, el Hijo Del Hombre
Asas Quebradas
Die Swerwer
Forerunner and the Madman
The broken wings
Nymphes de la Vallée
Kahlil Gibran Il Profeta
El Perro Sabio y Otros Cuentos
Tears and Laughter-the Wisdom Library, a Division of the Philosophical Library (1949)
Forerunner, His Parables and Poems
Prophet (Collins Classics)
Prophecies of Love
Pensamentos e Meditações
Spirits Rebellious
Cantico Della Felicità. Caleidoscopio Sulla Pace Del Cuore
Jesus, der Menschensohn
Prophet: (Fearless Editions)
Tear and a Smile
Mirrors of the Soul
Kahlil Gibran Collection : The Prophet, the Forerunner, and the Madman
Spirits rebellious
Sand and Foam
Alas Rotas
Lazarus and His Beloved
The treasured writings
Treasured Writings of Kahlil Gibran
Poems, Parables and Drawings
Tears and laughter
Gebrochene Flügel
Qiį¹£aį¹£ min Jibrān KhalÄ«l Jibrān
Pleasure and Beauty
the propet
Spirits Rebellious Special Gift Edition
Khalil Gibran - Obras Completas
KalimaĢ„t JubraĢ„n KhaliĢ„l JubraĢ„n
Nymphs of the Valley
O profeta. O classico que ja encantou mais de 100 milhoes de leitores no mundo.Obra mais famosa de ficção espiritual do século XX, O profeta está enraiza
Way of the Spirit
Tears and Laughter-the Wisdom Library, a Division of the Philosophical Library (1949)
Alas Rotas de Khalil Gibran
Jésus, Fils de l'Homme
Wings of Thought
SĢaĢ„pita aĢ„tmaĢ„
Pensées et méditations
Über das Leben. Gute Gedanken für jeden Tag
Paroles Spirituelles
Prophet, the
Spirit Rebellious
Broken Wings
Rebellische Geister
Spirits rebellious
Spirits Rebellious
Nymphen des Tals
Tränen und Lächeln
El profeta ; La tempestad ; El precursor ; Lazaro y su amada
Spirits Rebellious
Gedanken und Meditationen
Ninfas Del Valle
Sable et Mousse
Love and Marriage
Prophet and Other Tales
And the Prophet Said
Secrets of the heart;
The Wanderer
Selected Works of Kahlil Gibran
Awrāq Jibrānīyah
Les ailes brisées :
Tear and a Smile
Esprits Rebelles de Khalil Gibran
Kahlil Gibran's little book of life
Abrahamic Mysticism : Exploring the Gnostic Strands of Three of the Most Important Religions in Western Culture; Christianity, Judaism and Islam. Containing
Twenty Drawings
Espíritos Rebeldes
Alas Rotas
The Prophet (Essential Kahlil Gibran)
Loco,Lagrimas Y Sonrisas
The Forerunner
Thoughts and meditations
The Wanderer, His Parables and Sayings
Spirits Rebellious; Tr. from the Arabic, and with an Introd, by H. M. Nahmad
Prophet - el Profeta
The Wisdom of Gibran
Kahlil Gibran's the Prophet
KĢ²hĢ²udaĢ„ aur devtaĢ„
Ali Spezzate
Madman - His Parables and Poems : (Annotated)(Biography)
Los Dioses De LA Tierra/the Earth Gods
Spirit Rebellious
Pensamientos y Meditaciones
Secrets du Coeur
The prophet
Alas Rotas
Alas Rotas
Alas Rotas
Tear and a Smile
Les plus beaux textes de Khalil Gibran
Nymphs of the Valley
Jesus, the son of man
A Second Treasury of Khalil Gibran
Dei Della Terra
Collection of Khalil Gibran
Treasured Writings of Kahlil Gibran
THOUGHTS AND MEDITATIONS. translated by Anthony Ferris.
al- MajmÅ«Ź¾ah al-kāmilah li-muŹ¾allafāt Jibrān KahlÄ«l Jibrān
Dichos Espirituales
The life of Gibran Khalil Gibran and his Procession
Beloved prophet
Prophet Kahlil Gibran
Spiritual sayings
Ninfe Della Valle
Esprits Rebelliuex
The Procession
Espiritus Rebeldes de Khalil Gibran
O Jardim Do Profeta
Ninfas Del Valle
O Profeta
The Voice of the Master
Sand and Foam
QisĢ£asĢ£ min JubraĢ„n KhaliĢ„l JubraĢ„n
Jardin du Prophète
Mirrors of the Soul
Sand and Foam - a Book of Aphorisms
al- Ajniįø„ah al-mutakassirah
Tears and laughter,
The Prophet
The Wanderer (His Parables And His Sayings)
The Madman, The Forerunner, and The Prophet
Spiritual Sayings of Kahlil Gibran
Pensamientos y Meditaciones
Retazos Del Alma
The voice of the Master
O Precursor
Lazarus and His Beloved
Alas Rotas
Spiriti Ribelle
Tears and Laughter
Puerta de la Eternidad
Rare Kahlil Gibran / THE VOICE OF THE MASTER Vintage Copy
Kahlil Gibran de mahan vichar
Asas Quebradas
The Prophet and Other Writings
Rebellengeister Von Khalil Gibran
The essential Gibran
Der Garten der Liebe
A Self-Portrait. Translated from the Arabic & edited by Anthony R. Ferris.
Il profeta-Il giardino del profeta
Voce Del Maestro
Die Geheimnisse des Herzens
Sabbia e schiuma
Secrets of the Heart
Jesus, der Menschensohn
Die Götter der Erde
Tears and Laughter, the Wisdom of Gibran, and the Broken Wings 3 Vol. Set (Works of Gibran, Assorted Volumes)
Le Prophète
Sand and foam; a book of aphorisms.
A treasury of Kahlil Gibran,
Mukhtārāt min Jibrān Khalīl Jibrān
The Madman
Letters of Kahlil Gibran to Josephine Peabody
El profeta ; El loco ; PaĢginas escogidas
Sail 1991 Calendar
The Forerunner, His Parables and Poems
MaĢ„baĢ„panumĢ£ kartavya
I Segreti Del Cuore
Between Night and Morn (R202)
El Vagabundo
A Tear and a Smile
Antaranī āga
Jesus, el Hijo Del Hombre
Le Prophte
Broken Wings
Prophet of Kahlil Gibran
Asas Quebradas de Kahlil Gibran
El loco. Lágrimas y sonrisas
Procesion, La
The Kahlil Gibran Diary for 1978
Prophet (Royal Collector's Edition) (Case Laminate Hardcover with Jacket)
SAND AND FOAM - A Book of Aphorisms
Kahlil Gibran
Spiritual Sayings
100 Days of Love with Kahlil Gibran
Broken Wings
El profeta y El jardín del profeta
El loco / El jardín del profeta
Kahlil Gibran's the Prophet Journal
Asas Quebradas
MunaĢ„jaĢ„t arwaĢ„hĢ£
Voice of the Master
Le Sable et l'écume
The Prophet Publisher
Il profeta
Le\Prophete  Le Jardin du Prophete
Spirits Rebellious
Jesus der Sohn des Menschen
Prophet : the Complete Original Edition
Broken Wings
Alas Rotas
The Wanderer
Jesus, the Son of Man
Little Book of Life's Wisdom
The Earth Gods
The Procession. Edited, Translated and with a Biographical Sketch by George Kheirallah
The Kahlil Gibran Diary for 1975
El Profeta y El Jardín del Profeta / The Prophet and The Garden of the Prophet
Gebrochene Flügel Kahlil Gibran
El Profeta
The Kahlil Gibran Diary for 1975
Sand and Foam and Other Poems
Jardin du Prophète de Gibran Khalil Gibran
The Prophet
Gebrochene FlÜgel
The prophet
El loco
La procesión
Loco : (Edición Compacta y Completa)
MawsÅ«Ź»at Jubrān KhalÄ«l Jubrān
Earth Gods
Jesus, the Son of Man
Espíritus Rebeldes
O Andarilho
The Earth Gods
A TREASURY OF KAHLIL GIBRAN. Edited by Martin L. Wolf. Translated by Anthony Ferris.
Jésus, le Fils de L'homme
Jesus Hijo del Hombre
Esprits rebelles
Tears and Laughter
Pensamentos e Meditações
The Prophet
Prophet´s Garden
The Prophet
Tear and a Smile
Le prophète
Khalil Gibran
Way of the Spirit
Prophet (100 Copy Limited Edition)
Man Is Bad Kase
The Prophet 1st Edition
Secrets du Coeur
El profeta
Ali Spezzate Kahlil Gibran
Esprits Rebelles
Pensées et Méditations
Nariyal ka per tatha anya kahaniyan
Spirits Rebellious
Tear and a Smile
Dieux de la Terre
Spiritual sayings
Gesù, il Figlio Dell'uomo
Rebellious Spirits
Los Dioses de la Tierra
Spirits Rebellious
Profeta de Gibran Khalil Gibran
Jesus, the Son of Man
Alas Rotas
Ar Profed
Forerunner His Parables and Poems
Jesus, the Son of Man
The beauty of life
The wanderer, his parables and his sayings
Los Dioses de la Tierra
A second treasury of Kahlil Gibran
Jesus El Hijo Del Hombre B-54
The Prophet and Other works
Voix du Maître
The beauty of friendship (Hallmark editions)
The Khalil Gibran Collection Volume I
Rebel Spirits of Khalil Gibran
Thoughts and meditations
Secrets of the Heart (R203)
A self-portrait
Espiritus Rebeldes
Spiriti Ribelli Di Khalil Gibran
RawāŹ¾iŹ» Jubrān KhalÄ«l Jubrān
El Profeta y El Jardín del Profeta
Máximas y aforismos
Broken Wings
The Forerunner, his Parables and Poems
El loco / El jardín del profeta
Kahlil Gibran
Asas Quebradas
Spiritual sayings
Kahlil Gibran's The Prophet and The Art of Peace
Die Stimme des Meisters
Earth Gods
The madman. his parables and poems. by Kahlil Gibran.
Thoughts and Meditations
Kahlil Gibran Contemplation and Creativity Journal
Kahlil Gibran
Kahlil Gibran Collection
If Your Heart Is a Volcano Parables by Kahlil Gibran
Prophet (1000 Copy Limited Edition)
Tears and Laughter By Kahill Gibran
O planetas
Los Secretos Del Corazon
Jesus the Son of Man
Ailes BrisÉes
Prophet's Lover
Wisdom of Gibran
Rebellische Geister
Voz Do Mestre
Sand And Foam [Paperback] [Jan 01, 2010] Khalil Gibran
The Prophet. Kahlil Gibran. With 12 Illustrations by the Author
Jesus the Son of Man
Jubran hayyan wa-mayyit
The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran 1960 Pocket Edition
A Second Treasury of Kahlil Gibran
Prophet Pocket Size
Areia e Espuma
Vagabundo, El
Madman, His Parables and Poems
The Prophet
Prophet by Kahlil Gibran
Kahlil Gibran, a self-portrait
Tears and Laughter
Spiritual Sayings Kahlil Gibran
The broken wings
The Gibran
El Profeta El Loco
Momentos de Grandeza
You Are Eternity, You Are the Mirror
El profeta
Tresors de la Sagesse
Jesus o Filho Do Homem
Prophet (Barnes and Noble Collectible Classics: Pocket Edition)
A Tear and A Smile
Lágrimas e Sorrisos
Kahlil Gibran The Forerunner
Kahlil Gibran's little book of love
Prophet Book
Os Segredos Do Coração
Gesù, il Figlio Dell'uomo
Spirits Rebellious
O Louco
El Vagabundo
Obras Completas 3 Tomos
El profeta
Treasury of Kahlil Gibran
The Prophet Publisher
Tears and Laughter (R201)
Secrets of the Heart
Prophet : (Annotated Edition)
Prophet Illustrated
al- MajmuĢ„Ź»ah al-kaĢ„milah li-muŹ¼allafaĢ„t JibraĢ„n
The Voice of the Master
The Secrets of the Heart
The Khalil Gibran Collection Volume III
ZauberWort für die Seele
The Processions
Broken Wings
Nymphs of the Valley
Mirrors of the Soul
Kahlil Gibran's Little Book of Wisdom
Prophet (Illustrated and Annotated Edition)
Thoughts & Meditations
Pensieri e Meditazioni
Voz del Maestro, La
Provérbios Espirituais
Nuį¹£Å«į¹£ khārij al-majmÅ«Ź»ah
Prophet 'on Children'
Espiritus Rebeldes
De Profeet (Mirananda)
Ninfas Do Vale
Third Treasury of Kahlil Gibran
A SECOND TREASURY OF KAHLIL GIBRAN. Translated from the Arabic by Anthony R. Ferris.
The Procession
Rebellious Spirits
Garten des Propheten
Spiriti Ribelli
The Madman
Prose Poems By Kahlil Gibran - Translated from the Arabic By Andrew Ghareeb - Foreword By Barbara Young
Espíritos Rebeldes
The Processions
Die Profeet
Kahlil Gibran Popular Works
Rebel Spirits
The Procession
Ālihat al-arįø wa-al-Sābiq
Kahlil Gibran's Little Book Of Life
Prophet (Deluxe Hardbound Edition)
Zard patte
Spirit Rebellious
Gebroken Vleugels
Spiritual sayings
Between Night and Morn
Spirituelle Sprüche
The Broken Wings
A second treasury of Kahlil Gibran
Ghati dian Parian ate awara
Lagrimas y Sonrisas
Laqaį¹­Ät min rawāŹ¼iŹ» Jibrān KhalÄ«l Jibrān
Gods of the Earth
Ninfas Del Valle
The Kahlil Gibran Diary For 1972
Ali Spezzate
Kahlil Gibran a Self Portrait
Detti Spirituali
Greatest Work of Kahlil Gibran
Le Sable et l'Écume et autres poèmes
Arena y Espuma
El profeta (Joyas Edaf)
Second Treasury of Kahlil Gibran
O Mensageiro
Os Deuses Da Terra
A tear and a smile
The Procession Poems
1 nimfes tis kiladas
Jibolun quan ji
Sand & Foam A Book of Aphorisms
Thoughts and Meditations
The Arabic Plays of Kahlil Gibran
Earth Gods
Sand and Foam
The Prophet O.M
Kahlil Gibran's a Treasury of Widsom
Profeta Di Gibran Khalil Gibran
The Voice of the Master Translated from the Arabic by Anthony R. Ferris
Spirits Rebellious
Ailes BrisÉes
The nature of love
Giardino Del Profeta Di Gibran Khalil Gibran
Das Auge des Propheten
Nymphs of the valley
Broken Wings
The Procession
Voice of Kahlil Gibran
El profeta
Book of Khalid - Illustrated by Khalil Gibran
Lazarus and His Beloved
Il Profeta
Collected Works Of Kahlil Gibran
Sand and Foam
Espíritus Rebeldes
KitaĢ„b damŹ»ah wa-ibtisaĢ„mah
A Second Treasury of Kahlil Gibran (Translated from Arabic by Anthony R.Ferris)
A Third Treasury of Kahil Gibran
The Prophet
Baghi ruhan
Die Tuin Van Die Profeet
Collected Works [Feb 01, 2018] Gibran, Kahlil
Spiriti Ribelli
Sabbia e Schiuma
THE PROPHET  - Collector Edition in Slipcase
Venti disegni
The Forerunner
Secrets of the heart
El Profeta
Thoughts and meditations
A third treasury of Kahlil Gibran
Tears and laughter
RebelliÖ Segeiste
Gibran's Parables : The Master Collection
Los Dioses de la Tierra
Wenn die Liebe dir winkt, folge ihr.
Cricket on the Hearth
A TEAR And A SMILE. Translated from the Arabic by H. M. Nahmad.  With an Introduction by Robert Hillyer.
Mirrors of the Soul
El Profeta El Jardin del Profeta
Kahlil Gibran, a Self Portrait
Spirits Rebellious
The Prophetess
The wisdom of Gibran
Esprit Rebelle
Sand and Foam
Sand und Schaum
al- MuĢ„siĢ„qaĢ
Jesus the Son of man
Jesús, Hijo Del Hombre
Prophet Illustared
Jesus, the Son of Man
Lazarus and His Beloved
MajmÅ«Ź»ah al-kāmilah li-muŹ¾allafāt Jubrān KhalÄ«l Jubrān
The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran 1960 Hardcover
Earth Gods
Nymphs of the Valley W Dust Jacket
Jibulan quan ji
Jésus le Fils de L'homme
Forerunner, His Parables and Poems : (Annoatated)(Biography)
Prophet (100 Copy Collector's Edition)
Jesus, the Son of Man
Esprits Rebelles
Broken Wings
Viday velae
The Earth Gods
Cartas a Su Amada Mayy
Jardin del Profeta, El
Les secrets du coeur
The wisdom of Gibran
The Madman, his Parables and Poems
Forerunner His Parables and Poems
Broken Wings
De Dwaas
Broken Wings
Opstandige Geesten
Visions of the prophet
Prophet , The
Spirits Rebellious
The Prophet Gibran's Masterpiece, Boxed in Slipcase
Sand and Foam
The Voice ofthe Master
Nymphs of the Valley
Jesus The Son of Man His words and his deeds as told and recorded by those who knew him
Tears and Laughter
Prophet by Kahlil Gibran
Kahlil Gibran's the Prophet (Illustrations by J. Black)
RuperiĢ„ vaĢ„lĢ£uĢ„
Sand and foam
EspÍritos Rebeldes
Prophet (Illustrated)
Sand and Foam
Broken Wings
Worte wie die Morgenröte
Cartas de Amor
Sand and Foam
Khalil Gibran's Lebensweisheiten
Prophet : Large Print
Gebrochene Flügel
Espíritos Rebeldes de Khalil Gibran
Asas Quebradas Kahlil Gibran
Between Night & Morn
Lazarus and His Beloved
Ali Spezzate
Secrets of the Heart
The Wanderer - His Parables and his Saying
The Madman
al- Ź»Awāį¹£if
Alas rotas
The Kahlil Gibran Diary for Nineteen Eighty-Four
Os Segredos Do Coração
Jesus, El Hijo del Hombre
Jesús Hijo Del Hombre
Alas Rotas
Khalil Gibran
Lo Mejor De Jalil Gibran/the Best of Khalil Gibran
Sand En Skuim
The wanderer
Mitat kelulot
al-MajmÅ«Ź¼ah al-kāmilah li-muŹ¼allafāt Jibrān KahlÄ«l Jibrān
Il cieco
[Spirits rebellious
Il profeta e il bambino
Raml wa-zabad
El loco--LáfRimas y sonrisas
Spirits rebellious
RasaĢ„Ź¼il JubraĢ„n al-taĢ„Ź¼ihah, maŹ»a 19 risaĢ„l-ah yukshafu Ź»anhaĢ„ lil-marrah al-uĢ„laĢ
The wisdom of Gibran
Nuį¹£Å«į¹£ khārij al-majmÅ«Ź»ah
דע×Ø × ×‘×™×
La sabiduría de Jalil Gibran
El vagabundo ; Ninfas del valle
Le prophète
Uye n uong ga y ca nh =
Payāmbar va dīvānah
Xian zhi
La profeto
Ghah Di Patti
Payāmbar va rāzŹ¹hā-yi dil
The forerunner
[Broken wings]
Kahlil Gibran, a self portrait
Lagrimas e sorrisos
Bāgh-i payāmbar
Wo de xin zhi bei shang qi ci
Saram ŭi adul Yesu ; Yeŏnja
Ang pantas =
Zlomená křídla
Neshiįø³ah rishonah
Jesus, el Hijo del Hombre
Mitat kelulot
The Kahlil Gibran diary for 1973
Il profeta
As asas mutiladas
Qiį¹£aį¹£ min Jubrān KhalÄ«l Jubrān
Xian zhi
O Eil du Prophete (l')
The prophet
El loco
Arvāh-i mutamarrid
Tears and laughter
RasāŹ¼il įø„ubb
Spiritual sayings
El profeta
Poet and his country
al-Arwāįø„ al-mutamarridah
Sand and foam
El profeta
The Kahlil Gibran reader
The Broken wings
Spirits rebellions
Il profeta
El profeta ; el loco ; el vagabundo ; el jardín del profeta ; arena y espuma
RasaĢ„Ź¼il JubraĢ„n
MajmuŹ»ah al-kamilah li-muŹ¾allafat Jubran Khalil Jubran.  Taqdim Jamil Jabr
Les secrets du coeur
ha-Navi į¹æeha-talmid
Kahlil Gibran De Mahan Vichar/eJagdish Kaur Wadia
La sabiduría de Jalil Gibrán
Lazarus and his beloved
El loco ; Lágrimas y sonrisas ; La procesión
Les secrets du coeur
The earth gods
ha-Navi į¹æeha-talmid
The earth gods
El profeta
Thoughts and meditations
[An ode to the night]
Les ailes brisées
Merveilles et Processions
El profeta
MrĢ„gajalĢ£aĢ„ntiĢ„la motiĢ„
The prophet
NāmahŹ¹hā-yi Ź»Äshiqānah-Ź¼i yak payāmbar
al-Ajniįø„ah al-mutakassirah
Munājāt arwāįø„
La voz del maestro
Raml wa-zabad
SuvarnĢ£a kanĢ£a
Qian qu zhe
Le Parole dell'amore
Sand and foam
The earth gods
Kalimāt Jubrān Khalīl Jubrān
al-MajmÅ«Ź»ah al-kāmilah li-mu'allafāt Jubrān KhalÄ«l Jubrān [al-Ź»ArabÄ«yah]
L'esprit rebelle
The prophet
ha-Kenafayim ha-shevurot
Sand and foam
Iram aux colonnes
Secrets of the heart
Islāmīyāt Jubrān
DamŹ»ah wa-ibtisāmah
Spiritual sayings of Kahlil Gibran
The voice of the Master
Ruįø„ot mardaniyot
Xian zhi
Jesus, Fils de L'Homme
[A book of tears and mirth]
RawāŹ¼iŹ» min muŹ¼allafāt Jubrān KhalÄ«l Jubrān al-Ź»ArabÄ«yah wa-al-muŹ»arrabah
Jibulan quan ji
Iqlib al-į¹£afįø„ah yā fatá
al-BadāŹ¼iŹ» wa-al-į¹­arāŹ¼if
Ź»ArāŹ¼is al-murÅ«j
The definitive Kahlil Gibran
La stanza del profeta
Jesús, el Hijo del hombre
Rudana ane hāsya
Spirits rebellious
The wisdom to Gibran
Kahlil Gibran, a prophet in the making
La voix du Maître
Le jardin du prophète
The prophet
Pavel Florensky
Pavel Florensky (1882-1937)

mathematician, inventor, physicist, philosopher, engineer, priest, poet

  • Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of Moscow Imperial University
Obretaiļø aļø” putŹ¹
Sobranie sochineniiĢ†
Beyond vision
La perspective inversée ; L'iconostase et autres écrits sur l'art
Opravdanie Kosmosa
The pillar and ground of the truth
Arest i gibelŹ¹
SochineniiĶ”aļø” v chetyrekh tomakh
Perepiska sviļø aļø”shchennika Pavla Aleksandrovicha Florenskogo so sviļø aļø”shchennikom Sergiem Nikolaevichem Bulgakovym
Vse dumy -- o vas
Stolp i utverzhdenie istiny
Maloe sobranie sochineniÄ­
Analiz prostranstvennosti i vremeni v khudozhestvenno-izobrazitelŹ¹nykh proizvedeniiĶ”aļø”kh
Salt of the earth, or, A narrative on the life of the Elder of Gethsemane Skete, Hieromonk Abba Isidore
Izbrannye trudy po iskusstvu
Perepiska sviļø aļø”shchennika Pavla Aleksandrovicha Florenskogo i Mikhaila Aleksandrovicha Novoselova
Pawel Florenski
Vse dumy--o vas
La colonna e il fondamento della verità / Pavel Florenskij ; traduzione dal russo di Pietro Modesto ; introduzione di Elémire Zolla
DetiĶ”aļø”m moim
La prospettiva rovesciata e altri scritti
Predpolagaemoe gosudarstvennoe ustroÄ­stvo v budushchem
TaÄ­na imeni
Die umgekehrte Perspektive
Iz istorii antichnoÄ­ filosofii
[Stolp i utverzhdenie istiny
Pavel FlorenskiiĢ† i simvolisty
Le porte regali
Cartas de la prisión y de los campos
FilosofiiĶ”a kulŹ¹ta
Werke in zehn Lieferungen
Sobranie chastushek KostromskoÄ­ gubernii Nerekhtskogo uezda
Smisao idealizma
[U vodorazdelov mysli
Sviļø aļø”shchennoe pereimenovanie
Stolp i utverzhdenīe istiny
Bogoslovskie trudy
U vodorazdelov mysli
Troitļø sļø”e-Sergieva lavra
La colonne et le fondement de la vérité
John Tyndall
John Tyndall (1820-1893)

physicist, glaciologist, mountaineer, inventor, philosopher

  • University of Marburg
Faraday as a discoverer
Essays on the floating-matter of the air in relation to putrefaction and infection
The forms of water in clouds & rivers, ice & glaciers
Lectures on light
Hours of exercise in the Alps
Fragments of science
New fragments
Contributions to Molecular Physics in the Domain of Radiant Heat: A Series of Memoirs Published ..
Heat considered as a mode of motion
Light and Electricity: Notes of Two Courses of Lectures Before the Royal Institution of Great ..
Six Lectures on Light: Delivered in America in 1872-1873
Heat, a mode of motion
Essays on the floating-matter of the air
Light and Electricity: Notes of Two Courses of Lectures Before the Royal ..
The glaciers of the Alps, & Mountaineering in 1861
Sound: A Course of Eight Lectures Delivered at the Royal Institution of Great Britain
Fragments of Science: A Series of Detached Essays, Addresses, and Reviews
Researches on diamagnetism and magne-crystallic action
The glaciers of the Alps
Lectures on Light: Delivered in America in 1872-1873
Contributions to Molecular Physics in the Domain of Radiant Heat: A Series ..
Scientific use of the imagination and other essays
New Fragments: By John Tyndall, F. R. S
Address delivered before the British Association assembled at Belfast
Lessons in electricity at the Royal institution, 1875-6
Essays on the Floating Matter of the Air: In Relation to Putrefaction and Infection
On radiation
The Forms of Water in Clouds & Rivers, Ice & Glaciers
The Fee for Exaltation
Fragments of science for unscientific people
Notes of a Course of Seven Lectures on Electrical Phenomena and Theories ..
A Library of Universal Literature
Heat Considered as a Mode of Motion: Being a Course of Twelve Lectures Delivered at the Royal ..
The Forms of Water in Clouds and Rivers, Ice and Glaciers: with thirty-five illus. drawn and ..
Scientific addresses
Select works
The Glaciers of the Alps: Being a Narrative of Excursions and Ascents, an ..
Advancement of science
Mountaineering in 1861
Fragaments of science
The science of sound
Sound: A Course of Eight Lectures Delivered at the Royal Institution of ..
Heat a mode of motion
Light and electricity
Notes of a course of six lectures (adapted to a juvenile auditory ) on ice, water, vapour, and air
Notes of a course of seven lectures on electrical phenomena and theories
Fragments of science for unscientific people: A Series of Detached Essays, Addresses, and Reviews
Lectures and essays
Early Mathematics and Physics, books on CD
Fragments of science: a series of detached essays, addresses and reviews
Notes of a course of nine lectures on light delivered at the Royal institution of Great Britain April 8-June 3, 1869
Professor Tyndall on party politics
Faraday As a Discoverer
Fragments Of Science - Vol II
Contributions to molecular physics in the domain of radiant heat
Hours of Exercise in the Alps
Lighthouse illuminants
The forms of water in clouds and rivers
Faraday und seine Entdeckungen
Essays On The Floating Matter Of The Air
Lessons in electricity at the Royal institution
Fragments Of Science - Vol I
John Tyndall, natural philosopher, 1820-1893
Lectures addressed to teachers on preparation for obtaining science certificates and the method of teaching a science class
Heat Considered as a Mode of Motion
Heat. A Mode of Motion
Essays On The Use And Limit Of The Imagination In Science
Six Lectures on Light
Address of John Tyndall
The Forms of Water in Clouds And Rivers, Ice And Glaciers
Fragments of Science a Series of Detached Essays, Addresses and Reviews
On the importance of the study of physics as a branch of education for all classes
The authoritarian state
On science and man
Count Rumford
Count Rumford, originator of the Royal Institution
New Fragments
Essays on the use and limit of the imagination in science
The Correspondence of John Tyndall, Volume 2
The Glaciers Of The Alps
On The Study Of Physics
Notes on a course of seven lectures on electrical phenomena and theories
Notes on a course of seven lectures on electrical phenomena andtheories
Fragments of Science
Lessons in electricity
Lessons In Electricity
The case for economic nationalism
Notes of a course of nine lectures on light
Remarks on an article entitled "Energy" in "Good words"
Further researches on the polarity of diamagnetic force
Remarks on the dynamical theory of heat
Antidote to Morisonianism, or, The Way of life, by the Rev. John Kirk, shewn to be the way of death
On the influence of magnetic force on the electric discharge
Experiments on the vibrations of strings
Eleventh Hour
On the physical basis of solar chemistry
Les glaciers et les transformations de l'eau
On some of the eruptive phenomena of Iceland
Comparative view of the cleavage of crystals and slate rocks
On a new series of chemical reactions produced by light
Programme d'un cours en sept lecĢ§ons sur les pheĢnomeĢ€nes et les theĢories eĢlectriques
Hours of exercise in the Alps
A record of the scientific work of John Tyndall
Fragments of science for unscientific people
Notes on a course of seven lectures on electrical phenomena and theories... Royal Institution... April 28-June 9 1870
Notes of a Course of Nine Lectures on Light Delivered at the Royal Institution of Great Britain April 8-June 3, 1869
Faraday As A Discoverer
Death in the Jordan
The electric light
The Prayer-gauge debate
Contributions to molecular physics in the domain of radiant heat
On the scientific use of the imagination
Der Schall
On radiation
Lectures on light, delivered in the United States in 1872-73
Notes of a course of seven lectures on electrical phenomena and theories Tyndall ..
Les microbes
Lessons in elecricity at the Royal Institution, 1875-6
Das Wasser in seinen Formen als Wolken und Flüsse, Eis und Gletscher
On a magnetic experiment
Researches on diamagnetism and magne-crystallic action, including the question of diamagnetic polarity
Essays on the floating-matter of the air in relation to putrefacation and infection
On some physical properties of ice
Essays on the Floating-Matter of the Air in Relation to Putrefaction and Infection
On the blue colour of the sky, the polarization of skylight, and on the polarization of light by cloudy matter generally
On radiation through the earth's atmosphere
Miracles and special providences
Death in the Lebanon
The forms of water
Notes on scientific history
A vacation tour in Switerland
Atoms, molecules, and ether waves
Antología de la poesía latinoamericana, 1950-1970
Notes of a course of seven lectures on electrical phenomena and theories, delivered at the Royal Institutionof Great Britain, April 28- June 9, 1867
On the structure and motion of glaciers
Scientific addresses
The forms of water in clouds & rivers, ice & glaciers
The forms of water in clouds [and] rivers, ice [and] glaciers
The beginnings of things, or, Science versus theology
On radiation
Essays on the use and limit of the imagination in science
On the scientific use of the imagination
New fragments
Lessons in electricity
The glaciers of the Alps
Le son
Heat considered as a mode of motion
Contributions to molecular physics in the domain of radiant heat
Fragments of science
Essays on the use and limit of the imagination in science
Tyndall, Huxley and Owen
Notes of a course of seven lectures on electrical phenomena and theories
Elektrische erscheinungen und theorien
A'erbi de bing he
Address delivered before the British Association assembled at Belfast
Lessons in electricity at the Royal institution, 1875-6
Le son
The culture demanded by modern life
Fermentation and its bearings on the phenomena of disease
La lumière
Hours of exercise in the Alps
Notes of a course of seven lectures on electrical phenomena and theories
Six lectures on light delivered in America in 1872-1873
The Prayer-gauge debate
Fragments of science
Fragments of science : a series of detached essays, addresses, and reviews
Further researches on the deportment and vital persistence of putrefactive and infective organisms from a physical point of view
Heat considered as a mode of motion
Six lectures on light : delivered in America in 1872-1873
Light and electricity
Arupusu no tabi yori
Fragments of science for unscientific people
Notes of a course of nine lectures on light delivered at The Royal Institution of Great Britain, April 8-June 3, 1869
On radiation
Selected works of John Tyndall
Das Licht
Researches on diamagnetism and magne-crystallic action
Lessons in electricity at the Royal Institution, 1875-6
Six lectures on light
Address of John Tyndall, F.R.S.,..., Professor of Natural Philosophy in the Royal Institution, President
Fragments of science for unscientific people
Arupusu kikō
Hours of exercise in the Alps
Notes of a course of nine lectures on light
Notes of a course of nine lectures on light delivered at the Royal institution of Great Britain April 8-June 3, 1869
Heat a mode of motion
Lectures and essays
Fragmente aus den Naturwissenschaften
Notes of a course of nine lectures on light delivered at The Royal Institution of Great Britain, April 8-June 3, 1869
Notes of a course of nine lectures on light delivered at The Royal Institution of Great Britain, April 8-June 3, 1869
On the atmosphere as a vehicle of sound
Essays on the floating matter of the air in relation to putrefaction and infection
Scientific memoirs, selected from the transactions of foreign academies of science, and from foreign journals
On the scientific use of the imagination
Michael Psellos
Michael Psellos (1018-1078)

philosopher, politician, historian, poet, physician, astronomer

Mothers and sons, fathers and daughters
The Chronographia
Theologica, Vol. I
Orationes Hagiographicae
De operatione daemonum cum notis Gaulmini curante Jo. Fr. Boissonade: Accedunt inedita opuscula ..
Orationes Panegyricae
Orationes Forenses Et Acta
Orationes Forenses et Acta
Philosophica Minora, vol. I
Philosophica Minora, vol. II
Psellos and the Patriarchs
Démonologie populaire, démonologie critique au XIe siècle
Orationes Hagiographicae
Orationes Panegyricae
De operatione daemonum
Oratoria Minora
Fourteen Byzantine Rulers
Fourteen Byzantine rulers
Theologica, vol. I
Fourteen Byzantine rulers
Michaelis Pselli Philosophica minora
Michaelis Pselli Historia syntomos
Epistola a Giovanni Xifilino
Michaelis Pselli orationes hagiographicae
De omnifaria doctrina
Tou sophōtatou Psellou epilusis eis tous ex tēs philosophias tropous
Compendivm mathematicvm
Michaelis Pselli Philosophica Minora (Teaching and Training in Geriatric Medicine)
Michaelis Pselli theologica
Michaelis Pselli Compendivm mathematicvm
M. Pselli metaphrasis libri secundi Posteriorum Analyticorum Aristotelis
Scripta minora
The essays on Euripides and George of Pisidia and on Heliodorus and Achilles Tatius
The history of Psellus
Epi tre sur la Chrysope e
De operatione daemonum
De lapidum virtutibus Graece ac Latine
The Chronographia of Michael Psellus
Encomio per Giovanni piissimo metropolita di Euchaita e protosincello
Imperatori di Bisanzio (Cronografia)
The essays on Euripides and George of Pisidia and on Heliodrus and Achilles Tatius
The chronographia of Michael Psellus
Michaelis Pselli Oratoria minora
De operatione daemonum
La crisopea, ovvero, Come fabbricare l'oro
Michaelis Pselli Oratoria minora
Epistola a Michele Cerulario
The history of Psellus
Kommentar zur Physik des Aristoteles
Michaelis Pselli Oratoria minora
The essays on Euripides and George of Pisidia and on Heliodorus and Achilles Tatius
Fourteen Byzantine Rulers
Chronographie; ou
The history of Psellus
Michel Italikos lettres et discours
Michaelis Pselli Commentarii in Physicen Aristotelis
Michaelis Pselli orationes panagyricae
Epistola a Giovanni Xifilino
Nozioni paradossali
Epistola a Giovanni Xifilino
La tragedia greca
Baron d'Holbach
Baron d'Holbach (1723-1789)

philosopher, salonniĆØre, chemist, encyclopĆ©distes, lawyer, translator

  • Leiden University
Ecce homo!
Système de la nature
Système de la nature, ou, Des lois du monde physique et du monde moral
Good Sense (Great Books in Philosophy)
Superstition in all Ages
Systéme de la nature
Éthocratie ou le Gouvernement fondé sur la morale
Letters to Eugenia, on the absurd, contradictory, and the demoralizing dogmas and mysteries of the Christian religion
Systême social; ou, Principes naturels de la morale et de la politique: avec un examen de l ..
La politique naturelle
Ecce homo!
Le christianisme dévoilé, ou Examen des principes et des effets de la religion chrétienne
Système social, ou, Pricipes naturels de la morale et de la politique, avec un examen de l'influence du gouvernement sur les mœeurs
The System of Nature: Or, The Laws of the Moral and Physical World. Tr. from ..
Ecce Homo!
La politique naturelle
Le bon-sens, ou, Idées naturelles opposées aux idées surnaturelles
TheĢologie portative
The System of Nature, Volume 1
De la eruauté religieuse
System of Nature
SysteĢ€me de la nature
Bon sens du curé Meslier
Tableau des saints, ou examen de l'esprit, de la conduite, des maximes & du ..
Le bon-sens
Histoire critique de Jésus-Christ
SysteĢ‚me de la nature, ou, Des loix du monde physique & du monde moral
Le Bon-Sens
Le bon sens
The System of Nature, Volume 2
La morale universelle: ou, Les devoirs de l'homme fondes sur sa nature
Théologie portative: ou, Dictionnaire abrégé de la religion chrêtienne
Le bon sens
Christianisme dévoilé
Systême social, ou, Principes naturels de la morale et de la politique: avec un examen de l ..
Histoire critique de Jésus-Christ: ou Analyse raisonneé des Evangiles. Ecce ..
Essai sur les préjugés, ou, de l'influence des opinions sur les mœurs & sur le bonheur des ..
The System of Nature
Le bons sens du curé Jean Meslier
Oeuvres philosophiques
Superstition in all ages
L' esprit du judaiĢˆsme
Systême social
The System of Nature, Vol. 2
Systême de la nature, ou, Des loix du monde physique & du monde moral
The System Of Nature Or, Laws Of The Moral And Physical World
Systeme de la nature
Die gesamte erhaltene Korrespondenz
Systême social
La morale universelle
The System of Nature, Vol. 1
Good sense, or, Natural ideas opposed to supernatural
Galereya svyatyĢ„kh
Le Bon sens du curé J. Meslier, suivi de son testament
The System of Nature, Or, Laws of the Moral and Physical World, Volumes 1-2
Système de la nature
Eléments de la morale universelle
Hymne au soleil
Éthocratie ou le Gouvernment fondé sur la morale
D'Holbach portatif, anthologie
Good Sense
Politique naturelle
The system of nature
Politique Naturelle, Ou, Discours Sur les Vrais Principes du Gouvernement; Volume 1
Lettres à Eugénie
Le bon-sens
La contagion sacrée, ou, Histoire naturelle de la superstition
Good Sense
La contagion sacrée
La contagion sacreĢe
Systême de la nature, ou Des loix du monde physique et du monde moral
Arrêt rendu a l'amphithéâtre de l'Opera, sur la plainte du milieu du parterre, intervenant dans la querelle des deux coins
Lettre a une dame d'un certain age sur l'etat preĢsent de l'opeĢra
Système de la nature
Good Sense
SysteĢ‚me social. Ou Principes naturels de la morale et dela politique
The system of nature, or, The laws of the moral and physical world
The system of nature
Histoire critique de JeĢsus-Christ... Amsterdam, 1770
Premières oeuvres
Tableau des saints
La politique naturelle
Lettre de Thrasibule à Leucippe
Systeme de la nature, ou Des lois du monde physique et du monde moral [par] Paul-Henry Th. d'Holbach
L'esprit du Judaïsme
Lettre à une dame d'un certain age, sur l'état présent de l'opéra
Good Sense
La morale universelle, ou les devoirs de l'homme fondés sur sa nature
Systême de la nature, ou, Des loix du monde physique & du monde moral
Letters to Eugenia
Essai sur les préjugés
The System of nature, or, Laws of the moral and physical world
La contagion sacreĢe, ou Histoire naturelle de la superstition
Glaube und Vernunft, Oder le Bon Sens des Römisch-Katholischen Priesters Jean Meslier
Système de la nature, ou, Des loix du monde physique & du monde moral
Le bon sens du cureĢ Jean Meslier, Suivi de son testament ..
Système de la nature
Systeme social, ou principes naturels de la morale et de la politique. Avec un examen de l'influence du gouvernement sur les moeurs. ... of 3; Volume 3
Système de la Nature, Ou Des Loix Du Monde Physique & Du Monde Moral.
Akl-ı selim
Catalogue des tableaux de trois eā–”coles
Systeme de la nature
SysteĢ‚me social
Lettre de Thrasibule à Leucippe Ouvrage Posthume de M. F... . [sic].
Superstition in all ages
SysteĢ€me social... Londres, 1773
AusgewaĢˆhlte Texte
Histoire critique de JeĢsus Christ, ou, Analyse raisonneĢe des Evangiles
Bon Sens du Curé J. Meslier, Suivi de Son Testament ...
Morale Universelle
System of Nature or Laws of the Moral and Physical World 2 Volumes in 1
Essai sur les preĢjugeĢs... Londres, 1770
Le bon sens du cureĢ J. Meslier
Le bon sens
Bon Sens du Curé Meslier Suivi de Son Testament
Religionskritische Schriften
De l'imposture sacredotale
System Der Natur...
Syste  me de la nature
Good sense
Textes choisis
Essai sur les préjugés, ou, de l'influence des opinions sur les mœurs & sur le bonheur des hommes. Ouvrage contenant l'apologie de la philosophie. Par Mr. D. M
Système Social
Lettre de Thrasibule a Leucippe
Systeme social , ou, Principes naturels de la morale et de la politique, avec un examen de l'influence du gouvernement sur les moeurs. --
System der Natur...
Glaube und vernunft, oder Le bon sens des römisch-katholischen Priesters Jean Meslier
Systeme social, ou principes naturels de la morale et de la politique. Avec un examen de l'influence du gouvernement sur les moeurs. ... of 3; Volume 1
The system of nature
Christianity Unveiled
Christianity unveiled
Le Bon sens du cure Jean Meslier, suivi de son testament. --
Historia critica de Jesucristo
Théologie Portative Ou Dictionnaire Abrégé de la Religion Chretienne. Par M. l'Abbé Bernier, ...
Systême de la nature, ou, Des loix du monde physique & du monde moral
Superstition in all ages, by Jean Meslier, a Roman Catholic priest
Catalogue des livres de la bibliotheque de feu M. le baron d'Holbach
Système de la Nature, Ou, des Lois du Monde Physique et du Monde Moral
Essai Sur les Préjugés
Contagion Sacrée
La morale universelle, Amsterdam M., M. Rey, 1776
Le bon sens; ou, IdeĢes naturelles opposeĢes aux ideĢes surnaturelles
System Der Natur
Systeme social, ou principes naturels de la morale et de la politique. Avec un examen de l'influence du gouvernement sur les moeurs. ... of 3; Volume 2
Jian quan de si xiang
Système Social. Ou Principes Naturels de la Morale Et de la Politique. Avec Un Examen de l'Influence Du Gouvernement Sur Les Moeurs. ... of 3; Volume 3
La politique naturelle... Londres, 1773
Systeme de la Nature, Ou des Loix du Monde Physique & du Monde Moral. Par M. Mirabaud, ... Nouvelle édition
Anthologie [de textes d'Holbach]
Déscription des volcans découverts en 1774 dans le Brisgaw
Systême de la nature, ou des loix du monde physique et du monde moral. Par Mirabaud, ... of 2; Volume 2
Letters to Eugenia
Système de la nature
A letter from Thrasybulus to Leucippe
Systeme de la Nature Ou des Loix du Monde Physique & du Monde Moral. Par M. Mirabaud, ... Nouvelle Edition, Augmentée Par l'auteur, ... of 2; Volume 1
Ecce Homo!
Good sense; or, natural ideas opposed to ideas that are supernatural
Lettres aĢ€ EugeĢnie; ou, PreĢservatif contre les preĢjugeĢs, Londres, 1768
Morale Universelle, Ou les Devoirs de l'homme Fondés Sur Sa Nature
Système de la Nature, Ou des Loix du Monde Physique & du Monde Moral; Volume 2
Common sense: or, natural ideas opposed to supernatural
Nature and her laws
SysteĢ€me social
Le bon-sens
Essai sur les préjugés, ou, De l'influence des opinions sur les moeurs et sur le bonheur des hommes
System Der Natur
Systeme social
System Der Burgerlichen Gesellschaft, Part 2
Catalogue des livres de la bibliothéque de feu le baron dŹ¼Holbach
Systême social. Ou principes naturels de la morale et de la politique. Avec un examen de l'influence du gouvernement sur les moeurs. ... of 3; Volume 2
Le bon sens du cureĢ Jean Meslier
Le bon-sens ou idées naturelles opposées aux idées surnaturelles.
Système de la Nature, Ou, des Lois du Monde Physique et du Monde Moral Volume; Volume 3
Les diners du baron d'Holbach
The system of nature, or Laws of the moral and physical world
Oeuvres philosophiques 1773-1790
Tableau des saints, ou examen de l'esprit, de la conduite, des maximes & du mérite des personnages que le Christianisme révere & propose pour modeles. ..
System of Nature
System of Nature
Catalogue des livres de la bibliothèque de feû M. le Baron d'Holbach
System of Nature -
TheĢologie portative ou dictionnaire abreĢgeĢ de la religion chretienne
Essai sur les préjugés
Textes choisis
Las elecciones municipales en México
System of Nature -
La politique naturelle, ou discours su les vrais principes du gouvernement
Le curé Meslier
Le bon sens
Le Christianisme dévoilé
De la nature humaine, ou Exposition des facultés, des actions & des passions ...
Essai sur les préjugés: ou de l'influence des opinions sur les moeurs & sur le bonheur des hommes
System of Nature
L' esprit du JudasĢˆÄ±me
System of Nature
Le bon sens puisé dans la nature, ou, Idées naturelles opposées aux idées surnaturelles
L'esprit du clergé, ou le Christianisme primitif vengé des entreprises & des ...
Théologie portative ou dictionnaire abrégé de la religion chrétienne
Gloyben un fernunft
Lettres a Eugénie ou préservatif contre les préjugés. ..
System of Nature
System of Nature
Lettre de Thrasibule à Leucippe ouvrage posthume de M. F....
Xiu zhen shen xue huo jian ming ji du jiao ci dian
System of Nature