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Military Personnel who wrote autobiography
Showing 9-16 out of 79 results
Marcel Bigeard
Marcel Bigeard (1916-2010)

politician, military personnel

Walter Flex
Walter Flex (1887-1917)

poet, military personnel

  • University of Erlangen–Nuremberg, University of Strasbourg
Aus dem Nachlass
Der Wanderer zwischen beiden Welten
Wallensteins Antlitz
Der Kanzler Klaus von Bismarck
Im Felde zwischen Nacht und Tag
Die Entwicklung des tragischen Problems in den deutschen Demetriusdramen von Schiller bis auf die Gegenwart
Sonne und schild
Vom grossen Abendmahl
Die russische Frühjahrsoffensive 1916
Wolf Eschenlohr
Die evangelische Frauenrevolte in Löwenberg
Zwölf Bismarcks
Klaus von Bismarck
Die schwimmende Insel
Briefe von Walter Flex
Gesammelte Werke .
Die Entwicklung des tragischen Problems in den deutschen Demetriusdramen
Vom grossen Abendmahl
Der wanderer zwischen beiden welten
Für dich, mein Vaterland!
Das Weihnachtsmärchen des fünfzigsten Regiments
Alois Podhajsky
Alois Podhajsky (1898-1973)

military personnel, equestrian

My Horses, My Teachers
Riding teacher
La equitación
Marcos Pontes
Marcos Pontes (born 1963)

astronaut, engineer, fighter pilot, politician

  • Aeronautics Institute of Technology, Naval Postgraduate School
Sir Fitzroy MacLean, 1st Baronet
Sir Fitzroy MacLean, 1st Baronet (1911-1996)

politician, historian, diplomat, military personnel, soldier

  • Eton College, University of Cambridge
Eastern approaches
A concise history of Scotland
To the back of beyond
Take nine spies
Holy Russia
Bonnie Prince Charlie
Eastern approaches
West Highland tales
Eastern approaches
All the Russias
The isles of the sea and other West Highland tales
Nine lives
Escape to adventure
Portrait of the Soviet Union
To Caucasus, the end of all the earth
Josip Broz Tito
The Battle of Neretva
A person from England, and other travellers
The heretic
A person from England
Udha e Arte
Back to Bokhara
Maclean a Person from England
Josip Broz Tito, a pictorial biography
History of the Scottish Clans
Current Soviet trends
Disputed barricade
A concise history of Scotland
A person from England, and other travellers
A person from England, and other travellers
The heretic
Disputed barricade
Charles Albert de Moré de Pontgibaud
Charles Albert de Moré de Pontgibaud (1758-1837)

military personnel

  • College of Juilly
Mémoires du comte de Moré
A French volunteer of the war of independence
Mémoires du comte de Moré
A French volunteer of the war of independence (the Chevalier de Pontgibaud)
Memories du comte de More (1758-1837)
The chevalier de Pontgibaud
A French volunteer of the War of Independence (the Chevalier de Pontgibaud)
Mémoires du comte de Moré (1758-1837)
Mémoires du comte de M---
Lucio V. Mansilla
Lucio V. Mansilla (1831-1913)

journalist, diplomat, military personnel

Una excursión a los indios ranqueles
A visit to the Ranquel Indians
Una escursion a los Indios Ranqueles
An expedition to the Ranquel Indians
Una excursión a los indios ranqueles
Horror al vacío y otras charlas
Una excursión a los indios ranqueles
Una excursión a los indios ranqueles
Una excursión a los indios ranqueles
Mis memorias
Rozas, ensayo histórico-psicológico
Cuentos del fogón
Una excursion a los indios ranquelès. Edic. y prol. de C. A. Leumann
Narraciones de un porteño [por] Lucio V. Mansilla
Los 7 [i.e. siete] platos de arroz con leche, y otras charlas
Charlas inéditas
Una excursio n a los indios ranqueles
Retratos y recuerdos
Atar-Gull, drama en cuatro actos y un epílogo
Die letzten wilden Indianer der Pampa
El diario de mi vida
Mis memorias
Entre-nos, Casueries del Jueves
El excursionista del planeta
Mis memorias
Una excursión a los indios ranqueles
Una excursio n a  los indios ranqueles
Retratos y recuerdos
Alberto Cotti
Alberto Cotti (1921-2014)

military personnel, partisan