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literary critics who wrote autobiography
Showing 97-104 out of 114 results
Jacques Derrida
Jacques Derrida (1930-2004)

philosopher, literary critic

  • École Normale Supérieure, Harvard University
Oreille de l'autre
L' oreille de l'autre
L' oreille de l'autre
Deconstruction and Pragmatism
De la grammatologie
Specters of Marx
The Derrida Reader
L'écriture et la différence
Geneses, genealogies, genres, and genius
On Touching-Jean-luc Nancy
Live from death row
Acts of Literature
The Work of Mourning
Lost in the Archives
Politiques de l'amitié
Of Spirit
Speech and phenomena, and other essays on Husserl's theory of signs
Limited Inc
Deconstruction in a nutshell
The secret art of Antonin Artaud
The Archeology of the frivolous
H.C. pour la vie, c'est à dire--
For What Tomorrow . .
Archive fever
Ghostly Demarcations
On the name
Archive Fever
On the name
Apprendre à vivre enfin
The other heading
La carte postale
Heidegger et la question
Writing and Difference
Memoires for Paul de Man
The post card
A Derrida reader
Eyes of the University: Right to Philosophy 2 (Meridian: Crossing Aesthetics)
Memoirs of the blind
Of grammatology
Acts of religion
Learning to Live Finally
Resistances of psychoanalysis
Le monolinguisme de l'autre
La Voix et le phénomène
Adieu à Emmanuel Lévinas
Échographies de la télévision
Signéponge =
Sovereignties in question
Introduction à "L'Origine de la géométrie" de Husserl
Islam and the West
Margins of philosophy
The Gift of Death, Second Edition & Literature in Secret
Paper Machine (Cultural Memory in the Present)
LA ̓rcheólogie du frivole
On Cosmopolitanism and Forgiveness (Thinking in Action) (Thinking in Action)
Psyche: Inventions of the Other, Volume II (Meridian: Crossing Aesthetics)
Archéologie du frivole
Jacques Derrida
A taste for the secret
Margins of philosophy
Nietzsche aus Frankreich
The Animal That Therefore I Am (Perspectives in Continental Philosophy)
Modernism through poststructuralism
Ethics, Institutions, and the Right to Philosophy
Sur parole
Adieu to Emmanuel Levinas
Etats d'âme de la psychanalyse
Monolingualism of the other, or, The prosthesis of origin
Die Tode von Roland Barthes
Éperons: les styles de Nietzsche
Le toucher, Jean-Luc Nancy
Case Vide
La voix et le phénomene
Questioning Judaism
Donner la mort
Without Alibi (Meridian: Crossing Aesthetics)
Who's afraid of philosophy?
Memoirs of the blind
Given time
Rogues: Two Essays on Reason (Meridian: Crossing Aesthetics)
Spurs : Nietzsche's styles =
De quoi demain ... Dialogues
The truth in painting
La carte postale
La dissémination
The Problem of Genesis in Husserl's Philosophy
Of spirit
Fichus (livre non massicoté)
Specters of Marx
Edmund Husserl's Origin of geometry
La voix et le phénomène
Résistances de la psychanalyse
The Death Penalty
Psyche: Inventions of the Other, Volume I (Meridian: Crossing Aesthetics)
Points de suspension
The Truth in painting
La voix et le phenomene
Points...: Interviews, 1974-1994 (Meridian: Crossing Aesthetics)
The beast and the sovereign
Heidegger, Philosophy, and Politics
La\Verite en Peinture
The Last Interview
Espectros De Marx
De l'espirit
La voix et le phénomène
Points . .
Der ununterbrochene Dialog
Copy, archive, signature
Force de loi
Le "concept" du 11 septembre
Echographies of Television
De la grammatologie
Who's afraid of philosophy?
Of grammatology
Gesetzeskraft. Der 'mystische Grund der Autorität'
Cosmopolites de tous les pays, encore un effort!
D'un ton apocalyptique
Dissemination (Athlone Contemporary European Thinkers)
Au-delà des apparences
Marx & Sons
Schibboleth pour Paul Celan
La Verdad de la Pintura (Espacios del Saber)
Moscou aller-retour
Marges de la philosophie
Politik der Freundschaft
Donner le temps
Jacques Derrida
Le problème de la genèse dans la philosophie de Husserl
Il Gusto Del Segreto
Spurs: Nietzsche's Styles/Eperons
Acts of religion
Papier machine
Feu la cendre
Deconstruction and criticism
Résistances de la psychanalyse
Leben ist  Uberleben
Du droit à la philosophie
Acts of literature
de La Gramatologia - 5* Edicion (Teoria)
Dar La Muerte
Genèses, généalogies, genres et le génie
Derrida Reader
Mémoires d'aveugle
L' Écriture et la différence
De l'esprit
H. C. for Life, That Is to Say... (Meridian: Crossing Aesthetics)
L'archéologie du frivole
De quoi demain -
Globalizing Critical Theory
Comment vivre ensemble ?
Die Schrift und die Differenz
Chaque fois unique, la fin du monde
The Mal de Archivo
Mensch und Tier. Eine paradoxe Beziehung
Histoire du mensonge
Die Religion
Positions (Question What You Thought Before)
Feu la cendre
The Politics of Friendship (Radical Thinkers) (Radical Thinkers)
De l'hospitalité
Artaud le Moma
La Escritura y La Diferencia
The Beast The Sovereign
Marges de la philosophie
Sprog, materialitet, bevidsthed
Margenes De La Filosofia (Teorema Serie Mayor)
El Siglo Y El Perdon/ the Century and Forgiveness
Dissemination (Continuum Impacts)
Signéponge =
Structure, sign and play in the discourse of the human sciences
Die Stimme und das Phänomen
Lecriture Et La Difference
Marx en jeu
L'Ethique du don: Jacques Derrida et la pensee du don
Vergessen wir nicht die Psychoanalyse
Desconstruccion y Pragmatismo
Diritto, giustizia e interpretazione
La Hospitalidad/ The Hospitality
Marx en jeu
Tarjeta Postal, La
Otro Cabo, El
El porvenir de la profesion, o, La universidad sin condicion (gracias a las "Humanities", lo que podria tener lugar manana)
Reframing the Frame of Reason
Enlouquecer o subjétil
Sur parole
Das andere Kap. Die aufgeschobene Demokratie. Zwei Essays
La verite en peinture
Foi et savoir
The post card
Aprender Por Fin a Vivir
Papel Maquina
L' autre cap ; suivi de La démocratie ajournée
Seelenstände der Psychoanalyse. Das Unmögliche jenseits einer souveränen Grausamkeit
The animal that therefore I am
Ulysse gramophone ; Deux mots pour Joyce
L' ecriture et la difference
Surtout pas de journalistes
Palabra! Instantaneas Filosoficas (Filosofia)
Mal d'archive
Echographies de la télévision
Le parjure peut-être
Adieu à Emmanuel Lévinas
Les yeux de la langue
Vom Geist. Heidegger und die Frage
Geneses, Genealogies, Genres, and Genius: The Secrets of the Archive (European Perspectives: A Series in Social Thought and Cultural Criticism)
Déplier Ponge
Le droit à la philosophie du point de vue cosmopolitique
Interpreting signatures (Nietzsche/Heidegger):Two questions
Deconstruction and the question of literature
Penser à ne pas voir
Husserls Weg in die Geschichte am Leitfaden der Geometrie. Ein Kommentar zur Beilage III der 'Krisis'
Adieu. Nachruf auf Emmanuel Levinas
Die unbedingte Universität
Of hospitality
Speech and Phenomena OP
On colleges and philosophy
Tourner les mots
Rights of Inspection
La dissémination
Le monolinguisme de l'autre, ou, La prothèse d'origine
Amicizia e ospitalità
Sauf le nom
De la grammatologie
D'un ton apocalyptique adopté naguère en philosophie
La scrittura e la differenza
Positions (Athlone Contemporary European Thinkers)
Como No Hablar
La Voz y El Fenomeno
Adios a Emmanuel Levinas Palabra de Acogida
Politicas de La Amistad
A dessein, le dessin
Du droit à la philosophie
Supplement to Glyph II
Schibboleth. Para Paul Celan
Die Archaeologie DES Frivolen
La Vérité en peinture
La Diseminacion
La Desconstruccion En Las Fronteras De La Filosofia
La religion
Jacques of Derrida of Grammatology
La Voix et le phénomène: introduction au problème du signe dans la phénoménologie de Husserl
Ta paputsia tu van Gogh
Force de loi
Sauf le nom
Writing and Difference
Falschgeld. Zeit geben I
Aporien. Sterben - Auf die 'Grenzen der Wahrheit' gefaßt sein
Antonin Artaud
Y Manana Que?
El Monolinguismo del Otro
Given Time
Responsibilities of Deconstruction (P.L.I.Warwick Journal of Philosophy)
El Lenguaje Y Las Instituciones Filosoficas
Il fattore della verità
Du droit a   la philosophie
El problema de la Génesis en la filosofía de Husserl
Eperson  Les Styles de Nietzsche
No Escribo Sin Luz Artificial
The post card
Ecografias de La Television
Etats d'âme de la psychanalyse
Estados de Animo del Psicoanalisis / Wisiiii
El Tiempo
Gérard Titus-Carmel
L' animal que donc je suis
Speech and phenomena, and other essays on Husserl's theory of signs
La conférence de Heidelberg
Points de suspension
Resistencias del Psicoanalisis / The City Under Suspicion
The post card
Introduccion a El Origen de La Geometria de Husse
Aufzeichnungen eines Blinden. Das Selbstporträt und andere Ruinen
Las Muertes de Roland Barthes
Khra (Incises)
La Universidad Sin Condicion (Minima Trotta)
Moscou aller-retour
Spectres de Marx
New Modernism (Art and Design Vol4 No 3/4)
Marges de la philosophie
Cada Vez Unica, El Fin del Mundo
Hamid Dabashi
Hamid Dabashi (born 1951)

historian, professor, sociologist, literary historian, literary critic, journalist, film critic, peace activist

  • Harvard University, University of Pennsylvania
Truth and Narrative
Shirin Neshat
Theology of Discontent
Close Up
Authority in Islam
Islamic Liberation Theology
Makhmalbaf at Large
Koorosh Shishegaran
Staging a revolution
Can Non-Europeans Think?
The green movement in Iran
Corpus anarchicum
Last Muslim Intellectual
Brown skin, white masks
Masters & Masterpieces of Iranian Cinema
Iran the Green Movement and the USA
Emperor Is Naked
On Edward Said
Being a Muslim in the World
Dreaming of Baghdad
Europe and Its Shadows
The world is my home
Contemporary Art, World Cinema, and Visual Culture
Expectation of the millennium
The Arab spring
Reversing the Colonial Gaze
Green Movement in Iran
Theology of discontent
Iran Without Borders
The Shahnameh
End of Two Illusions
Iranian Childhood
Ayn Al-Qudat Al-Hamadhani
Fundamental Fear
End of Two Illusions
World of Persian Literary Humanism
Corpus Anarchicum
Truth and Narrative
Theology of Discontent
Islamic Liberation Theology
Iran, the Green Movement and the USA
Expectation of the Millennium
Mashya and Mashyana Unearthed
Islamic Liberation Theology
Dreams of a nation
Authority in Islam
Arab Spring
Masters and Masterpieces of Iranian Cinema
In Search of Lost Causes
World of Persian Literary Humanism
Brown Skin, White Masks
Reversing the Colonial Gaze
Staging a revolution
Authority in Islam
Iranian Childhood
The Persian Prince
Europe and Its Shadows
Last Muslim Intellectual
The world of Persian literary humanism
Theology of Discontent
Forugh Farrokhzad a quarter-century later
Expectation of the millennium
ʻAyn al-Quz̤āt Hamadānī va ḥāl va havā-yi ʻaqlānī-i zamān-i ū
Theology of discontent
William Dean Howells
William Dean Howells (1837-1920)

journalist, essayist, playwright, literary critic, biographer

Staging Howells
Mark Twain's Library of Humor
A hazard of new fortunes
A Modern Instance
Christmas every day
The great modern American stories
A Treasury of Christmas Classics
Italian journeys
A traveler from Altruria
Familiar Spanish Travels
The Niagara Book
Selected Mark Twain-Howells letters, 1872-1910
Indian summer
The Kentons
Their wedding journey
My Mark Twain
A boy's town
My literary passions
Years of my youth
Through the Eye of the Needle
Annie Kilburn
The Leatherwood God
London Films
A foregone conclusion
The landlord at Lion's Head
A fearful responsibility
Criticism and fiction
Venetian life
The quality of mercy
Ragged Lady
The shadow of a dream
The coast of Bohemia
The lady of the Aroostook
Tuscan cities
Questionable Shapes
A modern instance
Seven English Cities
Fennel and Rue
The undiscovered country
Roman holidays, and others
Literary Friends and Acquaintance: A Personal Retrospect of American Authorship
Southern Lights and Shadows
Literary friends and acquaintance
Selected short stories of William Dean Howells
Between the dark and the daylight
Christmas every day and other stories told for children
A boy's town, described for "Harper's young people."
W.D. Howells as critic
The sleeping-car
The Whole Family
Day Of Their Wedding
An open-eyed conspiracy
Literature and life
The Lady of the Aroostook
April Hopes
Shapes that haunt the dusk
Modern Italian Poets
The Oxford Book of American Essays
The son of Royal Langbrith
Evening dress
A chance acquaintance
Suburban sketches
Out of the question
The country printer
The Horse Story Megapack
Their wedding journey: With an additional chapter on Niagara revisited
The mouse-trap
Modern Italian Poets Essays and Versions
Mrs. Farrell
A spoil of office
A Day's Pleasure: And Other Sketches
The Story of a Play
The unexpected guests
Boy life
Miss Bellard's Inspiration: A Novel
The register
Doctor Breen's practice
A Woman's Reason: A Novel
A Letter of Introduction: Farce
Howells Rise of Silas Lapham
Complete plays
The Albany Depot
Their Silver Wedding Journey
The day of their wedding
Mark Twain-Howells Letters. Volume One
Indian Summer
The seen and unseen at Stratford-on-Avon
Miss Bellard's inspiration
A Foregone Conclusion
The daughter of the storage
The vacation of the Kelwyns
An Imperative Duty: A Novel
The Seen and Unseen at Stratford-on-Avon: A Fantasy
An imperative duty
The Minister's Charge
A Fearful Responsibility: And Other Stories
Dr. Breen's Practice
Life at High Tide
Annie Kilburn
Three villages
Doctor Breen's Practice: A Novel
Suburban Sketches
Cliffsnotes Rise of Silas Lapham
Venetian Life
Libraries, Librarians, and Other Book Lovers
Heroines of fiction
A Modern Instance
Their Husbands' Wives
The flight of Pony Baker
A letter of introduction
Bride roses
Questionable Shapes
The smoking car
The son of Royal Langbrith: a novel
My literary passions, criticism & fiction
The Flight of Pony Baker: A Boy's Town Story
Out Of The Question
A Pair of Patient Lovers
The parlor car
Discovery of a genius
No love lost
Parting friends
The mother and the father
The Minister's Charge
Hither and thither in Germany
A counterfeit presentment
A likely story
The elevator
An Indian giver
The quality of mercy
Buying a horse
The Kentons
Between the Dark and the Daylight
Dr. Breen's Practice: A Novel
A parting and a meeting
A Sea-change: Or, Love's Stowaway, a Lyricated Farce in Two Acts and an Epilogue
Lives And Speeches Of Abraham Lincoln And Hannibal Hamlin
Idyls in drab
Suburban Sketches
Literary Friends and Acquaintance: A Novel
Their Silver Wedding Journey Volume 1
My year in a log cabin
The world of chance
A woman's reason
Sketch of the life and character of Rutherford B. Hayes
Minor dramas
Room forty-five
The garroters
A sea-change, or, Love's stowaway
Miss Bellard's Inspiration
The Kentons: A Novel
A Modern Instance: A Novel
New Leaf Mills
No love lost
Five o'clock tea
An Imperative Duty
The Lady of the Aroostook
A Little Swiss Sojourn
Venetian Life
An Imperative Duty (1892)
London Films
The Whole Family
Southern Lights and Shadows
A Traveler from Altruria
The Whole family
Selected writings
Roman Holidays and Others
April Hopes
A Pair of Patient Lovers
Sketch Of The Life And Character Of Rutherford B. Hayes
Letters of an Altrurian traveller, 1893-94
Great American Short Stories Volume III
Doctor Breen's practice
Indian Summer
Heroines Of Fiction V1 And V2
Quaint courtships ..
The shadow of a dream, and An imperative duty
Internationality in American Fiction
A Foregone Conclusion
London Films
My Literary Passions
The Story of a Play
Between The Dark And The Daylight
Seven English Cities
The sleeping-car, and other farces
Annie Kilburn, A Novel
Southern Lights and Shadows
Between the Dark and the Daylight (Romances)
A Traveler from Altruria
Seven English Cities
Life in letters of William Dean Howells
The Landlord at Lion's Head, Complete
The Story of a Play (A Novel)
A realist in the American theatre
Italian Journeys
Literary Friends and Acquaintances
A selected edition of W. D. Howells
Pebbles, monochromes, and other modern poems, 1891-1916
Venetian Life
Stops of various quills
The day of their wedding
Quaint Courtships
Questionable Shapes
A Modern Instance
Ragged Lady, Part 1
In after days
Literature and Life
A realist in the American theatre
The Man of Letters as a Man of Business
Their Silver Wedding Journey Volume 2
Ragged Lady, Part 2
Suburban Sketches
Short Stories and Essays
Venetian life
The flight of Pony Baker : a boy's town story By : W .D. Howells Illustrated By
Indian Summer
The Niagara Book
London Films
Christmas Every Day and Other Stories Told for Children  The Original Classic Edition
Lady of the Aroostook
A traveller from Altruria
Years of my youth, and three essays
Literary Friends and Acquaintances
Familiar Spanish Travels
Discovery of a genius
Notes of First Visit to New England
Lyrics of lowly life,by Paul Laurence Dunbar and W.D.Howells
Imaginary Interviews
Literature and Life Studies
Criticism and fiction, and other essays
Imaginary interviews
Studies Of Lowell
Christmas Tales
The world of chance, a novel
Life of Abraham Lincoln
The early prose writings of William Dean Howells, 1853-1861
A Day's Pleasure And Other Sketches
A little girl among the old masters
Criticism and fiction, By : W .D. Howells
Under the sunset ..
The flight of Pony Baker NOVEL
A Pair of Patient Lovers
La Poesie Baroque
My Mark Twain
Imperative Duty
Certain delightful English towns, with glimpses of the pleasant country between
Heart of Childhood
The heart of childhood
My literary passions
Idyls in drab
The Minister's Charge
Modern Italian poets
Annie Kilburn
An Imperative duty
Indian Summer
Stories of Ohio
A Treasury of Timeless Christmas Tales, Vol. II
Poems By William D. Howells
The day of their wedding, a novel
Different Girls
A traveler from Altruria
London Films And Certain Delightful English Towns
Italian Journeys
The undiscovered country
Letters Home
The heart of childhood
Landlord at the Lion's Head
A Modern Instance
Their wedding journey
The garotters
Editor's study
Henry James Year Book
Short Stories and Essays
A woman's reason, a novel
The Flight of Pony Baker
Machiavelli the Art of War & the Prince the Tudor Translations (First series, Volume 39)
Novels, 1875-1886
Study and Stimulants
The whole family
Sleep And a Forgetting (The Art of the Novella)
Selected literary criticism
Indian Summer
A little Swiss sojourn
Indian summer
A Fearful Responsibility and Other Stories
Una Conoscenza del Caso
The Minister's Charge
Literary friends and acquaintance
Landlord At Lion's Head
The Lady of The Aroostook
Years of my youth
Three Villages
Under the sunset
Kentons, The
Imperative Duty, An
Recollections of life in Ohio from 1813-1840 (1895)
Life at high tide
The shadow of a dream, a story
The amazing Frederic, By Gertrude Slaughter; with pen-and-ink sketches by Robert Hill Taylor...
A Fearful Responsibility and Other Stories
Roman Holidays and Other
Daughter of the Storage
Undiscovered Country
Roman holidays
The Seen & the Unseen at Stratford-on-Avon
Prefaces to Contemporaries (1882-1920)
Modern Italian Poets
Anomalies of the Short Story
Their Wedding Journey
A previous engagement
Roundabout to Boston
Criticism and Fiction
Stories of Ohio
Impressions and experiences
The Complete Works of William Dean Howells - Volume II
Indian Giver
The Complete Works of William Dean Howells - Volume I
Selected letters, volume 4, 1892-1901
Annie Kilburn
The Kentons, and Henry James, Jr.
The Flight of Pony Baker  novel for children
Modern Instance
The Seen And Unseen At Stratford-On-Avon
The Parlor Car; And, the Sleeping Car
Memoirs of Jean François Marmontel; Volume 1
Boy Life
Heroines of fiction
Criticism and fiction, (Stonyhurst philosophical series)
Certain delightful English towns
The Landlord at Lions Head  Complete
Italian Journeys
Modern Italian Poets
Tuscan cities
Whole Family
Roman holidays and others
Seven English Cities
The Sleeping-Car, and The Register
Suburban Sketches
Suburban Sketches
Oliver Wendell Holmes
White Mr. Longfellow
Stories of Ohio
Stories of Ohio
World of Chance
Modern Italian Poets
Minister's Charge
Stories of Ohio
Literary friends and acquaintance
Venetian Life
Their Silver Wedding Journey; Volume 1
Indian summer (Everyman's library, 643A. Fiction)
Character and comment
Three Short Plays
Southern Lights and Shadows
Between the Dark and the Daylight
Landlord at Lion's Head
Young Contributor
My Literary Passions, Criticism and Fiction
My Mark Twain; Reminiscences and Criticisms
Undiscovered Country
Counterfeit Presentment and the Parlour Car
A Hazard of New Fortunes by Howells, William Dean (1965) Mass Market Paperback
The son of Royal Langbrith, a novel
Minister's Charge (Esprios Classics)
Italian journeys. Author's ed
Christmas Every Day and Other Stories
A Little Swiss Sojourn
A likely story
Mankind in the making
Suburban Sketches
Suburban Sketches
April Hopes
Their Wedding Journey
Pair of Patient Lovers
My First Visit to New England (from Literary Friends and Acquaintance)
Modern Italian poets
Familiar Spanish Travels
Vacation of the Kelwyns
Of Literature
The Blindman's World And Other Stories
London Films
Modern Italian Poets
A Modern Instance
Psychological Counter-Current in Recent Fiction
The White Mr. Longfellow
Their Silver Wedding Journey
Shapes that Haunt the Dusk
Coast of Bohemia
Evening Dress
Woman's Reason
Different girls
The writings of William Dean Howells
Standard Household-Effect Company
Winifred Howells
My Mark Twain
Leatherwood God
Coast of Bohemia
Impressions and experiences
Oliver Wendell Holmes
Buying a Horse
American Literary Centers
Indian Summer
Leatherwood God
The Kentons
Venetian life
My Mark Twain
Une Rencontre
Dr. Breen's Practice (Esprios Classics)
Indian Summer
The Parlor Car ; And, The Sleeping Car
Shadow Of A Dream
Dr. Breen's Practice
Modern Instance
Certain Delightful English Towns, with Glimpses of the Pleasant Country Between
Their Wedding Journey
Son Of Royal Langbrith
STORIES of OHIO (Annotated)
The lady of the Aroostook,
Parlor Car; and, the Sleeping Car
Fearful Responsibility, and Other Stories
The Daughter Of The Storage And Other Things In Prose And Verse
Modern Instance
Foregone Conclusion
The Undiscovered Country (Classic Reprint)
The Complete Plays of William Dean Howells
Dr. Breen's Practice
Fearful Responsibility and Tonelli's Marriage
Coast of Bohemia
Open-Eyed Conspiracy
The minister's charge, or, The apprenticeship of Lemuel Barker
Literature and Life (Complete)
The Lady of the Aroostook
Doorstep acquaintance, and other sketches
A Fearful Responsibility
Their Wedding Journey
The March Family Trilogy- Volume 2
Open-Eyed Conspiracy
Years of My Youth
First Visit to New England
Literature and Life (Studies)
Lady of the Aroostook
Leatherwood God. with Illus. by Henry Raleigh
Leatherwood God
Ragged Lady
Son of Royal Langbrith
Flight of Pony Baker
The Albany depôt
My Literary Passions
Literary Boston As I Knew It
Selected Writings of William Dean Howells
Mother And The Father (poetry)
Different Girls
World Of Chance
Dr. Breen's Practice
An imperative duty
Henry James, Jr
Suburban Sketches
Traveler from Altruria (American Century Series)
Pair of Patient Lovers
Open-Eyed Conspiracy
Belated Guest
Little Swiss Sojourn
Literature and life studies [sketches and essays] W. D. Howells.
The Garotters, and The Elevator
Suburban Sketches
Criticism and Fiction
Imaginary interviews. by W. D. Howells.
Albany Depot
Confession of St. Augustine
Venetian Life
Christmas Every Day and Other Stories Told for Children
Modern Instance
Quaint Courtships
Christmas Every Day and Other Stories
Emile Zola
Italian Journeys
Miss. Bellard's Inspiration
Coast of Bohemia
A Woman's Reason
In after days
A modern instance, a novel
Fearful Responsibility and Other Stories
Ragged Lady Complete
Man of Letters As a Man of Business
Mrs. Farrell
Quality Of Mercy
Southern Lights and Shadows,
Selected Letters of W.D. Howells, 1902-1911
Landlord at Lion's Head
The Albany depot
Roman Holidays and Others
My Year in a Log Cabin
The Altrurian romances (His A Selected edition of W. D. Howells, v. 20)
Venetian Life
Son of Royal Langbirth
Out Of The Question And A Counterfeit Presentment (plays)
Leatherwood God
April Hopes
Through the Eye of the Needle A Romance
The Kentons, a novel
Evening Dress
Fennel and Rue
Cambridge Neighbors (from Literary Friends and Acquaintance)
Modern Italian Poets
A Pair of Patient Lovers
The Sleeping Car . By : William D. Howells
Familiar Spanish travels
Landlord at Lion's Head
Suburban sketches, with illus. by Augustus Hoppin
Traveler from Altruria
Psychological Counter-Current in Recent Fiction
Life of Vittorio Alfieri
A Day's Pleasure and Other Sketches
Indian Summer
A Boy's Town
Indian Summer
Criticism and fiction
Fearful Responsibility and Other Stories
Selected Mark Twain-Howells Letters
An Imperative Duty. A Novel
A woman's reason
Fennel and Rue, and Emile Zola (Esprios Classics)
Stories of Ohio
Dr. Breen's Practice ,by William D. Howells
The Coast of Bohemia
April Hopes
Stories of Ohio
Venetian Life
Annie Kilburn (Esprios Classics)
London Films, and Certain Delightful English Towns
Whole Family
Traveler from Altruria
Boy's Town
Fearful Responsibility and Other Stories
The Altrurian romances
Familiar Spanish Travels
March Family Trilogy; Volume 1
The writings of William Dean Howells
Lady of the Aroostook; Volume 1
Boy Life
Leatherwood God
Representative selections
Their Silver Wedding Journey
Imaginary Interviews
Foregone Conclusion
Selected Letters of W.D. Howells
Seven English cities ...
A Counterfeit Presentment ,by William Dean Howells
Open-Eyed Conspiracy; an Idyl of Saratoga
Indian Summer
A Boy's Town
My Mark Twain; Reminiscenes and Criticisms
The complete plays of W.D. Howells
Indian Summer
Their Silver Wedding Journey
Parlor Car
Letters home
A boy's town described for "Harper's young people" ...
Story Of A Play
Criticism and fiction, (A Boar's head book)
My Mark Twain; Reminiscences and Criticisms
Indian summer ...
A Counterfeit Presentment
Years of My Youth
Mrs. Farrell
The Vacation of the Kelwyns
Stories Of Ohio
A Foregone Conclusion
April Hopes
Familiar Spanish Travels
Foregone Conclusion
Quality of Mercy
Declaring Rights and William Lloyd Garrison and Traveler from Altruria and
Modern Italian Poets
Discovery of a genius
A Likely Story: Farce
The Selected Letters of W. D. Howells, 1912-1920 (Selected Letters of W. D. Howells, 1912-1920)
Stories And Essays
Their husbands' wives
The Flight of Pony Baker
Quaint Courtships
Ragged Lady
European and American masters
Henry James, Jr.
Spanish Prisoners of War
Literary Friends and Acquaintance
April Hopes
Criticism and Fiction
Life of Vittorio Alfieri
Complete Works of William Dean Howells
The Unexpected Guests
Open-Eyed Conspiracy
An Imperative Duty
Dr. Breen's practice, a novel
Short Stories and Essays (from Literature and Life)
Life at High Tide
Dr. Breen's Practice
Seven English Cities and As Many Watering-Places
Coast Of Bohemia
The Complete Works of William Dean Howells - Volume III
Stories of Ohio
Literature and life
Fennel and Rue
Sketch of the Life And Character of Ruth
Venetian life
Spanish Prisoners of War Excerpted from 'Literature and Life'
Boy's Town
The Flight of Pony Baker
A fearful responsibility, and other stories ...
A traveler from Altruria, romance
Criticism and Fiction
Vacation of the Kelwyns
A Daughter Of The Storage (short Stories)
Albany Depot
Questionable Shapes
Annie Kilburn
The Quality Of Mercy; A Novel
Minister's Charge
A Hazard Of New Fortunes Part 4
Seven English Cities
The seen and unseen at Stratford-upon-Avon
Miss Bellard's Inspiration
Boy Life
Landlord of Lion's Head (Selected Edition of W.D. Howells, Vol 23)
Literary Friends and Acquaintances
Through the Eye of the Needle
Landlord at Lion's Head
Pair of Patient Lovers
My Mark Twain; Reminiscences and Criticisms
Recollections of Life in Ohio, From 1813-1840
Between the Dark and the Daylight
A Hazard of New Fortunes, Volume 4
Criticism and Fiction (Esprios Classics)
European and American Masters
Last Days in a Dutch Hotel
Fennel and Rue
Forgone Conclusion
Back of History
Out of the question
A Traveler from Altruria
Quaint Courtships
Venetian Life
My Literary Passions
A Traveler From Altruria
Albany Depot
Pair of Patient Lovers
Literary Boston As I Knew It
The Man of Letters as a Man of Business Excerpted from 'Literature and Life'
A Pair of Patient Lovers
Annie Kilburn
Venetian Life; 1
Kentons, a Novel
The Altrurian romances
Coast of Bohemia
Albany Depot
London Films
Their silver wedding journey
The Man of Letters as a Man of Business, and The Parlor Car
Their wedding journey
A Modern Instance
European and American masters
Lady Of The Aroostook
Landlord at Lions Head
Letters Home
Italian journeys
Dr. Breen's Practice
The Leatherwood God
The Complete Poems of Paul Laurence Dunbar
The Story of A Play
A Modern Instance (Volume 2); A Novel
The lady of the Aroostook ...
Minor works
A Counterfeit Presentment and the Parlour Car
Indian Summer
Familiar Spanish Travels
Traveler from Altruria
The Parlor Car ; And, the Sleeping Car
Venetian life
A fearful responsibility, and Tonelli's marriage. Author's ed
The world of chance
In after Days
Indian Summer
London Films
Indian Summer
The mouse-trap, and other farces
Italian Journeys
The undiscovered country ...
Literature and Life
Doctor Breen's practice;
Selected Writings Of William Dean Howells
World of Chance
Literature And Life
Mrs. Farrell
Bride Roses
Literary Friends And Acquaintances
Their Wedding Journey
Studies of Lowell
Lives and Speeches of Abraham Lincoln and Hannibal Hamlin
Emile Zola
Modern Instance
Parlor Car; and, the Sleeping Car
Collected Works of William Dean Howells; Volume I
Landlord at Lion's Head, Complete
The Parlor Car: Farce
London Films (Esprios Classics)
Complete plays
The seen and unseen at Stratford-on-Avon
A Traveler from Altruria.
Likely Story
Modern Italian Poets; Volume 1
Years of My Youth
The Mother and the Father: Dramatic Passages
Between the Dark and the Daylight (Esprios Classics)
Albany Depot (Esprios Classics)
Fearful Responsibility
Roman Holidays, and Others
Psychological Counter-Current in Recent Fiction
Christmas Every Day
Literary Friends and Acquaintance
Italian Journeys
Ragged Lady
Cambridge Neighbors
A counterfeit presentment, and The parlour car
An Open-Eyed Conspiracy
Doorstep Acquaintance and Other Sketches
Heroines Of Fiction, Volume 2...
Five o'Clock Tea
Confessions of a Summer Colonist
Criticism And Fiction
Lady of the Aroostook
Venetian Life
A boy's town
Memoirs of Edward Gibbon . .
Short Works of William Dean Howells
April Hopes
The March Family Trilogy; Volume 2
Italian Journeys
Quaint Courtships
Criticism and fiction and other essays
Mrs Farrell
The son of Royal Langbrith ...
Fennel and rue, a novel
Private theatricals
The Leatherwood God
Ragged lady
Literature and life
April Hopes
The Lady of the Aroostook
The country printer
Daughter of the Storage
Forgone Conclusion
Modern Italian Poets
A traveler from Altruria
Different Girls
Quality of Mercy
The flight of Pony Baker
The Complete Works of William Dean Howells - Volume VI
The Daughter of the Storage
Staccato Notes of a Vanished Summer
Through the Eye of the Needle
Man of Letters As a Man of Busine
Indian Summer
Flight of Pony Baker
My Mark Twain (from Literary Friends and Acquaintance)
The Garroters
Ragged Lady
Criticism and Fiction
The son of Royal Langbrith,
Selected edition of W. D. Howells
The Complete Works of William Dean Howells - Volume IV
Twain & Howells On Each Other
Between the Dark And the Daylight Romances
A fearful responsibility and Tonelli's marriage
Familiar Spanish Travels
March Family Trilogy
Their Silver Wedding Journey  Complete
Story of a Play
Roundabout to Boston, and Studies of Lowell
Five O'clock Tea
Literature and Life
Literary Friends and Acquaintance
In After Days
Counterfeit Presentment and the Parlour Car
The Unexpected Guests
Annie Kilburn
Coast of Bohemia (Esprios Classics)
The coast of Bohemia
Leatherwood God
A day's pleasure
London films and Certain delightful English towns (The writings of William Dean Howells)
Imaginary Interviews
Buying a Horse
The Complete Works of William Dean Howells - Volume V
Literary Friends and Acquaintance
Suburban Sketches
Annie Kilburn
The shadow of a dream, and An imperative duty
Laocoonte Di Lessing...
My Literary Passions
Doorstep acquaintance, and other sketches (Riverside literature series)
Suburban Sketches
Letters of an Altrurian Traveller, 1893-94
Cambridge Neighbors
Years Of My Youth
The Complete Studies of William Dean Howells
Bride Roses
Parlor Car
Dr. Breen's Practice
My Literary Passions
Life at High Tide . .
Questionable Shapes
Bride Roses A Scene
March Family Trilogy
The Elevator
The story of a play
Sketch of the life and character of Rutherford B. Hayes. Also a biographical sketch of William A. Wheeler
Buying a Horse
Seven English Cities
The Story of Early Ohio
Through the Eye of the Needle
The Leatherwood God
Selected Letters of W.D. Howells
Their wedding journey, with an additional chapter on Niagara revisited
Vacation Of The Kelwyns
Venetian Life; Volume 1
Literary Friends and Acquaintance; a Personal Retrospect of American Authorship
Minister's Charge
Through the Eye of the Needle
The Entire March Family Trilogy
Literature and life
Stories of Ohio
The minister's charge; or, The apprenticeship of Lemuel Barker  By : William D. Howells
Confessions of Summer Colonist
Ready to Go on? Int/Enr Hmath 2010 C2
An Open-Eyed Conspiracy; An Idyl of Saratoga
Fennel and rue
The Shadow of a dream
Literary friends and acquaintance ...
Years of My Youth
Coast of Bohemia
Between the Dark and the Daylight
Miss Bellard's inspiration
Likely Story
Indian summer
Stops Of Various Quills (poetry)
Literary Friends and Acquaintance
Familiar Spanish Travels (Esprios Classics)
The Howells story book
Heroines of fiction
Lives and Speeches of Abraham Lincoln and Hannibal Hamlin
The March Family Trilogy; Volume 2
Hazard of New Fortunes Volume 5
Their Silver Wedding Journey
Through the Eye of the Needle
Indian Summer
Vacation of the Kelwyns
Certain delightful English towns
The Quality of Mercy
The White Mr. Longfellow 'Excerpted from Literary Friends and Acquaintances'
Memoirs of Frederica Sophia Wilhelmina, Princess Royal of Prussia, Margravine of Baireuth, Sister of Frederick the Great
The undiscovered country
Fennel And Rue
Pair of Patient Lovers
Quality of Mercy
Modern Italian Poets
Years of my youth
A little girl among the old masters
Ragged Lady
Stories of Ohio
A Foregone Conclusion
The Kentons
London films
The Minister's Charge; Or, The Apprenticeship of Lemuel Barker
Criticism and Fiction
Memoirs of Edward Gibbon . .
Rise of Silas Lapham; Volume I
Familiar Spanish Travels
Their Silver Wedding Journey Vol. 2
The Leatherwood god. by William Dean Howells; with illustrations
Their Wedding Journey
Traveler from Altruria
Mrs. Farrell
Story of a Play
Christmas Every Day and Other Stories Told for Children
Between the Dark and the Daylight
Suburban Sketches
The March Family Trilogy; Volume 1
Italian Journeys
Their Wedding Journey
Literary Boston as I Knew it, and Oliver Wendell Holmes
Suburban Sketches
A Belated Guest, and Cambridge Neighbors
Roman Holidays, and Others
Their wedding journey
Quality of Mercy
Imaginary Interviews
Ragged Lady, the  Complete
Shadow of a Dream
Impressions and Experiences
Their silver wedding journal, a novel
An Imperative Duty. a Novel
Man of Letters As a Man of Business, and the Parlor Car (Esprios Classics)
The daughter of the storage
A Boy's Town
A foregone conclusion ...
Literature and Life
Foregone Conclusion
The Altrurian Romances (A Selected Edition of W. D. Howells, Volume 20)
My Mark Twain
Fennel and Rue, and Emile Zola
Suburban Sketches
Through the Eye of the Needle
White Mr. Longfellow, the (from Literary Friends and Acquaintance)
My First Visit to New England
Questionable Shapes
Questionable Shapes
Questionable Shapes
Seven English Cities
New Leaf Mills
The shadow of a dream
The whole family
Stops of various qvills
Modern Instance
Annie Kilburn
The Minister's Charge
Five o'Clock Tea
Studies of Lowell (from Literary Friends and Acquaintance)
Annie Kilburn
London films
Through the eye of the needle
A little Swiss sojorn
Their wedding journey
My Mark Twain
My literary passions
Criticism and fiction, and other essays
Stories of Ohio
Little Swiss Sojourn
My Literary Passions
The March Family Trilogy- Volume 1
Seven English cities
Vozvyshenie Saĭlasa Lėfema
The Altrurian romances. Introd. and notes to the text by Clara and Rudolf Kirk. Text established by Scott Bennett
Venetian life
The whole family
Doorstep acquaintance
Indian summer
[Letters from W.D. Howells and T.B. Aldrich
A traveler from Alturia
A counterfeit presentment
Editor's study
Italian journeys
Vita a Venezia
William Dean Howell's Short Fiction
Selected letters
Fennel and rue, a novel
Niagara revisited
Collected Works Of William Dean Howells (61 Volumes)
The country printer
The rise of Silas Lapham
Literary friends and acquaintance
The shadow of a dream
Their husbands' wives
The unexpected guests
The Kentons, [by] W.D. Howells
The mulberries in Pay's garden
A boy's town
Heroines of Fiction (2 Volumes)
A masterpiece of diplomacy
Indian giver
Tuscan cities
American origins (in London
A foregone conclusion
Seven English cities and as many watering-places
Tuscan cities
The parlor car
Venetian life
A Traveler from Altruria (American Century Series)
A woman's reason
Selected letters, volume 5, 1902-1911
Italian journeys
Doctor Breen's practice
Suburban sketches
Niagara revisited  ...
A day's pleasure, and other sketches
Different girls ...
The quality of mercy
The landlord at Lion's head
A letter of introduction
The mouse-trap
A little girl among the old masters
The minister's charge
Miss Bellard's inspiration
In summer
Selected writings of William Dean Howells
Their wedding journey
Eighty years and after
The landlord at Lion's Head
A Shaker village
Southern lights and shadows
London films and certain delightful English towns
Selected letters, volume 6, 1912-1920
Selected letters, volume 3, 1882-1891
Winifred Howells
The day of their wedding
A day's pleasure
Viaggi in Italia
The world of chance
Prefaces to contemporaries, 1882-1920
A modern instance
Stops of various quills
The country printer ...
Selected letters, volume 2, 1873-1881
Selected writings
The lady of the Aroostook
Doorstep acquaintances and other sketches
Southern lights and shadows
Landlord At Lion's Head, The (BCL1-PS American Literature)
Venetian life
Out of the question
A likely story
[Venetian life.]
William Dean Howells
The unexpected guest
The complete plays of W.D. Howells
A foregone conclusion
Roxane Gay
Roxane Gay (born 1974)

essayist, journalist, editing staff, literary critic

  • Michigan Technological University, Phillips Exeter Academy
Not that bad
Difficult Women
Bad Feminist
An Untamed State
The Selected Works of Audre Lorde
Woman's Right to Pleasure
The Best American Short Stories 2018
Black Panther
Sacrifice of Darkness
Dress like a woman
Drawing Power
Love and Resistance
Mickalene Thomas
Power Book
Women of the 116th Congress
The Banks Box Set
Original Sisters
The New Black: A Neo-Noir Anthology
Tage der Furcht
Frick Madison
Best Actress
Kötü Feminst
Urgent, Unheard Stories
Radicals, Volume 1 : Fiction, Poetry, and Drama
Writing into the Wound
Dawn of the Midnight Angels
Balance ta bulle - 62 dessinatrices témoignent du harcèlement et de la violence sexuelle
Year I Learned Everything
Moon Milk Review 2011
No es para tanto
Unti on Writing
How to Be Heard
Do the Work
Herbert Edward Read
Herbert Edward Read (1893-1968)

art historian, poet, philosopher, anarchist, literary critic, critic

  • University of Leeds
Henry Moore
The Philosophy of Modern Art
Education Through Art
A concise history of modern painting
The green child
A concise history of modern sculpture
A One-Man Manifesto
The art of sculpture
Art and industry
The meaning of art
Art Now
Collected essays in literary criticism
Paul Klee on modern art
Henry Moore
Art and society
The contrary experience
English prose style
The Philosophy of Anarchism
The grass roots of art
The forms of things unknown
Anarchy and order
Green Child
Icon and idea
Phases of English poetry
Thames and Hudson Dictionary of Art and Artists
Psychology and Alchemy
Reason and romanticism
Icon and idea
Art and industry
To hell with culture, and other essays on art and society
Art and alienation
Kunst, Kultur und Anarchie
The true voice of feeling
On beauty
Annals of innocence and experience
The practice of design
Existentialism, Marxism, and anarchism
Form in Modern Poetry
Henry Moore
A letter to a young painter
Pursuits & verdicts
A concise history of modern sculpture
Form in modern poetry
Henry Moore
English stained glass
A concise history of modern painting
Form in Gothic
A concise history of modern painting
English Prose Style
Art and industry
Between The Riccall And The Rye Selected Writings On Ryedale From Herbert Reads Poetry And Prose
In retreat
This way delight: A book of poetry for the young;
The book of art
The green child
Contemporary British art
Unit 1
The knapsack
A concise history of modern sculpture
The nature of literature
The English vision
Poetry and anarchism
The nude
The tenth muse
The innocent eye
Art and the evolution of man
Ashley Havinden and the art of publicity
The cult of sincerity
The Anatomy Of Art
Freedom, is it a crime?
Art and Industry
The origins of form in art
Essential communism
The Thames and Hudson dictionary of art and artists
Essays in literary criticism: particular studies
Klee (1879-1940)
Contemporary British art
La Decima Musa
The weathering of art
A world within a war
News from Thrush Green
The true voice of feeling
The art of sculpture
Historia de La Pintura Moderna
This way, delight
Lord Byron at the opera
A concise history of modern sculpture
Reason and romanticism
Histoire de la peinture moderne
The sense of glory
In defence of Shelley and other essays
Selected Poetry
Diccionario Del Arte Y Los Artistas
Coleridge as critic
Icon and idea
Julien Benda and the new humanism
Form in modern poetry
Ben Nicholson
The styles of European art
Modern Sculpture
In defence of Shelley
The art of Jean Arp
Jan Le Witt
Modern art and French decadence
Histoire de la peinture moderne
Reason and romanticism
In retreat
T. S. E., a memoir
Thirty-five poems
Design and tradition
Annals of innocence and experience
Staffordshire pottery figures
The Thames and Hudson dictionary of art and artists
The Green Child
The redemption of the robot
Coleridge as critic
The grassroots of art
Encyclopaedia of the arts
Paul Nash
Phases of English poetry
In defence of Shelley & other essays
The redemption of the robot
The sense of glory
Annals of innocence and experience
Concise History of Modern Painting
Lynn Chadwick
The end of a war
In Defense of Shelley and Other Essays
Edvard Munch
The anatomy of art
Nature of Literature
The Forms Of Things Unknown
Poetry and experience
Aristotle's mother
The sense of glory
The quest and the quarry
Meaning of Art
The place of art in a university
Eric Gill
In Defence Of Shelley And Other Essays
Five European Sculptors
Tenth Muse
Child art
The art of sculpture
The Innocent Eye
Johannes Vermeer
The London Book Of English Prose (1931)
The significance of children's art
Icon and Idea
The art of Jean Arp
The innocent eye
The Creative arts in American education
World Within a War
Staffordshire pottery figures
The practice of design
Hans Richter
Design and tradition
The styles of European art
The politics of the unpolitical
Gauguin (1848-1903)
The art of sculpture
The sense of glory: essays in criticism
Conflicts in contemporary art
Edvard Munch
Surrealism. Edited with an introd. by Herbert Read. Contributions by Andre Breton [and others]
Grass Roots of Art
Poetry and experience
The Thrones of Earth and Heaven
A letter to a young painter
Moderne malerkunst
The parliament of women
Concise History of Modern Painting
Poems ; 1914-1934
The book of art
Pursuits & verdicts
The meaning of art
The ethics of power
Education for peace
The politics of the unpolitical
To hell with culture
Lynn Chadwick
Culture and education in world order
Art and industry
The styles of European art
Jan Le Witt
Icon and idea
The education of free men
The true voice
Collected poems 1913-25.
Collected poems
Essays in literary criticism
Coleridge as critic
Coleridge as critic
Poems 1914-1934
In defence of Shelley & other essays
The place of art in a university
Yi shu de yi yi
Mutations of the phoenix
The sense of glory
High noon and darkest night
Mutations of the phoenix
Redemption Robot
Henry Moore
Reason and romanticism
Form in modern poetry
English stained glass
This way delight
The cult of sincerity
The grass roots of art
In retreat
The parliament of women
The politics of the unpolitical
Naked warriors
The education of free men
English prose style
Henry Moore, sculptor
Selected writings
Collected Poems
A coat of many colours
Escultura Moderna, La
Philosophy of Modern Art
A world within a war
The True voice of feeling
Education for peace
The paradox of anarchism
Form in modern poetry. --
Contemporary British art
The forms of things unknown
The Thames and Hudson encyclopaedia of the arts
Psychopathology of reaction in the arts
The London book of English prose
Collected essays in literary criticism
Zum 85. Geburtstag von Professor Dr. Carl Gustav Jung, 26. Juli 1960
Collected essays in literary criticism
English stained glass
A Tribute to Herbert Read, 1893-1968
A coat of many colours
The Art of Sculpture
Art and society
Letters from Sooke
A concise history of modern painting
English prose style
El Arte de La Escultura
The Limits of Permissiveness in Art
Selected Writings, Poetry and Criticism / with a Foreword by Allen Tate
Collected poems
Art and Society
The London book of English prose
Art and industry
The London book of English verse, selected by Herbert Read and Bonamy Dobrée
Art and the evolution of man
The London book of English verse
The London book of English verse
Sense of Glory
Paul Nash
An Introduction to Herbert Read's Work by Several Hands
Art education
Carta a Un Joven Pintor
Selected writings
Xian dai hui hua jian shi
Tribute to Wordsworth
Freedom, is it a crime?
Selected writings
Selected writings
Henry Moore, sculpture and drawings
The meaning of art
The true voice of feeling
The London book of English verse
Icon and idea
Selected writings
Contemporary British Art
The redemption of the robot
Kandinsky (1866-1944)
Modern sculpture
La Nina Verde
Kandinsky (1866-1944)
The Contrary Experience
The art of Jean Arp
The anthology of English prose
Imagen e idea
The end of a war
English prose style
A Modern Szobraszat
A concise history of modern painting
The contrary experience
The art of sculpture
Form in modern poetry
Poems, 1914-1934
A coat of many colours
DuMont's Künstlerlexikon
Collected poems / by Herbert Read
Moon's Farm
The philosophy of modern art
A arte de agora, agora
Moon's Farm, and poems mostly elegiac
Collected poems, 1913-25
Pintura actual
In Retreat
Art and industry, the principles of industrial design
English prose style
Art and industry
The quest and the quarry
Art now
Naked warriors
Freedom, is it a crime?
Lu Xun
Lu Xun (1881-1936)

essayist, poet, literary critic, Esperantist, translator, critic

  • Tohoku University, Kobun Institute
A Q zheng zhuan
Selected stories of Lu Hsun
Ah Q and others
Diary of a madman and other stories
The True Story of Ah Q
Poems of Lu Hsun
Love-letters and privacy in modern China
Ye cao
Na han
The power of weakness
Selected Stories of Lu Hsun
The complete stories of Lu Xun
Zhongguo xiao shuo shi lue
Lu Xun xuan ji
The True Story of Ah Q
Capturing Chinese
Lu Xun quan ji
Silent China; selected writings of Lu Xun
Masterpieces of modern Chinese fiction, 1919-1949
A Lu Hsün reader
Masterpieces of modern Chinese fiction, 1919-1949
Ye cao
Three stories
Lu Xun tan hua ji lu (Lu Xun yan jiu yi zhu)
Lu Hsun
Lu Xun zi zhuan
The New Year's sacrifice
An incident Selected stories of Lu Hsun
Lu Xun xiao shuo xuan
Kuang ren ri ji
Lu Xün xiéao shuō jí
Lu Xun tan Zhongguo shi gu
Zhongguo meng ya mu ke ji
Die Reise ist lang
Lu Xun, selected works
Masterpieces of modern Chinese fiction, 1919-1949
Jottings under Lamplight
Sur la langue et l'écriture chinoises
Zhongguo xiao shuo shi lue (Penglai ge cong shu)
Silent China
The power of weakness
Tanskie novelly
Zhao hua xi shi
Ah Q and Others
Lu Xun lun Zhongguo
Letters Between Two
Chao hua xi shi
Forging The Swords
Min zu yu wu zhi wen hua shi kao lue
Lu Xun xiao shuo ji ci hui =
Gu shi xin bian
Bei jing ren shang hai ren
Zhongguo xiao shuo shi lue (Lu Xun gu xiao shuo yan jiu zhu zuo si zhong)
Povesti, rasskazy
Re feng
Selected stories of Lu Xun
Selected Stories of Lu Hsun (English Ed.)
Brève histoire du roman chinois
Lu Xun
Selected Stories of Lu Hsun
Call To Arms
Regret For The Past
Lu Xun shou gao xuan ji san bian
Lu-hsün lun Chung-kuo yü wên kai ko
Lu Xun lun wen xue yu yi shu
Ji yi zhi
Zhao hua xi shi
Pang haung
Lu Xun ji jiao gu ji shou gao
Lu Xun jing yu
Lu Xun xiao shuo quan bian
Sui tang min zu shi (Zhongguo li dai min zu shi cong shu)
Zhongguo jing ji Tequ
Bai guang =
Lu Xun hui yi lu zhong Lu Xun yan lun zhai bian
Lu Xun Ri wen shu xin shou gao
Lu Xun xiao shuo =
Tʻan wen lun i
Luxun sous le dais fleuri
Lu Xun shou gao quan ji
Shi juan ji "Lu Xun quan ji" zhu shi suo yin
Huan yü zhen shi tu
Lu Xun zuo pin xuan du
Lu Xun san wen =
Lu Xun jing dian wen cun
Han wen xue shi gang yao
Lu Xun juan ji miao yu lu
Lu Xun yu shu ji zhuang zheng
Hua zhe Lu Xun
Lu Xun Selected Poems
Na han
Lu Xun shu hua (Xian dai shu hua cong shu)
Old Tales Retold
Lu Xun pi pan Kong Meng zhi dao di yan lun zhe lu
Lu Xun lun wen xue yu yi shu. Wu Zimin, Xu Naixiang, Ma Liangchun bian
Zhongguo xiao shuo di li shi di bian qian
Lu Xun shou gao xuan ji
Lu Xun zhi Huang Yuan shu xin shou ji
Lu Xun lun chuang zuo
Poesie e scritti sulla poesia
Lu Hsün Tseng-tʻien She shih ti ta wen chi = Luxun Zengtianshe shididawenji
Liang di shu
Men wai wen tan
Lu Xun yi wen ji
Lu Xun ming yan lu
Lu Xun shu jian
Chung-kuo hsiao shuo shih lüeh
Zhongguo huang di ling
Zhongguo xiao shuo shi lüe
Lu Xun lun Zhongguo xian dai wen xue
Wen hua jie pou yu she hui pi pan
The true story of Ah Q by Lu Hsun [pseud
Zhongguo xiao shuo di li shi bian qian
Wild Grass and Morning Blossoms Gathered at Dusk
Zhongguo xiao shuo de li shi de bian qian
Lu Xun lun ren sheng he she hui
Pamphlets et libeles
Lu Xun zhu zuo shou gao quan ji
Lu Xun xiao shuo shi ge san wen xuan jiang
Lu Xun xiao shuo ji
Lu Xun zi zhuan (Zhongguo xian dai zi zhuan cong shu)
Xiao shuo er ji
Xiao shuo jiu wen chao (Lu Xun gu xiao shuo yan jiu zhu zuo si zhong)
Lu Xun xiao shuo quan ji
Lu Hsün lun Chung-kuo ku tien wen hsüeh
Na han ren sheng
Rabochiĭ klass v uslovii︠a︡kh razvitogo sot︠s︡ializma
Lu Xun pi Kong fan ru wen ji
Lu Xun A Q zheng chuan Ri yi ben zhu shi shou kao
Lu Xun lun wen zi gai ge =
Dawn Blossoms Plucked at Dusk
Chosen pages from Lu Hsun
Lu Xun lun wen yi
Zhongguo xiao shuo shi lue
Lu Xun xu ba ji
Na han =
A Q zheng zhuan
Tang Song chuan qi ji
Han wen xue shi gang yao
Lu Xun yu Liang Shiqiu lun zhan wen xuan
Lu Xun shu jian xuan yi =
A Brief History of Chinese Fiction
Selected works of Lu Hsun [pseud.]
Zhongguo wen yu Zhongguo ren
Zhongguo xin wen xue zhi fu
Pang huang =
Three stories
A brief history of Chinese fiction
Marxister om Ibsen
Lu Xun lun mei shu
Tang Song chuan qi ji
Lu Xun lun wai guo wen xue
Rodnoe selo
The Misanthrope
Xiao shuo jiu wen chao
Lu Xun yan jiang zi liao gou chen
Lu Xun lun yu wen gai ge
Lu Xun ping dian Zhong wai ming zhu
Lu Xun xue shu wen hua sui bi (Er shi shi ji Zhongguo xue shu wen hua sui bi da xi)
Lu Hsu n chu an-chi
Wu hua de qiang wei
Liang di shu. yuan xin
Zhongguo li dai min zu shi
Diary of a madman
Lu Xun lun Zhongguo yu wen gai ge
Zhongguo min zu shi yan jiu
La falsa libertıa
Lu Xun juan
Lu Xun he ta de Shaoxing
Lu Xun ping dian Zhongguo zuo jia =
Lu Xun xuan ji
Lu Xun shu xin ji
Lu Xun zhen yan lu (Shi jie xian zhe zhen yan ji cui)
Ro Jin bijutsu ron shū
Lu Xun lun er tong jiao yu he er tong wen xue
Old tales retold [by] Lu Hsun
Lu Xun quan ji miao yu lu
Lu xun zi shu
Ah Q Di Sachi Kahani
Lu Xun juan
Lu Xun miao yu lu (Zhongguo xian dai wen hao miao yu lu)
Lu Xun ping dian wai guo zuo jia =
The Power of Weakness
Lu Xun zao qi wu bian lun wen zhu yi
Wild Grass
Zhonghua min zu ning ju li de xing cheng yu fa zhan =
Zhao Yannian mu ke cha tu ben kuang ren ri ji
The New Year's Sacrifice
Zhu fu ji qi ta
Lu Hsün hsiao shuo chʻa tʻu chi
She xi =
Si kai she hui di jia mian
Lu Xun yu lu xin bian =
Zhongguo xiao shuo shi lüe
Lu Xun ri ji
Selected Works of Lu Hsun
Der Einsturz der Lei-feng-Pagode
Taijiang Xian Miao zu juan
Dostemenna istorii︠a︡ A-K'i︠u︡
Pang huang
Zhao hua xi shi
Lu Xun shu xin xuan ji
Chosen Pages From Lu Hsun
Lu Xun san wen he ji
Loe Sjuun
Lu Xun shou gao xuan ji si bian
Lno Tran và Truyuen xưa viret lại
A Q zheng zhuan zhu fu
Zhongguo xiao shuo shi lue (Min guo xue shu jing dian wen ku)
Lu Xun de sheng yin
Wai guo zuo jia yan jiu
Wo men xian zai zen yang zuo fu qin bei ying
A Q zheng zhuan
Er yi ji
Gen Lu Xun ping tu pin hua
Er yi ji
Zhong guo zui hao de duan pian xiao shuo, shi jie zui hao de duan pian xiao shuo da quan ji
Lu Xun san wen ji
Ro Jin shū
Gu xiao shuo gou chen
Selected stories of Lu Hsun
Tan wen lun yi
Lu Xun ri ji
Lu Xun shi jian xuan ji
Zhao hua xi shi
Lu Xun wen ji
Lu Xun yu lu
Yue liang de han guang
Lu Xun xiao shuo
Lu Xun za wen
Zhao hua xi shi
Wai guo zuo jia yan jiu
Hua gai ji xu bian
Gu shi xin bian
Lu Xun zi zhuan ji qi zuo pin
Zhongguo xiao shuo shi lue
Zhu fu
Mala herba
Deng xia man bi
Lu Xun fan dui zun Kong fu gu yan lun xuan ji
She xi
Lu Xun shi jian xuan ji
Er xin ji
No Sin chakp'um sŏn
Lu Xun
San xian ji
Capturing Chinese
Lu Xun chu ban wen xuan
Chao hua xi shi
Lu Xun ren sheng bi ji
No Sin tanpʻyŏn sosŏlchip
Fan Zeng cha tu Lu Xun xiao shuo ji
Lu Xun shi ji
Zhongguo xiao shuo shi lüe
Huai feng yue tan
Gu xiao shuo gou chen
Chao hua xi shi
Lu Xun zhen yan
Lu Xun san wen shi ge quan ji
Lu Xun jing dian zuo pin xuan
Fonctions d'un classique Luxun dans la Chine contemporaine, 1975-1977
Guo shu yuan
Lu Xun za wen xuan jiang
Na han
Lu Xun quan ji bu yi
Hua bian wen xue (Lu Xun za wen ji)
Lu Xun za wen jing xuan ji
Na han
Xiang feng shi sheng
Rojin hyōronshū
Li ming qian de na han
Lu Xun za wen
Zhongguo xiao shuo shi lüe
Ai qing ding ze
Han wen xue shi gang yao
The new year's sacrifice
Liang di shu
Lu Xun shu xin xuan
Lu Xun Jingsong tong xin ji
Qie jie ting za wen
Hui hua Luxun xiao shuo
Yi tian de gong zuo
Lu Xun zi shu
Lu Xun shou gao xuan ji
Lu Xun quan ji bu yi Xu bian
Rojin sakuhin shu
Chuen feng yueh t'an
Lu Xun wen lun xuan
Beiping shi jian
Lu Xun zhu zuo chu ban jing xuan ji
Ro Jin senshū
Ai di na han
Lu Xun shi ji
Lu Xun lun wen xue
Shang shi
Shan quan shui nuan
Lu Xun jiang xiao shuo shi
Na han, Pang huang
Lu Xun za wen xuan ji
Lu Xun zi zhuan
Si tang zhuan wen za ji
Lu Xun yu lu
Ji wai ji shi yi
Lu Xun zuo pin jing hua
Lu Xun de feng yue xian tan
Lu Xun ming yan lu
Lu Xun lun lian huan hua
Lu Hsun shih kao
Wei zi you shu
Ying Han dui zhao A Q zheng zhuan
Lu Xun lun Zhongguo xian dai wen xue
Lu xun wen xue zuo pin jing xuan gu xiang
Hua bian wen xue
Lu Xun san wen quan bian
Pang huang
Qie jie ting za wen er ji
Lu Xun feng ci wen ji
Lu Xun tan ren sheng
Shou ye zhe shuo
Lu Xun ru men du ben
Bei ren yu nan ren
Huan yu zhen shi tu
Lu Xun wen ji
Na shi
Selected Stories of Lu Xun
Lu Xun shi ge ju
A Q zheng chuan
Wei ci you shu
Lu Xun za tan
Lu Xun xiao shuo xuan ji
Lu Xun za wen jing bian
Nan qiang bei diao ji
Lu Xun hui xiang lu
Yi ge qiu ye
Gui fu ren
Lu Xun quan ji bu yi xu bian
Lu Xun yi wen ji
Lu Xun lun mei shu
The True Story Of Ah Q
La vie et la mort injustes des femmes
Li dai ling nan bi ji ba zhong
Lu Xun chuan ji
Gu xiang =
Lu Xun zuo pin xin bian
Lu Xun yu lu
Pang huang
Shi gu ren qing
Lu xun wen ji jing xuan
Lu xun
Guiji jiu zhi
Lu Xun zuo pin xuan
Lu Hsun, writing for the revolution
Chūgoku shōsetsu shiryaku
Lu Xun's Legacy : Printmaking in Modern China
Lu Xun shou gao quan ji
Lu Xun ji jiao shi ke shou gao
Er xin ji
Hua gai ji
Lu Xun san wen xuan ji
Liang di shu zhen ji
Zhao hua xi shi
Ye cao
Lu Xun wen zhai
Lu Hsün shou kao hsüan chi ssu pien
Wei zi you shu
Lu Xun zi xuan wen ji
Lu Xun yu cui (Zhongguo er shi shi ji si xiang wen ku)
San xian ji
Lu Xun shu xin ji shi yi
Lu Xun jing dian zuo pin jing xuan
Han wen xue shi gang yao
Pang huang
Yi wen xu ba ji
Kuang ren ri ji (cha tu ben)
Chao hua xi shi
Lu Xun shu jian xuan yi
Lu Xun san wen quan ji
Lu Xun zi shu shi shi shou
Shuo dong dao xi
Lu Xun xiao shou quan ji
Lu Xun pi Kong za wen xuan du
Lu Xun quan ji bu yi
Zhongguo shiao shuo shi lue
Lu Xun wen cui
Zhongguo xiao shuo shi lue
Lu Xun lun chuang zuo
Er xin ji (Lu Xun za wen ji)
Lu Xun yi wen quan ji
Lu Xun zuo pin
Zhao hua xi shi {692126} na han
Lu Xun lun er tong jiao yu he er tong wen xue
Lu Xun, selected works
Na han
Wei zi you shu (Lu Xun za wen ji)
Lu Xun shou gao ji
Wu sheng de zhong guo
Liang de shu
Hua gai ji xu bian
Zhun feng yue tan
Chao hua xi shi {692126} na han
Zhongguo xiao shuo shi lüe
Selected Stories of Lu Hsun
Lu Xun wen xue jiang hua
Hua kai chi
Selected Novels of Lu Xun
Yu wai yin jie ji
Nan qiang bei diao ji
Lu Xun jia shu
Lu Xun za wen xuan
Lu Xun tan feng yue
Lu xun jing dian quan ji =
Lu Xun shu jian
Lu Xun zuo pin xuan du
Yi cong bu
Na han
Lu Xun duan pian xiao shuo ji
Er shi ren ji
Selected stories of Lu Hsun
Yi ge ren de Lu Xun xi lie
No Sin sosŏl sŏnjip
San xian ji
Lu Xun za wen ji
Lu Xun za wen xuan ji
Qie jie ting za wen er ji
Lu Xun wen xue lun
Zhun feng yue tan
A Q zheng zhuan
Liang di shu
Cai wei ben yue
Lu xun jing dian quan ji
Lu Xun lun Eluosi wen xue
Xianglin sao
Lu Xun zhen yu
Cartoons of Lu Hsun's selected stories
Lu Xun jiang xiao shuo
Lu Xun shou gao ji
Zhao hua xi shi, na han
Lu Xun zhe li xiao pin (Xian dai shi wen xiao pin cong shu)
Lu Xun san shi nian ji bu yi
Lu Xun wen ji
Beiping jian pu jing xuan / [Lu Xun, Zheng Zhenduo bian]
Selected works of Lu Hsun
A Q cheng chuan
Re feng
A brief history of Chinese fiction
Selected works
Ji wai ji shi yi
Lu Xun san wen, san wen shi xuan du
Nan qiang bei diao ji (Lu Xun za wen ji)
Lu Hsün hsiao shuo chi tzʻu hui =
Lu Xun za gan xuan ji
Lu Xun ri ji
Wei zi you shu
Call to arms
Lu Hsün hsüan chi
Lu Xun jing dian
The True Story of Ah Q (Chinese/English)
Lu Xun xiao shuo zhen cang
Dawn blossoms plucked at dusk
Lu Xun dai biao zuo (Zhongguo xian dang dai zhu ming zuo jia wen ku)
A Q chêng ch'uan
Na han
Lu xun xiao shuo quan ji
Lu Xun zhen yan
Ji wai ji shi yi bu bian
Lu Xun san wen xuan
Lu Xun mo bao zhen ji
Ji wai ji shi yi
Qie jie ting za wen
Liang di shu (Xiamen-Guangzhou), ji zhu
Lu Xun shu hua
Manifestations, divergence
Shina shōsetsu shi
Hua bian wen xue
Wen yi zheng ce
Novelas escogidas
Gu shi xin bian
Shaoxing yin xiang
Lu Xun zhu zuo xuan
Chao hua xi shiNa han =
Lu Xun lun wen xue yu yi shu
Chinese Classic Stories
Lu Xun san wen xuan jiang
Tang Song chuan qi ji
Lu Xun lun wen yi
Na han, Pang huang
Chao hua xi shi℗ʺ na han
Lu Xun xiao shuo jing xuan
Da jia guo xue
Lu Xun du ben
Lu Xun de Shaoxing
Lu Xun san shi nian ji bu yi
Lu Xun shi gao
Lu Xun chuang zuo jing xuan
Lu Xun wen ji quan bian
Lu Xun xiao shuo shi da lue fu Shan Yanyi guan yu zui zao you yin ben <xiao shuo shi da lue> jiang yi di shuo ming
Lu Xun lun jiao yu
Lu Xun za gan xuan ji
Da jia guo xue
Lu xun xiao shuo
Lu Xun ji
Hua gai ji
Lu Xun san wen ji
Ro Jin bunshū
Tuyten tuap Lno Tran
Zhun feng yue tan (Lu Xun za wen ji)
Lu Xun lun wen zi gai ge
Chūgoku shōsetsu no rekishiteki hensen
Hua bian wen xue
Hua gai ji
Lu Xun shi gao
Lu Xun san wen jing cui
Lu Xun yan lun xuan ji
Xiao shuo jiu wen chao
Chuang zuo yao zen yang cai hui hao
Lu Xun jiang yan ji
Nouvelles et poèmes en prose
Lu Xun ren sheng jing lun (Jing dian wen cong)
Han wen xue shi gang yao
Lu Xun shi gao
Lu Xun zhen yan
Chao hua xi shi
Lu Xun xian sheng de xin li hua
Ji wai ji
Wei zi you shu
Na han
Ji wai ji
Lu Xun zhi Xu Guangping shu jian
Wandering ('Pang huang', in traditional Chinese, NOT in English)
Chuang zuo di jing yan
Lu Xun shu xin ji
Shina shōsetsushi
Chao hua xi shiNa han
Zhao hua xi shi
Gu xiang
Hua gai ji xu bian
Wo de Riben yin xiang
Lu Xun lun lian huan hua
The true story of Ah Q
Fu fu zi zi
Xiao shuo jiu wen chao
Er xin ji
Pang huang
Gu shi xin bian
Call to Arms ('Na han', in traditional Chinese, NOT in English)
Lu Xun xian sheng shi cun
Lu Xun wen ji
Zhao hua xi shi na han
Shen shen gui gui
Liang di shu
Lu Xun san shi nian ji
Lu Xun zhe li xiao pin
Lu Xun, Zeitgenosse
Beiping jian pu
Er yi ji
Du Lu Xun za wen
Zhao hua xi shi (Zhongguo xian dai xiao pin jing dian)
Ji yi zhi
Qian jie ting za wen er ji
Shu qin
Ming jia yan zhong de Jin Ping Mei =
Na han · pang huang
Lu Xun
Lu Xun zuo pin ji
Feng Zikai hui hua Lu Xun xiao shuo
Qie jie ting za wen mo bian
Lu Xun xiao shuo xuan ji
Selected Stories
Zhong Ying dui zhao Lu Xun jiu ti shi
Shang shi
Lu Xun yu lu
Bang huang
Lu Xun lun jiao yu
Na han
Ren yi sheng yao du de 60 pian za wen
Old tales retold
Er xin ji
Zhao hua xi shi
Lu xun xiao shuo quan ji
Pang huang
Zhao hua xi shi
Lu Xun ji lu gu ji cong bian
Zhao hua xi shi · ye cao
Hua gai ji
The New-Year Sacrifice and Other Stories
Lu Xun lun shi jie guan gai zao
Wei ci you shu
Hui xiang
Lu Xun xu ba
kA Q chính truyuen
Zhao hua xi jie
Lu Xun za wen xuan jiang
Lu xun za wen quan ji
Re feng
Jing du Lu Xun
Lu Xun za wen shu xin xuan
Lu Xun za wen xuan
Lu Xun xiang tu xiao shuo xuan
Lu Xun san wen (Er shi shi ji Zhongguo wen hua ming ren wen ku)
Kuang ren ri ji
Wei jin si xiang
Lu Xun lun zhan wen xuan
Lu Siyu̇n-u̇ bu̇rin silu̇g
Zhu fu
Causerie d'un profane sur la langue et la littérature (Menwai wentan)
Na han
Lu Xun cang Han hua xiang
Na han
Lu Xun shu xin xuan
Yi tian de gong zuo
Contes anciens à notre manière
Lu Xun zi pou xiao shuo (Zhongguo xian dai ming zuo jia ming zhu zhen cang ben)
A Q zheng zhuan =
Gu xiang
Lu Xun xuan ji
Lu Xun za wen quan ji
Lu Xun dai biao zuo
Lu Xun wen yi lun ji
Lu Xun pi Kong fan ru wen ji
Wild Grass (Bilingual Series on Modern Chinese Literature)
Sendai ni okeru Ro Jin no kiroku
Pang huang
Lu Xun pi Kong fan Ru za wen xuan
Wo De Fu Qin Mu Qin
Gu xiang · zhao hua xi shi
A Q seiden ; Kyōjin nikki
Lu Xun shi xuan
Wilder gräser
Er xin ji
A Q zheng zhuan
Diario De Un Loco
Lu Xun quan ji / [Zhou Shuren i.e. Lu Xun zhu]
Wen gao
Lu Xun wen yi lun ji
Lu Xun ru men du ben
Lu Xun shu jian
Bi shou he tou qiang
Zhongguo xian dai wen xue zhen cang da xi
Zhu fu
Sulian zuo jia er shi ren ji
Lu Xun za wen xuan
Lu Xun jiu shi jian zhu
Contes anciens à notre manière [par] Lou Siun [pseud.] Présentés et traduits par Li Tche-houa
Yi jian xiao shi
Zhongguo xiao shuo shi lue
Lu xun san wen ming pian
Na han
Lu Xun tan chuang zuo
Luxun Ren sheng bi ji
Lu Xun shou gao xuan ji san bian
Contar nuevo de historias viejas
Lu Xun za wen ji
Meng xing le di ren sheng
Lu Xun xuan ji
Feng bo =
Wei Jin feng du ji qi ta
Lu Xun lun Eluosi wen xue
Lu Xun lun Zhongguo gu dian wen xue
Lu Xun pi pan Kong Meng zhi dao shou gao xuan bian
Lu Xun yu lu
Jo fêng
Masterpieces Of Modern Chinese Fiction 1919 - 1949
Ji wai ji
Wild Grass
Qie jie ting za wen mo bian
San xian ji
Lu Xun yu lu
Zhongguo xiao shuo shi lue
Cartoons of Lu Hsun's selected stories
Zhao hua xi shi
Lu Xun xiao shuo ji
Lu Xun shou gao quan ji
Lu Xun lun wen xue
Luxun lun Eluosi wen xue
A Q cheng chuan
A Q zheng zhuan
Lu Xun tan shuo bu
Huai feng yue tan
Lu Xun shi gao
Zhan zheng yu jing ji
Lu Xun san wen he ji
Lu Xun shou gao
Lu Xun zi bian wen ji
Wild Grass
La falsa libertà
Lu Xun quan ji
Na han
Nan qiang bei diao ji
Lu Xun zhu yi bian nian quan ji
Ban hua ji cheng
Zhao hua xi shi
Lu Xun mei shu lun ji
Gu ji xu ba ji
Zhao Yannian mu ke cha tu ben Ye cao
Lu Xun tan wen zi gai ge
Lu Xun ming zhu xuan
Lu Xun xuan ji
Lu Xun xiao shuo shi ge san wen xuan
Selected stories of Lu Hsun
Lu Xun quan ji bu yi san bian
Lu Xun za wen xuan
Lu Xun, dao bian shu hua
Lu Xun lun nü ren
A brief history of Chinese fiction
Selected stories of Lu Hsun [pseud
A Q zheng zhuan
A brief history of Chinese fiction
Un Combattant comme ça
Old Tales Retold
Lu xun xiao shuo ji
Zhao hua xi shi
Lu Xun xiao shuo san wen ji
Lu Xun Fiction Collection ('Lu xun xiao shuo ji', in traditional Chinese, NOT in English)
Beiping jian pu
Lu Xun cang ta ben quan ji
Shang shi =
Feng bo
Lu Xun shu jian
Qie jie ting za wen
Ji wai ji
Old Tales Retold
Zhao hua xi shi · na han
Zhao hua xi shi, na han
Lu Xun cang Han hua xiang
Lu Xun pi pan Kong Meng zhi dao de yan lun zhai lu
Lu Xun Ri wen zuo pin ji
Er yi ji
Lu Xun za gan xuan ji
Wo de peng you men
Lu Xun xiao shuo ji
Lu Xun za wen bu bian
Kuaiji jun gu shu za ji
Lu xun xiao shuio ming pian
Lu Xun yu lu
Na han
Lu Xun shi hua
Gu shi xin bian
Ye cao
The true story of Ah Q
Guiji jun gu shu za ji
The true story of Ah [by] Lu Hsun
Hai shang shu lin
Lu Xun lun li shi. Fuzhou tie lu fen ju zheng zhi bu, Xiamen da xue Zhong wen xi bian
Yao =
Lu Xun jia shu
Lu Xun ping dian gu jin ren wu
Kong Yiji
Lu Xun lun er tong jiao yu
Gu xiang
Lu Xun quan ji bu yi san bian
Ji wai ji shi yi
Poems of Lu Hsun
Lu Xun mo ji jing xuan
Ye cao
Lu xun jing dian da quan
Régi mesék mai szemmel
Sobranie sochineniĭ
Selected Stories of Lu Hsun
A Brief History of Chinese Fiction
Satiricheskie skazki
A brief history of Chinese fiction
Dostemenna istorii︠a︡ A-kʹi︠u︡
Selected stories of Lu Hsun [pseud
Selected Works of Lu Xun (all 4 Volumes in slipcase)
Selected stories of Lu Hsun
André Maurois
André Maurois (1885-1967)

philosopher, essayist, historian, literary critic, biographer, critic

  • Lycée Pierre-Corneille
Aspects de la biographie
Great Short Tales of Mystery and Terror
Memoirs, 1885-1967
Proust; a biography
Histoire de la France
Magiciens et logiciens
The art of happiness
General Bramble
Lafayette in America
Patapoufs et Filifers
Un art de vivre
Marshall Lyautey
The Edwardian era
Call no man happy
Les discours du docteur O'Grady / Les silences du colonel Bramble
De Proust a Camus
Cinq visages de l'amour
Napoleon and his world
The collected stories of André Maurois
Introduction à la méthode de Paul Valéry
Olympio, ou, La vie de Victor Hugo
À la recherche de Marcel Proust
Chateaubriand, poet, statesman, lover
Die besten Kurzgeschichten
Nouvelles extra-terrestres et imaginaires
The miracle of America
Poets and prophets
An illustrated history of Germany
En Amérique
Prométhée, ou, La vie de Balzac
La France change de viasage
Histoire des Etats-Unis
D'Aragon à Montherland
Édouard VII et son temps
Cours de bonheur conjugal
Frédéric Chopin
Les Titans ou les trois Dumas
Atmosphere of Love
Portrait de la France et des Français
Le chapitre suivant
To an unknown lady
Les discours du docteur O'Grady / Les silences du colonel Bramble / Nouveaux discours du docteur O'Grady
Points of view from Kipling to Graham Greene
3 letters on the English
Alexandre Dumas
Choses nues
I remember, I remember
Prométhée, ou, La vie de Balzac ; Olympio, ou, La vie de Victor Hugo ; Les trois Dumas
Lecture, mon doux plaisir
Ten Droll Tales ...
La vie de Sir Alexander Fleming
Cecil Rhodes
Private Universe
Rouen dévasté
Tragédie en France
Journal d'un tour en Amérique latine
J.L. David
Versailles aux lumières
La vie de Disraëli
Poésie et action
The miracle of France
Un essai sur Dickens
Proust: portrait of a genius
Woman without love
Les Anglais
Petite histoire de l'espèce humaine (fragments)
Portrait d'une actrice (Mrs. Siddons)
Les silences du colonel Bramble
My Latin-American diary
Don Juan
Public libraries and their mission
The Chelsea way, or, Marcel in England
Le monde de Marcel Proust
Adrienne, ou, La vie de Madame de La Fayette
L' Amérique inattendue
Selections from André Maurois
Chantiers américains
Les roses de septembre
La Conquête de l'Angleterre par les Normands
A history of the USA
Conseils a un jeune Français partant pour l'Angleterre
Maurois reader
An illustrated history of England
Points of View
Why France fell
Histoire de l'Angleterre
Andrâe Maurois:Prométhée, ou, La vie de Balzac ; Olympio, ou, La vie de
Sentiments & coutumes
De la bruyère a Proust
Prophets and poets
Conseils à un jeune Français partant pour les États-Unis
Sept Visages De L'Amour
The women of Paris
La jeunesse devant notre temps
Bernard Quesnay
Cercle de famille
La Comtesse de Castiglione
From the New Freedom to the New Frontier
Ariel ; ou, la vie de Shelley
Art of Writing
Les Trois Dumas
États-Unis 39
The battle of France
Disraeli, a picture of the Victorian age
Captains and kings
Etudes littéraires
Lecture mon doux plaisir
Etudes Litteraires II (2)
Les bourgeois de Witzheim
Au commencement était l'action
The battle of France
De Gide a   Sartre
Napoléon et l'Empire, 1769, 1815, 1821...
Discours et Nouveaux Discours du Docteur O'grady...
L' instinct du bonheur
Espoirs et souvenirs
Terre promise
Washington, the life of a patriot
Pis £ma neznakomke
Voyage au pays des Articoles
Les trois Dumas
Études anglaises ..
Etudes Anglaises
Open letter to a young man.
Lafayette in America
The next chapter
Estudios literarios
Ricochets Miniature Tales of Human Life
Etudes littéraires
Memoires I
Shao nian Gede zhi chuang zao
Destins exemplaires
Lian ai yu xi sheng
Les discours du Dr. O'Grady
Ce que je crois
Meïpe; ou, La delivrance
Soixante ans de ma vie littéraire
Amours a Londres
Études littéraires ..
Siskolarla Siskalar
Points of view from Kipling to Graham Greene
Histoire de l'Allemagne
Profiles of Great Men
Memoires Tome II
Morceaux choisis
L' Angleterre romantique
Histoire de l'allemagne
Falanxi zhi bei ju
Prophets and poets
The women of Paris
Louis XIV à Versailles
Le roman de George Sand et de Chopin
Dialogues sur le commandement
Ni ange, ni bête
Prophets and Poets
Lettres a l'inconnue
Toujours l'inattendu arrive
Anglaise et d'autres femmes
Victor Hugo and His World (A Studio Book)
Ai di fen wei
Les mondes imaginaires: Meïpe--Les souffrances du jeune Werther--Par la faute de M. de Balzac--Portrait dúne actrice--Les derniers jours de Pompéi
Le diner sous les marrouniers
La conversation
Open letter to a young man
Retour en France
Les mondes impossibles
La vie de Disraëli
Victor Hugo and His World
Jahrmarkt in Neuilly
Nu wang de shui tu
Les nouveaux discours du Docteur O'Grady
Pour piano seul
Mes songes que voici ..
Whatever Gods may be
Histoire parallèle des U.S.A. 1917-1960.
Le côté de Chelsea
Sonbahar Gülleri
The rôle of art in life and law
Memoires I
Soixante ans de ma vie littéraire, suivi de Le Rôle de l'écrivain dans le monde d'aujourd'hui
"Sur le vif"
Falanxi tong shi
The Ten Commandments
Falanxi de bei ju
Le pays des 36,000 [i.e.trente-six mille] volontés
Le poème de Versailles
Profiles of great men
E ́tudes américaines ..
La machine à lire les pensées
Illustrated History
Nouvelles directions de la littérature française
Falanxi zhan xian
Maurois on Biography
Le peseur d'âmes
Frankrigs Tragedie
Bailun de tong nian
Mon ami Léger
Trois portraits de femmes
Prophets and Poets
Weiduoliya shi dai Ying gong wai shi
The miracle of England
Victor Hugo and his world
La Vie de Jean-Baptiste Bernadotte
Histoire de la France
al-Lūrd Bayrūn ʻāshiq nafsih
Illustrated History
Stroj na čtení myšlenek
Lettre ouverte à un jeune homme sur la conduite de la vie
Rio de Janeiro
Nouvelles directions de la litte rature franc ʹaise
Oeuvres Completes Tome IV - Bernard Quesnay / Terre Promise / Toujours L'Inattendu Arrive (French Edition)
Les origines de la guerre de 1939
Omanut ha-niśuʼin ha-meʼusharim
Les discours du docteur O'Grady
Au commencement était l'action
Aux innocents les mains pleines
Conseils à un jeune Français partant pour les États-Unis
לבו של ביירון
Oeuvres Completes Tome I - Les Silences du Colonel Bramble / Les Discours du Docteur O'Grady / A La Recherche de Bramble / Les Nouveaux Discours du ... Francais / Ni Ange, Ni Bete (French Edition)
Oeuvres Completes Tome VII - Les Mondes Impossibles / Les Mondes Imaginaires / Tu ne Commettras Point D'Adultere (French Edition)
Verzichte auf das Absolute
Divre yeme Tsarfat
Lettres a L'inconnue
Premiers contes
A time for silence
Sifriyot tsiburiyot u-sheliḥutan
Whatever gods maybe
Ravān sanj
Textes choisis de André Maurois
Discours de réception à l'Académie française et Réponse de M. André Chevrillon
Atarashiki taisen
3 letters on the English
A la recherche de Marcel Proust
Les silences du colonel Bramble
Etats-Unis 39
Lettre ouverte à un jeune homme sur la conduite de la vie
Chefs-d'œuvre des aquarellistes anglais
Lyautey ...
The art of living
Lettres à l'inconnue
Prophets and poets
Oeuvres Completes Tome VIII - Chateaubriand / Alain / Tourgueniev (French Edition)
Les discours du Dr. O'Grady
Toujours l'inattendu arrive et autres nouvelles
O lásce a přátelství
ha-Mishmanaʾim ṿeha-Mirzanaʾim
Antología de poetas franceses contemporáneos
Bernard Quesnay
A history of the U.S.A. from Wilson to Kennedy
André Maurois habla de libros y bibliotecas
Le Tour du monde du rire
Me moires
Portrait d'un ami qui s'appelait moi
Andre Maurois
Kekkon yūjō kōfuku
Ḥug ha-mishpaḥah
Literaturnye portrety
L' Anglaise et d'autres femmes
Oeuvres Completes Tome V - Dialogues sur le Commandement / Lyautey / Mes Songes que Voici / La Conversation (French Edition)
Chateaubriand, poet, statesman, lover
The collected stories of André Maurois
Pisʹma neznakomke
André Maurois, 1885-1985
La biblioteca pública y su misión
Oeuvres Completes Tome XV - Ariel ou la Vie de Shelley / Prefaces Litteraires / Le Diner sous les Marronniers / Une Carriere (French Edition)
Ariel, ou, La vie de Shelley
Dialogues des vivants
Oeuvres Completes Tome XVI - Olympio ou la Vie de Victor Hugo (French Edition)
Le cercle de famille ; L'instinct du bonheur
Rozhdenie znamenitosti
Rodinný kruh
Kerem ha-ḳesamim
Illustrated History
Divre yeme Angliyah
Victor Hugo and his world
Die Geschichte Amerikas
Victor Hugo and his world
Lettres à l'inconnue
La conversation
Climats ; Bernard Quesnay, suivi de dix nouvelles
Le cinquantenaire du Colonel Bramble
Le côté de Chelsea
Robert et Elizabeth Browning
Les silences du colonel Bramble
La Vie de Disraëli
Journal d'un tour en Suisse
Études anglaises
Sept visages de l'amour
Œuvres complètes
Die Kunst zu leben
Illustrated History
Binyamin Franḳlin u-milḥemet ha-ʻatsmaʾut shel Ameriḳah
A Unitarian states his case
Jen člověk
Oeuvres Completes Tome VI - Aspects de la Biographie / Byron (French Edition)
Andrew Lang
Andrew Lang (1844-1912)

poet, historian, translator, journalist, anthropologist, literary critic, essayist, collector of fairy tales, folklorist, scholar

  • University of Oxford, University of St Andrews
Homer and His Age
Alfred Tennyson / by Andrew Lang
The Red Fairy Book (Large Print)
The Pink Fairy Book
The Lilac Fairy Book (Large Print)
The Crimson Fairy Book
The Green Fairy Book (Large Print)
The Orange Fairy Book (Large Print)
The Brown Fairy Book (Large Print)
The Violet Fairy Book (Large Print)
The Grey Fairy Book (Large Print)
The Yellow Fairy Book (Large Print)
The Olive Fairy Book (Complete & Unabridged)
Custom and myth
The Book of Dreams and Ghosts (Large Print)
The red book of animal stories
Essays in little
Parson Kelly
Books and bookmen
Angling Sketches (Large Print)
The Blue Fairy Book
The red romance book
Aladdin and the wonderful lamp
Magic and religion
The Arabian Nights
John Knox and the Reformation
In the Wrong Paradise
A Collection of Ballads
A Short History of Scotland
Ballads & lyrics of old France
Lost leaders
The book of romance
The Maid of France (1913)
The Valet's Tragedy and Other Studies (Large Print)
32 ballades in blue china
Sir George Mackenzie, king's advocate, of Rosehaugh
Life, letters, and diaries of Sir Stafford Northcote, first Earl of Iddesleigh
My own fairy book
St. Andrews
Walter Scott and the Border Minstrelsy (Large Print)
The rainbow fairy book ; a selection of outstanding fairy tales from the color fairy books
A batch of golfing papers
Letters on literature
Historical Mysteries
Social origins
James VI and the Gowrie mystery
Pickle the spy, or
The world of Homer
The Mark Of Cain
Tales of romance
The Blue Poetry Book
The Disentanglers
The puzzle of Dicken's last plot
Sir Walter Scott
The flying ship
The Tale of the Cid
The secret of the totem, by Andrew Lang
Adventures Among Books
The Arabian Nights Entertainments
King Arthur; tales of the Round Table
History of English literature
The nursery rhyme book
The Library
"Ballads and Lyrics of Old France, with Other Poems  [EasyRead Super Large 24pt Edition]"
Poets' country
Tales of Troy
The book of romance
Prince Ricardo of Pantouflia
Modern mythology
In fairyland
The chronicles of Pantouflia
Detective, Mystery, Crime, and Horror Books on CD
Pretty Goldilocks
A tale of Fairyland
How to Fail in Literature (Reprint)
The Miracles of Madame Saint Katherine of Fierbos
Prince Prigio
The Princess Nobody
A Monk of Fife, Large-Print Edition
Ballades and verses vain
The companions of Pickle
Myth, Ritual, and Religion, Vol. 1
The true story book
Arabian Nights [15 stories]
Fifty favorite fairy tales
The Clyde mystery
Theocritus, Bion and Moschus Rendered into English Prose
Aucassin And Nicolete
Tales from King Arthur (Wordsworth Collection) (Wordsworth Collection)
The life and letters of John Gibson Lockhart
Much darker days
Prince Darling and other stories
The origins of religion, and other essays
History of Scotland
Homer and the epic
Novels (Mystery of Edwin Drood / Tale of Two Cities)
Helen of Troy: Her Life and Translation Done Into Rhyme from the Greek Books
The politics of Aristotle
The Andrew Lang fairy tale book
The Mystery of Mary Stuart
World's Desire
Cock Lane and Commonsense 1896
The Andrew Lang fairy tale treasury
Highways and byways in the Border
Life, Letters And Diaries Of Sir Stafford Northcote, First Earl Of Iddesleigh V2
The gold of Fairnilee
Los Cuentos De Las Mil Y Una Noches/ the Stories of Thousand and One Nights
Rhymes a la Mode
The International library of famous literature
Modern Fictionology
The  courting of Dinah Shadd and other stories
Dick Whittington, and other stories
Prince Charles Edward
The Iliad (Collector's Library)
12 Books in 1
Pretty Goldilocks, and other stories from the fairy books
Selected fairy tales
The Book of Saints and Heroes
The Homeric Hymns A New Prose Translation; and Essays, Literary and Mythological
Old Friends, Epistolary Parody
Myth, Ritual and Religion, Part 1
Crystal Gazing
The adventure of Odysseus
Isaac Asimov's Magical Worlds of Fantasy, Volume 6
The Making of Religion 1898
Rose fairy book
Dog Stories by James Herriot, Rudyard Kipling, Gerald Durell and others
The Dead Leman And Other Tales From The French
The Red Fairy Book (Fairy Books Series , Vol 2)
Social England Illustrated: A Collection of XVIIth Century Tracts
New Collected Rhymes
A world of fairy tales
The Life and Letters of John Gibson Lockhart V1
R. F. Murray
Anthology of Best Loved Poems
Border ballads
Method in the study of totemism
Myth, Ritual and Religion, Part 2
Letters to dead authors, with an etched port. by S.J. Ferris and 4 additional letters
La mythologie
'That Very Mab'
The Strange Story Book
XXII and X
Cinderella, or, The little glass slipper
Tales from the red fairy book
El Libro Amarillo De Los Cuentos De Hadas/ Yellow Fairy Book (Cuentos De Hadas / Fairy Tales)
On Our Selection
Portraits and jewels of Mary Stuart
Poetical works
The adventures of Prince Prigio and of his son, Prince Ricardo
Tales of Troy and Greece (Fanfare)
Grass of Parnassus: First and Last Rhymes
The conquest of Montezuma's empire
Savage Divine Myths
Andrew Lang's Introduction to The Compleat Angler
Collected Works of Andrew Lang
Book of Princes and Princesses
Nature Myths
The origin of terms of human relationship
Dear Stevenson
The Odyssey of Homer, Done Into English Prose by S.H. Butcher and A. Lang
The Red Book Of Heroes
The comedies of Shakespeare
More Favourite Andrew Lang Fairy Tale Books
The Annesley Case (Notable British Trials)
Non-Aryan Myths Of The Origin Of The World And Of Man
The Andrew lang readers
Andrew Lang's angling tales
Animal Story Book (1914)
Ban and arrière ban
New and old letters to dead authors
Ben Jonson and Shakespeare
Friends over the ocean
The Secret Commonwealth of Elves, Fauns and Fairies
Greek Divine Myths
Tales from the green fairy book
Cinderella and other stories from The blue fairy book
Favorite Andrew Lang Fairy Tale Books in Many Colors
Fairy Tales from Around the World
Life, Letters And Diaries Of Sir Stafford Northcote, First Earl Of Iddesleigh V1
Stories from 1001 Arabian nights
Read me another fairy tale
The Magic Ring and Other Stories
Book of Romance
Grass of Parnassus AND Rhymes A La Mode
Gods of the Lowest Races
The Life and Letters of John Gibson Lockhart V2
Heroic And Romantic Myths
The tercentenary of Izaak Walton
The great streets of the world
The Story of the Golden Fleece
Old French title pages
Favorite fairy tales
American Divine Myths
Selections from the Greek anthology
Shakespeare, Genius And Society
The Mythology Of Egypt
To your good health
The Man in the Iron Mask
Seven Voyages of Sinbad the Sailor
Une vie d'orages
Tales of Ancient Greece
The story of Robin Hood, and other tales of adventure and battle
Pictures at play
The twelve dancing princesses
Gods of the Aryans of India
The blue true story book
Indian Myths Of The Origin Of The World And Of Man
Sinbad the sailor
Notes and names in books
Greek Myths Of The Origin Of The World And Of Man
Story of Odysseus in the Land of the Phæacians
Mexican Divine Myths
The Schooling Of Shakespeare
Notes by Mr. A. Lang on a collection of pictures by Mr. J.E. Millais, R.A., exhibited at the Fine Art Society's rooms
Ballades & rhymes, from Ballades in blue china and Rhymes à la mode
The history of Jack the Giant-killer, and other stories, based on the tales in the 'Blue fairy book,'
The Works of Charles Dickens, With Introductions, General Essay, and Notes
Cat Megapack
Cinderella Tales
Marvellous musician and other stories
Greek Cosmogonic Myths
Tartan tales from Andrew Lang
The Golden mermaid, and other stories from the fairy books
The highlands of Scotland in 1750, from manuscript 104 in the King's Library, British Museum
Goldilocks and the Three Bears
Poems and Ballads of Sir Walter Scott
Theophile Gautier
Animal Story Book
Anne of Geierstein; or, the Maiden of the Mist
Green Fairy Book
The World's Wit and Humor, An Encyclopedia of the Classic Wit and Humor of All Ages and Nations
Iliad of Homer
The Mystery of Edwin Drood and Master Humphrey's Clock
Bleak House Part One
Book ballades for Roxburghers
Czego nie czynia damy
Guy Mannering, or the Astrologer
Devil-dancers, witch-finders, rain-makers, and medicine-men
Works (36 volumes)
A History Of Scotland From The Roman Occupation, Volume 2
Works of Charles Dickens
Ballades in Blue China
Olive Fairy Book
Sydney Smith
Fairy Tales and Folk Tales, 72 books on CD
Red Romance Book
My Memoirs
Melisande / Goops and How to Be Them / Prince Prigio
About Edwin Drood
On the Sublime
Sir Walter Scott
The Book of Romance
Anne of Geierstein; or, the Maiden of the Mist
Princess Rosette and Other Fairy Tales
Grey Fairy Book
The Roman Poets of the Augustan Age
Beauty and the Beast. With an Introd. by Andrew Lang
Folk Stories from Southern  Nigeria, West Africa
Tales of a fairy court
Pmbm Jack & the Beanstalk Card
Quentin Durward
The Works of Charles Dickens Volume 18
Jack and the Beanstalk and Other Fairy Tales
The Novels of Charles Lever
Aladdin and Other Fairy Tales
Green Monkey and Other Fairy Tales
Bedtime Stories
Prince and Princess Story Book
The Novels of Charles Lever
Toads and Diamonds and Other Fairy Tales
The magic swan
Fairy Tales in Chinese and English 3
My Memoirs
Blue Mountains and Other Fairy Tales
Fairy Books of Andrew Lang
Water-Lily and Other Fairy Tales
Perrault's Popular Tales
Scottish Border country
Andrew Lang's Fairy Books in Two Volumes, Volume 2
Folk Stories from Southern Nigeria, West Africa
Andrew Lang on CD-ROM
New collected poems
The Works of Charles Dickens Volume 15
The Works of Charles Dickens
The Princess on the glass hill
Andrew Lang
Euahlayi Tribe a Study of Aboriginal Life in Australia
Essays of To-Day and Yesterday
Angling Sketches and Tales of Troy
Works. With Introd., General Essay and Notes by Andrew Lang Volume 1
The International Library of Famous Literature; Selections From the World's Greatest Writers ... With Biographical and Explanatory Notes, and With ... Comp. and Arranged by Nathan Haskell Dole,
Short Ballads of Scotland
King Frost and Other Fairy Tales
Tale of Two Cities : Mystery of Edwin Drood
A History of Scotland from the Roman Occupation. Second edition. (Volume III Only)
Wonderful Sheep and Other Fairy Tales
Poetical Works
Tales of Troy and Greece
The Works of Charles Dickens
Euahlayi Tribe
Folklore and Mythology
Works of Charles Dickens :
Strife of Love in a Dream, Being the Elizabethan Version of the First Book of the Hypnerotomachia;
Saint Germain the Deathless
William Shakespeare
Origins of Religion, and Other Essays
Complete Writings of Alfred de Musset; Volume 1
Early Sociology of Religion
Zmoliere's Lis Precieuses Ridicules
The paradise of poets
The Complete Works of Homer Modern Library Iliad and Odyssey
The Dramatic Works of William Shakspeare...
Iliad and Odyssey. Done into English Prose by Andrew Lang, S. H. Butcher, Walter Leaf, and Ernest Myers
The snow man, and other stories, based on the tales in the fairy books
Works. With Introd., General Essay and Notes by Andrew Lang Volume 15
Redgauntlet, Volume 2 (Waverley Novels)
Snow-White and Rose-Red and other Andrew Lang fairy tales
The Bibliophile Library Of Literature Art and Rare Manuscripts Vol. 9
Ballades and Rhymes
White Duck and Other Fairy Tales
Third Idyll of Theocritus
Little Red Riding Hood
Little Wildrose and Other Andrew Lang Fairy Tales
Selection from Andrew Lang's Fairy Tales
A Short History of Scotland
Complete Coloured Fairy Books
Grimm's Household Tales
Works. With Introd., General Essay and Notes by Andrew Lang Volume 5
International Library of Famous Literature
Ballades and Rhymes
Johnny Nut and the golden goose
Graciosa and Percinet and Other Fairy Tales
Fables and Fairy Tales
Selected Classic Witch Stories for Kids
Tales from King Arthur; Treasure Island
Cinderella; three hundred and forty-five variants of Cinderella, Catskin, and Cap o'Rushes
Koschei the Deathless and Other Fairy Tales
The Works of Charles Dickens
Works of Charles Dickens; Volume 32
Panna Orleanská
Why the Sea Is Salt and Other Fairy Tales
Six Swans and Other Fairy Tales
Rituals, Myths and Religions
Cat Tales
History of Scotland from the Roman Occupation; Volume 4
Fairy Books of Andrew Lang
Norka and Other Fairy Tales
Soria Moria Castle and Other Fairy Tales
The Works of Charles Dickens, Volume 3
Rhymes à la mode
Castle Tales for Kids
The three dogs
Ballads of books
Edinburgh Critical Edition of the Selected Writings of Andrew Lang, Volume 2
My Memoirs, Volume 5
Aucassin & Nicolette
The history of Whittington
Golden Tales for Kids
Dark Days and Much Darker Days
The voices of Jeanne D'Arc
[Letters from Andrew Lang to John Lane
Prince Prigio
Edinburgh Critical Edition of the Selected Writings of Andrew Lang
The brown fairy book
Pictures at play, or, Dialogues of the galleries
Andrew Lang and St. Andrews
My Memoirs
Love lies bleeding
Strategy Six Pack 8
L'anneau de bronze
The Princess Nobody
Cock Lane and common-sense
Poison Apple : and Other Tales of Magic Mirrors and Wicked Queen
Lang Masallari 1. Cilt
The yellow fairy book
Mermaid Tales for Kids
Myth, ritual and religion
Myths of the Origin of Death
Frog Tales for Kids
A monk of Fife
A History of Scotland From the Roman Occupation, Volume 4
Pembe Masallar
Edinburgh Critical Edition of the Selected Writings of Andrew Lang, Volume 1
Helen of Troy
Aucassin and Nicolete
Lang Masallari 3. Cilt
Goblin Pony and Other Tales
The politics of Aristotle
Barnaby Rudge
Lang Masallari 2. Cilt
In the wrong paradise
Poets' country
The crimson fairy book
Fairy Books of Many Colors Volume One
Le Morte D'Arthur. The Original ed. of William Caxton now Reprinted and Edited With an Introd. and Glossary
Ban and arrière ban
Tales of Magical Cats
The snow queen and other stories from the pink and crimson fairy books
Japanese bogies
Alfred Tennyson
Selected Works of Andrew Lang
Books and bookmen
Fairy Books of Many Colors Volume Two
The Clyde mystery
A collection of ballads