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journalists who wrote autobiography
Showing 369-376 out of 604 results
Jon Ronson
Jon Ronson (born 1967)

journalist, documentary filmmaker, radio personality, film director

  • University of Westminster
The Psychopath Test
So You've Been Publicly Shamed
The men who stare at goats
The Best American Nonrequired Reading 2012
Lost at sea
What I Do: More True Tales of Everyday Craziness
Out of the Ordinary True Tales of Everyday Craziness
Los hombres que miraban fijamente a las cabras
Clubbed Class
James Mollison
Home truths
Les chèvres du Pentagone
Jon Ronson's Adventures with Extraordinary People
The men who stare at goats
Xiang min gong shen
Gevarim she-bohim be-ʻizim
Ron Suskind
Ron Suskind (born 1959)


  • University of Virginia, Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism
A hope in the unseen
Life, animated
Life, animated
The price of loyalty
The One Percent Doctrine
Confidence men
The Way of the World
A Hope in the Unseen
The way of the world
A hope in the unseen
La Doctrina Del Uno Por Ciento/ the One Percent Doctrine
The way of the world
El Precio De La Lealtad/the Price Of Loyalty (Con Una Cierta Mirada)
Confidence men
La guerre selon Bush
Obama la vérité
Le roman noir de la Maison-Blanche
La dottrina dell'1 per cento. La guerra al terrore e la pericolosa strategia dell'amministrazione Bush
Mike Huckabee
Mike Huckabee (born 1955)

radio personality, politician, musician

  • Ouachita Baptist University
God, guns, grits, and gravy
A Simple Christmas
Do the right thing
From Hope to Higher Ground
A Simple Government
Character Makes a Difference
Winning Our Freedom [videorecording]
Dear Chandler Dear Scarlett A Grandfathers Thoughts On Faith Family And The Things That Matter Most
A simple Christmas
Quit digging your grave with a knife and fork
Can't Wait Till Christmas!
Dear Chandler Dear Scarlett A Grandfathers Thoughts On Faith Family And The Things That Matter Most
Character is the issue
Do the right thing
Kids who kill
Living beyond your lifetime
Living beyond your lifetime
Character is the issue
Kids who kill
Can't wait till Christmas
Helen Gurley Brown
Helen Gurley Brown (1922-2012)

editor, journalist, businessperson

  • Woodbury University
I'm wild again
Having it all
The Late Show
Sex and the single girl
Single girl's cookbook
Dear Pussycat
Sex and the office
Helen Gurley Brown's outrageous opinions
The writer's rules
Cosmopolitan's Love Book
Sex and the new single girl
Sex and the single girl
Outrageous opinions
Helen Gurley Brown's Outrageous Opinions
The late show : a semiwild but practical survival plan for women over 50
El Triunfo De LA Mujer
Sex Und Ledige Mädchen
Having It All/Audio Cassettes/Pbn 68026
Sex and the New Single Girl, Revised and Updated Edition for the Seventies
Seks i ofis
Cosmopolitan's New Etiquette Guide
Cosmopolitans Winds of Love Romantic
Carola Stern
Carola Stern (1925-2006)

journalist, historian of Modern Age

  • Free University Berlin
„Ich möchte mir Flügel wünschen“
Alles, was ich in der Welt verlange
Der Text meines Herzens
Willy Brandt in Selbstzeugnissen und Bilddokumenten
Kommen Sie, Cohn!
Zwei Christen in der Politik
Porträt einer bolschewistischen Partei
Auf den Wassern des Lebens
Uns wirft nichts mehr um
Die Sache, die man Liebe nennt
Was haben die Parteien fur die Frauen getan?
Isadora Duncan und Sergej Jessenin
Manner Lieben Anders
In den Netzen der Erinnerung
Eine Erdbeere für Hitler
Strategien für die Menschenrechte
Wendepunkte deutscher Geschichte, 1848-1990
DTV Lexikon zur Geschichte und Politik im 20. Jahrhundert
Wer schweigt, wird mitschuldig
Howie Carr
Howie Carr (born 1952)

radio personality, journalist

  • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Deerfield Academy
The brothers Bulger
The brothers Bulger
Hard knocks
Hard knocks
Brothers Bugler
Plug uglies
Hitman : The Untold Story of Johnny Martorano
Hard Knocks Lib/E
What Really Happened
Paper Boy
Kennedy Babylon
You Understand American?
Zack O'Malley Greenburg
Zack O'Malley Greenburg (born 1985)

journalist, actor, biographer

  • Yale College
A-List Angels
Empire state of mind
Michael Jackson, Inc
3 kings
Empire state of mind
Empire state of mind
Vassilis Vassilikos
Vassilis Vassilikos (1933-2023)

poet, journalist, diplomat, politician

  • Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Anatolia College
Mnēmē apo melani
Outside the walls
The photographs
The few things I know about Glafkos Thrassakis
The Monarch
--And dreams are dreams
The monarch
The plant, the well, the angel
O komitis tou Halley, iparhoun oneira
The few things I know about Glafkos Thrassakis
To teleftaio antio
I zoi mou oli
Tesseris prosanatolismenes polis
Kath Odon
O Komitis tou haley
The harpoon gun
I trilogia
I Trilogia
Hē mnēmē epistrephei me lastichenia pedila
To strato
The coroner's assistant
O iatrodikastis
Lounik II
To psarotoupheko
To Gramma tēs agapēs
25 etia
To limani tēs agōnias (kai alla diēgēmata)
E  kathodos
Oi phōtographies
To helikoptero
"Hē zoē mou holē"
Hē dikē tōn ex
To portraito enos agōnistē
Tesseris prosanatolismenes poleis
O iatrodikastēs
To paravan
"Hē zōē mon holē"
Hē zōē mou holē
To kalokairi tou Erōtokritou
Ta silō
Kapheneion "Eminkrek"
To magnētophōno
To psarotoupheko
Anamnēseis apo ton Cheirōna
Ho asvos, hē, Hoi peripeteies mias dyskolēs anarrōsēs
O thanatos tou Amerikanou
Bella ciao
To sphrato
Ho monarchēs
Lounik II
Ē kathodos tou Makedona
Hē vathia hellēnikē krisē
Anepidotē epistolē ston Alexandro Panagoulē
Ho Chordistēs
Ta chaza boutia
Ho tromeros mēnas Augoustos (13.8.78-30.9.78)
To Teleutaio Antio
Glaukos Thrasakēs, mythistorēma
Hē asprē arkouda
Ē mythologia tēs Amerikēs
Chrono graphēmata
To magnētophōno dyo
Ho Eurōpeos kai hē hōraia tou hyperperan
Ho iatrodikastēs
To elikoptero
Thymata eirēnēs
Autoktonia me ero te matiko
E  zo e  mou ole
To phyllo ; To pēgadi ; T' angeliasma
Ektos tōn teichōn
Anamnēseis apo ton cheirōna, kai alles istories
To teleutaio antio
Ho planodios plasie
Ta "Kamakia"
Ho anthrōpos me to adeio
Ē asprē arkouda
Hē kathodos
20:20 ́
Anamnēseis apo ton Cheirōna, kai alles histories
Hē m ythologia tēs Amerikēs
Le journal de Z
Oi lōtophagoi
Hēlie mou, Artaxerxē mou
Pascha stous Gargalianous
To vrachioli
Peri logotechnias kai allōn daimōniōn
Hoi rempetes, kai alla diēgēmata
Thymata eirēnēs
To magnētophōno dyo
Ē phloga tēs agapēs (foco d'amor)
To teleutaio antio
Kapheneion "Eminkrek"
O tromeros mēnas Augoustos (13.8.78-30.9.78)
Hena-hena-tessara metōkēsen eis agnōston dieuthynsin
Hoi phōtographies
To "nero", to "helion" tēs Kō
Hors les murs
Mathēma anatomias, 1965-1978
Metōkēsen eis agnōston dieuthynsin
To phyllo
To lacheio
Ē dikē tōn ex ..
Stelios Kazantzidēs 1931-2001
Aisthēmatōn nomismata
Ta silo
Anepidote  epistole  ston Alexandro Panagoule
Ho Apostolos Paulos stē philakē tōn Philippōn
Metōkēsen eis agnōston dieuthynsin
To kalokairi tou erōtokritou
Hē diēgēsē tou Iasona
To phyllo
He doloktonia
Hoi " Prosōkratikoi"
Ta apokrypha tou Glaukou Thrasakē
Se gnōrizō apo tēn kopsē--
290 prosōpa
O monarchēs
Aftokonia me erotimatiko
Ho thanatos tou Amerikanou
Mia historia agapēs
To "Nero" (to "helion" te s Ko )
To phyllo
Hoi lōtophagoi
To magnētophōno
Ē " doloktonia"
Autoktonia me erōtēmatiko
Ē diēgēsē tou Iasona
Yparchoun oneira
Glaukos Thrasakēs
Pascha stous Gargalianous
Dyo syngrapheis, mia dekaetia
To limani tēs agōnias
O apostolos Paulos stē phylakē tōn Philippōn
O planodios plasie
To limani tes agonias (Kai alla dingnmata)
Ektos tōn teichōn
To prōto kai teleutaio poiēma tou L.K. Ligo prin autoktonēsei sta dekaennia tou chronia
Tesseris prosanatolismenes poleis
To hēmerologio tou "Z"
Enklēma stēn Kopenchagē
Se gnōrizō apo tēn kopsē ...
Parisi - korydallos
Ta poiēmata (1948-1949)
Erga Vasilē Vasilikou
To " nero"
O chordistēs
Hē ateleiōtē epistolē
Ē  ateleiōtē epistolē
To Lacheio
20.20' [i.e. Eikosi.eikosi] kai Phiphty phiphty
Neanikē allēlographia, 1954-1960
Thymata eirēnēs
Hē apologia tou Z
Poste restante
Ho monarchēs
Hoi ōraioi oreoi
To psarotoupheko ; Hē "doloktonia"
Un po©·te est mort
Hēmerologio Thasou
Hoi phōtographies
Onar hēmerophanton
Les photographies
Les soleils couchants
Hē diēgēsē tou Iasona
Mnēmē apo melani
Ho monarchēs
Dyo syngrapheis, mia dekaetia
Lyra Hellēnikē
Hē mythologia tēs Amerikēs
Ta silo
To phyllo, to pēgadi, t'angeliasma
Le Monarque ...
Esy ki egō
Ta poiēmata
Hoi rempetes
En ptēsei
Hoi gates tēs Rue d'Hauteville
Lunik II
To psarotoupheko ; Hē "doloktonia"
8 1/2