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historians who wrote autobiography
Showing 145-152 out of 209 results
Hannah Arendt
Hannah Arendt (1906-1975)

philosopher, historian, political scientist, essayist, sociologist, political theorist, resistance fighter

  • Humboldt University of Berlin, University of Marburg
Hannah Arendt
Eichmann in Jerusalem
The Origins of Totalitarianism
The Human Condition
Between past and future
Rahel Varnhagen
Men in dark times
On violence
Essays in understanding, 1930-1954
Between Friends
On revolution
Crises of the Republic
Love and Saint Augustine
The Promise of Politics
Lectures on Kant's political philosophy
The Portable Hannah Arendt
The life of the mind
Der Liebesbegriff bei Augustin
The Jewish Writings
Hannah Arendt/Karl Jaspers correspondence, 1926-1969
" Édifier un monde"
Gespräche mit Hannah Arendt
The Jew as pariah
Responsibility and Judgment
Hannah Arendt/Heinrich Blücher
Thinking without a banister
Briefe 1925 bis 1975
Within four walls
The Life of the mind (in 2 vols.)
Vor Antisemitismus ist man nur noch auf dem Monde sicher
--in keinem Besitz verwurzelt
Conferencias Sobre La Filosofia Politica de Kant
Les Origines du totalitarisme, tome 1
Hannah Arendt, Kurt Blumenfeld
Wahrheit und Lüge in der Politik
Les Origines du totalitarisme, tome 2
La Tradicion Oculta
Letters, 1925-1975
Hannah Arendt
Correspondence 1926-1969
Walter Benjamin, Bertolt Brecht
Was ist Politik?
The Life of the Mind (Combined 2 Volumes in 1)
Correspondence of Hannah Arendt and Gershom Scholem
Hannah Arendt/Karl Jaspers Briefwechsel, 1926-1969
Reflections on Literature and Culture (Meridian: Crossing Aesthetics)
Que Es La Politica? (Pensamiento Contemporaneo)
Die verborgene Tradition
Bayna al-māḍī wa-al-mustaqbal
Die ungarische Revolution und der totalitäre Imperialismus
Von der Menschlichkeit in finsteren Zeiten
Arendt und Benjamin
Der Briefwechsel 1967-1975
La vida del espiritu
Reflections on literature and culture
Vita activa, ili O dei︠a︡telʹnoĭ zhizni
La disobbedienza civile
Vita activa oder Vom tätigen Leben
Hannah Arendt - Diario Filosofico - Vol 2
Was ist Existenzphilosophie?
Bayna al-māḍī wa-al-mustaqbal
Origenes del Totalitarismo 3
Qu'est-ce que la politique ?
Ich will verstehen
De La Historia a La Accion
Macht Und Gewalt
Una Revision De La Historia Judia
Una Revision de La Historia Judia y Otros Ensayos
Rahel Varnhagen. Lebensgeschichte einer deutschen Jüdin aus der Romantik
Revolutionary Russia
Origenes del Totalitarismo 1 - Antisemitismo
La Philosophie de l'existence et autres essais
Hannah Arendt, Karl Jaspers
Lettere 1925-1975
Im/Ts Kreise
Vies politiques
La última entrevista y otras conversaciones
Diccionario de Derecho Civil   Vol. 1
Vida del Espiritu, La
La crise de la culture
La nature du totalitarisme
Que Es La Politica/What is Politics? (Pensamiento Contemporaneo)
I Anthropini Kalastasi
LA Tradicion Oculta/the Hidden Tradition
Hombres En Tiempos de Oscuridad
Elemente und Ursprünge totaler Herrschaft
Eichmann en Jerusalén
Freedom to Be Free
Die Freiheit, frei zu sein
Briefwechsel 1926-1969
Denken ohne Geländer
Essays und Kommentare 1. Nach Auschwitz
Rahel Varnhagen. Lebensgeschichte einer deutschen Jüdin aus der Romantik
Che cos'è la filosofia dell'esistenza?
Rede am 28. September 1959 bei der Entgegennahme des Lessingpreises der Freien und Hansestadt Hamburg
Verdad y mentira en la política - 1. edición
Über das Böse
Origens do totalitarismo
Música para Água Ardente (Portuguese Edition)
Qu'est-ce que la philosophie de l'existence ? Suivi de "L'Existentialisme français"
Participar del món
Between Past and Future
Zwischen Vergangenhei und Zufunft
Istina i laž u politici
Walter Benjamin 1892-1940
Journal de pensée
Vita activa. La condizione umana
Correspondance, 1926-1969
Ensayos de comprensión
Verantwoordelijkheid en oordeel
Considérations morales
Verdade e Política
La condició humana
Briefe 1936-1968
On Lying and Politics
The burden of our time
Denktagebuch. Bd. 1: 1950-1973. Bd. 2
Sobre a Violência
Qualitat Des Lernens Im Internet
Sobre la violència
Sulla rivoluzione
Entre o passado e o futuro - between past and future of the great books of Hannah Arendt in Portuguese
Menschen in finsteren Zeiten
La Promesa De La Politica
Entre el pasado y el futuro
Entre Amigas - Correspondencia
Korzenie totalitaryzmu
OASE 106 : Table Settings
Crises of the Republic
Disput |ber den Totalitarismus: Texte und Briefe (Berichte Und Studien) (German Edition)
Denktagebuch  (2 B ande)
The Modern Challenge to Tradition
On Violence
Zur Zeit. Politische Essays
Escritos judíos
Kant'ın Siyaset Felsefesi Üzerine Dersler
Ich will verstehen
Pensar sem corrimao - Compreender 1953-1975
Life of the Mind
Vom Leben des Geistes. Das Denken / Das Wollen
Crises of the Republic
Insanlik Durumu
Zihnim Yasami; Secme Eserler 9
Über die Revolution
Una revisión de la historia judía y otros ensayos
Wir Juden
Siyasette Yalan
In der Gegenwart. Übungen im politischen Denken 2
Auschwitz et Jérusalem
Eichmann Em Jerusalem
Philosophie contemporaine
Eichmann y el Holocausto
Zwischen Vergangenheit und Zukunft. Übungen im politischen Denken 1
Eichmann en Xerusalén
Totalitarizmin Kaynaklari 1 - Antisemitizm
The Life of the Mind (2 vols. Volume I: Thinking, Volume II: Willing)
What Remains
La vie de l'esprit
Totalitarizmin Kaynaklari 2 - Emperyalizm
Fragwürdige Traditionsbestände im politischen Denkender Gegenwart
Das Urteilen. Texte zu Kants politischer Philosophie
LM/Wk Kreise
Hannah Arendt papers
Life of the Mind
La pluralidad del mundo
Im Vertrauen. Briefwechsel 1949 - 1975
Los hombres y el terror
Freedom to Be Free
Set Grote Klassieken – Arendt en Seneca
Siddet Uzerine Secme Eserler 6
Eichmann war von empörender Dummheit
La libertad de ser libres
Eichmann Jerusalemen
Devrim Uzerine
Penser l'événement
Hannah Arendt und Patrizia Nanz über Wahrheit und Politik
Hombres en tiempos de oscuridad
¿Qué es la política?
Crisis De La Republica
El valor de pensar
Kotulugun Siradanligi
La liberté d'être libre
Tiempos presentes
Besuch in Deutschland
Entre amigas
Sur l'antisémitisme :les origines du totalitarisme
Les origines du totalitarisme
Der Liebesbegriff Bei Augustin
Kanto seiji tetsugaku no kōgi
Eichmann in Jerusalem
La mentira en política
Sorumluluk ve Yargı
Wir Flüchtlinge
Sobre la revolución
La promesa de la política / The Promise of Politics
Der Briefwechsel
Diario filosófico 1950-1973
Entre El Pasado Y El Futuro
La vita della mente
"Ich bin Dir halt ein bisschen zu revolutionär"
Eichmann la Ierusalim
Von der Menschlichkeit in finsteren Zeiten
חליפת מכתבים
Ketavim Yehudiyim
Hannah Arendt/Karl Jaspers Briefwechsel, 1926-1969
Sechs Essays
Die verborgene Tradition
Skrytai͡a tradit͡sii͡a
Sur l'antisémitisme
Hartsaʼot ʻal ha-filosofyah ha-poliṭit shel Ḳanṭ
Schreib doch mal hard facts über dich
Rahel Varnhagen
Der Liebesbegriff bei Augustin
Wie ich einmal ohne Dich leben soll, mag ich mir nicht vorstellen
Eichmann w Jerozolimie
Desobediència civil
Yesodot ha-ṭoṭaliṭariyut
We Refugees
Journal de pensée
Ich selbst, auch ich tanze
Eichmann Jerusalemen
Stephen Kinzer
Stephen Kinzer (born 1951)

journalist, historian

Poisoner In Chief
All the Shah's Men
All the Shah's men
Crescent and Star
All the Shah's men
The brothers
Blood of Brothers
The true flag
A Thousand Hills
La Turquie
Todos los hombres del Sha / All the Sha's Men
Reset Middle East Old Friends And New Alliances Saudi Arabia Israel Turkey Iran
Fruta Amarga
The Brothers
Poisoner in Chief
The True Flag
The Brothers
Ezber Bozmak - Iran, Turkiye ve Amerika'nin Gelecegi
Dulles Kardesler
Thousand Hills
Bitter Fruit
Berlin 1945 : World War II
Darbe Hawaii'den Irak'a Amerikan'nin Rejim Degisiklikleri Yuzyili
Sah'in Butun Adamlari
Hilal Ve Yildiz
Hamah-ʼi mardān-i Shāh
Im Dienste Des Schah (German Edition)
The brothers
All the Shah's Men
Crescent and Star
Margaret Forster
Margaret Forster (1938-2016)

journalist, literary critic, biographer, historian

  • University of Oxford
Hidden Lives
The bride of Lowther Fell
Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Daphne du Maurier
Diary of an ordinary woman 1914-1995
Significant sisters
William Makepeace Thackeray
Private papers
Memoirs of a Victorian gentleman, William Makepeace Thackeray
Keeping the World Away
Mr. Bone's retreat
Precious lives
Lady's Maid
The memory box
Battle for Christabel
Have the Men Had Enough?
Seduction of Mrs.Pendlebury
Georgy girl
The battle for Christabel
Fenella Phizackerley
Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Mothers' boys
Have the Men Had Enough?
The Unknown Bridesmaid
Mother Can You Hear Me?
The Unknown Bridesmaid
The rash adventurer
Isa & May
BP Portrait Award
Mother Can You Hear Me?
Miss Owen-Owen
Rich Desserts & Captain's Thin
Significant Sisters
Marital rites
Lady's maid
Chemie für die Sekundarstufe 1. Bd. 2. Schülerbuch. Brandenburg.
The park
Diary of an Ordinary Schoolgirl
Rich desserts and captain's thin
The Battle for Christabel
Private Papers
The Seduction of Mrs. Pendlebury
My Life in Houses
The Memory Box
Is there anything you want?
The rash adventurer
The unknown bridesmaid
Isa & May
Elizabeth Barrett Browning
The travels of Maudie Tipstaff
Shadow baby
Daphne DuMaurier. Ein Leben
Dieses so kostbare Leben
The bogeyman
The travels of Maudie Tipstaff
Ich glaube, ich fahre in die Highlands. Roman
The Memory Box (Horatio Hornblower Adventures)
Diary of an Ordinary Woman
Fenella Phizackerley
Is There Anything You Want?
Die Dienerin
Nichts wird mehr sein, wie es war
How to Measure a Cow
Private Papers
Dames' Delight
Shadow Baby
Shadow Baby - Horatio Hornblower Adventures
Ich glaube, ich fahre in die Highlands. Jubiläums-Edition. Roman
Das Vermächtnis meiner Mutter
Miss Owen-Owen is at home
Dames' Delight
Christabel. Roman
Georgy Girl
Daphne Du Maurier ("Good Housekeeping" Audio Collection)
A Policy Maker's Guide to International Achievement Studies
Shadow baby
William Makepeace Thackery Memoirs of A
Die Dienerin. Sonderausgabe
Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Precious lives
Keeping the world away
La Boîte aux souvenirs
My life in houses
Ritos Conyugales
The travels of Maudie Tipstaff
A girl called Fathom
Mother can you hear me?
Miss Owen-Owen is at home
Keeping the world away
Rash Adventurer Edward Stuart
Isa & May
Diary of an ordinary woman
Eric Linklater
Eric Linklater (1899-1974)

historian, journalist, autobiographer, politician

  • University of Aberdeen, University of California, Berkeley
Fanfare for a tin hat
The wind on the moon
The voyage of the Challenger
Orkney and Shetland
Private Angelo
The survival of Scotland
The Prince in the heather
Juan in America
The Black Watch
Ripeness is all
The men of Ness
The pirates in the deep green sea
Ben Jonson and King James
White-maa's saga
The art of adventure
A year of space
Mr. Byculla
The Lion & the Unicorn
The faithful ally
World War, Second, 1939-45: A Short Military History
Magnus Merriman
The royal house
The raft and Socrates asks why
The sailor's holiday
The Wind on the Moon
Position at noon
The Sultan and the lady
Mary, queen of Scots
The man on my back
The corpse on Clapham, Common
Laxdale Hall
Sealskin Trousers
The Royal House of Scotland
Crisis in heaven
Magnus Merriman (Canongate Classics, No 35)
The Dark of Summer (Canongate Classics, 91) (Canongate Classics, 91)
The merry muse
Magnus Merriman
Our men in Korea
The devil's in the news
A sociable plover
Notes for a Scottish Pantheon
The Highland division
God likes them plain
Breakspear in Gascony
The cornerstones
The music of the north
Dark of Summer
Appointment in Zahrain
The great ship and Rabelais replies
Lion and the Unicorn
The northern garrisons
Two comedies
The goose girl and other stories
The royal house of Scotland
Husband of Delilah
My fathers and I.
The cornerstones
Orkney and Shetland
Robert the Bruce
A spell for old bones
The Wind on the Moon
The thistle and the pen
A man over forty
The prince in the heather
The Mortimer touch
Position at noon, a novel
The defence of Calais
Private Angelo (Echoes of War)
Poet's pub
Private Angelo
A dragon laughed
The secret larder or, How a salmon lives and why it dies
The House of Gair
El Viaje del Challenger 1872-1876
Husband of Delilah
A year of space
My fathers and I
Private Angelo
Juan in America;
Fanfare for a Tin Hat. A Third Essay in Autobiography
The impregnable women
La défense de Calais
Private Angelo
Juan in America
The Impregnable Women
Ripeness is All
Impregnable Women
A year of space, a chapter in autobiography
White Maa's Saga
A Man Over Forty
Goose Girl and Other Stories
Juan in China
Roll of honour
Private Angelo. The Orlney edition
The survival of Scotland;
The Faithful Ally
Ripeness is all
Ripeness is all.
The great ship and Rabelais replies;
Pirates in the Deep Green Sea
Merry Muse, The
Poet's pub / by Eric Linklater
The lion & the unicorn, or, What England has meant to Scotland
Terrible Freedom
The sailor's holiday
The lion & the Unicorn
The Conquest of England From Viking incursion to Norman invasion
The Voyage of the Challenger
Mr Byculla
The Pirates in the Deep Green Sea
Orkney and Shetland
The raft and Socrates asks why
A sociable plover and other stories and conceits
The art of adventure
Two Comedies
A Year of Space
Sealskin trousers and other stories
Wind on the Moon
Mary, Queen of Scots (Twentieth Century Classics)
The Sultan and the lady : a story of His Highness Zafrullah bin Ismail bin Said, Sultan of Namua, Lord of the Island Sea who retained also his grandfather's title of honour
Position at Noon
Roll of Honour.
Northern Garrisons
Merry Muse
Roll Of Honour
Ben Jonson and King James;
A man over forty
The Great Ship & Rabelais Replies .
Juan in China by Eric Linklater (1937-12-05)
The stories of Eric Linklater
Private Angelo
A dragon laughed
THE MAN ON MY BACK. An Autobiography.
A Year of Space. A Chapter of Autobiography.
Robert the Bruce
The ultimate Viking
Juan in China
Husband of Delilah
The stories of Eric Linklater
Goose Girl and Other Stories
A terrible freedom
The conquest of England
The Merry Muse
Man over Forty
Juan i Amerika
Ben Jonson and King James
Magnus Merriman
The lion & the unicorn, or, What England has meant to Scotland (The Voice of Scotland)
A Sociable Plover & Other Stories and Concieits
The Royal House
The crusader's key,
The campaign in Italy
A Sociable Plover
The cornerstones
Poet's Pub. Penguin Fiction No 3
Defence of Calais
Ben Jonson and King James
Juan in China
The Faithful Ally
Poet's pub
The faithful ally
Faithful Ally, The
The dark of summer
Wind on the Moon Linklater E
Mary, Queen of Scots
Juan in China
The Dark of Summer
The revolution
Juan in Amerika
Karina with love
The Highland division
The Thistle and the Pen
The northern garrisons, (The army at war)
A terrible freedom
The crusader's key
A Year of Space - A Chapter in Autobiography
A Year In Space
Breakspear in Gascony
Highland Division
The Impregnable Woman
The great ship and Rabelais replies: new conversations
The royal house of Scotland
Raft / Socrates Asks Why
The Faithful Ally
Crisis in heaven, an Elysian comedy
The House of Gair
The Prince in the Heather
The pirates in the deep green sea;a story for children
Lion and the Unicorn
Edinburgh (Cities of enchantment)
Gullers Sweden
The Prince in the heather
Dark of Summer
The art of adventure
The Sultan and the lady : A story of His Highness Zafrullah bin Ismail bin Said, Sultan of Namua, Lord of the Island Sea who retained also his ... of honour
The Prince in the heather
Soldat Angelo
Spell for Old Bones
Laxdale Hall;
Poet's pub
The impregnable women
The raft, and Socrates asks why
The thistle and the pen
The royal House
White maa's saga
Sealskin trousers
Husband of Delilah
The northern garrisons
The men of Ness
Juan in America
Ruaḥ noshevet ʻal ha-yareaḥ
The devil's in the news
Juan in China. --
Private Angelo
The thistle and the pen
Laxdale Hall, a novel
The ultimate Viking
Orkeney and Shetland
Adam Zamoyski
Adam Zamoyski (born 1949)

historian of Eastern Europe, historian, journalist

  • University of Oxford, Downside School
The Polish way
The forgotten few
Holy madness
Moscow 1812
Phantom terror
Warsaw 1920
The Last King of Poland
Rites of peace
Rites of Peace
The Land of the Winged Horsemen
The Czartoryski Museum
The battle for the marchlands
Phantom Terror
Warsaw 1920
Poland's parliamentary tradition
Rites of Peace - the Fall of Napoleon and the Congress of Vienna
Muzeum Narodowe w Krakowie i Kolekcja Ksiazat Czartoryskich
The Princes Czartoryski Museum
Holy Madness
Orły nad Europą
The noble house of Starzénski
Holy madness
Warszawa 1920
Varsovia 1920
Napoleao - O homem por tras do mito
Napoleon Lib/E
Last King of Poland
Własna droga
Forgotten Few
Varsovia 1920
Michel Vovelle
Michel Vovelle (1933-2018)

historian, assistant professor, assistant professor, researcher, lecturer, docent

  • Lumière University Lyon 2, École normale supérieure de Saint-Cloud
Mémoires vives ou perdues
The fall of the French monarchy, 1787-1792
Idéologies et mentalités
La Révolution française
The Revolution Against the Church
Combats pour la Révolution française
Les Paysans de la Haute-Marne et la révolution française
Enlightenment portraits
Histoires figurales
Les âmes du purgatoire, ou le travail du deuil
La chute de la monarchie, 1787-1792
Les Jacobins
La découverte de la politique
La ville des morts
Les folies d'Aix, ou, La fin d'un monde
Religion et révolution
Les aventures de la raison
L' irrésistible ascension de Joseph Sec, bourgeois d'Aix, suivi de quelques clefs pour la lecture des "Naïfs"
L'administration napol©♭onienne en Europe
Les républiques-sœurs sous le regard de la Grande Nation (1795-1803)
Proverbes et dictons provençaux (Provençal/Français)
Ville et campagne au 18e siècle
Les mots de la Révolution
Les métamorphoses de la fête en Provence de 1750 à 1820
Les Images de la Révolution française
Le mystérieux monument Joseph Sec à Aix-en-Provence
L'Heure du grand passage
Mourir autrefois
Théodore Desorgues, ou, La désorganisation
Piété baroque et Déchristianisation en Provence au XVIIIème siècle
La mentalité révolutionnaire
La révolution contre l'Église
Die Französische Revolution - Soziale Bewegung und Umbruch der Mentalitäten
Révolution et République: L'exception française : actes du colloque de Paris I, Sorbonne 21-26 septembre 1992 (Collection "Le Sens de l'histoire") (French Edition)
La révolution et l'ordre juridique privé
1793, la révolution contre l'Église
Les jacobins. de robespierre a chevenement
Nouvelle Histoire de la France contemporaine, tome 1
De la cave au grenier
La Révolution contre l'Eglise
L'Etat de la France pendant la Révolution
Le tournant de l'an III
L'An 1 des droits de l'homme
Piété baroque et déchristianisation en Provence au XVIIIe siècle
Bourgeoisies de province et Révolution
Ville et campagne au 18e [i.e. dix-huitieme] siecle
Image de La Revolution Francaise
Le Siècle des Lumières
Les republiques-seurs sous le regard de la Grande Nation (1795-1803)
La mort et l'Occident
Le sans-culotte, sa femme et le diable
Les images de la Révolution française
En Güzel Fransiz Devrimi
Introduccion a la Historia de Revolucion Francesa
Héritages de la révolution française à la lumière de Jaurès
Limage De La Revolution Francaise
L'être suprême
La Revolution Francaise
Die französische Revolution
El hombre de la Ilustración
La Morte oggi
La Révolution française, 1789-1799
Chute de La Monarchie
La Revolution Francaise (Collection Cursus. Serie "Histoire")
Paris et la Révolution
El hombre de la Ilustración
Perspectives entorn de la Revolució Francesa
L'uomo dell'Illuminismo
Recherches sur la Révolution
La Révolution française expliquée à ma petite-fille
Piété baroque et déchristianisation en Provence au XVIIIe siècle
Escarapelas y coronas
Les Colloques du Bicentenaire
Nouvelle histoire de la France contemporaine
Les Sans-culottes marseillais
L'Homme des Lumières
La Rochelle, ville frontière
Atlas de la Révolution française
Paris et la révolution
La Révolution au village
Idéologies et mentalités
La bataille du bicentenaire de la Révolution
John Stevens Cabot Abbott
John Stevens Cabot Abbott (1805-1877)

historian, theologian, biographer, preacher, pastor, pedagogue

  • Bowdoin College, Andover Theological Seminary
The history of Napoleon Bonaparte
David Crockett
Christopher Carson
South and North
The history of Napoleon III, emperor of the French
The history of the Civil War in America
History of Louis Philippe
The history of Christianity
Austria, its rise and present power
Maria Antoinette
History of Mme. Roland
The life of Christopher Columbus
Ferdinand de Soto
Benjamin Franklin
Prussia and the Franco-Prussian war
Louis XIV
Lives of the presidents of the United States of America
The school-boy
Daniel Boone
The Empire of Russia: From the Remotest Periods to the Present Time
Miles Standish
The Empire of Russia
The history of Maine
Captain William Kidd and Others of the Pirates or Buccaneers Who Ravaged the Seas the Islands and the Continents of America Two Hundred Years Ago
Chevalier De La Salle and his companions
The mother at home, or, The principles of maternal duty familiarly illustrated
Italy, from the earliest period to the present day
Confidential Correspondence of the Emperor Napoleon and the Empress Josephine
The history of Joseph Bonaparte, King of Naples and of Italy
The Life and Adventures of Rear Admiral John Paul Jones Commonly Called Paul Jones
Peter Stuyvesant
The history of the state of Ohio
History of Frederick the Second, called Frederick the Great
History of King Philip
The Empire of Austria Its Rise and Present Power
The life of General Ulysses S. Grant
Kings and queens
George Washington
The romance of Spanish history
The Life Of Napoleon Bonaparte
Henry IV
The pictorial New Testament
The path of peace
The story of Francis, Day and Hunter
Through prairie and forest, or, The adventures of de La Salle, discoverer of the Mississippi
John Paul Jones
The French revolution of 1789, as viewed in the light of republican institutions
The young astronomer
The history of Prussia
Them other at home, or, The principles of maternal duty
Practical Christianity
Life of Abraham Lincoln
The History Of The Civil War In America V1
The History of Napoleon Bonaparte, Vol. 3
The History of Napoleon Bonaparte, Vol. 4
The Life And Adventures Of Daniel Boone And David Crockett
Benjamin Franklin And George Washington
Napoleon at St. Helena
The life of Napoleon Bonaparte
The child at home
Native Life in South Africa
Abbott's Concise History of Christianity
The history of the Civil War in America
The History of Napoleon Bonaparte, Vol. 2
Boone, the backwoodsman
360 Degrees of Tailgaiting
The hero of the prairies
Strategy Six 2
The history of Napoleon Bonaparte. By : John S. C. Abbott
Empire of Austria; Its Rise and Present Power Volume 1
Italy, and the war for Italian independence
Empire of Austria; Its Rise and Present Power Volume 2
Life of Napoleon Bonaparte 2 Volumes
The Buccaneer Chiefs
The History Of Napoleon Bonaparte : With Maps And Illustrations
Famous Characters of History . . ; Volume 5
The history of the empire of Russia
The History of Napoleon Bonaparte, Vol. 1
Empire of Russia Volume 1
The History of the Civil War in America; Comprising a Full and Impartial Account of the Origin and Progress of the Rebellion Volume 1
Empire of Russia Volume 2
那翁 外傳 閨秀 美談
Napoleon Bonaparte and the French revolution
Die Familien-Mutter, oder, Vertrauliche Darstellung der Grundsätze, welche eine Mutter in der Erziehung ihrer Kinder leiten sollen
The history of Napoleon III
Advice to young tradesmen
A sermon on the reciprocal duties of pastor and people
Das Kind im elterlichen Hause, oder, Vertrauliche Darstellung der Grundsätze
Heroic deeds of heroic men
Heroic deeds of heroic men
Preussen und der französisch-preussische krieg
Geschichte des Bürgerkrieges in Amerika
Daniel Boone, pioneer of Kentucky
Christian duty
Dr. Abbott's letter
Prussia and the Franco-Prussian war
Christopher Carson, known as Kit Carson
Kings and queens, or, Life in the palace
True stories of famous men and women of America for young people
Heroic deeds of heroic men
True stories of the favorites sons and daughters of America for young people
The school-girl, or, The principles of Christian duty familiarly enforced
Madame Roland
Titus Livius
Titus Livius

historian, poet

Ab urbe condita
A history of Rome: selections
Rome and Italy
Rome and the Mediterranean
Book XXXIX =
The dawn of the Roman empire
T. Livii Patavini Historiarum ab urbe condita libri, qui supersunt, omnes: cum notis integris ..
The History of Rome from Its Foundation, Books XXI-XXX
Livy :a history of Rome
T. Livi ab urbe condita libri, a vicesimo sexto ad tricesimum, recens. A. Luchs
AB Urbe Condita, Libri Xxxi-X
History of Rome Volume I
                Loeb Classical Library
Histoire romaine de Tite Live
Rome's Mediterranean Empire Book 41-45 and the Periochae
Periocas – Periocas de Oxirinco – Fragmentos – Libro de los prodigios
Titi Livii Patavini Historiarum ab urbe condita libri qui supersunt, cum omnium epitomis, ac ..
AB Urbe Condita, Libri Xxviii
T. Livii Patavini Historiarum ab urbe condita libri, qui supersunt, omnes
The History of Rome, Books 1-5
Ab Urbe Condita
Historia De Roma Desde Su Fundacion
The history of Rome
Livy, the second Punic war: book XXI and selections from books XXII-XXX
Titi Livii Patavini historicorum romanorum principis, libri omnes superstites
The Hannibalian War: Being Part of the 21st and 22nd Books
The history of Titus Livius
Ab Urbe Condita, Libri XLI-XLV
Book XXXVI =
Hannibal's war
Histoire romaine, tome 8
Book XL =
Titi Livii Patavini Historiarum liber primus et selectus guædam capita
Historiarum: Libri Qui Supersunt Cum Deperditorum Fragmentis et Epitomis ..
Histoire romaine, tome 27
Titi Livi Ab urbe condita
The Romane historie written by T. Livius of Padua
The Roman historie written by T. Livius of Padua
History of Rome, Volume 3, The
History of Rome, Volume 6, The
Livy, with an English translation
Livy's History of Rome: The First Five Books
Ab Urbe Condita: Volume II
Livy, books II and III
Histoire romaine, tome 32
Ab Urbe Condita, Libri XXXI-XL, tomus I
Ab Urbe Condita: Volume III
The early history of Rome
Ab Urbe Condita, Libri XXVIII-XXX
Livio Storia Di Roma Dalla Sua Fondazione ITALIAN ONLY
Titi Liuii Patauini Romanae historiæ principis, libri omnes
History of Rome, II, Books 3-4
Scipio Africanus or The Thunderbolt:Selections from Livy Book XXX
Ab Urbe Condita: Volume I
Hannibal's invasion of Italy
Book Xxxvi (Livy)
Scenes from the life of Hannibal
Ab Urbe Condita, Libri XXXVI-XL, tom. II
Titi Livi
An argument wherin the apparaile of women is both reproued and defended
Ab urbe condita. Kommentar
Ab Urbe Condita: Volume V
Livy, Stories of Rome
History of Rome, Volume IX
Ab Urbe Condita: Volume IV
Historia de Roma Desde Su Fundacion IV - VII
Titi Liuij Patauini Romanae historiae principis
Ab Urbe Condita, Libri XXVI-XXVII
Livy's history of Rome
Histoire romaine, tome 1
Histoire romaine, tome 6
Livy, books I, XXI and XXII
The History of Rome, Volume III
A Commentary on Livy, Books VI-X: Volume I
Livres XXVI à XXX
The Histories of Livy, Books I, Xxi, and Xxii. With Extracts From Books Ix, Xxvi, Xxxv, Xxxviii, Xxxix, Xlv. Edited and Annotated, by Thomas Chase ..
The history of Rome
Narrtions choisies
Histoire romaine, tome 7
The history of early Rome
Ab Urbe Condita: Volume VI
Ab Urbe Condita, Libri XXI-XXII
Hannibal's crossing of the Alps
The History Of Rome Books Nine To Twenty-six
The story of the kings of Rome
Livy; The war with Hannibal
Titi Livii patavini Decas qvarta
Frammenti d'un Livio del V secolo
The History of Rome, Books 09 to 26
Hannibal crossing of the Alps
Rome and Her Kings
Titi Livi Ab vrbe condita libri XXI-XXVI
Stories of Rome
T. Livi Ab vrbe condita libri
Livy, Book 21-25
T. Livij... quae extant decades decem diversa exempla iudicio repostiae
The histories of Livy, books I, XXI, and XXII
Livy, Books 1-10
[Historiae Romanae decades]
Decades tres, cvm dimidia
Titi Livii Patavini Historiarum libri qui supersunt omnes ...
Titi Livii Patavini Historiarum libri qui supersunt omnes ...
T. Livius Narrator
Titi Livii Patavini Historiarum libri qui supersunt omnes ...
Book thirty
The growth of Rome
AB Urbe Condita - Libro XXV
The legendary history of Rome
The Roman history by Titus Livius
The first five books of the Roman history
Le deche di T. Liuio Padouano dell'istorie romane
Livy Book 27
The early history of Rome. Books I - V of "The history of Rome from its foundation"
Titi Livi Ab urbe condita libri
Titi Livii Patavini Historiarum libri qui supersunt omnes ...
Selections from the first five books, together with the twenty-first and twenty-second books entire
History of Rome
The twenty-third book of Livy
I primi quattro [i. e. due] libri del volgarizzamento della terza deca di Tito Livio padovano
La fondation de Rome
Selections from the first five books of Livy's Roman history
Ab urbe condita
Le Storie
The History of Rome (Books 1 to 8)
Ab urbe condita libri, Tl.1, Textauswahl mit Wort- und Sacherläuterungen
Early History of Rome
T. Livii Patavini
La Troisième décade de Tite-Live
Roman History, Books I-III
Hannibal's First Campaign in Italy
Titi Livii Patavini Historiarum libri qui supersunt omnes ...
History of Rome, Volume VI
Books 1 and 2
The History of Rome (Books 27 to 36)
History of Rome
History Of Rome The Books Nine To Twenty-six
Livy, Books 1-10; With Introd., Historical Examination and Notes by J.R. Seeley. Book 1
Titus Livius's Roman History From The Building Of The City
The History of Rome (Books 9 to 26)
Titi Livi Rerum Romanorum ab urbe condita libri
The History of Rome
Vita Henrici Quinti, Regis Angliae
Titi Livii Patavini Historiarum libri qui supersunt omnes ...
Histoire romaine, livre I à V
Titi Livii Patavini Historiarum libri qui supersunt omnes ...
T. Livii Patavini historiæ Romanæ prinicipis decades tres
Hannibal's first campaign in Italy
T. Livii Patavini historici clarissimi, qvae manifesto extant, librorum Decades
The History of Rome, Books One to Eight
Book One
Livy Book 9
Type I: Todas las decadas de Tito Livio Padvano
Titi Livii ... Historiarum ab urbe condita libri quinque priores, recens. G.M. Gunn, et notulis ..
Livy, books I. and II
The History of Rome, Books 27 to 36
Rome's Mediterranean empire
The early history of Rome
Roman Historians
Livius. Codex Vindobonensis Lat. 15 phototypice editus
The seven kings of Rome
Historia de Roma
Histoire romaine, livres VI à X, la conquête de l'Italie
Ab Urbe Condita, Libri XXXI-XL
Histoire romaine, livres XII à XIV (41 à 45)
Livy, book I, complete
History of Rome, Volume VII
Titi Livi Ab urbe condita libri
Livy: book I and selections from books II-X
Selections from the first five books, together with the twenty-first and twenty-second books entire. Chiefly from the text of Alschefski. With English notes for schools and colleges
AB Urbe Condita - Libro XXI
Ab Urbe Condita
Römische Geschichte, 11 Bde., Buch.24-26
Titi Livi, liber I
Legends of ancient Rome
Œuvres de Tite-Live
Titus Livius' Roman History
The history of Rome, by Titus Livius
Historia de Roma Desde Su Fundacion -Libros VIII-X
The early history of Rome; books I-V of the history of Rome from its foundation
Ab Urbe Condita Libri; Praefatio, Liber Primus. Edited by H. J. Edwards
The History of Rome, Books Twenty-Seven To Thirty-Six
Tite Live reduit en maximes
Type II: Todas las decadas de Tito Livio Padvano
Ab urbe condita. Text.
Historia de Roma Desde Su Fundacion I-III
Rome's Italian Wars
Titi Livii Historiarum ab urbe condita
Codex Vindobonensis Lat. 15 phototypice editus
A literal translation of the first three books of Prendeville's Livy
The last two kings of Macedon
Historiarum ab urbe condita libri, qvi extant, XXXV
De Romeynsche historien ende geschiedenissen
Latin Prose Exercises Based Upon Livy, Book XXI
Titi Livii Patavini Historiarum libri qui supersunt omnes ...
Titi Livii patavini historiarum ab urbe condita libri qui supersunt; cum omnium epitomis, ac deperditorum fragmentis
Ab urbe condita libri
History of Rome; Volume 3
T. Livii Patavini Historiarum ab urbe condita libri qui extant XXXV
War with Hannibal
Livy, Book 21-25; the Second Punic War. Translated into English with Notes by Alfred John Church and William Jackson Brodribb
Livy : books I. and II
Ab urbe condita
T. Livii Patavini Historiarum Libri Qui Supersunt Omnes, Et Deperditorum Fragmenta Ex Recensione Arn. Drakenborchii Passim Reficta Cum Indice Locupletissimo
Titi Livi Ab urbe condita liber XXI [-XXII]
T. Livii Ab Urbe Condita Libri P. 2
Ab Urbe Condita Libri
Livy, books XXI. and XXII. Hannibal's first campaign in Italy
Ex XIIII. T. Liuii decadibus
Student's Hume
Historiae romanae decades
Les decades qui se trouuent de Tite Liue
Complete Roman History
Titi Livi Ab Urbe Condita Libri, Erklärt Von W. Weissenborn. 10 Bde. [in 18 Pt. Var. Eds. Vols. 1,2, 4,5, 10 Are Ed. by H. J. Müller. There Are 2 Eds. of Vol. 1, and Vol. 3, Pt. 2]. ; Series 1
Titi Livii Historiarum
Livy in fourteen volumes
Histoire romaine
Livy, books I, XXI, and XXII
Los Origenes De Roma (Clasica)
Titi Livii Historiarum quod exstat
Le deche de Tito Livio padovano historiographo Vulgare historiate
History of Rome by Titus Livius. Volume 1.
Römische Geschichte
Ab urbe condita libri
Livy Book XXII
War with Hannibal
Livy Books II. and III
Historiarum ab urbe condita
Histoire Romaine de Tite-Live
Titi Livi Ab vrbe condita libri praefatio, liber primvs
Dzieje od założenia miasta Rzymu
Titi Livii Patavini Historiarum libri qui supersunt omnes ...
Titi Livii Patavini Historiarum belli punici secundi
T. Liuii Patauini, Historiarum ab vrbe condita
Livy, books I, XXI, and XXII
Titi Livi Ab Vrbe Condita Libri Praefatio, Liber Primvs; Volume 1
Livy, with an English Translation in Fourteen Volumes [History of Rome
Livy, Books I and Ii
Titi Livii historiarum tom. I[-II]
Book[s] XXI-XXII
Histoire Romaine de Tite Live ... assavoir les trente-cinq liures restans de tout l'oeuure continue des la fondation de Rome iusques au temps d'Auguste
History of Rome; Volume 6
Livy, book IX, chapters 1-19
Titi Livi Ab Urbe Condita Libri, Erklärt Von W. Weissenborn. 10 Bde. [in 18 Pt. Var. Eds. Vols. 1,2, 4,5, 10 Are Ed. by H. J. Müller. There Are 2 Eds. of Vol. 1, and Vol. 3, Pt. 2]. Zweiter Band, Fuenfte Auflage; Series 1
History of Rome
Livy, Book 28...
The History of Rome
Ab urbe condita, libri XXIII-XXV
Roma Tarihi 21-22
Titi Livi
T. Livii Patavini, Historiarum ab vrbe condita, libri, qvi extant, XXXV
Ab Urbe Condita Libri
Livy, books V, VI, and VII
Roman History Books I-III
History of Rome; Volume 2
Livy, Books Xxi-Xxv, the Second Punic War, Tr. by A. J. Church and W. J. Brodribb
Titus Livius
Deche Di Tito Livio Padovano Delle Istorie Romane
Livy's History of Rome
Titi Livii patavini historiarum ab urbe condita libri quinque priores
The history of Rome
Ab Urbe Condita (Latin Edition)
Titi Livii ... Libri Omnes Superstites, Recogn. Et Novis Additamentis Illustr
Römische Geschichte. Kommentar. Auswahl aus der ersten und dritten Dekade.
Roma Tarihi 3-4
Titus Livius's Roman History, Volumes 1-2
Titus Liviu's Roman History from the Building of the City; Volume 3
Historiarum ab urbe condita libri, qui supersunt, omnes, cum notis [variorum] ..
Ex XIIII. T. Liuii decadibus. Prima, tertia, quarta, in qua præter fragmenta III, &  X libri, quæ in Germania nuper reperta, hic etiam continentur, multa adulterina expunximus, multa uera recipimus, quæ in alijs non habentur. Epitome singulorum librorum XIII decadum. Historia omnium XIIII decadum in compendium redacta ab L. Floro. Polybij lib. V de rebus Romanis Latinitate donati à Nicolao Perotto. Index copiosissimus rerum omnium memorabilium
Livy Book XXVII
Livy, book XXII
Titi Livii Patavini Latinae historiae principis
Titi Livi Ab urbe condita libri
Titi Livi Ab vrbe condita liber I [-II]
Titi Livi Ab urbe condita, libri XXVI-XXVII
Livy. Select Passages from the First Decade, with Notes by J. H. Merriot
Livy, book IX
The History of Rome; Volume 3
Book V
Römische Geschichte, 11 Bde., Buch.7-10, Fragmente der zweiten Dekade
Romanae historiae principis, libri omnes, quotquot ad nostram aetatem pervenerunt
Books II. and III
History of Rome
Livy (Livy)
Livy's History of Rome, Vol. 1 (Classic Reprint)
Titi Livii Historiae Libri Quinque Priores
Ab urbe condita liber XXXIII
Todas las decadas de Tito Livio Paduano
Ab Urbe Condita Libro Xxv (Clasicos Anotados Latin)
The Early History of Rome
T. Livii Patavini Historiarum libri qui supersunt omnes
T. Livii Patavini Historiarum Libri Qui Supersunt Omnes
Titi Livi Ab vrbe condita
Livy, book 22, with introd. and notes by M.T. Tatham
Ab urbe condita liber XXVII
The History of Rome Volume Three (3) (III) (Everyman's Library)
Livy, Book 1
Ab Urbe Condita Libri; Volume 1
T. Livii Patavini Historiarum Libri qui supersunt omnes et deperditorum fragmenta
Ab urbe condita. Auswahl aus der 1. Dekade.
Histoire romaine
T. Livii Patavini Conciones
Titi Livii Historiarvm ab vrbe condita decadis primae liber V. et VI
Titi LIVII Patavini Historiarum AB Urbe Condita Libri Qui Supersunt; Cum Omnium Epitomis, AC Deperditorum Fragmentis
Titi Livi Ab urbe condita liber XXIII
Siege of Syracuse
Livy, Vol. 13 of 14: With an English Translation; Books XLIII XLV (Classic Reprint)
Livy, book XXIII
Titus Livius, book two
Oeuvres de Tite-Live
T. Livii Patavini Latinae historiae principis decades tres, cvm dimidia ... emendatiores, compluribus locis partim Caelii Secvndi Cvrionis industria, partim collatione meliorum codicum suae integritati restitutis. Eiusdem Caelii S.C. praefatio, summam continens de mensuris, ponderibus req[ue] nummaria Romanorum & Graecorum ... L. Flori epitomae ... Beati Rhenani & Sigismundi Gelenij ... annotationes. Chronologia Henrici Glareani ... Index
History of Rome, Volume V
Titi Livii Patavini Historiarum ab urbe condita libri que supersunt XXXV
Titi Livii Patavini Historiarum belli punici secundi, libri quinque priores
History of Rome; Volume 2
Book 21
The History Of Rome
Titi Livii Patavini Historiarum libri qui extant
Ro mische Geschichte
T. Livii Patavini ... Decades tres cvm dimidia, sev libri XXXV, ex XIIII decadibus relicti ... correctiores, & emendatiores. Cum multis annotationibus ...
The Roman history
Livy, Books V, Vi, and Vii from the War Against Veii to the Beginning of the Samnite Wars
Titi Livii Patavini
Titi Livii Patavina ... libri omnes
Histoire de Rome, livre XXX
Historiarum liber primus et selecta quædam capita
Titi Livii Romanae historiae qui exstant quinque et triginta libri
T. Liuii Patauini historici decadis primae liber primus
Rome's Mediterranean Empire
The History Of Early Rome  Translated By Aubrey De Selincourt
Historiens romains
T. Livi Ab Urbe Condita Libri
History of Rome
Livy, book XXII
Titi Livi ab urbe condita liber XXXXV
Titi Livii Decades
Titus Livius Patavinus Ad Codices Parisinos Recensitos
Œuvres De Malherbe, Volume 5
Titi Liuij ... Römische Historien, jetzundt mit gantzem Fleiss besichtigt, gebessert vnd gemehret ...
T. LIVII Patavini Historiarum AB Urbe Condita Libri Qui Supersunt XXXV. Recensuit, ... J. B. L. Crevier, ... of 6; Volume 6
Römische Geschichte
Index decadis quartae
Titi Livii Patavini Roman©Œ histori©Œ principis libri omnes qvotqvot ad nostram ©Œtatem peruenerunt
OEuvres de Malherbe; Volume 5
Titus Livius
Titi Livii Patavini Historiarum libri qui supersunt omnes ...
Titus Livius, book two
Rome and the Mediterranean
Ab Urbe Condita
Deche di T. Livio Padovano del'istorie romane ...
Type II
The Roman history written in Latine by Titus Livius. With the supplements of the learned John Freinshemius, and John Dujatius. From the foundation of Rome to the middle of the reign of Augustus. Faithfully done into English
Titi Livii historiarum ab urbe condita liber XXIII et XXIV
The History Of Rome, Volume 1
Ab Urbe Condita I. 1-9
Selections from the First Five Books of Livy's Roman History
Titi Livii Patavini Historiarum libri qui extant
Titi Livii Patavini Historiæ Romanæ libri, qui supersunt
Titi Livi Ab vrbe condita
La Schiavitù a Roma
Ab urbe condita, libri XXI-XXV
T. Livivs Patavinvs historicvs, dvobvs libris avctvs cvm L. Flori Epitome ...
Livy, Book 21
Le Deche delle historie romane di Tito Livio Padovano
Livy Book XXII
Rome and Italy
En, amice lector, apportamus tibi, summa diligentia excusum, post Germanum editionem T. Liuii Patauini Latinae historiae principis quicquid hactenus editum fuit, sed aliquanto quam antea emaculatius. Accesserunt autem decadis quintae libri quinq[ue] ... cum chronologia Henrici Glareani ..
Römische Geschichte, 11 Bde., Buch.27-30
Livy, Books I, Xxi, and XXII
Ro mische Geschichte
Histoire romaine de Tite-Live
T. Liuii Decades
Ab urbe condita liber 21
Legends of ancient Rome
The Romane historie written by T. Livius of Padua ; Also, the Breviaries of L. Florus
Titus Livius Römische Geschichte
Ab Urbe Condita Libri
Titi Livii Patavini Historiarum belli punici secundi, libri quinque priores
Roman History. Books I-III
Storia di Roma dalla sua fondazione
Titi Livi ab urbe condita libri
Ab Urbe Condita
Histoire Romaine de Tite Live; Volume 8
Titi Livi Ab urbe condita, libri
Selections from Livy
Livy, book 1
Livy, Books Xxi. and XXII
Titi Livii Patavini Historiarum libri qui supersunt omnes ...
T. Livius Patavinus historicus. Duobus libris auctus cum L. Flori, epitome. et annotatis in libros VII. Belli Maced
Römische Geschichte, 11 Bde., Buch.4-6
Titi Livi Ab Urbe Condita Libri Xxi, Xxii, Xxiii, Xxiv, XXX
Livy, Book IV
The early history of Rome
Ab Urbe Condita
Dogs Have Feeling II
History of Rome; Volume 5
Selections from Livy
The Romane historie vvritten by T. Livius of Padua. Also, the Breviaries of L. Florus: with a chronologie to the whole historie: and the Topographie of Rome in old time. Translated out of Latine into English, by Philemon Holland, Doctor in Physicke
Histoire Romaine de Tite-Live; Volume 10
Des Titus Livius Römische Geschichte seit Gründung der Stadt
Seven Kings of Rome
Historia de Roma Desde Su Fundacion - Obra Completa
I primi quattro libri del volgarizzamento della terza deca di Tito Livio Padovano
Livy, the Hannibalian war
Titi Livii historiarum ab urbe condita libri qui extant
Livy, book II
T. Livii ... quae extant Decades ... Cum indice literaria serie etiam in Epitomen L. Flori ; adjectis compluribus prius intermissis ; rursus ab Ascensio collecto. Cum pre̜notamentis, regulis, & omniū vocularum ... eiusdem explicatione ... Cum L. Flori in omneis libros epitome recognita ... cū annotationibus M. Antonii Sabellic diligeter recognitis. Cūq[ue] prime pre̜fationis familiari Ascensii pfati explanatione
Titus Livius's Roman History, with the Supplement of J. Freinsheim. Tr. , with Notes
Historiae Romanae Libri Qui Supersunt
Horatius and other stories
Livy, with an English translation
Livy, Books XXI-XXV, the Second Punic War, Tr. by A.J. Church and W.J. Brodribb
Décadas de la Historia Romana, Volume 4...
Titi Livi Ab urbe condita libri XXI-XXX
Book 22
T. Livii Patavini Latinae historiae principis decades tres cũ dimidia, longe tamen quàm nuper emaculatiores, quod nunc demum ad uetera contulerimus exemplaria, ubi quantum sit deprehensum mendorum, facile indicabunt doctissimae in hunc authorm Beati Rhenani & Sigismundii Gelenij adiunctae annotationes
Historiarum Belli Punici Secundi
Livy, book II, chapters 1-50
The History of Rome, Volume 4
Titi Livii Historiarum romanorum libri qui supersunt
Romische historien Titi Liuij
Titi Livi ab urbe condita libri
Deche di Tito Livio Padovano delle historie romane
The history of early Rome
Ab Urbe Condita
T. Livii patavini singularum, quæ supersunt, decadûm liber prior ex editione Drakenborchii cum notis ejusdem selectis. His accedunt dissertationes ... Cum chronologia Car. Sigonii.
History of Rome, Volume VIII
Rome's Mediterranean Empire
Livy Book XXI
AB Urbe Condita - Libro XXII (Textos clasicos anotados)
Livy, book III
Titus Livius Patavinus ad codices Parisinos
Roman History, Books I-III (Esprios Classics)
Ab Urbe Condita, Neunter Band
Titus Livius, book two
Livy, Book Xxiv, Tr. by T. J. Arnold
Historiarum quod extat, cum perpetuis Gronovii et variorum notis
Livy, Books V, Vi, and Vii; Volume 1
Livy : With an English Translation
Livy's Roman history
Le deche di T. Liuio Padouano Delle historie romane
Selections from the First Five Books
Livy, Book IV
Ex Historiā Rōmānā Ab Urbe Conditā Liber Prīmus
Titi Livii Patavini Historiarum libri
Legends Of Ancient Rome From Livy (1891)
Ab urbe condita
Livy, Books V, Vi, and Vii; Volume 1
Livy, book XXI
T. Livii patavini historiarum ab urbe condita libri qui supersunt XXXV. Recensuit, ... J. B. L. Crevier, ..
Titi Livi Ab urbe condita libri XLI-XLV /
Titus Liuius Vnd Lucius Florus Von Ankunfft vnnd Vrsprung des Römischen Reichs
Titi liuii patauini Decades cum figuris noviter impresse
Ex XIIII. T. Livii decadibvs prima, tertia, qvarta ...
T. Livii Patavini Historiarum Ab Urbe Condita Libri Qui Supersunt Xxxv, Volumes 1-2...
The second Punic War
Scipio Africanus: The Conqueror of Hannibal (Selections from Livy : Books Xxvi-XXX)
History of Rome
Ex XIIII. T. Liuii decadibus. Prima, tertia, quarta, in qua præter fragmenta III, &  X libri, quæ in Germania nuper reperta, hic etiam continentur, multa adulterina expunximus, multa uera recipimus, quæ in alijs non habentur. Epitome singulorum librorum XIII decadum. Historia omnium XIIII decadum in compendium redacta ab L. Floro. Polybij lib. V de rebus Romanis Latinitate donati à Nicolao Perotto. Index copiosissimus rerum omnium memorabilium
Livy, with an English translation
Exercitationes rhetoricae in orationes Titi Livii Patavini
Le Deche di Tito Livio volgari
Ab urbe condita I. 1-9
[Historiae Romanae decades]
Titi Livii Patavini historiarum am urbe condita libri qui supersunt
Rome and Her Kings
Roman History
History of Rome
Epitoma decadum quattur decim. T. Livii Patavini Historici
Le deche di T. Livio, padovano delle historie romane
The History of Rome, Vol. 4
Livy, book I, complete
The history of Rome from its foundation
Titi Livii Historiarum Ab Urbe Condita Liber XXIII et XXIV
Seven Kings of Rome, Abridged from the First Book of Livy, with Grammatical Notes by J. Wright
Titus Livius book one
T. Livii Patavini Histuriarum Ab Urbe Condita, Lbri III, IV, V, Livy's History of Rome, Part II
Titi Livi Ab urbe condita libri
Titus Livius Patavinus ad codices parisinos recensitus
Historiarum libri XCI, fragmentum [Anekdoton]
Ab urbe condita libri (Historiarum libri qui supersunt)
Ab urbe condita libri 21-25
Livy: a history of Rome: selections
Books 21, 22, and 23
Livy's History of Rome
Titi Livii Patavini Historiae Romanae libri, qui supersunt
Livy Book Xxi (Ab Urbe Condita)
T. Livi Ab urbe condita libri
Dzieje od założenia miasta Rzymu
Fifth, Sixth and Seventh Books of Livy's History of Rome
Livy, books XXI and XXII
The History Of Rome, Volume 1
Livy Book Xxxix (Bryn Mawr Latin commentaries)
The twenty-second book of Livy
Ab urbe condita libri XXI-XXX
T. Livii Ab Urbe Condita Libri, Volume 2
Livy, Books XXI and XXII: Hannibal's First Campaign
The History of Rome; Volume 2
Titi Livi Ab urbe condita liber XXVI
Ex XIIII. T. Liuii decadibus prima tertia quarta
[ Titi Livii Patavini historiarum ab urbe condita]
Last Two Kings of Macedon; Extracts from the Fourth and Fifth Decades. Selected and Edited by F. H. Rawlins
Voĭna c Gannibalom
Historia Romana
Titi Livii Historiarum quod extat
Titus Livius Patavinus : Historiarum Ab Urbe Condita
Titus Liuius, vnd Lucius Florus ...
History of Rome, Books 1 To 8
T. Livii Ab Urbe Condita Libri; Volume 3
Historiarum Libri Qui Supersunt / Livius...
Historiarum, ab urbe condita, libri qui supersunt omnes, ex recensione Arn. Drakenborchii
... Livy, book I, complete
Titi Livii Historiarum libri ex recensione I.F. Gronovii
Principe, El - Maquiavelo
Titi Livi ab urbe condita libri praefatio liber primvs
Historiarum Quod extat
Livy, Books V, Vi, and Vii; Volume 1
Ii Principe, e Discorsi Sopra la Prima Deca de Tito Livio...
Römische Geschichte
Historia Romana - Primera Decada
The History Of Rome
Ab urbe condita lib. III-VI qvae svpersvnt in codice rescripto veronensi
Titus Liviu's Roman History from the Building of the City
Titi Livii Ab Urbe Condita Libri Xxi, Xxii
Historicorum Romanorum principis, libri omnes superstites T. Livii Patavini
Selections from Livy
First Five Books of the Roman History
Storia di Roma
The Student's Hume
T. Livii Ab Urbe Condita Lib. 3-6 Quae Supersunt in Codice Rescripta Veronensi
Titi Livii Patavini Historiarum belli punici secundi
Zur Culturgeschichte der Sachsen in Siebenbürgen ...
Römische Geschichte XXVII-XXX
Historiarum libri, ex recensione I.F. Gronovii
Roma Tarihi 5-6-7
Titi Liuij Patauini Romanae historiae principis
Livy, Book 27
Historiarum libri qui supersunt omnes et deperditorum fragmenta
T. Livii Patavini Historiarvm ab vrbe condita
Livy, Book 4
Titi Livi ab vrbe condita libri I, XXI, XXII
Historicus duobus libris auctus
Livy in thirteen volumes
Die neue Livius-Epitome aus Oxyrhynchus
T. Livii Patavini Conciones
Ab urbe condita Liber XXI / Römische Geschichte 21. Buch
Roman History: Translated Into English, and Illustrated with Notes, Critical, Historical and ..
Historiarum ab urbe condita libri qui supersunt
Titi Livii Patavini Historiarum
Titi Livii Patavini Historiarum ab urbe condita libri qui supersunt
The Histories of Livy: Books I, XXI, and XXII. With Extracts from Books IX, XXVI,XXXV, XXXVIII ..
Römische Geschichte. Der Zweite Punische Krieg 3. Buch XXVI - XXX
Libro XXI delle Storie
Libro XXI delle Storie
T. Livi Ab urbe condita, Liber xxi
Livy: book XXVII
Römische Geschichte, 11 Bde., Buch.31-34
[ Titi Livii Patavini historiarum ab urbe condita]
Libro XXI delle Storie
Römische Geschichte, 11 Bde., Buch.35-38
Ab urbe condita Liber XXII / Römische Geschichte 22. Buch
T. Livi Ab urbe condita, Liber xxi
The war with Hannibal
Latin Prose Exercises, Based Upon Livy, Book XXI., and Selections for ..
Livy, book 1
T. Livi Ab urbe condita, Liber xxi
T. Livii Patavini historiae Romanae principis Decades tres cum dimidia...
Römische Geschichte, 11 Bde., Buch.39-41
Historiarum ab urbe condita libri, qui supersunt, omnes, cum notis [variorum] ..
The second Punic War
Historiae libri tres priores
T. Livi Ab urbe condita, Liber xxi
T. Livi Ab urbe condita, Liber xxi
T. Livii Patavini Historiarum libri qui supersunt omnes
Titi Livii Patavini Historiae Romanae libri qui supersunt
Selections from the first decade
Ab urbe condita Liber XXV / Römische Geschichte 25. Buch
Les decades de Tite-Live: Avec les supplemens de J. Freinshemius ..
Historiarum ab urbe condita
T. Livi Ab urbe condita libri: Ab Urbe Condita Libri
Titus Livius Patavinus ad codices Parisinos recensitos: cum varietate lectionum et selectis ..
Livy Book IV
Livy, book XXX
Ab urbe condita Liber XXIII / Römische Geschichte 23. Buch
T. Livi Ab urbe condita, Liber xxi
Histoire romaine, livres XXXVI à XL
T. Livii Patavini Historiarum Libri qui supersunt omnes et deperditorum ..
Libro XXI delle Storie
The History of Rome: The Third Decade; Part the First Illustrated by Copious Notes, Historical ..
Titi Livii libri XXI et XXII
Titi Livii Ab urbe condita libri XXI, XXII.: Texte latin publié avec une ..
Titi Livii Patavini Historiarum ab urbe condita libri qui supersunt xxxv
Libro XXI delle Storie
T. Livii Patavini Historiarvm ab vrbe condita, decas quarta
The Histories of Livy, Books I, XXI, and XXII.: books I, XXI, and XXII. With extracts from books ..
(Historiarum ab urbe condita)
Titi Livii Patavini Historiarum ab urbe condita libri qui supersunt, cum ..
Libro XXI delle Storie
T. Livi Ab urbe condita, Liber xxi
T. Livii ab urbe condita libri
Hannibal's Crossing of the Alps (Classic 60s)
Historiarum libri
T. Livi Ab urbe condita, Liber xxi
Römische Geschichte. Buch 1. Lateinisch und deutsch
Titi Livii Patavini Historiarum: libri quinque priores : ad optimas editiones castigati, paucis ..
Histoire romaine, livres XXI à XXV
T. Livii Patavini Historiarum libri qui supersunt omnes et deperditorum fragmenta
Libro XXI delle Storie
Livy, books I-X
Titi Livi Ab urbe condita liber I.: Livy book I.
Libro XXI delle Storie
Libro XXI delle Storie
Ab urbe condita, I, 1-9
T. Livii Patavini Historiarum ab urbe condita libri qui supersunt
Historiarum libri qui supersunt omnes et deperditorum fragmenta
Libro XXI delle Storie
T. Livii Patavini Historiarum libri qui supersunt
Titi Livii Patavini. Historiarum ab urbe condita libri quinque priores. Ad optimas editiones ..
T. Livius... Historicus duobus libris auctus
Ab Urbe Condita, Libri XLI-XLV, Periochae, Fragmenta
T. Livi Ab urbe condita, Liber xxi
La monarquia romana
Selections from the First Five Books: Together with the Twenty-first and Twenty-second Book Entire
T. Livii Patavini Historiarum
Römische Geschichte, 11 Bde., Buch.21-23
Histoire romaine, livres XXXI à XXXV
Histoire romaine, tome 2 (livres XXVI à XXX)
Libro XXI delle Storie
Titus Livius's Roman History: [2 Vols.]
Titi Livii, Patavini, historiarum ab urbe condita libri quinque priores
T. Livi Ab urbe condita, Liber xxi
Livy Book II. Chapters 1-50
T. Livi Ab urbe condita, Liber xxi