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economists who wrote autobiography
Showing 9-16 out of 21 results
Ludwig von Mises
Ludwig von Mises (1881-1973)

economist, philosopher

  • University of Vienna, Akademisches Gymnasium
Human Action
Omnipotent government
Planned chaos
Selected Writings of Ludwig Von Mises
The ultimate foundation of economic science
Selected Writings of Ludwig Von Mises: Between the Two World Wars
The Anti-Capitalistic Mentality (Liberty Fund Library of the Works of Ludwig Von Mises)
The theory of money and credit
Ludwig von Mises, notes and recollections
The historical setting of the Austrian school of economics
Nation, State, And Economy
Human action
Planning for freedom, and twelve other essays and addresses
The ultimate foundation of economic science: an essay on method
Epistemological Problems of Economics
The Political Economy Of International Reform And Reconstruction
L' Action humaine
Marxism Unmasked
Profit and loss
Economic policy
Notes and Recollections
Notes and Recollections: With the Historical Setting of the Austrian School of Economics (Liberty Fund Library of the Works of Ludwig Von Mises) (The ... Library of the Works of Ludwig Von Mises)
Economic Policy
On the manipulation of money and credit
The Causes of the Economic Crisis
Money, Method, and the Market Process
[Grundprobleme der Nationalökonomie
Kritik des Interventionismus
Planning for freedom, and sixteen other essays and addresses
Economic Freedom And Interventionism
Money, method, and the market process
Monetary, fiscal, and economic policy problems before, during, and after the Great War
Planning for freedom
The free and prosperous commonwealth
Human action
Epistemological Problems of Economics. Ludwig Von Mises (Liberty Fund Library of the Works of Ludwig Von Mises)
Theory and history
The anti-capitalistic mentality
Economic calculation in the socialist commonwealth
Economic policy, thoughts for today and tomorrow
Le socialisme
Planning for Freedom
Economic planning
Im Namen des Staates
Die Ursachen der Wirtschaftskrise
Theory and history
Planning for freedom, and other essays and addresses
Theorie des Geldes und der Umlaufsmittel
Theorie des geldes und der umlaufsmittel
Collectivist economic planning
Probleme der Wertlehre
La Teoria del Dinero y del Credito
La Accion Humana (Coleccion Club Siglo XXI)
Critica del Intervencionismo - Mito de Tercera Via
Die geldtheoretische und geldrechtliche Seites des Stabilisierungsproblems
Die Wurzeln des Antikapitalismus
Die Gemeinwirtschaft, Untersuchungen über den Sozialismus
Nation, Staat und Wirtschaft
Nationalökonomie, Theorie des Handelns und Wirtschaftens
Theory and History
Nation, Staat und Wirtschaft
Die Entwicklung des Gutsherrlich-Bäuerlichen Verhältnisses in Galizien (1772-1848)
The Theory of money and credit
Human action
Human action, a treatise on economics
Liberty and property
Theory of Money and Credit
Liberalism : a socio-economic exposition
Economic Policy
Geldwertstabilisierung und konjunkturpolitik
Selected writings of Ludwig Von Mises
Ultimate Foundation of Economic Science
Notes and Recollections
A Critique of Interventionism
Nation, State, and Economy
Nation, State, and Economy
Omnipotent Government
Money, Method, and the Market Process
Economic Policy
Epistemological problems of economics
Human Action
On the Manipulation of Money and Credit
Epistemological Problems of Economics
On the Manipulation of Money and Credit
Theory and History
Caixa Von Mises - Box Edicao Premium
The Anti-Capitalistic Mentality
Grundprobleme der Nationalökonomie
Ação humana
Notes and Recollections with the Historical Setting of the Austrian School of Economics
Le calcul économique en régime socialiste
Collectivist economic planning
Die geldtheoretische und geldrechtliche Seites des Stabilisierungsproblems
The Anti-Capitalistic Mentality
Epistemological Problems of Economics
Monetary and Economic Policy Problems Before, During, and after the Great War
Omnipotent Government
Economic Policy
Omnipotent Government
Monetary and Economic Policy Problems Before, During, and after the Great War
Die Bürokratie
Anti-Capitalistic Mentality
The International economic order
Economic Policy
Inventory of the private papers of Ludwig von Mises
Theory of Money and Credit
Ultimate Foundation of Economic Science
Theory and history
Theory & history
The ultimate foundation of economic science
The ultimate foundation of economic science
Epistemological problems of economics
Die Gemeinwirtschaft
The free and prosperous commonwealth
Planned Chaos
The theory of money and credit
Nation, Staat und Wirtschaft
Planning for freedom
Theorie des Geldes und der Umlaufsmittel
The theory of money and credit
Nation, State, and Economy
Epistemological problems of economics
The anti-capitalistic mentality
Human action
Theory and History
Ultimate Found Economics
Omnipotent government
Theory and history
Planned chaos
Denise Chong
Denise Chong (born 1953)

economist, biographer

  • University of Toronto
The Girl in the Picture
The concubine's children
Das Mädchen hinter dem Foto. Die Geschichte der Kim Phuc
Lives of the Family
Penguin Canadian Anthology of Stories by Canadian Women
La Fille de la photo
Egg on Mao
Egg on Mao
Die Kinder der Konkubine
Egg on Mao
The Penguin anthology of stories by Canadian women
De dochters van de concubine
Zhao pian zhong de xiao nü hai
The Modern Classics : The Concubine's Children
Out of Darkness
Die Kinder der Konkubine. Die Geschichte einer Familie zwischen Tradition und Zukunft
Vetonamu no shōjo
The Penguin anthology of stories by Canadian women
The Girl in the Picture - The Remarkable Story of Vietnam's Most Famous Casualty
William Graham Sumner
William Graham Sumner (1840-1910)

anthropologist, political scientist, historian, sociologist, philosopher, political theorist, economist

  • Yale College
Alexander Hamilton And Robert Fulton
What social classes owe to each other
Andrew Jackson
Andrew Jackson as a public man
The financier and the finances of the American Revolution
A history of American currency
andrew jackson
Lectures on the history of protection in the United States
Andrew Jackson as a Public Man: What He Was, what Chances He Had, and what He Did with Them
A History of American Currency: With Chapters on the English Bank Restriction and Austrian Paper ..
Lectures on the History of Protection in the United States: Delivered Before ..
The Conquest of the United States by Spain: A Lecture Before the Phi Beta Kappa Society of Yale ..
The challenge of facts
Protectionism: The -ism which Teaches that Waste Makes Wealth
Earth-hunger and other essays
The conquest of the United States by Spain
Problems in political economy
Lectures on the History of Protection in the United States: Delivered Before the International ..
On liberty, society, and politics
The forgotten man
What Social Classes Owe to Each Other
Protection and revenue in 1877
War and other essays
Andrew Jackson as a Public Man: What He Was, what Chances He Had, and what ..
Folkways - A Study Of The Sociological Importance Of Usages, Manners, Customs, Mores And Morals
Forgotten Man and Other Essays
A History of American Currency (Business Classics)
The science of society
The Forgotten Man and Other Essays
The forgotten man's almanac
A History of American Currency
Social Darwinism
Address of William G. Sumner ... at dinner of the Committee on tariff reform of the Reform club in the city of New York. June 2nd, 1906
Sumner today
A history of American currency
Essays of William Graham Sumner
The Predominant Issue
Soziale Pflichten, oder was die Klassen der Gesellschaft einander schuldig sind
Essays and Lectures-The Forgotten Man
The Financier And The Finances Of The American Revolution V1
What social classes owe to each other
Andrew Hamilton
The challenge of facts, and other essays
Robert Morris
Andrew Jackson as a public man
A history of American currency
American Finance
What Social Classes Owe to Each Other
The Financier And The Finances Of The American Revolution V2
Robert Morris
The Forgotten Man and Other Essays
Alexander Hamilton
History of American Currency : With Chapters on the English Bank Restriction and Austrian Paper Money
Advancing social and political organization in the United States
Collected essays in political and social science
Specimans of investment securities
War and other essays. by William Graham Sumner. Edited with int
The science of society
Andrew Jackson as a Public Man, What He Was, What Chances He Had and What He Did with Them
War, and other essays ..
Lectures on the history of protection in the United States
Lectures on the History of Protection in the United States [microform]
The English bank restriction and The bullion report of June 8, 1810
A History of Banking in Germany & Austria-Hungary, in the Netherlands, in the Scandinavian Nations, in Japan & China
Folkways and mores
History of Banking in the Latin Nations
Folkways; a study of the sociological importance of usages. mann
Selected essays of William Graham Sumner
The challenge of facts and other essays
A history of American currency with chapters on the English bank restriction and Austrian paper money
On Plutocracy
Discipline and other essays from the collected works of William Graham Sumner
What social classes owe to each other
American finance
Andrew Jackson as a public man
The coin shilling of Massachusetts Bay
Andrew Jackson
The conquest of the United States by Spain
What social classes owe to each other
Problems in political economy
The first century of the Republic
The forgotten man, rediscovered after fifty years
Collected essays in political and social science
Political economy and political science
A History of banking in all the leading nations
Protection and revenue, in 1877
A history of American currency
Address of William G. Sumner ... at dinner of the Committee on Tariff Reform of the Reform Club in the City of New York, June 2nd, 1906
Social Darwinism
Thomas DiLorenzo
Thomas DiLorenzo (born 1954)

economist, historian, pedagogue

  • Virginia Tech
The Problem with Lincoln
The real Lincoln
Hamilton's curse
Public health profiteering
Frightening America's elderly
The profits of nonprofits
Unfunded federal mandates
Lessons from abroad
Hidden politics
From Pathology to Politics
The problem with socialism
Austro-Libertarian Critique of Public Choice
Politically Incorrect Guide to Economics
Organized Crime
Fritz Machlup
Fritz Machlup (1902-1983)


  • University of Vienna
Essays on Hayek, William F. Buckley, et al.
Education and economic growth
International monetary economics
International payments, debts, and gold
Knowledge and knowledge production
Remaking the international monetary system
Selected economic writings of Fritz Machlup
The alignment of foreign exchange rates
The political economy of monopoly
Information through the printed word
The stock market, credit and capital formation
Information Through The Printed Word Volume 4
The economics of information and human capital
International trade and the national income multiplier
Essays on Hayek
The Study of Information
Methodology of economic and other social sciences
Würdigung der Werke von Friedrich A. von Hayek
The need for monetary reserves
Plans for reform of the international monetary system
Essays on Hayek
Euro-dollar creation
The basing-point system
The economics of sellers' competition
The production and distribution of knowledge in the United States
Essays on economic semantics
The branches of learning
Economic semantics
Die goldkernwährung
Der Aussenwert des Dollars
The book value of monetary gold
Führer durch die Krisenpolitik (Meilensteine der Nationalökonomie)
Involuntary foreign lending
International mobility and movement of capital
Equilibrium and disequilibrium
Maintaining and restoring balance in international payments
A history of thought on economic integration
From dormant liabilities to dormant assets
Hochschulbildung für jedermann
Knowledge, its creation, distribution, and economic significance
World monetary debate
On terms, concepts, theories and strategies in the discussion of greater flexibility of exchange rates
Credit facilities or reserve allotments?
Planes de reforma del sistema monetario international
The price of gold
Führer durch die Krisenpolitik
The transfer gap of the United States
World monetary debate - bases for agreement
Reflections on a troubled world economy
Börsenkredit, Industriekredit und Kapitalbildung
Elasticity pessimism in international trade
Optimum Social Welfare and Productivity
Speculations on gold speculation
An economic review of the patent system
Reflections on a troubled world economy
Lecture on international monetary issues
Relative prices and aggregate spending in the analysis of devaluation
Essays in economic semantics
International monetary systems and the free market economy
International monetary systems
Three concepts of the balance of payments and the so-called dollar shortage
Cloakroom rule of international reserves
Credit facilities or reserve allotments? --
The transfer gap of the United States. --
International trade and the national income multiplier
Economic Integration (International Economic Association)
Speculations on gold speculation. --
The price of gold. --
Real adjustment, compensatory corrections, and foreign financing of imbalances in international payments. --
Wirtschaftspublizistische Beiträge in kritischer Zeit, 1931-1934
International monetary systems and the free market economy. --
Lecture on theory of human capital
Die Pläne zur Reform des internationalen Geldwesens
Die neuen Währungen in Europa
Maintaining and restoring balance in international payments
The Study of information
Julian Simon
Julian Simon (1932-1998)


  • Booth School of Business, Harvard University
A Life against the Grain
Good mood
Population matters
Basic research methods in social science
The economics of population growth
Getting into the mail-order business
Developing Decisionmaking Skills for Business
The economic consequences of immigration
The great breakthrough and its cause
The Art of Empirical Investigation
The ultimate resource 2
Basic research methods in social science
The Ultimate resource
Effort, opportunity, and wealth
Hoodwinking the nation
The Resourceful earth
How to start and operate a mail-order business
The effects of income on fertility
Applied managerial economics
How to startand operate a mail-order business
Population matters
The economics of population
Hoodwinking the Nation
Economics Against the Grain
Economics Against the Grain Volume Two
Issues in the economics of advertising
Economics against the grain
The state of humanity
Population and development in poor countries
Theory of population and economic growth
A reconciliation of the population-push and invention-pull theories of demographic-economic history
The management of advertising
The effect of immigrants on natives' incomes through the use of capital
Research in Population Economics
The economic consequences of immigration
The Economics of Population
Basic research methods in social science
The effect of population growth on agricultural saving in irrigation
The State of humanity
The Great Breakthrough and Its Cause (Economics, Cognition, and Society)
What immigrants take from, and give to the public coffers
Simon and Lechleiter family history
The Economics of Population
The welfare effect of an additional child cannot be stated simply
The influence of population growth on per-worker income in developed economies
The effect of husband's income and wife's education upon various birth orders
Issues in the economics of advertising
The only impending shortage is a shortage of bad news
Basic research methods in social sciences
The relationship between population and economic growth in LDC's
How immigrants affect Americans' living standard
What do Zielske's real data really show about pulsing?
The present value of population growth in the western world
Basic research methods in social science ; the art of empirical investigation [by] Julian L. Simon
Global 2000 revised
Firm size and market behavior
The Resourceful Earth
Is population growth really bad for LDC's in the long run?
The ultimate resource
Research in population economics
A constant long-run K/Y ratio is a meaningless observation / Julian L. Simon...
How do immigrants affect us economically?
The important economic implications of learning-by-doing for population size and growth
The technological progress function and labor force size
Basic research methods in social science
L'homme, notre dernière chance
The price effects of monopolistic ownership in newspapers
The overall effect of immigrants upon natives' incomes
The economics of population
Alexander Hamilton
Alexander Hamilton (1757-1804)

economist, philosopher, military personnel, politician, aide-de-camp, military officer, businessperson, lawyer

  • Columbia College, Columbia University
The Federalist papers
The papers of Alexander Hamilton
Alexander Hamilton
The Federalist
The Federalist Papers
The law practice of Alexander Hamilton
Opinion as to the Constitutionality of the Bank of the United States
The Federalist Papers
The works of Alexander Hamilton
The Federalist papers
Citizen Hamilton
Wings of Night
A few of Hamilton's letters
Letter from Alexander Hamilton, concerning the public conduct and character of John Adams, Esq., President of the United States
The Federalist, or, The new constitution
The federalist papers by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison and John Jay
Industrial and commercial correspondence of Alexander Hamilton
Alexander Hamilton and the founding of the Nation
The basic ideas of Alexander Hamilton
Letters of Pacificus and Helvidius on the Proclomation of Neutrality of 1793
Selected writings and speeches of Alexander Hamilton
Hamilton's Itinerarium
The Federalist papers
The deerslayer
The Federalist papers
Alexander Hamilton
The Federalist papers
Papers on public credit, commerce and finance
A letter from Phocion to the considerate citizens of New-York, on the politics of the day
The Works Of Alexander Hamilton V7
Industrial and commercial correspondence of Alexander Hamilton anticipating his report on manufactures
The letters of Pacificus and Helvidius (1845) with the Letters of Americanus
The Federalist
Observations on certain documents contained in no. V & VI of "The history of the United States for the year 1796,"
A defense of the treaty of amity, commerce, and navigation entered into between the United States of America & Great Britain
Genl. Alexander Hamilton's confidential letter to Robert Morris on the government of New York
The Federalist Papers
Selections from the Federalist
Die Federalist-Artikel
The Federalist papers
A defence of the treaty of amity, commerce, and navigation
The Federalist, or, The new Constitution
The Federalist papers
Le Fédéraliste, ou Collection de quelques écrits en faveur de la constitution proposée aux États-Unis de l'Amérique, par la convention convoquée en 1787
A full vindication of the measures of the Congress, from the calumnies of their enemies, in answer to a letter, under the signature of A.W. Farmer
The fate of Major André
Documents relating to American economic history
Alexander Hamilton papers
Letters of Pacificus
An act to organize and establish an exchequer of issues as the fiscal agent of the people of the United States
The Federalist
The Federalist
The official and other papers of the late Major-General Alexander Hamilton
The Federalist papers
The Federalist
The Federalist
The opinion of Alexander Hamilton on the constitutionality and expediency of incorporating the United States Bank
The essential Hamilton
The federalist
The Federalist papers
The Federalist, on the new Constitution, written in the year 1788
federalist PAPERS
The Pacificus-Helvidius debates of 1793-1794
The farmer refuted: or, A more impartial and comprehensive view of the dispute between Great-Britain and the colonies
The official and other papers ..
The Federalist Papers (Mentor Book, Mt328)
The Federalist
The Federalist
The Federalist
Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson
The Federalist papers
A full vindication of the measures of the Congress, from the calumnies of their enemies
The argument of the secretary of the Treasury upon the constitutionality of a national bank
The Federalist, on the new Constitution
A few of Hamilton's letters, including his description of the great West Indian hurricane of 1772
The Federalist, on the new Constitution, written in the year 1788, by Mr. Hamilton, Mr. Madison, and Mr. Jay: with an appendix, containing the letters of Pacificus and Helvidius, on the Proclamation of neutrality of 1793; also, the original Articles of Confederation, and the Constitution of the United States, with the amendments made thereto
The Farmer refuted
Letter from Alexander Hamilton
Le fédéraliste (commentaire de la constitution des États-Unis) recueil d'articles écrits en faveur de la nouvelle constitution telle qu'elle à été adoptée
Adultery and apology
The Pacificus-Helvidius debates of 1793-1794 : toward the completion of the American founding
The reports of Alexander Hamilton
Philadelphia, September 26, 1792
The Federalist
Letters to Dr. William Osborn
Colonel Hamilton's second letter, from Phocion to the considerate citizens of New-York, on the politics of the times, in consequence of the peace
The Federalist papers
Hamiltonian principles
The Federalist
The Federalist, on the new Constitution, written in 1788
The Federalist papers
The Federalist
A letter from Phocion, to the considerate citizens of New-York
The Federalist
Thep apers of Alexander Hamilton
On the American constitution
The Federalist, or, The new Constitution
The Federalist Papers
Letters of Pacificus and Helvidius on the proclamation of neutrality of 1793
Selected Federalist papers
The Federalist papers
The Federalist
The nature of the Republic
The federalists
An address to the people of Rhode-Island ..
Amerikanskie federalisty
The Federalist
The Federalist, or, The new Constitution
The examination of the President's message at the opening of Congress, December 7, 1801
Federalist Papers
The Federalist
The Federalist papers
Observations on certain documents in "The history of the United States for the year 1796,"
Report on the subject of manufactures, made in his capacity of Secretary of the Treasury ... 1791
Alexander Hamilton's pay book
The federalist
American State papers
Federalist Papers
Alexander Hamilton on finance, credit, and debt
The revolutionary writings of Alexander Hamilton
The Federalist
The Federalist on the new constitution
A second letter from Phocion to the considerate citizens of New-York
The Federalist, On the New Constitution
Selections from the poetical works of Alexander Hamilton, the poet of Kirkroads
The Federalist
The mind of Alexander Hamilton
Réflexions sur la république
An address to the electors of the state of New York
The Federalist
The Federalist Papers
The Federalist, on the new constitution
The Federalist
The Federalist papers
Lian bang dang ren wen ji
The Federalist
The Federalist
The vital federalist papers
Alexander Hamilton and the founding of the Nation
The Federalist
The Federalist
The examination of the President's message, at the opening of Congress December 7, 1801
The Federalist
The Federalist
The Federalist and other constitutional papers
The Federalist, on the new Constitution, written in 1788
The Federalist papers
Federalist Papers
The Federalist
The Federalist
Il Federalista
The Federalist, or, The new Constitution
A letter from Phocion to the considerate citizens of New-York
The Federalist, on the new Constitution, written in the year 1788
The Federalist
El Federalista
The Federalist
O Federalista
The Fœderalist
The Federalist, on the new Constitution, written in the year 1788, by Mr. Hamilton, Mr. Madison, and Mr. Jay; with an appendix, containing the letters of Pacificus and Helvidius, on the Proclamation of neutrality of 1793; also, the original Articles of Confederation, and the Constitution of the United States, with the amendments made thereto
The Federalist papers
Pay No Taxes
The Federalist
Four Flowers
The Federalist
The federalist
El Federalista
The federalist, on the new Constitution
The Federalist
The papers of Alexander Hamilton
The Federalist papers
The Federalist papers
Colonel Hamilton's second letter, from Phocion to the considerate citizens of New-York, on the politics of the times, in consequence of the peace
The Federalist
The Federalist
The papers of Alexander Hamilton
The Federalist papers
The Federalist
A few of Hamilton's letters, including his description of the great West Indian hurricane of 1772
The Federalist and other contemporary papers on the constitution of the United States by Hamilton, Jay, Madison and other men of their time
The Federalist
The works of Alexander Hamilton
The Federalist
The Federalist
El Federalista
The Federalist
An address, to the electors of the state of New York
Alexander Hamilton papers
The Federalist on the new constitution
The Federalist
Practical proceedings in the Supreme Court of the State of New York
The Federalist
The Federalist papers
Opinion As to the Constitutionality of T
Selections from the Federalist
The Federalist
The Federalist
The soundness of the policy of protecting domestic manufactures
Observations on certain documents contained in no. V & VI of the "Hist. of U.S. for 1796" and a refutation of the charge of speculation
The Federalist
Essential Federalist and Anti-Federalist Papers
Alexander Hamilton and the founding of the Nation
The Federalist
The law practice of Alexander Hamilton
The Federalist
Federalistički spisi
A letter from Phocion to the considerate citizens of New-York, on the politicks of the day
The works of Alexander Hamilton
The Federalist
Report of the Secretary of the Treasury on the subject of a mint
The Federalist, on the new constitution, written in 1778
The Federalist and other constitutional papers
The Federalist
The Federalist papers
The papers of Alexander Hamilton
The Federalist
The Federalist
The works of Alexander Hamilton
Alexander Hamilton and the founding of the Nation
The opinion of Alexander Hamilton, on the constitutionality and expediency of incorporating the United States Bank, February 23, 1791
The Federalist
Federalist Papers
The Federalist
The Federalist, on the new Constitution
Genl. Alexander Hamilton's confidential letter to Robert Morris on the government of New York, and his estimate of the leading men of that state
Propositions of Colonel Hamilton, of New-York, in the Convention for establishing a constitutional government for the United States
The Farmer refuted
The Federalist, a commentary on the Constitution of the United States
The Foederalist
Letter from Alexander Hamilton
The federalist papers, or, How government is supposed to work
New York Conspiracy or a History of the Hebrew Israelite Negro Plot 1741-1742
Federalist Papers
El Federalista
The Federalist, on the new Constitution
The Federalist
The Federalist and other constitutional papers
Selections from the Federalist
The Federalist
Federalist Papers
The Federalist, on the new Contstiution
The Federalist
Industrial and commercial correspondence of Alexander Hamilton anticipating his report on manufactures
Charles Babbage
Charles Babbage (1791-1871)

mathematician, computer scientist, inventor, economist, philosopher, engineer, astronomer

  • University of Cambridge, University of Cambridge
Charles Babbage
The works of Charles Babbage
The economy of machinery and manufactures
The exposition of 1851
Decline of Science in England
The ninth Bridgewater treatise
Table of the logarithms of the natural numbers, from 1 to 108000
Observations on the temple of Serapis at Pozzuoli near Naples
Thoughts on the principles of taxation, with reference to a property tax, and its exceptions
A comparative view of the various institutions for the assurance of lives
Examples of the solutions of functional equations
The analytical engine and mechanical notation
Ninth Bridgwater Treatise Fragment
Abstract of a paper entitled Observations on the Temple of Serapis at Pozzuoli
Science and reform
Passages from the life of a philisopher
Memoirs of the Analytical Society
Works of Charles Babbage Vol 9
Demonstration of a theorem relating to prime numbers
Works of Charles Babbage Vol 3
Works of Charles Babbage Vol 5
Works of Charles Babbage Vol 10
Abstract of a Paper entitled. Observations on the Temple of Serapis at Pozzuoli
The Exposition of 1851; or, Views of the industry, the science, and the government of England
Examples of the Solutions of Functional Equations
The history of science and technology
Works of Charles Babbage Vol 1
Geometry and Faith: A Fragmentary Supplement to the Ninth Bridgewater Treatise
Charles Babbage and his calculating engines
Table of the logarithms of the natural numbers
Works of Charles Babbage Vol 2
How to invent machinery
A letter to sir Humphry Davy, Bart. president of the Royal Society, etc. etc. on the application of machinery to the purpose of calculating and printing mathematical tables
Observations on the measurement of heights by the barometer
On the theoretical principles of the machinery for calculating tables
Charles Babbage on the Principles and Development of the Calculator and Other Seminal Writings
On the advantage of a collection of numbers, to be entitled the constants of nature and of art
Ninth Bridgewater Treatise
On machinery for calculating and printing mathematical tables
Babbage's occulting telegraph
Works of Charles Babbage Vol 8
Report of the Committee, appointed by the Council of the Royal Society, to consider the subject refferd to in Mr. Stewart' Letter, relative to Mr. Babbage's Calculating machine, and to report thereupon / [I.T.W. Herschel]
Reflections on the Decline of Science in England
Memoir of the life and labours of Charles Babbage ..
Works of Charles Babbage Vol 11
An examination of some questions connected with games of chance. By Charles Babbage ..
On the Principles and Development of the Calculator and Other Seminal Writings
Examples of the Solutions of Functional Equations
Preussens Deutsche Politik und Ihre Gegner
On the application of analysis to the discovery of local theorems and porisms. By Charles Babbage ..
Works of Charles Babbage
Works of Charles Babbage Vol 6
Babbage's Calculating Engines
Ninth Bridgewater Treatise
The Exposition of Eighteen Fifty-One
Tables of logarithms of the natural numbers from 1 to 108,000
The difference engine and table making
Charles Babbage and his calculating engines
Exposition Of 1851
Works of Charles Babbage Vol 4
On the advantage of a collection of numbers, to be entitled the constants of nature and art / by Charles Babbage
A chapter on street nuisances
Mathematical papers
An examination of some questions connected with games of chance
La macchina analitica
Ninth Bridgwater Treatise Fragment
Ninth Bridgewater Treatise. a Fragment
Observations on the analogy which subsists between the calculus of functions and other branches of analysis. By Charles Babbage ..
Observations on the Temple of Serapis at Pozzuoli Near Naples; With an Attempt to Explain the Causes of the Frequent Elevation and Depression of Large ... Prove That Those Causes Continue in Action at
Laws of mechanical notation (for consideration) / [C. Babbage]
Scientific and miscellaneous papers
Account of the repetition of M. Arago's experiments on the magnetism manifested by various substances during the act of rotation. By C. Babbage ... and J. F. W. Herschel ..
The Exposition of 1851
Table of logarithms of the natural numbers from 1 to 108,000
Table of Logarithms of the Natural Numbers
Barometrical observations made at the fall of the Staubbach
Minutes of the Council of the Royal Society relating to the report of the Committee on Mr. Babbage's Calculating machine. February 12, 1829
On currency, on a new system of manufacturing, andon the effet of machinery on human labour
Observations on the discovery in various localities of the remains of human art
Specimen of logarithmic tables printed with different coloured inks on variously coloured papers
Essay on General Principles Which Regulate the Application of Machinery to Manufactures
A letter to T.P. Courtenay, on the proportionate number of births of the two sexes under different circumstances
Table of the Logarithms of the Natural Numbers
Works of Charles Babbage Vol 7
Scientific and miscellaneous papers II
Thoughts on the principles of taxation
The ninth Bridgewater treatise
Of the constants of nature
A chapter on street nuisances
Charles Babbage on the principles and development of the calculator
Table of logarithms of the natural numbers
The Exposition of 1851
The ninth Bridgewater treatise
On the influence of signs in mathematical reasoning
An analysis of the statistics of the Clearing House during the year 1839
Thoughts on the principles of taxation, with reference to a property tax, and its exceptions
Charles Babbage and his calculating engines
Observations addressed at the last anniversary, to the President and Fellows of the Royal Society, after the delivery of the medals
Scientific and miscellaneous papers I.
A comparative view of the various institutions for the assurance of lives
The ninth Bridgewater treatise
The Exposition of 1851, or, Views of the industry, the science, and the government, of England
The Exposition of 1851, or, Views of the industry, the science, and the government, of England