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biographers who wrote autobiography
Showing 297-304 out of 357 results
Nick Tosches
Nick Tosches (1949-2019)

journalist, poet, biographer, music critic

Where Dead Voices Gather
In the hand of Dante
Power on earth
Cut numbers
King of the Jews
The Last Opium Den
Dangerous dances
The Devil and Sonny Liston
Open City 13
Everything Is An Afterthought The Life And Writings Of Paul Nelson
The Nick Tosches reader
Unsung heroes of rock 'n' roll
Me and the devil
Night Train
In the hands of Dante
Trinities Uk Edition
KIng of the Jews
Under Tiberius
Chaldea and I Dig Girls
Confessions d'un chasseur d'opium
More Rear Views
Never Trust A Loving God
Héros oubliés du rock'n roll
Dino. Rat- Pack, die Mafia und der große Traum vom Glück
Der Teufel und Sonny Liston. Aufstieg und Fall einer Boxlegende
Me and the Devil: A Novel
Rear view
Les pièges de la nuit
Me and the Devil
Save the Last Dance for Satan
Night Train
Cut Numbers
El callejón de las almas perdidas
Where Dead Voices Gather
El callejón de las almas perdidas
Moi et le diable
El callejón de las almas perdidas
Johnny's First Cigarette - La première cigarette de Johnny
Roi des Juifs (le)
Unsung Heroes of Rock 'n' Roll
Geschaefte Mit Dem Vatikan Die Affaere S
La main de Dante
I Married an Artist
La religion des ratés
Where the Dead Voices Gather Proof
El callejón de las almas perdidas
Johnny's First Cigarette - La première cigarette de Johnny
In the Hand of Dante
Tony Benn
Tony Benn (1925-2014)

politician, autobiographer, diarist

  • University of Oxford, Westminster School
More Time for Politics
The end of an era
Years of Hope
Parliament, people, and power
Arguments for democracy
Free at last!
A Blaze of Autumn Sunshine
Dare to be a Daniel
Out of the Wilderness
Office without power
Against the tide
Free Radical
Common sense
Conflicts of interest
Free at Last
The Benn Tapes 2
The Benn Tapes 1
The Benn Tapes
The Benn Diaries, 1940-90
Labour and the slump
Fighting back
The Benn Tapes 2
The Sizewell syndrome
Dare to Be a Daniel CD
Arguments for socialism
The Levellers and the English democratic tradition
The right to know
The need for a free press
Little silver bell
The case for party democracy
International Broadcasting Convention, 1990 (I E E Conference Publication)
An Audience with Tony Benn
The energy crisis - one man's view
The Privy Council as a second chamber
A new course for Labour
Dare to Be a Daniel Audio
The government's policy for technology
Industry, technology and democracy
Writings on the Wall
Democracy and human rights
The Future of Socialism (Agenda for the Twenty-first Century)
The power of the Bible today
European Unity
The Speaker, the Commons and Democracy (Spokesman)
The new politics
A future for socialism
Talking about socialism
The case for a constitutional civil service
A ten-year industrial strategy for Britain
The case for a constitutional premiership
Audience with Tony Benn
Writings on the wall
The Crisis and the future of the Left
Text of Parliamentary statement on energy conservation measures made by Mr Tony Benn, Secretary of State for Energy, on December 12, 1977
The energy crisis
Why America needs democratic socialism
Stop the trials in Turkey
Trade unionism
Passing Shadows
The regeneration of Britain
The Benn Diaries 1940-1990
The world you live in
Tony Benn on the Falklands war
[Ministers and civil servants]
X10 Counterpack Common Sense
The Levellers
Trade Unionism
Baby in the Bathwater
Dying for a Drink
The need for a free press
The Levellers and the English democratic tradition
The social and political implications of automation
The case for a constitutional civil service
The New worker co-operatives
European unity
Crows on the Battlefield
Tony Benn on the Falklands war
Crows on the Battlefield
Giovanni Boccaccio
Giovanni Boccaccio (1312-1375)

poet, diplomat, translator, biographer, mythographer

On famous women
Life of Dante
Prentice Hall Literature--World Masterpieces
Forty-six lives
Vita di Dante
Il corbaccio
Opere volgari di Giovanni Boccaccio
The elegy of Lady Fiammetta
Boccaccio on poetry
The Decameron / Calandrino and the Stolen Pork
Amorous tales from the Decameron
Chaucer's Boccaccio
Opere volgari
Nymphs of Fiesole
Della geneologia de gli dei
Selection from the Decameron
Cuentos del Renacimiento italiano
De casibus virorum illustrium
Le lettere edite e inedite di Messer Giovanni Boccaccio, tradotte e commentate con nuovi documenti
The Most Pleasant and Delectable Questions of Love
La Généalogie des Dieux païens - Genealogia Deorum Gentilium, livres 14 et 15
Giovanni Boccaccio, Theseid of the nuptials of Emilia = Teseida delle nozze di Emilia
Very Italian Christmas
Letture Graduate Per Stranieri - Level 1
The Most Pleasant and Delectable Questions of Love
Boccaccio's revenge
Il comento alla Divina Commedia e gli altri scritti intorno a Dante
Boccaccio, In defense of poetry
Concerning famous women
Genealogy of the pagan gods
The Eaten Heart
Madam Babeṭa
The Most Pleasant and Delectable Questions of Love
A translation of Giovanni Boccaccio's life of Dante
The Early Lives of Dante
The Most Pleasant and Delectable Questions of Love
Boccaccio's expositions on Dante's Comedy
Tutte le opere di Giovanni Boccaccio
De Claris Mulieribus
Esposizioni sopra la Comedia di Dante
Der Decamerone, 2 Bde., Bd.2
Amorous Fiammett
Boccaccio's Olympia
Fables from Boccaccio and Chaucer
Stories from the Decameron
Madonna Filippa / Melchisedech e il Saladino. Novelle tratte dal Decameron
La vita di Dante
Diana's hunt =
La Teseida
L' Ameto
In defence of poetry =
Thirteen most pleasant and delectable questions of love, entitled A disport of diverse noble personages
Di tsṿey poorlakh
Amorous Fiammett
Novelle scelte dal Decamerone di Giovanni Boccaccio
Fables Ancient and Modern : Translated into Verse, from Homer, Ovid, Boccace, & Chaucer
Cinque Novelle (a Cura DI M Spagnesi)
Selections from Boccaccio
The elegy of madonna Fiammetta sent by her to women in love
Classic Erotic Novels (5 Books)
Ninfale fiesolano
Dryden's Fables
The antient, true, and admirable history of patient Grisel
Vita di Petrarca
Amorosa visione
The nymph of Fiesole
Fables from Boccaccio and Chaucer
Vita di Dante Alighieri
Augustine confession and enchiridion volume VII
Fables Ancient and Modern : Translated Into Verse, From Homer, Ovid, Boccace, & Chaucer
Andreuccio DA Perugia
Il comento alla Divina commedia
Critical perspectives on the Decameron
Cinque novelle. Mit Materialien
Andreuccio Da Perugia (Italian Easy Readers, Series A)
Il Filocolo
Decameron - Vol II  (1471)
Chamber of Love
Opere minori in Volgare
Ten tales from the Decameron
Des dames de renom
The Decameron, Volume I
IL Filostrato
Decamerone [1/2]
Chaucer's Troylus and Cryseyde  Compared with Boccaccio's Filostrato
Decameron von Heinrich Steinhöwel
Lo Zibaldone Boccaccesco mediceo lavrenziano plut. XXXI-8
The book of Theseus =
Decameron - Vol I  (1471)
La Passione del N.S. Gesú Cristo
Il comento sopra la Commedia
La Fiamenta de Johan Boccacci, traducció catalana del 15en segle ara per primera volta publicada sóts el patronat de la Societat catalana de bibliòfils
Le cento novelle, da Messer Vincenzo Brugiantino, dette in ottava rima
Giovanni Boccaccio, the life of Dante (Tratatello in laude di Dante)
Buccolicum carmen
The Decameron
Decamerone. One Hundred Ingenious Novels
Dizionario geografico
La vita di Dante
Decameron - Giornata Sesta
Laurent de Premierfait's Des cas des nobles hommes et femmes
The Decameron of Giovanni Boccacci (IL Boccaccio), Vol. 1 (Classic Reprint)
DECAMERON Sesta Giornata
Le décaméron
Boccaccios Buch Von den fürnembsten Weibern mit den 78 Holzschnitten der Ulmer Ausgabe von 1473 und einem Nachwort
Decameron; Volume 2
Opere in versi
De claris mulieribus
Elegy of Lady Fiammetta
The tragedies, gathered by Ihon Bochas, of all such princes as fell from theyr estates throughe the mutability of fortune since the creacion of Adam, vntil his time
Amorous Fiamett
Decameron - Giornata Prima
Il Decameròn
Caccia Di Diana
La rvffianella
Amorous Fiammetta
Decameron of Giovanni Boccaccio
Decameron - Giornata Quarta
Elegia Di Madonna Fiammetta
Delle opere di m. Giovanni Boccacci ..
Latin Eclogues
Decameron of Giovanni Boccaccio - Part I (Esprios Classics)
To Dekuimero
Dal Decameron e dalle opere minori
DECAMERON Ottava Giornata
The Downfall  of the Famous
Vrbano di m. Giovan Boccaccio
Decamerone Di Giovanni Boccaccio ... of 3; Volume 1
Acrostici della amorosa visione
The modell of vvit, mirth, eloquence, and conuersation
Das Dekameron
Tales from Boccaccio
Troilus und Kressida
The Decameron of Giovanni Boccaccio including forty of its hundred novels
Nymph of Fiesole. Ninfale Fiesolano
Decamerone [3/4]
Andreuccio da Perugia
Forty-six lives, translated from Boccaccio's De claris mulieribus
Opere minori
Boccace's tales, or, The quintessence of wit, mirth, eloquence, and conversation
Here begynneth the boke of Iohan Bochas discryuing the fall of pri[n]ces, princesses, and other nobles
Decameron Ten Night' Entertainment
Nimfale fiesolano
The Decameron the last five days
The Earliest Lives of Dante
De montibus, sylvis, fontibus, lacubus, fluminibus, stagnis seu paludibus, et de nominibus maris
The nymph of Fiesole (Il ninfale fiesolano)
Giovanni Boccaccio : Die Verliebte Fiammetta
Amorosa Visione...
The pleasant and sweet history of patient Grissel
Comento Sopra la Commedia; Volume II
Decameron Di Messer Giovanni Boccaccio Cittadino Fiorentino; Volume 5
El Decameró
Delle Donne Famose, Curata Da G. Manzioni, con Note
The Decameron
Joannis Boccaccio de Certaldo doctissimi epistola ad Andreā de Acciarolis de Florentis alte ville commitissam
The eaten heart
Palace of Pleasure
Mujeres preclaras
Novelle tratte dal Decamerone
Decamerone Di. Giovanni. Boccaccio Cognominato Principe. Galeotto.
Decamerone di Messer Giovanni Boccaccio cittadino fiorentino. ... of 4; Volume 4
The most wonderful and pleasaunt history of Titus and Gisippus
Comedia delle ninfe fiorentine (Ameto)
Delle Donne Famose Di Giovanni Boccacci
Chamber of love
Andreuccio da Perugia
Decameron : VOL 1
Mrs Rosie and the Priest
Tales from Boccaccio
Decamerone Di Giovanni Boccaccio; Volume 1
Nimfale Fiesolano nel quale si contiene l'innamoramento di Affrico e Mensola, poemetto in ottava rima di Gioanni Boccaccio, ridotto a vera lezione.
I casi de gli huomini illustri
Comento Sopra la Commedia Di Dante Alighieri Di Giovanni Boccaccio, Tomo II
Decameron of Boccaccio.
The Saint
New Life (la Vita Nuova) by Dante Alighieri; Tr. by Dante Gabriel Rossetti, with an Introduction by Charles Eliot Norton. One Hundred Sonnets
La prosa del Boccaccio
Elegy of Lady Fiammetta
Frailes, curas y monjas
Der Decamerone, 2 Bde., Bd.1
Life of Dante
Boccaccio on Poetry
Poesie nach der Pest
Genealogie Johannis Boccaccii
Decamerone [3/5]
Guystarde and Sygysmonde
Il Filostrato
La Femme justifiée
The fall of princys, princessys, and other nobles
Vie de Dante
The Nymph of Fiesole. Translated by Daniel J. Donno
Decameron, Volumen IV
Decameron - Giornata Nona
Comento Alla Divina Commedia e gli Altri Scritti Intorno a Dante Vol. 1
Il Corbaccio
Lydgate's Fall of Princes, Part IV
Le Decameron
Decameron : (Day 1 to Day 5)
décaméron de Boccace, Volumes 4-6
Frailes, curas y monjas
La Fiameta de Johan Boccacci, traducció catalana del 15en segle ara per primera volta publicada sóts el patronat de la Societat catalana de bibliòfils
The fates of illustrious men
Decameron of Giovanni Boccacci (il Boccaccio); V. 3
Il Decamerone Di M. Gio. Boccaccio, Dato in Luce Da Vincenzio Martinelli.
Opera di M. Giouanni Boccaccio
Vita di Dante e difesa della poesia
Cenni di Giovanni Boccacci intorno a Tito Livio
Earliest Lives of Dante
Comento Alla Divina Commedia, e gli Altri Scritti Intorno a Dante, Vol. 2
Novelle ventotto di Messer Giovanni Boccacci Scelte ora la prima volta dal suo Decamerone. Ad uso principalmente de' modesti giovani e studiosi della Toscana favella. Con la descrizione della pestilenza stata in Firenze nel 1348
Delle Donne Famose; Volume 02
Il Codice Chigiano, L.V.176
Elegia Di Madonna Fiammetta
Tales from Boccaccio, with Modern Illustrations
The little Decameron, a selection from Boccaccio
Decameron of Giovanni Boccaccio - Part Ii
La novella di ser Ciappelletto
Antologia Delle Opere Minori Volgari Di Giovanni Boccaccio
Passione Di Cristo N. s : Poema in Ottava Rima : Ora per la Prima Volta a Miglior Lezione Ridotto Dal Marchese Di Montrone e Da Lui Corredato Di Alquante Annotazioni e Di un Discorso Intorno le Presenti Condizioni Della Lingua Italiana
The Decameron
Thirtene most plesant and delectable questions, entituled a disport of diuers noble personages written in Italian by M. Iohn Bocace, Florentine and poet laureate, in his booke named Philocopo. Englished by H.G. These bookes are to be solde at the corner shoppe, at the northweast dore of Paules
Genealogiae deorum
The story of Griselda
DECAMERON Decima Giornata
Boccaccio in the Blaskets
De las ilustres mujeres
Genealogiae Joannis Boccatii ..
Decameron of Giovanni Boccaccio : Now First Completely Done into English Prose and Verse
Das Leben Dantes
Opere Latine minori
Easy Readers - Italian
Fünf sehr anmutige geschichten des vielgelästerten Giovanni di Boccaccio aus Certaldo
The novels and tales of the renowned John Boccacio ..
Boccaccio on Poetry
Il filostrato di Giovanni Boccaccio
The Most Pleasant and Delectable Questions of Love
L'aberinto d'amore (Il Corbaccio)
La Fiammetta
Trattatello in Laude Di Dante
Decameron tales
Os famosos contos de Boccaccio
Caccia Di Diana
Decameron de Jean Boccace ... of 5; Volume 1
Eaten Heart
Decameron - Giornata Seconda
Il filocopo... di nuouo riueduto...da M. Francesco Sansouino
Elegy of Lady Fiammetta
Genealogie Johannis Boccacij cum micantissimis arborum effigiationibus cuiusq [] gentilis dei progeniem
The Literary Museum; Or, Ancient and Modern Repository: Comprising Scarce and Curious Tracts ..
Trattatello in laude di Dante
DECAMERON Nona Giornata
DECAMERON Seconda Giornata
Deu del Decameró
Le Decameron, Premiere Journee (French Edition)
Most Pleasant and Delectable Questions of Love
The Decameron (Volume Two)
The Decameron of Giovanni Boccaccio - Volume The First (The Decameron)
Dal Commento Sopra le Commedia Di Dante
Decameròn e opere minori
Scelta di novelle di Giovanni Boccaccio
Vita di Dante (um 1360)
Decamerone [2/?]
Lou Prince Galeotto ..
décaméron de Boccace, Volumes 1-3
De claris mulieribus / Die großen Frauen. Zweisprachige Ausgabe. Lateinisch / Deutsch
On Poetry
Decameron - Giornata Ottava
Decameron of Giovanni Boccacci (il Boccaccio); V. 2
Here begynnethe the boke calledde Iohn bochas descriuinge the falle of princis princessis [and] other nobles tra[n]slated i[n]to englissh by Iohn ludgate mo[n]ke of the monastery of seint edmu[n]des Bury ..
Décaméron (1350-1354)
O Decamerão
Delle Donne Famose... ...
The Decameron, Book I
Il Philopono di Messer Giovanni Boccaccio
Early Lives of Dante
The Decameron; Volume II
The Decameron the first five days
Les Dix journées de Jean Boccace
décaméron; Volume 1
Die neunte Novelle des zehnten Tags
Decamerone [selections]
Vida de Dante
La corrispondenza bucolica tra Giovanni Boccaccio e Checco di Meletto Rossi ; L'egloga di Giovanni del Virgilio ad Albertino Mussato
Das Dekameron.
Andreuccio DA Perugia (Facili Letture)
Genealogy of the Pagan Gods
Decameron - Giornata Terza
Il Decamerone Di Giovanni Boccacio; Volume 1 (Italian Edition)
Volgarizzamento Di Maestro Donator Da Casentino Dell' Opera Di Messe Boccaccio de Claris Mulieribus, Pubbl. per Cura e Studio Di L. Tosti
Meistererzählungen aus dem Decamerone
Five Tales from Decameron (Swc 1650)
The little Decameron
Contes de Boccace, le Décaméron. Édition illustrée. Traduction nouvelle
Las Ninfas De Fiesole
The Nymph of Fiesole. Translated by Daniel J. Donno
Elegia di madonna Fiammetta-Corbaccio
The Falcon, and other tales
Petrarch, the First Modern Scholar and Man of Letters; a Selection from His Correspondence with Boccaccio and Other Friends, Designed to Illustrate the Beginnings of the Renaissance;
Volgarizzamento Di Maestro Donato Da Casentino Dell'opera Di Messer Boccaccio de Claris Mulieribus, Rinvenuto in un Codice Del XIV Secolo Dell'archivio Cassinese, Pubblicato per Cura e Studii Di D. Luigi Tosti ...
Erotische Geschichten. Großdruck. Ausgewählt aus dem Dekameron
The nymph of Fiesole (Il ninfale fiesolano)
Boccaccio's "Elegy of Lady Fiammetta" [microform]
Stories of Boccaccio the Decameron
The Decameron. Volume Two (2) only (Dent Everyman's Library)
Das Dekameron Von Boccaccio
Decamerón. (Diez cuentos)
Provisional Translation of the Early Lives of Dante and of His Poetical Correspondence with Giovanni Del Virgilio
The Decameron or Ten Days Entertainment of Boccaccio
Decameron; Volume 2
Decameron of Giovanni Boccaccio - Part II (Esprios Classics)
Comento Alla Divina Commedia e gli Altri Scritti Intorno a Dante Vol. 1
A pleasaunt disport of diuers noble personages: written in Italian by M. Iohn Bocace Florentine and poet laureat: in his boke vvhich is entituled Philocopo. And nowe Englished by H. G
Lettere Edite e Inedite Di Messer Giovanni Boccaccio, Tradotte e Commentate con Nuovi Documenti
Opere Volgari Di Giovanni Boccaccio
Opera dell'huomo dotto et samoso Giovan Boccaccio da certal do, dalla lingua Latina nel thosco idioma per Meser Nicolo liburnio nouamente trallata
Opere Volgari Di Giovanni Boccaccio
Libro llamado Fiameta porque trata delos amores de vna notable buena napolitana llamada fiameta el qual compuso el famoso Juan Vocacio poeta Horentino
The Fates of Illustrious Men (Milestones of Thought)
Genealogie deorum gentilium libri
The corbaccio, or, The labyrinth of love
Ninfale Fiesolano
DECAMERON Terza Giornata
Der Decamerone. Erster Band
Comento Alla Divina Commedia, e gli Altri Scritti Intorno a Dante, Vol. 3
La Passione del N.S. Gesú Cristo
˜Dasœ Dekameron des Giovanni Boccaccio
Decameron, Volume Primo
The Decameron, Volume II
The Filostrato of Giovanni Boccaccio
Cuentos jocundos del Decamerón
The Decameron of Giovanni Boccaccio Vol 2 of 2
La fiammetta. Per G. Tizzone da posi novamente revisto
Decameron - Giornata Settima
Il Corbaccio
Two tracts
Decamerone, Volumen I
Corbaccio = Corbeau de malheur
Lydgate's Fall of Princes, Part IV (Bibliographical Introduction, Notes and Glossary)
Lo Mejor del Decameron (Clasicos de Bolsillo: Cuentos)
Giovanni Boccaccio
Decameron, or, Ten Days' Entertainment, of Boccaccio; Volume 4
[L opera de misser Giouanni Boccacio de mulieribus claris
The nuns and the gardener
Lian ai yu sheng huo de gu shi
Clasicos de Amor
Life of Dante
Decameron, Volume I
DECAMERON Quarta Giornata
DECAMERON Quinta Giornata
Concerning famous women
Dame, mercanti e cavalieri
Decameron - Giornata Quinta
SER CIAPPELLETTO Novella Dal Decameron
DECAMERON Edizione Integrale
Elegia di madonna Fiammetta-Corbaccio
Decameron. Volume II
De Las Mujeres Ilustres
A treatise excellent and compe[n]dious, shewing and declaring, in maner of tragedye, the falles of sondry most notable princes and princesses vvith other nobles, through ye mutabilitie and change of vnstedfast fortune
Geta e Birria: novella
Decamerone [2/2]
The Decameron The Moddell of Wit, Mirth, Eloquence and Conversation
Il Testo moltiplicato
Decameron - Giornata Decima
THE DECAMERON The first 40 novels, volume One stories First to Tenth (EVERYMAN'S LIBRARY)
Decameró, versió catalana de 1429. Introd. de Carles Riba
Libro di M. Gio. Boccaccio delle donne illustri
Le nouveau Décaméron, troisième journée
Early English Versions of Tales from the "Decameron"
DECAMERON Prima Giornata
Il commento di Giovanni Boccaccio sopra La Commedia
Männer und Frauen. Geschichten aus dem Decameron
Des cleres et nobles femmes
Elegia di madonna Fiammetta ; Corbaccio
Della geneologia de gli dei di M. Giovanni Boccaccio libri qvindeci
Thirteene most pleasaunt and delectable questions entitled, A disport of diverse noble personages
Geneologia de gli Dei ... Tradotti et adornati per M. G. Betussi da Bassano
L' Amorosa Fiammetta di M. Giovanni Boccaccio ...
Genealogiae Joannis Boccatii: cum demonstrationibus in formis arboru designatis
Incomi[n]cia il libro chiamato nimphale
Margraff Walther
Antologia delle opere minori volgari
Il filocopo di M. Giovanni Baccaccio
Commedia delle ninfe fiorentine (Ameto)  Ed. critica per cura di Antonio Enzo Quaglio
Des cleres et nobles femmes
Earliest Lives of Dante
Dekameron kemeku becig
Die neun Bücher vom Glück und vom Unglück berühmter Männer und Frauen
Decamerone [2/3]
Origine, vita, stvdi e costvmi del chiarisimo Dante Allighieri, poeta fiorentino
Des cleres et nobles femmes
The Earliest lives of Dante
The modell of wit, mirth, eloquence, and conversation
La geneologia de gli dei de gentili
Iohannis Bochacii viri eloqventissimi ad flamettam panphyli amatricem libellvs materno sermone aeditvs [...]
Tales of Ardent and Whimsical Love
Des cleres et nobles femmes
Die Nymphe von Fiesole
De las ilustres mujeres en romance (Zaragoza 1494)
Amorosa visione
Le rime
Spirit of Boccaccio's Decameron
I casi de gli hvomini illvstri
Giovanni Boccaccio. Il Corbaccio
Elegia di Madonna Fiammetta
Des cleres et nobles femmes
Boccaccio's Ninfale fiesolano
Pistola di Giovanni Boccacci a Messer Francesco priore di Sant' Apostolo
Opere in versi, Corbaccio, Trattatello in laude di Dante, Prose latine, epistole /a cura di Pier Giorgio Ricci
Die Geschichte vom klugen König Agilulf
Il "Buccolicum Carmen"
Opere di Giovanni Boccaccio
Decamerone [1/5]
Il Philopono di Messer Giouanni Boccaccio in fino a qui falsamente detto Philocolo diligentemente da Messer Tizzone Gaetano di Posi riusto
Boccace des nobles malheureux
Buch: von den berühmten Fraèwen
Lettera di M. Giovanni Boccaccio
La fiametta del Boccaccio
Pasquerella and Madonna Babetta
The Palace of Pleasure: Elizabethan Versions of Italian and French Novels ..
Des cleres et nobles femmes
La caccia di Diana
Des cleres et nobles femmes
Opera dell'huomo dotto et famoso Giovanni Boccaccio ..
Patient Griselda. A tale. From the Italian of Bocaccio. By Miss Sotheby
Des cleres et nobles femmes
The life of Dante
Pasqverella and Madonna Babetta
Opera dell' houmo dotto et famoso Giovan Boccaccio..
The Filostrato of Giovanni Boccacio
Des cleres et nobles femmes
Decamerone o ver cento novelle
Das Dekameron des Giovanni Boccaccio
Decameron. 20 ausgewählte Novellen, italienisch - deutsch
Fables from Boccaccio and Chaucer
The saint: a tale. From the original Italian of Boccace. By Mr. William Ayre
Mostra di manoscritti, documenti e edizioni
La Fiammetta
La Theseide
Libro delle donne illustri
Il comento di Giovanni Boccacci sopra La Commedia
Chichibio and the crane
Teseida, delle nozze d'Emilia
L'elegia di madonna Fiammetta
Boccacciovské rozprávky
Volgarizzamento di Maestro Donato da Casentino dell'opera di Messer ..
Hie nach volget der kurcz sin von etlichen frowen
Decamerone [5/5]
Un Mundo En Cambio
Libro di M. Gio. Boccaccio delle donne illustri
Il "Buccolicum carmen"
Giovanni Boccaccio
La Fiammetta catalana
"De preclaris mulieribus, that is to say in Englyshe, Of the ryghte renoumyde ladyes". Translated from "Bocasse", ..
Theodore & Honoria
Opere volgari di Giovanni Boccaccio: cor, su i testi a penna
La Caccia di Diana e le rime
Le opere di Giovanni Boccaccio scelte e illustrate di Nicola Zingarelli
Vida de Dante
Des cleres et nobles femmes
Geneologia de gli dei
Geneologia de gli dei
Ameto, over, Comedia delle nimphe fiorentine
The Earliest lives of Dante
Boccacio's Olympia
La caccia di Diana
Pokʻachʻio ŭi yumyŏnghan yojadŭl
Généalogie des dieux ..
Incomincia il libro di madonna Fiammetta da lei alle innamorate mandato
Das Leben Dantes
Ioannis Boccatii de Certaldo insigne opus De claris mulieribus .
Shi ri qing tan
Laberinto d'amore
Die Griselda des Messer Giovanni di Boccaccio mit vier Holzschnitten des Meisters mit der Schlange
Des cleres et nobles femmes
La geneologia de gli dei de gentili
Die Geschichte zweier Liebenden
Genealogie deorum. Additions by Dominicus Silvester. Add
Des cleres et nobles femmes
Opere in versi, Corbaccio, Trattatello in laude di Dante, prose latine, epistole
Opere in versi, Corbaccio, Trattatello in laude di Dante, prose latine, epistole
De claris mulieribus
Tutte le Opere
"De preclaris mulieribus, that is to say in Englyshe, Of the ryght renoumyde ladyes."
Decamerone  [1/3]
Opera ...
Il Filocolo
Fables from Boccaccio and Chaucer
The Earliest lives of Dante
Nouvelles de Jean Boccace
Tutte le opere
Dieci novelle
Des cleres et nobles femmes
An omnibus of passionate women
Il libro di Messer Giovanni Boccaccio
Decamerone [3/3]
Il Culex trascritto e annotato da Giovanni Boccaccio
La vita di Dante ...
Fünf sehr anmutige Geschichten des vielgelästerten Giovanni di Boccaccio aus Certaldo ; mit sieben altitalienischen Holzschnitten und einem Auffass von Friedrich Schlegel
Das Leben Dantes
Lydgate's Fall of princes
Laberinto d'amore di M. Giovanni Boccaccio di nvovo ristampato & diligentemento corretto
Fragmentos de las traducciones catalanas de la Fiammetta  y del Decamerone, ambas anónimas y del siglo XV
Cenni di Giovanni Boccacci intorno a Tito Livio
Des cleres et nobles femmes
La geneologia de gli dei de gentili
Irr-Garten der Liebe
Hvmana cossa he lhaver compassione agli afflitti
Des cleres et nobles femmes
Fiammetta del Boccaccio
De casibus virorum illustrium libri novem
Stories in rhyme
La passione del N.S. Gesù Gristo
Des cleres et nobles femmes
Die mittelenglische umdichtung von Boccaccios De claris mulieribus
The fates if illustrious men
De la louenge et vertu des nobles et cleres dames
The nymphs of Fiesole
Opere di Giovanni Boccaccio
L' amorosa fiammetta
Des cleres et nobles femmes
Libro de Jua[n] Bocacio que tracta de las illustres Mugeres
Joannis Boccacii Certaldi De casibus illustrium virorum libri nouem quum historiis adfatim cognoscendis tum praeclare instituendis hominum moribus longe utilissimi
Das Ninfale fiesolano Giovanni Boccaccios
La fiamette amoureuse
Here begynneth y[e] hystory of Tytus & Gesyppus
Ein gar schone newe hystori der hochen lieb des koniglichen fursten Florio vnd von seiner lieben Bianceffora
Des cleres et nobles femmes
Die göttliche Komödie. Aus dem Italienischen von Philaletes (König Johann von Sachsen). Mit zahlreichen Bildern von Gustave Doré. Mit einer Kleinen Ab ... obe Dantes von Giovanni Boccaccio. (2. Aufl.)
Trenta novelle di Giovanni Boccaccio ad use delle scuole
Facsimiles of designs from engraved copperplates illustrating Le Livre de la ruyne des nobles hommes et femmes, par Jehan Bocace, imprimé à Bruges par Colard Mansion
La prosa del Boccaccio
La vita di Dante
Document historique de Boccace sur Pétrarque: manuscrit de la Bibliothèque de Saint-Marc de ..
Il comento sopra la Commedia di Dante Alighieri
Boccace des nobles malheureux
Pasquerella and Madonna Babetta
Genealogiae deorum libri XV et liber de montibus, sylvis, etc
H. Decamerone di M. Giovanni?? Boccaccio Nvovamente?? Corretto et Con Di?? ligentia Stam /?? pato
Il Decameron di messer Giovanni Boccaccio ... di nuouo ristampato, e riscontrato in Firenze con testi antichi, & alla sua vera lettione ridotto dal cavalier Lionardo Salviati ... Et in qvesta vltima impressione adornato di figure appropriate a ciascheduna nouella ...
Il corbaccio
Boccacciovské rozprávky
L'Amorosa Fiametta
Boccaccio on poetry
Hystoria sigismūde der tochter des fürsten tancredi vō solerma vnd des iünglingsz gwisgardi
Hystoria Sigismunde, der Tochter dess Fürsten Tancredi von Salernia, vnd dess Iünglings Gwisgardi
Tales of love and life
Malye proizvedenii︠a︡
L'amorosa Fiammetta
Das  Dekameron des Giovanni di Boccaccio
Thirteene most pleasaunt and delectable questions, entituled A disport of diverse noble personages
Chichibo and the Crane
L' opera de misser Giouanni Boccaccio Demulieribus claris
Des cleres et nobles femmes
Laberinto Amoroso detto Corbaccio di messer Iouanni Boccaccio col prologo anthidoto laurario composti da nouo
The fall of prynces. Gathered by John Bochas, fro[m] the begynnyng of the world vntyll his time, translated into English by John Lidgate monke of Burye
Vita di Dante e difesa della poesia
Il ninfale fiesolano
Des cleres et nobles femmes
Das Dekameron des Boccaccio
Los Cuentos Tambien LLamados el Decameron del Maestro Giovanni Boccaccio Florentino
Libro di M. Giovanni Boccaccio delle donne illustri
Shene arṭlekhe geshikhṭn
Il decamer[one] di M. Giovanni Bocc[accio] di nvovo emendato secon[do] gli antichi essemplari
Bokkēṣyōyuṭe pr̲aṇaya kathakaḷ
L' amorosa Fiametta
Ioannis Bocatii [Peri genealogias] deorvm
Genealogiae Joannis Boccatii
Des cleres et nobles femmes
Rime ; Caccia di Diana
Decameron I - Milenio
Des cleres et nobles femmes
Volgarizzamento di maestro Donato da Casentino dell' opera di messer Boccaccio De claris mulieribus rinvenuto in un codice del XIV secolo dell' Archivio cassinese
Das Ninfale fiesolano Giovanni Boccaccios
Iohannis Bocacii de Cercaldis historiographi prologus in libros De casibus virorum illustrium incipit
Opera dell'huomo dotto et famoso Giovan Boccaccio da Certaldo
Des cleres et nobles femmes
Decamerone [4/4]
La Caccia di Diana e le rime
Des cleres et nobles femmes
Il Filostrato e il Ninfale fiesolano
Shene arṭlekhe geshikhṭn
Amorous Fiammetta
Erotic Tales from the Decameron
Sei novelle molto aggradevoli
Boccaccio Decameronul
Des cleres et nobles femmes
Shi ri tan
The tragedies, gathered by Ihon Bochas, of all such princes as fell from theyr estates throughe the mutability of fortune ...
Tales from Boccaccio
Incomincia il libro primo di Florio & di Bianzafiore chiamato Philocolo
Des cleres et nobles femmes
Opere latine minori
Opera dell'huomo dotto et famoso G. Boccaccio da Certaldo, dalla lingua latina nel thosco idioma per Meser N. Liburnio novamente trallatata
Il Teseida neogreco, libro I.
Libro llamado Fiameta porque trata delos amores de vna notable buena napolitana llamada fiameta el qual compuso el famoso Juan Vocacio poeta Horentino
Boccacciovské rozprávky
Du dechiet et tuyne des nobles hommes et femmes
Des cleres et nobles femmes
Giovanni Boccaccio
Boccaccios Buch von den fürnembsten Weibern
Des cleres et nobles femmes
Slimme vrouwen
Des cleres et nobles femmes
Incomencia il libro primo di Florio & di Bianzafiore chiamato Philocolo
The Decamaron
Il Corbaccio, o, Il labertinto d'amore
Hye nach volget der kurcz syn von ettlichen frauen
Das Dekameron. 1: Erster bis fünfter Tag./2
The earliest lives of Dante
Des cleres et nobles femmes
Des cleres et nobles femmes
Le rime
Die Nächte der Marquise von Montferrat und neun weitere ergötzliche Erzählungen aus dem Decamerone des Boccaccio
The three admirable accidents of Andrea de Piero
I casi degl'huomini illustri, ne' quali si trattano  molti accidenti di diversi principi, incominciando dalla creazion del  mondo fin'al tempo suo, con l'istorie, e casi occorsi nelle vite di  quelli..
Libro di M. Gio. Boccaccio Delle donne illustri
Iohannis Bochacii viri eloqventissimi ad flametam panphili amatricem libellvs materno sermone aeditvs [...]
Amorosa visione
Des cleres et nobles femmes
Hystoria sigismunde der tochter des fursten tancredi von solerma vnd des iunglings gwisgardi
Die Griselda des Messer Giovanni di Boccaccio mit vier Holzschnitten des Meisters mit der Schlange
La fiammette amovrevse
Des cleres et nobles femmes
Des cleres et nobles femmes
Life of Dante ...
Filostrato (Edizione Commentata)
The Earliest lives of Dante
Decameron, [Scelta del] Filocolo, Ameto, Fiammetta
Il disegno del Decamerone e passi delle opere minori, con proemio
Lettera di Messer Gio. Boccacci da Certaldo a Maestro Zanobi da Strada
Hyenach volget gar ein schöne hÿstorÿ vō einer edlen jungen frawen Sigismunda genannt
Decameron, Filocolo, Ameto, Fiammetta
Di tsṿey poorlakh
Das Dekameron
Ameto del Boccacio
Il filostrato e il ninfale fiesolano
An Omnibus of passionate women
Opere minori
Commentia illibro ditato a Fiammetta da essa alla inamorata mandato
Des cleres et nobles femmes
Rime di Messer Giovanni Boccacci
The Earliest lives of Dante
Le lettere edite e inedite
Epistola Leonardi Aretini de amore Guistardi & Sigismunde, filie Tancredi pri[n]cipis Salernitani
Petrarch, the First Modern Scholar and Man of Letters: A Selection from His ..
Il ninfale fiesolano
Johan Bocacio de las mujeres illustres en roma[n]ce
Elegia di madonna Fiammetta
Tutte le opere. A curo di Vittore Branca
Des cleres et nobles femmes
Il Decameron
Comedia delle ninfe fiorentine (Ameto)
Des cleres et nobles femmes
Ameto, ouer, Comedia delle nimphe fiorentine
Ein gar schone newe histori der hochen lieb des kuniglichen fursten Florio vnnd von seyner lieben Bianceffora
Libro ... Delle donne illustri, tradotto per M. G. Betussi
Il Filocopo
L'elegia di madonna Fiammetta
Nimfale fiesolano nel quale si contiene l'innamoramento di Affrico e Mensola
Genealogie deorum gentilium libri
L'oeuvre amoureuse de Boccace, Florentin
Geneologia de gli dei
Geneologia de gli dei
Des cleres et nobles femmes
Epistre consolatoire de messire Jean Boccace, envoyée au signeur Pino de Rossi
La Fiammetta
Hunter S. Thompson
Hunter S. Thompson (1937-2005)

journalist, reporter, essayist, autobiographer, politician, photographer

  • Columbia University, Florida State University
Hell's Angels
Kingdom of Fear
Fear and Loathing
Hell's Angels
Generation of swine
Songs of the doomed
The great shark hunt
The Rum Diary
Hey Rube
Better than sex
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
Fear and loathing in America
Fear and loathing in Las Vegas and other American stories
Kingdom of Fear
The proud highway
Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail '72
Fear and loathing at Rolling Stone
The curse of Lono
Fear and loathing
Ancient Gonzo wisdom
Fear and loathing
The Joke's Over
Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail (Harperperennial Classics)
The Proud Highway (The Fear & Loathing Letters)
The Rum Diary
Russell Chatham
Miedo y Asco En Las Vegas
Hell's Angels
Fear and Loathing at Rolling Stone
The Gonzo Papers Anthology
Hunter S. Thompson : The Last Interview
Generation of Swine
Kingdom Of Fear
Fear and loathing on the campaign trail '72
Create your own paper dinosaurs
The rum diary
Hell's Angels
The proud highway
Los ángeles del Infierno
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
Curse of Lono
The rum diary
Better Than Sex
Los Angeles del Infierno
The Great Shark Hunt
Fear and Loathing at Rolling Stone
Dialog Beruf
The Rum Diary (Export Tpb)
Fear and Loathing in America
Hell's Angels
Happy birthday, Jack Nicholson
Fear and loathing
Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail
The great shark hunt
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
Parano dans le bunker
Great Shark Hunt
Curse of Lono
Hey Rube
Happy Birthday, Jack Nicholson
Mistah Leary he dead
The Curse of Lono
Generation of Swine
Rum Diary
Las Vegas parano
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas : A Savage Journey to the Heart of the American Dream / Generation of Swine : Gonzo Papers Vol.2
El escritor gonzo
The Proud Highway
Songs of the Doomed
Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail '72
Rum Diary
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (Harper Perennial Modern Classc)
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
La gran caza del tiburón
Las Vegas'ta Korku ve Nefret
la maldición de Lono
La gran caza del tiburón
Hunter S. Thompson Collection
Thompson H S
Polo Is My Life
Diário a rum
Proud Highway
La revuelta del pueblo cucaracha
Strakh i otvrashchenie v Las-Vegase
Rom Gunlukleri
Ancient Gonzo Wisdom
Antigua sabiduría gonzo
The Gonzo papers anthology
Lek i odraza w Las Vegas
Miedo y asco en Las Vegas
Generation of Swine : Gonzo Papers Vol. 2
Fear and Loathing in America
Antigua sabiduría gonzo
Paura e disgusto a Las Vegas
Death of a Poet
Hell's Angels
Hell's Angels
Alan Sillitoe
Alan Sillitoe (1928-2010)

poet, autobiographer

Raw Material
Prentice Hall Literature - Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes - The British Tradition
The Loneliness of the Long-Distance Runner
Saturday night and Sunday morning
Saturday Night and Sunday Morning
Key to the Door
Raw material
Guzman, go home, and other stories
Life without armour
The storyteller
Men, Women and Children
Leonard's war
The widower's son
Alan Sillitoe's Nottinghamshire
The Saxon Shore Way
The flame of life
The Broken Chariot
Her victory
Travels in Nihilon
The Death of William Posters
Men, women and children
Men, women and children / Alan Sillitoe
The widower's son
The lost flying boat
Three plays
A man of his time
Gadfly in Russia
Alligator playground
The far side of the street
The second chance, and other stories
The Lost Flying Boat
A start in life
The Ragman's Daughter
Life goes on
Every day of the week
The death of William Posters
Out of the whirlpool
Saturday Night and Sunday Morning Flamingo Modern Classic
Collected poems
Mountains and caverns
Sun before departure
Big John and the stars
The second chance
A tree on fire
Last loves
The Rats
The General
Love in the environs of Voronezh
A flight of arrows
Men, women and children
Every day of the week
Road to Volgograd
The ragman's daughter
Collected stories
Road to Volgograd
Marmalade Jim at the farm
Down from the hill
The lost flyingboat
Out of the Whirlpool
Out of the Whirlpool (Arena Books)
A Tree on Fire
Alan Sillitoe's Nottinghamshire
The Death of William Posters
The German Numbers Woman
New and collected stories
Down from the hill
Life goes on
The storyteller
Leonard's war
Down to the bone
Snow on the north side of Lucifer
El Carro Del Sol / The Broken Chariot
Down from the Hill
The city adventures of Marmalade Jim
From Snow on the north side of Lucifer
Tides and stone walls
Marmalade Jim and the fox
The incredible fencing fleas
Alligator Playground
Leonard's War
A tree on fire
Samedi soir, dimanche matin
The Flame of Life
The second chance
Selection (Imprint Books)
A Sillitoe selection
Leading the Blind
Down from the Hill
Last loves
The Open Door
Samstagnacht und Sonntagmorgen. Roman
Her victory
Sun before departure
La solitude du coureur de fond
The Saxon shore way
Revenge and other short stories =
Her Victory Part 2 of 2
Die Flamme des Lebens
Day-dream communiqué
More Lucifer
The Lonliness of the Long Distance Runner
Travels in Nihilon
Tides and stone walls
The city adventures of Marmalade Jim
A start in life
More Lucifer
A Sillitoe selection
Barbarians and other poems
La soledad del corredor de fondo
Big John and the stars
Guzman, go home
A start in life
Three poems
A falling out of love
Launtai-illasta sunnuntaiamuun
Long Distance Runner
Guzman, go home
Soledad del Corredor de Fondo La
Out of the whirlpool
Guzman go home, and other stories
Day-dream communique
Water slides
Key to the door
General, The
A falling out of love, and other poems
The Mentality of the Picaresque Hero
Die Lumpensammlerstochter
The Far side of the street
Down to the bone
Shaman, and other poems
The general
Der brennende Baum
Managing squash courts
Mimi Marmelade et les sales matous
Her Victory Part 1 of 2
Reise nach Nihilon
Die Flamme des Lebens
Her Victory-V2
Loin des vagues
Her Victory-V1
Charles Nicholl
Charles Nicholl (born 1950)

journalist, historian, biographer, singer

  • University of Cambridge
The lodger
The Lodger Shakespeare
The reckoning
The Sea
The creature in the map
Leonardo da Vinci: Flights of the Mind
Somebody else
The Chemical Theatre
The Fruit Palace
Screaming In The Castle
A cup of news
Elizabethan writers
The lodger Shakespeare
Leonardo da Vinci
Rimbaud En Africa
Zones frontières
La Ruta de La Coca
Leonardo da Vinchi
Wild Things
Reckoning 24 Copy Bin
Leonardo. Los Vuelos de La Mente
לאונרדו דה וינצ׳י
Leonardo da Vinci
Traces Remain
Somebody Else
Rimbaud na África
The Fruit Palace
Shakespeare and His Contemporaries
Andrei Bely
Andrei Bely (1880-1934)

poet, autobiographer, playwright, literary critic, philosopher, critic, poetry study, illustrator

  • Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of Moscow Imperial University
Perepiska, 1902-1932
Серебряный голубь
St. Petersburg
The christened Chinaman
Korolevna i rytsari
Mezhdu dvukh revoli͡u︡t͡s︡iĭ
Na rubezhe dvukh stoletiǐ
Nachalo veka =
Kotik Letaev
Simvolizm kak miroponimanie
Gibel' senatora (Peterburg)
First Encounter
Pervoe svidanie
Masterstvo Goglya
Kritika, ėstetika, teoriya simvolizma
Na rubezhe dvukh stoletii =
Kreshchenyĭ kitaet︠s︡
Stikhi o Rossii
Ritm kak dialektika i "Mednyǐ vsadnik"
Lug zelenyi
The dramatic symphony
Mezhdu dvukh revolutsii =
Masterstvo Gogoli͡a
Odna iz obiteleĭ t︠s︡arstva teneĭ =
Reminiscences of Rudolf Steiner
Pami͡a︡ti Aleksandra Bloka
Vozvrashchen'e na rodinu = Returning home
Pervoe svidanie
Selected essays of Andrey Bely
Simvolizm. Der Symbolismus
The dramatic symphony ; The forms of art
Posle razluki
Tragediia tvorchestva
Zapiski chudaka =
Kotik Letaev
Vospominanii͡a︡ o Bloke
Vospominaniia ob Aleksandre Aleksandroviche Bloke =
Kotik Letaev
Sirin uchenogo varvarstva
Serebrianyi golub
Vospominaniya ob Aleksandre Bloke =
Serebryanyi golub'
Kotik Letaev
Na rubezhe dvukh stoletii =
Vospominaniya ob Aleksandre Aleksandroviche Bloke
Vozvrashchen'e na rodinu = Returning home
St. Petersburg
Staryĭ Arbat
Lug zelenyĭ
Vozvrashchenʹe na rodinu =
Izbrannai︠a︡ proza
I͡A︡ byl mezh vas--
[Gibelʹ senatora
Na rubezhe dvukh stoletii
Nachalo veka
Andreĭ Belyĭ i Ivanov-Razumnik--perepiska
Mezhdu dvukh revolyutsii
Revoli͡u︡t͡s︡ii͡a︡ i kulʹtura
In the kingdom of shadows
Stikhotvoreniia i poemy
" Vash ryt︠s︡arʹ"
Petersburg (Russian Classics) (in Russian)
Perepiska, 1928-1933
Tragedi︠i︡a tvorchestva: Dostoevskiĭ i Tolstoĭ. Dostoevsky and Tolstoy
Stikhotvorenii︠a︡ ipoėmy v 2 tt
Serebrianyi golub
Symbolismus, Anthroposophie
Nachalo veka =
Kak my pishem
Zapiski chudaka =
Moskovskiĭ alʹmanakh
Sochineniya v dvukh tomakh
Kak my pishem
Selected essays of Andrey Bely
Gogol's artistry
"Vash ryt︠s︡arʹ"
Dusha samosoznai︠u︡shchai︠a︡
"Vse mysli dli︠a︡ vykhoda v svet - zaperty"
"...nicht anders als über die Seele des anderen"
Zhizni gibelʹnoĭ pozhar
Verwandeln des Lebens
Simvolizm kak miroponimanie
Stikhotvoreniya i poemy
Serebrianyi golub' =
Anthroposophy and Russia
Kubok meteleĭ
Serebri︠a︡nyĭ golubʹ
Masterstvo Gogoli︠a︡
Vospominanii͡a︡ ob Aleksandre Aleksandroviche Bloke
Mezhdu dvukh revoli︠u︡t︠s︡iǐ
Sobranie ėpicheskikh poem
Masterstvo Gogoli︠a︡
Moskovskiĭ chudak
Poziia slova
André Bély
Serebri͡a︡nyĭ golubʹ ; Rasskazy
Mezhdu dvukh revoli︠u︡t︠s︡iĭ
Vospominaniia ob Aleksande Aleksandroviche Bloke
Putevyia zametki
Na perevale
Andreĭ Belyĭ, Ėmiliĭ Metner
Pochemu i͡a︡ stal simvolistom i pochemu i͡a︡ ne perestal im bytʹ vo vsekh fazakh moego ideĭnogo i khudozhestvennogo razvitii͡a︡
Simfonii︠a︡ (2-i︠a︡, dramaticheskai︠a︡)
O khudozhestvennoĭ proze
Putevyi︠a︡ zami︠e︡tki
Putevyi︠a︡ zami︠e︡tki
Andreĭ Belyĭ, Aleksandr Blok, Moskva
Mezhdu dvukh revoli︠u︡t︠s︡iĭ
Masterstvo Gogoli︠a︡
[ Vospominanii͡a︡ o A. A. Bloke (romanized form)]
Na perevale
Na rubezhe dvukh stoletiĭ
Na rubezhe dvukh stoletiĭ
Zoloto v lazuri
The dramatic symphony, translated by Roger and Angela Keys ; The forms of art, translated by John Ellsworth
Vospominanii︠a︡ o Shteĭnere
Krylatai͡a︡ dusha
Kotik Letaev [by] Andrei Bely
Odna iz obiteleĭ t︠s︡arstva teneĭ
Pami︠a︡ti Aleksandra Bloka
Poezii︠a︡ slova ; O smysle poznanii︠a︡
Sievernaia simfonia: 1-ia geroicheskaia
Zoloto v lazuri
Vozvrashchenʹie na rodinu
Serebri︠a︡nyĭ golubʹ
Chetyre simfoniĭ =
Vospominani|i|a o Shteĭnere
Sirin uchenogo varvarstva
Kak my pishem
St. Petersburg
Vozvrashchenʹe na rodinu
Na perevale
Pami︠a︡ti Aleksandra Bloka
Ritm, kak dialektika, i "Mednyĭ vsadnii͡a︡"
Istorii︠a︡ stanovlenii︠a︡ samosoznai︠u︡shcheĭ dushi
Andreĭ Belyĭ o Bloke
Zapiski mechtateleĭ
Complete short stories
Rudolʹf Shteĭner i Gete v mirovozzri︠e︡nīi sovremennosti
Putevyi︠a︡ zami︠e︡tki
Poėziia slova
Sobranie sochineniĭ
Khristos voskres
Andreĭ Belyĭ
Andreĭ Belyĭ i Aleksandr Blok--perepiska 1903-1919
Zoloto v lazuri
Sirin uchënogo varvarstva
Stikhi o Rossīi
Moskva pod udarom
Veter s Kavkaza
Na rubezhe dvukh stoletiĭ
"-- Nicht anders als über die Seele des anderen"
Khristos voskres
Kritika, ėstetika, teorii͡a︡ simvolizma
Vospominaniia o A.A. Bloke
Zhezl Aarona
Chetyre simfonii
Krizis kulʹtury
Poezi|i|a slova ; O smysle poznani|i|a
Krizis kulʹtury
Sievernaia simfoniia
Korolevna i ryt︠s︡ari
O smysle poznanii︠a︡
Andreĭ Belyĭ
Kotik Letaev
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Evangelie kak drama
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Mezhdu dvukh revoliutsii
Pervoe svidanie
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Moskovskiĭ chudak
Zapiski chudaka
Moskva pod udarom
Kreshchenyĭ kitaet︠s︡
Suetonius (0069-0125)

historian, secretary, biographer, poet, antiquarian

The Twelve Caesars
The Lives of the Caesars
De grammaticis et rhetoribus
Divus Augustus
Divus Julius
C. Suetoni Tranquilli quae supersunt omnia
Gai Svetoni Tranqvilli De vita Caesarvm libri dvo
Galba, Otho, Vitellius
Lives of the Caesars, The
Sueton's Kaiserbiographien
C. Suetonii Tranquilli Opera: Ex recensione Maximiliani Ihm..
C. Suetonii Tranquilli vitae duodecim Caesarum,: cum scriptus minoribus et ..
Divus Claudius
The Caesars
Sueton's Kaiserbiographien, verdeutscht von A. Stahr
Suetonius, Vol. 1
Opera, vol. I
Julius Caesar and Related Readings
Vidas de los doce Cesares/ Lives of the Twelve Caesars
Gai Suetoni Tranquilli de vita Caesarum, libri III-VI
Vidas de los doce Cesares/ Lives of the Twelve Caesars
Vidas de los Cesares/ Lives of the Caesars
The Lives Of The Twelve Caesars, Volume 4 & 5
C. Suetonii Tranquilli opera omnia
C. Suetonij Tranquilli duodecim Caesares
Gai Suetoni Tranquilli De vita Caesarum libri I-II
Peri blasphēmiōn
Kaiserbiographien (Schriften Und Quellen Der Alten Welt)
The Lives Of The Twelve Caesars, Volume 1
The Lives Of The Twelve Caesars, Volume 3
Roma galante
The Lives Of The Twelve Caesars, Volume 6
The Lives Of The Twelve Caesars, Volume 2
The Twelve Caesars
A Suetonius reader
The Lives of Twelve Caesars
Vie de Neron
Vie de Caligula
C. Suetonius Tranquillus ex recensione Joannis Georgii Graevii ..
The Twelve Caesars
The Lives of the Caesars
Lives of the Twelve Caesars
C. Suetonii Tranquilli duodecim Cæsares
The Lives Of The Twelve Caesars -  Complete
Caji Suetonii Tranquilli Opera
Suetonius' Lives of the twelve Cæsars
Vie de Titus
Praeter Caesarum libros reliquiae
Vies des douze Césars
Vie de Galba
The lives of the XII. Cæsars
Vie d'Othon
Divus Vespasianus
C. Suetonii Tranquillio Opera omnia quae extant
De vita caesarum : libri VIII
Opera omnia
Cajus Suetonius Tranquillus
Vie de Vitellius
Vie de Vespasien
Vie d'Auguste
Vie de Cesar
Das Leben der römischen Kaiser
C. Suetoni Tranquilli opera
Vie de Domitien
History of Twelve Caesars
Vie de Tibere
Vies de douze Césars
Vies des douze Césars
History of Twelve Caesars
Suétone, les écrivains de l'histoire Auguste, Eutrope, Sextus Rufus, avec la traduction en français
Lives of the Caesars
The twelve Caesars
The twelve Caesars
Le vite de' dodici Cesari
Vida de Los Doce Cesares
Lives of the Caesars
How to Be a Bad Emperor Lib/E
How to Be a Bad Emperor
Divus Iulius
In hoc volumine haec continentur C. Suetonij Tranquilli XII Caesares ; Sexti Aurelij Victoris à D. Caesare Augusto usq[ue] ad Theodosium excerpta ; Eutropij De gestis romanorum lib x ; Pauli Diaconi libri VIII ad Eutropij historiam additi
C. Svetoni Tranqvilli Divvs Vespasianvs
Vie de Claude
The Lives of the Twelve Caesars, Complete - the Original Classic Edition
C. Svetoni Tranqvilli De XII Caesaribvs libri VIII
Caius Suetonius Tranquillus ad optimas editiones collatus
C. Svetoni Tranqvilli opera
galvas, othon, vitellios / γάλβασ, όθων, βιτέλλιος
Lives of the Xii. Cæsars, Tr. with Notes [by J. Hughes]
Caius Suetonius Tranquillus
C. Suetoni Tranquilli Divus Vespasianus
Caivs Svetonivs Tranqvillvs cum annotationi bus diversorum
C. Suetonius Tranquillus, et in eum commentarius
Caivs Svetonivs Tranqvillvs
Lives of the Twelve Caesars
The historie of twelue Cæsars emperors of Rome. Written in Latine by C. Suetonius Tranquillus: and newly translated into English by Philemon Holland Doctor in Phisick. Together with a marginall glosse and other briefe anotations therevpon
Gai Suetoni Tranquilli de Vita Caesarum, Libri Iii-Vi
In hoc volumine haec continentur. C. Suetonii Tranquilli XII Caesares
C. Suetonii Tranquilli Vita Domitiani
The Lives of the Twelve Caesars
C. Suetonii Tranquilli XII Cæsares
C. Suetoni Tranquilli quae supersunt omnia
The Lives of the Twelve Caesars -Claudius-
The history of the twelve Caesars, emperors of Rome
C. Suetonii Tranquilli Vita Divi Claudii ...
The historie of tvvelve Caesars, emperours of Rome
Lives of the Twelve Cæsars
Caii Suetonii Tranquilli De vita xii Caesarum
Lives of the Twelve Cæsars, Written in Latin by C. Suetonius Tranquillus. Translated into English, with Explanatory Notes, by Mr. Hughes. Adorn'd with Cuts. in Two Volumes. the Second Edition. of 2; Volume 2
Suetonii Tranquilli Illustres uiri
C. Suetonii Tranquilli Vitae Duodecim Caesarum Cum Scriptis Minoribus et Fragmentis
The lives of the first twelve Cæsars
Suetons Werke
Lives of the Twelve Caesars Illustrated Edition
XII. Caesares.  Io. Baptistae Egnatii Veneti
Divi Augusti vita
Sueton's Kaiserbiographien Verdeutscht Von Adolf Stahr
Vides de Calígula, Claudi i Neró
The Lives of the Twelve Caesars
C. Suetonii Tranquilli opera omnia quae extant
C. Svetonii Tranquilli de uita duodecim Cesarum libri duodecim
Caii Suetonii Tranquilli Duodecim Caesares
Lives of the Caesars ...
Douze Césars, Traduits du Latin de Suétone; Volume 2
Caii Svetonii Tranqvilli de vita XII Caesarvm
Lives of the Twelve Caesars Illustrated
The lives of the twelve Cæsars, the first emperors of Rome
Cajus Suetonius Tranquillus
C. Suetoni Tranquilli praeter Caesarum libros reliquiae
Vita di Orazio
The Lives of the Twelve Caesars -Galba, Otho & Vitellius-
Lives of the Twelve Caesars( Illustrated Edition)
C. Suetonii Tranquilli Opera
Lives of the Twelve Caesars Annotated
Die römischen Kaiser
The lives of the twelve Cæsars
C. Suetoni Tranquilli de Vita Caesarum Libri Viii...
Cafi Suetonii Tranquilli opera, & in illa commentarius Samuelis Pitisci, in quo antiquitatesRomanae ex auctoribus idoneis fere nongentis, Graecis et Latinis, veteribus & recentioribus, perpetuo tenore explicantur
Twelve Caesars (100 Copy Collector's Edition)
Lives of the Caesars
Opera : Clavis Suetoniana
Dvodecim Caesares
C. Suetonius Tranquillus, Et In Eum Commentarius, Exhibente Joanne Schildio, Volume 1
Divus Augustus
XII Caesares
C. Suetoni Tranquilli De Vita Caesarum libri vii-viii
Praeter Caesarum libros reliquae
C. Suetoni Tranquilli Praeter Caesarum libros reliquiae
Vita Divi Claudii
C. Svetoni Tranquilli Opera
C. Suetonii Tranquilli De vita Caesarum liber VIII Divus Vespasianus
Lives of the Twelve Casares
I grammatici e i retori
The lives of the twelve Caesars /Suetonius ; the translation by Philemon Holland ; rev. for the present ed. ; with an introd., by Moses Hadas, and illustrated with paintings by Salvatore Fiume
Vita di duodeci imperatori
C. Suetonii Tranquilli Opera
The Lives of the Twelve Caesars (translated By Philemon Holland)
L'histoire des empéreurs romains ...
C. Suetoni Tranquilli Praeter Caesarum libros reliquiae
Suetonii Vita Terentii emendata et illustrata
Twelve Caesars
Ex C. Svetonio Tranqvillo D. Octauij Caesaris Augusti uita
Cai Svetonii Tranquilli duodecim Caesares
De vita Caesarum liber VIII, Divus Titus
The history of the twelve Caesars
Die Kaiserviten / Berühmte Männer
C. Suetonii Tranquilli Duodecim Caesares, Et Minora Quae Supersunt Opera, Volume 1
Suetonius, with an English Translation By J.C. Rolfe. Vol. II.
Vite Dei Dodici Cesari Di Gaio Svetonio Tranquillo
De Vita Caesarum Liber Viii, Divus Titus
I dodici Cesari, Gli unomini illustri
Le vite de dodici Cesari de Gajo Suetonio Tranquillo
C. Svetonii Tranqvilli Dvodecim caesares
The Lives of the XII. Cæsars, or the First Twelve Roman Emperors, Written in Latin by C. Suetonius Tranquillus. Translated Into English, with ... with Cuts. in Two Volumes. of 2; Volume 2
In hoc volumine haec continentur C. Suetonij Tranquilli XII caesares. Sexti Aurelij Victoris À D. Caesare Augusto usq[ue] ad Theodosium excerptae. Eutropij De gestis Romanorum, lib. X. Pauli Diaconi Libri VIII ad Eutropij historiam additi
Lives of the Twelve Caesars, Complete
Divus Iuilius
C. Svetone Tranqville. De la vie des douze Cesars
Ex C. Svetonio Tranqvillo Neronis Claudij Caesaris uita
THE TWELVE CAESARS Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus
Le vite de dodici cesari
Ex C. Svetonio Tranqvillo D. Tiberij Caesaris Augusti uita
C. Suetonii Tranquilli Duodecim Caesares, et minora quae supersunt opera
Stories of the Caesars from Suetonius
The lives of the first twelve C©Œsars
The lives of the twelve Caesars
Le vite di dodici Cesari
Lives of the Xii. Cæsars, Tr. with Notes [by J. Hughes]
The history of the twelve Cæsars, emperors of Rome
The Twelve Caesars (Penguin Classics)
C. Svetonii Tranqvilli XII Caesares. Ex uetusto exemplari emendatiores multis locis
On Iki Caesar'in Yasami
Life of Horace, with Dr. Bentley's Preface, Latin and English
The Twelve Caesars; The Folio Society Special Edition
C. Suetone, De la vie des douze Cesars
Suetonio De poetis e biografi minori
De vita Caesarum, libri 7-8
Svetonio De poetis e biografi minori
Gai Suetoni Tranquilli de Vita Caesarum Libri I-Ii
C. Suetonii Tranquilli Opera omnia, qvae extant
Caivs Svetonivs Tranquillus
The Lives of the Twelve Ceasars
Suetonius Tranquillus cum Philippi Beroaldi et Marci Antonii Sabellici commentariis
Suetone des vies des douze Cesars, empereurs romains
Ex C. Svetonio Tranqvillo D. Iulij Caesaris uita
Histoire des douze Césars de Suétone
Suetonius the Twelve Caesars
Oeuvres de Suétone
Opera, & in Illa Commentarius Samuelis Pitisci
C. Suetonii Tranquilli Duodecim Caesares, Et Minora Quae Supersunt Opera, Volume 2
C. Svetonivs Tranqvillvs
C. Suetonii Tranquilli Opera omnia notis illustrata
The life of Horace
In hoc volumine haec continentur
Suetonius Vol. 2.
Twelve Caesars (Royal Collector's Edition) (Annotated) (Case Laminate Hardcover with Jacket)
C. Suetonii Tranquilli XII [i.e. Duodecim] Cæsares
Vitae Caesarum
C. Plinii Secundi Nouocome[n]sis De viris illustribus liber, qui vulgo Cornelio Nepoti ascribitur. Suetonii Tranquilli De claris grammaticis & rhetoribus liber. Iulii Obsequentis Prodigiorum liber imperfectus
Suetonius Tranquillus cum Philippi Beroaldi et Marci Antonii Sabellici commentariis
The Twelve Caesars
Keizers van Rome
Lives of the Twelve Caesars
Caius Suetonius Tranquillus
C.Svetoni Tranqvilli
Lives of Twelve Caesars - Complete
Caii Svetoni Tranqvilli qvae extant
C. Suetonij Tranquilli Duodecim Caesares
De Vita Caesarum Libri I-Ii...
Divvs Ivilivs
The historie of twelue Caesars, emperors of Rome
Les douze Césars, traduits du latin de Suétone, avec des notes et des réflexions par M. de La Harpe
Vita di dvodeci imperatori
C. Suetonii Tranquilli XII [i.e. Duodecim] Caesares
C. Svetoni Tranqvilli Divvs Ivlivs
The history of the twelve Cæsars, emperours of Rome
Les douze Césars
Grammatici e retori
Vie de Virgile
The lives of the first twelve Caesars
Douze Césars
Caii Svetonii Tranqvilli Opera qvae exstant
C. Suetoni Tranquilli Quae Supersunt Omnia (Latin Edition)
Twelve Caesars
Leben und Taten der römischen Kaiser (Kaiserviten)
Ex C. Svetonio Tranqvillo D. Claudij Caesaris uita
C. Suetonii Tranquilli Vita Domitiani
The histories of twelve Caesars
Opera, et in illa commentarius Samuelis Pitisci
The Lives of the Twelve Caesars
The Lives of the XII. Cæsars, or the First Twelve Roman Emperors, Written in Latin by C. Suetonius Tranquillus. Translated Into English, with ... with Cuts. in Two Volumes. of 2; Volume 1
C. Svetonii Tranquilli de uita duodecim Cesarum libri duodecim
Opera : Volumen I
Opera omnia, quae extant
C. Svetonii Tranqvilli De XII caesaribvs libri VIII
Die zwölf Cäsaren
C. Suetonii Tranquilli Opera Quae Extant
C. Suetoni Tranquilli Praeter Caesarum Libros Reliquiae
Suetonii Tranquilli Illustres uiri
Ex Svetonio Tranqvillo C. Caesaris Caligvlae vita
Ex C. Svetonio Tranqvillo D. Sergii Galbae & Othonis Siluij Caesarum vita
[C. Suetonii Tranquilli De XII. Caesaribus libri VIII
C. Suetonii Tranquilli Vita Tiberii
De claris grammaticis liber
The Lives of the Twelve Caesars -Tiberius-
C. Suetonius Tranquillus
Lives of the Twelve Caesar :(illustrated Edition)
In hoc volvmine haec continentvr. C. Suetonij Tranquilli XII Caesares
The lives of the twelve Caesars, the first emperors of Rome
Caji Suetonii Tranquilli opera, & in illa commentarius Samuelis Pitisci
Suétone, les écrivains de l'histoire Auguste, Eutrope, Sextus Rufus; Avec la Traduction en Français [et] Publiés Sous la Direction de M. Nisard
De Poetis
Le vite dei Cesari
Ḥaye shenem ʻaśar ha-Ḳesarim
Lives of the First Twelve Cæsars, Translated from the Latin of C. Suetonius Tranquillus
C. Suetonii Tranquilli Duodecim Cæsares, et minora quæ supersunt opera
The lives of the twelve Caesars, the first emperors of Rome
Vies des douze Césars [par] Suétone
Divus Julius
Los Doce Cesares
Ex Svetonio Tranqvillo C. Caesaris Caligvlae vita
Vita divi Claudii: specimen litterarium inaugurale quod annuente summo numine ex auctoritate ..
C. Suetonii Tranquilli duodecim caesares
C. Suetonii Tranq. XII Cæsares
Lebensbeschreibunger berühmter Römer
C. Suetonii Tranquilli XII Cæsares. Cum libera versione, in qua idiomatis anglici ratio, quam maxime fieri potuit, habita est. Or, the Lives of the twelve first Roman emperors, writ by C. Suetonius Tranquillus. With a free translation, ... By John Clarke, ..
Caii Suetonii Tranquilli de xii Caesaribus libri viii
Rōma kōteiden
C. Suetonii Tranquilli Opera
Leben Cäsar's
Caii Svetonii Tranqvilli de xii Cæsaribvs libri viii
Vita divi Claudii ..
Les douze Césars
L' imperatore Claudio
Caii Svetoni Tranqvilli qvae extant
C. Suetonii Tranquilli De vita Caesarum liber VIII, Divus Titus
Vita Tiberii
C. Suetonii Tranquilli Opera quae extant
Suetonius cum commento
Ḥaye ha-ḳesarim
Les douze Césars
C. Suetoni Tranquilli praeter Caesarem libros reliquiae
Suetonius Tranquillus
Vitae duodecim Caesarum
Histoire des douze Césars
Las vidas de los doze Cesares
Divus Julius
C. SuetonI Tranquilli De XII. Caesaribus libri VIII
Le vite dei dodici Cesari di Gaio Svetonio Tranquillo
Leben des Claudius und Nero
Die Kaiserviten =
Ex C. Svetonio Tranqvillo D. Sergii Galbae & Othonis Siluij Caesarum vita
Vite di Galba, Otone, Vitellio
Le vite dei dodici Cesari
Ex recognitione Des. Erasmi Roterodami. C. Suetonius Tranquillus. Dion Cassius Nicaeus. Aelius Spartianus. Iulius Capitolinus. Aelius Lampridius. Vulcatius Gallicanus V.C. Trebellius Pollio. Flauius Vopiscus Syracusius
C. Suetonij Tranquilli XII Caesares. Item, Io. Baptistae Egnatij Veneti De Romanis principibus libri III. Eiusdem Annotationes in Suetonium. Annotata in eundem & loca aliquot restituta
The lives of the twelve Caesars
Caii Suetonii Tranquilli quae extant & in eum M. Zueri Boxhornii notae
C. Suetonii Tranquilli vitae duodecim Caesarum: cum scriptis minoribus et ..
The Lives of the Caesars, II, Claudius. Nero. Galba, Otho, and Vitellius. Vespasian. Titus, Domitian. Lives of Illustrious Men
La vita di Caligola
C. Suetonii Tranquilli opera omnia quæ extant
Vita Domitiani
Quae supersunt omnia
Vita di Domiziano
Caius Suetonius Tranquillus cum annotationibus diversorum
Versus Ausonii in libros Suetonii [1b]
C. Suetoni Tranquilli De grammaticis et rhetoribus liber
Ex C. Svetonio Tranqvillo D. Claudij Caesaris uita
Vita di Q. Orazio Flacco
De la vie des douze Cesars
Les comedies de Terence
C. Svetonivs Tranqvillvs, et in eum commentarivs
C. Suetoni Tranquilli quae supersunt omnia
Źivotopisy dvanácti císařů
Vies des douze Césars
C. Suetonij Tranquilli XII Caesares. Io. Baptistae Egnatij Veneti De Romanis principibus libri III. Eiusdem Annotationes in Suetonium. Annotata in eundem & loca aliquot restituta
Des Cajus Suetonius Tranquillus Lebensbeschreibungen der zwölf ersten römischen Kaiser