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biographers who wrote autobiography
Showing 153-160 out of 357 results
Pablo Neruda
Pablo Neruda (1904-1973)

poet, diplomat, politician, lyricist, autobiographer

  • University of Chile
Prentice Hall Literature--World Masterpieces
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--World Literature
Prentice Hall Literature - Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes - The British Tradition
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--Silver Level
World Literature 1999
Pearson Literature - California - Reading and Language
Windows that open inward
Selected odes of Pablo Neruda
Canto general
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--Readers Companion--Silver Level
Alturas de Macchu Picchu
Corazón amarillo
Confieso que he vivido
Late and posthumous poems, 1968-1974
Canción de gesta
Cien sonetos de amor
The Poetry of Pablo Neruda
España en el corazón
Plenos poderes
Memorial de Isla Negra
El crimen fue en Granada
Prentice Hall Literature, The British Edition. Volume I
100 Love Sonnets
Love Poems
I Explain a Few Things
Odes to opposites
Las manos del día
Las piedras del cielo
Una casa en la arena
Twenty poems
Odes to common things
Abriendo Puertas
Incitación al Nixonicidio y alabanza de la revolución chilena
Libro de las preguntas
All the odes
Mejores Poemas de Amor, Los
Fin de mundo
Arte de pájaros
Cantos ceremoniales
Full woman, fleshly apple, hot moon
Geografía infructuosa/Incitación al Nixonicidio/2000/El corazón amarillo/Elegía
The Heights of Macchu Picchu
Né pour naître
Neruda at Isla Negra
Odas elementales
Antologia poetica
Pablo Neruda. Por Las Costas Del Mundo
Regalo de um poeta
El habitante y su esperanza
El río invisible
Cantos ceremoniales, Plenos poderes
Todo el amor
Veinte poemas de amor y una canción desesperada
Antologa General
Nuevas odas elementales
200 Poemas De Amor
Los versos del capitán
Los Mejores Poemas De Amor (Poesia)
Geografía infructuosa
El cuaderno verde del Che
La rosa separada
Fulgor y muerte de Joaquín Murieta
El mar y las campanas
Pablo Neruda and Nicanor Parra face to face
Jardín de invierno
Neruda's garden
Homenaje al poeta Federico García Lorca
Canto General
On the Blue Shore of Silence
Five Decades
Selected poems of Pablo Neruda
Tercer libro de las odas
Ode to typography
Full Woman Fleshly Apple Hot Moon
                PS Paperback
La espada encendida
Que despierte el leñador
Las uvas y el viento
Defectos escogidos
The Complete Memoirs
Isla Negra
Canto General, 50th Anniversary Edition (Latin American Literature and Culture, 7)
Las piedras de Chile
Discursos Ante El Senado Soy Un Escritor Elegido Senador Por Los Obreros
Selected Odes of Pablo Neruda
Canto General/ General Song
Intimate Infinite
Por las costas del mundo
Cuadernos de Temuco 1919-1920
Things that dream
Ruko, o pr̥thvī
Para Albertina Rosa
Poemas de amor
A new decade
Los Versos mas Populares
Résidence sur la terre
Antologia Poetica De Pablo Neruda/Poetic Anthology of Pablo Neruda (Clasicos Esenciales Santillana)
Nueva canto de amor a Stalingrad
Jardin de Invierno, Libro de las Preguntas, El mar y las Campanas, Defectos Escogidos / Winter Garden, Book of Questions, The Sea and the Bells, Chosen Defects
Sublime blue
Obras Completas I - De Crepusculario a Las Uvas y El viento 1923 - 1954
Antología poética, 1
Tentativa del hombre infinito
Obras escogidas
Five decades
Viajes al corazón de Quevedo y por las costas del mundo
La Barcarola
Selected Odes of Pablo Neruda (Latin American Literature and Culture)
America, My Brother, My Blood / America, Mi Hermano, Mi Sangre
El libro de las preguntas
Cartas de amor
Neruda joven
Essential Neruda
Habla Neruda
Poemas de amos
Antologia Esencial - 373 -
Vingt poèmes d'amour et une chanson désespérée
De "Odas elementales" a "Memorial de Isla Negra", 1954-1964
Arte De Pajaros, Una Casa en La Arena / Bird Art, A House in the Sand
Tercera residencia, 1935-1945
Yo respondo con mi obra
Cartas de amor de Pablo Neruda
America My Brother, My Blood
Su Mejor Poesia
México florido y espinudo
La poesía no habrá cantado en vano
Twenty poems
Cartas a Laura
New poems (1968-1970)
Der unsichtbare Fluß. Ein Lesebuch
Splendore e morte di Joaquín Murieta
Pablo Neruda
Prologos (Problemi Na Prekhoda V Bulgariia)
Chilenische Lyrik im bewegten 20. Jahrhundert
Toward the splendid city: Nobel lecture
Obras completas
All the Odes
Maremoto, Aun, La Espada Encendida, Las Piedras del Cielo / Seaquake, Still, The Flaming Sword, The Stones of the Sky
Residencia en la tierra
Crepusculario/El Hondero Entusiasta /Tentativa del Hombre Infinito / Crepuscular/The Enthusiast Slinger/ The Attempt of the Infinite Man
Epistolario viajero, 1927-1973
Antologia Popular-neruda
Pablo Neruda
Epic Song
Canto general
Canto General I (Clsicos Universales)
Navegaciones e regresos
Der unsichtbare Fluß. Gedichte 1923 - 1973
Nerudiana dispersa
Obras Completas I De Crepusculario a Las (Obras Completas)
To the women of the world
Viele sind wir
Discursos Premios Nobel
7 de noviembre
Nerudiana Dispersa I 1915-1964 (Obras Completas)
Lo mejor de Anatole France
Los Mejores Poemas De Amor/ the Best Love Poems
Poemario da a Entrevista de Guayaquil 1822
Inaugurando el año de Shakespeare
Poesia de Pablo Neruda
Pablo Neruda Reads His Poems in Spanish
Vinte Poemas de Amor e uma Canção Desesperada
Pablo Neruda y Nacanor Parra
Poesía de amor
Bibliothek Suhrkamp, Bd.99, Gedichte
Mensaje de paz y unidad
Balladen von den blauen Fenstern
J'avoue que j'ai vécu
La insepulta de Paita
Book of Twilight
Los poetas del mundo defienden al pueblo español
La Lampara en la Tierra - Alturas de Macchu-Picchu
Even This Twilight
Regalo De Un Poeta/ Gift Of A Poet
Para un castillo de penas
Pablo Neruda: the early poems
Evrensel Sarki / Canto General
Antología poética, 2
I͡A︡ budu zhitʹ--
Peace for twilights to come!
Obras completas (Opera mundi)
Para Albertina Rosa: Epistolario
La serenata épica de Neruda a México
Canto General (Contempora)
Pablo Neruda para niños
Nocturnal collection
Obras completas II
Canto general
Pablo Neruda acusa
Vinte Poemas de Amor y Una Cancion Desesperada
Spiritual passports
Oda a la tipografía
Un canto para Bolívar
Romancero de la guerra española
Antologia Essencial
Cento sonetti d'amore
Glanz und Tod des Joaquín Murieta
Cuadernos de Temuco
Poetry of Pablo Neruda
Selected Poems
Oda a la typografía =
Poemas de amor
YasadIgImI Itiraf Ediyorum
Hrozny a vítr
Discurso de Stockholm
Pablo Neruda - Obras II / Rustica
Itinerario de una amistad
Windows That Open Inward
Dulce patria
De arte de pajaros a el mar y las campanas/ From The Art of the Birds to the Sea and the Bells (Obras Completas / Complete Works)
Tus pies toco en la sombra y otros poemas inéditos
Then Come Back
Las cosas rotas y otras 60 odas elementales
Ayaklarina Dokunurum Golgede
Regalo de un poeta
Correspondencia entre Pablo Neruda y Jorge Edwards
Antología fundamental
Huellas de dolor y esperanza
Discurso pronunciado con ocasión de la entrega del premio Nobel de literatura, 1971 / Pablo Neruda
Résidence sur la terre
Yo acuso
Antologia Fundamental
Defectos escogidos ; 2000
Viente Poemas De Amor Y Una Cancion Desesperada Cien Sonetos De Amor (Ave Fenix)
Carta a México
The house at Isla Negra
Óda na typografii =
Crepusculario/el Hondero/tentativa Del H
Elegia: Obra postuma (Biblioteca breve ; 418 : Poesia)
Generación del Trece
Cuatro grandes poetas de América
Love Poems
Antología poética
A La Orilla Del Silencio
Antología poética
Antologia Poetica - Bolsillo -
A Estos Yo Canto y Yo Nombro Escritores En La Obra de Pablo Neruda Antologia
Chant général
Cien Sonetos de Amor - Veinte Poemas de Amor
Neruda y México
Bestiary-Bestiario (Harvest Special Hb292)
O Partido Comunista e a liberdade de criação
Ve Asktan Olacak Olumum
El fin del viaje
Three odes
Εκατό ερωτικά σονέτα
Kuruntular Kitabi
We are many
La poesía póstuma de Pablo Neruda
Libro de las preguntas seleccion
Todo Ileva tu nombre
Poesías escogidas
Selected Poems of Pablo Neruda
Um geboren zu werden
Tus pies toco en la sombra y otros poemas inéditos
Basic Anthology
Eikósi erotiká poiimata ki ena tragoudi apelpismeno
Yuz Ask Sonesi
Canto General (Latin American Literature and Culture, Vol 7)
Lo mejor de Pablo Neruda
Homenaje a Pablo Neruda
Nuevas Odas Elementales/tercer Libro De (Contemporanea)
A New Decade (Poems 1958 -1967)
Frascos rojos en Maldonado
Pablo Neruda lee su poesía
Oda a la lagartija
a la Mesa Con Neruda
Discursos parlamentarios de Pablo Neruda
Seleccion De Poemas
Chile en el corazón
Los Mas Bellos Poemas de Amor Latinoamericanos
Habitante Y Su Esperanza/anillos
Hungrig bin ich, will deinen Mund. Liebessonette
Poesía política
Bir Yildiza Övgü
Canto General II (Clsicos Universales)
Then come back
Fifty Odes
Pablo Neruda, letzte Gedichte
Yeryüzünde Konaklama
Twenty Love Poems, Q
Pablo Neruda y Nicanor Parra
Venti poesie d'amore e una canzone disperata
America, Mi Hermano, Mi Sangre
Veite Poemas De Amor (Mexican Authors)
Antologia Fundamental - Neruda
Antología poética
Kaptanin Dizeleri
Book of twilight
Gei yi ke xing de song ge
Attraverso l'oscuro splendore
Ik ben
La solitude lumineuse
Pābalo Nerudāra āro kabitā
Cuando de Chile
Venok Nerude
Memorial de Isla Negra
Alturas de Macchu Picchu
Mexico florido y espinudo
Jeg bekender, jeg har levet
20 Poemas de Amor y Una Cancion Desesperada-C/CD
Um geboren zu werden
El habitante y su esperanza. El hondero entusiasta. Tentativa del hombre infinito. Anillos
Las furias y las penas
Cantos de Pablo Neruda
Poesía de amor
Pablo Neruda en breve
La barcarola
Aquí estoy
Nieluda shi xuan
Obras completas
Cuatro poemas escritos en Francia
Huellas de dolor y esperanza
Comiendo en Hungría
En Defensa de Manuela Sáenz
Heights of Macchu Picchu
Diez odas
Adiós a Tallone
Correspondencia entre Pablo Neruda y Jorge Edwards
Arte de pájaros
Pābalo Nerudāra āro kabitā
Odas elementales
Dos odas elementales
Algunas odas
Presencia de Ramón López Velarde en Chile
Er shi shou qing shi yu jue wang de ge
Heights of Macchu Picchu
Obras Pablo Neruda (Obras)
Los versos del capitán
La copa de sangre
O coração amarelo
Centenario del poeta Pablo Neruda
Canción de gesta
Pablo Neruda, Héctor Eandi
Selected poems of Pablo Neruda
"La nave" e altri testi
Poemas de Amor - Nueva Edicion
Dogs nad ang don bzhi pa
Residencia en la tierra (1925-1935)
El hondero entusiasta (1923-1924)
Canción de gesta
No Royalty A/C We Are Many
Oda a las flores de Datitla
Incitement to Nixonicide and praise for the Chilean revolution
Veinte poemas de amor y una cancion desesperada  Los versos del capitan
Poemas de amor de Pablo Neruda
La Biblioteca Nacional y Pablo Neruda
بابلو نيرودا ، قصائد مختارة
Poemas de amor de Pablo Neruda
Neruda y México
México florido y espinudo
20 poemas al árbol y cactus de la costa
Libros pintados
Cantos de amor y de combate
Que despierte el leñador
Canto General II
Cartas a Gabriela
Canto general
20 poemas de amor y una canción desesperada
Alturas de Macchu Picchu
Pablo Neruda
Antología esencial
Antología elemental
Pablo Neruda
Os versos de capita o
The unknown Neruda
Cantos de amor
Incitement to Nixonicide and praise for the Chilean revolution
El habitante y su esperanze
Canto General (Ayacucho Library Collection Ser : Vol 2)
Poésie impure
En el corazón de un poeta
Letter to Miguel Otero Silva, in Caracas (1948)
Twintig liefdesgedichten en een wanhoops zang
Fin de mundo
Love poems
Don Alonso de Ercilla, inventor de Chile
Neruda, el hombre y el poeta
Οι στίχοι του καπετάνιου
Neuvas odas elementales
Oda al mar
Antologia popular de la resistencia
Poesie e scritti in Italia
Libro de las odas
4 poemas de Pablo Neruda y Un amanecer en la isla
La rosa separada
Canto General I - 86 -
Pablo Neruda Reading His Poetry in Spanish (Swc 1215)
To the women of the whole world
Los mejores versos de Pablo Neruda
Discorso di Stoccolma (conferenza Nobel)
Ode alla tipografia
Poemario de la entrevista de Guayaquil 1822 en la épica voz de Neruda, Genta y Castillo
Alturas de Machu-Pichu
[Gimny Kube i Drugie Poėmy
Body of a Woman
Città, città di fuoco, resisti
Canción de gesta
Confieso que he vivido
Confieso que he vivido
Bestiary. Bestiario
Address to the sea
Сеопшта песна
Beleidigtes Land
Hypsē tou Matsou Pitsou
20 [i.e. Veinte] poemas de amor y una canción desesperada
El mal y el malo
La coppa di sangue
Antología esencial [de] Pablo Neruda
Selected poems
Antologia Poetica 1
Antologia Popular-neruda
Pablo Neruda Poemas
ʻEśrim shire ahavah ṿe-shir eḥad meyoʼash
Veinte poemas de amor y una canción desesperada
Antologia Poetica 2
Poesías completas
Four odes, one song
Walking around
Antologia Poetica/an Anthology of Poems (Poesia)
Agar bā shumā sukhan bigūyam
ʻEśrim shire ahavah ṿe-shirat-yeʾush aḥat
Pablo Neruda-Claudio Véliz, correspondencia en el camino al Premio Nóbel, 1963-1970
מבחר שירים
Venti poesie d'amore e una canzone disperata
Una casa en la arena
Canto general
Pablo Neruda e sua poesia eterna
James Thurber
James Thurber (1894-1961)

journalist, playwright, autobiographer, drawer, humorist, essayist, cartoonist

  • Ohio State University
The United States in Literature [with three long stories] -- Seventh Edition
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--The American Experience
Prentice Hall Literature -- Platinum
A Subtreasury of American Humor
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--Platinum
Prentice Hall Literature -- Gold
Great Short Stories of the World
The Crucible and Related Readings
Prentice Hall Literature--The American Experience
Prentice Hall Literature--Florida--Language and Literacy
Prentice Hall Literature -- Platinum
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--Gold
The United States in Literature
Prentice Hall Literature -- Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes -- Bronze Level
The Rinehart Book of Short Stories
Prentice Hall Literature--The American Experience
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--Bronze
The 13 Clocks
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--Copper Level
Prentice Hall Literature--Copper
The Secret Life of Walter Mitty
Prentice Hall Literature -- Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes -- Reader's Companion -- Bronze Level
Many Moons
The 50 Greatest Mysteries of All Time
Great American Short Stories
My World - and Welcome to It
My life and hard times
Fifty Best American Short Stories
Further Fables for Our Time
The years with Ross
Prentice Hall Literature--Copper
Credos and curios
Prentice Hall Literature--Bronze
Happy Endings
The Thurber album
Lanterns & lances
Short Stories from the New Yorker
The last flower
Thurber's dogs
The great Quillow
Alarms and diversions
Prentice Hall Literature -- Grade Ten
Animal Farm with Connections
Prentice Hall Literature--Bronze
Reader's Companion--Bronze Level
Great humorous stories
Selected letters of James Thurber
The Thirteen Clocks
Prentice Hall Literature
Tales for Travellers. Collection 3
The beast in me and other animals
The white deer
The dog department
The Wonderful O
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--The American Experience
The United States in Literature
The Britannica Library of Great American Writing - Volume II
Thurber on crime
Conversations with James Thurber
Is sex necessary?, or, why you always feel the way you do
The night the ghost got in
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--Gold Level
The middle-aged man on the flying trapeze
The male animal
People have more fun than anybody
Fables for our time
A  geometric algorithm for solving the general linear programming problem
Years With Ross
Collecting Himself
Writings and drawings
Vintage Thurber
Men, women, and dogs
The works of James Thurber
Secret lives of Walter Mitty and of James Thurber
Thurber's men, women and dogs
Thurber Country Lt
Selected Shorts
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, February 1952
The Thurber letters
Julius Caesar and Related Readings
The Secret Life of Walter Mitty and Other Pieces
Fables for Our Time and Famous Poems Illustrated
Understanding fiction -- Second Edition
And Welcome to It (Harvest Book)
Thurber & company
The Most Dangerous Game and Other Stories
The seal in the bedroom & other predicaments
and Welcome to It
The Secret Life of Walter Mitty (Creative Short Stories)
Let your mind alone!
Short stories
The owl in the attic
Let your mind alone, and other more or less inspirational pieces
Thurber Carnival
Fables for our time and famous poems
The Unicorn in the Garden and Other Fables for Our Time
The seal in the bedroom
Better to Have Loafed and Lost
The Tiger Who Would Be King
La  quadrature du sexe
Nothing but the Truth and Related Readings
My Life and Hard Times (Rep)
The World of James Thurber
Cream of Thurber
My life and hard times and other observations
Le sexe pour quoi faire ?
University Days
Fables For Our Time/Further Fables For Our Time
Patterns of Exposition 4 (179078, 7316696)
Thurber's men, women and dogs
Wings Bestsellers: James Thurber
Die 13 Uhren. Cassette. Hörspiel
James Thurber
Thurber Album P
Die 13 Uhren
Humor on Wry
Fünfundsiebzig Fabeln für Zeitgenossen. Den unverbesserlichen Sündern gewidmet
A Thurber garland
Wondrfl O
Saibo duan pian xiao shuo xuan = Four short stories
Worlds Without End
Thurber country; a new collection of pieces about males and females, mainly of our own species
The thirteen clocks and the Wonderful O
Die 13 Uhren. CD. Hörspiel
Collected Fables
Grizzly and the Gadgets and Further Fables for Our Times (Swc 1412)
Fables for our time and famous poems illustrated, and The lastflower
The genius of James Thurber
Vom Mann, der die Luft anhielt
My life and hard times, & The owl in the attic
Selected Letters (Oxford Letters & Memoirs)
Muchas Lunas
The Thurber album
Furthest fables for our time
Let Your Mind Alone (Universal Library)
The Catbird Seat
The Fourth Round
The male animal : a new comedy
La vida secreta de Walter Mitty
The Curb in the sky and other stories
Campaigns and Elections American Style
The Curb in the Sky and Other Thurber Stories
World of James Thurber-With Book
The 13 clocks and the wonderful O
The years with Ross
Modern American Novelists
Lanters & lances
How To Raise a Dog in the City and in the Suburbs
The 13 clocks, and, The wonderful O
A Thurber carnival
Thurber's men, women and dogs
Fables for our time and famous poems
Le Conte de la biche blanche
Years W/Ross
La Vida secreta de Walter Mitty y otras historias
human life Vietnam and Cambodian
My life and hard times
The greatest man in the world
The beast in me and other animals
In a Word
Fables for our time and famous poems
The seal in the bedroom & other predicaments
Thurber & company
The fifth New Yorker album
Middle Aged Man on the Fly
Los 13 relojes
Sheloshah ʻaśar orlogin
Christopher Hitchens
Christopher Hitchens (1949-2011)

journalist, essayist, autobiographer, literary critic, political scientist

  • University of Oxford, The Leys School
Thomas Jefferson
God Is Not Great
No one left to lie to
The Missionary Position
Unacknowledged legislation
The trial of Henry Kissinger
A Long Short War
The Elgin Marbles
For the Sake of Argument
Love, Poverty, and Wer
Imperial spoils
Why Orwell matters
Letters to a young contrarian
Prepared for the worst
The Quotable Hitchens
Thomas Paine's Rights of man
Blood, class and nostalgia
Is Christianity good for the world?
Love, poverty, and war
Thomas Jefferson Author Of America
The Portable Atheist
Thomas Paine's Rights of Man (Books That Changed the World)
The Parthenon marbles
Blood, class, and empire
Hostage to History
The portable atheist
"Vanity Fair's" Hollywood
Letters to a Young Contrarian (Art of Mentoring)
Prepared for the worst
The monarchy
The General
Orwell's victory
The Best American Essays 2010
The monarchy
Ta Elgíneia mármara
Left Hooks, Right Crosses
The Three Hostages
Regime change
Letters to a Young Contrarian (Letters to a Young...)
The Elgin marbles
Widerwort. Eine Verteidigung der kritischen Vernunft
Inequalities in Zimbabwe
Blood, class, and nostalgia
Lettres à un jeune rebelle
Inequalities in Zimbabwe
Juicio a Kissinger
Safe Area Gorazde
Les crimes de Monsieur Kissinger
American Presidents Eminent Lives Boxed Set
Dieu n'est pas grand
Peter Kropotkin
Peter Kropotkin (1842-1921)

geographer, explorer, philosopher, autobiographer, journalist, economist, anarchist, zoologist, politician

  • Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of the Saint Petersburg University, Page Corps
Mutual Aid
Memoirs of a Revolutionist
La conquête du pain
Поля, фабрики и мастерские
Russian Literature, Ideals and Realities
La Grande Révolution
Science moderne et l’anarchie
V russkikh i frant︠s︡uzskikh ti︠u︡rʹmakh
The state, its historic role
Paroles d’un révolté
The place of anarchism in socialistic evolution
Anarchistes en exil
Law and authority
La morale anarchiste
Evolution and environment
Orographie de la Sibérie
Selected writings on anarchism and revolution
The essential Kropotkin
Dnevnik P.A. Kropotkina
L' agriculture
Act for yourselves
The terror in Russia
The conquest of bread and other writings
Kropotkin escapes
Anarchist communism, its basis and principles
Revolutionary studies
Di anarkhisṭishe filozofye
Origen y evolución de la moral
Idealen un ṿirḳlekhḳayṭ in der Rusisher liṭeraṭur
Aux jeunes gens
The wage system
Fugitive writings
The Commune of Paris
Selected Readings on Anarchism and Revolution
The coming revival of socialism
¿Y el arte?
Syndikalismus und Anarchismus
Dnevniki raznykh let
In Rusishe un Frantsoyzishe ṭurmes
Khli︠e︠b i voli︠a︠
Anarchism and Anarchist Communism
Khli︠e︡b i voli︠a︡
Perepiska Petra i Aleksandra Kropotkinykh
Autour d'une vie
Gesetz und Autorität
Direct Struggle Against Capital
Rechi buntovshchika
Haandens og Hjaernens Arbejde
Anarchists and War Between States
Polia, fabriki i masterskii︠a︡
Nravstvennyia nachala anarkhizma
The Direct Action of Environment and Evolution
Die Vorläufer
Spravedlivostʹ i nravstvennostʹ
Revolutionary government
Khleb i voli︠a︡ ; Sovremennai︠a︡ nauka i anarkhii︠a︡
Jin shi ke xue he an na qi zhu yi
Werter fun rewalutsioner
Socialism and politics
Zi zhuan
Kropotkin's Revolutionary Pamphlets
Das menschliche recht
Fugitive Writings (Collected Works of Peter Kropotkin,)
Marxism. Anarchism. Communism
Die Entwicklung der anarchistischen Ideen
Der Wohlstand für alle
Un siècle d'attente, 1789-1889
Anarchist Communism
The essential Kropotkin
Jin shi ke xue he Annaqi zhu yi
Izbrannye trudy
Estestvenno-nauchnȳe rabotȳ
Milḥomeṡ un kapitalizm
Nuzhna li voĭna?
Sovremennai︠a︡ nauka i anarkhizm
Die Entwiklung fun's treid yunionizmus
Communisme et anarchie
Pisʹma o tekushchikh sobytīi︠a︡kh
Wo di zi zhuan
In Russian and French Prisons (The Collected Works of Peter Kropotkin, 6th V)
El anarquismo expuesto por Kropotkin
Internat︠s︡ionalʹnyĭ sbornik posvi︠a︡shchennyĭ desi︠a︡toĭ godovshchine smerti P. A. Kropotkina
Gerechtigkeit und Sittlichkeit
Anarchism, Anarchist Communism, and the State
Curious One
Petr i Aleksandr Kropotkiny
Rus Edebiyati Üzerine 1
La literatura rusa
Jin shi ke xue he an na qi zhu yi
Landwirtschaft, Industrie und Handwerk, Oder, Die Vereinigung Von Industrie und Landwirtschaft, Von
Kuropotokin zenshū
Autour d'une vie
Dnevnik, P. A. Kropotkina
Anarchism and the State
L'idée révolutionnaire dans la révolution
Zikhronot shel revolutsyonar
Botsuraku no daigi seitai
L'anarchie dans l'évolution socialiste
Nōkōgyō no chōwa
Peter Kropotkin Collection
Di role fun anarkhizmus
Unzere ashires̀
Mutual aid among savages
Ai Giovani
Khli︠e︡b i voli︠a︡
Revolutionary pamphlets
Fields, Factories and Workshops Tomorrow
Eguo wen xue shi
Ai Giovani
Jin shi ke xue he an na qi zhu yi
Kommunizm i anarkhīi︠a︡
Poli︠a︡, fabriki i masterskīi︠a︡ (zemledi︠e︡līe, promyshlennostʹ i remesla)
Anarchist communism
Die freie Vereinbarung
Den russiske litteraturens historie
Revolutionary studies
l'Organisation de la Vindicte appelee Justice
The Commune of Paris
The State
Memoirs of a Revolutionist
Tuo'ersitai lun
Lavoro Intellettuale e Lavoro Manuale
Broyṭ un frayhayṭ
Les Temps nouveaux
The black flag
On Russian Literature Vol 1
Uzakonennai︠a︡ mestʹ nazyvaemai︠a︡ pravosudīem ...
ʻEzrah hadadit be-ʻolam ha-ḥai ṿeha-adam
Raspadenīe sovremennago stroi︠a︡
Die Pariser Kommune
Politicheskii︠a︡ prava
Memoirs of a Revolutionist
Roshia bungaku kōwa
Ri︠e︡chi buntovshchika
Den anarkistiske kommunisme
La loi & l'autorité
Ṿerṭer fun a reṿolutsyoner
Der Anarchismus in Russland
Iber der anarkhisṭisher beṿegung in Rusland
Memoirs of a Revolutionist; Volume II
Mian bao yu zi you
Pan no ryakushu
Ideario anarquista
Di geshikhṭe fun der groyser Frantsoyzisher reṿolutsye
Lun li xue di qi yuan he fa zhan
La Révolution sera-t-elle collectiviste?
Der Staat
Guo jia lun
Zapiski revoli︠u︡t︠s︡ionera
Spravedlivostʹ i nravstvennostʹ
Ostatnie zapiski
Zapiski z ostatnich dni
Organised Vengeance Called 'Justice.'.
Davar el ha-dor ha-tsaʻir
Pamiati Petra Alekseevicha Kropotkina
Aux jeunes gens
Vzaimnai︠a︡ pomoshchʹ sredi zhivotnykh i li︠u︡deĭ
Di eṭiḳ
Aux jeunes gens
Paroles d'un révolté
La guerre
Russian literature,
Rus Edebiyati Üzerine 2
Memoirs of a Revolutionist; Volume 2
Khleb i voli︠a︡
Small Communal Experiments And Why They Fail
Ostatnie zapiski
Petr Alekseevich Kropotkin
Bir Isyancinin Sözleri
Nashi bogatstva
Paroles d´un RÉvoltÉ
Russian literature
Der Anarchismus
Reṿolutsyonere regierung
Rapporti al Congresso di Parigi
Die Gefängnisse
In Russian and French Prisons (Studies in the Libertarian and Utopian Tradition)
Worte eines Rebellen
Lebens beshraybung
ha-Musar shel anarkhyah
Tsum yungen dor
Redes fun a bunṭar
Den Store Franske Revolusjon
Sbornik stateĭ posvi︠a︡shchennyĭ pami︠a︡ti P.A. Kropotkina
Revolutionäre Regierungen
Selected Writings
Die Große Französische Revolution 1789–1793
Revolutionary government
Tsum yungen dor
Memoiren Eines Revolution�rs
Zapiski revoli︠u︡t︠s︡ionera
La Moral anarquista y otros escritos
Le salariat
My Life : Memoirs of a Revolutionist
Eguo wen xue shi
Reṿolutsyonere regierung
Eka krāntikāranī ātmakathā
Hōritsu to kyōken
On Russian Literature Vol 2
Russkai︠a︡ revoli︠u︡tsii︠a︡ i anarkhizm
Russian Literature
Esprit de révolte
Guo jia lun
Di enṭṿiḳlung fun's treyd yunyonizmus
Fields, Factories and Workshops : (Graphyco Editions)
Gezamelṭe shrifṭen
Le salariat
Eguo wen xue shi
Gerechtigkeit und Sittlichkeit
Le procès de Solovieff
Kakumeika no omoide
Mian bao yu zi you
Die Große Französische Revolution 1789–1793
Otryvki iz dnevnika Dmitrīi︠a︡ Bri︠a︡nskago
La literatura rusa
Terror in Russia
A los jóvenes
Mutual Aid
Khleb i voli︠a︡
Bilim ve Anarsizm
In Russian and French Prisons
Paroles d'un Révolté
Russian literature,
Bir Devrimcinin Anilari
Memoirs of a revolutionist
Lo spirito di ribellione
Primary Sources, Historical Collections
Ekmegin Fethi
Fields, Factories, and Workshops; or, Industry Combined with Agriculture and Brain Work with Manual Work
La moral Anarquista
Polia, Fabriki I Masterskiia; Zemledielie, Promyshlennost I Remesla
Novyĭ Internat︠s︡īonal
A los jóvenes
Bhūkhamarāno upāya
Cagdas Bilim ve Anarsi
La moral Anarquista
Fields, Factories and Workshops or Industry Combined with Agriculture and Brain Work with Manual Work
Karþilikli Yardimlaþma - Evrimin Bir Faktörü
Law and Authority
Khleb i volia
Law and authority
Pisʹma o tekushchikh sobytīi︠a︡kh
Russkai︠a︡ revoli︠u︡tsīi︠a︡ i anarkhizm
Gegenseitige Hilfe in der Tier- und Menschenwelt
Russkai︠a︡ revoli︠u︡t︠s︡īi︠a︡
Vzaimnai︠a︡ pomoshch' sredi zhivotnykh i li︠u︡deĭ
Raspadenīe sovremennago stroi︠a︡
The wage system
Sovremennai︠a︡ nauka i anarkhizm
The conquest of bread
La loi et l'autorité
Memoiren eines revolutionärs
Khlieb i volia
Esprit de révolte
Бунтовской дух
The place of anarchism in socialistic evolution
Sovremennai︠a︡ nauka i anarkhii︠a︡
La conquête du pain
Zavoevanīe khli︠e︡ba
L'anarchie dans l'évolution socialiste
Rasprostranenīe radikalʹno-sot︠s︡īalisticheskikh ideĭ
Petropavlovskai︠a︡ kri︠e︡postʹ i moĭ pobi︠e︡g
The wage system
Historia de la revolución francesa
Ethics, origin and development
Ssylka v Sibirʹ
Ideals and realities in Russian literature
Государство, его роль в исторіи
Un siècle d'attente, 1789-1889
An appeal to the young
Les prisons
V russkikh i frant︠s︡uzskikh ti︠u︡rʹmakh
The Commune of Paris
Rasprostranenīe radikalʹno-sot︠s︡ialisticheskikh ideĭ
Velikai︠a︡ frant︠s︡uzskai︠a︡ revoli︠u︡t︠s︡ii︠a︡ 1789-1793
Gosudarstvo, ego rolʹ v istorīi Petra Kropotkina
Le salariat
Pisʹma iz Vostochnoĭ Sibiri
Moi vospominanīi︠a︡ o Peterburgi︠e︡
Vzaimnaia pomoshchʹ, kak faktor evoliutsii
Ti︠u︡rʹmy, ssylka i katorga v Rossīi
David Lagercrantz
David Lagercrantz (born 1962)

journalist, biographer

  • Kungsholmens gymnasium
Ultimate high
The Girl in the Spider's Web
The Girl Who Takes an Eye for an Eye
Fall of Man in Wilmslow
Hon som måste dö
Lo que no mata te hace más fuerte
The Girl in the Spider's Web
Millénium 4
Millénium 5 - La fille qui rendait coup pour coup
Ultimate high : my Everest odyssey
The girl in the spider's web
Que No Te Mata Te Hace Más Fuerte
Jag är Zlatan Ibrahimović, min historia
Lo que no te mata te hace más fuerte
Örümcek Agindaki Kiz
Goze Goz Dise Dis Diyen Kiz
Devushka, kotorai︠a︡ zastri︠a︡la v pautine
The Girl in the Spider's Web
Mężczyzna, który gonił swój cień
Ben Zlatan Ibrahimovic
El que no et mata et fa més fort
Fall of man in Wilmslow
Ölmesi Gereken Kız
Fall of Man in Wilmslow
The Girl Who Takes an Eye for an Eye
Mireniamu 5.
Lo que no te mata te hace mas fuerte
El hombre que perseguía su sombra
Syndafall i Wilmslow
Himmel över Everest
Lo que no mata te hace más fuerte
Wat ons niet zal doden
Mireniamu 5.
The Girl in the Spider's Web: Book 4
Lo que no te mata te hace más fuerte
Allein auf den Everest.
Syndafall i Wilmslow
Lothar Vosseler
Lothar Vosseler (1947-2019)

worker, columnist, autobiographer

Keith Richards
Keith Richards (born 1943)

record producer, guitarist, composer, autobiographer, actor, recording artist

  • Wentworth Primary School, Wilmington Grammar School for Boys
Gus & me
What would Keith Richards do?
The Electric Guitar
Keith Richards
Stone me
Manilal Dwivedi
Manilal Dwivedi (1858-1898)

philosopher, poet, autobiographer, playwright, essayist, translator

  • Elphinstone College
Maṇilālanā traṇa lekho
Raja Yoga
Maṇilāla Nabhubhāī Dvivedīnuṃ ātmavr̥ttānta
The Yoga-Sutra Of Patanjali
Sudarśana gadyaguccha
The imitation of Śaṅkara
Monism or Advaitism?
Maṇilālanī vicāradhārā
Ma. Na. Dvivedī samagra sāhityaśreṇī
Kanta ;