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anthropologists who wrote autobiography
Showing 1-8 out of 17 results
Zora Neale Hurston
Zora Neale Hurston (1891-1960)

anthropologist, historian, journalist, folklorist, civil rights advocate, playwright, film director

  • Howard University, Columbia University
T. E. Lawrence
T. E. Lawrence (1888-1935)

anthropologist, archaeologist, autobiographer, military officer, translator, castellologist, spy, diplomat, aircraft pilot, military personnel, world traveler

  • University of Oxford, University of Oxford
أعمدة الحكمة السبعة
Revolt in the desert
The mint
The letters of T.E. Lawrence
Crusader castles
The essential T.E. Lawrence
Oriental assembly
T.E. Lawrence
Les Sept Piliers de la sagesse
Evolution of a revolt
Lawrence of Arabia, strange man of letters
T.E. Lawrence to his biographers, Robert Graves and Liddell Hart
Seven Pillars of Wisdom
The Diary Kept by T. E. Lawrence While Travelling in Arabia During 1911
Die sieben Säulen der Weisheit
Arabia Deserta
T.E. Lawrence to his biographer, Liddell Hart
Odyssey of Homer
The Selected Letters
From a letter of T.E. Lawrence
Seven Pillars of Wisdom
T. E. Lawrence in war and peace
Minorities; good poems by small poets and small poems by good poets
La matrice
Letters from T.E. Shaw to Bruce Rogers
Secret despatches from Arabia
Los Siete Pilares de La Sabiduria
Revolt in the Desert
Lawrence in war and peace
T.E. Lawrence to his biographers
Lawrence of Arabia
Bahrain Oil and Development 1929-1989
The home letters of T.E. Lawrence and his brothers
The Wilderness of Zin
27 Articles
Men in print
Seven Pillars of Wisdom
Revolt in the desert
More letters from T.E. Shaw to Bruce Rogers
Rebelion En El Desierto
Seven Pillars of Wisdom, Part 2
T E Lawrence
The letters
Aufstand in der wüste
The diary of T.E. Lawrence MCMXI ; and, An essay on Flecker
Bilgeligin Yedi Sutunu
The diary of T.E. Lawrence
Aufstand in der Wus̈te
Guérilla dans le désert 1916-1918
Seven Pillars of Wisdom : A Triumph
T e Lawrence in War and Peace
Seven Pillars of Wisdom, Part 1
Selections from the seven pillars of wisdom
T.E. Lawrence to his biographer, Robert Graves
Lawrence de Arabia, la corona de arena
Seven pillars of wisdom, a triumph
Les textes essentiels
Crusader Castles
Carchemish : Report on the Excavations at Djerabis on Behalf of the British Museum
Seven Pillars of Wisdom by T. E. Lawrence Illustrated Edition
Correspondence with E. M. Forster and F. L. Lucas
The Letters (Oxford Letters & Memoirs)
Crusader Castles (Hippocrene Insider's Guides Series)
Letters to E.T. Leeds
Selected letters of T.E.Lawrence
The diary of T.E. Lawrence MCMXI
Rebelión en el desierto
[Seven pillars of wisdom
Seven pillars of wisdom
The essential T. E. Lawrence
Oeuvres de T. E. Lawrence, tome 1
Oriental assembly
From a letter of T.E. Lawrence
Seven Pillars of Wisdom-V2
Towards 'an English fourth'
Letters edited by David Garnett
Les sept piliers de la sagesse
T.E. Lawrence to his biographier, Robert Graves! information about himself, in the form of letters, notes and answers to questions
An essay on Flecker
Selections from Seven pillars of wisdom
Chie no nanahashira
Chie no 7-hashira
ha-Mered ba-midbar
Seven Pillars of Wisdom-V1
Catalogue of an exhibition of paintings, pastels, drawings and woodcuts illustrating Col. T.E. Lawrence's book "Seven pillars of wisdom"
Some notes on the writing of the Seven pillars of wisdom
Selected letters of T.E. Lawrence
Los siete pilares de la sabiduría
Correspondence with Henry Williamson
Shivʻah ʻamude ḥokhmah
The Seven Pillars of Wisdom Part 1 of 2
Colonel Lawrence and others on "Her privates we" by Private 19022
William Graham Sumner
William Graham Sumner (1840-1910)

anthropologist, political scientist, historian, sociologist, philosopher, political theorist, economist

  • Yale College
Alexander Hamilton And Robert Fulton
What social classes owe to each other
Andrew Jackson
Andrew Jackson as a public man
The financier and the finances of the American Revolution
A history of American currency
andrew jackson
Lectures on the history of protection in the United States
Andrew Jackson as a Public Man: What He Was, what Chances He Had, and what He Did with Them
A History of American Currency: With Chapters on the English Bank Restriction and Austrian Paper ..
Lectures on the History of Protection in the United States: Delivered Before ..
The Conquest of the United States by Spain: A Lecture Before the Phi Beta Kappa Society of Yale ..
The challenge of facts
Protectionism: The -ism which Teaches that Waste Makes Wealth
Earth-hunger and other essays
The conquest of the United States by Spain
Problems in political economy
Lectures on the History of Protection in the United States: Delivered Before the International ..
On liberty, society, and politics
The forgotten man
What Social Classes Owe to Each Other
Protection and revenue in 1877
War and other essays
Andrew Jackson as a Public Man: What He Was, what Chances He Had, and what ..
Folkways - A Study Of The Sociological Importance Of Usages, Manners, Customs, Mores And Morals
Forgotten Man and Other Essays
A History of American Currency (Business Classics)
The science of society
The Forgotten Man and Other Essays
The forgotten man's almanac
A History of American Currency
Social Darwinism
Address of William G. Sumner ... at dinner of the Committee on tariff reform of the Reform club in the city of New York. June 2nd, 1906
Sumner today
A history of American currency
Essays of William Graham Sumner
The Predominant Issue
Soziale Pflichten, oder was die Klassen der Gesellschaft einander schuldig sind
Essays and Lectures-The Forgotten Man
The Financier And The Finances Of The American Revolution V1
What social classes owe to each other
Andrew Hamilton
The challenge of facts, and other essays
Robert Morris
Andrew Jackson as a public man
A history of American currency
American Finance
What Social Classes Owe to Each Other
The Financier And The Finances Of The American Revolution V2
Robert Morris
The Forgotten Man and Other Essays
Alexander Hamilton
History of American Currency : With Chapters on the English Bank Restriction and Austrian Paper Money
Advancing social and political organization in the United States
Collected essays in political and social science
Specimans of investment securities
War and other essays. by William Graham Sumner. Edited with int
The science of society
Andrew Jackson as a Public Man, What He Was, What Chances He Had and What He Did with Them
War, and other essays ..
Lectures on the history of protection in the United States
Lectures on the History of Protection in the United States [microform]
The English bank restriction and The bullion report of June 8, 1810
A History of Banking in Germany & Austria-Hungary, in the Netherlands, in the Scandinavian Nations, in Japan & China
Folkways and mores
History of Banking in the Latin Nations
Folkways; a study of the sociological importance of usages. mann
Selected essays of William Graham Sumner
The challenge of facts and other essays
A history of American currency with chapters on the English bank restriction and Austrian paper money
On Plutocracy
Discipline and other essays from the collected works of William Graham Sumner
What social classes owe to each other
American finance
Andrew Jackson as a public man
The coin shilling of Massachusetts Bay
Andrew Jackson
The conquest of the United States by Spain
What social classes owe to each other
Problems in political economy
The first century of the Republic
The forgotten man, rediscovered after fifty years
Collected essays in political and social science
Political economy and political science
A History of banking in all the leading nations
Protection and revenue, in 1877
A history of American currency
Address of William G. Sumner ... at dinner of the Committee on Tariff Reform of the Reform Club in the City of New York, June 2nd, 1906
Social Darwinism
José María Arguedas
José María Arguedas (1911-1969)

anthropologist, poet, translator, ethnologist, indigenist, essayist, journalist, politician

  • National University of San Marcos
Los ríos profundos
Deep Rivers
Yawar Fiesta
Los ríos profundos
Yawar fiesta
The fox from up above and the fox from down below
Seis cuentos latino-americanos
Formación de una cultura nacional indoamericana
El zorro de arriba y el zorro de abajo
El zorro de arriba y el zorro de abajo
El sueño del pongo
Yawar fiesta
El sexto
Relatos completos
Los Rios Profundos
Señores e indios
Las comunidades de España y del Perú
Diamantes y pedernales
Deep Rivers (Pergamon Oxford Spanish)
Los Rios profundos
El manuscrito de Huarochirí
El zorro de arriba y el zorro de abajo
Señores e indios
Cuentos olividados
Agua y otros cuentos indigenas
Los Rios profundos
Las cartas de Arguedas
El sexto
Cuentos olvidados
La Mesa Redonda sobre "Todas las Sangres" del 23 de junio de 1965
Señores e indios
Canciones y cuentos del pueblo quechua
Todas las sangres
Arguedas en familia
Tupac Amaru kamaq taytanchisman
UN Mundo De Monstruos Y De Fuego
El sexto
Cartas de José María Arguedas a Pedro Lastra
Cuentos mágico-realistas y canciones de fiestas tradicionales
Dioses y hombres de Huarochirí
Singing Mountaineers
Poesía quechua
Mitos, leyendas y cuentos peruanos
Yawar fiesta
Mitos, leyendas y cuentos peruanos
Yawar fiesta
Ríos profundos
Tous sangs mêlés
Estudio etnográfico de la feria de Huancayo
Poesía quechua
Yawar Fiesta
La agonia de Rasu Niti
Yawar fiesta
Qepa Wiñaq--, siempre literatura y antropología
Amor mundo
El forastero, y otros cuentos
Amor mundo
Todas las sangres
José María Arguedas
Het groot Meulenhoff Zuid-Amerika leesboek
El sexto
Diamantes y pedernales
Páginas escogidas
Itinerarios epistolares
Motivaciones del escritor
Ollantay y cantos y narraciones quechuas
Diamantes y pedernales
Ollantay ; Cantos y narraciones quechuas
El zorro de arriba y el zorro de abajo
Cantos y cuentos quechuas
Formación de una cultura nacional indoamericana
El sexto
Los ríos profundos
Dos estudios sobre Huancayo
Los Rios profundos
Indios, mestizos y señores
El Zorro de Arriba y el Zorro de Abajo
Dos estudios sobre Huancayo
Todas las sangres
Arguedas, antología elemental
José María Arguedas
Cuentos olvidados
Nuestra musica popular y sus interpretes
Breve antologi a didactica
Amor mundo y todos los cuentos de José María Arguedas
Obras completas
El zorro de arriba y el zorro de abajo
Antología comentada
Canto kechwa
El Sueño del pongo
El Sexto
Correspondencia entre José María Arguedas y Juan Mejía Baca en la Biblioteca Nacional
La cultura popular en Jose  Maria Arguedas
Amor mundo, y otros relatos
La agonia de Rasu Ñiti
Warma Kuyay y otros relatos
Los ríos profundos
El río y el mar
Amor mundo
Mitos, leyendas y cuentos peruanos
Formación de una cultura nacional Indoamericana
La Mesa Redonda sobre "Todas las Sangres" del 23 de junio de 1965
El forastero y otros cuentos
Recopilación de textes sobre José Maria Arguedas
El sexto
Todas las sangres
Qepa Wiñaq
Los ri os profundos
Los ríos profundos
El sueño del pongo
Deep rivers
Nosotros los maestros
Formación de una cultura nacional indoamericana
El arte popular religioso y la cultura mestiza
Diamantes y pedernales / José María Arguedas
Jose  Mari a Arguedas
Relatos completos
Canto kechwa
Los ri os profundos
Agua y otros cuentos
Indios, mestizos y señores
Todas las sangres
Todas las sangres
Cuentos olvidados / José María Arguedas. Y notas críticas a la obra de José María Arguedas, por José Luis Rouillon
Relatos completos
Diamantes y pedernales ; La agonía de Rasuñiti ; El sueño del pongo ; Cuentos olvidados ; Taller
Temblar ; El sueño del pongo
Nosotros los maestros
Agua y otros cuentos indígenas
Temblar, Katatay
Agua ; Los escoleros ; Warma Kuyay
Un mundo de monstruos y de fuego
Antología comentada
Páginas escogidas
Kachkaniraqmi! =
Relatos completos
La agonía de Rasu Ñiti
Nosotros los maestros
Dian Fossey
Dian Fossey (1932-1985)

anthropologist, primatologist, ethologist, zoologist, biologist, academic, ecologist

  • University of Cambridge, San José State University
Gorillas in the Mist
Gorillas im Nebel. Mein Leben mit den sanften Riesen
Kiri no naka no gorira
Gorilles dans la brume
Gorilas en la niebla
Michel Leiris
Michel Leiris (1901-1990)

anthropologist, ethnologist, poet, diarist, ethnographer, collector

  • Lycée Janson-de-Sailly
Francis Bacon, face et profil
Afrique noire
André Masson and his universe
The Rules of the Game
Picasso Collected Writings
Nights as day, days as night
Age d'homme
Race and culture
L' Afrique fantôme
A propos de Georges Bataille
Langage tangage, ou, Ce que les mots me disent
The automatic muse
Picasso and the Human Comedy
Journal de Chine
La langue secrète des Dogon de Sanga
Aurora Cardinal Point
Francis Bacon
André Masson and his universe
Roussel l'inge nu
Cinq Etudes D'Ethnologie
Lage Dhomme Precede De La Litterature
Roussel l'ingénu
La course de taureaux ; suivi de Calendrier et souvenirs taurins
L' Afrique noire
Francis Bacon ou la brutalité du fait
Cinq études d'ethnologie
Francis Bacon, ou, La vérité criante
Bacon, Picasso, Masson
Journal, 1922-1989
Andre  Masson et son univers
Cinq études d'ethnologie
Roussel & Co
Wifredo Lam
La langue secrète des Dogons de Sanga (Soudan français)
"Au-Dela D'UN Regard" (Collection Litteraire: Pergamine)
L' homme sans honneur
Roussel l'ingénu
Correspondance 1926-1962
Francis Bacon
Contacts de civilisations en Martinique et en Guadeloupe
Wilfredo Lam
Miroir de l'Afrique
La règle du jeu
Miroir de la tauromachie
Le ruban au cou d'Olympia
Mots sans mémoire
C'est-à-dire : entretien avec Sally Price et Jean Jamin ; suivi de Titres et travaux
La langue seciete des Dogons de Sanga (soudan franc ʹais)
L' évasion souterraine
Grande fuite de neige
La possession et ses aspects théâtraux chez les Éthiopiens de Gondar, précédé de La croyance aux génies zâr en Éthiopie du Nord
La possession et ses aspects théâtraux chez les Éthiopiens de Gondar
Sculpture of the Tellem and the Dogon
Mots sans mémoire. Simulacre, le point cardinal, glossaire…
Haut mal, suivi de Autres lancers
Afrique noire
Phantom Africa
Haut mal, suivi de Autres lancers
Pierres pour un Alberto Giacometti
L' Etnóleg davant el colonialisme
Michel Leiris
Ondes. suivi de images de marque
André Masson and his universe [by] M. Leiris and G. Limbour
L' Age d'homme
Nuits sans nuit et quelques jours sans jour
Die Lust am Zusehen
Glossaire j'y serre mes gloses
Haut Mal. Autres Lancers
Francis Bacon
André Masson et le théâtre
Au verso des images
Entre augures
A cor et a cri
Race and culture
L' Afrique fantome
Langage tangage
Race and culture
Nuits sans nuit et quelques jours sans jour
Brise es
La Possession et ses aspects théâtraux chez les Ethiopiens de Gondar
Nuits sans nuit et quelques jours sans jours
Michel Leiris
Literatura Como Tauromaquia
A cor et à cri
La règle du jeu
Un génie sans piédestal
Grande fuite de neige
La règle du jeu
Andre Masson and his universe
The prints of Joan Miro
Late Picasso Paintings, Sculpture, Drawing, Prints 1953-1972
L' A ge d'homme
L'A frique fantôme
L' âge d'homme
Contacts de civilisations en Martinique et en Guadeloupe
Nights as day, days as night
André Masson et le théâtre
Bagatelles végétales
Correspondance, 1923-1977
Cahier Dakar Djibouti
Le ruban au cou d'Olympia
L'Age d'homme
Henri Laurens or sculpture in good hands
L' âge d'homme
Race and culture
L' âge d'homme, précédé de, De la littérature considérée comme une tauromachie
Nuits sans nuit
L'Afrique Fantome
Marrons sculptés pour Miró
Le merveilleux
Nuits sans nuit et qulques jours sans jour
La\Regle du Jeu Vol. 4 Frele Bruit
La\Regle du Jeu Vol. 1 Biffures
André Masson et son univers
Écrits sur l'art
Wifredo Lam
L'âge d'homme
La\Regle du Jeu Vol. 2 Fourbis
Aimé Césaire
Aurora, roman
La\Regle du Jeu Vol. 3 Fibrilles
Joanne Greenberg
Joanne Greenberg (born 1932)


  • University of London, University of Colorado
Chahdortt Djavann
Chahdortt Djavann (born 1966)


  • School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences