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academics who wrote autobiography
Showing 217-224 out of 241 results
Martin Buber
Martin Buber (1878-1965)

philosopher, existentialist, translator, pedagogue, literary editor, Bible translator, educator, zionist, theologian, librettist

  • University of Vienna, Humboldt University of Berlin
Antología de la literatura fantástica
Ich und du
The United States in Literature -- The Glass Menagerie Edition
Pfade in Utopia
The United States in Literature -- All My Sons Edition
Die Legende des Baalschem
Ein Land und zwei Völker
Between man and man
Der heilige Weg
Erzählungen der Chassidim
Israel and the world
Ten Rungs
Ben ʻam le-artso
Königtum Gottes
Der Weg des Menschen nach der chassidischen Lehre
On the Bible
Briefwechsel aus sieben Jahrzehnten
To hallow this life
Gog u-Magog
Martin Buber's 10 Rungs
Bilder von Gut und Böse
The origin and meaning of Hasidism
Der grosse maggid und seine nachfolge
Der Glaube der Propheten
Ekstatische Konfessionen
Towards union in Palestine
The writings of Martin Buber
Die jüdische Bewegung: Gesammelte Aufsätze und Ansprachen, 1900-1915
The Ten Rungs & The Way Of Man
The writings of Martin Buber
Die jüdische Bewegung
Vom Geist des Judentums
On Judaism
Chinese Tales: Zhuangzi
Die Rede, die Lehre und das Lied
The first Buber
Die Geschichten des Rabbi Nachman
Mein Weg zum Chassidismus
Hasidism and modern man
Que Es El Hombre ?
Zwei Glaubensweisen
Martin Buber on psychology and psychotherapy
The Great ideas today, 1967
L'éclipse de Dieu
The knowledge of man
Urdistanz und Beziehung
Lesser Ury
Die j©·udische Bewegung
Die jüdische Bewegung: Gesammelte Aufsätze und Ansprachen 1900-1915
The way of response
Erzählungen von Engeln, Geistern und Dämonen
Scripture and translation
Ereignisse und Begegnungen
Chassidische Legenden Verbeeld [Een Suite van H.N. Werkman]
Der Jude und sein Judentum
Daniel, Gespräche von der Verwirklichung
The Martin Buber reader
Martin Buber Werke, 22 Bde., Bd.1, Frühe kulturkritische und philosophische Schriften (1898-1924)
Buber, The Writings of Martin
Ecstatic Confessions
Reden über das Judentum
Lesser Ury
Das dialogische Prinzip
Philosophical Library Existentialism Collection
I and Tao
Believng Humansm
La vie en dialogue
Schriften Zum Judentum
Chinese tales
Drei Reden über das Judentum
Or ha-ganuz
Hundert chassidische Geschichten
Das Problem des Menschen
Die chassidischen Bücher
Des Baal- Schem- Tow Unterweisung im Umgang mit Gott
l'homme au raifort
Schriften über das Dialogische Prinzip
GOOD AND EVIL. Two Interpretations.
Schriften Zur Zionistischen Politik und Zur Jüdisch-Arabischen Frage
On intersubjectivity and cultural creativity
Ekstatische Konfessionen
Deutung des chassidismus
Israel and Palestine
The Martin Buber-Carl Rogers dialogue
The origin and meaning of Hasidism
Devarim le-zikhro shel Marṭin Buber
Martin Buber, a centenary volume
Yehudim ṿe-ʻArvim be-Erets Yiśraʾel
Politische Schriften
Martin Buber-Werkausgabe
On the Bible
A Believing humanism
Good and Evil, Two Interpretations
La Relation, âme de l'éducation ?
Martin Buber and the theater, including Martin Buber's "mystery play" Elijah
Drei Reden über das Judentum
Schriften Zur Biblischen Religion
Schriften Zur Bibelübersetzung
Lesser Ury
Erzählungen von Engeln, Geistern und Dämonen
Tales of the Hasidim
El Camino del Hombre
Erets li-shene amim
Frühe Kulturkritische und Philosophische Schriften 1891-1924
Les récits hassidiques, tome 2
Briefwechsel Martin Buber-Ludwig Strauss, 1913-1953
Der Knecht Gottes
The Knowledge of Man
Worte an die Zeit
Das verborgene licht
For the sake of heaven
Martin Buber-Werkausgabe
Königtum Gottes
Pirḳe ḥasidut
On the Bible
A believing humanism
Das dialogische Prinzip
The philosophy of Martin Buber
Die Rede, Die Lehre und das Lied
Schuld und Schuldgefühle
Gabe Herrn Rabbiner Dr. Nobel Zum 50. Geburtstag
On the Bible;
Chassidismus I
Schriften Zur Psychologie und Psychotherapie
Images of Good and Evil
L'Eclipse de Dieu
Ten Rungs
Gog und Magog
El principio dialógico
Chinesische Geister- und Liebesgeschichten
Lesser Ury
Ben ve Sen
Eclipse of God
Ekstatische Konfessionen
Schriften Zu Jugend, Erziehung und Bildung
Schuld und Schuldgefühle
Drei Reden über das Judentum
Eclipse de Dios
The Jew
Tales of the Hasidim Later Masters Vol. II
ha-Ruaḥ ṿeha-metsiʼut
Reden über Erziehung
Begegnung. Autobiographische Fragmente
Martin Buber, Bilanz seines Denkens (German Edition)
Tri reci o zidovství
Mein Weg Zum Chassidismus, Erinnerungen Von Martin Buber
An der Wende
Towards Union in Palestine
Einsichten. Aus den Schriften gesammelt
Vom Geist des Judentums
Des Rabbi Israel ben Elieser
On Judaism
Chassidismus III
Vorlesungen Zu Judentum und Christentum
The legend of the Baal-Shem
Martin Buber-Werkausgabe
Die Jüdische Bewegung
Confesiones extáticas
Martin Buber
Dialogische Prinzip. Ich und du. Zwiesprache. Die Frage an Den Einzelnen. Elemente des Zwischenmenschlichen. Zur Geschichte des Dialogischen Prinzips
Martin Buber-Werkausgabe
Schriften Zu Philosophie und Religion
Drei Reden über das Judentum
Cheruth. Eine Rede über Jugend und Religion.
Martin Buber. Den Menschen erfahren
Chassidismus II
Way of Humanity
Schriften Zur Politischen Philosophie und Zur Sozialphilosophie
For the sake of heaven (Harper torchbooks. The Temple library)
Die Schrift
Martin Buber. Worte für jeden Tag
Schriften Zum Christentum
Les récits hassidiques, tome 1
El Conocimiento del Hombre
Die Josefslegende, in acquarellierten Zeichnungen eines unbekannten russischen Juden der Biedermeierzeit
Mein Weg Zum Chassidismus
Die Jüdische Bewegung
[Die Schrift]
Die Schrift
Einsichten aus den Schriften Gesammelt (Insel-Bucherei Nr. 573)
Le problème de l'homme
ECLIPSE OF GOD a Critique of the Key 10th Century Philosophies - Existentialism, Crisis Theology, Jungian Psychology
On Judaism
Way of Man
Biblical humanism
Frühe Jüdische Schriften 1900-1922
Eclipse of God a Critique of the Key 20th Cent. Philosophies Existentialism Crisis Theology and Jungian Psychology
Cuentos Jasidicos. Los Primeros Maestros I
Wer eine Seele rettet, rettet die Welt
To hallow this life
At the turning
Cuentos Jasidicos
Mein Weg Zum Chassidismus, Erinnerungen Von Martin Buber
Confesiones extáticas
Mythos und Mystik
Schriften Zur Chinesischen Philosophie und Literatur
Schriften Zu Literatur, Theater und Kunst
Recht und Unrecht
Darko shel Miḳra
Daniel; dialogues on realization
Hasidism and Modern Man
Die Jüdische Bewegung
Die vier Zweige des Mabinogi
Tales of the Hasidim
Two letters to Gandhi from Martin Buber and J. L. Magnes
Good and Evil Two Interpretations I Right and Wrong II Images of Good and Evil - Scholar's Choice Edition
Schriften Zum Messianismus
Eine jüdische Hochschule
Martin Buber-Werkausgabe
Die judische bewegung = The Jewish Movement.
Sprachphilosophische Schriften
For the sake of heaven
The knowledge of man. Edited with an introductory essay by Maurice Friedman. Translated from the German by Maurice Friedman and Ronald Gregor Smith.
Sette discorsi sull'ebraismo
Encuentro En El Desfiladero
Juedische Kuenstler
Judíos en la U.R.S.S.
Der utopische Sozialismus
Encounter; autobiographical fragments
Vom Geist des Judentums
Deʻotaṿ ha-ḳedumot shel ha-noʻar
Colpa e sensi di colpa
Mystische Zeugnisse aller Zeiten und Völker
Leket I
Dialogisches Leben
Ben ʻam le-artso
Recht und Unrecht
Be-fardes ha-ḥasidut
גוג ומגוג
Bet-sefer-gavoha yehudi
Raʻyon ha-geʼulah ba-Ḥasidut
Des Rabbi Israel ben Elieser
Humanismo hebreo y nacionalismo
Martin-Buber Werkausgabe (MBW)
Stationen des Glaubens
Aus Tiefen rufe ich Dich
Martin Buber
Il principio dialogico
On the Bible
Gog u-Magog
Me-otsar ha-ḥasidut
Der Glaube der Propheten
Der Weg der Menschen
Rede über das Erzieherische
Die Stunde und die Erkenntnis
Mein Weg zum Chassidismus
Bet sefer gavoha Yehudi
Die Stunde und die Erkenntnis
Devarim le-zikhro shel Marṭin Buber
Gog und Magog
Dray reden iber Idenṭum
Die Schrift und ihre Verdeutschung
Gabe Herrn Rabbiner Dr. Nobel zum 50. Geburtstag
Pirḳe ḥasidut
Darko shel Miḳra
Das Buch der zwölf
Das Buch der Preisungen
Psalm 130
Izbrannye proizvedenii︠a︡
Devarim le-zikhro shel Marṭin Buber
Das Buch Rut
Worte an die Jugend
La leggenda del Baal-Scem
Martin Buber (JNUL-Jerusalem)
For the sake of heaven
Die Schrift, zu verdeutschen unternommen
Die Stunde und die Erkenntnis
Das Buch der Preisungen
En la encrucijada
Yo y Tu y Otros Ensayos
Kingship of God
Cuentos Jasidicos. Los Primeros Maestros II
Cuentos Jasidicos. Primeros Maestros I
Recht und Unrecht. Deutung einiger Psalmen
Cuentos jasídicos, los maestros continuadores
A believing humanism
ha- Tsedeḳ ṿeha-ʻavel ʻal-pi tseror mizmore Tehilim
Lettres choisies de Martin Buber, 1899-1965
Cuentos Jasidicos - Maestros Continuad. 1
Buber für Atheisten
Pene adam
Zwischen Gesellschaft und Staat
Paths in Utopia
I and thou
Tales of angels, spirits & demons
Be-fardes ha-ḥasidut
The way of man, according to the teaching of Hasidism
Entsiḳlopedyah ḥinukhit
Sette discorsi sull'ebraismo
Tikvah le-shaah zo
Bücher der Kündung
Chinesische Geister- und Liebes-Geschichten
Auf die Stimme hören
Die Schriften über das dialogische Prinzip
Sionismo y universalidad
Ten rungs
The knowledge of man
Parola e scrittura
Schriften zu Jugend, Erziehung und Bildung
Or ha-ganuz
Die jüdische Bewegung
Zion als Ziel und als Aufgabe
Chinesische Geister- und Liebesgeschichten
Der Weg des Menschen nach der chassidischen Lehre
Letters/martin Buber
Leḳet me-otsar ha-ḥasidut
Zwischen Zeit und Ewigkeit
Les récits hassidiques
Die Vorurteile der Jugend
Leket I
Urdistanz und Beziehung
Martin Buber
On Judaism
Worte an die Zeit
Beʻayat ha-adam
Die Troestung Israels
Mein Weg zum Chassidismus
Opowieści chasydów
Brief an Gandhi
Königtum Gottes
Das Kommende
Ḥilufe igrot be-meshekh shivʻim shanah
Jewish Spirituality
Problem cz¿owieka
Die Juden in der UdSSR
Gog und Magog
Derko shel mikra
The way of man according to the teachings of Hasidism
Right and wrong
Völker/Staaten und Zion
Right and wrong
Martin Buber im Gespräch mit Gott und den Menschen
Ekstatische Konfessionen
Die frage an den einzelnen
Das Problem des Menschen
Gog şi Magog
Estudios sobre judaismo
Droga człowieka według nauczania chasydów
Der Mensch und sein Gebild
Der Mensch und sein Gebild
Good and evil
Palestine, a bi-national state
Die vier Zweige des Mabinogi
Dray reden iber Idenṭum
Kampf um Israel
Martin Buber
Die fünf Bücher der Weisung
Chinesische Geister- und Liebesgeschichten
Drei Reden über das Judentum
Die Schriftwerke
Pene 'adam
Ben ʻam le-artso
From the treasure house of Hassidism
Die chassidische Botschaft
El camí de l'home
Deux types de foi
Imagenes del Bien y del Mal
Drei Legenden
Ekstatischer Konfessionen
Frühe kulturkritische und philosophische Schriften 1891-1924
Bücher der Geschichte
Die Schriftwerke
Tri besjede o židovstvu
Un experimento que no fracasó
Un experimento que no fracasó
Isreal and the World
Vom Geist des Judentums
Pointing the way
Darko shel adam ʻal-pi torat ha-ḥasidut
Das Problem des Menschen
München ehrt Martin Buber
Tales of the Hasidim, Vol. 2
Geschichten von Rabbi Bunam
Dva obraza very
Leket II
Frühe jüdische Schriften 1900-1922
Or ha-ganuz
Bet sefer gavoah Yehudi
Cuentos Jasidicos - Maestros Continuad. II
Khasidskie istorii
Die chassidischen Bücher
On Judaism
Ekstatische Konfessionen
Be-fardes ha-ḥasidut
Zwiesprache. Traktat vom dialogischen Leben
Reden üUber das Judentum
Be-mashber ha-ruaḥ
Sette discorsi sull'ebraismo
Be-sod śiaḥ
Cuentos jasídicos, los primeros maestros
Der Mensch und sein Gebild
Zac mienie Boga
Kalewala das National-Epos der Finnen
Dialogisches Leben
Juedische Kuenstler
Das Buch der Preisungen
Or ha-ganuz
Eclipse de Dios
Opowieści chasydów
Marṭin Buber, meʾah shanah le-huladto
Das Buch im Anfang
Das Buch der Preisungen
Die Geschichten des Rabbi Nachman
The legend of the Baal-Shem
Opowieści chasydów
Zwischen Zeit und Ewigkeit
Martin Buber
Malkhut shamayim
Ereignisse und begegnungen
Velenie dukha
Torat ha-neviʾim
Discorsi sull'educazione
Ich und du
El humanismo hebreo y nuestro tiempo
Niḳolai Ḳoperniḳus 1473-1543
Zu einer neuen Verdeutschung der Schrift
Ian Buruma
Ian Buruma (born 1951)

journalist, historian, columnist

  • Leiden University, Nihon University
Their promised land
Japanese mirror
Playing the game
Wages of Guilt
Murder in Amsterdam
The missionary and the libertine
God's Dust
Bad Elements
Year Zero
The China lover
A Japanese mirror
Re-imagining Japan
Wages of Guilt
Theater of cruelty
Churchill Complex
China Lover
The wages of guilt
Inventing Japan
Year zero
The missionary and the libertine
The Wages of Guilt: Memories of War in Germany and Japan
Glitter and Doom
God's dust
A Tokyo romance
Inventing Japan
Playing the game
George Grosz in Berlin
Inventing Japan (Universal History)
A Japanese Mirror
Emperor of the moving image
Bertien Van Manen
Taming the gods
The Missionary And The Libertine Love And War In East And West
Inventing Japan, 1853-1964
Taming the Gods
Voltaire's coconuts, or, Anglomania in Europe
Murder in Amsterdam
Voltaire's Coconuts
The Rise of Modern Japan (UNIVERSAL HISTORY)
Berlin in Lights
Ihr Gelobtes Land
Límits a la llibertat
Límits a la llibertat
Dinin Demokrasiyle Imtihani
Churchill's cigar
Chrysanthemum and the Sword
Erbschaft der Schuld
Theater of Cruelty
Noguchi y la figura : b Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Monterrey, febrero-mayo 1999
Tokio mon amour
Sifir Yili 1945'in Tarihi
Their Promised Land
By Ian Buruma The Wages of Guilt
Año cero
on a tue theo van gogh ; enquete sur la fin de l'europe des lumieres
Límits a la llibertat
Anglomania (SPANISH)
A Tokyo Romance
Conversations with John Schlesinger
Límits a la llibertat
Sensō no kioku
Tokyo Romance
Bad Elements Chinese Rebels From Los Angeles To Beijing
Grenzen aan de vrijheid
Ling nian
El precio de la culpa
Bad Elements
La creacion de Japon, 1853-1964 / Inventing Japan, 1853-1964 (Breve Historia / Brief History)
Het circus van Max Beckmann en andere essays
Anglomania a European Love Affair
Anglomania. Europas englischer Traum
Asesinato En Amsterdam/ Murder in Amsterdam
Slechte elementen
Mientras Se Juega El Partido
Japanese Tattoo
Ralph Nader
Ralph Nader (born 1934)

lawyer, historian, politician, lobbyist, environmentalist, political activist, journalist, columnist

  • Princeton University, Harvard Law School
The Seventeen Traditions
Unsafe at any speed
No contest
The big boys
Cutting Corporate Welfare
Action for a change
The Ralph Nader Reader
Collision course
Crashing the party
The menace of atomic energy
More action for a change
The lemon book
Unsafe at any speed
The Good Fight
The people's business
The Seventeen Solutions Bold Ideas For Our American Future
Winning the insurance game
Civic Arousal
Power and land in California
The good fight
Canada firsts
In Pursuit Of Justice
The Case against "free trade"
The Frugal Shopper
The seventeen traditions
The consumer and corporate accountability
Getting steamed
Return to sender
The Frugal shopper checklist book
The GMO Deception
Home Book: A Guide to Safety, Security and Savings in the Home
Breaking through power
Wrecking America
Censored 2015
Only the Super-Rich Can Save Us!
The Frugal Shopper Checklist Book
Crashing the Party
What to do with your bad car
Taming the giant corporation
Who's poisoning America
Main basse sur le pouvoir
The Rape of the powerless
Animal envy
Day the Rats Vetoed Congress
You and your pension [by] Ralph Nader and Kate Blackwell
Who Runs Congress
Ralph Nader and Family Cookbook
The GMO deception
Constitutionalizing the corporation
Ralph Nader in Rüschlikon, 7.-8. September 1977
Murray Atomic Energy
Action for change
Corporate Power in America
Corporate power in America
Media for the Solar Age
Taming the giant corporation
Nader on Australia
Canada Firsts
You and your pension
To the ramparts
Whistle Blowing
Out of Darkness
The seventeen traditions
First Class
The Big Boys Part 1 of 2
The Big Boys Part 2 of 2
Hidden History of Monopolies
Alimentos gene ticamente modificados
Verdicts on lawyers
Reflections from the Waiting Room
Fake President
Who's Poisoning America
How the Rats Re-formed Congress
Seventeen Solutions
Vanishing air
Alimentos Genéticamente Modificados : Cambiando la Naturaleza de la Naturaleza
Told You So
On Living in a Democracy
Collision Course
Congress project
Cutting Corporate Welfare
Big Boy
Rebellious CEO
Courts and Congress
What to do with your bad car
Let's Start the Revolution
In Pursuit of Justice
What to Do?
Only the Super-Rich Can Save Us!
Ces voitures qui tuent
I Lost My Bontalona
Lemon Books
Good Fight
Ecotactics the Sierra Club Handbook for Environment Activists
Direct Democracy
Crashing the Party
Ralph Nader and Family Cookbook
Who Runs Congress?
Unsafe at Any Speed.  The Designed-In Dangers of the American Automobile
Ralph Nader presents : students as if they matter
Breaking Through Power
Unsafe at any speed
Unsafe at Any Speed
Johan Galtung
Johan Galtung (1930-2024)

mathematician, political scientist, sociologist

  • University of Oslo
Johan uten land
Members of two worlds
Pax Pacifica
War Is Peace
U.S. glasnost
True Worlds
Choose peace
Peace and Development in the Pacific Hemisphere (Institute for Peace)
Global militarization
There are alternatives!
Indicators of social and economic change and their applications
Searching for peace
Gandhi and the World
Peace by peaceful means
Europe in the making
Kultur und Konflikt
Environment, development, and military activity
Nonviolence and Israel/Palestine (Institute for Peace)
More than a curriculum
Papers on Methodology
World politics of peace and war
Global glasnost
Nach dem Kalten Krieg
Macrohistory and macrohistorians
Transarmament and the Cold War
Theory and methods of social research
Solving Conflicts
Transcend and transform
Pacific Essays
Buddhism, a quest for unity and peace
Peace problems
Theory and Method of Social Research
The European Community
European Community
Educational growth and educational disparity
Peace and world structure
Development from above and the blue revolution
Peace, war and defense
Co-operation in Europe
The North/South debate
Sociological theory and social development
On the way to superpower status
What the high school students say
United States foreign policy
On the future of the Mediter[r]anean
Essays in methodology
Johan Galtung
Pax Pacifica
The North/South debate
A structural theory of revolutions
The Lomé Convention and neo-capitalism
Human rights in another key
A concept of development centred on the human being
On the last 2500 years in Western history and some remarks on the coming 500
Essays in peace research
International repertory of institutions specializing in research on peace and disarmament
Theory & Methods of Soc Research
Development, environment and technology
Überleben durch Partnerschaft
Participants in peace-keeping forces
Whats Happening At Fukushima
Der Weg ist das Ziel
The European Community, a superpower in the making
East-West security and cooperation
The struggle for peace
Die Sowjetunion
Imperial Designs
The dialectics of education
Human needs, human rights, and the theory of development
Music and Conflict Transformation
Taidan heiwa e no sentaku
Social outer limits
Strukturelle Gewalt
Deductive thinking and political practice
The dynamics of rank conflict
Global Process and the World in 1980s
A theory of civilization
Whither technical assistance?
Non-territorial actors
Pax Pacifica
On macro-history and Western civilization
Is the legal perspective structure-blind?
Searching for Peace
Is peaceful research possible?
What the high school students say
Investigaciones teóricas
Es gibt Alternativen!
Self-reliance and global interdependence
Es Gibt Alternativen!
Peace by Peaceful Means
Schooling or education?
Reporting Conflict
Social imperialism and sub-imperialism
Trascender la violencia
Achieving peace
Peace and social structure
The specific contribution of peace research to the study of the causes of violence, typologies
Mankind 2000
Vers l'autodéveloppement et l'interdépendance globale
Methodology and Development - Essays in Methodology - Volume III
Images of the world in the year 2000
Human settlements
On the social costs of modernization
Losungsszenarien Fur 100 Konflikte in Aller Welt - der Diagnose-Prognose-Therapie-Ansatz
Alternative life styles in rich countries
Neue friedensstrategische Rollen
Von China Lernen?
Europe in the Making
Agrarian Reform and Rural Development
Literacy, education and schooling--for what?
Menschenrechte anders gesehen
Schooling and future society
United States Diplomacy with North Korea and Vietnam
50 years
The North/South debate
Norge sett utenfra
Insan Haklari <br> Baska Bir Açidan Bakis
Development and intellectual styles
On the relationship between human rights and human needs
Globalizing God
Norge i 1980-årene
Transcend and Transform
EF. En supermagt i verdenssamfundet
Unarmed strategy
Man skal spå om fremtiden
Structural analysis
Fred, vold og imperialisme
Le-hatir et ha-plonṭer
Von China lernen?
Notes on balance of power
After the first years-what?
Social position and social behavior
Überleben Durch Partnerschaft
Forsvar uten militærvesen
Toward self-reliance and global interdependence
The way is the goal
Frieden Mit Friedlichen Mitteln
Human needs as the focus of the social sciences
Peace education and peace
Kapitalistische Großmacht Europa oder Die Gemeinschaft der Konzerne?
The next twenty-five years of peace research
Poor countries vs. rich, poor people vs. rich
Measuring world development
Towards a world peace academy
Hitlerisme, stalinisme, reaganisme
Om og for fredsforskning
Searching for peace
Kan vi laere av kineserne?
The dynamics of conflict, peace and development in African societies
Gandhis politiske etikk
Kann Europa abrüsten?
The theory of conflict and the concept of probability
Critical Peace Studies
Direitos humanos
Methodologie und Ideologie
Hvordan skal det gå med Norge
Peace and social structure
Nachgedanken zum Golfkrieg
60 speeches on war and peace
Frieden mit friedlichen Mitteln
On violence in general and terrorism in particular
Co-operation in Europe
The fall of the US Empire - and then what?
Gandhis Politische Ethik
Gandhi oggi
A Structural Theory of Imperialism
Methodology and ideology
Mankind Two Thousand
Sozialismus XXI
Ci sono alternative
Steve Jones
Steve Jones (born 1944)

geneticist, scientist, television presenter, professor

  • University of Edinburgh, University of Chicago
The Darwin archipelago
Almost like a whale
Darwin's island
The language of genes
The language of the genes
The Internet for Educators and Homeschoolers
Introducing genetics
In the Blood
Introducing Genetics
Almost Like a Whale
The Mammoth Book of Best New Horror
The Intelligent Warrior
Cybersociety 2.0
The Single Helix
Torture Porn Popular Horror After Saw
Darwin's Ghost
College Oral Communication 4
Revolutionary science
Complete Medicine Cabinets
Introducing Genetics A Graphic Guide
Encyclopedia of New Media
The serpent's promise
Introducing Genetics
On My Knees
Computer Human Interaction
Brand Like A Rock Star Lessons From Rock N Roll To Make Your Business Rich And Famous
When the Lights Went Down
Wie der Wal zur Flosse kam. Ein neuer Blick auf den Ursprung der Arten
Mountain Bike! Deep South
Behind the Rose
Northumberland and Durham....the Sinister Side
Food and cultural studies
Capital Punishments
The Illustrated Police News
Nottingham...the Sinister Side
Life of David (Solid Foundation Sermon Starters)
SQL Server 2005 Maintenance Plans
En la sangre/ In The Blood
Critical cyberculture studies
Insects Of Cornwall And The Isles Of Scilly
Doing Internet Research
Lancashire Lasses
Virtual Culture
The Darwin Archipelago The Naturalists Career Beyond Origin Of Species
Lonely Boy
Through the Keyhole
Wicked London
The Cambridge encyclopedia of human evolution
Birmingham...the Sinister Side
Banking Operations - U. K. Lending & International Business (Banking Certificate)
Manchester...the Sinister Side
In darkest London
Pop Music and the Press (Sound Matters)
The Best of SqlservercentralCom Vol7
Psychology express
Lonely Boy
Psychology in Focus
Writing from Reading
Afterlife As Afterimage
Virtualizing Hadoop
The Darwin archipelago
Y : the descent of men
London - the sinister side
Zombies and Sexuality
New management techniques in Royal Mail
Winning Isn't
Yorkshire the Sinister Side
At the Centre
London through the keyhole
Yi chuan xue
Rothman's Rugby Year Book 1985-86
De man
Endless Winter
The Elephant Who Lost His Memory
Genetics in medicine
Bench Joinery
Cruising guide to West Africa
Next Generation Grammar 1 Student eText w/MyLab English
Living processes
Mapping Motivation for Engagement
Lake District Bagging Log Book
Wainwrights Lake District Walks Bagging Log Book
Lake District 214 Wainwright Challenge Logbook
From Genes to Cells
Torture Porn
Serpent?'s Promise
Introducing Graphic Guide Box Set - the Origins of Life
Dahilere Gerek Yok
Rothmans Rugby yearbook
Neko of Nagano
Critical Cyberculture Studies
Intelligent Warrior
Psychology in Focus
Shades of Blue
Darwin Archipelago
Sex, Age and Death
Turning on Your PROFITS Tap
ACT Made Yorkshire
Génétique en Images
Donelle Woolford
Cheese Beer Wine Cider
Lake District Word Search Puzzle Book
WJEC Vocational Award Constructing the Built Environment Level 1/2
Lake District Wainwright Photo Book
Introducing Graphic Guide Box Set - the Origins of Life (EXPORT EDITION)
Customer services
Focus Audio Workshop
Havant the Golden Years
Site Carpentry Level 2
Neredeyse Bir Balina
No Need for Geniuses
Rothman's Rugby yearbook
The Sea
Evolution (a Ladybird Expert Book)
Construction Award and NVQ, Level 2
Edge of Feedback
Darwin Archipelago
Lake District Tick Book Family Edition
Revolutionary Science
Serpent's Promise
Torture Porn
Research Methods in Psychology
Out Rage
Brand Like A Rock Star
Fresh Linen Is Best Served Cold
Here Comes the Sun
Psychology in Focus
Darwin's Island
Manning Marable
Manning Marable (1950-2011)

anthropologist, political scientist, historian, sociologist

  • University of Maryland, Earlham College
W.E.B. DuBois, Black radical democrat
Beyond Black and White
Race, reform and rebellion
Malcolm X
Black American Politics
How capitalism underdeveloped Black America
From the grassroots
Speaking truth to power
Freedom on my mind
The Crisis of Color and Democracy
Black Leadership
Black liberation in conservative America
African-American thought
The Portable Malcolm X Reader
Beyond Boundaries
Let Nobody Turn Us Around
Souls of W. E. B. du Bois
The great wells of democracy
The Autobiography Of Medgar Evers
African and Caribbean politics
Barack Obama and African American empowerment
Seeking higher ground
Beyond Race
African-American thought
The new Black renaissance
Race, Politics and Power
Living Black history
Race matters in the new labor movement
Transnational Blackness Navigating The Global Color Line
The New Black Renaissance
Beyond Black and White
Black politics in transition
Black routes to Islam
New social movements in the African diaspora
Black Genders and Sexualities
                Critical Black Studies
Black America
Black America
What Black America Thinks
Dispatches from the ebony tower
Rethinking the seventies
On being black
Race and Labor Matters in the New U.S. Economy
Speaking Truth To Power
Speaking Power to Truth
Black Leadership
Great Wells of Democracy
Souls, Volume II, No. 3
Souls Vol. 1, Bk. 4
Barack Obama and African American Empowerment
The road toward effective Black power
Race, difference, and the historical imagination
Living Black History
Racializing Justice, Disenfranchising Lives
Race and Class 39/4: Black Fundamentalism
Souls Vol. 3
Black Routes to Islam
From the Grassroots
Dispatches from the Ebony Tower
Racializing Justice, Disenfranchising Lives
New Black Renaissance
Racializing justice, disenfranchising lives
Souls Vol. 1, No. 2
The destruction of black higher education
The fire this time
Toward independent Black politics
Reaganism, racism, and reaction
Through the prism of race and class
The question of genocide
Obama and African American empowerment macmillan
Race, class and conflict
Jost Hermand
Jost Hermand (1930-2021)

literary scholar, cultural studies scholar, Germanist

Vom Anderen und vom Selbst
A Hitler Youth in Poland
Die Kultur der Weimarer Republik
Rethinking Peter Weiss
Heinrich Heine's contested identities : politics, religion, and nationalism in nineteenth-century Germany
Freundschaft: zur Geschichte einer sozialen Bindung
Kultur in finsteren Zeiten
Rethinking Peter Weiss
«Die Toten schweigen nicht»: Brecht-Aufsätze (Bremer Beiträge zur Literatur- und Ideengeschichte) (German Edition)
Streitobjekt Heine
Deutsche Kulturgeschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts
Stänker und Weismacher
Vorbilder: Partisanenprofessoren Im Geteilten Deutschland (German Edition)
Experiencing the Garden in the Eighteenth Century
Sieben Arten an Deutschland zu leiden
Old dreams of a new Reich
Literaturwissenschaft und Kunstwissenschaft
Mehr als ein Liberaler
Interpretive synthesis
Heinrich Heine
Orte, irgendwo
Die deutschen Dichterbünde
Unerfüllte Hoffnungen
Karl Marx und Friedrich Nietzsche
Concepts of culture
Zuhause und anderswo. Erfahrungen im Kalten Krieg
Kultur im Wiederaufbau
Stile, Ismen, Etiketten
Avantgarde und Regression
Der frühe Heine
Grüne Utopien in Deutschland
Der alte Traum vom neuen Reich
Konkretes Hören
Die Kultur der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1965-85
Sound figures of modernity
Writings of German composers
Judentum und deutsche Kultur
Arnold Zweig
Angewandte Literatur
Adolph Menzel
Von Mainz nach Weimar (1793-1919)
Heimat, Nation, Fatherland
Adolf Menzel - das Flötenkonzert in Sanssouci
Re-reading Wagner
Pro Und Contra Goethe/for And Against Goethe
Verlorene Illusionen
Als Pimpf in Polen
Beredte Töne
Mit den Toten reden
German essays on music
Synthetisches Interpretieren
Wollt ihr Thomas Mann wiederhaben?
Von deutscher Republik, 1775-1795
Unbequeme Literatur
Unmasking Hitler
Fünfzig Jahre Germanistik
Geschichte der Germanistik
Positive Dialektik
Der Schein des schönen Lebens
Adolph Menzel. Das Flötenkonzert in Sanssouci. Ein realistisch geträumtes Preußenbild. ( Kunststück)
Nach der Postmoderne:  Asthetik heute
Natur und Natürlichkeit
Revolutio Germanica
Der Kunsthistoriker Richard Hamann
Ernst von Salomon. Wandlungen eines Nationalrevolutionärs
Grosser Mann im seidenen Rock
Die literarishce Formenwelt des Biedermeiers
Geschichten aus dem Ghetto
Unbewaltigte Vergangenheit
Oasen der Utopie
The temptation of hope
Liebe Geld!
Das Junge Deutschland
Deutsche Geheimgesellschaften von der Frühen Neuzeit bis zur Gegenwart
Nachkriegsliteratur in Westdeutschland 1945-49
Geschichten aus dem Ghetto
Zur Literatur der Restaurationsepoche, 1815-1848
Der deutsche Vormärz
Mehr Als Tönende Luft
Arbeit als Thema in der deutschen Literatur vom Mittelalter bis zur Gegenwart
Goethe in German-Jewish culture
Engagement als Lebensform
Pop international
Culture in dark times
Lyrik des Jugendstils
Freunde, Promis, Kontrahenten
Heinrich Heine: kritisch, solidarisch, umstritten
Deutsche &apos;Leitkulturen&apos; Von der Weimarer Klassik Bis Zur Gegenwart
Grüne Klassik
Das Junge Deutschland
Glanz und Elend der deutschen Oper
Hearing Music in a Different Key
Die Kultur der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, 1965-1985
Nach der Postmoderne
Der deutsche Vormärz
Beethoven: Werk und Wirkung
Von Teutsch Zu Denglish
Im Wettlauf mit der Zeit
Die literarische Formenwelt des Biedermeiers
Formen des Eros in der Kunst
Politische Denkbilder
Realismustheorien in Literatur, Malerei, Musik und Politik
Exil und innere Emigration
Literaturwissenschaft und Kunstwissenschaft
Das Junge Deutschland
Guenter Grass
Von deutscher Republik, 1775-1795
Postmodern Pluralism and Concepts of Totality
Exil und innere Emigration
Völker, Hört die Signale!
Unsere Republik
Exil und innere Emigration
Deutsches utopisches Denken im 20. Jahrhundert
Brennpunkt Ökologie
Literatur nach 1945 [i.e. neunzehnhundertfünfundvierzig]
Deutsche Feiern
Literarisches Leben in der Weimar Republik
Geschichte im Gegenwartsdrama
Von Mainz nach Weimar
Sound Figures of Modernity
Culture in Dark Times
Literaturwissenschaft und Kunstwissenschaft
Zu Ernst Toller, Drama und Engagement
Jüdische Intelligenz in Deutschland
Re-reading Wagner
Responsibility and commitment
Als Pimpf in Polen
Geschichte der Germanistik
Die WaRe Kunst
Faschismus und Avantgarde
Mit den Bäumen sterben die Menschen
Frank Northern Magill
Frank Northern Magill (1907-1997)

encyclopedist, editor, library scientist

  • Columbia University, University of Southern California
Dictionary of World Biography
Masterplots, 18 Volume Edition
Magill's survey of world literature
Great Events from History II
Magill's survey of American literature
Masterplots, Various Editions
Masterpieces of world literature in digest form
Cyclopedia of world authors
Chronology of Twentieth-Century History
Great Lives from History
Masterplots II
Critical survey of long fiction
Masterplots, 15 Volume Combined Edition
Magill's Literary Annual, 1986: Essay-Reviews of 200 Outstanding Books Published in the United States During 1985
Magill's Literary Annual 1982
Magill's Literary Annual, 1988
Critical survey of long fiction
Magill's Literary Annual, 1978
Masterplots II, Poetry Series
Magill's Literary Annual, 1987
Magill's Literary Annual, 1989
Magill's Literary Annual, 1985
Magill's Literary Annual, 1983
Magill's Literary Annual 1984: Essay-Reviews of 200 Outstanding Books Published in the United States During 1983
Masterpieces of Latino literature
Magill's Literary Annual 1979
Masterpieces of Christian literature in summary form
Masterplots II
Survey of Science Fiction Literature/With Bibliographic Supplement
Masterplots cyclopedia of world authors
Cyclopedia of literary characters II
Notable poets
Critical Survey of Long Fiction
Survey of contemporary literature
Cyclopedia of literary characters
Critical survey of long fiction
Masterplots Ii/Volumes 7-8-9-10
Magill's survey of cinema--English language films, second series
Magill's Cinema Annual, 1983
Masterplots; combined editions
Magill's Cinema Annual, 1984
Masterplots 1965 annual
English novel, Conrad to Woolf
1,300 critical evaluations of selected novels and plays
Magill's Survey of World Literature
Masterpieces of Catholic literature, in summary form
Magill's Cinema Annual, 1985
Magill's Quotations in Context, First Series
Magill's Survey of Cinema
Critical survey of long fiction
Masterplots 1967 annual
Masterplots II, Poetry Series
Critical Survey of Mystery and Detective Fiction
Masterplots 1966 annual
The American presidents
Magill's Cinema Annual 1995
Magill's Cinema Annual, 1982 (Magill's Cinema Annual)
Magill's quotations in context, second series
Masterplots 1968 annual
Masterplots 1969 annual
Critical survey of drama
Masterplots 1971 annual
Masterplots 1970 annual
Magill's Survey of American Literature
Magill's quotations in context
The Nobel Prize winners
Magill's Cinema Annual 1997
Great Women Writers
American literature, colonial age to 1890
Great events from history
Magill's Literary Annual 1994
The Nobel Prize Winners
Masterplots II
Magill's Literary Annual 1981 (Magill's Literary Annual)
Magill's survey of cinema--English language films, first series
Masterplots 1964 annual
Critical Survey of Short Fiction Authors Pas-Z
Tru - Z. - S. 7793-8507
Magill's Cinema Annual, 1990
Notable Poets
Masterplots II
Magill's Cinema Annual, 1989
Res - Sol. - S. 6385-7072
Magill's Literary Annual 1995
Great Events from History
Masterplots 2 (British & Commonwealth)
Survey of contemporary literature
Magill's Cinema Annual, 1988
Great lives from history
Dictionart of World Biography Set (Dictionary of World Biography)
Magill's Cinema Annual, 1993
Masterplots cyclopedia of literary characters
Masterplots II, Drama Series
Magill index to masterplots
Let - Mid, 4283-497O
Masterpieces of world philosophy in summary form
Critical survey of literary theory
Critical Survey of Poetry English Language Series
Out - Res. - S. 5693-6384
Masterpieces of World Literature
Magill's Literary Annual, 1993: Essay-Reviews of 200 Outstanding Books Published in the United States During 1992
Masterpieces of Catholic literature
Magill's Literary Annual 1997
Magill's Cinema Annual 1994
I Kn - Let. - S. 3587-4282
Great lives from history
Magill's Cinema Annual, 1991
Masterplots: English fiction series
Chronology of twentieth-century history
Magill's Cinema Annual, 1992
Critical survey of long fiction
Critical survey of long fiction
Gar - I Do. - S. 2863-3586
Notable poets
Magill's survey of cinema, foreign language films
Survey of Science Fiction Literature
A - Bey. - S. 1-688
Masterpieces of world literature
English literature, Middle Ages to 1800
Great women writers
Magill's Cinema Annual 1986
Magill's bibliography of literary criticism
Masterplots II / Drama series
Critical Survey of Literary Theory
Survey of modern fantasy literature
Great lives from history
Col - Edg. - S. 1413-2138
Magill's Survey of Science
Short story writers
Critical survey of drama
Magill's Literary Annual 1996
Masterpieces of World Literature in Digest Form, Series 2
Magill's Cinema Annual, 1987
Masterpieces of women's literature
Masterplots: European fiction series
Masterpieces of American literature
Mid - Out. - S. 4971-5692
Magill books index : all authorized editions, 1949-1980, by title and by author
Great Events from History II: Ecology and the Environment Series
Magill Index to Masterplots
Masterplots II
Magill's Survey of Cinema English Language Films, First Series, Volume IV (Sca-Z, Indexes)
Magill index to critical surveys
The Nobel Prize winners
Cyclopedia of world authors
Great lives from history
Masterplots 1980 Annual. Grolier's Literary Annual Essay Reviews of 100 Outstanding Books Published in the United States During 1979
Masterplots II
Magill's History Annual, 1983
Great events from history: Ancient and medieval series
Masterplots 1973 annual
American literature, realism to 1945
Christian Spirituality
Great Events From History Volume 4
The Middle Ages
Masterplots II Women's Literature Series (Masterplots II)
Magill index to Great lives from history
Great lives from history
Cyclopedia of world authors II
The Renaissance (Dictionary of World Biography Series, Vol 3)
World Philosophy Essay Reviews of 225 Major Works
Magill's Literary Annual, 1992
Masterpieces of world philosophy
Magill's Bibliography of literary criticism
Critical survey of poetry
Critical Survey of Drama
Critical survey of drama
English literature--romanticism to 1945
*Great events from history
Magill's Literary Annual, 1990 (Magill's Literary Annual)
Masterpieces of world literature
Great Events from History 2
Chronology of twentieth-century history
English Literature
Critical survey of short fiction
Critical Survey of Drama  Vol 5
Masterpieces of Catholic literature in summary form edited by Frank N. Magill with associate editors A. Robert Caponigri [and] Thomas P. Neill
Masterpieces of Christian literature
Magill's history of North America
Science fiction, alien encounter
Critical Survey of Poetry
Critical survey of poetry
Magill's survey of science
Great Events From History Volume 2
Magill's Survey of Science Applied Science Series Vol. 6 (Sti-Z) (Applied Science Series, Volume 6)
American novel, Crane to Faulkner
Masterplots II
Masterplots II
Great events from history
American novel, Brown to James
Magill index to critical surveys
Masterplots II
Masterplots 2
Critical Survey of Short Fiction
English novel, Richardson to Hardy
Magill's Literary Annual History and Biography, 1985
American Presidents the Office and the Men
Survey of social science
Magill's Cinema Annual
Great events from history
Great events from history: American series
U.S. Government Leaders
Survey of social science
Great events from history
Psychology Basics
Critical survey of drama
Critical survey of poetry
Masterplots 1981 Annual. Grolier's Literary Annual Essay Reviews of 100 Outstanding Books Published in the United States During 1980
Magill's Medical Guide
Magill Books Index
Magill's Literary Annual 1980
The Ancient World
American Novel Brown to James (Magill Surveys)
Great lives from history
The American presidents : the office and the men
Magill's American film guide
Magill's survey of science
Magill's Survey of Science. : b Applied Science.  n Set.  n 6 vols.
Masterplots II
Contemporary Literary Scene
Masterplots II, # 7.
Masterpieces of World Literature in Digest Form, Series 4
Masterplots; best Masterplots, 1954-1962
Critical Survey of Drama, Volume 2 - 423-864 Authors -COW-Gua
Magill Index to Great Lives from History: With Additional Citations for the "Principal Personages" Found in Great Events from History
Survey of social science
Critical survey of long fiction
Buddhism (Magill Bibliographies)
Masterpieces of African-American literature
International Encyclopedia of Psychology
Magill's survey of science
20th Century Go-N
Critical Survey of Long Fiction, Volume 3 (Foreign Language Series, Authors Lax-Sarr)
Magill's Literary Annual History and Biography 1984
International Encyclopedia of Government and Politics
Dictionary of World Biography
Critical survey of poetry
The Great Scientists (Grolier Fundamentals of Science Series)
Masterplots II
Critical survey of short fiction
Magill's history of Europe
The Great scientists
17th and 18th Centuries
Magill's survey of science
Literature and Film (Magill Bibliographies)
Great lives from history
Magill's survey of science
Twentieth Century Great Athletes
Great Lives from History
Critical Survey of Drama, Volume 5 (English Language Series Authors Shaw - Z)
Cinema great directors
English Literature Middle Ages to 1800 (Magill surveys)
Magill's Survey of Science. Earth Science Series. (Physical Properties of Minerals- Rock Magnetism, Volume 4 1681-2224)
Masterpieces of Christian literature in summary form
English literature, Shakespeare
Masterplots; comprehensive library edition: two thousand and ten plot stories and essay reviews from the world's fine literature
Critical Survey of Long Fiction, Volume 1 (Foreign Language Series, Authors A-Dod)
Psychology basics
Middle Ages
Masterplots: American Fiction Series
Critical survey of short fiction
20th Century O-Z
Masterpieces of Catholic literature in summary form
Chronology of European history, 15,000 B.C. to 1997
Magill index to masterplots
Dictionary of world biography
Cinema--the novel into film
Masterplots II Women's Literature Series
Great Events from History II
Critical Survey of Drama, Foreign Language Series (Foreign Language)
Masterplots: British Fiction Series
Victorian Political Biography (Magill Bibliographies)
Magill's survey of science
Survey of science fiction literature
Magill index to great lives from history
Magill's survey of science
Masterpieces of world philosophy in summary form
Great Lives From History American Series Volume 5 Sit-Z
Masterplots II
Masterpieces of world literature in digest form
Critical Survey of Drama  Vol 5
The Nobel Prize winners
Masterplots II
Magill's American film guide
Masterpieces of catholic literature in summary form. Ed. by Frank N. Magill. Associate ed. A. Robert Caponigri, Thomas P. Neill
Masterpieces of World Philosophy
American Novel, Crane to Faulkner
Great lives from history
Chronology of Twentieth Century History
20th Century A-GI
Critical survey of mystery and detective fiction
Critical survey of long fiction
Critical survey of drama
The Nobel Prize winners
Magill's survey of science
Masterplots 11
Magill's survey of science
Masterplots II. Poetry series
Magill's literary annual, 2007
Magill's cinema annual
Critical Survey of Drama, Volume 3 - Authors Hal-Mas
International Encyclopedia of Sociology
Magill's literary annual, 2006
The Nobel Prize winners
Magill Survey of Science Fiction Literature Volume IV
Great women writers
The Nobel Prize winners
International encyclopedia of sociology
Great Lives From History American Series Volume 4 Mic-She
Critical Survey of Long Fiction, Volume 2 (Foreign Language Series Authors Don - Lag)
Great Lives From History American Series Volume 2 Com-Ham
Critical Survey of Long Fiction, Volume 5 (Foreign Language Series Essays, Index)
World Philosophy
Victorian Poetry (Magill Bibliographies)
Masterpieces of World Philosophy
Cyclopedia of world authors
Cinema the Novel into Film
Magill's literary annual, 1980
Magill's survey of science [v. 2]
Magill's American film guide
Critical Survey of Drama, Volume 1  - English Language Series - Authors - A-Con
Critical Survey of Long Fiction, Volume 4 (Foreign Language Series:  Authors Sart-Z)
Magill's Survey of Science Applied Science Series Vol. 4 (Las-Pho) (Applied Science Series, 4)
World philosophy
Masterplots 1966 annual
Magill's quotations n context, second series
Masterplots II
Masterpices of world literature
Masterplots Complete
Survey of science fiction literature
Magill's literary annual, 2008
International Sociology
Masterplots comprehensive library edition
Masterplots II
Critical Survey of Drama, Volume 6 (English Language Series - Essays, Index)