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academics who wrote autobiography
Showing 201-208 out of 241 results
John McPhee
John McPhee (born 1931)


  • Princeton University, University of Cambridge
Draft No. 4: On the Writing Process
Prentice Hall Literature -- Gold
The control of nature
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--Gold
Coming Into the Country
La Place de la Concorde Suisse
The Pine Barrens
Rising from the plains
Irons in the fire
Looking for a ship
Uncommon Carriers
Basin and range
Assembling California
Prentice Hall Literature
Coming into the country
The crofter and the laird
Table of contents
The John McPhee reader
A sense of where you are
Annals of the former world
The Founding Fish
Encounters with the archdruid
A roomful of Hovings and other profiles
Levels of the Game
In Suspect Terrain
Giving Good Weight
The ransom of Russian art
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--Gold Level
The headmaster
Curve of Binding Energy
Pieces of the Frame
Silk parachute
Survival of the Bark Canoe
Reader's Digest Condensed Books--Volume I - 1967
The art of John Glover
Wimbledon: a celebration
The second John McPhee reader
American Earth
Blood Quest  (Survival 2000)
The Deltoid Pumpkin Seed
Levels of the game
Heirs of General Practice
Looking for a Ship
Table of Contents
Princeton Anthology of Writing
The American Shad
A Roomful of Hovings
The patch
Tabula Rasa, Volume 1
Levels of the Game (Sports Classics)
In the Highlands and the Islands
The Pine Barrens
Draft No. 4
The Princeton anthology of writing : favorite pieces by the Ferris/McGraw writers at Princeton University
The Princeton reader
Draft no. 4
A world history
Silk Parachute
The Swiss Army
The Headmaster, Frank L. Boyden, of Deerfield
Annals of the Former World
Draft No. 4
Crofter and the Laird
The effects of electrical power variations upon computers
Silk Parachute
Roomful of Hovings and Other Profiles
Survival of the Bark Canoe and Heirs of General Practice
Great Collections
Encounters with Archdruid
Place de la Concorde Suisse
The Catechumenate
Irons in the Fire
Final Sunset
The Headmaster Frank L. Boyden, of Deerfield
Australian decorative arts in the Australian National Gallery
Founding Fish
Annals of the Former World
Earth System History, Annals of the Former World & Scientific American Special Issue
Irons in the Fire
Riding the Boom Extension (Metacom Limited Edition Series)
Assembling California
Coming Into the Country
Second John Mcphee Reader
The Deltoid Pumpkin Seed
Table of Contents by John McPhee (1985-10-07)
Swiss Army La Place
Basin and Range
Coming into the Country
The crofter and the laird
La Place de La Concorde Su
Earth System History & Annals of the Fomer World
Roomful of Hovings and Other Profiles
Looking for a Ship
Levels of the Game
Rising from the Plains
Encounters W/The Archdr
In Suspect Terrain
Giving Good Weight
Levels of the Game
A Sense of Where You Are
Illustrated Catalog of American Fruits and Nuts
Heirs of General Practice
Encounters with the Archdruid
Table of Contents
The Founding Fish
Swiss Army La Place De La Concorde Suiss
Australian Social Worker and the Law
Sense of Where You Are
The Curve of Binding Energy: A Journey into the Awesome and Alarming World of Theodore B. Taylor
Ethics and Law for the Health Professions
Australian Medico-Legal Handbook with PDA Software
Ransom of Russian Art
Coming into the country
Uncommon Carriers
Deltoid Pumpkin Seed (7)
John Glover
Pieces of the Frame
The John McPhee Reader
Survival of the Bark Canoe
In Suspect Terrain
Turning the World Upside Down
Earth Systems History Loose Leaf + Annals of the Former World
Table of contents
En Alaska
A sense of where you are
Encounters with the archdruid [by] John McPhee
Jean-Luc Nancy
Jean-Luc Nancy (1940-2021)


  • University Toulouse - Jean Jaurès, Marc Bloch University
Common Growl
The Creation of the World or Globalization (SUNY Series in Contemporary French Thought)
The Speculative Remark
Le Sens Du Monde
The gravity of thought
The ground of the image
A Finite Thinking (Cultural Memory in the Present)
Sens du monde
The inoperative community
Être singulier pluriel
The Pleasure in Drawing
Politique et au-delà
The Discourse of the Syncope: Logodaedalus (Meridian: Crossing Aesthetics)
Multiple Arts
L' oubli de la philosophie
Déconstruction du christianisme
Being Nude The Skin Of Images
God Justice Love Beauty Four Little Dialogues
La communauté désoeuvrée
Identity Fragments Frankness
Le partage des voix
La connaissance des textes
The birth to presence
L' Évidence du film
Une pensée finie
À plus d'un titre
Chroniques philophiques
The fall of sleep
"Un jour, les dieux se retirent--"
La Representacion Prohibida
German Philosophy
Les Muses
La naissance des seins
Sur le commerce des pensées
Who comes after the subject?
Corpus II
El Intruso
58 indices sur le corps
Le Regard du portrait
A l'écoute
Expérience de la liberté
Kiarostami Abbas
Le discours de la syncope
L' expérience de la liberté
La communauté désœuvrée
The truth of democracy
L' impératif catégorique
Chroniques philosophiques
Discours de la Syncope
Maurice Blanchot, passion politique
The Ground of the Image (Perspectives in Continental Philosophy)
Ego sum
La Pensee Derobee
Excluding the Jew Within Us
Claudio Parmiggiani
El Sentido del Mundo
Tombe de sommeil
Dans quels mondes vivons-nous ?
La Création du monde ou la mondialisation
Identity Fragments Frankness
Technique du présent
Banality of Heidegger
Sur le commerce des pensées
An Inner Silence
Partir, le départ
Passages, les ambassadeurs, suivi de "Etre, c'est être perçu"
La peau fragile du monde
La pensée dérobée
L' "il y a" du rapport sexuel
Disavowed Community
Les Fins de l'homme
Inventions à deux voix
La possibilité d'un monde
La Creacion Del Mundo O La Mundializacion/ Creation of the World or Globalization (Biblioteca Del Presente / Library of the Present)
Le Portrait dans le décor
After Fukushima
L'équivalence des catastrophes (Après Fukushima)
Philosophische Salons
Le poids d'une pensée
La remarque spéculative
The Ground of the Image (Perspectives in Continental Philosophy Book 51)
Au fond des images
Un Pensamiento Finito / A Finite Thinking (Pensamiento Critico, Pensamiento Utopico / Critic Thought, Utopian Thought)
Je t'aime, un peu, beaucoup, passionnément--
Lacanian Ink 30 - Objet a
Atlan, les détrempes
Un trop humain virus
L' extension de l'âme : Descartes =
La communauté affrontée
Des lieux divins suivi de Calcul du poete
Le poids d'une pensée, l'approche
Visitation (de la peinture chrétienne)
The Fall of Sleep
God, Justice, Love, Beauty: Four Little Dialogues
Democracy and Community, Jean-Luc Nancy in Conversation with Peter Engelmann
Juste impossible
Kalkül des Dichters
La déclosion
Ego Sum
Vous désirez?
Sans commune mesure
L'Absolu littéraire
L'autre portrait
Trafic, de clic
Philosophical Chronicles
Dies Irae
Des lieux divins
La communauté désavouée
Le plaisir au dessin
Das Vergessen der Philosophie
Esersiz Ortaklik
La Experiencia De La Libertad
Dieu, la justice, l'amour, la beauté
The fall of sleep
On the Commerce of Thinking
Didactic Poetries
Sans commune mesure: image et texte dans l'art actuel
Sobre El Comercio De Los Pensamientos
L'Equivalence des catastrophes
La communaute deseuvree (Collection "Detroits")
Logiques du capitalisme
La conférence de Heidelberg
Alain Badiou
Alain Badiou (born 1937)

philosopher, playwright, editor, sociologist, mathematician, scientist

  • École Normale Supérieure, Lycée Louis-le-Grand
Plato's Republic
Saint Paul
Infinite Thought
Abrégé de métapolitique
The rebirth of history
Théorie du sujet
In praise of love
Etre et l'événement
Concept de modele
Le fini et l’infini
Lacanian Ink 27 - The Names-of-the-Father
Lacanian Ink 28 - Profane Illuminations
Le concept de modèle
Jacques Lacan Past And Present A Dialogue
Handbook of inaesthetics
Lacanian Ink 29 - Otherness
For a Politics of the Common Good
Second manifesto for philosophy
German Philosophy
On Beckett
Reflections on AntiSemitism
Briefings on existence
What Is a People?
There's No Such Thing as a Sexual Relationship
Can politics be thought?
Philosophy and the Event
Logics of Worlds
Philosophy and the Idea of Communism
Badiou and His Interlocutors
Logiques des mondes
The meaning of Sarkozy
The End
Number and numbers
In praise of theatre
To Live and Think Like Pigs
Theoretical Writings
The Meaning of Sarkozy
L'antisémitisme partout
Ahmed the Philosopher
Division III of Heidegger's Being and Time
Pornographic Age
In Praise of Politics
Calme bloc ici-bas
In Praise of Mathematics
Division III of Heidegger`s Being and Time - the Unanswered Question of Being
Les Citrouilles
Manifesto for philosophy
Plato's Republic
Migrants and Militants
Ahmed The Philosopher Thirtyfour Short Plays For Children Everyone Else
Five lessons on Wagner
Manifeste pour la philosophie
Theoretical Writings
Mathematics of the Transcendental
La philosophie et l'événement
Pocket pantheon
Circonstances 1
Rhapsodie pour le théâtre
Pequeno manual de inestética
Democracy in What State?
Ahmed the Philosopher
Incident at Antioch
Ahmed le Subtil
Collapse Volume 1/I
Éloge de la politique
La relation énigmatique entre philosophie et politique
Wittgenstein's Antiphilosophy
Über Metapolitik
알랭 바디우와 철학의 새로운 시작
Althusser et nous
Il n'y a pas de rapport sexuel
Our Wound Is Not So Recent
Peut-on penser la politique?
Petit Manuel d'inesthétique
Se Puede Pensar La Politica?
In Praise of Theatre
Versuch, die Jugend zu verderben
Communist Hypothesis
Plato's Republic
The adventure of French philosophy
Political Writings
The communist hypothesis
Images du temps présent
Petit panthéon portatif
Imagenes y Palabras
Théorie de la contradiction
Lacanian Ink 21
Court traité d'ontologie transitoire
I Know There Are So Many of You
Number and Numbers
What Is to Be Done?
Eloge de l'amour
Jean Borreil
Homme, femme, philosophie
Le nombre et les nombres
Philosophy and the Event
Alain Badiou
De l'amour
Wider den globalen Kapitalismus
Philosophy in the present
Was verstehe ich unter Marxismus?
De l'idéologie
Second manifeste pour la philosophie
True Life
Lacanian Ink 19
Batallas Eticas
Philosophie und Aktualität
Ahmed philosophe, suivi de "Ahmed se fâche"
Una descripción sin lugar
Trajectoire inverse
L'idée du communisme
Breve Tratado de Ontologia Transitoria
Le Concept de modıele, introduction ıa une épistémologie matérialiste des mathématiques
Philosophie und Aktualit at: ein Streitgespr ach
Handbook of Inaesthetics (Meridian: Crossing Aesthetics)
San Pablo - La Fundacion del Universalismo
Deleuze Clamor del Ser
Święty Paweł
Imágenes y palabras
El Siglo
L'echarpe rouge
de Un Desastre Oscuro
Philosophy in the present
Manifiesto Por La Filosofia
L'Hypothèse communiste
Reflexiones Sobre Nuestro Tiempo
L' écharpe rouge
D'un désastre obscur sur la fin de la vérité d'état
Filosofia del Presente
Le siècle
Theoretical Writings (Athlone Contemporary European Thinkers Series)
L'idée du communisme
Ser y El Acontecimiento
Niall Ferguson
Niall Ferguson (born 1964)

economic historian, historian, economist, journalist

  • University of Oxford, University of Oxford
The House of Rothschild, Vol. 1
The ascent of money
The Pity of War
The War of the World
The cash nexus
The House of Rothschild, Vol. 2
The great degeneration
Paper and Iron
High Financier
The House of Rothschild, Vol. 1 & 2
The World's Banker
Virtual History
The shock of the global
Inside the House of Money
Does The 21st Century Belong To China Kissinger And Zakaria Vs Ferguson And Li The Munk Debate On China
Square and the Tower
Kissinger : 1923-1968
America's National Security Architecture
Constraints and Room for Manoeuvre in the German Inflation of the Early 1920s
Is This the End of the Liberal International Order?
Hazin Savas 1914 - 1918
Politik ohne Macht. Das fatale Vertrauen in die Wirtschaft
End of the Liberal Order?
Zhongguo jiang cheng ba 21 shi ji ma?
Kissinger : Volume I : 1923-1968
The "thin film of gold"
Blood Borders
Get-Well-Quick Kit Counterpack
Dinero y Poder En El Mundo Moderno 1700-2000
The Arbroath and Forfar Railway (Oakwood Library of Railway History)
Der falsche Krieg. Der erste Weltkrieg und das 20. Jahrhundert
Jill Lepore
Jill Lepore (born 1966)

historian, journalist, essayist, academic

  • University of Michigan, Yale University
Book of Ages
The Secret History of Wonder Woman
These Truths
The name of war
New York Burning
Encounters in the New World
The Whites of Their Eyes
The story of America
A is for American
The Mansion Of Happiness
A história secreta da mulher maravilha
If Then
This America
A Teacher's Guide to Encounters in the New World
Joe Gould's teeth
These Truths
Story of America
The Mansion of Happiness
Book of Ages
Nom de la Guerre
New York Burning
Whites of Their Eyes
Secret History of Wonder Woman
This America : the Case for the Nation
Mansion of Happiness, The
Blindspot : By a Gentleman in Exile & a Lady in Disguise
Amos Oz
Amos Oz (1939-2018)

linguist, journalist, translator, essayist, pedagogue, poet

  • Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Gymnasia Rehavia
סיפור על אהבה וחושך
סיפור על אהבה וחושך
Mikha'el sheli
Ḳufsah sheḥorah
Har ha-ʻetsah ha-raʻah
ʻAd maṿet
Artsot ha-tan
Mi-mordot ha-Levanon
Ḥaruze ha-ḥayim ṿeha-maṿet
Panter ba-martef
Oto Ha-yam
Pitʻom be-ʻomeḳ ha-yaʻar
Israel, Palestine and Peace
Jews and words
Matḥilim sipur
Lengua de tierra
La-da at ishah
מנוחה נכונה
Al tagidi lailah
Dear zealots
Until daybreak
Shetiḳat ha-shamayim
Mathilim sipur
Poh va-sham be-Erts-Yisrael bi-setav
Matsav ha-shelishi
המצב השלישי (Hamatsav hasjlisji)
La-gaʻat ba-mayim, la-gaʻat ba-ruaḥ
Be-or ha-Techelet ha-azah
Contra El Fanatismo
Ben ḥaverim
Makom aḥer
Die Hügel des Libanon. Politische Essays
Edition Suhrkamp, Band 2309: Wie man Fanatiker kuriert
ʻAl midronot har gaʻash
Be-or ha-tekhelet ha-ʻazah
Hasta la muerte
Help us to divorce
Temunot me-ḥaye ha-kefar
My Michael
Sehnsucht. Drei Erzählungen
Elsewhere, Perhaps
Les Voix d'Israël
So fangen die Geschichten an
Verse auf Leben und Tod
Israeli literature
סיפור על אהבה וחושך
Ask ve Karanlik
מיכאל שלי
The Amos Oz reader
Kol ha-tikvot
What Makes an Apple?
Dem Tod entgegen
Shalom, pesharah, ahavah
Kara Kutu
ʻAd mavet
Im Lande Israel. Herbst 1982
Story Begins
Der Berg des Bösen Rates
Bericht zur Lage des Staates Israel
La caja negra
Tocar el agua, tocar el viento
Anashim aḥerim
Un juste repos
Be-ʾor ha-tekhelet ha-ʻazah
Sipur al ahava ve-hosheh / Povest o lyubvi i tme (In Russian)
Les deux morts de ma grand-mère et autres essais
Ha-matsav ha-shelish
Sumchi. Uma fabula de amor e aventura
Kata tou phantismou
Una història d'amor i de foscor
Elsewhere, Perhaps
Una pantera al soterrani
Where the Jackals Howl
Bir kadını tanımak
Black Box
La colline du mauvais conseil
Don't Call It Night
Să cunoști o femeie
Maḳom aḥer
Grandpa Isidore
To Know a Woman
Yahuda'ya Göre İncil
Don't Call It Night
Ahavah meʼuḥeret
Elsewhere, Perhaps
El mateix mar
A Perfect Peace
Een verhaal van liefde en duisternis
Tocar el agua, tocar el viento
Historia agapēs kai skotous
Elsewhere, Perhaps
To Know a Woman
Israel und Deutschland
Rien n'est encore joué
Bisikletim ve ilk Askim
How to Cure a Fanatic
Pantere din suberane
Deodată în adăncul pădurii
Poznac kobiete
Lo stesso mare
To Israēl, ē Palaistinē kai ē eirēnē
Una pantera al soterrani
Where the Jackals Howl
Geschichten aus Tel Ilan
De repente en lo profundo del bosque
Chanter et autres nouvelles
Bicicleta de Sumji
Opowiesc o milosci i mroku
To mauro kouti
Entre amis
In the Land of Israel
Hasta la muerte
La caja negra
Quizas en otra parte
Unto Death
Hoe genees je een fanaticus (Dutch Edition)
Yasam ve Ölüm Kafiyeleri
Rhyming Life and Death
Suddenly in the Depths of the Forest
Between Friends
Cuentos hebreos contemporáneos
Unto Death
Rime despre viață și moarte
La colina del mal consejo
Entre amis (Folio) (French Edition)
Dotknij wiatru, dotknij wody
O monte do meu conselho
Minzar ha-shatḳanim
Tale of Love and Darkness (Mandarin Edition)
Een verhaal van liefde en duisternis
La caja negra
Black Box
Czarownik swojego plemienia
Pantera w Piwnicy
Cutia neagră
בין חברים
Ailleurs peut-être
Unto Death
What Makes an Apple?
Scenes from Village Life
Menuḥah nekhonah
Să nu pronunţi
Quizás en otro lugar
Hill of Evil Counsel
Tale of Love and Darkness
Touch the Water, Touch the Wind
Suddenly in the Depths of the Forest
La caja negra
Dostlar Arasinda
Černá skříňka
My Michael
Ein anderer Ort. SZ-Bibliothek Band 71
Do fanatykow. Trzy refleksje
Rhyming Life and Death
Be-ʻetsem yesh kan shete milḥamot
Soudain dans la forêt profonde
Perfect Peace
Conoscere una donna
Hacia la muerte
escenas de la vida rural
My Michael
Entre Amigos
Ḥaruze ha-ḥayim ṿeha-maṿet
Has Israel altered its vision?
Rrëfim për dashurinë dhe errësirën
Between friends
Dear Zealots
Judas (French Edition)
Mi marido Mikhael
A Tale of Love and Darkness
O Mesmo Mar
Conhecer Uma Mulher
Poh ṿa-sham be-Erets Yiśraʾel bi-setaṿ 1982
Una historia de amor y oscuridad
Muntele Sfatului Rău
La-gaʻat ba-mayim, la-gaʻat ba-ruaḥ
Histoire d Amour et Ten
Same Sea
Amos Oz Reader
Un juste repos (French Edition)
Same Sea
Soudain dans la forêt profonde
Pusudaki Panter
Moĭ Mikhaėlʹ
Mulkyŏl ŭl sŭch'imyŏ param ŭl sŭch'imyŏ
My Michael
No Digas Noche
Panther in the Basement
No digas Noche
Nychta sto tel kentar
Michael ile Hannah
To Know a Woman
Scene de viaţă campestră
Rymy zycia i smierci
Touch the Water, Touch the Wind
Hill of Evil Counsel
Versos de vida y muerte
My Michael
Cum să lecuiești un fanatic
Koy Hayatindan Sahneler
Between Friends
Tale of Love and Darkness
He nychta tou syggraphea
Maḳom aḥer
Ho Michael mou
Black box
Touch the Water, Touch the Wind
He arche tes historias
The Tanner Lectures on Human Values 1994 (Tanner Lectures on Human Values)
Panther in the Basement
Aidez-nous à divorcer!
Silence of Heaven
La colline du mauvais conseil
Como Curar Um Fanático (Em Portuguese do Brasil)
Jesus et Judas
Be-or ha-tekhelet ha-ʻazah
Anashim aḥerim
Una pantera en el sótano
Jak uleczyc fanatyka
Wzgórze Złej Rady
Supui kajok
Hē teleia galēnē
Contra el fanatisme
Har ha-ʻetsah ha-raʻah
Żydzi i słowa
Inesperadament al fons del bosc
Czarna skrzynka
Među svojima
Israel, Palestine and Peace
Versos de vida y muerte
Mon vélo et autres aventures
Scènes de vie villageoise
De repente en lo profundo del bosque
Black Box. Roman.
Under This Blazing Light
Rhyming Life and Death
V poiskakh lichnosti
Una pantera al soterrani
Artsot ha-tan
Conocer a una mujer
Povesta despre dragoste și întuneric
Majkëlli im
Una pantera al soterrani
Scenes from Village Life
Hur man botar en fanatiker och om att skriva
Il senso della pace
Opowieść o miłości i mroku
Tierra de chacales
Quizas en otra parte
La troisième sphère
Mi-mah ʻaśui ha-tapuaḥ?
Chihasil ŭi kŏmŭn p'yopŏm
Mijn Michael
Kol ha-ḥeshbon ʻod lo nigmar
ממה עשוי התפוח?
Plotseling diep in het woud
Paul Preston
Paul Preston (born 1946)

historian, professor, biographer, Hispanist

  • St Edward's College, Oriel College
Juan Carlos
The Coming of the Spanish Civil War
We saw Spain Die
Doves of War
The Spanish Holocaust
Mother father deaf
The politics of revenge
La Guerra Civil española
The Republic Besieged
La muerte de Guernica
The Spanish Civil War
La Guerra Civil
The Spanish Civil War, 1936-39
Revolution and War in Spain, 1931-1939
The War without End
The Triumph of Democracy in Spain
Spain and the Great Powers in the Twentieth Century
Spain in crisis
A Concise History of the Spanish Civil War
The Last Stalinist
El gran manipulador
La guerra civil española
The Popular front in Europe
Spain, the EEC, and NATO
A People Betrayed
Las derechas españolas en el siglo XX
Las Tres Españas Del 36
The Spanish Civil War
The Spanish Civil War
Elites and power in twentieth-century Spain
The Spanish Right under the Second Republic
Arquitectos del terror
La destrucción de la democracia en España
Increase profits through more effective motor carrier selling
Historia gráfica de la Guerra Civil
Botxins i repressors
British documents on foreign affairs--reports and papers from the Foreign Office confidential print
Politics of Revenge
Leadership strategies for health care managers / Paul Preston
British documents on foreign affairs
British documents on foreign affairs
Last Days of the Spanish Republic
España ante la CEE y la OTAN
De la revolución liberal a la democracia parlamentaria
Juan Carlos
La destrucción de la democracia en España
La Guerra Civil espanyola
Salvador de Madariaga and the Quest for Liberty in Spain
British documents on foreign affairs--reports and papers from the Foreign Office confidential print
British documents on foreign affairs--reports and papers from the Foreign Office confidential print
British documents on foreign affairs--reports and papers from the Foreign Office confidential print
Silencios desde la guerra civil española
Paul Preston's Voyages, Travels and Remarkable Adventures As Related by Himself
Destruction of Guernica
Never More Alive
Fighter Fell in Love
British documents on foreign affairs--reports and papers from the Foreign Office confidential print
British documents on foreign affairs--reports and papers from the Foreign Office confidential print
British documents on foreign affairs--reports and papers from the Foreign Office confidential print
British documents on foreign affairs--reports and papers from the Foreign Office confidential print
British documents on foreign affairs--reports and papers from the Foreign Office confidential print
Josep Massot i Muntaner. El combat per la història
British documents on foreign affairs--reports and papers from the Foreign Office confidential print
British documents on foreign affairs--reports and papers from the Foreign Office confidential print
British Documents on Foreign Affairs: Reports and Papers from the Foreign Office Confidential Print, Part 3, From 1940 through 1945: Series G, Africa (5 Volumes)
The Alpine guide, or, The veteran of Marengo
British documents on foreign affairs
La Guerra Civil Española
La guerra civil espanola / A Concise History of the Spanish Civil War
Conscience and Conflict
British documents on foreign affairs
The Princess of Viarna, or, The Spanish Inquisition in the reign of the Emperor Charles the Fifth
La política de la venganza
España en la guerra civil europea
British documents on foreign affairs--reports and papers from the Foreign Office confidential print
British documents on foreign affairs--reports and papers from the Foreign Office confidential print
The count's niece, or, The veteran of Marengo
British documents on foreign affairs
British documents on foreign affairs--reports and papers from the Foreign Office confidential print
Roxane Gay
Roxane Gay (born 1974)

essayist, journalist, editing staff, literary critic

  • Michigan Technological University, Phillips Exeter Academy
Not that bad
Difficult Women
Bad Feminist
An Untamed State
The Selected Works of Audre Lorde
Woman's Right to Pleasure
The Best American Short Stories 2018
Black Panther
Sacrifice of Darkness
Dress like a woman
Drawing Power
Love and Resistance
Mickalene Thomas
Power Book
Women of the 116th Congress
The Banks Box Set
Original Sisters
The New Black: A Neo-Noir Anthology
Tage der Furcht
Frick Madison
Best Actress
Kötü Feminst
Urgent, Unheard Stories
Radicals, Volume 1 : Fiction, Poetry, and Drama
Writing into the Wound
Dawn of the Midnight Angels
Balance ta bulle - 62 dessinatrices témoignent du harcèlement et de la violence sexuelle
Year I Learned Everything
Moon Milk Review 2011
No es para tanto
Unti on Writing
How to Be Heard
Do the Work