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academics who wrote autobiography
Showing 153-160 out of 241 results
Bernardine Evaristo
Bernardine Evaristo (born 1959)

  • Goldsmiths, University of London, Rose Bruford College
Girl, Woman, Other
Minty Alley
Blonde roots
Soul Tourists
Mr. Loverman
Emperor's Babe
The emperor's babe
Island of Abraham
Blonde Roots
Hello Mum
Blonde Roots
Hello Mum
The Emperor's Babe
Bernardine Evaristo Collection 3 Books Set
Soul Tourists
Island of Abraham
Girl, Woman, Other
Sequins for a Ragged Hem
Raíces rubias
Niña, mujer, otras
How Much the Heart Can Hold
Without Prejudice : Black Britain
Incomparable World : Black Britain
Mr Loverman
Dancing Face
Kiz, Kadin, Öteki
Penguin Readers Level 7
Black Boy at Eton
Dancing Face : Black Britain
Without Prejudice
Bernard and the Cloth Monkey : Black Britain
Dziewczyna, kobieta, inna
Radici bionde
Wild imperfections
Ludwig von Mises
Ludwig von Mises (1881-1973)

economist, philosopher

  • University of Vienna, Akademisches Gymnasium
Human Action
Omnipotent government
Planned chaos
Selected Writings of Ludwig Von Mises
The ultimate foundation of economic science
Selected Writings of Ludwig Von Mises: Between the Two World Wars
The Anti-Capitalistic Mentality (Liberty Fund Library of the Works of Ludwig Von Mises)
The theory of money and credit
Ludwig von Mises, notes and recollections
The historical setting of the Austrian school of economics
Nation, State, And Economy
Human action
Planning for freedom, and twelve other essays and addresses
The ultimate foundation of economic science: an essay on method
Epistemological Problems of Economics
The Political Economy Of International Reform And Reconstruction
L' Action humaine
Marxism Unmasked
Profit and loss
Economic policy
Notes and Recollections
Notes and Recollections: With the Historical Setting of the Austrian School of Economics (Liberty Fund Library of the Works of Ludwig Von Mises) (The ... Library of the Works of Ludwig Von Mises)
Economic Policy
On the manipulation of money and credit
The Causes of the Economic Crisis
Money, Method, and the Market Process
[Grundprobleme der Nationalökonomie
Kritik des Interventionismus
Planning for freedom, and sixteen other essays and addresses
Economic Freedom And Interventionism
Money, method, and the market process
Monetary, fiscal, and economic policy problems before, during, and after the Great War
Planning for freedom
The free and prosperous commonwealth
Human action
Epistemological Problems of Economics. Ludwig Von Mises (Liberty Fund Library of the Works of Ludwig Von Mises)
Theory and history
The anti-capitalistic mentality
Economic calculation in the socialist commonwealth
Economic policy, thoughts for today and tomorrow
Le socialisme
Planning for Freedom
Economic planning
Im Namen des Staates
Die Ursachen der Wirtschaftskrise
Theory and history
Planning for freedom, and other essays and addresses
Theorie des Geldes und der Umlaufsmittel
Theorie des geldes und der umlaufsmittel
Collectivist economic planning
Probleme der Wertlehre
La Teoria del Dinero y del Credito
La Accion Humana (Coleccion Club Siglo XXI)
Critica del Intervencionismo - Mito de Tercera Via
Die geldtheoretische und geldrechtliche Seites des Stabilisierungsproblems
Die Wurzeln des Antikapitalismus
Die Gemeinwirtschaft, Untersuchungen über den Sozialismus
Nation, Staat und Wirtschaft
Nationalökonomie, Theorie des Handelns und Wirtschaftens
Theory and History
Nation, Staat und Wirtschaft
Die Entwicklung des Gutsherrlich-Bäuerlichen Verhältnisses in Galizien (1772-1848)
The Theory of money and credit
Human action
Human action, a treatise on economics
Liberty and property
Theory of Money and Credit
Liberalism : a socio-economic exposition
Economic Policy
Geldwertstabilisierung und konjunkturpolitik
Selected writings of Ludwig Von Mises
Ultimate Foundation of Economic Science
Notes and Recollections
A Critique of Interventionism
Nation, State, and Economy
Nation, State, and Economy
Omnipotent Government
Money, Method, and the Market Process
Economic Policy
Epistemological problems of economics
Human Action
On the Manipulation of Money and Credit
Epistemological Problems of Economics
On the Manipulation of Money and Credit
Theory and History
Caixa Von Mises - Box Edicao Premium
The Anti-Capitalistic Mentality
Grundprobleme der Nationalökonomie
Ação humana
Notes and Recollections with the Historical Setting of the Austrian School of Economics
Le calcul économique en régime socialiste
Collectivist economic planning
Die geldtheoretische und geldrechtliche Seites des Stabilisierungsproblems
The Anti-Capitalistic Mentality
Epistemological Problems of Economics
Monetary and Economic Policy Problems Before, During, and after the Great War
Omnipotent Government
Economic Policy
Omnipotent Government
Monetary and Economic Policy Problems Before, During, and after the Great War
Die Bürokratie
Anti-Capitalistic Mentality
The International economic order
Economic Policy
Inventory of the private papers of Ludwig von Mises
Theory of Money and Credit
Ultimate Foundation of Economic Science
Theory and history
Theory & history
The ultimate foundation of economic science
The ultimate foundation of economic science
Epistemological problems of economics
Die Gemeinwirtschaft
The free and prosperous commonwealth
Planned Chaos
The theory of money and credit
Nation, Staat und Wirtschaft
Planning for freedom
Theorie des Geldes und der Umlaufsmittel
The theory of money and credit
Nation, State, and Economy
Epistemological problems of economics
The anti-capitalistic mentality
Human action
Theory and History
Ultimate Found Economics
Omnipotent government
Theory and history
Planned chaos
Maggie Nelson
Maggie Nelson (born 1973)

poet, faculty member, essayist, art critic

  • CUNY Graduate School and University Center
The Argonauts
The art of cruelty
The Red Parts
The latest winter
On Freedom
Rachel Harrison - Life Hack
Women, the New York School, and Other True Abstractions
Something Bright, Then Holes
Penguin Modern Poets 6
Deborah Blum
Deborah Blum (born 1954)

blogger, journalist

  • University of Wisconsin–Madison, University of Georgia
Coming of age
Ghost Hunters
Sex on the Brain
Love at Goon Park
The poisoner's handbook
Bad karma
The monkey wars
The poisoner's handbook
The poison squad
A field guide for science writers
A Field Guide for Science Writers
The best American science and nature writing 2014
The poisoner's handbook
The poisoner's handbook
Mózg i płeć
A field guide for science writers
Paul Veyne
Paul Veyne (1930-2022)

historian, translator

  • Lycée Thiers, École Normale Supérieure
Did the Greeks believe in their myths?
The Roman Empire
Roman erotic elegy
L' élégie érotique romaine
Pain et le cirque
Writing history ; essay on epistemology
Les Grecs ont-ils cru à leurs mythes?
Les mystères du gynécée
Foucault, his thought, his character
Le quotidien et l'intéressant
René Char en ses poèmes
Comment on écrit l'histoire
Le pain et le cirque
Foucault, sa pens{e, sa personne
L' empire gréco-romain
L' inventaire des différences
Quand notre monde est devenu chrétien, (312-394)
La société romaine
Le pain et le cirque
Les Grecs ont-ils cru à leur mythes?
Les Grecs ont-ils cru à leurs mythes?
Comment on écrit l'histoire
Propagande expression roi, image idole oracle
Quand notre monde est devenu chrétien (312-394)
Did the Greeks believe in their myths?
Die Römische Gesellschaft
L' inventaire des différences
Glaubten die Griechen an ihre Mythen?
Writing history
When our world became Christian, 312-394
Et dans l'éternité, je ne m'ennuierai pas
La Elegia Erotica Romana
Lec̜on inaugurale faite le vendredi 5 mars 1976
Sexe et pouvoir à Rome
When our world became Christian, 312-394
Creyeron Los Griegos En Sus Mitos ?
L' Empire gréco-romain
Mon musée imaginaire, ou, Les chefs-d'œuvre de la peinture italienne
I greci hanno creduto ai loro miti?
Comment on e crit l'histoire
Seneca y El Estoicismo
Sobre El Individuo
Maria Janion
Maria Janion (1926-2020)

literary historian, literary critic, activist, translator, literary theorist

  • University of Warsaw
Tragizm, historia, prywatność
Kobiety i duch inności
Projekt krytyki fantazmatycznej
Życie pośmiertne Konrada Wallenroda
Zło i fantazmaty
Odnawianie znaczeń
Günther Grass i polski Pan Kichot
Bohater, spisek, śmierć
Zwierciadła północy
Wobec zła
Żyjąc tracimy życie
Biografie romantyczne
Niesamowita słowiańszczyzna
Płacz generała
Polskie pytania o Grassa
Inny, inna, inne
Romantyzm, rewolucja, marksizm
Zygmunt Krasiński
Gorączka romantyczna
Romantyzm, Janion, fantazmaty
Purpurowy Paszcz Mickiewicza
Honor - Bog - ojczyzna
Romantyzm i jego media
Do Europy
Romantyzm i egzystencja
Lucjan Siemieński, poeta romantyczny
"Czy będziesz wiedział, co przeżyłeʹs"
Romantyzm i historia
Czas formy otwartej
Purpurowy płaszcz Mickiewicza
Hero, Conspiracy, and Death : the Jewish Lectures
Rozmowy na nowy wiek
Style zachowań romantycznych
Romantyzm, rewolucja, marksizm
Literatura polska wobec rewolucji
Polish-Swedish literary contacts
Positionen polnischer Literaturwissenschaft der Gegenwart
Polskie pytania o Grassa
Odyseja wychowania
Proces historyczny w literaturze i sztuce
Sprawa Stawrogina
Literatura krajowa w okresie romantyzmu, 1831-1863
Hero, Conspiracy, and Death
Władysław Broniewski w poezji polskiej
Transe, traumy, transgresje
Wobec końca wieku
Lucjan Siemieński
The Jewish colonel
Fritz Machlup
Fritz Machlup (1902-1983)


  • University of Vienna
Essays on Hayek, William F. Buckley, et al.
Education and economic growth
International monetary economics
International payments, debts, and gold
Knowledge and knowledge production
Remaking the international monetary system
Selected economic writings of Fritz Machlup
The alignment of foreign exchange rates
The political economy of monopoly
Information through the printed word
The stock market, credit and capital formation
Information Through The Printed Word Volume 4
The economics of information and human capital
International trade and the national income multiplier
Essays on Hayek
The Study of Information
Methodology of economic and other social sciences
Würdigung der Werke von Friedrich A. von Hayek
The need for monetary reserves
Plans for reform of the international monetary system
Essays on Hayek
Euro-dollar creation
The basing-point system
The economics of sellers' competition
The production and distribution of knowledge in the United States
Essays on economic semantics
The branches of learning
Economic semantics
Die goldkernwährung
Der Aussenwert des Dollars
The book value of monetary gold
Führer durch die Krisenpolitik (Meilensteine der Nationalökonomie)
Involuntary foreign lending
International mobility and movement of capital
Equilibrium and disequilibrium
Maintaining and restoring balance in international payments
A history of thought on economic integration
From dormant liabilities to dormant assets
Hochschulbildung für jedermann
Knowledge, its creation, distribution, and economic significance
World monetary debate
On terms, concepts, theories and strategies in the discussion of greater flexibility of exchange rates
Credit facilities or reserve allotments?
Planes de reforma del sistema monetario international
The price of gold
Führer durch die Krisenpolitik
The transfer gap of the United States
World monetary debate - bases for agreement
Reflections on a troubled world economy
Börsenkredit, Industriekredit und Kapitalbildung
Elasticity pessimism in international trade
Optimum Social Welfare and Productivity
Speculations on gold speculation
An economic review of the patent system
Reflections on a troubled world economy
Lecture on international monetary issues
Relative prices and aggregate spending in the analysis of devaluation
Essays in economic semantics
International monetary systems and the free market economy
International monetary systems
Three concepts of the balance of payments and the so-called dollar shortage
Cloakroom rule of international reserves
Credit facilities or reserve allotments? --
The transfer gap of the United States. --
International trade and the national income multiplier
Economic Integration (International Economic Association)
Speculations on gold speculation. --
The price of gold. --
Real adjustment, compensatory corrections, and foreign financing of imbalances in international payments. --
Wirtschaftspublizistische Beiträge in kritischer Zeit, 1931-1934
International monetary systems and the free market economy. --
Lecture on theory of human capital
Die Pläne zur Reform des internationalen Geldwesens
Die neuen Währungen in Europa
Maintaining and restoring balance in international payments
The Study of information
André Aciman
André Aciman (born 1951)

literary critic, journalist, romanist, literary theorist, literary historian

  • Harvard University, Lehman College
Tell me true
Out of Egypt
Call Me by Your Name
Find Me
False papers
Eight white nights
Enigma variations
The Best American Essays 1999
World Monuments
Letters of transit
Harvard Square
Chiamami col tuo nome
llámame por tu nombre
The Proust project
Eight white nights
Out of Egypt
Out of Egypt
Last Summer in the City
Harvard Square
Call Me By Your Name Book Series 2 Books Collection Set By Andre Aciman
Noem me bij jouw naam
Homo Irrealis
Homo Irrealis
When I first held you
Harvard Square
The Maid By Nita Prose, Find Me By André Aciman & Peak Peril By Sharna Jackson 3 Books Collection Set
Letters of transit
Call Me by Your Name
find me
Homo Irrealis
ZnajdĹş mnie - Andre Aciman [KSIÄĹťKA]
Alexandrian Summer
Vind me (Dutch Edition)
Bul Beni
Adinla Cagir Beni
False Papers
Proust Projesi
Out of Egypt
Eight White Nights
Harvard Meydani
Homo Irrealis / Homo Irrealis : the Would-Be Man Who Might Have Been
Lejos de Egipto
La Huida de Egipto
Les variations sentimentales
Damals in Alexandria. Erinnerung an eine verschwundene Welt
Out of Egypt
Yi ni de ming zi hu huan wo
Find Me a Novel
Valse papieren
The Proust Project
Sekiz Beyaz Gece
Ocho noches blancas
Call Me by Your Name (Chinese Edition)
Find Me
Variaciones enigma
Ultima notte ad Alessandria
Ieşrea din Egipt
Find Me (Thorndike Press Large Print Basic)
The Best American Essays 2020
Ruf mich bei deinem Namen
Llámame por tu nombre
Harvard Square
Enigma Variations
Ai de bian zou qu =
Llamame Por Tu Nombre
Letters of Transit
Eight White Nights
Harvard Square