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women's rights activists who wrote romance
Showing 1-8 out of 11 results
Marguerite Duras
Marguerite Duras (1914-1996)

film director, playwright, autobiographer, journalist, women's rights activist, philosopher, director

  • University of Paris
La maladie de la mort
Lover, Wartime Notebooks, Practicalities
The Impudent Ones
Le marin de Gibraltar
Des journeĢes entieĢ€res dans les arbres
El Amante/The Lover
Une aussi longue absence
Garden Square
Amante de la China del Norte
Ojos Azules, Pelo Negro
L' amant
Hiroshima mon amour
Four Novels
The War
Vie matérielle
Moderato cantabile
Pluie d'été
The North China Lover
Barrage contre le Pacifique
Détruire, dit-elle
Amante anglaise
Yann Andréa Steiner
Yann Andrea Steiner
The Vice-Consul
Emily L
Woman to woman
Maladie de la mort
Le bureau de poste de la rue Dupin
Testi segreti
Ravissement de Lol V. Stein
Marguerite Duras
Hiroshima mon amour
C'est tout
Un barrage contre le Pacifique
La vie mateĢrielle
Le ravissement de Lol V. Stein
Marguerite Duras, Alain Resnais
The man sitting in the corridor
Cahiers de la guerre et autres textes
La vie tranquille
India song
Yves Saint Laurent and fashion photography
Eden cinéma
Destroy, she said ; Destruction and language
Yeux bleus, cheveux noirs
Les Petits chevaux de Tarquinia
Le ravissement de Lol V. Stein
Hiroshima mon amour, scénario et dialogues
Les parleuses
La douleur
C'est tout
La douleur
L'Amante anglaise
Le marin de Gibraltar
La musica deuxieme
Hele dagen in de bomen
Dix heures et demie du soir en eĢteĢ
Sailor From Gibraltar A Novel
Les parleuses
Les impudents
El amante
La mer eĢcrite
Les Lieux de Marguerite Duras
Abahn, Sabana, David
Des journeĢes entieĢ€res dans les arbres
La vie matérielle
Les petits chevaux de Tarquinia
Le square
Savannah Bay
A sea of troubles
La douleur
Le Square
La maladie de la mort
The North China lover
La pluie d'été
Le navire Night
La pluie d'été
Whole Days in the Trees
Abahn, Sabana, David
Les yeux verts
L' amant de la Chine du Nord
La Douleur
Le Vice-consul
Le navire Night ; Césarée ; Les mains négatives ; Aurélia Steiner ; Aurélia Steiner ; Aurélia Steiner
Ten-thirty on a summer night
Un barrage contre le Pacifique
Le square
Nathalie Granger
Thousand Acres
Emily L
Le Square
Suspended Passion
Suspended passion
Three plays
Moderato cantabile, suivi de L'Univers romanesque de Marguerite Duras
De namiddag van meneer Andesmas
Les yeux bleus cheveux noirs
Œuvres complètes
Me, and Other Writing
Musica Deuxieme
The Vice-Consul
La beauté des nuits du monde
Im Sommer abends um halb elf. Roman
Une aussi longue absence
L' apreĢ€s-midi de Monsieur Andesmas
Marin de Gibraltar
Les yeux bleus cheveux noirs
L'après-midi de monsieur andesmas (French Edition)
Wartime Notebooks And Other Texts
L'\Eden Cinema
Die Schamlosen
L' Eden CineĢma
Dits aĢ€ la teĢleĢvision: Entretiens avec Pierre Dumayet (Atelier/E.P.E.L) (French Edition)
Un barrage contre le Pacifique
India song, Son nom de Venise dans Calcutta de sert
India Song
Meta is anglijos
La musica
Two by Duras
India song
L' homme assis dans le couloir
Les viaducs de la Seine-et-Oise
Los Ojos Azules Pelo Negro
The square ; Ten-thirty on a summer night ; The afternoon of Monsieur Andesmas
Dix heures et demie du soir en été
L' amant de la Chine du Nord
El hombre sentado en el pasillo
Destroy, She Said
Les  Petits chevaux de Tarquinia
Les parleuses
La vie tranquille
La cuina de Marguerite
The square ; Ten-thirty on a summer night ; The afternoon of Monsieur Andesmas
The afternoon of Monsieur Andesmas
Hirosima Sevgilim
Marguerite Duras OEuvres Completes Tome III [Bibliotheque de la Pleiade]
Détruire, dit-elle
Destroy, she said
Savannah Bay
Dix heures et demie du soir en été
El cine Edén
Theatre 1
L' après-midi de Monsieur Andesmas
Bir Yaz Aksami On Bucukta
The little horses of Tarquinia
Les viaducs de la Seine-et-Oise
Yindu zhi ge
Abahn, Sabana, David
Le Marin de Gibraltar. Roman, etc
L'home que seu al passadís
Petits chevaux de Tarquinia
L'Amante anglaise
Hiroshima mon armour
Amante Inglesa,
Hiroshima mon amour, scénario et dialogue
Malady of Death
Ach, Ernesto!
Somut Yaşam
L' amour
The sea wall
Pasifike Karsi Bir Kent
Qing ren, wu fa bi yan
eden cinema
Ten-thirty on a summer night
Des journées entières dans les arbres
The square
L'homme atlantique
Tarkvinijos arkliukai
Qing ren
La vida tranquil·la
Des journées entières dans les arbres
The square
Bir yaz akşamı on buçukta
Un Barrage contre le Pacifique
Yann Andréa Steiner
L 'EĢteĢ 80
Le vice-consul
L'Amant de la Chine du Nord de Marguerite Duras (fiche de lecture et analyse complète de l'oeuvre) (French Edition)
Fu ling shi
Three plays
Die Krankheit Tod. La Maladie de la Mort
Dix heures et demie du soir en été
Le square
La Provinciale de Tourgueniev
L'Amant de Marguerite Duras
Fu ling shi
Le navire night
Hiroshimah ahuvati
Les petits cheveux de Tarquinia
Le vice-consul
Green eyes
Bei fang de Zhongguo qing ren
L' homme atlantique
Whole days in the trees
Wartime writings
La cocina de Marguerite
Véra Baxter, ou, Les plages de l'Atlantique
L'Amant de Marguerite Duras
Ingiliz Sevgili
Abahn Sabana David
Tarquinia'nın Küçük Atları
Abahn Sabana David.
Un Barrage Contre Le Pacifique (French Edition)
Lol V. Stein'in Kendinden Gecisi
The Square
Cine Eden, El
Savannah Bay
Olum Hastaligi
El dolor
Yann Andréa Steiner
Entretiens avec Marguerite Duras
El amante de la China del Norte
MĘ°į»i giį» rį»ÆĘ”i đêm hè
India song  Son nom de Venise dans Calcutta deĢsert
La vida tranquila
MODERATO CANTABILE (L'oeuvre au clair) (French Edition)
Marinero de Gibraltar
L 'amour
Savas Yillari Defterleri ve Diger Metinler
Natsu no yo no ju jihan
Hiroshima mon amour
La pluie d'été
L'été 80
Lettres retrouvées (1969-1989)
DeĢtruire dit-elle
'Destroy...'  Translated from the French by Barbara Bray
L' Eden cinéma
Hiroshima mon amour
Easy Life
L' Amante anglaise
Lointains souvenirs
L' après-midi de Monsieur Andesmas
Yves Saint Laurent
Le Marin de Gibraltar
Pasifik'e Karsi Bir Bent
Des journées entieres dans les arbres
Giornate Intere Fra Gli Alberi
Le navire night ; Césarée ; Les mains négatives ; Aurélia Steiner ; Aurélia Steiner ; Aurélia Steiner
The vice-consul
Dix heures et demie du soir en été
Le Marin de Gibraltar
C'est tout
Yves Saint Laurent
Les yeux bleus cheveux noirs
La beauté des nuits du monde
Orelyah Shį¹­ainer
Giştî emeye
La ravissement de Lol V.Stein
The sea wall
Wartime Writings
Hiroshima Mon Amour
Marguerite Duras
El amante
La pute de la côte Normande
The square
Le Marin de Gibraltar
El Amante De La China Del Norte
Dix heures et demie du soir en e te
Ve ra Baxter, ou, Les plages de l'Atlantique
Wartime notebooks & other texts
Ten-thirty on a summer night
Im Sommer abends um halb elf.
Occhi blu capelli neri
L' apre  s-midi de Monsieur Andesmas
Moderaį¹­o kanį¹­ibel
The rapture of Lol V. Stein;
Le vice-consul
Yaz Yagmuru
Le marin de Gibraltar
El amor
Le navire Night ; Césarée ; Les mains négatives ; Aurélia Steiner ; Aurélia Steiner ; Aurélia Steiner
Ten-thirty on a summer night
Le livre dit
Detruire dit-elle
Yikmak Diyor Bir Kadin
De pijn
Hiroshima, mon amour
Les yeux verts
Marguerite Duras
Hiroshima mon amour (and) Une aussi longue absence
Oeuvres cineĢmatographiques
The rapture of Lol V. Stein
La vie tranquille
Détruire dit-elle
Le vice-consul
Im Sommer abends um halb elf
El amante
Qing ren
La vida material
Le cinéma que je fais
Le vice-consul
4 Novels : The Square, Moderate Cantabile, 10
Askiya Alinmis Tutku
Hiroshima, Mon Amour and Last Year at Marienbad
Yann Andréa Steiner
The Square
El dolor
L’odeur de la nuit était celle du jasmin
Maįø„barot ha-milįø„amah (u-khetuvim aįø„erim)
Les viaducs de la Seine-et-Oise
El amante
Le marin de Gibralter
Nathalie Granger
Destroy, She Said
Quaderns de guerra
Green eyes
Un barrage contre le Pacifique, roman
Le dernier des métiers
Abahn Sabana David
El amante
Four novels
L'Amante anglaise
L'amante Anglaise (translated By Barbara bray)
El marí de Gibraltar
Three plays
Three plays
Marguerite Duras
La Pluie d'été
Los espacios de Marguerite Duras
Dix heures et demie du soir en été
Le navire Night
Cinéma invisible
El teatre de l'amant anglesa
El marinero de Gibraltar
Une aussi longue absence
Man Sitting in the Corridor
Yesil Gozler
Le Vice-Consul
Le vice-consul
Les petits chevaux de Tarquinia
MįŗÆt xanh tóc đen
Four Novels : The Square, Moderato Cantabile, 10
The a tre
Mavi Gozler Siyah Saclar
Kuzey Cinli Sevgili
L' Eden cine ma
La tarda del senyor Andesmas
Bir Kis Gunu Ogleden Sonra
La vida material
La vida tranquila
Suzanna Andler ; La musica & L'amante anglaise
The little horses of Tarquinia
Moriļø aļø”k iz Gibraltara
Le camion, suivi de Entretien avec Michelle Porte
The afternoon of Monsieur Andesmas
Agatha ; Savannah Bay
Atsukamashiki hitobito
Hiroshima mon amour. Synopsis
Le théâtre de l'amante anglaise
Zhongguo bei fang lai di qing ren
Le navire Night ; Césarée ; Les mains négatives ; Aurélia Steiner ; Aurélia Steiner ; Aurélia Steiner
Ein ruhiges Leben
Savannah Bay
Nathalie Granger
Un barrage contre le Pacifique
L'après-midi de monsieur Andesmas
Qing ren
Un barrage contre le Pacifique
Las diez y media de una noche de verano ; Una tarde de M. Andesmas /Marguerite Duras ; traducción del francés por Caridad Martínez
Madame Dodin
Les petits chevaux de Traquinia
Der Schmerz
Yves Saint Laurent and Fashion Photography
Zhi bu luo tuo shui shou
La cuisine de Marguerite
El amante de la China del norte
Erica Jong
Erica Jong (born 1942)

poet, women's rights activist

  • Barnard College, Columbia University
How to Save Your Own Life
Parachutes & kisses
Fear of Flying
Ballata di ogni donna
Any Woman's Blues
Fear of flying
Fear of Flying CD
Shylock's Daughter
How to save your own life
How to save your own life
Fear of Fifty
Inventing Memory
At the edge of the body
The Devil At Large
Sugar in my bowl
Sappho's Leap
Ordinary miracles
Seducing the demon
What Do Women Want?
Any woman's blues
Megan's book of divorce
Parachutes and kisses
Megan's Two Houses
Sappho's leap
Love comes first
Witches (Abradale Books)
Fear of fifty
Fruits & vegetables
Four visions of America
Rambles through an Alaskan wild
The devil at large
Botero: La corrida
Becoming Light
Here comes & other poems
Fear of fifty : a midlife memoir
Becoming light
Here comes and other poems
Cancion triste de cualquier mujer
Fruits and Vegetables
Of Blessed Memory
Fear of flying
Keine Angst vor Fünfzig
Manolito Gafotas En LA Radio
La peur de l'âge
Miedo a Los 50
No más miedo
Der Buddha im Schoß. Über Sex, Macht und Literatur
Devil At Large Miller
Les parachutes d'Icare
Bendita Memoria
At the edge of the body
Fanny ou la Ve ridique histoire des aventures de Fanny Troussecottes-Jones
De mémoire de filles
Que Queremos Las Mujeres? - 2
Any Woman's Blues International
Fruits & vegetables
Miedo a Los Cincuenta
Paracadute e baci
Inventing memory
Here comes & other poems
Fear of flying
De mémoire de filles
Selected Poems
La planche de salut
Miedo a volar
In Their Own Voices - Volumes Three and Four
Erica Jong Fear of Flying
Ordinary miracles
Selected Poems Vol 2
Paracaidas Y Besos/Parachutes and Kisses
Miedo a Volar/Fear of Flying
Parasutculer ve Opucukler
Angst vorm Fliegen
Fallschirme & Küsse
How to Steal Millions
Fear of flying
Megan's Book of Divorce
Dominique Rolin
Dominique Rolin (1913-2012)

autobiographer, women's rights activist

Divine Madman
The garden of delights
Le gaĢ‚teau des morts
Deux femmes un soir
Lettre aĢ€ Lise
Journal amoureux
L' enrageĢ
Les geĢraniums
La Rénovation
Un convoi d'or dans le vacarme du temps
La voyageuse
The deathday cake
La maison, la foreĢ‚t
Le jardin d'agreĢment
Le Futur immédiat
L' infini chez soi
Train de reĢ‚ves
Les quatre coins
Les deux sœurs
Dulle Griet
Les enfants perdus
Le Lit
Les eĢclairs
Trente ans d'amour fou
Infini chez soi
Les marais
Anne la bien-aimeĢe
Lettre au vieil homme
Le Corps
Le gardien
Les éclairs, roman
Bruges la vive
Vingt chambres d'hôtel
Le for intérieur
Moi qui ne suis qu'amour
L' accoudoir
L'enrage (Espace nord)
Le souffle
L' enfant-roi
L' ombre suit le corps
Lettres à Philippe Sollers
Anne de welbeminde, vertaald door Bert Parloor en verlucht door Raf. de. Buck
Het moeras, vertaald door Bert Parloor
Le gardien
Le Bonheur en projet
Les marais
L'infini chez soi
Nh. Dini
Nh. Dini (1936-2018)

women's rights activist

Tirai Menurun
Pada Sebuah Kapal
Jalan Bandungan
Tanah baru, tanah air kedua
La Barka
Dari Parangakik ke Kampuchea
Jepun negerinya Hiroko
Amir Hamzah, pangeran dari seberang
Istri konsul
La Grande Borne
Langit dan bumi sahabat kami
Segi dan garis
Sebuah lorong di kotaku
Dari Rue Saint Simon ke Jalan Lembang
Orang-orang Tran
Pencakar langit
Pertemuan dua hati
Sebuah lorong di kotaku
Dua dunia
Padang ilalang di belakang rumah
Namaku Hiroko
Dari Ngalian ke Sendowo
Pondok baca kembali ke Semarang
Hati jang damai
Namaku Hiroko
Janda muda
Alexandra Kollontai
Alexandra Kollontai (1872-1952)

revolutionary, diplomat, women's rights activist, political theorist, People's Commissar, sociologist

  • University of Zurich
A great love
Love of worker bees
Selected writings of Alexandra Kollontai
Love of Worker Bees
Selected writing of Alexandra Kollontai
The autobiography of a sexually emancipated woman
Diplomaticheskie dnevniki
Autobiographie einer sexuell emanzipierten Kommunistin
Die Situation der Frau in der gesellschaftlichen Entwickklung
Die neu Moral und die Arbeiterklasse
Marxisme et reĢvolution sexuelle
Communism and the family
SotĶ”sļø”iĢ„alŹ¹nyiĶ”aļø” osnovy zhenskago voprosa
The workers opposition
The workers opposition in Russia
Sexual relations and the class struggle
Communism and the family
The workers opposition
Autobiographie einer sexuell emanzipierten Kommunistin
Diplomaticheskie dnevniki
Wege der Liebe
SemŹ¹iĶ”aļø” i kommunisticheskoe gosudarstvo
MarksistskiÄ­ feminizm
Communism and the family
Trud zhenshchiny v evoliutsii khoziaĒstva
Kadinlari ozgulugu
Marxisme et révolution sexuelle
To gynaikeio zitima apo tin protogoni kinonia sti sychroni epohi
The workers' opposition
Women workers struggle for their rights
Otryvki iz dnevnika 1914 g
Selected articles and speeches
Iz moeiĢ† zhizni i raboty
Ich habe viele Leben gelebt ..
The workers opposition in the Russian Communist Party
Die Situation der Frau in der gesellschaftlichen Entwicklung
Sexual relations and the class struggle ; Love and the new morality
Red love
KaĢˆra kamrat! AllrakaĢˆraste vaĢˆn!
Marxisme et révolution sexuelle
Sotļø sļø”ialŹ¹nyiļø aļø” osnovy zhenskago voprosa
Women workers struggle for their rights
Red love
Vospominaniiļø aļø” ob IlŹ¹iche
The workers opposition
The autobiography of a sexually emancipated woman
MarksistskiÄ­ feminizm
Love of worker bees
Essential Alexandra Kollontai
Kvinnans staĢˆllning i den ekonomiska samhaĢˆlls utvecklingen
International Women's Day
Kvinnans kamp foĢˆr ekonomisk frigoĢˆrelse
Mit liv - kvinde og kommunist
LetopisŹ¹ moeÄ­ zhizni
Sexual relations and the class struggle
Love of worker bees, and
Autobiographie einer sexuell emanzipierten Kommunistin
Selected writings of Alexandra Kollontai
International women's day
Women workers struggle for their rights
Red Love
Selected Writings
Izbrannye statŹ¹i i rechi
Rabochaya oppozitsiya
Sexual relations and the class struggle
Rabotnitļø sļø”a-matŹ¹
Den första etappen
Red love
Wege der Liebe. Drei Erzählungen
Women workers struggle for their rights
La bolchevique enamorada
Free love
Iz moei zhizni i raboty
Izbrannye stat'i i rechi
Kak boryutsya rabotnitsy za svoi prava...
The autobiography of a sexually emanicipated Communist woman
RabotnitĶ”sļø”a i krestŹ¹iĶ”aļø”nka v SovetskoiĢ† Rossii
Selected articles and speeches
Sexual Relations and Class Struggle
Obshchestvo i materinstvo
BolŹ¹shaiļø aļø” liļø uļø”bovŹ¹
Rabotnitsa i knest'yanka v Sovetskoi Rossii
A Great Love
Free love
BolŹ¹shaiļø aļø” liļø uļø”bovŹ¹
Trud zhenshchiny v evolyutsii khozyaistva
The workers' opposition
Ich Habe Viele Leben Gelebt
Women workers struggle for their rights
Alexandra Kollontai
Aphra Behn
Aphra Behn (1640-1689)

playwright, translator, poet, women's rights activist

L'intreâque de Philander et Silvia
The works of Aphra Behn
Love-letters between a nobleman and his sister
Love-Letters Between a Nobleman and His Sister; with the History of Their Adventures in Three Parts The
Love-Letters Between A Nobleman and His Sister
Love-letters between a nobleman and his sister; with the history of their adventures. in three parts. the sixth edition. Volume 1 Of 3
Love-Letters Between a Nobleman and His Sister with the History of Their Adventures in Three Parts the Eighth Edition
The rover
The works of Aphra Behn
Oroonoko, and other writings
Oroonoko, The rover, and other works
The Plays, Histories, and Novels of the Ingenious Mrs. Aphra Behn: With Life and Memoirs ..
Restoration and eighteenth-century comedy
An adaptation of the Rover (The banished cavaliers)
The Rover and Other Plays
The Rover
                New Mermaids
Librivox Short Story Collection 047
Selected writings of the ingenious Mrs. Aphra Behn
Oroonoko and other stories
Five plays
Selected Poems of Aphra Behn (Fyfield Books)
The Widdow Ranter, or, The history of Bacon in Virginia
The Rover and Other Plays
Aphra Behn - the Younger Brother
Oroonoko and Other Prose Narratives
Plays written by the late ingenious Mrs. Behn
Zwei englische Farcen
History of the Nun, The
Zwei englische Farcen
The Novels of Mrs. Aphra Behn
Abdelazer, or, The Moor's revenge
The Royal Slave (and) the Fair jilt
Aphra Behn (1640-1689): Selected Poems (Fyfield Books)
The Rover
Oroonoko & Other Stories (Konemann Classics)
Lover's watch, or, the art of making love
The lucky chance, or, The alderman's bargain
The Roundheads or the Good Old Cause
Oroonoko The Royal Slave
The Widow Ranter, or, The history of Bacon in Virginia
The younger brother, or, The amorous jilt
Fair Jilt
The Lover's Watch (Hesperus Classics)
Dutch Lover
Lucky Chance
The Novels of Mrs. Aphra Behn
Town Fop
The Collected Works of Aphra Behn Volume 1 of 6
Oroonoko by Aphra Behn
Younger Brother
The Roundheads
History of the Nun
Oroonoko Yada Asil Köle
Selected Writings of the Ingenious Mrs. Aphra Behn
The Revenge or a Match in Newgate
The Works of Aphra Behn - Volume II
The works of Aphra Behn
Plays, Histories, and Novels of the Ingenious Mrs. Aphra Behn
The Fair Jilt Or Tarquin And Miranda
The plays, histories, and novels of the ingenious Mrs. Aphra Behn
History of the Nun
[To] poet Bavius
A pindarick on the death of our late sovereign
All the Histories and Novels Written by the Late Ingenious Mrs. Behn, ... Together With the History of the Life and Memoirs of Mrs. Behn. ... The ... From the Many Errors of Former Impressions
Love-Letters between a Nobleman and His Sister
Oroonoko 0r the Royal Slave Illustrated
A poem humbly dedicated to the great patern of piety and virtue Catherine Queen Dowager, on the death of her dear lord and husband King Charles II
The Works of Aphra Behn, V2
Amorous Prince : The Curious Husband
Novels of Mrs. Aphra Behn
Prologue spoken by Mrs. Cook
The debauchee, or, The credulous cuckold
The Works of Aphra Behn, Vol. 4 (Classic Reprint)
Oroonoko : Or, the Royal Slave
Icon Critical Guides
Oroonoko : or, the Royal Slave
Aphra Behn - the Rover - Part I
The forc'd marriage, or, The jealous bridegroom
History of the Nun
The novels of Mrs. Aphra Behn
Love-Letters Between a Nobleman and His Sister
Aphra Behn - the False Count
The City Heiress
The rover, or, The banished cavaliers
Oroonoko, the Rover and Other Works
Town Fop
Selected writings of the ingenious Mrs. Aphra Behn
The poems of Aphra Behn
Fair Jilt
Unfortunate Happy Lady
Oroonoko or the Royal Slave Illustrated
Oroonoko the Royal Slave
History of the Nun
Younger Brother
Aphra Behn - the Rover - Part II
City Heiress
A congratulatory poem to His Most Sacred Majesty on the happy birth of the Prince of Wales
A critical old-spelling edition of Aphra Behn's the city heiress
Two tales
Aphra Behn's the luckey chance (1687)
Two congratulatory poems to Their Most Sacred Majesties
Love-Letters Between a Nobleman and His Sister
The Novels of Mrs. Aphra Behn with an Introduction By Ernest A. Baker
Love-Letters Between a Nobleman and His Sister
Plays Written by the Late Ingenious Mrs. Behn : In Four Volumes
Sir Patient Fancy
Selected Poems
Aphra Behn - The Young King
To the most illustrious Prince Christopher, Duke of Albemarle, on his voyage to his government of Jamaica
The Plays, Histories, and Novels of the Ingenious Mrs. Aphra Behn
Royal Slave Illustrated
The histories and novels of the late ingenious Mrs Behn
Lucky Chance
Love-letters between a nobleman and his sister
False Count
Oroonoko & other prose narratives
Sir Patient Fancy
False Count
City Heiress
Oroonoko : The Royal Slave
Oroonoko : or, the Royal Slave
History of the Nun
Unfortunate Happy Lady
Works of Aphra 1640-1689
Oroonoko Prince of Abyssinia
Plays, Histories, and Novels of the Ingenious Mrs. Aphra Behn
The luckey chance, or, An alderman's bargain
Plays Written by the Late Ingenious Mrs. Behn, Entire in two Volumes. ... of 2; Volume 1
The false count, or, A new way to play an old game
Aphra Behn - The Town Fop
The land of love
Sir Patient Fancy
The Rover Or The Banished Cavaliers
OCR the Rover
The rover
The Unfortunate Happy Lady
Oroonoko : Or, the Royal Slave
Novels of Mrs. Aphra Behn
The ten pleasures of marriage, and the second part, The confession of the new married couple
Dutch Lover
Behn, the Short Fiction of Aphra
The History of the Nun or the Fair Vow Breaker
Sir Patient Fancy
Aphra Behn - the Emperor of the Moon
Dutch Lover
Sir Patient Fancy
Dutch Lover
The Plays, Histories And Novels Of The Ingenious Mrs. Aphra Behn With Life And Memoirs V1
Town Fop
Oroonoko, the Rover and Other Stories
All the Histories and Novels Written by the Late Ingenious Mrs. Behn, Intire in one Volume. ... Together With the History of the Life and Memoirs of ... Fair sex. ... The Sixth Edition, Corrected
Amorous Prince
City Heiress
Amorous Prince
History of the Nun - Large Print
The Adventure of the Black Lady, and the Lucky Mistake (Dodo Press)
A congratulatory poem to the King's Most Sacred Majesty, on the happy birth of the Prince of Wales. By Mrs. A. Behn
Younger Brother
History of the Nun : The Fair Vow-Breaker
Oroonoko or, the Royal Slave
False Count
The Dutch lover
Selected Poems of Aphra Behn
Widow Ranter
Plays Written by the Late Ingenious Mrs. Behn. In Four Volumes. ... The Third Edition. of 4; Volume 2
Fair Jilt
Love-letters Between a Nobleman and his Sister; With the History of Their Adventures. In Three Parts. The Sixth Edition. of 3; Volume 2
Aphra Behn's Oroonoko
Town Fop
OROONOKO or the ROYAL SLAVE Illustrated
Oroonoko - Publishing People Series
History of Oronooko; or, the Royal Slave. a Novel. Containing a Variety of Entertaining Passages. Published by Charles Gildon. the Ninth Edition Corrected
Sir Patient Fancy
Younger Brother
Lucky Chance : An Alderman's Bargain
Lucky Chance
Love-Letters Between a Nobleman and His Sister
The Rover
Town Fop : Sir Timothy Tawdrey
The Forced Marriage Or The Jealous Bridegroom
Amorous Prince
Two tales
The Plays, Histories And Novels Of The Ingenious Mrs. Aphra Behn With Life And Memoirs V4
Emperor of the Moon. As Now Acting with Applause at the Theatre-Royal in Smock-Alley
City Heiress
City Heiress
History of the Nun : The Fair Vow-Breaker
Oroonoko (Warbler Classics Annotated Edition)
Lucky Chance
A congratulatory poem to Her Sacred Majesty, Queen Mary upon her arrival in England
Oroonoko Illustrated
Town Fop
English Nights Entertainments. The History of Oroonoko; or, the Royal Slave. Written Originally by Mrs. Behn, and Revised by Mrs. Griffiths
The rover
Novels Of Mrs. Aphra Behn
Aphra Behn - The City Heiress
The novels of Mrs Aphra Behn
Lycidus the Lover in Fashion
A Pindaric poem to the Reverend Doctor Burnet
A poem to Sir Roger L'Estrange on his third part of the history of the times
El Aventurero, La heredera burguesa/The Rover, The City-Heiress
The Feign'd Curtizans Or A Nights Intrigue
Love-letters Between a Nobleman and his Sister; With the History of Their Adventures. In Three Parts
Oroonoko or the Royal Slave Illustrated
City Heiress
The Works Of Aphra Behn Vol II
The Plays, Histories And Novels Of The Ingenious Mrs. Aphra Behn With Life And Memoirs V2
The Emperor of the Moon. A Dialogue-pantomime, Written by Mrs. Behn; With Alterations, and the Addition of Several Airs, Duets, and Choruses, Selected ... as Performed at the Patagonian Theatre
The town-fopp, or, Sir Timothy Tawdrey
Histories, novels, and translations
False Count
A congratulatory poem to Her Most Sacred Majesty on the universal hopes of all loyal persons for a Prince of Wales
Unfortunate Happy Lady
Plays, histories, and novels
A pindarick poem on the happy coronation of His Most Sacred Majesty James II, and his illustrious consort Queen Mary
The poems of Aphra Behn
The young king, or, The mistake
A poem humbly dedicated to the great pattern of piety and virtue, Catherine, Queen Dowager, on the death of her dear lord and husband, King Charles II
Plays 1682-1696
Fair Jilt
The Works of Aphra Behn
The amorous prince, or, The curious husband
Works of Aphra Behn Vol. 1
Younger Brother
The emperor of the moon
City Heiress
Fair Jilt
Works of Aphra Behn
The Plays, Histories And Novels Of The Ingenious Mrs. Aphra Behn With Life And Memoirs V3
Love-letters Between a Nobleman and his Sister
The fair jilt, or, The history of Prince Tarquin and Miranda
The young king, or, the mistake
The amorous prince, or, The curious husband
Love in many masks
Rover (Approaching Literature)
A farce call'd the false count, or, A new way to play an old game
The feign'd curtizans, or, A nights intrigue
Oroonoko; or, The history of the royal slave
All the histories and novels written by the late ingenious Mrs. Behn
A Pindaric poem to the Reverend Doctor Burnet, 1689
The Rover, Or, the Banish'd Cavaliers
The feign'd curtizans, or, A nights intrique
The city-heiress, or, Sir Timothy Treat-all
Plays written by the late ingenious Mrs. Behn, entire in two volumes
Seventeen histories and novels
The city-heiress, or, Sir Timothy Treat-all
The Ten pleasures of marriage and the second part The confession of the new married couple
Lycidus; or, The lover in fashion
[All the histories and novels]
All the histories and novels written by the late ingenious Mrs. Behn, entire in one volume ..
The histories and novels of the late ingenious Mrs Behn: in one volume
The luckey chance, or, An alderman's bargain
A poem humbly dedicated to the great patern of piety and virtue Catherine Queen Dowager
Love in many masks: as altered by J. P. Kemble, from Mrs. Behn's Rover, and first acted ... March 8th, 1790
Young Jemmy: or, The princely shepherd
The dramatic works of Mrs. Behn
Sir Patient Fancy
The uncollected verse of Aphra Behn
The lives of sundry notorious villains, memorable for their base and abominable actions
Plays written by the late ingenious Mrs. Behn
The Ten pleasures of marriage and the second part The confession of the new married couple
The Works of Aphra Behn
Love in many masks
English nights entertainments. The history of Oroonoko; or, the royal slave. Written originally by Mrs. Behn, and revised by Mrs. Griffiths
The feign'd curtizans, or, a nights intrigue
The history of Oronooko
The younger brother: or, The amourous jilt
The debauchee, or, The credulous cuckold
[The histories and novels of Mrs. A. Behn]
The false count, or, A new way to play an old game
Sir Patient Fancy
Three histories ..
Love in many masks
The Widdow Ranter, or, The history of bacon in Virginia
The lucky mistake
Abdelazer, or, The Moor's revenge
The wandring beauty
Poems upon several occasions
Poems upon several occasions ; with, A voyage to the Island of Love, 1684
The uncollected verse of Aphra Behn
The emperor of the moon
Prologue to Romulus
The ten pleasures of marriage
The lady's looking-glass, to dress herself by, or, The whole art of charming
The novels of Aphra Behn
Poems upon several occasions
The rover: or, The banish'd cavaliers
The forc'd marriage, or, The jealous bridegroom
All the histories and novels written by the late ingenious Mrs. Behn, intire in two volumes
The amorous prince, or, The curious husband
The emperor of the moon
All the histories and novels written by the late ingenious Mrs. Behn
Abdelazer, or the Moors revenge
Cleonice, princess of Bithynia
Love in many masks: as altered by J. P. Kemble, from Mrs. Behn's Rover, and first acted at the Theatre Royal in Drury Lane, March 8th, 1790
Love-letters between a nobleman and his sister
The city-heiress: or, Sir Timothy Treat-all
A prologue to her new play called Like father, like son, or, The mistaken brothers
The Roundheads, or, The good old cause
The unfortunate bride, or, The Blind lady a beauty
The second part of The rover
The rover, or, The banish't cavaliers
The forc'd marriage, or, The jealous bridegroom ...
The plays, histories, and novels of the ingenious Mrs. Aphra Behn
The counterfeit bridegroom, or, The defeated widow
Andrée Chedid
AndrƩe Chedid (1920-2011)

poet, women's rights activist, playwright

  • The American University in Cairo
Selected poems of AndreĢe Chedid
A la mort, aĢ€ la vie
The return to Beirut
Les marches de Sable
From sleep unbound
Nefertiti et le rêve d'Akhnaton
Poèmes pour un texte (1970-1991)
The sixth day
Le sommeil délivré
La Femme en rouge, et autres nouvelles
L'Enfant multiple
L' enfant multiple
PoeĢ€mes pour un texte, 1970-1991
La maison sans racines
Territories of Breath/Territoires Du Souffle
The sixth day
Le Sommeil Delivre
La Femme de Job
Le jardin perdu
Voix multiple
L' autre
Entre Nil et Seine
Le Message
La femme en rouge et autres nouvelles
Théâtre, tome 2
Les corps et le temps, suivi de L'eĢtroite peau
The multiple child
La grammaire en fête
Rencontrer l'inespeĢreĢ
Le Sixième Jour
Fêtes et lubies
The prose and poetry of AndreĢe Chedid
Le Sommeil délivré
A La Mort a La Vie
Le Dernier Candidat
Territoires du souffle
L'étoffe de l'univers
Le\Sixieme Jour
Le jardin perdu (Collection Grand pollen)
Les Marches de sable
Les Saisons de passage
La Cité fertile
Le sixie  me jour
Le cœur demeure
Be re nice d'Egypte
L' e troite peau
Textes pour un poeĢ€me, 1949-1970
Le survivant
Dans le soleil du père
FraterniteĢ de la parole
Cavernes et soleils
The show-man
L' autre ; roman
Les quatre morts de Jean de Dieu
le Sixieme jour
Mon ennemi, mon frère
Les saisons de passage
L'Enfant Multiple
Les nombres
Le cœur et le temps
CeĢreĢmonial de la violence
Les\Marches de Sable
Le ceur demeure
Mondes, miroirs, magies
États provisoires du poème
L' enfant multiple
Echec aĢ€ la reine
Le sixieĢ€me jour
Le ceur suspendu (Imagireve)
Terre et poésie
Visage premier ; Suivi de, Terre et poeĢsie
Petite terre, vaste reĢ‚ve
Le survivant
Nefertiti Et LA Reve D'Akhnaton
Le montreur
Par-delaĢ€ les mots
La\Cite Fertile
Epreuves du vivant
La femme de Job
Seul le visage
Fugitive Suns
S'il fut un premier jour
Les Nombres
Vitesse de la lumière
On the trails of my fancy
Le je de la poésie est a tous
Le sommeil delivre
La maison sans racines
Texte pour un poème
Contre-chant [poésie.]
AndreĢe Chedid
Sobre-vivencia de Soles
The sixth day
Nefertiti et le reĢ‚ve d'Akhnaton
L' artiste et autres nouvelles
Le personnage
Le Montreur
La femme en rouge
Voix multiples
FeĢ‚tes et lubies
L' eĢtrange marieĢe
7 textes pour un chant
Textes pour le vivant
Le survivant
Derrière les visages
Les feux de chant
Les marches de sable
L'Ancêtre sur son âne: et autres nouvelles
L'etroite peau
7 plantes pour un herbier
Le cœur suspendu
Textes pour la terre aimée
L'enfant des manèges, et autres nouvelles
Le survivant
Le Jardin des farces
Terre regardée
Seul, le visage
Territoires du souffle
Sobre-vivencia de soles
Textes pour un poeĢ€me
Grammaire en feĢ‚te
Sommeil contradictoire
7 plantes pour un herbier
Between the worlds
L' autre
Textes pour une figure
Prendre corps
Bérénice d'Egypte
La citeĢ fertile
Texte pour une figure
La feĢ‚te aĢ€ Zouzou
Ancienne Egypte
Bérénice d'Égypte
Les Nombres
Carmen de Burgo
Carmen de Burgo (1867-1932)

journalist, translator, women's rights activist, editor, suffragist

La flor de la playa y otras novelas cortas
Los inadaptados y otros
El divorcio en EspanĢƒa
La Hora del Amor
La rampa
La mujer en el hogar
La indecisa
Cuentos terroríficos
Gloriosa vida y desdichada muerte de Don Rafael del Riego
Cartas sin destinatario
Mis viajes por Europa I
Nuevos modelos de cartas
"La ciudad encantada" de Carmen de Burgos
Notas del alma
Mis viajes por Europa II
En la guerra
Giacomo Leopardi I
Giacomo Leopardi II
Arte de saber vivir
La protección y la higiene de los niños
Quiere usted comer bien?
Senderos de vida
On Modern Women and Their Rights
La Hora del Amor
Siempre en tierra
Confidencias de artistas
El tesoro del castillo
La rampa
Quiere usted comer bien?
Quiere Usted ser Amada?
El retorno
La mujer en EspanĢƒa
La mujer en EspanĢƒa
Moderno tratado de labores
Las artes de la mujer
"La ciudad encantada" de Carmen de Burgos
Hablando con los descendientes
"FiĢgaro" (revelaciones, "ella" descubierta
Quiere V. Conocer los Secretos del Tocador?
El veneno del arte
Quiero vivir mi vida
El honor de la familia
La justicia del mar
El arte de ser amada
Cuentos de Colombine
PunĢƒal de claveles
Nuevos modelos de cartas ..
Los endemoniados de Jaca
La mujer fría
Mis viajes por Europa
Cuentos terroríficos
El perseguidor
Mis viajes por Europa
El extranjero
Confesiones de artistas
Mis viajes por Europa: Suiza, Dinamarca, Suecia, Noruega, Alemania, Inglaterra, Portugal
La que se casó muy niña
Los negociantes de la puerta del sol
La voz de los muertos
La miniatura
Novelas del ciclo de Rodalquilar
La princesa rusa
Mis mejores cuentos
El novenario
La mujer moderna y sus derechos
El hombre negro
Mis viajes por Europa ...
El hombre negro
La mujer jardinero
Dos amores
La pensión ideal
El Divorcio en España
El suicida asesinado
Los anticuarios
Puñal de claveles
Hasta renacer
Quiero vivir mi vida
La malcasada