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politicians who wrote romance
Showing 1-8 out of 115 results
Stacey Abrams
Stacey Abrams (born 1973)

politician, voting rights activist, lawyer, jurist, entrepreneur, political activist

  • Spelman College, University of Texas at Austin
Kaari Utrio
Kaari Utrio (born 1942)

politician, historian, publisher

  • University of Helsinki
Eevan tyttäret
Kun nainen hallitsi, rakasti ja vihasi
Pirkkalan pyhät pihlajat
Vehkalahden neidot
Evas Töchter
Kalevan tyttäret
Karjalan kruunu
Vuosisatainen Viipuri
Aatelisneito, porvaristyttö
Rakas Henrietta
Sunneva Jaarlintytär
The spring of the moonstone
Kartanonherra ja kaunis Kirstin
Vaitelias perillinen
Viipurin kaunotar
Pormestarin tytär
Venus, naiskauneuden tarina
Pappilan neidot
Haukka, minun rakkaani
Laps' Suomen
Kiilusilmä feministi, eli, Miksi en enää matkusta junassa
Oppinut neiti
Suomen naisen vuosisadat
Suomen naisen tie
Spizowy labedz
Thomas Malory
Thomas Malory (1405-1471)

politician, poet

Le Morte d'Arthur
The acts of King Arthur and his noble knights
The Winchester Malory
Works [of] Malory
The works of Sir Thomas Malory
King Arthur & his Knights of the Round Table
Morte d'Arthur
The Arthurian tales
Caxton's Malory
Selections from Sir Thomas Malory's Morte Darthur
Malory's Le Morte D'Arthur
Le Morte Darthur: Selections: A Broadview Anthology of British Literature Edition (Broadview Anthology of British Literature Editions)
Le Morte d'Arthur
Morte D'Arthur
Le morte d'Arthur
The book of King Arthur and his noble knights
Le Morte D'Arthur
Sir Thomas Malory's Morte Darthur
Arthur of little Britaine
Tales of King Arthur
Le morte Darthur
The most ancient and famous history of the renowned prince Arthur King of Britaine
Selections from Le Morte d'Arthur
Stories of King Arthur & his knights
The boy's King Arthur
Sir Lancelot from Sir Thomas Malory's Morte d'Arthur and other sources
The death of King Arthur
Les chevaliers de la table ronde
Sir Thomas Malory's Le morte d'Arthur
Le morte dArthur, by Syr Thomas Malory
Tales of King Arthur
The Book Of Merlin, The Book Of Sir Balin From Malory's King Arthur With Caxton's Preface
Prentice Hall Literature -- Platinum
Prentice Hall Literature - Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes - The British Tradition
Prentice Hall Literature -- Platinum
Prentice Hall
Prentice Hall Literature, The British Edition. Volume I
Morte D'Arthur [Christmas Summary Classics]
The book of Merlin
Le Mort d'Arthur
Chronicle and romance
Le Morte Darthur
Historical tales, the romance of reality
Morte D'Arthur
Le Morte Darthur, vol. 1
The story of Elayne
Le Morte Darthur
King Arthur's Last Battle
The most ancient and famovs history of the renowned Prince Arthvr, King of Britaine
Chronicles of King Arthur
Lancelot and Guinevere
Le Morte d'Arthur
Le roman d'Arthur et des chevaliers de la table ronde
The Quest of the Sancgreall
Le Morte D'Arthur
King Arthur of Britain
The Noble Tale of the Sangreal 1923
The Winchester Malory
Romance of King Arthur
Le Morte D'Arthur, Volume II
Le morte Darthur
The Death Of King Arthur Thomas Malorys Le Morte Darthur A Retelling
The Story of Elaine, the Lily Maid of Astolat
King Arthur and his knights
Morte D'Arthur, Le
Morte Darthur (York Medieval Texts)
Le Morte D'Arthur, Part 2
The Death of Arthur
Le Morte Darthur
Le Morte D'Arthur, Volume II
Le Morte Darthur Volume 2
Le Morte Darthur, vol. 2
The Arthurian Tales
Le Morte D'Arthur - Volume I
Le Morte Darthur; The History of King Arthur and of His Noble Knights of the Round Table
Chronicle and Romance
King Arthur
Le Morte D'Arthur, Part 1
LE MORTE D'ARTHUR  (The Death of Arthur)
Tales of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table
Le morte Darthur
The book of Sir Galahad
King Arthur and his knights
The Boy's King Arthur
Le Morte Darthur
King Arthur's knights
The story of Elaine
De morte d'Arthur
Merlin, the Wizard (Raintree Stories)
The Pendragon
The Death of King Arthur (Classic, 60s)
Romance of King Arthur and His Knights
Romance of King Arthur and His Knights of the Round Table
Le Morte Darthur. Sir Thomas Malory's Book of King Arthur and of his noble knights of the round table
The book of Sir Galahad and the achievement of the adventure of the Sancgreal
La Muerte de Arturo
La Mort d'Arthure
Chronicle and Romance: Froissart, Malory, Holinshed: The Five Foot Shelf of Classics, Vol. XXXV (in 51 Volumes)
Stories of King Arthur and his knights, as told in Malory's Morte Darthur
Le Morte D'Arthur -Vol. 2-
Le Morte D'Arthur; Volume 2
Le Morte D’arthur
The History Of King Arthur And The Quest Of The Holy Grail
Medieval British and European Literature
King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table
La Mort D'arthur
La Morte d'Arthure
Selections from Malory
Le Morte D'Arthur; Volume 1
Le Morte D'Arthur (Basic History of the United States , Vol 6)
Le Morte D'Arthur (3 Vols in 2)
La Mort D'Arthure
King Arthur
The boy's King Arthur
The story of Elayne, the fair maid of Astolat
Byrth, Lyf, and Actes of Kyng Arthur
Le Morte D'Arthur -Vol. 1 & 2-
The works of Si Thomas Malory
The history of King Arthur and of his noble knights of the Round Table
Chronicle and Romance: Froissart, Malory, Holinshed ; with Introductions ..
Herr Lanzelot und das Fra ulein von Astolat
Herr Lanzelot und das Fra ulein von Astolat
Herr Lanzelot und das Fra ulein von Astolat
Herr Lanzelot und das Fra ulein von Astolat
Herr Lanzelot und das Fra ulein von Astolat
Herr Lanzelot und das Fra ulein von Astolat
Herr Lanzelot und das Fra ulein von Astolat
Herr Lanzelot und das Fra ulein von Astolat
Knights of the round table
Herr Lanzelot und das Fra ulein von Astolat
The birth, life and death of King Arthur, of his noble Knights of the Round Table..
Herr Lanzelot und das Fra ulein von Astolat
Herr Lanzelot und das Fra ulein von Astolat
Herr Lanzelot und das Fra ulein von Astolat
The Dolorous Death of King Arthur
King Arthur of Britain from Sir Thomas Malory's "Morte d'Arthur"
Herr Lanzelot und das Fra ulein von Astolat
Herr Lanzelot und das Fra ulein von Astolat
Herr Lanzelot und das Fra ulein von Astolat
Herr Lanzelot und das Fra ulein von Astolat
Herr Lanzelot und das Fra ulein von Astolat
Herr Lanzelot und das Fra ulein von Astolat
Herr Lanzelot und das Fra ulein von Astolat
Herr Lanzelot und das Fra ulein von Astolat
The Holy Grail,from Sir Thomas Malory's "Morte d'Arthur" and other sources
Le morte d'Arthur - King Arthur and his knights - a selection from what has been known as "Le morte d'Arthur", made and ed. by R T Davies
Herr Lanzelot und das Fra ulein von Astolat
Le Roman du roi Arthur et de ses chevaliers de la Table ronde
Herr Lanzelot und das Fra ulein von Astolat
Herr Lanzelot und das Fra ulein von Astolat
Herr Lanzelot und das Fra ulein von Astolat
La mort d'Arthure. The history of king Arthur and of the knights of the round table, compiled by ..
Le morthe darthur
Le morte d'Arthur; printed by William Caxton 1485. Reproduced in facsimile from the copy in the Pierpont Morgan Library, New York
The book of the Holy Grail
Herr Lanzelot und das Fra ulein von Astolat
Herr Lanzelot und das Fra ulein von Astolat
Herr Lanzelot und das Fra ulein von Astolat
Herr Lanzelot und das Fra ulein von Astolat
Herr Lanzelot und das Fra ulein von Astolat
Herr Lanzelot und das Fra ulein von Astolat
Herr Lanzelot und das Fra ulein von Astolat
Herr Lanzelot und das Fra ulein von Astolat
The birth, life and acts of King Arthur, of his noble knights of the Round Table
Herr Lanzelot und das Fra ulein von Astolat
Herr Lanzelot und das Fra ulein von Astolat
La mort d'Arthur
The Death of Arthur (Great Epics)
The birth, life and acts of King Arthur [and] of his noble knights of the round table, their marvellous quests and adventures, the achieving of the San Greal, and in the end Le Morte d'Arthur with the dolorous death and departing out of this world of themall
Sutan Takdir Alisjahbana
Sutan Takdir Alisjahbana (1908-1994)

poet, philosopher, linguist, politician

  • Kweekschool Fort de Kock, Rechtshoogeschool te Batavia
Pemikiran Islam dalam menghadapi globalisasi dan masa depan umat manusia
Language planning for modernization
Bahasa hukum beberapa sumbangan pikiran menuju ke arah pembentukan dan pemakaian bahasa yang baik
Pembangunan ekonomi & etik ekonomi Islam
Perkembangan sejarah kebudayaan Indonesia dilihat dari jurusan nilai-nilai
Puisi lama
Perdjuangan untuk autonomi dan kedudukan adat didalamnja
Pembimbing kefilsafat
Layar terkembang
Dari perjuangan dan pertumbuhan bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa Malaysia sebagai bahasa modern
Indonesian language and literature
Lagu pemacu ombak
Seni dan sastera ditengah-tengah pergolakan masyarakat dan kebudayaan
Values as integrating forces in personality, society and culture
Indonesia in the modern world
Kebudayaan sebagai perjuangan
Grotta Azzurra
Indonesia: social and cultural revolution
Grotta Azzura
Defeat and victory
Kebangkitan puisi baru Indonesia
Dian yang tak kunjung padam
Kalah dan menang
Sajak-sajak dan renungan
Socio-cultural creativity in the converging and restructuring process of the new emerging world
Amir Hamzah, penyair besar antara dua zaman, dan uraian Nyanyi sunyi
Tatabahasa baru bahasa Indonesia
Sedjarah bahasa Indonesia
Perjuangan tanggung jawab dalam kesusasteraan
Proses kreatif
Poeisi baru
Dari perdjuangan dan pertumbuhan bahasa Indonesia
Penilaian Chairil Anwar kembali
Ditengah tengah perdjuangan kebudajaan Indonesia oléh Gadis Rasid
Ta' poetoes diroendoeng malang
Dian jang ta' koedjoeng padam
Bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa daerah
Puisi lama
Mahasiswa dalam sorotan!
Grotta Azzurra
Perempuan di persimpangan zaman
Anak perawan disarang penjamun
Tatabahasa baru bahasa Indonesia
Dian yang tak kunjung padam
Tebaran mega
Arti bahasa, pikiran, dan kebudayaan dalam hubungan Sumpah Pemuda 1928
Soal kebudajaan Indonesia di-tengah²dunia
The Modernization of languages in Asia
Lajar terkembang
Puisi baru
Anak perawan disarang penyamun
Poeisi lama
Values as integrating forces in personality, society and culture
Tak putus dirundung malang
Reşat Nuri Güntekin
Reşat Nuri Güntekin (1889-1956)

diplomat, politician, playwright

  • Istanbul University
Korolek-ptichka pevchaya. Chalykushu
Reşat Nuri Güntekin
Anadolu notlari
Yeşil gece, roman
Eski ahbap
Yaprak dökümü
Bir kadin düşmani
Hülleci, 4 perde halk komedisi
Olaǧan işler
Deǧirmen, roman
Sönmüş yıldızlar
Kan davasi, roman
Eski hastalik
Harabelerin çiçeǧi, Eski ahbap ve Boyunduruk
Eski rüya
Kavak yelleri
Balıkesir muhasebecisi ; Tanrı dağı ziyafeti
Eski hastalık
Taş parçasi
Balikesir muhasebecisi [ve] Tanri daǧi ziyafeti
Tanri misafiri
Yeşil gėce
Son siǧinak, roman
Yaprak dökümü
Miskinler tekkesi, roman
Akşam güneşi
Gizli el
Gizli el
Hadiye'ye mektuplar
Leylā ile Mecnūn
Dudaktan kalbe
Korolek--ptichka pevchai͡a
Yeşil gece
Ateş gecesi, millî roman
Tañri misāfiri
Bir köy hocası
Akşam güneşi
Yeşil gece
Sönmüş yıldızlar
Kizilcik dallari
Bir kadın düşmanı
Miskinler tekkesi
Leylâ ile Mecnun
Dodagdan gălbă ; Damgha
Anadolu notlari
ʻArabca değilmi? Uydur uydur söyle
Ateş gecesi
Barbara Cartland
Barbara Cartland (1901-2000)

aircraft pilot, politician

  • Malvern St James, The Alice Ottley School
Love, Lords, and Lady-Birds
Lost Enchantment
The eyes of love
The Reluctant Bride
The Little Pretender
A King in Love
The Love Pirate
Alone in Paris
Love to the Rescue #11
Looking for Love
The Chieftain Without a Heart
The Dream Within
Stars in My Heart
The Fragrant Flower
Revenge of the Heart
A Kiss in Rome
As Eagles Fly
Messenger of love
Lovers in paradise
A Theatre of Love
An Innocent in Russia
The hell-cat and the king
The Penniless Peer
The Enchanted Waltz
A Kiss of Silk
Sweet Enchantress
Beyond the stars
Love In The Ruins
The Wicked Marquis
Perfect Pearl
The Heart of the Clan
The love puzzle
The sign of love
The windmill of love
The Wild, Unwilling Wife
A Dream from the Night
A Chieftain Finds Love
The mysterious maid-servant
The Marquis Who Hated Women
Love is Mine
A Duke in Danger
The karma of love
Wings on My Heart
Punishment of a Vixen
The Captive Heart
The Cruel Count
The Duke Comes Home
Dollars for the Duke
The Magnificent Marriage
Lovers in Lisbon
A song of love
Love is a Maze
A gamble with hearts
Love in the Clouds
The Curse of the Clan
Bewildered in Berlin
The Peril and the Prince
Love is Innocent
Out of reach
The Duchess Disappeared
The Queen of Hearts
The Devil in Love
Love in Hiding
No Darkness for Love
The Race for Love
Open wings
A Caretaker of Love
The Love Trap
The Kiss of the Devil
Elizabethan Lover
Theft of a heart
Revenge Is Sweet
Love and the loathsome leopard
The Complacent Wife
The treasure is love
No Escape from Love
The Vibrations of Love
The adventurer
Lord Ravenscar's Revenge
A Dream in Spain
A Rainbow to Heaven
The Hidden Evil
Saved by a Saint
The Magic of Love
The Shadow of Sin
Tempted to Love
The Drums of Love
The Call of the Highlands
Journey to Paradise
A Ghost in Monte Carlo
Broken Barriers
Escape from Passion #84
An Innocent in Mayfair
The temptation of Torilla
The devil defeated
Three Complete Novels of Earls and Their Ladies
The Dare-Devil Duke
Love Casts Out Fear
Hungry for Love
The Lioness and the Lily
The Pretty Horse-Breakers
The Naked Battle
Riding to the Sky
Love Forbidden
Money, Magic and Marriage
The Prince and the Pekingese
The Odious Duke
The Disgraceful Duke
The smuggled heart
Where is love?
The Wonderful Dream
The Taming of a Tigress
Angel And the Rake
Love is dangerous
Desire of the Heart
The Ruthless Rake
The Elusive Earl
Magic or mirage?
The Passion and the Flower / Love, Lords, and Lady-Birds
Terror from the Throne
Imperial Splendour
The Explosion of Love
Love for Sale
The Bored Bridegroom
Flowers for the god of love
Passage to Love
Problems of Love
A serpent of Satan
A light to the heart
Punished with love
The price is love
Towards the stars
Free from Fear
A Victory for Love
Safe in Paradise
Peaks Of Ecstasy
The Scent of Roses
A Virgin in Paris = An Innocent In Paris
Love is the Enemy
Moments of Love
Gift of the gods
The Irresistible Force
The Little Adventure
The Haunted Heart
Fire on the snow
The Goddess of Love
The Frightened Bride
Zov serdt︠s︡a
Look with the Heart
The Unbreakable Spell
The Island of Love
Danger by the Nile
Love on the run
No time for love
A Frame of Dreams
Bride to the King
Love Strikes Satan
The Goddess and the Gaiety Girl
The Daring Deception
The Duke Finds Love
Women have hearts
A fugitive from love
Pride and the Poor Princess
A nightingale sang
The Passion and the Flower
Little Tongues of fire (Camfield, No 64)
Too precious to lose
Passions in the Sand
The audacious adventuress
Wish for Love
The Twists and Turns of Love
The passionate pilgrim
The leaping flame
The saint and the sinner
Love Leaves at Midnight
A Runaway Star
The Unknown Heart
Winged Magic
Say yes, Samantha
From Hate to Love
The blue-eyed witch
The glittering lights
Love is an eagle
The dangerous dandy
Apocalypse of the heart
The Loveless Marriage
The Cave of Love
The Duke and the Preacher's Daughter
An arrow of love
Love in the Clouds / Imperial Splendour
Never Laugh at Love
Two Hearts in Hungary
Love Is Heaven
Love, Lies and Marriage
Miracle for a Madonna
The Devilish Deception
Lights of Love
Conquered by Love
The judgement of love
Seek The Stars
Love has his way
Riding to the Moon
Rhapsody of Love
The Dangerous Marriage
Love climbs in
Love in the Moon
A circus for love
The Wicked Widow
The Unpredictable Bride
Light of the gods
The Wings of Love
The Golden Illusion
The Dawn of Love
A Witch's Spell
The secret fear
Light of the Moon
Love in the dark
Poor Governess
Dance on my heart
A hazard of hearts
Love and Lucia
Forced to Marry
Kiss from a Stranger
Sweet adventure
The Bargain Bride
A heart is broken
Duel of Jewels
Running Away to Love
Love and the marquis
Count the Stars
Real Love or Fake
A Kiss for the King
The Hidden Heart
Kiss the Moonlight
The castle of fear
Pure and untouched
The Power and the Prince
A duel with destiny
Love Me For Ever
The Kiss of Paris
Sweet punishment
Love on the Wind
The ghost who fell in love
Dreams Do Come True
An Innocent in Paris (Original Title
Lucky In Love
A Halo for the Devil #55
The castle made for love
A Knight in Paris
The Earl Rings a Belle
The Runaway Heart
Only a Dream
Love at the helm
A touch of love
Love Holds the Cards
Love Strikes a Devil
Listening to love
Call of the Heart
The Horizons of Love
Love in pity
The Secret of the Mosque
Krasotka dli︠a︡ markiza
Blue heather
Desperate defiance
A Marriage Made in Heaven
The Proud Princess
Bride to a Brigand
The Fire of Love
This time it's love
Love locked in
The Perfume of the Gods
An Angel in Hell
Love At The Ritz
The Unwanted Wedding
Never Forget Love
Secrets of the heart
The prude and the prodigal
Gypsy Magic
Love at forty
The Marquis Wins
The Prisoner of love
A Duel of Hearts
Mission to Monte Carlo
Journey to a Star
Again This Rapture
Winged Victory
A princess in distress
The incredible honeymoon
The slaves of love
The Bitter Winds of Love
Theresa and a Tiger
The golden gondola
The Black Panther
Heaven in Hong Kong
Lies for Love
Just Fate
The Dragon and the Pearl
No heart is free
Flame Is Love
Lucifer and the angel
Terror in the Sun
The secret of the glen
The kiss of life
Love Lifts the Curse
Crowned with love
Warned By A Ghost
The Coin of Love
The Storms of Love
Love under Fire
A gentleman in love
The Incomparable
Caught by love
The Protection of Love
Three complete novels of courtly love
Look, listen and love
Cupid rides pillion
Moon over Eden
The wild cry of love
Love is contraband
A night of gaiety
The Enchanted Moment
The Queen Saves a King
Royal Punishment
The Duke's Dilemma
Starlight over Tunis
Little White Doves of Love
Lessons in Love
White lilac
Love Rules
Love and Linda
The Necklace of Love
A World of Love
Look With Love
An Angel Runs Away
Secret Harbour
The Temple of Love
Magical Moment
The Mask of Love
Loved For Himself
A Miracle in Mexico
Three complete novels of royalty and romance
Fire in the blood
The Wings of Ecstasy
The Outrageous Lady
Five complete novels of dukes and their ladies
Love and a Cheetah
Debt of Honor
Love and War
The Husband Hunters
Signpost to love
Paradise in Penang
Only Love
Temptation for a teacher
The taming of Lady Lorinda
Armour Against Love
Three Complete Novels of Marquises and their Ladies
The Irresistible Buck
Three Complete Novels of Dukes and Their Ladies
From Hell to Heaven
Who Can Deny Love?
To Scotland and love
Love joins the clans
Lost laughter
The Magic of Paris
Helga in Hiding
For All Eternity
Ola andthe sea wolf
A sword to the heart
Three Days to Love
Love is a Gamble
Magic from the Heart
No Disguise for Love
Vote for Love
The Earl Escapes
The Tears of Love
Drena and the Duke
Stolen halo
The heart triumphant
The river of love
Someone to love
The thief of love
Dancing on a Rainbow
The Innocent Imposter
Help from the Heart
Paradise Found
Diona and a Dalmatian
Touch a Star
The Perfection of Love
In the arms of love
A rebel princess
The Passionate Princess
The Scots never Forget
Lovely Liar
This Is Love
The Patient Bridegroom
Icicle in india
Wish Comes True
A Herb for Happiness (Pan Original)
Wanted; A Wedding Ring
Coronation Of Love
Moonlight on the Sphinx
The Dream and the Glory
The Impetuous Duchess
Love and Lucia
Never Lose Love
A virgin in Mayfair
The Eyes of Love 135
Hidden by Love
Moonlight On Sphinx (Camfield Novel of Love)
The Cross of Love
A Shaft of Sunlight
Love Comes West
In Search of Love
Alone and afraid
A Safety Match
Against the stream
The Knave of Hearts
Love Is the Key
Love Came from Heaven
Now Rough-Now Smooth
Bewitching women
The Waltz of Hearts
Never Lose Love
Solita and the Spies
Kneel for Mercy
The Forgotten City
Secrets Of Heart
For what?
If the Tree Is Saved
The King without a Heart
A Beggar Wished
Passionate Attainment
A Rose in Jeopardy
A Kiss From The Heart
The Duke is Deceived
Not Love Alone
Hungry for Love
His hour
The Sleeping Princess
Hazard Of Hearts
Love and the Clans
Ruled by Love
They Touched Heaven
A Princess Prays
The Marquis Is Trapped
Love And Apollo
Seeking Love
The Richness Of Love
Love Conquers War
The Saint and the Sinner
Wanted - A Bride
Castle of Dreams
L'Énigmatique Marquis
Danger to the Duke
07 the Proud Princess
39 the Ghost Who Fell in Love
The best of Barbara Cartland
The Goddess and the Gaiety Girl
Best of Barbara Cartland
The Secret Heart
Heart Finds Love
A theatre of love
Dream Come True
King Without a Heart
Love's Dream in Peril
Pure and untouched
28 Bride to a Brigand
Hungry for Love
Seeking Love
49 Who Can Deny Love
Love Pirate
La valse des coeurs
Gates of Paradise
46 for All Eternity
Love Comes West
In Hiding
15 the Temptation of Torilla
30 Journey to a Star
42 the Blue Eyed Witch
Call of Love
Sacrifice for Love
Os Caminhos Do Amor
Follow Your Heart
This Way to Heaven
36 Secrets
Protiv techenii Ła
14 Beauty or Brains
Change of Hearts
Heart of the Clan
12 Love and Lucia
Rivals for Love
Love and the Gods
Little Pretender
Waters of Love
02 the Little Pretender
The prisoner of love
Rendez-vous à Calcutta
She Wanted Love
Val £s serdet Łs
Theatre of Love
Ola and the Sea Wolf
Mysterious Maid-Servant
41 the Wild Cry of Love
White Lilac
22 Lucky Logan Finds Love
Mine for Ever
Lucifer and the angel
Earl's Revenge
Lucky Star
Saved by an Angel
Joined by Love
Soft, Sweet and Gentle
Tree of Love
Flight to Heaven
27 Never Laugh at Love
Triumph of Love
Treasure Is Love
31 Solita and the Spies
32 the Chieftain Without a Heart
03 a Ghost in Monte Carlo
Importance of Love
44 Secret of the Glen
Tree of Love
Perfect Way to Heaven
Money or Love
37 Fire in the Blood
Too Precious to Lose
29 Lucifer and the Angel
62 the Prisoner of Love
Karma of Love
Wezwanie z północy
13 Love and the Loathsome Leopard
09 Diona and a Dalmatian
18 Look Listen and Love
Heaven on Earth
La captive du cheikh
35 Pure and Untouched
Quando o sol brilhar
Prayer for Love
Lovers in London
Love Finds a Way
Lucky Logan finds love
Getting Older, Growing Younger
Three best loved Barbara Cartlands
We Danced all Night
The Dawn of Love / Bride to the King
Lights, laughter, and a lady
I seek the miraculous
The private life of Elizabeth, Empress of Austria
The Outrageous Queen
The spirit of love
In Love, in Lucca
Fascination in France
A Portrait of Love
The scandalous life of King Carol
I search for rainbows
I reach for the stars
The Light of Love
Secret Harbor
The years of opportunity, 1939-1945
Romantic royal marriages
Barbara Cartland
A revolution of love
Josephine, Empress of France
Ola and the Sea Wolf
Barbara Cartland's Princess to the rescue
Five complete novels
Recipes for lovers
Safe at last
The magic of honey
Theresa and a tiger
Walking To Wonderland (Camfield Novel of Love, No 113)
The Lady and the Highwayman
Five complete novels of love and luxury
Polly-my wonderful mother
A very unusual wife
Barbara Cartland's Book of Celebrities
Runaway Heart
Woman--the enigma
A dynasty of love
Solita And Spies
A royal rebuke
Only Love (Number, 114)
Sleeping Swords
The romance of food
The Isthmus Years
Journey to Paradise
Again This Rapture
Love and kisses
The Waltz of Hearts (Magna Library Series)
The queen saves the king
The private life of Charles II
But never free
Food for love
Lines on life and love
Book of love and lovers
Diane de Poitiers
Royal Eccentrics
Beauty or brains?
Born of Love (Camfield No. 112)
The Heart Triumphant (#53)
Metternich, the passionate diplomat
The forgotten city
Barbara Cartland's book of etiquette
The many facets of love
Love is invincible
Diona and a Dalmatian
Lost Love
Temptation Of Teacher
Look lovely, be lovely
Ronald Cartland
Love Finds the Way
Love at First Sight
The Barbara Cartland Collection
Love joins the clan
Rencontre Dans La Nuit (J'ai Lu)
Qing qian yi xian
Barbara Cartland Boxed Set-3
Barbara Cartland's book of beauty and health
A Rebel Princess
Journey to Happiness
Herb For Happiness
Meng huan hu
Free as the Wind
Et Si Ce Netait Quun Reve
Xia gu zhi lian
Askimiz bitmeyecek
The mask of love
Royal Rebuke/a
Beauty And Brains
Love Rescues Rosanna
Husbands and wives
Beyaz guverain
La guerre des coeurs
Written with Love
Barbara Cartland's health food cookery book
Die kleine Heuchlerin
Love, life and sex
Year of Royal Days
Running From Russia (Camfield, No. 143)
Listen To Love
Music from the heart
The poor governess
Stand and Deliver Your Heart
Taming Of The Tigress
A Tangled Web
Touch the Stars
A Very Special Love
Keep young and beautiful
Slipcase - Barbara
Love Forbidden
The sons of the sheik
Saved By Love
Wanted-wedding Ring (Camfield, No 48)
Solita face aux espions
Royal Punishment (Campfield, No 23)
Barbara Cartland's book of health
Miracle for a Madonna (Magna Large Print Series))
Prekrasnai︠a︡ pokhititelʹnit︠s︡a
Very Special Love
Someone to Love 144
The reason why
Lessons in love
Lucky Logan Finds Lov
Love in the Clouds (Bantam Romance Books #117)
Pour l'amour de Lucinda
Love at first sight
Fasination In France
The White Witch
Sapphires in Siam
The Mask of love
Wish Come True
La course aux maris
The Duke Is Trapped
A heart in the Highlands
A heart is stolen
la Déesse de l'amour
The Captive Heart
Love Casts Out Fear (Campfield No 41)
To Mystik tis azaleus
Barbara Cartland's etiquette for love and romance
Caught by Love
Signpost to Love (No 131)
The Runaway heart
Höhenflug der liebe
Sti zougla tou Siam
The judgment of love
Le Marquis gagne la bataille
Arga gia tin agapi
Love Strikes A Devil (Camfield)
A Portrait of Love (Historical Romance #119)
A World Of Love
Vitamins for Vitality
The best of Barbara Cartland
The Spirit of Love 134
This Time It's Love
A Rebel Princess, No. 183
The knave of diamonds
Pes nai Samantha
Terror From Throne
Sex and the teenager
The Star of Love
Na parusakh mechty
The Innocent Heiress (Reissue)
Love Wins in Berlin
The Adventurer
The way of an eagle
Knight In Paris/a
Monomaria me té moira
Royalty Defeated by Love
The youth secret
The Prisoner of Love
La Captive du Grand Vizir
La Mariée sans visage
Llik dudaklar
Winged Victory -/ The Lioness and the Lily
Love Became Theirs
Ugurlu yüzük
No Time for Love
Thulaxe to oneiro Kardia Mov
The treasure is love
L'amour comme un espoir
Yalvaran gözler
Theirs to Eternity
E chrysi gondola
Etiquette handbook
Stars in the Sky
Rencontre dans la nuit
Symphonie berlinoise
The wrong duchess
Ilk Aṣk Geceii
The Ship of Love
Ask gelincikleri
Dog, a Horse and a Heart
The Heart of Love
Blue Heather
Les manigances de Georgina
The golden illusion
Skrytnoe serdt︠s︡e
Le jugement de l'amour
Light To The Heart (Light to the Heart)
E prigkipissa kai o poiētes
Love Locked In
Waltz of Hearts, No. 139
Muzyka dushi
Beau comme Apollon
Lights, Laughter and a Lady, No. 177
Prinzessin zwischen thron und liebe
Un amour au clair de lune, Fortuna et son démon
The sequence
Royal Lovers
Rüyalar gerçek olsa
Desire in the desert
Skrytnoe serdt︠s︡e
Barbara Cartland Novel 3 Nhb
Un amour en Hongrie
Terror in the Sun No. 110
Kalbini divile
To Klemmeno potostebrano
La Princesse au bois dormant
Saved by love
Maska li︠u︡bvi ; Molitva li︠u︡bvi
Love and marriage
Marriage for moderns
Akh, Parizh!
Buruk Kalpler
Sylvia l'indomptable
Esir Kalper
Omihle ap' to parelthan
E laidé kai o lestes
The fascinating forties
La prisonnière du vieux moulin
Barbara Cartland Novel 2 Nhb
Peristeria te's agapēs
Cartland 18mxppk
Only Love (118)
Sarmasik gülberi
Oneiro Apisteyto
Princesse en fuite
Cartland Promo18mxpkc
Music is the Soul of Love
A Heart of Stone
L'Amour à portée de main
Love is the Reason for Living
Noces écossaises
Not Love Alone
Lioness and the Lily (#112) [Mass Market Paperback], The
En route vers l'amour
E Agrioqata
Un héritage embarrassant
Love has his way
Askla yarisilmaz
Barbara Cartland's Book of useless information ..
The House of Happiness
Kneel for Mercy, No. 159
Atesli geceler
A Nightingale Sang, No. 109
E Maska tou erota
Etranges Amazones
Les sortilèges du coeur
Barbara Cartland's Guide To Romance Writing
Askin masum yalanlari
Urkek Kalpler
Gentlemen in Love
La Force d'une passion, suivi de "L'épouse apprivoisée"
Seni bekleyccegim
A Paradise on Earth
The Hell-Cat and the King
Learning to Love
Les Seigneurs de la co te
They Sought Love
Barbara Cartland Compendium
Stürme der Liebe. Roman
Love wins
È  enareté kai o asotos
L'amour déjoue tous les pièges
Peristeria tes agapes
The Castle of Love
Elle voulait simplement être aimée
Be vivid, be vital
Love is Triumphant
Cartland Promo36mxflc
Magie Des Herzens
Hayalimdeki Cennet
Wanted--a wedding ring
Le voeu d'alicia
Les larmes de l'amour
The golden cage
Love in the Highlands
Cennet senin kalbindir
Fiançailles Impromptues
Maska li︠u︡bvi ; Molitva li︠u︡bvi
Sailing to Love
Un mari chevaleresque
Erȯtiko trazoydi
Men are wonderful
Me ten prote magia
Taniec serc
The Temptation Torilla
Velikai︠a︡ sila li︠u︡bvi
Love Drives In
Three Complete Novels
Music from the Heart No. 157
The smuggled bear
Les amours Mexicaines
If the treee is saved
Spasti Rozannu
Wings Bestsellers
Masum Aşıhles
Complot amoureux
Innocente imposture
Il ne nous reste que l'amour
La Déesse et la danseuse
They Found Their Way to Heaven
Open Wing 37 (Open Wings)
A Heart in Heaven
Sous le charme d'une inconnue
L'amour sinon rien
Un baiser dans le désert
La Rose d'Ecosse
Spasti Rozannu
Hayalimdeki Gelin
Love in the East
A Dangerous Disguise
Synapanthmuma ton erota
Akatanikete dunamé
Dilek ruzgari
Le Trésor caché
Na parusakh mechty
Royal Jewels
Strely li︠u︡bvi
I︠A︡ li︠u︡bli︠u︡ drugogo
Beyond the stars
Terror in the sun
To Scotland and love
The Winning Post is Love
The secret of the mosque
Love by the Lake
Terror from the throne
Barbara Cartland's book of useless information
the incredible honeymoon
Moonlight on the Sphinx
Forced to marry
A Steeplechase For Love
Love casts out fear
A nightingale sang
Too precious to lose
The taming of a tigress
Alone in Paris
Light of the moon
A chieftain finds love
A Kiss in the Desert
The temple of love
The forgotten city
Dancing on a rainbow
A gentleman in love
Search For A Wife
A circus for love
The prisoner of love
The island of love
A serpent of Satan
White lilac
Mi Łatezhnai Ła kni Łazhna
A Miracle in Music
Love Locked In
L'amour fou de zivana
The proud princess
Monetka na schast £e
Viaggio verso l'ignoto
Li Łubov £ i vechnost £
Money, magic and marriage
The shadow of sin
Look Listen and Love
Svobodnai Ła ot strakha
Messenger of love
Slushai  svoi Łu li Łubov £
A princess in distress
La force d'une passion
L'ombre du peche
Yasin ask
Un coeur triomphant
Princesse ou cendrillon (French Edition)
Double the Love
Le Fantôme de Monte-Carlo
294. the Bitter Winds of Love
Idylle à Calcutta
Lune de miel au Rajasthan
Le secret de l'Ecossais
Pour vivre avec axel
Amour etoile (Un) (BARBARA CARTLAND)
The mysterious maid-servant
Light of the gods
Karma of Love
Barbara Cartland's Etiquette Handbook
Vote for Love
Bela︠i︡a koldunʹ︠i︡a
302. Love Locked In
A bord du Diamant bleu (French Edition)
Conquered by Love
Love and kisses
Quand vient l'amour
The taming of Lady Lorinda
Barbara Cartland's Book of love and lovers
V poiskakh l︠i︡ubvi
Say Yes, Samantha
Duel en héritage
Un baiser pour le roi
Qui peut nier l'amour ?
Kalbime yazilisin
Un baiser de paris
Les ailes de l'amour
The love light of Apollo
A Frame of Dreams
Written with love
The rhapsody of love
Duchesse d'un jour
The Sign Of Love
A touch of love
L'amour n'a pas de loi
The Unpredictable Bride (Barbara Cartland #6)
Les seigneurs de la côte
Un Amour en Danger
N'oublié jamais l'amour
Le portrait de l'amour
The Marquis Wins
Renaitre a l'amour
One Minute to Love
Le Château du bonheur
Love Me Forever
Le fant�´me amoureux
coeur en bémol
Précieuse comme l'amour
The Glittering Lights #12
Piège pour un duc
Les enfants qui fuient
Miracle pour une madone
Ola et le marquis
Josephine, Empress of France
Love Finds the Duke at Last
La clé du bonheur
Un Diadème pour Tara
Prosto budʹ ri︠a︡dom
Dangereuse passion
Un Éternel enchantement
Une folle lune de miel
Love is Contraband
Messenger of Love
Light of the Gods
Je t'ai cherchee toute ma vie
Lost Love
The Dream and the Glory
212. Light of the Gods
Duke Hated Women
Le prince des brigands
Un baiser pour la vie
Premier bal
Temple of Love
The Mask of Love (The BAntam Barbara Cartland Library #29)
La trahison diabolique
Lost Laughter
Secret Fear
The Irresistible Buck (#57)
Danger Sur le Nil
L'amour et lucia **
293. Desperate Defiance
Shooting Star
Anschlag auf die Liebe. Roman.
La revanche de Lord Ravenscar
En kyss för en kung
Etiquette handbook
Pas d'ombre sur notre amour **
Who Can Deny Love
Pas d'ombre sur notre amour **
Qui êtes-vous, Alexander ?
227. Temptation of a Teacher
Le portrait de l'amour suivie de
Les Larmes de l'amour
A Duel of Hearts
Quand l'amour l'emporte
Love Is Mine
Thye Mask of Love
Un amour étoilé
The Poor Governess
Les belles amazones
Lilas blanc (nouvelle edition) (BARBARA CARTLAND)
Le Sable brûlant d'Hawaï
Love At Forty (Pyramid Books #81)
Igra li Łubvi
Precious Hearts Romances 4423
Lumieres d'ete
La belle et le leopard
Le signe de l'amour
L'air de copenhague
Fontaine aux voeux
Renaître à l'amour
Un Amour en danger
Love in the ruins
Windmill of Love
Only Love
Passage to Love
Love Casts Out Fear
La belle cavaliere
The Ghost Who Fell in Love; The Chieftain Without a Heart
The many facets of love
Mon coeur est en Écosse
Love Trap
Mensonge en or
Une passion inattendue
Princess in Distress
Elizabethan Lover
Un Ange en enfer
Der Racheplan des Prinzen
Bewitched (The Barbara Cartland Library #16)
Love on the Wind
A Touch of Love
The Little Adventure (The Bantam Barbara Cartland Library #3)
L'Ã?toile de l'amour
Des Fleurs pour mon amour
Les amours au paradis
Passeport pour le bonheur
Printemps à Rome
Etranges amazones **
Un rossignol chantait
Le dernier des Calder
Un nouveau bonheur
A Gamble with Hearts
The Karma Of Love
Prière d'une princesse
Love Forbidden
De la haine à l'amour
Hiding from the Fortune-Hunters
Perfume of the Gods
An Angel in Hell (The Bantam Library, Volume 43)
Royal Punishment
Les Deux amours de Pamela
Deux cœurs au gré des flots
Musique miraculeuse
Le Cavalier masqué
Paradise Found
Ghost in Monte Carlo
Patient Bridegroom
Ah, l'adorable menteuse!
Say yes, Samantha
Le roi solitaire (French Edition)
Love in the Ruins
The glittering lights
Serpent of Satan
229. The Sign Of Love
l'Ombre d'un Coeur
La découverte du bonheur
Toujours plus haut l'amour **
Just Off Piccadilly
Madrikh le-halikhot naʾot
Medalʹon dli͡a nevesty
Heart of the Clan
Aucun coeur n'est libre
Mensonge en or
Sekret nasledni︠t︡sy
Contrebandier de l'amour
Bewitched (The Barbara Cartland Library #16)
The Cross of Love
The Prude and the Prodigal
Coin of Love, The
The Little Adventure
Piège pour un marquis
L'amour n'a pas de loi
The irresistible force
Pirate d'amour
The Little Pretender
The Flame is Love # 20
Sincère ou tricheuse?
Une folle lune de miel
Le parfum des dieux
We Danced All Night
Bezaubernde Hexe
Comte prodigue **
Je ne veux pas te perdre
Where Is Love?
Lessons in Love #4
Les pièges du désert
love is Contraband
Hell-Cat and the King
Song of Love
Danger sur le nil
Tempête amoureuse
Les Saphirs Du Siam
Au coeur du péril
Les Violons de l'amour
The Wild Cry of Love (The Bantam Barbara Cartland Library #44)
La flamme d'amour
Magic from the Heart
The blue-eyed witch
Terrible malentendu
Pour l'amour d'un chevalier
L'Amour à la barre
Le Triomphe de la reine
A Light to the Heart
Twinform the Bitiima World
Rencontre à Lahore
Le baiser d'un étranger
Tigresse et le roi **
Pour une princesse
La prison d'amour
The scandalous life of King Carol
Le baiser du diable
Vozvrashchenie gert Łsoga
Fiancée à un brigand
Un rêve espagnol
Pour quelques brins de bruyère
Ravissante Cléopâtre
Ou vas-tu, melinda ?
La découverte du bonheur
Secret Harbour #151
Lights, laughter and a lady
Pure and Untouched
Schastliva︠i︡a nevesta
This is love
Love Is the Enemy
Shawdow of Sin
Le Lien magique
L'irresistible charme d'helga **
Les Œuvres romanesques
L'Ombre du péché
Aime Moi Pour Toujours
Seule et effray�©e
Un ange passe
Je marcherai vers toi
Golden Gondola
The Tears of Love (#21)
Au secours, mon amour **
Fiançailles forcées
A Gamble with Hearts 32
Nevesta razboĭnika
Love and Linda (Pyramid Books by Barbara Cartland, Volume 77)
Une blonde inconnue
Idylle au ritz **
Un amour en Hongrie
Un baiser de Paris
Amour en hongrie **
Les Illusions du cœur
The Castle Made for Love
Blue Heather
The Thief of Love
Lost Love
The Golden Gondola
Un amour exceptionnel
Couronne pour un coeur
Comtesse natacha (BARBARA CARTLAND)
Radi l︠i︡ubvi
Serment d'amour
Contrebandier de l'amour
Protection of Love
Un Eté indien
Le piège de l'amour
Liebe mit Hindernissen
Lessons in Love
Love on the Run
Indomptable Lorinda
La fuite en France
The Husband Hunters (The Bantam Barbara Cartland Library, 39)
The Runaway Heart
Sincère ou tricheuse ?
Desperate Defiance
Le Secret de mon bien-aimé
L'Amour était au rendez-vous
La sérénité d'un amour
Romance indienne
Comte prodigue **
Le parfum des roses
La Puissance d'un amour (Flamme)
Comme une blonde fée
Island of Love
Li͡ubovʹ silʹnee dʹi͡avola
Le secret de Sylvina
Une Source de bonheur
Fiancés sans amour
Un rossignol chantait
La tigresse apprivoisée
I Seek the Miraculous
My Brother, Ronald
Love Is Invinciblbe
Le port du bonheur
Mol £ba o miloserdii
Pas d'ombre sur notre amour **
The Saint and the Sinner
La Naïve Aventurière
The Little Adventure
Mélodie pour un amour
Lioness and the Lily
L'Amour joue et gagne
Les Roses de Lahore
L'aube de la passion
The spirit of love
148. the Golden Cage
Le domaine de l'amour
נישואי כפיה
Love Runs In
Idylle en Ecosse
Douce vengeance
Le château de tous les mystères
Unpredictable Bride
It Is Love (Barbara Cartland Pink Collection)
L'Amour était au rendez-vous
Passions victorieuses
Le Signe de l'amour
Mon beau capitaine
La prisonnière de l'amour
Love in the Clouds
Une infinie patience
Pour l'amour d'un roi
Pure and Untouched & Love at the Helm
Ocharovannai͡a valʹsom
In Love in Lucca
Crowned with Love
Paris magique
Le chateau de marista
Coup de foudre à Penang
Symphonie berlinoise
Elizabethan Lover
La Princesse oubliée
The sons of the sheik
Shotlandt͡sy ne zabyvai͡ut
Dynastia miłości
The Golden Illusion (No. 38)
L'Enchantement du désert
Prise au piège
Le secret de mon bien-aime
Au secours, mon amour **
Rhapsodie d'amour
L'amour joue et gagne
Fascination in France
The Karma of love
L'ange et lucifer
Lights, Laughter and a Lady
Fiancee pour rire **
Lessons in Love (The Bantam Barbara Cartland Library, 4)
Les Détours de l'amour
An Arrow of Love (The Bantam Barbara Cartland Library #31)
Que notre bonheur dure
La Revanche de Lord Ravenscar
L'Amour enflammé
Retour de la belle inconnue
Le lys de Brighton
The Shadow of Sin
A Very Naughty Angel
La course à l'amour
Warned by a Ghost
Danger pour le duc
La Naive Aventuriere
A Fugitive from Love
The Castle of Fear
Le sable brûlant d'Hawai
Angel in Hell
Trois jours pour aimer
Portrait of Love
L'Amour victorieux
Love Is Contraband (Number 13)
Love under the Stars
Un duc a vendre
Un regard mélancolique (French Edition)
Cleona et son double
Lights Of Love
Les Amours mexicaines
Un cri d'amour
White Witch
Un Roi amoureux [Reliure inconnue] by Cartland, Barbara
Un roi amoureux
Vanessa retrouvée
Le roi solitaire
La Danse de l'amour
Love Is the Enemy (Barbara Cartland #9)
Princesse rebelle
Duel pour l'amour
Une idylle mexicaine
L'amour en automne
Rytmy milosci
La révolte de Lady Corinna
Les colombes de l'amour
278. Love has his way
The unpredictable bride
La Princesse en péril
Royal Love Match
Fowers for the God of Love (Barbara Cartland Library)
Un Éternel enchantement
231. Seek the Stars
Le château des rêves
Sous la lune de Ceylan
Au secours, mon amour **
La Fiancee Reticente
Evasion pour le bonheur
La Sirène de Monte-Carlo
Pour l'amour de Lucinda
Loin de l'amour
Les Larmes de l'amour
Fiancee pour rire **
221. The Prude and the Prodigal
Le bel aventurier
312. Help from the Heart
Sweet Adventure
Le Talisman de jade
Etranges amazones **
Lost Enchantment
L'amour sans trêve
In Love, in Lucca
Un Mariage imprévu
Les Horizons de l'amour
Le Maître de Singapour
Un Diadème pour Tara
A la découverte du paradis
Juste un rêve
Ocharovatelʹna︠i︡a shpionka
A Rebel Princess
The Little Pretender (#19)
La Fiancée réticente
Love Comes to the Castle
Love for Sale
The Outrageous Lady (#67)
Barbara Cartland.
L'invitation au bonheur **
La Victoire de l'amour
Love for Sale / Lost Laughter (Two Books in One Volume)
Love at the Helm
La princesse endormie
Revolution of Love
Fée de la Glace
Le Festin secret
Towards he Stars (Barbara Cartland # 72)
The Secret Fear
Coeurs à l'unisson
Westminster Whore
La belle et le léopard
Un amour au clair de lune.
Les beaux messieurs de Pétrina
L'Amour au bout du chemin
Love at First Sight
Lost Enchantment
Glittering Lights
La Belle et le léopard
La Prisonnière de l'amour
Un Mariage de Raison
L'amour démasqué
Le Fantôme amoureux, suivi de "Satan frappé par l'amour"
Rolfe et Zarina
Love Wins
304. Broken Barriers
Les yeux du coeur
Love On The Run
Chieftain Finds Love
Vli͡ublennai͡a v more
The Price is Love
Splendeurs impériales
Lights of Love
L'espoir perdu ****
Comtesse natacha
Lessons in Love (The Bantam Barbara Cartland Library, 4)
Magia Paryża
Love is Triumphant
Fortuna et son démon
Miracle pour une madone
Barbara Cartland 8 books / The Innocent Heiress, Sweet Adventure, The Royal Pledge, The Little Pretender, Messenger of Love, An Innocent in Paris, The Enchanted Waltz, Elizabethan Lover (Volume # 15-17-18-19-22-24-26-28)
A Very Naughty Angel (No. 22)
Les Problèmes de l'amour
La sorcière aux yeux bleux
A Very Naughty Angel (No. 22)
The Thief of Love
Le Jugement de l'amour
Les Mirages de l'amour
Two Hearts in Hungary
Milosc w hotelu Ritz
Belle ou spirituelle
L'Amour est un songe
Forced to Marry
Love Climbs in
La Revanche du cœur
three best-loved barbara cartlands
De l'enfer au paradis
L'amour brille dans tes yeux
Aucun coeur n'est libre
Weapon Is Love
L'amour comme un espoir
L'ingenue criminelle
Fragile bonheur
Le carroussel de l'amour
Tendre Lydia
Un Rêve espagnol
Un Mariage imprévu
I search for rainbows
The Enchanting Evil
Running Away to Love
La course aux maris
L'Irrésistible Amant
Michael mon amour
Etranges amazones
Evelyne et la panthère noire
Flowers for the God of Love
Najwazniejsza jest milosc
Mon beau capitaine
Toujours plus haut l'amour **
Tears of Love
Quand l'amour s'éveille
This Way to Heaven
Bitter Winds of Love
Rhapsodie d'amour
Un baiser de Paris
Un amour éperdu
Un Faux mariage
Pour l'éternité
L'amour fou de Zivana
Il ne nous reste que l'amour
Fuite sur le Nil
Un Amour au clair de lune
L'Étoile filante
Un Cœur triomphant
Trois jeunes filles à Londres
Un Baiser de soie
Une infinie patience
Thérésa et le tigre
La Vallée du bonheur
Douce enchanteresse
La Maison des colombes
Brelan de dames
Le lien magique
Coup de foudre à Penang
John Lyly
John Lyly (1553-1606)

playwright, politician

  • University of Oxford, University of Cambridge
The complete works of John Lyly
The Norton Anthology of English Literature -- Seventh Edition -- Volume 1B
Gallathea and Midas
Loves metamorphosis
Sapho and Phao, 1584
Gallathea, 1592
Euphues the anatomy of wit
Complete works
Mother Bombie
Euphues and Lucilla
John Lyly
Mother Bombie
The plays of John Lyly
The woman in the moon
Selected prose and dramatic work
Endymion (The Revels Plays)
Campaspe ; Sappho and Phao
Alexander and Campaspe
The Dramatic Works Of John Lilly, The Euphuist
Galatea and Midas (The Revels Plays)
Pappe with an hatchet
Evphves and his England
Euphues. The anatomy of vvit
Sapho and Phao
Mother Bombie
A most excellent Comedie of Alexander, Campaspe, and Diogenes
The dramatic works of John Lilly, (the euphuist.)  With notes and some account of his life and writings by F.W. Fairholt
Euphues and his England
Queen Elizabeth's entertainment at Mitcham
Sixe court comedies
A moste excellent comedie of Alexander, Campaspe and Diogenes
Pappe with an hatchet. Alias, A figge for my God sonne. Or Cracke me this nut. Or A Countrie cuffe, that is, a sound boxe of the eare, for the idiot Martin to hold his peace, seeing the patch will take no warning
The Complete Works of John Lyly (3 Vol. Set)
The dramatist works of John Lilly (the Euphuist)
Cupid & Campaspe
The vvoman in the moone
Euphues and his England
Complete works
The descent of Euphues
Alexander and Campaspe, 1584
Euphues the anatomy of wit
The false friend and inconstant mistress: an instructive novel. To which is added, love's diversion; ... By John Lyly, ..
Twelve songs from the plays of John Lyly
Gallatghea and Midas
Euphues and Lucilla ... [with] Epho︠e︡bus; or, Instructions for the education of youth
Endimion, the man in the moone
The woman in the moone
Sixe court comedies
The Man In The Moon
Euphues, the anatomie of wit
Endymion the man in the moon, played before the Queen's Majesty at Greenwich on Candlemas day, at night
Mother Bombie
Queen Elizabeth's entertainment at Mitcham
Mother Bombie,by John Lyly, 1594
Mother Bombie, 1594
Loues metamorphosis
Marie-Christine Koundja
Marie-Christine Koundja (born 1957)

politician, diplomat

  • Université de N'Djaména