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mathematicians who wrote popular science
Showing 1-8 out of 16 results
Steven H. Strogatz
Steven H. Strogatz (born 1959)

mathematician, physicist

  • Harvard University, Princeton University
The Joy of X
Nonlinear dynamics and Chaos
The Calculus of Friendship
Infinite Powers
The mathematical structure of the human sleep-wake cycle
Interactive Differential Equations
Interactive Differential Equations Workbook [Demonstration Package with CD-ROM]
Pattern formation in continuous and coupled systems
The Joy of X & Infinite Powers The Story of Calculus
Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos with Student Solutions Manual
Student Solutions Manual for Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos
Nonlinear Dynamics And Chaos
Simon Singh
Simon Singh (born 1964)

physicist, science communicator, journalist, mathematician, film director

  • University of Cambridge, Imperial College London
The Simpsons and Their Mathematical Secrets
Big Bang
Fermat's Last Theorem
The Code Book
Trick or Treatment?
The Code Book for Young People
The Science of Secrecy
The Science Book
Big Bang
Big Bang
El enigma de Fermat
La formula segreta dei Simpson
Homers letzter Satz
El enigma de Fermat
Cracking Code Book
Fermat's Last Theorem
Ripui o pitui?
Roger Penrose
Roger Penrose (born 1931)

mathematician, physicist, philosopher, astronomer, astrophysicist

  • University College London, University of Cambridge
The Road to Reality
Shadows of the mind
The Emperor's New Mind
The large, the small and the human mind
The nature of space and time
Spinors and space-time
Stephen Hawking
Cycles of Time
What is life? The physical aspect of the living cell
The Best Writing on Mathematics 2013
Three Princeton Lectures on the Mathematics and Physics
Techniques of Differential Topology in Relativity
Nature and the Greeks
Les ombres de l'esprit
Droga do rzeczywistości
Fashion, Faith, and Fantasy in the New Physics of the Universe
Les ombres de l'esprit
Hermann Weyl
Les deux infinis et l'esprit humain
White Mars
On space and time
Spinors and Space-Time
Collected works
On Space And Time
Cosmology of Consciousness
Analytical and numerical approaches to mathematical relativity
Hermann Weyl
White Mars; or, the Mind Set Free
Einstein's Miraculous Year
Spinors and Space-Time, Volume 1
Ciclos del tiempo
Ciclos del tiempo
El camino a la realidad
Der Weg zur Wirklichkeit
Conversations with Einstein
Cycles of Time
Lo grande, lo pequeño y la mente humana
Zyklen der Zeit
Zihnin Gölgeleri
Fizigin Gizemi Kralin Yeni Usu 2. Cilt
Techniques of differential topology in relativity
Artificial Intelligence Versus Natural Intelligence
Science, spirituality, and the nature of reality
Zaman Döngüleri
Gercegin Yollari
A la découverte des lois de l'univers
Consciousness and the Universe
Quantum gravity 2
Kralin Yeni Akli
Twistor Symmetries and Particle Physics
Us Nerede? Kralin Yeni Usu 3. Cilt
Emperor's New Mind
Mr Tompkins in Paperback
Consciousness and the universe
Kralin Yeni Akli
La Mente Nueva del Emperador
Evrenin Yeni Fiziğinde Moda, İnanç ve Fantezi
Emperor's Guide to the Physical Universe
The Emperor's New Mind - Concerning Computers , Minds , and the Law of Physics
Lo grande, lo pequeño y la mente humana
L'esprit, l'ordinateur et les lois de la physique
Lo grande, lo pequeno y la mente humana
Lo grande, lo pequeño y la mente humana
Altair Design
Bilgisayar ve Zeka Kralin Yeni Usu 1. Cilt
Moda, fe y fantasía en la nueva física del universo
How Consciousness Became the Universe
Quantum gravity
Schatten des Geistes: Wege zu einer neuen Physik des Bewußtseins (German Edition)
Leonard Mlodinow
Leonard Mlodinow (born 1954)

physicist, mathematician

  • University of California, Berkeley
The Grand Design
A Briefer History of Time
The Drunkard's Walk
Feynman's Rainbow
The last dinosaur
Stephen Hawking
Euclid's Window
The Upright Thinkers
War of the Worldviews
Stephen Hawking
Titanic Cat
O andar do bêbado
Adrián Paenza
Adrián Paenza (born 1949)

journalist, mathematician, science communicator

  • University of Buenos Aires
Matemática-- estás ahí?
Un matemático ahí, por favor
¿Pero esto también es matemática?
La puerta equivocada
Gardner para aficionados
¿Pero esto también es matemática?
La puerta equivocada
La puerta equivocada
Matemática ... estás ahí?
¿Pero esto también es matemática?
La puerta equivocada
Mary Somerville
Mary Somerville (1780-1872)

mathematician, scientist, physicist, geologist

On the connexion of the physical sciences
On molecular and microscopic science
Physical geography
The Connection Of The Physical Sciences
Personal recollections
Personal recollections, from early life to old age, of Mary Somerville
Personal recollections, from early life to old age
On the Connexion of the Physical Sciences
On the connection of the physical sciences
Mechanism of the heavens
Collected Works of Mary Somerville
Physical geography
On the connexion of the physical sciences
The connexion of the physical sciences
Geografia fisica, tr. di E. Pepoli
On the magnetising power of the more refrangible rays of light
One with a Shepherd
The Stars in Their Courses (Canongate Classics)
The Garfield Reading Club: Reading is my life
Personal recollections
Mechanism of heavens
On the connexion of the physical sciences
Personal recollections, from early life to old age, of Mary Somerville : with selections from her correspondence
Cookery and domestic economy
Physische Geographie aus dem Englischen von D. Adolph Barth
A preliminary dissertation on the mechanism of the heavens
Physical geography
Eric Temple Bell
Eric Temple Bell (1883-1960)

mathematician, historian of mathematics

  • Stanford University, Columbia University
Men of mathematics
Dangerous vegetables
The last problem
Mathematics, queen and servant of science
Men of mathematics Volume 1
Man and his lifebelts
The development of mathematics
The search for truth
Seeds of life, and White lily
Green fire
The forbidden garden
G.O.G. 666
The cyclotomic quinary quintic
An arithmetical theory of certain numerical functions
Algebraic arithmetic
G.O.G. 666
Before the dawn
Seeds of life and White Lily
Seeds of life
Les grands mathématiciens
Algebraic arithmetic
The cosmic geoids
La Magie des nombres
The time stream
Debunking science
The crystal horde
Seeds of life
Men of mathematics, volume two
The handmaiden of the sciences
The iron star
Historia de Las Matematicas
Algebraic arithmetic
Büyük matematikçiler
Before the dawn
Five studies in mathematics
The search for truth
Green fire
The Iron Star
Yakov Perelman
Yakov Perelman (1882-1942)

journalist, mathematician, science communicator, physicist, naturalist

  • Imperial Forestry Institute
Astronomy for entertainment
Figures for Fun
Qu wei wu li xue xu pian =
Qu wei ke xue da quan ji
Physics for Entertainment
Zhivaya Matematika
Mathematics Can Be Fun
Zanimatelʹnai͡a algebra
Zajmująca fizyka
Zanimatelʹnai͡a fizika
Fisica Recreativa
Fun with maths and physics
Zanimatel £nai Ła geometrii Ła
Oh, la physique ! 250 casse-tête pour tester votre sens physique
Zanimatelʹnai͡a mekhanika
Veselye zadachi
Zanimatel'naya mekhanika
Physics Can Be Fun
Zanimatelʹnye zadachi i opyty
Mezhplanetnye puteshestvii͡a
Fokusy i razvlecheniya
Zanimatelʹnai͡a fizika
You qu di wu li shi jie
Zhong xiao cheng zhen gui hua jian zhu te dian
Qu wei shu xue mi ti =
Znaete li vy fiziku?
Veselye zadachi
Qu wei wu li xue wen da =
Chto? Zachem? Pochemu?
Hŭngmi innŭn mulli munje wa sirhŏm
A tsayṭung-boygn
Podróż po przemysłowej strefie osiedlenia (Szkice podróżnicze technika)
Zhivai︠a︡ matematika
Kak idet ėlektrifikat︠s︡ii︠a︡ strany
Zanimatelʹnai͡a mekhanika
Zhivai͡a matematika
Mecanica Para Todos