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anthropologists who wrote popular science
Showing 1-4 out of 4 results
Steven Pinker
Steven Pinker (born 1954)

psychologist, linguist, anthropologist, philosopher, evolutionary psychologist, experimental psychologist

  • Dawson College, McGill University
The Language Instinct ("Daily Telegraph" Talking Science)
The best American science and nature writing 2004
The Sense of Style
The better angels of our nature
Words and rules
What Are You Optimistic About?
Enlightenment now
The Stuff of Thought
Learnability and cognition
How the Mind Works
Do Humankind's Best Days Lie Ahead?
The Blank Slate
Language Cognition And Human Nature Selected Articles
Visual Cognition
Learnability and Cognition
Blank Slate
Como Funciona LA Mente
Language learnability and language development
Language Instinct, The
Enlightenment Now
Comment fonctionne l'esprit ?
Piękny styl
Connections and symbols
Words and Rules (Science Masters)
Words And Rules The Ingredients Of Language
Natural language and natural selection
La Tabla Rasa
Language Learnability and Language Development (Cognitive Science Series)
Language Instinct
Words and Rules
Van Gogh. Zycie
El mundo de las palabras
Zihin Nasil Calisir
Words and Rules
Anjos Bons da Nossa Natureza
How the Mind Works
Seven Words You Can't Say on Television
Enlightenment Now
Language Instinct
Enlightenment Now
Düsüncenin Maddesi
Bos Sayfa Insan Dogasinin Modern Inkari
Words and Rules
Blank Slate, The
Der Stoff, aus dem das Denken ist
Comprendre la nature humaine
ill-Instinct du Langage
Como a Mente Funciona
Nowe Oswiecenie
El Instinto del Lenguaje
Stuff of Thought
Das unbeschriebene Blatt
Language Learnability and Language Development, with New Commentary by the Author
Cómo funciona la mente
Der Sprach Instinkt
How the Mind Works
Virtuous Violence
Language, Cognition, and Human Nature
Aufklarung jetzt
Dil Icgüdüsü
Cómo funciona la mente
Language, Cognition, and Human Nature
En defensa de la Ilustración
Words And Rules. The Ingredients Of Language.
A Reader's Guide to the Language Instinct
Overregularization in Language Acquisition (Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development)
La tabla rasa
The Blank Slate
Wörter und Regeln: Die Natur der Sprache (German Edition)
La Part d'ange en nous
Los ángeles que llevamos dentro
How the Mind Works
Dogamizin Iyilik Melekleri; Siddet Neden Azaldi?
Lexical & conceptual semantics
Das unbeschriebene Blatt.
Human Language (Science Masters)
Το γλωσσικÏŒ ένστικτο
La Tabla Rasa, el Buen Salvaje y el Fantasma en la Maquina
ha-Insṭinḳt ha-leshoni
L'instinct du langage
Jeremy Narby
Jeremy Narby (born 1959)


  • Stanford University
The Cosmic Serpent
Intelligence in nature
Shamans Through Time
Le serpent cosmique, l'ADN et les origines du savoir
The cosmic serpent, DNA and the origins of knowledge
Resource development and indigenous peoples
Shamans through time
Die kosmische Schlange
Shamans through time
Shamans through time
The psychotropic mind
The psychotropic mind
Intelligence dans la nature
La vision des autres
Il serpente cosmico. Il DNA e le origini della conoscenza
Shamans through time
Cosmic Serpent (eBook)
Chuan yue shi guang de Saman
Intelligence in nature
Plant Teachers
Roger Lewin
Roger Lewin (born 1944)


Java man
People of the lake
The sixth extinction
Origins reconsidered
Patterns in evolution
Human evolution
Bones of contention
Thread of life
The Origin of Modern Humans (Scientific American Library)
In the age of mankind
The origin of modern humans
Principles of human evolution
Making Waves
Hormones: chemical communicators
The soul at work
In defense of the body
Die Komplexitätstheorie. Wissenschaft nach der Chaosforschung
Weaving Complexity and Business
New views emerge on hunters and gatherers
L' évolution humaine
The nervous system
La complexité
Java Man
California's lousy vintage
Spuren der Menschwerdung (German Edition)
Sixth Extinction
Child alive
Nuestros orígenes
Principles of human evolution
Die molekulare Uhr der Evolution
Child alive!
Weaving complexity and business
La sixième extinction
Stanislav Drobyshevsky
Stanislav Drobyshevsky (born 1978)

biologist, anthropologist, science communicator, scientific editor

  • MSU Faculty of Biology