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activists who wrote historical fiction
Showing 1-8 out of 33 results
Jimmy Carter
Jimmy Carter (born 1924)

naval officer, diplomat, politician, farmer, autobiographer, submariner, statesperson, environmentalist, businessperson, engineer, peace activist, human rights activist, humanitarian

  • Georgia Southwestern State University, Georgia Tech
The Hornet's Nest
The hornet's nest
Keeping Faith
An hour before daylight
We can have peace in the Holy Land
Living faith
Our Endangered Values
Everything to Gain
Turning point
Why not the best?
Talking peace
The blood of Abraham
Always a reckoning, and other poems
A remarkable mother
The little baby Snoogle-Fleejer
An outdoor journal
Sharing good times
Beyond the White House
The virtues of aging
Sources of Strength
White House Diary
The wit and wisdom of Jimmy Carter
The Nobel Peace Prize lecture
A call to action
A government as good as its people
Christmas in Plains
Palestine Peace Not Apartheid
Leading a Worthy Life: Sunday Mornings in Plains
Empower Zone
Measuring Our Success: Sunday Mornings in Plains
Conversations with Carter
The hornet's nest
The spiritual journey of Jimmy Carter, in his own words
Negotiation, the alternative to hostility
Beyond the White House
Faith & Freedom
The personal beliefs of Jimmy Carter
To Assure Pride and Confidence in the Electoral Process
Carter on the arts
Talking Peace A Vision For The Next Generation
Bringing Peace to a Changing World: Sunday Mornings in Plains
United States encyclopedia
State of the Union address
Through the year with Jimmy Carter
As Time Goes by
Sharing good times
Niv Lessons From Life Bible Personal Reflections With Jimmy Carter
Kids' letters to President Carter
Public lecture
White House diary
James Carter
444 rūz
State Of The Union Addresses
"I'll never lie to you"
Mémoires d'un président
Christmas in Plains
Family of Wiley Carter
The United States and the Soviet Union : [remarks]
Remarks of President Jimmy Carter at the opening session of the President's Committee on Employment of the Handicapped
Hang time
Kingfisher Junior Illustrated Dictionary
Jimmy Carter
Le meilleur de nous-même
Soviet invasion of Afghanistan
Through the year with Jimmy Carter
National security goals
A full life
SALT-2: President Carter's address to Congress
U. S. Law Affecting Americans Living and Working Abroad
The American Revolution
Everything to Gain-LTD
State of the Union Addresses of Jimmy Carter
Public papers of the presidents of the United States
Life after the White House
The Hornets Nest
                Thorndike Paperback Bestsellers
Das Beste geben. Interaktiver Workshop
Everything to Gain
Virtues of Aging (Library of Contemporary Thought)
Trade Agreements Act of 1979
Bao chi xin xin
Oral History Interview with Jimmy Carter [exact date unavailable], 1974
Conference for Global Development Cooperation
Living Faith 6cp Counter W/Ris
Mei Zhong jian jiao qian hou
As virtudes de envelhecer
America's African policy
Jimmy Carter
piksel raders
Mā warāʼa al-Bayt al-Abyaḍ
Parlons de paix
Beyond the White House
America's African policy
1990 elections in the Dominican Republic
Tariq Ali
Tariq Ali (born 1943)

journalist, historian, peace activist, politician, film director, producer

  • University of Oxford, University of the Punjab
Shadows of the pomegranate tree
The stone woman
Night Of The Golden Butterfly
A Sultan in Palermo (Islam Quintet 4)
Das Buch Saladin. Historischer Roman
The Islam Quintet
                Islam Quintet
The Clash of Fundamentalisms
The new revolutionaries
An Indian dynasty
1968--marching in the streets
The Stalinist Legacy
Trotsky for beginners
Masters of the Universe
Who's afraid of Margaret Thatcher
Rough music
The coming British revolution
The Leopard and the Fox
Ugly rumours
Introducing Trotsky and Marxism
The assassination
The dictatorship of capital
Snogging Ken, an after-dinner entertainment
Speaking of Empire and Resistance
The Idea of Communism
Pakistan in the flight path of American power
Im Schatten des Granatapfelbaums. Ein Roman aus dem maurischen Spanien
Nehrus and the Gandhis an Indian Dynasty
Revolution from Above
Moscow gold
Fear of mirrors
Protocols of the elders of Sodom
Collateral damage
The duel
Pirates of the Caribbean
Fundamentalismus im Kampf um die Weltordnung
The Obama syndrome
The illustrious corpse
A la sombra del Granado / Shadows of the Pomegranate Tree
1968 and after
Can Pakistan Survive?
El Choque De Los Fundamentalismos
On history
Bush in Babylon ; The Recolonisation of Iraq
Midnight's children
LA Mujer De Piedra/the Stone Woman
La peur des miroir
Pakistan: military rule or people's power?
Street Fighting Years ; An Autobiography of the Sixties
Iranian Nights (Royal Court Theatre Series)
Political and cultural diversity in India
El Libro de Saladino
Die steinerne Frau
A banker for all seasons
El libro de Saladino II
The American Effect
Die Lehren von Chile
A la sombra del granado
A la sombra del granado (COLECCION 13/20) (13/20)
Time to Bury Lenin (Hutchinson General)
El libro de Saladino I
Le Choc des intégrismes
Gioconda Belli
Gioconda Belli (born 1948)

poet, journalist, diarist, activist

El pergamino de la seducción
The Scroll of Seduction
The scroll of seduction
Mujer habitada
El ojo de la mujer
El país bajo mi piel
Infinito en la palma de la mano
El Pergamino de la Seduccion
The Country Under My Skin
El infinito en la palma de la mano
La mujer habitada
From Eve's Rib
The Butterfly Workshop
El intenso calor de la luna
Die Verteidigung des Glücks. Erinnerungen an Liebe und Krieg
The Inhabited Women
Sofía de los presagios
Escándalo de miel
Auf das Leben und die Liebe. Eine kleine Poesie des Glücks zu zweit
From Eve's Rib/Spanish-English
El país de las mujeres
El Pergamino De La Seduccion (Historica)
El Pais de las Mujeres
                La Otra Orilla
Mi íntima multitud
El país bajo mi piel
1492-1992, la interminable conquista
El infinito en la palma de la mano
L'Atelier des papillons
El taller de las mariposas
Wenn du mich lieben willst
Zauber gegen die Kälte. Erotische Gedichte. Spanisch - Deutsch
El taller de las mariposas
Sofía de los presagios
In der Farbe des Morgens. Gedichte. ( dtv drei kontinente)
Érase una vez una mujer--
El Taller De Las Mariposas/ the Butterfly Workshop
Die Werkstatt der Schmetterlinge. Cassette
Fuego soy
Nicaragua in reconstruction & at war
Sofia de los presagios
Antología personal
El pais bajo  mi piel
El intenso calor de la luna
La mujer habitada
Nicaragua Water Fire
Truenos y arco iris
Esto es amor
El país de las mujeres
Poesía reunida
Kroniek van liefde en oorlog
Amor insurrecto
El pergamino de la seducción
Il paese sotto la pelle
El ojo de la mujer
Truenos y arco iris
En la avanzada juventud
El intenso calor de la luna
El autor y su obra
Oneindigheid in een handpalm
Η γυναίκα φωλιά
La donna abitata
Linea de fuego
Fuego soy, apartado y espada puesta lejos
De la costilla de Eva
De verdediging van de liefde
Sofía de los presagios
De bewoonde vrouw
Línea de fuego
Paul Kingsnorth
Paul Kingsnorth (born 1972)

journalist, poet, opinion journalist, environmentalist, activist

  • University of Oxford, The Royal Grammar School, High Wycombe
Lualhati Bautista
Lualhati Bautista (1945-2023)


  • Lyceum of the Philippines University
Dekada '70
Dekada '70
Bata, bata--paano ka ginawa?
Bata, bata-- pa'no ka ginawa?
Ang babae sa basag na salamin
Sa loob ng walang katapusang gabi
Apat na screenplay
Dapat sa iyo, isumpa!
Dekada '70
Buwan, buwan, hulugan mo ako ng sundang
Sila At Ang Gabi
In sisterhood
Bulaklak sa city jail
The '70s
Zygmunt Miłkowski
Zygmunt Miłkowski (1824-1915)

opinion journalist, politician, journalist, activist

  • Richelieu Lyceum, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
O byt
Od kolebki przez życie
O byt
Od kolebki przez z̊ycie
Pamiętniki starającego się
Za króla Olbrachta
Opowiadanie z wędrówki po koloniach polskich w Ameryce Północnej
Wspomnienia o J.I. Kraszewskim
Listy do Henryka Bukowskiego z lat 1889-1900
Wspomnienia o J.I. Kraszewskim
Wasyl Hołub
Pamiętniki starającego się
Pamie̜tniki staraja̜cego sie̜
Hryhor Serdeczny
Skarb Narodowy Polski : nieco o Lidze Narodowej
Wybor dzieł T. T. Jeża
Szandor Kowacz
Dyplomacja szlachecka
W zaraniu
Narzeczona Harambaszy
Szander Kowacz
Narzeczona harambaszy
Za gwiazdą przewodnią
Nad rzekami Babilonu
Ci i Tamci
Drugie Boże przykazanie
Historya o pra-pra-pra ... wnuku i o pra-pra-pra ... dziadku
Burzliwe dzieje T.T. Jeża
Ze'ev Jabotinsky
Ze'ev Jabotinsky (1880-1940)

poet, orator, activist, local historian, journalist, military officer, translator, opinion journalist

  • Sapienza University of Rome
The Five
Tagar u-magen
Samson nazoreĭ
Samson Nazoreĭ
The political and social philosophy of Ze'ev Jabotinsky
Di geshikhṭe fun Yidishen Legyon
Stato e libertà
The Jewish war front
Megilat ha-Gedud
Vladimir Jabotinsky's Story of My Life
The story of the Jewish legion
Turkey and the war
Zeʼev Z'aboṭinsḳi
Evidence submitted to the Palestine Royal Commission
Ḥazit ha-milḥamah shel ʻam Yiśraʼel
From the pen of Jabotinsky
ʻInyan Stavsḳi
Medinah ʻIvrit
Państwo żydowskie
The five
Vybrani statti znatsional'noho pytannya
Vybrani statti z nat͡s︡ionalʹnoho pytanni͡a︡
Zamelbukh far Betarisher yugend
ha-ʻEdut she-nimserah li-fene ha-Ṿaʻadah ha-malkhutit le-Erets-Yiśraʼel
ʻOlamo shel Z'aboṭinsḳi
Bund i sionizm
The War And The Jew
'Olamo shel Z'abotinski
Mah yiheyeh ha-sof?
Der Ḳamf fun natsiʾonaln arbeṭer
La nación judía y la guerra
ha- Mivṭa ha-ʻIvri
Shṭaṭs-tsiyenizm: dos reṿizyonisṭishe program
Raʻayon BeITa"R
Di Yesodes fun der Hebraysher beṿegung
Nedrugam Siona
Doktor Gertsl'
Idishe yugnṭ ṿuhin?
Ṿos hoṭ gezogṭ Zshaboṭinskị far der ḳeniglekher ḳomisye
La legión judía en la guerra de 1914
Philister über dir, Simson!
Slovo o polku
ʻEḳronot manḥim li-veʻayot ha-shaʻah
Umah ṿe-ḥevrah
Seyfer Zshaboṭinsḳi
A pocket edition of several stories, mostly reactionary
Evidence submitted to the Royal Palestine Commission, House of Lords, London, February 11th, 1937
Prelude to Delilah
Sefer Zshabotinski
Di Shuts-frage in erets-Yiśroel
Der Islam un erets Yiśraʾel
Golah ṿe-hitbolelut
Nedrugam Sīona
1. Dünya Savasi ve Türkiye
Di Zikherheyṭ in erets Yiśroel
Nutsloze farhandlungen (ṿegen der Londoner ḳonferents)
Israil'i Kur
The war and the Jew
Tsu di fun meyn eygenem dor. Enṭṿeder-oder
ha- Mediniyut ha-Tsiyonit
Dos Araber-problem un erets Yiśroel
State Zionism
Ketavim nivḥarim
Ba-derekh la-medinah
Shelk i stalʹ
Zamelbukh far Beytarisher yugend
Estado u sociedad
Vegn veis bukh un einheiṭ-fronṭ
Judge and fool
ha-Reṿizyonizm ha-Tsiyoni be-hitgabshuto
ha-ʻEdut li-fene ha-Ṿaʻadah ha-malkhutit ʻal yede Zeʾev Zhaboṭinsḳi, neśi ha-Histadrut ha-Tsiyonit ha-ḥadashah
Verso lo Stato
Bund i sionizm
Raʻyon Betar
Sheʼelot ʻavodah
ha-Shaʻah 12 higiʻah
זכות הבחירה לכל דיכפין
Taḳtsir shel geʾografyah kelalit ṿe-ʻIvrit
Di geshikhṭe fun Idishen Legyon
ha-Yehudim ṿeha-milḥamah
Vittnesmål inför den kungliga Palestina-kommissionen
O zheleznoĭ stene
Sikum ṿe-hatḥalah
[ʻEdut Zeʼev Z'abotịnsḳi bi-fene ha-Ṿaʼadah ha-malkhutit ʻal Erets-Yisŕaʼel, 697-1937]
Le-mahutah shel ha-demoḳraṭyah
ha-Derekh el ha-reṿizyonizm ha-Tsiyoni
Leʼumiyut liberalit
Der sotsyaler program fun reṿizyonizm
ʻAl hadar
Di zikherhayṭ in Erets Yiśroel
Histoire de ma vie
I︠A︡--syn svoeĭ pory
Be-shaʻah harat-ʻolam
Megilat ha-gedud
Sheʾelot ha-haganah be-Erets Yiśraʾel
Slovo o polku
Sochinenii︠a︡ v devi︠a︡ti tomakh
Zeʼev Z'aboṭinsḳi be-ḥazon uva-ḥazit
La legión judía
Die Idee des Betar
Estado u sociedad
ha-Reṿizyonizm ha-Tsiyoni be-maʾavaḳaṿ
Demut ha-ishah be-'ene Z'aboṭinsḳi
Hisṭoryah, dat ṿe-tarbut Yehudit
ʻOlamo shel Z'aboṭinsḳi
Bund i Sionizm
Zeʾev Z'aboṭinsḳi, ha-ish u-mishnato
Taryag millim
Raʻyon ha-yovel
Igrot Zeʼev Z'aboṭinsḳi
Povestʹ moikh dneĭ
ha-ʻEdut she-nimserah li-fene ha-Ṿaʻadah ha-malkhutit le-Erets-Yiśraʼel
משירי נעוריו של זאב ז׳בוטינסקי
La Legione Ebraica nella guerra mondiale / Vladimiro Giabotinschi; traduzione di Maurizio Klingbail Bar Zevi
ʻEḳronot manḥim li-veʻayot ha-shaʻah
Matsav ha-umah
Erets Yiśraʼel
ha-Ḳets le-hatsharat Balfor?
The selected writings of Ze'ev Jabotinsky
ha-Tsiyonut ha-tsevaʼit
Ideologja Bejtaru
Di yesoydes̀ fun der Hebreisher beṿegung
The war and the Jew
Zeʼev Z'aboṭinsḳi
Zsidó állam felé
Di naye Tsienisṭishe organiyatsye
ha-Reṿizyonizm ha-Tsiyoni liḳrat mifneh
A zsidó légió a világháborúban
El sionismo
Demut ha-ishah be-ʻene Zhaboṭinsḳi
Mishnato ha-sotsyalit shel Zeʾev Zhabotinsḳi
Igeret Zeʾev Zhaboṭinsḳi
Kia Corthron
Kia Corthron (born 1961)

playwright, activist, teacher

  • Columbia University School of the Arts, University of Maryland
The castle cross the magnet carter
Moon and the Mars
Breath, boom
Force Continuum
Splash Hatch on the E Going Down
Seeking the Genesis
Come down burning
A Cool Dip in the Barren Saharan Crick
American Political Plays in the Age of Terrorism
Wake up Lou Riser
Anchor aria
Cool Dip in the Barren Saharan Crick and Other Plays
Humana Festival 2014
The Essential Clarence Major
Slide glide the slippery slope
Digging eleven
The Venus de Milo is armed
Seeking the genesis
Safe box
Life by asphyxiation
Catnap allegiance
Cage rhythm