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composers who wrote fantasy
Showing 1-8 out of 29 results
Aleister Crowley
Aleister Crowley (1875-1947)

playwright, occultist, autobiographer, mountaineer, astrologer, chess player, organizational founder, chess composer

  • University of Cambridge, Tonbridge School
The stratagem
Golden twigs
The Nightmare Reader
The diary of a drug fiend
Portable Darkness
The magical diaries of the Beast 666 [Aleister Crowley]
Libera Aleph vel cxi
Book of the Law
The confessions of Aleister Crowley
The book of Thoth
Rebels and Devils
In Residence: The Don's Guide to Cambridge
The vision & the voice
The qabalah of Aleister Crowley: three texts
Book of Lies
A Collection of Fiction and Essays by Occult Writers on Supernatural, Metaphysical and Esoteric Subjects
The Equinox
Diary of a drug fiend
The Book Of The Law (Liber Al vel Legis)
The holy books of Thelema
Book four
Magick without tears
The book of the law [technically called Liber al vel legis sub figura CCXX as delivered by XCIII = 418 to DCLXVI]
Aleister Crowley's astrology
The Three Magical Books of Solomon
The Goetia
Best Of The Equinox Sex Magick
White Stains
The Equinox I
The law is for all
Satanic Classics
Diary of a Drug Fiend
Practice of Enochian Magick
The magical diaries of Aleister Crowley
The Three Magical Books of Solomon
The magical record of the beast 666
Enochian World of Aleister Crowley
777 revised
777 and other qabalistic writings of Aleister Crowley
The Lesser Key of Solomon
Rêves d'Absinthe
The world's tragedy
Gems from the Equinox
Little Essays Toward Truth
Aleister Crowley's Illustrated Goetia
Enochian Magick
City of God
Best of the Equinox, Sex Magick
The Argonauts
The world's tragedy
Heart of the Master
The complete astrological writings
Household Gods
The book of the law (technically called Liber al vel legis sub figura CCXX as delivered by XCIII = 418 to DCLXVI)
Songs for Italy
The book of lies, which is also falsely called Breaks
In Residence
Eight Lectures on Yoga
White Stains  the Nameless Novel
The Goetia of Solomon the King
The Drug and Other Stories (Tales of Mystery & the Supernatural)
The soul of Osiris
The law is for all: an extended commentary on the book of the law
The Invocation of Hoor
The Heart of the Master & Other Papers
Diary of a Drug Fiend
The Equinox of the Gods
Enochian world of Aleister Crowley
Aleister Crowley
Crowley on Christ
The winged beetle
The magical diaries of To Mega Therion
The complete astrological writings
Magick in Theory and Practice
The equinox of the gods
Enochian Sex Magic and How to Workbook
Hail Mary
The pathworkings of Aleister Crowley
The Greater and Lesser Keys of Solomon the King
The commentaries of AL
Three Magical Books of Solomon
The Equinox
Book 4
Two Magical Books of Solomon
The Two Novels of Aleister Crowley
Grimoire of Aleister Crowley
Book of the Law
Goetia a Chave Menor de SalomÃo
The magical record of the Beast 666
Best of the Equinox, Dramatic Ritual
TAROT New Vision
Songs of the spirit
The Thoth Deck
Writings of Aleister Crowley
The Equinox I
Book 4 Part 1 Meditation & Part 2 Magick
The confessions of Aleister Crowley
Liber E and Liber O
Diary of a Drug Fiend and Other Works by Aleister Crowley
The complete astrological writings (of) Aleister Crowley
Konx Om Pax
The Forty Eight Calls, or Keys, upon the Tablet of Union
The dangers of mysticism [plus] Liber HHH
Selected Commentaries to the Book of the Law
Mysticism & Magick
Magick Hardcover
To Perfect This Feast
Songs of the Spirit
Konx om pax
Household gods
The Equinox, Vol. 1, No. 7
The Works of Aleister Crowley - Complete
Thoth Tarot Deck Ordo Templi Orientis In Small Card Size
Liber Liberi Vel Lapidis Lazuli
The confessions of Aleister Crowley
Magick without Tears. Bd.1
White Stains
Equinox Vol 1 No V
Book of Lies
The Writings of Aleister Crowley
Magia Teoría y Práctica
Snowdrops from a Curate's Garden
The book of the law; or, Liber al vel legis
The Book of LIES
Konx Om Pax
The Psychology of Hashish
Thoth Tarot Takımı
Book of the Law
Sword of Song
Magical Books of Solomon
Liber 418 : la Visión y la Voz
Alice, an Adultery
Book of Lies
Liber I vel Magi [plus] Liber Israfel [plus] Liber Stellae Rubae
Liber Al vel Legis (German Edition)
The works of Aleister Crowley
Moonchild Annotated
Book 4
The winged beetle
Liber AL Vel Legis with Commentary by the Master Therion
Moonchild Illustrated
The Confessions of Aleister Crowley - Hardcover
Equinox Vol 1 No Vi
Psicologia Dell'Hashish
Essays on Intoxication
Snowdrops from a Curate's Garden
Magick Without Tears
The Equinox Vol 1 No 1
Rites of Eleusis
The Equinox
The Works of Aleister Crowley  Vol. One
A spring snowstorm in Wastdale
Mysticism and Magick
Book of the Law
Yalanlar Kitabi - Büyük Pentagram Ayini
Roll Away the Stone
The Revival of Magick and Other Essays
The Aleister Crowley Collection
The book of lies
Sword of Song
Book of the Law and the Book of Lies
Goetia a Chave Maior de SalomÃo
Snowdrops from a curate's garden
Moonchild (Illustrated)
Treasure House of Images
Konx Om Pax
Invoke Often!
777 vel prolegomena symbolica ad systemam sceptico-mysticae viae explicandae, fundamentum hieroglyphicum sanctissimorum scientiae summae
Aleister Crowley and the practice of the magical diary
White Stains (Annotated)
Diary of a Drug Fiend
The poem
Confessions of Aleister Crowley
Drug And Other Stories
Book of the Law
Moonchild Annotated
Figlia Della Luna
Les rites secrets de l’OTO
Confessions of Aleister Crowley
Household Gods
Diary of a Drug Fiend
Moonchild an Annotated Editing
Book of Changes
The Blue Equinox
Little Essays Toward Truth
Essays on Intoxication
Magie mit / ohne Tränen
The book of lies which is also falsely called Breaks
Liber DCLXXI Vel Pyramidos
The Fun of the Fair
The Works of Aleister Crowley Vol 1
Lesser Key of Solomon
The Star and the Garter
Star in the West
The book of the law, Liber al vel legis, with a facsimile of the manuscript as received by Aleister and Rose Edith Crowley on April 8,9,10, 1904 e.v.
The Aleister Crowley Collection
Alice, an Adultery
Moonchild (Annotated)
The Book of Thoth
The Magical diaries of Aleister Crowley
Thoth: Tarot Deck
Commentaries on the Holy Books and other papers
Commentaries on the Holy Books and Other Papers: The Equinox (Equinox, Vol 4, No 1)
Lesser Key of Solomon
Clouds Without Water
Moonchild Annotated
The Fish
The Law Is For All
Book Four
Book of Drugs
Rosa Coeli
Moonchild; a prologue
General Principles of Astrology
The Book of the Goetia of Solomon the King
El misterio del club de los 27
Satanic Verses 1875-1947
Book of the Law and the Book of Lies
Magick in Theory and Practice
Alice, an Adultery
Rituale Corvorum
Book Four
Early Writings of Aleister Crowley
Magick in Theory and Practice
The Book of Lies
The fish
Moonchild by Aleister Crowley (Illustrated Edition)
Mysteries of the Great Beast Aleister Crowley
Tannhäuser; a Story of all Time
Book of Lies
Living Midnight
The Writings of Aleister Crowley 2
Crowley's Law
Court of the Profane
Khing Kang King
Aleister Crowley Collection
White Stains the Literary Remains of George Archibald Bishop a Neuropath of the Second Empire
Beastly Prose
Book 4
Aceldama,: A Place to Bury Strangers In
White Stains
The Tale Of Archais
Moonchild by Aleister Crowley (Illustrated Edition)
Konx Om Pax
De arte magica
Collected Works of Thelema Volume III
The Writings of Aleister Crowley 2
Snowdrops from a Curate Garden
Simon Iff
Moonchild Illustrated
O Livro Da Lei
Essays on Intoxication (Annotated)
Why Jesus wept
The Book of the Goetia or the lesser key of Solomon the King
Collected Works of Thelema Volume IV
The Book of the Law
El testamento de Magdalen Bair y otros cuentos extraños e inquietantes
The Works of Aleister Crowley Vol 3
Winged Beetle
The handbook of geomancy
The general principles of astrology
Equinox Iii(1)
Household Gods
The Simon Iff Stories And Other Works
Book Four
The soldier and the hunchback
Magick without tears
The Method of science--the aim of religion
The Book Of Lies
777 (Siebenhundertsiebenundsiebzig) und andere kabbalistische Schriften
The Works of Aleister Crowley Vol 2
Moonchild Illustrated
Aleister Crowley Thoth Tarot Deck
Liber Aleph vel CXI
Law Is for All
Drug Essays
The Garden of Janus
Moonchild, Modernized Edition
The Book of Lies
Collected Works of Thelema Volume I
The Thoth Tarot Book and Cards Set
Cuore Del Maestro
Book of Thoth (Egyptian Tarot)
The Equinox, Nos. 1-10
Temple of Solomon the King
Moonchild Illustrated
Moonchild Moonchild
Die Vision und die Stimme
Magick and mysticism
Writings of Aleister Crowley 3
Moonchild Illustrated Edition
Moonchild by Aleister Crowley Illustrated (Noble Classic)
Eight Lectures on Yoga
Moonchild (Illustrated Edition)
In Nomine Babalon
Equinox Vol 1 No Ii
Thumbs Up
Vision and the Voice
The magical record of the Beast 666
A brief abstract of the symbolic representation of the universe
Yasa Kitabi ve Yalanlar Kitabi
Die Wache Welt
The Works of Aleister Crowley
Book of Thoth
Diary of a Drug Fiend
Diamonds from the Equinox
The scented garden of Abdullah the satirist of Shiraz
The Book of the Law
Sex and Religion
Songs for Italy
Thelemic magick
Shih yi
The Equinox Vol V No 2
The heart of the master
Khing kang king
Rites of Eleusis
Magick in theory and practice
The book of Thoth
Tarot Divination
Little essays toward truth
The mother's tragedy and other poems
Clouds without water
The book of the law
The sword of song
The banned lecture
The best of the Equinox
The banned lecture
The book of the law
Magical and philosophical commentaries on The book of the law
A spring snowstorm in Wastdale
The sword of song
General Principles of Astrology
Rosa coeli ; [and], Rosa mundi ; [and], Rosa inferni
The Battle of Blythe Road
The works of Aleister Crowley
The Stratagem and Other Stories
The confessions of Aleister Crowley
Thumbs up!
Aleister Crowley and the Practice of the Magical Diary
Roll Away the Stone
The diary of a drug fiend
The works of Aleister Crowley ...
The scrutinies of Simon Iff
Jezebel, and other tragic poems
Ahab, and other poems
Aleister Crowley, October 18th, 1875-December 1st, 1947
The star and the garter
The high history of good Sir Palamedes, the Saracen Knight and of his following of the questing beast
Songs of the spirit
Magick in theory and practice
The winged beetle
The spirit of solitude
Art in America
Exhibition of playing cards, the Tarot (Book of Thoth)
The soul of the desert
Ahab and other poems
The stratagem, and other stories
Konx om pax
The tale of Archais
El continente perdido y otros ensayos
Niilo Sevänen
Niilo Sevänen (born 1979)

bass guitarist, singer, composer, lyricist

  • University of Turku
Nicola Jane Buttigieg
Nicola Jane Buttigieg

composer, audio engineer, vocalist, sound editor

  • Boston University, Berklee College of Music
Diana L. Paxson
Diana L. Paxson (born 1943)

composer, journalist

  • Mills College at Northeastern
Priestess of Avalon
Wings of Omen
The Blood of Ten Chiefs Vol. 3
Master of Earth and Water
The book of the cauldron
The Face of Chaos
The Golden Hills of Westria
The book of the stone
The shield between the worlds
The Wolf and the Raven
The book of the spear
The book of the sword
Sword of Fire and Shadow
Elfquest, The Blood of Ten Chiefs 1
The Earthstone (Westria, No 4)
In Celebration of Lammas Night
The Hallowed Isle
Shadows of Sanctuary
Marion Zimmer Bradley's Sword of Avalon
Flights of fantasy
Lord of Horses
Against the Wind
Dragon's of the Rhine
Sword and Sorceress XXI
The Jewel Of Fire
Marion Zimmer Bradley's Ancestors of Avalon
The serpent's tooth
Silverhair the Wanderer
The sea star
Dark Hours
The White Raven
Storm Season
Taking Up The Runes
Marion Zimmer Bradley's Ravens of Avalon
White mare, red stallion
Celestial Wisdom for Every Year of Your Life
Lady of Darkness
Wind Crystal Paxson
Heathen Garb and Gear
Extraterrestrials & Eclipses
The Paradise Tree
Pagan anthology of short fiction
Forests of Avalon
The Mistress of the Jewels (Westria, No 1)
Essential Asatru
Blood Ties
Gunsmoke & Dragonfire
Lady of Avalon
Essential Asatru
Words for Warriors
Die Herrin der Raben
Die Töchter der Nibelungen 3. Gudruns Rache
Tochter des Lichts
Die Töchter der Nibelungen
The way of the oracle
Essential Guide to Possession, Depossession, and Divine Relationships
Casting Lots
Lady of light, lady of darkness
Die Töchter der Nibelungen 02. Sigfrids Tod
Celestial Guide to Every Year of Your Life
Die Töchter der Nibelungen 1. Brunhilds Lied
Natalie Babbitt
Natalie Babbitt (1932-2016)

illustrator, composer

  • Smith College, Laurel School
Felisberto Hernández
Felisberto Hernández (1902-1964)

pianist, composer

Alexander Kazantsev
Alexander Kazantsev (1906-2002)

chess composer, ufologist, chess player

  • Tomsk Polytechnic University
Morgan of Glencoe
Morgan of Glencoe (born 1988)

Twitch streamer, storyteller, harpist, theatrical director, composer