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photographers who wrote biography
Showing 1-8 out of 127 results
Tomi Ungerer
Tomi Ungerer (1931-2019)

illustrator, postage stamp designer, photographer, caricaturist, graphic artist

  • École supérieure des arts décoratifs de Strasbourg
Lillian Moller Gilbreth
Lillian Moller Gilbreth (1878-1972)

industrial engineer, psychologist, teacher, photographer, businessperson, inventor, mechanical engineer, engineer

  • University of California, Berkeley, Brown University
As I remember
The quest of the one best way
The psychology of management
The psychology of management
Living with our children
The psychology of management
The foreman in manpower management
Management in the home
The home-maker and her job
Heim und Arbeit
Living with our children
Benoît Prieur
Benoît Prieur (born 1975)

Wikimedian, software engineer, correspondent, radio personality, amateur photographer, OpenStreetMap contributor, geohasher, teacher, chess player

  • Institut d'informatique d'Auvergne, Blaise Pascal University (Clermont II)
Jean Forestier ou la conquête de Paris-Roubaix 1955
Programmation en C#
Informatique quantique
Projets personnels et gestion du temps, pistes d'organisation
Pygame - Initiez-vous au développement de jeux vidéo en Python
Traitement automatique du langage naturel avec Python
PyQt5 - Développez vos interfaces graphiques en Python
Rust - Développez des programmes robustes et sécurisés
Jan Němec
Jan Němec (born 1981)

journalist, poet, photographer, opinion journalist

  • Masaryk University, Masaryk University
Jacques Cousteau
Jacques Cousteau (1910-1997)

zoologist, explorer, filmmaker, innovator, photographer, conservationist, oceanographer, inventor, Officer of the French Navy, marine biologist, engineer, biologist, film director, world traveler, producer

  • École Navale, Collège Stanislas de Paris
L' homme, la pieuvre et l'orchidée
Challenges of the Sea
The silent world
The act of life
Invisible messages
The Living Sea
Quest for food
The Ocean World of Jacques Cousteau
The white caps
Three adventures: Galápagos, Titicaca, the Blue Holes
Reader's Digest Condensed Books--Spring 1953 Selections
Jacques Cousteau's Amazon journey
Octopus and squid, the soft intelligence
Provinces of the sea
The ocean world of Jacques Cousteau
The adventure of life
The Ocean Worls Of Jacques Cousteau The Adventure Of Life
The ocean world of Jacques Cousteau.
Instinct and intelligence
Guide to the sea and index
The silent world
The Cousteau almanac
Diving companions: sea lion, elephant seal, walrus
Nos amies les baleines
Jacques Cousteau's Calypso
Planète des baleines
Jacques Cousteau
Silent World
Attack and defense
The act of life
Vie et la mort des coraux
Window in the sea
The shark
Oasis in space
Captain Cousteau's underwater treasury
The whale
Riches of the sea
Oasis in space
Trésor englouti
The silent world
A sea of legends
Man re-enters the sea
Mammals in the sea
A Sea of Legend
World without sun
Three Adventures
Diving companions
Attack and defense
A Bill of Rights for Future Generations (Proceedings, No 34)
Quest for food
A la recherche de l'Atlantide
Les requins
Monde sans soleil
Diving for sunken treasure
Trois aventures de la Calypso
Attack and defense
Le monde du silence
The Shark
The Ocean World of Jacques Cousteau
The ocean world of Jacques Cousteau
Islands at the edge
La planète des baleines
The art of motion
Sea lion, elephant seal, walrus
La mer de Cortez
Life and Death in a Coral Sea
Atlas of the Oceans
Pharaohs of the sea
Les surprises de la mer
The Art of Motion
Un trésor englouti
Octopus and squid, the soft intelligence
Du grand large aux Grands Lacs
Par dix-huit mètres de fond
Octopus and Squid
L' île des esprits
The Underseas Discoveries of Jacques-Yves Cousteau
The sea in danger
The Cousteau United States Almanac of the Environment
The shark: splendid savage of the sea
Cap Horn a   la turbovoile
Sea of Legends
Le monde sans soleil
Lost relics of the sea
The Cousteau Almanac of the Environment
The ocean world
The Living Sea
Les dauphins et la liberté
The ocean world of Jacques Costeau
Encyclopédie Cousteau : le monde des océans
La vie et la mort des caraux
Outer and inner space
Français, on a volé ta mer
Guide to the sea and Index
La mer blessée
Diving for sunken treasure
The shark
Saumons, castors et loutres
Oasis in Space     (Abrams)
Les requins [par] Jacques-Yves Cousteau et Philippe Cousteau
Life at the Bottom of the World
Act of Life (Abrams)
La monde du silence
Le monde du silence
The silent world
Enciclopedia del mar
Life and death in a coral sea
The shark
Teju Cole
Teju Cole (born 1975)

art historian, photographer

  • Columbia University, Kalamazoo College
Open city
Every day is for the thief
Blind spot
Known and strange things
This is not a border
Black Paper
Double Negative
Stranger's Pose
Golden apple of the sun
Fazal Sheik : Human Archipelago
As We Rise
Giovanni Chiaramonte. Realismo Infinito
Gerhild Stangl
Father Figure
Kings County
Paulette Frankl
Paulette Frankl (born 1937)

painter, photographer, biographer, magician

  • Stanford University
Cláudia Clemente
Cláudia Clemente (born 1970)

film director, director, actor, photographer

  • University of Porto