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poets who wrote thriller
Showing 25-32 out of 67 results
David Baldacci
David Baldacci (born 1960)

lawyer, poet lawyer, jurist

  • Virginia Commonwealth University, University of Virginia School of Law
The Camel Club
Zero Day
The Collectors
Last Man Standing
Stone Cold
Absolute Power
Simple Genius
Total control
The simple truth
Hell's Corner
The Sixth Man
Deliver us from evil
Divine Justice
The Whole Truth
First family
True Blue
The Escape
The Hit
The Target
The Guilty
The Last Mile
A Gambling Man
King and Maxwell
Memory Man
The innocent
End Game
The forgotten
The Fix
Hour Game
No man's land
The keeper
A Minute to Midnight
Dream Town
Walk the Wire
The Winner
The fallen
Long Shadows
One Good Deed
Simply Lies
Saving Faith
Long road to mercy
Split Second
David Baldacci Fall 2023
No Time Left
Wish You Well
The Christmas train
One Summer
The Finisher
Select Editions--Volume 2 2004
Face Off
No Rest for the Dead
SelectEditions--Volume 2 1999
The Mystery of Silas Finklebean
Fries Alive!
Day of Doom
The 6:20 Man
The Width of the World
SelectEditions--Volume 3 1998
En el último minuto
The Mighty Johns
Wish You Well with Connections
The 39 Clues Cahills vs. Vespers 1-6 Includes
Absolute Power / Total Control
Reader's Digest Condensed Books
Reckless (Free Preview)
The winner
Calamity of Souls
The Winner And The Simple Truth
Origins of Wish You Well
David Baldacci Spring 2023
Der Präsident. Die Wahrheit
David Baldacci's Action Thriller Three-Book Set (Absolute Power / Saving Faith / Total Control)
New 6
De samenzwering
Der Abgrund
Geniaal geheim
Select Editions
In letzter Minute
Sotto pressione
Kol ha-emet
A qualsevol preu
Absolute power [2/2]
Memory Man - Free Preview (first 8 Chapters)
Auf Bewährung
Select Editions
Last Mile - EXTENDED FREE PREVIEW (first 7 Chapters)
Miṭʻan ḥoreg
Select Editions
fünf vor zwölf
Guilty - EXTENDED FREE PREVIEW (first 9 Chapters)
Pinat ha-gehenom
The Stars Below
Im Auge des Todes
Yuz Yuze
End Game - FREE PREVIEW (First Six Chapters)
Zamana Karsi
David Baldacci Fall 2022 - Carton of 10 Signed Copies
De verraders (Camel Club (3))
Das Versprechen :
Het uur van de zonde
Sous haute protection (French Edition)
Vega Jane and the Rebels' Revolt
Saving Faith and Absolute Power
Untitled Baldacci Standalone
Por uma Fração de Segundo
Neʼemanut keḥulah
Un homme sous influence.
Target, Chapter 8
Die Wahrheit
להציל את פיית
I collezionisti
L'heure du crime
Escape - Free Preview (first 8 Chapters)
Finisher Target Exclusive
Onder druk
Der Feind im Dunkeln
Mit jedem Schlag der Stunde
La sfida
David Baldacci November 2024
The Christmas Box
Das Glück eines Sommers
Asil Gercek
De lange weg naar genade
Die Kampagne
Dilek Kuyusu
W pulapce pamieci
Archer Assort - Carton of 25 Copies
Verdad simple
Vega Jane and the Secrets of Sorcery
Last man standing & saving faith
Friedrich Dürrenmatt
Friedrich Dürrenmatt (1921-1990)

playwright, painter, poet, graphic artist

  • University of Zurich, University of Bern
Die Physiker
The quarry
Drei Hörspiele
Werkausgabe in dreissig Bänden
Romulus der Grosse
Der Richter und sein Henker
Der Richter und sein Henker ; Der Verdacht
Über die Grenzen
Die Schweiz, ein Gefängnis
The visit
Die Panne, and, Der Tunnel
Der Verdacht
Der Verdacht
Friedrich Dürrenmatt
Der Besuch der alten Dame
Grieche sucht Griechin
Die Ehe des Herrn Mississippi
Die Welt als Labyrinth
Once a Greek
Varlin, 1900-1977
Die Physiker
The judge and his hangman ; The quarry
An angel comes to Babylon
Play Strindberg
Literatur und Kunst
Komödien I
Gespräche [1961-1990]
Albert Einstein
Denken mit Dürrenmatt
Writings on theatre and drama
Ymweliad yr hen foneddiges
Plays and essays
Der Besuch der alten Dame (Twentieth Century Texts)
Romulus der Grosse
Aus den Papieren eines Wärters
Gesammelte Werke
Der Auftrag, oder, Vom Beobachten des Beobachters der Beobachter
Gespräch mit Heinz Ludwig Arnold
Play Strindberg; Totentanz nach August Strindberg
Der Besuch der alten Dame / Die Physiker. Erläuterungen und Materialien
Der Besuch der alten Dame
The Inspector Barlach mysteries
Nachdenken mit und über Friedrich Dürrenmatt
Das Mögliche ist ungeheuer
Theater-Schriften und Reden
Der Besuch der alten Dame
Monstervortrag über Gerechtigkeit und Recht nebst einem helvetischen Zwischenspiel
Der Winterkrieg in Tibet
Die Physiker
Der Pensionierte
Die Panne
Der Mitmacher
Die Stadt
Problems of the theatre
Die Wiedertäufer
Grieche sucht Griechin ; Mister X macht Ferien ; Nachrichten über den Stand des Zeitungswesens in der Steinzeit
Romu lus der Große
Stoffe I-III
Four plays: Romulus the Great. The marriage of Mr. Mississippi. An angel comes to Babylon. The physicists
La visite de la vieille dame
Das Unternehmen der Wega
König Johann ; Titus Andronicus
Königs Erläuterungen und Materialien, Bd.42, Der Richter und sein Henker
Die Heimat im Plakat
La morte della Pizia
Midas, oder, Die schwarze Leinwand
Kritik. Kritiken und Zeichnungen
An angel comes to Babylon & Romulus the Great
Friedrich Schiller
Dürrenmatt, Bilder und Zeichnungen
Die Wiedertaüfer
Das Versprechen
Es steht geschrieben ; Die Wiedertäufer
Ein Engel kommt nach Babylon
Philosophie und Naturwissenschaft
Der Sturz
Es steht geschrieben
Stranitzky und der Nationalheld
Das Versprechen. Requiem auf den Kriminalroman
Die Falle
Kants Hoffnung
Friedrich Durrenmatt's Conversation at night with a despised character
Justiz. Roman
The Physicists
Monstervortrag über Gerechtigkeit und Recht
Gedankenfuge / Der Pensionierte. Essays / Fragment eines Kriminalromans
Frank der Fünfte
Der Meteor ; Dichterdämmerung
Minotaurus / Der Auftrag oder Vom Beobachten des Beobachters der Beobachter / Midas oder Die schwarze Leinwand. Eine Ballade / Novelle in 24 Sätzen
Frank der Fünfte. Komödie einer Privatbank. Neufassung 1980
Der Richter und sein Henker. Der Verdacht. Die zwei Kriminalromane um Kommissär Bärlach
Los físicos
Literatur und Kunst. Essays, Gedichte und Reden
Labyrinth. Stoffe 1 - 3. Der Winterkrieg in Tibet / Mondfinsternis / Der Rebell
Die Physiker
Abschied vom Theater
La panne (Die Panne)
Der Klassiker auf der Bühne
Der Meteor. Dichterdämmerung. Nobelpreisträgerstücke. Neufassungen 1978 und 1980
Der Blinde
Herkules und der Stall des Augias
Minotaurus. Eine Ballade
Dürrenmatt. Das dramatische Werk in 18 Bänden. ( Enthält die Bände 23041 - 23058)
Nächtliches Gespräch mit einem verachteten Menschen
Herkules und der Stall des Augias / Der Prozess um des Esels Schatten. Griechische Stücke. Neufassungen 1980
Die Physiker. Erläuterungen und Materialien.
Le juge et son bourreau
Hē episkepsē tēs gēraias kyrias
Versuche / Kants Hoffnung. Essays und Reden
Politik. Essays, Gedichte und Reden
Gesammelte Hörspiele
König Johann / Titus Andronicus. Shakespeare- Umarbeitungen
Der Sturz. Abu Chanifa und Anan ben David. Smithy. Das Sterben der Pythia. Erzählungen
Plays and Essays (German Library)
Es steht geschrieben / Der Blinde. Frühe Stücke
Der Tunnel
Komödien II und frühe Stücke
Four plays, 1957-62
La promesse
Hercules and the Augean stables
Die Heimat im Plakat. Ein Buch für Schweizer Kinder
Registerband zur Werkausgabe Friedrich Dürrenmatt in siebenunddreißig Bänden
Herkules und der Stall des Augias ; Der Prozess um des Esels Schatten
Turmbau. Stoffe 4 - 9
Die Frist. Eine Komödie. Neufassung 1980
Über Friedrich Dürrenmatt
Nächtliches Gespräch mit einem verachteten Menschen / Stranitzky und der Nationalheld / Das Unternehmen der Wega. Hörspiele und Kabarett
Der Richter und sein Henker
Theater. Essays, Gedichte und Reden
Durcheinandertal. Roman
The Visit (Dramau'r Byd)
Die Entdeckung des Erzählens
Der Meteor
Nächtliches Gespräch mit einem verachteten Menschen ; Stranitzky und der Nationalheld ; Das Unternehmen der Wega
Philosophie und Naturwissenschaft. Essays, Gedichte und Reden
Play Strindberg. Porträt eines Planeten. Übungsstücke für Schauspieler
The judge and his hangman
Die Frist
Achterloo 1 / Rollenspiele / Achterloo 4
Das Prosawerk in 19 Bänden. ( Enthält die Bände 23059 - 23077)
Play Strindberg ; Porträt eines Planeten
Abendstunde im Spätherbst
Sätze aus Amerika
Der Hund ; Der Tunnel ; Die Panne
Die Wiedertäufer. Eine Komödie in zwei Teilen. Urfassung
Goethes Urfaust ergänzt durch das Buch von Doktor Faustus aus dem e 1589 / Büchners Woyzeck. Zürcher Fassung. Bearbeitungen
Das Bild des Sisyphos
Der Besuch der alten Dame
Das Versprechen / Aufenthalt in einer kleinen Stadt. Requiem auf den Kriminalroman / Fragment
Porträt eines Planeten
Der Sturz ; Abu Chanifa und Anan Ben David ; Smithy ; Das Sterben der Pythia
Friedrich Durrenmatt's The meteor
Écrits sur le théâtre
Labyrinth. Turmbau. Stoffe I - IX
Goethes Urfaust
Die Physiker.
Portra t eines Planeten
Le soupçon (Der verdacht)
Satze aus Amerika
Wiederholte Versuche, die Welt auszumisten
Die Stadt, Prosa I-IV
Ils fisikers
König Johann
Die Wiedertau fer
Die Stadt
Die Physiker
Drei Horspiele
La mort de la Pythie
The Happy Pessimist
Once a Greek ... Translated from the German by Richard and Clara Winston
Der Besuch der alten Dame. Mit Materialien.
Der Doppelgänger
Titus Andronicus
Dramaturgisches und Kritisches
Oldenbourg Interpretationen, Bd.9, Die Physiker
Die Mansarde. Die Wandmalereien aus der Berner Laubeggstrasse
Die frist
La panne
Friedrich Du rrenmatt
Meine Schweiz. Ein Lesebuch
Four plays
Der Verdacht
Das Versprechen. Erläuterungen und Materialien.
Gesammelt Hörspiele
Grundlagen und Gedanken, Erzählende Literatur, Der Richter und sein Henker
Das Versprechen
Le juge et son bourreau (Der Richter und sein Henker)
Conversation at night with a despised character
Abendstunde im Spa therbst
Das Nashorn schreibt der Tigerin. Bild- Geschichten von Friedrich Dürrenmatt
Das Versprechen
Werkausgabe in dreiig Bänden
Verdacht, Der (German Literary Texts)
Sudya i ego palach. Romany, povesti
Monstervortrag über Gerechtigkeit und Recht
A dangerous game
Oldenbourg Interpretationen, Bd.7, Der Besuch der alten Dame
La visita de la vieja dama
Ils fisichers
Der Meteor
Grieche sucht Griechen
Es steht geschrieben ; Der Blinde
Friedrich Dürrenmatt's Hercules and the Augean stables
Gesammelte Ho̤rspiele
Der Richter und sein Henker.
Der Besuch der alten Dame
Der Mitmacher
Komödien 1
Le mariage de Monsieur Mississippi
Lektu>RE - Durchblick
El juez y su verdugo
The Pledget
Werkausgabe in dreissig Ba nden
The execution of justice
Suddja i joho kat
Monstervortrag uber Gerechtigkeit und Recht
El encargo
Komo dien
Der Pensionierte. Fragment eines Kriminalromans
Dichterdämmerung : eine Komödie =
Das Dürrenmatt Lesebuch
Lektüre easy, Der Richter und sein Henker
Der Auftrag
komödien I
Der Richter und sein Henker
Mondfinsternis ; Der Rebell
Na chtliches Gespra ch
Oldenbourg Interpretationen, Bd.8, Der Richter und sein Henker
Four plays, 1957-1962
Komedien III
Der Verdacht
Der Richter und sein Henker. Comic
Klett Lekturehilfen
Gespräche 1961-1990
Edgar Wallace
Edgar Wallace (1875-1932)

journalist, playwright, poet, film director

The Clue of the Twisted Candle
The Four Just Men
The Green Rust
Bones in London
The ringer
Barbara on Her Own
The Dark Eyes of London
The black abbott
Jack o' Judgment
The Day of Uniting
'The  Sooper' and others
The Casefiles Of Mr Jg Reeder
The Edgar Wallace Super Pack
Worst Man in the World
Hand of Power
Vampire of Wembley
Dime Detective Magazine #8
Daffodil Mystery
One Hundred
The fourth plague
King Kong
The Angel of Terror
The Book of the Sleuth
Sanders of the river
Classic Detective Stories
The Man Who Bought London
The door with seven locks
The Yellow Snake
The daffodil murder
Bones Of The River (A Sanders of the River Book)
Mr. Justice Maxell
The Penguin Book of Gaslight Crime
The Stretelli case and other mystery stories
The secret house
Classic Detective Stories
Room 13
The book of all-power
Again the Three Just Men
The Forger
The just men of Cordova
The crimson circle
The squealer
Again the Ringer
The Ringer returns
The green pack
The melody of death
The India-rubber men
The avenger
The Joker
The Lone House mystery
The fellowship of the frog
Kitchener's army and the territorial forces
Mammoth mystery book
The Law of The Four Just Men
The face in the night
The Mind Of Mr J Reeder
A king by night
The coat of arms
White Face
Blue Hand
Red aces
The Council of Justice
Angel Esquire
Again Sanders
The Lady of Ascot
The three just men
Tam o' the scoots
The terror
More educated Evans
Silinski, master criminal
The Duke In The Suburbs
Mr. Reeder returns
The murder book of J.G. Reeder
Big Foot
The Flying Squad
The double
Terror Keep
The Traitor's Gate
Diana of Kara-Kara
The Golden Hades
Four Square Jane
The People of the River
The hand of power
When The Gang Comes To London
King Kong
The silver key
The man who changed his name
Captains of souls
The keepers of the King's peace
The flying Fifty-Five
The devil man
The Man Who Knew
The Valley of Ghosts
The man from Morocco
The Complete Four Just Men
On the spot
Sandi, the king-maker
Bosambo of the river
The Feathered Serpent
Fighting Snub Reilly and other stories
Classic Detective Fiction (7 Books)
Private Selby
Daughters Of The Night
The admirable carfew
The green ribbon
The River of Stars
A Debt Discharged
The sinister man
The Twister
The clue of the new pin
The strange Countess
Lieutenant Bones
The brigand
The Terrible People
The Edgar Wallace reader of mystery and adventure
The Square Emerald
The orator
Writ in barracks
Educated Evans
The trial of the Seddons
The colossus
The Plague, Pestilence & Apocalypse MEGAPACK ™: 18 Tales of Doom
The Iron Grip
The governor of Chi-Foo and other detective stories
Flat 2
My Hollywood diary
Planetoid 127
The Three Oak Mystery
1927-1997, coffret (3 fac-similés)
The adventures of Heine
The Man Who Was Nobody
The green archer
The Death Room
The frightened lady
The calendar
Good Evans
The Diary of J.G. Reeder (Sold More for Libraries)
Foun 1 Snails (Twg)
The real shell-man
Gunman's Bluff
Detective stories =
Der Dieb in der Nacht / Die Schatzkammer
The Mouthpiece
Criminal at large
Die Edgar-Wallace-Jubiläumsausgabe
The case of the frightened lady
The gunner
Bosambo of the River
Kate plus 10
The tomb of Ts'in
Sanders & Bones-The African Adventures
Mixer, The
Illustrated King
The Scotland yard book of Edgar Wallace
The guv'nor
Kitchener's New Army
Penelope of the "Polyantha"
The Million-Dollar Story
The missing millions
The hairy arm
The black
The man who married his cook, and other stories
This England
Grey Timothy
The Shadow Man
Sherlock Holmes sigue en pie ; El archivo de Sherlock Holmes ; La reaparición de Sherlock Holmes I
Those folk of Bulboro'
The Secret of Amelia Jones
The Black Abbot
Winning Colours
The road to London
The African millionaire
Double Dan
The mystery of the frightened lady
The northing tramp
Sergeant Sir Peter
The steward
The Edgar Wallace souvenir book
Dama del Brasil, La
The Black Grippe
Der Hexer / Das Gasthaus an der Themse / Der grüne Bogenschütze. Drei klassische Krimis in einem Band
Three Just Men
RED ACES - Hodder & Stoughton Mass Market Paperback
Mind of Mr J G Reeder
Good Evans
círculo carmesí, El
Just Men of Cordova
Sanders of the River
Devil Man
Room 13
More Educated Evans
The Mixer (Arrow Book. no. 642.)
S der Unsichtbare
Face in the Night
Daffodil Mystery
Man Who Passed
Avenger the Hairy Arm
Again the Three Just Men
Bones of the River
Flying Squad
Blue Hand
Face in the Night
Book of All-Power
The woman from the east and other stories
Duke in the Suburbs
Face in the Night
Yellow Snake
Devil Man
Yellow Snake
Sandi the Kingmaker
Diana of Kara-Kara
Die Seltsame Gräfin
Mind of Mr J G Reeder
Square Emerald - Publishing People Series
Crimson Circle
Angel of Terror
Daffodil Mystery
Man Who Knew
Door with Seven Locks
Jack o' Judgment
Bones of the River
Bones in London
Again the Three
Green Rust
Book of All-Power
Secret House
Planetoid 127
Forger : (6*9)
Law of the Three Just Men
Crimson Circle
Angel of Terror
Again the Three Just Men
River of Stars
Bones of the River
Jack o' Judgment
Eve's Island
Clue of the Silver Key
Square Emerald
Again the Three Just Men
Die Drei Von Cordov
Sanders of the River
Green Rust
Secret House
The books of Bart
Green Rust
Dark Eyes of London
Missing Million
The hand of power
Crimson Circle
Indische Tuch
Daffodil Mystery
Gerissener Kerl
Face in the Night
Door with Seven Locks
Council of Justice : (6*9)
Mind of Mr J G Reeder
Mr. Justice Maxell
Sandi the King Maker
Northing Tramp
Four Just Men
Iron Grip
Keepers of the King's Peacen Illustreted
Keepers of the King's Peace
Other Man
Green Rust
Jack O'judgment
Fellowship of the Frog
Flat 2
The Edgar Wallace Reader of Mystery and Adventure
Secret House
Keepers of the King's Peace
Eve's Island
Coat of Arms
Other Man
Valley of Ghosts
My Hollywood Diary
Educated Evans
Bones Series
Square Emerald
Bones of the River
The Yellow Snake
Duke in the Suburbs
Green Rust
Three Just Men
Law of the Four Just Men
Educated Evans
Daffodil Mystery
Angel of Terror + Note Pages
Educated Evans
Good Evans
Door with Seven Locks
The Daffodil Mystery. Heron edition
Man Who Knew
Book of All-Power
Planetoid 127
Door with Seven Locks
Green Rust
Good Evans!
The Arranways mystery
Edgar Wallace
Educated Evans
On the Spot
Green Rust
Jack O'Judgment : (5*8)
The Gunner
Four Just Men
Jarrones Turcos
Again the Three
Crimson Circle
Bosambo of the River
Again the Three Just Men
The Door with Seven Locks
Crimson Circle
Die Bande des Schreckens
Angel of Terror
River of Stars
Flying Squad
Sandi the Kingmaker
Room 13
Daffodil Mystery
Again the Three
Four Just Men
Three Just Men
More Educated Evans
Lieutenant Bones
Devil Man
Council of Justice : (5*8)
Bones of the River
Four Just Men - Large Print
The Four Just Men
Sanders of the River
Duke in the Suburbs
Tam o' the Scoots
Bones in London
Blue Hand
Governor of Chi-Foo and Other Detective Stories
Diana of Kara-Kara
Law of the Four Just Men
Bones in London
Die Blaue Hand
Coat of Arms
Crimson Circle
Dark Eyes of London
Lieutenant Bones
Mr Justice Maxell
Klub der Vier
Four Just Men
Room 13
Sinister Man
Bones of the River
Mind of Mr. J. G. Reeder
Tam o' the Scoots
Red Aces
Three Just Men
The man at the Carlton
Books of Bart
Fellowship of the Frog
Mr Justice Maxell
Secret House
On the Spot
Educated Evans
Jack O'Judgment
Man Who Passed
Geschichten und Romane
Keepers of the King's Peace
Book of All-Power
Face in the Night
Man Who Passed
Secret House : (6*9)
Educated Evans
Die Schatzkammer
Square Emerald
Sandi the Kingmaker
Sanders - Large Print
Clue of the New Pin
Door with Seven Locks
Planetoid 127
Terror Keep
Bosambo of the River
Black Avons
Daffodil Mystery
Law of the Four Just Men
Green Archer
Just Men of Cordova
Blue Hand
Man Who Knew
Flying Squad
Again the Three Just Men
Devil Man
Blue Hand
Door with Seven Locks
Sanders of the River
Red Aces - Large Print Edition
Book of All-Power
Crimson Circle
More Educated Evans
Bones in London
More Educated Evans
Eve's Island
Diana of Kara Kara
Just Men of Cordova
Die Drei Von Cordova
Man Who Knew
White Face
Door with Seven Locks
Jack O'Judgment
Gunner Gunman's Bluff
Keepers of the King's Peace
Flying Squad
Sinister Man
Die Gelbe Schlange
Dieb in der Nacht
Tam o' the Scoots
Bones in London
Good Evans!
Planetoid 127
Daffodil Mystery
Mr Justice Maxell
Die Bande des Schreckens (German Edition)
Fellowship of the Frog
Angel of Terror
Captains of souls
Door with Seven Locks
Sanders of the River
The Man from Morocco / Edgar Wallace
Face in the Night
Sanders of the River
Terror Keep
People of the River
Room 13
El círculo carmesí
Secret House
River of Stars
Private Selby
Clue of the New Pin
Murder Book of J. G. Reeder
Melody of Death
Again the Three
Four Just Men
People of the River
Dark Eyes of London
River of Stars
Law of the Four Just Men
Three Just Men
Sanders of the River
Sandi the Kingmaker
Educated Evans
Debt Discharged
Just Men of Cordova
Sheer melodrama and other stories from the mind of Mr. J.G. Reeder
Man Who Knew
Sinister Man
Room 13
Three Just Men
Terror Keep
Face in the Night
Governor of Chi-Foo and Other Detective Stories
People of the River
Diana of Kara Kara
Blue Hand
Terror Keep
The Reporter
Loi des Quatre
Council of Justice
Secret House
The Man Who Shot the Favorite
Council of Justice
Blue Hand
Just Men of Cordova
Circumstantial Evidence and Other Stories
Black Abbot
Melody of Death
White Face
Flying Squad
Council of Justice
The daffodil murder
Die Gefiederte Schlange
Three Just Men
Down under Donovan
Sanders of the River
Jack O'Judgment
Porta Dalle Sette Chiavi
Educated Evans
Devil Man
The Gunner
Law of the Four Just Men
Valley of Ghosts
Angel of Terror
A King By Night
On the Spot : Violence and Murder in Chicago
Goldene Hades
Mr Justice Maxell
Door with Seven Locks
Terror Keep
Book of All-Power
Bones in London
Yellow Snake
Just Men of Cordova
Sandi the Kingmaker
Lieutenant Bones
Mr J G Reeder Returns
The terrible people
Gunman's bluff
Room 13
More Educated Evans
The gaol breaker
River of Stars
Jack O'Judgment
Terror Keep
Jack O'Judgment
Coat of Arms
Again the three just men
Daffodil Mystery
Crimson Circle
Daffodil Mystery : (5*8)
Dark Eyes of London
Sanders of the River
Keepers of the King's Peacen Illustreted
Bosambo of the River
Green Archer
Daffodil Mystery
The Edgar Wallace Reader of Mystery and Adventure
Fortaleza Del Terror
Gesetz der Vier
People of the River
Angel of Terror
Three Just Men
Good Evans!
People of the River
Day of Uniting
Three Just Men
Man Who Passed
Lieutenant Bones
White Face
Yellow Snake
Council of Justice
Detective Sgt. (Insp. ) Elk: the Second Trilogy : (the Twister; the India-Rubber Men; White Face)
Three Just Men
Der schwarze Abt / Die seltsame Gräfin / Die toten Augen von London
Square Emerald
Green Rust
Gangster in London
Terror Keep
Other Man
People of the River
Bones of the River
Again the Three
Sanders of the River
Jack O'Judgment
Mr Justice Maxell
The girl from Scotland yard
Kate Plus Ten
Law of the Four Just Men
The Black Abbot
Door with Seven Locks
The table
Law of the Four Just Men
Tam o' the Scoots
Geheimagent Nr
Bones in London
Again the Three
Red Aces
Man Who Knew
The green archer
Sandi the Kingmaker
Bosambo of the River
Clue of the New Pin
Angel of Terror
Sandi the Kingmaker
Jack O'Judgment
Clue of the New Pin
Lieutenant Bones
Crimson Circle
Angel of Terror
Tam o' the Scoots
Jack O'Judgment
Bones in London
Lieutenant Bones
Those Folk of Bulboro
Coat of Arms
Dark Eyes of London
Face in the Night
Blue Hand
People of the River
Room 13 Illustratesd
Duke in the Suburbs
Tam o' the Scoots
Door with Seven Locks
Valley of Ghosts Crime Novel
Leuchtende Schlüssel
Man Who Knew
Council of Justice
El jeroglífico
Four Just Men
Law of the Three Just Men
Sandi the Kingmaker
Nig-Nog and Other humorous Stories
Clue of the Silver Key
Face in the Night
Green Rust
Bones of the River
Mind of Mr J G Reeder
Angel of Terror : (5*8)
Jack O'Judgment
Valley of Ghosts
Dark Eyes of London
Daffodil Mystery
The four just men
Sanders of the River
Detectives and Criminals
Melody of Death
More Educated Evans
Crimson Circle Edgar Wallace
Devil Man
Educated Evans
Daffodil Mystery
Door with Seven Locks
Bones in London
Daffodil Mystery
Keepers of the King's Peace
River of Stars
Terror Keep
Gerissener Kerl
Again the Three
Tam o' the Scoots
Again the Three
Man Who Knew
People of the River
Bones in London
Smithy and Nobby 88 Stories
Four Just Men
Man Who Bought London - Large Print
Angel of Terror
Diana of Kara-Kara
Verdammte Konkurrenz
The man at the Carlton
Jack O'Judgment
Writ in Barracks
Four Just Men
Flying Squad
Clue of the Twisted Candle + Note Pages
Duke in the Suburbs
Green Rust
Dark Eyes of London
Again the Three
Clue of the New Pin
Bones in London
Mann Von Marokko
Bones of the River
Mind of Mr J G Reeder
Other Man
Unter Buschniggern Geschichten Aus Dem Afrikanischen Urwald
King by Night
Four Just Men
Terror Keep
Coat of Arms
Face in the Night
John Flack
Blue Hand
Keepers of the Kings Peace
Tam o' the Scoots
Devil Man
Sinister Man
Mr Justice Maxell
Bones in London
Sanders of the River
Just Men of Cordova
Law of the Four Just Men
Bones in London
The man from Morocco
Doppelganger/the Forger
Green Rust
Mind of Mr J G Reeder
Mr J G Reeder Returns
Yellow Snake - Publishing People Series
Educated Evans
Just Men of Cordova
Clue of the Twisted Candle
More Educated Evans
Valley of Ghosts
Clue of the New Pin
Good Evans
Coat of Arms
Law of the Four Just Men
Clue of the Silver Key
Good Evans!
Lieutenant Bones
Man Who Knew
Yellow Snake
Sandi the Kingmaker
On the Spot
Dark Eyes of London
Council of Justice
Educated Evans
Four Just Men
Devil Man
Crimson Circle - Large Print
Book of All Power
Four Just Men
The Scotland Yard book of Edgar Wallace
Council of Justice
Square Emerald
Red Aces
Terror Keep
Good Evans!
The Council of Justice
Duke in the Suburbs
Book of All Power
The green archer,
Terror Keep
Book of All-Power
Bosambo of the River
Yellow Snake
Again the Three
Sanders of the River
Keepers of the King's Peace Illustreted
Door with Seven Locks
Secret House
Clue of the Twisted Candle
Dark Eyes of London
Keepers of the King's Peace - Publishing People Series
Terror Keep - Publishing People Series
Room 13
Four Just Men
Red Aces
El libro de asesinatos de J.G. Reeder
Book of All Power
Edgar Wallace by Himself (Esprios Classics)
Missing Million
Red Aces
Sinister Man
White Face
Bones in London
Tam o' the Scoots
Bones in London
Mr J G Reeder Returns
Man Who Knew
Four Just Men
Keepers of the King's Peace
Daffodil Mystery
The Fellowship of the Frog
Der Mann, der seinen Namen änderte.
Book of All Power
Devil Man
Blue Hand
Tam o' the Scoots
The Day The World Stopped
Four Just Men
Law of the Four Just Men
Books of Bart
Four Just Men
Sinister Man - Publishing People Series
Terreur Houden
Lieutenant Bones
Blue Hand - Publishing People Series
Good Evans!
Frosch Mit der Maske
Just Men of Cordova
Devil Man
Educated Evans
Council of Justice
Jack O'Judgment
Lieutenant Bones
Angel of Terror
Keepers of the King's Peace
Other Man
Red Aces
Sanders of the River
Lieutenant Bones
Devil Man
Angel of Terror
Tam o' the Scoots
Door with Seven Locks
Mr. Justice Maxell or Take-A-Chance Anderson
Again the Three
Four Just Men
The Law of the Three Just Men
Keepers of the King's Peacen Illustreted
Angel of Terror
The Ringer
Daffodil Mystery
Sandi the Kingmaker
Green Rust
Die Gelbe Schlange
Room 13
Secret House
Mann Im Hintergrund
Green Rust
The Missing Million
Edgar Wallace, Collection novels
Lieutenant Bones
Crimson Circle
More Educated Evans
Green Archer
Cercle Rouge
Council of Justice
Bones of the River
People of the River
Book of All-Power
Duke in the Suburbs
Bones in London
Four Just Men : (5*8)
Angel of Terror
Die Millionengeschichte
Bosambo of the River
Terror Keep
Terror Keep
Blue Hand
Book of All-Power
Bones of the River
Four Just Men
Again the Three
Sandi the Kingmaker
Sanders of the River
Four Just Men
Bones of the River
Book of All-Power
Green Rust
Sinister Man
Square Emerald - Large Print
John Flack
Bosambo of the River
Duke in the Suburbs
Four Just Men
Mind of Mr J G Reeder
Three Just Men
Books of Bart
Again the Three
White Face
Mr Justice Maxell
Jack O'Judgment
Again the Three
River of Stars
Die Gräfin Von Ascot
Tam o' the Scoots
Dark Eyes of London
Die Blaue Hand
Council of Justice
Clue of the New Pin
Melody of Death
The Council of Justice
Square Emerald
Just Men of Cordova
Sandi the Kingmaker
Bones of the River
Again the Three Just Men
Crimson Circle
Educated Evans
Eve's Island
Lieutenant Bones
Bosambo of the River
Green Rust
On the Spot
More Educated Evans
Square Emerald
Edgar Wallace - Again the Ringer
Die Schatzkammer
Sinister Man
Bones in London
Council of Justice
Planetoid 127
Council of Justice
Mr J G Reeder Returns
Man Who Passed
Keepers of the King's Peace
Penelope Von der Polyantha
Sanders of the River
Dark Eyes of London
Room 13
Bones of the River
Lieutenant Bones
The People of the River
Man Who Knew
Sinister Man
Council of Justice
Grey Timothy
Die Seltsame Gräfin
Grüne Bogenschütze
Man Who Knew
Edgar Wallace - Obras Selectas
More Educated Evans
Bones in London
Dark Eyes of London
Mr Justice Maxell
Room 13
Mr J G Reeder Returns
Edgar Wallace
Hands Up!
Louba der Spieler
Gunner : (6*9)
Leuchtende Schlüssel
Mr. Justice Maxell
Mr J G Reeder Returns
Books of Bart
Bones of the River
Terror Keep
Secret House
People of the River
River of Stars
Die Millionengeschichte
Daffodil Mystery
We shall see
Secret House
Keepers of the King's Peace
Planetoid 127
Bosambo of the River
People of the River
Jack O'Judgment
Law of the Four Just Men
The Keepers of the King´s Peace
Again the Three
Die Bande des Schreckens
Flying Squad
Just Men of Cordova
Mr Justice Maxell (Anntoated)
Again the Three
The Educated Evans Stories
Council of Justice
Avenger the Hairy Arm
White Face
Man Who Bought London
Room 13
People of the River
Daffodil Mystery
Devil Man
Terror Keep
Keepers of the King's Peace
Lieutenant Bones
Dark Eyes of London
Crimson Circle
Tam o' the Scoots
Bones in London
Planetoid 127
Tam o' the Scoots
Council of Justice
Yellow Snake
Secret House
Educated Evans
Angel of Terror
Door with Seven Locks
Sinister Man
Good Evans!
Sandi the Kingmaker
Keepers of the King's Peace
Book of All-Power
Keepers of the King's Peace
Daffodil Mystery
Three Just Men
Iron Grip
Lieutenant Bones
On the Spot
The India-Rubber Men
Blue Hand
Bosambo of the River
Flying Squad
Verdammte Konkurrenz
Circumstantial Evidence and Other Stories
Devil Man
Just Men of Cordova
Ringer : (6*9)
Mr Justice Maxell Illustrate
On the Spot
Tam o' the Scoots
Mr J G Reeder Returns
Good Evans!
White Face
Planetoid 127
Tam o' the Scoots
Bones in London
Bones in London
Crimson Circle
Dark Eyes of London
Die Abenteuerin
Mann Von Marokko
People of the River
Hüter des Friedens
Feuer Im Schloß
Sinister Man
Good Evans!
Again the Three
More educated Evans
Green Rust
Die Schuld des Andere
Mind of Mr. J. G. Reeder
Just Men of Cordova
Four Just Men - Publishing People Series
Klub der Vier
River of Stars
Educated Evans
Mr. Commissioner Sanders
Red Aces
Four Just Men
Gangster in London
Terror Keep
River of Stars
Clue of the Silver Key
Mr Justice Maxell - Large Print
The Council of Justice
Sinister Man
Edgar Wallace omnibus
Book of All Power
People of the River
Room 13
Sanders of the River
Green Rust
Lieutenant Bones
The Green Rust
Bones Being Further Adventures in Mr. Commissioner Sanders' Country
Louba der Spieler
Educated Evans
Bones in London
Bones of the River
Room 13
Bosambo of the River
Detective Sgt. (Insp. ) Elk: the First Trilogy : (Silinski - Master Criminal; the Fellowship of the Frog; the Joker)
Law of the Four Just Men
Book of All Power
Planetoid 127
Huter des Friedens
Three Just Men
Sandi the Kingmaker
Again the Three : The Law of the Three Just Men
Book of All Power
Door with Seven Locks
Council of Justice
Mr J G Reeder Returns
Northing Tramp
Face in the Night
Just Men of Cordova
Face in the Night
Green Rust
Face in the Night
Bosambo of the River
Clue of the New Pin
Mary Ferrera Spielt System
Gunner Gunman's Bluff
Geheimagent Nr. 6
Man Who Passed Illustrated
Bosambo of the River
Daffodil Mystery
Bones of the River
Door with Seven Locks - Publishing People Series
Room 13
Fünf Kriminalgeschichten
Bones in London : (6*9)
Bones, being further adventures in Mr. Commissioner Sanders' country
Red Aces
Dark Eyes of London
More Educated Evans
Angel of Terror
Flying Squad
Face in the Night - Publishing People Series
My Hollywood Diary
Bosambo of the River
Bones in London
Square Emerald
Blue Hand
Planetoid 127
Elk of the 'Yard'-The Criminal Cases of Inspector Elk
Planetoid 127
Geheimnisvolle Haus
Jack o' Judgment / Captains of Souls
Secret House
On the Spot
The green archer
Iron Grip
Planetoid 127
Three Just Men
Law of the Four Just Men : (6*9)
Three Just Men
Four Just Men
People of the River
Strange Countess
Lieutenant Bones
Those Folk of Bulboro
Blue Hand
Unheimliche Mönch
Room 13
Good Evans!
Bones of the River
Door with Seven Locks
Keepers of the King's Peace
Crimson Circle
Law of the Four Just Men
The Mind of Mr. J. G. Reeder
Daffodil Mystery
Mann, der Seinen Namen änderte
Council of Justice
Keepers of the King's Peace
Mind of Mr J G Reeder
Mr J G Reeder Returns
Dark Eyes of London
Bones of the River
Lieutenant Bones
Door with Seven Locks - Large Print
Bones in London
Sanders of the River
Mr Justice Maxell
Square Emerald
Council of Justice
Mr J G Reeder Returns
Mr. Commissioner Sanders
Bosambo of the River
Just Men of Cordova
King by Night
Flying Squad
Face in the Night
Again the Three
Council of Justice
Face in the Night
River of Stars
River of Stars
Man Who Knew
Jack O'Judgment
Planetoid 127
Circumstantial Evidence and Other Stories
Writ in Barracks
Mary Ferrera Spielt System
Door with Seven Locks
Again the Three
Educated Evans
Northing Tramp
Der Hexer
Green Rust
Mr Justice Maxell IllustratedEdgar
Murder Book of J. G. Reeder
Bones of the River
Room 13
Bones in London
Just Men of Cordova
Crimson Circle
Valley of Ghosts
Sandi the Kingmaker
Hüter des Friedens
Sanders of the River
Mr. Justice Maxell or Take-A-Chance Anderson
Coat of Arms
Man Who Knew
Square Emerald
Red Aces
Room 13
Indische Tuch
Square Emerald
Angel of Terror
Flying Fifty-Five
Green Rust
Bones of the River
River of Stars
Face in the Night Annotate
Red Aces
Bones in London
Red Aces
Secret House
Tam o' the Scoots
Yellow Snake
Sandi the Kingmaker
Daffodil Mystery
Yellow Snake
Crimson Circle
Tam o' the Scoots
Door with Seven Locks
Yellow Snake - Large Print
Daffodil Mystery
Law of the Four Just Men
Viereckige Smaragd
Lieutenant Bones
Square Emerald
Law of the Four Just Men
Just Men of Cordova
Geheimnisvolle Haus
Daffodil Mystery
Coat of Arms
Coat of Arms
Gesicht Im Dunkel
Green Rust
Yellow Snake
Strange Countess
Terror Keep
Gunner : (5*8)
Good Evans! Being Further Adventures of Educated Evans
Valley of Ghosts
A Debt Discharged
Sandi the Kingmaker
Mr J G Reeder Returns
Room 13
Blue Hand
Bones : Being Further Adventures in Mr. Commissioner Sanders' Country
Educated Evans
Just Men of Cordova
Clue of the New Pin - Large Print
Angel of Terror
Green Archer
On the Spot
Mr Justice Maxell
Sanders of the River
Sanders of the River
Feuer Im Schloß
Töchter der Nacht
Law of the Four Just Men
Fellowship of the Frog
Council of Justice
Mr Justice Maxell
Duke in the Suburbs
The fourth plague
Jack O'Judgment
Crimson Circle
Green Rust
Daffodil Mystery
Blue Hand
Lieutenant Bones
On the Spot
Gesetz der Vier
Sandi the Kingmaker
Four Just Men
Devil Man
Coat of Arms
Three Oak Mystery
Door with Seven Locks
Green Rust
In Den Tod Geschickt
River of Stars
Melody of Death
Clue of the New Pin
Mind of Mr. J. G. Reeder
Diana of Kara-Kara,
Die Abenteuerin
Secret House
Tam o' the Scoots
The clever one
On the Spot : Violence and Murder in Chicago
Mr Justice Maxell
Melody of Death
On the Spot
Terror Keep
Four Just Men
People of the River
Sanders of the River
Three Just Men
Those Folk of Bulboro
Educated Evans
Der Hexer
Planetoid 127
The nine bears
Bones in London
Angel of Terror
Flying Squad Illustared
Door with Seven Locks
Man Who Knew
River of Stars
Writ in Barracks a Collection of Poems
Clue of the Silver Key
Dark Eyes of London
Just Men of Cordova
The Law of the Three Just Men
People of the River
Secret House
Four Just Men : (6*9)
Devil Man
Circumstantial Evidence
Planetoid 127
Gerissener Kerl
Terror Keep
Mann Im Hintergrund
Four complete novels
Flying Squad
Sinister Man
Keepers of the King's Peace
Duke in the Suburbs
Keepers of the King's Peace
Bones of the River
Rode Cirkel, De (Dutch text version)
Again the Three Just Men
White Face
Man Who Knew
Face in the Night
Good Evans!
Angel of Terror
Mind of Mr. J. G. Reeder
Elk of the Yard-The Criminal Cases of Inspector Elk
Secret House
Missing Million
Bones : (6*9)
Angel of Terror
Bosambo of the River
Bones in London
River of Stars
White Face - Large Print
White Face
Man Who Bought London
Keepers of the King's Peacen Illustreted
Mann, der Seinen Namen Änderte
More Educated Evans
The Just Men of Cordova (Dodo Press)
Law of the Four Just Men
Sandi the Kingmaker
Council of Justice
Bosambo of the River
Crimson Circle
Tam o' the Scoots
Tam o' the Scoots
Blue Hand
Tam o' the Scoots
Book of All-Power
Sanders of the River
Die Gräfin Von Ascot
River of Stars
Daffodil Mystery
Mr J G Reeder Returns
River of Stars
1925 the Story of a Fatal Peace
Good Evans
Sanders of the River
Educated Evans
Door with Seven Locks
Yellow Snake
Planetoid 127
Northing Tramp
Keepers of the King's Peacen Illustreted
Unofficial dispatches
Down under Donovan
Teufel Von Tidal Basin
Bones of the River
Again the Three the Law of the Three Just Men
On the Spot
More Educated Evans
Again the Three
Secret House
Law of the Four Just Men
Green Rust
Angel of Terror
Planetoid 127
Angel of Terror
Angel of Terror
Educated Evans
Room 13
On the Spot
People of the River
Duke in the Suburbs
Duke in the Suburbs
Council of Justice
Book of All Power
More Educated Evans
Daffodil Mystery
Again the Three
Jack O'Judgment
Three Just Men
Tam o' the Scoots
Crimson Circle
Daffodil Mystery
Keeper of the King's Peace
Mind of Mr J G Reeder
Other Man
Red Aces
Lieutenant Bones
On the Spot
Angel of Terror Illustated
Bones in London
Terror Keep
Duke in the Suburbs
Angel of Terror
The Mind of Mr JG Reeder
Book of All-Power
Coat of Arms
Mr. Justice Maxell
Green Rust
The Green Rust
Valley of Ghosts
Bones in London
Sanders of the River
Avenger - Publishing People Series
The clever one
Casebooks of Mr J G Reeder
Jack O'Judgment : (6*9)
Keepers of the King's Peace
Council of Justice
The Secret House
Four Just Men
Clue of the New Pin
Green Rust
Three Just Men
Jack O'Judgment
Red Aces
Keepers of the King's Peace
Daffodil Mystery
Angel of Terror
Door with Seven Locks
Keepers of the King's Peace
Just Men of Cordova
The Edgar Wallace Reader of Mystery and Adventure
Keepers of the King's Peacen Illustreted
Tam o' the Scoots
Good Evans
Mr Justice Maxell
Angel of Terror
Book of All-Power
Secret House
Door with Seven Locks
Daffodil Mystery
Crimson Circle
Iron Grip
Blue Hand
Bosambo of the River
Greek Poropulos
Green Rust : (5*8)
Dan le Sosie
Der Hexer/Die toten Augen von London - Zwei Romane
Devil Man
Bosambo of the River
Educated Evans
Strange Countess
Angel of Terror
Blue Hand - Large Print
La puerta de las siete cerraduras; El hombre del antifaz blanco ; El hombre del hotel Carlton
Hands up!
The double
Geheimagent Nr. 6 / Mary Ferrera spielt System
Sod ha-rozenet ha-mistorit
Arbaʻah anashim yesharim
The crimson circle
The council of justice
The Four Just Men
Neues vom Hexer
Im Banne des Unheimlichen
Anshe ha-nahar ha-gadol
Wan shi tong
Unofficial dispatches
The Illustrated King Kong
˜Derœ sentimentale M[iste]r Simpson
The daughters of the night
Buzambo, ha-ganav mi-Monrovyah
Selected Novels
The mission that failed!
Sheloshah anashim yesharim
Sanders ish ha-nahar
Anshe ha-nahar
The avenger
Dean Koontz
Dean Koontz (born 1945)


  • Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania
The Taking
Brother Odd
Demon Seed
Dark Rivers of the Heart
Forever Odd
The Eyes of Darkness
What The House Knows
The Darkest Evening of the Year
The Face
Life Expectancy
The Good Guy
The Face of Fear
By the Light of the Moon
77 Shadow Street
The Whispering Room
Dean Koontz's Frankenstein
Saint Odd
The Husband
The Silent Corner
Ashley Bell
Your heart belongs to me
Strange Highways
The Key to Midnight
The House of Thunder
The Forbidden Door
From the Corner of His Eye
Winter Moon
The City
Seize the Night
Odd Interlude
Fear Nothing
One Door Away from Heaven
Dragon tears
Cold Fire
False memory
The Night Window
The Crooked Staircase
Darkness Under The Sun
Last Light (a Novella)
Final Hour (a Novella)
The Moonlit Mind: A Tale of Suspense (Kindle Single)
You Are Destined to Be Together Forever
Odd Interlude Part Three
Odd Interlude Part Two
Odd Interlude Part One
Night Window
Eyes of Darkness
Crooked Staircase
Sole Survivor
Dean Koontz's Frankenstein
Odd Hours
Dean Koontz's Frankenstein
Odd Thomas
The Voice of the Night
The Door to December
The Mask
The Bad Place
The Dead Town
Darkness Comes
The Funhouse
The Vision
Twilight Eyes
A Big Little Life
Deeply Odd
Odd Apocalypse
Night Chills
House Of Odd
Bliss to You
Odd Is On Our Side
Again, Dangerous Visions
Robot Santa
I, Trixie Who Is Dog
Christmas Is Good!
Hanging On
Every Day's a Holiday
Stolen Thunder
Night Visions
Three complete novels (Darkfall / Phantoms / Servants of Twilight)
The Paper Doorway
By the Light of the Moon / Vision
Shattered / Watchers / Whispers
October Dreams
Scary Stories
Ask Anna
3 Complete Novels (Bad Place / Demon Seed / Eyes of Darkness)
Dean Koontz Omnibus comprising Cold Fire, The Face of Fear, The Mask
Dean Koontz's Frankenstein
Writing popular fiction
How to Write Best-Selling Fiction
Dragon Tales
3 Complete Novels (Cold Fire; Hideaway; The Key to Midnight)
The Book of Counted Sorrows
A Darkness in My Soul
Blood Risk
Beautiful Death
Scary! 2
The Haunted Earth
The Big Dark Sky
Mr. Murder
Life Is Good!
Three Complete Novels (Dark Rivers of the Heart / Sole Survivor / Intensity)
Twilight Eyes / When Darkness Comes
Soft Come the Dragons ; Dark of the Woods
Phantoms / The Servants of Twilight
Mr. Murder / Cold Fire
Door into December / Shattered
Bounce Girl
Midnight / Hideaway
Demon Seed / Shattered
Keys to Midnight
House of Thunder / Shadowfires
The Wall of Masks
Lightning / The Voice of the Night
After the Last Race
In Odd We Trust
Strike Deep
Winter Moon/Icebound
Dark Symphony
Midnight / Watchers
The Pig Society
Storm Front
Trixie and Jinx
Nightmare Journey
The Underground Lifestyles Handbook
Time Thieves
Soft come the dragons
The Other Emily
A Werewolf Among Us
The Flesh in the Furnace
Children of the Storm
The House at the End of the World
What the Night Knows
Funhouse / Vision
Night Visions 4
Strange Highways & The Mask
Blood Risk / Surrounded / Wall of Masks
Koontz Promo 18fl
Phantoms, The Servants Of Twilight, The Bad Place
Innocence & The Face of Fear
Night Visions 6
Ricochet Joe
Dean Koontz: Key to Midnight / Shattered / House of Thunder
Cold Terror
Reissue 2 Dean Koontz
Dean R. Koontz
Reissue 5 Dean Koontz
Worlds of If Science Fiction, January 1969
Darkest Desires
Koontz II-3 Vol. Boxed: Dragon Tears House of Thunder Midnight
Reissue 4 Dean Koontz
Koontz I: The House of Thunder, Cold Fire, Dragon Tears
77 Shadow Street / Moonlit Mind
Koontz III: Whispers, Watchers, Demon Seed
Frankenstein: Prodigal Son; City of Night; Dead and Alive
Lightning ; with Midnight ; and Bad Place
Dean Koontz II: The Voice of the Night / Darkfall / Midnight
Star Quest / Doom of the Green Planet
Fear That Man
Reissue 6 Dean Koontz
Dean Koontz Collection - The Servants of Twilight & Shadowfires
Dean Koontz Collection - Strangers & Twilight Eyes
Night Fears
3 Complete Novels (The House of Thunder / Shadowfires / Midnigt)
Dean Koontz Collection - The Bad Place & Wilderness and Other Stories
Dean Koontz Collection
Odd Hours
Wilderness and Other Stories
The Dark of Summer
Trapped [adaptation]
Bad Place
Dragon Jet
Deeply Odd
Mystery Fancier July 1977
Dragon Tears
The Bad Place / Mr. Murder / Cold Fire
Odd Thomas
Science Fiction Story Reader 10
After Death
Odd Apocalypse
Dean Koontz Collection
House at the End of the World
Xtaking Asda
Three Complete Novels (Strangers / Voice of the Night / Mask)
Cold Fire
Prodigal Son
The vision
Odd Thomas Series Books 1-5
The Face of Fear
Frankenstein Special Edition
Dean Koontz’s Frankenstein (6) – Frankenstein Book 6
City of Night
Voice of the Night
Dead Town
The Voice of the Night
Door to December
Mr. Murder
The Vision
Seize the Night
In Odd We Trust (Odd Thomas Graphic Novel)
Dean Koontz's Frankenstein
Your Heart Belongs to Me
The Crooked Staircase
Odd Thomas 8-Book Set
Katem oka
Deeply Odd
Night Chills
Xbrother Odd 3
La maison interdite
Lost Souls
Nackte Angst / Phantom.
By Dean Koontz - Lightning (New Ed)
The Bad Place
Koontz Thriller 1
Storm Front
o paraxenos adelfos / ο παράξενος αδελφός
Fear Nothing
Cold Fire by Dean Koontz (1991-02-13)
Secret Forest
Dom smierci
Dean Koontz 2-Book Thriller Collection
Secret Forest
By Dean Koontz Mr Murder (New Ed) [Paperback]
Dean Koontz 3-Book Thriller Collection
Frankenstein 4
What the Night Knows
Big Little Life
The Husband
The Taking
From the Corner of His Eye
Productivity Planner
The Bad Place.
The Key to Midnight
Xgood Guy 66bks
[ Brother Odd[ BROTHER ODD ] By Koontz, Dean R. ( Author )Nov-28-2006 Hardcover
Jane Hawk Thriller 5-Book Shrink-Wrapped Set
Rare Dean Koontz / THE BAD PLACE Signed 1st Edition 1990
Dean Koontz Omnibus Comprising Hideaway/The Vision
House of Odd (Odd Thomas Graphic Novel)
Dark Rivers of the Heart
Cold Fire
Dragon Tears
Bad Place
The Bad Place
Odd Is on Our Side (Odd Thomas Graphic Novel)
Co wie noc
Sole Survivor [2/2]
Winter Moon
Emilie Autumn
Emilie Autumn (born 1979)

singer, poet, violinist, pianist, harpsichordist, actor

  • Indiana University Bloomington
Frédérick Tristan
Frédérick Tristan (1931-2022)

poet, graphic designer

The lost ones
Le retournement du gant
Don Juan, le révolté
La Franc-maçonnerie
Le fils de Babel
Les Succulentes paroles de maître Chù
Le Dieu des mouches
Monsieur l'Enfant et le cercle des bavards
La sirène de l'empereur Rodolphe
Le chaudron chinois
Petite suite cherbourgeoise
Les égarés
Les Egarés
Thomas Mann
Brêves de rêves
Le fils de Babel
L' amour pèlerin
Le dieu des mouches, roman
Le passé recomposé
L' ange dans la machine
Une vie au péril de l'écriture
Réfugié de nulle part
Zagadka Vatikana
Le Monde à l'envers
Les tribulations héroïques de Balthasar Kober
Les impostures du réel
Naissance d'un spectre
La fin de rien
Le manège des fous
Asche und Blitz
La proie du diable
Maurice Périsset
Maurice Périsset (1920-1999)

poet, pamphleteer, critic, biographer, politician

Satyajit Ray
Satyajit Ray (1921-1992)

film director, composer, film producer, film editor, lyricist, journalist, painter, cinematographer, poet, film critic, director

  • University of Calcutta, Visva-Bharati University
The Vintage Book of Indian Writing 1947-1997
Our films, their films
The best of Satyajit Ray
Khuddura yātrā
Childhood days
Feluda's last case
The unicorn expedition and other stories
The diary of a space traveller and other stories
The complete adventures of Feluda
My years with Apu
The adventures of Feluda
Kalakātāẏa Pheludā
Ray in the looking glass
The vision of Ray
Nijera āẏanāẏa Satyajit̲
Speaking of films
The mystery of the elephant god
Bishaẏa Rabīndrasaṃgīta
The house of death & other Feluda stories
The unicorn expedition, and other fantastic tales of India
The royal Bengal mystery and other Feluda stories
Twenty stories
Satyajit Ray
Phatik Chand
The Stranger
Satyajit Ray, a portrait in black & white
The incredible adventures of Professor Shonku
Khoon ranga ratri
Ray, a glimpse
Eka musāpira eka hasīnā
The mystery of the pink pearl
The emperor's ring
The bandits of Bombay
Bishaẏa calaccitra
Original English film scripts
Professor Shonkur Kandokarkhana
Pathera pān̐cālī
Gorasthāne sābadhāna!
Ent̲e bālyasmaraṇakaḷ
Ekei bale śuṭiṃ
Chinnamastāra abhiśāpa
The Diary of a Space Traveller
Yakhana choṭa chilāma
Ebāro bāro
Speaking of films
Satyajit Rayni rahasya kathao =
Raẏela Beṅgala rahasya
Satyajit̲ Rāẏa smāraka grantha
Mahāsaṅkaṭe Śaṅku
Bādaśāhī āṃti
Tina rakama
Ṭinaṭoreṭora Yīśu
Bravo! Professor Shonku
Bombāiẏera bombeṭe
Mahāsaṅkate Śaṅku
Las monedas de oro de Yahangir
Kailāsera keleṅkāri
Gupī gāina, Bāghā bāina
The Apu trilogy
Serā Sandeśa, 1368-1387
Pheludā eṇḍa koṃ
Āro eka ḍajana
Eka ḍajana gappo
Bāḥ 12
Svaẏaṃ Prophesara Śaṅku
Jaẏa Bābā Phelunātha
Prophesara Śaṅkura kāṇḍakārakhānā
Feluda & co.
Chinnamastāra abhiśāpa : goẏendā Pheludāra rahasya ayāḍabheñcāra
Rabārṭasanera rubi
Āro bāro
Mohasangkate Shonku
Gorasthāne sābadhāna! : goẏendā Pheludāra rahasya ayāḍabheñcāra
Sonāra keliā
Sābāsa praphesara Śaṅku
The Royal Bengal mystery