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politicians who wrote science fiction
Showing 25-32 out of 56 results
Francis Bacon
Francis Bacon (1561-1626)

philosopher, judge, politician, lawyer, astrologer, scientist, historian

  • University of Cambridge, University of Poitiers
Nova Atlantis
Novum organum
The advancement of learning
The works of Francis Bacon
Advancement of learning, and The new Atlantis
Essays, civil and moral
Advancement of learning ; Novum organum ; New Atlantis
Sylva sylvarum
De augmentis scientiarum
Essays, Advancement of learning, New Atlantis and other pieces
Selected Philosophical Works (Bacon) (Hackett Publishing Co.)
Advancement of learning and Novum organum
The physical and metaphysical works of Lord Bacon
The novum organon
Advancement of learning
Advancement of learning and Novum organum
An essay of a king
Novum organum ; with other parts of the great instauration
Opera omnia, quae extant, philosophica, moralia, politica, historica
New Atlantis ; and, The great instauration
The two books of Francis Bacon, Of the proficienceand advancement of learning, divine and human ...
Francisci Baconi de Verulamio ... Novum organum
The advancement of learning
Of the advancement and proficience of learning
Instauratio magna
Of the advancement and proficiencie of learning: or, The Partitions of sciences, nine books
Of the advancement and proficience of learning
Essays, civil and moral
New Organon and Related Writings (Library of Liberal Arts Series)
[Opera Francisci Baronis de Vervlamio ...
Instauratio magna
Of the advancement and proficiencie of learning
Of the proficience and advancement of learning
The physical and metaphysical works of Lord Bacon, including The advancement of learning and Nouvum organum
The two bookes of Sr. Francis Bacon, of the proficience and advancement of learning, divine and humane
Essays, Advancement of learning, New Atlantis
Novum organum scientiarum
Philosophical studies, c. 1611-c. 1619
The Advancement of Learning: Book I (Cambridge Plain Texts)
The two books of Francis Bacon
The physical and metaphysical works of Lord Bacon including the Advancement of learning and Novum Organum
The physical and metaphysical works of Lord Bacon, including the advancement of Learning [in nine books] and Novum Organum
De avgmentis scientiarvm, lib. IX
The two books of Francis Bacon
Advancement of Learning
Récusation des doctrines philosophiques : Et autres opuscules (Ancien prix éditeur : 26.00 € - Economisez 50 %)
The Works of Francis Bacon, Lord Chancellor of England: A New Edition:
An advertisement touching a holy war
Francis Bacon
Of the proficience and advancement of learning
L' artisan de la fortune
The advancement of learning
The two books of Francis, Lord Verulam. Of the proficience and advancement of learning
Bacon's Advancement of Learning and the New Atlantis
The interpretation of nature
Nevf livres de la dignité et de l'accroissement des sciences
New Atlantis and the Great Instauration
Famous Utopias: Being the Complete Text of Rousseau's Social Contract, More's Utopia, Bacon's ..
The two books of Francis, lord Verulam
Scripta in naturali et universali philosophia
Novum organum scientiarum
The two bookes of Sr. Francis Bacon
Francisci Baconi Baronis de Verulamio ... Opera omnia quatuor voluminibus comprehensa
Advancement of Learning ; and, New Atlantis
The physical and metaphysical works of Lord Bacon
Opera Francisci Baronis de Vervlamio ..
Essays civil and moral
Novum organum scientiarum; sive indicia vera de interpretatione naturae
Franz Baco's Neues Organon
Essays. Advancement of learning. New Atlantis, and other essays
Bacon, the advancement of learning
The tvvoo [sic] bookes of Francis Bacon, of the proficience and aduancement of learning, diuine and humane
Francisci Baconi de Verulamio, summi Angliae cancellarii, Novum organum
Francisci Baronis de Verulamio, Vice-Comitis Sancti Albani, De dignitate & augmentis scientiarum libri IX
Bacon's Novum organum
Neues Organ der Wissenschaften
The advancement of learning
The novum organum of Sir Francis Bacon, Baron of Verulam, Viscount St. Albans, epitomiz'd for a clearer understanding of his natural history
The physical and metaphysical works of Lord Bacon
The works of Francis Bacon, Baron Verulam, Viscount St. Alban, and lord high chancellor of England. Volume the first. [-Twelfth]
Franc. Baconis de Verulamio, summi Angliae cancelsami, Novum organum scientiarum
Francisci Baconi de Verulamio, summi Angliae cancellarii, Novum organum
The novum organum of Sir Francis Bacon, Baron of Verulam, Viscount St. Albans
Essays, Advancement of learnin, New Atlantis, and other pieces
Francisci Baconis de Verulamio, vice-comitis Sancti Albani, De dignitate & augmentis scientiarum libri IX
Xue wen zhi zeng jin
Novum organum scientiarum
Bacon; the advancement of learning
Advancement of learning and Novum organum
Physical and metaphysical works
The works of Francis Bacon, Baron of Verulam, Viscount St Alban, and Lord High Chancellor of England, in ten volumes
The new organon, or true directions concerning the interpretation of nature
Francisci Baconi, baronis de Verulamio Novum organum scientiarum
The tvvoo bookes of Francis Bacon
De dignitate et augmentis scientiarum ...  Libri IX>
The essays, Colours of good and evil & Advancement of learning
Francisci Baconis De dignitate et augmentis scientiarum libri IX
Per il progresso della scienza ("Cogitata et visa" ed estratti del "De augmentis scientiarum") [di] Francesco Bacon
The advancement of learning
Physical and metaphysical works, including the Advancement of learning and Novum organum
Francisci de Verulamio Novum organum, sive, Indicia vera de interpretatione naturae, cui praefixa reliqua Instaurationis magnae et subjecta Parasceve ad historiam naturalem et experimentalem
The works of Francis Bacon, Baron of Verulam, Viscount St. Alban, and Lord High Chancellor of England
De dignitate et avgmentis scientiarvm, libri IX ..
La prima traduzione francese del Novum organum
The Novum organon
Novum organum, sive Indicia vera de interpretatione naturæ
Novum organum
The physical and metaphysical works of Lord Bacon
The twoo bookes of Francis Bacon
Of the advancement and proficience of learning
The advancement of learning
The physical and metaphysical works of Lord Bacon
Francisci de Vervlamio ... Opera philosophica ...
Of the advancement and proficience of learning; or, The partitions of sciences·
Of the advancement and proficiencie of learning
Of the advancement and proficiencie of learning, or, The partitions of sciences
Advancement of learning. Novum orguanum. New Atlantis
The advancement of learning
The twoo bookes of the proficience and advancement of learning
Bacon's Novum organum
The two bookes
Resvscitatio, or, Bringing into pvblick light several pieces of the works, civil, historical, philosophical, and theological, hitherto sleeping, of the Right Honourable Francis Bacon Baron of Verulam, Viscount Saint Alban
The physical and metaphysical works of Lord Bacon
Franz Baco's Neues Organon
Sylua syluarum, or, A naturall historie in ten centuries
Descripción y sumario de la segunda parte de la Instauratio ; Refutación de las filosofías
Neues Organ der Wissenschaften
Novum organum
Essays civil and moral
The tvvoo bookes of Francis Bacon. Of the proficience and aduancement of learning, diuine and humane
De dignitate & augmentis scientiarum, libris IX ..
Of the advancement of learning
De dignitate et augmentis scientiarum ..
The advancement of learning and New Atlantis
The novum organum scientiarum
The advancement of learning
The advancement of learning: book 1
The advancement of learning
Francis Bacon
Historie of the raigne of King Henry the Seventh
The works of Francis Bacon, Baron of Verulam, Viscount St. Alban, and Lord High Chancellor of England
The essays of Francis Bacon
Masterpieces Every Parent MUST Read on Child Development and Education
Bacon's History of the reign of King Henry VII
British Literature for Christian Homeschoolers, Volume 2
Selected writings
Bacon's Essays and Colours Of Good And Evil
History of the reign of King Henry VII
The Harvard Classics, Vol. 3
The moral and historical works of Lord Bacon
The Essayes Or Counsels Civill and Morall of Francis Bacon
Francisci Baconi... opera omnia quae extant, philosophica, moralia, politica, historica..
The elements of the common lawes of England
Impact of Chaim Soutine
The essays; or, Counsels civil and moral with A table of the colours of good ..
Sylva sylvarvm
The Norton Anthology of English Literature -- Seventh Edition -- Volume 1B
Libraries, Librarians, and Other Book Lovers
The Miscellaneous Writings of Francis Bacon
The Oxford Francis Bacon I
                Oxford Francis Bacon
Of gardens
The Two Books of Francis, Lord Verulam: Of the Proficience and Advancement ..
Of studies
History of Life and Death
The essays; or, Counsels civil and moral, with notes by A. Spiers
A Collection of apothegms
On Gardens
The Essays
The Works of Lord Bacon: With an Introductory Essay
A Conference Of Pleasure
The Advancement of Learning, Book I
The Letters And The Life Of Francis Bacon V7
The letters and the life of Francis Bacon
On the Interpretation of Nature
Bacon's Essaies: Being a Facsimile Reprint of the First Edition
Obiter dicta of Bacon and Shakespeare on manners, mind, morals
Peace among the willows
Bacon / Giacometti
The promus of formularies and elegancies
Of Great Place
The two books of Francis Bacon: of the proficience and advancement of learning [ed. by T. Markby]
The major works
New Studies
Valerius Terminus
Historia vitae et mortis
Selected essays of Francis Bacon
Bacon's essays, with annotations by R. Whately
Hamlet and Related Readings
An Account Of The Life And Times Of Francis Bacon
Francis Bacon
Historia ventorum
Sylva sylvarum
FrancisBacon's natural philosophy
Truth, and seventeen other essays
Certaine considerations touching the better pacification and edification of the Church of England
Ideal Commonwealths
Francis Bacon Essays
History Natural and Experimental of Life & Death
Of empire
Francis Bacon and the Existential Condition of Mankind Reflected in the Mirror of Art
Law tracts
De sapientia veterum
Bacon (Great Modern Masters)
Pensées de Bacon, Kepler, Newton et Euler sur la religion et la morale
Meditations Sacrae and Human Philosophy
Thoughts on the Nature of Things
Sylva sylvarum
Essays and Ancient Fables of Francis Bacon
A harmony of the essays, etc
A declaration of the practises & treasons attempted and committed by  Robert late Earle of Essex and his complices against her Maiestie and  her kingdoms, and of the proceedings as well at the arraignments &  convictions of the said late Earle and his adherents, as  after
Essays, civil and moral
The Works of Francis Bacon
The works of Francis Bacon
Essays or councils, civil and moral of Francis Bacon, Lord Verulam, Viscount St Albans
Essays by Lords Bacon and Clarendon
The charge of Sir Francis Bacon ...
Three speeches of the Right Honorable Sir Francis Bacon ...
Lord Bacon's Essays, or counsels moral and civil
New Atlantis and the City of the Sun
The works of Francis Bacon
Ideal Commonwealths, Plutarch's Lycurgus, More's Utopia, Bacon's New Atlantis, Campanella's City of the Sun, Hall's Mundus Alter Et Idem
Essays, and Colours of good and evil
Annales du Théâtre et de la Musique
Saggi morali de signore Francesco Bacono ...
The works of Francis Bacon
The works of Francis Bacon
Cases of treason
The Letters and the Life of Francis Bacon Including All His Occasional Works ..
The essays or counsels civil and moral and Wisdom of the ancients
The essays, or councils, civil and moral, of Sir Francis Bacon ...
The works of Francis Bacon, Baron of Verulam ..
The remaines of the Right Honorable Francis Lord Verulam, Viscount of St. Albanes, sometimes Lord Chancellour of England
Valerius Terminus von der Interpretation der Natur mit anmerkungen von Hermes Stella
Fables of theancients
A harmony of the essays etc
The works of Francis Bacon, lord chancellor of England
Opuscula varia posthuma, philosophica, civilia, et theologica. Nunc primum edita
The essays, or councils, civil and moral of Sir Francis Bacon, Lord Verulam, Viscount St. Alban
The essays of Francis Bacon ... on civil, moral, literary and political subjects
Essays, Civil and Moral Aeropagitica Religio Medici
The wisdom of the ancients
The works of Francis Bacon
The works of Lord Bacon
Lord Bacon his prayer
Saggi morali
Bacon's Essays
The Essays or Counsels, Civil and Moral, of Sir Francis Bacon ... with a Table of the Colours of Good and Evil. Whereunto Is Added, the Wisdom of the Antients
Apophthegmes new and old
The works of Francis Bacon
Opuscula varia posthuma, philosophica, civilia, et theologica
The works of Francis Bacon
Novum organum; edited by Joseph Devey
Original letters and memoirs
Three Early Modern Utopias : Thomas More : Utopia / Francis Bacon : New Atlantis / Henry Neville
The essaies of Sr. Francis Bacon ...
The  essays; the wisdom of the ancients and the new atlantis
Certaine miscellany works of the Right Honovrable Francis Lo. Verulam, Viscount S. Alban
Sir Francis Bacon his apologie in certaine imputations concerning the late Earle of Essex
A preface to Bacon
Promus of Formularies and Elegancies (being Private Notes, Circ. 1594, Hitherto Unpublished)
Bacon's Essays
The works of Francis Bacon
Catalogue Raisonné
Exemplum tractatus de fontibus juris
The history of the reign of King Henry VII and selected works
The learned reading of Sir Francis Bacon ... upon the Statute of uses
Sylva sylvarvm
The elements of the common lavves of England, branched into a double tract
Sylva sylvarum
The historie of the raigne of King Henry the Seuenth
The essays
A speech delivered by Sir Francis Bacon, in the lower House of Parliament quinto Iacobi, concerning the article of naturalization of the Scottish nation
The essays of Counsels, civil and moral
Original letters and memoirs
Valerius Terminus; of the interpretation of nature
Essays, including his moral and historical works
The works of Francis Bacon
The works of Francis Bacon
The history of the reigns of Henry the Seventh, Henry the Eighth, Edward the Sixth, and Queen Mary
The Great Instauration
Sylva sylvarvm
The works of Francis Bacon
Essays moral, economical, and political
The works of Francis Bacon
Essays, moral, economical, and political
The works of Francis Bacon
The philosophical works of Francis Bacon
The essays or counsels, civil and moral, of Francis Bacon
The essayes or counsels civill and morall of Francis Bacon, lord Verulam
A Sabedoria dos antigos
Bacon\'s Essays, with annotations by Richard Whately and notes and a glossarial index, by Franklin Fiske Heard
Essays - Bacon (Everyman's University Paperbacks)
Of gardens
The essays
Les oevvres morales et politiqves de Messire François Bacon
Britain under Trojan, Roman, Saxon Rule
The wisedome of the ancients
The essays or counsels, civil and moral, of Sir Francis Bacon ...
Sabiduría egoísta
The history of Henry VII of England
The works of Francis Bacon
The essayes
A conference of pleasure
Essayes, Religious meditations, Places of perswasion & disswasion
The historie of the reigne of King Henry the Seventh ...
Wisdom of the Ancients
Britain under Trojan, Roman, Saxon Rule; England under Richard III; the Reign of Henry Vii
The philosophy of Francis Bacon
Gardens and Friendship
The Essays Of Francis Bacon
A wise and moderate discourse, concerning church-affaires
The essays or counsels civil and moral of Francis Bacon Lord Verulam, Viscount St. Albans
Cases of treason ...
Historia natvralis et experimentalis ad condendam philosophiam
Sylva sylvarum
Considerations tovching a warre with Spaine ...
Essays Civil and Moral
Letters of Sr Francis Bacon
The works of Francis Bacon
The Advancement of Learning - (1605)
A wise and moderate discourse concerning church-affaires
Essays, Civil and Moral
Certaine considerations tovching the better pacification, and edification of the Church of England ...
Certaine considerations touching the better pacification and edification of the Churchof England ...
Letters, speeches, charges, advices, &c. of Francis Bacon
Francisci Baconi de Verulamio, ...
Bacon's Advancement of Learning and the New Atlantis. Preface By Thomas Case [World's Classics XCIII]
The works
Novum Organum Scientiarum
The essayes or counsels civill and morall
Novum Organum
Advancement of Learning
Essays of Francis Bacon ... on Civil, Moral, Literary and Political Subjects. Together with the Life of That Celebrated Writer
Bacon's Essays
Francis Bacon
The Elements of the Common Lawes of England, Branched into a double Tract
Essais de morale et de politique
The moral and historical works of Lord Bacon
Certaine miscellany works
Selections from the writings of Lord Bacon, with a memoir
Three Early Modern Utopias
Declaration of the Practises & Treasons Attempted and Committed by Robert Late Earle of Essex and His Complices, Against Her Maiestie and Her Kingdoms, and of the Proceedings As Well at the Arraignments & Conuictions of the Said Late Earle, and His Adhe
The Advancement of Learning
On Gardens
Francis Bacon, Translations of the Philosophical Works, Part I Vol. IV
New Atlantis
Complete Essays
Advancement of Learning
History of Henry VII (Hesperus Non-fiction)
Wise and Moderate Discourse Concerning Church-Affaires
Sacred Meditations
The Essays or Counsels Civil and Moral of Fancis Bacon Lord Verulam, Viscount St. Albans
Novum Organum
Two Books of Francis Bacon
Selected essays
Physical and Metaphysical Works of Lord Bacon
Bacon's Advancement of Learning and the New Atlantis. Preface By Thomas Case [World's Classics XCIII]
The Works Of Francis Bacon, Lord Chancellor Of England, Volume 2
Intermediate WordPerfect 5.0
Essays of Francis Bacon
A Declaration of the Practises & Treasons attempted and committed by Robert late Earle of Essex and his Complices
Opera omnia, quatuor voluminibus comprehensa
Advancement of Learning; Volume 2
Certaine Considerations Touching the Better Pacification and Edification of the Churchof England
Francisci Baconi Baronis de Verulamio, Vicecomitis Sancti Albani, Magni, Angliae Cancellarii, Opera omnia..
Bacon's Essays and Wisdom of the Ancients - Scholar's Choice Edition
The Advancement of Learning
Sylva sylvarum
Bacon's Essays, and Wisdom of the Ancients
Bacon's Essays
The works of Francis Bacon
Sylva Sylvarum  Physiological Remains. Medical Remains. Medical Receipts. Works Moral
Baconiana; or, Certain Genuine Remains of Sr. Francis Bacon. In Arguments Civil and Moral, Natural, Medical, Theological, and Bibliographical; now the First Time Published
Essays or Counsels
The Works Of Francis Bacon, Baron Of Verulam, Viscount St. Alban, And Lord High Chancellor Of England: Letters, Continued. Letters, Speeches, Charges, ... By Dr. Birch In One Volume In Octavo In 1763
Of Atheism
The Works of Francis Bacon
Nouvel Organum Ou Règles Véritables Pour l'interprétation de la Nature
The Complete Essays of Francis Bacon
Veritas the Harvard Classics
The Moral and Historical Works of Lord Bacon : Including his Essays, Apophthegms, Wisdom of the Ancients, New Atlantis, and Life of Henry the Seventh
The Works of Francis Bacon, the Wisdom of the Ancients and Other Essays
Refutación de las filosofías
Philosophical Studies C. 1611-C. 1619
The felicity of Queen Elizabeth and her times
The essays, or counsels civil and moral and wisdom of the ancients
ESSAYS or COUNSELS, (Annotated)
Bacon's Essays
Wise and Moderate Discourse Concerning Church-Affaires
Of the Advancement and Proficience of Learning
Only Too Much Is Enough
Essays, Civil and Moral and The New Atlantis / Areopagitica and Tractate on Education / Religo Medici, Collector's Edition (The Harvard Classics)
New Atlantis
Opervm moralivm et civilivm tomus
Essays of Francis Bacon
Selections of Classic British Essays
Great Instauration
Gardens & friendship
Two Books of Francis, Lord Verulam
Bacon - The History of the Reign of King Henry VII and Selected Works
Oevvres Morales et Politiqves de Messire François Bacon
Essays I-XX
Valerius Terminus of the Interpretation of Nature
Sylva sylvarum
Lord Bacon's Essays, or Counsels Moral and Civil
Essais Sur Divers Sujets de Politique et de Morale
Bacon's History of the Reign of King Henry VII: With Notes (Classic Reprint)
Eskilerin Bilgeligi
Essays of Francis Bacon
The essays, or Councils, civil and moral
The Essays of Francis Bacon
Sylva sylvarvm
Certaine Miscellany Works
Three speeches of the Right Honourable, Sir Francis Bacon, Knight, then His Majestie'sSollicitor General, after Lord Verulam, Viscount Saint Alban, concerning, post-nat., nahuralization of the Scotch in England, union of the lawes of the Kingdomes of England and Scotland
Wisedome of the Ancients
Francis Bacon, the Letters and the Life of Francis Bacon Vol. XIV, Part VII
Francis Bacon Essays Or Counsels, Civil and Moral
Advancement of learning and Novum organum, (The World's great classics) (The World's great classics)
De la Sagesse des Anciens (Edition 1803)
Essays of Francis Bacon
The Essays of Sir Francis Bacon
Letters and the Life of Francis Bacon
The Two Bookes of Francis Bacon
A wise and moderate discourse, concerning Church-affaires. As it was written, long since, by the famous author of those considerations, which seem to have some reference to this, now published for the common good
Moral, Economical, and Political Essays
Works of Francis Bacon, Baron of Verulam, Viscount St. Alban, and Lord High Chancellor of England : Sylva Sylvarum  Physiological Remains. Medical Remains. Medical Receipts. Works Moral
The essays of Francis Bacon ... on civil, moral, literary and political subjects
Of the Proficience and Advancement of Learning
Selected writings (The Modern library of the world's best books [256])
Essays, Civil and Moral and The New Atlantis (by Francis Bacon); Areopagitica and Tractate on Education (by John Milton); Religio Medici (by Sir Thomas Browne) [The Harvard Classics]
The translation of certaine psalmes into English verse
The essays, colours of good and evil and
Essays or Counsels
Of youth & age
Selected essays of Francis Bacon
Advancement of Learning
The Wisdom of the Ancients
New Atlantis
Essays, moral, economical and political
Selected Essays of Francis Bacon
Nueva Atlántida
The Advancement of Learning. Heron Classics Series
The Temper of a Man. Catherine drinker bowen
The Great Instauration
Secme Aforizmalar - Hasan Ali Yucel Klasikleri
Essays or Counsels, Civil and Moral, of Francis Bacon (Francis Ld. Verulam, Viscount St. Albans)
The New Atlantis
The two bookes of Sir Francis Bacon of the proficience and advancement of learning, divine and humane...
Pei gen ren sheng lun
A reprint of a treatise by Francis Bacon on the delivery of the lamp or the method bequeathed to the sonnes of sapience
The History of Henry VII of England
Works of Francis Bacon : Opera Philosophica
Historie of the Raigne of King Henry the Seuenth
Valerius Terminus
The history of the reign of King Henry the Seventh
The Essays of Francis Bacon
The essays or counsels
The Reign Of Henry VII ( Folio Society )
The Essays or Counsels, Civil and Moral
Novum Organum
Complete Essays of Francis Bacon
Essays and apothegms
Sylva sylvarum
Francis Bacon
Essays ; and, Advancement of Learning
An essay of a king
24 Essays by Francis Bacon
New Organon (Novum Organum) (Hardcover)
Great Instauration and the Novum Organum
Valerius Terminus
Bacon's Essays and Wisdom of the Ancients
Bacon's Essays, and Wisdom of the Ancients by Francis Bacon
Considerations touching a warre with Spaine
Works of Francis Bacon, Baron of Verulam, Viscount St. Alban, and Lord High Chancellor of England
Famous Utopias
Bacon's Novum Organum
Essays, Civil and Moral; New Atlantis; Areopagitica; Tractate on Education; Religio Medici
Novum Organum; or, True Suggestions for the Interpretation of Nature
Nueva Atlántida
Essays - Francis Bacon
Bacon's Essays : With Annotations
Pensées Sur la Religion
Essays, Advancement of learning, New Atlantis and other pieces (Odyssey series in literature)
Focusing on College
The works of Lord Bacon, moral and historical
Advancement of Learning
Law tracts, containing 1. A proposition for compiling and amendment of our laws. 2. An offer of a digest of the laws. ... By Francis Bacon. ...
The historie of the raigne of King Henry the Seuenth
Novum Organum
Proficience and Advancement of Learning
Novum organum, or, True suggestions for the interpretation of nature
The Learned Reading of Sir Francis Bacon, One of her Majesties learned Counsell at Law, upon the Statute of Uses
Novum Organum
Verulamiana; or, Opinions on men, manners, literature, politics and theology
La sabiduría de los antiguos
Valerius Terminus
Wild Life
Advancement of Learning - Publishing People Series
The essays or Counsels, civil and moral of Francis Bacon [first published in 1597, and as he left them newly written and published in 1625] including also his Apophthegms, Elegant sentences and Wisdom of the ancients
Works, Volume 3
Advancement of Learning
The essaies of Sir Francis Bacon, Knight, the King's solliciter generall
The Art of Living Long; A New and Improved English Version of the Treatise by the Celebrated Venetian Centenarian, Louis Cornaro, with Essays
A letter of advice written by Sir Francis Bacon to the Duke ofBuckingham, when he became favourite to King James ...
Essays, Civil and Moral / The New Atlantis/ Areopagitica / Tractate on Education / Regilio Medici (The Harvard Classics)
Three Early Modern Utopias : Thomas More : Utopia / Francis Bacon : New Atlantis / Henry Neville
Essays, or Counsels, Civil and Moral
Selections from the works of Lord Bacon
Bacon's Essays and Wisdom Of The Ancient
Valerius Terminus
History of the Reigns of Henry the Seventh, Henry the Eighth, Edward the Sixth and Queen Mary
Sylva sylvarum
Sylva sylvarum
Novum Organum ...
The essayes or counsels civill and morall of Francis Lord Verulam Viscount St. Alban
Letters and the Life of Francis Bacon Including All His Occasional Works
New Organon (Novum Organum)
Essays and other writings of Francis Bacon
Baconiana, or, Certain genuine remains of S[i]r Francis Bacon, Baron of Verulam, and Viscount of St. Albans
The historie of the reigne of King Henry the Seventh ...
The Essays of Francis Bacon  .  By : Francis Bacon : edited By
Essays, Or Counsels, Civil And Moral
Sylva sylvarum
The Two Bookes of Sr. Francis Bacon. Of the Proficience and Aduancement of Learning, Divine and Hvmane ..
Works of Francis Bacon, Baron of Verulam, Viscount St. Alban, and Lord High Chancellor of England
Antoine d'Agata and Francis Bacon : Aesthetic Parallel of Two
Of Empire
The Advancement of Learning
The essays of Francis Bacon
The philosophical works of Francis Bacon, baron of Verulam, viscount St. Albans ..
Neues Organon
Of Empire
The Charge of Sir Francis Bacon ... Touching Duells, Vpon an Information in the Star-Chamber Against Priest and Wright. with the Decree of the Star-Chamber in the Same Cause
Elements of the Common Lavves of England, Branched into a Double Tract
Francis Bacon : Paintings
Francisci Baconi... opera omnia..., hactenus edita [by John Blackbourne]...
Text-Book of Prose from Burke, Webster, and Bacon
Essays moral, economical, and political
Hit Guide. US Chart Singles 1964 - 1970.
Certain genuine remaines of Lord Verulam
Prefaces and prologues to famous books
The novum organon, or a true guide to the interpretation of nature
Bacon's Essays with Introduction, Notes and Index by Edwin A. Abbott
New Organon
Bacon's Essays and Wisdom of the Ancients
Sevgi Üstüne
The philosophical works of Francis Bacon
New Organon
The Works of Francis Bacon, Baron of Verulam, Viscount St. Alban, and Lord High Chancellor of England
Friends and Relations
Philosophical Works
Essays moral, economical, and political. By Francis Bacon, ...
The vse of the law.  Provided for preservation of our persons, goods, and good names.According to the practice of the lawes and customes of this land
Collection of Apophthegms New and Old
Sylva sylvarum
Proficience and Advancement of Learning
Original Letters and Memoirs
Essays of Francis Bacon
Law Tracts. Maxims of the Law
Several letters written by this honourable author to Queen Elizabeth, King James, divers Lords, and others
Oeuvres philosophiques de Bacon
The essayes or counsels, civill and morall of Francis Bacon, Lo. Verulam, Viscount St. Albans
History of the Reign of King Henry the Seventh
Novum Organum and Other Writings
Essays or counsels civill and morall of francis Bacon, Lord Verulam.
An Account Of The Life And Times Of Francis Bacon
Learned Reading of Sir Francis Bacon ... upon the Statute of Uses, Being His Double Reading to the Honourable Society of Grayes Inne. Published for the Common Good
Essays, Civil and Moral and The New Atlantis, Areopagitica and Tractate on Education, Religio Medici (Harvard Classics)
Conference of Pleasure
Letters of Sr Francis Bacon. Written During the Reign of King James the First. Now Collected, and Augmented with Several Letters and Memoires, Address'd by Him to the King and Duke of Buckingham, Which Was Never Before Published. the Whole Being Illustrat
A Declaration of the demeanor and cariage of Sir Walter Raleigh, knight
Essays or Counsels, Civil and Moral
The Works of Francis Bacon, Lord Chancellor of England
Conference of Pleasure
The reading upon the Statute of uses of Francis Bacon
Of the Advancement and Proficiencie of Learning; or, the Partitions of Sciences, Nine Books. Written in Latin by the Most Eminent, Illustrious and Famous Lord Bacon
Pei gen sui bi
Nouvelle Atlantide et Autres Textes Litteraires. Tome III, Volume I - OEuvres Completes
The essays or counsels civil and moral, with the wisdom of the ancients...
Letters, memoirs, parliamentary affairs, state paper, &c
Proficience and Advancement of Learning
The works of Francis Bacon
Works : Collected and Edited by James Spedding, Robert Leslie Ellis, and Douglas Denon Heath : Works
Opera omnia, cum novo eoque insigni augmento tractatuum hactenus ineditorum, & ex idiomate anglicano in latinum sermonem translatorum
The New organon, and related writings
New Organon
Valerius Terminus : Of the Interpretation of Nature
The two bookes of Francis Bacon on the proficienceand advancement of learning, divine and humane
Sylva sylvarum
The works of Francis Bacon
New Atlantis (Classic Books of Enlightenment Philosophy)
Francisci Baconis Tractatus de justitia universali sive de fontibus juris in uno titulo per aphorismos
Novum Organum : Or, True Suggestions for the Interpretation of Nature
Works of Francis Bacon, Lord Chancellor of England
Sylva sylvarum
Nuova Atlantide
Sir Francis Bacon his apologie
Essays or Counsels : Civil and Moral
The Works Of Francis Bacon, Baron Of Verulam, Viscount St. Alban, And Lord High Chancellor Of England, Volume 1
New Atlantis
Bacon's Essays and Wisdom of the Ancients
Works of Francis Bacon, Lord Chancellor of England : A New Edition:
Opervm moralivm et civilivm tomus
Lord Bacon's Essays, or counsels moral and civil
The works of Francis Bacon, Baron of Verulam, Viscount St. Albans, and Lord High Chancellor of England
Essays, civil and moral
De la Sagesse des Anciens
Essays or Counsels, Civil and Moral, of Francis Bacon : (Annotated)(Biography)
The advancement of learning (Everyman's library)
Selected writings of Francis Bacon
The Essays, or, Counsels, civil and moral
The works of Lord Bacon
Novum Organum
The essays or counsels, civil and moral, of Sir Francis Bacon Lord Verulum Viscount St. Alban
Sylva sylvarum
Bacon's essays and Wisdom of the ancients
Sir Francis Bacon
The Essays of Francis Bacon
The New Organon
Bacon's History of the Reign of King Henry VII
The Essays of Francis Bacon: The Fifty-Nine Essays, Complete
Works of Francis Bacon
Works; Volume 2
Gardens and Friendship
La nueva Atlántida
Sir Francis Bacon his aologie [sic], incertaine [sic] imputations concerning the late Earle of Essex
Advancement of Learning and Novum Organum and New Atlantis
Essays or Counsels Civil and Moral
The confession of Faith (Collected Works of Sir Francis Bacon)
Essays, civil and moral; and, The new Atlantis
A true and historical relation of the poysoning of Sir Thomas Overbury
Francis Bacon selections, with essays by Macaulay and S.R. Gardiner
Historia naturalis et experimentalis de ventis, &c
A speech delivered by Sir Francis Bacon, in the Lower House of Parliament, quinto Jacobi [i.e. 1608], concerning the article of naturalization of the Scottish Nation
The Temper Of A Man
The New organon, and related writings
Sylva sylvarvm
Novum Organum True Directions Concerning The Interpretation Of Nature
Selected writings of Francis Bacon (The Modern library of the world's best books, 256.2)
Works of Francis Bacon; Volume XV
Collected Works of Francis Bacon
Instauratio Magna. Multi Petrasibunt & Augebitur Scientia
A confession of faith
Novum Organum Tabiatin Yorumu Ve Insan Alemi Hakkinda Özlü Sözler
The Advancement of Learning and New Atlantis. Preface Thomas Case.
The Advancement of Learning
The Englishman's Right
Francis Bacon, The Essays or Counsels, Civil and Moral, of Francis Ld. Verulam
Proficience and Advancement of Learning
Unterhaltungen über Verschiedene Gegenstände Aus der Moral, Politik und Oeconomie
Essays of Sir Francis Bacon
Sir Francis Bacon his apologie
Oeuvres de Bacon
Essays, Moral, Economical and Political
The Essays
Advancement of Learning
Valerius Terminus; of the Interpretation of Nature
Considerations Tovching a Warre with Spaine
Francis Bacon: a selection of his works
New Organon
Proserpina Or Spirit
[Three early modern Utopias]
An essay of gardens
The Advancement of Learning and The New Atlantis. With a Preface by Thomas Case. Henry Frowde. Ca. 1950.
Explanatory Version of Lord Bacon's Novum Organum
Essays and New Atlantis (Classics club library)
A collection of some principal rules and maximes of the common lawes of England
Letters, memoirs, parliamentary affairs, state papers, &c
Essays Moral, Economical, and Political
Bacon's Essays
De la sabiduría egoísta
Of Delays - Pamphlet
The Wisdom Of The Ancients And New Atlantis (1886)
Aṭlanṭis ha-ḥadashah
Considerations tovching a warre with Spaine ..
A speech delivered by Sir Francis Bacon in the lower house of Parliament, quinto Iacobi, concerning the article of naturalization of the Scottish nation
Du progrès et de la promotion des savoirs, 1605
The essays or counsels
The vvisedome of the ancients, written in Latine by the Right Honourable Sir Francis Bacon Knight, Baron of Verulam, and Lord Chancelor or England. Done into English by Sir Arthur Gorges Knight
Of Youth And Age - Pamphlet
The Sister Of The Giants Or Fame - Pamphlet
The essays, or Councels, civil and moral
Of building
The essays of Lord Bacon
Of Anger
History naturall and experimentall, of life and death
Essayes and counsels, civil and moral
Three speeches of the Right Honorable, Sir Francis Bacon ..
Francisci Baconi, baronis de Verulamio, vice-comitis S. Albani ...
Certain Considerations For the better Establishment Of The Church of England, Under the following Heads
Essays of Bacon
A confession of the faith. Written by the Right Honourable Francis Bacon, ..
Nemesis Or The Vicissitude Of Things
Of Praise
Francis Bacon, paintings
Resuscitatio or, bringing into publick light several pieces of the works, civil, historical, philosophical, and theological, hitherto sleeping of the right honourable Francis Bacon
Bacon (Plain Texts from Key Thinkers)
Baronis de Verlamo, Vice-Comitis Sancti Albani; Tomus Primus
The apology of Sr. Francis Bacon, Kt
Historia naturalis et experimentalis de ventis, &c
The natural and experimental history of winds &c
Juno's Suitor Or Baseness And Cupid Or An Atom
Bacon's Essays
Certaine miscellany works of The Right Honourable Francis Lo. Verulam, Viscount  S. Alban
The works of Francis Bacon
Oeuvres philosophiques, morales et politiques de Franc̨ois Bacon
A letter vvritten out of England to an English gentleman remaining at Padua
Considerations Touching a Warre with Spaine (Collected Works of Sir Francis Bacon)
Advancement of Learning; Colours of Good and Evil; The Essays
Description of the Intellectual Globe
Of gardens
Considerations politiqves povr entreprendre la gverre contre l'Espagne
the New Organon, and Related Writings (Collected Works of Sir Francis Bacon)
The works of Francis Bacon
Typhon Or A Rebel
The essayes or counsels, civill and morall, of Francis Lo. Verulam, Viscount St. Alban
Certaine considerations touching the better pacification, and edification of the Church of England
Scripta in natvrali et vniversali philosophia
The history natural and experimental of life and death
Apophthegmes New and Old (Collected Works of Sir Francis Bacon)
Fr. Baconi De Verulamio Sermones fideles, ethici, politici oeconomici: sive Interiora rerum
Of Faction
The Works of Francis Bacon, Lord Chancellor of England: A New Ed.; with a ..
Of Fortune - Pamphlet
Of Nobility - Pamphlet
Of Negotiating - Pamphlet
Reading upon the Statute of uses
Of The True Greatness Of Kingdoms And The States
The Philosophical Works of Francis Bacon, Baron of Verulam, viscount St. Albans, and Lord High Chancellor of England; Methodized, and made English, from the Orginals, with Occasional Notes, to Explain what is Obscure; And shew how far the several Plans of (Collected Works of Sir Francis Bacon - 3 volumes)
Valerius Terminus. Von der Interpretation der Natur mit den Anmerkungen von Hermes Stella (englisch-deutsch). Ubersetzt von Franz Trager und Hildegard Trager. Eingeleitet und hrsg. von Franz Trager
Bacon essays I-XX
Essays and apothegms of Francis Lord Bacon
Philosophical Works of Francis Bacon (Library of English Renaissance Literature)
Lord Franz Bacon ... über die Würde und den Fortgang der Wissenschafften
The mirrour of state and eloqvence
Of Plantations
A declaration of the demeanor and cariage of Sir Walter Raleigh, knight, as well his voyage, as in, and sithence his returne
The works of Francis Bacon, Lord Chancellor of England
The essays, or, Counsels, civil & moral, of Sir Francis Bacon, Lord Verulam, Viscount St. Alban
Certaine miscellany vvorks of the Right Honourable Francis Lo. Verulam, Viscount S. Alban. Published by William Rawley ..
Essayes. Religious meditations. Places of perswasion & disswasion
Of Seeming Wise - Pamphlet
Of Suitors - Pamphlet
The essaies of Sr. Francis Bacon ..
The Life and Correspondence of Francis Bacon
The works of Francis Bacon
Lord Bacon his prayer
Bacon's essaies
Entretiens avec Michel Archimbaud
Of Custom And Education - Pamphlet
Opere filosofiche [di] Francesco Bacone
A Brief Sketch of Lord Bacon's Life
Letters And The Life Of Francis Bacon Including All His Occasional Works, Namely Letters, Speeches
Thoughts on the Nature of Things and Other Essays
Sylva sylvarun, or, A natural history, in ten centuries
The complete essays of Francis Bacon
The office of constables
Certaine Miscellany works of the Right Honourable, Francis Lo. Verulam, Viscount S. Alban (Collected Works of Sir Francis Bacon)
The Cyclops Or The Ministers Of Terror - Pamphlet
The Essays, or, Counsels, civil and moral
Francisci Baconis de Verulamio, Vice-Comitis Sancti Albani, Historia naturalis ad condendam philosophiam, sive, Phaenomena vniuersi
True peace, or, A moderate discourse to compose the unsettled consciences and greatest differences in ecclesiastical affaires
Of Gardens - Pamphlet
The moral and historical works of Lord Bacon
Fables of the ancients
Several essayes or counsels, civill and morall
Valerius Terminus Von der Interpretation der Natur mit den Anmerkungen von Hermes Stella
The Phenomena of the Universe or Natural History of the Basis of Natural Philosophy
Preparative Toward Natural And Experimental History
Thoughts on the Holy Scripture
The works of Francis Bacon, Lord Chancellor of England
Certaine considerations tovching the better pacification, and edification of the Church of England ..
A preparatory to the history natural & experimental
Of truth
Topics Of The Inquiry Concerning Light And The Matter Of Light
A Briefe Discourse, Touching the Happie Union of the Kingdomes of England, and Scotland (Collected Works of Sir Francis Bacon)
Sur le prolongement de la vie et les moyens de mourir
Opuscula varia posthuma, philosophica, civilia, et theologica Francisci Baconi, Baronis de Verulamio, Vice-Comitis Sancti Albani
Works: Collected and Edited by James Spedding, Robert Leslie Ellis, and Douglas Denon Heath
Of Cunning - Pamphlet
Essays with introduction, notes and index
The essays, or, Councils, civil and moral
Painting 1945-1982
Essays (Classics of World Literature)
Collotype facsimile & type transcript of an Elizabethan manuscript preserved at Alnwick castle, Northumberland ...
Gardens and friendship
Of the Principles and Origins of Nature According to the Fables of Cupid and Heaven
Sochineni͡ia v dvukh tomakh
The Letters and the Life of Francis Bacon Including All His Occasional works, Namely Letters, Speeches, Tracts, State Papers, memorials, Devices and All Authentic Writing Not Already Printed among His Philosophical, Literary, or Professional Works, Newly (Collected Works of Sir Francis Bacon - 7 Volumes)
Of Honor And Reputation
Bibliotheca Baconia, or, A collection of choice English books
A letter of advice written by Sr. Francis Bacon to the Duke of Buckingham, when he became favourite to King James
Of travel
Atalanta Or Gain
Works of Lord Bacon, Part 1
Eight essayists
The essayes or Counsels civill and morall of Francis, Lord Verulam, Viscount St. Alban
Thoughts on holy scripture
Of Ambition - Pamphlet
Works of Lord Bacon, Part 4
Examples of a treatise on universal justice
Of Expense - Pamphlet
Perseus Or War
Sylvia sylvarvm
The essays, or counsels civil and moral and wisdom of the ancients
Historia naturalis & experimentalis de ventis, &c
A discourse of the happy union of the kingdoms of England & Scotland
The essayes or covnsels, civill and morall, of Francis Lo. Vervlam, Viscovnt St. Alban
The philosophical works of Francis Bacon, Baron of Verulam, Viscount St. Alban's, and Lord High-Chancellor of England
Works. Of Francis Bacon, baron of Verulam, viscount St. Alban, and lord high chancellor of England
The works of Francis Bacon, Baron of Verulam, Viscount St. Alban, and Lord High Chancellor of England
The charge of Sir Francis Bacon ..
Of Vain Glory
Works. Of Francis Bacon, baron of Verulam, viscount St. Alban, and lord high chancellor of England
The essays, or counsels civil and moral of Francis Bacon
The remaines of the Right Honorable Francis lord Verulam, viscount of St. Albanes ... being essayes and severall letters to severall great personages, and other pieces of various and high concernment not heretofore published
The naturall and experimental history of vvinds, &c
Sylva sylvarvm, sive Hist. naturalis, et Novus atlas
The essays or counsels, civil & moral, of Sir Francis Bacon, Lord Verulam, Viscount St. Alban ; with A table of the colours of good and evil ; whereunto is added, The wisdome of the ancients
Of Simulation And Dissimulation
Of Dispatch - Pamphlet
Of Love - Pamphlet
Of Vicissitudes Of Things - Pamphlet
Lord Bacon's Essays, or, Counsels, moral and civil
Bēkon ronsetsushū
Select tracts relating to colonies
Sphynx Or Science
The mirrour of state and eloquence
Pan or Nature - Pamphlet
The essayes or counsels, ciuill and morall
Physical and Metaphysical Works of Lord Bacon, Including His Dignity and Advancement of Learning, in Nine Books, and His Novum Organum Or, Precepts F
Resuscitatio, or, bringing into publick light several pieces of the works, civil, historical, philosophical, & theological, hitherto sleeping
Francisci de Verulamio Novum organum
A Wise and Moderate Discourse, Concerning Church-Affaires.  As it was written, long since, by the famous Authour of those Considerations, which seem to have some reference to this (Collected Works of Sir Francis Bacon)
Ren sheng lun
The works of Francis Bacon, baron of Verulam, viscount St. Alban's, lord high chancellor of England
Characters of a believing Christian in paradoxes and seeming contradictions
The apology of Sr. Francis Bacon, Kt
Original letters
Scripta in Naturali et Universali Philosophia (Collected Works of Sir Francis Bacon)
The Theory Of The Firmament - Pamphlet
Of Boldness - Pamphlet
Bacon's Novum organum
The historie of the reigne of King Henrie the Seaventh
Coelum Or Beginnings
Life And Correspondence Of Francis Bacon (2 Volumes)
Of Ceremonies And Respects
The essays of Lord Bacon
The essays or counsels, civil and moral of Francis Bacon
Of Goodness And Goodness Of Nature
The works of Francis Bacon
The essays, or, counsels, civil and moral of Sir Francis Bacon ...
Lun ren sheng
Essays, with introduction, notes and index
The essayes or counsels, civil and moral of Francis Bacon, Lord Verulam, Viscount St. Albans
Of Discourse - Pamphlet
Of Gardens: An Essay
The natural and experimental history of winds, &c
Francisci Baconi, Baronis de Verulamio, Vice Comitis S. Albani, & Summi Angliae Cancellarii, Opuscula historico-politica
A preparatory to the history natural & experimental
A conference of pleasure
Francis Bacon's Speech Against Dueling
The Historie of the Raigne of King Henry The Seventh (Collected Works of Sir Francis Bacon)
La sagesse des Anciens
Of Suspicion - Pamphlet
A breif [sic] discourse of the happy union of the kingdoms of England and Scotland
'Thoughts that breathe and words that burn,' from the writings of Francis Bacon, baron of Verulam, viscount St. Albans, and lord high chancellor of England
Baconiana, or, Certain genuine remains of Sr Francis Bacon, baron of Verulam, and viscount of St. Albans
Of Parents And Children - Pamphlet
Of Superstition - Pamphlet
Letters, speeches, charges, advices, &c. of Francis Bacon ..
Three speeches of the Right Honorable, Sir Francis Bacon, Knight ..
Letters and life
Bacon's Essays
History naturall and experimentall, of life and death
Certaine Considerations Tovching The better Pacification, and Edification of the Church of England
The essayes or covnsels, civill and morall
A letter of advice
Of vicissitude of things
Ensayo de un tratado sobre la justicia universal, ó, Las fuentes del derecho
Cassandra Or Divination - Pamphlet
Three essays
Of Judicature
Tale of the Shakespeare Epitaph
Works of Lord Bacon, Part 2
The historie of life and death
Essaies of S' Francis Bacon Knight, the Kings Solliciter Generall (Collected Works of Sir Francis Bacon)
The Oxford Francis Bacon
Certaine Considerations touching the better pacification and Edification of the Church of England (Collected Works of Sir Francis Bacon)
Sukhanānī chand az navīsandagān-i Bakhtar
Sylva sylvarum, sive Historia naturalis
Essays by Lords Bacon and Clarendon
Friendship - Pamphlet
The elements of the common lavves of England
The essayes or counsels
De augmentis scientiarum lib IX
Essays of Bacon
Fr. Baconi de Verulamio Sermones fideles, ethici,politici,oeconomici
Of Deformity - Pamphlet
Of Seditions And Troubles - Pamphlet
Of Wisdom For A Man's Self - Pamphlet
The essays of Francis Bacon, Lord Verulam
Intermediate WordPerfect F/Wnd
Œvvres morales et politiqves de Messire Francois Bacon, grand chancelier d'Angleterre
Ericthonius or Imposture - Pamphlet
Of Adversity - Pamphlet
Letters and remains of the Lord Chancellor Bacon. Collected by Robert Stephens, Esq; ..
Of Counsel - Pamphlet
The charge of Sir Francis Bacon knight, His Maiesties attourney generall, touching duells, vpon an information in the Star-chamber against Priest and Wright
Exemplum tractatus de fontibus juris
Opera omnia, quae extant: philosophica, moralia, politica, historica ...
Francis Bacon. The great instauration
Of Beauty - Pamphlet
The philosophical works of Francis Bacon, Baron of Verulam, ... methodized, and made English, from the originals. ... In three volumes. By Peter Shaw, ..
The essaies of Sr. Francis Bacon, Knight, the King's Attorney Generall, his religious meditations, places of perswasion and disswasion
Sylva sylvarvm, or, A naturall historie ..
Of Revenge - Pamphlet
Baconiana, Or, Certain genuine remains of St. Francis Bacon, baron of Verulam, and viscount of St. Albans
Le "Valerius Terminus" (de l'interprétation de la nature)
Essays, civil and moral and The new Atlantis, by Francis Bacon; Areopagitica and Tractate on education, by John Milton; Religio medici, by Sir Thomas Browne, with introductions, notes and illustrations
Bacon Advancement of Learning
The Essays, or counsels civill & morall of Francis Bacon
Francis Bacon's essays
Lord Francis Bacon's Bible Thoughts
Essays, moral, economical and political
Thoughts, philosophical and medical
The essays, or, Counsels civil and moral of Francis Bacon
Actaeon And Pentheus Or A Curious Man
Cases of Treason (Collected Works of Sir Francis Bacon)
Works of Lord Bacon, Part 3
Of Truth - Pamphlet
Novum organum
A brief discourse of the happy union of the kingdoms of Scotland and England
Francisci de Verulamio Historia naturalis et experimentalis de ventis, etc
The essays of Lord Bacon
Letters of Sr Francis Bacon, Baron of Verulam, ... Written during the reign of King James the First. Now collected, and augmented with several letters ..
Sermones fideles, ethici, politici, oeconomici
Of Usury
Resuscitatio, Or, Bringing into Publick Light Severall Pieces, of the works, civil, Historical, Philosophical, Theological, Hitherto Sleeping; Of the Right Honourable Francis Bacon Baron of Verulam, Viscount Saint Alban. According to the best Corrected Co (Collected Works of Sir Francis Bacon)
Opera omnia
Essai d'un traité sur la justice universelle, ou les sources du droit
Essays by Francis Bacon
Of Regimen Of Health - Pamphlet
The works of Francis Bacon, Baron of Verulam, viscount St. Alban. Lord High Chancellor of England (Collected Works of Sir Francis Bacon - 4 volumes)
The works of Francis Bacon, Baron of Verulam, Viscount St. Alban, Lord High Chancellor of England ... With several additional pieces, never before printed in any edition of his works. To which is prefixed a new life of the author, by Mr. Mallet
Reading upon the Statute of Uses
Teoria del Cielo (Coleccion Ciencias juridicas. Derecho internacional)
The essays of Francis Bacon
Gardens and friendship
Essays, civil and moral ; and, The new Atlantis
The essays or counsels
Essays and New Atlantis
Several letters
Essays, Colors of good and evil, & Advancement of learning
Works of Francis Bacon, Set
Sylvia sylvarvm
Of Followers And Friends - Pamphlet
Facles of the ancients, in philosophy, morality, and civil policy
The learned reading of Sir Francis Bacon ... upon the Statute of uses
The Advancement of Learning. from Rome to the End
The works of Lord Bacon
Works. Of Francis Bacon, baron of Verulam, viscount St. Alban, and lord high chancellor of England
Historia natvralis et experimentalis ad condendam philosophiam
Essays, Advancement of learning, New Atlantis, and Other Pieces (Collected Works of Sir Francis Bacon)
Francis Bacon
Apophthegmes nevv and old. Collected by the Right Honourable, Francis Lo. Verulam, Viscount St. Alban
A charge given by the most eminent and learned Sr. Francis Bacon, Kt., late Lord Chancellor of England, at a sessions holden for the verge, in the reign of the late King James
Collotype facsimile & type transcript of an Elizabethan manuscript preserved at Alnwick castle, Northumberland
The essays of Lord Bacon, including his moral and historical works ... with memoir, notes, and glossary
The poems of Francis Bacon...For the first time collected and ed. after the original texts
Of Riches
Charge of Sir Francis Bacon Knight, His Maiesties Attourney generall, touching Duells, upon an information in the Star-chamber against Priest and Wright
The works of Francis Bacon
Resuscitatio, or, Bringing into publick light severall pieces of the works, civil, historical, philosophical & theological, hitherto sleeping
The union of the two kingdoms of Scotland and England, or, The elaborate papers of Sir Francis Bacon ..
The Advancement of Learning - Bacon
Reading on the Statute of uses
Dionysus Or Passions
Historia Naturalis et Experimentalis ad Condendam Philosphiam: Sive, Phaenomena Universi
Orpheus Or Philosophy
The Moral and Historical works of Lord Bacon
The Philosophical Wisdom of Bacon of Verulam Upon the Major Problems of Life, Set
Pan, sive natura
A Speech Delivered by Sir Francis Bacon, In the lower House of Parliament quinto Iacobi, concerning the Article of Naturalization of the Scottish Nation (Collected Works of Sir Francis Bacon)
Resuscitatio, or, Bringing into publick light several pieces of the works, civil, historical, philosophical & theological, hitherto sleeping, of the Right Honourable Francis Bacon, Baron of Verulam, Viscount Saint Alban, according to the best corrected copies, together with his lordship's life
Francisci Baconi Baronis de Verulamio, Vice-Comitis S. Albani, & Summi Angliae Cancellarii, Phaenomena universi, sive, Historia naturalis & experimentalis de ventis
Proteus Or Matter - Pamphlet
Francisci Baconi, Baronis de Verulamio, Vice-Comitis S. Albani, Summi Angliae Cancellarii, Opera omnia
Opuscula varia posthuma, philosophica, civilia, et theologica Francisci Baconi, Baronis de Verulamio, Vice-Comitis Sancti Albani, nunc primum edita
The use of the law
The essayes or councils, civil and moral, of Sir Francis Bacon, Lord Verulam, Viscount St. Alban ; with A table of the colours of good and evil ; and a discourse of The wisdom of the ancients ; to this edition is added The character of Queen Elizabeth, never before printed in English
Francisci Baconi Baronis de Verulamio, ... opera omnia, quatuor voluminibus ..
The history of Henry VII. of England
Lord Bacon's essays
Diomedes Or Zeal
The proceedings in Parliament against Sir Francis Bacon, Baron of Verulam, Viscount of St. Albans, and Lord-Chancellor of England, anno Dom. 1620
The remaines of the Right Honorable Francis, Lord Verulam, Viscount of St. Albanes, sometimes Lord Chancellour of England
De Sapientia Veterum Liber (Collected Works of Sir Francis Bacon)
The works of Francis Bacon, Lord Chancellor of England
Historie naturall and experimentall, of life and death. Or of the prolongation of life. Written in Latine by the Right Honorable Francis Lo. Verulam, Vis-count St. Alban
The remaines of the Right Honorable Francis Lord Verulam, Viscount of St. Albanes ..
Resuscitatio, or, Bringing into publick light several pieces of the works, civil, historical, philosophical, and theological, hitherto sleeping, of the Right Honourable Francis Bacon, Baron of Verulam, Viscount Saint Alban
The second part of the Resuscitatio, or, A collection of several pieces of the works of the Right Honourable Francis Bacon, Baron of Verulam, and Viscount of St. Albans
Of Marriage And Single Life - Pamphlet
The essays, or Councels, civil and moral
The history of the reigne of King Henry the Seuenth. Written by the Right Honourable, Francis Lo. Verulam, Viscount S. Alban
Lord Bacon's Tract on universal justice
Historie of Life and Death. With Observations Naturall and Experimentall for the Prolonging of Life (Collected Works of Sir Francis Bacon)
The essays or counsels, civil and moral, of Francis Ld. Verulam, viscount St. Albans
Of Masques And Triumphs - Pamphlet
A Fragment Of An Essay Of Fame - Pamphlet
Of Prophecies
Rokeby: A Poem
Peigen sui bi
The essayes or counsels, civill and morall of Francis Bacon, Lord Verulam
Keys for Deciphering the Greatest Work of Sir Francis Bacon
Certain acute and short sentences of Francis Bacon
Of Unity In Religion
The Wisdom of the Ancients and New Atlantis (Two Stories)
The charge of Sir Francis Bacon touching duells
Thoughts on Holy scripture
The works of Lord Bacon ...
Letters of Sr. Francis Bacon ..
The essays, or counsels civil and moral and wisdom of the ancients
A Confession Of Faith, Penned By an Or-thodox man of the reformed Religion
The essaies of Sr. Francis Bacon knight, the Kings atturney generall
Of Empire - Pamphlet
Bacon Novum Organum
Works. Of Francis Bacon, baron of Verulam, viscount St. Alban, and lord high chancellor of England
A charge given ... at a sessions holden for the verge (viz twelve miles round the King's mansionhouse) in the reign of the late King James
Opuscula Varia Posthuma, Philosophica, Civilia, et Theologica (Collected Works of Sir Francis Bacon)
Certain acute and short sentences of Francis Bacon
Francisci Baconi, Baronis De Verulamio, Vice-Comitis Sancti Albani
Essays, Advancement of learning
Essais du chevalier Bacon, chancelier d'Angleterre
The Twoo Bookes of Francis Bacon
Exemplum Tractatus de fontibus juris, and other Latin pieces of Lord Bacon
The essays or counsels, civil and moral
Oeuvres philosophiques de Bacon: pub. d'après les textes originaux, avee ..
Works. Of Francis Bacon, baron of Verulam, viscount St. Alban, and lord high chancellor of England
Styx Or Leagues
Essays, moral, economical, and political
The letters and life of Francis Bacon
Avance del saber
The essays, or, Counsels, civil and moral of Sir Francis Bacon
Sermones fideles, ethici, politici, oeconomici
Resuscitatio, Or, bringing into Pvblick Light Several Pieces Of The Works, Civil, Historical, Philosophical, & Theological, Hitherto Sleeping, Of the Right Honourable Francis Bacon, Baron of Verulam, Viscount Saint Alban. According to the best Corrected Copies. Together, With his Lordships Life
Deucalion Or Restitution - Pamphlet
Three Speeches of The Right Honorable, Sir Francis Bacon Knight, then his Majesties Sollicitor Generall, after Lord Verulam, Viscount Saing Alban. Concerning the Post Nati; Naturalization of the Scotch in England; Union of the Lawes of the Kingdomes of En (Collected Works of Sir Francis Bacon)
The Translation of Certaine Psalmes into English Verse (Collected Works of Sir Francis Bacon)
The essayes or counsels, civill and morall
The complete essays of Francis Bacon
The second part of the Resuscitatio or A collection of several pieces of the works of the Right Honourable Francis Bacon, Baron of Verulam, and Viscount of St. Albans
A confession of faith. Written by the Right Honourable Francis Bacon, ... Republished with a preface on the subject of authority in religious matters, ..
Tragedy of Anne Boleyn
A Wise and Moderate Discourse, Concerning Church-Affaires. As it was written, long since, by the fa- mous Authour of those Consi- derations, which seem to have some refer-ence to this. Now published for the common good. (ornament)
The essays, or councils, civil and moral, of Sir Francis Bacon, Lord Verulam, Viscount St. Alban
Ideal Commonwealths: Plutarch's Lycurgus, More's Utopia, Bacon's New ..
Works. Of Francis Bacon, baron of Verulam, viscount St. Alban, and lord high chancellor of England
The essaies of S[i]r Francis Bacon, Knight ..
Of Friendship - Pamphlet
Bacon is Shake-speare: Together with a reprint of Bacon's Promus of ..
Novyĭ organon
Of death
Lord Bacon's Essays: With a Sketch of His Life and Character, Reviews of His Philosophical ..
True Hints On The Interpretation Of Nature - Pamphlet
Opuscula varia posthuma ...
The philosophical works of Francis Bacon
Complete essays
Of Nature In Men - Pamphlet
The works of Francis Bacon, lord chancellor of England: Lord Chancellor of ..
The moral and historical works of Lord Bacon, including his essays, apophthegms, wisdom of the ancients, New Atlantis, and life of Henry the seventh
Opuscula historico-politica, anglicè olim conscripta: at nuper latinitate donata à Simone Joanne Arnoldo
Of Death - Pamphlet
Kil motʻungi ŭi param hanjŏm
The essayes, or, Counsels civill and morall, of Francis Lo, Verulam, Viscount St. Alban
The letters and the life of Francis Bacon including all his occasional works
Of custom and education
The essays, or counsels civil and moral of Francis Bacon
The vvisdome of the ancients
The works of Francis Bacon (Collected Works of Sir Francis Bacon - 14 Volumes)
The works of Francis Bacon
The Sirens Or Pleasures
Works Of Sir Francis Bacon (15 Volumes)
The letters and the life of Francis Bacon including all his occasional works, namely letters, speeches, tracts, state papers, memorials, devices and all authentic writings not already printed among his philosophical, literary, or professional works
Works. Of Francis Bacon, baron of Verulam, viscount St. Alban, and lord high chancellor of England
Of Travel - Pamphlet
The second part of the Resuscitatio or A collection of several pieces of the works of the Right Honourable Francis Bacon, Baron of Verulam, and Viscount of St. Albans
The New Atlantis and Essays
Thoughts on Holy Scripture
Of travel
Of Innovations - Pamphlet
Achelous Or Battle - Pamphlet
Ideal Commonwealths: Plutarch's Lycurgus, More's Utopia, Bacon's New Atlantis, Campanella's City ..
Daedalus Or Mechanic
Summi Angliae Cancellarii Instauration magna (Collected Works of Sir Francis Bacon)
A declaration of the practises & treasons attempted and committed by Robert late Earle of Essex and his complices against Her Maiestie and her kingdoms
Metis Or Counsel - Pamphlet
Narcissus Or Self-Love - Pamphlet
Thoughts and Observations Concerning the Interpretation of Nature
The essayes or counsels civill and morall of Francis Bacon, lord  Verulam
Sylva sylvarvm, sive, Hist. naturalis, et Novus atlas
Bacon's Novum organum
The essaies, and, Religious meditations of Sir Francis Bacon, Knight, Attorney General to King James the First
De sapientia veterum ...
Francis Bacon's essays
Works. Of Francis Bacon, baron of Verulam, viscount St. Alban, and lord high chancellor of England
Histoire des vents
On gardens
Certaine considerations tovching the better pacification, and edification of the Church of England
The Letters and the Life of Francis Bacon: Including All His Occasional ..
Certaine miscellany works of the Right Honovrable, Francis Lo. Verulam, viscount S. Albans
Operum Moralium et Civilium (Collected Works of Sir Francis Bacon)
Peigen lun ren sheng
Oeuvres philosophiques
Bacon's Essays
Works. Of Francis Bacon, baron of Verulam, viscount St. Alban, and lord high chancellor of England
Letters of S[i]r Francis Bacon ... written during the reign of King James the First
La Gran Restauracion
Novum organum
Endymion Or A Favorite - Pamphlet
History naturall and experimentall, of life and death
Scylia And Icarus Or The Middle Way - Pamphlet
Historia regni Henrici Septimi, Angliae Regis. Opus vere politicum
Of gardens
The essays, 1625
Works. Of Francis Bacon, baron of Verulam, viscount St. Alban, and lord high chancellor of England
The works of Francis Bacon
Resvscitatio, or, Bringing into pvblick light several pieces of the works, civil, historical, philosophical, and theological, hitherto sleeping, of the Right Honourable Francis Bacon ..
The essayes or counsels, civill and morall, of Francis Lo. Verulam, Viscount St. Alban ; with A table of the colours, or apparances of good and evill ..
The essays or counsels, civil and moral, of Sir Francis Bacon, Lord Veraculam, Viscount St Alban
Of Studies - Pamphlet
Bacon's Essays
The essays, or counsels, civil and moral, of Francis Ld. Verulam
The Philosophical Works of Francis Bacon, with Prefaces and Notes by the ..
Lord Bacon's Essays, or, counsels moral and civil. Translated from the Latin by William Willymott, ... In two volumes. ..
Historia Naturali Experimentali ad conddendam Philosophiam
New Atlantis Continued
Prometheus or the State of Man
Reading upon the Statute of uses
The essays or Counsels, civil and moral, of Francis Bacon
Bacon's Essays
Three Speeches Of The Right Honorable, Sir Francis Bacon Knight, then his Majesties Sollicitor General, after Lord Verulam, Viscount Saint Alban. Concerning the { Post-Nati Naturalization of the Scotch in England Vnion of the Lawes of the Kingdomes of England and Scotland
Bacon essays I-XX
A charge given by the most eminent and learned Sir Francis Bacon, Knight, late Lord Chancellor of England, at a sessions holden for the verge (viz. twelve miles round the King's mansion house) in the reign of the late King James
Francis Bacon's essays
Saggi Morali Opera nuoua Corretta
The works of Francis Bacon
On Death - Pamphlet
William Morris
William Morris (1834-1896)

architect, poet, designer, graphic designer, painter, politician, illustrator

  • University of Oxford, Marlborough College
The wood beyond the world
The story of the Glittering Plain
Golden wings, and other stories
The Glittering plain
Political Writings
Political writings of William Morris
The Well at the World's End
The Life and Death of Jason
Selected English Short Stories (Nineteenth Century)
Good King Wenceslas
News from Nowhere, or, An epoch of rest
William Morris
The earthly paradise
The tables turned, or, Nupkins awakened
The House of the Wolfings
A Dream of John Ball
Harper dictionary of contemporary usage
Hopes and fears for art
Signs of change
Some hints on pattern-designing
The roots of the mountains
A dream of John Ball and A king's lesson
Story of Sigurd the Volsung
Child Christopher and Goldilind the Fair
Art and the beauty of the earth
The Water of the Wondrous Isles
The Norton Anthology of English Literature -- Seventh Edition -- Volume 2B --The Victorian Age
News from nowhere, or, An epoch of rest, being some chapters from a utopian romance
The Collected Works of William Morris
Selected works
The water of the Wondrous isles
The Story of the Glittering Plain
Old French Romances Done into English
William Morris by himself
Old French romances
The World of Romance (Being Contributions to The Oxford and Cambridge Magazine, 1856)
The Earthly Paradise: A Poem
William Morris
Socialism, its growth & outcome
The collected letters of William Morris
The earthly paradise
Selected Poems
Poems by the Way
The Defence of Guenevere: And Other Poems
Signs of Change: Seven Lectures Delivered on Various Occasions
Child Christopher and Goldilind the Fair
The Pilgrims Of Hope
The defence of Guenevere
The Earthy Paradise: A Poem
Three works: A dream of John Ball; The pilgrims of hope; News from nowhere
The world of romance
Early Romances
The Roots of the Mountain
Poems by the Way & Love is Enough
The pilgrims of hope
The doom of King Acrisius
The sundering flood
Love is enough
Letters from the Right Honourable Lady Mary Wortley Montagu (1709-1760)
The art of the people
The ideal book
William Morris on art & design
Poems by the Way
Icelandic journals
An address delivered by William Morris at the distribution of prizes to students of the Birmingham Municipal School of Art on Feb. 21, 1894
A tale of the house of the Wolfings and all the kindreds of the mark
Völsunga saga
The History of Over Sea: Done Into English
The Story of the Glittering Plain, which Has Been Also Called the Land of Living Men Or the Acre ..
William Morris Designs
The art and craft of printing
News from nowhere and selected writings and designs
Prose and poetry (1856-1870)
Factory work as it is and might be
The Earthly Paradise, Vol. 1
The Earthly Paradise, Vol. 2
Stories in prose, stories in verse, shorter poems, lectures and essays
The World of Romance
The Life and Death of Jason: A Poem
The Earthly Paradise: A Poem / by William Morris
Architecture, industry & wealth
Signs of Change: Seven Lectures
The Earthly Paradise
The collected works of William Morris
News from Nowhere
Short Works of William Morris
Child Christopher and Goldilind the Fair
The Story of Sigurd the Volsung and the Fall of the Niblungs
William Morris: Ornamentation and illustrations from the Kelmscott Chaucer
The Collected Works Of William Morris V12
Poems By The Way; Love Is Enough
News from nowhere and other writings
The Defense Of Guenevere And Other Poems
The Story of Sigurd the Volsung
The Doom Of King Acrisius
The Kelmscott Press
Atalanta's Race
William Morris, poet, artist, socialist
The Hollow Land
The roots of the mountains
Architecture and history, and Westminster Abbey
William Morris
A note by William Morris on his aims in founding the Kelmscott Press
William Morris & Kelmscott. --
The Roots of the Mountains
The hollow land and other contributions to the Oxford and Cambridge Magazine
The Story of the Glittering Plain; or, The Land of Living Men
Child Christopher
Signs of Change
Well at Worlds End Vol 1
The Life And Death Of Jason
Art and socialism
Architecture and history, and Westminster Abbey
Chants for socialists
Art and its producers
Three works
The story of Kormak the son of Ogmund
Some notes on early woodcut books
The Well at the World's End- Vol II
Architecture and history, and Westminster Abbey
The defence of Guenevere, and other poems
The designs of William Morris
How we live and how we might live
On the lines of Morris' romances
The decorative arts
The story of the Volsungs & Niblungs with certain songs from the Elder Edda
Selected writings and designs
William Morris on history
William Morris full-color patterns and designs
"The beauty of life"
Dictionary of Word and Phrase Origins
The Well at the World's End - Vol I
The wolf's-head and the queen
William Morris on art and socialism
Art and Society
Masters, in this hall
Pre-Raphaelite ballads
The water of wondrous isles Vol II
The letters of William Morris to his family and friends
The genuine declaration and confession of William Morris, alias Joseph Martin, who was executed at Baltimore, on Friday the 22d of April, 1808, for the murder of George Workner
Art, labour & socialism
The story of Cupid and Psyche
British Library. Manuscript. Additional 45328
Monopoly, or, How labor is robbed
The story of the Glittering Plain, or, The land of Living Men
The American heritage dictionary of the English language
Under an elm-tree
Political Writings
Collected Works of William Morris
Ten Preraphaelite Poems
Atalanta's race
Poems by the way & Love is enough
Art and its producers, and the arts & crafts of today
A choice of William Morris's verse
The typographical adventure of William Morris
Xu wu xiang xiao xi
The defence of Guenevere
Het woud achter de wereld
The house of the Wolfings
The early romances of William Morris in prose and verse
Selections from the Pre-Raphaelites
Sigurd the Volsung
The Water of the Wondrous Isles
William Morris: wallpapers and chintzes
Love is enough, or, The freeing of Pharamond
Catalogue of a portion of the valuable collection of manuscripts, early printed books, &c
News from Nowhere Annotated and Unabridged
William Morris designs
Giftwraps by artists
William Morris on architecture
The Saga library
True and false society
The life and death of Jason
The decorative arts, their relation to modern life and progress
News from Nowhere
A king's lesson
The story of Grettir the Strong
Hopes and Fears for Art and Signs of Change
Early poems of William Morris
Stories from The earthly paradise
Some great churches in France
The earthly paradise
Harper dictionary of contemporary usage
The Poems of William Morris
Atlanta's race, and two other tales from The earthly paradise
Sir Galahad
Hand and brain
Stories from Morris
A dream of John Ball
The revolt of Ghent
Wu you xiang xiao xi
News from Nowhere Annotated
More to William Morris
News from Nowhere Annotated and Unabridged
Reform and revolution
The Earthly Paradise MarchAugust
News from Nowhere Annotated
Pygmalion and the image
The roots of the mountains, where in is told somewhat of the lives of the men of Burgdale, their friends, their neighbours, their foemen and their fellows in arms
On art and socialism
Choice of William Morris's verses
Tale of Beowulf
News from Nowhere Annotated
The doom of King Acrisivs
Collected works
Useful work versus useless toil
The pilgrims of hope and Chants for socialists
The earthly paradise
Monopoly, or, How labour is robbed
How I became a socialist
The hollow land
Of the friendship of Amis and Amile
News from Nowhere by William Morris, Fiction, Fantasy, Fairy Tales, Folk Tales, Legends & Mythology
Letters on socialism
Useful work v. useless toil
Early romances in prose and verse
Selected poems
The life and death of Jason
Gertha's lovers
Stories in prose
The defence of Guenevere, and other poems
The story of Sigurd the Volsung and the fall of the Niblungs
The story of the unknown church
A note by William Morris on his aims in founding the Kelmscott Press, together with a short history and description of the Press by S. C. Cockerell reprinted for Philobiblon to celebrate the centenary of the birth of William Morris 1834:1934
The Story of Sigurd the Volsung and the fall of the Niblungs
The decorative arts
Old French romances
William Morris Address Book
Selected writings of William Morris
Commune meeting, March 17th, 1899
True and false society
A pocketful of stars
Vi︠e︡sti niotkuda, ili, Epokha schastʹi︠a︡
A tale of the House of the Wolfings
Stories in prose, stories in verse, shorter poems, lectures and essays
William Morris Giftwrap Paper
Poems by William Morris, or, An eagle atop a printing press
The story of Sigurd the Volsung and the fall of the Niblungs
Wiriamu Morisu
William Morris Iron-on Transfer Patterns
Hopes and fears for art
The Volsunga saga
Prose and poetry (1856-1870)
William Morris's socialist diary
A note on the aims in founding the Kelmscott Press
Unpublished letters of William Morris
William Morris's Socialist diary
The earthly paradise
Word Game Book
A William Morris broadside illustrating two stages in the design of the Kelmscott Chaucer
The life and death of Jason
The life and death of Jason
Love is enough
Selected writings
Unpublished letters of William Morris
The voice of toil: All for the cause
The defence of Guenevere
The earthly paradise
Atalanta's race
The earthly paradise
Poems by the way, & Love is not enough
Arts and crafts essays by members of the arts and crafts exhibition society
On the artistic qualities of the woodcut books of Ulm and Augsburg in the fifteenth century
Xerox Dictionary Thumb Index
A note...on his aims in founding the Kelmscott Press
Socialist diary
Letters on socialism
A book of verse
A king's lesson
The history of over sea
Golden wings
The Kelmscott Press: 1891 to 1898 : a note
Selections from William Morris
Story of Sigurd the Volsung and the fall of the Niblungs
The story of Grettir the strong
Völsunga saga
Useful work versus useless toil
The tables turned
William Morris Library
Die Scho˜nheit des Lebens
Völsunga saga
Christmas verse
Sir Peter Harpdon's end
Unpublished letters
William Morris literary manuscripts from the British Library, London
The life and death of Jason
Hopes and fears for art
The earthly Paradise
The water of the wondrous isles
Choice of William Morris' verse
The earthly paradise
Some notes on early woodcut books, with a chapter on illuminated manuscripts
The labor question from the social standpoint
Atalanta's race
Gothic architecture
Wallpapers & designs
Poems by the way
The roots of the mountains
Art, wealth and riches
The defence of Guinevere
Chants for socialists
The life and death of Jason
Useful work versus useless toil
An extract from The well at the world's end
The story of Amis & Amile
A dream of John Ball and A king's lesson
The man born to be king
Prose and poetry (1856-1870)
Völsunga Saga
The earthy paradise
Architecture and history
William Morris, 1834-1934
The earthly Paradise
Early illustration
Four letters from William Morris
Islands landnamabok. Hoc est: liber originum Islandiae ...
The two sides of the river, Hapless love, and The first foray of Aristomenes
Child Christopher and Goldilind the Fair
The water of wondrous isles Vol. I
The tables turned, or, Nupkins awakened
Poems by the way
A tale of the house of the Wolfings and all the kindreds of the Mark
Atalanta's race and two other tales from the Earthly paradise
Atalanta's race
Ideal Book
Chants for socialism
Stories in prose
The tale of Beowulf
The defence of Guenevere
Mr. William Morris on the work of the Kyrle Society
Stories in prose
William Morris y compañía
Supermouse 1. Teachers Book.
An address delivered by William Morris at the distribution of prizes to students of the Birmingham Municipal School of Art, 21 Feb., 1894
Old French romances done into English
The revolt of Ghent
Art and socialism
Art and Architecture
The story of the unknown church and other tales
An unpublished lecture of William Morris : "How shall we live then?"
William Morris, 1834-1896
Love is enough
The earthly paradise
The Odyssey of Homer done into English verse
England the Turks
Address on the collection of paintings of the English Pre-Raphaelite school
Some great churches in France
A tale of the house of the Wolfings and all the kindreds of the mark written in prose and in verse
Gossip about an old house on the Upper Thames
The life and death of Jason
William Morris
The life and death of Jason
The story of Sigurd the Volsung and the fall of the Niblungs
Story of the Glittering Plain, the; or
The earthly paradise
Glittering Plain and Child Christopher
Six Months Red-Pb
An unpublished lecture of William Morris
The tale of King Florus and the fair Jehane
The hollow land and other contribution to the Oxford and Cambridge Magazine
Stories in prose, stories in verse, shorter poems, lectures and essays
The life & death of Jason
Selected writings and designs
Christian hymns to be used by the "children of God,"
The story of Grettir the Strong
The story of Sigurd the Volsung
The Saga library
Art and the beauty of the earth
William Morris Stained Glass Coloring Book
Some thoughts on the ornamented mss. of the Middle Ages
Alfred Linnell
Monopoly, or, How labour is robbed
The Kelmscott Press
De consolatione philosophiae . Add
The story of Sigurd the Volsung and the fall of the Niblungs
The tale of Beowulf
The tale of Beowulf
The story of Sigurd the Volsung
Prose and poetry (1856-1870) by William Morris, including 'The defence of Guenevere,' 'The life and death of Janson,' Prose romances from the Oxford and Cambridge magazine and other prose and poetry
Love is enough
The roots of the mountains
Modan dezain no chichi Wiriamu Morisu
A note by William Morris on his aims in founding the Kelmscott Press
English Floral Place Cards and Matching Napkin Holders in Full Color
The defence of Guenevere
The earthly paradise
Cómo vivimos y cómo podríamos vivir
Kunst en maatschappij
The History of Godefrey of Boloyne and of the conquest of Jerusalem
Young Students Learning Library Dictionary
The story of Sigurd the Volsung and the fall of the Niblungs
The defence of Guenevere
Love is enough
Selected poems by William Morris
A tale of the House of the Wolfings and all the kindreds of the Mark written in prose and verse
Atalanta's race
The life and death of Jason
Modan dezain no chichi Wiriamu Morisu
Nouvelles de nulle part ou une ere de repos =
A paper ... read before the Bibliographical Society, London, 19 June 1893
Poems by the way
Five Arthurian poems
The well at the world's end
The life and death of Jason
The story of Amis & Amile, done out of the ancient French into English
Outlanders, whence come ye last?
The defence of Guenevere and other poems
William Morris today
The life and death of Jason
True and false society
The history of over sea
The tale of King Coustans the Emperor
William Morris, 1834-1934
The art of the people
The story of the unknown church
Auf der Suche nach dem idealen Buch
The earthly Paradise
The ideal book
The earthly paradise
Architecture and history, and Westminster abbey
An earthly paradise calendar
A note by William Morris on his aims in founding the Kelmscott Press together with a short history and description of the press
The earthly paradise
A tale of the House of the Wolfings and all the kindreds of the mark
Amazing graces
Three Northern Love Stories, the Tale of Beowulf
Svend & his brethren
William Morris stories in prose, stories in verse, shorter poems
The tale of the Emperor Coustans and of Over sea
The Sundering Flood
News from nowhere
On first seeing Iceland
The story of the Glittering Plain, which has also been called the Land of living men or the Acre of the undying
Volsunga saga
The story of Sigurd
The history of over sea
The earthly paradise
Unjust war
Of King Florus and the fair Jehane
Poems by the way
English Floral Punch-Out Gift Boxes
Architecture, industry & wealth
A dr eam
How shall we live then
The story of Grettis the Strong
If I were asked to say ...
Pre-Raphaelite ballads
The roots of the mountains
The wood beyond the world
The aims of art
1978 : the designs of William Morris
A tale of the House of the Wolfings
Prose and poetry
The story of the glittering plain, which has also been called The land of the living men or The acre of the undying
The roots of the mountains
Under an elm-tree
The defence of Guenevere and other poems
Concerning Westminster Abbey
The early romances of William Morris
The why I ams
The tale of King Coustans
The story of Sigurd the Volsung and the Fall of the Niblungs
The saga of Hen Thorir
Socialists at play
Völsunga saga
A note by William Morris on his aims in founding the Kelmscott Press
The water of the wondrous isles
Monopoly, or, How labour is robbed
Poetical works
Three Northern Love Stories and Other Tales
Völsunga saga
Selected writings and designs (of) William Morris
The earthly paradise
A tale of the house of the Wolfings
Early romances in prose and verse
Chants for socialists
The defence of Guenevere, and other poems
Labour and pleasure, versus labour and sorrow
William Morris and W. Morris and Company
The tables turned
The revolt of Ghent
The water of the Wondrous Isles
La grande danse macabre des hommes et des femmes, historiée et renouvellée de vieux Gaulois, en langage le plus poli de notre temps
Sweet Days Die
Love is enough
The story of the glittering plain
The story of Sigurd the Volsung and the fall of the Niblungs
The hollow land
Three Works
A speech by Mr. W. Morris from the "Cambridge Chronicle", 23 Feb. 1878 : with an introd. by Fiona MacCarthy
The story of Sigurd the Volsung and the fall of the Niblungs
Address on the collection of paintings of the English Pre-Raphaelite school
The defence of Guenevere ; The life and death of Jason
Risō no shomotsu
John Ball en andere vertalingen
House of the Wolfings
Catalogue of the Morris collection
The earthly paradise
How I became a socialist
Sir Galahad
Some notes on the illuminated books of the Middle Ages
The story of Sigurd the Volsung and the fall of the Niblungs
The Volsunga saga
The story of the glittering plain which has been also called the land of living men or the acre of the undying
Twelve William Morris Bookmarks
The day is coming
Catalogue of an exhibition of the work of William Morris
Arte y sociedad industrial
Lectures on art
Völsunga saga
Morris wallpapers and textiles [from the] William Morris Gallery
Letters sent home
Shameful death
The beauty of life
Catalogue of an exhibition of the work of William Morris held at the Municipal School of Art, Manchester, October 1908
Socialism, its growth & outcome
The story of Sigurd the Volsung and the fall of the Niblungs
The story of the glittering plain
Arts and crafts essays
On the artistic qualities of the woodcut books of Ulm and Augsburg in the 15th century
Under an elm-tree; or, Thoughts in the country-side
Miguel de Unamuno
Miguel de Unamuno (1864-1936)

poet, philosopher, essayist, literary critic, playwright, politician

  • Universidad Central, Complutense University of Madrid
Dos novelas cortas
Abel Sánchez / Otras historias
Selected Works of Miguel de Unamuno, Volume 6
Selected Works of Miguel de Unamuno
En torno al casticismo
La tía Tula
Selected Works of Miguel de Unamuno, Volume 7
Nuevo mundo
El otro
Pensamiento político
El resentimiento trágico de la vida
Selected Works of Miguel de Unamuno, Volume 5
Selected Works of Miguel de Unamuno, Volume 2
Amor y pedagogía / Tres novelas ejemplares y un prólogo
Unamuno "agitador de espíritus" y Giner
Nada menos que todo un hombre
Paz en la guerra
Selected Works of Miguel de Unamuno, Volume 3
Unamuno, Cartas de Alemania
Los mejores relatos españoles del siglo XX
La novela de Don Sandalio, jugador de ajedrez / Un pobre hombre rico
Short Stories by the Generation of 1898 - Cuentos de la Generación de 1898
Obras completas
Miguel de Unamuno
San Manuel Bueno, mártir
Tratado del amor de Dios
Cartas inéditas
El porvenir de España
Simón Bolívar, libertador de la América del Sur
Del sentimiento trágico de la vida en los hombres y en los pueblos
Cómo se hace una novela
Artículos olvidados sobre España y la Primera Guerra Mundial
El espejo de la muerte
Vida de Don Quijote y Sancho
Soliloquios y conversaciones
Andanzas y visiones españolas
Del Sentimiento Tragico De La Vida En Los Hombres Y En Los Pueblos y Tratado Del Amor De Dios
Rosario de sonetos líricos
España y los españoles
Libros y autores españoles contemporáneos
De mi país
Vida de Don Quijote y Sancho / En torno al casticismo
Manual de quijotismo
De esto y de aquello
The last poems of Miguel de Unamuno
Por tierras de Portugal y de España
Amor y pedagogía
De Fuerteventura a París
Alrededor del estilo
Selected Works of Miguel de Unamuno, Volume 1
Obras selectas
La agonía del cristianismo
Gramática y glosario del Poema del Cid
Perplexities and paradoxes
Selección de poesías amorosas en lengua española
Abel Sánchez / Niebla / Tres novelas ejemplares y un prólogo
Don Quijote de la Mancha
Recuerdos de niñez y mocedad
Colección de nivolas de Unamuno
Epistolario y escritos complementarios Unamuno-Maragall
El hermano Juan / El otro
Antología poética
Tres nivolas de Unamuno
Poemas de los pueblos de España
Mi religión y otros ensayos breves
Histoire de l\'admirable Don Quichotte de La Manche
El hermano Juan, o El mundo es teatro
Paisajes del alma
Contra esto y aquello
Novela de don Sandalio, jugador de ajedrez
Desde el mirador de la guerra
San Manuel Bueno, mártir, y tres historias más
El otro / Raquel encadenada
República española y España republicana (1931 - 1936)
Novelas completas
Escritos bilbainos (1879-1894)
Cómo se hace una novela / La tía Tula / San Manuel Bueno, mártir / Tres historias más
Tres novelas ejemplares y un prólogo
Mi Gorki / El caracol errante
Diario íntimo
Recuerdos e intimidades
En torno a las artes
Epistolario americano
Miguel de Unamuno, dos viñetas / José María Quiroga Pla, hombre y poeta desterrados en París (1951-1955)
Sobre la lectura e interpretación del Quijote
Meditaciones evangélicas
Tragedia de Numancia
Cancionero, diario poético
Miguel de Unamuno y José María Quiroga Pla
La esfinge / La venda / Fedra
Viejos y jóvenes
Por tierras de Portugal y de España / Andanzas y visiones españolas
La política del último Unamuno
Visiones y comentarios
De patriotismo espiritual
Miguel de Unamuno y José María Salaverría
La ciudad de Henoc
El caballero de la triste figura
Unamuno y el socialismo
Temas argentinos
Volumen-homenaje a Miguel de Unamuno
Don Quijote y Bolívar / Otros ensayos
Crónica política española (1915-1923)
Jubilación de don Miguel de Unamuno
Abel Sánchez
De mi vida
San Manuel Bueno, mártir / Cómo se hace una novela
Unamuno en Castilla
La agonía del cristianismo / Mi religión y otros ensayos
Ensueño de una patria
Dos artículos y dos discursos
Niebla / Del sentimiento trágico de la vida
Tres ensayos
Selected Works of Miguel de Unamuno, Volume 4
Miguel de Unamuno
El Cristo de Velázquez
Del sentimiento trágico de la vida / La agonía del cristianismo
Abel Sánchez / Cómo se hace una novela / San Manuel Bueno, mártir / Otras prosas
Unamuno múltiple
La esfinge
Poesía completa
Unamuno y la educación
Escritos de Unamuno sobre Portugal
Ver con los ojos y otros relatos novelescos
En el destierro
Las agonías insulares de Miguel de Unamuno
Algunas consideraciones sobre la literatura hispanoamericana
Novelas poco ejemplares
Teatro: Fedra
El porvenir de España
Sobre el Marasmo actual de España
La enormidad de España
La Poesía de Miguel de Unamuno
Crítica del problema sobre el origen y prehistoria de la raza vasca
Miguel de Unamuno
Reelección de Pío Baroja, 1872-1956
Learn Spanish with Nothing Less Than a Man
Amor y pedagogía
Don Qvixote von Mancha
Madrid, Castilla
El viaje interior
La novela de Don Sandalio, jugador de ajedrez / San Manuel Bueno, mártir
Mi vida y otros recuerdos personales
Rimas de dentro
¡Adentro! el Secreto de la Vida. Verdad y Vida
Epistolario portugués de Unamuno
Romancero del destierro
El espejo de la muerte
Prosa diversa
La Eterna Tradición
Cartas del destierro
Unamuno, política y filosofía
Almas de jóvenes
Don Cíochótae
Unamuno y Lázaro
Sombras de sueño
Apuntes de un viaje por Francia, Italia y Suiza
Ideario etimológico de Miguel de Unamuno
Prensa de juventud
Vida de Don Quijote y Sancho
La raza vasca y el vascuence ; En torno a la lengua española
Traité de cocotologie
Escritos socialistas
Cuenca Iberica
Historias de la escuela
El gaucho Martín Fierro
Sombras de sueño
Avant et après la révolution
Quijote versus Sancho
La tía Tula / San Manuel Bueno, mártir
Cartas íntimas
La dignidad humana
Cuentos de Mí Mismo (Ilustrado)
Unamuno a los cien años
Sobre la soberbia y otros escritos políticos
Unamuno en El Liberal de Bilbao
13 [i. e. Trece] cartas inéditas de Miguel de Unamuno a Alberto Nin Frías
Bilbao en el recuerdo
The tragic sense of life
Abel Sánchez
Miguel de Unamuno, profeta y apóstol
La unión constituye la fuerza
Antología esencial
La agonía del cristianismo
La tía Tula
Inquietudes y meditaciones
Cuadernos de juventud
Algunas consideraciones sobre la literatura hispano-americana
Die agonie des christentums
Pensamiento político
Teatro completo
Recuerdos de niñez y de mocedad
Soliloquios y conversaciones
De Fuerteventura a París
Mi confesión
Mi religion y otros ensayos breves
De mi país
Espana y los españoles
Visiones y comentarios
Luis Maldonado
Diario íntimo
El marqués de Lumbría
Simón Bolívar, libertador de la America del Sur
Viejos y jóvenes
Cuentos de mí mismo
Ji mo
Tres novelas ejemplares y un prólogo
Brianzuelo de la Sierra
Obra escogida
Viajes y paisajes
La ciudad de Henoc
Del sentimiento trágico de la vida
De la desesperación religiosa moderna
Vida de Don Quijote y Sancho según Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
Unamuno y el Perú
Vida de Don Quijote y Sancho
Poesia Completa (4)
A new translation of Miguel De Unamuno's Tres historias más
El otro
Obras completas
Tres novelas ejemplares y un prólogo
Del sentimiento trágico de la vida
En torno al casticismo
Paginas liricas
Paz en la guerra
Poesias Escogidas
Abel Sańchez
Sus mejores paginas
El resentimiento trágico de la vida
A la juventud hispana
El otro ; El Hermano Juan
Escritos de Unamuno sobre Portugal
Las sirenas y el inquisidor
La dignidad humana
Temas argentinos
Cuadernos de la cátedra
Unamuno en "El Liberal" de Bilbao (1920-1937)
Andanzas y visiones españolas
La tía Tula / Tres novelas ejemplares y un prólogo
Algunas consideraciones sobre la literatura hispanoamericana
La unión constituye la fuerza
Tragic sense of life in men and in peoples
Cuenca ibérica (lenguaje y paisaje)
Almas de jóvenes
El Teatro de Miguel de Unamuno
Obras completas
Cincuenta poesías inéditas
La agonía del cristianismo
En torno al casticismo de Unamuno y la literatura en 1895
De mi país
El otro
Contra esto y aquello
Ensayos y sentencias de Unamuno
L'agonia del cristianesimo
Trois nouvelles exemplaires et un prologue ...
Correspondencia inédita de Unamuno
Poes'ias de Miguel de Unamuno
Mi bochito
Antología poética
Selected works
El hermano Juan; o, El mundo es teatro
Abel Sanchez
Laura Esquivel
Laura Esquivel (born 1950)

politician, educator

Como agua para chocolate
Tan veloz como el deseo
La ley del amour
Intimas suculenias
A Lupita le gustaba planchar
Food Stories
El Libro De Las Emociones / The Book of Emotions
El diario de Tita
La Estrellita Marinera
Mi negro pasado
Como agua para chocolate
Mi negro pasado
Champurrado dlya zheny moego muzha
The Law of Love
Swift As Desire
Lupita le Gustaba Planchar
El diario de Tita / The Diary of Tita
Escribiendo la nueva historia
Sakli Lezzetler
Very Mexican Christmas
Swift As Desire
Lupita Ütü Yapmayi Seviyordu
Malinche Spanish Version
Aci Cikolata
Lo Que Yo Vi / What I Saw
El libro de las emociones / The Book of Emotions (Spanish Edition)
Lo que yo vi
Íntimas suculencias
Shokolad na krutom kipi͡atke
Maurice Périsset
Maurice Périsset (1920-1999)

poet, pamphleteer, critic, biographer, politician

Edward Bulwer-Lytton
Edward Bulwer-Lytton (1803-1873)

playwright, politician, poet, literary critic

  • University of Cambridge, University of Cambridge
The Coming Race
Classic Ghost Stories
The Last Days of Pompeii
Eugene Aram
The Nightmare Reader
Alice or the Mysteries
Isaac Asimov Presents Tales of the Occult
Kenelm Chillingly
Paul Clifford
What Will He Do With It
Night and morning
My Novel
The last of the barons
The Parisians
Rienzi, the last of the Roman tribunes
Ernest Maltravers
The Haunted and the Haunters, Or, The House and the Brain
The best ghost stories
Pausanias, the Spartan
England and the English
The Disowned
Ghost Stories
The Caxtons
The new Timon
The Book of the Dead
Athens, its rise and fall
A strange story
The pilgrims of the Rhine
Fables in song
Bulwer's drama of Richelieu
The works of Edward Bulwer Lytton (Lord Lytton)
Types of the Short Story
The lady of Lyons, or, Love and pride
[Dramas and poems]
Lord Lytton's novels
King Arthur
The student
The fallen star
Das verfluchte Haus in der Oxford Street
Leila: Or, The Siege of Granada. Pausanias the Spartan
Calderon Courtier
What Will He Do with it, Part Two
Asmodeus at Large
Dramatic works
Money: A Comedy, in Five Acts
What Will He Do with it, Part One
The Siamese Twins, A Tale Of The Times
New Timon; a Poetical Romance &: St. Stephens; a Poem
The New Timon: A Poetical Romance. And the Lady of Lyons, Or Love and Pride; a Play
My Novel, Book 12
The life, letters and literary remains of Edward Bulwer, Lord Lytton
Paul Clifford, V1
Letters of the late Edward Bulwer, Lord Lytton, to his wife
Survey of the State of Education, Aristocratic and Popular, and of the General Influences of ..
St Stephen's
A letter to a late Cabinet Minister on the present crisis
Zanoni: A Rosicrucian Tale And Vril
The sea-captain
Collection Set of Stories That Stick
My Novel, Books 4, 5, and 6
My Novel, Books 7, 8, and 9
Paul Clifford ; Eugene Aram
The birth of Rowland
London Assurance and Other Victorian Comedies
My Novel. Volume 5 to 8
The pilgrims of the Rhine to which is prefixed The ideal world
The secret way
The Last of the Barons Volume 1
My Novel, Books 1, 2, and 3
Leila or, the Siege of Granada, Book V
Alice, or the Mysteries  Book 06
Letters to John Bull, esq
My Novel, Books 10 and 11
Confessions of a Water Patient, in a Letter to W. Harrison Ainsworth (The Works of Edward Bulwer-Lytton (19 Volumes))
Alice, or the Mysteries  Book 02
My Novel Volume 1 to 4
Fables In Song V1
Lay of the Bell
The lost tales of Miletus
The Last Days of Pompeii
Speeches of Edward, lord Lytton
My Novel Volume 9 to11
Not so bad as we seem
The Duchess de la Vallière
The Dramatic Works of Edward Bulwer Lytton
Alice, or the Mysteries  Book 08
Leila or, the Siege of Granada, Book IV
Tales of Terror
The coming race, Leila
Renard ae foks
Bulwer's Plays
Richelieu : or, The conspiracy. A play in five acts, to which are added, Historical odes on the last days of Elizabeth, Cromwell's dream, The death of Nelson
The Parisians (The Works of Edward Bulwer-Lytton (19 Volumes))
Leila or, the Siege of Granada, Book I
Bulwer's works
A strange story and The haunted & and the haunters
The Last of the Barons Volume 2
Leila; or, The Siege of Granada
Pelham, Vol. 7
Ernest Maltravers, Book 4
The coming race ; Leila, or, The Siege of Granada ; Zicci ; The haunted and the haunters
Night and morning : a novel ; Godolphin
The Siamese twins
Leila or, the Siege of Granada, Book II
Lord Lytton's novels
Alice, or the Mysteries  Book 04
The New Reform Bill
Alice Or The Mysteries, Book I & II
Alice Or The Mysteries, Book X & XI
Night and Morning, Book V
Pausanias, the Spartan, the Haunted and the Haunters
Alice Or The Mysteries, Book III & IV
Miscellaneous Prose Works By Edward Bulwer, Lord Lytton V3 And V4
Edward Bulwer-Lytton, 1803-1873
Ernest Maltravers, Book 1
Zanoni Book Two : Art, Love, and the World
Leila; Or, the Siege of Granada; Calderon, the Courtier; the Pilgrims of the Rhine
Night and Morning, Book I
Delmour; or, The Tale of Sylphid, and Other Poems
Ernest Maltravers, Book 5 & 6
Personal & literary letters of Robert first Earl of Lytton
The Life Letters And Literary Remains Of Edward Bulwer, Lord Lytton V1
The Arts of cheating, swindling, and murder
Zanoni Book One : the Musician
Alice, or the Mysteries  Book 05
The Bulwer Lytton Birthday Book
The Parisians ; The pilgrims of the Rhine
The Life Letters And Literary Remains Of Edward Bulwer, Lord Lytton V2
The Caxtons ; a family picture ; The coming race, or, The new Utopia ; Leila, or, The siege of Granada
Letters of Bulwer-Lytton to Macready
The Dracula Book of Great Horror Stories
Ernest Maltravers, Book 7 & 8 & 9
Alice, or the Mysteries  Book 10
Rienzi, the pilgrims of the Rhine. The coming race
Was wird er damit machen? Nachrichten aus dem Leben eines Lords
Eva, a true story, of light and darkness
Short Works of Edward Bulwer-Lytton
Paul Clifford, and Tomlinsoniana
Kenelm Chillingly : his adventures and opinions ; Rienzi, the last of the Roman tribunes
My Novel, Part Two
Alice Or The Mysteries, Book V & VI
Walpole, or, Every man has his price
The rightful heir
Bulwer and Macready
Zanoni [Vol. 2]
Night and Morning, Book III
Zanoni Book Three : Theurgia
The last of the barons.  Pausanias.  Calderon
Alice, or the Mysteries  Book 01
My novel, or, Varieties in English life - Vol. I
What will he do with it?  [Leila
Quarterly essays
Night and Morning, Book II
Ernest Maltravers, Book 2 & 3
The last of the barons ; Pausanias, the spartan ; Calderon the courtier
The Incantation
Miscellaneous Prose Works By Edward Bulwer, Lord Lytton V1 And V2
Pamphlets and sketches
Bulwer's novels
Alice Or The Mysteries, Book VII & VIII & IX
Night and Morning, Book IV
Conversations with an ambitious student in ill health
My Novel, Part One
Pausanias the Spartan
Godolphin. Falkland
On the Water-Treatment
Night and Morning
The Disowned, Volume 1
Novels, Volume 10
My Novel; Or, Varieties In English Life, Zicci, And The Pilgrims Of The Rhine (volume 3) (The Works Of Edward Bulwer Lytton)
What Will He Do with It, Part Two (Esprios Classics)
Strange Story; Volume 2
Miscellaneous Prose Works; Volume 2
Bulwer's plays: being the complete dramatic works of Lord Lytton (Sir Edward Lytton Bulwer, bart.) ..
Pausanius, the Spartan
O'Neill; or, The Rebel (The Works of Edward Bulwer-Lytton (19 Volumes))
Kenelm Chillingly, Devereux, The Disowned, And The Coming Race (volume 2) (The Works Of Edward Bulwer Lytton)
The last days of Pompeii ; The disowned
The Works of Edward Bulwer-Lytton (19 Volumes)
A strange story ; The haunted and the haunters, or, The house and the brain ; Zanoni
E.L. Bulwer's sämmtliche Romane
Prose Works
Pausanias, the Spartan, and the Haunted and the Haunters (Esprios Classics)
"The Haunted and the Haunters" and Other Gothic Tales
Caxtoniana : Volume 1
Novels of Sir Edward Bulwer Lytton
The novels of Lord Lytton
Volume 4 (The Works Of Edward Bulwer Lytton)
Speech Delivered at the Leeds Mechanics' Institution (The Works of Edward Bulwer-Lytton (19 Volumes))
Ernest Maltravers; or, the Eleusinia; 1 Part. 1
King Arthur
The wit and wisdom of E. Bulwer-Lytton
Strange Story, The Haunted And The Haunters, The Last Of The Barons, And Rienzi (volume 7) (The Works Of Edward Bulwer Lytton)
New Monthly Magazine, Volume 61
The Disowned, Volumes 1-2
Caxtoniana : Volume 2
The wooing of Master Fox
"my Novel", Or, Varieties In English Life, Volume 2
New Monthly Magazine, Volume 43
Zicci (Esprios Classics)
[Bulwer's works]
Bulwer's Works
The Works of Edward Bulwer Lytton  Volume 7
What Will He Do with It, Part One (Esprios Classics)
Harold, the last of the Saxon kings ; Falkland ; Calderon, the Courtier
Paul Clifford ; Tomlinsoniana ; Eugene Aram
New Monthly Magazine, Volume 9
Pelham, Paul Clifford, Zanoni, And Falkland (volume 8) (The Works Of Edward Bulwer Lytton)
Paul Clifford, and Tomlinsoniana (Esprios Classics)
The novels and romances of Edward Bulwer Lytton
Speculative Fiction in the Steam Era 1827-1871AD : C19th American Proto Sci Fi
Brightest nuggets
New Monthly Magazine, Volume 69
My Novel
[Bulwer's Works] Volume 2
Leila, or, The siege of Granada and Calderon, the courtier
Miscellaneous Prose Works (The Works of Edward Bulwer-Lytton (19 Volumes))
[Bulwer's Works] Volume 4
Literary Remains of the Late William Hazlitt
Haus des Schwarzen Magiers
Classic Ghost Stories
Ernest Maltravers, Alice; Or, The Mysteries, Pausanias; The Spartan, And Lucretia; Or, The Children Of Night (volume 6) (The Works Of Edward Bulwer Lytton)
Harold, the Last of the Saxon Kings; Volume 2
Weeds and wildflowers
Chairolas, Prince of Paida
Novels : The Pilgrims of the Rhine. the Haunted and the Haunters. 1897
Race Future
The world as it is
Novels; Volume 2
Lucretia, or The children of night
Bulwer's Novels
Una famiglia originale
The last days of Pompeii ; Harold, the last of the Saxon kings
Pelham, or, Adventures of a gentleman ; Lucretia, or, The children of night
New Monthly Magazine, Volume 8
Last Days of Pompeii; Volume 1
Duchess De La Valliere, The Lady Of Lyons, Richelieu, Not So Bad As We Seem, Money, The Rightful Heir, Walpole, And Darnley (volume 9) (The Works Of Edward Bulwer Lytton)
Used Fic
Pamphlets and Sketches (The Works of Edward Bulwer-Lytton (19 Volumes))
Novels; Volume 20
A Word to the Public (The Works of Edward Bulwer-Lytton (19 Volumes))
The new Timon ; St. Stephen's ; and, The lost tales of Miletus
The Boatman, by Pisistratus Caxton (The Works of Edward Bulwer-Lytton (19 Volumes))
Inter-colonial railway
Pelham, or, Adventures of a Gentleman
New Monthly Magazine, Volume 68
The poetical and dramatic works of Sir Edward Bulwer Lytton
Papers relative to the affairs of British Columbia
Last Days Of Pompeii, Harold; The Last Of The Saxon Kings, The Caxtons; A Family Picture (volume 1) (The Works Of Edward Bulwer Lytton)
Eva, The Ill-Omened Marriage, and Other Poems (The Works of Edward Bulwer-Lytton (19 Volumes))
[Bulwer's Works] Volume 8
England and the English, Volumes 1-2
Novels; Volume 1
Novels, Volume 9
Alice, or the Mysteries Book 07
The Novels And Romances Of Edward Bulwer Lytton, Volume 36
Life at the water cure : facts and fancies noted down during a month at Malvern : a diary
Three Hours in Pompeii; a Real and Practical Guide-Book Compiled in Harmony with Description Given by Bulwer Lytton in His Work Entitled the Last Days of Pompeii
The Novels and Romances of Edward Bulwer Lytton
Miscellaneous prose works
Theater playbill for "The Lady of Lyons" and "Mr. & Mrs. White" at the Washington Theater, May 4, 1861
Theater playbill for the Great Star Company in "Lady of Lyons" and "The Hypocrite" at Wheatley's Arch Street Theatre, Philadelphia, January 15, 1858
The Complete Works, Volume 15
Miscellaneous prose works
The Novels and Romances of Edward Bulwer Lytton
Robert Macaire
[Bulwer's Works]
[Bulwer's Works] Volume 12
The Novels And Romances Of Edward Bulwer Lytton, Volume 18
Speech delivered in the House of Commons upon the motion of Sir Eardley Wilmot for the immediate abolition of negro apprenticeship in the British Colonies on Tuesday May 22, 1838
New Monthly Magazine, Volume 62
Pilgrims of the Rhine, and the Ideal World (Esprios Classics)
A Strange Story; Volume 2
Schiller and Horace
The Caxtons, Zicci, The haunted and the haunters
[Complete works]
Rienzo, the last of the Roman tribunes
Speech on the Representation of the People Bill, Delivered in the House of Commons, March 22nd 1859 (The Works of Edward Bulwer-Lytton (19 Volumes))
The lady of Lyons, or, Love and pride
Visitation of Norfolk in the Year 1563
Historical romances
Aventures de Pisistrate Caxton
Last Days of Pompeii; Volume 2
Luoma ying xiong Liyinji
Night and morning ; Leila, or The siege of Granada ; and, Pausanias the Spartan
Lord Lytton's Novels
The Last Days of Pompeii; Volume 1
My Novel, or, Varieties in English Life; Volume 4
Dramatic Works of Edward Bulwer Lytton, Vol. 9
Calderon, the Courtier
Address to the Associated Societies of the University of Edinburgh on His Installation as Their Honorary President and His Speech at the Public Dinner, January 20th 1854 (The Works of Edward Bulwer-Lytton (19 Volumes))
[Bulwer's Works] Volume 7
Alice, or the Mysteries Book 09
Night And Morning, Godolphin, Eugene Aram, Leila; Or The Siege Of Granada, And Calderon; The Courtier (volume 5) (The Works Of Edward Bulwer Lytton)
Rienzi, the Last of the Tribunes; Volume 3
Lord Lytton's Miscellaneous Works, Volume 2
Destruction of Pompeii
Historical Romances
Pelham, or, Adventures of a gentleman to which is added, Falkland
Gu cheng mo ri ji
Alice, or the Mysteries Book 03
"Beautiful thoughts" from Bulwer-Lytton
A strange story ; Zanoni
Bulwer's novels
Godolphin, and Calderon the Courtier
Falkland, and Zicci
Lailā, yā, Muạ̄ṣira-i-G̲h̲arnātā
The Caxtons ; Leila ; The coming race
La casa y el cerebro
Dramas and poems
The student, and Asmodeus at large
Novels and romances
Bulwer Lytton's novels
The poetical works of the Right Hon. Lord Lytton
The wife of Miletus
Das kommende Geschlecht
Txillardegi (1929-2012)

linguist, politician, sociolinguist, professor

  • University of the Basque Country, Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de Bilbao
Xabier Amuriza
Xabier Amuriza (born 1941)

translator, bertsolari, politician