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historians who wrote science fiction
Showing 17-24 out of 85 results
Viktor Shklovsky
Viktor Shklovsky (1893-1984)

film critic, poet, literary critic, literary historian, film scholar, linguist, literary scholar, critic, essayist

  • Saint Petersburg State University
Sentimentalʹnoe puteshestvie
Tretʹi︠a︡ fabrika
Lev Tolstoĭ
O Mai︠a︡kovskom
O teorii prozy
Zoo, or, Letters not about love
Knight's move
"Eshche nichego ne konchilosʹ--"
Lev Tolstoy
Gamburgskiĭ schet
Izbrannoe v dvukh tomakh
Sprache und Stil Lenins
O poezie
Sobranie sochinenii
The Hamburg score
Minin i Pozharskiĭ
Razvertyvanie si︠u︡zheta =
Gamburgskiĭ schet
Khudozhestvennai͡a︡ proza
Energy of Delusion
Cʼera una volta
Viktor Shklovsky
Literatura i kinematograf
Literature and Cinematography (Dalkey Archive Scholarly) (Dalkey Archive Scholarly)
A sentimental journey; memoirs, 1917-1922
Istoricheskie povesti i rasskazy
Lev Tolstoy
Gamburgskii  schet
Lev Tolstoi
O masterakh starinnykh, 1714-1812
Kapitan Fedotov
La disimilitud de lo similar
Third factory
Sentimental'noe puteshestvie
Rasvertyvanie si͡uzheta
Povesti o proze
Energy of delusion
Khod koni︠a︡
A hunt for optimism
O masterakh starinnykh
Ėnergii͡a︡ zabluzhdenii͡a︡
Sobre la prosa literaria
Za sorok let; [statʹi o kino]
Mater'yal i stil' v romane L'va Tolstogo "Voina i mir"
Theorie der Prosa
Capitaine Fédotov
Mayakovsky and his circle
La Marche du cheval
Schriften zum Film
Sur la théorie de la prose
Za 60 let
Za i protiv
Za i protiv
Pushkin i Gogol
Staroe i novoe
Lettura del Decameron
Khudozhestvennaya proza
Zametki o proze russkikh klassikov
"Tristram Shendi" Sterna i teorii͡a︡ romana
Povestʹ o khudozhnike Fedotove
Voyage sentimental
Chulkov i Levshin
Za i protiv
Zemli razvedchik--Marko Polo
Materʹi͡a︡l i stilʹ v romane Lʹva Tolstogo "Voĭna i mir."
Zhiznʹ khudozhnika Fedotova
Razvertyvanie si Łuzheta
Sobranie sochineniĭ
Khod konya
Zametki o proze russkikh klassikov
Résurrection du mot ; Littérature et cinématographe
O teorii prozy
Technique du métier d'écrivain
Udachi i porozheniia Maksima Gor'kogo
Kratkaya, no doctovernaya povest' o dvoryanine bolotove
Zametki o proze Pushkina
Santimental'noe [t.e.sentimental'noe] puteshestvie
Revoli͡ut͡sii͡a i front
Samoe Shklovskoe
Kratkai Ła, no dostovernai Ła povest £ o dvori Łanine Bolotove
Lev Tolstoi
Povestʹ o khudozhnike Fedotove
Razvertyvanie si︠u︡zheta =
V pustote ... =
O Mayakovskom
Zoo, or Letters Not About Love
Razvertyvanie siuzheta = The unfolding of the ploit
Le Voyage de Marco Polo
Theory of Prose
Zhitie arkhierei skogo sluzhki
Knight's Move
Zhitie arkhiereĭskogo sluzhki
Zametki o proze Pushkina
Matvei  Komarov
Zoo, ili, Pis'ma ne o lyubvi
"Tristram shendi"; Sterna i teorii Ła romana
Tekhnika pisatel £skogo remesla
Zametki o proze Pushkina
Lev Tolstoǐ
Povesti o proze
Zametki o proze russkikh klassikov
Sobre la prosa literaria
Staroe i novoe
Khudozhestvennaia proza
O teorii prozy
Le voyage de Marco Polo [par] Victor Chklovski
Khod koni Ła
Revoliutsiia i front
Tekhnika pisatel'skogo remesla
Literatura i kinematograf
Theorie der Prosa [von] Viktor Šklovskij
Tret'ya fabrika
Za i protiv
Teorie prózy
Von der Ungleichheit des Ähnlichen in der Kunst
Ocherki Po Poetike Pushkina
Erinnerungen an Majakovskij
Mater'iai i stil' v romane L'va Tolstogo "Voǐna i mir."
O teorii prozy
Razvertyvanie si︠u︡zheta
Lettura del Decameron
Schriften zum Film [von Viktor Schklowskij
Tret £i Ła fabrika
Za sorok let
Sur la théorie de la prose
Russian formalist criticism
Provesti o proze
William R. Forstchen
William R. Forstchen (born 1950)

teacher, historian

  • Purdue University
One second after
Pillar To The Sky
Rally Cry (Lost Regiment)
Star Trek The Next Generation - The Forgotten War
Down to the sea
One Year After
Fateful lightning
Terrible Swift Sword
Men of war
False colors
Star Voyager Academy
End run
Union forever
The Flame upon the Ice
A band of brothers
The Crystal Sorcerers
Darkness upon the Ice
John Matherson Series : (One Second after, One Year after, the Final Day)
Honoured Enemy
We Look Like Men of War
Never sound retreat
Never Call Retreat: Lee and Grant
Heart Of The Tiger (Wing Commander, Volume 3)
Battle Hymn (Lost Regiment)
It Seemed Like a Good Idea..
Pearl Harbor
Pearl Harbor (Pacific War)
Hot shots
The gamester wars
Ice Prophet
The Assassin Gambit
If the Allies had fallen
48 Hours
Into the Sea of Stars
Pearl Harbor
Victory at Yorktown
The Alexandrian Ring
Wing commander
The Final Day: A John Matherson Novel
Hot Shots
Grant Comes East
The Napoleon wager
The Crystal Warriors
Article 23
Days of Infamy
A Band of Brothers (Lost Regiment)
The four magics
To Make Men Free
Fleet Action
To Try Men's Souls
Pearl Harbor
Grant Comes East
The Alexandrian ring
Action Stations
The Battle of the Crater
Der Sternenturm
Day of Wrath
False colors
The Lost Regiment (Roc)
Valley Forge
Magic - The Gathering (Magic)
Heart of the tiger
Five Years After
Bir Saniye Sonra
Le régiment perdu, Tome 2
The price of freedom
Heart of the Tiger (Wing Commander Book 3)
Fleet action
Ice Prophet
Battle Hymn
Le Régiment perdu T04 Riposte
George Jewsbury
George Jewsbury (born 1941)

historian, history teacher, translator

Kir Bulychev
Kir Bulychev (1934-2003)

historian, translator, orientalist, playwright

  • Moscow State Linguistic University
Red Star Tales
SF International 1
Earth and Elsewhere
Reka Hronos. Operatsija "Gadjuka"
Galakticheskaja politsija
Гений и злодейство
Den rojdeniya Alisy. Kir Bulychev
Kir Bulychev. Alisa i privideniya (Sobranie sochineniy)
Kir Bulychev. Alisa i chudovishe (Sobranie sochineniy)
Kir Bulychev. Million priklucheniy (Sobranie sochineniy)
Kir Bulychev. Alisa i liliputy (Sobranie sochineniy)
Kir Bulychev. Alisa i krestonoscy (Sobranie sochineniy)
Galakticheskaja politsija. Pokushenie na Tesseja
Korallovyĭ zamok
Those Who Survive
Pokhishchenie charodeya
Gusli͡ar - 2000
André Maurois
André Maurois (1885-1967)

philosopher, essayist, historian, literary critic, biographer, critic

  • Lycée Pierre-Corneille
La machine à lire les pensées
Great Short Tales of Mystery and Terror
Memoirs, 1885-1967
Proust; a biography
Histoire de la France
Magiciens et logiciens
The art of happiness
General Bramble
Lafayette in America
Patapoufs et Filifers
Un art de vivre
Marshall Lyautey
The Edwardian era
Call no man happy
Les discours du docteur O'Grady / Les silences du colonel Bramble
De Proust a Camus
Cinq visages de l'amour
Napoleon and his world
The collected stories of André Maurois
Introduction à la méthode de Paul Valéry
Olympio, ou, La vie de Victor Hugo
À la recherche de Marcel Proust
Chateaubriand, poet, statesman, lover
Die besten Kurzgeschichten
Nouvelles extra-terrestres et imaginaires
The miracle of America
Poets and prophets
An illustrated history of Germany
En Amérique
Prométhée, ou, La vie de Balzac
La France change de viasage
Histoire des Etats-Unis
D'Aragon à Montherland
Édouard VII et son temps
Cours de bonheur conjugal
Frédéric Chopin
Les Titans ou les trois Dumas
Atmosphere of Love
Aspects de la biographie
Portrait de la France et des Français
Le chapitre suivant
To an unknown lady
Les discours du docteur O'Grady / Les silences du colonel Bramble / Nouveaux discours du docteur O'Grady
Points of view from Kipling to Graham Greene
3 letters on the English
Alexandre Dumas
Choses nues
I remember, I remember
Prométhée, ou, La vie de Balzac ; Olympio, ou, La vie de Victor Hugo ; Les trois Dumas
Lecture, mon doux plaisir
Ten Droll Tales ...
La vie de Sir Alexander Fleming
Cecil Rhodes
Private Universe
Rouen dévasté
Tragédie en France
Journal d'un tour en Amérique latine
J.L. David
Versailles aux lumières
La vie de Disraëli
Poésie et action
The miracle of France
Un essai sur Dickens
Proust: portrait of a genius
Woman without love
Les Anglais
Petite histoire de l'espèce humaine (fragments)
Portrait d'une actrice (Mrs. Siddons)
Les silences du colonel Bramble
My Latin-American diary
Don Juan
Public libraries and their mission
The Chelsea way, or, Marcel in England
Le monde de Marcel Proust
Adrienne, ou, La vie de Madame de La Fayette
L' Amérique inattendue
Selections from André Maurois
Chantiers américains
Les roses de septembre
La Conquête de l'Angleterre par les Normands
A history of the USA
Conseils a un jeune Français partant pour l'Angleterre
Maurois reader
An illustrated history of England
Points of View
Why France fell
Histoire de l'Angleterre
Andrâe Maurois:Prométhée, ou, La vie de Balzac ; Olympio, ou, La vie de
Sentiments & coutumes
De la bruyère a Proust
Prophets and poets
Conseils à un jeune Français partant pour les États-Unis
Sept Visages De L'Amour
The women of Paris
La jeunesse devant notre temps
Bernard Quesnay
Cercle de famille
La Comtesse de Castiglione
From the New Freedom to the New Frontier
Ariel ; ou, la vie de Shelley
Art of Writing
Les Trois Dumas
États-Unis 39
The battle of France
Disraeli, a picture of the Victorian age
Captains and kings
Etudes littéraires
Lecture mon doux plaisir
Etudes Litteraires II (2)
Les bourgeois de Witzheim
Au commencement était l'action
The battle of France
De Gide a   Sartre
Napoléon et l'Empire, 1769, 1815, 1821...
Discours et Nouveaux Discours du Docteur O'grady...
L' instinct du bonheur
Espoirs et souvenirs
Terre promise
Washington, the life of a patriot
Pis £ma neznakomke
Voyage au pays des Articoles
Les trois Dumas
Études anglaises ..
Etudes Anglaises
Open letter to a young man.
Lafayette in America
The next chapter
Estudios literarios
Ricochets Miniature Tales of Human Life
Etudes littéraires
Memoires I
Shao nian Gede zhi chuang zao
Destins exemplaires
Lian ai yu xi sheng
Les discours du Dr. O'Grady
Ce que je crois
Meïpe; ou, La delivrance
Soixante ans de ma vie littéraire
Amours a Londres
Études littéraires ..
Siskolarla Siskalar
Points of view from Kipling to Graham Greene
Histoire de l'Allemagne
Profiles of Great Men
Memoires Tome II
Morceaux choisis
L' Angleterre romantique
Histoire de l'allemagne
Falanxi zhi bei ju
Prophets and poets
The women of Paris
Louis XIV à Versailles
Le roman de George Sand et de Chopin
Dialogues sur le commandement
Ni ange, ni bête
Prophets and Poets
Lettres a l'inconnue
Toujours l'inattendu arrive
Anglaise et d'autres femmes
Victor Hugo and His World (A Studio Book)
Ai di fen wei
Les mondes imaginaires: Meïpe--Les souffrances du jeune Werther--Par la faute de M. de Balzac--Portrait dúne actrice--Les derniers jours de Pompéi
Le diner sous les marrouniers
La conversation
Open letter to a young man
Retour en France
Les mondes impossibles
La vie de Disraëli
Victor Hugo and His World
Jahrmarkt in Neuilly
Nu wang de shui tu
Les nouveaux discours du Docteur O'Grady
Pour piano seul
Mes songes que voici ..
Whatever Gods may be
Histoire parallèle des U.S.A. 1917-1960.
Le côté de Chelsea
Sonbahar Gülleri
The rôle of art in life and law
Memoires I
Soixante ans de ma vie littéraire, suivi de Le Rôle de l'écrivain dans le monde d'aujourd'hui
"Sur le vif"
Falanxi tong shi
The Ten Commandments
Falanxi de bei ju
Le pays des 36,000 [i.e.trente-six mille] volontés
Le poème de Versailles
Profiles of great men
E ́tudes américaines ..
Illustrated History
Nouvelles directions de la littérature française
Falanxi zhan xian
Maurois on Biography
Le peseur d'âmes
Frankrigs Tragedie
Bailun de tong nian
Mon ami Léger
Trois portraits de femmes
Prophets and Poets
Weiduoliya shi dai Ying gong wai shi
The miracle of England
Victor Hugo and his world
La Vie de Jean-Baptiste Bernadotte
Histoire de la France
al-Lūrd Bayrūn ʻāshiq nafsih
Illustrated History
Stroj na čtení myšlenek
Lettre ouverte à un jeune homme sur la conduite de la vie
Rio de Janeiro
Nouvelles directions de la litte rature franc ʹaise
Oeuvres Completes Tome IV - Bernard Quesnay / Terre Promise / Toujours L'Inattendu Arrive (French Edition)
Les origines de la guerre de 1939
Omanut ha-niśuʼin ha-meʼusharim
Les discours du docteur O'Grady
Au commencement était l'action
Aux innocents les mains pleines
Conseils à un jeune Français partant pour les États-Unis
לבו של ביירון
Oeuvres Completes Tome I - Les Silences du Colonel Bramble / Les Discours du Docteur O'Grady / A La Recherche de Bramble / Les Nouveaux Discours du ... Francais / Ni Ange, Ni Bete (French Edition)
Oeuvres Completes Tome VII - Les Mondes Impossibles / Les Mondes Imaginaires / Tu ne Commettras Point D'Adultere (French Edition)
Verzichte auf das Absolute
Divre yeme Tsarfat
Lettres a L'inconnue
Premiers contes
A time for silence
Sifriyot tsiburiyot u-sheliḥutan
Whatever gods maybe
Ravān sanj
Textes choisis de André Maurois
Discours de réception à l'Académie française et Réponse de M. André Chevrillon
Atarashiki taisen
3 letters on the English
A la recherche de Marcel Proust
Les silences du colonel Bramble
Etats-Unis 39
Lettre ouverte à un jeune homme sur la conduite de la vie
Chefs-d'œuvre des aquarellistes anglais
Lyautey ...
The art of living
Lettres à l'inconnue
Prophets and poets
Oeuvres Completes Tome VIII - Chateaubriand / Alain / Tourgueniev (French Edition)
Les discours du Dr. O'Grady
Toujours l'inattendu arrive et autres nouvelles
O lásce a přátelství
ha-Mishmanaʾim ṿeha-Mirzanaʾim
Antología de poetas franceses contemporáneos
Bernard Quesnay
A history of the U.S.A. from Wilson to Kennedy
André Maurois habla de libros y bibliotecas
Le Tour du monde du rire
Me moires
Portrait d'un ami qui s'appelait moi
Andre Maurois
Kekkon yūjō kōfuku
Ḥug ha-mishpaḥah
Literaturnye portrety
L' Anglaise et d'autres femmes
Oeuvres Completes Tome V - Dialogues sur le Commandement / Lyautey / Mes Songes que Voici / La Conversation (French Edition)
Chateaubriand, poet, statesman, lover
The collected stories of André Maurois
Pisʹma neznakomke
André Maurois, 1885-1985
La biblioteca pública y su misión
Oeuvres Completes Tome XV - Ariel ou la Vie de Shelley / Prefaces Litteraires / Le Diner sous les Marronniers / Une Carriere (French Edition)
Ariel, ou, La vie de Shelley
Dialogues des vivants
Oeuvres Completes Tome XVI - Olympio ou la Vie de Victor Hugo (French Edition)
Le cercle de famille ; L'instinct du bonheur
Rozhdenie znamenitosti
Rodinný kruh
Kerem ha-ḳesamim
Illustrated History
Divre yeme Angliyah
Victor Hugo and his world
Die Geschichte Amerikas
Victor Hugo and his world
Lettres à l'inconnue
La conversation
Climats ; Bernard Quesnay, suivi de dix nouvelles
Le cinquantenaire du Colonel Bramble
Le côté de Chelsea
Robert et Elizabeth Browning
Les silences du colonel Bramble
La Vie de Disraëli
Journal d'un tour en Suisse
Études anglaises
Sept visages de l'amour
Œuvres complètes
Die Kunst zu leben
Illustrated History
Binyamin Franḳlin u-milḥemet ha-ʻatsmaʾut shel Ameriḳah
A Unitarian states his case
Jen člověk
Oeuvres Completes Tome VI - Aspects de la Biographie / Byron (French Edition)
Eric Temple Bell
Eric Temple Bell (1883-1960)

mathematician, historian of mathematics

  • Stanford University, Columbia University
Dangerous vegetables
Seeds of life, and White lily
Green fire
The forbidden garden
G.O.G. 666
The time stream
The search for truth
Debunking science
The handmaiden of the sciences
The search for truth
Men of mathematics
The last problem
Mathematics, queen and servant of science
Men of mathematics Volume 1
Man and his lifebelts
The development of mathematics
The cyclotomic quinary quintic
An arithmetical theory of certain numerical functions
Algebraic arithmetic
G.O.G. 666
Before the dawn
Seeds of life and White Lily
Seeds of life
Les grands mathématiciens
Algebraic arithmetic
The cosmic geoids
La Magie des nombres
The crystal horde
Seeds of life
Men of mathematics, volume two
The iron star
Historia de Las Matematicas
Algebraic arithmetic
Büyük matematikçiler
Before the dawn
Five studies in mathematics
Green fire
The Iron Star
R. H. Barlow
R. H. Barlow (1918-1951)

anthropologist, linguist, poet, historian

  • University of California, Kansas City Art Institute
Los mexicas y la Triple Alianza
Nombre de Dios, Durango
Fuentes y estudios sobre el México indígena
The extent of the empire of the Culhua Mexico
The extent of the empire of the Culhua Mexica
Codex Azcatitlan
Poems for a competition
Diccionario de elementos fonéticos en escritura jeroglífica
Anales de Tlatelolco
Nombre de Dios, Durango
Ron Goulart
Ron Goulart (1933-2022)

historian, advertising person

  • University of California
One Hundred
The Twelve Frights of Christmas
Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Treasury (The Future in Question / Space Mail)
Isaac Asimov's Wonderful Worlds of Science Fiction 5 - Tin stars
Odd Job #101, and Other Future Crimes and Intrigues
Battlestar Galactica
The Panchronicon Plot
The hellhound project
Brainz, Inc.
Buck Rogers in the 25th Century
Nutzenbolts, and more troubles with machines
Buck Rogers in the 25th Century
What's become of screwloose?
Skyrocket Steele
Dr. Scofflaw
Star Hawks
Daredevils, Ltd.
Gadget man
Galaxy Jane
Broke down engine, and other troubles with machines
On Alien Wings
Buck Rogers in the 25th CenturyThe Complete Newspaper Dailies
Greetings From Earth
The Chameleon Corps & other shape changers
After things fell apart
The Tin Angel
Hello, Lemuria Hello
The Curse of the Obelisk
Space Hawk, Inc.
Cowboy heaven
President Kennedy's Mission
The wicked cyborg
When the Waker Sleeps
A Whiff of Madness
Starpirate's Brain
Robot in the Closet
Calling for Dr. Patchwork
Upside Downside
Capricorn One
Star Hawks 1978-1979
Hound Dunnit
The Future in Question
The Great British Detective
Witches & Wizards
Galaxy Science Fiction Super Pack #2
The Great Comic Book Artists
Groucho Marx, King of the Jungle
Elementary, my dear Groucho
Red Moon
Groucho Marx, private eye
Groucho Marx and the Broadway murders
The Glass Man
The comic book reader's companion
Black Chariots
Now he thinks he's dead
Comic Book Culture
The Death Machine
Ron Goulart's Great History of Comic Books
The Purple Zombie
A graveyard of my own
Demon Island
Cheap Thrills
Groucho Marx, secret agent
The Blood Countess
Good Girl Art
Comic book encyclopedia
Show Business is Murder
The dime detectives
Heil Hibbler!
The Cartoon Crimes
Dr. Time
Great American Comic Books
Flux & The tin angel
The Man from Atlantis
The Tijuana bible
Groucho Marx, master detective
The Zombie Megapack
Even the butler was poor
The Encyclopedia of American Comics
The Funnies
The Hardboiled Dicks
Star Hawks Empire 99
The adventurous decade
The Iron Skull
The Nightwitch Devil
Over 50 Years of American Comic Books
The assault on childhood
Alex Raymond
The Same Lie Twice
Cleopatra Jones and the Casino of Gold
Murder in Studio 221B
The Curse of the Golden Skull
Green Lama Mystery
Everybody Comes To Cosmo's
Adam and Eve on a raft
An informal history of the pulp magazine
Emperor of the Last Days
Snake God
Suicide, Inc.
Marvel Masterworks Warlock Vol.72 Variant Edition
Year of the Bat
International Cheesecake
The sword swallower
Eye of the Vulture
The Wisemann originals
Harry Challenge: Victorian Supernatural Sleuth
Big bang
Blood Wedding
Line up tough guys
Masked Marvels and Jungle Queens
The Prisoner of Blackwood Castle
Citadels on Earth
Legacy and the Law
Devil Mask Mystery
Focus on Jack Cole
Murder for dummies
A Talent for the Invisible
A whiff of madness
Challengers of the Unknown
Ghost Who Walks
William Shatner's Tekworld
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, December 1968 (Volume 35, No. 6)
Murder on the Aisle
Weird Trails
Treasures of Bangalla
Year of the bat
The great impersonation