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academics who wrote science fiction
Showing 17-24 out of 174 results
John Barnes
John Barnes (born 1957)

  • Montana State University
Writing science fiction and fantasy
The return
Encounter with Tiber
Meeting Infinity
Earth made of glass
Free Space
Mother of storms
A million open doors
Losers in Space
Kaleidoscope century
The merchants of souls
In the hall of the Martian king
Daybreak Zero
Washington's Dirigible (Timeline Wars/John Barnes, No 2)
The sky so big and black
Apostrophes & Apocalypses
The Armies of Memory (Thousand Cultures)
Caesar's Bicycle (Timeline Wars/John Barnes, No 3)
Daybreak Zero
A princess of the Aerie
Mother of Storms
Orbital Resonance
Orbital resonance
A Princess of the Aerie
The duke of uranium
Directive 51
Washington's Dirigible (The Timeline Wars Book 2)
Sky So Big and Black
Patton's Spaceship
In the Hall of the Martian King
Patton's Spaceship
Princess of the Aerie
Princess of the Aerie
Washington's Dirigible
Caesar's Bicycle
Caesar's Bicycle
Orbital Resonance
Patton's spaceship
Encounter with Tiber
Kaleidoscope Century
Forever Issue 20
Patton's Spaceship
Apocalypses and apostrophes
In the Hall of the Martian King
Washington's Dirigible
The timeline wars
The Last President
Sin of origin
Orbital Resonance (Meme Wars)
Candle (Meme Wars)
The man who pulled down the sky
Mother of storms
Kaleidoscope Century (Meme Wars)
Union Fires
The Year's Top Ten Tales of Science Fiction 8 (Volume 8)
One for the morning glory
A Million Open Doors (Giraut)
Earth Made of Glass (Giraut)
Directive 51
The Last President (A Novel of Daybreak)
Tales of the Madman Underground
Tales of the Madman Underground
Patton's Spaceship (Timeline Wars/John Barnes)
The Year's Top Ten Tales of Science Fiction 8
Tales of the Madman Underground : (an historical romance 1973)
The Merchants of Souls (Giraut)
La Mère des tempêtes
The Duke of Uranium (Jak Jinnaka)
Orbital Resonance
The Sky So Big and Black (Meme Wars)
Passerelles pour l'infini
Duke of Uranium
The Last President
Sin of Origin
Payback City
Duke of Uranium
Der Wein der Götter
Passerelles pour l'infini
The man who pulled down the sky
In the Hall of the Martian King
Mother of Storms
Moeder der stormen
Kaleidoscope century
Apocalypses and Apostrophes
Duke of Uranium
Mother of Storms 27 x Dumpbin
Kaleidoscope Century
Timeline Wars
Princess of the Aerie
Directive 51
One For The Morning Glory
Moeder der stormen
Merchants of Souls
Sin of Origin
Der Himmel, so weit und schwarz
Daybreak Zero
Daybreak Zero
The Last President
The century next door
Vino Bogov
Die Rückkehr.
Fred Hoyle
Fred Hoyle (1915-2001)

astronomer, physicist, mathematician, astrophysicist, researcher

  • University of Cambridge, Bingley Grammar School
The Black Cloud
Laughing Space
Into deepest space
Great Science Fiction
Fifth planet
The inferno
Comet Halley
A for Andromeda
Seven Steps to the Sun
A for Andromeda
Element 79
The Expert Dreamers
The molecule men
The incandescent ones
Rockets in Ursa Major
The Westminster disaster
Fifth Planet
Into deepest space
A for Andromeda
Comet Halley
October the First Is Too Late
Three Classic Novels
The planet of death
The energy pirate
The giants of universal park
Ankoku seiun
Highlights in astronomy
Life on Mars?
Astronomical origins of life
Of Men And Galaxies (Great Minds)
Archaeopteryx, the primordial bird
The intelligent universe
The Nature of the Universe
The theory of cosmic grains
From Stonehenge to modern cosmology
The new face of science
Of men and galaxies
The origin of the universe and the origin of religion
Home is Where the Wind Blows
The origin of the universe and the origin of religion
Man and Materialism
The new face of science
Diseases from space
Lifecloud, the origin of life in the universe
Our place in the cosmos
Commonsense in nuclear energy
Ten faces of the universe
Ossian's ride
Home is where the wind blows
On Stonehenge
The physics-astronomy frontier
Man and materialism
A different approach to cosmology
Commonsense in nuclear energy
Astronomy and cosmology
The nature of the universe
Energy or extinction?
Andromeda breakthrough
Fifth planet
Nicolaus Copernicus
The incandescent ones
The Frontiers of Knowledge
Frontiers of astronomy
Man in the universe
Nicolaus Copernicus: an essay on his life and work
Seven Steps to the Sun
Le nuage de la vie
Man in the universe. --
Space travellers
A for Andromeda
Common sense in nuclear energy
Evolution from space
Man in the Universe (Bampton Lectures in America)
Evolution from Space
Political Shakespeare
The relation of biology to astronomy
Astronomy today
Evolution from space
The Westminster disaster
The small world of Fred Hoyle
Diseases from Space
Frontiers of astronomy
Steady-State Cosmology Re-Visited
The cosmogony of the solar system
The origin of life
Andromeda Breakthrough
Cosmic life-force
Lectures on cosmology and action at a distance electrodynamics
The cosmagony of the solar system
Andromeda breakthrough
Some recent researches in solar physics
Living comets
Vindication of Cosmic Biology
Some recent researches in solar physics
A contradiction in the argument of Malthus
Origin of Life
Origen y Destino de Las Estrellas
Action at a distance in physics and cosmology
October the first is too late
Evolution from space (the Omni lecture) and other papers on the origin of life
Ossian's Ride
Intelligent Universe
The physics-astronomy frontier
'Mathematics of Evolution'
Our Place in the Cosmos
Ice, the ultimate human catastrophe
Frontiers of astronomy
Galaxies, nuclei, and quasars
Andromeda Breakthough
The Andromeda Anthology
October the first is too late
Encounter with the future
Frontiers Of Astronomy
From grains to bacteria
The Incandescent Ones
Lectures on cosmology and action at a distance electrodynamics
Viruses from space and related matters
The quasar controversy resolved
Encounter with the future
A decade of decision
Andromeda breakthrough
Facts and dogmas in cosmology and elsewhere
A for Andromeda
Facts and Dogmas in Cosmology and Elsewhere
Man and materialism
October the First is Too Late
Evolucion de La Vida Desde El Espacio Exterior
Steady-state cosmology re-visited
Frozen Planet of Azuron
A contradiction in the argument of Malthus: The St. John's College Cambridge lecture 1962-63 delivered at the University of Hull 17 May 1963
The universe
Of Men and Galaxies
The Universe According to Hoyle
Nature of the Universe
Man and materialism
Rockets in Ursa Major
Man in the universe
Proofs that life is Cosmic
Astronomy Today
Les Incandescents
Energi eller undergang?
Living comets
October the First Is Too Late (Valancourt 20th Century Classics)
Some recent advances in solar physics
Galaxies, nuclei and quasars
Galaxies, nuclei and quasars
Home Is Where the Wind Blows
The Anglo-Austrian Telescope
The nature of the universe
Fifth Planet (Valancourt 20th Century Classics)
The nature of the universe
Living Comets
Frontiers of astronomy
Origin of the Universe and the Origin of Religion
Ossian's ride
Our Place In The Cosmos
Of men and galaxies
Rockets in Ursa Major
The nature of the universe
Some recent researches in solar physics
Galazies, nuclei and quasars
A contradiction in the argument of Malthus
A decade of decision
Andromeda Anthology
La nube negra
A for Andromeda
Viruses from space and related matters
La nube negra
Man in the universe
Different Approach to Cosmology
A contradiction in the argument of Malthus
Andrew Greeley
Andrew Greeley (1928-2013)

journalist, sociologist, Catholic priest, columnist

  • University of Chicago, University of Saint Mary of the Lake
Star Bright!
God game
The final planet
God Game
Sacred visions
Final Planet
Star Bright!
Religion as poetry
Religion in Europe at the End of the Second Millenium
No bigger than necessary
The Incarnate imagination
The Bishop and the missing L train
Contract with an Angel
Happy Are the Peacemakers
White Smoke
The cardinal sins
Irish whiskey
Happy are the meek
Happy are the oppressed
Angel Light
Irish mist
Happy are those who mourn
Fall from grace
Happy are the poor in spirit
A midwinter's tale
The bishop in the West Wing
Irish lace
The archbishop in Andalusia
Ascent into hell
The Catholic imagination
Virgin and martyr
Irish stew!
Irish eyes
The Catholic Revolution
Summer at the Lake
The bishop in the old neighborhood
September song
Irish crystal
A Christmas wedding
Happy are the clean of heart
Golden years
Irish Linen
The priestly sins
The Irish Americans
Patience of a Saint
Irish cream
The Bishop goes to the university
Irish tweed
Why can't they be like us? America's white ethnic groups
Irish gold
The great mysteries
Death in April
The Jesus myth
Lord of the dance
St. Valentine's night
Rite of spring
The making of the Popes 1978
Unsecular man
Irish love
An occasion of sin
The bishop at the lake
The Senator and the Priest
The cardinal virtues
Happy are the Merciful
White smoke
Love affair
Second spring
Wages of sin
The Magic Cup
Angel fire
Home for Christmas
Younger than springtime
Love and play
The bishop and the beggar girl of St. Germain
The Mary myth
Faithful Attraction
The Bishop in the Old Neighborhood
The Catholic myth
How to save the Catholic church
Happy are those who thirst for justice
Religion in the year 2000
Summer at the lake
Everything you wanted to know about the Catholic Church but were too pious to ask
Conversations with Andrew Greeley
Ethnicity, denomination, and inequality
When life hurts
Fall from grace
Sexual intimacy
The bishop and the beggar girl of St. Germain
American Catholic
All about women
A Piece of My Mind...on Just About Everything
Patience of a saint
Summer at the Lake
The Sinai myth
The search for Maggie Ward
Love song
Building coalitions: [American politics in the 1970s
Religious change in America
Fall from grace
The bottom line catechism for contemporary Catholics
Life for a wanderer
Strangers in the house
And young men shall see visions
The bishop at sea
Thy brother's wife
A Midwinter's Tale
Ethnicity in the United States
The Catholic experience
Uncertain trumpet; the priest in modern America
Confessions of a parish priest
Sacraments of love
Happy are the clean of heart
That most distressful nation
Why Can't They Be Like Us?
Cardinal sins
The education of Catholic Americans
Common ground
Love Affair
Angels of September
The Devil, you say!
The book of love
The Bishop at the Lake
A book of Irish American blessings & prayers
What a modern Catholic believes about God
Religion, a secular theory
The senator and the priest
Angry Catholic women
Confessions of a parish priest
The new agenda
Thy brother's wife
Irish gold
Irish love
The Making of the Pope 2005
Emerald Magic
Irish Tiger
An Andrew Greeley reader
Wages of sin
The bishop and the Three Kings
An ugly little secret
The Book of Love
Irish tiger
Love song
The religious imagination
The Persistence of religion
The Cardinal virtues
The search for Maggie Ward
God in the Movies
All About Women
My Love
White Smoke
The Seven Deadly Sins
A future to hope in
The Making of the Pope 2005
The Bishop And The Missing L Train A Blackie Ryan Story
The church and the suburbs
Catholic schools in a declining church
God in popular culture
St. Valentine's night
Crisis in the church
The denominational society
Communication in the church
The sociology of the paranormal
Parish, priest & people
The Bibleand us
Young Catholic Family
Catholic high schools and minority students
Happy are those who thirst for justice
A Christmas Wedding
Myths of religion
The Irish
Thy brother's wife
New horizons for the priesthood
The bishop at sea
From backwater to mainstream
Golden Years
The Cardinal Virtues
The Bishop and the Three Kings (A Father Blackie Ryan Mystery)
The changing Catholic college
The hesitant pilgrim
Virtues and Vices
Ethnic drinking subcultures
Letters to a Loving God
The Bible and Us
Irish lace
The truth about conservative Christians
Religion and career
American Catholics since the council
A fresh look at vocations
Chicago Catholics and the Struggles Within Their Church
Come blow your mind with me
The Jesus myth
I hope you're listening, God
The Seven deadly sins
Younger Than Springtime
Second spring
Sociology of Religion
Letters to Nancy, from Andrew M. Greeley
Life for a wanderer
Irish Stew!
Thy brother's wife
The priestly sins
Irish Whiskey
Towards Vatican III
Why can't they be like us?
Emerald Magic
Home for Christmas
The Catholic Myth
Happy are those who thirst for justice
Happy are the poor in spirit
Younger Than Springtime (O'Malley Novels
The bishop in the West Wing
Irish Love
Lord of the Dance
TheI rish Americans
Priests in the United States
Thy Brother's Wife
The Magic Cup: An Irish Legend Retold (Tor Fantasy)
Sexual intimacy
Nora Maeve and Sebi
A stupid, unjust, and criminal war
Common Ground
Sacraments Of Love
Furthermore! Memories of a Parish Priest
Angels of September
Chicago Catholics and the struggles within their church
The communal Catholic
Year of Grace
Irish Gold
Irish Lace
What a modern Catholic believes about the Church
Confessions of a Parish Priest
Irish Mist A Nuala Anne Mcgrail Novel
Denominational Society
Come blow your mind with me
Death & beyond
The seven deadly sins
Lord of Dance
The Bishop at the Lake
Irish Mist
Paciencia de santo
Search for Maggie Ward, The
The Family in crisis or in transition
The Sinai myth (Doubleday Image book D350)
The Catholic priest in the United States
The sense of love
Remaking Urban Citizenship
Bishop and the Beggar Girl of St. Germain
Search for Maggie Ward
Irish Whiskey
Persistence of Religion
That Most Distressful Nation
Irish Gold, Irish Lace, Irish Wiskey
Senor De LA Danza
The search for Maggie Ward
Bishop and the Missing l Train
Angels of September
Common Ground
Midwinter's Tale
God Game Open Market Edition
Communication in the Church
Summer at the Lake
Thy Brothers Wife
The Catholic why? book
Irish Tweed
Complaints against God
Priestly Sins
The Bishop Goes to the University
Irish Cream
Church As Institution
Catholic Revolution
Second Spring
Ascent into Hell
Irish Linen
An Epidemic of Joy
Bishop at the Lake
Irish Gold
Es leuchtet ein Stern. Eine Weihnachtsgeschichte
The bishop and the three kings
Lord of the Dance
Family in Crisis or Transition
The sociology of Andrew M. Greeley
Religion As Poetry
Emerald Magic
Irish Eyes
The persistence of religion
Lord of the Dance
Faithful Attraction
The life of the spirit
Home for Christmas
Bishop in the West Wing
Irish Tiger
Catholic High Schools and Minority Students
Andrew Greeley
Changing Catholic College
The Bishop at Sea (A Father Blackie Ryan Mystery)
Paciencia de Santo
Bishop Goes to the University
Changing Catholic College
Bishop in the Old Neighborhood
Thy Brother's Wife
Happy are the merciful
A book of Irish-American blessings
Contract with an Angel
Education of Catholic Americans
Education of Catholic Americans
Cardinal Virtues
Golden Years
Senator and the Priest
The Bishop in the West Wing
Cardinal Sins
Ascent into hell
The friendship game
Second Spring
Irish Love
Changing Catholic College
A Midwinter's Tale (O'Malley Novels
Book of Love
The making of the Popes
Catholic contributions
Irish lace
Irish Stew!
The Priestly Sins
Catholic High Schools and Minority Students
Younger Than Springtime
Christmas Wedding
Search for Maggie Ward
Catholic Imagination
Catholic Imagination
The education of Catholic Americans
Virgin and martyr
Irish tweed
Contract with an Angel
Grzechy kardynalne
Irish Gold
                Nuala Anne McGrail Novels Audio
Irish Whiskey (Nuala Anne McGrail Novels (Audio))
Irish Crystal
Religion in Europe at the End of the Second Millenium
Irish Gold
Youth asks, does God still speak?
Emerald magic
Irish Lace
Teenage world--its crises and anxieties
Great Mysteries
The bishop and the three kings
All About Women 2
Ocasión de pecado
The Search for Maggie Ward
Chinese Economy under Maoism
Biały dym
And young men shall see visions
All about Women
Women I've met
Pecados cardinales
That Most Distressful Nation
Ethnic Drinking Subcultures
September Song
Der Mönch aus Russland
Happy Are Those Who Mourn
Truth about Conservative Christians
God in the Movies
The making of the Popes 1978 : the politics of intrigue in the Vatican
Andrew Greeley's Chicago
Archbishop in Andalusia
The crucible of change
Irish Mist
Religion in Europe at the End of the Second Millenium
101 Irish-American Blessings
Los Pecados Cardinales/the Cardinal Sins
Monja O Guerrillera/Virgin and Martyr
What a modern Catholic believes about God
Pan tańca
Religious Indicators, 1940-1985
The social effects of Catholic education
Irish Tiger
Irish Tiger
Ascension Al Infierno/Ascent into Hell
May the wind be at your back
The Passover trilogy
Letters to Nancy
La mujer de tu hermano
Happy are the peace makers
The Church and the suburbs
Blackie at Sea
Magic Cup -OSI
The denominational society
I am with you
Letters to Nancy, from Andrew M. Greeley
The Catholic experience
Wrześniowe anioły
Virgin and martyr
God in popular culture
Religion and career
The influence of religion on the career plans and occupational values of June 1961 college graduates
The church and the suburbs
Lord of the dance
Sociology and religion
The challenge of living
What a modern Catholic believes about God
The Brother's Wife
Death in April -Op/38
La Perdida de La Gracia
Passover Tril
Priests for tomorrow
Irish tweed
Rite of Spring - 40 Copy Display
The Catholic priest in the United States
Archbishop in Andalusia
The Passover Trilogy
The touch of the spirit
Summer at the Lake
Religion and Career
A future to hope in
The Life of the spirit (also the mind, the heart, the libido) in the light of Freud, Jung, Thomas Aquinas, Broadway Joe Namath and Pope John XXIII, as seen from the shores of Lake Michigan
Forging a common future
LA Mujer De Tu Hermano/Thy Brother's Wife
Life for a wanderer
Ángeles de septiembre
Ocasion de Pecado
Las Deudas del Pecado
Luigi Santucci
Luigi Santucci (1918-1999)


  • UniversitĂ  Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
Orfeo in paradise
Meeting Jesus
Wrestling with Christ
Autoritratto disegnato con le pagine più significative delle mie opere
Tra pirati e delfini
Poesia e preghiera nella Bibbia
Miniature altomedievali lombarde
Nell'orto dell'esistenza
Miniature altomedievali lombardi
In Australia con mio nonno
Non sparate sui narcisi
Il cuore dell'inverno
La lode degli animali
I nidi delle cicogne e altri scritti inediti
L' imperfetta letizia
Il mandragolo
Orfeo in paradiso
Manoscritto da Itaca
L' arca di Noè
Folgore da San Gimignano
Non sparata sui narcisi
Brianza e altri amori
Fuga dall'Egitto
Come se
L' angelo di Caino
Il bambino della strega
Volete andarvene anche voi?
Volete andarvene anche voi?  Una vita di Cristo
Il ballo della sposa
Lo zio prete
Orfeo in paradiso; [romanzo
Cantico delle cose di Papa Giovanni
Se io mi scorderò
L' almanacco di Adamo
Il velocifero
Meeting Jesus; a new way to Christ
Francesco, otto secoli di una grande avventura cristiana
Orfeo in paradise
Fuga dall'Egitto
Come se
La donna con la bocca aperta
Meeting Jesus
Legendy chrześcijańskie
Michael Blumlein
Michael Blumlein (1948-2019)


Will McIntosh
Will McIntosh (born 1962)

  • University of Georgia
Vandana Singh
Vandana Singh (born 1949)

Mika Hämäläinen
Mika Hämäläinen (born 1991)


  • University of Helsinki