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politicians who wrote romance
Showing 33-40 out of 115 results
Álvaro Pombo
Álvaro Pombo (born 1939)

poet, politician

  • Complutense University of Madrid
Una ventana al norte
Contra natura
La cuadratura del círculo
Donde las Mujeres
El cielo raso
La Fortuna de Matilda Turpin
The Resemblance
Virginia o el interior del mundo
Relatos Sobre La Falta De Sustancia
Donde las mujeres
The Hero of the Big House
Donde las mujeres
El heroe de las mansardas de Mansard
Vida de San Francisco de Asís
Telepena de Celia Cecilia Villalobo
El héroe de las mansardas de Mansard
Aparición del eterno femenino
Sucedió en Santander
Le fils adoptif
Le mètre de platine iridié
Donde las mujeres
Protocolos para la rehabilitación del firmamento
Ocho cuentos de azufre
Los delitos insignificantes
El hijo adoptivo
La transformación de Johanna Sansíleri
El héroe de las mansardas de Mansard
Cuentos reciclados
Un gran mundo
Aparición del eterno femenino
El Metro de Platino Iridiado
El cielo raso
La casa del reloj
El hijo adoptivo
LA Cuadratura Del Circulo
Protocolos, 1973-2003
Una ventana al norte
El parecido
La previa muerte del lugarteniente Aloof
Hacia una constitución poética del año en curso
El temblor del héroe
Relatos sobre la falta de sustancia
Tres relatos
Vida De San Francisco De Asis
Virginia, o, El interior del mundo
Donde las mujeres
La previa muerte del lugarteniente Aloof
Lo esencial de Azores
Los enunciados protocolarios
José Luis Sampedro
José Luis Sampedro (1917-2013)

economist, politician

  • University of Madrid
La senda del drago
La sonrisa etrusca
Cuarteto para un solista
Diccionario Sampedro
La vida perenne
La estatua de Adolfo Espejo
Los mongoles en Bagdad
Real Sitio
Octubre, octubre
Las regiones españolas ante la asociación con Europa
El amante lesbiano
Mar al fondo
La sombra de los días
Homenaje al profesor Sampedro
Conciencia del subdesarrollo veinticinco años después
Economía humanista
Dulce cintura de América
Las fuerzas económicas de nuestro tiempo
La vieja sirena
El río que nos lleva
La inflación
José Luis Sampedro
El mercado y la globalización
Escribir es vivir
Mientras la tierra gira
Conciencia del subdesarrollo
Monte Sinaí
El caballo desnudo
Estructura económica
Congreso en Estocolmo
La ciencia y la vida
Sala de espera
Un sitio para vivir
Mientras la tierra gira
Economía eres tú
Principios prácticos de la localización industrial
La segunda ampliación de la C.E.E.
Perfiles económicos de las regiones de España
Los círculos del tiempo (Estuche)
La paloma de cartón / Un sitio para vivir / El nudo
El reloj, el gato y Madagascar
La estatua de Adolfo Espejo / La sombra de los días
Sobre política, mercado y convivencia
Juan Valera
Juan Valera (1824-1905)

diplomat, journalist, politician, poet

Juanita la Larga
Pepita Jiménez
Juanita la Larga
Pepita Jiménez
Doña Luz
Pepita Jimenez
Florilegio de poesias castellanas del siglo XIX
El superhombre y otras novedades: Artículos criticos sobre producciones literarias de fines del ..
Cartas desde Rusia
Las ilusiones del doctor Faustino
Pepita Jiménez
El pájaro verde
Estudios críticos sobre literatura, política y costumbres de nuestros dias ..
Genio y figura
Ecos argentinos
Generous Rafaela
El hechicero: El bermejino prehistórico, ó las salamandras azules
Una anatomía electoral
Nuevas cartas americanas
Obras escogidas de Juan Valera
La poesia lirica y epica en la espana del siglo XIX
Cartas a su mujer
El Espejo De Matsuyama / The Miirror of Matsuyama
Cartas íntimas, 1853-1897
The illusions of Doctor Faustino
Juanita La Larga - 141
Pepita Jimenez (Leer En Español, Level 5)
El Comendador Mendoza/ The Commander Mendoza
Estudios sobre historia y politica (independencia cubana)
Juanita LA Larga
Pepita Jimenez (Nuestros clasicos)
Pepita Jiménez
151 cartas inéditas a Gumersindo Laverde
Pepita Jiménez y Juanita la Larga
Cartas Desde Rusia (Viajes y Costumbres)
Don a Luz
Juanita La Larga / Juanita the Long One
El cautivo de Doña Mencía
Pasarse de listo
Cartas a Estébanez Calderón, 1851-1858
Elisa la malagueña
Cuentos y chascarrillos andaluces, tomados de la boca del vulgo
El pájaro verde por Juan Valera ..
Sobre el sentido del Quijote
Ilusiones del Doctor Faustino, Las
Pepita Jimenez - 67
Homenaje á Menéndez y Pelayo en el año vigésimo de su profesorado
Correspondencia de Don Juan Valera, 1859-1905
Leyendas del Antiguo Oriente
Artículos de El Contemporáneo [por] Juan Valera
Discursos poliicos
Cuentos (Diferencias / Differences)
Juanita LA Larga (El Libro de Bolsillo. Seccion Literatura ; 888)
Cuentos, diálogos y fantasías
Juanita LA Larga (Autores hispanicos)
Disertaciones y juicios literarios
La Munequita/ The Little Doll
Morsamor/Morsamor (Clasicos Plaza & Janes)
El comendador Mendosa
Correspondencia, 1859-1905
Obras de D. Juan Valera
Pepita Jiménez (Literatura Universal)
A vuela pluma..
Garuda, ó la Cigüeña Blanca: Y la Padmini
Cartas a sus hijos
Correspondencia (Diferencias / Differences)
Morsamor (Diferencias / Differences)
Pepita Jiménez
Algo de todo
Discursos leidos ante la Real Academia española en la pública recepción del ...
Obras Completas
La buena fama
Pepita Jimenez (Castalia Didáctica)
Juan Valera. Serafin Estebanez Calderon, 1850-1858 ; cronica historica y vital de Lisboa, Brasil, Paris y Dresde (como coyunturas humanas a traves de un diplomatico intelectual)
El comendador Mendoza
El bermejino prehistórico
Golden Treasury of Spanish Prose
Juanita La Larga (Akal Literaturas)
El hechicero
Discurso en elogio del Excmo. Sr. D. Gaspar Núñez de Arce
Dona Luz (Nueva Austral Series Volume 174)
El superhombre y otras novedades
La Munequita
Obras completas
El comendador Mendoz
Don Juan Valera
Ecos argentinos: Apuntes para la historia literaria de España en los últimos ..
Donã Luz
Commander Mendoza
Pepita Jiménez
Pepita Jimenez
Pepita Jimenez - Golu
Commander Mendoza =
Dafnis y Cloe
Bit of Everything
Colección Juan Valera. Apuntes Sobre el Nuevo Arte de Escribir Novelas
Pepita JimeGnez
Cartas americanas
Pepita Jiménez. Edited with Notes and Vocabulary by G.L. Lincoln
De Varios Colores
Tales from the Italian and Spanish
El Duende Beso/ The Charm Kiss
Nuevas Cartas Americanas
Nuevos estudios críticos
Estudios críticos sobre filosofía y religión (1856-1863--[1883-1889]) ..
Discursos leidos ante la Real Academia española en la pública recepción del doctor Don Marcelino ...
Don Lorenzo Tostado
Discursos leidos ante la Real Academia española en la pública recepción del ...
Pepita Jimenez
Cuentos y Diálogos
Cuentos y Chascarrillos
Fábulas morales
Pepita Jiménez y Juanita la Larga
La Naturaleza y Caracter de la Novela
De la Naturaleza y Carácter de la Novela
Obras desconocidas de Juan Valera
Algo de Todo
Pájaro Verde
El Doble Sacrificio/ The Double Sacrifice
Ecos Argentinos;
Cautivo de Do�a Menc�a
Obras desconocidas
Nuevas Cartas Americanas
Pepita Jiménez. Edited with Notes and Vocabulary by G. L. Lincoln
EL Comendador Mendoza
Pepita Jimenez -- Edited with Notes and Vocabulary By G.L. Lincoln
El Hechicero/ The Wizard
último Pecado
La Buena Fama/ The Good Fame
El Pajaro Verde/ The Green Bird
Terapéutica social..
Las Ilusiones del Doctor Faustino
Las Ilusiones Del Doctor Faustino
De varios colores
Epistolario de Valera y Mene ndez Pelayo
Pepita Jimenz
Don Lorenzo Tostado
El P Jaro Verde
Cuentos y Diálogos
Obras de Don Juan Valera
Pepita Jimenez (Clasicos)
El caballero del azor y otros cuentos
Elisa la Malagueña
Epistolario de Valera y Menéndez Pelayo, 1877-1905
Cautivo de Dona Mencia
Cartas de Juan Valera
Pepita Jimenez
Doña Luz (Spanish Edition)
Cuentos y chascarrillos andaluces
Juan Valera
Cautivo de Doña Mencía
Pepita Jimenez (The Foreign Classical Romances)
Cartas Americanas
Cuentos y diálogos
Leyendas Del Antiguo Oriente
Obras escogidas
Pepita Jim eńez
Pepita Jiménez (Annotated)
Pasarse de Listo
Estudios Críticos Sobre Historia y Política
Pasarse de Listo
Genio y Figura
Ilusiones del Doctor Faustino
Vuela Pluma
Los Cordobeses en Creta
Doble Sacrificio
Algo de Todo
Odas, Epístolas Y Tragedias de D. Marcelino Menéndez Y Pelayo
Crítica literaria (1854-1856--[1901-1905])
Pepita Jimenez
Pepita Jimenez
Juanita la Larga
Illusions of Doctor Faustino Illusions of Doctor Faustino
Florilegio de poesias castellanas del siglo XIX; con introduccion y notas biograficas y criticas (Spanish Edition)
El pájaro verde y otros cuentos
Pepita Jimenez (Coleccion Sepan Cuantos # 56) (Spanish Edition)
Arti?culos de El Contempora?neo
Crítica literaria
Racconti e storielle
Caballero Del Azor
Pepita Jimenez, Actividades
Maestro Raimundico
Estudios De Erudición Española
Pepita Jimenez Juana LA Larga
Juan Valera - el Superhombre y Otras Novedades
El Maestro Raimundico
El Pajaro Verde y Otros Cuentos / The Green Bird and Other Stories
Espejo de Matsuyama
Pepita Jiménez ; Crítica literaria
El Fausto de Goethe
El arte de la novela
Pajaro Verde, El
Artículos de El Contemporáneo
Pepita Jiménez. Edited with Notes and Vocabulary by G. L. Lincoln
Pepita Jiménez
De Varios Colores
Dafnis y Cloe
Doña Luz
Discursos académicos
Garuda y Elisa la malaguena (Textos andaluces)
Pasarse de listo
Obras completas
Don Braulio
Juan Valera - Morsamor
Apuntes sobre el nuevo arte de escribir novelas
Odas, Epístolas y Tragedias de D. Marcelino Menéndez y Pelayo
Pepita Jiménez
Doña Luz
Juan Valera - el Superhombre y Otras Novedades
Cervantes y el Quijote
Comendador Mendoza
Genio y Figura
Poesías escogidas
Leyendas Del Antiguo Oriente
Comendador Mendoza
Pasarse de Listo
Los Cordobeses En Creta
Epistolario de Valera y Menéndez Pelayo
Superhombre y Otras Novedades
Leyendas Del Antiguo Oriente/ Legends of the Ancient Orient
El Ultimo Pecado/ The Last Sin
Pepita Jimenez
Peppina Jiménez
Cuentos y Chascarrillos Andaluces
Estudios de erudición y homenaje a Menéndez Pelayo
Discurso en elogio del Excmo. Sr. D. Gaspar Núñez de Arce
Algo de todo
Obras de Don Juan Valera
Algo de todo
Obras completas
Juan Valera digital
Obras desconocidas
Cuentos y diálogos
Don Juan Valera
Pepita Jiménez
Artículos de El Contemporáneo
La buena fama, el pájaro verde y otros cuentos
Cuentos De Viajeros
El comendador Mendoza
Juanita la larga
The green bird and other tales
Historias breves
A translation of Don Juan Valera's Morsamor
Novelas de Juan Valera
A vuela pluma
Pepita Jiménez
Pepita Jiménez
Correspondencia, 1847-1857
Doña Luz
A translation of Juan Valera's Genio y figura
Articulos de El Contemporaneo
De varios colores
Obras completas
Tentativas dramáticas
Genio y figura ...
Cartas americanas
Articulos de El Contemporaneo
Pasarse de listo
Critica literaria
Grandes esperanzas
Artículos de el contemporáneo
Juanita la larga
Don Juan Valera
Florilegio de poesias castellanas del siglo XIX
Gina Lagorio
Gina Lagorio (1922-2005)


  • liceo delle scienze umane, University of Turin
Il bastardo, ovvero, Gli amori, i travagli e le lacrime di Don Emanuel di Savoia
Raccontiamoci come è andata
Russia oltre l'Urss
Tra le mura stellate
Elogio della zucca
Sui racconti di Sbarbaro
Approssimato per difetto
Angelo Barile e la poesia dell'intima trasparenza
Sbarbaro controcorrente
Beppe Fenoglio
Il silenzio
La spiaggia del lupo
Freddo al cuore e altri testi teatrali
Penelope senza tela
Fenoglio ..
Parlavamo del futuro
Cultura e letteratura ligure del '900
L' arcadia americana
La terra negli occhi
Il polline
Fuori scena
Tosca dei gatti
Un ciclone chiamato Titti
Golfo del paradiso
Michela Murgia
Michela Murgia (1972-2023)

politician, blogger, columnist, literary critic

Y la iglesia inventó a la mujer - 1. ed.
Istruzioni per diventare fascisti
Instruccions per fer-se feixista
L'inferno è una buona memoria. Visioni da «Le nebbie di Avalon» di Marion Zimmer Bradley
La Guerre des saints
Instrucciones para convertirse en fascista
Una relació perillosa
Acabadora (Em Portuguese do Brasil)
Morgana. Storie di ragazze che tua madre non approverebbe
Instruções para se tornar um fascista
Instrucciones para convertirse en fascista
La Guerre des saints
How to Be a Fascist
Futuro interiore
Viaggio in Sardegna
Il mondo deve sapere
Ave Mary
La acabadora
Fascist worden
Edward Bulwer-Lytton
Edward Bulwer-Lytton (1803-1873)

playwright, politician, poet, literary critic

  • University of Cambridge, University of Cambridge
Alice or the Mysteries
Paul Clifford
The Haunted and the Haunters, Or, The House and the Brain
King Arthur
Alice, or the Mysteries  Book 06
Alice, or the Mysteries  Book 02
Alice, or the Mysteries  Book 08
Pausanias, the Spartan, the Haunted and the Haunters
Alice, or the Mysteries Book 07
Alice, or the Mysteries Book 09
Alice, or the Mysteries Book 03
The Last Days of Pompeii
Eugene Aram
The Coming Race
The Nightmare Reader
Isaac Asimov Presents Tales of the Occult
Kenelm Chillingly
What Will He Do With It
Night and morning
My Novel
The last of the barons
The Parisians
Rienzi, the last of the Roman tribunes
Ernest Maltravers
The best ghost stories
Pausanias, the Spartan
England and the English
The Disowned
Ghost Stories
The Caxtons
The new Timon
The Book of the Dead
Athens, its rise and fall
A strange story
The pilgrims of the Rhine
Fables in song
Classic Ghost Stories
Bulwer's drama of Richelieu
The works of Edward Bulwer Lytton (Lord Lytton)
Types of the Short Story
The lady of Lyons, or, Love and pride
[Dramas and poems]
Lord Lytton's novels
The student
The fallen star
Das verfluchte Haus in der Oxford Street
Leila: Or, The Siege of Granada. Pausanias the Spartan
Calderon Courtier
What Will He Do with it, Part Two
Asmodeus at Large
Dramatic works
Money: A Comedy, in Five Acts
What Will He Do with it, Part One
The Siamese Twins, A Tale Of The Times
New Timon; a Poetical Romance &: St. Stephens; a Poem
The New Timon: A Poetical Romance. And the Lady of Lyons, Or Love and Pride; a Play
My Novel, Book 12
The life, letters and literary remains of Edward Bulwer, Lord Lytton
Paul Clifford, V1
Letters of the late Edward Bulwer, Lord Lytton, to his wife
Survey of the State of Education, Aristocratic and Popular, and of the General Influences of ..
St Stephen's
A letter to a late Cabinet Minister on the present crisis
Zanoni: A Rosicrucian Tale And Vril
The sea-captain
Collection Set of Stories That Stick
My Novel, Books 4, 5, and 6
My Novel, Books 7, 8, and 9
Paul Clifford ; Eugene Aram
The birth of Rowland
London Assurance and Other Victorian Comedies
My Novel. Volume 5 to 8
The pilgrims of the Rhine to which is prefixed The ideal world
The secret way
The Last of the Barons Volume 1
My Novel, Books 1, 2, and 3
Leila or, the Siege of Granada, Book V
Letters to John Bull, esq
My Novel, Books 10 and 11
Confessions of a Water Patient, in a Letter to W. Harrison Ainsworth (The Works of Edward Bulwer-Lytton (19 Volumes))
My Novel Volume 1 to 4
Fables In Song V1
Lay of the Bell
The lost tales of Miletus
The Last Days of Pompeii
Speeches of Edward, lord Lytton
My Novel Volume 9 to11
Not so bad as we seem
The Duchess de la Vallière
The Dramatic Works of Edward Bulwer Lytton
Leila or, the Siege of Granada, Book IV
Tales of Terror
The coming race, Leila
Renard ae foks
Bulwer's Plays
Richelieu : or, The conspiracy. A play in five acts, to which are added, Historical odes on the last days of Elizabeth, Cromwell's dream, The death of Nelson
The Parisians (The Works of Edward Bulwer-Lytton (19 Volumes))
Leila or, the Siege of Granada, Book I
Bulwer's works
A strange story and The haunted & and the haunters
The Last of the Barons Volume 2
Leila; or, The Siege of Granada
Pelham, Vol. 7
Ernest Maltravers, Book 4
The coming race ; Leila, or, The Siege of Granada ; Zicci ; The haunted and the haunters
Night and morning : a novel ; Godolphin
The Siamese twins
Leila or, the Siege of Granada, Book II
Lord Lytton's novels
Alice, or the Mysteries  Book 04
The New Reform Bill
Alice Or The Mysteries, Book I & II
Alice Or The Mysteries, Book X & XI
Night and Morning, Book V
Alice Or The Mysteries, Book III & IV
Miscellaneous Prose Works By Edward Bulwer, Lord Lytton V3 And V4
Edward Bulwer-Lytton, 1803-1873
Ernest Maltravers, Book 1
Zanoni Book Two : Art, Love, and the World
Leila; Or, the Siege of Granada; Calderon, the Courtier; the Pilgrims of the Rhine
Night and Morning, Book I
Delmour; or, The Tale of Sylphid, and Other Poems
Ernest Maltravers, Book 5 & 6
Personal & literary letters of Robert first Earl of Lytton
The Life Letters And Literary Remains Of Edward Bulwer, Lord Lytton V1
The Arts of cheating, swindling, and murder
Zanoni Book One : the Musician
Alice, or the Mysteries  Book 05
The Bulwer Lytton Birthday Book
The Parisians ; The pilgrims of the Rhine
The Life Letters And Literary Remains Of Edward Bulwer, Lord Lytton V2
The Caxtons ; a family picture ; The coming race, or, The new Utopia ; Leila, or, The siege of Granada
Letters of Bulwer-Lytton to Macready
The Dracula Book of Great Horror Stories
Ernest Maltravers, Book 7 & 8 & 9
Alice, or the Mysteries  Book 10
Rienzi, the pilgrims of the Rhine. The coming race
Was wird er damit machen? Nachrichten aus dem Leben eines Lords
Eva, a true story, of light and darkness
Short Works of Edward Bulwer-Lytton
Paul Clifford, and Tomlinsoniana
Kenelm Chillingly : his adventures and opinions ; Rienzi, the last of the Roman tribunes
My Novel, Part Two
Alice Or The Mysteries, Book V & VI
Walpole, or, Every man has his price
The rightful heir
Bulwer and Macready
Zanoni [Vol. 2]
Night and Morning, Book III
Zanoni Book Three : Theurgia
The last of the barons.  Pausanias.  Calderon
Alice, or the Mysteries  Book 01
My novel, or, Varieties in English life - Vol. I
What will he do with it?  [Leila
Quarterly essays
Night and Morning, Book II
Ernest Maltravers, Book 2 & 3
The last of the barons ; Pausanias, the spartan ; Calderon the courtier
The Incantation
Miscellaneous Prose Works By Edward Bulwer, Lord Lytton V1 And V2
Pamphlets and sketches
Bulwer's novels
Alice Or The Mysteries, Book VII & VIII & IX
Night and Morning, Book IV
Conversations with an ambitious student in ill health
My Novel, Part One
Pausanias the Spartan
Godolphin. Falkland
On the Water-Treatment
Night and Morning
The Disowned, Volume 1
Novels, Volume 10
My Novel; Or, Varieties In English Life, Zicci, And The Pilgrims Of The Rhine (volume 3) (The Works Of Edward Bulwer Lytton)
What Will He Do with It, Part Two (Esprios Classics)
Strange Story; Volume 2
Miscellaneous Prose Works; Volume 2
Bulwer's plays: being the complete dramatic works of Lord Lytton (Sir Edward Lytton Bulwer, bart.) ..
Pausanius, the Spartan
O'Neill; or, The Rebel (The Works of Edward Bulwer-Lytton (19 Volumes))
Kenelm Chillingly, Devereux, The Disowned, And The Coming Race (volume 2) (The Works Of Edward Bulwer Lytton)
The last days of Pompeii ; The disowned
The Works of Edward Bulwer-Lytton (19 Volumes)
A strange story ; The haunted and the haunters, or, The house and the brain ; Zanoni
E.L. Bulwer's sämmtliche Romane
Prose Works
Pausanias, the Spartan, and the Haunted and the Haunters (Esprios Classics)
"The Haunted and the Haunters" and Other Gothic Tales
Caxtoniana : Volume 1
Novels of Sir Edward Bulwer Lytton
The novels of Lord Lytton
Volume 4 (The Works Of Edward Bulwer Lytton)
Speech Delivered at the Leeds Mechanics' Institution (The Works of Edward Bulwer-Lytton (19 Volumes))
Ernest Maltravers; or, the Eleusinia; 1 Part. 1
King Arthur
The wit and wisdom of E. Bulwer-Lytton
Strange Story, The Haunted And The Haunters, The Last Of The Barons, And Rienzi (volume 7) (The Works Of Edward Bulwer Lytton)
New Monthly Magazine, Volume 61
The Disowned, Volumes 1-2
Caxtoniana : Volume 2
The wooing of Master Fox
"my Novel", Or, Varieties In English Life, Volume 2
New Monthly Magazine, Volume 43
Zicci (Esprios Classics)
[Bulwer's works]
Bulwer's Works
The Works of Edward Bulwer Lytton  Volume 7
What Will He Do with It, Part One (Esprios Classics)
Harold, the last of the Saxon kings ; Falkland ; Calderon, the Courtier
Paul Clifford ; Tomlinsoniana ; Eugene Aram
New Monthly Magazine, Volume 9
Pelham, Paul Clifford, Zanoni, And Falkland (volume 8) (The Works Of Edward Bulwer Lytton)
Paul Clifford, and Tomlinsoniana (Esprios Classics)
The novels and romances of Edward Bulwer Lytton
Speculative Fiction in the Steam Era 1827-1871AD : C19th American Proto Sci Fi
Brightest nuggets
New Monthly Magazine, Volume 69
My Novel
[Bulwer's Works] Volume 2
Leila, or, The siege of Granada and Calderon, the courtier
Miscellaneous Prose Works (The Works of Edward Bulwer-Lytton (19 Volumes))
[Bulwer's Works] Volume 4
Literary Remains of the Late William Hazlitt
Haus des Schwarzen Magiers
Classic Ghost Stories
Ernest Maltravers, Alice; Or, The Mysteries, Pausanias; The Spartan, And Lucretia; Or, The Children Of Night (volume 6) (The Works Of Edward Bulwer Lytton)
Harold, the Last of the Saxon Kings; Volume 2
Weeds and wildflowers
Chairolas, Prince of Paida
Novels : The Pilgrims of the Rhine. the Haunted and the Haunters. 1897
Race Future
The world as it is
Novels; Volume 2
Lucretia, or The children of night
Bulwer's Novels
Una famiglia originale
The last days of Pompeii ; Harold, the last of the Saxon kings
Pelham, or, Adventures of a gentleman ; Lucretia, or, The children of night
New Monthly Magazine, Volume 8
Last Days of Pompeii; Volume 1
Duchess De La Valliere, The Lady Of Lyons, Richelieu, Not So Bad As We Seem, Money, The Rightful Heir, Walpole, And Darnley (volume 9) (The Works Of Edward Bulwer Lytton)
Used Fic
Pamphlets and Sketches (The Works of Edward Bulwer-Lytton (19 Volumes))
Novels; Volume 20
A Word to the Public (The Works of Edward Bulwer-Lytton (19 Volumes))
The new Timon ; St. Stephen's ; and, The lost tales of Miletus
The Boatman, by Pisistratus Caxton (The Works of Edward Bulwer-Lytton (19 Volumes))
Inter-colonial railway
Pelham, or, Adventures of a Gentleman
New Monthly Magazine, Volume 68
The poetical and dramatic works of Sir Edward Bulwer Lytton
Papers relative to the affairs of British Columbia
Last Days Of Pompeii, Harold; The Last Of The Saxon Kings, The Caxtons; A Family Picture (volume 1) (The Works Of Edward Bulwer Lytton)
Eva, The Ill-Omened Marriage, and Other Poems (The Works of Edward Bulwer-Lytton (19 Volumes))
[Bulwer's Works] Volume 8
England and the English, Volumes 1-2
Novels; Volume 1
Novels, Volume 9
The Novels And Romances Of Edward Bulwer Lytton, Volume 36
Life at the water cure : facts and fancies noted down during a month at Malvern : a diary
Three Hours in Pompeii; a Real and Practical Guide-Book Compiled in Harmony with Description Given by Bulwer Lytton in His Work Entitled the Last Days of Pompeii
The Novels and Romances of Edward Bulwer Lytton
Miscellaneous prose works
Theater playbill for "The Lady of Lyons" and "Mr. & Mrs. White" at the Washington Theater, May 4, 1861
Theater playbill for the Great Star Company in "Lady of Lyons" and "The Hypocrite" at Wheatley's Arch Street Theatre, Philadelphia, January 15, 1858
The Complete Works, Volume 15
Miscellaneous prose works
The Novels and Romances of Edward Bulwer Lytton
Robert Macaire
[Bulwer's Works]
[Bulwer's Works] Volume 12
The Novels And Romances Of Edward Bulwer Lytton, Volume 18
Speech delivered in the House of Commons upon the motion of Sir Eardley Wilmot for the immediate abolition of negro apprenticeship in the British Colonies on Tuesday May 22, 1838
New Monthly Magazine, Volume 62
Pilgrims of the Rhine, and the Ideal World (Esprios Classics)
A Strange Story; Volume 2
Schiller and Horace
The Caxtons, Zicci, The haunted and the haunters
[Complete works]
Rienzo, the last of the Roman tribunes
Speech on the Representation of the People Bill, Delivered in the House of Commons, March 22nd 1859 (The Works of Edward Bulwer-Lytton (19 Volumes))
The lady of Lyons, or, Love and pride
Visitation of Norfolk in the Year 1563
Historical romances
Aventures de Pisistrate Caxton
Last Days of Pompeii; Volume 2
Luoma ying xiong Liyinji
Night and morning ; Leila, or The siege of Granada ; and, Pausanias the Spartan
Lord Lytton's Novels
The Last Days of Pompeii; Volume 1
My Novel, or, Varieties in English Life; Volume 4
Dramatic Works of Edward Bulwer Lytton, Vol. 9
Calderon, the Courtier
Address to the Associated Societies of the University of Edinburgh on His Installation as Their Honorary President and His Speech at the Public Dinner, January 20th 1854 (The Works of Edward Bulwer-Lytton (19 Volumes))
[Bulwer's Works] Volume 7
Night And Morning, Godolphin, Eugene Aram, Leila; Or The Siege Of Granada, And Calderon; The Courtier (volume 5) (The Works Of Edward Bulwer Lytton)
Rienzi, the Last of the Tribunes; Volume 3
Lord Lytton's Miscellaneous Works, Volume 2
Destruction of Pompeii
Historical Romances
Pelham, or, Adventures of a gentleman to which is added, Falkland
Gu cheng mo ri ji
"Beautiful thoughts" from Bulwer-Lytton
A strange story ; Zanoni
Bulwer's novels
Godolphin, and Calderon the Courtier
Falkland, and Zicci
Lailā, yā, Muạ̄ṣira-i-G̲h̲arnātā
The Caxtons ; Leila ; The coming race
La casa y el cerebro
Dramas and poems
The student, and Asmodeus at large
Novels and romances
Bulwer Lytton's novels
The poetical works of the Right Hon. Lord Lytton
The wife of Miletus
Das kommende Geschlecht
Giovanni Verga
Giovanni Verga (1840-1922)

photographer, politician, playwright

  • University of Catania
Life in the Country
Tutte le novelle
Storia di una capinera
Novelle rusticane
Mastro-don Gesualdo
Short stories
Mastro-don Gesualdo
I Malavoglia
Storia di una capinera
Cuentos italianos
Cavallerìa rusticana
Dal tuo al mio
Mastro-don Gesualdo
Tutte Le Novelle (Language: French)
Tigre reale, I
Carteggio Verga-Capuana
Sparrow, Temptation and Cavalleria Rusticana (Dedalus European Classics)
Sicilian stories =
Mastro-Don Gesualdo
Mastro-Don Gesualdo
Carteggio Verga-Monleone
Little Novels of Sicily (Novelle Rusticane)
Don Candeloro e Ci
Il marito di Elena
Fu Mattia Pascal, il Piacere, I Malavoglia
Rosso Malpelo
Mastro-Don Gesualdo
Lettere a Paolina
Giovanni Verga
Il cinema e la vergogna
Mastro-don Gesualdo
Tigre reale
The she-wolf, and other stories
Verga, fotografo
Pane Nero, and other stories
Storia di una capinera
The She-wolf
The defeated
Le novelle
Storia d'una Capinera
Una peccatrice
Mastro Don Gesualdo (European Classics)
Vita Dei Campi
Under the shadow of Etna
Prove d'autore
The she-wolf and other stories
Garzanti - Gli Elefanti
La lupa
Maestro-Don Gesuvlelo
Rosso Malpelo
I Malavoglia, Mastro Don Gesualdo, Storia Di una Capinera, la Lupa
Storia Di una Capinera Illustrato
Tutte le novelle
Verga e il teatro europeo
Verga e i Treves
Young Adult ELI Readers - Italian
Storia Di Una Capinera (Dedalus European Classics)
Tre Capolavori Di Giovanni Verga
Cavalleria Rusticana E Altre Novelle
Mastro Don Gesualdo Illustrata
Il marito di Elena
Come, il Quando, Ed il Perchè
Tigre reale
Lupa : (dramma Teatrale e Racconto)
Verga inamorato
Cavalleria Rusticana
Carteggio Verga-Rod
La lupa: In Portineria
She-Wolf and Other Stories
Mastro Don Gesualdo
Storie Del Castello Di Trezza
Coda Del Diavolo
Cavalleria rusticana: scene popolari
Tutte le Novelle
Vita Dei Campi
Mastro Don Gesualdo (Edizione Italiana) Illustrato
Jeli il Pastore
Mastro Don Gesualdo Illustrata
I Malavoglia (Italian Edition)
Vita Dei Campi : (Edizione Integrale)
Mastro-Don Gesualdo
Fantasticheria e Pentolaccia
Cavalleria Rusticana and Other Stories
The house by the medlar tree (A Signet classic)
Vita dei campi
The house by the medlar tree;
Lettere sparse
Cavalleria rusticana
Mastro don Gesualdo
Pane Nero
I carbonari della montagna
The she-wolf
Cartas de una novicia
La caccia al lupo: La caccia alla volpe; bozzetti scenici
Per Le Vie
Coda Del Diavolo
Sulle lagune
Tigre reale
Guerra Di Santi
Coscienza Di Zeno and I Malavoglia
Specchio e realtà
Storie Del Castello Di Trezza
La vida en el campo
Duvarci Ustasi Don Gesualdo
Per le vie
Certi argomenti
Rosso Malpelo e Altri Racconti
La " Nedda" nella storia dell'arte verghiana
Per le vie
Novelle Rusticane
La caccia al lupo
Vita Dei Campi
The House by the Medlar Tree. Translated by Mary A. Craig; With Introd. by W.D. Howells
Mastro Don Gesualdo (Edizione Italiana) Illustrata
Storia Di una Capinera Ilustrated
I ricordi di Capitano d'Arce
Tutto il Teatro - Verga
Tutte le novelle
Storia dell'asino di San Giuseppe e Libertà
Carteggio Verga-Capuana
Storia Di una Capinera
Racconti e Bozzetti
Cuentos milaneses
Sicilian Stories (Dual-Language) (Dual-Language Book)
Under the Shadow of Etna
Drammi Intimi
Don Licciu Papa e Cos'e il Re
Life in the Country (Hesperus Classics)
Storia Di una Capinera
Lettere ai nipoti
Storia di una capinera
Under the Shadow of Etna : Sicilian Stories from the Italian of Giovanni Verga
Lettere a Luigi Capuana
Drammi intimi
Cavalleria Rusticana e La Lupa
Little Novels of Sicily
Postille a Verga
Tutte Le Novelle
Don Candeloro et sa troupe
I Ricordi Del Capitano D'Arce
Trockenes Brot
Tutte le Novelle
House by the Medlar Tree
The House by the Medlar-Tree Volume XVI
Little Novels of Sicily
Duchessa Di Leyra
Storia Di una Capinera
Edizione nazionale delle opere di Giovanni Verga
Di la Del Mare
Mastro Don Gesualdo (Dedalus European Classics)
Novelle Siciliane
Per le Vie
Mastro Don Gesualdo Illustrata
Novelle Rusticane
NOVELLE Edizione Integrale
Novelle Italiane
Vagabondaggio (Italian Edition)
Short Sicilian Novels
I GRANDI ROMANZI I Malavoglia Mastro Don Gesualdo
Primavera Ed Altri Racconti
A mortal sin
House by the Medlar Tree
Verga, itinerario a I Malavoglia
Tutte Le Novelle
Verga e gli avvocati
I Galantuomini e Malaria
Due sceneggiature inedite
Sicilian Stories
La vida en el campo
marito di Elena
Mastro Don Gesualdo (Edizione Italiana) Illustrato
Mastro Don Gesualdo (Annotated)
Mastro-Don Gesualdo (Illustrato)
Els Malànima
Cavalleria Rusticana
Metropolitan Opera Presents : Mascagni's Cavalleria Rusticana/Leoncavallo's Pagliacci
Tigre Reale
Racconti milanesi
Mastro-Don Gesualdo; a novel. Translated, with an introduction, by Giovanni Cecchetti.
Mastro Don Gesualdo
Sizilianische Dorfgeschichten
Metropolitan Opera Presents
Il Reverendo
Letture Graduate Per Stranieri - Level 10
I Malavoglia - Storia Di una Capinera - Mastro Don Gesualdo
Novelle Rusticane e I Ricordi Del Capitano D'Arce
Cavalleria rusticana y otros cuentos sicilianos. Ilustrado
Tigre reale (Edizione nazionale delle opere di Giovanni Verga)
Storia Di una Capinera
Cavalleria Rusticana
Mastro Don Gesualdo
Storia Di una Capinera (Annotato)
I Malavoglia Illustrata
Mistero e gli Orfani
Historias sicilianas
amante Di Gramigna
Lettere a Dina
Cavalleria rusticana ed altre novelle di G. Verga
Opere, a cura di Luigi Russo
I carbonari della montagna
Storia d'una Capinera
Giovanni Verga
I ricordi di Capitano d'Arce
I ricordi del capitano d'Arce
Verga e i Treves
Pane nero, and other stories
Cavallería rusticana
Tutti i romanzi
Lettere al suo traduttore
Mastro-Don Gesauldo
Mastro don Gesualdo, romanzo
Una peccatrice
Cavalleria rusticana, and other narratives
Romanzi (Classici italiani)
Carteggio Verga-Capuana
Nedda e altre novelle
Le novelle
Storia di una capinera
Per le vie e altre novelle lombarde
Historia de una curruca
I grandi romanzi
Lettere alla famiglia, 1851-1880
Grandi romanzi
Don Candeloro e Ci
Der letzte tag
Cavalleria rusticana
I carbonari della montagna ; Sulle lagune
Cavalleria rusticana e Il mistero
I nuovi tartufi
Le storie del castello di Trezza
[Opere scelte]
Lettere d'amore
Una peccatrice
Scritture di luce
Lettere a Dina
I vinti Mastro-don Gesualdo
Nedda e Vita dei campi
Tigre reale
Nouvelles siciliennes
Trilogia romantica
Bene Malaṿolyah
Dal tuo al mio
I Malavoglia a cura di Piero Nardi
Tutto il teatro
Opere di Giovanni Verga
Una peccatrice
Il marito di Elena
Dal tuo al mio
Tutte le novelle
Tutte le novelle
Don Candeloro E.C
Tigre reale
I Carbonari della montagna
Dal tuo al mio
Tutte le novelle
Il marito di Elena
Novelle e teatro
Vita dei campi
Pane nero
Lettere d'amore
Little novels of Sicily
Romanzi giovanili
Lettere al suo traduttore
Auf den Straßen. Szenen aus dem Mailänder Alltagsleben
Verga e gli avvocati
Opere di Giovanni Verga
Dominique Vivant
Dominique Vivant (1747-1825)

art historian, egyptologist, diplomat, drawer, archaeologist, painter, politician, etcher, medalist, graphic artist, visual artist

Point de lendemain
No tomorrow =
Voyage dans la Basse et la Haute Egypte, pendant les campagnes du général Bonaparte
Négocier sur un volcan
Voyage dans la Basse et la Haute Egypte
Voyages dans la Basse et la Haute Egypte, pendant les campagnes de Bonaparte
Point de lendemain ; suivi de la Nuit merveilleuse, ou, le Nec plus ultra du plaisir
Point de lendemain
Voyage en Sicile
Lettres à Isabella Teotochi, 1788-1816
Voyage dans la Basse et la Haute Égypte pendant les campagnes du Général Bonaparte
Sur l'expédition de Bonaparte en Egypte
Voyage au royaume de Naples
Lettres à Bettine
Pages d'un journal de voyage en Italie (1788)
Monuments des arts du dessin chez les peuples tant anciens que modernes
Voyage dans la Basse et la Haute Égypte
Voyage dans la basse et la haute Égypte pendant les campagnes du général Bonaparte
Lettere inedite a Isabella Teotochi Albrizzi
Sont-elles toutes comme ça?
Ueber die Ruinen Herkulanums und Pompeji
Planches du voyage dans la Basse et Haute Egypt
Description des objets d'arts qui composent le cabinet de feu M. le baron V. Denon
Description des objets d'arts qui composent le cabinet de feu M. le baron V. Denon
Travels in Upper and Lower Egypt, in company with several divisions of the French Army, during the campaigns of General Bonaparte in that country
Egypt delineated, in a series of engravings
Vivant Denon, directeur des musées sous le Consulat et l'Empire
Les monuments de la haute Egypte
Travels in Upper and Lower Egypt, during the campaigns of General Bonaparte
Voyages dans la basse et la haute Égypte, pendant les campagnes de Bonaparte en 1798 et 1799
Planches du voyage dans la basse et la haute Egypte
No Tomorrow (Syrens)
Dominique-Vivant Denon
Voyages dans la basse et la haute ©gypte pendant les campagnes de Bonaparte
Sur l'expédition de Bonaparte en Egypte
Viaggio nel Basso ed Alto Egitto
Geschichte des Feldzugs der Französischen Donau-und Büntner-Armee in den Jahren.. 1799 bis 1801
Mit Napoleon in Ägypten
Voyage en Sicile
Travels in Upper and Lower Egypt, during the campaigns of General Bonaparte
Le-lo maḥar
Egypt delineated, in ... engravings ... selected from the ... work of Vivant Denon
Julie, ou, Le bon pere
Vies remarquables de Vivant Denon
Settecento Siciliano
Viaggio a Palermo
Ero tika chamogela tou 18ou aio na
Travels in Egypt
L'oeuvre originale de Vivant Denon, ancien directeur général des musées
Voyages dans la basse et la haute ©gypte pendant les campagnes de Bonaparte