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critics who wrote romance
Showing 41-48 out of 188 results
Pier Paolo Pasolini
Pier Paolo Pasolini (1922-1975)

film director, translator, actor, poet, journalist, playwright, film actor, film critic, director

  • Liceo Luigi Galvani, University of Bologna
Ciant da li ciampanis + Di d'inviern + Stradun
«I Chiaroscuri Di un Affetto Vero»
Fabrication =
Ragazzi di vita
The passion of Pier Paolo Pasolini
Edipo re
Pier Paolo Pasolini
The scent of India
P.P.P., Pier Paolo Pasolini
Una vita violenta
Istanbul New Stories
A Violent Life
Manifesto for a new theatre
Il sogno di una cosa
Roman poems
The Selected Poetry Of Pier Paolo Pasolini
Lutheran letters
Lettere luterane
Empirismo eretico
La lunga strada di sabbia
L' odore dell'India
Tutte le opere
The Savage Father (Drama 18)
Pasolini rilegge Pasolini
The Street Kids
A Desperate Vitality
The long road of sand
Poesia in forma di rosa, 1961-1964
Trilogia della vita
Lettres luthériennes. Petit Traité pédagogique
Porcile (together with) Orgia and Bestia du Stile
My cinema
Porcile, Orgia, Bestia da stile
La terra vista dalla luna
Garzanti - Gli Elefanti
Canzoniere italiano
Scritti corsari
Le regole di un'illusione
Per Il Cinema
Violent Life (Carcanet Collection)
Ali dagli occhi azzurri
Stories from the City of God
Vita attraverso le lettere
Vita Attraverso Le Lettere (Letteratura)
Violent Life
Pier Paolo Pasolini, Zeichnungen und Gemälde
Amado mio. Unkeusche Handlungen. Zwei Romane über die Freundschaft
Descrizioni di descrizioni
San Paolo
Dans le coeur d'un enfant
L'expérience hérétique
Le belle bandiere
Roman nights and other stories
Ena oniro
I film degli altri
La forma dello sguardo
The letters of Pier Paolo Pasolini
The Selected Poetry of Pier Paolo Pasolini
Street Kids
Lettere agli amici (1941-1945)
Il sogno di una cosa
Stories from the city of God
Trasumanar e organizzar
Storie della città di Dio
Passione e ideologia, 1948-1958
Amado mío
Poesie a Casarsa
Bestia da stile
Per conoscere Pasolini
Poesie rifiutate
La Ricotta, la terre vue de la lune, qu'est-ce-que c'est, les nuages ?
Passione e ideologia
Ashes of Gramsci
Saggi sulla letteratura e sull'arte
I disegni 1941-1975
La lunga strada di sabbia
THÉÂTRE 1938-1965
Sobre el deporte
mythoplasia / μυθοπλασία
La insomne felicidad. Antología poética
Écrits corsaires
La religione del mio tempo
Manual corsario
Roman Nights and Other Stories (Quartet Encounters)
Saint Paul
Poesías en Casarsa
La religión de mi tiempo
La insomne felicidad. Antología poética
Roman poems
Una Vida Violenta
Chavales del arroyo
El somni d'una cosa
Actes impurs/Amado mio
City of Mist
La divina mimesis
El olor de la India
Amado mio
Con Pier Paolo Pasolini
Les dernières paroles d'un impie
L'Œil du poète
Nuova Gioventu
La Ricotta, la terre vue de la lune, qu'est-ce-que c'est, les nuages ?
Todos estamos en peligro
Boys Alive
Interviste corsare sulla politica e sulla vita
Pasiones Hereticas
Cartas luteranas
Album Pasolini
Chavales del arroyo
La Nova joventut
Dream of Something (Quartet Encounters)
Il portico della morte
Amado mío
Empirisimo Eretico
Gauza baten ametsa
Poemes oubliés - poesie dimenticate
Empirismo Hereje
El somni d'una cosa
El fascismo de los antifascistas
Poesías en Casarsa
Pier Paolo Pasolini. Palabra de corsario
Ecrits corsaires
Il vangelo secondo Matteo ; Edipo re ; Medea
Maravillosa y mísera ciudad
Descripciones de descripciones
Pasolini on Pasolini ; interviews with Oswald Stack
Saint Paul
La nòva joventut
Douce et autres textes
Scritti corsari
Amado mio
Amado mío
Una vida violenta
La rabbia
Il portico della morte
Una vida violenta
Poeta De Las Cenizas
Pier Paolo Pasolini
Pier Paolo Pasolini. Palabra de corsario
San Paolo
Il caos
Amado mío
Stories from the city of God
Poeta de les Cendres
Saggi sulla politica e sulla società
La meglio gioventú
Actes impurs/Amado mio
Contre la elevision
Pier Paolo Pasolini
Escritos corsarios
Antologia della lirica pascoliana
L Usignolodella Chiesa
In danger
Poesie dimenticate
Pinturas e desenhos de Pier Paolo Pasolini
Poesia dialettale del Novecento
Per conoscere Pasolini
Accattone ; Mamma Roma ; Ostia
I dialoghi
I Turchi in Friuli =
Mamma Roma
La nuova gioventú
Le ceneri di Gramsci
Intervista a Pier Paolo Pasolini
Sette poesie e due lettere
Il re dei giapponesi
Alì dagli occhi azzurri
Per Pasolini
Per rileggere Pasolini
Il padre selvaggio
Une Vie violente
Roma 1950
Les anges distraits
Uccellacci e uccellini
Das Evangelium nach Matthäus
Passione e ideologia (1948-1958)
Il Sogna di una cosa
L'inédit de New York
Tutte Le Poesie
Affabulazione ; Pilade
Sette poesie e due lettere
Romanzi e racconti
Dal diario (1945-47)
Ḳolnoʻa shel shirah
Pasolini in Friuli, 1943-1949
Écrits sur le cinéma
Una vita violenta
Piyer Paʼulo Pazolini
A dream of something
Poesie e pagine ritrovate
Demasiada libertad sexual os convertira en terroristas
I Turchi in Friuli
Ali dagli occhi azzurri
L' expérience hérétique
Le poesie
Pierpaolopasolini, corpi e luoghi
Actes impurs suivi de Amado mio
Per il cinema
Un paese di temporali e di primule
La nuova gioventú
Povera Italia
Pier Paolo Pasolini e Il Setaccio (1942-1943)
Il caos
L' usignolo della Chiesa Cattolica
Poesie dimenticate
Pier Paolo Pasolini nel dibattito culturale contemporaneo
Pier Paolo Pasolini : i disegni 1941/1975
Il caos
Ceniza de Gramsci, Las
Pier Paolo Pasolini - Poems
Poesia in forma di rosa (1961-1964)
Poésies, 1953-1964
Potentissima signora
Le ceneri di Gramsci, poemetti
Le lettere
Il sogno di una cosa
Poesía Italiana Moderna
Interviste corsare
La divina mimesis
Dal diario (1945-47)
Il Vangelo secondo Matteo
Amado mio
Romanzi E Racconti Volume 1962-1975
La nebbiosa
Rayazza di vita
Trasumanar e organizzar
Polemica, politica, potere
Interviste corsare sulla politica e sulla vita
I Turcs tal Friúl
Poeta delle ceneri
Nouvelles Romaines Fo Bi
Scritti corsari
I Turcs tal Friúl
Van Een Ding Droman
L'odore dell'India
Amado mio, preceduto da Atti impuri
Le ceneri di Gramsci
Pier Paolo Pasolini
I Turchi in Friuli
Porcile ; Orgia ; Bestia da stile
Tal cour di un frut =
Commedia ed Odysseia del bravo ragazzo di Casarza
Dialogo con Pasolini
La religión de mi tiempo
Poesia in forma di rosa (1961-1964)
Canzoniere italiano
Su Pier Paolo Pasolini
Trasumanar e organizzar
Il sogno del centauro
Empirismo eretico
Barbarische Erinnerungen
20 Poesie
The first paradise, Odetta--
Poesia in forma di rosa
La Religion de Mi Tiempo
La nuova gioventù
Descrizioni di descrizioni
The divine mimesis
Commedia ed Odysseia del bravo ragazzo di Casarza
Marta Sanz
Marta Sanz (born 1967)

literary critic

  • Complutense University of Madrid
El frío
Daniela Astor y la caja negra
Madrid negro
La vida secreta de los gatos
Las voces de la tierra
La lección de anatomía
Parte de mi
El Frio
Susana y los viejos
Lenguas muertas
Black, black, black
Un buen detective no se casa jamás
Persianas metálicas bajan de golpe
No tan incendiario
Perra mentirosa
Rojo, amarillo, morado
Metalingüísticos y sentimentales
Éramos mujeres jóvenes
Yves Berger
Yves Berger (1931-2004)

literary critic

L' attrapeur d'ombres
Le fou d'Amérique
Le monde après la pluie
Santa Fé
Dictionnaire amoureux de l'Amérique
Le Sud
Les Matins Du Npuveau Monde
La pierre et le saguaro
Les matins du nouveau monde
Immobile dans le courant du fleuve
The garden Yves Berger ; translated from the French by Robert Baldick
The south
Le Sud
The garden
Boris Pasternak ; une étude de Yves Berger
Dictionnaire des littératures de langue anglaise
Voyage en douce France
Michela Murgia
Michela Murgia (1972-2023)

politician, blogger, columnist, literary critic

Y la iglesia inventó a la mujer - 1. ed.
Istruzioni per diventare fascisti
Instruccions per fer-se feixista
L'inferno è una buona memoria. Visioni da «Le nebbie di Avalon» di Marion Zimmer Bradley
La Guerre des saints
Instrucciones para convertirse en fascista
Una relació perillosa
Acabadora (Em Portuguese do Brasil)
Morgana. Storie di ragazze che tua madre non approverebbe
Instruções para se tornar um fascista
Instrucciones para convertirse en fascista
La Guerre des saints
How to Be a Fascist
Futuro interiore
Viaggio in Sardegna
Il mondo deve sapere
Ave Mary
La acabadora
Fascist worden
Emilia Pardo Bazán
Emilia Pardo Bazán (1851-1921)

essayist, literary critic, journalist, salonnière, poet, editor, gastronomist

Los Pazos de Ulloa
Memorias de un solterón
La Tribuna
Cuentos de amores
La madre naturaleza
La Quimera
La dama joven
Cuentos de Amor
Mother Nature
El lirismo en la poesía francesa
san francisco de asis
Un poco de crítica
"The white horse" and other stories
Si las mujeres mandasen
UN Destripador De Antano (Relatos Cortos - Short Stories)
Bucólica y otras novelas
Certámen literatio en conmemoración del segundo centenario del nacimiento de Fray Benito ..
Poesías inéditas u olvidadas
Viajes por Europa
Obra crítica (1888-1908)
Un Destripador De Antano Y Otros Cuentos
La piedra angular
La mujer española y otros articulos feministas
Cuentos de navidad y reyes
Obras Completas
Russia: its people and its literature
Cuentos de antaño
El cisne de Vilamorta
Obras completas
La gota de sangre / The  Drop of Blood
El encaje roto y otros cuentos
Obras escogidas
Cuadros religiosos
Cuentos Fantasticos / Fantastic Stories (Cuentos De Autores Españoles / Stories of Spanish Authors)
La mujer española y otros articulos feministas
Cuarenta días en la Exposiciòn
The tribune of the people
La última fada
Cuentos de Marineda
Cuentos y novelas de la tierra
Un viaje de novios
La vida contemporánea
La cocina española antigua
Error de Diagnostico
La Mujer Española Y Otros Escritos (Feminismos)
San Francisco De Asis
Cuentos I
La cocina española antigua (Coleccion Arte cibaria)
First Love And Other Fascinating Stories of Spanish Life
Cuentos Dramaticos
El Abanico
Historia y Cuentos de Galicia
Le naturalisme ...
Cuentos de la Patria
Las setas y otros cuentos
Mi Romeria
Cuentos Sacroprofanos
Algo de feminismo y otros escritos combativos
La literatura francesa moderna
The Love-Makers
Cuentos II
Una cristiana (Diferencias / Differences)
Las Cutres
Cartas de La Condesa en el Diario de la Marina de La Habana, Cuba (1909-1921)
The mystery of the lost dauphin (Louis XVII)
La sirena negra
Cuentos de Mujeres Valientes
Teoría del sistema absoluto
La vida contemporanea
Dulce dueño
The Son of the Bondwoman
Obras completas
Cuentos de Navidad y Ano Nuevo
Cuentos Tragicos
Cuentos de terruno
Short stories
Los Franciscanos y Colón
La cocina española antigua
Le naturalisme
La maga primavera y otros cuentos
El lirismo en la poesía francesa
Cuentos Antiguos
Una cristiana
Emilia Pardo Bazan
First Love (Little Blue Book #1195)
Cartas a Benito Pérez Galdós (1889-1890)
Stories Of Spanish Life
El P. Luis Coloma
Cuarenta días en la Exposiciòn
Obras completas (novelas y cuentos)
Cuentos IV
Cuentos De Antano/ Old Days Stories
Midsummer Madness
Cuentos de la Tierra
Cuentos de mujeres
Le cuestion palpitante
Storie e Racconti Della Galizia
Cuentos trágicos
Los pazos de Ulloa. Nota preliminar de F. S. R
La mujer española y otros escritos
El Abanico
Morrina la ultima fada
San Francisco de Asís (siglo XIII)
Arco iris
Dulce sueño
La revolucibon y la novela en Rusia
Crónicas en La nación de Buenos Aires, 1909-1921
Los misterios de Selva
Souvenirs d'un Bachelor
"Cartas de la condesa" en el Diario de la Marina (La Habana, 1909-1915)
La obra periodística completa en La Nación de Buenos Aires, 1879-1921
“Miquiño mío”
Obras completas
Histoires D'amour
Pascual López
La mujer española y otros artículos feministas
La vida contemporánea (1896-1915)
Un destripador de antaño y otros relatos
Destripador de Antaño
Cuentos I
Belcebú y otras novelas cortas
Dulce Sueño
Historias y cuentos de Galicia
Cuentos Tragicos
Histórias e Contos Da Galiza
Mis mejores cuentas (novelas breves)
"Náufragas" y otros cuentos
El Indulto
Obras completas de Emilia Pardo Baza n ..
Cuentos sacro-profanos
Cuentos II
Teatro completo
Memorias de un solteron
El tesoro de Gaston
Cuentos trágicos
La leyenda de la Pastoriza
Un destripador de antaño
Cocina española antigua y moderna
Un destripador de antaño
El vestido de boda
Histoires de Noël et du Nouvel An
Ricordi Di un Bachelor
Al pie de la torre Eiffel
La mujer española y otros escritos
Tribune of the People
Bir Balayi Yolculugu
La mujer española y otros escritos
La cita y otros cuentos de terror
Cartas de la condesa en el Diario de la Marina de La Habana, Cuba (1909-1921)
Cuentos de Navidad y Reyes
Lecciones de literatura
La suerte
Cuentos Sacroprofanos
Secret of the yew tree
Cuentos/critica literaria (seleccion)
Cocina española antigua y moderna
El niño de Guzmán
Un destripador de antaño y otros cuentos
De mi tierra
Cuentos nuevos
En tranvia
Hernán Cortés y sus hazañas
Doña Milagros
El señor doctoral
MÈre Nature
La gota de sangre
La revolución y la novela en Rusia
Cuentos de Marineda
El vidrio roto
Viajes por España
Aficiones peligrosas
DOS Historias Amorosas
San Francisco de Asis
Cuentos sangrientos
Sirena negra
Cuesta Abajo
Geschichten und Geschichten Aus Galicien
First Love and Other Fascinating Stories of Spanish Life
Un destripador de antano y otros cuentos (El Libro de bolsillo ; 576 : Seccion literatura)
El saludo de las brujas
La aventura de Isidro
San Francisco de Asis (siglo XIII)
Nuevos cuentos recopilados de Emilia Pardo Bazán
La gota de sangre (Clasicos de evasion)
Prueba : (Segunda Parte de una Cristiana)
Cuentos policiacos
Erinnerungen Eines Bachelors
Cuentos de mujeres valientes
La prueba
La resucitada y otros relatos
Temprano y con sol
Le naturalisme
Cuentos de terruno (Spanish Edition)
Miquiño mío
Los mejores cuentos
Cuentos trágicos
Un destripador de antaño y otros cuentos
Adan y Eva (Ciclo): Doña Milagros
Novelas ejemplares; Un drama
Midsummer madness
Novelas ejemplares; Los tres arcos de Cirilo
Un destripador de antaño
Obras completas (novelas y cuentos)
Cuentos fantásticos
Obras completas (novelas y cuentos)
Mis mejores cuentos (novelas breves)
Arco iris, cuentos
Cuentos de la tierra
Insolación y Morriña
Cuentos dramáticos
Insolación; y Morriña
A wedding trip
Obras completas
La sirena negra
Emilia Pardo Bazán
Cuentos de la Galicia antigua
Cuentos de amor
Cartas inéditas a Emilia Pardo Bazán (1878-1883)
Cuentos sacro-profanos
Obras escogidas
En tranvía
El folk-lore gallego en 1884-85
Cuentos de invierno
Edward Bulwer-Lytton
Edward Bulwer-Lytton (1803-1873)

playwright, politician, poet, literary critic

  • University of Cambridge, University of Cambridge
Alice or the Mysteries
Paul Clifford
The Haunted and the Haunters, Or, The House and the Brain
King Arthur
Alice, or the Mysteries  Book 06
Alice, or the Mysteries  Book 02
Alice, or the Mysteries  Book 08
Pausanias, the Spartan, the Haunted and the Haunters
Alice, or the Mysteries Book 07
Alice, or the Mysteries Book 09
Alice, or the Mysteries Book 03
The Last Days of Pompeii
Eugene Aram
The Coming Race
The Nightmare Reader
Isaac Asimov Presents Tales of the Occult
Kenelm Chillingly
What Will He Do With It
Night and morning
My Novel
The last of the barons
The Parisians
Rienzi, the last of the Roman tribunes
Ernest Maltravers
The best ghost stories
Pausanias, the Spartan
England and the English
The Disowned
Ghost Stories
The Caxtons
The new Timon
The Book of the Dead
Athens, its rise and fall
A strange story
The pilgrims of the Rhine
Fables in song
Classic Ghost Stories
Bulwer's drama of Richelieu
The works of Edward Bulwer Lytton (Lord Lytton)
Types of the Short Story
The lady of Lyons, or, Love and pride
[Dramas and poems]
Lord Lytton's novels
The student
The fallen star
Das verfluchte Haus in der Oxford Street
Leila: Or, The Siege of Granada. Pausanias the Spartan
Calderon Courtier
What Will He Do with it, Part Two
Asmodeus at Large
Dramatic works
Money: A Comedy, in Five Acts
What Will He Do with it, Part One
The Siamese Twins, A Tale Of The Times
New Timon; a Poetical Romance &: St. Stephens; a Poem
The New Timon: A Poetical Romance. And the Lady of Lyons, Or Love and Pride; a Play
My Novel, Book 12
The life, letters and literary remains of Edward Bulwer, Lord Lytton
Paul Clifford, V1
Letters of the late Edward Bulwer, Lord Lytton, to his wife
Survey of the State of Education, Aristocratic and Popular, and of the General Influences of ..
St Stephen's
A letter to a late Cabinet Minister on the present crisis
Zanoni: A Rosicrucian Tale And Vril
The sea-captain
Collection Set of Stories That Stick
My Novel, Books 4, 5, and 6
My Novel, Books 7, 8, and 9
Paul Clifford ; Eugene Aram
The birth of Rowland
London Assurance and Other Victorian Comedies
My Novel. Volume 5 to 8
The pilgrims of the Rhine to which is prefixed The ideal world
The secret way
The Last of the Barons Volume 1
My Novel, Books 1, 2, and 3
Leila or, the Siege of Granada, Book V
Letters to John Bull, esq
My Novel, Books 10 and 11
Confessions of a Water Patient, in a Letter to W. Harrison Ainsworth (The Works of Edward Bulwer-Lytton (19 Volumes))
My Novel Volume 1 to 4
Fables In Song V1
Lay of the Bell
The lost tales of Miletus
The Last Days of Pompeii
Speeches of Edward, lord Lytton
My Novel Volume 9 to11
Not so bad as we seem
The Duchess de la Vallière
The Dramatic Works of Edward Bulwer Lytton
Leila or, the Siege of Granada, Book IV
Tales of Terror
The coming race, Leila
Renard ae foks
Bulwer's Plays
Richelieu : or, The conspiracy. A play in five acts, to which are added, Historical odes on the last days of Elizabeth, Cromwell's dream, The death of Nelson
The Parisians (The Works of Edward Bulwer-Lytton (19 Volumes))
Leila or, the Siege of Granada, Book I
Bulwer's works
A strange story and The haunted & and the haunters
The Last of the Barons Volume 2
Leila; or, The Siege of Granada
Pelham, Vol. 7
Ernest Maltravers, Book 4
The coming race ; Leila, or, The Siege of Granada ; Zicci ; The haunted and the haunters
Night and morning : a novel ; Godolphin
The Siamese twins
Leila or, the Siege of Granada, Book II
Lord Lytton's novels
Alice, or the Mysteries  Book 04
The New Reform Bill
Alice Or The Mysteries, Book I & II
Alice Or The Mysteries, Book X & XI
Night and Morning, Book V
Alice Or The Mysteries, Book III & IV
Miscellaneous Prose Works By Edward Bulwer, Lord Lytton V3 And V4
Edward Bulwer-Lytton, 1803-1873
Ernest Maltravers, Book 1
Zanoni Book Two : Art, Love, and the World
Leila; Or, the Siege of Granada; Calderon, the Courtier; the Pilgrims of the Rhine
Night and Morning, Book I
Delmour; or, The Tale of Sylphid, and Other Poems
Ernest Maltravers, Book 5 & 6
Personal & literary letters of Robert first Earl of Lytton
The Life Letters And Literary Remains Of Edward Bulwer, Lord Lytton V1
The Arts of cheating, swindling, and murder
Zanoni Book One : the Musician
Alice, or the Mysteries  Book 05
The Bulwer Lytton Birthday Book
The Parisians ; The pilgrims of the Rhine
The Life Letters And Literary Remains Of Edward Bulwer, Lord Lytton V2
The Caxtons ; a family picture ; The coming race, or, The new Utopia ; Leila, or, The siege of Granada
Letters of Bulwer-Lytton to Macready
The Dracula Book of Great Horror Stories
Ernest Maltravers, Book 7 & 8 & 9
Alice, or the Mysteries  Book 10
Rienzi, the pilgrims of the Rhine. The coming race
Was wird er damit machen? Nachrichten aus dem Leben eines Lords
Eva, a true story, of light and darkness
Short Works of Edward Bulwer-Lytton
Paul Clifford, and Tomlinsoniana
Kenelm Chillingly : his adventures and opinions ; Rienzi, the last of the Roman tribunes
My Novel, Part Two
Alice Or The Mysteries, Book V & VI
Walpole, or, Every man has his price
The rightful heir
Bulwer and Macready
Zanoni [Vol. 2]
Night and Morning, Book III
Zanoni Book Three : Theurgia
The last of the barons.  Pausanias.  Calderon
Alice, or the Mysteries  Book 01
My novel, or, Varieties in English life - Vol. I
What will he do with it?  [Leila
Quarterly essays
Night and Morning, Book II
Ernest Maltravers, Book 2 & 3
The last of the barons ; Pausanias, the spartan ; Calderon the courtier
The Incantation
Miscellaneous Prose Works By Edward Bulwer, Lord Lytton V1 And V2
Pamphlets and sketches
Bulwer's novels
Alice Or The Mysteries, Book VII & VIII & IX
Night and Morning, Book IV
Conversations with an ambitious student in ill health
My Novel, Part One
Pausanias the Spartan
Godolphin. Falkland
On the Water-Treatment
Night and Morning
The Disowned, Volume 1
Novels, Volume 10
My Novel; Or, Varieties In English Life, Zicci, And The Pilgrims Of The Rhine (volume 3) (The Works Of Edward Bulwer Lytton)
What Will He Do with It, Part Two (Esprios Classics)
Strange Story; Volume 2
Miscellaneous Prose Works; Volume 2
Bulwer's plays: being the complete dramatic works of Lord Lytton (Sir Edward Lytton Bulwer, bart.) ..
Pausanius, the Spartan
O'Neill; or, The Rebel (The Works of Edward Bulwer-Lytton (19 Volumes))
Kenelm Chillingly, Devereux, The Disowned, And The Coming Race (volume 2) (The Works Of Edward Bulwer Lytton)
The last days of Pompeii ; The disowned
The Works of Edward Bulwer-Lytton (19 Volumes)
A strange story ; The haunted and the haunters, or, The house and the brain ; Zanoni
E.L. Bulwer's sämmtliche Romane
Prose Works
Pausanias, the Spartan, and the Haunted and the Haunters (Esprios Classics)
"The Haunted and the Haunters" and Other Gothic Tales
Caxtoniana : Volume 1
Novels of Sir Edward Bulwer Lytton
The novels of Lord Lytton
Volume 4 (The Works Of Edward Bulwer Lytton)
Speech Delivered at the Leeds Mechanics' Institution (The Works of Edward Bulwer-Lytton (19 Volumes))
Ernest Maltravers; or, the Eleusinia; 1 Part. 1
King Arthur
The wit and wisdom of E. Bulwer-Lytton
Strange Story, The Haunted And The Haunters, The Last Of The Barons, And Rienzi (volume 7) (The Works Of Edward Bulwer Lytton)
New Monthly Magazine, Volume 61
The Disowned, Volumes 1-2
Caxtoniana : Volume 2
The wooing of Master Fox
"my Novel", Or, Varieties In English Life, Volume 2
New Monthly Magazine, Volume 43
Zicci (Esprios Classics)
[Bulwer's works]
Bulwer's Works
The Works of Edward Bulwer Lytton  Volume 7
What Will He Do with It, Part One (Esprios Classics)
Harold, the last of the Saxon kings ; Falkland ; Calderon, the Courtier
Paul Clifford ; Tomlinsoniana ; Eugene Aram
New Monthly Magazine, Volume 9
Pelham, Paul Clifford, Zanoni, And Falkland (volume 8) (The Works Of Edward Bulwer Lytton)
Paul Clifford, and Tomlinsoniana (Esprios Classics)
The novels and romances of Edward Bulwer Lytton
Speculative Fiction in the Steam Era 1827-1871AD : C19th American Proto Sci Fi
Brightest nuggets
New Monthly Magazine, Volume 69
My Novel
[Bulwer's Works] Volume 2
Leila, or, The siege of Granada and Calderon, the courtier
Miscellaneous Prose Works (The Works of Edward Bulwer-Lytton (19 Volumes))
[Bulwer's Works] Volume 4
Literary Remains of the Late William Hazlitt
Haus des Schwarzen Magiers
Classic Ghost Stories
Ernest Maltravers, Alice; Or, The Mysteries, Pausanias; The Spartan, And Lucretia; Or, The Children Of Night (volume 6) (The Works Of Edward Bulwer Lytton)
Harold, the Last of the Saxon Kings; Volume 2
Weeds and wildflowers
Chairolas, Prince of Paida
Novels : The Pilgrims of the Rhine. the Haunted and the Haunters. 1897
Race Future
The world as it is
Novels; Volume 2
Lucretia, or The children of night
Bulwer's Novels
Una famiglia originale
The last days of Pompeii ; Harold, the last of the Saxon kings
Pelham, or, Adventures of a gentleman ; Lucretia, or, The children of night
New Monthly Magazine, Volume 8
Last Days of Pompeii; Volume 1
Duchess De La Valliere, The Lady Of Lyons, Richelieu, Not So Bad As We Seem, Money, The Rightful Heir, Walpole, And Darnley (volume 9) (The Works Of Edward Bulwer Lytton)
Used Fic
Pamphlets and Sketches (The Works of Edward Bulwer-Lytton (19 Volumes))
Novels; Volume 20
A Word to the Public (The Works of Edward Bulwer-Lytton (19 Volumes))
The new Timon ; St. Stephen's ; and, The lost tales of Miletus
The Boatman, by Pisistratus Caxton (The Works of Edward Bulwer-Lytton (19 Volumes))
Inter-colonial railway
Pelham, or, Adventures of a Gentleman
New Monthly Magazine, Volume 68
The poetical and dramatic works of Sir Edward Bulwer Lytton
Papers relative to the affairs of British Columbia
Last Days Of Pompeii, Harold; The Last Of The Saxon Kings, The Caxtons; A Family Picture (volume 1) (The Works Of Edward Bulwer Lytton)
Eva, The Ill-Omened Marriage, and Other Poems (The Works of Edward Bulwer-Lytton (19 Volumes))
[Bulwer's Works] Volume 8
England and the English, Volumes 1-2
Novels; Volume 1
Novels, Volume 9
The Novels And Romances Of Edward Bulwer Lytton, Volume 36
Life at the water cure : facts and fancies noted down during a month at Malvern : a diary
Three Hours in Pompeii; a Real and Practical Guide-Book Compiled in Harmony with Description Given by Bulwer Lytton in His Work Entitled the Last Days of Pompeii
The Novels and Romances of Edward Bulwer Lytton
Miscellaneous prose works
Theater playbill for "The Lady of Lyons" and "Mr. & Mrs. White" at the Washington Theater, May 4, 1861
Theater playbill for the Great Star Company in "Lady of Lyons" and "The Hypocrite" at Wheatley's Arch Street Theatre, Philadelphia, January 15, 1858
The Complete Works, Volume 15
Miscellaneous prose works
The Novels and Romances of Edward Bulwer Lytton
Robert Macaire
[Bulwer's Works]
[Bulwer's Works] Volume 12
The Novels And Romances Of Edward Bulwer Lytton, Volume 18
Speech delivered in the House of Commons upon the motion of Sir Eardley Wilmot for the immediate abolition of negro apprenticeship in the British Colonies on Tuesday May 22, 1838
New Monthly Magazine, Volume 62
Pilgrims of the Rhine, and the Ideal World (Esprios Classics)
A Strange Story; Volume 2
Schiller and Horace
The Caxtons, Zicci, The haunted and the haunters
[Complete works]
Rienzo, the last of the Roman tribunes
Speech on the Representation of the People Bill, Delivered in the House of Commons, March 22nd 1859 (The Works of Edward Bulwer-Lytton (19 Volumes))
The lady of Lyons, or, Love and pride
Visitation of Norfolk in the Year 1563
Historical romances
Aventures de Pisistrate Caxton
Last Days of Pompeii; Volume 2
Luoma ying xiong Liyinji
Night and morning ; Leila, or The siege of Granada ; and, Pausanias the Spartan
Lord Lytton's Novels
The Last Days of Pompeii; Volume 1
My Novel, or, Varieties in English Life; Volume 4
Dramatic Works of Edward Bulwer Lytton, Vol. 9
Calderon, the Courtier
Address to the Associated Societies of the University of Edinburgh on His Installation as Their Honorary President and His Speech at the Public Dinner, January 20th 1854 (The Works of Edward Bulwer-Lytton (19 Volumes))
[Bulwer's Works] Volume 7
Night And Morning, Godolphin, Eugene Aram, Leila; Or The Siege Of Granada, And Calderon; The Courtier (volume 5) (The Works Of Edward Bulwer Lytton)
Rienzi, the Last of the Tribunes; Volume 3
Lord Lytton's Miscellaneous Works, Volume 2
Destruction of Pompeii
Historical Romances
Pelham, or, Adventures of a gentleman to which is added, Falkland
Gu cheng mo ri ji
"Beautiful thoughts" from Bulwer-Lytton
A strange story ; Zanoni
Bulwer's novels
Godolphin, and Calderon the Courtier
Falkland, and Zicci
Lailā, yā, Muạ̄ṣira-i-G̲h̲arnātā
The Caxtons ; Leila ; The coming race
La casa y el cerebro
Dramas and poems
The student, and Asmodeus at large
Novels and romances
Bulwer Lytton's novels
The poetical works of the Right Hon. Lord Lytton
The wife of Miletus
Das kommende Geschlecht
Paul Léautaud
Paul Léautaud (1872-1956)

diarist, theatre critic, poet, literary critic

The child of Montmartre
Die allerneueste klassische Sau
Le fléau
Journal particulier de Paul Léautaud
Henri de Régnier
Lettres à ma mère
Journal littéraire de Paul Léautaud
Lichtzinnige herinneringen
Le petit ouvrage inachevé
Journal littéraire
Entretiens avec Robert Mallet
Paul Léautaud en verve
Lettres à ma mère
Journal Littéraire, tome VII
Le théâtre de Maurice Boissard, 1907-1923
Journal littéraire de Paul Léautaud
Lettres a Marie Dormoy
Journal of a man ofletters, 1898-1907
Le petit ami
Le théâtre de Maurice Boissard [pseud.]
Le petit ami
Correspondance t1
Particulier dagboek 1917-1924
Entretiens avec Robert Mallet
Literair dagboek 1893-1921
Onvoltooid verleden tijd
Le théâtre de Maurice Boissard [pseud.]
Correspondance, 1912-1955
Journal particulier
Journal littéraire. 1928-1929, tome 6
Correspondance, 1912-1955
Een zeker tegengif
Le théâtre de Maurice Boissard [pseud.]  1907-1923
Journal particulier
Particulier dagboek 1933
Journal Litteraire
Paul Léautand en verve
Journal littéraire
Moments of love
Henri de Régnier, biographie
Literarisches tagebuch 1893-1956
Journal of a man of letters, 1898-1907
Picasso et ses amis
Journal littéraire
Journal particulier
Journal littéraire. Tome 2. Juin 1928 - février 1940
Correspondance 1912-1955 [par] Paul Léautaud, André Billy
Journal littéraire
Mes souvenirs de Pierre Louys ; suivis d'extraits censurés du Journal littéraire
Journal littéraire. Tome 3. Février 1940 - février 1956
Henri de Régnier, biographie
Choix de pages de Paul Léautaud
Passe-temps ; Suivi de Passe-temps II
Lettres à Marie Dormoy
Lettres à Marie Dormoy
Journal litteraire
Paul Léautaud en verve
Poètes d'aujourd'hui, Morceaux Choisis Accompagnés de Notices Biographique et d'un Essai de Bibliographie; Volume 2
Lettres à Marie Dormoy
Entretiens avec Robert Mallet
Lettre à Alfred Vallette
Choix de pages de Paul Léautaud
Correspondance générale de Paul Léautaud
Le fléau
Propos d'un jour
En sortant de l'école--
Le petit ouvrage inachevé
Lettres à Marie Dormoy
Marly-le-Roy et environs
Propos d'un jour
Particulier dagboek 1925-1950
Correspondance, 1912-1955
Paul Léautaud
Journal littéraire. 1925-1927, tome 5
Le petit ami
Lettres à ma mère
Une victoire sur les Allemands, juillet 1940
Journal littéraire
Lettres à ma mère
Oeuvres de Paul Léautaud
Le théâtre de Maurice Boissard [pseud.] 1907-1923
Literair dagboek 1893-1921
In memoriam
Correspondance 1912-1955
Journal of a man of letters 1898-1907
Journal of a man of letters, 1898-1907
Juan García Hortelano
Juan García Hortelano (1928-1992)

poet, literary critic

Tormenta de verano
Nuevas amistades
Los vaqueros en el pozo
Gramática parda
Gramatica parda
Cuentos completos
Mucho cuento
Crónicas correspondidas
Gramática parda
Los archivos secretos
Invenciones urbanas
El gran momento de Mary Tribune
La incomprensión del comercio
Crónicas, invenciones, paseatas
Apólogos y milesios
Gente de Madrid
Cuentos completos
El Grupo poético de los años 50
Preparativos de boda ; Carne de chocolate
Echarse las pecas a la espalda
Summer storm
Tormenta de verano
Tormenta de verano
El realismo social en la literatura española
Cuentos completos
Crónicas, invenciones, paseatas
Gente de Madrid
Nuevas amistades
Cuentos confidenciales
Cuentos completos