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critics who wrote romance
Showing 33-40 out of 188 results
Jane Gardam
Jane Gardam (born 1928)

literary critic

  • Bedford College
Crusoe's daughter
The Man in the Wooden Hat
The pangs of love
Crusoe's daughter
The flight of the maidens
Through the dolls' house door
Faith Fox
The hollow land
A long way from Verona
The Sidmouth letters
A few fair days
The queen of the tambourine
Old Filth
The Sidmouth letters
Missing the Midnight
The queen of the tambourine
The summer after the funeral
A long way from Verona
Through the dolls' house door
Kit in Boots
The summer after the funeral
Black Faces, White Faces
God on the rocks
A few fair days
The people on Privilege Hill
The Sidmouth letters
Bridget and William
The Hollow Land
Going into a dark house
God on the rocks
The Pineapple Bay Hotel
God on the Rocks
The hollow land
Tufty Bear (Read Aloud)
The Green man
The Hollow Land
Black faces, white faces
Going into a dark house
The stories
Showing the Flag
Black Woolly Pony (Walker Doubles)
Showing the flag
UN Poney En LA Nieve/Bridget and William
The man in the wooden hat
The flight of the maidens
The Hollow Land
The Pangs of Love
The Kit Stories (Storybooks)
Faith Fox
Missing the midnight
Bridget and William
Old Filth
The Bridport prize
The Stories
Bridget and William (M-Books)
The iron coast
Old filth
The people on Privilege Hill and other stories
Tufty Bear
Last friends
La Dame aux cymbales
The Iron Coast
Bridget and William
Le maître des apparences
Éric Neuhoff
Éric Neuhoff (born 1956)

journalist, film critic

Un bien fou
La séance du mercredi à 14 heures
La petite Française
Barbe à papa
Lettre ouverte à François Truffaut
Nos amies les lettres
Michel Déon
Un triomphe
Pension alimentaire
Des gens impossibles
Les hanches de Laetitia
Romy Schneider
Catherine Deneuve
Comme hier
Précautions d'usage
Actualités françaises
Les Hanches de Laetitia
August Wilhelm Schlegel
August Wilhelm Schlegel (1767-1845)

linguist, translator, Sanskrit scholar, philosopher, poet, literary critic, literary historian, romanist, playwright, indologist, art historian

  • University of Göttingen
Vorlesungen über schöne Litteratur und Kunst
A. W. Schlegels Vorlesungen über schöne litteratur und kunst
Vorlesungen über dramatische Kunst und Litteratur
Observations sur la langue et la littérature provençales
Lectures on Dramatic Art and Literature
Ueber dramatische Kunst und Literatur: Vorlesungen
Kritische Ausgabe der Vorlesungen
Ueber dramatische Kunst und Litteratur: Vorlesungen
Comparaison entre la Phèdre de Racine et celle d'Euripide
Sur le système continental, et sur ses rapports avec la Suède
Ueber das Continentalsystem
Ausgewählte Briefe
Ueber dramatische Kunst und Litteratur.
Charakteristiken und Kritiken
Über Literatur, Kunst und Geist des Zeitalters
Cours de littérature dramatique
Aus Schleiermacher's Leben. In Briefen
A course of lectures on dramatic art and literature
August Wilhelm von Schlegel's sämmtliche Werke
Cours de littérature dramatique
A. W. Schlegel's lectures on German literature from Gottsched to Goethe
Caroline: Briefe an ihre Geschwister, ihre Tochter Auguste, die Familie Gotter, F.l.w. Meyer, A ..
August Wilhelm und Friedrich Schlegel
August Wilhelm und Friedrich Schlegel
Corso di letteratura drammatica
Comparaison entre la Phèdre de Racine et celle d'Euripide
Kritische Schriften und Briefe
Cours de littérature dramatique
Athenaeum, 1798-1800
Comparaison entre la Phédre de Racine et celle d'Euripide ...
Kritische Schriften
Über Literatur, Kunst und Geist des Zeitalters
Geschichte der romantischen Literatur
Musen-Almanach für das Jahr 1802
August Wilhelm und Friedrich Schlegel im Briefwechsel mit Schiller und Goethe
Teoria e historia de las bellas artes
Réflexions sur l'étude des langues asiatiques, adressées à Sir James Mackintosh, suivies d'une lettre à M. Horace Hayman Wilson
Oeuvres de auguste Guillaume de Schlegel écrites en français
Geschichte der deutschen Sprache und Poesie
Katalog der von Aug. Wilh. von Schlegel ... nachgelassenen Büchersammlung
A.W. Schlegel's lectures on German literature from Gottsched to Goethe, given at the University of Bonn 1833
August Wilhelm
Die Kunstlehre
Sämmtliche Werke
Lectures on dramatic art and literature
Die Kunstlehre
Sprache und Poetik
Vorlesungen über dramatische Kunst und Literatur
Comparaison entre la Phe  dre de Racine et celle d'Euripide
August Wilhelm Schlegel's Lectures on philology in the Encyklopa die der Wissenschaften
August Wilhelm von Schlegel's Vorlesungen über dramatische Kunst und Litteratur
Kritische Schriften und Briefe
Geschichte der klassischen Literatur
Anthologie aus den Werken
Vorlesungen über das akademische Studium
Vorlesungen über das akademische Studium
Lectures on dramatic art and literature
August Wilhelm von Schlegel's Vorlesungen über dramatische kunst und literatur
Kritische Schriften
R©Øeflexions sur l'©Øetude des langues asiatiques, adress©Øees ©Ła Sir James Mackintosh, suivies d'une lettre ©Ła M. Horace Hayman Wi
Specimen novae typographiae indicae
Ueber dramatische Kunst und Litteratur
Cours de littérature dramatique
Briefwechsel A.W. von Schlegel, Christian Lassen
Vorlesungen über dramatische Kunst und Literatur
Vorlesungen über schöne Litteratur und Kunst
A.W. Schlegels Vorlesungen über schöne litteratur und Kunst
Essais littéraires et historiques
Texte zur Geschichte der Poetik in Deutschland
Essais littéraires et historiques
August Wilhelm und Friedrich Schlegel im Briefwechsel mit Schiller und Goethe
August Wilhelm Schlegels briefwechsel mit seinen Heidelberger verlegern
Ehrenpforte und Triumphbogen für den Theater-Präsidenten von Kotzebue
Comparaison entre la Phèdre de Racine et celle d'Euripide
Sämmtliche Werke
Berichtigung einiger Missdeutungen
Comparaison entre la Phèdre de Racine et celle d'Euripide
Oeuvres de auguste Guillaume de Schlegel écrites en français
Sämtliche Werke
Mélanges d'histoire littéraire, par G. Favre, avec des lettres inéd. d. A.-G. Schlegel et d'A ...
Bhagavad-Gita, id est Thespesion Melos, sive almi Crischnae et Arjunae
Bhagavad-gita, id est, Thespesion melos, sive, Almi Krishnae et Arjunae
August Wilhelm von Schlegel's sämmtliche werke
Vorlesungen über dramatische Kunst and Literatur
Ausgewählte Werke
Comparaison entre la Phèdre de Racine et celle d'Euripide
Briefe von und an August Wilhelm Schlegel, gesammelt und erläutert durch Josef Körner
Kritische Schriften und Briefe
Cours de littérature dramatique
Corso di letteratura drammatica
August Wilhelm Schlegels poetische Werke
Cours de littérature dramatique
Briefwechsel mit seinen heidelberger Verlegern
Briefe von und an August Wilhem Schlegel
Sur le système continental et sur ses rapports avec la Suède
Der Deutsche Mann und der Patriot im Streit, oder, Das literarisch-politische Halsgericht
Briefe von und an August Wilhem Schlegel
J. Rodolfo Wilcock
J. Rodolfo Wilcock (1919-1978)

linguist, poet, translator, journalist, literary critic, engineer

La Sinagoga de Los Iconoclastas
Antología de la literatura fantástica
The Temple of Iconoclasts
El Templo Etrusco
L' abominevole donna delle nevi
La sinagoga degli iconoclasti
Italienisches Liederbuch
El Ingeniero
Persecución de las musas menores
Los DOS Indios Alegres
Libro de poemas y canciones ..
L' ingegnere
Il libro dei mostri
Le chaos
El caos
Le nozze di Hitler e Maria Antonietta nell'inferno
Il reato di scrivere
I due allegri indiani
Ensayos de poesía lírica
Il tempio etrusco
El delito de escribir
La Synagogue des iconoclastes
Lo stereoscopio dei solitari
Le stéréoscope des solitaires
El Estereoscopio De Los Solitarios
Frau Teleprocu
La Boda de Hitler y Maria Antonieta en el Infierno (Emece Cruz del Sur)
Teatro inédito
Traidores, Los
Benjamin Markovits
Benjamin Markovits (born 1972)

literary critic

Fathers and daughters
The Syme papers
A quiet adjustment
You don't have to live like this
Childish loves
Playing days
Either Side of Winter
A quiet adjustment
Luigi Capuana
Luigi Capuana (1839-1915)

journalist, literary critic

  • University of Catania
Gli "ismi" contemporanei
Gli "ismi" contemporanei
The Vampire Archives
Il marchese di Roccaverdina
C'era una volta =
Le paesane
...Studii sulla letteratura contemporanea
Gli "Americani" di Ràbbato, racconto
Studi sulla letteratura contemporanea
Teatro italiano
Il paraninfo
Letteratura femminile
Cardello, e Ricordi d'infanzia
Il mulo di Rosa
Scritti critici
Nel paese della Zàgara
Sicilian tales =
Eh.  La vita ..
Luigi Capuana's Comparatico
Verga e D'Annunzio
Lettere Inedite a Lionardo Vigo (1857-1875)
Nuove "paesane"
L' isola del sole
Passa l'amore
Fausto Bragia e altre novelle
Delitto ideale
Il marchese di Roccaverdina
Istini e peccati
Letteratura femminile
10 novelle siciliane
Teatro dialettale siciliano
Per l'arte
Il decameroncino
Verga e D'Annunzio
La voluttá di creare
Come l'onda ..
Gambalesta, e le novelle Scimmiotto, I majori
Luigi Capuana e le carte messaggiere
Capuana e De Roberto
La Sicilia nei canti popolari e nella novellistica contemporanea
Il benefattore
Figure intraviste
Antologia dagli scritti critici
La voluttá di creare
Studii sulla letteratura contemporanea
La sfinge
Eh.  La vita ...
Le arance d'oro
Sotto la pergola
Italian fairy tales
Il nemico è in noi
Tutte le fiabe
Racconti Per Ragazzi Inediti E Rari
Un vampiro
Teatro dialettale siciliano
Versi giovanili
Il decameroncino
Nuove "paesane"
Inediti e archetipi di Luigi Capuana
Storia fosca
Quacquarà ; 'Ntirrugatoriu ; Ppi lu currivu
Le paesane
Capuana inedito
Der Marchese von Roccaverdina
Sarta per bambole
Il marchase di Roccaverdina
Inediti e archetipi di Luigi Capuana
Le più belle novelle
Novelle inverosimili
Mondo occulto
Novelle del mondo occulto
Di alcuni usi e credenze religiose della Sicilia
Quattordici novelle, scelte da A. Bernardini Capuana
Gli Ismi Contemporanei - Scholar's Choice Edition
Tutte le fiabe
Giacinta ed altri racconti
Fausto Bragia e altre novelle
La Sicilia nei canti popolari e nella novellistica contemporanea
Lettere alla assente
Il Marchese di Roccaverdina
La fiaba lunga lunga ... Introd. e note di Noemi Ruspantini
C'era una volta ...: fiabe 1885 [Leather Bound]
Come l'onda ...
Lettere alla assente
Cronache letterarie
Il Comparàtico di Luigi Capuana e gl'inizi del Verismo
Giacinta ed  altri racconti
Quattro viaggi straordinari
Teatro dialettale siciliano
The Marquis of Roccaverdina
C'era una volta, fiabe
Nine Sicilian plays
Il marchese di Roccaverdina
Ritratti di donne
Su D'Annunzio
Lettere a Capuana
Il nemico è in noi
La primavera di Giorgio
Once upon a time
Mondo occulto
La Sicilia e il brigantaggio
The dragons' nest and other stories and plays
Cronache teatrali, 1864-1872
Scritture di luce
Gli americani di Ràbbato
Si conta e si racconta
Il filtro
Profumo, romanzo
Lettere alla assente
10 novelle siciliane
Il Comparàtico di Luigi Capuana e gl'inizi del Verismo
Sicilia fantastica
Richard Aldington
Richard Aldington (1892-1962)

poet, translator, journalist, biographer, military personnel, literary critic, editing staff

  • University of London, Dover College
Fifty romance lyric poems
Fifty Romance lyric poems
All men are enemies
Richard Aldington & H.D
Death of a hero
Images of war
Passionate Prodigality
Literary lifelines
Richard Aldington
The Viking book of poetry of the English-speaking world
An imagist at war
Balls, and Another book for suppression
Life for life's sake
Four English portraits
French studies and reviews
Portrait of a rebel
Jane Austen
War and love (1915-1918)
Rejected guest
W. Somerset Maugham
Literary studies and reviews
Remy de Gourmont
Images of desire
The strange life of Charles Waterton
Collected Poems by Richard Aldington
Richard Aldington
Portrait of a genius
Bubb booklets
Ezra Pound & T.S. Eliot
The dearest friend
The complete poems of Richard Aldington
Richard Aldington: selected critical writings, 1928-1960
Images (1910-1915)
Soft answers
Seven against Reeves
The Duke, being an account of the life & achievements of Arthur Wellesley, 1st duke of Wellington ..
The religion of beauty
France... a book of photographs
Poetry of the English-speaking world
Medallions from Anyte of Tegea, Meleager of Gadara, the Anacreontea, Latinpoets of the Renaissance
Candide and other romances
Literary Lifelines
Lawrence of Arabia, a biographical enquiry
French comedies of the 18th century
Artifex; sketches and ideas
D.H. Lawrence, an indiscretion
Great French romances
A.E. Housman & W.B. Yeats; two lectures
Doch polkovnika
Poetry, The Viking Book of
Medallions in clay
Images old and new
A tourist's Rome
The squire
At all costs
David Herbert Lawrence in Selbstzeugnissen und Bilddokumentum
The crystal world
A dream in the Luxembourg
The approach to M. Marcel Proust
A letter from Richard Aldington and a summary bibliography of Count Potocki's published works
André Spire
The Colonel's daughter, a novel
The poems of Richard Aldington
Latin poems of the Renaissance
A fool i' the forest
Stepping heavenward
D.H. Lawrence; an appreciation
The romance of Casanova
Greek songs in the manner of Anacreon
A book of characters
Exile, and other poems
Images of War, a Book of Poems
A Wreath for San Gemignano
The influence of Mr. James Joyce
The love of Myrrhine and Konallis
Moartea unui erou
Women must work
Roads to Glory (Arts & Literature)
Life of a lady
Introduction to Mistral
Hark the herald
Women must work
The Berkshire Kennet
Death of a hero
Latin poems of the Renaissance
France = La France = Frankreich
Balls and Another book for suppression
In Winter
D. H. Lawrence
The love of Myrrhine and Konallis
Images (1910-1915)
Love and the Luxembourg
A Roman letter
Life quest
Great French romances
A poem
The eaten heart
A.E. Housman & W.B. Yeats
Some imagist poets
Stepping heavenward
The fifteen joys of marriage
The Viking book of poetry of the English-speaking world
Introduction to Mistral
The Berkshire Kennet
Literary studies and reviews
Poets of the Great War Cassette set
Love and the Luxembourg
The selected war poems
Two stories
France = La France = Frankriech
Very heaven
Soft answers
Literary lifelines, the Richard Aldington-Lawrence Durrell correspondence
A dream in the Luxembourg
Images of desire
The imagists
Vse l︠i︡udi -- vragi
Images of war
F.T. Marinetti
Last straws
Edinstvenna︠i︡a l︠i︡ubovʹ Kazanovy
Collected Poems
Lawrence l'imposteur
Last straws
Remy de Gourmont, a modern man of letters
Pere Gimferrer
Pere Gimferrer (born 1945)

poet, translator, essayist, literary critic

  • University of Barcelona
Mirall, espai, aparicions
Max Ernst
Cine y literatura
Los raros
Amor en vilo
Magritte (Art Monographs)
Giorgio de Chirico
La poesia de J.V. Foix
The roots of Miró
Alma Venus
El diamant dins l'aigua
Espejo Espacio y Apariciones
Poesía 1970-1977
Lecturas de Octavio Paz
La clau del foc
Cine y literatura
Obra catalana completa
Max Ernst (Art Monographs)
La Llum (Poetica)
De Chirico (Art Monographs)
Apariciones y Otros Poemas
Pere Gimferrer [grabación sonora]
Interludio azul
The roots of Miró
El Diamante En El Agua
Octavio Paz
Miro Catalan Universel
El castillo de la pureza
Figures d'art
Cent anys de Miró, Mompou i Foix
Segon dietari, 1980-1982
Arde el mar
La poesía de J. V. Foix
Toulouse Lautrec (Art Monographs)
Dietari, 1979-1980
Poemas 1963-1969
Max Ernst
El vendaval (Poetica)
Poemas, 1962-1969
La poesía de J.V. Foix [per] Pere Gimferrer
La Llum
Amor en vilo
Roots of Miro
Antoni Tápies et l'esprit catalan
Miró, colpir sense nafrar
Marea solar, marea lunar
L' obrador del poeta (1970-1996)
Raices de Miro, Las
Tàpies and the Catalan spirit
Itinerario de Un Escritor
Tapies and the Catalan Spirit
Noche En El Ritz
Die Spiegel, der öde Raum
Foc cec
El vendaval
Interludio azul
Dietari complet
El diamant dins l'aigua
Foc cec [per] Pere Gimferrer
Rimbaud y nosotros
Els miralls [per] Pere Gimferrer
L' espai desert
Els miralls
Antología de la poesía modernista
Hora foscant [per] Pere Gimferrer
No en mis días
Las llamas
Alma venus
Valències, 1971-1993
Arde el mar
3 poemas
Antología de la poesía modernista
L' agent provocador
Assaigs crítics
El agente provocador
24 poemas
Hora foscant
Antologia poètica
El castell de la puresa
Imágenes y recuerdos, 1909-1920
Pere Gimferrer
Antología de la poesía modernista
Poemas 1963-1969
La muerte en Beverly Hills
Segundo dietario, 1980-1982