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biographers who wrote romance
Showing 41-48 out of 147 results
Vladimir Volkoff
Vladimir Volkoff (1932-2005)

translator, intelligence officer, playwright, biographer

  • University of Liège
La Crevasse
Vladimir the Russian Viking
Vladimir: le soleil rouge
Lecture de l'Evangile selon saint Matthieu
The turn-around
Pourquoi je serais plutôt aristocrate
Le grand tsar blanc
Nouvelles américaines
Chroniques angéliques
Petite histoire de la désinformation
Désinformation par l'image
La Garde des ombres
Pourquoi je suis moyennement démocrate
Vladimir Volkoff
Le trêtre
Manuel du politiquement correct
Le retournement
Du roi
Le bouclage
L' hôte du pape
Le mistère de Saint Vladimir
Le complot
Les faux Tsars
Le contrat
Lawrence le magnifique
Les hommes du tsar
Le tortionnaire
La désinformation vue de l'Est
La grenade
La Trinité du mal, ou, Réquisitoire pour servir au procés posthume de Lènine, Trotsky, Staline
L' amour tue
Charme slave - la machination ou la poupée russe
Le Berkeley à cinq heures
La bête et le venin, ou, La fin du communisme
Le montage
Conte d'ivan le nigaud, de la belle vassilissa
Le tretre
Il y a longtemps mon amour
Le professeur d'histoire
L' interrogatoire
Underdog Appeal
Opération Barbarie
Les orphelins du Tsar
La leçon d'anatomie
Une histoire surannée quelque peu
Alexandre Nevsky
La guerre des pieuvres
Elogio de La Diferencia
Les mousquetaires de la République
L' enfant posthume
Die absprache
Les maîtres du temps
Le complexe de Procuste
Vers Une Metrigue Francaise
André Gide
André Gide (1869-1951)

journalist, film producer, essayist, playwright, diarist, translator, autobiographer

  • Lycée Henri-IV, École alsacienne
La porte étroite
Si le grain ne meurt
La sinfonia pastorala
Correspondance André Gide-Dorothy Bussy
Les Faux-monnayeurs
Oscar Wilde
The counterfeiters
The trial
... sans trop de pudeur
Les nourritures terrestres
The journals of André Gide, 1889-1949
Two symphonies
Caves du Vatican
The Andre Gide reader
La Symphonie pastoral
Selected letters of André Gide and Dorothy Bussy
Notes sur Chopin
Ne jugez pas
The Counterfeiters (Twentieth Century Classics)
Correspondance (1910-1936)
L' ecole des femmes
Retour de l'U.R.S.S
Correspondance, 1917-1949
My theater
André Gide--Paul Valéry: correspondance, 1890-1942
Retour de l'U.R.S.S. suivi de retouches à mon retour de l'U.R.S.S
Journal des faux-monnayeurs
Defensa de la cultura
Retouches à mon Retour de l'U.R.S.S
Correspondance avec sa mère
Correspondance (1926-1950)
Correspondance, 1892-1945
André Gide-Isabelle Rivière
The Return of the prodigal
Correspondance avec Paul Desjardins, Jacques Heurgon et Anne Heurgon-Desjardins
André Gide par lui-même [presenté par] Claude Martin
Correspondance, 1929-1940
André Gide, Thea Sternheim, correspondance, 1927-1950
Le voyage d'Urien, suivi de Paludes
André Gide
The correspondence of André Gide and Edmund Gosse, 1904-1928
L' enfance de l'art
Correspondance, 1896-1950
Andre Gide par lui-meme
André Gide, Karl Gjellerup [and] Paul Heyse
Correspondance, 1901-1950
Lettres à un sculpteur
André Gide par lui-même
Charles-Louis Philippe
Charles-Louis Philippe
Souvenirs de la Cour d'assises
Correspondance, 1933-1937
Anthologie de la poésie française
Correspondance (1937-1951)
Correspondance André Gide - Arnold Bennett
Prétextes, suivi de Nouveaux prétextes
Correspondance (1920-1950)
Die enge Pforte
Gesammelte Werke, 12 Bde., Bd.2, Autobiographisches
Correspondance André Gide, Valéry Larbaud
Gesammelte Werke, 12 Bde., Bd.5, Reisen und Politik
Ainsi soit-il ou les jeux sont faits
Voyage au Congo  Le Retour du Tchad
Le proce  s
Essais Critiques
Correspondance, 1909-1951
Le retour de Tchad
Deux interviews imaginaires
Correspondance, 1918-1951
Attendu que
Correspondances à trois voix
Souvenirs et Voyages
The Counterfeiters
Gesammelte Werke, 12 Bde., Bd.12, Essays und Aufzeichnungen
Two legends
Die Falschmünzer. Tagebuch der Falschmünzer
The Trial
Voyage au Congo, carnets de route ..
Correspondance (1891-1938)
Les caves du Vatican
Crushed : the Pity of Oscar Wilde
André Gide-André Suarès
Les débuts littéraires
La tentative amoureuse, or, Le traité du vain désir
Le Ramier
Théâtre complet
Correspondance André Gide - Dorothy Bussy, tome 1
Et nunc manet in te, suivi de Journal intime
Correspondance avec Rolf Bongs, 1935-1950
Charles-Louis Philippe
Les Cahiers Et Les Poesies
Le retour de l'enfant prodigue, précédé de cinq autres traités
Gide Et Le Mythe Grec
Le Mystère de Griselidis
The God That Failed - Six Studies in Communism
Catalogue de livres et manuscrits provenant de la bibliothèque de André Gide
Le Retour De Lenfant Prodigue
De me ipse
Pages de journal (1929-1932)
La guirlande des années
Le voyage d'Urien
L' oroscope, ou, Nul n'évite sa destinée
Correspondance, 1895-1950
Correspondance (1910-1936)
Imaginary interviews
Nouveaux prétextes
Le voyage d'urien
Tohum Ölmezse
Profil D'Une Oeuvre
Correspondance (1891-1911)
Gesammelte Werke, 12 Bde., Bd.3, Autobiographisches
Feuillets d'automne
Correspondance, 1890-1942
Gesammelte Werke, 12 Bde., Bd.1, Autobiographisches
Gide & Rosenberg - Correspondance 1896-1934
The trial
Oeuvres complètes
Pages de journal, 1939-1942
The André Gide reader
André Gide, correspondance avec Francis Vielé-Griffin
Amyntas: Mopsus
Correspondance, 1903-1946
Correspondance André Gide Jacques-Émile Blanche, 1892-1939
Correspondance, 1909-1925
L'enfance de l'art: Correspondances avec Elie Allegret (1886-1896) : lettres d'Andre Gide, Juliette Gide, Madeleine Rondeaux, et Elie Allegret (Cahiers de la NRF)
Découvrons Henri Michaux
La séquestrée de Poitiers
Gide et la question coloniale
The Counterfeiters
Correspondance, 1923-1950
Les caves du Vatican (Livre de poche)
George D. Painter
LE THEATRE COMPLET DE ANDRE GIDE TOME V - Les Caves du Vatican - Le Treizieme Arbre
Interviews imaginaires. La delivrance de Tunis...
Correspondance avec Francois Mauriac / (1912 1951)
Tōji no kitaku
Fu ren xue xiao
Montaigne, an essay in two parts
Correspondance 1891-1934
Typhon (1903)
Oscar Wilde
Les nourritures terréstres et Les nouvelles nouritures
Paul Valéry
The correspondence of André Gide and Edmund Gosse, 1904-1928 (New York University. Studies in Romance languages and literature)
The immoralist
André Gide
Anthologies du Bulletin des Amis d'Andre Gide. Tome II
Autumn leaves
The lesson of Poussin
GIDE / Den'en kokyogaku [Japanese Edition]
Als de graankorrel niet sterft
Return of the Prodigal AND Saul
ha-Simfonyah ha-pasṭoralit
Lafcadio's adventures
Journal 1942-1949
Xie hou cao
Les de buts litteraires
André Gide, Jean Amrouche
Return from the U.S.S.R.; translated from the French by Dorothy Bussy.
Un esprit non prévenu ...
Numquid et tu? ..
Correspondence. Andre Gide - Andre Suares, 1908-1920
Morceaux choisis
Cahiers André Gide
Marshlands, and Prometheus misbound
Dar Kapi
Les débuts littéraires
Correspondance, 1929-1940
Gesammelte Werke, 12 Bde., Bd.6, Reisen und Politik
Correspondance, 1902-1928
André Gide, Justin O'Brien correspondance
Onna no gakkō
L' immoraliste, suivi de La porte étroite
Oedipe ; suivi de Brouillons et textes inédits
Le roi Candaule
Pretextes et Nouveaux Pretextes
Sämtliche Erzählungen
Correspondance avec Andre Rouveyre (1909 1951)
André Gide - Paul Valéry: correspondence, 1890-1942
Romans, récits et soties
Lafcadio's Adventures
Le Prométhée mal enchainé
The white notebook
Andore Jiido no nikki
Cahiers Andre Gide 13 : Correspondance André Gide Jacques Copeau 2
The a tre
Ayri Yol
L'e ́volution du théâtre
The André Gide reader
Correspondance (1937-1951)
The Counterfeiters (Warbler Classics Annotated Edition)
SSCB'den Donus
The Immoralist
A critical edition of Andre Gide's Oedipe
Moskva Stalinskai︠a︡
Correspondance avec Roger Martin du Gard (1913 1951)
Recollections of the Assize Court
Die Enge Pforte
André Walter
Les nouvelles nourritures
Essais critiques
L'art bitraire
Correspondance, 1927-1950
The Journals of Andre Gide(Vol.II)
Hitotsubu no mugi moshi shinazu ba
Les limites de l'art
If It Die
Vatikan'ın Zindanları
Correspondance, 1927-1950
Two symphonies,
Travels in the Congo
Theatre Complet. Tome I
Dunya Nimetleri ve Yeni Nimetler
Sāṅghuro ḍhokā
Récits de Feu Ivan Pétrovitch Belkine
A critical edition of André Gide's Oedipe
Romans et essais
The journals of AndrGe Gide, 1889-1949
Correspondance avec Roger Martin du Gard /  1935 1951   Vol. 2
Les poésies d'André Walter
L' école des femmes, suivi de Robert et de Geneviève
Correspondance, 1902-1928
Wei bi zhi zao zhe
El Prometeu mal encadenat
Correspondance d'André Gide et de Paul Valéry, 1890-1942 ; préf. et notes par Robert Mallet
Correspondance avec Francis Jammes /  (1893 1938)
LE THEATRE COMPLET DE ANDRE GIDE TOME II - Le Retour - Le Roi Candaule - Bethsabe - Ajax
Strait is the gate ; and, The Vatican cellars
Le théatre complet
André Gide's Return from the USSR
Les caves du Vatican
Living Thoughts of Montaigne
André Gide-Thea Sternheim
Littérature engagée
Autumn Leaves
Correspondance avec Henri Ghéon 1897-1903 et 1904-1944
Correspondance, 1909-1951
Sämtliche Erzählungen
Shao nu de meng
LE THEATRE COMPLET DE ANDRE GIDE TOME III - Le Retour de L'Enfant Prodigue - Antoine et Cleopatre
The immoralist
Shao nu de meng
Correspondance André Gide-François Mauriac, 1912-1950
Interviews imaginaires
Printemps, dans la Guirlande des Annees. Images D'hier et pages D'aujour'd'hui
Recollections of the Assize court
L' évolution du théâtre
El Inmoralista
Les Faux-monnayeurs. Roman, etc
Denʼen kōkyōgaku
Entrevistas imaginarias
Kadinlar Okulu
De Hadjie, of Verhandeling over de valse profeet
Tableau de la Litterature Francaise
Interviews Imaginaires. La Delivrance De Tunis. Pages De Journal Mai 1943.
Correspondance 1896-1950, André Gide - Edmond Jaloux
Numquid et tu?...
La Symphonie Pastorale
Los Monederos Falsos (Clasicos del Siglo XX)
By Andre Gide The Counterfeiters (Modern Classics) (New impression) [Paperback]
Soirée André Gide
El Prometeu Mal Encadenat
Histoire de Pierrette
The notebooks of AndrGe Walter
Proserpine (drame)
El Caso Del Inocente Nino Asesino
The correspondence of Andre Gide and Edmund Gosse, 1904-1928
The white notebook
Correspondance, 1890-1950
The correspondence of André Gide and Edmund Gosse, 1904-1928
La porte etroite
Izbrannye proizvedenii︠a︡
Bei de zhe
Conseils au jeune écrivain ; De l'influence en littérature
Soveto ryokōki
Dünya Nimetleri ve Yeni Nimetler
Feuilles de route, 1895-1896
Prétextes suivi de "Nouveaux prétextes"
Et Nunc Manet in Te
The return of the prodigal son
Correspondance avec Arnold Bennett /  Vingt Ans d'Amitie Litteraire /  (1911 1931)
My theater
André Gide et les peintres
Strait is the Gate
Correspondance, 1911-1948
The Journals Of Andre Gide Four Volume Set (The Journals Of Andre Gide Four Volume Set, Volume I 1889-1913; Volume Ii 1914-1927; Volume Iii 1928-1939; Volume Iv 1939-1949)
Sương tỳ ha̕i
Correspondance, 1895-1921
Lang zi hui jia ji
De l'influence en littérature
Oedipe. Cocteau
Correspondance andre gide - arnold bennett
André Gide - André Suarès: correspondance, 1908-1920
Entretiens sur André Gide.
Les Nourritures Terrestres
Correspondance avec Paul Valery /  (1890 1942)
The Vatican Swindle
So be it or the chips are down
Oscar Wilde
Cong Sulian gui lai
Anthologies du Bulletin des Amis d'Andre Gide
Fahrt zum Eismeer
Correspondance Gide - Valéry, 1890-1942
Music and Philosophy Volume Two
Quelques réflexions sur l'abandon du sujet dans les arts plastiques
The Journals of Andre Gide : Volume III
Theatre (Gallimard Ser.)
If it die ... an autobiography;
Correspondance ... Introduction par Jean Delay
André Gide--Paul Valéry
LE THEATRE COMPLET DE ANDRE GIDE TOME IV - Amal - Oedipe - Persephone - Proserpine
Pages choisies
Schwurgericht. Drei Bücher vom Verbrechen
Le Faux Monnayeurs Tome 1
Les nourritures terrestres
Le Prome the e mal enchai ne
Les Caves Du Vatican
L' évolution du théâtre
LeRetour de l'Enfant Prodigue  Le Traite de Narcisse ­ La Tentative Amoureuse ­ El Hadj ­ Philoctete Bethsabe
André Gide-André Suarès
Correspondance (1937-1951)
Parcours Critiques
André Gide-Jef Last
Andre Gide, Eighteen Sixty-Nine to Nineteen Fifty-One
Andre Gide Journal 1889-1939
Jide wen ji =
The correspondence of André Gide and Edmund Gosse, 1904-1928
The counterfeiters
André Gide, l'Européen
Zhai men
Correspondance, 1890-1942
Nouvelles pages de journal (1932-1935)
Lafacadio's Adventures
Prétextes, suivi de Nouveaux prétextes
De enge poort
Le retour
El Prometeu mal encadenat
Le récit de Michel
Correspondance, 1929-1940
Xin de liang shi
The Counterfeiters
L'Ecole Des Femmes.
André Gide-Roger Martin du Gard
I nutrimenti terrestri
Correspondance, 1908-1920
Europäische Betrachtungen
Morceaux choisis
De terugkeer van den verloren zoon
... Páginas de diario
Récit, roman, soties
Tsuriḳ fun Raṭnfarband
Récits, roman, soties
Souvenirs de la cour d'assises
Oeuvres complètes d'André Gide
L' arbitraire
Le traité du Narcisse
Correspondance André Gide-Dorothy Bussy
Die ru̇ckkehr des verlorenen sohnes
La comtesse (biarritz 1902)
`A Naples
Le récit de Michel
Regreso de la URSS seguido de Retoques a mi Regreso de la URSS
Nouvelles pages de journal (1932-1935)
Le procès
Correspondance (1923-1950)
Souvenirs littéraires et problèmes actuels
Le séquestrée de Poitiers
Le traite du Narcisse
Giovanni Boccaccio
Giovanni Boccaccio (1312-1375)

poet, diplomat, translator, biographer, mythographer

Life of Dante
The nymph of Fiesole
The eaten heart
Mrs Rosie and the Priest
Las Ninfas De Fiesole
Clasicos de Amor
Ein gar schone newe hystori der hochen lieb des koniglichen fursten Florio vnd von seiner lieben Bianceffora
Hystoria sigismūde der tochter des fürsten tancredi vō solerma vnd des iünglingsz gwisgardi
Hystoria sigismunde der tochter des fursten tancredi von solerma vnd des iunglings gwisgardi
Hyenach volget gar ein schöne hÿstorÿ vō einer edlen jungen frawen Sigismunda genannt
Ein gar schone newe histori der hochen lieb des kuniglichen fursten Florio vnnd von seyner lieben Bianceffora
Prentice Hall Literature--World Masterpieces
Forty-six lives
Vita di Dante
Il corbaccio
Opere volgari di Giovanni Boccaccio
The elegy of Lady Fiammetta
Boccaccio on poetry
The Decameron / Calandrino and the Stolen Pork
Amorous tales from the Decameron
Chaucer's Boccaccio
Opere volgari
Nymphs of Fiesole
Della geneologia de gli dei
Selection from the Decameron
Cuentos del Renacimiento italiano
De casibus virorum illustrium
Le lettere edite e inedite di Messer Giovanni Boccaccio, tradotte e commentate con nuovi documenti
On famous women
The Most Pleasant and Delectable Questions of Love
La Généalogie des Dieux païens - Genealogia Deorum Gentilium, livres 14 et 15
Giovanni Boccaccio, Theseid of the nuptials of Emilia = Teseida delle nozze di Emilia
Very Italian Christmas
Letture Graduate Per Stranieri - Level 1
The Most Pleasant and Delectable Questions of Love
Boccaccio's revenge
Il comento alla Divina Commedia e gli altri scritti intorno a Dante
Boccaccio, In defense of poetry
Concerning famous women
Genealogy of the pagan gods
The Eaten Heart
Madam Babeṭa
The Most Pleasant and Delectable Questions of Love
A translation of Giovanni Boccaccio's life of Dante
The Early Lives of Dante
The Most Pleasant and Delectable Questions of Love
Boccaccio's expositions on Dante's Comedy
Tutte le opere di Giovanni Boccaccio
De Claris Mulieribus
Esposizioni sopra la Comedia di Dante
Der Decamerone, 2 Bde., Bd.2
Amorous Fiammett
Boccaccio's Olympia
Fables from Boccaccio and Chaucer
Stories from the Decameron
Madonna Filippa / Melchisedech e il Saladino. Novelle tratte dal Decameron
La vita di Dante
Diana's hunt =
La Teseida
L' Ameto
In defence of poetry =
Thirteen most pleasant and delectable questions of love, entitled A disport of diverse noble personages
Di tsṿey poorlakh
Amorous Fiammett
Novelle scelte dal Decamerone di Giovanni Boccaccio
Fables Ancient and Modern : Translated into Verse, from Homer, Ovid, Boccace, & Chaucer
Cinque Novelle (a Cura DI M Spagnesi)
Selections from Boccaccio
The elegy of madonna Fiammetta sent by her to women in love
Classic Erotic Novels (5 Books)
Ninfale fiesolano
Dryden's Fables
The antient, true, and admirable history of patient Grisel
Vita di Petrarca
Amorosa visione
Fables from Boccaccio and Chaucer
Vita di Dante Alighieri
Augustine confession and enchiridion volume VII
Fables Ancient and Modern : Translated Into Verse, From Homer, Ovid, Boccace, & Chaucer
Andreuccio DA Perugia
Il comento alla Divina commedia
Critical perspectives on the Decameron
Cinque novelle. Mit Materialien
Andreuccio Da Perugia (Italian Easy Readers, Series A)
Il Filocolo
Decameron - Vol II  (1471)
Chamber of Love
Opere minori in Volgare
Ten tales from the Decameron
Des dames de renom
The Decameron, Volume I
IL Filostrato
Decamerone [1/2]
Chaucer's Troylus and Cryseyde  Compared with Boccaccio's Filostrato
Decameron von Heinrich Steinhöwel
Lo Zibaldone Boccaccesco mediceo lavrenziano plut. XXXI-8
The book of Theseus =
Decameron - Vol I  (1471)
La Passione del N.S. Gesú Cristo
Il comento sopra la Commedia
La Fiamenta de Johan Boccacci, traducció catalana del 15en segle ara per primera volta publicada sóts el patronat de la Societat catalana de bibliòfils
Le cento novelle, da Messer Vincenzo Brugiantino, dette in ottava rima
Giovanni Boccaccio, the life of Dante (Tratatello in laude di Dante)
Buccolicum carmen
The Decameron
Decamerone. One Hundred Ingenious Novels
Dizionario geografico
La vita di Dante
Decameron - Giornata Sesta
Laurent de Premierfait's Des cas des nobles hommes et femmes
The Decameron of Giovanni Boccacci (IL Boccaccio), Vol. 1 (Classic Reprint)
DECAMERON Sesta Giornata
Le décaméron
Boccaccios Buch Von den fürnembsten Weibern mit den 78 Holzschnitten der Ulmer Ausgabe von 1473 und einem Nachwort
Decameron; Volume 2
Opere in versi
De claris mulieribus
Elegy of Lady Fiammetta
The tragedies, gathered by Ihon Bochas, of all such princes as fell from theyr estates throughe the mutability of fortune since the creacion of Adam, vntil his time
Amorous Fiamett
Decameron - Giornata Prima
Il Decameròn
Caccia Di Diana
La rvffianella
Amorous Fiammetta
Decameron of Giovanni Boccaccio
Decameron - Giornata Quarta
Elegia Di Madonna Fiammetta
Delle opere di m. Giovanni Boccacci ..
Latin Eclogues
Decameron of Giovanni Boccaccio - Part I (Esprios Classics)
To Dekuimero
Dal Decameron e dalle opere minori
DECAMERON Ottava Giornata
The Downfall  of the Famous
Vrbano di m. Giovan Boccaccio
Decamerone Di Giovanni Boccaccio ... of 3; Volume 1
Acrostici della amorosa visione
The modell of vvit, mirth, eloquence, and conuersation
Das Dekameron
Tales from Boccaccio
Troilus und Kressida
The Decameron of Giovanni Boccaccio including forty of its hundred novels
Nymph of Fiesole. Ninfale Fiesolano
Decamerone [3/4]
Andreuccio da Perugia
Forty-six lives, translated from Boccaccio's De claris mulieribus
Opere minori
Boccace's tales, or, The quintessence of wit, mirth, eloquence, and conversation
Here begynneth the boke of Iohan Bochas discryuing the fall of pri[n]ces, princesses, and other nobles
Decameron Ten Night' Entertainment
Nimfale fiesolano
The Decameron the last five days
The Earliest Lives of Dante
De montibus, sylvis, fontibus, lacubus, fluminibus, stagnis seu paludibus, et de nominibus maris
The nymph of Fiesole (Il ninfale fiesolano)
Giovanni Boccaccio : Die Verliebte Fiammetta
Amorosa Visione...
The pleasant and sweet history of patient Grissel
Comento Sopra la Commedia; Volume II
Decameron Di Messer Giovanni Boccaccio Cittadino Fiorentino; Volume 5
El Decameró
Delle Donne Famose, Curata Da G. Manzioni, con Note
The Decameron
Joannis Boccaccio de Certaldo doctissimi epistola ad Andreā de Acciarolis de Florentis alte ville commitissam
Palace of Pleasure
Mujeres preclaras
Novelle tratte dal Decamerone
Decamerone Di. Giovanni. Boccaccio Cognominato Principe. Galeotto.
Decamerone di Messer Giovanni Boccaccio cittadino fiorentino. ... of 4; Volume 4
The most wonderful and pleasaunt history of Titus and Gisippus
Comedia delle ninfe fiorentine (Ameto)
Delle Donne Famose Di Giovanni Boccacci
Chamber of love
Andreuccio da Perugia
Decameron : VOL 1
Tales from Boccaccio
Decamerone Di Giovanni Boccaccio; Volume 1
Nimfale Fiesolano nel quale si contiene l'innamoramento di Affrico e Mensola, poemetto in ottava rima di Gioanni Boccaccio, ridotto a vera lezione.
I casi de gli huomini illustri
Comento Sopra la Commedia Di Dante Alighieri Di Giovanni Boccaccio, Tomo II
Decameron of Boccaccio.
The Saint
New Life (la Vita Nuova) by Dante Alighieri; Tr. by Dante Gabriel Rossetti, with an Introduction by Charles Eliot Norton. One Hundred Sonnets
La prosa del Boccaccio
Elegy of Lady Fiammetta
Frailes, curas y monjas
Der Decamerone, 2 Bde., Bd.1
Life of Dante
Boccaccio on Poetry
Poesie nach der Pest
Genealogie Johannis Boccaccii
Decamerone [3/5]
Guystarde and Sygysmonde
Il Filostrato
La Femme justifiée
The fall of princys, princessys, and other nobles
Vie de Dante
The Nymph of Fiesole. Translated by Daniel J. Donno
Decameron, Volumen IV
Decameron - Giornata Nona
Comento Alla Divina Commedia e gli Altri Scritti Intorno a Dante Vol. 1
Il Corbaccio
Lydgate's Fall of Princes, Part IV
Le Decameron
Decameron : (Day 1 to Day 5)
décaméron de Boccace, Volumes 4-6
Frailes, curas y monjas
La Fiameta de Johan Boccacci, traducció catalana del 15en segle ara per primera volta publicada sóts el patronat de la Societat catalana de bibliòfils
The fates of illustrious men
Decameron of Giovanni Boccacci (il Boccaccio); V. 3
Il Decamerone Di M. Gio. Boccaccio, Dato in Luce Da Vincenzio Martinelli.
Opera di M. Giouanni Boccaccio
Vita di Dante e difesa della poesia
Cenni di Giovanni Boccacci intorno a Tito Livio
Earliest Lives of Dante
Comento Alla Divina Commedia, e gli Altri Scritti Intorno a Dante, Vol. 2
Novelle ventotto di Messer Giovanni Boccacci Scelte ora la prima volta dal suo Decamerone. Ad uso principalmente de' modesti giovani e studiosi della Toscana favella. Con la descrizione della pestilenza stata in Firenze nel 1348
Delle Donne Famose; Volume 02
Il Codice Chigiano, L.V.176
Elegia Di Madonna Fiammetta
Tales from Boccaccio, with Modern Illustrations
The little Decameron, a selection from Boccaccio
Decameron of Giovanni Boccaccio - Part Ii
La novella di ser Ciappelletto
Antologia Delle Opere Minori Volgari Di Giovanni Boccaccio
Passione Di Cristo N. s : Poema in Ottava Rima : Ora per la Prima Volta a Miglior Lezione Ridotto Dal Marchese Di Montrone e Da Lui Corredato Di Alquante Annotazioni e Di un Discorso Intorno le Presenti Condizioni Della Lingua Italiana
The Decameron
Thirtene most plesant and delectable questions, entituled a disport of diuers noble personages written in Italian by M. Iohn Bocace, Florentine and poet laureate, in his booke named Philocopo. Englished by H.G. These bookes are to be solde at the corner shoppe, at the northweast dore of Paules
Genealogiae deorum
The story of Griselda
DECAMERON Decima Giornata
Boccaccio in the Blaskets
De las ilustres mujeres
Genealogiae Joannis Boccatii ..
Decameron of Giovanni Boccaccio : Now First Completely Done into English Prose and Verse
Das Leben Dantes
Opere Latine minori
Easy Readers - Italian
Fünf sehr anmutige geschichten des vielgelästerten Giovanni di Boccaccio aus Certaldo
The novels and tales of the renowned John Boccacio ..
Boccaccio on Poetry
Il filostrato di Giovanni Boccaccio
The Most Pleasant and Delectable Questions of Love
L'aberinto d'amore (Il Corbaccio)
La Fiammetta
Trattatello in Laude Di Dante
Decameron tales
Os famosos contos de Boccaccio
Caccia Di Diana
Decameron de Jean Boccace ... of 5; Volume 1
Eaten Heart
Decameron - Giornata Seconda
Il filocopo... di nuouo riueduto...da M. Francesco Sansouino
Elegy of Lady Fiammetta
Genealogie Johannis Boccacij cum micantissimis arborum effigiationibus cuiusq [] gentilis dei progeniem
The Literary Museum; Or, Ancient and Modern Repository: Comprising Scarce and Curious Tracts ..
Trattatello in laude di Dante
DECAMERON Nona Giornata
DECAMERON Seconda Giornata
Deu del Decameró
Le Decameron, Premiere Journee (French Edition)
Most Pleasant and Delectable Questions of Love
The Decameron (Volume Two)
The Decameron of Giovanni Boccaccio - Volume The First (The Decameron)
Dal Commento Sopra le Commedia Di Dante
Decameròn e opere minori
Scelta di novelle di Giovanni Boccaccio
Vita di Dante (um 1360)
Decamerone [2/?]
Lou Prince Galeotto ..
décaméron de Boccace, Volumes 1-3
De claris mulieribus / Die großen Frauen. Zweisprachige Ausgabe. Lateinisch / Deutsch
On Poetry
Decameron - Giornata Ottava
Decameron of Giovanni Boccacci (il Boccaccio); V. 2
Here begynnethe the boke calledde Iohn bochas descriuinge the falle of princis princessis [and] other nobles tra[n]slated i[n]to englissh by Iohn ludgate mo[n]ke of the monastery of seint edmu[n]des Bury ..
Décaméron (1350-1354)
O Decamerão
Delle Donne Famose... ...
The Decameron, Book I
Il Philopono di Messer Giovanni Boccaccio
Early Lives of Dante
The Decameron; Volume II
The Decameron the first five days
Les Dix journées de Jean Boccace
décaméron; Volume 1
Die neunte Novelle des zehnten Tags
Decamerone [selections]
Vida de Dante
La corrispondenza bucolica tra Giovanni Boccaccio e Checco di Meletto Rossi ; L'egloga di Giovanni del Virgilio ad Albertino Mussato
Das Dekameron.
Andreuccio DA Perugia (Facili Letture)
Genealogy of the Pagan Gods
Decameron - Giornata Terza
Il Decamerone Di Giovanni Boccacio; Volume 1 (Italian Edition)
Volgarizzamento Di Maestro Donator Da Casentino Dell' Opera Di Messe Boccaccio de Claris Mulieribus, Pubbl. per Cura e Studio Di L. Tosti
Meistererzählungen aus dem Decamerone
Five Tales from Decameron (Swc 1650)
The little Decameron
Contes de Boccace, le Décaméron. Édition illustrée. Traduction nouvelle
The Nymph of Fiesole. Translated by Daniel J. Donno
Elegia di madonna Fiammetta-Corbaccio
The Falcon, and other tales
Petrarch, the First Modern Scholar and Man of Letters; a Selection from His Correspondence with Boccaccio and Other Friends, Designed to Illustrate the Beginnings of the Renaissance;
Volgarizzamento Di Maestro Donato Da Casentino Dell'opera Di Messer Boccaccio de Claris Mulieribus, Rinvenuto in un Codice Del XIV Secolo Dell'archivio Cassinese, Pubblicato per Cura e Studii Di D. Luigi Tosti ...
Erotische Geschichten. Großdruck. Ausgewählt aus dem Dekameron
The nymph of Fiesole (Il ninfale fiesolano)
Boccaccio's "Elegy of Lady Fiammetta" [microform]
Stories of Boccaccio the Decameron
The Decameron. Volume Two (2) only (Dent Everyman's Library)
Das Dekameron Von Boccaccio
Decamerón. (Diez cuentos)
Provisional Translation of the Early Lives of Dante and of His Poetical Correspondence with Giovanni Del Virgilio
The Decameron or Ten Days Entertainment of Boccaccio
Decameron; Volume 2
Decameron of Giovanni Boccaccio - Part II (Esprios Classics)
Comento Alla Divina Commedia e gli Altri Scritti Intorno a Dante Vol. 1
A pleasaunt disport of diuers noble personages: written in Italian by M. Iohn Bocace Florentine and poet laureat: in his boke vvhich is entituled Philocopo. And nowe Englished by H. G
Lettere Edite e Inedite Di Messer Giovanni Boccaccio, Tradotte e Commentate con Nuovi Documenti
Opere Volgari Di Giovanni Boccaccio
Opera dell'huomo dotto et samoso Giovan Boccaccio da certal do, dalla lingua Latina nel thosco idioma per Meser Nicolo liburnio nouamente trallata
Opere Volgari Di Giovanni Boccaccio
Libro llamado Fiameta porque trata delos amores de vna notable buena napolitana llamada fiameta el qual compuso el famoso Juan Vocacio poeta Horentino
The Fates of Illustrious Men (Milestones of Thought)
Genealogie deorum gentilium libri
The corbaccio, or, The labyrinth of love
Ninfale Fiesolano
DECAMERON Terza Giornata
Der Decamerone. Erster Band
Comento Alla Divina Commedia, e gli Altri Scritti Intorno a Dante, Vol. 3
La Passione del N.S. Gesú Cristo
˜Dasœ Dekameron des Giovanni Boccaccio
Decameron, Volume Primo
The Decameron, Volume II
The Filostrato of Giovanni Boccaccio
Cuentos jocundos del Decamerón
The Decameron of Giovanni Boccaccio Vol 2 of 2
La fiammetta. Per G. Tizzone da posi novamente revisto
Decameron - Giornata Settima
Il Corbaccio
Two tracts
Decamerone, Volumen I
Corbaccio = Corbeau de malheur
Lydgate's Fall of Princes, Part IV (Bibliographical Introduction, Notes and Glossary)
Lo Mejor del Decameron (Clasicos de Bolsillo: Cuentos)
Giovanni Boccaccio
Decameron, or, Ten Days' Entertainment, of Boccaccio; Volume 4
[L opera de misser Giouanni Boccacio de mulieribus claris
The nuns and the gardener
Lian ai yu sheng huo de gu shi
Life of Dante
Decameron, Volume I
DECAMERON Quarta Giornata
DECAMERON Quinta Giornata
Concerning famous women
Dame, mercanti e cavalieri
Decameron - Giornata Quinta
SER CIAPPELLETTO Novella Dal Decameron
DECAMERON Edizione Integrale
Elegia di madonna Fiammetta-Corbaccio
Decameron. Volume II
De Las Mujeres Ilustres
A treatise excellent and compe[n]dious, shewing and declaring, in maner of tragedye, the falles of sondry most notable princes and princesses vvith other nobles, through ye mutabilitie and change of vnstedfast fortune
Geta e Birria: novella
Decamerone [2/2]
The Decameron The Moddell of Wit, Mirth, Eloquence and Conversation
Il Testo moltiplicato
Decameron - Giornata Decima
THE DECAMERON The first 40 novels, volume One stories First to Tenth (EVERYMAN'S LIBRARY)
Decameró, versió catalana de 1429. Introd. de Carles Riba
Libro di M. Gio. Boccaccio delle donne illustri
Le nouveau Décaméron, troisième journée
Early English Versions of Tales from the "Decameron"
DECAMERON Prima Giornata
Il commento di Giovanni Boccaccio sopra La Commedia
Männer und Frauen. Geschichten aus dem Decameron
Des cleres et nobles femmes
Elegia di madonna Fiammetta ; Corbaccio
Della geneologia de gli dei di M. Giovanni Boccaccio libri qvindeci
Thirteene most pleasaunt and delectable questions entitled, A disport of diverse noble personages
Geneologia de gli Dei ... Tradotti et adornati per M. G. Betussi da Bassano
L' Amorosa Fiammetta di M. Giovanni Boccaccio ...
Genealogiae Joannis Boccatii: cum demonstrationibus in formis arboru designatis
Incomi[n]cia il libro chiamato nimphale
Margraff Walther
Antologia delle opere minori volgari
Il filocopo di M. Giovanni Baccaccio
Commedia delle ninfe fiorentine (Ameto)  Ed. critica per cura di Antonio Enzo Quaglio
Des cleres et nobles femmes
Earliest Lives of Dante
Dekameron kemeku becig
Die neun Bücher vom Glück und vom Unglück berühmter Männer und Frauen
Decamerone [2/3]
Origine, vita, stvdi e costvmi del chiarisimo Dante Allighieri, poeta fiorentino
Des cleres et nobles femmes
The Earliest lives of Dante
The modell of wit, mirth, eloquence, and conversation
La geneologia de gli dei de gentili
Iohannis Bochacii viri eloqventissimi ad flamettam panphyli amatricem libellvs materno sermone aeditvs [...]
Tales of Ardent and Whimsical Love
Des cleres et nobles femmes
Die Nymphe von Fiesole
De las ilustres mujeres en romance (Zaragoza 1494)
Amorosa visione
Le rime
Spirit of Boccaccio's Decameron
I casi de gli hvomini illvstri
Giovanni Boccaccio. Il Corbaccio
Elegia di Madonna Fiammetta
Des cleres et nobles femmes
Boccaccio's Ninfale fiesolano
Pistola di Giovanni Boccacci a Messer Francesco priore di Sant' Apostolo
Opere in versi, Corbaccio, Trattatello in laude di Dante, Prose latine, epistole /a cura di Pier Giorgio Ricci
Die Geschichte vom klugen König Agilulf
Il "Buccolicum Carmen"
Opere di Giovanni Boccaccio
Decamerone [1/5]
Il Philopono di Messer Giouanni Boccaccio in fino a qui falsamente detto Philocolo diligentemente da Messer Tizzone Gaetano di Posi riusto
Boccace des nobles malheureux
Buch: von den berühmten Fraèwen
Lettera di M. Giovanni Boccaccio
La fiametta del Boccaccio
Pasquerella and Madonna Babetta
The Palace of Pleasure: Elizabethan Versions of Italian and French Novels ..
Des cleres et nobles femmes
La caccia di Diana
Des cleres et nobles femmes
Opera dell'huomo dotto et famoso Giovanni Boccaccio ..
Patient Griselda. A tale. From the Italian of Bocaccio. By Miss Sotheby
Des cleres et nobles femmes
The life of Dante
Pasqverella and Madonna Babetta
Opera dell' houmo dotto et famoso Giovan Boccaccio..
The Filostrato of Giovanni Boccacio
Des cleres et nobles femmes
Decamerone o ver cento novelle
Das Dekameron des Giovanni Boccaccio
Decameron. 20 ausgewählte Novellen, italienisch - deutsch
Fables from Boccaccio and Chaucer
The saint: a tale. From the original Italian of Boccace. By Mr. William Ayre
Mostra di manoscritti, documenti e edizioni
La Fiammetta
La Theseide
Libro delle donne illustri
Il comento di Giovanni Boccacci sopra La Commedia
Chichibio and the crane
Teseida, delle nozze d'Emilia
L'elegia di madonna Fiammetta
Boccacciovské rozprávky
Volgarizzamento di Maestro Donato da Casentino dell'opera di Messer ..
Hie nach volget der kurcz sin von etlichen frowen
Decamerone [5/5]
Un Mundo En Cambio
Libro di M. Gio. Boccaccio delle donne illustri
Il "Buccolicum carmen"
Giovanni Boccaccio
La Fiammetta catalana
"De preclaris mulieribus, that is to say in Englyshe, Of the ryghte renoumyde ladyes". Translated from "Bocasse", ..
Theodore & Honoria
Opere volgari di Giovanni Boccaccio: cor, su i testi a penna
La Caccia di Diana e le rime
Le opere di Giovanni Boccaccio scelte e illustrate di Nicola Zingarelli
Vida de Dante
Des cleres et nobles femmes
Geneologia de gli dei
Geneologia de gli dei
Ameto, over, Comedia delle nimphe fiorentine
The Earliest lives of Dante
Boccacio's Olympia
La caccia di Diana
Pokʻachʻio ŭi yumyŏnghan yojadŭl
Généalogie des dieux ..
Incomincia il libro di madonna Fiammetta da lei alle innamorate mandato
Das Leben Dantes
Ioannis Boccatii de Certaldo insigne opus De claris mulieribus .
Shi ri qing tan
Laberinto d'amore
Die Griselda des Messer Giovanni di Boccaccio mit vier Holzschnitten des Meisters mit der Schlange
Des cleres et nobles femmes
La geneologia de gli dei de gentili
Die Geschichte zweier Liebenden
Genealogie deorum. Additions by Dominicus Silvester. Add
Des cleres et nobles femmes
Opere in versi, Corbaccio, Trattatello in laude di Dante, prose latine, epistole
Opere in versi, Corbaccio, Trattatello in laude di Dante, prose latine, epistole
De claris mulieribus
Tutte le Opere
"De preclaris mulieribus, that is to say in Englyshe, Of the ryght renoumyde ladyes."
Decamerone  [1/3]
Opera ...
Il Filocolo
Fables from Boccaccio and Chaucer
The Earliest lives of Dante
Nouvelles de Jean Boccace
Tutte le opere
Dieci novelle
Des cleres et nobles femmes
An omnibus of passionate women
Il libro di Messer Giovanni Boccaccio
Decamerone [3/3]
Il Culex trascritto e annotato da Giovanni Boccaccio
La vita di Dante ...
Fünf sehr anmutige Geschichten des vielgelästerten Giovanni di Boccaccio aus Certaldo ; mit sieben altitalienischen Holzschnitten und einem Auffass von Friedrich Schlegel
Das Leben Dantes
Lydgate's Fall of princes
Laberinto d'amore di M. Giovanni Boccaccio di nvovo ristampato & diligentemento corretto
Fragmentos de las traducciones catalanas de la Fiammetta  y del Decamerone, ambas anónimas y del siglo XV
Cenni di Giovanni Boccacci intorno a Tito Livio
Des cleres et nobles femmes
La geneologia de gli dei de gentili
Irr-Garten der Liebe
Hvmana cossa he lhaver compassione agli afflitti
Des cleres et nobles femmes
Fiammetta del Boccaccio
De casibus virorum illustrium libri novem
Stories in rhyme
La passione del N.S. Gesù Gristo
Des cleres et nobles femmes
Die mittelenglische umdichtung von Boccaccios De claris mulieribus
The fates if illustrious men
De la louenge et vertu des nobles et cleres dames
The nymphs of Fiesole
Opere di Giovanni Boccaccio
L' amorosa fiammetta
Des cleres et nobles femmes
Libro de Jua[n] Bocacio que tracta de las illustres Mugeres
Joannis Boccacii Certaldi De casibus illustrium virorum libri nouem quum historiis adfatim cognoscendis tum praeclare instituendis hominum moribus longe utilissimi
Das Ninfale fiesolano Giovanni Boccaccios
La fiamette amoureuse
Here begynneth y[e] hystory of Tytus & Gesyppus
Des cleres et nobles femmes
Die göttliche Komödie. Aus dem Italienischen von Philaletes (König Johann von Sachsen). Mit zahlreichen Bildern von Gustave Doré. Mit einer Kleinen Ab ... obe Dantes von Giovanni Boccaccio. (2. Aufl.)
Trenta novelle di Giovanni Boccaccio ad use delle scuole
Facsimiles of designs from engraved copperplates illustrating Le Livre de la ruyne des nobles hommes et femmes, par Jehan Bocace, imprimé à Bruges par Colard Mansion
La prosa del Boccaccio
La vita di Dante
Document historique de Boccace sur Pétrarque: manuscrit de la Bibliothèque de Saint-Marc de ..
Il comento sopra la Commedia di Dante Alighieri
Boccace des nobles malheureux
Pasquerella and Madonna Babetta
Genealogiae deorum libri XV et liber de montibus, sylvis, etc
H. Decamerone di M. Giovanni?? Boccaccio Nvovamente?? Corretto et Con Di?? ligentia Stam /?? pato
Il Decameron di messer Giovanni Boccaccio ... di nuouo ristampato, e riscontrato in Firenze con testi antichi, & alla sua vera lettione ridotto dal cavalier Lionardo Salviati ... Et in qvesta vltima impressione adornato di figure appropriate a ciascheduna nouella ...
Il corbaccio
Boccacciovské rozprávky
L'Amorosa Fiametta
Boccaccio on poetry
Hystoria Sigismunde, der Tochter dess Fürsten Tancredi von Salernia, vnd dess Iünglings Gwisgardi
Tales of love and life
Malye proizvedenii︠a︡
L'amorosa Fiammetta
Das  Dekameron des Giovanni di Boccaccio
Thirteene most pleasaunt and delectable questions, entituled A disport of diverse noble personages
Chichibo and the Crane
L' opera de misser Giouanni Boccaccio Demulieribus claris
Des cleres et nobles femmes
Laberinto Amoroso detto Corbaccio di messer Iouanni Boccaccio col prologo anthidoto laurario composti da nouo
The fall of prynces. Gathered by John Bochas, fro[m] the begynnyng of the world vntyll his time, translated into English by John Lidgate monke of Burye
Vita di Dante e difesa della poesia
Il ninfale fiesolano
Des cleres et nobles femmes
Das Dekameron des Boccaccio
Los Cuentos Tambien LLamados el Decameron del Maestro Giovanni Boccaccio Florentino
Libro di M. Giovanni Boccaccio delle donne illustri
Shene arṭlekhe geshikhṭn
Il decamer[one] di M. Giovanni Bocc[accio] di nvovo emendato secon[do] gli antichi essemplari
Bokkēṣyōyuṭe pr̲aṇaya kathakaḷ
L' amorosa Fiametta
Ioannis Bocatii [Peri genealogias] deorvm
Genealogiae Joannis Boccatii
Des cleres et nobles femmes
Rime ; Caccia di Diana
Decameron I - Milenio
Des cleres et nobles femmes
Volgarizzamento di maestro Donato da Casentino dell' opera di messer Boccaccio De claris mulieribus rinvenuto in un codice del XIV secolo dell' Archivio cassinese
Das Ninfale fiesolano Giovanni Boccaccios
Iohannis Bocacii de Cercaldis historiographi prologus in libros De casibus virorum illustrium incipit
Opera dell'huomo dotto et famoso Giovan Boccaccio da Certaldo
Des cleres et nobles femmes
Decamerone [4/4]
La Caccia di Diana e le rime
Des cleres et nobles femmes
Il Filostrato e il Ninfale fiesolano
Shene arṭlekhe geshikhṭn
Amorous Fiammetta
Erotic Tales from the Decameron
Sei novelle molto aggradevoli
Boccaccio Decameronul
Des cleres et nobles femmes
Shi ri tan
The tragedies, gathered by Ihon Bochas, of all such princes as fell from theyr estates throughe the mutability of fortune ...
Tales from Boccaccio
Incomincia il libro primo di Florio & di Bianzafiore chiamato Philocolo
Des cleres et nobles femmes
Opere latine minori
Opera dell'huomo dotto et famoso G. Boccaccio da Certaldo, dalla lingua latina nel thosco idioma per Meser N. Liburnio novamente trallatata
Il Teseida neogreco, libro I.
Libro llamado Fiameta porque trata delos amores de vna notable buena napolitana llamada fiameta el qual compuso el famoso Juan Vocacio poeta Horentino
Boccacciovské rozprávky
Du dechiet et tuyne des nobles hommes et femmes
Des cleres et nobles femmes
Giovanni Boccaccio
Boccaccios Buch von den fürnembsten Weibern
Des cleres et nobles femmes
Slimme vrouwen
Des cleres et nobles femmes
Incomencia il libro primo di Florio & di Bianzafiore chiamato Philocolo
The Decamaron
Il Corbaccio, o, Il labertinto d'amore
Hye nach volget der kurcz syn von ettlichen frauen
Das Dekameron. 1: Erster bis fünfter Tag./2
The earliest lives of Dante
Des cleres et nobles femmes
Des cleres et nobles femmes
Le rime
Die Nächte der Marquise von Montferrat und neun weitere ergötzliche Erzählungen aus dem Decamerone des Boccaccio
The three admirable accidents of Andrea de Piero
I casi degl'huomini illustri, ne' quali si trattano  molti accidenti di diversi principi, incominciando dalla creazion del  mondo fin'al tempo suo, con l'istorie, e casi occorsi nelle vite di  quelli..
Libro di M. Gio. Boccaccio Delle donne illustri
Iohannis Bochacii viri eloqventissimi ad flametam panphili amatricem libellvs materno sermone aeditvs [...]
Amorosa visione
Des cleres et nobles femmes
Die Griselda des Messer Giovanni di Boccaccio mit vier Holzschnitten des Meisters mit der Schlange
La fiammette amovrevse
Des cleres et nobles femmes
Des cleres et nobles femmes
Life of Dante ...
Filostrato (Edizione Commentata)
The Earliest lives of Dante
Decameron, [Scelta del] Filocolo, Ameto, Fiammetta
Il disegno del Decamerone e passi delle opere minori, con proemio
Lettera di Messer Gio. Boccacci da Certaldo a Maestro Zanobi da Strada
Decameron, Filocolo, Ameto, Fiammetta
Di tsṿey poorlakh
Das Dekameron
Ameto del Boccacio
Il filostrato e il ninfale fiesolano
An Omnibus of passionate women
Opere minori
Commentia illibro ditato a Fiammetta da essa alla inamorata mandato
Des cleres et nobles femmes
Rime di Messer Giovanni Boccacci
The Earliest lives of Dante
Le lettere edite e inedite
Epistola Leonardi Aretini de amore Guistardi & Sigismunde, filie Tancredi pri[n]cipis Salernitani
Petrarch, the First Modern Scholar and Man of Letters: A Selection from His ..
Il ninfale fiesolano
Johan Bocacio de las mujeres illustres en roma[n]ce
Elegia di madonna Fiammetta
Tutte le opere. A curo di Vittore Branca
Des cleres et nobles femmes
Il Decameron
Comedia delle ninfe fiorentine (Ameto)
Des cleres et nobles femmes
Ameto, ouer, Comedia delle nimphe fiorentine
Libro ... Delle donne illustri, tradotto per M. G. Betussi
Il Filocopo
L'elegia di madonna Fiammetta
Nimfale fiesolano nel quale si contiene l'innamoramento di Affrico e Mensola
Genealogie deorum gentilium libri
L'oeuvre amoureuse de Boccace, Florentin
Geneologia de gli dei
Geneologia de gli dei
Des cleres et nobles femmes
Epistre consolatoire de messire Jean Boccace, envoyée au signeur Pino de Rossi
La Fiammetta
Primo Levi
Primo Levi (1919-1987)

chemist, poet, politician, autobiographer, philosopher

  • University of Turin, Liceo Classico Massimo D'Azeglio
The Sixth Day and Other Tales
Se non ora, quando?
Il sistema periodico
Sche quei ei in carstgaun
Mirror Maker
Prentice Hall Literature--World Masterpieces
Sommersi e i salvati
Se questo è un uomo
Se non ora, quando?
If this is a man
La tregua
Sistema periodico
The voice of memory
If This Is a Man and The Truce
Moments of reprieve
Other people's trades
A Tranquil Star
Chiave a stella
Collected poems
Survival in Auschwitz ; and, The reawakening
The search for roots
The Mirror Maker
L' asimmetria e la vita
The Search For Roots
Conversations with Primo Levi
The Black Hole of Auschwitz
Il sistema periodico
Si esto es un hombre
Lilith, et autres nouvelles
Si c'est un homme
I sommersi e i salvati
Primo Levi e Tullio Regge
The Last Interview
Primo Levi
The Survivor
The wrench
The truce
The complete works of Primo Levi
La ricerca delle radici
La tregua / Se questo è un uomo
Survival in Auschwitz
Sixth Day
The Drowned and the Saved
Conversazioni e interviste
Survival in Auschwitz
If Not Now, When?
Iron Potassium Nickel
Vizio di forma
Night with Connected Readings
Survival In Auschwitz
The periodic table
Monkey's Wrench
A la recherche des racines
Rivisitando i lager
Primo Levi as witness
Auschwitz testimonies, 1945-1986
The Drowned And The Saved
Periodic Table
Domenico Morelli, nella vita e nell'arte
Maintenant ou jamais
Il fabbricante di specchi
L' altrui mestiere
Se questo è un uomo
Survival in Auschwitz, the Nazi assault on humanity
Primo Levi
Profil d'une oeuvre
L'Ultimo Natale Di Guerra
Si esto es un hombre
The Periodic Table
Ist das ein Mensch?
Les naufragés et les rescapés
Abruzzo forte e gentile
The Magic Paint
Auschwitz report
Lilít e altri racconti
Lili t
La Trêve
Ve-im lo akhshav, ematai?
Les Naufrages
Simdi Degilse Ne Zaman?
Der Freund des Menschen
Bunlar da mi Insan
Survival in Auschwitz
Voice of Memory
If This Is a Man
Así fue Auschwitz
Sixth Day 'a' Format
Si esto es un hombre
Mirror Maker
Survival in Auschwitz
La treve
La Clé à molette
Le Devoir de mémoire
Der Ringschlüssel
Anderer Leute Berufe
Primo Levi Mixed B D/Bx33
Tutti i racconti
El Sistema Periodico
Vizio di forma
Le Système périodique
Storie naturali
La Trève
Bogulanlar, Kurtulanlar
Trilogia De Auschwitz
Wann, wenn nicht jetzt?
Le Système périodique
Storie naturali
Storie naturali
Auschwitz Testimonies
Survival in Auschwitz
Complete Works of Primo Levi
Si Ahora No, Cuando? (Alianza Tres)
Los hundidos y los salvados
Así fue Auschwitz
Si això és un home
The Periodic Table ('Zhou qi biao', in traditional Chinese, NOT in English)
I racconti
Mil Sóis
Le Fabricant de miroirs
Transmettre et témoigner
Primo Levi per l'ANED, l'ANED per Primo Levi
So war Auschwitz
Historia naturales
Cuentos completos
Ad ora incerta
Intervista a Primo Levi, ex deportato
Primo Levi Mixed B S/Wx12
Die Atempause
Entrevista a Si Mismo
Maintenant ou jamais
Glöm oss inte
La Ricerca delle radici
Ist das ein Mensch? - Die Atempause
Los Hundidos y Los Salvados
Le Système périodique
Last Interview
Periyodik Tablo
The Periodic Table
Moments of Reprieve
Das Maß der Schönheit. Erzählungen
I sommersi e i salvati
Si esto es un hombre
Si esto es un hombre
Autoritratto di Primo Levi
Ad ora incerta
Drowned and the Saved
Sobreviviendo En Auschwitz  Si Esto Es El Hombre  Survival in Auschwitz  If This Is a Man
Se questo è un uomo
Vivir para contar
Die Untergegangenen und die Geretteten
Si esto es un hombre
Ist das ein Mensch ?
Das periodische System
L'asymétrie et la vie
Se isto é um homem
Conversations avec Primo Levi
La Nuit des Girondins
Das periodische System
Se Questo E Un Jomo
Lilit e altri vaceonti
Racconti e saggi
Le Métier des autres
Auschwitz Report
Monkey's Wrench counter display
Historias Naturales (Alianza Tres)
La Busqueda de Las Raices
Het periodiek systeem
Llave Estrella, La
Dernier noël avant la guerre
La chiave a stella
La Llave Estrella
No Royalty A/C the Truce
Lilit Y Otros Relatos/lilit And Other Stories
L'A ltrui mestieve
Trilogia De Auschwitz/ the Auschwits Trilogy (El Dia Siguiente)
Ultima Navidad de Guerra
Defecto De Forma (Alianza Tres)
Se questo e   un uamo
Der Freund des Menschen
L' osteria di Brema
Ricerca Delle Radici
Histoires naturelles, suivi de "Vice de forme"
The wrench
Stefan Zweig
Stefan Zweig (1881-1942)

translator, journalist, playwright, poet, literary critic, historian, biographer, essayist

  • University of Vienna
Journey into the Past
Journey into the Past
Journey into the past
Journey into the Past
Ils ögls dal frer etern
Die Welt von Gestern
Ungeduld des Herzens
Short stories
Maria Stuart
Joseph Fouché
Marie Antoinette
The Royal Game
Chess story
Brennendes Geheimnis
Mental healers
Sternstunden der Menschheit
Drei Meister
The post-office girl
Silberne Saiten
Romain Rolland
La Confusion des sentiments
The Collected Stories of Stefan Zweig
Erasmus of Rotterdam
Twenty-four hours in the life of a woman
Fantastic night & other stories
Romain Rolland: der Mann und das Werk : mit sechs Bildnissen und drei ..
Triumph und Tragik des Erasmus von Rotterdam
The right to heresy
Der Kampf mit dem Dämon
Erstes Erlebnis
Romain Rolland the Man and His Work
Die Hochzeit von Lyon und andere Erzählungen
The World of Yesterday
Castellio gegen Calvin oder Ein Gewissen gegen die Gewalt
The invisible collection
Phantastische Nacht
Marie Stuart
Émile Verhaeren
Paul Verlaine
Brennendes Geheimnis
Decisive moments in history
Letter From an Unknown Woman and Other Stories
The old-book peddler and other tales for bibliophiles
The Queen of Scots
The correspondence of Stefan Zweig with Raoul Auernheimer
Amok and other stories
The Governess and Other Stories
Joseph Fouche
Brief einer Unbekannten
The tide of fortune
Jeremias, eine dramatische Dichtung in neun Bildern
Die Welt Von Gestern
Pays, villes, paysages
Zeit und Welt
Romain Rolland, der Mann und das Werk
Erasmo de Rotterdam
Verwirrung der Gefühle
Die Augen des ewigen Bruders
Emile Verhaeren
Vierundzwanzig Stunden aus dem Leben einer Frau
Americo Vespucio
The Royal Game & Other Stories
Das Geheimnis des künstlerischen Schaffens
Drei Dichter ihres Lebens
Reader's Digest Family Treasury of Great Biographies. Volume II
Collected Stories of Stefan Zweig
Europäisches Erbe
Phantastische Nacht
Mental Healers
Passion and pain
Fear (Pushkin Collection)
Der Kampf Mit Dem Damon. Holderlin, Kleist, Nietzsche
Drei meister: Balzac, Dickens, Dostojewski
Relatos celebres sobre la música
Romain Rolland
Chess A Novella
Dunun dunyasi
Ich wunschte, dass ich Ihnen ein wenig fehlte
Phantastische Nacht
Encounters and Destinies
Insel-Almanach auf das Jahr 1913
Maria Antonieta
Kleine Chronik
Impatience of the Heart
Conqueror of the Seas the Story of Magellan
Destruction d'un coeur
O Mundo Que Eu Vi
Correspondance, 1897-1919
Brazil, land of the future
Die Dramen
Europaisches Erbe
Von Welt zu Welt
Shooting Stars
Le joueur d'échecs
Sternstunden der Menschheit
Die Welt von Gestern. Erinnerungen eines Europäers
Game of Chess and Other Stories
Mental Healers
Luchterhand Taschenbucher
Marie Stuart
Mariia Stiuart
Maria Stuart
Mary Stuart
Vingt-Quatre Heures de la Vie d'une Femme
Alfons Petzold-Stefan Zweig
Un mariage à Lyon
Twenty-four Hours in the Life of a Woman and the Royal Game
Momentos Estelares de La Humanidad
Selected Stories
Correspondencia Hermann Hesse Stefan Zweig
Los ojos del hermano eterno
Le Joueur d'échecs
Vienna spring
Jeremiah, a Drama in Nine Scenes.Trans. From the Author's Revised German Text by Eden and Cedar Paul
Amok: Lettre d'une inconnue La ruelle au clair de lune
Kaleidoscope one
Baumeister der Welt
Novela de ajedrez
Three master builders
Sternstunden der Menschheit. Vierzehn historische Miniaturen
Fantastic Night and Other Stories
Die Heilung durch den Geist
Novela De Ajedrez / Chess Novel (Narrativa / Narrative)
Holderlin, Kleist, and Nietzsche
Die frühen kränze
Brief einer Unbekannten
Carta de Una Desconocida
Sternstunden Der Menschheit
Hölderlin, Kleist, and Nietzsche
Letter from an Unknown Woman and Other Stories
Die Unsichtbare Sammlung
Stefan Zweigs brennendes Geheimnis
Tran katha
Genius and Discovery
El mundo de ayer
Stefan and Lotte Zweig's South American letters
Ben Jonson's Volpone
World of Yesterday
Heilung durch den Geist. Mesmer, Mary Baker-Eddy, Freud
Le Chandelier enterré
Buried Candelabrum
Rausch der Verwandlung
Twilight & Moonbeam Alley
Emile Verhaeren
Marie Antoinette
Struggle with the Daemon Holderlin, Kleist and Nietzsche
The invisible collection
La revolución interior
Lettre d'une inconnue (French Edition)
Beware of Pity
Die Welt von Gestern
Joseph Fouche. Bildnis eines politischen Menschen
Joseph Fouché
The Burning Secret
Ein Gewissen gegen die Gewalt
Joseph Fouché
Relatos celebres sobre la música
Le Monde d'hier
Castellio gegen Calvin
Mendel el de los libros
24 Horas en la Vida de una Mujer
Sueños Olvidados Y Otros Relatos (Clasicos Modernos)
Drei Dichter ihres Lebens. Casanova, Stendhal, Tolstoi.
Trois Poètes de leur vie
Le Combat avec le démon
Marceline Desbordes-Valmore
The Struggle With The Daemon
Der Kampf mit dem Dämon: Hölderlin, Kleist, Nietzsche
Marie Antoinette
Brief Einer Unbekannten
Ay Işığı Sokağı
Bilinmeyen Bir Kadinin Mektubu
Le Joueur D'echecs
Bir Kadinin Yas?amindan Yirmi Dört Saat - Bilinmeyen Bir Kadinin Mektubu
Joseph Fouché
De viaje II- Francia, España, Argelia e Italia
Bilinmeyen Bir Kadinin Mektubu
Die Monotonisierung der Welt
Die großen Erzählungen
Erasmo de Rotterdan
Olağanüstü Bir Gece
Postaci Kiz
Nietzsche - Yarali Ruhlarin Sifacisi; Ucmayi Ögretemediklerine Cabuk Düsmeyi Ögret
O Muydu ?
Stefan and Friderike Zweig
Drei Meister
Amok (lecture de Michaël Lonsdale)
Balzac Dickens Dostoevsky
Karmasik Duygular
Yurek Cokuntusu
Bilinmeyen Bir Kadının Mektubu
O Muydu?
ROMAIN ROLLAND - el Hombre y Su Obra
World of Yesterday
The living thoughts of Tolstoi
Bir Kadinin Yasamindan 24 Saat
Letter from an Unknown Woman
Erstes Erlebnis
De viaje - Bélgica e Inglaterra
Gömülü Samdan
Una partida de ajedrez
El Mesías de Händel
Verwirrung der Gefühle
Die Welt Von Gestern (illustriert)
Tres maestros
Görünmez Koleksiyon. Translated by Merve Altin
Die Liebe der Erika Ewald
Hommes et destins
Marie Antoinette the Road to the Guillotine
Ölümsüz Kardesin Gözleri
Magellan - L'homme et son exploit
El misterio de la creación artística
Amok Kosucusu
Sahaf Mendel
Society of the Crossed Keys
Lyon'da Düğün
Seçilmiş Öyküler
Collected Stories of Stefan Zweig
Drei Meister (German Edition)
El genio de una noche y otras narraciones históricas
Unutulmus Düsler
Rundfräge Über Karl Kraus
Gli occhi del fratello eterno
O muydu?
Stefan Zweig-Seçme Eserleri
Dostlarla Mektuplasmalar
Triumph and Tragedy of Erasmus of Rotterdam
Olaganüstü Bir Gece
Amok Kosucusu - Sahaf Mendel
La Nuit Fantastique
Brezilya - Gelecegin Ülkesi
Kaleidoscope Two
Verwirrung der Gefuhle und andere Erzahlungen (Fischer Taschenbucher Allgemeine Reihe)
Olaganüstü Bir Gece
Satranç. Translated by Semih Uçar.
Ay Isigi Sokagi Alacakaranlikta Bir Hikaye
RÉvÉlation Inattendue d'un MÉtier
Poesía completa
María Estuardo
Erstes Erlebnis - Großdruck
Bir Kadinin Yirmi Dört Saati
Los milagros de la vida
Kampf Mit Dem dämon
Petita crònica
Erasmus of Rotterdam (Compass books)
Erstes Erlebnis
Bir Cöküsün Öyküsü
El genio de una noche y otras narraciones históricas
Ay Isıgı Sokagı
Bir Kadinin Yasamindan 24 Saat
Wie weiter mit der Aufarbeitung? 10 Jahre Stasi- Unterlagen- Gesetz
¿Fue él?
Yakan Sir
Hayatin Mucizeleri
Hombres de genio
Correspondencia con Sigmund Freud, Rainer Maria Rilke y Arthur Schnitzler
Amok. Novellen Einer Leidenschaft (Annotated)
The Burning Secret
Vint-i-quatre hores en la vida d'una dona
Brennendes Geheimnis
Rilke'ye Veda
Marie Antoinette (French Edition)
Ay Isigi Sokagi. Translated by Anil Alacaoglu.
Bir Cöküsün Öyküsü
Tres poetas de sus vidas
Amok Kosucusu
Royal Game with Letter from an Unknown Woman and Amok
Missatges d'un món oblidat
Yakıcı Sır
Post Office Girl
Vierundzwanzig Stunden aus dem Leben einer Frau
Brennendes Geheimnis (illustriert)
Marie Antoinette
Brasil, um país do futuro
Bir Kalbin Ölümü
Bilinmeyen Bir Kadinin Mektubu
Bilinmeyen Bir Kadının Mektubu
Governess and Other Stories
Die Wunder des Lebens
Sabirsiz Yurek
Bir Kadının Yaşamından 24 Saat
Le voyage dans le passé
Ausgewahlte Novellen
Amok. Novelas de pasión
Der Kampf mit dem Dämon
Gizli Bir Ask
Brulant Secret
La curación por el espíritu
Les Très Riches Heures de l'humanité
Olaganüstü Bir Gece ve Bes Farkli Hikaye
Insanligin Yildizinin Parladigi Anlar
Bir Kadının Yaşamından Yirmi Dört Saat
Río de Janeiro
Amok, ou, Le fou de Malaisie
Dünün Dünyasi
Honore De Balzac - Hayati ve Edebi Kisiligi
Maria Antonietta
Tehlikeli Merhamet
Los creadores
La Peur
Yildizin Parladigi Tarihsel Anlar
Amok Ou le Fou de Malaisie
Mujer y el Paisaje
Brennendes Geheimnis (illustriert)
İnsanlığın Yıldızının Yükseldiği Anlar
Mürebbiye - Leporella
Rahel Tanri'yla Hesaplasiyor
Bir Kadinin Yirmi Dört Saati; Sherlock Holmes Serisi
Maria Stuart
Auf Reisen
Rotterdamli Erasmus'un Zaferi ve Trajedisi
Paul Verlaine
Yakıcı Sır
Momentos estelares de la Humanidad
Un caprice de Bonaparte
Romain Rolland; the man and his Work. Translated From the Original Manuscript by Eden and Cedar Paul
Joseph Fouche. Biografie
Conqueror of the Seas the Story of Magellan
El pensamiento vivo de Tolstói
Jewish legends
Bir Çöküsün Öyküsü
Stefan Zweig Seti-8 Kitap Takım Kutulu
Bir Zanaatla Beklenmedik Karsilasma
Mary Queen of Scots
The buried candelabrum
Joseph Fouche
Passion & Pain
Burning Secret
De viaje III - Europa Central
Burning Secret
Karmasik Duygular
Secme Eserleri
Amok Kosucusu
Karmasik Duygular
Ay Isigi Sokagi - Yürek Cöküntüsü
Amok Kosucusu
Yakici Sir
Gelecegin Ülkesi
Der verwandelte komödiant
Bir Kalbin Olumu - Murebbiye
Amour Inquiet
Romain Rolland
The tide of fortune
Lettre d'une Inconnue
Amok. Novellen Einer Leidenschaft (illustriert)
Master builders,
Ben Jonson's "Volpone" und andere Nachdichtungen und Übertragungen für das Theater
Gerhard Riessbeck
El genio de una noche y otras narraciones históricas
Die Liebe der Erika Ewald (Annotated)
Vingt-quatre heures de la vie d'une femme
Casanova, Stendhal, Tolstoy
Bir Suçluyla Karşılaşmam
Hayatin Mucizeleri
Ay Işığı Sokağı
Karmaşık Duygular
Die Welt Von Gestern
Triumph and Disaster
Bizansin Fethi
Amok Koşucusu
Healing Through the Spirit
Maria Stuart
De viaje - Crónicas de cuatro continentes
El misterio de la creación artística
El pensamiento vivo de Tolstói
Kitapci Mendel
Romain Rolland - El hombre y su obra
Olaganüstü Bir Gece
Bir Kadinin Yasamindan Yirmi Dört Saat
Diarios (1931-1940)
Bruciante segreto
The Royal Game
Dürüst Aptal Efsanesi ''Verlaine''
Paul Verlaine
Romain Rolland
Bilinmeyen Bir Kadinin Mektubu
Momentos Estelares de la Humanidad
Ay Isigi Sokagi - Mürebbiye - Görünmeyen Koleksiyon
Kendileri Ile Savasanlar
Bir Cöküsün Öyküsü
Bir Kalbin Cöküsü
O Muydu?
Rausch der Verwandlung (Kommentiert)
Die Welt von Gestern
A Girl and the Weather
Lyonda Dügün
Bir Kalbin Cöküsü
Rahel Tanrı’yla Hesaplaşıyor
Satranç. Translated by Semiha Yücesoy
Den Teufel Bekämpfen
Royal Game
Impaciencia Del Corazón
Bir Kucuk Hayalperest - Verlaine
Ungeduld des Herzens
Bir Çöküşün Öyküsü
Yarinin Tarihi
Viaje al pasado
Bilinmeyen Bir Kadinin Mektubu ve Üc Öykü Daha-Mini Kitap
Burning Secret
Das Haus am Meer: Ein Schauspiel in zwei Teilen
Zalimce Bir Oyun
Le Joueur d'Échecs
Die Liebe der Erika Ewald (Kommentiert)
Bir Kadının Yaşamından 24 Saat
Stefan Zweig Secme Eserler
A Cura Pelo Espírito. Em Perfis de Franz Mesmer, Mary Baker Eddy e Sigmund Freud
Twenty-Four Hours in the Life of a Woman
Easy Readers - German
Verwirrung Der Gefühle Und Andere Erzähl
Gömülü Şamdan
24h de la Vie d'une Femme
María Antonieta
Conscience Contre Violence
Der Amokläufer
Sternstunden der Menschheit. Fünf historische Miniaturen
Novelas Insólitas
Rausch der Verwandlung (Kommentiert)
Kadin ve Manzara
World of Yesterday
Romain Rolland
Hombres de genio
Momentos Estelares de la Humanidad
Geleceğe Güven
Kızıl-İki Yalnız İnsan
Kitapçi Mendel
Jeremiah, a drama in nine scenes
Confusión de sentimientos
Erasmus of Rotterdam
Adepts in Self-Portraiture
Bir Yüreğin Çöküşü
Drei Meister
Marie Stuart
Misterio de la Creación Artística
Petita crònica
destruction d'un coeur
Selected stories
Vingt-quatre heures de la vie d'une femme - Le Voyage dans le passé
Kendileriyle Savasanlar ;Modern Klasikler Serisi
Baumeister der Welt
Recuerdos y encuentros
Drei Dichter ihres Lebens
Collected Novellas of Stefan Zweig
Stefan Zweig
Yakıcı Sır
Yakici Sir
Bir Kadinin Yirmi Dört Saati
Der Kampf Mit Dem Damon
Schachnovelle. Erläuterungen und Materialien.
Drei Meister
Sternstunden Der Menschheit
La curación por el espíritu
Hombres de genio
La piedad peligrosa
Olağanüstü Bir Gece
Secilmis Oykuler
Émile Verhaeren
Il mistero della creazione artistica
Los creadores
Noche fantástica
Una boda a Lió
Carta de una Desconocida
Brief einer Unbekannten
Ormanın Üzerindeki Yıldız
Uc Buyuk Usta
Three Masters
Ay Isigi Sokagi / Bilinmeyen Bir Kadinin Mektubu
Letter from an Unknown Woman and Other Stories
L'embriaguesa de la metamorfosi
L'embriaguesa de la metamorfosi
Bir Kadinin Yasamindan 24 Saat
Chess Story (Pushkin Collection)
Mundo de Ayer
Der Kampf Mit Dem Damon
Briefe, 1910-1942
Stefan Zweig Bütün Öyküleri Seti Kutulu
Amok Koşucusu
Pogrebennyĭ svetilʹnik
Drei Meister
Combattre le Diable
Bir Cöküsün Öyküsü
Shooting Stars
Sinn und Schönheit der Autographen
Xake nobela
La guérison par l'esprit
Bilinmeyen Bir Kadinin Mektubu
Bir Cöküsün Öyküsü
Unutulmaz Bir Insan. Translated by Merve Altin.
Amok - Usta Isi
Los creadores
Marie Antoinette Vasat Bir Karakterin Portresi
Kampf Mit Dem dämon
Gömülü Samdan
Stefan Zweig Seti
Gecmise Yolculuk
Die Liebe der Erika Ewald
Amok Kosucusu
Drei Meister
Hombres de genio
Sabirsiz Yurek
Nit fantàstica
Gecmise Yolculuk
Olağanüstü Bir Gece
Los Milagros de la Vida
Erasmus of Rotterdam
Amok. Novellen Einer Leidenschaft (Annotated)
Die Hochzeit Von Lyon
Toplu Öyküler
Paul Verlaine
Viaje Al Pasado
La impaciència del cor
Joseph Fouché
Bir Çöküşün Öyküsü
Maria Stuart
Triumph und Tragik des Erasmus Von Rotterdam
Balzac, Dickens, Dostoevsky
Begegnungen mit Büchern
Montaigne n.149
Postaci Kiz
Macellan - Bir Insan Bir Yasam
Brennendes Geheimnis
Bilinmeyen Bir Kadinin Mektubu. Translated by Arzu Nar Sezgin.
Bir Kadinin Yasamindan Yirmi Dört Saat
Bilinmeyen Bir Kadinin Mektubu
Yakici Sir
Kendi Hayatini Yazan Üc Yazar
Mürebbiye. Translated by Anil Alacaoglu.
Kampf Mit Dem dämon
Joseph Fouche
La impaciencia del corazón
Amok Kosucusu
Conqueror of the Sea. The Story of Magellan
Poesía completa
Amok. Novelas de pasión
La impaciència del cor
Paul Verlaine
Émile Verhaeren - Recuerdos
Xake nobela
Olaganüstü Bir Gece
Karmasik Duygular
Bilinmeyen Bir Kadinin Mektubu
Yakan Sir - Alacakaranlik Oykusu
Bir Kadinin Yasamindan Yirmi Dört Saat
Autobiografia : o Mundo de Ontem
Satranç. Translated by Edanur Erem.
Petita crònica
Drei Meister. Balzac, Dickens, Dostojewski
Unbekannte Briefe aus der Emigration an eine Freundin
Maria Stuart
Vechten Tegen de Duivel
Sahaf Mendel
Momenti fatali. Quattordici miniature storiche
Stefan Zweig 14'lü Mega Set
Ölümsüz Kardesin Gözleri
Rausch der Verwandlung (Annotated)
Invisible Collection/Buchmendel
Le Brésil, terre d'avenir
Bilinmeyen Bir Kadinin Mektubu
Joueur D'échecs
Romain Rolland (German Edition)
Yakici Sir
Marie stuart
El misterio de la creación artística
Casanova, Stendhal, Tolstoy
Amok Kosucusu
Unutulmus Düsler
Momentos estelares de la humanidad
Cartas americanas
Hayatin Mucizeleri. Translated by Firdevs Ev.
Amok Koşucusu
Émile Verhaeren
Uykusuz Dunya
Sabirsiz Yurek
Novela de ajedrez
Three masters
Emile Verhaeren
Unutulan Hayaller
Ay Isigi Sokagi
Amerigo - Tarihsel Bir Yanlisligin Hikayesi
Kampf Mit Dem dämon
Erasme de Rotterdam
Meçhul Bir Kadının Mektubu
Las Hermanas
Messages from a Lost World
Joseph Fouche - Bir Politikacinin Portesi
Die Welt Von Gestern - Erinnerungen Eines Europäers
Brazil Land of the Future
Gömülü Samdan
Die Liebe der Erika Ewald (Illustriert) Von Stefan
Letters to Writers
Emakume ezezagun baten gutuna
Marie Antoinette + The Portrait Of An Average Woman
Joseph Fouché. Retrato de Um Homem Político
Marie Antoinette
Hayatin Mucizeleri
Carta de una Desconocida
Insanligin Yildizinin Yükseldigi Anlar
Amok and Other Stories
Ay Isigi Sokagi
Alacakaranlikta Bir Öykü
Geç Ödenen Borç
Marie Antoinette
Stefan Zweig Seti
O Mundo Insone e Outros Ensaios
Albert Schweitzer, Genie der Menschlichkeit.
Castellio Gegen Calvin Oder ein Gewissen Gegen Die Gewalt
Korku Ruhu Kemirir
The Royal Game Amok Letter from an Unknown Woman
L'embriaguesa de la metamorfosi
Rausch der Verwandlung (Annotated)
Chess Story
Conquistador de Los Mares :
De viaje IV - La india y América
Erasmo de Rotterdam
Mariia Stiuart. Neterpenie serdtsa
The society of the crossed keys
Bir Kadinin Yasamindaki 24 Saat
Marie-Antoinette (biographie de Stefan Zweig)
Momentos estelares de la humanidad
Ardiente secreto
Gölge Kadinlar
Hayatin Mucizeleri
Görünmeyen Koleksiyon Gec Ödenen Borc
El viatge al passat
Emile Verhaeren
Impatience of the Heart
Intoxication of Transformation
Seuls les vivants créent le monde - Pavillons poche
Steafan Zweig Set 2
Joseph Fouché. Bildnis eines politischen Menschen
Olağanüstü Bir Gece
Las hermanas
Die Welt von gestern
Kitapçı Mendel-Bir Yaz Öyküsü
Paul Verlaine
Karisik Duygular
Sahaf Mendel - Bir Kadinin Yirmi Dort Saati
Mental healers
El món de 1914
Yakıcı Sır
Die Mondscheingasse
Nit fantàstica
Viaje a Rusia
Ay Işığı Sokağı
Lettre D'une Inconnue
Sternstunden der Menschheit (German Edition)
Una partida de ajedrez
Le chandelier enterre.
Rausch der Verwandlung (Kommentiert)
Sternstunden der Menschheit
Mary Stuart
Lettre d'une inconnue-2k7-cons.19.5e/ttc
Mondo Di Ieri
Momentos estelares de la humanidad, ilustraciones de Kim Amate
Collected Novellas of Stefan Zweig
Bir Kadinin Yasamindan 24 Saat
Brezilya - Gelecegin Ülkesi
Die Liebe der Erika Ewald
World of Yesterday
Olaganüstü Bir Gece
Castellio against Calvin
Mechul Bir Kadinin Mektubu
Amok Kosucusu
Olağanüstü Bir Gece, Çeviren
Mundo de Ayer. Memorias de un Europeo
Kampf Mit Dem dämon
Gömülü Samdan
Bir Kadinin 24 Saati
Begegnungen mit Menschen, Büchern, Städten
Secret candent
Secret candent
Mechul Bir Kadinin Mektubu
Lettre d'une inconnue suivi de Trois nouvelles de jeunesse
Two Novellas
Silberne Saiten
Novela de ajedrez
Ay Isigi Sokagi
Amok Kosucusu
Marie Antoinette
Maria Antonieta (Biografias)
Secret candent
Joseph Fouch
Bir Çöküsün Öyküsü. Translated by Sema Özgün.
L'Amour d'Erika Ewald
Lettera di una sconosciuta
Bilinmeyen Bir Kadinin Mektubu
Sahaf Mendel
Amok Koşucusu
Die Liebe der Erika Ewald (Kommentiert)
La impaciència del cor
Wenn einen Augenblick die Wolken weichen
Seuls les vivants créent le monde - Pavillons poche
Die Liebe der Erika Ewald (Illustriert) Deutsche Klassiker
Invisible Collection
El món d'ahir
Ecrits littéraires
El genio de una noche
Menschen Und Schicksale
Lyon'da Dügün
Yarının Tarihi
Maria Stuart . Biografia
Amok Kosucusu
Bir Yuregin Olumu
Olaganüstü Bir Gece
The World of Yesterday an Autobiography
Beware of Pity
Auf Reisen.
Vingt-quatre heures de la vie d'une femme
Erika Ewaldin Aski
Uc Buyuk Usta
Avrupa'nın Vicdanı
Vingt Quatre Heures de la Vie d'une Femme : Traducteur
Der Kampf mit dem Damon
Amok Kosucusu
Royal Game
Carta de una Desconocida
Souvenirs et rencontres
Beklenmedik Karşılaşma
Begegnungen mit Menschen, Büchern, Städten
Twenty-Four Hours of a Woman's Life
La Embriaguez de La Metamorfosis
Fantastic night
Sternstunden der Menschheit
Novela De Ajedrez
Mensajes de un mundo olvidado
Amok Kosucusu
Bizans'in Düsüsü; Sultan Mehmed Han'in Istanbul'u Fethi
Bir Kadin ve Manzara
Visita a los millardos
Rundfräge über Karl Kraus
Erasme de Rotterdam
Bilinmeyen Bir Kadının Mektubu
Bilimnmeyen Bir Kadinin Mektubu
Stefan Zweig-Secme Eserler
Yakici Sir. Translated by Mehmet Taylan Öztürk
Marie Antoinette
Death of a Modern Man
Yolculuklar Uzerine
World of Yesterday
Holderlin, Kleist, and Nietzsche
Virata, Ya Da Ölu?msu?z Bir Kardes?in Go?zleri
Dünün Dünyasi
Sendas equívocas
Marie-Antoinette: (*) (Les Cahiers Rouges) (German Edition)
Três Novelas Femininas
¿Fue él?
Los creadores
Vint-i-quatre hores en la vida d'una dona
Romain Rolland
Kızıl-Modern Klasikler Dizisi 116
Drei Meister
Amok Kosucusu
Los Ojos Del Hermano Eterno
Gesammelte Werke in Einzelbänden
Stories and Legends
Drei Dichter Ihres Lebens
Drei Meister
Bir Kadinin Yasamindan Yirmi Dört Saat
Olaganüstü Bir Gece
Satranç, Çeviren
Amok Ou le Fou de Malaisie
De Triomf en Tragedie Van Erasmus Van Rotterdam
Romain Rolland; the Man and His Work
Sueños olvidados y otros relatos
Sternstunden der Menschheit
Erasme de Rotterdam
Rotterdamlı Erasmus Zaferi ve Trajedisi
Lucha Contra el Demonio
La Peur
Ay Isigi Sokagi
Brennendes Geheimnis (illustriert)
La història de l'àtom
Conquête de Byzance
Sternstunden der Menschheit
Kendileriyle Savasanlar
Fouché : retrato de un hombre político
Olağanüstü Bir Gece
Die Hochzeit Von Lyon
Els prodigis de la vida
Vingt-quatre heures de la vie d'une femme
El misterio de la creación artística
Bir Kadinin Yasamindan Yirmi Dört Saat
Bir Kadinin Hayatindan 24 Saat
Drei Meister
Castellio Calvin'e Karşı
Mary Queen of Scotland and the Isles
Noche Fantástica
El món de 1914
Bir Kadinin Yasamindan 24 Saat
Los ojos del hermano eterno
Twenty-Four Hours in the Life of a Woman
Hayatin Mucizeleri
Lyon'da Dugun
Balzac - Translated into English from German (German and English Edition)
Grandeur et Tragedie d'Erasme de Rotterdam
Der Amokläufer
Über Schriftsteller
Encuentros con libros
émile verhaeren
Masalimsi Bir Gece
Bilinmeyen Bir Kadinin Mektubu Olaganüstü Bir Gece
Ay Isigi Sokagi
Sigmund Freud
Brasil, País Do Futuro
Lettre D'Une Inconnue
Erasme de Rotterdam
Stefan Zweig Seti
Mechul Bir Kadindan Mektup
Amok. Novellen Einer Leidenschaft (illustriert)
Schachnovelle (Anmerkungen) : (mit Biografie Von Stefan Zweig)
Maria Antonieta
Gecmise Yolculuk
Hayatın Mucizeleri
Kendi Hayatinin Siirini Yazanlar
Mary Queen Of Scotland And The Isles
Secret candent
Geschichte eines Unterganges. Erzählung. ( Erzähler- Bibliothek)
La mujer y el paisaje
İnsanlığın Yıldızının Parladığı Anlar
Lyon’da Dugun ve Kisa Hikayeler
Brennendes Geheimnis (illustriert)
Messages from a lost world
Kendi Hayatinin Siirini Yazanlar
Bilinmeyen Bir Kadinin Mektubu
Conqueror of the Seas, the Story of Magellan
Erika Ewald'in Aski
Bir Kadinin Hayatindan Yirmi Dort Saat
Ruh Yoluyla Tedavi
Brasil, pais de futuro
Beste Freunde
Post Office Girl
Los Ojos Del Hermano Eterno
Rausch der Verwandlung (Kommentiert)
Briefe an Freunde
Zweig Seti Kutulu-13 Kitap Takim
Master builders,
Bilinmeyen Bir Kadının Mektubu
Sabirsiz Yürek
Bir Zanaatkarla Beklenmedik Karsilasma
Dünya Edebiyatından Seçme Öyküler
O Muydu?
Bir Kadinin Yasaminda 24 Saat
Brennendes Geheimnis (Annotated)
Stefan and Lotte Zweig's South American Letters
Die Liebe der Erika Ewald (Illustriert) Deutsche Klassiker
Das Stefan Zweig Buch D'Escacs
El amor de Erika Ewald
Hayatin Mucizeleri
Marceline Desbordes-Valmore
Amok. Novellen Einer Leidenschaft (illustriert)
Confusión de sentimientos
Uc Buyuk Usta
Bir Kadinin Yasamindan Yirmi Dört Saat
Satranç. Translated by Mustafa Topal
Twilight and Moonbeam Alley
Marie Antoinette - The Portrait of an Average Women
Cotta's Horbuhne
Briefwechsel mit Hermann Bahr, Sigmund Freud, Rainer Maria Rilke und Arthur Schnitzler
Brennendes Geheimnis
Maria Stuart. SZ-Bibliothek Band 57
Karmasik Duygular
Bir Kadinin Yasamindan Yirmidört Saat
Le joueur d'echecs
Swiat wczorajszy
Die Frau und die Landschaft
Harika Gece
Combattere il Diavolo
Romain Rolland
Geleceğin Ülkesi
Brezilya - Gelecegin Ülkesi
Els ulls del germà etern
Geçmise Yolculuk
Ay Isigi Sokagi - Sert Kapak
Le bresil, terre d'avenir
Der Kampf mit dem Dämon
Olaganüstü Bir Gece
Bilinmeyen Bir Kadinin Mektubu-Bir Kadinin Hayatindan 24 Saat
Wondrak and Other Stories
Olaganüstü Bir Gece
Gec Ödenen Bedel
Maria Estuardo
Balzac Bir Yasam Öyküsü
Die Liebe der Erika Ewald (Kommentiert)
Missatges d'un món oblidat
Una partida de ajedrez
Satranc - Ölümsüz Eserler
Secreto ardiente
La desintoxicación moral de Europa y otros escritos políticos
Veinticuatro horas en la vida de una Mujer
Vicdan Zorbaliga Karsi ya da Castello Calvin'e
Bir Kadinin Yasamindan Yirmi Dört
Görünmez Koleksiyon
Joueur D'échecs
Ay Isigi Sokagi Yürek Çöküntüsü
Rahel Tanri'yla Hesaplasiyor
Ölümsüz Kardeşin Gözleri
Kaleidoscope Two
Beware of Pity
Die Welt von Gestern
Joseph Fouche
Sternstunden der Menschheit
El pensamiento vivo de Tolstói
Ungeduld des Herzens (German Edition)
Vier Novellen
Easy Readers - German - Level 3
Reisen in Europa
The world of yesterday
Romain Rolland The Man and His Work
Iki Yalniz. Translated by Güzide Sen.
Lyon’da Düğün
La impaciència del cor
Kendileriyle Savasanlar
Castellio Calvin'e Karsi ya da Bir Vicdan Zorbaliga Karsi
Burning Secret (Large Print)
Mary, queen of Scotland and the Isles
Ungeduld des Herzens
El genio de una noche y otras narraciones históricas
Petita crònica
Insanligin Yildizinin Parladigi Anlar - On Dört Tarihsel Minyatür - Mini Kitap
Cuerdas de plata
Nit fantàstica
Dunun Dunyasi
Nit fantàstica
Gecmise Yolculuk
Seytanla Savas
Ungeduld Des Herzens, Roman
Sahaf Mendel
Rausch der Verwandlung (Kommentiert)
Görünmeyen Koleksiyon
Unutulmus Dusler
Düşlerdeki Aşk
Olağanüstü Bir Gece
Taninmadik Bir Kadinin Mektubu
Die Welt Von Gestern
24 tjasa iz zjizni zjenstjiny
Gömülü Samdan
Novellen Einer Leidenschaft (Annotated)
Muhtesem Gece
Sabirsiz Yürek
Insanligin Yildizinin Parladigi Anlar
Die Liebe der Erika Ewald (Kommentiert)
Fernão de Magalhães, o Homem e Seu Feito
Bir Yüregin Ölümü
Satranc Ustasi - Bilinmeyen Bir Kadinin Mektubu
Erika Ewald'in Aski
Hayatin Mucizeleri
Rausch der Verwandlung (Kommentiert)
La Pitié dangereuse
El misterio de la creación artística
Le Mystere de la Création Artistique
Joseph Fouché
Erasmo de Rotterdam. Triunfo y Tragedia
Olağanüstü Bir Gece
Satranc - Mini Kitap
Die Heilung durch den Geist
Piedad Peligrosa, La
Joseph Fouche
Yildizin Parladigi Anlar
Bir Kadinin Hayatindan 24 Saat; Klasikler
Bir Kadinin Yasamindan Yirmi Dört Saat
Stefan Zweig 7 Kitap Set
Cenevre Gölündeki Olay
Rahel Tanri'la Hesaplasiyor
Kendi Hayatinin Siirini Yazanlar
Amok. Novellen Einer Leidenschaft (illustriert)
Découverte inopinée d'un vrai métier/La vieille dette
Kampf Mit Dem dämon
Erika Ewald'ın Aşkı
Bir Kalbin Cöküsü
Lutando Contra o Diabo
Bir Kadinin Yirmi Dört Saati
Yakici Sir
Sternstunden der Menschheit
Bilinmeyen Bir Kadinin Mektubu
Amok Kosucusu
Rahel Tanri'yla Hesaplasiyor
Kuzgun Acar
Amok Kosucusu
Amok Koşucusu
Silberne Saiten
Amok Koşucusu
Gölge Kadinlar. Translated by Selma Türkis Noyan.
Veinticuatro Horas en la Vida de una Mujer
Vingt Quatre Heures de la Vie d'une Femme
Freud - Mutlulugun Mimari; Insan Mutlu Olmak Ister Bu Yüzden Berbat Haldedir
Lyon'da Dügün - Bez Cilt
Brûlant Secret
Moments estel·lars de la humanitat
Üç Usta - Balzac, Dickens, Dostoyevski
Adepts in self-portraiture: Casanova, Stendhal, Tolstoy
Burning Secret
María Antonieta
Yakici Sir
Twenty-Four Hours in The Life of a Woman
Kadin ve Manzara
Drei Meister
Amok. Novellen Einer Leidenschaft (illustriert)
Romans et Nouvelles
Lyst neznaĭomoï
Buchmendel. Erzählungen
Sternstunden der Menschheit. Jubiläums- Edition. Vierzehn historische Miniaturen
Trois poètes de leur vie
Jalatẽ rahasya
Roman Rolland
Rahel rechtet mit Gott. Legenden
Arṭuro Ṭosḳanini
Ich kenne den Zauber der Schrift
Ausgewa hlte novellen
Brennendes Geheimnis und andere Erzählungen
Mental healers: Franz Anton Mesmer, Mary Baker Eddy, Sigmund Freud
Romain Rolland - sa vie, son oeuvre
Erasmus, the right to Heresy
Impaciencia del corazon
Neterpenie serdt︠s︡a
שעות הרות גורל
Il mondo di ieri
Jeremias, eine dramatische dichtung in neun bildern
Romen Rolan
Fahrten, Landschaften und Städte
Shooting stars
Lu te dan de Yilasimo
Stefan Zweig
La pitié dangereuse
Legende eines lebens
Sternstunden der Menschheit
"Was wir wollen!"
Stefan Zweig - eine Auslese
Ben Jonsons "Volpone", eine lieblose Komödie in drei Akten
Joseph Fouché
Di ṿelṭ fun nekhṭn
Marie Antoinette
El misterio de la creacio n arti stica
Marceline Desbordes-Valmore : son oeuvre
Novela de Ajedrez
Mary Queen of Scotland
Voci d'amore
Erasmus ; The right to heresy
Veinticuatro horas de la vida de una mujer
Briefe 1920-1931
Neterpenie serdt͡sa
Letter from an unknown woman ; The fowler snared
La guérison par l'esprit
Die Mondscheingasse
Le cœur de l'Europe
Obras Escogidas - Stefan Zweig
Brennendes Geheimnis
Ficción de ajedrez
Three masters: Balzac, Dickens, Dostoeffsky
... Die kette
Master builders
Maria Estuardo
Triumph und Tragik des Erasmus von Rotterdam
Les heures étoilées de l'humanité
Le monde sans sommeil
Le voyage dans le passé
Lindbergh/Marie Antoinette/Mark Twain (Reader's Digest World's Greatest Biographies)
Unrast der Liebe
"Nur die Lebendigen schaffen die Welt"
Unrast der Liebe
Über Sigmund Freud
Eine Auslese
Kaleidiscope One
Z︠h︡ozef Fushe
La lucha contra el demonio
Stefan and Friderike Zweig
Guerison par l'esprit
Durch Zeiten und Welten
Le Joueur d'échecs
Der Zwang
Balzac, le roman de sa vie
Le monde d'hier
Magellan, der Mann und seine Tat
Drei Meister
Auf Reisen
Brazil, pais del future
Verwirrung der Gefühle; drei Novellen
Stefan Zweigs Welt
Ungeduld des Herzens
Mental healers
Mari Anṭuʾaneṭ
Erasmus of Rotterdam
Świat wczorajszy
La tragedia de una vida, Marcelina Desbordes Valmore
Adam Lux
Marie Antoinette
Franz Anton Mesmer, Bildnis eines Vorausgängers
Abschied von Rilke
Veinticuatro Horas En La Vida de Una Mujer
Shaʻot harot goral
Romans et nouvelles
Lailah mufla
Briefwechsel, 1912-1942, Stefan Zweig, Friderike Zweig
The royal game
Cartas a Los Amigos
Der begrabene leuchter ; mit zeichnungen
˜Elœ canelobre enterrat
Ben Jonson's Volpone
Das lamm des armen
Verwirrung der Gefu hle
Maria Antonina
Ben Jonsons "Volpone"
Wondrak / Der Zwang
Die Heilung durch den Geist
Deux grands romanciers du 19e siècle
Castellion contre Calvin ; ou, Conscience contre violence
Laender Staedte Landschaften
Briefe einer Unbekannte. Die Hochzeit von Lyon --  Der Amokläufer
Tri pev︠t︡sa svoeĭ zhizni
Angst, novelle
Romaín Rolland, el hombre y su obra
Letters from an Unknown
 Diarios (1912-1914)
Drei Dichter ihres Lebens
Fouche - El Genio Tenebroso
Die Welt von gestern
Die schlaflose Welt
Legende eines lebens
Vier Novellen
Ausgewählte Novellen
Die Heilung durch den Geist
The old-book peddler
Beware of pity
Abschied von Rilke, eine Rede
Die Baumeister der Welt
Marie Antoinette
Der Zwang
Vingt-quatre heures de la vie d'une femme
Bi-mevukhat ha-regashot
Yi ge mo sheng nu˜ ren de lai xin =
Triumph und Tragik des Erasmus von Rotterdam
Drei Meister
Mikhtav ha-almonit
Hommes et destins
Der Zwang
Le jouer d'echecs
Vingt-quatre heures de la vie d'une femme
Novellen der Leidenschaft
Schachnovelle / Brief einer Unbekannten / Der Amokläufer
Drei Meister
Die Augen des ewigen Bruders
Candelabro Enterrado, El
Legende eines Lebens
As três paixöes
Erinnerungen an Emile Verhaeren
Malaiya de kuang ren
Die flucht zu Gott
Das erzählerische Werk
Bir Politikacinin Portresi
Castellio contro Calvino
Kovshe ʻolam
Briefe 2. 1914-1919
El candelabro enterrado
Ḳotser-ruḥo shel ha-lev
Amok, a story by Stefan Zweig
כובשי עולם
Ivresse de la métamorphose
Verwirrung der Gefühle; drei Novellen
Otto Neurath liest Stefan Zweigs "Die Welt von Gestern"
Yi ge mo sheng nü ren de lai xin
Vor dem Sturm
Veinticuatro horas de la vida de una mujer
Drei meister
Iōsēph Phouse skiagraphia henos poltikou
Die schlaflose Welt. Aufsätze und Vorträge aus den Jahren 1909 - 1941
Begegnungen mit Menschen, Büchern, Städten
Die welt von gestern
Brésil, terre d'avenir
El Legado de Europa
Tuoersitai zhuan
Tre mastare
Si ustād-i sukhan
Letter from an unknown woman
Triumf a tragika Erasma Rotterdamského
Menschen und Schicksale
Briefe zum Judentum
La pitié dangereuse
Celos, y, Confusión de sentimientos
L'ovella del pobre
Stefan Zweig
Pisʹmo neznakomki
Trois maîtres
Una boda en Lyon
Emile Verhaeren
Brennendes Geheimnis
The Queen of Scots
The tide of fortune
Begegnungen mit menschen, buc hern, stad ten
Der Flüchtling
Người mẹ
Maryah Sṭyuʼarṭ
Mardkutʻyan asteghayin zhamerĕ
Romain Rolland
The eyes of the eternal brother
Amok, ou, Le fou de malaisie
Sternstunden der Menschheit
Ausgewählte Gedichte
Brasil, país do futuro
Das Haus am Meer
Luoman Luolan
Stories and legends
Derṿakhung [Awakening]
Verden af i går
Frans Masereel.
Stories and legends
Abschied von Rilke
Joseph Fouché
Drei Dichter ihres Lebens
Triumph und Tragik des Erasmus von Rotterdam
Sobranie sochineniĭ
Maria Estuardo (Biografias)
An epomoni Kardia
Leben Und Werk (Insel Taschenbuch)
Brulanta sekreto
Stefan Zweigs Welt
Beware of pity
Letter from an unknown woman
Their souls a mass of wounds
Antara Gaṅge
The burning secret, and other stories
Correspondance 1920-1931
Maria Stuart
42 שעות בחיי אישה
Rausch der Verwandlung. Roman aus dem Nachlaß
העולם של אתמול
Marī Antowanetto
Amok, ou, Le fou de malaisie
Di bagrobene menoyre
Fier Novellen
Yi ge mo sheng nü ren de lai xin
העולם של אתמול
Mary, queen of Scotland and the Isles
Yi ge mo sheng nu zi de lai xin
Georg Friedrich Händels auferstehung
Joseph Fouché, the portrait of a politician
Sternstunden der Menschheit
Praterfrühling. Erzählungen
Bawmeister der Welt
Maria Estuardo - Encuadernado
Mary, queen of Scotland and the Isles
Kaleidoscope two
Erstes Erlebnis
Hvězdné hodiny lidstva
Zeiten und Schicksale. Aufsätze und Vorträge aus den Jahren 1902 - 1942
Ren lei qun xing shan yao shi
Mikhtav ha-almonit
Xiang qi de gu shi
Die Frau und die Landschaft. CD
Tres Maestros
Ausgewählte Werke
Das Lamm des Armen
Farewell to Rilke
Die frühen Kränze
Irgendwo in Deutschland
Triumph und Tragik des Erasmus von Rotterdam
Satranc oyuncusu
Magellanos, ho anthrōpos kai to ergo tou
Deux grands romanciers du XIXe siècle
Kedjan, (och) Amerigo
Menschen und Schicksale. Aufsätze und Vorträge aus den Jahren 1902 - 1942
Begegnungen mit Büchern. Aufsätze und Einleitungen aus den Jahren 1902-1939
Briefwechsel, 1912-1942
Castellio Contra Calvino - Conciencia Contra Violencia
Händels Auferstehung
Vcherashniĭ mir
Gesammelte Werke in Einzelbänden. (Kassette III)
Vingt-quatre heures de la vie d'une femme
Der begrabene Leuchter
Marie-Antoinette (Le Livre de Poche) (French Edition)
Fouche - El Genio Tenebroso Encuadernada
Pisʹmo neznakomki
Sternstunden der Menschheit
Brulant secret
Un Amor Muy Especial
Mari Anṭuʼaneṭ
Kaleidoscope one
Stefan Zweig mit Selbstzeugnissen und Bilddokumenten
Trois poètes de leur vie
Yu mo gui bo dou
Worte am Sarge Sigmund Freuds
The Queen of Scots
Die gesammelten Gedichte
Stefan Zweig. Bilder, Texte, Dokumente
Maria Stuart
Lucha Con El Demonio, La
Marija Antuaneta
Izbrannye proizvedenii︠a︡
Das Lob der Narrheit
Un caprice de Bonaparte
... Ausgewählte novellen
מרי אנטואנט
Der Turm zu Babel
Reise nach Russland
Briefwechsel 1905-1937
"Am liebsten wäre mir Rom!"
Stefan Zweig, Joseph Gregor
Stuart Ma ria
"Worte haben keine Macht mehr"
הישמר מן הרחמים
Marii︠a︡ Sti︠u︡art ; Zhozef Fushe
"Erst wenn die Nacht fällt"
Länder, Städte, Landschaften
Maria Antouaneta
Mental healers
דמותו העצמית של טולסטוי
Maria Antonieta (Ensayo-Biografico / Essay-Biography)
Mari Anṭuʼaneṭ
Baumeister der Welt
Die frühen Kränze
Living Thoughts of Tolstoi
Vierundzwanzig Stunden aus dem Leben einer Frau und vier andere Erzählungen
La tragedia de una vida
Sternstunden der Menschheit
Yi duan de quan li
The invisible collection
Trois poetes de leur vie
La tragedia de una vida
Erasmus fra Rotterdam
Ren lei de qun xing shan yao shi
Carta d'una desconeguda
Sobranie sočinenij v odnom tome
Amerigo Vespuchchi
Burning secret
William J. Mann
William J. Mann (born 1963)

historian, journalist, biographer

  • Wesleyan University
Men Who Love Men
All I want for Christmas
The men from the boys
All American Boy
Where The Boys Are
Gay Pride
The men from the boys
Object of desire
Grave Passions
The Biograph Girl
How to be a movie star
Behind the screen
Edge of midnight
Behind the screen
The wars of the Roosevelts
Edge of Midnight
Behind the Screen
Gay pride
Hello, gorgeous
Stallions & other studs
The Contender
Edge of Midnight
All American Boy
Edge of Midnight: The Life of John Schlesinger
Hello, gorgeous
Gynecologic Surgery
Where the boys are
Mann's tonnage conversion tables
Masters of midnight
Donde estan los chicos/ Where The Boys Are (Salir Del Armario/ to Come Out of the Closet)
Bogie and Bacall
How to be a movie star
Gay & Lesbian Reading Group Guide
Hello, gorgeous
Men Who Love Men
The men from the boys
Gay Pride
Amigos Y Amantes
Biograph Girl
Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell
Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell (1810-1865)


Mary Barton
Selected English Short Stories (Nineteenth Century)
Sylvia\'s Lovers  Complete
Sylvia's Lovers, Volume 1
Sylvia's Lovers, Volume 3
Sylvia's Lovers, Volume 2
Sylvia's Lovers, Volume 3
Sylvia's Lovers  Volume 2 (Large Print Edition)
Sylvia's Lovers, V1
Sylvia's Lovers
North and South
A House to Let
Wives and daughters
The Haunted House
The New Windmill Book of Mystery Stories of the Nineteenth Century
Ruth (volume II)
Cousin Phillis
The Life of Charlotte Bronte
Damas oscuras
Classic Ghost Stories
A Round of Stories by the Christmas Fire
The Day They Hanged My Best Friend Jimmy... And 21 Other  Weird Tales
Blessings from the Condemned
Mary Barton: a tale of Manchester life
Lois the Witch
Lizzie Leigh
My Lady Ludlow
The Cranford Chronicles
Elizabeth Gaskell
Victorian Short Stories
Cousin Phillis and other tales
Classic Ghost Stories
Gothic Tales
The Book of the Dead
The Brontës' Christmas
Short Stories
Tales of Mystery and Horror
The Norton Anthology of English Literature -- Seventh Edition -- Volume 2B --The Victorian Age
Ghostly Tales
North and South Volume II
The letters of Mrs. Gaskell
The Manchester marriage and other stories
North and South Volume I
Four short stories
A dark night's work, and other stories
The Moorland Cottage
My Lady Ludlow and other stories
Cranford, and other tales
North and South
Wives and Daughters
A Dark Night's Work And Other Tales
Moorland Cottage, The
Wives and Daughters: An Every-day Story
Mary Barton And Other Tales
Six Weeks At Heppenheim
Cranford/Cousin Phillis
Further letters of Mrs. Gaskell
Ruth: And Other Tales, &c
The moorland cottage and other stories
Sylvia's Lovers
Cranford With Mr. Harrison's Confessions and the Cage at Cranford
Penguin Readers Level 3
Ruth: A Novel
Doom of the Griffiths, The
Cranford and Selected Short Stories
Tales Of Mystery And The Macabre
A Dark Night's Work
Letters of Mrs. Gaskell and Charles Eliot Norton, 1855-1865
Mary Barton Volume II
Morton Hall
Right at last
The Poor Clare
Ruth and other tales
Cousin Phillis and other stories
A Dark Night's Work
Crowley Castle
Mary Barton
Sylvia's Lovers
Poor Clare, The
Mary Barton
Half a Life-Time Ago
Ruth V1
Libbie Marsh's Three Eras
Cousin Phyllis
Mary Barton Volume I
Lizzie Leigh, and other tales
The Life of Charlotte Bronte, Volume 2
Cranford and other stories
The Valancourt Book of Victorian Christmas Ghost Stories
The works of Elizabeth Gaskell
Dickens' Christmas
Antología de Relatos Románticos Tormentosos
The grey woman
Mary Barton
Life and Works of Charlotte Brontë and Her Sisters
Mary Barton
Cousin Phillis
My Lady Ludlow
The Grey Woman, and Other Tales
Curious, if true
North and South
The Dooms of Griffiths
"My diary"
Right At Last, And Other Tales
Mary Barton
North and South (Vintage Classic)
Some Passages From The History Of The Chomley Family
The Well of Pen Morfa
Wives and Daughters
The Heart Of John Middleton
Victorian Short Stories
Mrs Gaskell's works
Cranford And Other Stories
The Moorland Cottage
Round The Sofa V1
North and South
Mrs. Gaskell
Wives and daughters
Mary Barton
Sylvia's Lovers Annotated
Wives and Daughters
Hand And Heart
Old Nurse's Story
Sylvias Lovers
Mr. Harrison's confessions
Cousin Phillis
Uncle Peter
Sylvia's Lovers Annotated and Illustrated
Half a Lifetime Ago
The Poor Clare
The Crooked Branch
The'moorland Cottage
Mr. Harrison's Confessions
The Manchester Marriage
Lois the witch & other stories
The Doom of the Griffiths
Lois The Witch, And Other Tales
Sylvia's Lovers
Mary Barton (Vintage Classic)
Round the sofa
Scenes from Cranford
North and South
An Accursed Race and The Half-Brothers
North and South
The Life of Charlotte Bronte, Volume 1
The Old Nurse's Story
Stop What You're Doing and Read... to Warm You in Cold Weather
Grey Woman and Other Tales
Bessy's Troubles At Home
The Life of Charlotte Bronte Volumes I and II
Lady Ludlow
Los Amores De Sylvia
Letters of Mrs. Gaskell and Charles Eliot Norton, 1855-1965
The Life of Charlotte Brontë, Volume 2
Mary Barton
Wives and Daughters
Novels and tales
Wives and daughters
My French Master
The Life of Charlotte Brontë Volume 1
The Poor Clare
Wives and Daughters
Grey Woman and Other Tales
Dark Night's Work Annotated
North and South;
North and South
Mary Barton
Grey Woman and Other Tales
Life of Charlotte Bronte -- Volume 1
My Lady Ludlow Illustrated
Sylvia's Lovers
The Doom of the Griffiths
Half a Life-Time Ago
North and South
North and South Annotated
North and South
Sylvia's Lovers
North and South by Elizabeth Gaskell the New Annotated Edition
Mary Barton Illustrated
North and South by Elizabeth Gaskell Annotated Literary Novel
Mary Barton Illustrated
PICADOR SHOTS - 'The Old Nurse's Story'
Mary Barton
Mary Barton
North and South.  NOVEL by
Mary Barton Elizabeth Illustrated
My Lady Ludlow
North and South (Royal Collector's Edition) (Case Laminate Hardcover with Jacket)
Letters of Mrs. Gaskell & Chalres Eliot Norton, 1855-1865
Mary Barton
Wives and Daughters
Cousin Phillis and other tales
Moorland Cottage Annotated
Sylvia's Lovers Annotated
North and South
Sylvia's Lovers (Illustrated Edition)
North & South (Collected Works of Elizabeth Gaskell 2 volumes)
Victorian Short Stories
North and South Annotated
Sylvia's Lovers Illustrated Edition
Wives and Daughters
Wives and Daughters
Life of Charlotte Brontë - Volume I (Esprios Classics)
Gray Woman and Other Stories
My Lady Ludlow-Elizabeth's 19 Century Book
My Lady Ludlow-Elizabeth's Classic Edition(Annotated)
Sylvia's lovers
Mary Barton
Doom of the Griffiths
Lois the Witch
Doom of the Griffiths
Nord Et Sud (English and French Edition)
Lizzie Liegh
Sylvia's Lovers by Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell (Illustrated Edition)
Lois the Witch and Other Tales (Collected Works of Elizabeth Gaskell)
Mary Barton Annotated
North and South Annotated
Mary Barton Illustrated
Wives And Daughters
Hands and Heart and Bessy's Troubles at Home (Collected Works of Elizabeth Gaskell)
Sylvia's Lovers Illustrated
My Lady Ludlow(illustrated Edition)
Mary Barton Illustrated
Mary Barton Annotated
Hijas y esposas
The Grey Woman and other Tales
My Lady Ludlow and other tales
Cousin Phillis and other tales, etc.
Mary Barton : a tale of Manchester life
Sylvia's Lovers Illustrated
Accursed Race
Sylvia's Lovers
Round the sofa
Cousin Phillis
Hijas y esposas
Moorland Cottage
Lois the Witch
North and South
Lizzie Leigh
Mary Barton Illustrated
North and South
My Lady Ludlow
The Moorland Cottage
Sylvia's Lovers. Vol. II
Mary Barton
The Manchester Marriage
Life of Charlotte Bronte -- Volume 2
Mary Barton
My Lady Ludlow
My Lady Ludlow
North and South (Diversion Classics)
oeuvre d'une Nuit de Mai
Gothic Tales
The grey woman
Mary Barton Annotated
Wives and Daughters Illustrated
Dark Night's Work
Mary Barton Annotated
North and South; Volume 2
Novels and Tales; 2
Cranford The Cage At Cranford / The Moorland Cottage
North and South Annotated
História Da Velha Enfermeira
Sylvia's Lovers Annotated
Lois, a Bruxa
North and South
My Lady Ludlow
Sylvia's Lovers Illustrated Edition)
Moorland Cottage
Wives and Daughters Illustrated
Sylvia's Lovers ''Annotated Book Edition''
North and South
T Ha Adventures of Roderick Random IIIUSTRATED
A Dark Night's Work
North and South (100 Copy Collector's Edition)
Grey Woman : (6*9)
My Lady Ludlow Annotated
Sylvia's Lovers
A Dark Night's Work
Norden und SÜden
Sylvia's Lovers (annotated)
Cousin Phillis
Wives and Daughters Illustrated
Lizzie Legh and Other Tales (Collected Works of Elizabeth Gaskell)
Ruth: To which have been added
My Lady Ludlow
The Life of Charlotte Brontë; Volume 1
North and South (100 Copy Limited Edition)
Mary Barton
El Matrimonio De Manchester = The Manchester Marriage
My Lady Ludlow Illustrated
My Lady Ludlow-Elizabeth's Classic Edition(Annotated)
Mary Barton : A Tale of Manchester Life
Life of Charlotte Brontë - Volume II (Esprios Classics)
Panie z Cranford
North and South Annotated
Cousin Phillis
The Life of Charlotte Brontë - Volume 2
North and South
The Moorland Cottage (Collected Works of Elizabeth Gaskell)
North and South by Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell Annotated Novel
Moorland Cottage
Sylvia's Lovers
North and South Annotated
Sylvia's Lovers( Illustrated Edition)
Life of Charlotte Brontë; Volume 2
Silvias lovers
Sylvia's Lovers - Complete
Dark Night's Work Illustrated
Mary Barton
Lizzie Leigh
My Lady Ludlow-Elizabeth's Classic Edition(Annotated Edition)
Wives and Daughters
Cousin Phillis
Sylvia's Lovers (Illustrated)
Classic Collection of Elizabeth Gaskell
Doom of the Griffiths
Mary Barton Illustrated
Mary Barton
Mary Barton (Annotated)
Accursed Race. the Doom of the Griffiths. Half a Life-Time Ago. the Poor Clare. the Half-Brothers
Cousin Phillis
North and South Annotated
The Grey Woman and other Tales
The Grey woman and Other Tales (Collected Works of Elizabeth Gaskell)
Wives and Daughters
Sylvia's Lovers Illustrated
An Accursed Race-The Half- Brothers Ingilizce Hikayeler B2 Stage 4
The Life of Charlotte Brontë - Volume 1
North and South Annotated
Mary Barton (Annotated)
Mary Barton Illustrated
Round the Sofa
Elizabeth Gaskell's Cranford
My Lady Ludlow(illustrated Edition)
Cousin Phillis and Other Tales
Lizzie Leigh
Sylvia's Lovers Illustrated Edition
North and South
The Works of Elizabeth Gaskell (Pickering Masters) 5-volume set
My Lady Ludlow-Elizabeth's Classic Edition(Annotated)
A Dark Night's Work (Collected Works of Elizabeth Gaskell)
French Life
Wives and Daughters Annotated
Poor Clare
My Lady Ludlow
Mary Barton
The Manchester Marriage Ingilizce Hikayeler B1 Stage3
Lizzie Leigh
My Lady Ludlow
Mary Barton by Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell Illustrated (Penguin Classics)
North and South (england)
Moorland Cottage
North and South by Elizabeth Gaskell the New Anotated Edition
North and South . By : Elizabeth Gaskell
Mary Barton Annotated
Wives and Daughters
Ruth : (Annotated Edition)
Wives and Daughters
House to Let
Ruth, And Other Tales
French Life
North and South
Lisette Leigh
Curious, If True : Strange Tales
Mary Barton Illustrated
My Lady Ludlow, A Novel (Collected Works of Elizabeth Gaskell 2 volumes)
Hijas y esposas
Mary Barton Illustrated
Sylvia's Lovers Illustrated
Dark Night's Work
Elizabeth Gaskell's Mary Barton
Cuentos góticos
My Lady Ludlow Illustrated
Right at Last, and Other Tales (Collected Works of Elizabeth Gaskell)
Uncle Peter
Sylvia?s Lovers
My Lady Ludlow Annotated
Sylvia's Lovers Illustrated
Elizabeth Gaskell on CD-ROM
North and South
Sylvia's Lovers
An Accursed Race
Sylvia's Lovers
Sylvia's Lovers Annotated
Lizzie Leigh
Ruth (Everyman's library-no.673)
My Lady Ludlow Illustrated
Mary Barton : ( Annotated )
Sylvia's Lovers Illustrated
Complete Works of Elizabeth Gaskell (20+ Books)
Dark Night's Work-Elizabeth Original (Annotated)
Mary Barton
Wives and Daughters
The Life of Charlotte Brontë
Cousin Phillis
Half a Life-Time Ago
Sylvia's Lovers Annotated and Illustrated (Penguin Classic)
Cousin Phillis
Wives and Daughters, an Every-Day Story
Mary Barton
Mary Barton Annotated
Ruth Annotated
Old Nurse's Story
Sylvias Lovers Annotated Signet Classics
Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell a Dark Night Work
Poor Clare
Lizzie Leigh, and other tales
Mary Barton and Other Tales
Lois the Witch
Żony i córki
The Moorland cottage
Lois the witch
My Lady Ludlow
Cousin Phillis and other tales, etc
Cousin Phillis and other stories
A dark night's work
The Cranford chronicles
The moorland cottage
Sever i ︠I︡Ug
Mary Barton
The works of Mrs. Gaskell
North and South
The letters of Mrs. Gaskell
Mr Harrison's confessions
Mary Barton
Cranford.  Cousin Phillis
Mary Barton
North and and south, [with an introd. by Esther A. Chadwick]
Right at last, and other tales
North and south
Feilisi biao mei
The cage at Cranford
The Screaming Skull and the Old Nurse's Story
... Elizabeth Gaskell's Cranford
The works of Mrs. Gaskell, with introd. by A.W. Ward
North and South
My Lady Ludlow
The Moorland cottage
Cranford, The cage at Cranford, The moorland cottage
Alfred Henry Lewis
Alfred Henry Lewis (1855-1914)

lawyer, biographer, journalist, editorial columnist

The story of Paul Jones
A Subtreasury of American Humor
Greatest Short Stories [2/8]
The World's One Hundred Best Short Stories [In Ten Volumes] volume eight MEN
Wolfville Folks
Richard Croker
Peggy O'Neal
Wolfville yarns of Alfred Henry Lewis
Wolfville nights
The cowboy humor of Alfred Henry Lewis
Faro Nell and her friends
The throwback
The boss, and how he came to rule New York
Wolfville folks
The Apaches of New York
Old Wolfville
An American patrician
Nation-famous New York murders
The President
When men grew tall
Confessions of a detective
When Men Grew Tall / The Story of Andrew Jackson
The sunset trail
The Black Lion Inn
The San Francisco examiner
The Black Lion Inn