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physicists who wrote popular science
Showing 25-32 out of 41 results
Carl Sagan
Carl Sagan (1934-1996)

cosmologist, astrophysicist, planetary scientist, space scientist, science communicator, astronomer, physicist, naturalist, television presenter

  • University of Chicago
The Demon-Haunted World
Pale Blue Dot
Billions and billions
The Dragons of Eden
Broca's Brain
The Cosmic Connection
The Varieties of Scientific Experience
The Cold and the Dark
Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors
Murmurs of Earth
Intelligent life in the universe
Conversations with Carl Sagan
Planetary Atmospheres
A path here no man thought
Selected from Cosmos (Ourworld)
Life in the Universe
The Symmetric Group:Representations, Combinatorial Algorithms, and Symmetric Functions
Communication with Extraterrestrial Intelligence
Visions for the 21st Century
Planetary exploration
Other worlds
Organic matter and the moon
The evolution of a planetary system
The cosmosphere
Dal Big Bang ai buchi neri
The scientific and historical rationales for solar system exploration
Reader Study Guide for Cosmos
The Cosmic Connection
The radiation balance of Venus
Untitled on Mars
Moḥo shel Broḳah
The scientific and historical rationales for solar system exploration
Brian Greene
Brian Greene (born 1963)

physicist, professor, actor, theoretical physicist, mathematician

  • University of Oxford, Harvard University
The fabric of the cosmos
The elegant universe
What Are You Optimistic About?
Until the End of Time
The Hidden Reality
Stephen Hawking
Der Bielefelder Marienaltar: das Retabel in der Neust adter Marienkirche
AL and AL
The best American science and nature writing, 2006
Icarus at the edge of time
Fields, Strings and Duality
Der Stoff, aus dem der Kosmos ist
Optimal Happiness- Love Ain't Never Been Enough!
El Universo Elegante
L'universo elegante
De ontrafeling van de kosmos / druk 4
Wanton / the Dame / the Desired
New York Times Book of Science
Infinite Cosmos
Ying bin 900 ju dian
Cosmic Symphony
Science neoclassical Wencong
Lü you 900 ju dian
Why science matters
El universo elegante
Classroom talk
Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein (1879-1955)


  • ETH Zurich, Luitpold-Gymnasium
The Theory Of Relativity
Über die spezielle und die allgemeine Relativitätstheorie
Theory of Relativity
Out of my later years
Sidelights on relativity
Mein Weltbild
The evolution of physics
Ideas and opinions
The Born-Einstein letters
Albert Einstein, the human side
The collected papers of Albert Einstein
The quotable Einstein
Science, mind, and art
Spezielle Relativitätstheorie
Autobiographical notes
The Collected Papers of Albert Einstein, Volume 10: The Berlin Years
The Collected Papers of Albert Einstein: Volume 7: The Berlin Years
Einstein on peace
The new quotable Einstein
Warum Krieg?
Investigations on the theory of the Brownian movement
Ideas and Opinions (Based on Mein Weltbild)
Albert Einstein/Mileva Marić--the love letters
Letters to Solovine
Einstein's Miraculous Year
The principle of relativity
Geometrie und Erfahrung: Erweiterte Fassung des Festvortrages gehalten an ..
Einstein from "B" to "Z"
The Collected Papers of Albert Einstein, Volume 9: The Berlin Years
About Zionism
The Collected Papers of Albert Einstein, Volume 4: The Swiss Years
The Collected Papers of Albert Einstein, Volume 2: The Swiss Years
The Collected Papers of Albert Einstein, Volume 5: The Swiss Years
Einstein's Annalen papers
The Collected Papers of Albert Einstein, Volume 8 : The Berlin Years
Albert Einstein (Living Philosophies)
Albert Einsteins Relativitätstheorie
Essential Einstein
Selections from The Principle of Relativity (On the Shoulders of Giants)
Asi Lo veo yo
Relativity: The Special and General Theory
Ideas and opinions
Bite-size Einstein
The Collected Papers of Albert Einstein, Volume 3: The Swiss Years
Sobre la teoría de la relatividad especial y general
La théorie de la relativité restreinte et générale
Conceptions scientifiques
Mi Vision Del Mundo / World As I See It
A stubbornly persistent illusion
The Collected Papers of Albert Einstein, Volume 6: The Berlin Years
Über die thermodynamische Theorie der Potentialdifferenz Metallen und vollständig dissociirten Lösungen ihrer Salze
Einstein's essays in science
The Einstein Reader
Albert Einstein
Zur einheitlichen Feldtheorie
A Golden Treasury of Jewish Literature
Äther und Relativitäts-Theorie
Einstein on humanism
Why war?
Collected Papers
Notas Autobiograficas/ Autobiographical Notes
Essays in humanism
Asi Lo Veo Yo
Six Einstein Cards
Dear Professor Einstein
The expanded quotable Einstein
Meaning of Relativity
The ultimate quotable Einstein
Why Socialism?
Einstein's miraculous year
La relativité
Mental Radio
Letters on Wave Mechanics
Correspondencia con Michele Besso
Einstein, Anschütz und der Kieler Kreiselkompass
Teoria de La Relatividad
Einstein y la teoría de la relatividad
Ernst Mach
Foundations of Einstein's Theory of Gravitation
Comment je vois le monde
Pacifismo militante
James Clerk Maxwell
Sobre la teoria de la relatividad especial y general (COLECCION FISICA) (Ciencia Y Tecnica / Science and Technology)
Atomic war or peace
Aus meinen späten Jahren
Dunyamiza bakis
Albert Einstein
[ Concept of space]
L' évolution des idées en physique.
Lettera a B. Croce
General and Special Relativity
...Les fondements de la théorie de la relativité générale
Eine neue Bestimmung der Moleküldimensionen
On the generalized theory
Early Mathematics and Physics, books on CD
Isaac Newton
Bemerkung über periodische Schwankungen der Mondläge
La Fisica, Aventura Del Pensamiento/ The Evolution of Physics
Über das Relativitätsprinzip
Entwurf einer verallgemeinerten Relativitätstheorie und einer Theorie der Gravitation
Einstein und die Geophysik =
The fight against war
Essays in Humanism
The evolution of physics
Sobre la teoría de la relatividad y otras aportaciones científicas
Geometrie und Erfahrung
Die Grundlage der allgemeinen Relativitätstheorie
Science and Technion: A Selection of Major Essays on Science and Society Contributed to the Technion Yearbook By Some of the Foremost Among Those Who Helped to Shape the Mid-twentieth Century
Relativity (Listen to Genius)
Einstein in His Own Words
Correspondance 1916-1955
Albert Einstein
Gelegentliches von Albert Einstein
Einstein on cosmic religion
Briefwechsel 1916-1955 [von] Albert Einstein [und] Hedwig und Max Born
The expanded quotable Einstein
The expanded quotable Einstein
Zu Kaluzas Theorie des Zusammenhanges von Gravitation und Elektrizität
Vier Vorlesungen über Relativitätstheorie
Xiang dui yuan li ji qi tui lun
Lettres à Maurice Solovine
L' éther et la théorie de la relativité
Grundzüge der Relativitätstheorie
Gedächtnisrede ..
Über die spezielle und die allgemeine Relativitäts
The travel diaries of Albert Einstein
Über den Frieden
Ausgewählte Texte
Über einen Satz der Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung
Über die spezielle und allgemeine Relativitäts-theorie (gemeinverständlich)
The Evolution of Physics From Early Concepts to Relativity and Quanta
The Evolution Of Physics, The Growth of Ideas from Early Concepts to Relativity and Quanta
Einstein Notebook (Decorative Notebooks)
The Universe and Dr. Einstein
The Cosmic View of Albert Einstein
Dios No Juega a Los Dados
Quantentheorie des einatomigen idealen Gases
What I believe
The human side
Cosmic religion
Einheitliche Feldtheorie und Hamiltonsches Prinzip
Einheitliche Theorie von Gravitation und Elektrizität
The Evolution of Physics from Early Concepts to Relativity and Quanta
Briefwechsel 1916-1955
Essential Einstein
The origins of the general theory of relativity
H. A. Lorentz
Einstein on Peace
The history of quantum mechanics and the theory of relativity
W.H. Julius, 1860-1925
Correspondance avec Michele Besso 1903-1955
Builders of the universe
Systematische Untersuchung über kompatible Feldgleichungen
The militarization of America
Ewolucja fizyki
Quatre conférences sur la théorie de la relativité faites à l'Université de Princeton
MIS Creencias
Mi Credo Humanista
Über die im elektromagnetischen Felde auf ruhende Körper ausgeübten ponderomotorischen Kräfte
Sobre la teoría de la relatividad especial y general
Mathematische Annalen, Volume 59
Como Veo El Mundo
Theorie der Opaleszenz von homogenen Flüssigkeiten und Flüssigkeitsgemischen in der Nähe des kritischen Zustandes
Über die Interferenzeigenschaften des durch Kanalstrahlen emittierten Lichtes
L'évolution des idées en physique
The Collected Papers Of Albert Einstein The Berlin Years Writings Correspondence January 1922 March 1923 Documentary Edition
Zur Electrodynamik bewegter Körper
Zur Quantentheorie der Strahlung
Über ein den Elementarprozess der Lichtemission betreffendes Experiment
Space, Time, and Gravitation
Schallausbreitung in teilweise dissoziierten Gasen
Demostración de la no existencia de campos gravitacionales sin singularidades de masa total no nula
Antwort auf eine Abhandlung M. v. Laues "Ein Satz der Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung und seine Anwendung auf die Strahlungstheorie"
Eine einfache Anwendung des Newtonschen Gravitationsgesetzes auf die kugelförmigen Sternhaufen
Zur Theorie der Lichtfortpflanzung in dispergierenden Medien
Bemerkungen zu der Notiz von Hrn. Paul Ehrenfest: "Die Translation deformierbarer Elektronen und der Flächensatz."
Untersuchungen über die Theorie der Brownschen Bewegung
Über die vom Relativitätsprinzip geforderte Trägheit der Energie
The gravitational equations and the problem of motion. II
Ist die Trägheit eines Körpers von seinem Energieinhalt abhängig?
Einstein on Politics
Über Gravitationswelle
The expanded quotable Einstein
Bemerkung zu dem Gezetz von Eötvös
Zur allgemeinen Relativitätstheorie
Neue Möglichkeit für eine einheitliche Feldtheorie von Gravitation und Elektrizität
Kinetische Theorie der Wärmegleichgewichtes und des zweiten Hauptsatzes der Thermodynamik
Zur allgemeine molekularen Theorie der Wärme
Über die von der molekularkinetischen Theorie der Wärme geförderte Bewegung von in ruhenden Flüssigkeiten suspendierten Teilchen
Essays in Science
Einheitliche Feldtheorie von Gravitation und Elektrizität
Jews Among the Nations
Bemerkung zu der Abhandlung von E. Trefftz: Das statische Gravitationsfeld zweier Massenpunkte in der Einsteinschen Theorie
Allgemeine Relativitätstheorie und Bewegungsgesetz
Bemerkung zu der Arbeit von D. Mirimanoff: "Über die Grundgleichungen ..."
Das Relativitätsprinzip: Eine Sammlung von Abhandlungen
La teoría de la relativitat i altres textos
Über die Möglichkeit einer neuen Prüfung des Relativitätsprinzips
Zur Theorie der Lichterzeugung und Lichtabsorption
La Mentalidad Militar
The Evolution of Physics
Mathematische Annalen, Volume 55
Eine neue formale Deutung der Maxwellschen Feldgleichungen der Electrodynamik
Folgerungen aus den Capillaritätserscheinungen
La relativitat a l'abast de tothom
Mathematische Annalen, Volume 2
Mathematical Foundation of the General Theory of Relativity
Kritisches zu einer von Hrn. de Sitter gegebenen Lösung der Gravitationsgleichungen
Colleagues in Genius
Chronologisch-Thematisches Verzeichnis Samtlicher Tonwerke
Eine Theorie der Grundlagen der Thermodynamik
Kosmologische Betrachtungen zur allgemeinen Relativitátstheorie
Hamiltonsches Prinzip und allgemeine Relativitätstheorie
The Collected Papers of Albert Einstein, Volume 15 : The Berlin Years
Zur affinen Feldtheorie
Bemerkungen zu den P. Hertzschen Arbeiten: "Uber die mechanischen Grundlagen der Thermodynamik"
Bietet die Feldtheorie Möglichkeiten für die Lösung des Quantenproblems?
Näherungsweise Integration der Feldgleichungen der Gravitation
Mathematische Annalen, Volume 48
Elektron und allgemeine Relativitätstheorie
Notas Autobiograficas
Correspondance, 1903-1955
Physik als Abenteuer de Erkenntnis
Mathematische Annalen, Volume 26
Sur l'électrodynamique des corps en mouvement
Über die Gültigkeitsgrenze des Satzes vom thermodynamischen Gleichgewicht und über die Möglichkeit einer neuen Bestimmung der Elementarquanta
Grundzge Der Relativittstheorie
Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Coccidioidomycosis
Über ein naheliegende Ergänzung des Fundamentes der allgemeinen Relativitätstheorie
CAN QUANTUM-MECHANICAL DESCRIPTION OF PHYSICAL REALITY BE CONSIDERED COMPLETE? (Einstein, Podolsky and Rosen. "The EPD Paper", "The EPD Paradox") In The Physical Review, Vol. 47, Second Series, No. 10, May 15, 1935, pp. 777-780 and CAN QUANTUM-MECHANICAL DESCRIPTION OF PHYSICAL REALITY BE CONSIDERED COMPLETE? (Bohr's Reply) In The Physical Review, Vol. 48, Second Series, No. 8, October 15, 1935, pp. 696-702.
Riemann-Geometrie mit Aufrechterhaltung des Begriffes des Fernparallelismus
Einstein's collected writings
Mathematische Annalen, Volume 47
Butsurigaku wa ikani tsukuraretaka
Zum kosmologischen Problem der allgemeinen Relativitätstheorie
Test case for humanity
Relativity [manuscript]
Einstein on peace.
Bemerkung zu meiner Arbeit: "Ein Beziehung zwischen dem elastischen Verhalten ..."
Zur Theorie der Räume mit Riemann-Metrik und Fernparallelismus
Philosophy of Albert Einstein
Evolution of Physics
Mathematische Annalen, Volume 37
Über eine Methode zur Bestimmung des Verhältnisses der transversalen und longitudinalen Masse des Elektrons
Berichtigung zu meiner Arbeit: Eine neue Bestimmung der Moleküldimensionen
Über einen die Erzeugung und Verwandlung des Lichtes betreffenden heuristischen Gesichtspunkt
Eine Ableiting des Theorems von Jacobi
Einstein's Miraculous Year
Fizigin Evrimi
Bemerkungen zu unserer Arbeit: "Über die elektromagnetischen Grundgleichungen für bewegte Körper"
Spielen Gravitationsfelder im Aufbau der materiellen Elementarteilchen eine wesentliche Rolle?
El significado de la relatividad
Physikalische Grundlagen einer Gravitationstheorie
The Arabs and Palestine
Eine Beziehung zwischen dem elastischen Verhalten und der spezifischen Wärme bei festen Körpern mit einatomigen Molekül
Das Prinzip von der Erhaltung der Schwerpunktsbewegung und die Trägheit der Energie
Erklärung der Perihelbewegung der Merkur aus der allgemeinen Relativitätstheorie
Physik und Realität
Über die elektromagnetischen Grundgleichungen für bewegte Körper
Die Feldgleichungen der Gravitation
Este Es Mi Pueblo
Field theories, old and new
Mathematische Annalen, Volume 53
Extraits de La théorie de la relativíté restreinte
Quatre conférences sur la théorie de la relativité
The Evolution of Physics
Theoretische Atomistik
On the method of theoretical physics
Die Kompatibilität der Feldgleichungen in der einheitlichen Feldtheorie
The evolution of physics from early concepts to relativity and quanta
Statistische Untersuchung der Bewegung eines Resonators in einem Strahlungsfeld
Zur Quantentheorie des idealen Gases
Mathematische Annalen, Volume 28
Hr. Einstein sprach über einige anschauliche Überlegungen aus dem Gebiete der Relativitätstheorie
Am Sonntag küss ich Dich mündlich. Die Liebesbriefe 1897 - 1903
Fundstücke des Jahrhunderts. 10 Cassetten. Ein Kulturmosaik in 100 Teilen
Living philosophies
Zwei strenge statische Lösungen der Feldgleichungen der einheitlichen Feldtheorie, von A. Einstein und W. Mayer
Der Energiesatz in der allgemeinen Relativitätstheorie
Semi-Vectoren und Spinoren
Teorii︠a︡ otnositelńosti
Ideas and opinion
L'Evoluzione della Fisica. Dai concetti iniziali alla relatività e ai quanti. transl Adele Graziadei
Albert Einstein, el libro definitivo de citas
Essays in Physics
Physique, Philosophie, politique
Sulla teoria speciale e generale della relatività (volgarizzazione)
Einstein Entre Comillas
Die Plancksche Theorie der Strahlung und die Theorie der spezifischen Wärme
Zur Theorie der Brownschen Bewegung
Izafiyet Teorisi
Einstein on Politics
Aether und Relativitaetstheorie
Einsteins Annus mirabilis
Izafiyet teorisi
Essays in Science
If You Want to Know the Future, Look at the Past
Física i realitat
Be Alone, That Is the Secret of Invention; Be Alone, That Is When Ideas Are Born. .
Essays in Humanism
Autobiografía y escritos científicos
La lucha contra la guerra
Na Teoria Da Relatividade Especial e Geral
Nothing Will End War Unless the People Refuse to Go to War... !
Journal de voyage
Mental Radio
The Einstein Theory of Relativity: A Concise Statement
Yasamimdan Notlar
Education Is Only a Ladder to Gather Fruit from the Tree of Knowledge, Not the Fruit Itself
Fundstücke des Jahrhunderts. 10 CDs. Ein Kulturmosaik in 100 Teilen
Il significato della relatività. Ediz. integrale
Relativity the Special and General Theory
Relativity : the Special and General Theory
Collected Papers of Albert Einstein, Volume 16
400 of Albert Einstein's Best Quotes
Ideas and Opinions
Na Teoria Da Relatividade Especial e Geral
If Your Hate Could Be Turned into Electricity, It Would Light up the Whole World
Mis ideas y opiniones
Comment je vois le monde
Fikirler ve Görüsler
Sur la Théorie de la Relativité Restreinte et Générale
In the Middle of Difficulty Lies Opportunity
Ideas and opinions. Based on Mein Weltbild
Don't Dream of Being a Good Person, Be a Human Being Is Valuable and Gives Value to Life
Special and General Relativity (Concise Edition)
Correspondence, 1903-1955
Oeuvres choisies, tome 3
Einstein Relativity Happiest Thought
Collected Papers of Albert Einstein Vol. 14
Albert Einstein, Mileva Maric
Relativity; The special and the general theory, a popular exposition
Of All Things, I Liked Books Best
Albert Einstein Collection Volume One
Some strangeness in the proportion
Abstractualizing Your Destiny
The Evolution of Physics: From Early Concepts to Relativity and Quanta
Essays in humanism
Einstein sagt. Zitate, Einfälle, Gedanken
Relativity, quanta, and cosmology in the development of the scientific thought of Albert Einstein
Selected studies
Cosmic View of Albert Einstein
Die Evolution der Physik
Look Deep into Nature, and Then You Will Understand Everything Better. .
Sulla Teoria Della Relatività Speciale e Generale
Fizigin Evrimi
Realtivity the Special and General Theory
Johannes Kepler
Cosmic religion,
Next World War Will Be Fought with Stones
Theory of Relativity
On the Theory of Special and General Relativity
Collected Papers of Albert Einstein : The Berlin Years
Relativity (Translated)
Collected Papers of Albert Einstein, Volume 17 : The Berlin Years
Ainsyut'ain ŭi saenggak
Bite-Size Einstein
The evolution of physics;
Sulla Teoria Della Relatività Ristretta e Generale
El Mundo Como Yo Lo Veo
Einstein's Essays in Science
Teoría de la Relatividad Especial y General
Evolution Of Physics
Oeuvres choisies, tome 2
Mathematische Annalen, Vierter Band
L'evoluzione della fisica
Relativity for Non-Scientists
Ask Mektuplari
Illuminated Geometry
[Sengo shuppan honʼyaku denki kankeisho]
Einstein - Aforizmalar
Física i realitat
Mathematische Annalen; Volume 29
Die Evolution der Physik
La evolución de la física
Special and General Relativity (Concise Edition)
Mathematische Annalen; Volume 9
Pensées intimes
Einstein Seyahatnamesi
Memory Is Deceptive Because It Is Colored by Today's Events
Ėĭnsteĭnovskiĭ sbornik, 1980-1981
Mis ideas y opiniones
Verbo da teoría da relatividade restrinxida e xeral
Oeuvres choisies, tome 5
Grundzüge der Relativitätstheorie
Foundation of the Generalized Theory of Relativity by Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein Collection Volume Two
What You Can't Imagine, You Can't Discover
Einstein 1905
Lettres d'amour et de sciences
Einstein Relativity Happiest Thought
La teoría de la relativitat i altres textos
Relatività. Esposizione divulgativa e scritti classici su spazio geometria fisica
Relativity the Special & general Theory a Popular Exposition
Collected Papers of Albert Einstein
Geometrie und Erfahrung
Essays in Humanism
Principle of Relativity
Essays in Science (Abridged Authorized English Translation from the Volume 'Mein Weltbild')
Física i realitat
Essays in humanism
Oeuvres choisies, tome 1
Essays in Humanism
O Fizichesko Prirodie Prostranstva
Asi Lo Veo Yo
Benim Sozlerimle Dunya
Einstein on Cosmic Religion and Other Opinions and Aphorisms
Essays in Humanism
Sur la Théorie de la Relativité Restreinte et Générale
Mathematische Annalen; Volume 6
Pensieri di un uomo curioso
Die Relativitätstheorie Einsteins und ihre physikalischen Grundlagen ..
Try Not to Become a Man of Success, but Rather Try to Become a Man of Value
Cum văd eu lumea
Benim Gözümden Dünya
సాపేక్షత Theory of Relativity Telugu
Einstein Relativity
Einstein Relativity
I Like Neither New Clothes nor New Kinds of Food
Física i realitat
Oeuvres choisies, tome 6
Essays in Humanism
Son Yillarim
Albert Einstein, the Human Side - Glimpses from His Archives
Nicin Savas
Mathematische Annalen; Volume 15
Einstein on Peace
Göreliligin Anlami
Essays in Humanism
Einstein Essays in Science
The Life and Times Ronald W Clark
Relativity the Special and General Theory
Oeuvres choisies, tome 4
Albert Einsteins Relativitätstheorie
In Any Conflict Between Humanity and Technology, Humanity Will Win
What One Man Calls God, Another Calls the Laws of Physics
The Impact of modern scientific ideas on society
Living philosophies
Como Vejo a Ciência, a Religião e o Mundo
Sensō hihan
Gedächtnisausstellung zum 100. Geburtstag von Albert Einstein, Otto Hahn, Max von Laue, Lise Meitner
Eine neue Bestimmung der Moleküldimensionen ..
Teorii︠a︡ otnositelʹnosti
The evolution of physics; the growth of ideas from early concepts to relativity and quanta
The Militarization of America
The evolution of physics
Ainshutain ronbunsen
Einstein-Centenarium, 1979
Der Einsteinturm in Potsdam
ʻAl torat ha-yaḥasiyut ha-peraṭit ṿeha-kelalit
Teoria dei quanti di luce
Nah am Original
Mir, kakim ︠i︡a ego vizhu
Hommage à Albert Einstein
He  theo ria te s eidike s kai genike s schetikote tas (1916)
The evolution of physics
Grundzüge der Relativitätstheorie
Einstein, Galileo
Über die spezielle und die allgemeine Relativitätstheorie (gemeinverständlich)
The evolution of physics
Seid herzlich gegrüsst, Euer A. Einstein
Waarom oorlog?
Ecuador y America Latina
La théorie de la relativité restreinte et généralisée
Entwurf einer verallgemeinerten Relativitätstheorie und einer Theorie der Gravitation
Nauka i społeczeństwo w stulecie szczególnej teorii względności Alberta Einsteina (1905-2005)
Einstein Archives online
La relativité
Sobranie nauchnykh trudov
Einstein, the man, the Jew
Die Grundlage der allgemeinen Relativitätstheorie
On the quantization condition of Sommerfeld and Epstein
Essays in science
Einstein's Miraculous Year
Xiang dui lun de yi yi =
Centenari de la naixença d'Albert Einstein
Essays in physics
Aiyinsitan quan ji
Albert Einstein
The evolution of physics from early concepts to relativity and quanta
Hitpatḥut ha-fiziḳah ha-ḥadashah
General Relativity in the Making
After Einstein
Europe's danger, Europe's hope
Mi panorama mundial
Feier der 100. Geburtstage von Albert Einstein, Otto Hahn, Lise Meitner, Max von Laue
al-Nisbīyah-- wa-mā baʻdahā
Einshtein i sovremennai︠a︡ fizika
Como eu vejo o mundo
The evolution of physics
Essays in science
Am Sonntag küss' ich Dich mündlich
Ideas and opinions
Este es mi pueblo
Teoria względności i inne eseje
ha-Kol yaḥasi
Albert Einstein, the human side
Fizika i realʹnostʹ
Einstein centenary papers
Stephen Hawking
Stephen Hawking (1942-2018)

theoretical physicist, cosmologist

  • University of Oxford, University of Cambridge
A Brief History of Time
Brief Answers to the Big Questions
The Universe in a Nutshell
The Grand Design
The future of spacetime
Hōkingu uchū to ningen o kataru
Guo qiao li de 60 nian
ʼChar ʼgod chen mo
George and the Big Bang
George's Secret Key to the Universe
A Briefer History of Time
The theory of everything
Black holes and baby universes and other essays
George's Cosmic Treasure Hunt
The nature of space and time
Faces of the Century
God Created the Integers
A Stubbornly Persistent Illusion
Black Holes
George and the Unbreakable Code
The large scale structure of space-time
The future of theoretical physics and cosmology
On the Shoulders of Giants
Hawking on the big bang and black holes
My Brief History
Computer Resources for People With Disabilities
Is the end in sight for theoretical physics?
General Relativity; an Einstein Centenary Survey
The illustrated theory of everything
Stephen Hawking's A Brief History of Time
George's Secret Key Complete Hardcover Collection
You and the Universe
Stephen Hawking's Universe
Universe in a Nutshell/Illustrated Brief History of Time
The illustrated A Brief History of Time and The Universe in a Nutshell
Los sueños de los que está hecha la materia
George and the blue moon
George's Secret Key to the Universe Complete 6 Books Collection Set
Illustrated on the Shoulders of Giants
A Stubbornly Persistent Illusion
Essential Einstein
Genius of Britain (Text Only)
Einsteins Traum. Expeditionen an die Grenzen der Raumzeit
The dreams that stuff is made of
Superspace and supergravity
George and the Unbreakable Code
Unlocking the Universe
George ve Mavi Ay
Wo men wei he zai ci
The Search for Infinity
Stephen Hawking
Penguin Readers Level 5
Historia del tiempo
La grande avventura dell'universo
What Is Inside a Black Hole?
ha-Teʼoryah shel ha-kol
Das große Stephen-Hawking-Lesebuch
Benim Kisa Tarihim
Breves respuestas a las grandes preguntas [Hardcover] Hawking, Stephen
George and the Ship of Time
George and the Unbreakable Code
Will Artificial Intelligence Outsmart Us?
Supernova 2121
Georges Secret Key To The (Chinese Edition)
Stephen Hawking Time and Universe
Brief Answers to the Big Questions
Haben Schwarze Löcher keine Haare?
George i błękitny księżyc
Historia Del Tiempo Illustrada
El Cosmos/The Cosmos
Will We Survive on Earth?
The Cambridge Lectures
How Did It All Begin?
George's Secret Key To The Universe
Stephen W. Hawking's Life Works
New Scientist : the Origin of  Everything
Black Holes and Time Warps
Great Science Writers of the Decade
Galileo Galilei
Galileo Galilei (1564-1642)

astronomer, philosopher, mathematician, physicist, inventor, astrologer, polymath, scientist, engineer

  • University of Pisa
Discorsi e dimostrazioni matematiche
Sidereus nuncius
Discoveries and opinions of Galileo
Le opere di Galileo Galilei
Dialogo dei massimi sistemi
Galileo on the world systems
Galileo's logical treatises
Il saggiatore
Sidereus nuncius, or, The Sidereal messenger
Opere di Galileo Galilei nobile fiorentino
Opere di Galileo Galilei ..
Unterredungen und mathematische Demonstrationen: Über zwei neue Wissenszweige, die Mechanik und ..
The essential Galileo
Dal carteggio e dai documenti
Unterredungen und mathematische Demonstrationen
Unterredungen und mathematische Demonstrationen über zwei neue Wissenszweige
Dialogo sopra i duemassimi sistemi del mondo tolemaico e copernicano
Discorso al serenissimo don Cosimo II, gran duca di Toscana, intorno alle cose che stanno in su l'acqua
Thus spoke Galileo
Nov-antiqua sanctissimorum patrum
Galileo Galilei
I documenti del processo di Galileo Galilei
Lettere teologiche
Dialog über die beiden hauptsächlichtsten Weltsysteme, das Ptolemäische und das Kopernikanische
Dialogues concerning two new sciences
Sidereus nuncius, magna longeque
De motu
On sunspots
Two New Sciences and Drake's History of Free Fall
Speeches that Changed the World
Dialogo Sobre Los DOS Maximos Sistemas del Mundo P
Operations of the geometric and military compass, 1606
Les nouvelles pensees de Galilee
Galileo Galilei e la sua scuola
The achievement of Galileo
Le Operazioni del Compasso Geometrico et Militare
Discorsi e dimostrazioni matematiche intorno a due nuove scienze
Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems (Modern Library Science)
Schriften, Briefe, Dokumente
Frammenti e lettere
Physique-chimie, seconde. Livret de professeur
Opusculos Sobre El Movimiento De La Tierra
Carta a Cristina de Lorena/ Letter to The Grand Christina
Le operazioni del compasso geometrico
Dialogo di Galileo Galilei Linceo matematico sopraordinario dello stvdio di Pisa
Starry Messenger
Sidereus nuncius magna..
Selected writings
Le mecaniche
Galilée, penseur libre
Memorie e lettere inedite finora o disperse di Galileo Galilei
Dialogos Acerca De Dos Nuevas Ciencias/dialogues Regarding The Two New Sciences
Istoria e dimostrazioni intorno alle macchie solari e loro accidenti
Parola di Galileo
Dialogo sopra i due massimi sistemi del mondo
Galilaei Galilaei Lyncei, Academiae Pisanae Mathematici ...Systema cosmicum
Le operazioni del compasso geometrico, e militare
Dialogo sopra i due massimi sistemi del mondo
Cartas del señor Galileo Galilei, académico linceo, escritas a Benedetto Castelli y a la señora Cristina de Lorena, Gran Duquesa de Toscana
Galileo's early notebooks
Galileo Galilei Opere a cura di Seb. Timpanaro..
Early Notebooks
Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems, Ptolemaic and Copernican
Il saggiatore nel quale con bilancia esquisita e giusta siponderano..
Vita ed opere
Alcuni scritti inediti di Galileo Galilei
Il compasso geometrico e militare di Galileo Galilei
Le opere di Galileo Galilei
Discorsi e dimostrazioni matematiche, intorno a due nuove sciencze, attenenti alla mecanica et i movimenti locali
Nov-antiqua sanctissimorum patrum & probatorum theologorum doctrina de Sacræ Scripturæ testimoniis
Sensate esperienze e certe dimostrazioni
Istoria e dimostrationi intorno alle macchie solari e loro accidenti
Opere. Ristampa della ed. nazionale sotto l'alto patronato di S.M. il re d'Italia et di S.E. Benito Mussolini
Inedita Galilaeiana
Unterredungen und mathematische Demonstrationen über zwei neue Wissenszweige, die Mechanik und die Fallgesetze betreffend
Unterredungen und mathematische Demonstrationen über zwei neue Wissenszweige, die Mechanik und die Fallgesetze betreffend. 1. - 6. Tag
Alcune lettere inedite
Il saggiatore nel quale con bilancia esquisita e guista siponderano le cose contenute nella Libra astronomica e filosofica di Lotario Sarsi Sigensano [pseud.] scritto in forma di lettera all'illmo et reuermo monsre d. Virginio Cesarini
Opere di Galileo Galilei Linceo Nobile Fiorentino ... in questa nuova editione insieme raccolte, e divarij trattati dell' istesso autore non piu stampati accresciute ...
The sidereal messenger of Galileo Galilei and a part of the preface to Kepler's Dioptrics
Le messager des étoiles
Dialogue on the great world systems
Lettera del sig. Galileo Galilei al padre Christoforo Grienberger ... in materia delle montuosità della lvna
La prosa Galileo Galilei
Discours concernant deux sciences nouvelles
Il problema della verità
Men of physics
Le opere di Galileo Galilei.  Supplemento
Della scienza mecanica, e delle utilita che si traggono da gl'istromenti di quella
Tractatio de praecognitionibus et praecognitis ; and, Tractatio de demonstratione
Dialogo..dei..due massimi sistemi del mondo
Discorsi e dimostrazioni matematiche, intorno à due nuoue scienze attenenti alla mecanica & i movimenti locali
Il processo originale di Galileo Galilei
Galileo Galileĭ Izbrannye trudy
Il problema della verita
Istoria e dimostrazioni intorno alle macchie solari
Le operazioni del coripasso geometrico et militare..
Antologia galileiana
Scritti letterari
Delle mecchaniche
Studi sulla Divina Commedia
Discorsi e dimonstrazioni matematiche intorno a due nuove scienze
Lettera di Galileo Galilei sull'azione dei remi
Lettere di Galileo Galilei pubblicate la prima volta pel suo trecentesimo natalizio in Pisa, xviii febbraio MDCCCLXIV
Sulla libertà della scienza e l'autorità delle Scritture
Siderevs nvncivs magna
Galileo's Siderius nuncius, or, A sidereal message
La rivoluzione scientifica
Il processo di Galileo
Dialogo di Galileo Galilei Linceo matematico
Men of physics: Galileo Galilei, his life and his works
Difesa di Galileo Galilei ... contro alle calunnie e imposture di Baldessar Capra
The sidereal messenger
Siderius nuncius
Discorso...intorno alle cose, ..
La prosa a cura di I
Dialogue on the great world systems, in the Salusbury translation
Dialogues Concerning Two New Sciences (Great Minds Series)
Dialogues concerning two new Sciencees
Il pensiero di Galileo Galilei
Istoria e dimastrazioni intorno alle macchie selari..
Scritti di critica letteraria
Istoria e dimostrazioni intorno alle macchie solari e loro accidenti comprese in tre lettere scritte all'illvstrissimo signor Marco Velseri..
Nov-antiqua sanctissimorum patrum, et probatorum theologorum doctrina, de Sacrae Scripturae testimoniis, in conclusionibus mere naturalibus, quae sensata experientia, et necessariis demonstrationibus evinci possunt, temere non usurpandis
Izbrannye trudy
Discorso al serenissimo don cosimo ii intorno alle cose, che stanno in su l'acqua, O che in quella si muouono
The Controversy on the comets of 1618
La prosa
Galileo against the philosophers in his Dialogue of Cecco di Ronchitti (1605) and Considerations of Alimberto Mauri (1606)
Della scienza mecanica
Considerazioni al Tasso
Dialogue sur les deux grands systèmes du monde
Istoria e dimostrazioni intorno alle macchie solari e loro accidenti comprese in the lettere scritte all illustrissimo signor Marco Velseri Linceo
Galileo's letter about the libration of the moon
Lettera a Cristina di Lorena
Prose scelte
Dialogo sui massimi sistemi
Dialogues concerning two new sciences
Systema cosmicvm
Sidereus nuncius
Istoria il dimonstazioni intorno alle macchie solari..
Dialogo di Galileo Galilei Linceo matematico sopraordinario dello studio di Pisa : e filosofo e matematico primario del serenissimo gr. duca di Toscana
Dialogues Concerning Two New Sciences (On the Shoulders of Giants)
Sidereus Nuncius. Nachricht von neuen Sternen
Considerazioni al Tasso di Galileo Galilei e Discorso di Giuseppe Iseo sopra il poema di M. Torquato Tasso per dimostrazione di alcuni luoghi in diversi autori da lui felicemente emulati
Galileo : prose scelte a mostrare il metodo di lui, la dottrina, lo stile
Dialogues Concerninc Two New Sciences
Difesa ..
Discorso ..
Dialogo di Galileo Galilei ..
[Lettera sull']inclinazione dell'eclittica all'eccantricità del sole]
Discorso ... intorno alle cose, che stanno in su l'acqua, o che in quella si muovono
Les mechaniques de Galileo, mathematicien et inge nieur du Duc de Florence, avec plusieurs additions..
Opere, a cura di Franz Brunetti
Sidereus nuncius magna longeque admirabilia spectacula pandens, suspiciendaq; proponeus unicuiq;... perspicilli a se reperti beneficio sunt observata in lunae facie fixis innumeris lacteo circulo stellis nebulosis apprime vero in quatuor planetis circa Jovis stellam
La prosa di Galileo
Mathematical discourses concerning two new sciences relating to mechaniks and local motion
Siderevs nvncivs, magna, longeqve admirabilia spectacula pandens, suspiciendaq́ue proponens vnicuique, praesertim verò philosophis, atq́ astronomis, quae à Galileo Galileo perspicilli nuper à se reperti beneficio sunt obseruata in lunae facie, fixis innvmeris, lacteo circvlo, stellis nebvlosis, apprime verò in qvatvor planetis circa Iovis stellam disparibus interuallis, atque periodis, celeritate mirabili circumuolutis
Dialogo di Galileo Galilei
Dialog o dwu najważniejszych układach świata: Ptolemeuszowym i Kopernikowym
Two New Sciences
Il saggiatore nel quale con bilancia esquisita e giusta siponderano le cose contenute nella Libra astronomica e filosofica
The dialogues of Galileus Galilei
Difesa di Galileo Galilei
Considerazioni di M.Vincenzio di Grazia..
Carteggio Galileano inedito
Dialogues [par] Galilée
Galilée : Sidereus nuncius
Discorsi, e dimostrationi matematiche
Les mechaniques di Galilee
Discours et démonstrations mathématiques concernant deux sciences nouvelles
Dialogue on the great world systems
Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems - Potolemaic & Copernican
Le opere di Galileo Galilei
Nov-antiqua sanctissimorum patrum, & probatorum theologorum doctrina, de Sacrae Scripturae testimoniis, in conclusionibus mere naturalibus, quae sensatâ experientiâ, & necessariis demonstrationibus evinci possunt, temere non usurpandis
Le opere di Galileo Galilei
Della scienza mecanica
Dialog o dwu najważniejszych układach świata, Ptolemeuszowym i Kopernikowym
Tre lettere di Galileo Galilei
Sidereus nuncius
Carteggio galileano inedito
G. Galilaei In Jovis satellites lucubrationes
Opere di Galileo Galilei ...
Carta a Cristina De Lorena Y Otros Textos Sobre Ciencia Y Religion (Alianza Universidad)
Galileo e l'europa
Galileo Galilei Opere a cura di Seb. Timpanaro...
Lettera a Cristina di Lorena
Scritti vari
Dialogues concerning two new sciences
A mensagem das estrélas
Opere di Galileo Galilei. Nuova edizione coll'aggiunta di varj trattati dell'istesso autore non più dati alle stampe
Le opere di Galileo Galilei
Opere di Galileo Galilei. Nuova edizione coll'aggiunta di varj trattati dell'istesso autore non più dati alle stampe
Tractatus de proportionum instrumento, quod merito compendium vniuersae geometriae dixeris ..
Galileo Galilei zum 400. Geburtstag
Dialogo sopra i due massimi sistemi del mondo
I dialoghi di Galileo Galilei sui massimi sistemi tolemaico e copernicano
Le opere di Galileo Galilei
Commercio epistolare di Galileo Galilei
Opere di Galileo Galilei nobile fiorentino
Scampoli galileiani
Le rime
Les mechaniqves de Galilée ...
Memorie e lettere inedite finora o disperse
Discorsi e dimostrazioni matematiche intorno a due nuove scienze attinenti alla meccanica e ai movimenti locali
Due insigni autografi di Galileo Galilei e di Evangelista Torricelli
Le opere di Galileo Galilei
Prose scelte a mostrare il metodo di lui, la dottrina, lo stile
La prosa di Galileo
Frammenti e lettere
Nov-antiqua sanctissimorum patrum
I dialoghi di Galileo Galilei sui massimi sistemi Tolemaico e Copernicano ...
Lettera a Cristina di Lorena
Tenmon Taiwa
Scampoli galileiani
Memorie e lettere inedite finora o disperse di Galileo Galilei
Scritti e discorsi nel IV centenario della nascita di Galileo Galilei
Discorsi e dimostrazioni matematiche, intorno à due nuoue scienze attenenti alla mecanica & i movimenti locali, del signor Galileo Galilei ...
Giornate lincee indette in occasione del 350o anniversario della pubblicazione del "Dialogo sopra i massimi sistemi" di Galileo Galilei
Le opere di Galileo Galilei
Dialog über die beiden hauptsächlichsten Weltsysteme: das ptolemäische und das kopernikanische
Dialogo di Galileo Galilei...dove nei congressi di quattro giornate si discorre sopra i due massimi sistemi del mondo Tolemaico, e Copernicano...
Dialogues concerning two new sciences
Dialogue on the great world systems
Sur les traces de Galilée
Galilaei Galilaei ... Systema cosmicum
Alcuni scritti inediti di Galileo Galilei: tratti dai manoscritti della Biblioteca nazionale di ...
Frammenti e lettere
Galilaei Galilaei, Lyncei, Academiarum Pisanae ac Patavinae philosophi ac mathematici summi Systema cosmicum
Capitolo contro il portar la toga
The book of nature is written in the language of mathematics [...]
Discorsi e dimostrazioni matematiche, intorno à due nuove scienze attenenti alla mecanica, & i movimenti locali
Dialogo di Galileo Galilei Linceo dove ne  ̈congressi di quattro gioinate si disconrre sopra i due massimi sistemi del mondo,tolemaico e copernicano
Dialogue concerning the two chief world systems, Ptolemaic & Copernican
Epistolaria di Galileo Galilei
Dal carteggio e dai documenti, pagine di vita di Galileo
Dialog despre cele douǎ sisteme principale ale lumii ptolemeic și copernician
Systema cosmicum
Dialog o dvukh glavneǐshikh sistemakh mira ptolomeevoǐ i kopernikovoǐ
I dialoghi sui massimi sistemi tolemaico e copernicano
Siderevs nvncivs
Dialog o dwu najważniejszych układach świata ptolemeuszowym i kopernikowym
Dialogue concerning the two chief world systems, Ptolemaic & Copernican
Dialogue concerning the two chief world systems, Ptolemaic & Copernican
Discorso al serenissimo Don Cosimo II, Gran Duca di Toscana, intorno alle cose, che stanno in sù l'acqua ò che in quella si muouono
Le opere di Galileo Galilei
Les novvelles pensees de Galilee ..
Le opere di Galileo Galilei
Les novvelles pensees de Galilei ... Où par des inuentions merueilleuses, & des demonstrations inconnuës iusques à present
Systema cosmicum
Opere di Galileo Galilei. Nuova edizione coll'aggiunta di varj trattati dell'istesso autore non più dati alle stampe
In biasimo della toga
Scienza e religione
Scritti di critica letteraria
Les mechaniqves de Galilée ..
Systema cosmicvm, authore Galilaeo Galilaei ...
La prosa
Le opere di Galileo Galilei
Vita ed opere
Capitolo del Galileo in biasimo della toga
Galileo a madama Cristina di Lorena (1615)
Les Méchaniques de Galilée ..
D. Galilaei de Galilaeis ... De proportionum instrumento a se invento
Le operazioni del compasso geometrico et militare
Diálogos acerca de dos nuevas ciencias
Galileo e la scienza sperimentale
Dos lecciones infernales
Dialogues concerning two new sciences
La operazione del compasso geometrico
Dialogo sui massimi sistemi
Galileo Galilei
Due sonetti [e] quattro madrigali
Galilaei et Renierii in Jovis satellites lucubrationes
Discourses and mathematical demonstrations concerning two new sciences
Mathematical discourses concerning two new sciences relating to mechanicks and local motion, in four dialogues. ... By Galileo Galilei, ... With an appendix concerning the center of gravity of solid bodies. Done into English from the Italian, by Tho. Weston, ... and now publish'd by John Weston, ..
Galileo Galilei
Due lezioni all'Accademia fiorentina circa la figura, sito e grandezza dell'Inferno di Dante
Mathematical discourses concerning two new sciences relating to mechanicks and local motion
Galilæi Galilæi Lyncei, Academiæ Pisanæ mathematici, Seren[issi]mi Magni-Ducis Hetreviæ Philosophi & Mathematici Primarij Systema cosmicum
Dialogue concerning the two chief world systems
Galileo e l'Inquisizione
Discursus et demonstrationes mathematicae
Difesa di Galileo Galilei, nobile fiorentino, lettore delle matematiche nello studio di Padoua
Men of physics
Dialogues concerning two new sciences
Dialog über die beiden hauptsächlichsten Weltsysteme: das ptolemäische und das kopernikanische
Alcuni scritti inediti di Galileo Galilei
I Dialoghi di Galileo Galilei, sui massimi sistemi Tolemaico e Copernicano
Dialog über die beiden hauptsächlichsten Weltsysteme
Galileo's notes on motion
Scritti letterari
Due lettere di Galileo Galilei, ed una del Keplero inedite
The starry messenger, Venice 1610
Le opere di Galileo Galilei
Galilei e Redi
Garireo Garirei Shin kagaku taiwa
Les novvelles pensées. Où par des inuentions merueilleuses, et des demonstrations inconnuës iusques à present, il est traitté de la proportion des mouuements, tant naturels, que violents, et de tout ce qu'il y a de plus subtil dans les mechaniques et dans la physique
Dialogo di Galileo Galilei ...
Tractatvs de proportionvm instrvmento
Men of physics
Dialogue concerning the two chief world systems
Prose scelte
Shin Kagaku Taiwa
Douglas Hofstadtesr
Douglas Hofstadtesr (born 1945)

philosopher, computer scientist, physicist

  • Stanford University, University of Oregon
The Mind's I
Gödel, Escher, Bach
Le Ton beau de Marot
I Am a Strange Loop
Metamagical Themas
Metafont, Metamathematics, and Metaphysics
A Bouquet for the Gardener
Fluid Concepts and Creative Analogies
Piano Music
Shakespeare's plays weren't written by him, but by someone else of the same name
Butterfly in the Quantum World
Rhapsody on a theme by Clément Marot
To Light the Flame of Reason
The Tumult of Inner Voices or What Is the Meaning of the Word 'I'? (Grace A. Tanner Lecture in Human Values, 1982)
Lawrence M. Krauss
Lawrence M. Krauss (born 1954)

astronomer, physicist, astrophysicist, theoretical physicist

  • Carleton University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
The  physics of Star trek
The greatest story ever told--so far
Hiding in the mirror
A Universe from Nothing
What Are You Optimistic About?
Beyond Star Trek
Fear of Physics
The Greatest Story Ever Told - So Far
Hiding in the Mirror
Fear of physics
Quantum Man
Quantum Man Richard Feynmans Life In Science
ريتشارد فاينمان
Fear of physics
Baryon number violation at the electroweak scale
Beyond Star Trek
The fifth essence
Miedo a la Fisica
1000 Lashes
The fifth essence
The Greatest Story Ever Told--So Far
Quantum Man
Historia de Un Atomo
La physique de Star trek, ou, Comment visiter l'univers en pyjama
Greatest Story Ever Told--So Far, The
CMB Anisotropies Two Years after Cobe
De wereld van Star Trek
Quantum Man : Richard Feynman's Life in Science
Fear of Physics
Richie Doodles
Known Unknowns
Study Guide
Beyond Star Trek
Ein Universum aus Nichts
Edge of Knowledge
The Physics of Climate Change
War on Science
Şimdiye Kadar Anlatılmış En İyi Hikaye
Kuantum Adam
"Nehmen wir an, die Kuh ist eine Kugel .̤"
Christophe Galfard
Christophe Galfard (born 1976)

physicist, astrophysicist

  • École Centrale Paris, University of Cambridge