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philosophers who wrote mystery
Showing 33-40 out of 54 results
Michel de Montaigne
Michel de Montaigne (1533-1592)

philosopher, translator, jurist, essayist, autobiographer, politician, poet lawyer, French moralist

  • College of Guienne, University of Toulouse
World Literature 1999
Journal de voyage
Complete works
The autobiography of Michel de Montaigne
Les Essais
Michel de Montaigne
Apology for Raymond Sebond
The Complete Essays of Montaigne
Montaigne's Travel journal
Selections from the essays of Michel Eyquem de Montaigne
Four Essays
On friendship
The complete works of Montaigne
Journal de voyage en Italie
Essais, I, 56
Montaigne entire and entirely naked
ESSAYS of Michel de Montaigne
The journal of Montaigne's travels in Italy by way of Switzerland and Germany in 1580 and 1581
Essais (1582)
16th Century, History and Literature
The education of children
Essais de Montaigne, suivis de sa correspondance, et de La servitude volontaire d'Estienne de La Boétie
Le Brésil de Montaigne
The journal of Montaigne's travels in Italy
An apology for Raymond Sebond
Selected Essays / Essais choisis
Selected essays of Montaigne
Du repentir
The Complete Works
The essays of Montaigne done into English
Les essais
Selections from Montaigne
Thoughts from Montaigne, selected by Constance, countess De la Warr
Montaigne chrétien
Lettres inédites de Michel de montaigne et de quelques autres personnages du XVIe siècle
Oeuvres complètes de Michel de Montaigne
Montaigne's essay On friendship
On Friendship
Correspondance de Montaigne avec le maréchal De Matignon (1582-1588)
The complete works of Michael de Montaigne
Montaigne ou la conscience heureuse
Works of Michael de Montaigne
Journal de voyage
Journal du voyage in Italie par la Suisse [et] l'Allemagne en 1580 [et] 1581
Les Essais de Montaigne
Essais 2
Essais de Montaigne (self-©Øedition)
De l'institution des enfants
De la vanité
Thoughts from Montaigne
The essayes of Michael lord of Montaigne
Essais de Michel de Montaigne
Montaigne Essais 3
The works of Michel de Montaigne
Essais de Michel de Montaigne avec les notes de tous les commentateurs
Essais de Montaigne (self-édition)  Texte original, accompagné de la traduction en langage de nos jours
The Essays of Michael Seigneur de Montaigne: Translated Into English
The Essays
Essais: avec les notes de tous les commentateurs
An Apology for Raymond Sebond
Essais II
Essais de Montaigne
The diary of Montaigne's journey to Italy in 1580 and 1581
Les Essais de Montaigne: réimprimés sur l'édition originale de 1588, avec ..
Montaigne par lui-meme
In defense of Raymond Sebond
Le livre de raison de Montaigne sur l'Ephemeris historica de Beuther
The Education of Children
L' apologie de Raymond Sebond
Essais - Livre Premier
Pilules apéritives à l'extrait de Montaigne, préparées par Pierre Pic
Der Graf Montaigne reist durch Süddeutschland
Literary and Philosophical Essays
Essais Extraits
Journal de voyage
Extraits [des essais]  Avec Table bibliographique, étude, notes explicatives et glossaire par Eugène Réaume
Alain Juppé, l'impossible héritage
Works, comprising his essays, journey into Italy, and letters, with notes from all the commentators, biographical and bibliographical notices, etc
Essais Livre III
Essais. 2 Cassetten. Hörbuch
Reisen durch die Schweiz, Deutschland und Italien. In den Jahren 1580 und 1581
Libraries, Librarians, and Other Book Lovers
Les Essais de Michel de Montaigne
De l'institution des enfants
Les essais de Michel de Montaigne
Profil d'une oeuvre : Essais (1580-1588), Montaigne
Les essais de Montaigne
A Handbook To The Essays Of Michel de Montaigne
The Essays of Michel Eyquem de Montainge
Répertoire des idées de Montaigne
The Essential Montaigne (Essentials)
Le Meilleur des essais
De l'institution des enfants [Essais, liv. I, chap. XXV) et extraits pédagogiques publiés ... par Gabriel Compayré
Montaigne: oeuvres choisies
Essais. Ausw. u. Übers. v. Herbert Lüthy
Ensayos III
The works
Du pédantisme
L Experience, L'
All the essays of Michael seigneur de Montaigne
Les essais de Michel seigneur de Montaigne
Montaignes uddelige tanker
On Friendship
Über die Freundschaft
Trois essais
Les pages immortelles de Montaigne
Les Essais
The Complete Essays
Michel de Montaigne für Mediziner und ihre Opfer
Montaigne par lui-même
Sans Commencement Et Sans Fin
Essays, in three books
Reproduction en phototypie de l'exemplaire avec notes manuscrites marginales des Essais deMontaigne
Essais choisis
Journal du voyage de Michel de Montaigne en Italie
Journal De Son Voyage En Suisse (Literature: Pergamine)
Trois essais de Montaigne
Tagebuch der Reise nach Italien. 2 CDs. Über die Schweiz nach Deutschland
Ensayos Completos/ Complete Essays
Essais (Petits Classiques Larousse)
The essays [or, Morall, politike and millitarie discourses
Extraits pédagogiques
Montaigne, sa vie, son oeuvre
Journal du voyage de Michel de Montaigne en Italie, par la Suisse & le Allemagne, en 1580 & 1581
De la Vanite
The essayes of Michael
No Title Exists
Select essays
Journal du voyage in Italie par la Suisse [et] l'Allemagne en 1580 [et] 1581
Complete works : essays, travel journal, letters. --
Tagebuch einer Reise nach Italien über die Schweiz und Deutschland von 1580 bis 1581
Œuvres complètes
Oeuvre choisies
Essays and selected writings
Selected essays
Des livres
Essais. Eine Auswahl
The works of Montaigne
Oeuvres complètes
Essais / Versuche. Nebst des Verfassers Leben
De l'expérience, chapitre 13 du livre III des essais
Les Essais (mis en français moderne par Claude Pinganaud)
De l'institution des enfants
Journal du voyage de Michel de Montaigne en Italie par la Suisse et l'Allemagne en 1580-1581  [Précédé d'une étude et d'un avertissement, illustré d'un grand nombre de gravures d'époque, suivi d'annexes diverses et de notes, accompagné d'un glossaire et présenté par S. de Sacy d'apres l'edition originale posthume publiée en 1774.]
Ensayos escogidos
Montaigne, maire de Bordeaux
Selected essays of Michel de Montaigne
The essayes of Michael, lord of Montaigne
Saggi [di] Michel de Montaigne
Les essais de Montaigne: accompagnés d'une notice sur sa vie & ses ouvrages, d'une étude ..
Ensayos, II
Essais. 2 CDs
Oeuvres Completes
Literary and Philosophical Essays: French, German and Italian
Literary and Philosophical Essays
Journal de voyage en Italie par la Suisse et l'Allemagne
De l'institution des enfants [Essais, liv. I, chap. XXV) et extraits pédagogiques publiés ... par Gabriel Compayré
Pensées de Monta[i]gne
Correspondance de Montaigne avec le maréchal de Matignon (1582-1588)
De la vanité
Über Montaigne
Sans commencement et sans fin
Les essais ...
Ensayos I / Essays I
Essais de Michel de Montaigne
Le Journal De Voyages
Livre des essais ..
Selected works
The essays of Michael de Montaigne
The essayes, or, Morall, politike, and militarie discovrses ..
Les Eassais - 2 Audio Compact Discs
Five essays
Montaigne, the education of children
Les Essais (in French), 3 Volumes
The Essays of Michel De Montaigne
Trois essais de Montaigne (I-39, II-1, III-2) expliqués par Georges Gougenheim et Pierre-Maxime Schuhl
Oeuvres completes
Principaux chapitres et extraits des "Essais"
Maestro de vida
A Handbook to the Essays of Michel De Montaigne
Journal de Voyage
The complete essays of Montaigne
Dossier pedagogique essais
Ouvres comple  tes
Essays of Montaigne
Essais de Messire Michel de Montaigne
Essais 3*
Les pages immortelles de Montaigne, choisies et expliquées par André Gide
Selected essays of Montaigne
Montaigne auteur de maximes
Apology for Raymond Sebond
Des livres
Essais, transcrits à l'intention du lecteur moderne par Maurice Toesca
Die essais und Das reisetagebuch
Les Essais, livre 3
The essayes, or, Morall, politike, and militarie discourses of Lord Michael de Montaigne ..
The essays of Michel, Lord of Montaigne
Essais, extraits
Montaigne's essays in three books. With notes and quotations. And an account of the author's life. ... Translated by Charles Cotton, Esq. ..
The essayes, or, Morall, politike and millitarie discourses of Lo. Michaell de Montaigne ..
Essayes vvritten in French
Montaigne's essays and selected writings
Essais. Sonderausgabe. 2 Cassetten. Lesung
The essays, 1603
Essais ... Michel de Montaigne
Essais   Tome I
Essais publiés sur l'exemplaire de Bordeaux
De l'amitié
The Essays of Montaigne, Book 2
Les essais de Michel seignevr de Montaigne
The Essays of Montaigne, Book 2 (Essays of Montaigne)
Les essais de Montaigne publiés d'aprés l'édition de 1588 avec les variantes de 1595 et une notice, des notes, un glossaire et un index
Essais Vol. 3
The Essays of Montaigne, Book 1 (Essays of Montaigne)
Oeuvres choisies, disposées d'après l'ordre chronologique avec introduction, bibliographie, notes, grammaire, lexique et illustrations documentaires par René Radouant
Essais 1*
Essays vvritten in French by Michael Lord of Montaigne, Knight of the Order of S. Michael, gentleman of the French Kings chamber: done into English, according to the last French edition, by Iohn Florio reader of the Italian tongue vnto the Soueraigne Maiestie of Anna, Queene of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, &c. And one of the gentlemen of hir royall priuie chamber
Essays by Michel, Lord of Montaigne
Essais Vol. 2
Tagebuch der Reise nach Italien. 2 Cassetten. Über die Schweiz nach Deutschland
ESSAYS - Michel De Montaigne
The Institution and Education of Children
Oeuvres complètes
The Essays of Montaigne, Book 3
Paginas Inmortales
Essais 1588 and 1595 "Du Repentir"
Essais de Michel seigneur de Montaigne
Extraits des essais
Principaux chapitres et extraits des "assais"
DIX Essais
Apologie de Raimond Sebond
The Essays of Montaigne, Book 3 (Essays of Montaigne)
Ensayos Completos - 3 Tomos
Essays and Selected Writings a Bilingual
L'Education des enfants
Des vaines svbitilitez
Montaigne's Essays V2
Eight of his essays
An abstract of the most curious and excellent thoughts in Seigneur de Montaigne's essays: ... Done into English from the French original
Journal de voyage en Italie par la Suisse et l'Allemagne en 1580 et 1581
Les Essais, tome 3
Trois essais de Montaigne (I-39, II-1, III-2)
Gedanken und Meinungen über allerley Gegenstände
Auswahl pädagogischer Stücke aus Montainge's Essays
Discours de la Servitude Volontaire ou le Contr'un
Un Libro de Buena Fe
Montaigne Les Essais Livre III (Volume III)
Les Essais, tome 2
Revue du Lyonnaise
Essays (Part III)
Les Essais (2 Audio Compact Discs in French)
Essays (Part II)
Shakespeare's Montaigne
Essais (Athlone Renaissance Library)
Micel de Montaigne
Journal de voyage en Italie par la Suisse et l'Allemagne en 1580 et 1581
Essais ; avec une biographie de Montaigne, l'étude de son évolution philosophique, une analyse des textes choisis, des notes, des questions, des thèmes de réflexion, des jugements d'ensemble, des sujets de devoirs
Essays (Part 1)
The Essays of Montaigne, Book 1
Michel de Montaigne
The essays of Michel Eyquem de Montaigne
Selected essays
Selected essays
Essays of Montaigne, Volume 3
Lettre à son père sur la mort d'Étienne de La Boétie
Journal du voyage en Italie
Voyage à Rome avec Montaigne, Stendhal, Chateaubriand, Goethe--
The essays of Montaigne
Selected essays
Les Essais
The works of Michel de Montaigne Volume 2
Les essais de Michel, seigneur de Montaigne
Literary and Philosophical Essays: French, German and Italian
Essais de Montaigne
Essais de Michel de Montaigne
Journal de voyage
Essays of Montaigne
Les essais de Montaigne: accompagnés d'une notice sur sa vie & ses ouvrages, d'une étude ...
Mengtian jing dian wen cun
The essayes of Michael Lord of Montaigne
The complete essays of Michel de Montaigne
סנגוריה על רמון סבונד
Sur les vers de Virgile
Modern Electronic Instrumentation &  Measurement Techniques by cooper
Des Cannibales
Oeuvres completes
Reproduction en phototypie de l'exemplaire avec notes manuscrites marginales des Essais de Montaigne
Journal de voyage en Italie, par la Suisse et l'Allemagne en 1580 et 1581. --
Essayes; or, Morall, politike and millitarie discourses
A handbook to the essays of Michel de Montaigne
Dos ensayos sobre la educacion
Éloge de l'animal
Essays in 3 books
Oeuvres choisies
The essayes of Michael Lord of Montaigne
Trois essais de Montaigne
Appel a Michel Montagne
Liberty Luminants
Les essais de Montaigne
Sobre a vaidade
Journal de voyage
Essais de Michel seigneur de Montaigne
Journal du voyage de Michel de Montaigne en Italie par la Suisse et l'Allemagne en 1580 et 1581
Essais de Michel de Montaigne: avec des notes de tous les commentateurs
Journal du voyage in Italie par la Suisse [et] l'Allemagne en 1580 [et] 1581
Essais de Montaigne
The essayes of Michael, Lord of Montaigne
Œuvres complètes
Essais: avec les notes de tous les commentateurs
Apologie de Raymond Sebond (Philosophie) (French Edition)
Selections from the essays
Journal de voyage en Italie par la Suisse et l'Allemagne
Journal du voyage de Michel de Montaigne en Italie, par la Suisse & l'Allemagne en 1580 & 1581
Les essais de Michel seigneur de Montaigne
Essais ...
Een complex en veranderlijk wezen
מישל דה מונטן
Les pages immortelles de Montaigne
Essais de Michel de Montaigne
Essais de Michel de Montaigne
The essays of Montaigne
Les pages immortelles de Montaigne
De l'institution des enfans
Essays of Montaigne
Montaigne par lui-m?eme
Essais de Michel de Montaigne
Les essais de Montaigne
Essais de Michel seigneur de Montaigne
Pensées de Montaigne
Works of Michael de Montaigne: Comprising His Essays, Journey Into Italy, and Letters, with ...
Essays of Montaigne
Essays of Michael, seigneur de Montaigne
All the essays of Michael Seigneur de Montaigne
Les essais de Michel de Montaigne
Les essais de Montaigne
The complete works of Michael de Montaigne
The essayes, or, Morall, politike and millitarie discourses of Lo: Michaell de Montaigne, Knight of the noble Order of St. Michaell, and one of the gentlemen in ordinary of the French king, Henry the third his chamber
Les essais de Montaigne
Ensayos completos
Essais de Michel de Montaigne: précédés d'une lettre à M. Villemain sur l'éloge de Montaigne
Essais de Michel de Montaigne
Montaigne ou la conscience heureuse
Works of Michael de Montaigne
Mengtian wen xuan
Les essais de Michel seigneur de Montaigne
The essays of Michel de Montaigne
Les essais
Essais de Michel de Montaigne: Texte original de 1580 avec les variantes des ...
Essais de Montaigne, publiés d'après l'édition la plus authentique
[Oeuvres complètes de Montaigne]
The essays of Michel de Montaigne
Oeuvres complètes
Fernando Pessoa
Fernando Pessoa (1888-1935)

poet, translator, philosopher, essayist, literary critic

  • University of Lisbon, University of South Africa
Quaresma, decifrador
Livro do desassossego
Fernando Pessoa & Co
O Banqueiro Anarquista
The Selected Prose of Fernando Pessoa
Probleme des Naturalismus
O guardador de rebanhos
A little larger than the entire universe
Always astonished
Poètes de Lisbonne
Cuentos portugueses
A hora do diabo
A educação do estóico
Pessoa en personne
Os demônios morrem duas vezes
Antinoj (Antinous)
Ficções do interlúdio
The Collected Poems of Alberto Caeiro
The Complete Works of Alberto Caeiro
Poemas de Alvaro de Campos
The tobacconist
A critical, dual-language edition of Quadras ao gosta popular/Quatrains in the popular style
Poesie di Álvaro de Campos
Mad Fiddler
Poemas de Alberto Caeiro
Encontro magick ; seguido de A boca do inferno
Sobre literatura y arte
Phernanto Pessoa. K.P. Kavaphēs
Cartas entre Fernando Pessoa e os diretores da "Presença"
Selected English Poems
Livro do desassossego
Das Buch der Unruhe des Hilfsbuchhalters Bernardo Soares
Voz Do Silêncio
Selected poems [of] Fernando Pessoa
Suave Es Vivir Solo / How Sweet to Live Alone
Drama en gente : antologia
Yo soy una antologia : 136 autores ficticios - 1. edicion
Páginas de estética e de teoria e crítica literárias
Oeuvres Poetiques
Vida e obras do engenheiro
Paginas Escogidas  Selected Works
                Clasicos Poesia
Ode maritime
A Centenary Pessoa (Aspects of Portugal S.)
Escritos autobiográficos, automáticos e de reflexão pessoal
Selected poems by Fernando Pessoa
Obra completa
Odes de Ricardo Reis
The surprise of being
35 sonnets =
Huzursuzluğun Kitabı
I Have More Souls Than One
Sixty Portuguese poems
Fernando Pessoa
A passagem das horas
Moral, Regras de Vida, Condições de Iniciação
Il libro dell'inquietudine
Ensaios políticos
Oda marítima
Contos de Natal portugueses
Fernando Pessoa & Ofélia Queiroz
Crítica, ensayos, artículos y entrevistas
Poemas de Álvaro de Campos (Ilustrado)
Poemes d’Álvaro de Campos
Banquero Anarquista y Otros Cuentos
Letra Escarlate
Llibre del desassossec
Pessoa Pessoa'yi Anlatiyor
O eu profundo e os outros eus
Poemes d’Álvaro de Campos
Anarsist Banker
Obras de António Mora. Volumen 6
13 poemas do amor
Mein Lissabon. Ein Lese- und Bilderbuch
Oh Lissabon, du meine Heimstatt
O Eu Profundo e Os Outros Eus (Ilustrado)
Baron von Teive
Poesia, 1931-1935
Poesias Inéditas (Ilustrado)
Ksiega niepokoju
El primer Fausto / Todavía más allá del otro océano
El elfo y la princesa
Fernando Pessoa. Anthologie essentielle
Poesía completa de Alberto Caeiro
Poesias inéditas (1919-1930)
Poesias inéditas (1930-1935)
Álvaro de Campos
Cadernos. Volumen 11
Centenary Pessoa
El Primer Fausto
L'hora del diable i altres ficcions
Páginas de doutrina estética, selecção, pref. e notas de Jorge de Sena
Poesias Inéditas
Obra poetica
O mendigo e outros contos
A educacao do stoico. Volumen 9
Banchiere Anarchico
El banquero anarquista
Uzakliklar, Eski Denizler
La educación del estoico
Libro del desasosiego
Cartas de amor de Fernando Pessoa
Aklin Haysiyeti
Ophelia'ya Mektuplar
Livro Do Desassocego : Imagens Do: (ou para O: )
Antología poética
Poesie di Fernando Pessoa
Os Maias
A língua portuguesa
English Poems
Poesía de Alberto Caeiro
La oligarquía de las bestias y otras ficciones políticas
Poemes d’Alberto Caeiro
El banquero anarquista
O Pastor Amoroso (Ilustrado)
LIVRO DO DESASSOCEGO - X Volume : Imagens Do
Pessoa múltiple
El banquero anarquista y la tirania / The anarchist banker and the tyranny
Alberto Caeiro - Dichtungen
Poesia - Poesie
Un corazón de nadie- RUSTICA
Das Buch der Unruhe des Hilfsbuchhalters Bernardo Soares
Obra poética e em prosa
Basibos Bir Yolculuktan Notlar
Edição crítica de Fernando Pessoa
L’educació de l’estoic
Wenn das Herz denken könnte...
Sensacionismo e outros ismos. Volumen 10
Fernando Pessoa and Co.
El banquero anarquista
Mein Lissabon
Aforismos y Afines
Heróstrato e a busca da imortalidade
De ontraadselaar
Odes de Ricardo Reis
A memória do presidente-rei Sidónio Paes
Alvaro de Campos. Poesias. Dichtungen
Ich Ich Ich
Carmina pessoana
Um Jantar Muito Original Seguido de a Porta
AntologÍa Del Devenir
Ricardo Reis
Obra Poética de Fernando Pessoa - Caixa
Livro do desasocego. Volumen 12
Faust. Tragèdia subjectiva
Ficciones del interludio
Crónicas de la vida que pasa
No, No Es Cansancio y Otros Poemas Sin Fecha
Contra la democracia
Self-analysis and thirty other poems
Poemes d’Álvaro de Campos
Textos filosóficos
Fernando Pessoa. Poesía I: Los poemas de Alberto Caeiro 1. El guardador de rebaños, el pastor enamorado - 2.ª edición
Toda la gente que conozco
Escritos sobre genio y locura
Başıboş Bir Yolculuktan Notlar
L’educació de l’estoic
Ser todo de todas las maneras
El banquero anarquista y otras ficciones sociales
David Wevill Collected Translations
Mensagem (Portuguese Edition)
Poemes de Fernando Pessoa
Fernando Pessoa. Dokumente zur Person und ausgewählte Briefe
Los poemas de Alberto Caeiro
Os melhores poemas
Cartas de amor
La confesión de Lucio
Antínoo y otros poemas ingleses
Cartas, visões e outros textos do Sr. Pantaleão
Forever someone else
Os instrumentos do tempo
Sobre el fascismo, la Dictadura Militar y Salazar
Escritos autobiográficos, automáticos e de reflexão pessoal
Stations of the cross
Prensin Ölümü ve Seytanin Saati
Mensagem - Poemas Esotericos
El banquero anarquista y la tirania / The anarchist banker and the tyranny
Libro del desasosiego
Da república (1910-1935)
O assobio da foice
Lo mejor del mundo son los niños
Cancioneiro (Ilustrado)
Comment les Autres Nous Voient
Livro Do Desassocego : Imagens Do
Il libro dell'inquietudine di Bernardo Soares
Una cena muy original
O interregno
Os fantasmas da gaveta
Algebra der Geheimnisse. Ein Lesebuch
LIVRO DO DESASSOCEGO - V Volume : Imagens Do
Oeuvres poétiques
Fernando Pessoa, nada se sabe tudo se imagina
Poemas esotéricos
Noventa Poemas Ultimos
Alberto Caeiro
L’educació de l’estoic
Chronique de la Vie Qui Passe : Proses Publiees du Vivant de l'auteur I
Lisboa en Pessoa
A nova poesia portuguesa
Cartas a Ophelia
Writings on Art and Poetical Theory
Antologia Poetica (Biblioteca de Poesia)
Contra Salazar
Visage avec masques
Odes de Ricardo Reis
El marinero
Una sola moltitudine
Antinous David & Jonathan
Lisbonne revisitée -Anthologie-
Fernando Pessoa e a filosofia hermética
El banquer anarquista
Obra Completa de Alberto Caeiro
Poemas de Álvaro de Campos
Il poeta è un fingitore
A maconaria vista
Un corazón de nadie- RUSTICA
Odes de Ricardo Reis
Hicbir Sey Istememenin Mutlulugu
O umbigo do anjo
Gizemli Bir Maske
Anarsist Banker Seytanin Saati
El camino de la serpiente
Dokumente zur Person und ausgewählte Briefe
Poemas de Álvaro de Campos
Máscaras y paradojas
Ficciones del interludio
Quaresma, descifrador. Relatos policíacos
Complete Works of Álvaro de Campos
VIII - Livro Do Desassocego
Primeiro Fausto (Ilustrado)
Páginas de estética e de teoría e crítica literárias
Textos Portugueses líricois
Ich legte die Maske ab
Very Original Dinner
Philosophical Essays
Una sola moltitudine. Volume primo
Poemes d’Alberto Caeiro
El poeta es un fingidor
Visage avec masques
Der siebte Saal
Argumentos para peliculas
Em redor do A
Canções de beber na obra de Fernando Pessoa
Un disfraz equivocado
Plural como el universo
Sobre o fascismo, a ditadura militar e Salazar
L'hora del diable i altres ficcions
Plural esencial
Páginas íntimas e de auto-interpretação
La educación del estoico
Oh Lissabon, du meine Heimstatt
Apreciações literárias
Textos de crítica e de intervenção
La hora del diablo
Fernando Pessoa, o comércio e a publicidade
Bulmaca Meraklisi Quaresma
Antologia Esencial Edicion Bilingue
La hora del diablo
Arco de Triunfo 1 - Poemas de Alvaro de Campos
O Conto do Vigário
O banqueiro anarquista e outros contos de raciocínio
Ein anarchistischer Bankier / Ein ganz ausgefallenes Abendessen. (Wagenbach SALTO)
Felsefi Denemeler
Llibre del desassossec
Fotobibliografia de Fernando Pessoa
Llibre del desassossec
Pessoa inédito
Cuentos de locos
Libro del desasosiego
Crítica, ensayos, artículos y entrevistas
Escritos sobre génio e loucura. Volumen 7
L’educació de l’estoic
L'Heure du Diable
Tabaqueria y Otros Poemas Con Fecha
Imminenza dell'ignoto
Rosea Cruz
Teoría poética
Escritos sobre génio e loucura
Livro de versos
Poemas ingleses
O louco rabequista
Das origens e essência da maçonaria e do seu contributo judaico
Os Portugueses
As múltiplas faces de Fernando Pessoa
Dista ncia constelada
Livro do desassossego
Fernando Pessoa
Fernando Pessoa I-IV
Livro do desassossêgo
42 Poemas - Pessoa
Poesia de Fernando Pessoa para todos
Antología de Alvaro de Campos
Lenigma E Le Maschere
Meh ʻaśiti min ha-ḥayim
Crónicas da vida que passa
Portugal, Sebastianismo e Quinto Imperio
Le Livre de l'intranquillité, tome 2
Textos de cri tica e de intervenc ʹa o
A essência do comércio
O marinheiro
Poemas esotéricos
Ficção e teatro
O rosto e as máscaras, textos escolhidos em verso e prosa
Selección Poética
Poesia de Fernando Pessoa
Almas e estrelas
Fernando Pessoa
O banqueiro anarquista
Obras em prosa
El marinero
Poèmes français
Algebra der Geheimnisse
Correspondência 1905-1922
A demonstração do indemonstrável
Um jantar muito original seguido de A porta
A passagem das horas
Poemas de Alberto Caeiro
A grande alma portuguesa
Contos completos
Encontro "Magick" de Fernando Pessoa e Aleister Crowley
Destacado e nítido
Escritos sobre genio y locura
Le retour des dieux
Obra poética
Livro do desassossego de Bernardo Soares
Poemas drama ticos
Fernando Pessoa
Mensagem e outros poemas sobre Portugal
La Educacion del Estoico
Antologia poética
Alguma prosa
Apologia do paganismo
Mensagem de Fernando Pessoa
Poesias inéditas
In ons leven tallozen
Antologia poética
Fernando Pessoa, poeta-tradutor de poetas
Cartas de amor de Fernando Pessoa e Ofélia Queiroz
Notas para a recordação do meu Mestre Caeiro
Crítica literária
O guardador de rebanhos e outros poemas
Escritos íntimos, cartas e páginas autobiográficas
Erostrato y La Busqueda de La Inmortalidad
Una sola moltitudine
Fernando Pessoa, o poeta singular e plural
Crónicas intemporias
Correspondência inédita
Ficções do interlúdio/4: poesias de Álvaro de Campos
Prosa de Álvaro de Campos
Cartas de Fernando Pessoa a João Gaspar Simoes
Lo mejor del mundo son los niños
Fernando Pessoa, 50 anos depois de sua morte
Obra essencial de Fernando Pessoa
Ḥanut ha-ṭabaḳ
Paginas de doutrina estética
Obras em prosa
Escritos autobiográficos, automáticos e de reflexão pessoal
A mac ʹonaria vista por Fernando Pessoa
El malestar del presente. Escritos de Antonio Mora
Poesía completa
Como viver ou não em 777 frases de Fernando Pessoa
Contos, fábulas e outras ficções
Cartas de amor a Ophélia Queiroz
ha-Banḳai ha-anarkhisṭ
Cartas a Armando Côrtes-Rodrigues
Vozes da saudade
Fernando Pessoa e a Europa do século XX
Textos de intervenção social e cultural ; A ficção dos heterónimos
Poemas (Intemporales)
The Fernando Pessoa Auction
Tren de cuerda
Politica y profecía
Poesia II
Alguma prosa
Pedacinhos de poemas de Fernando Pessoa (Alberto Caeiro)
Poesias inéditas (1930-1935)
O guardador de rebanhos e outros poemas
O Banqueiro Anarquista e outros contos filosóficos
Páginas de pensamento político
O rosto e as máscaras
Provérbios portugueses
Fernando Alberto Reis de Campos Pessoa
Pa ginas de pensamento poli tico
Páginas sobre literatura e estética
Ficções do interlúdio/2: odes de Ricardo Reis. /3: para além do outro oceano de C[oelho] Pacheco
Ultimatum e páginas de sociologia política
Homenagem a Fernando Pessoa
Poemas de Fernando Pessoa
The collected poems of Álvaro de Campos
Herostrat, die ästhetische Diskussion
Poemas - 619 - Pessoa
Palavras do livro do desassossego
Novas poesias ine ditas
Sociologia do comercio
A galaxy of poets 1888-1935
Paginas Escogidas - Edicion Bilingue -
Mensagem: À memória do presidente-rei Sidónio Pais: Quinto império: cancioneiro
Antologia Esencial
Poesia profética, mágica e espiritual
Elogio da indisciplina
Poemas dramáticos...
Antologia poética de Fernando Pessoa
Marketing em Pessoa
Poesia dos outros eus
Teatro do êxtase
O banqueiro anarquista e outras prosas
Drama En Gente - Antologia / Bilingue
Primeiro Fausto
A procura da verdade oculta
Obras de Jean Seul de Méluret
Crónicas intemporais
O privilégio dos caminhos =
Poemas de Fernando Pessoa
Poemas Completos de Ricardo Reis
Poesia de Fernando Pessoa
A economia em Pessoa
Obras completas de Fernando Pessoa
Quadras ao gosto popular
Fernando Pessoa, o último ano
Mascaras y Paradojas (Coleccion Aforismos)
Livro de viagem
Sebastianismo e Quinto Império
Passo e fico, como o universo
Novas poesias inéditas
Exo rdio em prol da filantropia & da educac ʹa o fi sica
A educação do estóico
A poesia de Alberto Caeiro
Cartas reencontradas de Fernando Pessoa a Mário de Sá-Carneiro
Quadras e outras cantares
O banqueiro anarquista e outros contos de raciocínio
Poemas dramáticos de Fernando Pessoa
Poemas ocultistas
Nas encruzilhadas do mundo e do tempo
"Inscriptions" =
Poesia - Pessoa
Sobre Portugal
Sobre Portugal
Je ne suis personne
Antologia Poetica
Seleção poética [Estudo crítico-biográfico de Maria Aliete Galhoz]
Associações secretas e outros escritos
Palavras de Fernando Pessoa
Poesias de Alvaro de Campos
Fernando Pessoa
Ultimatum e páginas de sociologia política
Ficções do interlúdio/1: poemas completos de Alberto Caeiro
Poemas inéditos destinados ao no. 3 do "Orpheu."
Escritos Autobiograficos, Automaticos y de Reflexion Personal
Poesias ine ditas
Poemas Completos de Álvaro de Campos
A memória do presidente-rei Sidónio Paes
Obra poética
Texto crítico das odes de Fernando Pessoa--Ricardo Reis
Poemas dramáticos. Poemas ingleses. Poemas franceses. Poemas traduzidos
Poesias heterónimos
Poemas inéditos 1915-1920
Ficções do interlúdio
Fernando Pessoa
Poemas Escolhidos
Antologia de poemas Portugeses modernos
Obras em prosa
O poeta fingidor
Hora absurda
Escritos sobre genio y locura
Fernando Pessoa, poète pluriel, 1888-1935
Poemas ingleses
Textos de crítica e de intervenção
Da república (1910-1935)
Ecologia e território
O pensamento vivo de Fernando Pessoa
Livro do desassossego
Poesia inglesa
על העמוד היציב
Poesia 1931-1935 e não datada
O Caminho da Serpente / O Verbo do Arcano Luciferano em Fernando Pessoa
Fernando Pessoa, tempo, solidão, hermetismo
Edição crítica de Fernando Pessoa, série maior
Mensagem e outros poemas afins
Pela verdade
Teoria da heteronímia
Escritos sobre genio y locura
Selección Poética
O conto do vigário
Mensagem e outros poemas afins
Fernando Pessoa, Le théâtre de l'être
Poemas de Fernando Pessoa
Cartas de Fernando Pessoa a João Gaspar Simões
Textos filosóficos
Iris Murdoch
Iris Murdoch (1919-1999)

poet, philosopher, biographer, professor

  • Badminton School, University of Oxford
The Green Knight
The Italian girl
A fairly honourable defeat
Nuns and soldiers
An unofficial rose
Something Special
A word child
The red and the green
Existentialists and Mystics
An accidental man
The book and the brotherhood
The Bell
Great humorous stories
The nice and the good
The fire & the sun
Metaphysics as a guide to morals
The philosopher's pupil
The Sea, the Sea
Le dilemme de Jackson
Under the net, a novel
Going Back
Bruno's Dream
Henry und Cato
The unicorn; a novel
The Time of the Angels
Sartre, romantic realist
In guter Absicht
Iris Murdoch, writer at war
El castillo de arena
Die Flucht vor dem Zauberer
A writer at war
A year of birds
The servants and the snow ; The three arrows ; The black prince
The Sea, the Sea; A Severed Head
La Souveraineté du bien
Le Prince noir
Une'Tete Coupee
The existentialist political myth
Reynolds Stone
De Sacrale En Profane Liefdes Machine
Living on paper
Women ask why
Le message à la planète
From a tiny corner in the house of fiction
One alone
La negra noche
The Time of the Angels (The Collected Works of Iris Murdoch)
Joanna, Joanna
Rencontres avec Iris Murdoch
A Fairly Honourable Defeat
L'attention romanesque
Novels of Iris Murdoch Volume Three
Amigos Y Amantes/ Friends and Lovers
L'élève du philosophe
Iyinin Egemenligi
El Fuego y El Sol
Pediatric Medicine
Philosophy and literature
3 Arrows & Servnt & Snow
Tamarisk now
Novels of Iris Murdoch Volume Two
Something special
A severed head
Iris Murdoch Omnibus
Three Arrows and the Ser Kindle
תחת הרשת
Philosophy Essays
Iris Murdoch in conversation with Malcolm Bradbury
Novels of Iris Murdoch Volume One
Ruya Sakinleri
Black Prince (SparkNotes Literature Guide)
Never mind about the bourgeoisie
Black Prince (SparkNotes Literature Guide)
Murdoch: 40 years a novelist
Het boek en de broederschap
Algo del otro mundo
Descubrir el existencialismo
Colin Wilson
Colin Wilson (1931-2013)

ufologist, autobiographer, biographer, philosopher

Written in Blood
The black room
The Mammoth Book of the Supernatural
Bullet To The Head
The schoolgirl murder case
The mammoth book of the supernatural
The god of the labyrinth
The killer: a novel
The philosopher's stone
The outsider
A Criminal History of Mankind
The mind parasites
Poetry and mysticism
From Atlantis to the Sphinx
Mysteries of the universe
Encyclopaedia of modern murder, 1962-82
Below the iceberg
Rogue Messiahs
The occult
Alien dawn
Religion and the rebel
The sex diary of a metaphysician
The space vampires
The misfits
The strength to dream
The schoolgirl murder case
The decline and fall of leftism
The Mammoth Book of the History of Murder
Rasputin and the fall of the Romanovs
Voyage to a beginning
Atlantis and the Kingdom of the Neanderthals
UFOs and aliens
The mammoth book of true crime
Jack the Ripper
Beyond the occult
Anti-Sartre, with an essay on Camus
Written in blood
The encyclopedia of crime
The Do-It-Yourself Bestseller
The encyclopedia of unsolved mysteries
Semiotext(e) SF
Unsolved mysteries past and present
New pathways in psychology
Spider world, the magician
The killers among us
The Occult
The craft of the novel
The quest for Wilhelm Reich
The strength to dream
Bernard Shaw
History of Murder
Strange powers
The Mammoth Book of Murder
A criminal history of mankind
The Outsider
Frankensteins Castle
A casebook of murder
Aleister Crowley
The World's Greatest True Crime
The stature of man
The glass cage
Psychic powers
Music, Nature, & the Romantic Outsider
Adrift in Soho
The psychic detectives
The magician from Siberia
Ghosts and the supernatural
The murder casebook
The Giant Book of True Crime
The Desert (Spider World, Book 1)
The atlas of holy places & sacred sites
C. G. Jung
The musician as "outsider"
New pathways in psychology
The essential Colin Wilson
The delta
Tree by Tolkien
Ghosts (Unexplained)
An essay on the "new" existentialism
The glass cage
The outsider
Origins of the sexual impulse
Serial killer investigations
Sex, America, and Other Insights
Colin Wilson's World Famous Crimes
Ritual in the dark
World Famous News Stories
Mozart's Journey to Prague
THE MURDER CASEBOOK (2006) Classic Accounts of Famous Modern Crimes
Rudolf Steiner
Illustrated True Crime
Beyond the Outsider
Ritual in the Dark (Visions)
The tower
The Delta (Spider World, Book 4)
The Mammoth Book of True Crime 2
The Strange Life of P.D. Ouspensky
The Misfits
Tree of life
The delta
The Atlantis blueprint
UFO's and Aliens (Unexplained)
Ritual in the Dark
Aleister Crowley
The sex diary of Gerard Sorme
New Pathways in Psychology
The Outsider
G.I. Gurdjieff
New pathways in psychology
The god of the labyrinth
Sex and the intelligent teenager
New pathways in psychology
Enigmas and mysteries
Spider World: The Tower (Spider World: Epic Visionary Fiction)
The angry years
E ncyclopaedia of modern murder, 1962-1982
Cults and Fanatics
Dreaming to Some Purpose
Strange vanishings
Psychic Powers (Unexplained)
Brandy of the damned
Tanz der Teufel. Scharlatane, Gurus, Sektenführer
Colin Wilson's world famous crimes
The strange life of P.D. Ouspensky
Alien Dawn
The Giant Book of the Supernatural
The Janus murder case
The Craft of the Novel
G. I. Gurdjieff
Beyond the outsider
Carl G. Jung
Encyclopaedia of modern murder 1962-82 [Book]
The bicameral critic
Meurtre d'une écolière
The Angry Years
Murder in the 1930's
The Laurel & Hardy Theory of Consciousness
The devil's party
Serial Killer Investigations
The Fortress (Spider World, Book 3)
The serial killers
L'archéologie interdite, de l'Atlantide au Sphinx
Suqout al-hadharah
The god ofthe labyrinth
Introduction to the new existentialism
The Directory of possibilities
Ency Modern Murder Pa
L' occulte. Trad. de l'anglais par R. Genin
World famous catastrophes
The mammoth encyclopedia of the unsolved
The book of time
Murder in the 1930's
Alien Dawn Giant Display Book
The God of the Labyrinth
The Mind Parasites
The World's Greatest True Crime Stories
ALIEN DAWN - An Investigation into the Contact Experience
Necessary doubt
Marriage and London
The personality surgeon
A Plague of Murder
The Devil's Party
The world's greatest true crime
The Tower (Spider World, Book 2)
The haunted man
Spider World
Existentially speaking
La femme moderne et l'alcool
The Psychic Detectives
The Corpse Garden
Rudolf Steiner, El Hambre y Su Vision
Nikos Kazantzakis
The Atlantis blueprint : unlocking the ancient mysteries of a long-lost civilization
Crimes of Passion
Encyclopaedia of modern murder
Ency Modern Murder
Star Seekers
The Book of Great Mysteries
Access to inner worlds
Encyclopedia of murder
Rain Dogs
World famous gaslight murders
Did Nostradamus predict the twin towers?
The palace
The glass cage
Socialists and gay liberation
Weird News Stories (World Famous)
The metal flower blossom and other plays
Man without a shadow
The books in my life
Lo Oculto
Ken Russell
Hesse Reich Borges
Murder in the 1930s
World famous strange but true
Spider world--the tower
Spider world--the delta
Mysterious powers
The outsider
The violent world of Hugh Greene
La pierre philosophale
World famous unsolved crimes
Colin Wilson's true crime file
An encyclopedia of scandal
Frankenstein's castle
An Extraordinary Man in the Age of Pigmies
The New Existentialism
Bernard Shaw
The Schoolgirl Murder Case
World famous murders
The giant book of world famous murders
The Personality Surgeon
Sex Diary of a Metaphysician
The World of Violence
Colin Wilson's True Crime File
Strange vanishings
Strange tales and weird mysteries
World Famous True Crimes
Le Tueur
The Giant Book of World Famous Murders
Introduction to James Drought
Access to Inner Worlds
Point blank
Encyclopaedia of murder
Rael (Into the Shadow of the Sun)
Mozart's journey to Prague
The Directory of possibilities
Gay Liberation and Socialism
Dark Dimensions
The mammoth book of true crime 2
Haunted Man (Popular writers of today ; v. 20)
Adrift in Soho
Voyage to a Beginning
A plague of murder
Le sacre de la nuit
World Famous True Ghost Stories
The world of violence
The Serial Killers
Rudolf Steiner
The Philosopher's Stone
Dreaming to some purpose
Encyclopaedia of murder
Murder in the 1940s (Colin Wilson's True Crime File)
Rasputin and the Fall of the Romanovs
Men of Mystery
Colin Wilson's World Famous Murders
Space Vampires
Beyond the Occult
Ghost sightings
Super consciousness
The Age of Defeat
Mysterious Powers (Library of the Supernatural)
You should be so lucky
The Killer
The Death of God and Other Plays
Colin Wilson festschrift
New pathways in psychology: Maslow and the post-Freudian revolution
Religion and the Rebel
The essential Colin Wilson
Les vampires de l'e"space
Colin Wilson's Men of mystery
Mago de Siberia, El
Chords and discords
The mind parasites
The age of defeat
The Geller phenomenon
The unexplained
Order of assassins
The outsider
Cults and Fanatics
Religion and the rebel
Wilhelm Reich
Colin Wilson's men of mystery
El Desplazdo
Shaw in his letters
Unsolved mysteries
Shaw and the new humanism
The return of the Lloigor
The bicameral critic
World famous
Chōetsu ishiki no tankyū
Killers among Us
Science fiction as existentialism
The third level of reality
The Giant book of the unknown
The giant book of bad guys
The strength to dream
Xi fang mou sha shi lu
News stories
The new existentialism
Existential criticism
The age of defeat
Westcountry mysteries
Rudolf Steiner
Unsolved Crimes
The war against sleep
Jack the Ripper
World famous crimes of passion
The occult Webb
Storia criminale del genere umano
Serial killer investigations
Adrift in Soho
Dark dimensions
Colin Wilson on music
The age of defeat
Parazity soznani︠i︡a
Qinmeartha and the Girl Child Lochi and the Tomb of the Old Ones
Marx refuted
Crimes of Passion
The encyclopedia of modern murder
True ghost stories
Mysterious powers
Soho, à la dérive
They had strange powers
Rudolf Steiner, the man and his vision
Beyond the outsider
Mysteries of the mind
The Directory of possibilities
L'arche ologie interdite
Poetry and mysticism
Origins of the sexual impulse
Adrift in Soho
An extraordinary man in the age of pigmies
World famous gaslight murders
A casebook of murder
A book of booze
The mind parasites
Introduction to the new existentialism
Rasputin and the fall of the Romanovs
World famous scandals
Zoku autosaidā
Jorge Luis Borges
The world of violence
Tsofen ha-Sfinḳs
World Famous Strange Tales and Mysteries
Autobiographical reflections
Unsolved mysteries, past and present
Leutnant Blueberry, Bd.31, Die Jugend von Blueberry
Lord of the underworld
Hermann Hesse
Unsolved Mysteries
Eagle and Earwig
L' Amour
Future War
Qinmeartha and the Girl Child Lochi and the Tomb of the Old Ones
Serial killer investigations
A photographic record
Chinua Achebe
Chinua Achebe (1930-2013)

poet, literary critic, essayist, philosopher, academic

  • University of London, University of Ibadan
The Story and its Writer -- Third Edition
The Story and Its Writer -- Ninth Edition
The Story and Its Writer -- Compact Eighth Edition
Backpack Literature -- Fifth Edition
The Story and Its Writer -- Compact Fourth Edition
Perrine's Story and Structure--Twelfth Edition
Literature, The Human Experience, Reading and Writing--Shorter Ninth Edition
World Literature 1999
Fiction, A Pocket Anthology--Fifth Edition
Impact--Second Edition
Perrine's Story and Structure--Tenth Edition
The Carolina reader--writing about literature 2008
Prentice Hall Literature -- Platinum
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--World Literature
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--Platinum
Prentice Hall Literature--Florida--Language and Literacy
Anthills of the savannah
World Literature
Things Fall Apart
Arrow of God
Chike and the River
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--Copper Level
A Man of the People
Hopes and impediments
Fiction, A Pocket Anthology--Seventh Edition
African Short Stories
Home and Exile
Literature--An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, Drama and Writing--Eleventh Edition
There Was a Country
Literature, a portable anthology
Perrine's literature, Structure, sound and sense--Eighth edition
Conversations with Chinua Achebe
Collected poems
The African Trilogy (Things Fall Apart / No Longer at Ease / Arrow of God)
Sharing Literature With Children
World Literature
The Language of Literature--British Literature
The Story and Its Writer -- Compact Seventh Edition
Literature--Third Compact Edition
McDougal, Littell Literature and language--English and World Literature
Perrine's literature -- Tenth Edition
Prentice Hall Literature -- Grade Ten
Literature--Eighth Edition
The trouble with Nigeria
The Education of a British-Protected Child
Transition 75/76. Selections from Transition, 1961-1976
The Story and Its Writer--Fifth Edition
Morning yet on creation day
How the leopard got his claws
Perrine's literature--structure, sound and sense--Ninth edition
An Image of Africa
Literature of Britain with World Classics
Fiction, A Pocket Anthology--Third Edition
Prentice Hall Literature--Grade 6
Another Africa
Exploring Literature -- Fourth Edition
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--Reader's Companion--Copper Level
Adventures in English Literature -- Athena Edition
The Story and Its Writer--Compact Fifth Edition
Short Fiction, Classic and Contemporary -- Fifth Edition
The African assertion
Under African Skies
Literature -- A Pocket Anthology -- Second Edition
Literature--Twelfth Edition
An introduction to fiction -- Tenth Edition
An introduction to literature -- twelfth edition
Other Voices, Other Vistas
Glencoe World Literature
Christmas in Biafra, and other poems
The language of literature [Grade 10]
Contemporary African Short Stories
Fiction, A Pocket Anthology--Canadian Edition
The Story and Its Writer--Eighth Edition
Literature, a pocket anthology -- Canadian Edition
An Introduction to Fiction -- Eleventh Edition
Prentice Hall Literature--Platinum--Second Edition.
Fiction, A Pocket Anthology--Sixth Edition
Things Fall Apart with Connections
Beware Soul Brother
Short Fiction, Classic and Contemporary--Fourth Edition
The Riverside anthology of literature -- Second edition
Prentice Hall Literature Portfolio
Introduction to fiction
Discovering fiction
Backpack Literature--Second Edition
Literature--Sixth Compact Edition
Literature and the Writing Process--Ninth Edition
Africa's Tarnished Name
Things Fall Apart with related readings
Literature--Seventh Edition
The InterActive Reader Plus
Prentice Hall Literature [grade 6]
The Twentieth Century and After -- Ninth Edition
Things Fall Apart by Steiner, Rudolf, Achebe, Chinua  Paperback
The story and its writer--Sixth Edition
The Riverside anthology of literature -- Third edition
No Loger at Ease
The Riverside anthology of literature
Prentice Hall Literature Texas -- Language and Literacy
Interactive Reader -- grade 10
World literature
Girls at War and other stories
The Norton Anthology of English Literature -- Seventh Edition -- Volume 2C
McDougal Littell literature--British Literature
The Story and Its Writer--Compact Ninth Edition
Prentice Hall Literature -- Language and Literacy
Literature and the Writing Process -- eleventh edition
Exploring literature
The art of the tale
Exploring literature--Fifth edition
Winds of Change
Glencoe literature--the reader's choice--course 5
Literature -- A Pocket Anthology
Contemporary Stories 1
The language of literature--World literature
Beyond Hunger in Africa
Modern World Literature
Prentice Hall Literature--Language and Literacy
World literature -- revised edition
Literature--second edition
An Introduction to literature -- eleventh edition
Literature -- Part 1. Fiction -- Custom Edition for Anne Arundel Community College
The university and the leadership factor in Nigerian politics
Literature, For English 1020 at the Cuyahoga Community College
The flute
Things Fall Apart and Related Readings
An Introduction to Fiction -- Ninth Edition
Modern stories in English
Literature--Second Compact Edition
Pearson Literature Grade 6
Backpack literature--Fourth edition
An Introduction to Fiction -- Seventh Edition
The sacrificial egg
World writers today
Fiction--Twelfth Edition
An Introduction to Fiction -- Eighth Edition
Backpack literature
Glencoe Literature--The Readers Choice--British Literature
Don't let him die
World literature 2007
Prentice Hall Literature -- Grade Six
Literature--Texas Treasures--Course 5
Chinua Achebe Reading Anthills of the Savannah and Arrow of God
Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels 2002. Ansprachen aus Anlaß der Verleihung
Literature--Third Edition
The drum
Literature, reading, reacting, writing--compact fifth edition
Pearson Literature -- Grade 10
Essentials of British and World Literature
Glencoe Literature--American Literature 1900 to the present
Literature--Thirteenth Edition
Keto Diet
Commonwealth short stories
Literature--Seventh Compact Edition
Literature--Fifth Compact Edition
Literature, The Human Experience, Reading and Writing--Tenth Edition
Prentice Hall Literature -- Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes -- Platinum Level
Glencoe literature--British Literature
Literature--Eighth Compact Edition
The Twentieth Century -- Custom edition for UNLV
Glencoe literature--the reader's choice--British Literature
The world of the Ogbanje
Echi di ime
Literature--An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, and Drama--Fourth Compact Edition
Things Fall Apart
Einer von uns
Heimkehr in ein fremdes Land
Chinua Achebe - Collected Poems
Literature -- Part 1, Fiction -- Twelfth Edition
Prentice Hall Literature -- Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes -- Copper
In person--Achebe, Awoonor, and Soyinka at the University of Washington
Literature -- Part 3. Drama -- Custom Edition for Anne Arundel Community College
Backpack Literature -- Custom Edition for Eastern Arizona College
Essentials of British and World Literature
As Garras Do Leopardo
Prentice Hall Literature -- South Carolina -- Language and Literacy
Drama--Tenth Edition
Tanrinin Oku
Wie man unsere Namen schreibt
The Norton Anthology of English Literature -- The Major Authors -- Tenth Edition -- Volume 2
Literature -- Tenth Edition
Reading culture -- fifth edition
Things Fall Apart - Activity Pack
Introduction to Literature
McDougal Littell literature
Boża strzała
Education of a British-Protected Child
Africa (Universal History)
Language, Literacy, and Inquiry -- World Literature
Tout s'effondre
Exploring Literature -- Custom Edition for Corning Community College
Literature and the writing process--Sixth Edition
Backpack Literature -- Sixth edition
Literature -- Ninth Edition
Halk Adami
The insider; stories of war and peace from Nigeria
Glencoe literature--the reader's choice--course 5
e Fictions
Literature in English
Tanrının Oku
Odenigbo 1999
Illinois McDougal Littell Literature
Kito dena!
Glencoe Literature--Georgia Treasures--Course 5
Literature, Reading and Writing the Human Experience--Shorter Seventh Edition
The Norton anthology of English literature -- Tenth Edition -- Volume F
Mercury Reader
Paths of Awareness, volume one
Modern Stories in English
Backpack Literature--Third Edition
Exploring Literature--Third Edition
מפולת באומואופיה
The Twentieth Century and Beyond
The Language of Literature [grade 10]
Chinua Achebe
Literature -- Part 3. Drama -- Second Custom Edition for Anne Arundel Community College
The short century
Shabanu with related readings
Things Fall Apart Study Guide
eFictions -- Richard Clancy University of Detroit Jesuit High School
La flecha del dios
The Story and Its Writer--Seventh Edition
Literature from around the world
Morning Yet on Creation Day
Modern stories in English -- Fourth Edition
Literature--Tenth Edition
Literature--Sixth Edition
No longer at ease
Literature--Seventh Edition
Literature--Fifth Edition
Mwakilishi wa watu
Texas A&M International University First Year Writing Program
Introduction to literature
Me alegraría de otra muerte
Ish ha-ʻam
Literature--2nd edition
Gainbehera dator dena
Literature and the writing process--Fifth Edition
The Carolina Reader for English 101
Literature--second Canadian edition
Literature--Fifth Edition
Literature--Approaches to Fiction, Poetry, and Drama--second edition
Iain Banks
Iain Banks (1954-2013)


  • University of Stirling
Espedair Street
The player of games
Look to windward
Surface Detail
The State of the Art
Canal dreams
Feersum endjinn
The wasp factory
The Crow Road
The Steep Approach to Garbadale
The Bridge
A song of stone
Walking on glass
Dead Air
The Algebraist
The Hydrogen Sonata
The Business
Against a Dark Background
Consider Phlebas
Raw Spirit
Use of Weapons
The quarry
Personal Effects
Efroyabl ange1
Iain M. Banks Culture - 25th anniversary box set: Consider Phlebas, The Player of Games and Use of Weapons
Burning Brightly
Pasos sobre cristal
Song of Stone Hb D/Bx12
Iain Banks X10 S/W
Whit X48 Bin with Custom Header
Surface Detail
Iain Banks Mixed B S/Wx12
Culture Iain Banks Fanzine
Iain Banks B/List Mixed B S/Wx12
Iain Banks Hb S/Wx5 Amazon
Iain M Banks B/l B D/Bx32 2For10
Iain Banks
Break into Banks D/Bx45 2 for #10 B
Iain Banks Export X20 D/B
Iain Banks Contemporary B S/Wx12
Iain Banks collection - Whit, a Song of Stone, Espedair street
Iain M Banks Scifi Mixed B S/Wx12
Iain Banks Sampler X20
Iain Banks X20 D/B
Song of Stone C d/B X20 Export
Banks Mixed B Backlist D/Bx28
Iain Banks Mixed X35 D/B
Whit B S/W X12
Iain Banks Mixed B S/Wx12
Iain Banks Backlist X18 D/B
Iain M Banks Mixed B 2 S/Wx12
Iain M Banks
Iain Banks Hb S/Wx5 Amazon Signed
Whit Dumpbin X12
Banks Mixed B Sf Backlist D/Bx18
Iain M Banks Collection Culture Series 9 Books Bundle
Use of Weapons
Juegos de Familia
Albert Camus
Albert Camus (1913-1960)

philosopher, journalist, essayist, playwright, French resistance fighter, poet, association football player, opinion journalist

  • Algiers 1 University
The Story and Its Writer -- Ninth Edition
Prentice Hall Literature--World Masterpieces
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--World Literature
Great Short Stories of the World
La Peste
A Queda
L'Homme révolté
World Literature
The experience of literature
An introduction to literature
L'exil et le royaume
Perrine's Literature--Structure, Sound, and Sense--Seventh Edition
Literature--An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, Drama and Writing--Eleventh Edition
Sixteen Short Novels
Le mythe de Sisyphe
Le premier homme
Perrine's literature, Structure, sound and sense--Eighth edition
Les Possédés
Nobel Prize Library. Albert Camus / Winston Churchill
Great modern European short stories
Plays (Caligula / Malentendu / L'État de Siège / Justes)
Caligula, suivi de Le malentendu
Literature--Third Compact Edition
Perrine's literature -- Tenth Edition
La Mort heureuse
Literature--Structure, Sound, and Sense--Sixth Edition
Works (La chute / L'exil et le royaume)
Correspondence 1932-1960
Literature--Eighth Edition
Noces et l'Ete
Perrine's Literature--Structure, Sound & Sense--Twelfth Edition
Cahiers II
The Story and Its Writer--Fifth Edition
Literature--An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry and Drama--Compact Edition
Perrine's literature--structure, sound and sense--Ninth edition
Literature of Britain with World Classics
Fiction, A Pocket Anthology--Third Edition
Perrine's literature--structure, sound and sense--Eleventh edition
Fifty Years
Carnets. mai 1935 — fevrier 1942
The Myth of Sisyphus and Other Essays
Journaux de voyage
Actuelles III. Chronique algérienne 1939–1958
Jonas, ou l'artiste au travail
Théâtre, récits, nouvelles
Literature -- A Pocket Anthology -- Second Edition
Carnets Tome III. Mars 1951 – December 1959
Le Malentendu
The Plague, The Fall, Exile and the Kingdom, and Selected Essays
Literature--Twelfth Edition
Introduction to literature
Les justes
Perrine's Literature, Structure, Sound, and Sense. Thirteenth Edition
Four contemporary French plays
The McGraw-Hill Reader -- Second Edition
Lettres à un ami allemand
Glencoe World Literature
Lyrical and critical
The moral life
De l'envers et l'endroit
Plays (Justes / Possédés)
The Story and Its Writer--Eighth Edition
Fragen der Zeit
Novels (La chute / L'Étranger)
Discours de Suède
Between hell and reason
Camus à combat
Albert Camus
The book of love
Resistance, Rebellion and Death
Literature--An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, and Drama--Sixth Edition
La Femme adultère
L'état de siège
Carnets II. janvier 1942-mars 1951
Introduction to fiction
Correspondance 1944-1959
Backpack Literature--Second Edition
Ni victimes ni bourreaux
Selected Political Writings (20th Century Texts, French)
Actuelles II
The story and its writer--Sixth Edition
De L'envers et l'endroit à L'exil et le royaume
Great French short stories
World literature
Studies in the short story -- Sixth edition
The art of the tale
Kleine Prosa
Exploring literature--Fifth edition
Metaphysique chretienne et neoplatonisme
Unter dem Zeichen der Freiheit
Albert Camus, the essential writings
The McGraw-Hill Reader -- Third Edition
Literature -- A Pocket Anthology
The language of literature--World literature
Correspondance, 1946-1959
Modern World Literature
World literature -- revised edition
The myth of Sisyphus and other stories
Literature -- Part 1. Fiction -- Custom Edition for Anne Arundel Community College
Deux Nouvelles. L' Hote. La Pierre qui pousse
Committed Writings
An Introduction to literature -- third edition
An introduction to literature -- fiction
Understanding fiction -- Second Edition
An Introduction to Fiction -- Ninth Edition
Oeuvres complètes d'Albert Camus. IV (La chute / L'Exil et le Royaume / Réflexions sur la guillotine / Essais critiques)
Literature--Second Compact Edition
Introduction to fiction
Personal Writings
Best Short Stories -- Advanced Level -- Second Edition
Glencoe Literature--The Readers Choice--British Literature
The moral life -- Fourth edition
Albert Camus contre la peine de mort (French Edition)
Speaking Out
Le Minotaure
The myth of Sisyphus, and other plays
Literature--Structure, Sound, and Sense--Second Edition
Literature--Third Edition
The interactive reader plus
Moral Y Politica
Actuelles - Ecrits Politiques
Correspondance, 1944-1958
Réflexions sur la peine capitale
Réflexions sur la guillotine
Albert Camus, éditorialiste à l'Express
Actuelles. Chroniques 1944-1948
Reflexions sur le Terrorisme
Glencoe literature--British Literature
Selected essays and notebooks
Create Dangerously
Literature--An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, and Drama--Fourth Compact Edition
Hochzeit des Lichts / Heimkehr nach Tipasa
Récits et theâtre
Fragments d'un combat. 1938-1940. Alger Républicain, le Soir Répulbicain [1/2]
Los demonios y otras adaptaciones teatrales
Collected fiction
Albert Camus, 1913-1960
Les Racines de la liberté
Literature -- Part 1, Fiction -- Twelfth Edition
Mary Lincoln Wife And Widow Part 1 by Carl Sandburg, Part II by Paul M. Angle
Sochinenii︠a︡ v pi︠a︡ti tomakh
The human crisis
Prentice Hall Literature -- World Masterpieces -- Fourth Edition
Classics in World Literature
The Range of Literature -- Second Edition
Composition II, Volume Two
Perrine's Story and structure--Ninth edition
Verteidigung der Freiheit Politische Essays
Obras 5
The Fastidious Assassins
September 15th, 1937
Diarios de Viajes
Fragments d'un combat. 1938-1940. Alger Républicain, le Soir Répulbicain [2/2]
Prométhée aux enfers
An Introduction to literature -- fourth edition
Oeuvres complètes
L' Hote. Le Premier Homme. Extraits d'un roman inacheve
The Modern Classics Sea Close By
La postérité du soleil
Le combat d'Albert Camus
L'étranger, suivi de Noces, de L'été, et de L'envers et l'endroit
Pages méditerranéennes
Fragments d'un combat 1938-1940
Language, Literacy, and Inquiry -- World Literature
Exploring Literature -- Custom Edition for Corning Community College
Correspondance 1939-1947
El revés y el derecho
Oeuvres completes d'Albert Camus
Correspondance  et autres textes
L'absurde. Coffret 3 Vols
An introduction to literature
Speech of acceptance upon the award of the Nobel Prize for literature
Literature -- Ninth Edition
Maximes et pensées
The story-makers
Présence de Albert Camus
Vivir la lucidez
Les fantômes
Œuvres complètes
The Stranger [graphic novel]
Literature--Structure, Sound, and Sense--Third Edition
The Mercury Reader
Freshman English III
Oeuvres complètes d'Albert Camus. VII
Great Short Stories
The Mercury Reader
Twilight of the Gods
Sämtliche Dramen
Révolte dans les Asturies
Inside stories for senior students
Obras 4
An introduction to literature -- fifth edition
i ptosi / η πτώση
Discursos Premios Nobel
Exile and the kingdom
Mercury Reader
Homem Revoltado, O
Plague (SparkNotes Literature Guide)
Actuelles (Idees) (English and French Edition)
Albert Camus
Introduction to literature -- second edition
Extranjero Albert Camus Spanish Edition
LÉtranger, etc (Methuens Twentieth Century Texts.)
La muerte feliz
Oeuvres complètes d'Albert Camus. VIII
Paths of Awareness, volume one
Sikiyönetim - Bütün Oyunlari 4
Breviario de la dignidad humana
The Myth of Sisyphus (Hamish Hamilton, 1955)
Cartas a mi maestro
Albert Camus
The Moral Life -- Sixth edition
Defterler 2.Cilt
Humanities 115-04 and 05 Critical Thinking GTCC
The Stranger, The Plague (Coles Notes)
Adiller - Bütün Oyunlari 5
Exploring Literature--Third Edition
Plague (SparkNotes Literature Guide)
Caligula and Cross Purpose
Travels in the Americas
L'home revoltat
Exile and the kingdom
Lectures and Speeches
Lyrical and critical / selected and translated from the French by Philip Thody
El primer hombre
The Mercury Reader
THE COLLECTED PLAYS OF ALBERT CAMUS. Caligula, Cross Purpose, The Just. The Possessed
Camus (Studies in Modern European Literature and Thought Series)
Justos; Los / Los Poseidos - 70 Aniv
Sea Close By
La pesta
Estuche - Albert Camus
Essential Camus Boxed Set
Cekip Gidene Her Sey Mizah, Kalip Bekleyene Her Sey Siirdir
Works (Le Myth de Sisyphe. Essai sur l'absurde / L'homme revolte)
Notebooks 1935 - 1942
L'Etat de Siege
Schastlivai︠a︡ smertʹ ; Postoronniĭ ; Chuma ; Padenie ; Kaligula ; Mif o Sizife ; Nobelevskai︠a︡ rechʹ
Requiem pour une nonne
Stranger (SparkNotes Literature Guide)
Ilk Adam
Oeuvres complètes d'Albert Camus. I
El primer home
Le malentendu, suivi de Caligula et de Les justes
Selections from Mercury Reader
Osiris. Zeitschrift für Literatur und Kunst
Yŏhaeng ilgi
La peste
Oeuvres complètes d'Albert Camus. IX
Obras 1
Reflections on the Guillotine
Oeuvres complètes d'Albert Camus. II
L'exil et le royaume
homme Révolté
Literature from around the world
Lyrical and Critical Essays [Hardcover]
Notebooks 1942-1951
Chute : (1956)
O Mito De Sísifo
Gesammelte Erzählungen
Oeuvres complètes d'Albert Camus. V
Cartes a un amic alemany
French Theater Since 1930, Six Contempory Full Length Plays 6. Machine Infernale; La Guerre De Troie N'Aura Pas; Voyageur Sans B
Escritos libertarios
Albert Camus
Hommage à Albert Camus
Oeuvres complètes d'Albert Camus. VI
Carnets 1942-1951
Crónicas argelinas
Hombre Rebelde, El
Sương tỳ ha̕i
A Happy Death. Translated from the French by Richard Howard. Afterword and Notes
Carnets 1935-1942
Albert Camus
Le Malentendu (French With English Glossary)
L' Exil et le royaume ; (suivi de) La Chute ; (et de) Lettres à un ami allemand
Happy Death
Actuelles - Chroniques 1944-1948 (French Version)
La sangre de la libertad
Homage A Albert Camus 1913-1960
El revers i l'anvers
Los justos
Youthful Writings
Собрание сочинений в пяти томах. 2 (Миф о Сизифе. Недоразумение. Письма к немецкому другу. Чума. Осадное положение)
Algerian Chronicles
L'Homme Revolte
Oeuvres complètes d'Albert Camus. III
L'Exil et le Royaume.  Nouvelles
Artiste et Son Temps
Lyrical and critical essays
Albert Camus Reading in French His Novels and Essays (Cdl 51138 Cassette)
L'homme Revolte. Edition Special Centenaire Avec Carnet Offert (French Edition) (Folio essais, 10312)
Obras 2
Notebook 1942-1951 (volume 2 only)
Yanlislik - Bütün Oyunlari 3
Gesammelte Erzahlungen
English Mercury Reader
The McGraw-Hill reader
Correspondance, 1941-1957
Baskaldiriyorum, O Halde Variz
Albert Camus
L' étranger extraits
Exploring literature--Second edition
El malentès
Obras 3
Trilogie Camus
La peste extraits
Caligula. O malentendido
Mitat osher
Le mythe de Sisyphe
Threats to western values
The rebel
Révolte dans les Asturies
La noche de la verdad: los artículos de Combat (1944-1947)
Az Igazság a Nagy Imre ügyben
Requiem pour une nonne
Actuelles, I
L'heure theatrale
Le malentendu
Собрание сочинений в пяти томах. 1
Caligula & three other plays
Théâtre, récits, nouvelles
La peste
Licht und Schatten
The stranger
I havanah
הרהורים על הגיליוטינה
Myths and Legends
Œuvres complètes d'Albert Camus
Réflexions sur la peine capitale
Собрание сочинений в пяти томах. 4 (Изгнание и царство. Размышления о гильотине. Шведские речи. Первый человек. Статьи.)
Les possedés adaptation
האדם המורד
Gesammelte Erzählungen
Pages choisies
ha-Mitos shel Sizifus
Lyrical and critical essays
Lo Straniero
Les justes
La chute
A Halálbüntetésről
The myth of Sisyphus and other essays
Le mythe de Sisyphe
Youthful writings
[Les possédés
Caligula & three other plays
La postérité du soleil
Le chevalier d'olmedo adapt
Albert Camus reading in French
Lettres à un ami allemand
The fall
L'homme revolte
De vreemdeling
Carnets, 1942-1951
Carnets, mai 1935 - mars 1951
Revolte dans les asturies
Le mythe de Sisyphe
Собрание сочинений в пяти томах. 5. Записные книжки
Les justes
Oeuvres complètes
L'exil et le royaume
Un cas intéressant adapt
Собрание сочинений в пяти томах. 3 (Праведники. Человек бунтующий. Лето. Падение.)
La dévotion à la croix adapt
La Chute
Correspondance avec ses amis Bénisti
L'envers et l'endroit
Zwischen Ja Und Nein Fruehe Schriften
L'état de siège
La peste
T'aeyang ŭi huye
Les esprits, adaptation
Le malentendu
Correspondance, 1945-1959
Selected political writings
Anne Bradstreet
Anne Bradstreet (1612-1672)

poet, philosopher

The United States in Literature [with three long stories] -- Seventh Edition
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--The American Experience
Prentice Hall Literature--The American Experience
The United States in Literature -- The Glass Menagerie Edition
The United States in Literature
The United States in Literature -- All My Sons Edition
Prentice Hall Literature--The American Experience
Words of Ages
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--The American Experience
Early New England meditative poetry
The complete works of Anne Bradstreet
The Works of Anne Bradstreet (The John Harvard Library)
Poems of Anne Bradstreet
To my husband and other poems
A woman's inner world
The works of Anne Bradstreet
The works of Anne Bradstreet in prose and verse
The tenth muse (1650)
The Tenth Muse (1650) and
The works of Anne Bradstreet
Works of Anne Bradstreet in Prose and Verse
The complete works of Anne Bradstreet
Tenth muse lately sprung up in America
The poems of Mrs. Anne Bradstreet (1612-1672)
The Tenth Muse Lately sprung up in America ; or, Severall Poems, compiled with great variety of Wit and Learning, full of delight
The works of Anne Bradstreet
Thew orks of Anne Bradstreet
Anne Bradsteet America's First Poet Selections From Her Works
Tenth Muse
Several poems
The Tenth Muse (1650)
Works Of Anne Bradstreet, The
The works of Anne Bradstreet
The One-millionth volume of the Dartmouth College Library
The tenth muse lately sprung up in America. Or Severall Poems, compiled with great variety of vvit and Learning, full of delight
The Tenth Muse, 1650
Several poems
The poems of Mrs. Anne Bradstreet (1612-1672)
Tra cielo e terra
The works of Anne Bradstreet, in prose and verse