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literary critics who wrote mystery
Showing 57-64 out of 135 results
Jorge Luis Borges
Jorge Luis Borges (1899-1986)

translator, librarian, literary critic, poet, opinion journalist, essayist

  • Collège Calvin
Short Fiction, Classic and Contemporary -- Second Edition
The Story and its Writer -- Third Edition
The Oxford Book of Gothic Tales
The Story and Its Writer -- Ninth Edition
The Story and Its Writer -- Compact Eighth Edition
The Norton Anthology of Short Fiction
Crime Classics
Backpack Literature -- Fifth Edition
The Story and Its Writer -- Compact Fourth Edition
Fictions--Second Edition
Los mejores cuentos policiales
The Norton Introduction to Fiction--Fourth Edition
The World of Mystery Fiction
Fiction, A Pocket Anthology--Fifth Edition
The Short Story
The Short Story
Campfire Legends
Breve Antologia De Cunentos Policiales
Asesinos de papel
El Cuento policial
Prentice Hall Literature--World Masterpieces
Prentice Hall Literature -- Platinum
Antología de la literatura fantástica
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--World Literature
Prentice Hall Literature - Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes - The British Tradition
The Fantasy Hall of Fame [30 stories]
El Aleph
Historia universal de la infamia
Libro de los seres imaginarios
World Literature
The Story and Its Writer
Prentice Hall Literature--The British Edition--Volume II
Historia de la eternidad
The Norton Anthology of Short Fiction -- Shorter Seventh Edition
Short Stories (25 Agosto 1983, La rosa de Paracelso, Tigres azules, Utopía de un hombre que está cansado)
Evaristo Carriego
Literature--An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, Drama and Writing--Eleventh Edition
This craft of verse
Spanish Short Stories 1 — Cuentos hispánicos 1
Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius
El informe de Brodie
Literature--reading fiction, poetry, drama, and the essay
Poems (L' Or des tigres ; L'Autre, le même II ; Éloge de l'ombre ; Ferveur de Buenos Aires)
Obra Poética, 1923-1967
Fiction Gallery
The Vintage Book of Amnesia
Otras inquisiciones
Jorge Luis Borges
El oro de los tigres
Borges at eighty
Borges On Writing
World Literature
The Story and Its Writer -- Compact Seventh Edition
Literature--Third Compact Edition
Siete conversaciones con Jorge Luis Borges
Qué es el budismo
The aleph
McDougal, Littell Literature and language--English and World Literature
La Cifra
Wolf's Complete Book of Terror
Borges - un diálogo sobre cine y los venidos a menos
Obras Completas 1. 1923-1949
Literature--Eighth Edition
Everything and nothing
That Glimpse of Truth
Cuentos de cine
Achievements in Fiction
Borges, a reader
Nueva antología personal
The Story and Its Writer--Fifth Edition
Literature--An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry and Drama--Compact Edition
Twice-Told Tales
Philosophy. A text with readings--Sixth Edition
El informe de Brodie / Historia universal de la infamia
Fiction, A Pocket Anthology--Third Edition
Introducción a la literatura norteamericana
The shapes of fiction
Obras completas. Historia universal de la infamia
The Norton anthology of short fiction--Seventh edition
Traditions in literature -- Seventh Edition
Collected Fictions
Works (Elogio de la Sombra / Informe de Brodie)
Prólogos con un prólogo de prólogos
Libro de sueños
Los mejores relatos latinoamericanos
El hacedor
An Introduction to English Literature
The total library
Veinte cuentos hispanoamericanos del siglo xx
Leopoldo Lugones
Sudden Fiction International
Siete noches
The Story and Its Writer--Compact Fifth Edition
The Norton introduction to literature--third edition
Short Fiction, Classic and Contemporary -- Fifth Edition
El Libro de Arena
Trio--Third Edition
Cuentos latinoamericanos
Literature -- A Pocket Anthology -- Second Edition
70 años de narrativa argentina
Literature--Twelfth Edition
On Mysticism
Literature, The Human Experience -- Sixth Edition
The Norton Introduction to Fiction--Second Edition
An introduction to fiction -- Tenth Edition
Biblioteca personal
An introduction to literature -- twelfth edition
Other Voices, Other Vistas
Rêves et réalités / Sueños y realidades
Glencoe World Literature
Nueve ensayos dantescos
Los conjurados
El tamaño de mi esperanza
Crónicas de Bustos Domecq
Literature--an introduction to fiction, poetry, and drama--Third Edition
Antaeus/No. 73 and 74, Spring, 1994
Twenty-four conversations with Borges
Elogio de La Sombra
Fiction, A Pocket Anthology--Canadian Edition
The light fantastic
Cuentos hispanoamericanos del siglo XX
The Story and Its Writer--Eighth Edition
Literature, a pocket anthology -- Canadian Edition
Borges Esencial
Obras completas
The Widow Ching Pirate [5 stories]
Short Fiction, Classic and Contemporary--Third Edition
Fiction, A Pocket Anthology--Second Canadian Edition
Prentice Hall Literature--Platinum--Second Edition.
Literature, the human experience. Shorter Sixth Edition with Essays
Literature--An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, and Drama--Sixth Edition
Borges, sus días y su tiempo [reportaje por]
An Introduction to fiction -- Fifth Edition
Arte Poetica
Textos cautivos
The Story and its writer--Second Edition
Obras completas ** 1975-1985
Short Fiction, Classic and Contemporary--Fourth Edition
The Norton anthology of short fiction--Fourth edition
Borges oral
The Riverside anthology of literature -- Second edition
The Road to Science Fiction From Here to Forever
Works (Libro de arena / Memoria de Shakespeare)
El otro, el mismo
Introduction to fiction
Backpack Literature--Second Edition
Obras Completas 1952-1972
Literature--Sixth Compact Edition
A Hammock Beneath the Mangoes
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--The British Tradition
The Norton Introduction to Literature--tenth edition
The Modern Tradition - Second Edition
The story and its writer--Sixth Edition
Philosophy, A Text with readings--Fifth edition
Extraordinary tales
The Riverside anthology of literature
Borges, el memorioso
The Norton anthology of short fiction--Third edition
World literature
The Story and Its Writer--Compact Sixth Edition
Antología personal
The Story and Its Writer--Compact Ninth Edition
The Secret Books
The art of the tale
Fervor de Buenos Aires
The Norton Introduction to Literature--Shorter eleventh edition
Hablan los renovadores
The Norton introduction to literature--ninth edition
El jardín de senderos que se bifurcan
The realm of fiction--74 short stories
Literature of Fantasy and the Supernatural
Elements of Literature -- Fourth Edition
Literature -- A Pocket Anthology
Seis problemas para don Isidro Parodi
Poesía completa
The Garden of Forking Paths
The language of literature--World literature
Professor Borges
Moving Beyond the Page
Elements of literature
Modern World Literature
World literature -- revised edition
Relatos completos
An Introduction to Fiction -- Sixth Edition
The Norton Introduction to Literature--Shorter Thirteenth Edition
Selected non-fictions
Ficciones ; El aleph ; El informe de Brodie
Literature -- Part 1. Fiction -- Custom Edition for Anne Arundel Community College
The Norton introduction to literature--shorter tenth edition
Xul Solar
Die zwei Labyrinthe Lesebuch
The Aleph and other stories, 1933-1969
Jorge Luis Borges - Conversations
Borges en Revista multicolor
El idioma de los argentinos
Literature, For English 1020 at the Cuyahoga Community College
Dialogos Sobre La Vida y La Muerte
Obra poética, 1923-1976
Mond gegenüber. Gedichte 1923 - 1929
La Moneda de Hierro
The Norton Introduction to Literature--ninth edition
Literature--fourth edition
Literature--Compact Sixth Edition
Von Büchern und Autoren
The Norton anthology of short fiction--Second edition
Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes -- The British Tradition, Volume I
Literature--Second Compact Edition
Luna de enfrente y cuaderno San Martin
Backpack literature--Fourth edition
Aprendizaje del Escritor
Persönliche Bibliothek
Dos fantasías memorables ; Un modelo para la muerte
Zwielicht und Pomp
An Introduction to Fiction -- Seventh Edition
Understanding fiction -- Third Edition
Introduction to fiction
World writers today
Fiction--Twelfth Edition
An Introduction to Fiction -- Eighth Edition
Cuentos marinos
On Writing
Cartas del fervor
Jorge Luis Borges en Sur, 1931-1980
Prose works
Manual de zoología fantástica
Trio - Fourth Edition
Die zyklische Nacht. Gedichte 1934 - 1965
The Norton introduction to literature--shorter eighth edition
Cervantes y el Quijote
Espejo de escritores
Borges--sus mejores páginas
An Introduction to literature -- sixteenth edition
Universalgeschichte der Niedertracht Fiktionen Das Aleph
The Norton Anthology of Short Fiction--Shorter Eighth Edition
Un ensayo autobiográfico
Borges, el palabrista
Livre de préfaces suivi de "Essai d'autobiographie"
Prólogos de La biblioteca de Babel
Garzanti - Gli Elefanti
Literature--Structure, Sound, and Sense--Second Edition
La Memoria de Shakespeare
L' univers de Borges
Literature--Third Edition
El lenguaje de Buenos Aires
Conversations, Volume 1
Discreta Efusión
El Martin Fierro
The Slaying of the dragon
On Argentina
The Norton introduction to literature--eighth edition
El compadrito [su destino, sus barrios, su música, por] Jorge Luís Borges [y] Silvina Bullrich
The Early Modern Period -- Second Edition
Literaturas germánicas medievales
Borges--imágenes, memorias, diálogos
Literature--Fifth Compact Edition
The Norton introduction to Literature--eleventh edition
Obra poética
El tango
Literature--Thirteenth Edition
La rosa profunda
The Perpetual Race Of Achilles And The Tortoise
Poesía gauchesca
Premio de la literatura en lengua castellana "Miguel de Cervantes" 1979
El candelabro de los siete brazos
The Mirror of Ink
The British Tradition
La biblioteca de babel
Obras completas, 1923-1972
Textos recobrados, 1919-1929
The Short Story -- Second Edition
Literature, the human experience. Fifth Edition
El Congreso
Literature--Seventh Compact Edition
Literature--Fifth Compact Edition
Cuentos Memorables
Obra Poetica
Borges de Buenos Aires
Textos recobrados, 1956-1986
Literature--Eighth Compact Edition
The Norton Introduction to Literature--Shorter thirteenth edition
The Twentieth Century -- Custom edition for UNLV
Ghost stories
Literature, the human experience. Shorter Fifth Edition with Essays
Literature--an introduction to fiction, poetry, and drama--Fifth Edition
La literatura fantástica
Antología del cuento hispanoamericano
Selected Poems
Textos Recobrados
El río
Dos fantasías memorables
Literature--An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, and Drama--Fourth Compact Edition
Diálogos Jorges Luis Borges Ernesto Sabato
Death and the Compass / Playground
Jorge Luis Borges
The realm of fiction
Poemas, 1923-1958
Conversations, Volume 3
El libro de Job, Baruj Spinoza
Sokrovennoe chudo
Literature -- Part 1, Fiction -- Twelfth Edition
Antiguas Literaturas Germanicas
Dos palabras antes de morir y otras entrevistas
Cuentos Duplicados
Essentials of British and World Literature
Literature--Approaches to Fiction, Poetry, and Drama
Classics in World Literature
Historias de dos
Borges por él mismo
Cuentos hispanoamericanos
Traditions in Literature -- Classic Edition
HabitaciÓn Propia
Borges en El hogar, 1935-1958
El círculo secreto
Poetry--Tenth Edition
Il congresso del mondo
Libro de diálogos
Metamorfosis : (Revisado y Corregido)
Un cuarto propio
Cuentos completos
Leopoldo Marechal
Textos Recobrados 1931-1955
Rêves et réalités / Sueños y realidades, 1952-1977
Literature -- Tenth Edition
Nuevos cuentos de Bustos Domecq
En Dialogo II
Borges na luz de Borges
La muerte y su traje
Writers at Work Around the World
eFictions [Pasco Hernando Community College Collection]
Antología poética argentina
Cuentos para leer los sábados
Luna de enfrente
Poesía Completa
Eine neue Widerlegung der Zeit und 66 andere Essays
Literature--third edition
El matrero
La Casa de Asterión; Un sueño; El laberinto y La metamorfosis
The Norton Introduction To Literature--combined shorter edition
Borges en diálogo
Historia universal de la infamia / Hombre de la esquina rosada
El Otro Borges
Autores Latinoamericanos
Six problèmes pour don Isidro Parodi
The uncommon reader
Totalmente Suya
Backpack Literature -- Sixth edition
Literature -- Ninth Edition
Introduccion a la Literatura Inglesa
Elementary Chinese Readers
Florida y boedo
Diccionario privado de Jorge Luis Borges
Libro del cielo y del infierno
Jorge Luis Borges - Radioscopie de Jacques Chancel
Diálogos últimos
Literature--Custom Edition for Florida A&M University ENC 1102
Borges. el Misterio Esencial / Borges. the Essential Mystery
Fervor de Buenos Aires / Luna de enfrente / Cuaderno San Martín / El hacedor
The sonnets
The Norton introduction to literature--fifth edition
Autobiografia / Borges
Literature--Compact Sixth Edition
Prentice Hall Literature -- Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes -- The British Tradition, Volume II
Obra poética, 1923-1969
Prosa completa (1930-1975)
Literature--reading fiction, poetry, drama, and the essay--second edition
Obras completas en colaboración - 1. Con Adolfo Bioy Casares
Encyclopaedia of the World
Conversations, Volume 2
The Norton introduction to literature--Shorter Twelfth Edition
Motero Sucio
Cuentos breves y extraordinarios
El Príncipe Feliz
Un cuarto propio
Todo Borges y ...
S. E. X. O. : Salvajes Erecciones, EXtremos Orgasmos
Do cinema
Jorge Luis Borges 1899-2019
Historia de la noche
Historia EDUNV de la infamia
Salvando a Amaia
An introduction to literature -- fifth edition
In memory of Borges
Entretiens avec alina diaconu
En voz de Borges
The Spanish language in South America
De 0 A 100
Don Isidro Parodi’ye Altı Bilmece
Chico Malo
Das Eine und die Vielen
Essai sur les anciennes littératures germaniques
Prosa completa. Volumen 1
Lottery in Babylon
Cuentos históricos
Kum Kitabi
Cuentos completos
Obra poética, 1923-1977
Rose und Münze
El libro de la almohada
Le Sud et autres fictions
Seis siglos de la ciudad de México
Öteki Sorusturmalar
Obras Completas IV - Borges
Sonsuz Gul
Dios Del Sexo
Obra poética, 1923-1985
Das Buch von Himmel und Hölle. Anthologie. ( Werke in 20 Bänden, 11)
Cuentos de hijos y padres
Borges, un sueño de los espejos
Widow Ching--Pirate
Inquisitionen. Essays 1941 - 1952. ( Werke in 20 Bänden, 7)
Sonetos a Buenos Aires
Tensión Mecánica
Poesia Gauchesca, in Two (2) Volumes [Vols. I & II]
The gold of the tigers
F*llame Hasta el Fin
La rosa de Paracelso ; Tigres azules
Entretiens sur la poésie et la littératur, suivi de, Quatre essais sur J.L. Borges
Backpack Literature--Third Edition
Deathwatch on the Southside
25 cuentos argentinos del siglo XX
látigo Del Cowboy
Antología poética 1923-1977
Borges por Borges
Sobre Sonhos e Outros Dialogos
The Language of Literature [grade 10]
Priblizhenie k Alʹmutasimu
Poesía Gauchesca II
Un modelo para la muerte
Miss America Latina
Valoración de Jorge Luis Borges en la comunidad judía de Argentina
Elogio da sombra
Homenaje a Borges
Sudando de Placer
Borges, el otro
Gesammelte Werke, 9 Bde. in 11 Tl.-Bdn., Bd.5/1, Essays 1932-1936
Yedi Gece
OEuvre poétique, 1925-1965
Borges, obras reseñas y traducciones inéditas
Poesía completa
Borges en la Escuela Freudiana de Buenos Aires
Poemas escogidos
Sonsuzlugun Tarihi
Las obsesiones de Borges
El otro, el mismo. Para las seis cuerdas. Elogio de la sombra
Protegiendo a Alba
Imperio Sucio
Fiktionen.: Erzaehlungen 1939 - 1944
Labirinto Brasil
Spiegel und Maske. Erzählungen 1970 - 1983. ( Werke in 20 Bänden, 13)
Oro en la piedra
Blaue Tiger und andere Geschichten
Ultimas conversaciones con Borges
Obra Poetica (Volume 1)
Perfectamente Odiable
Entrevista caraqueña a Jorge Luis Borges
Poems of the night
Sexo Siempre Es la Respuesta
Narcisista, Sociópata e Irresistible
Arjantin Öyküleri
Alcakligin Evrensel Tarihi
Reina Roja
Trío Infernal
F*llame Como Si Salieras de la Cárcel
Memória de Borges - Um Livro Raro Com Diferentes Entrevistas de Jorge Luis Borges Compiladas Por Floriano Martins
Selected Essays and Prose
Les Dialogues de Borges
Gespräche in Buenos Aires
25 Agustos 1983 Ve Diger Öyküler
La muerte y la brújula
Pisʹmena boga
Ficciones - Hayaller ve Hikayeler
Fictions (Jupiter Books)
Obra poética, 3
Cuentos en el laberinto
Borges para millones
Dvoĭnik Magometa
Un Jardín para Borges
Storia dell'eternità
Poesía completa
Düssel Varliklar Kitabi
Library of Babel
Niedertracht und Ewigkeit
H�roe Anti-V�rgenes
Sobre la escritura
Luz Negra
Miscelánea. Vol. 2
The Story and Its Writer--Seventh Edition
Del escrito
Destino e obra de Camões
Sochinenii︠a︡ v trekh tomakh
Presa en la Isla
Besitz des Gestern
Kabbala und Tango. Essays 1930 - 1932. ( Werke in 20 Bänden, 2)
Introduction to Literature
Il libro di sabbia
Paginas de Jorge Luis Borges
Rüyalar Kitabi
Literature from around the world
Veinticinco agosto 1983
Nueva refutación del tiempo
Dangerous Dimensions New Pub Date Jan 2021
Promise the Infinite
Introduction to Literature
Gesammelte Werke, 9 Bde. in 11 Tl.-Bdn., Bd.4, Erzählungen
Borges und ich. (El hacedor). Kurzprosa und Gedichte 1960
Farenheit 451
Rosa y azul
Textos Recobrados 1929
Library of Babel and Other Stories
F*lladores Fuertes
Vaqueros Armados
Die letzte Reise des Odysseus
Literature--Tenth Edition
Antologia da Literatura Fantastica
Racconti brevi e straordinari
Book of Sand
Storia Universale Dell'Infammia
Nove saggi danteschi
Literature--Sixth Edition
Neuf essais sur Dante
Obra poética, 2
Borges laberintos Ducmelic
Literature--Seventh Edition
Harén de Músculo
Borges Poesias - Golu
Para las seis cuerdas ; milongas
Gesammelte Werke, 9 Bde., Bd.6, Erzählungen
Bohesi shi wen ji
Italiano Descarado
Aspectos de la literatura gauchesca
Die unendliche Bibliothek: Erzählungen, Essays, Gedichte
Gritando de Placer
Trabuco Armado
Cuentos Completos
El Arte del cuento
Obra Poetica - 1975-1985
Entretien avec André Camp
L'oro delle tigri. Testo spagnolo a fronte
Poesía completa
Siete poemas sajones =
Collected Fictions -- Translated By Andrew Hurley
Khorkhe Luyis Borkhes
Las Mil Y Una Noches: Segun Burton/the Thousand and One Nights
J*diendo Mucho
Cuentos completos
Obras completas en colaboración
L'altro, lo stesso. Testo originale a fronte
Soldada Urbana
John Doe
Manual de Zoología Fantástica
Borges con los abogados
Posesión Agradecida
Historia universal de la infamia
Conversaciones con J. L. Borges de Armenia y los armenios
De Borges a María Kodama
Cuentos de H. Bustos Domecq
El Martín Fierro
Un modelo para la muerte
Indice de la nueva poesia americana
Qué es el budismo
Cuentistas y pintores argentinos
Moderns and contemporaries -- second edition
Borges - Poesias
Para las seis cuerdas
El libro de arena
La intrusa y otros cuentos
Do Cinema
Antología clásica de la literatura argentina
Tema del traidor y del héroe
Antología poética
Breve antología anglosajona
Proa (1924-1926)
Sefer ha-yeshuyot ha-dimyoniyot
Gesammelte Werke, 9 Bde. in 11 Tl.-Bdn., Bd.6, Borges und ich
El matrero
Los orilleros
El Cuento argentino contemporáneo
Les conjurés
Un modelo para la muerte p̀or  Jorge Luis Borges ỳ  Adolfo Bioy Casares
Doze Figuras do Mundo
La Generación poética de 1922
Le bugie della parola
Truciolo familiare
Nueva antología personal
Utopía de un hombre que está cansado
Borges En Sur 1980
Obra poética, 1923-1976
Tabibito e no okurimono
Borges el mismo, otro
Conversaciones, versaciones con
The Norton introduction to literature--second edition
Τα μονοπάτια της Ιθάκης
Cuentos urbanos
Borges profesor
Poemas (1922-1943)
Páginas escogidas
ha-Duaḥ shel Doḳṭor Brodi
מלאכת השיר
Ancient Germanic Literatures
Los paraísos perdidos
al-Maraya wa-al-matahat
Tiempo Falto
El advenimiento
Die Anthologien: Handbuch der phantastischen Zoologie / Das Buch von Himmel und Hölle / Buch der Träume
Strastʹ k Buėnos-Aĭresu
Poemas, 1923-1953
Yfir saltan mar
La hermana de Eloísa
Mutarjimū Alf laylah wa-laylah
Diez cuentos magistrales
Peregrinos de la lengua
Poemas (seleccion)
Zoología fantástica
Antología de la poesía oral- traumatica y tanatica de Jorge Luis Borges
Chroniques de Bustos Domecq
Sus mejores paginas
Cuaderno San Martín
Literaturas germánicas medievales
Obra poe tica, 1923-1964
Literature--second edition
Obra poética
El Golem
Mevokhe ha-zeman
Obras completas de Jorge Luis Borges
Ficciones ; El aleph ; El informe de Brodie
Livre de Prefaces Suivi d'Essai d'Autobiographique
Espacio Borges
Breve Ant. De Ctos. Fantasticos (Antologias)
Cristo en la cruz y otros poemas
Jorge Luis Borges
Borges literal
Deux fictions
Obras completas
Xewn û xeyal
Manuale di zoologia fantastica
Literature--Fifth Edition
Literature--Approaches to Fiction, Poetry, and Drama--second edition
Literature--Compact Seventh Edition
Boheshi de mo huan tu shu guan =
Short story collections by Jorge Luis Borges
Hombre de la esquina rosada y otros cuentos
Dos fantasías memorables
Borges, el judaísmo e Israel
Obra poética, 1923-1966
Los Franceses en la Argentina =
Literature--Compact Edition
La Rosa d'oro
Manual de zoología fantástica
El aleph borgiano
Oeuvres complètes
An introduction to literature -- thirteenth edition
Les Autres
Libro del cielo y del infierno
Irish strategies
Los Rivero
Ensaio autobiográfico (1899-1970)
El Aleph
En torno a Borges
Introducción a la literatura norteamericana
Antiguas literaturas germánicas
El Aleph
Proa (1924-1925)
Cuentos argentinos
La sabiduría de Jorge Luis Borges
Destino y obra de Camoens
Obra poética, 1923-1964
Racismo y judaísmo
P. H. Newby
P. H. Newby (1918-1997)

radio producer, literary critic, journalist

Coming in with the tide
Something about women
The spirit of Jem
Radio, television and the arts
Saladin in His Time
Something to answer for
Leaning in the wind
Maria Edgeworth
One of the founders
A season in England
Mariner dances
The retreat
The picnic at Sakkara
Warrior Pharaohs
Agents and witnesses
The uses of broadcasting
A guest and his going
Eternelle Egypte
The Egypt story
The Third programme
The Barbary light
Somthing to answer for
A lot to ask
Feelings have changed
The snow pasture
Ten miles from anywhere & other stories
The novel, 1945-1950
The young May moon
A step to silence
The loot runners
Revolution and roses
A journey to the interior
The novel, 1945-1950
Theodore Sturgeon
Theodore Sturgeon (1918-1985)

literary, autobiographer, literary critic, journalist

Mystery Cats
Zombies! Zombies! Zombies!
The Fantasy Hall of Fame [22 stories]
The Fantasy Hall of Fame [30 stories]
The Arbor House Treasury of Horror and the Supernatural
The Dark Descent
The Science Fiction Hall of Fame -- Volume Two A
Fantastic Stories Presents Science Fiction Super Pack #1
Science Fiction of the forties
The Fourth Science Fiction MEGAPACK
Dark Forces
The Future Makers
The Magazine of fantasy and science fiction. A 30-year retrospective
Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Treasury (The Future in Question / Space Mail)
Fifty short science fiction tales
Science Fiction A to Z
The witchcraft reader
The Future in Question
The Golden Years of Science Fiction
A saucer of loneliness
Time Waits For Winthrop
Baby is three
The Hugo Winners, Volume Three
Assignment in Tomorrow
More Than Human
Partners in Wonder
The Dreaming Jewels
Case and the dreamer
Laughing Space
The Golden Helix
Faszination der Science Fiction
These Will Chill You
The Mammoth Book of Vintage Science Fiction
The Science Fiction Roll of Honor
Isaac Asimov presents the great science fiction stories -- Volume 1, 1939
The Golden Years of Science Fiction -- Third Series
The Frankenstein Omnibus
Isaac Asimov presents the golden age of science fiction. Sixth Series
Bakers Dozen. 13 Short Horror Novels
The golden years of science fiction -- fourth series
Sturgeon is alive and well
TV 2000
Fantastic Stories Presents the Weird Tales Super Pack #1
3 to the Highest Power
The Golden Years of Science Fiction -- Fifth Series
Great Tales of the Golden Age of Science Fiction [9 stories]
Isaac Asimov Presents The Great SF Stories 3 (1941)
Isaac Asimov Presents The Great SF Stories 11 (1949)
The Seven Deadly Sins and Cardinal Virtues of Science Fiction (Seven Cardinal Virtues of Science Fiction / Seven Deadly Sins of Science Fiction)
The Cosmic Rape
The Golden Years of Science Fiction -- Second Series
Nebula Award Stories
Isaac Asimov's Magical Worlds of Fantasy, Volume 6
Selected stories
The Mammoth Book of Golden Age Science Fiction
Bright Segment: Vol. VIII
Star Short Novels (Little Men / For I Am a Jealous People! / To Here and the Easel)
New Voices II
New Soviet science fiction
The Ugly Little Boy by Isaac Asimov / The [Widget], The [Wadget], and Boff by Theodore Sturgeon
Isaac Asimov Presents The Great SF Stories 8 (1946)
Isaac Asimov Presents the Great SF Stories 15 (1953)
To here and theeasel
E Pluribus Unicorn
Visions and venturers
Microcosmic God
Isaac Asimov Presents The Great SF Stories 9 (1947)
The Best of Galaxy 2
A way home
Ultimate Egoist Vol. 1
The man who lost the sea
The joyous invasions
Ultimate Egoist
Sturgeon in orbit
Thunder and Roses: Volume IV
The perfect host
Giants Unleashed
To Marry Medusa
Isaac Asimov Presents The Great SF Stories 18 (1956)
Alien cargo
More Than Human
Isaac Asimov Presents The Great SF Stories 21 (1959)
Microcosmic God: Volume II
Visions and venturers
Star Trek - Fotonovel - Amok Time
The worlds of Theodore Sturgeon
A touch of strange
Isaac Asimov Presents The Great SF Stories 24 (1962)
Flying Saucers
And now the news--
Slow sculpture
Venus plus x
Isaac Asimov Presents The Great SF Stories 2 (1940)
Killdozer!: Volume III
The Seven Cardinal Virtues of Science Fiction
The Hugo Winners, Volume Three, Part One (1970-1972)
New voices II
Isaac Asimov Presents The Great SF Stories 6 (1944)
Case and the Dreamer, and other stories
Isaac Asimov's Magical Worlds of Fantasy, Volume 8
Galaxy Science Fiction, Vol. 16, No. 4
Sturgeon's West
The stars are the Styx
The cosmic rape and "To marry Medusa"
Horror Gems, Volume Fourteen, Manly Banister and Others (Volume 14)
Thunder and roses
Galaxy Science Fiction, October 1950
Ultimate Egoist: Volume I
Isaac Asimov Presents The Great SF Stories 17 (1955)
The nail and the oracle
Some of Your Blood
Galaxy Science Fiction
To marry Medusa / Theodore Sturgeon
A way home, stories of science fiction and fantasy
One and Wonder
Science Fiction Today and Tomorrow
Case and the Dreamer
The Dreaming Jewels
Killdozer - le viol cosmique
Without sorcery; thirteen tales
Meer dan Menselijk
Los Cristales Sonadores
Not Without Sorcery
Microcosmic God
The Perfect Host (The Complete Stories of Theodore Sturgeon, Vol. 5)
A Touch of Sturgeon
E Pluribus Unicorn
S/trek Vol 80
Der Bonsai-Mensch und andere Nebula-Preis-Stories 3
To Here and the Easel
Theodore Sturgeon SF Gateway Omnibus
Strange Tomorrows
Sturgeon Alive / Well
Galaxy Science Fiction, March 1954
Selected Stories
Science Fiction Voices #1
Heavy Metal Presents Theodore Sturgeon's More Than Human
Science Fiction Hall of Fame, The Novellas. Book 3
The king and four queens
Les plus qu'humains
Aliens 4 (Avon SF, T-304)
More Than Human
Les Talents de Xanadu
The complete stories of Theodore Sturgeon
Aliens 4
The Perfect Host
Selected Stories
The Synthetic Man, No. X-2007
Insandan Öte
A Touch of Strange (Medallion SF, N1830)
To Marry Medusa
The synthetic man
Noon, 22nd Century
Case and the Dreamer
Livre d'or de la science fiction
Some of Your Blood
The Man Who Lost the Sea: Volume X: The Complete Stories of Theodore Sturgeon
Mas Que Humano
Más que humano
Les Plus qu'humains
Baby Is Three: Volume VI: The Complete Stories of Theodore Sturgeon
Dreaming Jewels
Cristal qui songe
Three To The Highest Power
Case and the Dreamer and Other Stories (1974)
Baby Is Three (Swc 1492)
Slow Sculpture: Volume XII: The Complete Stories of Theodore Sturgeon
Baby Is Three : Volume VI
The Golden Helix
De Man die de Zee verloor
To Marry Medusa
To Marry Medusa
Les talents de Xanadu
The dreaming jewels
Some of Your Blood
The Dreaming Jewels
La fuente del unicornio
Isaac Asimov Präsentiert Sagenwelt Der Fantasy
The Golden Helix
And Now the News ... : Volume IX
Die Ersten Ihrer Art.
More than human
Touch of Strange F1058
Les songes superbes
I, Libertine
A touch of strange
More Than Human
Mas Que Humano/More Than Human
Venus Arti X
Some of your blood
4 for the future
Medusa'yla Birlesmek
Perfect Host
I, Libertine
Venus más X
Case and the Dreamer and Other Stories
Coeur desintegre
Case and the Dreamer : Volume XIII
Cristal qui songe
Sein Name war Mensch
Sturgeon in Orbit (Pyramid SF, F-974)
Sturgeon is Alive and Well . . .
Les plus qu'humains
The Cosmic Rape ByT. Sturgeon
The Hugo Winners, Volume 3, Book 1
Time Untamed
Een Beetje Bloed van Jou
Romans et nouvelles
Thunder and Roses
Bright Segment : Volume VIII
Les plus qu'humains
Three in one
The Dreaming Jewels, the Cosmic Rape, Venus Plus X
Killdozer - le viol cosmique
Las estrellas son la Estigia
Microcosmic God
Venus plus x
Blutige Küsse
Killdozer! : Volume III
Cristal qui songe (French Edition)
And Now the News . . .: Volume IX: The Complete Stories of Theodore Sturgeon
Microcosmic God : Volume II
Auf dem Floß der Zeit
Cristal qui songe (French Edition)
Regreso - Tapa Dura
The Nail and the Oracle: Volume XI
Los Cristales Soqadores
The Synthetic Man
Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea
Brian Stableford
Brian Stableford (1948-2024)

literary critic, researcher

  • University of York
Shadows over Baker Street
The Dedalus book of femmes fatales
The Vampire Archives
Grave Predictions
Sirens and Other Daemon Lovers
The Wildside Book of Fantasy: 20 Great Tales of Fantasy
The Hunger and Ecstasy of Vampires
The Cassandra Complex
The Werewolves of London
Scientific romance in Britain 1890-1950
Architects of Emortality
The angel of pain
The carnival of destruction
The Florians
Historical dictionary of fantasy literature
By Blood We Live
The third millennium
The mysteries of modern science
Inherit the earth
The Last Days of the Edge of the World
The Science in science fiction
Science Fact and Science Fiction
Isaac Asimov's utopias
Future man
Journey to the Center
Sociology of Science Fiction
Masters of Science Fiction
The Mind-Riders
The Fenris Device
Dark Ararat
Architects of Emortality
Black Wings III - New Tales of Lovecraftian Horror
Paradox of the Sets
Realms of Tartarus
Once Upon a Future: The Third Borgo Press Book of Science Fiction Stories
Scientific romance in Britain, 1890-1950
The paradox of the sets
The Cassandra Complex (Emortality)
Young Blood
Shadows over Innsmouth
The Gates of Eden
The city of the sun
The Walking Shadow
The Halcyon drift
Halcyon drift
The empire of fear
The Angel of Pain
The Dedalus book of decadence (moral ruins)
The Florians (Daedalus Mission, Bk. 1)
The city of the sun
The Dedalus book of British fantasy
Designer genes
The New Faust at the Tragicomique
The Second Dedalus Book of Decadence (The Black Forrest)
Inherit the Earth (Emortality)
The Dedalus book of decadence (moral ruins)
Wildeblood's Empire
The Last Days of the Edge of the World
Rhapsody in Black
The Face of Heaven
Tales of the Wandering Jew
The Steampunk MEGAPACK®: 26 Modern and Classic Steampunk Stories
The Tarantulas' Parlor
The face of heaven
Man in a Cage
The empire of fear
Salamander's Fire
Dislocations: Nine Stories of Speculation and Imagination
Tree Turf And Ornamental Pesticide Guide
The third millennium
Cinema Futura (edited by Mark Morris)
The way to write science fiction
The Snuggly Satyricon
Sexual chemistry
Year zero
Tales of the Shadowmen 5
John Carter Of Mars
Inherit the earth
The paradise game
The Angel of Pain
Kiss the Goat
Journey to the Centre
Wildebloods empire
Five Star Science Fiction/Fantasy - Asgard's Conquerors
Space, Time, and Infinity: Essays on Fantastic Literature
Snuggly Sirenicon
The Dictionary of science fiction places
The gates of Eden
Slaves of the Death Spiders and Other Essays on Fantastic Literature
The Tree of Life
Historical Dictionary of Science Fiction Literature (Historical Dictionaries of Literature and the Arts)
The A to Z of fantasy literature
The A to Z of Fantasy Literature (The A to Z Guide Series Book 46)
Balance of Power
Man in a cage
Cradle of the sun
The empire of fear
The Monster MEGAPACK®: 22 Modern & Classic Tales of Monsters
The Cosmic Perspective and Other Black Comedies
The Red Sorcerer
Dark Ararat (Emortality)
Omega Expedition
Empire of Fear
Isoline and the Serpent-Flower
The Wayward Muse
Chimera's Cradle
Historical dictionary of science fiction literature
Rouletabille at Krupp's
The A to Z of Science Fiction Literature (A to Z Guides)
Frankenstein in London
Man in a Cage
To Challenge Chaos
Promised Land
The Werewolves of London
Chimera's Cradle (The Books of Genesys)
Serpent's Blood
The Fountains of Youth (Emortality)
Prince Bonifacio
Salome and Other Decadent Fantasies
The werewolves of London
Swan Song
Writing Fantasy and Science Fiction
The Mysterious Force
The Haunted Bookshop and Other Apparitions
Algebraic fantasies and realistic romances
The Cure for Love and Other Tales of the Biotech Revolution
The Mind-Riders
The Man Who Lost Himself
Space, time, and infinity
Writing Fantasy and Science Fiction
Complications and Other Stories
Halcyon drift
The Giant Book of Fantasy and the Supernatural
The Dragon Man
Invaders from the Centre
The Carnival of Destruction
Le troisième millénaire
Swan Songs
The Eleventh Hour
The Centre Cannot Hold
Scientific Romance: An International Anthology of Pioneering Science Fiction
Firefly: A Novel of the Far Future
The Navigators of Space
Opening minds
The Best of Both Worlds and Other Ambiguous Tales
The Stones of Camelot
The Golden Fleece and Other Tales of the Biotech Revolution
The Angel of Lust
L'énigme de Floria
Ever Smaller
Omega Expedition
The fountains of youth
The Terror of Madame Atomos
The Elusive Shadows
Exotic Encounters: Selected Reviews
Weird Fiction in France
Ombre de Frankenstein
Halcyon Drift
Day Of Wrath
The Last Days of the Edge of the World
Sherlock Holmes and the Vampires of Eternity
Sang du serpent
Valdemar's Daughter / The Mad Trist
Paradise Game
Das Machtgleichgewicht.
A clash of symbols
An Inhabitant of the Planet Mars
Adventures of Captain Cap
The Bald Giants
Journey to the center
World above the World
The Truths of Darkness
Vampires of Atlantis
The Vampire Lord Ruthwen
Wildeblood's empire
Genesys- Trilogie 2. Das Feuer des Salamanders
The Secret of Zippelius
Paradies des Untergangs
Slaves of the Death Spiders and Other Essays on Fantastic Literature (I.O. Evans Studies in the Philosophy & Criticism of Literature, No. 38.)
Changelings and Other Metamorphic Tales
The Blue Peril
Merkeze Seyahat -Asgrad Üclemesi-1
Univers 1985
Beyond the Mountains of Madness
Fountains of Youth
Posthumous Correspondence
Sar Dubnotal vs Jack the Ripper
Vampire of the Val-De-Grace
Critical Threshold
The Sacred Fire
The Kingdom Of The Beasts
Glorious perversity
The Merchants of Health
The Womb of Time
Extraordinary Adventures of a Russian Scientist Across the Solar System
Future man
Embrasser le bouc
The Alchemy of Blood
The paradise game
Year Zero
War Games
A Vision of Hell
An International Mission to the Moon
Science Fact and Science Fiction
The Supreme Progress
Pharaoh's Wife
The Second Dedalus Book of Decadence the Black Feast
Genesys- Trilogie 3. Das Rätsel der Chimäre
Das Paradox der fremden Wesen
Babels, Balloons and Innocent Eyes
Dedalus Book of Decadence
Pawns of Chaos
Paris Before the Deluge
Spirits of the Vasty Deep
Chimera's Cradle
The Emerald Princess
Cradle of the Sun
The City of the Sun
Tangled Web of Time
Promised Land: Hooded Swan, Book Three
Dark Ararat
Science Fact and Science Fiction
Curse of the Coral Bride
Portals of Paradise
Martian Epic
Germans on Venus
Slumming in Voodooland
Prelude to Eternity
Masks in the Tapestry
The Walking Shadow
The Omega expedition
Tales of the Shadowmen 4
Serpent's blood
Young Blood
Outside the human aquarium
Cassandra Complex
The Dedalus Book of British Fantasy
Analog Science Fiction and Fact, March 2001
Conqueror of Death
Designer Genes: Tales of the Biotech Revolution
The Dedalus Book of Decadence (Moral Ruins)
Beginning Operations : A Sector General Omnibus
Carnival of destruction
Stirring Stories
Swan Songs
Critical Threshold
Against the New Gods and Other Essays on Writers of Imaginative Fiction
The Blind Worm
New Atlantis
The encyclopedia of science fiction
An Oasis of Horror: Decadent Tales and Contes Cruels
Yesterday's bestsellers
Asgard's Conquerors : A Science Fiction Novel
The Couple
The Incredible Adventure and Other Interstellar Excursions
Narrative Strategies in Science Fiction and Other Essays on Imaginative Fiction
Nora, The Ape-Woman
In the Flesh and Other Tales of the Biotech Revolution
The French Fantasy Treasury
Panic in Paris
The Quiet Dead
After the Revelation
The Death of Broceliande
The Exploits of Professor Tornada
To challenge Chaos
The science in science fiction
Architects of Emortality
Empire of Fear
Puteshestvie k T ŁSentru
The Mirror of Present Events
Swan Song
News from the Moon
Slaves of the death spiders
Mysterious Fluid
Creators of Science Fiction
Nightmares of an Ether-Drinker
The Soul-Drinker
Journey to the Land of the Fourth Dimension
Selbstmord im All
Further Beyond: A Lovecraftian Science Fiction Novel
Les Fleurs Du Mal / The Undead (Wildside Double #4
Space, Time, and Infinity
The Crazy Corner
Wildeblood's Empire
The Insubstantial Pageant
News of the Black Feast and Other Random Reviews
The Clock of the Centuries
Sheena and Other Gothic Tales
War Games
In the Kingdom of the Beasts (Dies Irae, #2)
The days of glory
Asgard's heart
Castaways of Tanagar
El imperio del miedo
Dictionary of Science Fiction Places
Sexual Chemistry
The last days of the edge of the world
The Third Millennium : A History of the World
Asgard's conquerers
Writing fantasy & science fiction, and getting published
El Hombre Futuro
Serpent's Blood
Asgard's secret
Critical threshold
El imperio del miedo
Tales of the Wandering Jew
Philippe Besson
Philippe Besson (born 1967)

radio personality, literary critic, lawyer

  • Rouen Business School
Un homme accidentel
En l'absence des hommes
His Brother
Un certain Paul Darrigrand
Arrête avec tes mensonges
Un garçon d'Italie
La trahison de Thomas Spencer
L'enfant d'octobre
Un instant d'abandon
Un tango en bord de mer
Un personnage de roman
Se résoudre aux adieux
Le dernier enfant
Vivre vite
De là, on voit la mer
Une bonne raison de se tuer
Son frère
Les jours fragiles
Un homme accidentel
Retour parmi les hommes
Un Chico Italiano/an Italina Guy
Dîner à Montréal
Le-haḥliṭ le-hipared
La maison atlantique
Emilia Pardo Bazán
Emilia Pardo Bazán (1851-1921)

essayist, literary critic, journalist, salonnière, poet, editor, gastronomist

La gota de sangre / The  Drop of Blood
Los misterios de Selva
Cuentos policiacos
Los Pazos de Ulloa
El lirismo en la poesía francesa
san francisco de asis
Un poco de crítica
"The white horse" and other stories
Si las mujeres mandasen
UN Destripador De Antano (Relatos Cortos - Short Stories)
Bucólica y otras novelas
Certámen literatio en conmemoración del segundo centenario del nacimiento de Fray Benito ..
Poesías inéditas u olvidadas
Viajes por Europa
Obra crítica (1888-1908)
Un Destripador De Antano Y Otros Cuentos
La piedra angular
La mujer española y otros articulos feministas
Cuentos de navidad y reyes
Obras Completas
Memorias de un solterón
Russia: its people and its literature
Cuentos de antaño
La Tribuna
El cisne de Vilamorta
Obras completas
El encaje roto y otros cuentos
Obras escogidas
Cuadros religiosos
Cuentos Fantasticos / Fantastic Stories (Cuentos De Autores Españoles / Stories of Spanish Authors)
La mujer española y otros articulos feministas
Cuarenta días en la Exposiciòn
The tribune of the people
Cuentos de amores
La última fada
Cuentos de Marineda
La madre naturaleza
Cuentos y novelas de la tierra
La Quimera
Un viaje de novios
La vida contemporánea
La cocina española antigua
Error de Diagnostico
La Mujer Española Y Otros Escritos (Feminismos)
San Francisco De Asis
Cuentos I
La cocina española antigua (Coleccion Arte cibaria)
First Love And Other Fascinating Stories of Spanish Life
Cuentos Dramaticos
El Abanico
Historia y Cuentos de Galicia
Le naturalisme ...
Cuentos de la Patria
Las setas y otros cuentos
Mi Romeria
Cuentos Sacroprofanos
Algo de feminismo y otros escritos combativos
La literatura francesa moderna
The Love-Makers
Cuentos II
Una cristiana (Diferencias / Differences)
Las Cutres
Cartas de La Condesa en el Diario de la Marina de La Habana, Cuba (1909-1921)
The mystery of the lost dauphin (Louis XVII)
La sirena negra
Cuentos de Mujeres Valientes
Teoría del sistema absoluto
La vida contemporanea
Dulce dueño
The Son of the Bondwoman
Obras completas
Cuentos de Navidad y Ano Nuevo
Cuentos Tragicos
Cuentos de terruno
Short stories
Los Franciscanos y Colón
La cocina española antigua
Le naturalisme
La maga primavera y otros cuentos
El lirismo en la poesía francesa
Cuentos Antiguos
Una cristiana
Emilia Pardo Bazan
First Love (Little Blue Book #1195)
Cartas a Benito Pérez Galdós (1889-1890)
Stories Of Spanish Life
El P. Luis Coloma
Cuarenta días en la Exposiciòn
Obras completas (novelas y cuentos)
Cuentos IV
Cuentos De Antano/ Old Days Stories
Midsummer Madness
Cuentos de la Tierra
Cuentos de mujeres
Le cuestion palpitante
Storie e Racconti Della Galizia
Cuentos trágicos
Los pazos de Ulloa. Nota preliminar de F. S. R
La mujer española y otros escritos
El Abanico
Morrina la ultima fada
San Francisco de Asís (siglo XIII)
Arco iris
Dulce sueño
La revolucibon y la novela en Rusia
Crónicas en La nación de Buenos Aires, 1909-1921
Souvenirs d'un Bachelor
"Cartas de la condesa" en el Diario de la Marina (La Habana, 1909-1915)
La obra periodística completa en La Nación de Buenos Aires, 1879-1921
“Miquiño mío”
Obras completas
Histoires D'amour
Pascual López
La mujer española y otros artículos feministas
La vida contemporánea (1896-1915)
Un destripador de antaño y otros relatos
Destripador de Antaño
La dama joven
Cuentos I
Belcebú y otras novelas cortas
Dulce Sueño
Historias y cuentos de Galicia
Cuentos Tragicos
Histórias e Contos Da Galiza
Mis mejores cuentas (novelas breves)
"Náufragas" y otros cuentos
El Indulto
Obras completas de Emilia Pardo Baza n ..
Cuentos sacro-profanos
Cuentos II
Teatro completo
Memorias de un solteron
El tesoro de Gaston
Cuentos de Amor
Cuentos trágicos
La leyenda de la Pastoriza
Un destripador de antaño
Cocina española antigua y moderna
Un destripador de antaño
El vestido de boda
Histoires de Noël et du Nouvel An
Ricordi Di un Bachelor
Al pie de la torre Eiffel
La mujer española y otros escritos
Tribune of the People
Bir Balayi Yolculugu
La mujer española y otros escritos
La cita y otros cuentos de terror
Cartas de la condesa en el Diario de la Marina de La Habana, Cuba (1909-1921)
Cuentos de Navidad y Reyes
Lecciones de literatura
La suerte
Cuentos Sacroprofanos
Secret of the yew tree
Cuentos/critica literaria (seleccion)
Cocina española antigua y moderna
El niño de Guzmán
Un destripador de antaño y otros cuentos
De mi tierra
Cuentos nuevos
En tranvia
Hernán Cortés y sus hazañas
Doña Milagros
El señor doctoral
MÈre Nature
La gota de sangre
La revolución y la novela en Rusia
Cuentos de Marineda
El vidrio roto
Viajes por España
Aficiones peligrosas
DOS Historias Amorosas
San Francisco de Asis
Cuentos sangrientos
Sirena negra
Cuesta Abajo
Geschichten und Geschichten Aus Galicien
First Love and Other Fascinating Stories of Spanish Life
Un destripador de antano y otros cuentos (El Libro de bolsillo ; 576 : Seccion literatura)
El saludo de las brujas
La aventura de Isidro
San Francisco de Asis (siglo XIII)
Nuevos cuentos recopilados de Emilia Pardo Bazán
La gota de sangre (Clasicos de evasion)
Prueba : (Segunda Parte de una Cristiana)
Mother Nature
Erinnerungen Eines Bachelors
Cuentos de mujeres valientes
La prueba
La resucitada y otros relatos
Temprano y con sol
Le naturalisme
Cuentos de terruno (Spanish Edition)
Miquiño mío
Los mejores cuentos
Cuentos trágicos
Un destripador de antaño y otros cuentos
Adan y Eva (Ciclo): Doña Milagros
Novelas ejemplares; Un drama
Midsummer madness
Novelas ejemplares; Los tres arcos de Cirilo
Un destripador de antaño
Obras completas (novelas y cuentos)
Cuentos fantásticos
Obras completas (novelas y cuentos)
Mis mejores cuentos (novelas breves)
Arco iris, cuentos
Cuentos de la tierra
Insolación y Morriña
Cuentos dramáticos
Insolación; y Morriña
A wedding trip
Obras completas
La sirena negra
Emilia Pardo Bazán
Cuentos de la Galicia antigua
Cuentos de amor
Cartas inéditas a Emilia Pardo Bazán (1878-1883)
Cuentos sacro-profanos
Obras escogidas
En tranvía
El folk-lore gallego en 1884-85
Cuentos de invierno
Luigi Capuana
Luigi Capuana (1839-1915)

journalist, literary critic

  • University of Catania
Sicilia fantastica
The Vampire Archives
Il marchese di Roccaverdina
Gli "ismi" contemporanei
C'era una volta =
Le paesane
...Studii sulla letteratura contemporanea
Gli "Americani" di Ràbbato, racconto
Studi sulla letteratura contemporanea
Teatro italiano
Il paraninfo
Letteratura femminile
Cardello, e Ricordi d'infanzia
Il mulo di Rosa
Scritti critici
Nel paese della Zàgara
Sicilian tales =
Eh.  La vita ..
Luigi Capuana's Comparatico
Verga e D'Annunzio
Lettere Inedite a Lionardo Vigo (1857-1875)
Nuove "paesane"
L' isola del sole
Passa l'amore
Fausto Bragia e altre novelle
Delitto ideale
Il marchese di Roccaverdina
Istini e peccati
Letteratura femminile
10 novelle siciliane
Teatro dialettale siciliano
Per l'arte
Il decameroncino
Verga e D'Annunzio
La voluttá di creare
Come l'onda ..
Gambalesta, e le novelle Scimmiotto, I majori
Luigi Capuana e le carte messaggiere
Capuana e De Roberto
La Sicilia nei canti popolari e nella novellistica contemporanea
Il benefattore
Figure intraviste
Antologia dagli scritti critici
La voluttá di creare
Studii sulla letteratura contemporanea
La sfinge
Eh.  La vita ...
Le arance d'oro
Sotto la pergola
Italian fairy tales
Il nemico è in noi
Tutte le fiabe
Racconti Per Ragazzi Inediti E Rari
Un vampiro
Teatro dialettale siciliano
Versi giovanili
Il decameroncino
Nuove "paesane"
Inediti e archetipi di Luigi Capuana
Storia fosca
Quacquarà ; 'Ntirrugatoriu ; Ppi lu currivu
Le paesane
Capuana inedito
Der Marchese von Roccaverdina
Sarta per bambole
Il marchase di Roccaverdina
Inediti e archetipi di Luigi Capuana
Le più belle novelle
Novelle inverosimili
Mondo occulto
Novelle del mondo occulto
Di alcuni usi e credenze religiose della Sicilia
Quattordici novelle, scelte da A. Bernardini Capuana
Gli Ismi Contemporanei - Scholar's Choice Edition
Tutte le fiabe
Giacinta ed altri racconti
Fausto Bragia e altre novelle
La Sicilia nei canti popolari e nella novellistica contemporanea
Lettere alla assente
Il Marchese di Roccaverdina
La fiaba lunga lunga ... Introd. e note di Noemi Ruspantini
C'era una volta ...: fiabe 1885 [Leather Bound]
Come l'onda ...
Lettere alla assente
Cronache letterarie
Il Comparàtico di Luigi Capuana e gl'inizi del Verismo
Giacinta ed  altri racconti
Quattro viaggi straordinari
Teatro dialettale siciliano
The Marquis of Roccaverdina
C'era una volta, fiabe
Nine Sicilian plays
Il marchese di Roccaverdina
Ritratti di donne
Su D'Annunzio
Lettere a Capuana
Il nemico è in noi
La primavera di Giorgio
Once upon a time
Mondo occulto
La Sicilia e il brigantaggio
The dragons' nest and other stories and plays
Cronache teatrali, 1864-1872
Scritture di luce
Gli americani di Ràbbato
Si conta e si racconta
Il filtro
Gli "ismi" contemporanei
Profumo, romanzo
Lettere alla assente
10 novelle siciliane
Il Comparàtico di Luigi Capuana e gl'inizi del Verismo
André Maurois
André Maurois (1885-1967)

philosopher, essayist, historian, literary critic, biographer, critic

  • Lycée Pierre-Corneille
Great Short Tales of Mystery and Terror
Memoirs, 1885-1967
Proust; a biography
Histoire de la France
Magiciens et logiciens
The art of happiness
General Bramble
Lafayette in America
Patapoufs et Filifers
Un art de vivre
Marshall Lyautey
The Edwardian era
Call no man happy
Les discours du docteur O'Grady / Les silences du colonel Bramble
De Proust a Camus
Cinq visages de l'amour
Napoleon and his world
The collected stories of André Maurois
Introduction à la méthode de Paul Valéry
Olympio, ou, La vie de Victor Hugo
À la recherche de Marcel Proust
Chateaubriand, poet, statesman, lover
Die besten Kurzgeschichten
Nouvelles extra-terrestres et imaginaires
The miracle of America
Poets and prophets
An illustrated history of Germany
En Amérique
Prométhée, ou, La vie de Balzac
La France change de viasage
Histoire des Etats-Unis
D'Aragon à Montherland
Édouard VII et son temps
Cours de bonheur conjugal
Frédéric Chopin
Les Titans ou les trois Dumas
Atmosphere of Love
Aspects de la biographie
Portrait de la France et des Français
Le chapitre suivant
To an unknown lady
Les discours du docteur O'Grady / Les silences du colonel Bramble / Nouveaux discours du docteur O'Grady
Points of view from Kipling to Graham Greene
3 letters on the English
Alexandre Dumas
Choses nues
I remember, I remember
Prométhée, ou, La vie de Balzac ; Olympio, ou, La vie de Victor Hugo ; Les trois Dumas
Lecture, mon doux plaisir
Ten Droll Tales ...
La vie de Sir Alexander Fleming
Cecil Rhodes
Private Universe
Rouen dévasté
Tragédie en France
Journal d'un tour en Amérique latine
J.L. David
Versailles aux lumières
La vie de Disraëli
Poésie et action
The miracle of France
Un essai sur Dickens
Proust: portrait of a genius
Woman without love
Les Anglais
Petite histoire de l'espèce humaine (fragments)
Portrait d'une actrice (Mrs. Siddons)
Les silences du colonel Bramble
My Latin-American diary
Don Juan
Public libraries and their mission
The Chelsea way, or, Marcel in England
Le monde de Marcel Proust
Adrienne, ou, La vie de Madame de La Fayette
L' Amérique inattendue
Selections from André Maurois
Chantiers américains
Les roses de septembre
La Conquête de l'Angleterre par les Normands
A history of the USA
Conseils a un jeune Français partant pour l'Angleterre
Maurois reader
An illustrated history of England
Points of View
Why France fell
Histoire de l'Angleterre
Andrâe Maurois:Prométhée, ou, La vie de Balzac ; Olympio, ou, La vie de
Sentiments & coutumes
De la bruyère a Proust
Prophets and poets
Conseils à un jeune Français partant pour les États-Unis
Sept Visages De L'Amour
The women of Paris
La jeunesse devant notre temps
Bernard Quesnay
Cercle de famille
La Comtesse de Castiglione
From the New Freedom to the New Frontier
Ariel ; ou, la vie de Shelley
Art of Writing
Les Trois Dumas
États-Unis 39
The battle of France
Disraeli, a picture of the Victorian age
Captains and kings
Etudes littéraires
Lecture mon doux plaisir
Etudes Litteraires II (2)
Les bourgeois de Witzheim
Au commencement était l'action
The battle of France
De Gide a   Sartre
Napoléon et l'Empire, 1769, 1815, 1821...
Discours et Nouveaux Discours du Docteur O'grady...
L' instinct du bonheur
Espoirs et souvenirs
Terre promise
Washington, the life of a patriot
Pis £ma neznakomke
Voyage au pays des Articoles
Les trois Dumas
Études anglaises ..
Etudes Anglaises
Open letter to a young man.
Lafayette in America
The next chapter
Estudios literarios
Ricochets Miniature Tales of Human Life
Etudes littéraires
Memoires I
Shao nian Gede zhi chuang zao
Destins exemplaires
Lian ai yu xi sheng
Les discours du Dr. O'Grady
Ce que je crois
Meïpe; ou, La delivrance
Soixante ans de ma vie littéraire
Amours a Londres
Études littéraires ..
Siskolarla Siskalar
Points of view from Kipling to Graham Greene
Histoire de l'Allemagne
Profiles of Great Men
Memoires Tome II
Morceaux choisis
L' Angleterre romantique
Histoire de l'allemagne
Falanxi zhi bei ju
Prophets and poets
The women of Paris
Louis XIV à Versailles
Le roman de George Sand et de Chopin
Dialogues sur le commandement
Ni ange, ni bête
Prophets and Poets
Lettres a l'inconnue
Toujours l'inattendu arrive
Anglaise et d'autres femmes
Victor Hugo and His World (A Studio Book)
Ai di fen wei
Les mondes imaginaires: Meïpe--Les souffrances du jeune Werther--Par la faute de M. de Balzac--Portrait dúne actrice--Les derniers jours de Pompéi
Le diner sous les marrouniers
La conversation
Open letter to a young man
Retour en France
Les mondes impossibles
La vie de Disraëli
Victor Hugo and His World
Jahrmarkt in Neuilly
Nu wang de shui tu
Les nouveaux discours du Docteur O'Grady
Pour piano seul
Mes songes que voici ..
Whatever Gods may be
Histoire parallèle des U.S.A. 1917-1960.
Le côté de Chelsea
Sonbahar Gülleri
The rôle of art in life and law
Memoires I
Soixante ans de ma vie littéraire, suivi de Le Rôle de l'écrivain dans le monde d'aujourd'hui
"Sur le vif"
Falanxi tong shi
The Ten Commandments
Falanxi de bei ju
Le pays des 36,000 [i.e.trente-six mille] volontés
Le poème de Versailles
Profiles of great men
E ́tudes américaines ..
La machine à lire les pensées
Illustrated History
Nouvelles directions de la littérature française
Falanxi zhan xian
Maurois on Biography
Le peseur d'âmes
Frankrigs Tragedie
Bailun de tong nian
Mon ami Léger
Trois portraits de femmes
Prophets and Poets
Weiduoliya shi dai Ying gong wai shi
The miracle of England
Victor Hugo and his world
La Vie de Jean-Baptiste Bernadotte
Histoire de la France
al-Lūrd Bayrūn ʻāshiq nafsih
Illustrated History
Stroj na čtení myšlenek
Lettre ouverte à un jeune homme sur la conduite de la vie
Rio de Janeiro
Nouvelles directions de la litte rature franc ʹaise
Oeuvres Completes Tome IV - Bernard Quesnay / Terre Promise / Toujours L'Inattendu Arrive (French Edition)
Les origines de la guerre de 1939
Omanut ha-niśuʼin ha-meʼusharim
Les discours du docteur O'Grady
Au commencement était l'action
Aux innocents les mains pleines
Conseils à un jeune Français partant pour les États-Unis
לבו של ביירון
Oeuvres Completes Tome I - Les Silences du Colonel Bramble / Les Discours du Docteur O'Grady / A La Recherche de Bramble / Les Nouveaux Discours du ... Francais / Ni Ange, Ni Bete (French Edition)
Oeuvres Completes Tome VII - Les Mondes Impossibles / Les Mondes Imaginaires / Tu ne Commettras Point D'Adultere (French Edition)
Verzichte auf das Absolute
Divre yeme Tsarfat
Lettres a L'inconnue
Premiers contes
A time for silence
Sifriyot tsiburiyot u-sheliḥutan
Whatever gods maybe
Ravān sanj
Textes choisis de André Maurois
Discours de réception à l'Académie française et Réponse de M. André Chevrillon
Atarashiki taisen
3 letters on the English
A la recherche de Marcel Proust
Les silences du colonel Bramble
Etats-Unis 39
Lettre ouverte à un jeune homme sur la conduite de la vie
Chefs-d'œuvre des aquarellistes anglais
Lyautey ...
The art of living
Lettres à l'inconnue
Prophets and poets
Oeuvres Completes Tome VIII - Chateaubriand / Alain / Tourgueniev (French Edition)
Les discours du Dr. O'Grady
Toujours l'inattendu arrive et autres nouvelles
O lásce a přátelství
ha-Mishmanaʾim ṿeha-Mirzanaʾim
Antología de poetas franceses contemporáneos
Bernard Quesnay
A history of the U.S.A. from Wilson to Kennedy
André Maurois habla de libros y bibliotecas
Le Tour du monde du rire
Me moires
Portrait d'un ami qui s'appelait moi
Andre Maurois
Kekkon yūjō kōfuku
Ḥug ha-mishpaḥah
Literaturnye portrety
L' Anglaise et d'autres femmes
Oeuvres Completes Tome V - Dialogues sur le Commandement / Lyautey / Mes Songes que Voici / La Conversation (French Edition)
Chateaubriand, poet, statesman, lover
The collected stories of André Maurois
Pisʹma neznakomke
André Maurois, 1885-1985
La biblioteca pública y su misión
Oeuvres Completes Tome XV - Ariel ou la Vie de Shelley / Prefaces Litteraires / Le Diner sous les Marronniers / Une Carriere (French Edition)
Ariel, ou, La vie de Shelley
Dialogues des vivants
Oeuvres Completes Tome XVI - Olympio ou la Vie de Victor Hugo (French Edition)
Le cercle de famille ; L'instinct du bonheur
Rozhdenie znamenitosti
Rodinný kruh
Kerem ha-ḳesamim
Illustrated History
Divre yeme Angliyah
Victor Hugo and his world
Die Geschichte Amerikas
Victor Hugo and his world
Lettres à l'inconnue
La conversation
Climats ; Bernard Quesnay, suivi de dix nouvelles
Le cinquantenaire du Colonel Bramble
Le côté de Chelsea
Robert et Elizabeth Browning
Les silences du colonel Bramble
La Vie de Disraëli
Journal d'un tour en Suisse
Études anglaises
Sept visages de l'amour
Œuvres complètes
Die Kunst zu leben
Illustrated History
Binyamin Franḳlin u-milḥemet ha-ʻatsmaʾut shel Ameriḳah
A Unitarian states his case
Jen člověk
Oeuvres Completes Tome VI - Aspects de la Biographie / Byron (French Edition)