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linguists who wrote mystery
Showing 25-32 out of 33 results
Machado de Assis
Machado de Assis (1839-1908)

linguist, poet, journalist, translator, playwright, literary critic, typographer

Prentice Hall Literature--Silver
Great Short Stories of the World
O alienista
Memórias póstumas de Brás Cubas
Quincas Borba
The psychiatrist, and other stories
The Devil's Church and other stories
Dom Casmurro
A chapter of hats
The hand & the glove
Philosopher or Dog?
Memorial de Aires (Classicos Da Literatura Brasileira)
Varias historias (Portuguese edition)
Cuentos brasileños
A semana
Esau e Jacó
Tu só, to, puro amor ..
Conheça o escritor brasileiro Machado de Assis
Hand and the Glove (Studies in Romance Languages)
Las academias de Siam y otros cuentos
The Devil's Church and Other Stories (Texas Pan American Series)
The Alienist
                Art of the Novella
Casa velha
Psychiatrist and Other Stories
You, love, and love alone
The collected stories of Machado de Assis
Bons dias!
Philosopher Or Dog
O que pensou e disse Machado de Assis
Epitaph of a Small Winner
Machado de Assis afro-descendente
Iaiá Garcia (Classicos Da Literatura Brasileira)
The Hand and the Glove (Studies In Romance Languages)
The wager
O máximo e as máximas de Machado de Assis
Memórias póstumas de Machado de Assis
La montre en or et autres contes
Esaú e Jacó
8 Cuentos de
The Alienist
Epitaph of a Small Winner
Pensamentos e reflexões de Machado de Assis
The heritage of Quinca̧s Borba
Le philosophe ou le chien
Crônicas, crítica, poesia, teatro
Historias sem data
The Wager
O velho Senado
Epitaph of a small winner
La Cartomancienne
Ressurreição (Classicos Da Literatura Brasileira)
Critica litteraria
Poemas de amor de Machado de Assis
Teatro de Machado de Assis, Qorpo-Santo e Coelho Neto
Comentários da semana
A economia em Machado de Assis
Library of Latin America
Advogacia pitoresca
The Psychiatrist, and Other Stories
Balas de estalo de Machado de Assis
Missa do galo
Papéis avulsos
Critica theatral
O espelho
Linha reta e linha curva
Ce que les hommes appellent amour
Novas Relíquias (Ilustrado)
Caixa - Machado de Assis - 3 Vols.
Reliquias de Casa velha
Contos Fluminenses
PapéIs Avulsos (Ilustrado)
Novas Relíquias
Empréstimo de ouro
Mezarimdan Yaziyorum
Um Homem Célebre (Ilustrado)
Correspondência de Machado de Assis
Um Homem Célebre
Ao Acaso
Outras reliquias
Um homem célebre
Bons Dias (Ilustrado)
Mao e a Luva
Papeis Avulsos
Conto de Escola (Ilustrado)
Histórias Da Meia-Noite
A Mão E A Luva - Coleção L&PM Pocket
Crônicas e Contos de Machado de Assis
Páginas Recolhidas (Ilustrado)
PapéIs Avulsos
Polêmicas e Reflexões (Ilustrado)
Cinco Mulheres (Ilustrado)
Semana - Machado de Assis
Machado de Assis
Várias Histórias
Machado de Assis
Helena : (Com Notas)(Biografia)
Papéis avulsos
O Almada (Ilustrado)
Mariana (Ilustrado)
Trois contes
Uma Por Outra (Ilustrado)
Notas Semanais (Ilustrado)
Páginas Recolhidas
Filozof Kopek
Mão e a Luva
Contos Fluminenses
Quincas Borba
Machado de Assis
Diálogos e reflexões de um relogoeiro
Herança, Valério, Cinco Mulheres (Ilustrado)
Devil's Church
Crisálidas (Ilustrado)
Sonetos Machadianos : (dois Sonetos Literariamente Analisados)
Epitaph of a Small Winner
História de Quinze Dias (Ilustrado)
Cronicas Escolhidas
Box - Todos os Contos de Machado de Assis
Papeis Avulsos
Diálogos e reflexões de um relojoeíro
Alienist and Other Stories of Nineteenth-Century Brazil
Cartomante (Ilustrado)
7 Melhores Contos de Machado de Assis
Correspondência de Machado de Assis com Magalhães de Azeredo
Parasita Azul
Textos Críticos (Ilustrado)
The devil's church
The Bons Dias! Chronicles of Machado de Assis
Almas Agradecidas
Histórias Sem Data
Ressurreição : (Com Notas)(Biografia)
O ideal do crítico
Hombre Célebre y Otros Cuentos
Narraciones escogidas
A Mao e a Luva
Marcha Fúnebre (Ilustrado)
Poesias Cronicas E Contos Por Othon Bastos
"El alienista" y otros cuentos
Trio in A-Minor
A Mão e a Luva
Ideias Do Canário (Ilustrado)
50 Contos de Machado de Assis
Herança (Ilustrado)
Las academias de Siam
Contos Fluminenses (Ilustrado)
Mão e a Luva
Papeis Avulsos
A Cartomante (Col
Queda que as mulheres têm para os tolos
Papeis Avulsos (Em Portugues do Brasil)
PapéIs Avulsos
Histórias Sem Data (Ilustrado)
Contos Obra Completa
A mão e a luva
Hand and the Glove
A idéia do Ezequiel Maia
Ressurreição : (com Notas)(Biografia)
Quase ministro
O Diplomático, Relíquias Da Casa Velha (Ilustrado)
Igreja Do Diabo (Ilustrado)
Epitaph of a small winner
Poesia Obra Completa
Páginas Recolhidas : (Com Notas)(Biografia)
Confissões de Uma Viúva Moça
Dom Casmurro e Os Discos Voadores
Onze contos de Machado de Assis
Histórias da Meia-Noite
The alienist
Encher Tempo (Ilustrado)
Melhores Contos
Um Dia de Entrudo (Ilustrado)
Devil's Church and Other Stories
Páginas Recolhidas : (Com Notas)(Biografia)
Do teatro
Historias Sobre Ética
Americanas (Ilustrado)
Poesias completas
Ocidentais (Ilustrado)
Várias Histórias (Ilustrado)
Parasita Azul (Ilustrado)
Correspondência de Machado de Assis (Ilustrado)
Brazilian Tales
O Alienista (Ilustrado)
Epitaph of a small winner;
Almas Agradecidas (Ilustrado)
Balas de Estalo (Ilustrado)
The psychiatrist
Histórias de Meia-Noite
Esau e Jaco
Contos Fluminenses
O máximo e as máximas de Machado de Assis
Falenas (Ilustrado)
Carteira e Correspondência de Machado de Assis (Ilustrado)
Semana (Ilustrado)
Ressurreição (Ilustrado)
Frei Simão (Ilustrado)
Histoires Diverses
Mão e a Luva
Críticas Teatrais (Ilustrado)
Epitaph of a Small Winner
Mão e a Luva (Ilustrado)
Os Trabalhadores Do Mar
Páginas Recolhidas
Poesias Em Pergaminho
Helena (Ilustrado)
Machado de Assis & Joaquim Nabuco
Misa de Gallo y Otros Cuentos - Cyc -
Ao Acaso (Ilustrado)
Frei Simão
Historias Sem Data
Quase Ministro (Ilustrado)
Histórias Da Meia-Noite (Ilustrado)
Suje-Se, Gordo! (Ilustrado)
Crônicas de Lélio
Mão e a Luva
Miss Dollar
Contos Fluminenses
Contos fluminenses
Idéias e imagens de Machado de Assis
Tres Romances
História de Quinze Dias
Valério (Ilustrado)
Uma Por Outra
Histórias Sem Data
Papeis Avulsos
Felicidade Pelo Casamento (Ilustrado)
Contos - Coleção Bom Livro
Machado de Assis
Contos recolhidos
o anjo Rafael Contos fantásticos de Machado de Assis
Missa do galo
Memórias póstumas de Machado de Assis
Os Romances de Machado de Assis
Trinta crônicas irreverentes
Reminiscências jurídicas na obra de Machado de Assis
Historias da meia noite
Machado para a juventude
Un hombre ce lebre y otros cuentos
Contos esparsos
O conto de Machado de Assis
A semana
Cartas de Machado de Assis e Euclydes da Cunha, coligidas por Renato Travassos
Papéis velhos e outras histórias
Memorial de aires ; O alienista
Seis contos escolhidos e comentados por José Mindlin
O alienista, e outras histórias
Critica litteraria
Poesias completas: Chrysalidas, Phalenas, Americanas, Occidentaes
Iaiá Garcia
Novas reliquias
Miss Dollar & another story
Obra completa em quatro volumes
Reliquias de casa velha
Obra completa
Conto de escola
Capitu mandou flores
Cuento de escuela (y 17 cuentos más)
Contos de Machado de Assis
Papeis avulsos
Histórias sem data
Dom Casmurro
Memorias póstumas de Blas Cubas
Aquarelas do Brasil
Posmrtné paměti Bráse Cubase
Poesia e prosa
Memórias póstumas de Brás Cubas
Crônicas selecionadas
Machado de Assis
Conceitos e pensamentos
O califa
La Alienisto
Obras ilustradas de Machado de Assis
Três contos fantásticos
Dispersos de Machado de Assis
Relatos de otro milenio
A cartomante
Teatro de Machado de Assis (Dramaturgos Do Brasil)
Dez paródias de Machado de Assis
Contos completos de Machado de Assis
Contos fluminenses
Uns brac̜os ; Conto de escola
Machado de Assis
Contos avulsos
A mão e a luva
Machado para jovens leitores
Paginas recolhidas
O alienista
Helena ; Iaiá Garcia
Esaú e Jacob
Várias histórias
A poesia completa
Histórias da meia noite
Teatro completo
Os melhores contos
Toda poesia de Machado de Assis
Yayá Garcia
Machado de Assis & confrades de versos
Obra completa
Rua Cosme Velho, 18
O máximo e as máximas de Machado de Assis
Contos sem data
O alienista e o espelho
História de quinze dias
Esaú e Jacó
Obras completas de Machado de Assis
A olhos vistos
A Mão e a Luva
Contos e crônicas
Páginas recolhidas
Machado de Assis et son oeuvre littéraire
História de quinze dias, História de trinta dias
Recontando Machado
Os melhores contos de Machado de Assis
O mínimo e o escondido
Paginas recolhidas
Contos fluminenses
Contos de Machado de Assis
Historias romanticas
Esaú e Jaco
Machado de Assis, ontem, hoje e sempre
Casa velha
Machado de Assis
A sereníssima república e outros contos
Machado de Assis, romancista
The psychiatrist, and other stories
O jornal e o livro
Brazilian Tales
Contos consagrados
A mão e a luva
Contos esquecidos
Memórias póstumas de Brás Cubas
Três romances
Poesias completas
O Pensamento vivo de Machado de Assis
Contos Escolhidos
Capitu e outras Evas
Iaiá Garcia
Obra completa
David Mitchell
David Mitchell (born 1969)

linguist, translator, actor, composer, teacher

  • University of Kent
Slade House
Cloud Atlas
Black Swan Green
The Thousand Autumns of Jacob de Zoet
Utopia Avenue
The fighting Pankhursts
The Bone Clocks
The history of Montrose
A 'peculiar' place
All Aboard!
Reason I Jump
The elegant shed
Travellers In Spain
What Really Works in Special and Inclusive Education
New Year's sermon
British Railways Past and Present
[ Handbook and] a synopsis of the history of the Royal College of  Physicians of Ireland
A valedictory sermon preached to the congregation of the New Church, Pultneytown Wick
CSC 364H Readings, Summer 1998
Debugging Java
CSC 364 Fall 1998 Course Readings
Fuller employment
Contextualising Inclusive Education
A select number of spiritual hymns
An introduction to logic
British Railways Past and Present (British Railways Past & Present)
25 years
Recent Advances in Respiratory Medicine Five
"Alone with God," "Children dying in infancy" and other sermons
North and West Devon (British Railways Past and Present)
Assessing and responding to land tenure issues in disaster risk management
Devon (British Railways Past & Present)
Tea Love And War Searching For English Roots In Assam
1919: Red mirage
Dorset (British Railways Past & Present)
Your Child Is Different
Cartographie des nuages
To Chase the Wind
First Edition
Slade House
Old Tales for Tender Years
A key to the spiritual palace
David Mitchell
The Art of Administration
Làng thiên nga đen
Ling hun dai bi
Ramsey Campbell's Goatswood and Less Pleasant Places
Lattice Labyrinth Tessellations
Mil otoños
Feeding the Dinosaur Gene
Razón Por la Que Salto/ the Reason I Jump
The Bluffer's Guide to Law
This Is Your Life
A Boy from Nowhere
Cornwall (British Railways Past & Present)
Untitled Novel (Tpb)
Taming the Dinosaur Gene
Labour, Likud and the Oslo Peace Process, 1992-2000
Special Educational Needs and Inclusive Education
Women on the warpath
Lust auf asiatischen Kampfsport
... But not forgotten
Relojes de hueso
Crime, policing & geographic information systems
Bluffer's Guide. to Divorce
Bonsai (Pb)-Bok Edition
Distribution of liquid in knitted packing materials
The Talyllyn Railway (British Railways Past & Present)
The Mark Degree
East Cornwall
Gone for a soldier
Poor Man\'s Justice
Choosing a government
Making Foreign Policy
New mission for a new people
Queen of the Methodists
The Diesel-hydraulic Era
Synod of Toronto and Kingston!
Making acquisitions work
Arthur Asa Berger
Arthur Asa Berger (born 1933)

literary scholar, linguist, journalist

Mistake in Identity
Durkheim is dead!
The Rashomon Case
Media analysis techniques
Media and communication research methods
Ads, Fads, and Consumer Culture
Shop 'til You Drop
Li'l Abner: a study in American satire
The genius of the Jewish joke
Essentials of mass communication theory
Bloom's morning
Television as an instrument of terror
Manufacturing desire
The Portable Postmodernist
Media and Society
Narratives in popular culture, media, and everyday life
Thailand Tourism
The Academic Writers Toolkit
Improving writing skills
Reading matter
Blind men and elephants
Deconstructing Travel
Postmortem for a postmodernist
Ocean Travel and Cruising
Cultural Criticism
Pop culture
Games and activities for media, communication, and cultural studies students
The golden triangle
Comic-stripped Am
Vietnam Tourism
Seeing is believing
The art of comedy writing
What objects mean
Jewish Jesters
The comic-stripped American
Li'l Abner
The objects of affection
Tourism in Japan
The mass comm murders
Making Sense of Media
The TV-guided American
Popular culture genres
Media research techniques
The agent in the agency
The Kabbalah killings
The Postmodern Presence
Die Laughing
Ads, fads, and consumer culture
An anatomy of humor
Media USA
Signs in Contemporary Culture
Ads, fads, and consumer culture
Media and Communication Research
Murder Ad Nauseam
The Hamlet Case
Media and society
Bali tourism
Television in society
Media and communication research methods
The Postmodern Presence: Readings on Postmodernism in American Culture and Society
Aristotle Comedy
50 ways to understand communication
The Postmodern Pedagogue
The postmodern presence
The Art of the Seductress
Political culture and public opinion
Seeing Is Believing:Intro Visual I
About man
Instructor's manual, Media USA
Gizmos, or, The electronic imperative
Instructor's manual for Media USA
Media USA
Understanding American icons
The cultural theorist's book of quotations
Media analysis techniques
Bali tourism
Blind men and elephants
Essentials of mass commuication theory
Film in Society
The comic-stripped American
The cultural theorist's book of quotations
Seeing is believing
The objects of affection
Tourism in Japan
Media USA
Julia Kristeva
Julia Kristeva (born 1941)

psychoanalyst, sociologist, philosopher, literary critic, linguist

  • Sofia University, Paris 8 University
Murder in Byzantium
Murder in Byzantium
Pouvoirs de l'horreur
The portable Kristeva
Hannah Arendt
Strangers to ourselves
Tales of love
Proust and the Sense of Time
Black Sun
Julia Kristeva, interviews
La révolution du langage poétique
Time and Sense
Desire in language
Revolution in poetic language
Contre la dépression nationale
Le temps sensible
Des Chinoises
Langage, cet inconnu
Soleil noir
Au commencement était l'amour
The samurai
Le texte du roman
Adel Abdessemed
Revolt, She Said (Foreign Agents)
Histoires d'amour
The feminine and the sacred
Cet incroyable besoin de croire
Les nouvelles maladies de l'âme
Marriage As a Fine Art
New Maladies of the Soul
Seule, une femme
Inferno and paradiso
Au risque de la pensée
Etrangers à nous-mêmes
Enchanted Clock
Le plaisir des formes
The Sense And Nonsense Of Revolt The Powers And Limits Of Psychoanalysis
Hatred and forgiveness
The feminine and the sacred
Desire In Language A Semiotic Approach To Literature And Art
Le génie féminin
Th©♭r©·se, mon amour
The sense and non-sense of revolt
Le langage, cet inconnu
Desire in language
Passions of Our Time
The old man and the wolves
The enchanted clock
Louise Bourgeois
Teresa my love
Intimate Revolt The Powers And The Limits Of Psychoanalysis
Cet incroyable besoin de croire
The Severed Head
Sēmeiōtikē : recherches pour une sémanalyse
The severed head
La haine et le pardon
Europe des cultures et culture européenne
(Re)découvrir l'œuvre de Simone de Beauvoir
Essays in semiotics
La révolte intime
The Kristeva reader
This Incredible Need to Believe
In the beginning was love
Understanding Through Fiction : A Selection from Teresa, My Love
Hannah Arendt
Diversité et culture
Teresa, My Love
Grandir c'est croire
Strangers to Ourselves
Crisis of the European subject
Language - The Unknown
Meurtre à Byzance
Feminine and the Sacred
Lettre au président de la République sur les citoyens en situation de handicap
El texto de la novela
Passions of Our Time
Le Genie Feminin: La Vie, la Folie, les Mots (Folio Essais) (French Edition)
Cinq éloges de la rencontre
Les samouraïs
Severed Head
La cruauté au féminin
Guerre et paix des sexes
New maladies of the soul
Chroniques du temps sensible
Folle vérité
Stabat Mater
Sens Et Non-Sens de La Revolte
Lumières, religions et raison commune
Sēmeiōtikē = Semiótica
Essays in Semiotics
Sens et non-sens de la révolte
Je me voyage
Trabajo de la Metafora
Die Chinesin
Des expériences intérieures
L'avenir d'une révolte
Introdução à semanálise
História da linguagem
This incredible need to believe
Porvenir de la Revuelta
Langue, discours, société pour Emile Benveniste
Lettre ouverte à Harlem Désir
Tales of Love
Melanie Klein
Colette, un génie féminin
Leur regard perce nos ombres
Le vieil homme et les loups
La Revolte Intime
Shemesh sheḥorah
Pulsions du temps
La discriminación en Argentina
Essays in semiotics =
Visions capitales
Notre Colette
Kristeva Reader
Leur regard perce nos ombres
Intimate revolt
Langue, discours, société
Zarim le-ʻatsmenu
El lenguaje, ese desconocido
La Traversée des signes
Autour d'Émile Benveniste
Izbrannye trudy
Au risque de la pensée
Georgia O'Keeffe
Murder in Byzantium
L'horloge enchantée
Où en est la théorie littéraire
L'amour de soi et ses avatars
Pŭtuvam sebe si
Épistémologie de la linguistique
Des Chinoises
Charles Berlitz
Charles Berlitz (1914-2003)

linguist, ufologist

  • Yale University
The Bermuda Triangle
Passport to French
Passport to German
Native tongues
The Philadelphia Experiment
German step-by-step
Doomsday 1999 A.D
The Dragon's Triangle
The Lost Ship of Noah
Without a Trace
Passport to German
French-English, English-French dictionary =
Passport to Spanish
Passport to Russian
Roswell Incident
Passport to Spanish
Italian step-by-step
French step-by-step
Around the world with 80 words
Passport to French
Passport to Japanese
Passport to French
Mysteries from forgotten worlds
Spanish step-by-step
Business to business guides
The mystery of Atlantis
Italian-English, English-Italian dictionary =
Passport to Italian
Atlantis, the eighth continent
Doomsday, 1999 A.D
The Mystery of Atlantis
Charles Berlitz's World of the Incredible but True
Charles Berlitz's world of the odd and the awesome
Engelsk Norsk Norwegian English Pocket D
Mysteries from forgotten worlds
English step-by-step for Spanish-speaking people =
German step-by-step
The lost ship of Noah
The Bermuda triangle
Spanish step-by-step
Charles Berlitz's world of strange phenomena
Berlitz Travel Guide
Learn French
Charles Berlitz's world of strange phenomena
Passport to the World
Passport to Spanish
Passport to Italian
German-English, English-German dictionary =
Mysteries from Forgotten Worlds
Berlitz Swedish-English Pocket Dictionary
Passport to Italian
Native tongues
World of Strange Phenomenia
Bermuda Triangle
Passport to French
Inglés paso a paso para los hisparlantes =
Unglaublich. Ungewöhnliche Erlebnisse aussergewöhnlicher Menschen
Passport to French
French step-by-step
German Step-by-Step (Language Guides)
Berlitz Arabic for Travellers
The Philadelphia experiment
Passport to Chinese
Passport to Italian (Berlitz Travel Companions)
Philadelphia  Experiment
The Bermuda Triangle
The Roswell incident
El triangulo de las Bermudas
Learn German
Italian step-by-step
Learn Spanish
Le mystère de l'Atlantide
Doomsday, 1999 A. D
Passport to Spanish
Passport to Italian
Passport to Japanese
Die wunderbare Welt der Sprachen
The mystery of Atlantis
Doomsday 1999
Het geheim van Atlantis. De laatste gegevens in het fascinerende verhaal over een continent dat verdween
Les phénomènes étranges du monde
You Passport to Arabic
Spurlos. Neues aus dem Bermuda- Dreieck
The Dragon's Triangle
El triángulo de las Bermudas
Das Bermuda Dreieck - Fenster zum Kosmos?
The lost ship of Noah : in search of the Ark at Ararat
Aroud the World in Eighty Days
Italian for Your Trip
Le mystére de l'Atlantide
Hindi Language (#n1045)
The philadelphia experiment
Triangulo del Dragon, El
Das Atlantis-Rätsel (Atlantisrätsel)
French Step-By-Step (Dodd, Mead Quality Paperback)
Korean Language (#1036)
Passport to the world
Passport to Europe
Busn To Busn In Germn
El triángulo de las Bermudas
The Dragon's triangle
De Bermuda Driehoek
English Step-By-Step for Spanish Speaking People (Ingles Paso-a-Paso)
Berlitz Swedish for Travellers
The Philadelphia experiment
El Misterio De Filadelfia/Philadelphia Experiment
Berlitz Portuguese-English Dictionary
Busn To Busn In Russn
Charles Berlitz's world of strange phenomena
Around the World in 80 Words
LA Atlantida, El Octavo Continente
Passport to Italian
Das Philadelphiaexperiment
Roswell Incident
Switzerland German Speaking Areas
Le Triangle Des Bermudes
Robert Bly
Robert Bly (1926-2021)

linguist, poet, translator

  • Harvard University, St. Olaf College
The Winged Energy of Delight
Iron John
The maiden king
Friends, you drank some darkness
The light around the body
American poetry
The sibling society
Selected poems
Meditations on the insatiable soul
The Kabir Book
The Best American Poetry 1999
Loving a woman in two worlds
The sea and the honeycomb
Lorca and Jiménez: selected poems
This tree will be here for a thousand years
The Best American Poetry 1999
News of the Universe
Old man rubbing his eyes
Talking all morning
This body is made of camphor and gopherwood
Gratitude to Old Teachers
The morning glory
The man in the black coat turns
Iron John
A little book on the human shadow
What have I ever lost by dying?
Jumping out of bed
Morning poems
Holes the crickets have eaten in blankets
Eating the Honey of Words
The night Abraham called to the stars
The Best American Poetry 1999
My sentence was a thousand years of joy
The urge to travel long distances
Sleepers joining hands
The Night Abraham Called to the Stars
Talking into the ear of a donkey
Neruda and Vallejo
Out of the rolling ocean, & other love poems
The pillow & the key
Leaping poetry
Collected Poems
Silence in the snowy fields
Poetry Reading Against the Vietnam War, A
Kabir, try to live to see this! ; versions
The Soul Is Here for Its Own Joy
Reaching out to the world
Point Reyes poems
Forty poems touching on recent American history
Stealing Sugar from the Castle: Selected Poems, 1950 to 2013
My Sentence Was a Thousand Years of Joy
The eight stages of translation
Turkish pears in August
How to promote your own business
Silence in the Snowy Fields: Poems (Wesleyan Poetry Series)
Neruda and Vallejo
The Ultimate Star Trek Quiz Book
Looking for Dragon Smoke
Talking all morning
Water under the earth
The Insanity of Empire
The light around the body
Leaping poetry
More than true
The Man in the Black Coat Turns
88 money-making writing jobs
Ten poems
Neruda and Vallejo: selected poems
Odin House, Madison, Minnesota
American poetry
The illustrated book about reptiles and amphibians of the world
Loving a Woman in Two Worlds
Trusting your life to water and eternity
What Have I Ever Lost by Dying?
What the fox agreed to do
Like the New Moon I Will Live My Life
The Rag and bone shop of the heart
The Rag and bone shop of the heart
Iron John
The Rag and Bone Shop of the Heart
Silence in the Snowy Fields
Iron John, a Book About Men
The light around the body: poems
Marketing Dictionary for the 21st Century
Half-Finished Heaven
Poetry of Robert Bly
A ramage of the man who is alone
Finding an old ant mansion
Grass from two years
Lorca and Jiménez
The Lion's Tail and Eyes
News of the universe
Silence In The Snowy Fields Poems
L' homme sauvage et l'enfant
Human Shadow and What Stories Do We Need?, The
The teeth-mother naked at last
Morning poems
Sleepers Joining Hands
The Winged Life
Stealing Sugar from the Castle
Visiting Emily Dickinson's grave & other poems
The Science in Science Fiction
Poems for Tennessee
The Sibling Society
The dead seal near McClure's Beach
A private fall
In the month of May
Silence in the snowy fields, and other poems
Six winter privacy poems
Elegy ; Some October notes
The morning glory
The winged energy of delight
A bouquet of ten roses
The loon
Snow Jewel
The Maiden King
101 Money-Making Writing Jobs
Eight Stages of Translation
Jumping Out of Bed
A Little Book on the Human Shadow
The Lion's tail and eyes
Mirabai versions
Into the Deep
My Sentence Was a Thousand Years of Joy
Robert Bly
Eating the Honey of Words
Love in the Western World
The apple found in the plowing
Sibling Society
A love of minute particulars
Point Reyes poems
Visiting Emily Dickinson's grave
Light Around the Body
Eisenhans. Ein Buch über Männer. ( Lebenshilfe / Psychologie)
Getting Started in Speaking, Training, or Seminar Consulting
אנשים כמונו
Remembering James Wright
The teeth-mother naked at last
The moon on a fencepost
More Than True
Talking into the Ear of a Donkey
Gratitude to Old Teachers
In the month of May
Stealing Sugar from the Castle
When Grapes Turn to Wine
Iron John (Spanish Edition) (Coleccion los Caballeros del Grial)
Hearing Gary Snyder read
Two poems
L'homme sauvage et l'enfant
Winged Energy of Delight
Silence in the Snowy Fields
Silence in the Snowy Fields
The indigo bunting
In a boat on Big Stone Lake
News of the Universe
Iron John
The roads have come to an end now
The loon
Saturday nights in Marietta
Rites to a Good Life
Osam savremenih Američkih pjesnika
News of the universe
Lorca & Jimenez
Little Book on the Human Shadow
Rader som är korsvägar
Collected Poems
Iron John and the Male Mode on Feeling
Instant Inspiration for Copywriters
Selected Poems
Jumping out of bed
Leaping Poetry
Webster's New World Letter Writing Handbook
Sleepers Joining Hands
Angels Knocking on the Tavern Door
88 Money-Making Writing Jobs
Iron John
Ten love poems
The Kabir Book
Phrases That Pay
The traveller who repeats his cry
A little book on the human shadow
The whole moisty night
Illuminated Hafiz
Lorca and Jiménez
Morning Poems
Webster's New World Letter Writing Handbook
Una imagen americana
The Light Around the Body
Night Abraham Called to the Stars
Angels of Pompeii
Intensity Will Do the Work
Hombres de Hierro
The Fifties and the Sixties
Finding an old ant mansion
The Pillow & the Key
Human Shadow
Die ferne Zarin. Von einem der auszog, die Liebe zu suchen.
The Apple Found in the Plowing
Krig och tystnad
Old Man Rubbing His Eyes
Fairy Tales for Men and Women
American Poetry
Where Have All the Parents Gone (Sound Horizons Presents)
Poetry Reading
The dead seal near McClure's beach
Four Ramages of Robert Bly
Mirabai versions
Stardust and fate
Horace's Poem on Anger
Silence in the snowy fields
We Make the Road By Walking
El Libro de La Sombra
Silence in the snowy fields, and other poems
The Red, White, and Black
An Evening With Robert Bly
Turkish Pears in August
100 Best Careers in Media
News of the universe
An Evening at Esalen
Moon on a Fencepost
Loving a Woman in 2 Worlds
Men and the Wound
The Power of Shame
The teeth-mother naked at last
At the Zen Center
A Home in Dark Grass
Maiden King
The Educated Heart
Thoughts on the Art of Poetry
What the Shadow Knows
The Six Powers of Poetry
Men and Women Now
Maiden King
101Ways to Make Every Second Count
Male Naivete and Giving the Gold Away
Waking from Newton's Sleep
Leaping Poetry
What Stories Do We Need (Sound Horizons Presents)
Morning poems
Seventies No. 1
Love Poems
SC-Truth Barriers
Point Reyes Poems
When a Hair Turns Gold
Silence in the snowy fields
Charlotte Mary Yonge
Charlotte Mary Yonge (1823-1901)

linguist, historian, translator, editor

The Lances of Lynwood
The Trial
The heir of Redclyffe
The Trial
The Prince and the Page
The little duke
The Caged Lion
Unknown to history
The dove in the eagle's nest
The Armourer's Prentices
Gold dust
The Herd Boy and His Hermit
The Pigeon Pie
The clever woman of the family
Dynevor Terrace
A Modern Telemachus
John Keble's Parishes: A History of Hursley and Otterbourne
Beechcroft at Rockstone
The pupils of St. John the Divine
Stray Pearls
A Reputed Changeling
Grisly Grisell
Life of John Coleridge Patteson
The daisy chain, or, Aspirations
My Young Alcides
The daisy chain
Under the Storm
The Long Vacation
Scenes and Characters
The chaplet of pearls
The Little Duke Richard the Fearless
The Three Brides
The Prince and the Page
Hopes and Fears
More Bywords
Lady Hester
Popular history of Greece
Heartsease, or The brother's wife. By the author of The heir of Redclyffe
The Young Step-Mother
A Modern Telemachus
Aunt Charlotte's Stories of Greek History
Young Folks\' History of England
Hannah More
A pictorial history of the world's great nations
The pillars of the house; or, Under wode, under rode
Cameos from English History ..
The Young Step-mother, Or, A Chronicle of Mistakes
Countess Kate
Young folks' history of Greece
Lady Hester
The Chaplet of Pearls or the White And Black Ribaumont
Scenes and characters; or, Eighteen months at Beechcroft. By the author of 'Abbeychurch'
History of France
The Little Duke
Scenes and Characters
Abbeychurch, or Self control and self conceit
The Stokesley Secret
The Little Duke
The Chaplet of Pearls Or The White and Black Ribaumont
The Pigeon Pie
The Two Guardians Or Home In This World
Chantry House
Unknown to History: A Story of the Captivity of Mary of Scotland
The two sides of the shield
A Modern Telemachus
More Bywords
The Three Brides
Young Folks\' History of England
Dynevor Terrace, Volume 2
The Daisy Chain: Or, Aspirations : a Family Chronicle
Grisly Grisell
Unknown to History
The constable's tower
Under the Storm: Or, Steadfast's Charge
Sintram and His Companions
Pigeon Pie
Old Times at Otterbourne
An old woman's outlook in a Hampshire village
The trial
The Chosen People
A Book of Golden Deeds
Heartsease, or, The brother's wife
Henrietta's Wish
Cameos from English History
The Little Duke
The Chosen People A Compendium Of Sacred And Church History For School Children
Dynevor Terrace, or the Clue of Life
The Long Vacation
The Clever Woman of the Family
Aunt Charlotte's stories of Greek history for the little ones
The Two Guardians; or, Home in This World
Aunt Charlotte's stories of American history
The clever woman of the family
What books to lend and what to give
Lady Hester Or, Ursula's Narrative
English Church history
Richard the Fearless
Landmarks of history ..
Young folks' history of Germany
Landmarks of history: Middle ages; from the reign of Charlemagne, to that of Charles V
Beechcroft at Rockstone
Nuttie's Father
Cameos From English History From Rollo To Edward Ii
Pioneers and founders, or, Recent workers in the mission field
A pictorial history of the world's great nations, from the earliest dates to the present time
Strolling players
The Caged Lion
Love and Life
A book of golden deeds of all times and all lands
The Young Step-Mother
History of France
Unknown to History a Story of the Captivity of Mary of Scotland
A Reputed Changeling Or Three Seventh Years Two Centuries Ago
A modern Telemachus
The pillars of the house
Heartsease: Or, The Brother's Wife
Friarswood Post Office
Love and Life
The Herd Boy and His Hermit
Countess Kate
The Carbonels
The Herd Boy and His Hermit
Unknown to History a Story of the Captivity of Mary of Scotland
A Book of Golden Deeds: Of All Times and All Lands
Popular history of England
Beechcroft at Rockstone
The chosen people
Landmarks of history. Modern history: from the Reformation to the fall of Napoleon. By the ..
History of Christian names
Grisly Grisell Or The Laidly Lady Of Whitburn
Chantry House
Magnum Bonum, Or Mother Carey's Brood: Or, Mother Carey's Brood
Child's history of France
Young Folks' History of Rome
Dynevor Terrace Volume 2
The Trial
The Chaplet of Pearls
The seal, or, The inward spiritual grace of confirmation
The Story of the Christians and Moors of Spain
The herb of the field
Lady Hester: Or, Ursula's Narrative
Nuttie's Father
Grisly Grissell, or, The laidly lady of Whitburn
The Danvers papers
The Carbonels
Young folks' history of Germany
The Two Guardians
The Two Guardians: Or, Home in this World
Hopes and Fears; or, Scenes from the Life of a Spinster
The Two Guardians
Scenes And Characters or Eighteen Months at Beechcroft
Life of John Coleridge Patteson, missionary bishop of the Melanesian islands
Modern Broods
The Stokesley Secret
The caged lion
My Young Alcides: A Faded Photograph
The little duke, Richard the Fearless
Cameos from English History, from Rollo to Edward II
Grisly Grisell
History of France
Dynevor Terrace, Volume 1
Cameos from English History, from Rollo to Edward II
Beechcroft At Rockstone
The Caged Lion
Kenneth, Or, The Rear-guard of the Grand Army
The Carbonels
Young Folks' History of England
The young step-mother; or, A chronicle of mistakes. By the author of 'The heir of Redclyffe'
Henrietta's Wish or Domineering
Landmarks of history: In Three Parts
Teachings on the Catechism: For the Little Ones
Aunt Charlotte's stories of English history for the little ones
Musings over the "Christian year" and "Lyra innocentium"
Little Lucy's Wonderful Globe
John Keble's Parishes
Two penniless princesses
Landmarks of history: Modern history; from the reformation to the fall of Napoleon
The three brides
Lady Hester; or, Ursula's Narrative
A Reputed Changeling; or, Three Seventh Years Two Centuries Ago
Magnum Bonum: Or, Mother Carey's Brood
Bye-words: A Collection of Tales New and Old
Pioneers and founders
The Constable's Tower; or, The Times of Magna Charta
A book of golden deeds of all times and all lands
Young folks' history of France
A storehouse of stories
Love and life
Two Penniless Princesses
Aunt Charlotte's stories of Greek history for the little ones
That Stick
The Chosen People
The Three Brides
Popular history of France
English Church History
The Pillars of the House; Or Under Wode, Under Rode
Under the Storm Or Steadfast's Charge
The patriots of Palestine
Unknown to History
Daisy Chain
Hopes And Fears or Scenes from the Life of a Spinster Part One
Little Lucy's Wonderful Globe
Young folk's history of Rome
Aunt Charlotte's stories of bible history
The pupils of St. John the Divine
The treasures in the marshes
John Keble's parishes
Our new mistress
History of France
The Daisy Chain, or Aspriations (Volume II)
The instructive picture book, or, Lessons from the vegetable world
The Little Duke
The cunning woman's grandson
Scenes and Characters Or Eighteen Months at Beechcroft
Stray Pearls
The Two Guardians Or Home in this World
Little Lucy's wonderful globe
A Book of Golden Deeds
Heartsease Or Brother's Wife
Dynevor Terrace; or, The Clue of Life
The Long Vacation
Hannah More
Grisly Grisell
Pioneers and Founders; or, Recent Workers in the Mission Field
Young Folks' History of Rome
Pioneers and Founders Or Recent Workers in the Mission Field
The Two Sides of the Shield
Under the Storm or Steadfast's Charge
The Pilgrimage Of The Ben Beriah
History of France
Unknown to History
John Keble's parishes
Magnum Bonum
Magnum Bonum; or, Mother Carey's Brood
The clever woman of the family
The girl's little book
The Prince and the Page; a story of the last crusade
Modern Broods, or Developments Unlooked for
Young Folks History Of Germany
Cameos from English History
The Trial; or, More Links of the Daisy Chain
The Prince and the Page
Child's Bible reader
Love and Life (An Old Story in Eighteenth Century Costume)
Hopes And Fears or Scenes from the Life of a Spinster Part Two
Modern Broods, or Developments Unlooked For
John Keble's Parishes (A History of Hursley and Otterbourne)
The Christmas mummers
The cook and the captive
The Stokesley Secret
Kenneth; or, the Rear-Guard of the Grand Army
Young Folks' History of Rome
Le livre d'or
Unknown to history
Reputed Changeling, A Three Seventh Years Two Centuries Ago
Gold Dust
Cameos From English History From Rollo to Edward II
Heartsease; or, The Brother's Wife
Biographies of good women
That stick
Nuttie's Father
The Pigeon Pie
Grisly Grisell
Aunt Charlotte's stories of Bible history for the little ones
John Keble's Parishes
Young Folks History Of Germany
Aunt Charlotte's stories of Roman history
The pilgrimage of the Ben Beriah
Henrietta's Wish; or, Domineering
The Trial
Cameos from English History From Rollo to Edward II
History of Christian Names
History of France
ThePillars of the House, Volume 1
Young folks' Bible history
Magnum bonum; or, Mother Carey's brood
Old Times At Otterbourne
A Book of Golden Deeds
The Herd Boy and His Hermit
The Two Guardians
P's and q's
Dynevor Terrace (Part 2 )
Hopes and Fears or Scenes from the Life of a Spinster V1
The Prince and the Page
Love And Life
Jack Frost's little prisoners
The Six cushions
Unknown to History
The Young Step-Mother or a Chronicle of Mistakes
Two Penniless Princesses
John Keble's Parishes
Henrietta's Wish Or Domineering
More Bywords
The Young Step-Mother Or A Chronicle of Mistakes
P's and Q's; or, The question of putting upon, and Little Lucy's wonderful globe
The castle builders
Teachings on the catechism
The Three Brides
Child's History of France
Modern Broods; or, Developments Unlooked For
Unknown History
European History
Hannah More
Cameos from English History
Two Penniless Princesses
Pigeon Pie, The
Reputed Changeling or Three Seventh Years Two Centuries Ago
Scenes and Characters; or, Eighteen Months at Beechcroft
The wardship of Steepcoombe
The Daisy Chain; or, Aspirations - Part 2
New Ground
Heartsease or Brother's Wife
The Daisy Chain; or, Aspirations - Part 1
The history of Sir Thomas Thumb
The Pillars of the House, V1
That Stick
The Little Duke or Richard the Fearless
Under the Storm or Steadfast's Charge
Life of John Coleridge Patteson
John Keble's Parishes A History Of Hursley And Otterbourne
The Young Step-Mother; or, A Chronicle of Mistakes
Book of Worthies gathered from the old histories and now written anew
The story of the Christians and Moors of Spain
Journal of the Lady Beatrix Graham
The little duke or
Hopes and Fears or Scenes from the Life of a Spinster V2
A storehouse of stories, containing: The history of Philip Quarll, Goody Twoshoes.  The governess, Jemima Placid, The perambulations of a mouse, The village school, The little queen, History of little Jack
My Young Alcides
The little Duke, or, Richard the Fearless
Countess Kate And The Stokesley Secret
More Bywords
Nuttie's Father
Two Penniless Princesses
The Long Vacation
Abbeychurch ; The castle builders
Countess Kate
Unknown to history
Chantry House
Friarswood Post-Office
Little Lucy's wonderful globe
The release; or, Caroline's French kindred
Popular history of Germany
Lady Hester
The Clever Woman of the Family
Stray Pearls (Memoirs Of Margaret De Ribaumont Viscountess Of Bellaise)
The cross roads; or, A choice in life
English church history
English church history
History of Sir Thomas Thumb. by the Author of 'the Heir of Redcliffe'
Chantry House
The Stokesley Secret
The castle builders, or, The deferred Confirmation
The Story of the Christians and Moors of Spain
Little Duke, or, Richard the Fearless. by the Author of 'the Heir of Redclyffe'
That Stick
Sowing and Sewing a Sexagesima Story
Two Guardians
Countess Kate
Countess Kate (Esprios Classics)
Child's History of France
The prince and the page
Ben Sylvester's Word
Recollections of a Page at the Court of Louis Xvi
Pigeon Pie
Love and Life an Old Story in Eighteenth Century Costume
Pioneers and Founders
Chantry house
The Two Sides of the Shield
Countess Kate
Child's History of France
Little Duke (Esprios Classics)
Stokesley Secret
Little Duke
Dynevor Terrace, or, the Clue of Life
Young Folks' History of Rome
Please tell me a tale
Book of Golden Deeds
Leonard, the lion-heart
The Daisy Chain
Love and Life
Ben Sylvester's word
The heir of Redclyffe
The caged lion ...
The daisy chain
Heir of Redclyffe
Henrietta's Wish (Esprios Classics)
The daisy chain, or, Aspirations
Countess Kate
Two Guardians
Charlotte Mary Yonge, an Appreciation
The chaplet of pearls
Modern Telemachus
Landmarks of history
Stray Pearls. Memoirs of Margaret de Ribaumont, Viscountess of Bellaise Volume 2
Heir of Redclyffe
Book of Golden Deeds
Young folks' history of Germany
The Virtue of patience
Lost on the line
Chosen People : The Chosen People
The pillars of the house
Heir of Redclyffe
Our new mistress; or; Changes at Brookfield Earl
The Trial; Or, More Links of the Daisy Chain
Nuttie's Father
Little Duke : Richard the Fearless
New Ground
The Clever Woman of the Family
The Pillars of the House
A Book of Golden Deeds
Old Times at Otterbourne
That Stick
History of France
Sowing and sewing
Unknown to History
Nuttie's Father
Young Folks' History of England
Beechcroft at Rockstone
Young Step Mother
Love and Life
Nuttie's Father
The little duke, or, Richard the fearless
Sarah Watkins; or, Crumbs for the birds
Dynevor Terrace
Aunt Charlotte's Stories of Greek History
A book of golden deeds of all times and all lands
Chantry house
That Stick
Child's Bible reader
Two Penniless Princesses
Dynevor terrace
The pupils of St. John the Divine
Caged Lion
Heir of Redclyffe
Chantry House
Young Folks History of Rome
That Stick (Esprios Classics)
Modern Broods
Love and Life
The caged lion
The History of Sir Thomas Thumb
Charlotte Yonge on CD-ROM
A Book of Worthies, Gathered from the Old Histories
Herd Boy and His Hermit
Love and Life
The Little Duke
Lady Hester
Modern Broods (Esprios Classics)
Unknown to history
Young Folks' History of Rome
The little duke: Richard the Fearless
The Chaplet of Pearls
Lady Hester : Or, Ursula's Narrative
Cameos from English History, from Rollo to Edward II
Lost in the Lebanon
Dynevor Terrace, or, The clue of life
The two sides of the shield
Nuttie's Father
Twenty stories and biographies
Two penniless princesses
A Book Of Golden Deeds
Modern Telemachus; Volume 2
Ancient history
The chaplet of pearls
Book of Golden Deeds of All Times and All Lands
Lady Hester
The Carbonels
Beechcroft at Rockstone
Caged Lion . .
Dynevor Terrace
Cameos from English History
My Young Alcides
Henrietta's Wish
Nuttie's Father; 2
The pillars of the house; or, Under wode, under rode
Unknown to History
The story of the Christians and Moors of Spain
Prince and the Page a Story of the Last Crusade
Little Lucy's wonderful globe By : Charlotte M. Yonge illustrated By
The Heir of Redclyffe
The Long Vacation
Little Duke, Richard the Fearless
Aunt Charlotte's stories of Bible history for the children
Stories from the best of books
Book of Golden Deeds (Esprios Classics)
Grisly Grisell (Esprios Classics)
Treasures in the Marshes
Magnum Bonum, or Mothers Carey's Brood
That Stick
Ben Sylvester's Word
The Brother's Wife Vol.II
Ben Sylvester’s Word
The Little Duke
Young Step-Mother
Modern Broods
That Stick
P's & Q's
My Young Alcides
History of Christian Names; Volume 1
More Bywords (Esprios Classics)
Nuttie's Father (Esprios Classics)
Lady Hester
Hannah More
Aunt Charlotte's Stories of Bible History for the Little Ones
Friarswood Post Office
Countess Kate
Young Folks' History of Rome (Esprios Classics)
The Knight of the feathery sword
The herb of the field
The pillars of the house
Herd Boy and His Hermit
Abbey Church
Book of Golden Deeds
Lady Hester, or, Ursula's Narrative
The Caged Lion
Little Duke
Long Vacation (Webster's Spanish Thesaurus Edition)
Heir of Redclyffe; Volume I
Lady Hester
Lady Hester; Or, Ursula's Narrative
Under the Storm
Three Brides
Young Folks' History of England
Chantry House
Countess Kate
The Chaplet of Pearls
Dynevor Terrace Vol 2
Little Duke
Stray Pearls
Talks about the Laws We Live under, or, at Langley Night School
የመስማት ችሎታ
History of France (Esprios Classics)
Stokesley Secret
Two Sides of the Shield
The Chaplet of Pearls
Little Duke
Wax matches and wooden ones
P's and Q's, or, The questions of putting upon
Modern Broods : Or, Developments Unlooked for
Nuttie's Father
The prince and the page
The Young Step-mother
Langley School. by the Author of 'the Kings of England'
Modern broods
Chantry House
Magnum Bonum
Lady Hester or, Ursula's Narrative
Abbeychurch (Esprios Classics)
Aunt Charlotte's stories of Greek history for the little ones
Love and Life
History of Christian names
Little Duke : Richard the Fearless: (Aberdeen Classics Collection)
History of Sir Thomas Thumb
The Wilford family; or, Hero-worship in the schoolroom
Cameos from English History, from Rollo to Edward II
Herd Boy and His Hermit
Countess Kate
Aunt Charlotte's Stories of Greek History
Dynevor Terrace
Hopes and fears
Reputed Changeling, or Three Seventh Years Two Centuries Ago
My Young Alcides
My Young Alcides : A Faded Photograph
Grisly Grisell : Or, the Laidly Lady of Whitburn : a Tale of the Wars of the Roses
Alice's watch
Friarswood Post Office
Two Penniless Princesses
A Bit of fun
Cameos from English History
Aunt Charlotte's stories of Roman history for the little ones
The cook and the captive
Daisy Chain; or, Aspirations
Stokesley Secret
That Stick
The Flax gatherers
The Daisy Chain, Or, Aspirations
Life of John Coleridge Patteson
Aunt Charlotte's stories of Bible history for the litte ones
Reputed Changeling, or Three Seventh Years Two Centuries Ago
Unknown to History
Life of John Coleridge Patteson
Scenes and Characters
The little duke
The Trial or More Links of the Daisy Chain
Book of Golden Deeds of All Times and All Lands
The daisy chain, or, Aspirations
The clever woman of the family By : Charlotte Mary Yonge
Friarswood Post Office
The two sides of the shield
Book of Golden Deeds
Dynevor Terrace, Vol 2
Young Step-Mother
Grisly Grisell
P's and q's
Daisy Chain : Or, Aspirations
Heir of Redclyffe; Volume 2
History of France
Magnum Bonum, Or Mother Carey's Brood - Scholar's Choice Edition
Hasty Harry
Dynevor Terrace; or, the Clue of Life; Volume 1
Herd Boy and His Hermit (Esprios Classics)
That Stick
countess kate [ looking glass library]
Mary, Mary, quite contrary
More Bywords
Strolling players
History of Christian Names
Life of H.R.H. The Prince Consort
Young Folks' History of Rome
The Long Vacation
Grisly Grisell
Chosen People a Compendium of Sacred and Church History for School-Children
Stick with It
Gold dust
Hopes & Fears Vol.II
The Railroad Children.
Child's History Of France
Three Brides (Esprios Classics)
Reputed Changeling (Esprios Classics)
Stokesley Secret
Life of John Coleridge Patteson, Missionary Bishop of the Melanesian Islands
The Chosen People
Scenes and Characters
Life of John Coleridge Patteson
The Chosen People
Unknown to History; a Story of the Captivity of Mary of Scotland; 2
The Danvers papers
Cameos from English History; Volume 1
The pillars of the house
Unknown to history
Ying ti xiao hao jie
Story of the Christians and Moors of Spain
A modern telemachus
Reputed Changeling
Young Folks History of Rome
Book of Golden Deeds
Two Guardians
Modern Broods
Beechcroft at Rockstone
Dynevor Terrace Vol 1
History of France
Lady Hester
Old Times at Otterbourne
Beechcroft at Rockstone
Love and life
Eighteen Months At Beechcroft
The Pillars of the House; Volume 1
Two Guardians or Home in This World
Young Folks' History Of Rome Vol.II
Caged Lion
Two Penniless Princesses, Vol. 2 of 2 (Classic Reprint)
Henrietta's Wish
Armourer's Prentices
Modern Telemachus
Young Folks' History of Rome
Catherine of Aragon and the Sources of the English Reformation
Cameos from English history
Langley school
The three brides
Aunt Charlotte's stories of Bible history for the little ones
Two Penniless Princesses
Under the Storm
Aunt Charlotte's evenings at home with the poets
Pigeon Pie
Young Folks' History Of England
Modern Telemachus (Esprios Classics)
The heir of Redcliffe
Pillars of the House
Young Folks' History of England
Hopes and Fears; or, Scenes from the Life of a Spinster
Cameos from English history ...
Magnum Bonum, Or, Mother Carey's Brood
Chaplet of Pearls
Landmarks of history in three parts
The Pillars Of The House Vol.I
Friarswood Post Office (Esprios Classics)
My Young Alcides
Love and Life
Chosen People
Modern Broods : Or, Developments Unlooked for
Pioneers and Founders
Beechcroft at Rockstone
Old Times at Otterbourne
Dove in the Eagle's Nest
Cameos from English History ...
The Little Duke (Every Child's Library)
Countess Kate
Aunt Charlotte's stories of Roman history for the little ones
Modern Broods
My Young Alcides
De toeschouwer
Young Step-Mother
A book of golden deeds of all times and all lands
Memoirs of Marshal Bugeaud, from His Private Correspondence and Original Documents, 1784-1849
Beechcroft at Rockstone
Long Vacation
The dove in the eagle's nest
Chaplet of Pearls
Pictoral History of the World's Great Nations
The rubies of St. Lo
More Bywords
Dynevor Terrace, or, the Clue of Life; 2
Clever Woman of the Family
Modern Telemachus
Daisy Chain, or, Aspirations : A Family Chronicle
Old Times at Otterbourne
Stray Pearls : Memoirs of Margaret de Ribaumont, Viscountess of Bellaise
The chaplet of pearsl
Constable's Tower (Esprios Classics)
Two penniless princesses
Chantry House
Dynevor Terrace : Or, the Clue of Life -- Volume 2
Nuttie's Father
Unknown to History
My Young Alcides (Esprios Classics)
A Modern Telemachus
John Keble's Parishes
Stray Pearls
Modern Broods
The Chosen People : The Chosen People
The Stokesley secret, or, How the pig paid the rent
Herd Boy and His Hermit
Long Vacation (Esprios Classics)
Prince and the Page
Teachings on the catechism
Book of Golden Deeds
Young Folks' History of Germany
Dove in the Eagle's Nest
Heir of Redclyffe; Volume I
Stray Pearls
History of France
Cameos from English history
Prince and the Page
Aunt Charlotte's Stories of Greek History
Richard the Fearless, or, The little duke
History of Christian names
Founded on Paper; or, Uphill and Downhill Between the Two Jubilees
History of Sir Thomas Thumb
Countess Kate
Bible lovers illustrated library
P's and Q's, or, The question of putting upon
Two Penniless Princesses
Harry's snow-shoes
Under the Storm
Daisy Chain; or, Aspirations - Part 2 (Esprios Classics)
Scenes and Characters
The instructive picture book; or, Lessons from the vegetable world
Two Guardians, or Home in This World
Life of John Coleridge Patteson
Clever Woman of the Family
Unknown to History
Nuttie's father
Beechcroft at Rockstone
Reputed Changeling
That Stick
The Heir of Redclyffe
Caged Lion (Esprios Classics)
Prince and the Page (Esprios Classics)
Three Brides
Dynevor Terrace
Pillars of the House; Or, Under Wode, Under Rode
Young Step-Mother
Stokesley Secret
A reputed changeling, or, Three seventh years two centuries ago
Kings of England
Young Folks' History of England
History of France
Little Lucy's wonderful globe
Monthly Packet, Volume 23
Magnum Bonum
Under the Storm (Esprios Classics)
Life of John Coleridge Patteson
The Pillars Of The House
Clever Woman of the Family
More Bywords
Abbeychurch, or, Self Control and Self Conceit
Modern Telemachus
The prince and the page
Armourer's Prentices
Magnum Bonum
My young Alcides
Landmarks of History
History of Christian Names. by the Author of the Heir of Redclyffe. by C. M. Yonge
Little Duke
Love and Life
Langley School
Scenes and Characters
Chantry House
Cameos from English History, from Rollo to Edward II (Esprios Classics)
Young Folk's History of England
Little Lucy's wonderful globe and other stories
The Brother's Wife Vol.I
Three Brides
Little Lucy's wonderful globe
History of France
Daisy Chain
Nuttie's Father
Modern Broods
Grisly Grisell
Kings of England
Beechcroft at Rockstone (Esprios Classics)
Biographies of good women
Pioneers and Founders
Ella's dream
Pioneers and Founders or, Recent Workers in the Mission Field
The making of a missionary
Modern Telemachus
The heir of Redclyffe
Young Folk's History of Rome
Young Step-Mother
Pioneers and Founders : Or, Recent Workers in the Mission Field
Hopes and Fears
Treasures in the Marshes
The Two Sides of the Shield
Young people's history of Germany
Heartsease; or, The Brother's wife
The Story of the Christians and Moors of Spain
Henrietta's Wish
The Carbonels
Friarswood post-office
Making of a Missionary, or, Day Dreams in Earnest
Child's History of France (Esprios Classics)
Popular history of Germany
Burnt out
Pioneers and founders
Life of John Coleridge Patteson
The Little Duke
A Reputed Changeling
Caged Lion
The trial; or, More links in the daisy chain
Love and Life (Esprios Classics)
Mały ksiązę
Henrietta's Wish : Or, Domineering
The young step-mother, or, A chronicle of mistakes
Scripture Readings for Schools and Families, by C. M. Yonge
Pioneers and Founders
Countess Kate
Aunt Charlotte's stories of French history for the little ones
Scenes and Characters : Or, Eighteen Months at Beechcroft
Hannah More
Caged Lion
Chaplet of Pearls
Henrietta's Wish; Or, Domineering
The Clever Woman of the Family
Book of Golden Deeds
Old Woman's Outlook in a Hampshire Village
Love and life
Little Lucy's Wonderful Globe
My Young Alcides
Reputed Changeling or Three Seventh Years Two Centuries Ago
Hopes and Fears
Musings over the "Christian year" and "Lyra innocentium"
Two Sides of the Shield
Magnum Bonum, or Mother Carey's Brood
The little duke, or, Richard the Fearless
Two Sides of the Shield
Unknown to History
Our baby's Bible alphabet
Chosen People
Scenes and Characters
The Monthly Packet of Evening Readings for Members of the English Church
Unknown to History
Dove in the Eagle's Nest
Chantry House
A book of golden deeds of all times and lands
Countess Kate
Aunt Charlotte's Stories of English History for the Little Ones
Life of John Coleridge Patteson, Missionary Bishop of the Melanesian Islands
Stokesley Secret
Under the Storm
Aunt Charlotte's stories of English history for the little ones
The daisy chain, or, Aspirations
History of France
Chantry House
The Daisy Chain
Recollections of a Page at the Court of Louis XVI
Hopes And Fears, Or, Scenes From The Life Of A Spinster
Scenes and Characters
Dynevor Terrace
The pigeon pie
John Keble's Parishes
Friarswood Post Office
The instructive picture book, or, Lessons from the vegetable world
Prince and the Page
Book of Golden Deeds
Cameos from English History
Modern Telemachus
The trial
Pioneers and Founders, or, Recent Workers in the Mission Field
Abbeychurch, or, Self Control and Self Conceit
Landmarks of history
Chaplet of Pearls
Long Vacation
Modern Telemachus
What books to lend and what to give
Reputed Changeling : Or, Three
The Clever Woman of the Family
Child's Bible reader
Little Lucy's Wonderful Globe
Young Step-Mother; or, a Chronicle of Mistakes
Grisly Grisell : The Laidly Lady of Whitburn
Two Sides of the Shield (Esprios Classics)
History of Christian names
Monthly Packet
Pioneers and founders, or, Recent workers in the mission field
The Stokesley secret, or, How the pig paid the rent
Prince and the Page
Stokesley Secret
Nuttie's Father
Scenes and characters
History of Christian Names
Pigeon Pie (Esprios Classics)
The Stokesley secret
Pictorial History of the World's Great Nations
Long Vacation
Stokesley Secret
Unknown to history
Caged Lion
The Carbonels
Hopes and Fears
Nutties Father
Long Vacation
Village children
The story of the Christians and Moors of Spain
The Brother's Wife Vol.III
Nuttie's Father
Little Duke
Long Vacation
Our new mistress, or, Changes at Brookfield Earl
The Heir of Redclyffe
Stray Pearls (Esprios Classics)
Unknown to History; a Story of the Captivity of Mary of Scotland; 1
Dove in the Eagle's Nest; 2
Founded on paper
Kenneth, or the Rear-Guard of the Grand Army
Chantry House
Herd Boy and His Hermit
That Stick
Love and Life : An Old Story in Eighteenth Century Costume
History of Christian Names. by the Author of the Heir of Redclyffe. by C.M. Yonge
History of France
Young folks' history of Greece
A book of golden deeds of all times and all lands
A book of golden deeds of all times and all lands, gathered and narrated by the author of "The heir of Redclyffe"
The Prince and the Page
Grisly Grisell
Pioneers and Founders
Scenes and Characters
Dove in the Eagle's Nest
Stokesley Secret
Friarswood Post Office
Reputed Changeling
Modern Telemachus
The pigeon pie
Lady Hester
History of France
Dynevor Terrace, or, the Clue of Life; 1
Young folks' Bible history
Two Guardians
John Keble's parishes
Two Sides of the Shield
The little duke
Reputed Changeling : Or, Three Seventh Years Two Centuries Ago
Dynevor Terrace, Vol 1
Daisy Chain
The little duke, Richard the Fearless
Young Step-Mother, or, a Chronicle of Mistakes; Volume 2
Little Duke
A Book of Golden Deeds of all Times and all Lands
Village children, (Gollancz revivals)
Scenes and characters; or, Eighteen months at Beechcroft
Two Penniless Princesses
Under the Storm
A Book of golden deeds
Book of Golden Deeds
Two Guardians (Esprios Classics)
Cameos from English History
The daisy chan or aspirations
Aunt Charlotte's stories of Bible history for young disciples
Little Duke
History of France
Pioneers and Founders (Esprios Classics)
Pioneers and Founders
Two Penniless Princesses; 2
History of the Universities' Mission to Central Africa, 1859-1896
A book of worthies
The trial
Clever Woman of the Family
Stokesley Secret (Esprios Classics)
Young folks' history of England
The pillars of the house; or, Under wode, under wode
Story of the Christians and Moors of Spain
The Six Cushions. by the Author of 'the Heir of Redclyffe'
Grisly Grisell, or The Laidly Lady of Whitburn
The constable's tower; or, The times of Magna Carta
The Stokesley Secret
Daisy Chain; or, Aspirations - Part 1 (Esprios Classics)
Two Penniless Princesses (Esprios Classics)
Héritier de Redclyffe
A pictorial history of the world's great nations from the earliest dates to the present time
Memoirs of Colonel Bugeau
The release
Young folks' history of Germany
Grisly Grisell or the Laidly Lady of Whitburn
Scenes and Characters (Esprios Classics)
Dove in the Eagle's Nest
Book of Golden Deeds
Henrietta's Wish
Aunt Charlotte's Stories of Greek History
A Pictorial History of the World's Great Nations : From the Earliest Dates to the Present Time
Scenes and Characters
Heartsease or Brother's Wife
Reputed Changeling
Heir of Redclyffe
Cameos from English History; Volume 1
Sowing and Sewing
Lady Hester
Three Brides
The heir of Redclyffe...
Love and Life
Chantry House
Young Folks' History of England (Esprios Classics)
Pictorial History of the World's Great Nations : From the Earliest Dates to the Present Time
A reputed changeling, or, Three seventh years two centuries ago
Modern Broods
Unknown to History
The Pillars of the House Or Under Wode, Under Rode Complete
Six Cushions. by the Author of 'the Heir of Redclyffe'
Dove in the Eagles Nest
Herd Boy and His Hermit
The Long Vacation
Sowing and Sewing : A Sexagesima Story
The young stepmother
The herb of the field
Prince and the Page
The Little Duke
Stokesley Secret
The Old school-room piano
Pillars of the House; or, under Wode, under Rode
Book of Golden Deeds
Gold Dust
Henrietta's Wish or, Domineering
Love and Life
Herd Boy and His Hermit
The Daisy chain, or Aspirations
Village Children
Teachings on the catechism
Dove in the Eagle's Nest; Volume 2
Friarswood Post Office
Young folks' history of Rome
The daisy chain, or, Aspirations
Landmarks of History
Constable's Tower
The Daisy Chain, Or Aspirations
A book of golden deeds
Armourer's Prentices
A book of golden deeds of all times and all lands ...
Lady Hester; or, Ursula's Narrative
Heartsease; or, The brother's wife
Dove in the Eagle's Nest
Little Lucy's Wonderful Globe
The Daisy Chain
The Monthly packet ...
The Stokesley Secret
Little Lucy's Wonderful Globe (Esprios Classics)
Clever Woman of the Family
Beechcroft at Rockstone
The Prince and the Page
Little Duke
The daisy chain
Carrie's two victories
Unknown to History
The Chosen People
Long Vacation
An old woman's outlook in a Hampshire village
Stray pearls
The Little Duke
The herb of the field
The caged lion by Charlotte M. Yonge
Pillars of the House; Volume 1
Young Step-Mother
History of France
The Clever Woman of the Family
Heir of Redclyffe; Volume I
John Keble's Parishes : A History of Hursley and Otterbourne
Novels and Tales
The Daisy Chain
Lady Hester (Esprios Classics)
Hannah More
Three Brides
Countess Kate
Friarswood Post-Office
Daisy Chain
A book of worthies
Herd Boy and His Hermit
Popular history of Rome
Love and Life
The chaplet of pearls, or, The white and black Ribaumont
Heir of Redclyffe
Le livre d'or
Scenes and Characters
That stick
Aunt Charlotte's Stories of English History for the Little Ones
Aunt Charlotte's stories of French history
The Castle Builders
The Monthly Packet or Evening Readings for Members of the English Church, Vol. 29
The history of Sir Thomas Thumb
The dove in the eagle's nest
Gold dust
Religion in the home, or, Captivating Bible stories written in simple language ... Designed to promote greater interest in the sacred scriptures and a better understanding of their teachings, including all the important historical events described in the Old and New Testaments
Aunt Charlotte's Stories of Greek History
The Stokesley secret
The heir of Redclyffe
Pillars of the House; or, under Wode, under Rode
Dove in the Eagles Nest
The Story of the Christians and Moors of Spain
Hopes and fears; or, Scenes from the life of a spinster
John Keble's Parishes (Esprios Classics)
Henrietta's Wish
The pilgrimage of the Ben Beriah
Young Folks' History of Rome
A pictorial history of the world's great nations
Grisly Grisell : Or, the Laidly Lady of Whitburn
A reputed changeling
Countess Kate
The young step-mother
The Population of an Old Pear Tree, Or, Stories of Insect Life: Or, Stories ...
The trial, more links of the daisy chain
Lady Hester; or, Ursula's narrative and Danvers papers
Love and life
The daisy chain
Scenes and characters; or
The caged lion
Stray pearls
Little Lucy's wonderful globe
History of France
Alice, or, The little sentinel
The rubies of St. Lo
The trial
The Victorian half century
Little Lucy's wonderful globe. Pictured by L. Frölich
Lady Hester; or, Ursula's narrative and The Danvers Papers
Gold dust
The Monthly packet ...
The clever woman of the family
The chosen people
The little duke, Richard the fearless
The pillars of the house
Beechcroft at Rockstone
Two penniless princesses
Magnum bonum; or, Mother Carey's brood
Ben Sylvester's word
A modern Telemachus
P's and q's
Musings over the "Christian year" and "Lyra innocentium"
Stanley Kunitz
Stanley Kunitz (1905-2006)

linguist, translator, poet

  • Harvard University
Prentice Hall Literature
Twentieth century eachauthors
The junior book of authors
European authors, 1000-1900
American authors, 1600 - 1900
The Britannica Library of Great American Writing - Volume II
The poems of Stanley Kunitz, 1928-1978
Next-toLast Things
A kind of order, a kind of folly
British authors of the nineteenth century
The collected poems
British authors before 1800
The wild braid
Terrible Threshold
American authors, 1600-1900
Twentieth century authors
Hamlet and Related Readings
Twentieth century authors
Passing Through
Interviews and encounters with Stanley Kunitz
From feathers to iron
Twentieth century authors
The Essential Blake
A Celebration for Stanley Kunitz On His Eightieth Birthday
Gathering the Tribes
Twentieth century authors
A Celebration for Stanley Kunitz
British Authors Before Eighteen Hundred (Authors Series)
Selected poems, 1928-1958
Twentieth century authors
British authors of the nineteenth century
Living authors
The Wellfleet whale and companion poems
The Image Maker / Tvorets Vidobrazhen
Robert Lowell, poet of terribilità
The testing-tree
Passing Through/Przechodzenie Przez
American Authors, 1600-1900
Collected Poems
The terrible threshold
Wild Braid
Selections, university & college poetry prizes, 1973-78
European Authors, 1000-1900 (Authors Series)
Touch Me
British authors of the nineteenth century
The Lincoln relics
British authors of the nineteenth century
Authors today and yesterday
British authors of the nineteenth century
Twentieth century authors
Interviews and Encounters with Stanley Kunitz
Twentieth century authors
Twentieth century authors: first supplement
The testing-tree
Twentieth century authors
British authors before 1800
From feathers to iron
Junior Book of Author's
Beginning with O
Poems by Stanley Kunitz, drawings by Nicolo D'Alessandro
Selected poems
Living authors
Selected poems
Intellectual things
Poems of John Keats
European authors, 1000-1900
American authors, 1600-1900
Passport to the war
The coat without a seam