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historians who wrote mystery
Showing 49-56 out of 90 results
Pat Barker
Pat Barker (born 1943)


  • London School of Economics and Political Science, Durham University
The man who wasn't there
The man who wasn't there
The ghost road
The Eye in the Door
Life class
Border crossing
Toby's room
Union Street
Another world
Blow Your House Down
Union Street
Another world
Liza's England
Another world
Double Vision
The silence of the girls
Double vision
Another world
War Talk
The Century's Daughter
Double Vision
The Women of Troy
The Regeneration trilogy
Double vision
Regeneration Tie In
Double vision
Die Straße der Geister
Le silence des vaincues
Die Straße der Geister. Roman
Das Gegenbild. Roman
Union Street
Toby's Room
Regeneration Trilogy
Das Auge in der Tür
The regeneration trilogy
Kizlarin Suskunlugu
Cartas a Iris
The Ghost Road (Regeneration Trilogy , Vol 3)
Liza's England
Toby'nin Odasi
El silencio de las mujeres
O dramos ton fantasmaton
Accounting for Groups
The Eye in the Door (Regeneration Trilogy , Vol 2)
Toby's Room Lib/E
The century's daughter
Regeneration Trilogy
Liza's England
Regeneration (Regeneration Trilogy , Vol 1) (Regeneration Trilogy , Vol 1)
Pat Barker Mixed B S/Wx12
Double Vision
Union Street B Special
Voyage Home
Union St/Stanley and Iris Bc Only
Pat Barker Mixed B S/Wx21 3 Free
Qaspeq (Kuspuk)
Union Street
Another World
Border Crossing (Reading Group Guides)
Het oog in de deur
Ha-naŹ»ar she-įø„atsah gevulot
Over de grens
Sourde angoisse
Sarah Schulman
Sarah Schulman (born 1958)

playwright, film producer, historian, actor

  • Empire State College
Maggie Terry
Rat bohemia
After Delores
My American history
Sophie Horowitz Story
Girls, visions, and everything
People in trouble
The child
My American History
Israel/Palestine and the Queer International
Empathy (Little Sister's Classics)
The Gentrification of the Mind
Conflict is not abuse
The child
The Mere Future
The child
The cosmopolitans
Best lesbian erotica 2014
Ties that bind
Ties that bind
Shimmer, Reading Group Guide
Carson McCullers
Ohne Delores
Alexander Pushkin
Alexander Pushkin (1799-1837)

poet, playwright, literary critic, translator, historian, librettist, book collector, opinion journalist, dramaturge, essayist, bretteur

  • Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum
Mystery Tales
Prentice Hall Literature--World Masterpieces
EvgeniiĢ† Onegin
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--World Literature
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--Platinum
Prentice Hall Literature--Florida--Language and Literacy
Best Russian short stories
The Fourth Fontana Book of Great Ghost Stories
Boris Godunov
Russian Poetry and Prose
Pushkin on literature
Prentice Hall Literature -- Grade Ten
KapitanskaiĶ”aļø” dochka
The Queen of Spades
The letters of Alexander Pushkin
Short stories
Mozart and Salieri
Eugene Onegin and Other Poems
Pikovaia dama
Little tragedies
Evgenii Onegin
An amateur peasant girl
The complete prose tales of Alexandr Sergeyevitch Pushkin
Kapitanskaya dochka
Pushkin's fairy tales
Tales of the Late Ivan Petrovich Belkin, The Queen of Spades, The Captain's Daughter, Peter the Great's Blackamoor
The Queen of Spades and Other Stories
Daughter of the Commandant
Povesti pokoiĢ†nogo Ivana Petrovicha Belkina
Greatest Short Stories [7/8]
Kapitanskaiļø aļø” dochka
Pushkin threefold; narrative, lyric, polemic, and ribald verse
IstoriiĶ”aļø” Pugachevskogo bunta
The Captains Daughter And Other Stories
Boris Godunov and other dramatic works
The tale of Tsar Saltan
Eugene Oregon
Boris Godunov
Captain's Daughter
Fille du Capitaine
Relatos Del Difunto Ivan Petrovich Belkin
Tales of Belkin and other prose writings
Tale of the Tsar Sultan
Relatos Del Difunto Ivan Petrovich Belkin
Eugene Onegin
Marie, a Story of Russian Love
An Amateur Peasant Girl
Tempestade de Neve
The gypsies and other narrative poems
The Snowstorm
Rabochie tetradi
Eugene Oneguine [Onegin] a Romance of Russian Life in Verse
Fairy tales
Queen of Spades (Annotated)
Sochineniiļø aļø”
Istoriiļø aļø” Petra
The Captain's Daughter and Other Stories (Everyman's Library, 898)
Belkins Stories
Greatest short stories [5/6] -- Foreign
Translations from Poushkin in memory of the hundredth anniversary of the poet's birthday
El Zar Saltán y otros cuentos ruros
[Povesti pokoiĢ†nogo Ivana Petrovicha Belkina
SochinenÄ«iĶ”a Pushkina
Geschichte des Pugatschew'schen Aufruhrs
Polinka Saxe. Roman de Drouginine suivi de \"La demoiselle paysanne\", nouvelle de Pouchkine
Pez Dorado
The critical prose of Alexander Pushkin
Sochineniiļø aļø” A.S. Pushkina
Relats del difunt Ivan Petróvitx Belkin ; La dama de piques
The golden cockerel and other fairy tales
The bronze horsemen
Boris Godunov
Relats del difunt Ivan Petróvitx Belkin ; La dama de piques
Yevgeny Onegin
Tres tormentas de nieve
The Daughter of the Commandant
Pushkin threefold
Relats del difunt Ivan Petróvitx Belkin ; La dama de piques
ŠŸŠ¾ŃŃ‚Ń‹ ŠæушŠŗŠøŠ½ŃŠŗŠ¾Š¹ ŠæŠ¾Ń€Ń‹
The works of Alexander Pushkin
Ruslan i Liļø uļø”dmila
The bronze horseman
Das Marchen Von Zaren Saltan
Narrative poems
Selected works in two volumes
Ruslan e Lyudmila
The Tales Of Belkin
El zar Saltan
Sochineniiļø aļø 
Relats del difunt Ivan Petróvitx Belkin ; La dama de piques
The Collected Stories
El Jinete de Bronce
The bronze horseman
La dame de pique
Evgene Onegin
Poems by Alexander Pushkin
PosledniÄ­ god zhizni Pushkina
The tales of Belkin
EvgeniÄ­ Onegin
A poem. Poem (IN RUSSIAN LANGUAGE) / Stihotvoreniya. Poemy
An amateur peasant girl
Boris Godunov And Other Dramatic Works
19th Century Russian Drama
Skazka o zolotom petushke
Ruslan and Liudmila
Izbrannye proizvedeniiĶ”aļø”
Neizdannyí Pushkin
Skazki Pushkina - Š”ŠŗŠ°Š·ŠŗŠø ŠŸŃƒŃˆŠŗŠøŠ½Š°
Fairy tales
Boris Godunov and the little tragedies
A.S. Pushkin ob iskusstve
The Shot
Russian Plays
The complete prose tales of Alexandr Sergeyevitch Pushkin
Sobranie sochineniiĢ†
Novonaidennyi avtograf Pushkina
Zar's Fairytale
Marie, A Story of Russian Love
Die russische Weltliteratur. Der Idiot / Die toten Seelen / Erzählungen / Anna Karenina
Liubvi Bezumnoe Tomlene
La Hija Del Capitan
Stichotvorenija, Poemy, Dramy, Skazki
Mysli o literature i iskusstve
ZhiznŹ¹ Pushkina
Polnoe sobranie sochineniiĢ†
Graf Nulin
La hija del capitán
Cuentos Clasicos Juveniles - Antologia
The poems, prose and plays of Alexander Pushkin
Eugene Onéguine
The talisman, from the Russ. With other pieces [tr. by E.H. Borrow. In verse]
Skazka o tsare saltane
The Bakchesarian fountain
Pikovaya dama (The queen of spades)
Evgueni Oneguin
Fille Du Capitaine, La - 24 -
Three Russian poets
Borís Godunov
Tales of the late Ivan Petrovich Belkin
RevoliĶ”utĶ”sÄ«onnyiĶ”a stikhotvorenÄ«iĶ”a
Ruslan and Ludmilla
Pikovaya dama
Povesti pokoinogo Ivana Petrovicha Belkina
Le convive de pierre
Russian views of Pushkin's Eugene Onegin
Starye gody
The Gypsies
Azar en el juego
TaiĢ†nye zapiski 1836-1837 godov
The Captain's daughter and other stories
The tales of Ivan Belkin
The tales of Belkin
Pushken threefold
A mayse į¹æegn dem Tsar Solį¹­an
Russian Romance
Poltava - Le Cavalier de bronze
Predpolozhenie zhitŹ¹
Zolotoy Petushok - Drugie Skazki A. S. Pushkina - Сказки Пушкина
Antologia Lirica
The Bridegroom
Boris Godunov (A Drama in Verse)
Eugene Onegin by Alexander Pushkin
Sobranie Zapreshchennikh stikhotvoreni
Eugene Onegin
Die Gedichte
Eugene Onegin : A Novel in Verse
Boris Godunov: The Little Tragedies
"Vse eshche v Boldine ...": A.S. Pushkin
Poems, Prose and Plays of Pushkin
Pouchkine - Griboïedov - Lermontov
Boris Godunov
Der eherne Reiter. Petersburger Erzählungen
Contes de Pouchkine
Oeuvres en prose
Ruslan I Liudmila
Povesti pokojnogo Ivana Petrovicha Belkina
Captain's Daughter
Pikovaiļø aļø” dama
Golden Cockerel (illustrated)
Motļø sļø”art i SalŹ¹eri
Eugen Onegin
SkupoÄ­ rytļø sļø”arŹ¹
Crimes Against Nature
Muzart Ubd Salieri
Povesti pokoinogo Ivanna Petrovich Belkin =
Ouevres [de] Griboiedov, Pouchkine et Lermontov
Povesti poko nogo Ivana Petrovicha Belkina =
Novels, Tales, Journeys
Russkaļø iļø”a literaturnaļø iļø”a skazka
Die Erzählungen
The complete works of Alexander Pushkin
Eugène Oniéguine
La dame de pique
Gavriiliada =
Stantļø sļø”ionnyÄ­ smotritelŹ¹
Four stories
Š•Š²Š³ŠµŠ½ŠøŠ¹ ŠžŠ½ŠµŠ³ŠøŠ½
ZolotoiĢ† tom
A journey to Arzrum
Pikovaia dama =
Quatre Contes de Prosper Mérimée
Sochineniya Aleksandra Pushkina
Selected Works In Two Volumes Volume 2
KamennyÄ­ gostŹ¹
Strong words
Boldinskie risunki A.S. Pushkina 1830, 1833, 1834
Boris Godounov
Dnevnik Pushkina 1833-1835
Obras Dramaticas
The queen of spades, and other tales
Eugen Onegin Roman in Versen
Skazki Pushkina
Mednyi  vsadnik =
"RusskiÄ­ titul" ili bez tļø sļø”enzury
The complete prose tales of Alexandr Sergeyevitch Pushkin ; translated from the Russian by Gillon R. Aitken
After Pushkin
[MednyiĢ† vsadnik / A.S. Pushkin] =
Dubrovsky and Egyptian Nights
A. S. Pushkin Secret Journal, 1836-1837 / Tainiye Zapiski, 1836-1837 A. S. Pushkina
Dnevnik Pushkina
A. S. Pushkin-kritik
Golden Cockerel (English Russian Edition Illustrated)
Slovo Word 80
Ruslan and Lyudmila
Narraciones Completas
Boris Godounov. Théâtre complet
Queen of Spades and Other Stories
Adresaty liriki Pushkina
Alexander Pushkin, epigrams & satirical verse
Yevgeny Onegin (Pushkin Collection)
Secret Journal 1836-1837 / Tainiye Zapiski
The letters of Alexander Pushkin
"Vse eshche v Boldine ..."
The Queen of Spades and other Russian stories
Early Twentieth-Century Music
Three comic poems
BorŹ¹is GodunŹ¹ov ; The little tragedies / c Alexander Pushkin / translated and introduced by Stephen Mulrine
Dramatychni tvory v perekladï
Oeuvres poétiques, tome 1
Russian 19th-century verse
Hidalga Campesina
Jewgeni Onegin
Eugenio Oneguin
VesennÄ«e tļø sļø”viļø eļø”ty
Boris Godunov : (Annotated Edition)
Eugène Onéguine
Pikovaya dama: the queen of spades
Gedichte, zweisprachig
Narrative Poems \Charles Johnston\
Captain's Daughter
Skazka o mertvoj tsarevne i o semi bogatyryakh
Pushkinskie mesta
Eugen Onegin Ein Roman in Versen
The Queen of Spades
Lyrics Volume 1
The Queen Of Spades
Ruslan and Lyudmila
Eugene Onegin (World Literature)
Kapitanskaia dochka
The golden cockerel, and other stories
MalenŹ¹kie tragedii
Eugene Onegin : A Novel in Verse
Evgenij Onegin
Relatos Cortos
Pushkin's Boris Godunov
Boris Godunov by Alexander Pushkin
La dame de pique et autres nouvelles
Queen of Spades and Other Stories
Gypsies (Library of Russian Classics) (Russian Edition)
Collected works in one volume
San Petersburgo - Relatos
Mednyi vsadnik
Prose (Classiques Russes)
Rousslan et Ludmilla suivi d'autres récits en vers
Golden Cockerel
Eugene Onegin (1825-1832) / Evgenij Onegin. Dramy ( )
Ten Russian poets
Geştêk bo ErzerĢ„om
Stikhotvoreniia. Poemy. Evgenii Onegin. Dramaticheskie proizvedeniia. Proza
The Captain's daughterand other stories
Pir vo vremiļø aļø” chumy
Boris Godunov
Pique-dame und andere ErzaĢˆhlungen
The Queen of spades
Two short stories
The Bakchesarian Fountain and Other Poems
The poems, prose and plays by Alexander Pushkin
E Kore tou lohogou
Queen of Spades : (Annotated Edition)
"Polnoshchnykh stran krasa i divo - "
DruzŹ¹iļø aļø” Pushkina
Narrative poems by Alexander Pushkin and by Michael Lermontov
Ruslan i Lyudmila
Great Short Stories
Skazki russkih pisatelej
Skazka o rybake i rybke. Skazka o Zolotom petushke
Evgeny Onegin
Complete Tales of Alexandr Sergeyevitch Pushkin
ĖvgeniÄ­ Onegin ; Khudozhestvennaiļø aļø” proza
Azar en el Juego
"--I probuzhdaetsiļø aļø” poėziiļø aļø” vo mne--"
Eugene Onegin
Prose Tales of Alexander Pushkin
Stikhi i skazki
PisŹ¹ma zhenshchin k Pushkinu
Bronze Horseman and Other Poems
Piková dáma a jiné povídky
The queen of spades, and other tales (Signet classics)
Skazka o pope i o rabotnike ego Balde
Povesti belkina
Little Tragedies
Boris Godunov and Other Dramatic Works
Pushkin in the snow
Complete Works Volume 10
SochineniiĶ”a A.S. Pushkina s obŹŗiĶ”asneniiĶ”ami ikh i svodom otzyvov kritiki
La Fille du capitaine ; précédé du Coup de pistolet et de La Dame de pique
Domik v Kolomne
New poems of Pushkin and Shevchenko
Boldinskie risunki A.S. Pushkina, 1830, 1833, 1834
"Itak, iĶ”aļø” zhil togda v Odesse--"
La fille du capitaine
Strong Words
Sobranie sochineniÄ­
KavkazskÄ«Ä­ pliļø eļø”nnik
Tales of Belkin and Other Prose Writings
MednyiĢ† vsadnik
Die Erzählungen des verstorbenen Iwan Petrowitsch Belkin / Pique Dame
Eugene Oneguine
Boris Godunow
Pushkin Plus
Sto stikhotvoreniÄ­ i desiļø aļø”tŹ¹ pisem
Bat ha-įø³apiį¹­an
Boris Godunow von Alexander S. Pushkin
Istoricheskie zametki
Maloe sobranie sochineniÄ­
Poems of Alexander Pushkin
Hija del Capitan
Jevgenyij Anyegin
Queen of Spades Illustrated
Skazka o tļø sļø”are Saltane, o syne ego slavnom i moguchem bogatyre kniļø aļø”ze Gvidone Saltanoviche i o prekrasnoÄ­ tļø sļø”arevne Lebedi
Kapitanskaiļø aļø” dochka
"Iļø Aļø” veruiļø uļø” v prorochestva piitov"
Eugene Onegin (Dedalus European Classics S.)
Perevody i podrazhaniiĶ”aļø”
Ambivalent Souls
"EvgenÄ«Ä­ Oniļø eļø”gin"; roman v stikhakh
The Daughter of the Commandant
Poems by Alexander Pushkin
PisŹ¹ma zhene
Eugene Onegin
Yevgeni Onegin
5 Books by Alexander Pushkin
Historias de belkin
Mangar Baltyn uĢ‡lgeĢ‡r
The tale of tsar Saltan, of his son, the glorious and mighty knight prince Guidon Saltanovich, and of the fair Swan-princess
Eugene Onegin,
Tainite Zapiski Na Aleksandr Sergeevich Pushkin 1836-1837
Hei tao huang hou
Table talk
Istoriiļø aļø” sela Goriļø uļø”khina
SochinenÄ«iļø aļø”
Tļø Sļø”arŹ¹ Nikita, i Pervaiļø aļø” nochŹ¹ braka, ėroticheskÄ«iļø aļø” poėmy. Desiļø aļø”taiļø aļø” zapoviļø eļø”dŹ¹. Ėpigrammy
Boris Godunov and Little Tragedies
Daughter of the Commandant
Boris Godunov, Little Tragedies, and Others
Queen of Spades and Dubrovsky
Sochineniiļø aļø” v proze
Domik v Kolomne
MednyÄ­ vsadnik
Evgenii Oniegin. Roman V Stikhakh
Boris Godunov
Ruslan i Lyudmila = Pushkin's fairy tale in verse
Pushkin's Complete Works (5)
Ausgewählte Novellen Von Alexander Puschkin
Kapitanskaja dochka
Skazka o rybake i rybke
Tverskie k Pushkinu dorogi
Collected essays in honor of the bicentennial of Alexander Pushkin's birth
SochinenÄ«iļø aļø”. A.S. Pushkina
Izbrann'ie sochineniia
Eugene Oneguine
Pushkin's "Journey to Erzurum during the 1829 campaign"
Eugene Onegin
Pushkin i teatr
Krylatye slova i aforizmy A.S. Pushkina
BratŹ¹iļø aļø”-razboÄ­niki
The Captain's daughter and other stories
... PuteshestvÄ«e v Arzrum vo vremiļø aļø” pokhoda 1829 goda
Poviļø eļø”sti
Boris Godunov (English Russian Edition Illustrated)
PisŹ¹ma Pushkina i k Pushkinu ne voshedshie v izdannuiļø uļø” RossiÄ­skoÄ­ akademieÄ­ nauk "Perepisku Pushkina"
PushkinskiÄ­ kalendar'
Le faux Pierre III
Sobranīe zapreshchennykh stikhotvorenīĭ A.S. Pushkina
Pravljica o Carju Saltanu
The complete prose tales of Alexandr Sergeyevitch Pushkin
Izbrannaya lirika
Alexander Pushkin - Eugene Onegin
Sobranie sochineniÄ­ v desiļø aļø”ti tomakh
"I obraz nezabvennyÄ­ ..."
Tales by Alexander Pushkin
CoĢrka kapitana
Yu fu he jin yu di gu shi
Complete Works
Malen'kie tragedii
Pushigeng duan pian xiao shuo ji
Pushkin Poems
Queen of Spades
Povesti pokoÄ­nogo Ivana Petrovicha Belkina
Piļø eļø”snŹ¹ o viļø eļø”shchem Olegiļø eļø”
Puškinova izbrana djela u hrvatskoj knjizi
Skazka o tsare Saltane
Nhį»Æng tác phįŗ©m nį»•i tiįŗæng thįŗæ kį»· XIX
EvgeniÄ­ Oniļø eļø”gin
Little Tragedies. Russian Literature and Thought
Pushkin Threefold
Boris Godunov
Pushigeng duan pian xiao shuo ji
Domik v Kolomne
TaÄ­nye zapiski 1836-1837 godov
Skazka o pope i o rabotnike ego Balde
La gabrielide
Pikovai Ła dama The Queen of spades
Sobranie zapreshchennykh stikhotvorenii A.S. Pushkina
Egipetskie nochi
Romany i povesti ; Puteshestviiļø aļø”
Pushkin i Lermontov
Povesti Belkina. Pikovaya dama
Yevgeni Unaigin
Revoliļø uļø”tļø sļø”Ä«onnyiļø aļø” stikhotvorenÄ«iļø aļø”
U Lukomor'Ya Dub Zelenyj
Peter the Great's African
EvgeniÄ­ Onegin
Puxijin xiao shuo xuan
Skazka O Rybake
Skazka o zolotom piļø eļø”tushkiļø eļø”
Polnoe sobranie sochineniÄ­
Alexander Pushkin Tales
Polnoe sobranie sochineniÄ­
Kapitani aghjikě
Dramaturgiya. Proza. Kritika i publitsistika. Avtobiograficheskoe
Theoretisch-praktischer Lehrgang der Stenographie nach Gabelsbergers System
Alexander Puschkin in seinen Briefen
Povesti Belkina, 1830-1831
RukoiĶ”uļø” Pushkina
Domik v Kolomniļø eļø”
Boris Godunov
Hija del capitan
La dame de pique
Daughter of the Commandant
Skazka o tļø sļø”ariļø eļø” Saltaniļø eļø”
The Prose Tales of Alexander Poushkin
Hija Del Capitán
Modern Russian Poetry
EvgeniÄ­ Onegin
Eugene Onegin
Il prigioniero del Caucaso
Marie, a Story of Russian Love
The tale of Tsar Sultan
Graf Nulin
Pan ni zhe zhi ge
Evgenij Onjegin
Three tales
PisŹ¹ma Pushkina k N.N. GoncharovoÄ­
The critical prose of Alexander Pushkin, with critical essays by four Russian romantic poets
Skazka o tsare Saltane o syne ego slavnom i moguchem bogatyre knyaze Gvidone Saltanoviche i o prekrasnoi tsarevne Lebedi
La dame de pique suivi de doubrovsky
Pushkin' i ego sovremenniki
The poems, prose and plays of Alexander Pushkin
ELI Russian Graded Readers
Boris Godunov and Other Dramatic Works. Oxford World's Classics
Le coq d'or
EvgenÄ«Ä­ Oniļø eļø”gin
Homage to Pushkin
Filosofskie tečenja russkoj poezii
Diaries. Memories. Letters
Eugeniusz Oniegin
Daughter of the Commandant
Prose Tales of Alexander Poushkin
Skazka o tsariļø eļø” Saltaniļø eļø” ...
MalenŹ¹kie tragedii
Izbrannye sochineniiļø aļø” v dvukh tomakh
Slovo\Word 88 (Russian Edition)
Skazki A.S. Pushkina
Récits de Feu Ivan Pétrovitch Bielkine Illustree
SochinenÄ«iļø aļø” A.S. Pushkina
Liubovnaia Lirika
Queen of Spades
The Captain's Daughter and other stories
Evgenij Onegin
Pushkin i teatr
A song about Prince Oleg
Easy Readers - Russian - Level 3
Poetry. General. The poem. Fables (IN RUSSIAN LANGUAGE) (Poezija. Proza. Poemy. Skazki / . . . )
Der Berggefangene
Alexander Puschkin's "Boris Godunow"
Egipetskie nochi
Pikovaiļø aļø” dama, 1834
Prose Tales of Alexander Poushkin
Secret journal 1836-1837
Skazka o pope i o rabotnike ego Balde
Alexander Pushkin
Poviļø eļø”sti pokoÄ­nago Ivana Petrovicha Biļø eļø”lkina
Diario secreto
Stikhotvoreniia EvgeniiĢ† Onegin
Eugene Onegin =
יבגני אוניגין
Izbrannye sochineniya v dvukh tomakh
Boris Godunov
Razgovory Pushkina
Selected Works
Tļø Sļø”ygany
Povesti pokoÄ­nogo Ivana Petrovicha Belkina
Captain's Daughter (illustrated)
Impossible Love Stories
Pushkin i ItaliiĶ”aļø”
Sobranie sochineniÄ­ v odnom tome
Poems by Alexander Pushkin
PisŹ¹ma Pushkina i k Pushkinu
The letters of Alexander Pushkin
Queen of Spades
Pushkin dian Kahaniyan
EvgenÄ«Ä­ Oniļø eļø”gin
Sochineniia A. S. Pushkina
Complete Prose Tales
Stantļø sļø”ionnyÄ­ smotritelŹ¹
Vozvrashchenie pushkinskoiĢ† Rusalki
Poėmy 1821-1824
La hija del capitán
Skazka o tļø sļø”are Saltane, o syne ego slavnom i moguchem bogatyre kniļø aļø”ze Gvidone Saltanoviche i o prekrasnoÄ­ tļø sļø”arevne Lebedi
Eugene Onegin, a novel in verse
Sobranie sochineniÄ­ v piļø aļø”ti tomakh
Die Hauptmannstochter
Pushkin's poems
The Queen of Spades and other Russian stories
Mozart et Salieri
Three Russian poets
AÄ­ da Pushkin!
Daughter of the Commandant(annotated)
Queen of Spades
Fille du Capitaine
El cuento del gallo de oro
Sozhzhennaiļø aļø” glava "Evgeniiļø aļø” Onegina"
ļø Iļø”A tam byl, mëd, pivo pil--
Selected Poetry
MednyÄ­ vsadnik
La dama de picas / Dubrovski
Poems of Pushkin
Eugène Onéguine
Sto stikhotvorenii i desyat' pisem
Stikhotvoreniiļø aļø” A.S. Pushkina ...
Pouchkine, 1837-1937
Izbrannye proizvedeniya v dvukh tomakh
EvgeniÄ­ Onegin
Pushkin. Introduced and edited by John Fennell, with plain prose translations of each poem. Russ. & Eng (Penguin Poets. no. D71.)
The complete prose tales of Alexander Sergeyevitch Pushkin
Selected Lyric Verse
Diario secreto de Pushkin
Polnoe sobranie sochineniÄ­ v desiļø aļø”ti tomakh
Pamiļø aļø”ti A.S. Pushkina
Skazka o pope i o rabotnike ego Balda
Skoro skazka skazyvaetsiĶ”a ...
Der Moltsayį¹­ in tsayį¹­ fun pesį¹­
Snow Storm by Alexander Pushkin
Tales of the late Ian Petrovich Belkin
Romany I Povesti Puteshestvia
Eugène Onéguine
Stikhotvoreniiļø aļø” Aleksandra Pushkina
Marie; a Story of Russian Love
Baryshniļø aļø”-krestŹ¹iļø aļø”nka
Boris Godunov
SemŹ¹ skazok Aleksandra Sergeevicha Pushkina
Boris Godunov
Skazka o pope i o rabotnike ego Balde
Dame de Pique Illustrée
Queen of Spades, and Other Stories
Selected verse
Skazka o popiļø eļø” i rabotnikiļø eļø” ego Baldiļø eļø”
Iļø Aļø” tam byl, mëd, pivo pil--
Yuzhnye poemy
Sobranīe sochinenīĭ
SochineniiĶ”aļø” Pushkina
Vsiļø eļø” ballady i legendy
Lyrics Volume 2
Skazka o mertvoÄ­ tļø sļø”arevne i o semi bogatyriļø aļø”kh
Skazki i stikhi
Izbrannye stikhotvoreniiļø aļø”
Fairy Tales
El cuento del gallo de oro
Pushigeng shi xuan
The Golden Cockerel
O literature
Lyrics from Pushkin
Stikhi i skazki
Eugén Onégin
Love Poems
Eugene Onegin
La fontaine des pleurs
NeizdannyÄ­ Pushkin
Boris Godounov
PesnŹ¹ o veshchem Olege
Three Russian poets
Little Russian classics
The captain's daughter
Stikhotvoreniļø iļø”a, poemy, skazki
EvgeniÄ­ Oniļø eļø”gin
Eugene Onegin (Illustrated)
Skazka o zolotom petushke
Fille du Capitaine Illustree
Secret journal 1836-1837
Eugene Onéguine
The Daughter of the Commandant
Š Š¾Š¼Š°Š½Ń‹ Šø ŠæŠ¾Š²ŠµŃŃ‚Šø
Bakhchisaraĭskīĭ fontan
Povesti pokoinogo Ivana Petrovicha Belkina =
Belkin Tales
Jiabidan zhi nu
Captain's Daughter
Fille du Capitaine
Dramaturgiiļø aļø” ; Proza
Istoriiļø aļø” Pugachevskago bunta
Yu fu he jin yu
Tainiye Zapiski 1836-1837
The Poetry of Alexander Pushkin A BILINGUAL Book Russian/English
Mir skazok A.S. Pushkina
Tļø Sļø”ygany
Stikhotvoreniya. Poemy. Skazki. Evgenij Onegin (Shkola klassiki. Kniga dlya uchenika i uchitelya)
Potaennye romany Pushkina, 1823-1824
PisŹ¹ma zhenshchin k Pushkinu
Ruslan and Ludmila
Skazka o tļø sļø”are Saltane, o syne ego slavnom i moguchem bogatere kniļø aļø”ze Gvidone Saltanoviche i o prekrasnoĒ tļø sļø”arevne Lebedi
Iz neizdannykh bumag A.S. Pushkina
Skazka o mertvŏi tļø sļø”arevniļø eļø” i semi bogatyriļø aļø”kh
Dubrovskii and Kapitanskaya dochka - two short novels
Alexander Puschkin: Pique Dame
EvgenÄ«Ä­ Oniļø eļø”gin
Ougen Aoniejin
Jevgenij Onjegin
IzbrannČ³e proizvedeniya
Miļø eļø”dnyÄ­ vsadnik
Kamenný host
Parapsicologia y Las Ciencias Naturales Modernas
Scenes from Boris Godunov
Poeme und Märchen
Dame de Pique (French Edition)
The prose tales of Alexander Pushkin
Le Belle novelle di tutti i paesi
Queen of Spades (illustrated)
SochineniiĶ”a A.S. Pushkina ...
La dama de picas
NeizdannyiĢ† Pushkin
Novels, Tales, Journeys
Lirika. Poemy. Povesti. Dramaticheskie proizvedeniya. Evgenij Onegin (Biblioteka shkol'nika)
Izbrannye sochineniiļø aļø”
BoldinskaiĶ”aļø” osenŹ¹
Dark and Scary
Il cavaliere di bronzo
EvgeniÄ­ Onegin
Materialy dliļø aļø” akademicheskago izdanÄ«iļø aļø” sochinenÄ«Ä­ A. S. Pushkina
Rukopisi Pushkina
Ruslan i Liļø uļø”dmila
Bumagi A.S. Pushkina
Ruslan and Ludmila
Supēdo no joō
Maerchen vom Zaren Saltan
Puxijin shi xuan
Daughter of the Commandant Illustrated
Yi zhan chang
La reina de Picas
EvgenÄ«Ä­ Oniļø eļø”gin
Pushkin i GorŹ¹kiÄ­ o narodnom tvorchestve
Librivox Short Story Collection 089
Kar fırtınası
Aleksandr Pushkin - la Hija Del Capitán
Dnevnik A. S. Pushkina 1833-1835
Bakhchisaraĭskīĭ fontan
Skazki Aleksandra Sergeevicha Pushkina
PisŹ¹ma poslednikh let
Russian Tales
Ruslan i Liļø uļø”dmila
Dnevniki, zapiski
La Fille du capitaine et autres nouvelles
The complete prose tales of Alexandr Sergeyeuitch Pushkin
PisŹ¹ma zhene
The complete collection of drawings
Eugène Oneguine
Queen of Spades Illustrated
Poviļø eļø”sti izdannyiļø aļø” Aleksandrom Pushkinym
JeÅŗdziec miedziany
"Pora, moÄ­ drug, pora!."
KamennyÄ­ gostŹ¹
Oeuvres poétiques, tome 2
Pages from Russian Fiction
IzbrannaiĶ”aļø” poeĢ‡ziiĶ”aļø” v perevodakh na angliiĢ†skiiĢ† iĶ”aļø”zyk
Lirika. Evgenij Onegin (Shkola klassiki. Kniga dlya uchenika i uchitelya)
Fairy Tales
My talisman
Poėt, Rossiiļø aļø” i tļø sļø”ari
Librivox Short Story Collection 088
Ruslan i Liļø uļø”dmila ; BakhchisaraÄ­skiÄ­ fontan ; Skazka o zolotom petushke ; Anchar
JeÅŗdziec miedziany
MoeÄ­ dushi predel zhelannyÄ­
Pierrot noir
Daughter of the Commandant
Aleksandr Pushkin
Lyrics Volume 4
Récits de Feu Ivan Pétrovitch Bielkine
Izbrannye mysli
Queen of Spades and Selected Works
Poems by Alexander Pushkin
Polnoe sobranie sochineniÄ­
Tales of Bielkin
Pratishodh ka ant
History of Pugachev
Baryshniļø aļø”-krestŹ¹iļø aļø”nka
SECRET JOURNAL 1836Ð1837 by Alexander S. Pushkin
Dnevnik A.S. Pushkina (1833-1835 g.g.)
An amateur peasant girl (Miniature books)
Winter Evening
Waratte bakari de gomennasai
The gipsies
Aux détracteurs de la Russie
Ves' Pushkin dlja detej
EvgeniÄ­ Oniļø eļø”gin
Stikhi ...
Š›ŠøрŠøŠŗŠ° Š»ŠøцŠµŠøстŠ¾Š²
Tayniye Zapiski A. S. Pushkina 1836-1837 Pushkin's Secret Journal 1836-1837
Ruslan i Liļø uļø”dmila
Stikhi o rodine
Skazka O Mertvoj Carevne I O Semi Bogatyrjach
Sobranie sochinenij v 10 tomakh. t. 7. Istoriya Petra I. Istoriya Pugacheva
Poemy (komm. Bondi S.M.)
Boris Godunov (illustrated)
Puxijin shu qing shi
SochineniĢ†ia A. S. Pushkina
Jamie Is My Heart's Desire
Bronze Horseman
Povesti Belkina
Car Nikita
Kaptan Ki beti
Piļø eļø”sni zapadnykh slaviļø aļø”n
Puxijin wen ji
Skazka o zolotom pietushkie
Vystriļø eļø”l
La hija del capitan
Puteshestvie v' Arzrum'
The captain's daughter, &, The negro of Peter the Great
Medny Ģ† vsadnik
StikhotvoreniĢ„iĶ”aļø” Aleksandra Pushkina ..
Izbrannye proizvedeniya
Puxijin xiao shuo ji
Pikovaiļø aļø” dama A.S. Pushkina
Inbun shōsetsu Onēgin
The tale of the dead princess and the seven knights
U lukomorŹ¹iĶ”aļø”
Liryki wybrane
Poemy i povesti, Volume 1
Poėmy i poviļø eļø”sti
Pushkinski sbornik
TenŹ¹ Barkova
La fille du capitaine
Boris Godounov
Eugene Onegin (in Russian)
EvgenÄ«Ä­ Oniļø eļø”gin
Prisionero Del Cáucaso
Evžen Oněgin
KavkazskÄ«Ä­ pliļø eļø”nnik
Supēdo no jōō
Skazka o mertvoi tsarevne i o semi bogatyryakh
Pushkinskie mesta
ha-Abir ha-kilai
Critical Prose
Na ostrove Buyane (Panoramka)
Skazka o tsare Saltane i o syne ego slavnom i moguchem bogatyre knyaze Gvidone Saltanoviche i oprekrasnoi tsarevne Lebedi
Córka kapitana
"Povesti Belkina"
The captain's daughter (Classics of Russian literature)
Puteshestvie v Arzrum vo vremya pohoda 1829 goda V supere Redkoe izdanie
De Kapiteins-Dochter
Stikhotvoreniiļø aļø” A. S. Pushkina, ne voshedshiiļø aļø” v posliļø eļø”dnee sobranie ego sochineniÄ­
Lirika A.S. Pushkina v tatarskikh perevodakh
Eugene Onegin, a novel in verse.
Malenįø±ie tragedii
Récits de Feu Ivan Pétrovitch Bielkine (French Edition)
Tri noveloj
Złota rybka
Les récits de feu Ivan Petrovitch Belkine
Les récits de feu Ivan Pétrovitch Belkine
Kapitanskaya dochka
La dame de pique [by] Alexandre SergueĢiĢˆeĢvitch Pouchkine
Boris Godunov
Skazka o tļø sļø”are Saltane
Alexander Pushkin Selected Works in Two Volumes Volume Two Prose
Poems translated from Pushkin
Skazka o mertvoiĢ† tĶ”sļø”arevne i o semi bogatyriĶ”aļø”kh
Alexander Pushkin
The golden cockerel,
Sobranie sochinenii
Boris Godunov Script
Fille du Capitaine Illustré
Stikhi dliļø aļø” vzroslykh
Pushigeng chuang zuo ji
Olramachimnga, olrakan da nemkan
La dama de picas / Dubrovski
Poemy i povesti
Shang wei de nü er
Stikhotvoreniiļø aļø” (1829-1836)
The tales of Belkin ; with, The history of the village of Goryukhino
Bronze Horseman Pb - Refer Oxon Dist
Eugene Onegin
Dramaticheskie proizvedeniiļø aļø” ; Proza
Pushigeng duan pian xiao shuo ji
Ruslan und Ludmilla
Queen of Spades (English Russian Edition Illustrated)
Stikhotvoreniiļø aļø”
Kapitanskaiļø aļø” dochka
IstorÄ«iļø aļø” Pugachevskago bunta
Puxijin xiao shuo ji
BratŹ¹iļø aļø” razboÄ­niki
Captain's Daughter
Alexander Puschkin's Poetische Werke, Erster Band
Shang wei de nu er
Motļø sļø”art i SalŹ¹eri
The Tales of Belkin
NovonaÄ­dennyÄ­ avtograf Pushkina
MivhĢ£ar shirim liriyim
Poėmy. Dramaticheskie proizvedeniiļø aļø”
Pesn' o veshchem Olege
Sochineniiļø aļø”
Evgeny Onegin,
MiĶ”eļø”dnyiĢ† vsadnik
Sochineniiļø aļø” v chetyrekh tomakh
Boris Godunov
Evgenij Onegin
Complete Prose Tales of Pushkin
Puteshestvie v' Arzrum'
Kapitanskaya dochka = the captain's daughter
Pushkin v litovskom perevodiļø eļø” [Cyrillic]
Skazka O Zolotom Petuske
The captain's daughter and other great stories
Skazka o rybake i rybke
La hija del capitán
Sochineniiļø aļø”
Motļø sļø”art i SalŹ¹eri / A.S. Pushkin ; risunki M. Vrubeliļø aļø”
PikovaiĶ”a dama
Sobranie sochinenij v 10 tomakh. t. 2 Stikhotvoreniya 1820 - 1826 godov
Stantļø sļø”ionnyÄ­ smotritelŹ¹
Sochineniya v trekh tomakh
EvgeniÄ­ Onegin
Materialy dliļø aļø” biografÄ­i A.S. Pushkina
Poskorim, perechtem, posudim, pobranim--
Boris Godounov (A Studio book)
"BystryÄ­ karandash"
Lutnia Puszkina
BakhchisaraÄ­skiÄ­ fontan
Skazka o mervoÄ­ tļø sļø”arevniļø eļø” i o semi bogatyriļø aļø”kh
Lirika, 1826-1836
Kapitanskaiļø aļø” dochka
Fille du Capitaine
ByrŹŗem proizvedenios
Polnoe sobranie sochineniÄ­
Fille du Capitaine Illustree
Egyptian Nights
Poezie di A. Puschkin
[Romany i povesti
Borís Godunóv
A.S. Pushkin bez tsenzury
A.S. Pushkin o literature
Eugene Onegin Drama Evgeniy Onegin Dramy
Skazka o rybake i rybke (Bibliotechka detskoj klassiki)
Rokoku kibun, kashin chōshiroku
Slovo o polku Igoreviļø eļø”
La dama de picas
And Poetry Is Born
Alexander S. Puschkin 1799-1837
Don Juan
Pushkin o literature
El zar Saltán
A. S. Pushkin--kritik
PrilozheniiĶ”a k sochineniiĶ”am A.S. Pushkina
Kapitanskaia dochka
The golden cockerel
PisŹ¹ma A.S. Pushkina k zhene
Erotische Gedichte
Vse skazki i stikhi dliļø aļø” detskogo sada
Pikovaya dama
El pez de oro
Skazka o rybakiļø eļø” i rybkiļø eļø”
Poėmy ; Skazki
Taii no musume
Centennial Essays for Pushkin
Ruslan i Ljudmila
Complete prose fiction
The Poems, prose and plays of Alexander Pushkin
The Bronze Horseman
Eugene Onegin (illustrated)
Skazka o rybakiļø eļø” i rybkiļø eļø” i dr
Aleksandr Sergiļø eļø”evich Pushkin
Sobranie sochinenij v 10 tomakh. t. 5 Drammaticheskie proizvedeniya
Boris Godunov
The captain's daughter ( the Greatest Masterpieces of Russian literature)
Little tragedies
MednyÄ­ vsadnik
MalenŹ¹kie tragedii
Hija del Capitan, La
The gypsies
Marie: A Story of Russian Love
OdesskiiĢ god Pushkina
A collection of short lyrics
Poems ; selected and interpreted by Henry Jones. Russian texts parallel with an English version of each in the same verse form as the original poem
MahĢ£azot, lirikĢ£ah
Sochineniia A.S. Pushkina : polnoe sobranie v odnom tomie
Sobranie sochineniÄ­ v odnom tome
I quattro poemi maggiori di Alessandro Pouschkine
IzbrannyiĶ”aļø” sochineniĢ„iĶ”aļø” Aleksandra SergiĶ”eļø”evicha Pushkina dliĶ”aļø” iĶ”uļø”noshestva
Malen'kíe tragedii
SochineniĢ„iĶ”aļø” A. S. Pushkina
Stikhi i skazki
Cuentos para ninos
Die Schwanenkönigin / Zar Saltan. Cassette. Zwei Musikmärchen
RusskiÄ­ titul, ili, Bez tļø sļø”enzury
StantĶ”sļø”ionnyiĢ† smotritelŹ¹
Iļø Uļø”zhnye poėmy
Dnevniki, avtobiograficheskaiĶ”aļø” proza
Skazka o mertvoÄ­ tļø sļø”arevne i o semi bogatyriļø aļø”kh
"SchastlivyiĢ† krug semŹ¹i svoeiĢ†"
Carmen--Arsène Guillot--L'abbé Aubain--La dame de pique--Les bohémiens--Le ..
Povesti Belkina (Tales of Belkin)
Dramaticheskie proizvedeniya
Povesti i razskazy dlia iunoshestva
Golden Cockerel, The
Arap Petra Velikogo
Dnevniki. Avtobiograficheskaya proza
Izbrannye stikhotvoreniiļø aļø”
A Pushkin verse reader
SochineniĢ„iĶ”aļø” i pisŹ¹ma A.S. Pushkina
LitĶ”sļø”eiĢ†skaiĶ”aļø” lirika
Dramaticheskie proizvedeniiĶ”aļø”
Izbrannaiļø aļø” proza
IstoriĢ„iĶ”aļø” sela Gorokhina
Blackwell's Tales of Belkin (Language Library)
Œuvres compleĢ€tes (de) Pouchkine
SochinenÄ«iļø aļø” Aleksandra Pushkina
IzbrannaiĶ”aļø” mikhaiĢ†lovskaiĶ”aļø” lirika
SkupoiĢ† rytĶ”sļø”arŹ¹
SochineniiĶ”aļø” PushkiĢ„na
The Russian wonderland
Satira i iĶ”uļø”mor
Die reise nach Erzerum
Prilozheniiļø aļø” k sochineniiļø aļø”m A.S. Pushkina
Skazka o rybake i rybke = Le pecheur et le petit poisson d'or = The old man and the golden fish
Complete prose tales
Lutnia Puszkina
BakhchisaraiĢ†skiiĢ† fontan
Pis'ma, 1815-1837 g.g
IzbrannyiĶ”aļø” stikhotvoreniĢ„iĶ”aļø”
New poems of Pushkin and Shevchenko
Rusishe dikhtung
Sämtliche Romane und Erzählungen
La dame de pique et autres récits
Polnoe sobranie sochineniiĢ† v odnom tome
Boris Godunov (Swc 1514)
Bronze Horseman (Rereading Literature)
Briefe an BuchhaĢˆndler und Verleger
SkupoiĢ† rytsļø”arĢ
Sochineniiļø aļø” v trekh tomakh
Contes populaires russes de Pouchkine
IspiĢ„tĢ£u raĢ„nĢ£i
Die ErzaĢˆhlungen Bjelkins
Vystrel ; Grobovshchik
Sochineniiļø aļø” A.S. Pushkina s obŹŗiļø aļø”sneniiļø aļø”mi ikh i svodom otzyvov kritiki
Pushkin dliĶ”aļø” rebiĶ”aļø”tok
SochinenÄ«iĶ”a Pushkina
Polnoe sobranie sochineniÄ­ v 20 t
Romany i povesti
IzbrannyiĶ”aļø” sochineniĢ„iĶ”aļø” Aleksandra SergiĶ”eļø”evna Pushkina
Zar Nikita und seine 40 ToĢˆchter
IzbrannyiĶ”aļø” sochineniĢ„iĶ”aļø” Aleksandra SergiĶ”eļø”evicha Pushkina ..
Stantļø sļø”ionnyÄ­ smotritelŹ¹ ; MetelŹ¹
Sobranie zapreshchennykh stikhotvoreniĒ
Eugene Onegin: A Novel in Verse
The fisherman and the goldfish
SaĢˆmtliche Dramen
Die Schwanenkönigin / Zar Saltan. CD. Zwei Musikmärchen
Š”Ń€Š°Š¼Š°Ń‚ŠøчŠµŃŠŗŠøŠµ ŠæрŠ¾ŠøŠ·Š²ŠµŠ“ŠµŠ½Šøя. ŠŸŃ€Š¾Š·Š°
PikovaiĶ”aļø” dama A.S. Pushkina
The tale of the golden cockerel
PuteshestviĢ„e v Arzrum vo vremiĶ”a pokhoda 1829 goda
PiĶ”eļø”snŹ¹ o viĶ”eļø”shchem OlegiĶ”eļø”
Povesti pokoÄ­nogo Ivana Petrovicha Belkina =
Narraciones Completas (Clasicos)
Novye stikhotvoreniia Pushkina i Shavchenki
Izbrannye dramaticheskie proizvedeniia
TsyĢ„ganyĢ„ =
Romanzi e raccoti
Povesti Belikina
Eugene Onéguine: A Romance of Russian Life in Verse
A. S. Pushkin--kritik
Stikhi ne dliĶ”aļø” dam
Izbrannye sochineniiĶ”aļø”
"V nadezhde slavy i dobra--"
KrasuiĢ†siĶ”aļø”, grad Petrov--
El viaje a Arzrum durante la campanĢƒa de 1829
Skazka o tĶ”sļø”are Saltane, o syne ego slavnom i moguchem bogatyre kniĶ”aļø”ze Gvidone Saltanoviche i o prekrasnoiĢ† tĶ”sļø”arevne Lebedi
A collection of articles and essays on the great Russian poet
Alexander Pushkin
Kot uchenyi (ruslan i liudmila) prolog
YaŹ¼Ivān Bélkin tārikwač
Dramatychni tvory
Tri noveloj
ŠŠ»ŠµŠŗсŠ°Š½Š“р Š”ŠµŃ€Š³ŠµŠµŠ²Šøч ŠŸŃƒŃˆŠŗŠøŠ½
EugeĢ€ne OnieĢguine
Poviļø eļø”sti Biļø eļø”lkina ; Pikovaiļø aļø” dama
MikhaiĢ†lovskaiĶ”aļø” tetradŹ¹
Povesti Belkina
Kaukazki jeniec
David Bates
David Bates (born 1945)

medieval historian, historian, medievalist

  • University of Exeter
William the Conqueror
Abbot Suger of St.-Denis
The Normans And Empire
East Anglia And Its North Sea World In The Middle Ages
Marxism, Religion and Ideology
Photography and Surrealism
Plasticity and Pathology
Domesday Book
Regesta Regum Anglo-Normannorum
William the Conqueror
Political Ideologies
Advances in Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics (Advances in Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics)
The outdoor studies for woodlands
Logarithmic tables
The outdoors studies for woodlands
Practicas de electricidad
Advances in Atomic and Molecular Physics
The Creighton century, 1907-2007
Re-ordering the past and negotiating the present in Stenton's "First century"
1066 in Perspective
Paintings, sculpture and drawings
Marxism, Intellectuals and Politics
Advances in Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics. Volume 28 (1990)
Studies for woodlands
Breaking trail in the central Appalachians
Marxism, intellectuals, and politics
David Bates
William the Conqueror
Hacking with the Kinect
Western Mediterranean Kingdoms
Lives, Identities and Histories in the Central Middle Ages
Survey of Press Freedom in Latin American 1985-1986
English and Their Legacy, 900-1200
People, Texts and Artefacts
Electronic Principles
Anglo-Norman Studies
Ordeal of the Jungle
Ico White Paper Writing
Practicas de Electricidad
Western Mediterranean Kingdoms
Odes on Ali
Anglo-Norman Studies 35
Experiments Manual for use with Electronic Principles
Writing Medieval Biography, 750-1250
England and Normandy in the Middle Ages
Anglo-Norman Studies XXXVI
Anglo-Norman Studies XXXV
Normans and Empire
Laughing at the Scaffold
Key Advances in Clinical Informatics
Marxism, Intellectuals and Politics
Practicas de Electricidad
States of War
Electronic Principles + Connect, 1 Semester Access
Principios De Electronica, 7 Ed.
Anglo-Norman Studies XXXIV
Carpentry and Joinery Book 2
H. G. Wells
H. G. Wells (1866-1946)

historian, journalist, Idist, sociologist

  • Royal College of Science, University of London
The Invisible Man
The New Windmill Book of Mystery Stories of the Nineteenth Century
Great Short Tales of Mystery and Terror
Ghost Stories
Isaac Asimov Presents the Best Horror and Supernatural of the 19th Century
Short Stories, Please!
Tales of Horror and Mystery
Great Tales of Suspense
Rivals of Sherlock Holmes
Dramatic Reading Scene & Story Collection - Volume 2
Invisible Man
The Time Machine
The First Men in the Moon
The War of the Worlds
The World Set Free
Great Short Stories of the World
The New Machiavelli
The Outline of History
The Island of Dr. Moreau
The food of the gods and how it came to earth
The History of Mr. Polly
The Arbor House Treasury of Horror and the Supernatural
Ann Veronica
In the days of the comet
The Science Fiction Hall of Fame -- Volume Two A
A Modern Utopia
A Short History of the World
The wheels of chance
The Shape of Things to Come
The journal of a disappointed man
The Nightmare Reader
The Science Fiction Weight-Loss Book
The country of the blind
When the Sleeper Awakes
Isaac Asimov presents the best fantasy of the 19th century
The war in the air
Isaac Asimov Presents Tales of the Occult
The Penguin Book of Horror Stories
Little Wars
The wonderful visit
Love and Mr. Lewisham
Mankind in the making
Short stories
The Twelve Frights of Christmas
Science fact/fiction
Classic Tales of Science Fiction & Fantasy
Tales of space and time
The science of life
Cuentos de terror
God the Invisible King
The Stolen Bacillus and Other Incidents
Science Fiction A to Z
The War Of The Worlds/The Time Machine
Anticipations of the reaction of mechanical and scientific progress upon human life and thought
Russia in the shadows
New worlds for old
The Door in the Wall and Other Stories
The passionate friends
Washington and the riddle of peace
Mr. Britling Sees It Through
Joan and Peter
Experiment in autobiography
Men Like Gods
Classic Ghost Stories
The future in America
The sea lady
Canterbury Classics Box Set
War and the Future
Thirty strange stories
The croquet player
Crux ansata
Certain Personal Matters
The wife of Sir Isaac Harman
Floor games
The time machine
Cuentos Con-Ciencia
The soul of a bishop
The research magnificent
Man who could work miracles
Classic Starts
What is coming?
The dream
H. G. Wells
Wolf's Complete Book of Terror
The undying fire
The Great Book of Thrillers
The world of William Clissold
Isaac Asimov Presents the Best Science Fiction of the 19th Century
The war of the worlds, The time machine, and selected short stories
An Englishman looks at the world
Washington and the hope of peace
Making Humans
The war that will end war
The Complete Short Stories of H.G. Wells
In the fourth year
The new world order
Great Classic Science Fiction Lib/E
The story of a great schoolmaster
First and Last Things
Century of Great Short Science Fiction Novels
This misery of boots
The time machine
The salvaging of civilization
Fin de Siecle Megapack Volume 2
The open conspiracy
Classic Tales of Science Fiction and Fantasy
The 5th Fontana Book of Great Horror Stories
The discovery of the future
The Time Machine (Graphic Novel)
The War of the Worlds (Adapted)
The Secret Places of the Heart
The elements of reconstruction
28 science fiction stories
Isaac Asimov Presents the Best Science Fiction Firsts
The Time Machine
Frank Swinnerton
Seven famous novels
Heroic War Stories
Tales Of The Occult
The Magic Shop
Island of Dr. Moreau
Boon, The mind of the race, The wild asses of the devil, and The last trump
Best science fiction stories of H.G. Wells
Graphic Classics Volume 3
The Most Dangerous Game and Other Stories of Menace and Adventure
The world, its debts and the rich men
Textbook of zoology
Edges of Reality
Classic Ghost Stories
Three prophetic science fiction novels of H.G. Wells
Slip Under the Microscope
The history of the world
The new and revised Outline of history
Socialism and the family
Social forces in England and America
The man with a nose
Seven Novels, Complete & Unabridged
Journalism and prophecy, 1893-1946
The War of the Worlds
About Time
Hg Wells Classic Collection
Five Great Novels
A Dream of Armageddon
The work, wealth and happiness of mankind
Correspondence of H. G. Wells
World brain
Italy, France and Britain at war
The H.G. Wells reader
Science Fiction
What Men of Letters Say
Science Fiction Classics
The Invisible Man (Graphic Novel)
Babes in the darkling wood
The valley of spiders
Time Machine
Twelve stories, and a dream
Lovecrafts dunkle Idole 02. Das rote Zimmer
The wealth of Mr. Waddy
Island of Dr. Moreau
Select conversations with an uncle
Mr. Blettsworthy on Rampole Island
Machine à Explorer le Temps Illustree
Sea Lady
Modern Utopia
Red Room Illuastrated
Bestiarium Cryptozoologicum
In the Days of the Comet
Invisible Man
Guerre Dans les Airs
Door in the Wall
H.G. Wells in love
The Outline of History Being a Plain History of Life and Mankind
History of Mr. Polly
Mr. Britling Sees It Through
Red Room Illuastrated
Stolen Bacillus and Other Incidents
In the Days of the Comet
Invisible Man
Tales of Space and Time
War That Will End War
British nationalism and the League of Nations
Wife of Sir Isaac Harman
Wife of Sir Isaac Harman
Premiers Hommes Dans la Lune
A Date With Danger
What Is Coming?
Modern Utopia
Wonderful Visit
Time Machine - an Invention
In the Days of the Comet
War of the Worlds
Sea Lady
When the Sleeper Wakes
The History of Mr. Polly, with a foreword by Sinclair Lewis.
The Outline of History, Revised
Modern Utopia
Country of the Blind
Guerre des Mondes Illustree
Sleeper Awakes
Door in the Wall
Thirty Strange Stories
Time Machine
30 Strange Stories
Invisible Man
Sleeper Awakes
Modern Utopia
H G Wells 40 x Dumpbin BSF ONLY
Research Magnificent
Sleeper Awakes
Mr. Belloc objects to "The outline of history"
Modern Utopia
Dodici Storie e un Sogno
Star Begotten
The outline of history
Red Room Illuastrated
New Accelerator
War of the Worlds
Croquet Player
Story of a Great Schoolmaster
Englishman Looks at the World
The Bulpington of Blup
Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth
Tales of Space and Time
L'Île du Docteur Moreau
Invisible Man
Mankind in the Making
Wonderful Visit
The Outline Of History V2
The cone
Guerra de Los Mundos
Undying Fire
Ann Veronica
First and Last Things
Social Forces in England and America
Invisible Man
Máquina Del Tiempo
Croquet Player
Country of the Blind
Love and Mr Lewisham : Wells
Doce Historias y un Sueño
Research Magnificent
homme Invisible
Shape of Things to Come
Passionate Friends
Love and Mr. Lewisham
Door in the Wall
Time Machine (Time Trilogy)
Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth
War of the Worlds
Wonderful Visit
First Men in the Moon
Mr. Blettsworthy on Rampole Island
Krieg der Welten
Tales of Space and Time
Country of the Blind, and Other Stories
Modern Utopia Ilustrated
First Men in the Moon Annotate
Homme Invisible Illustree
Chronic Argonauts & the Time Machine
Short History of the World
H G Wells 48 Copy Dumpbin
Short History of the World
Invisible Man
Seven science fiction novels of H.G. Wells
Time Machine by H. G. Wells
Tales of Terror
Wheels of Chance
Twelve Stories and a Dream
O Homem Invisível
Door in the Wall
Flowering of the Strange Orchid
Guerre des Mondes
Wonderful Visit
Invisible Man
Effrois et fantasmagories (French Edition)
Floor Games
When the Sleeper Wakes
Máquina Do Tempo
Short History of the World
Salvaging of Civilization
Modern Utopia
In the Abyss
History of Mr Polly
Island of Doctor Moreau
Invisible Man
Les premiers hommes dans la lune
30 Strange Stories
Certain Personal Matters
In the Fourth Year - Anticipations of a World Peace (1918)
Russia in the Shadows
Invisible Man
The Country Of The Blind And Other Science-fiction Stories
Englishman Looks at the World
Select Conversations with an Uncle
War of the Worlds
Alien Voices
Plattner Story
Guerre des Mondes
Ann Veronica Illustrted
What Is Coming?
Sleeper Awakes
War of the Worlds
Guerre Dans les Airs Illustree
Salvaging of Civilisation
Invisible Man
Stolen Bacillus and Other Incidents
Country of the Blind
Time Machine
Shape of Things to Come
Nourriture des Dieux
Red Room Illuastrated
The Plattner story, and others
The World of William Clissold
Love and Mr. Lewisham
First Men in the Moon
Wonderful Visit
The Invisible Man (Cosimo Classics)
History of Mr Polly
Short History of the World
Invisible Man
Secret Places of the Heart
Wheels of Chance
The war and socialism
Twelve Stories and a Dream
Science-Fiction Classics of H.G. Wells
First Men in the Moon : Spécial Annotations by
La guerre des mondes
isola Del Dottor Moreau
Guerre des Mondes
War in the Air
Sea Lady
In the Fourth Year
Country of the Blind : And Other Stories
Wheels of Chance
Guerra Dos Mundos
Guerra Dei Mondi
Text Book of Biology : Part 1
War of the Worlds by H. G. Wells
Thirty Strange Stories
In the Days of the Comet
First Men in the Moon
Guerre des Mondes Illustree
Island of Doctor Moreau
Tales of Space and Time
Guerre des Mondes
uomo Invisibile
History of Mr Polly
Tales of Space and Time
Country of the Blind
Tales of Space and Time
Door in the Wall, and Other Stories
Unsichtbare Mann
Englishman Looks at the World
Modern Utopia
Tono-Bungay (Penguin Books. no. 576.)
First Men in the Moon
Wife of Sir Isaac Harman
Russia in the Shadows
Certain Personal Matters
Stolen Bacillus and Other Incidents
O Homem Invisível
Shape of Things to Come
The idea of a League of Nations
Doze Histórias e Um Sonho
War and the Future
Stolen Bacillus
Story of the Inexperienced Ghost
Love and Mr. Lewisham
Red Room Illuastrated
Mr. Britling Sees It Through
Autocracy of Mr. Parham
Thirty Strange Stories
War of the Worlds
Ann Veronica
Discovery of the Future
Sleeper Wakes
THE OUTLINE OF HISTORY Complete in One Volume
Time Machine
Stolen Bacillus and Other Incidents
Plattner Story
Red Room Illuastrated
Máquina Del Tiempo (Colección Duetos)
Red Room
Zwölf Geschichten und ein Traum
History of Mr. Polly
Premiers Hommes Dans la Lune Illustree
Isla Del Doctor Moreau
Island of Doctor Moreau
Modern Utopia
War in the Air
Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth
War That Will End War
Modern Utopia
Red Room Illuastrated
In the Days of the Comet
Time Machine Illustated
Graphic Classics
Wheels of Chance
The happy turning
Modern Utopia
Research Magnificent
Chronic Argonauts Illustrsted
Plattner Story
Island of Doctor Moreau
Two letters from H. G. Wells to Joseph Conrad
The correspondence of H.G. Wells
Salvaging of Civilization
War of the Worlds
H G Wells 24 Copy Dumpbin
First Men in the Moon
Love and Mr Lewisham
War of the Worlds
Invisible Man
Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth
Shape of Things to Come
The Crystal Egg
Soul of a Bishop
Invisible Man
Plattner Story
Sea Lady
Best of Classics (The Call of the Wild / The Godfather / The Time Machine)
Wonderful Visit
Tales of Space and Time
History of Mr Polly
Miss Winchelsea's Heart
Red Room
Story of the Inexperienced Ghost
First and Last Things
Wheels of Chance
The Star
Red Room
Red Room Illuastrated
Machine à Remonter le Temps
HG Wells Collect I (EXP)(Abandoned)
Englishman Looks at the World
Comida Dos Deuses
In the Days of the Comet
Isla Del Dr Moreau
Marxism vs liberalism
Social Forces in England and America
Nuovo Ordine Mondiale
Guerra Dos Mundos
Soul of a Bishop
Island of Dr. Moreau
War of the Worlds
Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth
Modern Utopia
Ilha Do Doutor Moreau
Red Room Illuastrated
Englishman Looks at the World
Machine à Explorer le Temps Illustree
Sleeper Awakes
Certain Personal Matters
Modern Utopia
L'Île du Docteur Moreau
Invisible Man
War of the Worlds
Time Machine
War in the Air
Time Machine by H. G. Wells
Die Insel des Doktors Moreau
First Men in the Moon
Discovery of the Future
HG Wells Collecti II (EXP)(Abandon)
Mankind in the Making
Island of Doctor Moreau Illustreted
Sea Lady
Guerra de Los Mundos
Time Machine by H. G. Wells
Door in the Wall
History of Mr Polly
In the Days of the Comet
Comida Dos Deuses
Tales of Space and Time
Englishman Looks at the World
Select Conversations with an Uncle
First Men in the Moon
Time Machine
Machine à Remonter le Temps
Twelve Stories and a Dream
Shape of Things to Come
Text Book of Biology
Mankind in the Making
Ann Veronica
Nourriture des Dieux
When the Sleeper Wakes
The Island of Doctor Moreau
Autocracy of Mr. Parham
Salvaging of Civilisation
Invisible Man
Door in the Wall
Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth
Salvaging of Civilization
First Men in the Moon
Guerre Dans les Airs
War Of The Worlds! Invasion From Mars (L.A. Theater Works)
Het Eiland Van Dokter Moreau
L'île du Dr Moreau
Argonauts of the Air
Invisible Man
Stolen Bacillus
Plattner Story
O Homem Invisível
Selected Short Stories
Story of the Inexperienced Ghost
Invisible Man
Guerre des Mondes
Greatest Works of H. G. Wells
Time Machine AnnotatedH. G. Wells
Chronic Argonauts
War of the Worlds
Island of Doctor Moreau
Ann Veronica
Select Conversations with an Uncle
In the Days of the Comet
Russia in the Shadows
homme Invisible
Red Room Illuastrated
Tales of Space and Time Annotate
War in the Air
War of the Worlds by H. G. Wells
War in the Air
Time Machine
Island of Doctor Moreau
In the Days of the Comet
First Men in the Moon
uomo Invisibile
Shape of Things to Come
Washington and the Hope of Peace
Ann Veronica
In the Days of the Comet
Wife of Sir Isaac Harman
Tales of Space and Time
Chronic Argonauts
War in the Air
What Is Coming
Mankind in the Making
When the Sleeper Wakes
Sleeper Awakes
History of Mr. Polly
Homme Invisible Illustree
Máquina Do Tempo (Coleção Duetos)
War and the Future
Country of the Blind and Other Stories
Sleeper Awakes
Food of the Gods
Time Machine
Thirty Strange Stories
Invisible Man (Wells Trilogy)
The holy terror
Time Machine
Croquet Player
Time Machine by H. G. Wells(illustred Edition)
Love and Mr Lewisham
What Is Coming
Autocracy of Mr. Parham
The autocracy of Mr. Parham
Invisible Man
Door in the Wall
Premiers Hommes Dans la Lune
Red Room Illuastrated
War That Will End War
Guerra Dos Mundos (Coleção Duetos)
Wheels of Chance
uomo Invisibile
The War of the Worlds
War in the Air
The Desert Daisy
Tales of Space and Time
4Ģ“2 to 4Ģ“4
War of the Worlds
War of the Worlds
Island of Dr Moreau
War of the Worlds (Wells Trilogy)
Invisible Man
New Worlds for Old
Red Room Illuastrated
Twaalf Verhalen en Een Droom
First and Last Things
The Time Machine/War of the Worlds
Wheels of Chance
Little Wars
Certain Personal Matters
War of the Worlds Illustrateed
Invisible Man
Flora Curiosa
Time Machine (Wells Trilogy)
Anticipations : Of the Reaction of Mechanical and Scientific Progress upon Human Life and Thought
In the Fourth Year
Guerre Dans les Airs
Machine à Explorer le Temps
Research Magnificent
Red Room Illuastrated
Wheels of Chance
Máquina Del Tiempo
Future in America
The anatomy of frustration
Country of the Blind
Time Machine
Ann Veronica
Island of Doctor Moreau
Food of the Gods
Love and Mr. Lewisham
The inexperienced ghost
Secret Places of the Heart
Twenty-Eight Science Fiction Stories
The First Men in the Moon
The Invisible Man
War of the Worlds
Story of a Great Schoolmaster
Wheels of Chance
Time Machine
Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth
The king who was a king
Text-book of biology
The Great State
What are we to do with our lives?
Sci-Fi Horror Stories
Love And Mr. Lewisham
The Outline of History
Island of Moreau
The time machine ; The war of the worlds ; The island of Dr. Moreau
God, the Invisible King
Island of Dr. Moreau 18 x Dumpbin
Passionate Friends
Time Machine
Mankind in the Making
Short History of the World
The adventures of Tommy
The collector's book of science fiction by H.G. Wells
The holy terror
The Island of Dr.Moreau
Works of H.G. Wells
H. G. Wells The Dover Reader (Dover Thrift Editions)
War of the Worlds Graphic Novel
The Outline of History, Volume I
The Time Machine-Treasury of Illustrated Classics Storybook Collection
The fate of homo sapiens
Selected Short Stories
Socialism and the Great State:
Journeys Through Time & Space: 5 Classic Novels of Science Fiction and Fantasy
Mr. Britling Sees It Through
The Time Machine (Timeless Classics)
A volume of journalism
The Alien Voices Presents
H. G. Wells complete short story omnibus
Outline of History
The Invisible Man & the Time Machine
War of the Worlds by H. G. Wells
Six Novels
Sea Lady
The Best of Amazing Stories
Phoenix: H.G. Wells
War of the Worlds
The common sense of war and peace
Russia in the Shadows
La Guerre des Mondes
The Chronic Argonauts
The Best of H G Wells
The complete science fiction treasury
Chamber of Horrors
Man Who Could Work Miracles
Contes étranges / La tragique aventure du mime properce / L'étrange Aventure de M. Hoopdriver
International Short Stories from England
History of Mr. Polly
Homme Invisible
Christina Alberta's father
What should be done -- now
A century of great short science fiction novels
Tales of Space and Time
Classics Illustrated #12
The H. G. Wells scrapbook
Time Machine by H. G. Wells
The Complete War of the Worlds
Guerra de Los Mundos
Tales of Space and Time
History of Mr. Polly
The red room
Science and the world-mind
En güzel hayalet hikâyeleri
The First Men in the Moon (Classics Illustrated)
The New America
The New Accelerator
First Men in the Moon
The War of the Worlds (Graphic Novel)
Tales of the Weird and Supernatural
The Best Science Fiction Stories of H. G. Wells
The invisible man and the war of the worlds
The outline of man's work and wealth..
Sea Raiders
The rights of man
The last books of H. G. Wells
To the electors of London University general election, 1923
Purple Pileus Illustrated
Librivox Short Story Collection 033
The labour unrest
The famous short stories of H. G. Wells
Love and Mr. Lewisham and Marriage
Correspondence of H G Wells Vol 1
Invisible Man Graphic Novel
Evolution--fact and theory
The Conquest of Time and the Happy Turning
The World of William Clissold
Five Great Science Fiction Novels
The Time Machine. Text and Study Aids.
Works Of H. G. Wells (28 Volumes )
L' Europe de demain
Science Fiction & Fantasy Short Stories
The Selected Works of H.G. Wells (Special Edition Using)
Biology of the human race
A thesis on the quality of illusion in the continuity of the individual life in the higher metazoa
A Spectrum Unseen
Anticipations of a World Peace; Selected and Abbreviated from in the Fourth Year
Hg Wells Classic Collection Ii
Honours Physiography
The War of the Worlds
The Island of Doctor Moreau and Other Stories (Wordsworth Classics)
The new America
Remarkable Case of Davidsons Eyes Illustrated
The Strange Orchid
Shaw v Wells on vivisection
The time machine ; The island of Dr Moreau ; The invisible man ; The first men in the moon ; The food of the gods ; The war of the worlds
The outlook for Homo sapiens
Six Novels
The Fate Of Man
The brothers
The conquest of time
Time Machine Graphic Novel
The new teaching of history
Invertebrata Enigmatica
Miss Waters
You can't be too careful
The enlarged and revised outline of history
Things to come;
H.G. Wells: Timeless Adventures from the Father of Science Fiction
Story of the Inexperienced Ghost Illustrated
Underground Man
The H. G. Wells Collection
Three novels of the future
Introduction to Nocturne
Sideways Byways
The Time Machine and Other Stories (Wordsworth Classics)
The Invisible Man. Upper Intermediate, 2000 words.
Under the Knife Illustrated
H.G. Wells science fiction treasury
The War of the Worlds, Time Machine & The Invisible Man
Time Machine; an Invention
Time Machine, Level 4
Pioneers of Science Fiction and Adventure
Floor Games
Cetus Insolitus
The history of Mr. Polly and The war in the air
Will socialism destroy the home?
Hoopdriver's holiday
Sci Fi Fantasy
Short Stories Of H. G. Wells, The (2 Volumes)
Anticipations of a world peace
Little Wars And Floor Games, a Companion Piece to Little Wars
The undying fire and philosophical and theological speculations
Tales of life and adventure (Collins New classics series-no.686)
Science Fiction
The H.G. Wells Collection
Level 4
A year of prophesying
Man's mind and behaviour
A Selection of Writings From  HG Wells: The Time Machine, The Invisible Man, The Island of Dr Moreau
The Great Science Fiction: The Time Machine, The Island of Doctor Moreau, The Invisible Man, The War of the Worlds, Short Stories (Penguin Modern Classics)
Treasury of H.G. Wells
Story of the Late Mr. Elvesham Illustrated
Time Machine and Other Stories
The Mosley Outrage
H. G. Wells Collection
Little Wars
All aboard for Ararat
The War of the Worlds and the War in the Air
Time Machine, Level 2
H. G. Wells GB
The Time Machine (Graphic Novel)
The Work, Wealth and Happiness of Mankind
The obliterated man
Un rêve d'Armageddon ; précédé de La porte dans le mur
Der Apfel vom Baum der Erkenntnis. Erzählungen II
El hombre invisible
Time Machine with "The Star"
The problem of the troublesome collaborator
The grisly folk
The Rime of the Ancient Mariner
Playing at peace
The Invisible Man (1897) (- CHelovek-nevidimka. Mashina vremeni. Ostrov doktora Moro)
A short history of the world
The War of the Worlds
H. G. Wells The Outline of History (Volume 2)
The War of the Worlds Collection
The Argonauts of the Air & 15 Short Stories
China and world peace
Tales By The Masters
H. G. Wells (Leather-bound Classics)
Men like gods and The dream
La tempo-maŝino
The common sense of world peace
The inexperienced ghost and nine other stories
How animals behave
Joan and Peter, The Story of an Education - Part 1
Ann Veronica and Boon
The Island of Doctor Moreau ; The sleeper awakes
La puerta en el muro
World of William Clissold Volume 2
The Time Machine Large Print Edition
First Men in the Moon and the Sea Lady
The History of Mr Polly
The way to world peace
The Book of Catherine Wells
The Queer Story of Brownlow's Newspaper
Penguin Active Reading 2
Guide to the new world
H G Wells Science Fiction Omnibus, (Unabridged) the Time Machine, the War of the Worlds, the Shape of Things to Come, the Invisible Man, the Island of
De tijdmachine en andere verhalen
Correspondence of H G Wells Vol 4
Mr. Britling Sees It Through & In the Days of the
The soul of a Bishop ; The secret places of the heart
Amazing Stories - Vol. 1 No. 4
Works of H.G. Wells
Correspondence of H G Wells Vol 2
ŠœŠ°ŃˆŠøŠ½Š° Š²Ń€ŠµŠ¼ŠµŠ½Šø ; Š§ŠµŠ»Š¾Š²ŠµŠŗ-Š½ŠµŠ²ŠøŠ“ŠøŠ¼ŠŗŠ° ; Š’Š¾Š¹Š½Š° Š¼ŠøрŠ¾Š² ; Š Š°ŃŃŠŗŠ°Š·Ń‹ / Mashina vremeni ; Chelovek-nevidimka ; VoÄ­na mirov ; Rasskazy
Mr. Belloc objects to "The outline of history",
Kipps & The Research Magnificent
Amazing Stories - Vol. 3 No. 2
The Wonderful Visit
Stalin-Wells talk
After democracy
The pocket history of the world
The Camford visitation
H. G. Wells Non-Fiction TRIO v.1
Action! Classics
H. G. Wells Collection
Kipps the Story of a Simple Soul
Humor Fantasmal Vol. II
Mr. Britling sees it through
The world set free and other war papers
War and common sense
Democracy under revision
OUTLINE OF HISTORY Being a Plain History of Life and Mankind Volume One
Science Fiction: Vol 2 (H.G. Wells's Science Fiction)
Three novels
Childhood memories
The wheels of chance (and), The worldset free
War and the future
The first men in the moon and some more human stories
The favorite short stories of H. G. Wells
The First Men in the Moon + The World is Set Free and Short Stories
Level 2
New worlds for old,
The Complete Short Stories of H.G. Wells
Stories of Other Worlds
Überleben am Gipfel
The sleeper awakes
Stories of the Unusual
Mr. Britling Sees It Through + In the Days of the Comet
Amazing Adventures: Featuring War of the Worlds, Based on Concepts Created in the Novel By H.G. Wells: Slaves of the Human Squid!
Pete Morisi's Superior Stories
The short stories of H.G. Wells
Love and Mr. Lewisham
The H.G. Wells calendar
The First Men in the Moon
H.G. Wells, The Amazing Stories Collection, Ultimate Illustrated Edition (Masters of Science Fiction) (Volume 14)
The Passionate Friends a Novel and Three Essays
The way the world is going
The Book of Time
Ugh-Lomi and Uya
The Time Machine by H.G. Wells - Part 1
La guerra de los mundos y De la Tierra a la Luna
H.G. Wells (Seven Novels, Complete & Unabridged) (Library of Essential Writers)
Science Fiction Classics
The Invisible Man
Mind at the end of its tether
The informative content of education
The war in the air and other war forebodings
Humor Fantasmal Vol. II
A Story of the Stone Age
No Royalty A/C Experiment in Autobiog-Jcp64 V
Idea of a world encyclopaedia
H.G. Wells, Seven Novels
The Brothers and the Croquet Player
The history of Mr. Polly and Bealby
Socialism and the scientific motive
The Collected Strange & Science Fiction of H. G. Wells
Kipps and The research magnificent
Wells Boxed Set
The peace of the world
Invisible Man, The & The Island of Dr. Moreau
Things to come;
Patterns of life
The Essential H. G. Wells
Wheels of chance ; Love and Mr. Lewisham
Science Fiction of H G Wells
Uzay ve Zaman Hikayeleri
The illusion of personality
The Betterave papers, and Aesop's quinine for Delphi
H.G. Wells' Science Fiction Stories
The Invisible Man (Graphic Revolve)
El Cuento De Humor Ingles
Tales of Terror (Classics for Young Adults and Adults)
Anticipation and Other Papers
Three Novels
In memory of Amy Catherine Wells (Jane Wells)
Mr. Britling Sees it Through
Experiments on animals
Seven stories
The Invisible Man (Classics Illustrated (Acclaim Books).)
the outline of history volume two
The dream;
The Island of Dr. Moreau (Graphic Novel)
Amazing Stories - Vol. 1 No. 1
Grandes Novelas
The Collected Strange & Science Fiction of H. G. Wells
The Best of Science Fiction (World's Great Classics)
Siec podejrzen
H.g. Wells Collection
The scientific romances of H.G. Wells ..
Die Perle der Liebe
A Short History of The World
Love And Mr Lewisham
In the days of the comet and seventeen short stories
Great thoughts from H.G. Wells
Unsterbliches Feuer. Roman.
La màquina del temps
The land ironclads
A short history of mankind
The time machine ; [and], The island of Dr Moreau ; [and], The invisible man ; [and], The first men in the moon ; [and] The food of the gods ; [and], In the days of the comet ; [and], The war of the worlds
University of London election
Agri Dagi Yolcusu Kalmasin
Four Complete Novels
Correspondence of H G Wells Vol 3
The Invisible Man - Pre-Intermediate Macmillan Book & CD
Complete War of the Worlds
Monster Masterpieces Box Set
Outline of History Volume 1
The Time Machine, The Wonderful Visit
A Novel Journal: H. G. Wells (Compact) (Novel Journals)
The invisible man ; The war of the worlds ; A dream of Armageddon / c by H. G. Wells
De l'amour
The outline of history, being a plain history of life and mankind
The Time Machine and the Man Who Could Work Miracles (Volume 40)
Island of Dr Moreau
Aepyornis Island
The work
The outline of history
The shape of things to come
The human mind and the behaviour of man
The History of Mr. Polly & The War in the Air; Red Cover
The food of the gods ; The sea lady
Food of the Gods (Activity Book)
La guerra de los mundos : guión radiofónico
Sekai bunka shi gaikan
Joan and Peter, The Story of an Education - Part 2
A short history of the world (The Windmill library)
Reproduction, heredity and the development of sex
Apropos of Dolores
Amazing Stories - Vol. 1 No. 2
The Other Side of the Clock
Empire of the Ants
Joan and Peter; The Country of the Blind:
The time machine and The island of Doctor Moreau
Science Fiction Classics
The wife of Sir Isaac Harman and the dream
A reasonable man's peace
Cztery nowele grozy
Love And Mr. Lewisham
Settlement of the trouble between Mr. Thring and Mr. Wells
The P.R. Parliament
Guide to the new world;
the outline of history vol. 1
World brain
The Marvellous and the Strange
Kipps (The Novel Library)
Compass Classic Readers
The Time Machine & The Chronic Argonauts
Two film stories
... Reproduction, genetics and the development of sex
Theatre Royale (Golden Days of Radio)
Mr. Skelmersdale in Fairyland Illustrated
The war in the air. In the days of the comet. The food of the gods
The Invisible Man
The History of Mr. Polly
Joan and Peter the Story of an Education
Travels of a republican radical in search of hot water
The time machine ; The wonderful visit and other stories
Time Machine (Junior Classics For Young Readers)
War of the Worlds
War of the Worlds
Pages choisies
Mr. Britling Sees It Through
Tales Of Life And Adventure
The war of the worlds
Mankind in the Making
Guerra de los Mundos
The War That Will End War
Mundos imaginarios - Estuche
Joan and Peter ; The country of the blind
Island of Doctor Moreau
New Worlds for Old
Short stories
Love and Mr. Lewisham
Little Wars
Kinder der Sterne
Hg Wells (36 Copy) Stockpack
Piccole guerre
Invisible Man
The soul of a bishop
The Island Of Dr. Moreau / The Island Of Dr. Moreau / God The Invisible King
When the Sleeper Wakes
The Invisible Man
Short Stories of H G Wells 1984
Joan and Peter
Tales of Space and Time
The end of the armament rings
The Island of Dr. Moreau and Other Stories Lt
Strange Fiction
Mr Britling sees it Through and In the Days of the Comet
My Big Wonder Book Annual 1970
Mashina vremeni
Three novels
Cihan tarihinin umumi-yi hattları
H G Wells Treasury of World Masterpieces
Conspiración Abierta. Plan para una Revolución Mundial
Fantasticheskie proizvedeniya
A cure for love
Imperialism and the open conspiracy
Avkashni yatra
Invisible Man/ Short Stories by Edgar All
Stories of men and women in love
The wife of Sir Isaac Harman ; Socialism and the family
A story of the days to come
Die Zeitmaschine
Amazing Stories Volume 01 Number 01
Food of the Gods (Classics Illustrated)
Guerre des Mondes
Secret Places of the Heart
Man Who Could Work Miracles
Der Unsichtbare
La Guerra de los Mundos
The inexperienced ghost and nine other stories
Other Stories by Hg Wells Lt
The H. G. Wells Collection
Kakumei sōan
Time Machine
Passionate Friends
Die ersten Menschen auf dem Mond
Speculative Science Fiction Classics (16 Books)
H. G. Wells correspondence
the new machiavelli and the food of the gods
Mundos imaginarios - Estuche
Time Chronicles
Twelve Stories and a Dream
Joan and Peter / by H.G. Wells
The Island of Dr. Moreau
30 Strange Stories
Hombre Invisible
Complete Short Stories of H G Well
Outline of History; Volume 2
A quartette of comedies
The War of the Worlds, The Invisible Man, The Time Machine
Krieg der Welten
The War of the Worlds (Arcturus Classics)
First Men in the Moon
Dos Novelas para Entender el Mundo Actual : el Nuevo Orden Mundial Y 1984
Intrigo, Mistero, e Qualche Goccia Di Paura
The treasure in the forest
History of Mr. Polly
Mashina vremeni ; Ostrov doktora Moro ; Chelovek-nevidimka ; VoÄ­na mirov
50 Classic Essays
Tales of wonder
The War of the Worlds, Classics Illustrated 50th Anniversary HC
Outline of History
Die Insel Des Dr Moreau Der Krieg Der W
Science fiction by the rivals of H.G. Wells
Seven Science Fiction Novels by H. G. Wells
Stolen Bacillus and Other Incidents
The Time Machine & Other Stories
European History 1914-1976 Worked Examples
The war of the worlds and other science fiction classics
Island of Doctor Moreau
New Accelerator
The soul of a bishop and three short stories
Nouvelles Fantastiques de H. G. Wells
War of the Worlds
Utro bogov
The Invisible Man by H. G. Wells, Fiction, Classics, Science Fiction
First Men in the Moon
Door in the Wall
Ann Veronica
El hombre invisible
Bullet Points
First Men in the Moon
Select Conversations with an Uncle
La guerra dels mons
Island of Doctor Moreau
Mr. Britling Sees It Through
Short History of the World
Complete short stories
La máquina del tiempo ; El hombre invisible ; La guerra de los mundos ; Los primeros hombres en la luna ; Cuentos
The time machine
Wells' social anticipations
The Collected Strange & Science Fiction of H. G. Wells
The Time Machine and The Invisible Man
Dainijisseiki yosōron
Time Machine:(illustrated Edition)
War of the Worlds Annotated
War of the Worlds Annotated
The War of the Worlds / The Time Machine
Guerra de Los Mundos
Discovery of the Future
Star Begotten
Mankind in the Making
Sea Lady
Twelve Stories and a Dream
Star Begotten
Mankind in the Making
Modern Utopia
Door in the Wall
H. G. Wells The War of the Worlds
The Outline of History Volume I
The wheels of chance;
Little Wars
Invisible Man
The Wife of Sir Isaac Harman
Door in the Wall
World Classics Library : H. G. Wells
Invisible Man
Tales of Space and Time (Illustrated)
Time Machine Illustrated (Classic Edition)
Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth Annotated
First Men in the Moon
Modern Utopia Illustrated
Invisible Man Illustrated
In the Days of the Comet Illustrated
Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth
Diamond Maker Herbert George Wells
Wheels of Chance
Mr. Brisher's Treasure
Wonderful Visit
War in the Air
Twelve Stories and a Dream
Certain Personal Matters
Stolen Bacillus and Other Incidents
Research Magnificent
Homme Invisible
Modern Utopia
Ann Veronica (Illustrated)
Time Machine (Illustrated)
Invisible Man (Illustrated)
Sea Lady
Island of Dr. Moreau Illustrated
Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth Illustrated
Island of Dr. Moreau Illustrated
Invisible Man Annotated
Whells of Chance
Ann Veronica
Ann Veronica
H. G. Wells - the Stolen Bacilus and Other Incidents
God the Invisible King
Dream of Armageddon
Short History of the World
Guerre des Mondes
The way the world is going, guesses & forecasts of the years ahead;
Star Begotten Illustrated
Sleeper Awakes by H. G. WELL Illustrated (Penguin Classics)
The Time Machine; an Invention
Sleeper Awakes
L'Île du Docteur Moreau (1896)
When the Sleeper Wakes
Island of Doctor Moreau
Invisible Man
Twelve Stories and a Dream
World Set Free
War of the Worlds by H. G. Wells
Tono-Bungay. Modern Library #197
KIPPS ( Collins Pocket Classics #284) )
In the Days of the Comet
Homme Invisible
What Is Coming? a Forecast of Things after the War
Deal in Ostriches
Invisible Man
Chronic Argonauts Illustrated
Chronic Argonauts Illustrated
Sleeper Awakes (illustrated Edition)
History of Mr Polly
War of the Worlds
Invisible Man
In the Days of the Comet
When the Sleeper Wakes
Wheels of Chance
Plattner Story and Others
Machine à Explorer le Temps
Door in the Wall
Island of Dr. Moreau Anntated
Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth
Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth
War of the Worlds/Time Machine
Hombre Invisible. la Máquina Del Tiempo
Love and Mr. Lewisham
Modern Utopia
Wild Boy
Story of the Inexperienced Ghost Illustrated
Story of the Inexperienced Ghost (Illustrated)
Time Machine by H. G. Wells
War of the Worlds
Sea Raiders
Secret Places of the Heart
Country of the Blind
Undying Fire
Modern Utopia
Machine à Explorer le Temps
Premiers Hommes Dans la Lune
First and Last Things A confession of faith and rule of Life
Time Machine
First Men in the Moon
The Time Machine, Unabridged (New York Post Family Classics Library, 9)
The War of the Worlds, The Invisible Man, & The Time Machine
Open Conspiracy
Short History of the World
Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth Annotated
Sleeper Awakes Illustrated
Sleeper Awakes Illustrated
Wheels of Chance
Story of the Inexperienced Ghost Illustrated
Short History of the World
L'Île du Docteur Moreau Illustree
Joan and Peter
Tales of Space and Time
Tales of Space and Time
Plattner Story and Others
Red Room
Mr. Britling Sees It Through
Passionate Friends
Guerra de Los Mundos
Ann Veronica
Invisible Man (Search Trilogy)
Food of the Gods
Passionate Friends
Remarkable Case of Davidson's Eyes
Purple Pileus Annotated
Dream of Armageddon (Illustrated)
Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth Annotated
Remarkable Case of Davidson's Eyes Illustrated
Door in the Wall
Twelve Stories and a Dream
Plattner Story
Dream of Armageddon
Invisible Man
Island of Dr. Moreau
In the Days of the Comet
Red Room Illuastrated
Introduction to Nocturne
The Sea Lady
War of the Worlds (Illustrated)
Lokangalude yudham
Sleeper Awakes (Illustrated)
Modern Utopia
Sleeper Awakes Illustrated
First Men in the Moon Illustrated
Island of Dr. Moreau Annotated
First Men in the Moon
Island of Dr. Moreau
Wheels of Chance
Miss Winchelsea's Heart
Tales of Space and Time
World Set Free
New Teaching of History
Certain Personal Matters
Soul of a Bishop
War in the Air
Ann Veronica
Soul of a Bishop
Door in the Wall and Other Stories
Tales of Space and Time Illustrated
First Men in the Moon Illustrated
First Men in the Moon
Country of the Blind, and Other Stories
War of the Worlds
Wonderful Visit
Stolen Bacillus
Door in the Wall
Stolen Bacillus and Other Incidents
Island of Doctor Moreau
Ann Veronica
First Men in the Moon
Time Machine by H. G. Wells
The Invisible Man.
The Island of Doctor Moreau
Wheels of Chance (unabridged)
Level 2
Cone Illustrated
Modern Utopia Annotated
In the Days of the Comet Illustrated
World Set Free
When the Sleeper Wakes
In the Days of the Comet
God the Invisible King
Tales of Space and Time
Dream of Armageddon
Mankind in the Making
Guerre des Mondes
War of the Worlds
The Science of Life
War in the Air
Ann Veronica
Mr. Britling Sees It Through
Stolen Bacillus
Tales of Space and Time Illustrated
First Men in the Moon Illustrated
World Set Free
Ann Veronica
Time Machine
Ann Veronica : A Modern Love Story
Guerra Dos Mundos
Half a Sixpence (Kipps)
In the Days of the Comet Annotated
First Men in the Moon
Chronic Argonauts (Illustrated)
Modern Utopia Annotated
Dream of Armageddon Illustrated
Guerre Dans les Airs (French Edition)
War of the Worlds Annotated
First Men in the Moon Illustrated
Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth
Sleeper Awakes
Machine à Remonter Dans le Temps
Door in the Wall, and Other Stories
Time Machine, by H. G. Wells
Passionate Friends
Tales of Space and Time
Country of the Blind
Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth
Time Machine
Ann Veronic
Boon : Square Sized Edition
Tales of Space and Time
Wife of Sir Isaac Harman Annotated
Modern Utopia Annotated
First Men in the Moon Illustrated
In the Days of the Comet (Illustrated)
Man Who Could Work Miracles Illustrated
Sleeper Awakes Illustrated
Short History of the World
Twelve Stories and a Dream
Croquet Player
Wife of Sir Isaac Harman
Twelve Stories and a Dream
World Set Free
Love and Mr. Lewisham
Twelve Stories and a Dream
Stolen Bacillus
Plattner Story and Others
Mankind in the Making
War and the Future
Man Who Could Work Miracles
Socialism and the Great State, Essays in Construction
Time Machine
Time Machine by H. G. Wells
The Outline of History; Being a plain history of life and mankind.
Little Harold
Island of Doctor Moreau
Tales of Space and Time Illustrated
Red Room
War in the Air
Sea Lady
Star Begotten
Love and Mr. Lewisham
Ann Veronica
Mankind in the Making
Stolen Bacillus
Adventure Stories for Girls
Discovery of the Future
Gorunmez Adam
War of the Worlds Complete Illustrated and Unabridged Edition
Ann Veronica by
Star Illustrated
Wheels of Chance Annotated
Time Machine Illustrated
War in the Air
Wheels of Chance
Flowering of the Strange Orchid - Large Print
Undying (The) Fire
War That Will End War
Speculative Science Fiction Classics
Island of Dr. Moreau Illustrated
Ann Veronica (Illustrated)
Modern Utopia Illustrated
Purple Pileus Illustrated
Love and Mr Lewisham Annotated
Time Machine by H. G. Wells
Dream of Armageddon
Mankind in the Making
Invisible Man
War of the Worlds
First Men in the Moon
Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth
Secret Places of the Heart
Efendi Uyaniyor
Modern Utopia Annotated
Love and Mr Lewisham Annotated
Kipps Annotated
Time Machine Annotated
Wheels of Chance Annotated
Time Machine -Illustrated
First and Last Things
Time Machine
Salvaging of Civilization
In the Days of the Comet
Passionate Friends
Autocracy of Mr. Parham
Time Machine
Tales of Space and Time
Wheels of Chance
Shape of Things to Come
Red Room Illuastrated
Ann Veronica
The Time Machine + The First Men in the Moon. Heron Collected Works of Wells
Time Machine
Hombre Invisible
A Short History of the World
Miss Winchelsea's Heart
Görünmeyen Adam
Red Room (Illustrated)
Story of the Inexperienced Ghost Annotated
Star Annotated
Wheels of Chance Annotated
Time Machine:(Annotated Edition)
The Invisible Man and The War of the Worlds
Country of the Blind, and Other Stories
Visita Meravigliosa
Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth
Sea Lady
Island of Dr. Moreau
Passionate Friends
Stolen Body
Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth
Hombre Invisible
First Men in the Moon
Passionate Friends
Máquina Del Tiempo
Guerra de Los Mundos
Island of Doctor Moreau
The Outline of History,  2 vol
Story of the Late Mr. Elvesham
Stolen Body
War of the Worlds (Unabridged)
In the Days of the Comet (Illustrated)
Island of Doctor Moreau
Love and Mr Lewisham (Annotated Edition)
Dodici Storie e un Sogno
Slip under the Microscope Illustrated
When the Sleeper Wakes
History of MR Polly
Sea Lady
When the Sleeper Wakes
World Set Free
Ann Veronica, a Modern Love Story
Shape of Things to Come
War of the Worlds - Large Print
Mr Britling Sees It Through
Kipps, and, The Research Magnificent
The shape of things to come
Time Machine by H. G. Wells
The Open Conspiracy
La historia de Plattner
Best of Wells : The War of the Worlds
Croquet Player
The Croquet Player
Three More Novels of the Future
Russia in the Shadows
Love and Mr Lewisham Annotated
Sleeper Awakes Annotated
Ann Veronica
Door in the Wall, and Other Stories
War in the Air
When the Sleeper Wakes
Wheels of Chance
Plattner Story and Others
First and Last Things
Tales of Space and Time
Mankind in the Making
Short History of the World
Door in the Wall
Island of Doctor Moreau
Modern Utopia (annotated)
Tales of Space and Time
Invisible Man
Island of Dr. Moreau
Wonderful Visit
The Outline of History vol. I
The Soul of a Bishop
Zwölf Geschichten und ein Traum
La guerra de los mundos nº 01/03
Works of H. G. Wells (Includes biography about the life and times of H. G. Wells)
Time Machine
Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth Illustrated
Purple Pileus Illustrated
Guerre des Mondes (1898)
Story of the Inexperienced Ghost
Wonderful Visit
History of MR Polly
When the Sleeper Wakes
Mankind in the Making
Research Magnificent
Invisible Man
anima Di un Vescovo
Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth
War in the Air
Best of Wells
Fate of Man
Time Machine
Twelve Stories and a Dream
H. G. Wells
Discovery of the Future
Research Magnificent
H.G. Wells - The Wonderful Visit
War That Will End War
Island of Dr. Moreau
Ann Veronica - Large Print
A Year of Prophesying
La Porta del Mur
Short History of the World
Plattner Story, and Others
Triumphs of a Taxidermist
Story of the Stone Age
Slip under the Microscope
War of the Worlds - Unabridged
Love and Mr. Lewisham Illustrated
Red Room Illuastrated
Discovery of the Future
Time Machine (Adapted for Contemporary Readers)
Sleeper Awakes
War of the Worlds
Love and Mr. Lewisham
Red Room Illuastrated
Tales of Space and Time
War in the Air
Sleeper Awakes Annotated
Tales of Space and Time Annotated
History of Mr. Polly
In the Days of the Comet Illustrated
War of the Worlds
Wheels of Chance Annotated
Modern Utopia
In the Days of the Comet
Tono Bungay
Croquet Player
L'Île du Docteur Moreau
L'île du Dr Moreau
Dream a Novel
War of the Worlds
Stories of H. G. Wells (Includes biography about the life and times of H. G. Wells)
Island of Doctor Moreau (Warbler Classics)
Little Wars
Cone (Illustrated)
Short History of the World
War of the Worlds
Empire of the Ants Annotated
History of Mr Polly Illustrated
In the Days of the Comet Annotated
Man Who Could Work Miracles Annotated
Ann Veronica Illustrated
The Island Of Dr. Moreau
Little Wars
New Machiavelli Herbert George Wells
War of the Worlds
War of the Worlds
Wheels of Chance
Filmer - Large Print
Star Begotten
Mr. Blettsworthy on Rampole Island / by H.G. Wells
In the Days of the Comet
History of Mr. Polly
War in the Air Illustrated and Unabridged
Remarkable Case of Davidson's Eyes (Illustrated)
First Men in the Moon Complete Illustrated and Unabridged Edition
Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth Illustrated
Sleeper Awakes
H. G. Wells Fiction Collection
Croquet Player
Salvaging of Civilization
Short History of the World
Door in the Wall and Other Stories
Country of the Blind : Mandarin Companion Graded Readers
Select Conversations with an Uncle (Now Extinct) and Two Other Reminiscences
Thirty Strange Stories
Stolen Bacillus
The Passionate Friends, and Three Essays, Limited 1926 Edition (The Works of H. G. Wells, Atlantic Edition, Volume XVIII (18))
Island of Doctor Moreau
Short Stories - Volume One
Classic H. G. Wells Collection
Wonderful Visit Annotated
Outline of History
Ann Veronica
Mankind in the Making
Island of Doctor Moreau
Burlesque Equipée du Cycliste (1906)
In the Days of the Comet
Invisible Man
Passionate Friends
Country of the Blind and Other Stories
Secret Places of the Heart
Red Room Illuastrated
Country of the Blind, and Other Stories
Die Neue Weltordnung
What Is Coming? : A Forecast of Things after the War
The Food of the God And How It Came To Earth.
Future in America
War of the Worlds Annotated
First Men in the Moon
Chronic Argonauts Illustrated
Red Room Illuastrated
Tales of Space and Time
Island of Doctor Moreau
Twelve Stories and a Dream
War in the Air
Star Begotten
homme Invisible
Tales of Space and Time
War in the Air
History of Mr. Polly Annotated
Sleeper Awakes
Autocracy of Mr. Parham
Modern Utopia
War in the Air
In the Days of the Comet
Tales of Space and Time
Modern Utopia
War in the Air
Research Magnificent
Soul of a Bishop
New Worlds for Old
First Men in the Moon
Shape of Things to Come
Door in the Wall
Wife of Sir Isaac Harman
Country of the Blind, and Other Stories
The War of the Worlds
Novelas Esenciales de H.G. Wells
First and Last Things
Slip under the Microscope (Annotated)
Invisible Man Annotated and Unabridged
Time Machine by H. G. Wells
War of the Worlds Annotated
Mankind in the Making
Door in the Wall, and Other Stories
Obliterated Man - Large Print
The Invisible Man (Grat Illustrated Classics)
La guerra de los mundos
Short History of the World
Time Machine and the Island of Doctor Moreau- Unabridged
Country of the Blind and Other Stories
La máquina del tiempo
Holy Terror
Country of the Blind Illustrated
Modern Utopia
First Men in the Moon
Modern Utopia
Mankind in the Making
First Men in the Moon
Island of Dr. Moreau
War of the Worlds Illustrator
Wife of Sir Isaac Harman
Research Magnificent
The Invisible Man
Uma Utopía Moderna
The Invisible Man & The Secret Places of the Heart & God the Invisible King
Man Who Could Work Miracles Illustrated
Autocracy of Mr. Parham
War of the Worlds Illustrated
Ann Veronica (illustrated Edition)
Tales of Space and Time
Little Wars (illustrations)
Mr. Ledbetter's Vacation
Mankind in the Making
Invisible Man
Country of the Blind and Other Stories
Red Room
World Set Free
What Is Coming?
Island of Doctor Moreau
History of Mr. Polly
Passionate Friends
Guerre des Mondes
Mr. Britling Sees It Through
War and the Future
Star Begotten : A Biological Fantasia
The Door in the Wall
Little Wars; a Game for Boys from Twelve Years of Age to One Hundred and Fifty and for That More Intelligent Sort of Girl Who Likes Boys' Games and Books
Dodici Storie e un Sogno
A Maquina do Tempo
Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth (Illustrated)
La màquina del temps
Love and Mr Lewisham Annotated
War of the Worlds - Unabridged
In the Days of the Comet
Plattner Story and Others
The Time Machine; and, The Man Who Could Work Miracles`
The History of Mr. Polly
Story of the Days to Come
Mr Britling Sees It Through
The Invisible Man
Wheels of Chance Annotated
War of the Worlds Annotated
Red Room Illustrated
Mr. Britling Sees It Through
Twelve Stories and a Dream
Invisible Man : A Grotesque Romance
Love and Mr. Lewisham
God the Invisible King
Stolen Bacillus and Other Incidents
Passionate Friends
Floor Games
The History of Mr Polly
The Outline of History
Joan and Peter
God, the Invisible King
In the Days of the Comet
Tüm Savaslari Bitirecek Savas
Sleeper Awakes Illustrated
Chronic Argonauts (Illustrated)
Ann Veronica Illustrated
First Men in the Moon Illustrated
War of the Worlds
Story of the Inexperienced Ghost
Door in the Wall
Empire of the Ants
I Migliori Racconti Di H. G. Wells
Country of the Blind, and Other Stories
The Outline of History Being a Plain History of Life and Mankind (Volumes 1, 2, 3, and 4, Fourth Edition)
THE OUTLINE OF HISTORY the Whole story of Man  Vol. 1
The Time Machine and Other Stories
Country of the Blind
Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth
Discovery of the Future
The First Men in the Moon
In the Days of the Comet
Cone Illustrated
Invisible Man
War That Will End War
Red Room
Time Machine
Secret Places of the Heart
Short History of the World
War of the Worlds
History of Mr Polly - Large Print
La Porta del Mur
Invisible Man
Door in the Wall
Sleeper Awakes Illustrated
Short History of the World
Wheels of Chance
Empire of the Ants Annotated
Time Machine Annotated
Island of Doctor Moreau Illustrated
Love and Mr Lewisham Annotated
Invisible Man
Tales of Space and Time
Sea Lady
Book of Ashoka
Stolen Bacillus and Other Incidents
Crystal Egg
Research Magnificent
Short History of the World
Experiment in autobiography
The Salvaging of Civilisation
Hammerpond Park Burglary
Love and Mr Lewisham Annotated
Dream of Armageddon Illustrated
First and Last Things : A Confession of Faith and Rule of Life
Island of Doctor Moreau
Twelve Stories and a Dream
Time Machine
Croquet Player
Time Machine
Modern Utopia
Tales of the Unexpected
Love and Mr. Lewisham ; Marriage
Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth
Outline of History, The
Aepyornis Island
Twelve Stories and a Dream
Invisible Man Illustrated
Cone Illustrated
In the Days of the Comet Illustrated
Invisible Man Illustrated
Modern Utopia Annotated
Short History of the World
Mr. Britling Sees It Through
Modern Utopia
Plattner Story
Ann Veronica
Valley of Spiders
History of Mr Polly
Red Room Illuastrated
Salvaging of Civilization
First Men in the Moon
The history of Mr. Polly,
Meanwhile The Picture Of A Lady
Love and Mr Lewisham
Country of the Blind Illustrated
Man Who Could Work Miracles (Short Stories by
Passionate Friends
Wheels of Chance Annotated
War of the Worlds Annotated
Magic Shop
Slip under the Microscope
Wheels of Chance
Invisible Man
Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth
Tales of Space and Time - Large Print
Research Magnificent
Gudernes F�de
The Island of Doctor Moreau
Homme Invisible Illustree
Ann Veronica Annotated
Red Room Illuastrated
Discovery of the Future
Plattner Story
Wheels of Chance
Secret Places of the Heart
Mankind in the Making
Country of the Blind
Invisible Man
Guerre Dans les Airs (French Edition)
Die Zeitmaschine
History of Mr. Polly
War of the Worlds
Krieg der Welten
Secret Places of the Heart
Ann Veronica Illustrated
Invisible Man Annotated
Invisible Man
Little Wars
Tales of Space and Time
Sea Lady
War of the Worlds
Wheels of Chance Iluustrated
Shape of Things to Come
The Outline of History, Vol. I (Volume 1)
La Porta del Mur
First Men in the Moon
History of Mr. Polly
Chronic Argonauts (Illustrated)
Autocracy of Mr. Parham
Mr. Britling Sees It Through
Stolen Bacillus and Other Incidents
Door in the Wall
Chronic Argonauts
Shape of Things to Come
Island of Dr. Moreau
Dream of Armageddon
Bealby; a Holiday
Red Room Illuastrated
Modern Utopia
Geçmiş Günlerin Hikayesi
Dr. Moreau'nun Adası
Sleeper Awakes Illustrated
In the Days of the Comet Illustrated
Future in America
Autocracy of Mr. Parham
War in the Air
Croquet Player
Modern Utopia
Twelve Stories and a Dream
Ann Veronica
Plattner Story
Island of Dr. Moreau
The Time Machine + The Man Who Could Work Miracles
The Autocracy of Mr. Parham
Meanwhile Picture of a Lady & The King Who Was a King
Research Magnificent
Love and Mr Lewisham Annotated
Remarkable Case of Davidson's Eyes (Illustrated)
Time Machine
Wheels of Chance Illustrated
Invisible Man
In the Days of the Comet : (Annotated)
Tono Bungay
Ann Veronica
First Men in the Moon
Twelve Stories and a Dream
Red Room Illuastrated
First Men in the Moon
La guerra de los mundos  /  The War of the Worlds (Spanish Edition)
In the Days of the Comet Annotated (Complete and Unabridged)
War in the Air
Sleeper Awakes
War in the Air
Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth
Time Machine : Large Student Annotation Edition
War in the Air
Shape of Things to Come
Miss Winchelsea's Heart
First Men in the Moon
Mr. Britling Sees It Through
War in the Air
Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth
History of Mr. Polly H. G. Wells
The Outline of History
Machine à Explorer le Temps
Máquina Do Tempo
Love and Mr Lewisham
War of the Worlds
War That Will End War
Ann Veronica
Wheels of Chance
Invisible Man
Men Like Gods
Diamond Maker
When the Sleeper Wakes
When the Sleeper Wakes
Island of Dr. Moreau
God the Invisible King
Secret Places of the Heart
Time Machine : (Finest Illustration)
Country of the Blind
Holy Terror
Klodernes Kamp
Star (Illustrated)
The War of the Worlds
Boon Illustrated
Guerra de Los Mundos
Vintage Graphic Novel - H. G. Wells' the Time Machine
Twelve Stories and a Dream
Fuego Inagotable
Country of the Blind
In the Days of the Comet
Door in the Wall
Diamond Maker - Publishing People Series
The History of Mr. Polly
War of the Worlds
O Homem Invisível
H. G. Wells Collection
Slip under the Microscope Annotated
Star Illustrated
Tales of Space and Time Annotated
Time Machine -Illustrated
Wonderful Visit Annotated
Invisible Man Annotated
Modern Utopia Annotated
War of the Worlds (AmazonClassics Edition)
Krieg der Welten
Dream of Armageddon
Love and Mr. Lewisham
Sleeper Awakes
Wheels of Chance a Bicycling Idyll
The Time Machine
First Men in the Moon Illustrated
Remarkable Case of Davidsons Eyes Illustrated
Invisible Man (Illustrated)
First Men in the Moon Annotated (New Illustrations)
In the Days of the Comet
Sleeper Awakes
Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth
Wheels of Chance : A Bicycling Idyll
Autocracy of Mr. Parham
The time machine
The Invisible Man
Mr. Britling Sees It Through And In the Days of the Comet
Genus Novo
Guerra de Los Mundos
Man Who Could Work Miracles (Illustrated)
Invisible Man Illustrated
Kipps(Annotated Edition)
War of the Worlds Illustrated and Annotated
Kipps Annotated
Invisible Man
Island of Dr. Moreau Illustrated Edition
Country of the Blind, and Other Stories
Mankind in the Making
Passionate Friends
Isla Del Doctor Moreau
Red Room Illuastrated
Modern Utopia
The Door in the Wall and Other Stories
Invisible Man
Story of the Inexperienced Ghost Illustrated
Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth Annotated
In the Fourth Year
War of the Worlds
Mankind in the Making
Flowering of the Strange Orchid
Door in the Wall
Holy Terror
Guerra de Los Mundos
Star Begotten
H. G. Wells - the History of Mr. Polly
Stolen Bacillus
The War of the Worlds
Thirty Strange Stories
In the Days of the Comet
History of Mr. Polly
Little Wars
Novelle Straordinarie
War in the Air
Short Fiction
New Machiavelli
History of Mr. Polly
War of the Worlds
Sea Lady
War in the Air
Island of Dr. Moreau
War in the Air
War That Will End War
The Outline of History, Vol. 2
The Sleeper Awakes
Valley of Spiders
War of the Worlds
War of the Worlds
War of the Worlds Novel by H. G. Wells :(Annotated Edition)
Modern Utopia(illustrated Edition)
First Men in the Moon Illustrated
Mr. Britling Sees It Through
Slip under the Microscope
Modern Utopia
Isla Del Doctor Moreau
Guerra de Los Mundos
Text Book of Biology : Part 1
Joan and Peter & The Country of the Blind
Flowering of the Strange Orchid
Non-Fiction of H. G. Wells (Includes biography about the life and times of H. G. Wells)
Wife of Sir Isaac Harman Annotated
Red Room Illustrated
Love and Mr. Lewisham Illustrated
War in the Air Illustrated
In the Days of the Comet Illustrated
War That Will End War
War in the Air
Passionate Friends
Modern Utopia
Twelve Stories and a Dream
Croquet Player
Invisible Man a Grotesque Romance by H. G. Wells
The Outline of History : The Fourth Edition
Joan and Peter
Kipps Annotated
Selected Works of H. G. Wells
Sleeper Awakes Annotated
Invisible Man Illustrated
Island of Doctor Moreau:(Annotated Edition)
Ann Veronica Illustrated
Stolen Bacillus
Country of the Blind
Man Who Could Work Miracles
Select Conversations with an Uncle
Ann Veronica
The Wife of Sir Isaac Harman & The Dream
Time Machine
God the Invisible King
World Set Free (Includes biography about the life and times of H. G. Wells)
Dünyalar Savasi
El hombre invisible
Dream of Armageddon Annotated
Island of Dr. Moreau
Wheels of Chance Annotated
Man Who Could Work Miracles Illustrated
Slip under the Microscope Illustrated
Invisible Man
Modern Utopia
War in the Air
Sea Raiders
War of the Worlds
Story of the Inexperienced Ghost
New Worlds for Old
Modern Utopia
First Men in the Moon
L'Île du Docteur Moreau
Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth
Wheels of Chance Illustrated
Invisible Man Illustrated
Love and Mr Lewisham Annotated
Island of Dr. Moreau
Door in the Wall and Other Stories
Passionate Friends
Ann Veronica
God the Invisible King
Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth
First Men in the Moon
Short History of the World
Island of Doctor Moreau
The science of life
Man Who Could Work Miracles
Machine à Explorer le Temps
Boon, the Mind of the Race
Wonderful Visit Annotated
Country of the Blind
War of the Worlds Illustrated
Invisible Man Annotated
Star Begotten (illustrated Edition)
First Men in the Moon Annotated
Slip under the Microscope Illustrated
Wheels of Chance Annotated
Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth
World Set Free
Modern Utopia
Shape of Things to Come
A short history of the world (Collins New classics series;no.684)
Magic Shop
Red Room Illustrated
Hombre Invisible / the Invisible Man
Invisible Man
Invisible Man Annotated
Sleeper Awakes :(illustrated Edition)
Invisible Man H. G. Wells (Fiction, Horror, Novel) [Annotated]
Crystal Egg
Soul of a Bishop Herbert George Wells
Mr. Ledbetter's Vacation
Red Room Illuastrated
Stolen Bacillus : And Other Incidents
Wife of Sir Isaac Harman
War in the Air 1914-45
Wife of Sir Issac Harman
La guerra de los mundos nº 01/03
Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth
Man Who Could Work Miracles Illustrated
War of the Worlds Annotated
Island of Doctor Moreau
Love and Mr. Lewisham
Island of Dr. Moreau
Sleeper Awakes
Passionate Friends
Island of Doctor Moreau
Mr. Britling Sees It Through
Guide to the new world;
The History of Mr.Polly (New School Classics)
Time Machine: (Finest Illustration)
Time Machine and the War of the Worlds
Cone (Illustrated)
Isla Del Doctor Moreau
La guerra de los mundos
Love and Mr Lewisham
Island of Doctor Moreau Illustrated
Sleeper Awakes Illustrated
Machine a Expl Temps
Country of the Blind
Invisible Man
Wheels of Chance
Beautiful Suit Herbert George Wells
Modern Utopia
Tales of Space and Time
God the Invisible King
Island of Dr. Moreau
Stolen Bacillus and Other Incidents
Storia Del Fu Signor Elvesham
Time Machine
Outline of History
In the Fourth Year
War and the Future
Guerra de Los Mundos
Invisible Man a Grotesque Romance
Wheels of Chance
Time Machine Illustrated
In the Days of the Comet Annotated
In the Days of the Comet Illustrated
Invisible Man Illustrated
Tales of Space and Time
Jimmy Goggles the God
Autocracy of Mr. Parham
Mr. Ledbetter's Vacation
In the Days of the Comet
Time Machine
Short History of the World
New Worlds for Old
Land der Blinden
Die Ersten Männer Auf Dem Mond
The croquet player
Russia In The Shadows
Kipps, a Novel by H. G. Wells
Modern Utopia Illustrated
Red Room Illuastrated
In the Days of the Comet
Guerre des Mondes
Love and Mr Lewisham Annotated
Tales of Space and Time
Invisible Man
Under the Knife
Country of the Blind
Tales of Space and Time Illustrator
War in the Air
Stolen Bacillus and Other Incidents
Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth
Guerra de Los Mundos
Twelve Stories and a Dream
Research Magnificent
Seven science fiction novels
You can't be too careful
The Bulpington of Blup
Wonderful Visit
La macchina del tempo
The Land Ironclads, and The Reign of Uya the Lion
Slip under the Microscope (Illustrated)
Man Who Could Work Miracles (Illustrated)
In the Days of the Comet Illustrated
Cone Illustrated
Wife of Sir Isaac Harman Annotated
I Migliori Racconti Di H. G. Wells
Island of Dr. Moreau
Crystal Egg
In the Days of the Comet
Door in the Wall and Other Stories
Love and Mr. Lewisham
Discovery of the Future
Isla Del Doctor Moreau
Tales of Space and Time
Time Machine
Time Machine
The War in the Air
The War of the Worlds
Italy, France and Britain at war
Star Begotten
30 Strange Stories
L'Île du Docteur Moreau
Europe de Demain
Wonderful Visit
Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth Annotated
Invisible Man (illustrated Edition)
Island of Dr. Moreau Annotated
Time Machine Annotated
Ann Veronica Illustrated
Modern Utopia Illustrated
War of the Worlds Annotated
Wheels of Chance by H. G. Wells
Penguin Readers Level 1
Little Wars
Sleeper Awakes
Man Who Could Work Miracles
Mankind in the Making
Filmer - Publishing People Series
H. G. Wells - the Secret Places of the Heart
Story of a Great Schoolmaster
Wonderful Visit
Modern Utopia
The Red Room
Love and Mr Lewisham Annotated (New Classics Edition) the Story of a Very Young Couple
History of Mr Polly Illustrated
In the Days of the Comet Illustrated
Island of Doctor Moreau
Man Who Could Work Miracles
Passionate Friends
Story of the Inexperienced Ghost
Door in the Wall
Time Machine
Sleeper Awakes
War That Will End War
The Work, Wealth and Happiness of Mankind (Volume II only)
Mankind in the Making
Door in the Wall and Other Stories
Red Room (Illustrated)
The Country of the Blind, and Other Stories
History of Mr Polly Annotated
"The Time Machine" by H.G. Wells - Junior Classics for Young Readers
In the Days of the Comet Annotated
Wheels of Chance Annotated
Time Machine - Unabridged
World Set Free
Æpyornis Island
Wheels of Chance
War and the Future
Plattner Story
Door in the Wall and Other Stories
Guerra de Los Mundos
Stolen Bacillus and Other Incidents
Time Machine
Future in America
God. the invisible king. by H.G. Wells.
Country of the Blind
Wheels of Chance Illustrated
Guerre des Mondes
Tales of Space and Time
Country of the Blind, and Other Stories
Door in the Wall
Machine à Explorer le Temps Illustree
Machine à Remonter le Temps
Ann Veronica
Research Magnificent
Under the Knife
Best of Wells
Körler Ülkesi
In the Days of the Comet Annotated
The first Men in the Moon
War of the Worlds Illustrated
Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth (Illustrated)
Wheels of Chance Annotated
Door in the Wall
Twelve Stories and a Dream
Soul of a Bishop
Ann Veronica
Salvaging of Civilization
Ann Veronica
Soul of a Bishop
Passionate Friends
Wife of Sir Isaac Harman
The Outline of History 2 Volumes (2 Volume Set)
Sleeper Awakes
Ann Veronica (Illustrated)
Island of Dr. Moreau
Time Machine: (Annotated World Classic)
War of the Worlds
Wheels of Chance Illustrated
Inexperienced Ghost Illustrated
Sleeper Awakes
Wonderful Visit
Sea Lady
Time Machine
Plattner Story and Others
Mankind in the Making
30 Strange Stories
Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth
Tono Bungay
Ann Veronica
Sleeper Awakes
Tales of Space and Time (Esprios Classics)
In the Days of the Comet Annotated
Homme Invisible Annote
War of the Worlds
Island of Dr. Moreau
Island of Dr. Moreau
Mankind in the Making
Autocracy of Mr. Parham
30 Strange Stories
L'Île du Docteur Moreau Illustree
Outline of History
Island of Doctor Moreau
War in the Air Complete Illustrated and Unabridged Edition
Island of Doctor Moreau:(Annotated Edition)
Kipps Annotated
Time Machine Annotated
Empire of the Ants
Time Machine, Level 4
Joan and Peter
War of the Worlds, Large Print Edition
Sea Lady
Modern Utopia
Love and Mr. Lewisham
Star Begotten
Red Room
Discovery of the Future
Research Magnificent
Ann Veronica
God the Invisible King
Ann Veronica
Sea Lady
Diamond Maker
Maquina Del Tiempo
Kipps; the story of a simple soul
A illa do doutor Moreau
Guerra de Los Mundos
Porta Na Parede
Love and Mr. Lewisham
Red Room (Illustrated)
Modern Utopia (Illustrated)
Modern Utopia Illustrated
Cone (Illustrated)
Rights of Man
Country of the Blind
Love and Mr. Lewisham
Ann Veronica
Passionate Friends
The Wonderful Visit (Classic Books on CD Collection [UNABRIDGED]
Ann Veronica
Time Machine
Wife of Sir Isaac Harman
H. G. Wells the Dover Reader
Ann Veronica
Ann Veronica Annotated
Wonderful Visit Annotated
Red Room Illustrated
Empire of the Ants Annotated
War of the Worlds Annotated
Wheels of Chance Annotated
Red Room Illuastrated
Magic Shop
Wheels of Chance
Door in the Wall
Stolen Bacillus
Tales of Space and Time
World Set Free
Autocracy of Mr. Parham
Ann Veronica
Passionate Friends
Stolen Bacillus
Guerra de Los Mundos
Time Machine by H. G. Wells
The Invisible Man (Webster's Ukrainian (Cyrillic Script) Thesaurus Edition)
History of Mr. Polly
War of the Worlds Annotated(illustrated Edition)
Modern Utopia Annotated
Ann Veronica Annotated
Man Who Could Work Miracles Illustrated
Red Room Illuastrated
Slip under the Microscope Illustrated
Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth
Love and Mr Lewisham
Machine à Explorer le Temps
In the Days of the Comet
Mr. Britling Sees It Through
Research Magnificent
Tales of Space and Time
Wheels of Chance
Time Machine (Modern Edition)
Modern Utopia
Red Room Illuastrated
Love and Mr. Lewisham
A year of prophesying,
Körler Ülkesi ve Diger Karanlik Öyküler
Time Machine (Illustrated)
Sleeper Awakes Annotated
Slip under the Microscope Illustrated
Island of Dr. Moreau
Mr. Britling Sees It Through
Guerra Nell'aria
Sleeper Awakes
Washington and the Riddle of Peace
War in the Air
Mr. Ledbetter's Vacation
Twelve Stories and a Dream
Future in America : A Search after Realities
Short Stories of H. G. Wells
Classic Science Fiction Stories
La maquina del tiempo
The Invisible Man
Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth (Includes biography about the life and times of H. G. Wells)
Time Machine (Illustrated)
Secret Places of the Heart
War of the Worlds
Slip under the Microscope Illustrated
Sleeper Awakes
History of Mr Polly Illustrated
Time Machine Annotated
First Men in the Moon Illustrated
Time Machine Illustrated
War in the Air Illustrated and Unabridged
Treasure in the Forest Illustrated
Marriage + Note Pages
Fascinating Short Stories
War of the Worlds
Men Like Gods
Stolen Bacillus and Other Incidents Herbert George Wells
Jimmy Goggles the God
Mankind in the Making
Wheels of Chance
Ann Veronica
Guerre des Mondes Illustree
H. G. Wells Collection
Island of Doctor Moreau
Invisible Man
Secret Places of the Heart (First US Edition)
Invisible Man
Modern Utopia Annotated
Remarkable Case of Davidsons Eyes Illustrated
Cone Illustrated
Island of Doctor Moreau
Tales of Space and Time
Sea Lady
Island of Doctor Moreau
Red Room Illuastrated
Mankind in the Making
Tono Bungay and A Modern Utopia
Selected Short Stories
Invisible Man (Illustrated)
War of the Worlds by H. G. Wells
Time Machine Annotated
Modern Utopia
Chronic Argonauts Illustrated
Invisible Man (illustrated Edition)
Empire of the Ants Annotated
First Men in the Moon (annotated)
Story of the Inexperienced Ghost Illustrated
Herbert George Wells, la Guerre des Mondes
Island of Dr. Moreau
Sleeper Awakes
Mr. Britling Sees It Through
Passionate Friends
Modern Utopia
Stolen Bacillus
First Men in the Moon
Joan and Peter
Bullet Points 1
Passionate Friends
Island of Doctor Moreau and the Invisible Man : Two H. G. Wells Classics!
Short History of the World
A Modern Utopia
Modern Utopia Annotated
Wheels of Chance Annotated
The War in the Air
First Men in the Moon
Modern Utopia
Mankind in the Making
Guerre Dans les Airs Illustree
Time Machine by H. G. Wells
The Outline of History (volume 1)
Sea Lady
Country of the Blind
Soul of a Bishop
First Men in the Moon / a Modern Utopia
Time Machine
Time Machine by H. G. Wells
Ann Veronica Illustrated
Sleeper Awakes
Miss Winchelsea's Heart (Annotated)
Tono-Bungay (Translated in Spanish)
Idea of a League of Nations
Island of Dr. Moreau
Man Who Could Work Miracles
Modern Utopia
Die Tür in der Wand
Guerra de Los Mundos
Twelve Stories and a Dream
Tales of Space and Time Illustrated
Sleeper Awakes Illustrated
In the Days of the Comet Illustrated
Story of the Inexperienced Ghost Illustrated
Shape of Things to Come
History of Mr. Polly
Invisible Man
Island of Doctor(illustarted)
Soul of a Bishop (Annotated)
Premiers Hommes Dans la Lune (1901)
Autocracy of Mr. Parham
Country of the Blind
Chronic Argonauts
What Is Coming?
The Outlook for Homo Sapiens
Experiment in Autobiography Being the Autobiography of H.G. Wells
Story of a Great Schoolmaster
War of the Worlds
Modern Utopia
The Outline of History (Vol 1)
In the Days of the Comet; Illustrated
Island of Doctor Moreau Illustrated
Time Machine
Wheels of Chance
War of the Worlds
homme Invisible
Croquet Player
Ann Veronica
Country of the Blind, and Other Stories
Autocracy of Mr. Parham
Doze Histórias e Um Sonho
God the Invisible King
War of the Worlds
The Outline of History (v. 4); Being a Plain History of Life and Mankind
Food of the Gods
Discovery of the Future
Walking Beyond Time
Sleeper Awakes Annotated
Invisible Man Annotated
War of the Worlds
Kipps (Annotated Edition)
Wheels of Chance
Modern Utopia
Autocracy of Mr. Parham
Wheels of Chance
Port of Planets H.G. Wells Collection
Russia in the Shadows
Insan Haklari
Ann Veronica Annotated
Short History of the World
Invisible Man Annotated
Guerre Dans les Airs (French Edition)illusrated
Love and Mr. Lewisham
Plattner Story
Englishman Looks at the World
Autocracy of Mr. Parham
Invisible Man : a Grotesque Romance
Shape of Things to Come
Modern Utopia
Time Machine
Hombre Invisible
New Accelerator
The Food of the Gods (Annotated)
War of the Worlds Annotated
Modern Utopia Illustrated
Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth
In the Days of the Comet
First and Last Things
Time Machine
Red Room - Publishing People Series
Englishman Looks at the World
The War of the Worlds by H. G. Wells
Washington and the Riddle of Peace
Sleeper Awakes
Invisible Man (Unabridged)
Тоно Бунгей; Tono Bungay (Russian Edition)
Wheels of Chance (Illustrated)
Remarkable Case of Davidson's Eyes Illustrated
War of the Worlds and Other Science Fiction Classics
Twelve Stories and a Dream
Invisible Man
Select Conversations with an Uncle
Door in the Wall
In the Days of the Comet
Research Magnificent
First Men in the Moon
Future in America
Mankind in the Making
Star Begotten
Croquet Player
The Secret Places of the Heart
The War of the Worlds (Penguin Classics) by H.G. Wells(2005-05-04)
Tales of Wonder
Sea Lady
The Complete Short Stories Of H. G. Wells
The History of Mr Polly
The Time Machine Stage 6 Books
Kisa Dünya Tarihi
Wife of Sir Isaac Harman
Homme Invisible
Slip under the Microscope (Illustrated)
The Time Machine / The Invisible Man
Love and Mr Lewisham Annotated
War of the Worlds : (Annotated)
Island of Doctor Moreau (illustrated)
Island of Dr. Moreau
Sea Lady (Annotated and Illustrated)
World Set Free
Mankind in the Making
History of Mr. Polly Herbert George Wells
Invisible Man
Passionate Friends
Star Begotten
The Famous Short Stories of H. G. Wells
First Men on the Moon
History of Mr. Polly
Mr. Belloc Objects to the Outline of History
Invisible Man Illustrated
Tales of Space and Time Annotated
Time Machine (Illustrated)
Time Machine Annotated
War of the Worlds Annotated
Modern Utopia Illustrated
Invisible Man
Mankind in the Making
Twelve Stories and a Dream
Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth
Mankind in the Making
Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth
The Croquet Player ***NOVEL***
Mr. Britling Sees It Through
Door in the Wall : And Other Stories
Sleeper Awakes
War in the Air
Invisible Man Illustrated
First Men in the Moon
Tales of Space and Time
Time Machine
Modern Utopia
First Men in the Moon
War of the Worlds
H. G. Wells - a Modern Utopia
Tono Bungay
The New and Revised Outline of History Volume 3
Story of the Inexperienced Ghost
Tales of Space and Time:(Annotated Edition)
In the Days of the Comet (Illustrated)
Star-Begotten Annotated
War in the Air
Stolen Bacillus
Tales of Space and Time
Wheels of Chance
First Men in the Moon
Time Machine
Little Wars; a Game for Boys from Twelve Years of Age to One Hundred and Fifty
Island of Doctor Moreau
Moloch : Three Early Dystopian Novels by H. G. Wells Jack London and Robert Hugh Benson H. G. Wells : the Sleeper Awakes Jack London : the Iron Heel Robert Hugh Benson
Los primeros hombres en la Luna
In the Days of the Comet Annotated
Sleeper Awakes Annotated
Invisible Man Illustrated
In the Days of the Comet
When the Sleeper Wakes
Invisible Man
Love and Mr. Lewisham
Men Like Gods
In the Days of the Comet
Mr. Ledbetter's Vacation
Story of a Great Schoolmaster
Door in the Wall and Other Stories
The passionate friends
Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth
Macchina Del Tempo
First Men in the Moon
War of the Worlds Annotated
Country of the Blind Illustrated
Love and Mr Lewisham
War of the Worlds (Illustrated)
War in the Air
Ann Veronica
Guerre des Mondes / the War of the Worlds : Edition Bilingue Illustr�e
Invisible Man (the Cee Collection)
Jimmy Goggles the God
L'île du Docteur Moreau
Text Book of Biology
War of the Worlds
War of the Worlds
Time Machine- an Invention
Island of Doctor Moreau
Studies of Medieval Warrington
Chronic Argonauts Annotated
Man Who Could Work Miracles Illustrated
Ann Veronica Illustrated
Island of Dr. Moreau: (Illustrated World Classic)
First Men in the Moon
Tales of Space and Time
History of Mr. Polly
Research Magnificent
Research Magnificent
Mr. Britling Sees It Through
War in the Air
Guerre des Mondes
The Island of Dr. Moreau
War and the Future Italy, France and Britain at War
Croquet Player
Wonderful Visit
Retroactive Time Machine
Ann Veronica Annotated
War of the Worlds Illustrated
Time Machine Illustrated
Invisible Man Annotated
H.G. Wells Collection
Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth
Sleeper Awakes
Wheels of Chance
History of Mr. Polly
Ilha Do Vorompatra
Plattner Story and Others
Wheels of Chance
Empire of the Ants
Croquet Player
Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth
Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth
Country of the Blind
The Invisible Man (Best Seller Classic Series)
A Short History of the World
Boon, the Mind of the Race, the Wild Asses of the Devil, and the Last Trump
World Brain
First & last things
Russia in the Shadows
History of Mr. Polly
Love and Mr. Lewisham
In the Days of the Comet
Love and Mr Lewisham Annotated
History of Mr Polly Illustrated
Island of Dr. Moreau
Time Machine Illustrated
War of the Worlds Annotated
Invisible Man Annotated
Tales of Space and Time Annotated
Undying Fire
Dream of Armageddon
Secret Places of the Heart
Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth
Stolen Bacillus and Other Incidents
First Men in the Moon
Wife of Sir Isaac Harman
War of the Worlds Illustared
Sleeper Awakes - Large Print
THE OUTLINE OF HISTORY. VOLUME II Being a Plain History of Life and Mankind
Guerra DOS Mundos
Unsichtbare Mann
Wonderful Visit
Invisible Man Illustrated
Research Magnificent
Sea Lady
Modern Utopia
Dream of Armageddon
Mr. Britling Sees It Through
War of the Worlds
Mankind in the Making
Island of Dr. Moreau
Ann Veronica
Time Machine
New Worlds for Old
The Outline of History
The First Men In The Moon
Homme Invisible
First Men in the Moon
A short history of the world (Thinker's library)
Country of the Blind
Dream of Armageddon Illustrated
Wonderful Visit Annotated
Star (Illustrated)
De Tijdmachine (the Time Machine) (nieuwe Vertaling)
Mankind in the Making
Dream of Armageddon
First Men in the Moon
Mankind in the Making
Time Machine
War and the Future
Star Begotten
Autocracy of Mr. Parham
Chronic Argonauts - Publishing People Series
Guerre Dans les Airs Illustree
Novels of H. G. Wells (Includes biography about the life and times of H. G. Wells)
A short history of the world
Island of Dr. Moreau Illustrated
Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth Annotated
Story of the Inexperienced Ghost (Illustrated)
Time Machine Annotated
The Soul of a bishop
God the Invisible King
Invisible Man
World of William Clissold, volume 2 (Books 4, 5, 6 & epilogue)
Homem Invisivel
Homme Invisible
Truth about Pyecraft
Invisible Man Illustrated
Modern Utopia Annotated Edition
Sleeper Awakes Illustrated
Time Machine Annotated
First Men in the Moon
Magic Shop
Door in the Wall and Other Stories
First Men in the Moon
Invisible Man
Dream of Armageddon
Ann Veronica
Secret Places of the Heart
First Men in the Moon
Man Who Could Work Miracles - Publishing People Series
Ann Veronica
Sleeper Awakes
The War of the Worlds
Red Room
Mr. Ledbetter's Vacation
Stolen Bacillus
Island of Dr. Moreau
Love and Mr. Lewisham
Stolen Bacillus and Other Incidents
Mr. Britling Sees It Through
World Set Free
Sleeper Awakes
Ann Veronica
Hombre Invisible
impero Delle Formiche
Red Room Illuastrated
Wheels of Chance
Isla Del Doctor Moreau
Mankind in the Making
The Desert Daisy
Guerre des Mondes
30 Strange Stories
Dr. Moreau'nun Adasi
Dream of Armageddon (Illustrated)
Wheels of Chance Illustrated
Time Machine -Illustrated
Ann Veronica Illustrated
War of the Worlds Illustrated
Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth
Sleeper Awakes
Passionate Friends
Croquet Player
Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth
Chronic Argonauts
Dream of Armageddon
Door in the Wall
Research Magnificent
Time Machine
H. G. Wells Collection
Biology of the human race
Country of the Blind, and Other Stories
In the Days of the Comet (Includes biography about the life and times of H. G. Wells)
Time Machine (Illustrated)
In the Days of the Comet Illustrated
Chronic Argonauts Illustrated
Aarnihauta Ja Muita Juttuja
Mankind in the Making
Modern Utopia
Wheels of Chance
Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth
Tono-Bungay (The Sun Dial library)
Island of Doctor Moreau
Country of the Blind Illustrated
Wonderful Visit Annotated
Ann Veronica Annotated
Tales of Space and Time Annotated
War of the Worlds Novel by H. G. Wells :(Annotated Edition)
Time Machine Annotated
Tales of Space and Time
Door in the Wall
Wonderful Visit Herbert George Wells
History of Mr. Polly
Tales of Space and Time
Stolen Bacillus and Other Incidents
Twelve Stories and a Dream
Fate of Man
Island of Doctor Moreau (Includes biography about the life and times of H. G. Wells)
Love and Mr. Lewisham
Modern Utopia
Wheels of Chance Annotated
Sleeper Awakes
Sleeper Awakes
First Men in the Moon
Door in the Wall and Other Stories
War of the Worlds
Slip under the Microscope
First Men in the Moon
Premiers Hommes Dans la Lune
Tales of Space and Time
First Men in the Moon
30 Strange Stories
War in the Air
La guerra de los mundos nº 01/03
Mr. Britling Sees It Through
Joan and Peter
Guerre des Mondes
Time Machine and Other Novels
Zaman Makinesi Bir Icat
Story of the Inexperienced Ghost (Illustrated)
War of the Worlds Illustrated
In the Days of the Comet
Sleeper Awakes Annotated
Sleeper Awakes Complete Illustrated and Unabridged Edition
Red Room Illustrated
Red Room Illustrated
War of the Worlds Illustrated
War of the Worlds
Croquet Player
Sleeper Awakes
First Men in the Moon
Illustrated Classic Editions The Time Machine
First Men in the Moon
War of the Worlds (Warbler Classics)
First Men in the Moon Annotated
Time Machine Annotated
War of the Worlds Illustrated
Guerre des Mondes Annotated
Miss Winchelsea's Heart
Passionate Friends
Twelve Stories and a Dream
Máquina Del Tiempo
Plattner Story
Autocracy of Mr. Parham
Guerre des Mondes Illustree
Guerre des Mondes
Modern Utopia
Island of Doctor Moreau
Outline of History
The War of the Worlds
The Wife of Sir Isaac Harman and The Dream
Kipps Annotated
Modern Utopia Annotated
Invisible Man Illustrated
Story of the Late Mr. Elvesham
War of the Worlds
Tales of Space and Time
Red Room
Modern Utopia
Tales of Space and Time
Mankind in the Making
World Set Free
Wheels of Chance a Bicycling Idyll
Country of the Blind
In the Days of the Comet
Certain Personal Matters
Door in the Wall, and Other Stories
The Outline of History, Being a Plain History of Life and Mankind, Vol II
the Outline of History Vo. 1
Star Begotten
Outline of History
In the Days of the Comet
Star Begotten
Cone Illustrated
Kipps Annotated
Wheels of Chance (Annotated Edition)
Dream of Armageddon Illustrated
Ann Veronica:(Annotated Edition)
War of the Worlds
Kipps : The Story of a Simple Soul
History of Mr. Polly (Annotated)
Tales of Space and Time
Love and Mr. Lewisham
History of Mr. Polly Large Print
Stolen Bacillus
Stolen Bacillus and Other Incidents
War in the Air
Ann Veronica
The brothers,
Ana Hatlarıyla Dünya Tarihi - 1
O Homem Invisivel - edicao bolso de luxo
Door in the Wall, and Other Stories
In the Days of the Comet Illustrated
Time Machine; Illustrated
Country of the Blind
Country of the Blind
Autocracy of Mr. Parham
Story of the Inexperienced Ghost
New Accelerator - Publishing People Series
War of the Worlds by H. G. Wells
Cuentos completos
Sea Lady
Certain Personal Matters
War of the Worlds Annotated
Country of the Blind Illustrated
Ann Veronica Illustrated
Empire of the Ants Annotated
Tales of Space and Time
Sleeper Awakes
Los Derechos Del Hombre
Door in the Wall
The Door in the Wall
The Bulpington of Blup
De Onzichtbare Man
30 Strange Stories
Sleeper Awakes (Includes biography about the life and times of H. G. Wells)
Best Science Fiction Stories of H. G. Wells
Dream of Armageddon Illustrated
First Men in the Moon Illustrated
Twelve Stories and a Dream
Tales of Space and Time
First Men in the Moon
Story of the Inexperienced Ghost
Plattner Story
Au Temps de la Comète
In the Days of the Comet
Time Machine - the Island of Dr. Moreau - the Invisible Man - Unabridged
Time Machine Novel
First Men in the Moon Illustrated
Slip under the Microscope Illustrated
Story of the Inexperienced Ghost
Story of the Inexperienced Ghost Illustrated
Italy, France and Britain at War
War of the Worlds
Sea Raiders
Door in the Wall
Twelve Stories and a Dream
Red Room Illuastrated
Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth
Dream of Armageddon
Stolen Body - Large Print
H.G. Wells
Aepyornis Island
New Accelerator
Invisible Man Annotated
Time Machine Annotated
Land der Blinden
Kipps Annotated
War of the Worlds
Country of the Blind, and Other Stories
Ann Veronica
Stolen Bacillus
War of the Worlds
Tono Bungay
Modern Utopia
Country of the Blind, and Other Stories
Kipps : the Story of a Simple Soul
Star Begotten - Publishing People Series
Mr. Britling Sees it Through
Stolen Bacillus and Other Incidents
Invisible Man
Essen der Götter
Invisible Man Annotated
A Short History of the World
Little Wars and Floor Games
Invisible Man
Time Machine -Illustrated
Love and Mr Lewisham Annotated (Dover Thrift Edition)
Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth (Annotated)
Time Machine by H. G. Wells (Illustrated Edition)
Sea Raiders
War in the Air
Isla Del Doctor Moreau
Wonderful Visit
Flowering of the Strange Orchid
Men Like Gods
New Accelerator
Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth
Ann Veronica
Island of Dr. Moreau
Slip under the Microscope
War in the Air
Short History of the World
Three prophetic novels of H.G. Wells
The History of Mr. Polly
War of the Worlds
Thirty Strange Stories
Red Room (Illustrated)
Remarkable Case of Davidson's Eyes Illustrated
Ann Veronica Illustrated
Modern Utopia Annotated
Remarkable Case of Davidson's Eyes Annotated
Time Machine by H. G. Wells
War of the Worlds Illustrated
Story of the Inexperienced Ghost Illustrated
Mankind in the Making + Note Pages
Time Machine
Tales of Time and Space : (annotated)
Wonderful Visit (Annotated)
When the Sleeper Wakes
History of Mr. Polly
Croquet Player
Modern Utopia
Outline (The) of History
Love and Mr. Lewisham
Tuhaf Bir Kus'un Görüldügü Gece
Alimento de Los Dioses
Food of the Gods
O Homem Invisível
Holy Terror
Ann Veronica Annotated
Shape of Things to Come
Time Machine
Island of Doctor Moreau
In the Days of the Comet: (Finest Illustration Edition)
War of the Worlds
Wheels of Chance; a Bicycling Idyll
Ann Veronica
Soul of a Bishop
Passionate Friends
The Wheels of Chance
The Valley Of Spiders
Short History of the World
An Englishman Looks at the World
Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth Annotated
War of the Worlds
The Undying Fire
First Men in the Moon : (Annotated)
New Accelerator
War of the Worlds
Truth about Pyecraft
Door in the Wall
Wheels of Chance
Passionate Friends
Mankind in the Making
Undying Fire
Sea Lady
Cone - Large Print
Empire of the Ants
Seven Famous Novels of H. G. Wells
L'illa del doctor Moreau
Mankind in the Making
The Outline of History
Машина Времени; the Time Machine (Russian Edition)
Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth (Illustrated)
Love and Mr Lewisham Annotated
Short History of the World
Chronic Argonauts Illustrated
War of the Worlds
Ann Veronica
Modern Utopia
Tales of Space and Time
Door in the Wall and Other Stories
First Men in the Moon
Ann Veronica - a Modern Love Story
Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth
Time Machine by H. G. Wells
Red Room
H.G. Wells Collection
Doktor Moreau'nun Adasi
Star Annotated
Time Machine by H. G. Wells
Remarkable Case of Davidson's Eyes (Illustrated)
Croquet Player
Chronic Argonauts (Illustrated)
Invisible Man Illustrated
In the Days of the Comet
Research Magnificent
War in the Air
Research Magnificent
Sea Lady
Modern Utopia
Shape of Things to Come
Plattner Story
Wheels of Chance
What Is Coming?
Twelve Stories and a Dream
Country of the Blind
The Outline of History (Volume II Only)
El País dels Cecs
When the Sleeper Wakes
Maquina Del Tiempo
Island of Doctor Moreau (Sowers Classics)
Zaman Makinesi
Englishman Looks at the World
Soul of a Bishop
Twelve Stories and a Dream
Love and Mr Lewisham Annotated
Slip under the Microscope Illustrated
War of the Worlds Annotated
Love and Mr. Lewisham Illustrated
War of the Worlds Annotated
When the Sleeper Awakes
Story of the Inexperienced Ghost
Sleeper Awakes
First Men in the Moon
Guerre Dans les Airs (French Edition)
Utopie Moderne
Invisible Man Annotated
Kipps Annotated
Tales of Space and Time
New Machiavelli (Translated in Spanish)
Tales of Space and Time (illustrated Edition)
Homme Invisible (texte Intégral)
Star Begotten
Island of Doctor Moreau
Autocracy of Mr. Parham
Red Room
In the Days of the Comet
Plattner Story
War of the Worlds
Country of the Blind, and Other Stories
Obliterated Man - Publishing People Series
Stolen Bacillus and Other Incidents
Country of the Blind
Mr. Skelmersdale in Fairyland
Modern Utopia
Doktor Moreau'nun Adası
In the Days of the Comet (illustrated Edition)
Red Room Illustrated
Shape of Things to Come
Research Magnificent
Discovery of the Future Discourse Delivered at the Royal Institution
Sea Raiders
Stolen Bacillus and Other Incidents
Guerra Dei Mondi
The outline of history
Worlds of the War
Shape of Things to Come
War of the Worlds (Illustrated/Book One)
Door in the Wall and Other Stories
Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth
Time Machine
Machine à Explorer le Temps
When the Sleeper Wakes
War of the Worlds
World Set Free
Dream of Armageddon
Research Magnificent
Love and Mr. Lewisham
Twelve Stories and a Dream
Twelve Stories and a Dream
Holy Terror
Treinta Extrañas Historias : (Traducido)
Twelve Stories and a Dream
Invisible Man
The War of the Worlds + A Dream of Armageddon + The Land Ironclads. Heron Collected Works of Wells
Time Machine and Other Stories
Socialism and the Family
Cone Illustrated
Love and Mr Lewisham Annotated
In the Days of the Comet Annotated
Research Magnificent
Christina Alberta's Father
Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth : (Annotated)
Stolen Bacillus and Other Incidents
Star Begotten
Ann Veronica
Ann Veronica
Homme Invisible
Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth
Invisible Man
War of the Worlds
Red Room Illuastrated
Guerre des Mondes by H. G. Wells : (French Edition)
Guerre des Mondes
First Men in the Moon
Wonderful Visit Annotated
Invisible Man Illustrated
Mankind in the Making
Outline of History
In the Days of the Comet
World Set Free
Stolen Body
Ann Veronica
Love and Mr. Lewisham
First Men in the Moon
Modern Utopia
First Men in the Moon
Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth
Autocracy of Mr. Parham
Sleeper Awakes
Text Book of Biology, Part 1 : Vertebrata
Time Machine:(Annotated Edition)
Twelve Stories and a Dream
Tales of Space and Time Illustrated
Tales of Space and Time (Illustrated)
Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth; Illustrated
Modern Utopia
Tales of Space and Time
Twelve Stories and a Dream
Plattner Story
Twelve Stories and a Dream
Diamond Maker
New Worlds for Old
War in the Air
Three Novels of the Future
MEANWHILE By H. G. WELLS 1927 First American Printing
Love and Mr. Lewisham
Soul of a Bishop
Wonderful Visit
War of the Worlds Illustrated
Time Machine (Esprios Classics)
Chronic Argonauts
Stolen Bacillus
Sleeper Awakes
Chronic Argonauts
Mr. Britling Sees It Through
Sea Raiders - Large Print
Dodici Storie e un Sogno
Ann Veronica Illustrated
Empire of the Ants Annotated
Wheels of Chance Annotated
Sea Lady. the Late Romance
Door in the Wall, and Other Stories
Tales of Space and Time
History of Mr Polly
Croquet Player
War of the Worlds
Time Machine
Autocracy of Mr. Parham
Sleeper Awakes
History of Mr. Polly
What Is Coming
Empire of the Ants
War of the Worlds Book Hg Wells
Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth Annotated Illustrated Edition H. G. Wells
Remarkable Case of Davidsons Eyes Illustrated
Man Who Could Work Miracles Illustrated
Chronic Argonauts Illustrated
Sleeper Awakes (Annotated Edition)
Modern Utopia Annotated
Empire of the Ants
Guerre des Mondes
History of Mr Polly
Wonderful Visit
Research Magnificent
Stolen Body
Modern Utopia
Passionate Friends
Sea Lady
Shape of Things to Come
History of Mr Polly
Collected Works
Twelve Stories and a Dream
Ann Veronica Illustrated
Kipps Annotated
In the Days of the Comet Illustrated
Love and Mr Lewisham Annotated
Island of Dr. Moreau Illustrated
Wonderful Visit Annotated
War of the Worlds
Wheels of Chance
Slip under the Microscope
Wheels of Chance
Croquet Player
Island of Dr. Moreau
Salvaging of Civilization
Wheels of Chance a Bicycling Idyll
Pirates de la Mer et Autres Nouvelles
Shape of Things to Come
Journalism and prophecy, 1893-1946
Stolen Bacillus
Mr. Britling Sees It Through
Experiment in Autobiography - 1st Edition/1st Printing
Guerre Dans les Airs (French Edition)
The Time Machine & Wheels of Chance, Everyman's Library No. 915
History of Mr Polly Illustrated
Chronic Argonauts Illustrated
Modern Utopia Illustrated
Door in the Wall, and Other Stories
War in the Air
When the Sleeper Wakes
Croquet Player
Red Room
Ann Veronica
L'homme invisible
Select Conversations with an Uncle (Now Extinct) and Two Other Reminiscences
In the Fourth Year Anticipations of a World Peace 1918
Pays des Aveugles
Mr. Belloc objects
Modern Utopia
In the Days of the Comet Annotated
Cone Illustrated
Invisible Man
Stolen Bacillus
History of MR Polly
Tales of Space and Time
Research Magnificent
Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth
In the Fourth Year Anticipations of a World Peace
War in the Air
Trionfo Di un Tassidermista
The war in the air : In the days of the comet; The food of the gods
War of the Worlds
Russia in the Shadows
Apropos of Dolores
The world of William Clissold in two volumes Vol I
Time Machine an Invention
Little Wars
Krieg der Welten
Puerta en el Muro
Island of Dr. Moreau Illustrated
Time Machine Illustrated
Ann Veronica
H. G. Wells
Country of the Blind, and Other Stories
Island of Doctor Moreau
Autocracy of Mr. Parham
Wheels of Chance
Door in the Wall
Croquet Player
Utopie Moderne
Guerra DOS Mundos
The Island of Dr. Moreau (Science Fiction Classic, D-537)
War in the Air (Includes biography about the life and times of H. G. Wells)
Mr. Britling Sees It Through
New Accelerator
Island of Dr. Moreau
In the Days of the Comet
God the Invisible King
Plattner Story
Twelve Stories and a Dream
In the Days of the Comet
First Men in the Moon
La máquina del tiempo
Passionate Friends
Treasure in the Forest
Star-Begotten Annotated
Invisible Man Annotated
Wheels of Chance Annotated
History of Mr Polly
Slip under the Microscope
Wife of Sir Isaac Harman
Door in the Wall
War of the Worlds
Select Conversations with an Uncle
Modern Utopia
Ann Veronica
The war of the worlds, The time machine, and selected short stories
The History of Mr. Polly
Tales of Space and Time by H. G. Wells
Man Who Could Work Miracles and Things to Come
Plattner Story
Miss Winchelsea's Heart (Annotated)
Cone (Illustrated)
First Men in the Moon Illustrated
Shape of Things to Come
Certain Personal Matters + Note Pages
Outline of History Vol. 2
Time Machine
Mr. Skelmersdale in Fairyland
Door in the Wall
Modern Utopia
Sleeper Awakes
Chronic Argonauts
Salvaging of Civilization
Certain Personal Matters
Island of Doctor Moreau
Tales of Space and Time
Premiers Hommes Dans la Luneroman
The Fate of Homo Sapiens
Sleeper Awakes Annotated
In the Days of the Comet
Outline of History Vol. 1
Country of the Blind
Star Begotten
Plattner Story
Little Wars
Country of the Blind
Modern Utopia
Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth
Red Room Illuastrated
30 Strange Stories by H. G. Wells
Time Machine (Includes biography about the life and times of H. G. Wells)
War in the Air Illustrated
Door in the Wall
Tales of Space and Time Annotated
Love and Mr Lewisham Annotated
Dream of Armageddon
War in the Air
Modern Utopia
Wonderful Visit
Wonderful Visit
Love and Mr. Lewisham
Sea Raiders
Sleeper Awakes
Mr. Britling Sees It Through
Het Eiland Van Dokter Moreau
Marriage / by H. G. Wells
The Outline of History
Love and Mr. Lewisham + Marriage
Certain Personal Matters
Time Machine
Moderne Utopie
Sleeper Awakes Annotated
Stolen Bacillus
Wonderful Visit Annotated
Time Machine by H. G. Wells
Mr. Britling Sees It Through
New Machiavelli (Annotated)
Stolen Body
Modern Utopia
Tales of Space and Time
War of the Worlds Large Print
Tales of Space and Time
Story of the Days to Come
Mr. Blettsworthy on Rampole Island
The Invisible Man (Stellar Classic Editions)
Modern Utopia
The War of the Worlds (Great Illustrated Classics)
Invisible Man : a Grotesque Romance
Utopia Moderna
Guerra DOS Mundos
Jimmy Goggles the God
In the Days of the Comet
Noughts and Crosses
Island of Doctor Moreau:(illustrated Edition)
Island of Dr. Moreau
Sleeper Awakes Illustrated
Sleeper Awakes Illustrated
War of the Worlds
Contos de Espaço e Tempo
Slip under the Microscope Illustrated
Slip under the Microscope Illustrated
First Men in the Moon Illustrated
Story of the Inexperienced Ghost Illustrated
When the Sleeper Wakes (Annotated)
Love and Mr. Lewisham
Time Machine
Æpyornis Island
World Set Free
Twelve Stories and a Dream
Ann Veronica
Croquet Player
Certain Personal Matters
A short history of the world. By
The Soul of a Bishop - 1917
The War in the Air
homme Invisible
homme Invisible (1897)
Chronic Argonauts, and the Fight in the Lion's Thicket (Esprios Classics)
A maquina do tempo. Edicao comentada - Classicos Zahar
Love and Mr Lewisham Annotated
Country of the Blind
Door in the Wall
Stolen Bacillus
Wife of Sir Isaac Harman
Island of Dr. Moreau
Salvaging of Civilization
H. G. Wells - Love and Mr. Lewisham
Door in the Wall
Invisible Man
Secret Places of the Heart
Time Machine : (American Translation, Large Print)
Guerra Dei Mondi
Wheels of Chance
Short History of the World
The Wheels of Chance
Story of the Inexperienced Ghost (Illustrated)
Wonderful Visit Annotated
Ann Veronica Annotated
Modern Utopia (Illustrated)
Time Machine and the War of the Worlds
War of the Worlds
Mr. Britling Sees It Through
Sea Raiders
In the Days of the Comet
Máquina Del Tiempo
Modern Utopia
Door in the Wall and Other Stories
Boon, the Mind of the Race, the Wild Asses of the Devil, and the Last Trump
Duvardaki Kapi
War of the Worlds Illustrated
Sleeper Awakes
Stolen Bacillus and Other Incidents
Country of the Blind
Anna Veronica
Time Machine
The Outline of History Volume I & II (1920 publication, New Republic Edition) (The Outline of History, I & II)
Invisible Man Illustrated Classic Editions
Time Machine (SparkNotes Literature Guide)
La Máquina del Tiempo
When the Sleeper Wakes
Empire of the Ants (Cryptofiction Classics - Weird Tales of Strange Creatures)
Ann Veronica Annotated
Love and Mr Lewisham Annotated (New Classics Edition) the Story of a Very Young Couple
Dream of Armageddon-Original Edition(Illustrated)
War of the Worlds Illustrated
In the Days of the Comet
War of the Worlds Illustrated and Annotated
First Men in the Moon Illustrated
Ann Veronica (illustrated Edition)
Twelve Stories and a Dream
Country of the Blind
Sea Lady
Island of Dr. Moreau
Invisible Man : (American Translation, Large Print)
Little Wars
New Teaching of History
Soul of a Bishop
H. +G. +Wells+-+the+War+of+the+Worlds
War of the Worlds
In the Days of the Comet
Love and Mr. Lewisham
Shape of Things to Come
Invisible Man Annotated
Island of Dr. Moreau Illustrated
Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth Illustrated
Empire of the Ants Annotated
Mankind in the Making
Ann Veronica
Country of the Blind, and Other Stories
Plattner Story
First Men in the Moon
Time Machine
Crystal Egg
Sleeper Awakes
Door in the Wall and Other Stories
Tales of Space and Time (Anotated)
Door in the Wall, and Other Stories
Tono-Bungay (Riverside editions)
The Invisible Man
God the Invisible King
War in the Air
The War of the Worlds; A Dream of Armageddon; The Land Ironclads
God, the Invisible King
The Outline of History Volume II
First Men in the Moon Annotated
First Men in the Moon Illustrated
Wheels of Chance
In the Days of the Comet (Illustrated)
War of the Worlds
Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth (Annotated)
New Accelerator
War of the Worlds
World Set Free
Island of Dr. Moreau
Star Begotten
War of the Worlds : Large Student Annotation Edition
Wheels of Chance
Island of Dr. Moreau
Mr. Britling Sees It Through And In the Days of the Comet
The Wife of Sir Isaac Harman & The Dream
War of the Worlds
A Nova Ordem Mundial
Wheels of Chance Illustrated
Star Illustrated
Ann Veronica Annotated
Sleeper Awakes Illustrated
The war of the worlds
Invisible Man
Time Machine :(illustarted Edition)
Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth
Mr. Ledbetter's Vacation
Sleeper Awakes
Wheels of Chance
History of Mr. Polly
Island of Dr. Moreau
H. G. Wells - the First Men in the Moon
Guerre des Mondes Illustree
H. G. Wells : Selected Short Stories
Invisible Man
First Men in the Moon
Plattner Story, and Others
Ann Veronica
Diamond Maker
Wonderful Visit
Tales of Space and Time
Story of the Inexperienced Ghost (ILLUSTRATED)
The Sleeper Awakes & Men Like Gods
Island of Doctor Moreau
Englishman Looks at the World
Wife of Sir Isaac Harman
Sea Lady
Tales of Space and Time
Secret Places of the Heart
Short History of the World
Sleeper Awakes
Modern Utopia
War and the Future
Burlesque Équipée du Cycliste
Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth
Ann Veronica
Red Room
Island of Doctor Moreau (Royal Collector's Edition) (Case Laminate Hardcover with Jacket)
Tales of Space and Time
Research Magnificent
Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth Annotated
Door in the Wall
TALES of SPACE and TIME : (Revised Edition)
Croquet Player
Stolen Body
Time Machine
Short History of the World
Boon, the Mind of the Race, the Wild Asses of the Devil, and the Last Trump;
Autocracy of Mr. Parham : His Remarkable Adventures in This Changing World
The autocracy of Mr. Parham
Story of the Inexperienced Ghost Illustrated
Island of Dr. Moreau Illustrated
War in the Air
Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth Illustrated
Red Room Illuastrated
Jilting of Jane
War in the Air
What Is Coming?
Island of Dr. Moreau
Wonderful Visit
History of Mr. Polly
Red Room Illuastrated
Time Machine
Tales of Space and Time
Cibo Degli Dei
Ann Veronica Illustrated
Empire of the Ants Annotated
Ann Veronica
World Set Free
Modern Utopia
Tales of Space and Time
Purple Pileus
Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth
Tales of Space and Time
Joan and Peter
Plattner Story
Magic Shop
Passionate Friends
The Wife of Sir Isaac Harman
Invisible Man
homme Invisible (Texte Intégral and Illustré)
Story of the Inexperienced Ghost Illustrated
TWELVE STORIES and a DREAM (Annotated)
War of the Worlds (Annotated)
Time Machine Annotated
Time Machine (Annotated)
Star Begotten
Twelve Stories and a Dream
God the Invisible King
Research Magnificent
World Set Free
Invisible Man
Time Machine
Story of the Inexperienced Ghost
Mankind in the Making
Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth
Island of Dr. Moreau
Mr. Britling Sees It Through
First Men in the Moon Complete Illustrated and Unabridged Edition
First Men in the Moon Illustrated and Unabridged
Time Machine
Tono-Bungay Herbert George Wells
Tales of Space and Time
Ann Veronica Herbert George Wells
First Men in the Moon
Stolen Bacillus and Other Incidents
Sleeper Awakes
Mr. Britling Sees It Through
Country of the Blind, and Other Stories
Stolen Bacillus
Mr. Britling Sees It Through
Mr. Britling Sees It Through
War in the Air
Invisible Man
Ann Veronica
In the Fourth Year
Mr. Britling Sees It Through
Stolen Bacillus and Other Incidents
The Invisible Man
The First Men in the Moon
Guerra de Los Mundos
Island of Dr Moreau
Slip under the Microscope (Illustrated)
Invisible Man Annotated
Time Machine Complete Illustrated and Unabridged Edition
Ann Veronica Annotated
Ann Veronica a Modern Love Story
War of the Worlds
Mankind in the Making
War of the Worlds (Modern Edition)
Plattner Story
War and the Future
H. G. Wells Collection
Love and Mr Lewisham
L'île du Docteur Moreau
In the Days of the Comet Annotated
First Men in the Moon Illustrated
Chronic Argonauts Illustrated
Island of Doctor Moreau:(Annotated Edition)
Story of the Inexperienced Ghost Illustrated
Modern Utopia Illustrated
Empire of the Ants
Ann Veronica a Modern Love Story
Passionate Friends
Red Room Illuastrated
Text Book of Biology
War of the Worlds by H. G. Wells
Certain Personal Matters
Dream of Armageddon
El país de los ciegos
Tales of Space and Time (Illustrated)
Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth Annotated
Wife of Sir Isaac Harman
Wheels of Chance Annotated
War of the Worlds Illustrated
Wheels of Chance Annotated
Country of the Blind Illustrated
War of the Worlds
When the Sleeper Wakes
Island of Dr. Moreau
Research Magnificent
Sea Lady
Wheels of Chance
Door in the Wall
World Set Free
Ann Veronica
Utopia Moderna
Wheels of Chance
War and the Future
Social forces in England and America
First and Last Things
Temptation of Harringay
War in the Air
Ann Veronica
War of the Worlds Illustrated
The Time Machine & The Wheels Of Chance. Everyman's Library No. 915
Wonderful Visit
Love and Mr. Lewisham
Guerre des Mondes
sanderson of oundle
Mankind in the Making
Nourriture des Dieux
Babes In The Darkling Wood
Wonderful Visit
Classic H.G. Wells Collection
Ann Veronica Annotated
War of the Worlds Illustrated and Annotated
Wheels of Chance Annotated
Remarkable Case of Davidsons Eyes Illustrated
Time Machine Illustrated
Sleeper Awakes Annotated
War of the Worlds Annotated
History of Mr Polly
Time Machine (Annotated)
Passionate Friends
Invisible Man
Invisible Man
Invisible Man
Wheels of Chance
Autocracy of Mr. Parham
Island of Doctor Moreau
Russia in the shadows
Shape of Things to Come
War of the Worlds
The Food of The Gods and How It Came to Earth
Vision of Judgement
Flying Man
Island of Doctor Moreau - Unabridged
Dangerous Dimensions New Pub Date Jan 2021
Dream of Armageddon Annotated
In the Days of the Comet (illustrated Edition)
Socialism and the Great State
Passionate Friends
Invisible Man
War of the Worlds
Short History of the World
Sea Raiders
Island of Dr. Moreau
Machine a Explorer le Temps
Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth
The world of William Clissold
Mr. Blettsworthy on Rampole Street
In the Avu Observatory
Story of the Inexperienced Ghost
Time Machine Annotated
Man Who Could Work Miracles Illustrated
Ann Veronica (Illustrated)
War of the Worlds Illustrated and Annotated
First Men in the Moon Illustrated
Red Room
War and the Future
Door in the Wall and Other Stories
War of the Worlds
Kipps ; The Research Magnificent
The History of Mr. Polly
Invisible Man
Mr Britling Sees It Through
Sleeper Awakes Annotated
Star Begotten H. G. Wells
History of Mr. Polly Illustrated
Modern Utopia Annotated
Empire of the Ants Annotated
Tales of Space and Time Annotated
Country of the Blind
30 Strange Stories
Door in the Wall
H. G Wells "The Outline of History"
THE OUTLINE OF HISTORY VOLUME I Being a Plain History of Life and Mankind
War of the Worlds by H. G. Wells
War of the Worlds (Includes biography about the life and times of H. G. Wells)
Love and Mr Lewisham Annotated
Time Machine H. G. Wells (Fiction, Travel, Science) [Annotated]
Invisible Man Annotated
Modern Utopia Illustrated
Herbert George Wells, la Machine à Explorer le Temps
O Florescer Da Estranha Orqu�dea
Door in the Wall and Other Stories
Stolen Bacillus
Ann Veronica
La guerra de los mundos
La guerra dels mons
Invisible Man (Annotated)
Mr. Skelmersdale in Fairyland Annotated
Tales of Space and Time Illustrated
In the Days of the Comet Illustrated
Croquet Player
Penguin Readers Level 4
Stolen Bacillus and Other Incidents
Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth
Wheels of Chance
Slip under the Microscope
Sleeper Awakes
Certain Personal Matters
Modern Utopia
The War of the Worlds (Magnum Easy Eye Books)
Munduen gerra
Homme Invisible (l')
First Men in the Moon
Ann Veronica Annotated
Time Machine (Illustarted)
God the Invisible King
Tono Bungay
Wonderful Visit
Red Room
Plattner Story and Others
War in the Air
Wheels of Chance
Star Begotten
Mr. Britling Sees It Through
Quand le Dormeur S'éveillera
Mankind in the Making
Sea Lady
Puerta en el Muro
Certain Personal Matters
Sleeper Awakes Illustrated
Purple Pileus
Dream of Armageddon
Obliterated Man
In the Days of the Comet
Floor Games
H. G. Wells - in the Days of the Comet
Door in the Wall
Select Conversations with an Uncle
Autocracy of Mr. Parham
Shape of Things to Come
Outline of History
Kipps (Unabridged Text)
A Dream of Armageddon
Invisible Man
First and Last Things
First Men in the Moon Illustrated
Russia in the Shadows
Scientific and Horrific Stories
Country of the Blind
Time Machine
History of Mr. Polly
Autocracy of Mr. Parham
Story of the Late Mr. Elvesham
First Men in the Moon
Modern Utopia
Country of the Blind
Plattner Story : Square Sized Edition
Love and Mister Lewisham The Story of a Very Young Couple
The World of William Clissold Vol. II
The World of William Clissold
God, the Invisible King
War of the Worlds
Island of Doctor Moreau (Warbler Classics Annotated and Illustrated Edition)
Level 5
Classic Wells
Island of Dr. Moreau Illustrated
Invisible Man Annotated
First Men in the Moon (Annotated)
Island of Doctor Moreau
Love and Mr. Lewisham
L'Île du Docteur Moreau
Passionate Friends
World Set Free
Certain Personal Matters
First Men in the Moon
Research Magnificent
Mankind in the Making
First Men in the Moon
Russie Telle Que Je Viens de la Voir
War That Will End War
The Invisible Man
Sleeper Awakes (illustrated Edition)
H. G. Wells Double Feature - The Invisible Man and The Island of Dr. Moreau
Invisible Man Book
Invisible Man Annotated
Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth Annotated
War in the Air Annotated
Red Room Illustrated
Stolen Body
Stolen Bacillus
Love and Mr. Lewisham
Dream of Armageddon
Sleeper Awakes
Time Machine
First and Last Things
Red Room Illuastrated
Pirates de la Mer et Autres Nouvelles
War of the Worlds by H. G. Wells
Tales of Space and Time
L'île du Docteur Moreau
Country of the Blind
The War of the Worlds (Airmont Classic Series, CL45)
God the Invisible King
Dünyalar Savasi
Red Room
War of the Worlds Illustrated
Time Machine:(illustrated Edition)
War of the Worlds Annotated
Kipps Annotated
War of the Worlds Illustrated
War of the Worlds Annotated
Modern Utopia Annotated
Island of Dr. Moreau
History of Mr. Polly
Star Begotten
Sleeper Awakes
Time Machine
First and Last Things
First Men in the Moon
You Can't Be Too Careful
War of the Worlds
Short History of the World
Sleeper Awakes Annotated
Moth (Annotated)
Invisible Man Illustrated Edition
Wonderful Visit Annotated
War of the Worlds Annotated
Purple Pileus Illustrated
War of the Worlds (Illustrated)
Kipps (Annotated)
War in the Air Herbert George Wells
Modern Utopia
Star Begotten
Machine a Explorer le Temps
Love and Mr Lewisham
English Classics
George Meek, Bath Chair-Man; by Himself
Red Room
Kipps; the Story of a Simple Soul (School classics-no.46)
El hombre invisible
History of Mr. Polly
Short History of the World
Invisible Man Illustrated
Star Annotated
Time Machine
Mr. Britling Sees It Through
Invisible Man
Flowering of the Strange Orchid
Autocracy of Mr. Parham
Door in the Wall and Other Stories
War of the Worlds
God the Invisible King
Twelve Stories and a Dream
Short History of the World
Plattner Story
Prehistoric Adventures
Ann Veronica
Red Room
Modern Utopia Annotated
Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth
Modern Utopia Annotated
Tales of Space and Time Illustrated
Wife of Sir Isaac Harman Annotated
Invisible Man
Sleeper Awakes Herbert George Wells
Modern Utopia
War of the Worlds
Invisible Man : A Grotesque Romance
Empire of the Ants - Publishing People Series
What is Coming?
Mr. Britling Sees It Through
Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth
The Book of Catherine Wells
The sea lady,
Jilting of Jane
Story of the Inexperienced Ghost
Sleeper Awakes Annotated
Sleeper Awakes Annotated
Ann Veronica; Illustrated Edition
War of the Worlds Illustrated
Tales of Space and Time
New Worlds for Old
Stolen Body
Slip under the Microscope
In the Days of the Comet
War in the Air
Island of Dr. Moreau
Ann Veronica
Dream of Armageddon
War of the Worlds
In The Days Of The Comet
H. G. Wells The Outline of History (Volume 2)
Stolen Bacillus and Other Incidents
The Time Machine
Story of the Inexperienced Ghost (Illustrated)
Ann Veronica (Illustrated)
War of the Worlds
Sleeper Awakes Annotated
Star Begotten
Under the Knife
World Set Free
Country of the Blind
Modern Utopia
Mankind in the Making
Door in the Wall
Wonderful Visit
Guerra Dei Mondi
Island of Doctor Moreau
Tono Bungay
The Outline of History
Homme Invisible (nouvelle Traduction 2022) (facile à Lire, Police : 12 Pt)
Twelve Stories and a Dream
Island of Dr. Moreau
Tales of Space and Time
Aepyornis Island Herbert George Wells
Mankind in the Making
Love and Mr. Lewisham
Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth
Door in the Wall
Russia in the Shadows
The War of the Worlds (Berkley Highland Books) F1255
Salvaging of Civilisation
Tres fantasías góticas
War That Will End War
War of the Worlds
The First Horseman, Ugh-Lomi and the Cave Bear, and Ugh-Lomi and Uya
Wonderful Visit Annotated
War of the Worlds Annotated
Star Illustrated
Boon Illustrated
Research Magnificent
Mankind in the Making
Tono Bungay
God the Invisible King
Research Magnificent
Mankind in the Making
War in the Air
The Island of Doctor Moreau
War of the Worlds IllustratedH. G.
Mankind in the Making
War That Will End War
Love and Mr Lewisham
The Time Machine
War of the Worlds by H. G. Wells (illustrated)
Island of Doctor Moreau
In the Days of the Comet Annotated
Island of Doctor Moreau:(Annotated Edition)
Time Machine Annotated
Modern Utopia
Stolen Bacillus and Other Incidents
Door in the Wall
Invisible Man
Sleeper Awakes
Mankind in the Making
Croquet Player
Shape of Things to Come
Tono Bungay
Time Machine H. G. Wells
First and Last Things
Mr. Britling Sees It Through
Island of Doctor Moreau
War of the Worlds
Machine à Remonter Dans le Temps
Mr. Ledbetter's Vacation
Time Machine
History of Mr Polly Illustrated
Guerre des Mondes Illustré : (French Edition)
Slip under the Microscope
In the Days of the Comet
Star Begotten
Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth
Stolen Bacillus
Mr. Britling Sees It Through
Valley of Spiders
Twelve Stories and a Dream
Country of the Blind : Large Print Edition
The History of Mr Polly
Ann Veronica
Invisible Man
Evolution, fact and theory (Science of life series)
Invisible Man (Includes biography about the life and times of H. G. Wells)
World Set Free
In the Days of the Comet Illustrated
War of the Worlds by H. G. Wells
War in the Air
Island of Dr. Moreau
Sleeper Awakes
Cone Herbert George Wells
Men Like Gods
Mr. Britling Sees It Through
Mr. Britling Sees It Through
Invisible Man : A Grotesque Romance
The Outline of History Vol. 2
Twelve Stories and a Dream
Passionate Friends
The Invisible Man
Floor Games
The Complete Short Stories of H.G. Wells
Tales of Space and Time
Somme and the Coward
Chronic Argonauts Illustrated
Sleeper Awakes Illustrated
Empire of the Ants Annotated
Plattner Story and Others
Sleeper Awakes Illustraed
Sleeper Awakes
World Set Free
War of the Worlds
Country of the Blind
World Set Free
War in the Air
Washington and the Riddle of Peace
Stolen Bacillus and Other Incidents
The Outline of History Volume 2
The Croquet Player 1st U.S. ed., illus.
In the Fourth Year : Anticipations of a World Peace
Wheels of Chance (Includes biography about the life and times of H. G. Wells)
Island of Dr. Moreau
Island of Dr. Moreau Illustrated
Island of Dr. Moreau Illustrated
Tales of Space and Time Annotated
Time Machine Illustrated
Time Machine (Illustrated)
Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth
Mr. Skelmersdale in Fairyland
Tales of Space and Time
Modern Utopia
Stolen Bacillus and Other Incidents
Stolen Bacillus and Other Incidents
Twelve Stories and a Dream
In the Fourth Year
Red Room Illuastrated
Stolen Bacillus
Love and Mr. Lewisham
Sleeper Awakes
Guerre des Mondes
Stolen Bacillus
Story of the Inexperienced Ghost (Illustrated)
War of the Worlds (Annotated)
Red Room Illustrated
In the Days of the Comet Annotated
Dream of Armageddon Illustrated
Secret Places of the Heart
Sleeper Awakes
Star Begotten
Twelve Stories and a Dream
War and the Future
Stolen Bacillus
Ilha Do Dr. Moreau
Remarkable Case of Davidson - Large Print
Magic Shop
Unsichtbare Mann
Tales of Space and Time
Wheels of Chance (Illustrated)
Wheels of Chance Illustrated
First Men in the Moon Annotated
Star-Begotten Complete Illustrated and Unabridged Edition
Island of Doctor Moreau
Stolen Bacillus
Passionate Friends
Mankind in the Making
Red Room Illuastrated
Outline of History 3RD Rev
The History of Mr. Polly by Wells, H. G. with foreward by Sinclair Lewis
God, the Invisible King
Invisible Man (Warbler Classics Annotated Edition)
Red Room Annotated
Time Machine Annotated
Tales of Space and Time Illustrated
Empire of the Ants Annotated
Ann Veronica Illustrated
Twelve Stories and a Dream
History of Mr. Polly
Stolen Bacillus
Island of Doctor Moreau (Modern Edition)
Uma Utopia Moderna
Crystal Egg
The Outline of History--Being a Plain History of Life and Mankind
Mr. Britling Sees It Through
Los Primeros Hombres en la Luna
Time Machine
Wheels of Chance Illustrated
Ann Veronica Illustrated
War of the Worlds Annotated
Penguin Readers Level 1
Time Machine
Sleeper Awakes
Research Magnificent
Discovery of the Future
Research Magnificent
Ann Veronica
God the Invisible King
Twelve Stories and a Dream
War That Will End War
The undying fire
Sleeper Awakes (Illustrated)
Wife of Sir Isaac Harman Annotated
Red Room (Illustrated)
Man Who Could Work Miracles Illustrated
First Men in the Moon Illustrated
Invisible Man Illustrated
Time Machine Annotated
Invisible Man - Illustrated
World Set Free
Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth
Twelve Stories and a Dream
Star Begotten
isola Del Dottor Moreau
The sleeper awakes
A Short History of the World
Time Machine
Through a Window
Penguin Readers Level 4
Time Machine : Large Print Edition
Invisible Man (illustrated Edition)
Sleeper Awakes
Socialism and the Great State; Essays in Construction
History of Mr. Polly
First Men in the Moon
Mr. Ledbetter's Vacation
Country of the Blind
Modern Utopia - Large Print
Englishman Looks at the World
God, the Invisible King
Secret Places of the Heart
First Men on the Moon
Crystal Egg
La máquina del tiempo
First Men in the Moon :(illustrated Edition)
Sleeper Awakes Annotated
Men Like Gods
Wonderful Visit Annotated (New Classics Edition)
Time Machine -Illustrated
Modern Utopia Illustrated
First Men in the Moon Illustrated
Invisible Man Illustrated
Cone Illustrated
Discovery of the Future
Country of the Blind
Ann Veronica
Twelve Stories and a Dream
First Men in the Moon
Sea Lady
Ann Veronica
Krieg der Welten
God, the Invisible King (Annotated)
La Guerra de los Mundos
Ann Veronica or a Modern Love Story (Annotated)
Mr Britling Sees It Through
Love and Mr Lewisham Annotated
Ann Veronica Illustrated
Island of Doctor Moreau
Time Machine
Shape of Things to Come
Time Machine
Sea Raiders
Star Begotten
Guerra Dei Mondi
Máquina Del Tiempo
Ann Veronica
The Invisible Man   NOVEL  by
Meanwhile (the Picture of a Lady)
Experiment in Autobiography
Island of Doctor Moreau
Invisible Man
Time Machine
Star-Begotten Complete Illustrated and Unabridged Edition
Chronic Argonauts Illustrated
Island of Dr. Moreau
Wheels of Chance Annotated
Story of the Inexperienced Ghost Illustrated
Door in the Wall
Chronic Argonauts
Tales of Space and Time
Island of Doctor Moreau
Star Begotten
War of Worlds
Guerre des Mondes Illustree
Tono-Bungay a Novel
The First Men in the Moon
Modern Utopia Annotated
War of the Worlds Illustrated and Annotated
Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth Annotated Edition
War of the Worlds Annotated
Mr. Britling Sees It Through
Crystal Egg
Sea Lady
What Is Coming?
H. G. Wells - Twelve Stories and a Dream
War of the Worlds
Time Machine
Washington and the Riddle of Peace
Invisible Man H. G. Wells Illustrated
Modern Utopia Illustrated
Tales of Space and Time
In the Days of the Comet-Classic Novel (Illustrated)
First Men in the Moon Illustrated
Island of Doctor Moreau
Time Machine
Text Book of Biology, Part 1
Short History of the World
Modern Utopia
Croquet Player
Modern Utopia
Guerre des Mondes
The War of The Worlds and The Time Machine
Die Geschichte unserer Welt
Island of Doctor Moreau
Remarkable Case of Davidson's Eyes (Illustrated)
War of the Worlds Novel
War of the Worlds by H. G. Wells
War in the Air
Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth
Island of Doctor Moreau  .
Autocracy of Mr. Parham
Plattner Story
Love and Mr. Lewisham
Star Begotten
Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth
The undying fire; a contemporary novel.
Invisible Man
Wonderful Visit (Unabridged)
Zaman Makinesi
Love and Mr Lewisham Annotated
Chronic Argonauts Illustrated
Wonderful Visit Annotated
First Men in the Moon Illustrated
Invisible Man Annotated
Kipps Annotated
Invisible Man
Invisible Man : (Annotated)
Modern Utopia
Shape of Things to Come
First Men in the Moon
Tales of Space and Time
Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth
H. G. Wells - the Time Machine
The war of the worlds
Plattner Story
Plattner Story, and Others
The Outline of History, Vol. 1
Wheels of Chance
Ann Veronica
Men Like Gods
Sleeper Awakes
War and the Future
Máquina Do Tempo
Great Illustrated Classics, 8 Book Set in Case
Hombre Invisible (nueva Traducción 2022) (fácil Lectura, Font: 12 Pt)
Sea Lady
Short Stories
Klasik Bilimkurgu Öyküleri
homme Invisible
Sleeper Awakes (Annotated Edition)
In the Days of the Comet (Illustrated)
Ann Veronica, a Modern Love Story
Short History of the World
Modern Utopia Illustrated
Kipps Annotated
Washington and the Riddle of Peace
Æpyornis Island
Dream of Armageddon
Tales of Space and Time
War in the Air
Twelve Stories and a Dream
Sleeper Awakes
Modern Utopia
Country of the Blind
Christina Alberta's father / by H.G. Wells
An Englishman Looks at the World
Wheels of Chance
War of the Worlds
Island of Doctor Moreau
Tales of Space and Time (Illustrated)
War of the Worlds
Sleeper Awakes Annotated
Love and Mr Lewisham
War of the Worlds
War of the Worlds
Twelve Stories and a Dream
Hist�ria de Plattner
Sea Lady
Stolen Bacillus and Other Incidents
Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth
H. G. Wells - an Englishman Looks at the World
Plattner Story, and Others
Holy Terror
Ann Veronica
New Teaching of History
The New World Order - Whether it is Attainable, How it Can be Attained, and What Sort of World a World at Peace Will Have to be
Invisible Man Illustrated Edition
Invisible Man
Wheels of Chance
Ann Veronica
Dream of Armageddon
Mankind in the Making
Mr. Ledbetter's Vacation
Future in America
Passionate Friends
Russia in the Shadows
The Outline of History in Four Volumes, Volume Two
uomo Invisibile
Guerra de Los Mundos
In the Days of the Comet Annotated and Unabridged
Island of Dr. Moreau
War of the Worlds Illustrated
Star Annotated
Wonderful Visit Annotated
Island of Dr. Moreau
Homme Invisible
Nei Giorni Della Cometa
Sea Lady
War of the Worlds
When the Sleeper Wakes
Island of Doctor Moreau
Island of Doctor Moreau
Tales of Space and Time
First and Last Things
Select Conversations with an Uncle
H. G. Wells - the Invisible Man
Plattner Story
The War of the Worlds
The dream
First Men in the Moon
Sleeper Awakes (Annotated)
Time Machine by H. G. Wells
Sleeper Awakes Annotated
Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth Annotated
Island of Dr. Moreau Illustrated
Island of Dr. Moreau
Chronic Argonauts Illustrated
Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth
First Men in the Moon
Discovery of the Future
Au Temps de la Comète
Secret Places of the Heart
Star - Large Print
Shape of Things to Come
The dream;
In the Days of the Comet
Moreau Doktorearen Irla
Wheels of Chance
Boon Illustrated
Chronic Argonauts Illustrated
Invisible Man Illustrated
Time Machine Annotated Edition
Modern Utopia Annotated
War of the Worlds Illustrated
Kipps (Annotated)
Door in the Wall
Sleeper Awakes
Wonderful Visit
Country of the Blind
Ann Veronica
Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth
Time Machine Minibook
In the Days of the Comet Annotated
Modern Utopia Illustrated
Dream of Armageddon
Love and Mr. Lewisham
Sleeper Awakes
When the Sleeper Wakes
Guerra de Los Mundos
Tales of Space and Time (Illustrated)
First Men in the Moon Annotated
Modern Utopia
Invisible Man Annotated and Illustrated
War of the Worlds Annotated
Island of Doctor Moreau
Island of Doctor Moreau
Passionate Friends
Stolen Bacillus
First Men in the Moon
Homme Invisible
Wheels of Chance
Shape of Things to Come
Sleeper Awakes
Slip under the Microscope
Shape of Things to Come
Island of Dr. Moreau
Krieg der Welten
Modern Utopia
A Short History Of The World
History of Mr Polly Illustrated
Man Who Could Work Miracles Illustrated
Red Room Illustrated
Star-Begotten Illustrated and Unabridged
Empire of the Ants Annotated
Island of Doctor Moreau(illustarted)
War of the Worlds
Short History of the World
Outline of History
Twelve Stories and a Dream
Twelve Stories and a Dream
Time Machine
Twelve Stories and a Dream
Twelve Stories and a Dream
Slip under the Microscope Illustrated
Modern Utopia Illustrated
Time Machine Annotated
Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth Annotated
Invisible Man Illustrated
Tales of Space and Time
Time Machine
God the Invisible King
Stolen Bacillus and Other Incidents
War in the Air
Dream of Armageddon
The secret places of the heart.
Great State
Invisible Man Illustrated
Man Who Could Work Miracles (Illustrated)
War in the Air
Country of the Blind, and Other Stories
War of the Worlds
Mr. Britling Sees It Through
In the Days of the Comet
Crystal Egg
Stolen Bacillus and Other Incidents
Door in the Wall, and Other Stories
Mr. Blettsworthy on Rampole Island
Machine a Explorer le Temps
War and the Future
Obliterated Man
War of the Worlds
Tales of Space and Time
Floor Games
War of the Worlds (Collins Classics)
Kipps Annotated
Croquet Player
Sleeper Awakes
First Men in the Moon
Mankind in the Making Herbert George Wells
Twelve Stories and a Dream
Modern Utopia
Love and Mr. Lewisham
Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth
Remarkable Case of Davidson's Eyes
Collection of Novels by H. G. Wells
Tales of Space and Time
The History of Mr. Polly
Modern Utopia
The Wife of Sir Isaac Harman and The Dream
The Croquet Player
La máquina del tiempo
Guerre des Mondes
Kizil Oda
History of Mr Polly Illustrated
Tales of Space and Time Illustrated
Invisible Man Illustrated
Invisible Man Illustrated
Short History of the World
Ann Veronica
Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth
Door in the Wall, and Other Stories
Dream of Armageddon
Door in the Wall, and Other Stories
Twelve Stories and a Dream
Men Like Gods
Mr. Britling Sees It Through
ENGLISCH LERNEN FÜR ERWACHSENE Mit H. G. Wells the Country of Blind Tal der Blinden
First Men in the Moon
Sheng ming zhi ke xue
War in the Air
Croquet Player
La Isla del Doctor Moreau / The Island of Doctor Moreau
L'home invisible
Journey to the Center of the Earth (Test)
Discovery of the Future
Sleeper Awakes
Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth Annotated
Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth Illustrated
Sleeper Awakes (Illustrated)
Ann Veronica Illustrated
Ann Veronica Illustrated
Stolen Bacillus
Under the Knife
Autocracy of Mr. Parham
Door in the Wall and Other Stories
The Wheels of Chance
The History of Mr. Polly and, The War in the Air
In the Days of the Comet
War of the Worlds Illustrated
First Men in the Moon Illustrated
Modern Utopia Illustrated
Stolen Bacillus
Red Room Illuastrated
Red Room Illustrated
Wheels of Chance
War in the Air
Tales of Space and Time
Modern Utopia
Tales of Space and Time
Twelve Stories and a Dream
Time Machine
Sleeper Awakes
Obliterated Man
Soul of a Bishop
Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth
Joan and Peter
Isla Del Doctor Moreau
Magic Shop - Large Print
First Men in the Moon
Island of Doctor Moreau; a Possibility
War of the Worlds
Modern Utopia Illustrated
Empire of the Ants Annotated
War of the Worlds Illustrated
Island of Doctor Moreau
First Men in the Moon
Modern Utopia
War in the Air
Ann Veronica
Wheels of Chance
Outline of History (Volume III Modern History)
The History of Mr Polly
Twelve Stories and a Dream
Herbert George Wells (Spanish Edition)
Time Machine
Stolen Bacillus
War of the Worlds (Illustrated)
Time Machine Annotated
First Men in the Moon Illustrated
Stolen Body
Invisible Man
Wheels of Chance
Chronic Argonauts
Diamond Maker
Sea Lady
War in the Air
Plattner Story
War of the Worlds
War of the Worlds
Door in the Wall and Other Stories
Modern Utopia H. G. Wells
Star Begotten
The War in the Air
Invisible Man-Gift
George Meek Bath Chair-Man
La guerra de los mundos. Prologo con resena critica de la obra, vida y obra del autor, y marco historico.
Select Conversations with an Uncle (Now Extinct)
Guerre des Mondes
Mr Britling Sees It Through
Guerre Dans les Airs
Story of the Inexperienced Ghost (Illustrated)
Wheels of Chance Annotated
Soul of a Bishop
God the Invisible King
Mr. Britling Sees It Through
Secret Places of the Heart
Stolen Bacillus
Passionate Friends
Wheels of Chance a Bicycling Idyll
Italy, France and Britain at War
Máquina Do Tempo
Time Machine Minibook - Limited Gilt-Edged Edition
Gölgeler Içinde Rusya. Translated by Mert Morali.
Görünmez Adam
Ann Veronica Annotated
War of the Worlds Illustrated
Tales of Space and Time
Door in the Wall and Other Stories
Invisible Man
Discovery of the Future
Research Magnificent
H. G. Wells
First Men in the Moon
Red Room Illuastrated
Sea Raiders
Underground Man
History of MR Polly
Time Machine
Sea Lady
Mankind in the Making
Mr. Brisher's Treasure
Salvaging of Civilization
Croquet Player
Isla Del Dr Moreau
Tales of Space and Time
The Food of the Gods and How it Came to Earth
Island of Dr. Moreau
Twelve Stories and a Dream
Love and Mr. Lewisham
Door in the Wall
War and the Future
Meanwhile The Picture Of A Lady
Soul of a Bishop
World Set Free
War of the Worlds Complete Illustrated and Unabridged Edition
Passionate Friends Illustrated
War of the Worlds Illustrated
Purple Pileus Illustrated
New World Order
Short History of the World
Plattner Story
Door in the Wall
Twelve Stories and a Dream
God the Invisible King
Englishman Looks at the World
Star Begotten
God the Invisible King
Sea Lady
H. G. Wells Collection - the World Set Free, the War of the Worlds, the Time Machine, the Island of Doctor Moreau, the Invisible Man, the First Men in the Moon, Tales of Space and Time
Invisible Man
Görünmez Adam
Stolen Bacillus and Other Incidents
Wheels of Chance
First Men in the Moon
History of MR Polly
Mankind in the Making
Sleeper Awakes
Future in America
The Island of Doctor Moreau
Island of Dr. Moreau
Future in America
War of the Worlds
God the Invisible King
War of the Worlds
Máquina Del Tiempo
Kipps Annotated
Sleeper Awakes Annotated
Purple Pileus Illustrated
Wheels of Chance Illustrated
Time Machine Annotated
Ann Veronica Illustrated
Slip under the Microscope Illustrated
Island of Dr. Moreau
Invisible Man
Stolen Bacillus
Door in the Wall, and Other Stories
Research Magnificent
Time Machine
Modern Utopia
Twelve Stories and a Dream
First and Last Things
Tales of Space and Time
First Men in the Moon (Includes biography about the life and times of H. G. Wells)
The war in the air
Tale of Space and Time Annotated
Ann Veronica Illustrated
Modern Utopia Illustrated
Love and Mr. Lewisham Illustrated
War of the Worlds
Wheels of Chance a Bicycling Idyll
Wheels of Chance a Bicycling Idyll
Plattner Story
History of Mr. Polly
God the Invisible King
Guerra de Los Mundos
Star Begotten Annotation
Modern Utopia
Wife of Sir Isaac Harman
Maquina Del Tiempo
Love and Mr. Lewisham
War of the Worlds by H. G. Wells ( Latest Edition )
Guerra de Los Mundos
First Men in the Moon
Invisible Man
Island of Doctor Moreau
Island of Dr Moreau
Man Who Could Work Miracles Illustrated
The War of the Worlds
War of the Worlds Illustrated and Annotated
Sleeper Awakes Illustrated
Love and Mr Lewisham Annotated
Empire of the Ants Annotated
Story of the Inexperienced Ghost Illustrated
The Island of Doctor Moreau and The War of the Worlds
War of the Worlds
Red Room
When the Sleeper Wakes
Research Magnificent
Chronic Argonauts
Research Magnificient
Wheels of Chance
Invisible Man
Time Machine
Remarkable Case of Davidson's Eyes (Illustrated)
In the Days of the Comet
Red Room (Illustrated)
Wheels of Chance Annotated
Invisible Man
Time Machine
Ann Veronica
Englishman Looks at the World
In the Fourth Year Anticipations of a World Peace
Crystal Egg
Discovery of the Future
Red Room
Tales of Space and Time
In the Days of the Comet
Door in the Wall, and Other Stories
Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth
War of the Worlds
Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth Illustrated
War of the Worlds
Modern Utopia Illustrated
Remarkable Case of Davidson's Eyes Illustrated
Dream of Armageddon (Illustrated)
Slip under the Microscope Illustrated
Cone Illustrated
Guerre des Mondes
Tales of Space and Time
Invisible Man
Island of Doctor Moreau
Time Machine
First Men in the Moon
Slip under the Microscope
Mr. Ledbetter's Vacation
War of the Worlds
Wheels of Chance a Bicycling Idyll
Tales of Space and Time, Illustrated
Ann Veronica Illustrated
Wheels of Chance Illustrated
The Time Machine and The Invisible Man
uomo Invisibile (nuova Traduzione 2022) (lettura Facile, Carattere: 12 Pt)
H. G. Wells - 3 Romans
Time Machine
Sea Raiders
Island of Doctor Moreau
War of the Worlds
Englishman Looks at the World
Discovery of the Future
War That Will End War
Invisible Man by H. G. Wells
Shape of Things To Come
War of the Worlds and Other Tales
Ann Veronica
Time Machine
Chronic Argonauts
Stolen Bacillus and Other Incidents
Stolen Bacillus
Mr. Brisher's Treasure
Autocracy of Mr. Parham
Kipps the Story of a Simple Soul
First and Last Things : A Confession of Faith and Rule of Life
Door in the Wall, and Other Stories
Mankind in the Making
The croquet player
Tales of Space and Time
Guerra Dei Mondi
Stolen Bacillus and Other Incidents
In the Fourth Year
Tales of Space and Time
First Men in the Moon
Modern Utopia (Illustrated)
Sleeper Awakes: (Annotated World Classic)
History of Mr Polly Illustrated
Modern Utopia (Annotated)
Wonderful Visit Illustrated
Wheels of Chance Annotated
Sleeper Awakes (Illustrated)
Door in the Wall
Stolen Bacillus
Time Machine
Homme Invisible
Mr. Britling Sees It Through
Door in the Wall, and Other Stories
Island of Doctor Moreau
Washington and the Riddle of Peace
Russia in the Shadows
Country of the Blind : And Other Stories
War of the Worlds
La màquina del temps
Salvaging of Civilization
Wheels of Chance
Lord of the Dynamos
Man Who Could Work Miracles Annotated
Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth Illustrated
Modern Utopia Illustrated
Sleeper Awakes Illustrated
Dream of Armageddon Illustrated
Plattner Story
In the Days of the Comet
When the Sleeper Wakes
Red Room
Tales of Space and Time
Chronic Argonauts
Wife of Sir Isaac Harman
The time machine
Isla Del Doctor Moreau
Novelas Esenciales de H.G. Wells
Soul of a Bishop
Moonlight Fable
Time Machine (Unabridged)
Star Illustrated
Time Machine Annotated
In the Days of the Comet
Invisible Man
Red Room
Research Magnificent
History of Mr Polly
Tales of Space and Time
Undying Fire
Door in the Wall
In the Days of the Comet
Short History of the World
Isla Del Doctor Moreau
Country of the Blind
Croquet Player
Wheels of Chance (Illustrated)
Invisible Man Annotated
Island of Doctor Moreau Illustrated
In the Days of the Comet Illustrated
War of the Worlds
War of the Worlds (Illustrated)
Men Like Gods
Love and Mr. Lewisham
Plattner Story
Miss Winchelsea's Heart
Door in the Wall
You can't be too careful
Invisible Man
Meanwhile (The Picture of a Lady)
Sea Lady
Wheels of Chance
Modern Utopia Annotated
Island of Dr. Moreau Illustrated
La màquina del temps
World Set Free
Door in the Wall
Time Machine
When the Sleeper Wakes
Dream of Armageddon
Plattner Story
Croquet Player
Island of Dr. Moreau
Ann Veronica
The complete short stories of H.G. Wells
First and Last Things
Hombre Invisible
Mr. Brisher's Treasure (Illustrated)
Door in the Wall
First Men in the Moon Illustrated
Island of Dr. Moreau (illustrated Edition)
Kipps Annotated
Passionate Friends
Wheels of Chance
Sleeper Awakes
History of Mr Polly - Publishing People Series
Flowering of the Strange Orchid - Publishing People Series
Croquet Player
Sleeper Awakes
Invisible Man Easy Eye 42
A Short History of the World
Doce Historias y un Sueño
Ann Veronica Illustrated
Time Machine Annotated
First Men in the Moon
Ann Veronica
War of the Worlds
First Men in the Moon
First Men in the Moon
Modern Utopia
Star Begotten
Magic Shop
Autocracy of Mr. Parham
H. G. Wells - the First Men in the Moon
Research Magnificent
Croquet Player
Time Machine
The Future in America
Wheels of Chance
New Worlds for Old
Time Machine (Unabridged)
Selected Works of H. G. Wells
Ann Veronica Annotated Ilustrated Edition H. G. Wells
Tales of Space and Time Annotated
Sleeper Awakes Annotated
Chronic Argonauts Illustrated
Wonderful Visit Annotated
Herbert George Wells, la Russie Telle Que Je Viens de la Voir
In the Days of the Comet
Sea Lady
Invisible Man
Shape of Things to Come
Discovery of the Future
In the Days of the Comet
Select Conversations with an Uncle
Anatomy of Frustration (1st American edition)
Stolen Bacillus and Other Incidents
Englishman Looks at the World
War of the Worlds (Annotated)
Red Room (Illustrated)
Research Magnificent
Time Machine
War of the Worlds
Story of the Inexperienced Ghost
War of the Worlds
Mankind in the Making
Tales of Space and Time
Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth
Thirty Strange Stories
World Set Free
Stolen Bacillus
Red Room
Sea Lady
Mr Blettsworthy On Rampole Island
Classic Starts®
La guerra de los mundos
History of Mr Polly
Country of the Blind and Other Stories
Love and Mr Lewisham Annotated
Sleeper Awakes Illustrated Edition
Time Machine Annotated
Red Room Illustrated
Story of the Inexperienced Ghost Annotated
Undying Fire; a Contemporary Novel
Frank Swinnerton
History of Mr. Polly
Macchina Del Tempo
Time Machine
Country of the Blind
Man Who Could Work Miracles
Wheels of Chance
History of Mr Polly
War in the Air
Twelve Stories and a Dream
Invisible Man : a Grotesque Romance
Tales of Space and Time
Wheels of Chance
New Oxford Progressive English Readers : Grade 4
Great Science Fiction Stories
Wheels of Chance Illustrated
Star (Illustrated)
Star Begotten
Stolen Bacillus
First Men in the Moon
War of the Worlds
Invisible Man
In the Fourth Year
Guerra DOS Mundos
Twelve Stories and a Dream
Ann Veronica
La guerra de los mundos
Secret Places of the Heart
God, the Invisible King
Mankind in the Making
Select Conversations with an Uncle
Time Machine Illustrated
War of the Worlds Annotated
Remarkable Case of Davidson's Eyes Illustrated
Wheels of Chance Annotated
Empire of the Ants Annotated
Wheels of Chance Complete Illustrated and Unabridged Edition
Slip under the Microscope Illustrated
Sea Lady
Sleeper Awakes
Mankind in the Making
Sleeper Awakes
Time Machine
H. G. Wells - the History of Mr. Polly
Short History of the World
Illustrated Classics Editions the War of the Worlds
H. G. Wells
The First Men in the Moon
La guerra de los mundos nº 01/03
Democracy Under Revision
History of Mr Polly (Annotated)
Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth Annotated
First Men in the Moon
Chronic Argonauts Illustrated
Stolen Body Annotated and Unabridged
Modern Utopia Annotated
Plattner Story, and Others (Annotated)
Ann Veronica
Love and Mr. Lewisham Herbert George Wells
Island of Dr. Moreau
H. G. Wells
Tales of Space and Time
Wheels of Chance
God the Invisible King
Mr. Britling Sees It Through
First Men in the Moon
Country of the Blind
Wheels of Chance
Island of Doctor Moreau
When the Sleeper Wakes
Ann Veronica
Ay'daki Ilk Insanlar
Invisible Man
Invisible Man (Illustrated)
Man Who Could Work Miracles
Plattner Story
Passionate Friends
In the Days of the Comet
First Men in the Moon
Mr. Britling Sees It Through
War of the Worlds Illustrated
Island of Doctor Moreau : (Signed and Numbered)
War of the Worlds Annotated
Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth Illustrated
Tales of Space and Time
Wheels of Chance
Sleeper Awakes
Chronic Argonauts
Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth
Mankind in the Making
Invisible Man
Country of the Blind - Publishing People Series
Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth
Dream of Armageddon
Chronic Argonauts
In the Days of the Comet
Ann Veronica
Island of Doctor Moreau
A Quartette of Comedies
The Outline of History
L'Île du Docteur Moreau (French) Annotated
War in the Air (illustrated Edition)
Sleeper Awakes Annotated
First Men in the Moon Annotated
Ann Veronica Illustrated
War of the Worlds by H. g Wells
First Men in the Moon
Guerra de Los Mundos
In the Days of the Comet
Love and Mr. Lewisham
God the Invisible King
Twelve Stories and a Dream
Autocracy of Mr. Parham His Remarkable Adventures in This Changing World
In the Fourth Year
Englishman Looks at the World
Country of the Blind
History of Mr. Polly
Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth Annotated
Little Wars & Floor Games
Mankind in the Making
History of Mr. Polly Annotated
In the Days of the Comet
Die Insel des Dr. Moreau
Passionate Friends
Mankind in the Making
In the Days of the Comet
Sea Lady
Croquet Player
Guerre des Mondes
Time Machine
The King Who Was a King - The Book of a Film
Munduen gerra
Island of Doctor Moreau (Unabridged)
Kipps Annotated
Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth Illustrated
First Men in the Moon Illustrated
First Men in the Moon Illustrated
Rights of Man
Love and Mr. Lewisham
Twelve Stories and a Dream
Research Magnificent
Tales of Space and Time
Twelve Stories and a Dream
Croquet Player
First Men in the Moon
Secret Places of the Heart
Story of a Great Schoolmaster
Island of Doctor Moreau (Collins Classics)
The Sleeper Awakes
War of the Worlds Annotated
Ann Veronica (illustrated Edition)
War of the Worlds Illustrated
Time Machine Annotated
War of the Worlds Illustrated
Tales of Space and Time Annotated
Sleeper Awakes Illustrated
Modern Utopia
Salvaging of Civilization (Annotated)
Plattner Story
Island of Dr. Moreau
Discovery of the Future
History of Mr. Polly
Soul of a Bishop
The outline of History Volumes I & II
Star (Illustrated)
War of the Worlds
Modern Utopia Illustrated
Modern Utopia
Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth
Short History of the World
Time Machine
Tales of Space and Time
History of Mr. Polly
Stolen Bacillus
Aepyornis Island
Plattner Story and Others
Sleeper Awakes
Passionate Friends
Moderne Utopie
Door in the Wall
First Men in the Moon
The short stories of H.G. Wells
La Porta del Mur
Love and Mr. Lewisham
Porta Nel Muro
The Invisible Man
First Men in the Moon Illustrated
Love and Mr. Lewisham
Short History of the World
Invisible Man Illustrated
Love and Mr. Lewisham
Tales of Space and Time
Sleeper Awakes
Invisible Man
Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth
Door in the Wall
Time Machine by H. G. Wells
Ann Veronica
Door in the Wall
Ann Veronica
Dream of Armageddon
The Invisible Man
Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth
Guerre des Mondes
Wife of Sir Isaac Harman
Island of Dr. Moreau Illustrated
Modern Utopia Illustrated
Modern Utopia Illustrated
Tales of the Unexpected
Guerre des Mondes (illustré)
First Men in the Moon
Little Wars
Island of Dr. Moreau Illustrated
Chronic Argonauts Illustrated
Slip under the Microscope (Illustrated)
Mr. Britling Sees It Through Annotated
Ann Veronica Illustrated
Modern Utopia Illustrated
Time Machine Annotated
Passionate Friends + Note Pages
Aepyornis Island
Purple Pileus - Publishing People Series
Chronic Argonauts - Large Print
Christina Alberta's Father
War of the Worlds
Mankind in the Making
Invisible Man
Island of Dr. Moreau Illustrated
Love and Mr Lewisham Annotated
Wheels of Chance (Annotated Edition)
Tales of Space and Times
Twelve Stories and a Dream
History of Mr. Polly
Boon, the Mind of the Race, the Wild Asses of the Devil, and the Last Trump
Croquet Player
Research Magnificent
Island of Doctor Moreau
Mr. Britling Sees It Through
New Worlds for Old
Salvaging of Civilization Probable Future of Mankind
The War of the Worlds by H.G. Wells
Joan and Peter; The Country of the Blind:
The Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth
Time Machine
Ay Isigi Masallari
Wheels of Chance (Illustrated)
Ann Veronica Illustrated
The Invisible Man
Mankind in the Making
Text Book of Biology (Annotated and Illustrated)
Story of the Inexperienced Ghost
In the Days of the Comet
The Time Machine  Publisher
Thirty Strange Stories
Invisible Man
Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth
Last Books of H. G. Wells : The Happy Turning
Tales of Space and Time (Illustrated)
Soul of a Bishop
Island of Doctor Moreau:(Annotated Edition)
Tales of Space and Time Illustrated
Sleeper Awakes Annotated
Invisible Man Illustrated
Time Machine Annotated
Time Machine
Time Machine
First Men in the Moon
Holy Terror
War of the Worlds
Joan and Peter
History of Mr. Polly
What Is Coming?
El mercado y Miseria de los zapatos
First Men in the Moon
What Is Coming?
Return of the Martians
The Island of Doctor Moreau
Love and Mr Lewisham Illustrated
First Men in the Moon
New Accelerator
War in the Air
Modern Utopia
Autocracy of Mr. Parham
In the Days of the Comet - Publishing People Series
Modern Utopia
Time Machine by H. G. Wells
History of Mr Polly
Story of a Great Schoolmaster
History of Mr. Polly
God, the Invisible King
First Men in the Moon Annotated
First Men in the Moon
Sleeper Awakes
Tales of Space and Time
War of the Worlds
Mr. Brisher's Treasure
In the Days of the Comet
Twelve Stories and a Dream
History of Mr. Polly
War in the Air
Mankind in the Making
Passionate Friends
Open Conspiracy - World Brain
Land of the Blind
Red Room Illuastrated
Love and Mr. Lewisham;
Ann Veronica
Tales of Space and Time
This Misery of Boots
Select Conversations with an Uncle
Time MacHine
Modern Utopia
The science of life
Tales of Wonder
The prize rhymed review of H.G. Wells', "The outline of history"
[Great works of H.G. Wells]
Experiment in autobiography
The Bulpington of Blup
Ann Veronica
ha-Anashim ha-rishonim Ź»al ha-yareaįø„
The science of life
H.G. Wells short stories
Les Grands Classiques de la littérature en BD - Vol.31
The pocket history of the world
A Guerra Dos Mundos
The Island of Dr. Moreau
World brain
Things to come
Abrégé de l'histoire du monde
RossÄ«iļø aļø” vo mgliļø eļø”
העבודה, ה×Øכוש והאש×Ø ×©×œ בני־האדם
Wells' social anticipations
New worlds for old
The outline of history
Dějiny světa
First and last things
Shi jie yu yan
Universos peculiares
Divre yeme Ź»olam
Sekai bunkashi gaikan
×Ŗולדו×Ŗ העולם
The war that will end war
Love and Mr. Lewisham
Les Grands Classiques de la littérature en BD - Vol.32
Anticipations of the reaction of mechanical and scientific progress upon human life and thought
Divre yeme Ź»olam
Ho aoratos
The war in the air
The stolen bacillus and other incidents
Ba shi wan nian hou zhi shi jie
Man who could work miracles
The country of the blind
Mezon ha-elim
The discovery of the future
Settlement of the trouble between Mr. Thring and Mr. Wells
The world of William Clissold
MadaŹ»e ha-įø„ayim
All aboard for Ararat
The passionate friends
The time machine
The wheels of chance
Wei lai de shi jie
The outline of history
The invisible man
The door in the wall and other strange stories
What should be done -- now
Wei lai shi jie
Select conversations with an uncle
Die Geschichte unserer Welt
Sheng lu
Man's mind and behavior
The outline of history, being a plain history of life and mankind
In the days of the comet
The outline of history
The short stories of H.G. Wells
Les Grands Classiques de la littérature en BD - Vol.39
The treasure in the forest
The wonderful visit
In the Days of the Comet
Tono Bungay, and A modern Utopia
The passionate friends
Tales of life and adventure
The outline of history
Ming yan ren
Democracy under revision
The rights of man
The way to world peace
In the days of the Comet
Les Grands Classiques de la littérature en BD - Vol.43
God the invisible king
W dni komety
Válka ve vzduchu
al-Rajul al-khaffī
The war of the worlds
The Croquet player
Phœnix, a summary of the inescapable conditions of world reorganisation
Ni ying gai zhi dao de shi jie shi
H. G. Wells
The Invisible man
La isla del doctor Moreau
After democracy
Wojna swiatow
העבודה, ה×Øכוש והאש×Ø ×©×œ בני-האדם
Shi jie wen hua shi gang
New worlds for old
The new teaching of history
The plattner story and others
Joan and Peter ...
First and last things
Wojna w przestworzu
Ann Veronica
Sobranie sochinenii v piatnadtsati tomakh
A modern Utopia
The War in the air
The wheels of chance
The outline of history, being a plain history of life and mankind. Written originally with the advice and editorial help of Ernest Barker, Sir H.H. Johnston, Sir E. Ray Lankester and Gilbert Murray
The idea of a world enccylopaedia [!] a lecture delivered at the Royal institution
Svetovna zgodovina
Le joueur de croquet
The future in America .
Mo luo bo shi dao
Histórias do Oriente
A modern utopia
The outline of history
א×Øׄ העו×Øים
The first men in the moon
The outline of history
The research magnificent
An Englishman looks at the world
Herbert Edward Read
Herbert Edward Read (1893-1968)

art historian, poet, philosopher, anarchist, literary critic, critic

  • University of Leeds
Pursuits & verdicts
Pursuits & verdicts
Henry Moore
The Philosophy of Modern Art
Education Through Art
A concise history of modern painting
The green child
A concise history of modern sculpture
A One-Man Manifesto
The art of sculpture
Art and industry
The meaning of art
Art Now
Collected essays in literary criticism
Paul Klee on modern art
Henry Moore
Art and society
The contrary experience
English prose style
The Philosophy of Anarchism
The grass roots of art
The forms of things unknown
Anarchy and order
Green Child
Icon and idea
Phases of English poetry
Thames and Hudson Dictionary of Art and Artists
Psychology and Alchemy
Reason and romanticism
Icon and idea
Art and industry
To hell with culture, and other essays on art and society
Art and alienation
Kunst, Kultur und Anarchie
The true voice of feeling
On beauty
Annals of innocence and experience
The practice of design
Existentialism, Marxism, and anarchism
Form in Modern Poetry
Henry Moore
A letter to a young painter
A concise history of modern sculpture
Form in modern poetry
Henry Moore
English stained glass
A concise history of modern painting
Form in Gothic
A concise history of modern painting
English Prose Style
Art and industry
Between The Riccall And The Rye Selected Writings On Ryedale From Herbert Reads Poetry And Prose
In retreat
This way delight: A book of poetry for the young;
The book of art
The green child
Contemporary British art
Unit 1
The knapsack
A concise history of modern sculpture
The nature of literature
The English vision
Poetry and anarchism
The nude
The tenth muse
The innocent eye
Art and the evolution of man
Ashley Havinden and the art of publicity
The cult of sincerity
The Anatomy Of Art
Freedom, is it a crime?
Art and Industry
The origins of form in art
Essential communism
The Thames and Hudson dictionary of art and artists
Essays in literary criticism: particular studies
Klee (1879-1940)
Contemporary British art
La Decima Musa
The weathering of art
A world within a war
News from Thrush Green
The true voice of feeling
The art of sculpture
Historia de La Pintura Moderna
This way, delight
Lord Byron at the opera
A concise history of modern sculpture
Reason and romanticism
Histoire de la peinture moderne
The sense of glory
In defence of Shelley and other essays
Selected Poetry
Diccionario Del Arte Y Los Artistas
Coleridge as critic
Icon and idea
Julien Benda and the new humanism
Form in modern poetry
Ben Nicholson
The styles of European art
Modern Sculpture
In defence of Shelley
The art of Jean Arp
Jan Le Witt
Modern art and French decadence
Histoire de la peinture moderne
Reason and romanticism
In retreat
T. S. E., a memoir
Thirty-five poems
Design and tradition
Annals of innocence and experience
Staffordshire pottery figures
The Thames and Hudson dictionary of art and artists
The Green Child
The redemption of the robot
Coleridge as critic
The grassroots of art
Encyclopaedia of the arts
Paul Nash
Phases of English poetry
In defence of Shelley & other essays
The redemption of the robot
The sense of glory
Annals of innocence and experience
Concise History of Modern Painting
Lynn Chadwick
The end of a war
In Defense of Shelley and Other Essays
Edvard Munch
The anatomy of art
Nature of Literature
The Forms Of Things Unknown
Poetry and experience
Aristotle's mother
The sense of glory
The quest and the quarry
Meaning of Art
The place of art in a university
Eric Gill
In Defence Of Shelley And Other Essays
Five European Sculptors
Tenth Muse
Child art
The art of sculpture
The Innocent Eye
Johannes Vermeer
The London Book Of English Prose (1931)
The significance of children's art
Icon and Idea
The art of Jean Arp
The innocent eye
The Creative arts in American education
World Within a War
Staffordshire pottery figures
The practice of design
Hans Richter
Design and tradition
The styles of European art
The politics of the unpolitical
Gauguin (1848-1903)
The art of sculpture
The sense of glory: essays in criticism
Conflicts in contemporary art
Edvard Munch
Surrealism. Edited with an introd. by Herbert Read. Contributions by Andre Breton [and others]
Grass Roots of Art
Poetry and experience
The Thrones of Earth and Heaven
A letter to a young painter
Moderne malerkunst
The parliament of women
Concise History of Modern Painting
Poems ; 1914-1934
The book of art
The meaning of art
The ethics of power
Education for peace
The politics of the unpolitical
To hell with culture
Lynn Chadwick
Culture and education in world order
Art and industry
The styles of European art
Jan Le Witt
Icon and idea
The education of free men
The true voice
Collected poems 1913-25.
Collected poems
Essays in literary criticism
Coleridge as critic
Coleridge as critic
Poems 1914-1934
In defence of Shelley & other essays
The place of art in a university
Yi shu de yi yi
Mutations of the phoenix
The sense of glory
High noon and darkest night
Mutations of the phoenix
Redemption Robot
Henry Moore
Reason and romanticism
Form in modern poetry
English stained glass
This way delight
The cult of sincerity
The grass roots of art
In retreat
The parliament of women
The politics of the unpolitical
Naked warriors
The education of free men
English prose style
Henry Moore, sculptor
Selected writings
Collected Poems
A coat of many colours
Escultura Moderna, La
Philosophy of Modern Art
A world within a war
The True voice of feeling
Education for peace
The paradox of anarchism
Form in modern poetry. --
Contemporary British art
The forms of things unknown
The Thames and Hudson encyclopaedia of the arts
Psychopathology of reaction in the arts
The London book of English prose
Collected essays in literary criticism
Zum 85. Geburtstag von Professor Dr. Carl Gustav Jung, 26. Juli 1960
Collected essays in literary criticism
English stained glass
A Tribute to Herbert Read, 1893-1968
A coat of many colours
The Art of Sculpture
Art and society
Letters from Sooke
A concise history of modern painting
English prose style
El Arte de La Escultura
The Limits of Permissiveness in Art
Selected Writings, Poetry and Criticism / with a Foreword by Allen Tate
Collected poems
Art and Society
The London book of English prose
Art and industry
The London book of English verse, selected by Herbert Read and Bonamy Dobrée
Art and the evolution of man
The London book of English verse
The London book of English verse
Sense of Glory
Paul Nash
An Introduction to Herbert Read's Work by Several Hands
Art education
Carta a Un Joven Pintor
Selected writings
Xian dai hui hua jian shi
Tribute to Wordsworth
Freedom, is it a crime?
Selected writings
Selected writings
Henry Moore, sculpture and drawings
The meaning of art
The true voice of feeling
The London book of English verse
Icon and idea
Selected writings
Contemporary British Art
The redemption of the robot
Kandinsky (1866-1944)
Modern sculpture
La Nina Verde
Kandinsky (1866-1944)
The Contrary Experience
The art of Jean Arp
The anthology of English prose
Imagen e idea
The end of a war
English prose style
A Modern Szobraszat
A concise history of modern painting
The contrary experience
The art of sculpture
Form in modern poetry
Poems, 1914-1934
A coat of many colours
DuMont's Künstlerlexikon
Collected poems / by Herbert Read
Moon's Farm
The philosophy of modern art
A arte de agora, agora
Moon's Farm, and poems mostly elegiac
Collected poems, 1913-25
Pintura actual
In Retreat
Art and industry, the principles of industrial design
English prose style
Art and industry
The quest and the quarry
Art now
Naked warriors
Freedom, is it a crime?
Leopold von Sacher-Masoch
Leopold von Sacher-Masoch (1836-1895)

journalist, historian

  • University of Graz
Isaac Asimov Presents the Best Horror and Supernatural of the 19th Century
Venus im Pelz
Venus in Furs
Aus dem Tagebuche eines Weltmannes: Causerien aus der Gesellschaft und der Bühnenwelt
A light for others and other Jewish tales from Galicia
Venus in Furs
Venus in Furs
Venus In Furs
Die ideale unserer Zeit
Jewish tales
True Decadence
La venus de las pieles
Venus in Furs
Venus In Furs
Venus in Furs
Soziale Schattenbilder: Aus den Memoiren eines österreichischen Polizeibeamten
Venus im Pelz
Venus in Furs With Selected Letters of Sacher Masoch
Ueber den werth der kritik
Master Masochist
El Amor de Platon (Narrativa (el Cuenco de Plata))
LA Venus De Las Pieles
Venus in Furs
Classic Erotic Novels (5 Books)
Diderot in Petersburg
Venus in Furs
Jewish life
Her Secret Needs - 3 Classic Novels of Feminine Passion
Venus Im Pelz
Venus in Furs
Venus in Furs
La vénus à la fourrure
Venus in Furs (Erotic Classics)
Der Judenraphael
I Aphroditi me ti Gouna
JuĢˆdisches leben in wort und bild
La pêcheuse d'âmes
Judisches Leben in Wort und Bild
L'amour de Platon
Venus in Furs and Selected Stories
Kürklü Venüs
Pantoufle de Sapho et Autres Contes
Venus in Furs
Venus im Pelz
Venus in Furs
La pantufla de safo y otros cuentos
Madre de Dios
Venus in Furs :(illustrated Edition)
Venus in Furs
Venus Im Pelz
Czarine Noire et Autres Contes Sur la Flagellation
Neue Judengeschichten
Venus in Furs by Leopold Von Sacher-Masoch Annotated Edition
Vermächtnis Kains. Novellen
Jewish Tales
Venus im Pelz
KolomeÄ­skiÄ­ Don Zhuan
Die Damen im Pelz
Venus in Furs
Polnische Geschichten
Historias de Amor y Sangre
Venus in Furs
The master masochist
Wiener Hofgeschichten ...
Frauen, Die Geschichte Schrieben - Band I (Illustriert und Bebildert)
Vénus à la Fourrure
Polnische Geschichten
I afroditi me ti gouna
Ungarns Untergang und Maria Von Oesterreich
Venus in furs
L' amour de Platon
Katharina II
Racconti Galiziani
Venus in Furs
Venus in Furs
Legs de Caïn
Die polnische Insurrection 1863 vor Europa
La madre santa
Novelly russkogo dvora
Venus in Furs
Grausame Frauen
Venus in Furs
Soziale Schattenbilder
Venus Im Pelz (Annotated)
Jewish Tales
Femme Séparée
Venus Im Pelz (illustriert)
La Venus de las Pieles
Venus in Furs by Leopold Von Sacher Masoch Illustrated Edition
Venus Im Pelz (Illustriert) Deutsche Klassiker
Unsere Sclaven
La Vénus à la fourrure
Venus De Las Pieles La
Weiblicher Sultan
L' esthetique de la laideur
La Venus de les Pells
El encuadernador de Hort
Venus in Furs (Einstein Books)
Venus in furs
Venus in Furs
Venus in furs
Venus in Furs Illustrated
Jewis Tales
Galizische Geschichten
Venus Im Pelz and Don Juan Von Kolomea
Venus Im Pelz (Illustriert) Deutsche Klassiker
Venus à la Fourrure
Don Juan De Kolomea
Ungarns Untergang und Maria von Oesterreich
Venus In Furs
La Venus de las pieles
Jewish Tales
Batteuses D'hommes
The Black Gondola and Other Stories
Venus in Furs :(illustrated Edition)
Judisches Leben
Aufstand in Gent Unter Kaiser Carl V Von Leopold Ritter Von Sacher-Masoch
Venus de Las Pieles
Vénus à la Fourrure
Aus Dem Tagebuche Eines Weltmannes
Venus in Furs
Venus in Furs by Leopold Von Sacher Masoch:( Illustrated Edition)
La dame blanche et autres nouvelles
La Femme séparée
Venus in Furs
Venus im Pelz
Don Juan von Kolomea
Venus in furs together with the black czarina
Ungarns Untergang und Maria von Oesterreich: Zum Theil nach Urkunden des K.k ...
L' EstheĢtique de la laideur
Katharina II
Der Judenraphael
Venus im Pelz und Don Juan von Kolomea
L'ennemi des femmes
Russische Hofgeschichten
Venus im Pelz
Die Messalinen Wiens
Russische Hofgeschichten
įø²ayin's tsaį¹æoe
Ein weiblicher Sultan
Demoniczne kobiety
Leopold von Sacher-Masoch
Venus & Adonis
Das Vermächtnis Kains
Contes et romans
Sascha et Saschka
Das Vermächtniss Kains
Cuentos judíos
Seraph: A tale of Hungary
Zur ehre Gottes
Don Juan von Kolomea. Galizische Geschichten.
... Nouveaux reĢcits galiciens
L'amore crudele
Seiner Herrin Diener
Galizische Geschichten
Vybrani tvory
Esther Forbes
Esther Forbes (1891-1967)

biographer, historian

  • University of Wisconsinā€“Madison, Bradford College
A mirror for witches
O genteel lady!
Johnny Tremain
The United States in Literature
America's Paul Revere
The running of the tide
Paul Revere
What happened in Salem?
Rainbow on the road
The Boston book
Miss Marvel
The general's lady
Anne Douglas Sedgwick
Paul Revere tries his hand at dentistry
Paul Revere & The World He Lived In
Johnny Tremain (SparkNotes Literature Guide)
Johnny Tremain and related readings
Paradise (Bantam giant)
Paradise presentation copy to her husband
O genteel lady!
Paul Revere
America's Paul Revere, Written by Esther Forbes; Pictures by Lynd Ward
Miss Marvel