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poets who wrote horror
Showing 73-80 out of 279 results
Anne Sexton
Anne Sexton (1928-1974)


  • Boston University, Garland Junior College
The Evil Image
The complete poems
Selected poems of Anne Sexton
Anne Sexton
Anne Sexton
The death notebooks
Love Poems
The book of folly
Love poems
No evil star
All My Pretty Ones
45 Mercy Street
The book of folly
The awful rowing toward God
Words for Dr. Y
No evil star
Anne Sexton
The death notebooks
Selected poems of Anne Sexton
45 Mercy Street
Words for Dr. Y
45 Mercy Street
The awful rowing toward God
Selected poems
Anne Sexton
Heart of Poetry 3 Volapp 5e S Casss
Love poems
To Bedlam and part way back
Poesía Completa
The awful rowing toward God
Anne Sexton Reads
Making teddy bears
Anne Sexton Reads Her Kind/Divorce, Thy Name Is Woman/Little Girl, My String Bean, My Lovely Woman and Other Poems
Live or die
To bedlam and part way back
La doppia immagine e altre poesie
The book of folly
Poetry of Anne Sexton
Locas, locas mujeres
Anne Sexton Reads Her Poetry (Voices in Time)
A self-portrait in letters
The awful rowing toward God
Louise Glück
Louise Glück (1943-2023)

poet, essayist

  • Columbia University, Sarah Lawrence College
The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror--Ninth Annual Collection
The Best American Poetry 1993
A village life
Proofs & theories
The triumph of Achilles
The seven ages
The first four books of poems
The wild iris
Poems 1962-2012
Descending Figure
Vita Nova
The house on marshland
Faithful and virtuous night
Collected poems
Winter Recipes from the Collective
Marigold and Rose
American Originality
7 Ages
Ararat (American Poetry Series)
Five in One (Poetry Pleiade)
The first five books of poems
The garden
It Is Daylight
Las siete edades
Earth in the Attic
Wild Iris
El iris salvaje
Marigold and Rose
Seçme şiirler
The Inferno of Dante
Green Squall
Nit fidel i virtuosa
Nobel Lecture in Literature 2020
Nit fidel i virtuosa
The Paris Review Issue 183
El iris silvestre
Iris ha-bar
Auguste Villiers de l'Isle-Adam
Auguste Villiers de l'Isle-Adam (1838-1889)

playwright, poet, philosopher

Isaac Asimov Presents the Best Horror and Supernatural of the 19th Century
The Frankenstein Omnibus
The best horror stories
Antología de la literatura fantástica
Clasicos de Suspenso y de Terror - 2 Cassette
Eve future
Relatos escalofriantes
La révolte
La révolte
Nouveaux contes cruels et Propos d'au dela
Contes cruels
Contes Cruels
Contes cruels
Histoires souveraines
Tribulat Bonhomet
Le nouveau-monde
Nouveaux contes cruels et propos d'au delà
The Vampire Soul And Other Sardonic Tales
Cruel tales
Nouvelles reliques
Villiers de l'Isle-Adam
L'Ève future
Œuvres complètes
Contes cruels
Claire Lenoir et autres contes insolites
L' Ève future
Le prétendant
Chez les passants
Correspondance générale de Villiers de L'Isle-Adam et documents inédits
Contes cruels
Cuentos Crueles
De l'unité transcendante des religions
Nouveaux contes cruels
Contes cruels; Nouveaux contes cruels
Contes et récits
The Scaffold And Other Cruel Tales
Correspondance générale et documents inédits
Le Pouvoir de l'amour
Cruel Tales
Isis précédé de "L'Allure mentale" par Bernard Noël
Clair Lenoir
Contes cruels
Véra et autres nouvelles fantastiques
Textes politiques inédits de Villiers de l'Isle-Adam
Contes cruels : nouveaux contes cruels
Contes fantastiques
Contes cruels
Cruel tales
Akëdysséril ..
Contes cruels
Villiers de l'Isle-Adam
The revolt
The revolt, and The escape
Secret de L'échafaud
Textes politiques ine dits de Villiers de l'Isle-Adam
Premières poésies, 1856-1858
L' Eve future
The Revolt, and the Escape. Translated from the French by Theresa Barclay
Tribulat Bonhomet
Les Fleurs Du Mal
Tribulat Bonhomet
Oeuvres Completes (Bibliotheque de la Pleiade)   Vol. 1
Derniers Contes
Oeuvres Completes   Vol. 2
L' évasion
Los Amantes De Toledo Y Otras Historias Insolitas (Clasicos De La Diversidad)
The erring sister
Contes Cruels
L' Ève future
The revolt and The escape
Tribulat Bonhomet
L' Eve future
Le prétendant ; drame en cinq actes et en prose
Sardonic Tales   (English Version)
Correspondance Generale   2 vols
Claire Lenoir et autres contes insolites
Derniers contes
L' Eve future
Nouveaux contes cruels
L' amour suprême
Contes Cruels
Eve of the future Eden
Chez les Passants, Fantaisies, Pamphlets et Souvenirs; Suivi de Pages Inédites
Oeuvres comple  tes de Villiers de l'Isle-Adam
Contes cruels
Contes cruels
Chez les passants
Cuentos crueles
Foltering door hoop en andere griezelverhalen
Axel (New library of French classics)
Axe l
Legende vom weiszen elefanten
Cruel tales
Oeuvres Completes   11 vols
Nouveaux Contes Cruels et Propos d'au Delà
Cruel tales
The erring sister
Contes cruels
Claire Lenoir et autres contes insolites
L'Ève future
L'Ève future
Grandes amoureuses
Un conte, une lettre
Chez les passants
Œuvres complètes de Villiers de L'Isle-Adam ..
Le prétendant
Nouveaux contes cruels, et Propos d'au dela
Oeuvres complètes de Villiers de L'Isle-Adam
Les trois premiers contes
?uvres comple?tes de Villiers de L'Isle-Adam ..
Contes fantastiques
Nouvelles reliques [de] Villiers de l'Isle-Adam
Contes cruels
Cruel tales
Cruel tales
Akëdysséril et autres contes
Nouveaux contes cruels
Tribulat Bonhomet
Le pre?tendant
Trois portraits de femmes
The revolt, and, the Escape
Contes cruels
Contes et récits
Le prétendant
Le secret de l'échafaud
Correspondance genérale de Villiers de l'Isle Adam et documents inédits
Correspondance genérale de Villiers de l'Isle-Adam et documents inédits
Tribulat Bonhomet [par] Villiers de L'Isle-Adam
The revolt ; and, The escape
Visionen aus dem Osten
Claire Lenoir
Derniers contes
Zhestokie rasskazy
Le Convive des dernières fêtes
Contes cruels ; Nouveaux contes cruels
Histoires insolites
Queen Isabeau
Les trois premiers contes
Trois contes cruels
Sardonic tales
Contes cruels
12 contes cruels
L' amour suprême
L' élu des rêves
Villiers de l'Isle-Adam
Eine Auswahl seiner Erzählungen
Correspondance générale et documents inédits
Premières poésies, 1856-1858
La révolte
Vasile Alecsandri
Vasile Alecsandri (1821-1890)

poet, politician, playwright, folklorist, diplomat

The Vampire Archives
Grammaire de la langue roumaine
Rumänishe volkspoesie
Poezii populare ale romanilor
Ostașii noștri
Poezii populare ale românilor
Rumänische Volkslieder
Opere complete
Cele mai frumoase scrisori
Scrisori, însemnări
Balade shi lezhende
Dan, căpitan de plai
Jurnalul unei iubiri
Scrisori către Vasile Alecsandri
Les doas
Poezii populare ale romanilor
Unsere Krieger
Iașii în carnaval
Vasile Porojan
Alecsandri și literatura pașoptistă
Doine ; Lăcrimioare ; Suvenire ; Mărgăritărele
Muntele de foc
Istoria misiilor mele politice
Lunca din Mirceşti
Pasteluri și legende
Legende și pasteluri
Poezii alese
Richard Garnett
Richard Garnett (1835-1906)

librarian, poet, translator, editor

Selected English Short Stories (Nineteenth Century)
The Poetry of Cats
The life of W.J. Fox
Edward Gibbon Wakefield
English literature
The age of Dryden
Life and writings of John Milton
William Blake, painter and poet
William Shakespeare, pedagogue & poacher
Essays in librarianship and bibliography
Poems from the German
De flagello myrteo
Life of Thomas Carlyle
Life of Ralph Waldo Emerson
Essays of an ex-librarian
Catalogue of the library of the late Dr. Richard Garnett, C.B. ..
Life of John Milton
Selections from the Greek anthology
A history of Italian literature
The twilight of the gods
The universal anthology
Richmond on the Thames
English literature : an illustrated record
Shelley and Lord Beaconsfield
Die Entstehung und Veranlassung von Shakespeares Sturm
The life of W.J. Fox, public teacher and social reformer, 1786-1864, concluded by Edward Garnett
To America
The early Italian book
Iphigenia in Delphi
The life of William Johnson Fox
A chaplet from the Greek anthology
The demon pope
On the De Missione legatorum Japonensium, Macao, 1590
Idylls and epigrams
The queen
A chaplet from the Greek anthology
The book of literature
Madam Lucifer
On the system of classifying books on the shelves followed at the British Museum
The universal anthology
English literature
The universal anthology
The age of Dryden
The universal anthology
Early Spanish-American printing
Life and writings of John Milton
The universal anthology
Io in Egypt
The universal anthology
The universal anthology
The universal anthology
The universal anthology
A history of Italian literature
Shelley and Lord Beaconsfield
Life of Thomas Carlyle
The universal anthology
Paraguayan and Argentine bibliography
English literature
The universal anthology
The universal anthology
The twilight of the gods and other tales
The universal anthology
The Festschrift of the Gutenberg anniversary
The age of Dryden
The universal anthology
William Shakespeare
The universal anthology
Life of John Milton
The twilight of the gods and other tales
The universal anthology
The universal anthology
The universal anthology
The universal anthology
The universal anthology
De flagello myrteo
The universal anthology
The life of W. J. Fox, public teacher & social reformer, 1786-1864
The universal anthology
The age of Dryden
The International library of famous literature
English literature : an illustrated record
The universal anthology
Die Entstehung und Veranlassung von Shakespeares Sturm
The story of Gycia
Poems from the German
The universal anthology
The universal anthology
The universal anthology
The universal anthology
The International library of famous literature
Essays in librarianship and bibliography
Conference of librarians, 2, 3, 4, 5 October 1877, London
The twilight of the gods and other tales
Orations of British orators
English literature
The first bookbinder
The universal anthology
The universal anthology
The universal anthology
Thomas Caryle
English literature
On the printing of the British Museum Catalogue
The universal anthology
The age of Dryden
Life and writings of Thomas Carlyle
The date and occasion of The tempest
The twilight of the gods
The universal anthology
The age of Dryden, by R. Garnett
Essays of an ex-librarian
Francis Marion Crawford
Francis Marion Crawford (1854-1909)


  • University of Cambridge, Harvard University
Zombies! Zombies! Zombies!
The Vampire Archives
Isaac Asimov Presents the Best Horror and Supernatural of the 19th Century
Classic Ghost Stories
Bodies of the Dead and Other Great American Ghost Stories
Echoes: The Saga Anthology of Ghost Stories
The Book of the Dead
For the Blood is the Life and Other Stories
The Dracula Book of Great Vampire Stories
Thirteen tales of terror
The Complete Wandering Ghosts
Great American Suspense (Ethan Brand, Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge, Oval Portrait, Upper Berth, Yellow Sign)
Saracinesca,availibility and cost
Mr. Isaacs
Ave Roma immortalis
The Witch of Prague
A Roman Singer
In the Palace of the King
Via Crucis
The Moonlit Road and other chilling stories
Ave Roma Immortalis: Studies from the Chronicles of Rome
Forebodings [5 stories]
The White Sister
The novel
Classic Ghost Stories
With the immortals
The Children of the King
Doctor Claudius
The rulers of the South
An American politician
A tale of a lonely parish
The Little City of Hope
In the Palace of the King: A Love Story of Old Madrid
The Heart of Rome
Doctor Claudius
The Primadonna
Doctor Claudius
Pietro Ghisleri
The three fates
A cigarette-maker's romance
Gleanings from Venetian history
Whosoever Shall Offend
The Witch of Prague: A Fantastic Tale
The Diva's Ruby: A Sequel to "Primadonna" and "Fair Margaret"
The Primadonna: A Sequel to 'Soprano'
Love in idleness
The Christmas MEGAPACK ®: 25 Modern and Classic Yuletide Stories
To leeward
Via crucis; a romance of the second crusade
Don Orsino
Francesca da Rimini
Mr. Isaacs; a tale of modern India
Our silver
Wandering Ghosts
Things That Go Bump in the Night: A Treasury of Classic Weird
Adam Johnstone's Son and A Rose of Yesterday
Venice, the place and the people
Casa Braccio
Salve Venetia
Bar Harbor
Paul Patoff
Marietta a Maid of Venice
An American politician, a novel
Adam Johnstone's son
The Complete Works
Salve Venetia; gleanings from Venetian history
Southern Italy and Sicily and the Rulers of the South
The upper berth
Fair Margaret
The broken shaft
Mister Isaacs
Man overboard!
The Valancourt Book of Victorian Christmas Ghost Stories
The Heart of Rome a Tale of the "Lost Water"
Marion Darche
Katharine Lauderdale
Classic Ghost Stories
Sant' Ilario
The novels of F. Marion Crawford
Paul Patoff
Khaled, a tale of Arabia
By The Waters of Paradise
Katharine Lauderdale V2
The witch of Prague
Corleone a Tale of Sicily
Cecilia, a story of modern Rome
Mister Isaacs (Bcl I)
Fair Margaret, a portrait
A Cigarette Maker's Romance and Khaled a Tale of Arabia
Paul Patoff
Great vampires & other horrors
A Cigarette-Maker's Romance
Ave Roma Immortalis-  Studies From The Chronicles Of Rome - Vol I
A rose of yesterday
The novel: what it is
The Witch of Prague
Strange Haunts
Marzio's crucifix
The Little City of Hope A Christmas Story
The Children of the King a Tale of Southern Italy
The Rulers of the South
The Screaming Skull
The Ralstons
Uncanny tales
The Primadonna (A Sequel to ''Fair Margaret'')
A lady of Rome
Rose Of Yesterday
Casa Braccio V1
The complete works of F. Marion Crawford
Love in Idleness a Tale of Bar Harbor and Marion Darche a Story Without Comment
An American politican
The diva's ruby
Doll's Ghost
Katherine Lauderdale
Mr. Isaacs
American Politician
Marzio's Crucifix and Zoroaster
With the immortals
Gu shi ying
Ave Roma Immortalis, Vol. 1 Studies from the Chronicles of Rome
In the palace of the king
Katherine Lauderdale (Volume II, only)
Don Orsino
Roman Singer
Don Orsino
Paul Patoff
Mr. Isaacs
Three Fates
Doctor Claudius, a True Story
Pietro Ghisleri
Uncanny Tales
Man Overboard!
Katharine Lauderdale (Volume 2)
Our silver
Sant' Ilario
Ave Roma Immortalis, Vol. 2
Sant' Ilario
Witch of Prague
Mr. Isaacs
Katharine Lauderdale Volume II
Dr. Claudius
Roman Singer
A Roman Singer
Man overboard!
Heart of Rome
Sant' Ilario
Paul Patoff
Upper Berth : By the Waters of Paradise
Screaming Skull
Adam Johnstone's Son
Greifenstein (The Novels of F. Marion Crawford)
Un chanteur romain
Upper Berth
Via crucis
A lady of Rome
Salve Venetia-Gleanings From Venetian History [Volume I]
Witch of Prague
The Doll's Ghost
Katherine Lauderdale
Zoroaster, and Marzio's crucifix
A rose of yesterday..
LOVE IN IDLENESS, a Tale of Bar Harbor; and MARION DARCHE, a Story Without Comment, from THE COMPLETE WORKS OF F. MARION CRAWFORD (Illustrated)
Paul Patoff
The Children of the King a Tale of Southern Italy
Upper Berth
The primadonna
Southern Italy and Sicily and the rulers of the South
Don Orsino
Katharine Lauderdale
To Leeward
In the palace of the king
Adam Johnstone's Son
Pietro Ghisleri
An American Politician
Little City of Hope
Casa Braccio, Part II
Sant' Ilario
Catalogue of an Exhibition of Original and Early Editions of Italian Books
Salve Venetia
Heart of Rome
Fantasma de la Muñeca
The children of the king..
Pietro Ghisleri (The Novels of F. Marion Crawford)
Ave Roma Immortalis, Vol. 2
Fair Margaret
Roman Singer
The heart of Rome
Via Crucis (Webster's Spanish Thesaurus Edition)
Via Crucis
Mr. Isaacs
American Politician
Tale of a Lonely Parish
The little city of Hope
The Ralstons [Sorrento Edition[
Lady Of Rome
Fair Margaret
To Leeward
Rulers of the South
With the Immortals
Casa Braccio
Love in Idleness
Whosoever Shall Offend
Khaled, a Tale of Arabia
By the Waters of Paradise Ingilizce Hikayeler B2 Stage 4
Adam Johnstone's son..
Man Overboard!
A Roman singer
American Politician
Marietta ...
Via Crucis
Marian Darche
Doctor Claudius
Cecilia, a Story of Modern Rome (The Complete Works of F. Marion Crawford - Vol. 30 )
Via crucis..
The Primadonna
The undesirable governess ...
Fair Margaret
Mr. Isaacs
A tale of a lonely parish
Cigarette Maker's Romance
Cigarette-Maker's Romance
Casa Braccio
Heart of Rome
Marietta maid of Venice
In the Palace of the King
An American politician
A roman singer
Via Crucis
American Politician
Corleone tale of Sicily
The Ralstons
Don Orsino
Don Orsino
A Roman singer
Sant' Ilario
Francesca da Rimini
Three Fates
Southern Italy and Sicily and the rulers of the South
A cigarette-maker's romance and Khaled
Marzio's Crucifix; Zoroaster
The little city of Hope
The works of Francis Marion Crawford
Ave Roma Immortalis, Vol. 2 Studies From the Chronicles of Rome
Love in Idleness
The complete works of F. Marion Crawford
Marion Darche..
The Ralstons
Southern Italy and Sicily and the rulers of the South,
Whosoever Shall Offend
Ave Roma Immortalis : The History of Eternal Rome : Wandering Into The Past
Saracinesca .
Don Orsino..
Rose of Yesterday
Ave Roma Immortalis
A cigarette-maker's romance and Khaled
Witch of Prague
Ave Roma Immortalis, Vol. 1
The novel;
The Primadonna
In the Palace of the King; a Love Story of Old Madrid
Little City of Hope
Via Crucis
Doktor Claudius
Khaled, a Tale of Arabia
Little City of Hope
Children of the King
Whosoever Shall Offend
Heart of Rome
White Sister
A Tale of a Lonely Parish
Man overboard! (Little novels by favourite authors)
Witch of Prague
Mr Isaacs
Dead Smile
Ave Roma Immortalis, Vol. 2 Studies from the Chronicles of Rome
White Sister
Katharine Lauderdale / by Francis Marion Crawford
Fair Margaret
Ave Roma Immortalis; Studies From the Chronicles of Rome
Katharine Lauderdale
Khaled, a Tale of Arabia
Uncanny Tales
Ave Roma Immortalis (Esprios Classics)
Upper Berth
The Heart of Rome (The Complete Works of F. Marion Crawford - Vol. 31)
The novels of F. Marion Crawford
In barca a vela da Sorrento ad Amalfi ed altre storie
Man Overboard!
Love in idleness..
Man Overboard!
Pietro Ghisleri
O Fantasma Da Boneca
Children of the King
The Complete Works of F. Marion Crawford Volume 19
Complete Wandering Ghosts
Francesca Da Rimini; Drame en Cinq Actes Dont un Prologue. Traduit Par Marcel Schwob
Lo Spettro Della Bambola
In the Palace of the King
Sant' Ilario
Little City Of Hope
Marzio's Crucifix and Zoroaster
Don Orsino
Marietta a Maid of Venice
Tale of a Lonely Parish
Via crucis
Fair Margaret a Portrait
The white sister
The Complete Works of F. Marion Crawford
Katharine Lauderdale
Adam Johnstone's Son; a Rose of Yesterday
Little City of Hope a Christmas Story
Three Fates
Whosoever Shall Offend
Pietro Ghisleri
Marzio's Crucifix
The Three Fates
Casa Braccio, Volumes 1 And 2
Ave Roma Immortalis
Ave Roma Immortalis
Rulers Of The South (2 Volumes)
The White Sister
Mr. Isaacs, A Tale of Modern India
The Upper Berth, For the Blood is the Life, and Other Horrors
The witch of Prague
A Tale of a Lonely Parish (The/Works of Francis Marion Crawford)
The Life of Pope Leo Xiii
Het gillende doodshoofd
The Play-actress
Adam Johnstone's sons
Khaled (A Tale of Arabia - Part I)
Casa Braccio V2
Charlotte Dacre
Charlotte Dacre (1771-1825)


Zofloya, or, The Moor
Zofloya o el Moro/ Zofloya, or the Moor
Zofloya, or, The Moor
Hours of solitude
Confessions of the nun of St. Omer
The passions
The libertine
Hours Of Solitude A Collection Of Original Poems
The Libertine
The passions
Thomas Bailey Aldrich
Thomas Bailey Aldrich (1836-1907)

poet, journalist, editor

Classic American Short Stories
Stories New and Old
Antología de la literatura fantástica
Young folks library
Mark Twain's Library of Humor
The story of a bad boy
The poems of Thomas Bailey Aldrich
Two bites at a cherry
Marjorie Daw and other stories
Young folks library
Young folks library
An old town by the sea
The World's One Hundred Best Short Stories [In Ten Volumes] volume four LOVE
Judith of Bethulîa
Librivox Short Story Collection 037
The writings of Thomas Bailey Aldrich
Young folks library
Marjorie Daw
The Stillwater tragedy
Out of his head
The Young folks' library
A sea turn
Friar Jerome's beautiful book
The queen of Sheba
From Ponkapog to Pesth
A sea turn, and other matters
A book of songs and sonnets selected from the poems of Thomas Bailey Aldrich
Marjorie Daw
The queen of Sheba, and My cousin the colonel, by Thomas Baily Aldrich
Mercedes, and later lyrics
Unguarded gates and other poems
Baby Bell
The bells
A letter from Thomas Bailey Aldrich to Bayard Taylor, Auburn, N.Y., August 20, 1865
Pampinea and other poems
The sisters' tragedy
Judith and Holofernes
Cloth of gold
Ponkapog papers
Daisy's necklace, and what came of it
The ballad of Babie Bell, and other poems
Prudence Palfrey
The poems of Thomas Bailey Aldrich
The story of a bad boy
[Prose works]
Tom Bailey's adventures, or, The story of a bad boy
Works. --
The little violinist, and other prose sketches
The works of Thomas Bailey Aldrich
Marjorie Daw, and other people
XXXVI lyrics and XII sonnets
Famous poems
Friar Jerome's beautiful book, with decorations by W.S. Hadaway
Later lyrics
Works. --
Librivox Short Story Collection 088
Early poems
Works. --
Baby Bell
Cloth of gold, and other poems
Works. --
Pauline Pavlovna: dramatic romantic play or recitation
A midnight fantasy, and, The little violinist
Flower and thorn
Wyndham towers
Two bites at a cherry, with other tales
The course of true love never did run smooth
The sisters' tragedy, with other poems, lyrical and dramatic
Works. --
The shadow of the flowers
Prudence Palfrey, a novel
Works. --
Judith of Bethulia
Unguarded gates, and other poems
At Nahant
Tragedie Stillwaterská
Marjorie Daw, and The cruise of the Dolphin
Wan tong xiao zhuan
Scene of Blanchette
Friar Jerome's beautiful book, etc
A book of songs and sonnets
The Stillwater tragedy
The Poems of Thomas Bailey Aldrich
The poems of Thomas Bailey Aldrich
Cloth of gold
A Rivermouth romance
The poems of Thomas Bailey Aldrich in two volumes
XXXI lyrics and XII sonnets
Marjorie Daw, and other stories
Prudence Palfrey, and a rivermouth romance
Wan tong zi zhuan
Jubilee days
The Pellet
The story of a bad boy
The sisters' tragedy
Marjorie Daw, and other people
From Ponkapog to Pesth
Set of turquoise, dramatic play ..
The story of a bad boy
XXXVI lyrics and XII sonnets
Z nove poesie severamerické
Miss Mehetabel's son
Marjorie Daw and other people .
Père Antoine's date palm
Marjorie Daw and other stories
Baby Bell
Sipuro shel yeled raʻ
Wyndham towers
The story of a bad boy
Little Charlie
Unguarded gates
The sisters' tragedy
Pansy's wish
Judith and Holofernes
Thomas Bailey Aldrich papers
Marjorie Daw
Flower and thorn
Z poesie severamerické
The cruise of the Dolphin, Baby Bell, and other prose and verse
For bravery on the field of battle
Pauline Pavlovna
From Ponkapog to Pesth ; and, An old town by the sea
Baby Bell [with illustrations]
The writing of Thomas Bailey Aldrich
Mercedes, and later lyrics
The Stillwater tragedy
The little violinist
Marjorie Daw, and other stories
Marjorie Daw
From Ponkapog to Pesth
The story of a bad boy
The set of turquoise
The works of Thomas Bailey Aldrich