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politicians who wrote historical fiction
Showing 41-48 out of 104 results
Newt Gingrich
Newt Gingrich (born 1943)

politician, teacher, historian

  • Emory University, Tulane University
Grant Comes East
To try men's souls
Never call retreat
Victory at Yorktown
Valley Forge
Pearl Harbor
Days of Infamy
Never Call Retreat: Lee and Grant
Pearl Harbor
The battle of the crater
Pearl Harbor
Victory at Yorktown
Valley Forge
To Make Men Free
The battle of the crater
To renew America
Rediscovering God in America
Window of opportunity
A Contract with the Earth
Real change
Winning the Future
Drill here, drill now, pay less
Lessons learned the hard way
Contract with America
5 Principles for a Successful Life
Saving lives & saving money
Quotations from Speaker Newt
To Save America
Trump vs. China
Trump's America
To save America
Saving lives & saving money
A nation like no other
Is American Democracy in Crisis?
Trump and the American Future
Pearl Harbor
Ranting and Raving
Lessons in Leadership
Rediscovering God in America
Understanding Trump
After Shock
Mind of a Conservative Woman
Presidential Determination Regarding Certification of the 32 Major Illicit Narcotics Producing and Transit Countries
Rediscovering God in America
Trump's America
Beyond Biden
A nation like no other
To save America
Winning the future
Ronald Reagan
Descubra la fe de una nacion
Renewing American Civilization
Contract with the Earth
Grant Comes East
Defeating Big Government Socialism
Days of Infamy
A Nation Like No Other
Our Broken America
Drill Here, Drill Now, Pay Less
To Save America (Chinese Edition)
Rediscovering God in America II
Understanding Trump
Nine days that changed the world
To Try Men's Souls
Big Government Socialism
To renew America
Pearl Harbor
Grant Comes East
Trump and the American Future
Gettysburg Trilogy
Who We Are
The Essential American, A Patriot's Resource
To Renew America
Winning the Future
To Save America
Rediscovering God in America
Valley Forge
How to Win
Education for Liberation
Real Change
Duct Tape and WD-40
$2.50 a gallon
March to the Majority
Trump and Churchill Lib/E
The Battle of the Crater
Understanding Trump
Trump vs. China
Should we tax the rich more?
$2.50 a gallon
Valley Forge
The art of transformation
To save America
Jimmy Carter
Jimmy Carter (born 1924)

naval officer, diplomat, politician, farmer, autobiographer, submariner, statesperson, environmentalist, businessperson, engineer, peace activist, human rights activist, humanitarian

  • Georgia Southwestern State University, Georgia Tech
The Hornet's Nest
The hornet's nest
Keeping Faith
An hour before daylight
We can have peace in the Holy Land
Living faith
Our Endangered Values
Everything to Gain
Turning point
Why not the best?
Talking peace
The blood of Abraham
Always a reckoning, and other poems
A remarkable mother
The little baby Snoogle-Fleejer
An outdoor journal
Sharing good times
Beyond the White House
The virtues of aging
Sources of Strength
White House Diary
The wit and wisdom of Jimmy Carter
The Nobel Peace Prize lecture
A call to action
A government as good as its people
Christmas in Plains
Palestine Peace Not Apartheid
Leading a Worthy Life: Sunday Mornings in Plains
Empower Zone
Measuring Our Success: Sunday Mornings in Plains
Conversations with Carter
The hornet's nest
The spiritual journey of Jimmy Carter, in his own words
Negotiation, the alternative to hostility
Beyond the White House
Faith & Freedom
The personal beliefs of Jimmy Carter
To Assure Pride and Confidence in the Electoral Process
Carter on the arts
Talking Peace A Vision For The Next Generation
Bringing Peace to a Changing World: Sunday Mornings in Plains
United States encyclopedia
State of the Union address
Through the year with Jimmy Carter
As Time Goes by
Sharing good times
Niv Lessons From Life Bible Personal Reflections With Jimmy Carter
Kids' letters to President Carter
Public lecture
White House diary
James Carter
444 rūz
State Of The Union Addresses
"I'll never lie to you"
Mémoires d'un président
Christmas in Plains
Family of Wiley Carter
The United States and the Soviet Union : [remarks]
Remarks of President Jimmy Carter at the opening session of the President's Committee on Employment of the Handicapped
Hang time
Kingfisher Junior Illustrated Dictionary
Jimmy Carter
Le meilleur de nous-même
Soviet invasion of Afghanistan
Through the year with Jimmy Carter
National security goals
A full life
SALT-2: President Carter's address to Congress
U. S. Law Affecting Americans Living and Working Abroad
The American Revolution
Everything to Gain-LTD
State of the Union Addresses of Jimmy Carter
Public papers of the presidents of the United States
Life after the White House
The Hornets Nest
                Thorndike Paperback Bestsellers
Das Beste geben. Interaktiver Workshop
Everything to Gain
Virtues of Aging (Library of Contemporary Thought)
Trade Agreements Act of 1979
Bao chi xin xin
Oral History Interview with Jimmy Carter [exact date unavailable], 1974
Conference for Global Development Cooperation
Living Faith 6cp Counter W/Ris
Mei Zhong jian jiao qian hou
As virtudes de envelhecer
America's African policy
Jimmy Carter
piksel raders
Mā warāʼa al-Bayt al-Abyaḍ
Parlons de paix
Beyond the White House
America's African policy
1990 elections in the Dominican Republic
Tariq Ali
Tariq Ali (born 1943)

journalist, historian, peace activist, politician, film director, producer

  • University of Oxford, University of the Punjab
Shadows of the pomegranate tree
The stone woman
Night Of The Golden Butterfly
A Sultan in Palermo (Islam Quintet 4)
Das Buch Saladin. Historischer Roman
The Islam Quintet
                Islam Quintet
The Clash of Fundamentalisms
The new revolutionaries
An Indian dynasty
1968--marching in the streets
The Stalinist Legacy
Trotsky for beginners
Masters of the Universe
Who's afraid of Margaret Thatcher
Rough music
The coming British revolution
The Leopard and the Fox
Ugly rumours
Introducing Trotsky and Marxism
The assassination
The dictatorship of capital
Snogging Ken, an after-dinner entertainment
Speaking of Empire and Resistance
The Idea of Communism
Pakistan in the flight path of American power
Im Schatten des Granatapfelbaums. Ein Roman aus dem maurischen Spanien
Nehrus and the Gandhis an Indian Dynasty
Revolution from Above
Moscow gold
Fear of mirrors
Protocols of the elders of Sodom
Collateral damage
The duel
Pirates of the Caribbean
Fundamentalismus im Kampf um die Weltordnung
The Obama syndrome
The illustrious corpse
A la sombra del Granado / Shadows of the Pomegranate Tree
1968 and after
Can Pakistan Survive?
El Choque De Los Fundamentalismos
On history
Bush in Babylon ; The Recolonisation of Iraq
Midnight's children
LA Mujer De Piedra/the Stone Woman
La peur des miroir
Pakistan: military rule or people's power?
Street Fighting Years ; An Autobiography of the Sixties
Iranian Nights (Royal Court Theatre Series)
Political and cultural diversity in India
El Libro de Saladino
Die steinerne Frau
A banker for all seasons
El libro de Saladino II
The American Effect
Die Lehren von Chile
A la sombra del granado
A la sombra del granado (COLECCION 13/20) (13/20)
Time to Bury Lenin (Hutchinson General)
El libro de Saladino I
Le Choc des intégrismes
Kaari Utrio
Kaari Utrio (born 1942)

politician, historian, publisher

  • University of Helsinki
Eevan tyttäret
Kun nainen hallitsi, rakasti ja vihasi
Pirkkalan pyhät pihlajat
Vehkalahden neidot
Evas Töchter
Kalevan tyttäret
Karjalan kruunu
Vuosisatainen Viipuri
Aatelisneito, porvaristyttö
Rakas Henrietta
Sunneva Jaarlintytär
The spring of the moonstone
Kartanonherra ja kaunis Kirstin
Vaitelias perillinen
Viipurin kaunotar
Pormestarin tytär
Venus, naiskauneuden tarina
Pappilan neidot
Haukka, minun rakkaani
Laps' Suomen
Kiilusilmä feministi, eli, Miksi en enää matkusta junassa
Oppinut neiti
Suomen naisen vuosisadat
Suomen naisen tie
Spizowy labedz
Mór Jókai
Mór Jókai (1825-1904)

playwright, politician, journalist

  • Grammar School of Reformed College
The nameless castle
A Hungarian nabob
Halil the Peddler
Murder Most Foul
The lion of Janina
A kőszívű ember fiai
Szomorú napok
Pretty Michal: A Romance
Tengerszemü hölgy
Dr. Dumany's Wife: A Romance
The Poor Plutocrats: A Romance
A magyar nemzet története
The baron's sons
Szegeny gazdagok
Halil the Pedlar
Magyarhon szépségei
Timar's two worlds
Az arany ember
Peter the priest
Jókai Mór levelezése
Ein Goldmensch
The green book
There is no devil
Pretty Michal
Dr. Dumany \'s Wife
Egy az Isten
Szélcsend alatt
Stories by Foreign Authors
Törökvilág Magyarországon
Öszi fény
A Damokosok, regényes történet
Dr. Dumany 's Wife
Told by the death's head
A két Trenk (1892)
The golden age in Transylvania
Politikai divatok
Felfordult világ
Die schöne Michal
Írói arcképek
Rab Ráby
Poor plutocrats
Eyes like the sea
Black diamonds
A Christian but a Roman
The corsair king
Öreg ember nem vén ember
Jókai Mór
Enyim, tied, övé
Életemböl, igaz történetek, örök emlékek, humor, útleírás
Debts of honor
The dark diamonds
Az istenhegyi székely leány
A lélekidomár
Egy ember, aki mindent tud (1874)
Az önkényuralom adomái
Forradalom alatt írt müvei, 1848-1849
A magyar nemzet története regényes rajzokban
Egy magyar nábob
És mégis mozog a föld, eppur si muove
A fehér rózsa
Timar's two worlds
Bárou-l dă cîgán
Három kisregény
The yellow rose
Rab Ráby, 1879
Tales from Jókai
Cikkek és beszédek
A Kráó ; Tégy jót (1895)
Aki a szívét a homlokán hordja (1886) ; Sárga rózsa : pusztai regény (1893)
Egy hírhedett kalandor a XVII. századból
De kár megvénülni!
Utazás egy sirdomb körül
Dr. Dumany's wife
Dr. Dumány's wife
Börtön virága (1904)
Kertészgazdászati jegyzetek
Egy hírhedett kalandor
A lőcsei fehér asszony
Névtelen vár
Összes művei
Fráter György
The man with the golden touch
A cigánybáró
Felfordult világ (1863)
A három királyok csillaga
A fekete vér (1891)
A tengerszemű hölgy
The Baron's sons
Egy az Isten
A jövő század regénye (1872-1874)
A Damokosok
Rab Ráby (1879)
Jókai Mór
Törökvilág magyarországon
A mi lengyelünk (1903)
A Kráó ; Tégy Jót (1895)
Szeretve mind a vérpadig
Die armen Reichen
Synovʹi︠a︡ cheloveka s kamennym serdt︠s︡em
Rákóczy fia (1891)
Debts of honor
Jin ren
Van még új a nap alatt
Az új földesúr (1862)
Eppur si muove [or] És mégis mozog a föld
Túl a láthatáron
A huszti beteglátogatók
Kelet királynéja
Xiongnu qi shi lu
Akik kétszer halnak meg. régeny
A lőcsei fehér asszony
Minden poklon keresztül (1883)
Szerelem bolondjai
Jókai album
A régi jó táblabirák
Kárpáthy Zoltán
Fekete gyémántok, 1870
Bolan de gu shi
Névtelen vár, (1877)
Halil the pedlar
Erdély Aranykora (1851)
Tizenhárom magyar remekmű
Minden poklokon keresztül (1883)
Huang qiang wei
A magyar nép élcze szép hegedűszóban
A kiskirályok, 1885
Works of Maurus Jókai
Jókaitól, Jókairól
Görögtüz, 1877
Szegény gazdagok ; Az arany ember
A gazdag szegények
A barátfalvi lévita (1898)
Debts of honor
Egy magyar nábob (1853-54)
Synové muže kamenného srdce
Die goldene Zeit in Siebenbürgen
A mi lengyelünk
Az én életem regénye
Egy az Isten (1876-1877)
A tengerszemű hölgy (1890)
Sárga rózsa
A szerelem bolondjai
Enyim tiéd öve
Nincsen ördög
Fekete gyémántok
Baráti emlékül, Jókai Mór
Ahol a pénz nem Isten
A régi jó táblabírák (1856)
Forradalmi és csataképek 1848 és 1849-ből
The green book, or, Freedom under the snow
The man with the golden touch
Forradalom alatt irt művek
A fehér rózsa (1854)
Asszonyt kísér-istent kísért
A három márványfej (1887)
Egy játékos, a ki nyer
"--őrültek házába akartatok záratni"
Egy hírhedett kalandor a XVII. századból (1879)
A barátfalvi lévita
A tábornok és az asztrálszellem
Félistenek bolondságai ; Sirkőalbum (kathlánneth)
Du noveloj
Lew Wallace
Lew Wallace (1827-1905)

military officer, lawyer, diplomat, politician, autobiographer, journalist, poet, jurist, military personnel

Ben Hur
The fair god, or, The last of the 'Tzins
Ben Hur: A Tale of the Christ
The Prince of India, or Why the Constantinople Fell
Ben Hur
Ben-Hur, a Tale of the Christ
Lew Wallace : Volume II
Prince of India or Why Constantinople Fell
Prince of India, or Why Constantinop
Prince of India
Men at Sea
Life of Gen. Ben Harrison
Smoke, sound & fury
The First Christmas: From "Ben-Hur,"
Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ
The Fair God: Or, The Last of the 'Tzins : a Tale of the Conquest of Mexico
The wooing of Malkatoon
The Fair God
Life and public services of Benjamin Harrison, President of the U.S
The Chariot Race From Ben-Hur
Stories-The Boyhood of Christ
Ben-Hur; a Tale of the Christ
Ben Hur - A Tale of the Christ.
Ben Hur (Classics Illustrated, 147)
Prince of India (Volume 2)
Prince of India (Volume 1)
Life and Public Services of Benjamin Harrison, President of the U. S.
Ben-Hur, a Tale of the Christ Annotated
Ben-Hur: a Tale of the Christ by Lew Wallace:(Annotated Edition)
Ben-Hur : A Tale of the Christ
Classic Christian Novels (6 Books)
Prince of India
A Tale of the Christ
The Mystery of the Smoking Chimney
An Autobiography 1827 1905
Life of Gen. Ben Harrison
Constantinople - Vol I
Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ
Ben Hur
Ben Chour
The first Christmas, from "Ben Hur"
Life of Gen. Ben Harrison and Life of Hon. Levi P. Morton
Mimi Pond's Secrets of the powder room
Ben-Hur Annotated
The Story of the Making of Ben-Hur.
Prince of India (Volume I) Illustrated
Lew Wallace
The Fair God
Ben Hur Illustrated Classics Edition
The Boyhood of Christ
Lew Wallace; an Autobiography. Vol. II
Ben-Hur, a Tale of the Christ
Abdülhamit ve Sarayindaki Amerikali
Lew Wallace; an Autobiography. ; Volume II
Ben-Hur, a Tale of the Christ (Annotated)
Ben-Hur (Diversion Classics)
Ben-Hur, a Tale of the Christ Annotated
Scenes from every land
First Christmas
Boys' Ben-hur - Tale Of Christ
Prince of India  Illustrated
Chariot-Race from Ben-Hur
Lew Wallace
Prince of India (Volume 2)
The story of American heroism
Prince of India Vol 2
Ben Hur, A Tale of the Christ (complete and unabridged) (An Airmont Classic, Cl74)
An Autobiography
Ben-Hur Illustrated
Ben-Hur (Royal Collector's Edition) (Case Laminate Hardcover with Jacket)
Ben Hur (Bantam Books #A1450)
Prince of India, Vol 2
La carrera de carros de Ben-Hur
Ben - Hur a Tale of the Christ Illustrated
Ben-Hur a Tale of the Christ Annotated
The Fair God
Fair God or, the Last of the 'Tzins
Papazone adventure stories
Life and Public Services of Benjamin Harrison, President of the U.S.
Ben-Hur (Illustrated)
Ben-Hur A Tale of Christ
Ben Hur - A Tale of the Christ - 2nd printing
Ben-hur - a Tale of Christ
Ben Hur (Christian Epics)
Prince of India : Why Constantinople Fell
Contributions to a History of The Richmond Howitzer Battalion (Army of Northern Virginia)
The Fair God; Or, the Last of the 'tzins
Prince of India (Volume II) Illustrated
Ben-Hur (Dhingra Children's Classics)
Boyhood of Christ
The Wooing of Malkatoon & Commodus
The prince of India
The prince of India
Fair God
Life and Public Services of Hon. Benjamin Harrison, President of the U.S.
The pirate of Topsail Island
The Story of American Heroism; Thrilling Narratives of Personal Adventures During the Great Civil war, as Told by the Medal Winners and Roll of Honor Men
Fair God : Or, the Last of the 'Tzins
Ben-Hur Illustrated
Fair God; or, the Last of the 'Tzins; a Tale of the Conquest of Mexico
Prince of India, Vol 2
Ben Hur; Complete & Unabridged Book
Ben-Hur by Lew Wallace
Ben-Hur/ The World's Greatest Literature/ Volume 10
Ben Hur a Tale of the Christ
Prince of India
Ben-Hur; A Tale of the Christ (Heritage Press Illustrated Editions)
Fair God; a Tale of the Conquest of Mexico; Volume 2
The Prince of India; or, Why Constantinople Fell, by Lew Wallace VOLUME 2
Story of American Heroism; Thrilling Narratives of Personal Adventures During the Great Civil War, As Told by the Medal Winners and Roll of Honor Men
The Prince of India; of, Why Constantinople Fell; Volume 1
Prince of India; of, Why Constantinople Fell; Volume 1
Prince of India (Volume 1)
The Story of the Making of Ben-Hur a Tale of the Christ from Metro Goldwyn Mayer
Lew Wallace; An Autobiography.; Volume II
The city of the King, or, What the child Jesus saw and heard
Prince of India; or Why Constantinople Fell
Ben-Hur (100 Copy Collector's Edition)
Lew Wallace; an Autobiography
Lew Wallace papers
The Boyhood of Jesus
Yerusholaim un Roym
Yerusholaim un Roym
The Life of Benjamin Harrison
Blackbeard and the Topsail Island Pirate
My own account of the first day at Shiloh
Life of General Ben Harrison and Life of Honorable Levi P. Morton
בן חור
The new court house
Ben Ḥur
Alois Jirásek
Alois Jirásek (1851-1930)

historian, pedagogue, playwright, politician

  • Charles University
Na dvoře vévodském
F.L. Věk
Stare pověsti české
Staré pověsti české
Filosofska historija
Gaudeamus igitur
Filosofská historie
Filosofská historie. - Maryla. [K vyd. připr. a poznámkami a vysvětl. opatřila Františka Havlová.]
Mezi proudy
Na dvoře vévodském
Maloměstské historie
Proti všem
Písniky, a jiná prosa
Mezi proudy
Husitský král
Z Čech až na konec světa
Legends of old Bohemia
Vojenské povídky
U nás
Poklad: historický obraz z minulého století
Bitva u Kreščaku
Uroki świata
Z korespondencji Alojzego Jiráska z Polakami
Maloméstské historie
Filosofská historie
Z R°uzných dob
Filosofska historija
Živé prameny
F. L. Věk
Drobné povídky a onrázky
Slavný den
Řeč Mistra Aloise Jiráska
V cizích službách
Proti všem
Sebrané spisy
V cizích službach
Staré pověsti české
Staré povsti eské
Kozák a Turek
V sousedství
Na dvoře vévodském
U nás
Starosvětské obrázky
Sebrané spisy Aloisa Jiráska
Písničky, a jiná prosa
Zahořanský hon
Historja filozofów
Hejtmanská sláva
Ballada z rokoka
Z nedávna
Z Čech až na konec světa
Sebrane spisy
Písničky a jiná prosa
Alessandro Manzoni
Alessandro Manzoni (1785-1873)

poet, politician, playwright

On the Historical Novel
Opere varie di Alessandro Manzoni
I promessi sposi
Promise of Fidelity
I Promessi Sposi, The Betrothed
The betrothed
Osservazioni sulla morale cattolica
Promessi sposi
I promessi sposi
I Promessi Sposi: (The Betrothed)
Le tragedie, gl' inni sacri e le odi di Alessandro Manzoni: nella forma definitiva e negli ..
Del trionfo della libertà: poem
Opere in versi e in prosa
Il conte di Carmagnola: tragedia
Sulla morale cattolica: osservazioni
Alessandro Manzoni's The Count of Carmagnola and Adelchis
The Betrothed: A New Translation
Storia della colonna infame
I promessi sposi, storia milanese del secolo XVII, scoperta e rifatta da ..
Sulla morale Cattolica: osservazione
The sacred hymns "Gl'inni sacri" and The Napoleonic ode "Il cinque maggio" of Alexander Manzoni
Die Verlobten
Alessandro Manzoni, Two Plays
Le comte de Carmagnola
A vindication of Catholic morality
Poesie liriche
The bethrothed lovers
Edizione nazionale ed europea delle opere
Gl' Inni sacri e Il cinque maggio
Le tragedie, gl'inni sacri e le odi di Alessandro Manzoni
Tragedie e poesie
I promessi sposi, The betrothed. Transl
Le poesie
Del trionfo della libertà
Tutte le opere, e saggio di Francesco de Sanctis
" Inni sacri" e altri inni cristiani
I Promessi Sposi, The Betrothed
Il conte di Carmagnola
Il " mestiere guastato" delle Lettere
Le tragedie
La Rivoluzione francese del 1789 e la Rivoluzione italiana del 1859
La signora
Opere di Alessandro Manzoni
Opere inedite o rare di Alessandro Manzoni
Opere poetiche con prefazione di Goethe
I Promessi Sposi (Imparare Leggendo)
The betrothed (I promessi sposi)
The betrothed lovers
The column of infamy
Inni, odi e cori. Mit Materialien
Opere varie di Alessandro Manzoni: Ed. riveduta dall'autore
La monaca di Monza
Tragedie di Alessandro Manzoni, milanese ..: aggiuntevi le poesie varie dello stesso, ed alcune ..
Scritti sulla lingua
Théâtre et poésies de Alex. Manzoni
Le tragedie, gl'inni sacri, le odi
A Vindication of Catholic Morality: Or a Refutation of the Charges Brought Against it by ..
Del sistema che fonda la morale sull'utilità
Edizione nazionale ed europea delle opere di Alessandro Manzoni
Tragedie /di Alessandro Manzoni
Opera omnia
I promessi sposi =
Opere scelte: volume unico adorno di sei vignette e del ritratto dell' autore
Schriften zur Philosophie und Ästhetik
La " Lettre à M. Chauvet"
Antologia manzoniana
Die Brautleute. Mailändische Geschichte aus dem 17. Jahrhundert
Scritti di teoria letteraria
Dagli Inni sacri
Manzoni nostro
Poesie Scelte
La storia e l'invenzione
I promessi sposi
Opere varie di Alessandro Manzoni che contengono le tragedie: le poesie e la ..
One Promessi Sposi
I promessi sposi; storia milanese del secolo xvii
Scritti linguistici editi
Della lingua italiana
Tutte le poesie, 1797-1812
Os noivos
Le tragedie, gl'inni sacri, le odi di Alessandro Manzoni
Le tragedie, gl' inni sacri, le odi, nella forma definitiva e negli abbozzi e con le varianti delle diverse ed., a cura di Michele Scherillo
Gli scritti linguistici di A. Manzoni
Sulla morale cattolica
Le correzoni ai Promessi sposi e l'unità della lingua
Sulla lingua italiana: scritti vari
Inni, Odi e Cori
Lettre à Mr. C-- sur l'unité de temps et de lieu dans la tragédie
Manzoni inedito
Svolgimento della poetica manzoniana
I Promessi Sposi (Livello Quattro)
Scritti linguistici
Scritti linguistici inediti
Scritti di estetica
Los Novios
Gli scritti linguistici
The bethrothed; "I promessi sposi"
Opere varie
Théâtre et poésies
Tragedie e poesie di Alessandro Manzoni
Processo Manzoni Le Monnier
Pochi versi: inediti
Tragedie e poesie scelte di Alessandro Manzoni ..
La prima stesura inedita della "Lettre à M. Chauvet"
I Promessi sposi
Liriche, tragedie e prose
Tutte le opere di Alessandro Manzoni
Alessandro Manzoni's I promessi sposi
Die Brautleute. I Promessi Sposi
Saggio di vocabolario italiano secondo l'uso di Firenze
Scelta di scritti grammaticali manzoniani
I promessi sposi
Il giorno quinto di maggio
I promessi sposi: storia milanese del secolo XVII scoperta e rifatta
Lettere inedite
Die Nonne Von Monza Ubersetzung Aus Dem
I promessi sposi =
"Sentir messa"
Una lettera inedita di Alessandro Manzoni al Fauriel (1o aprile 1817)
I promessi sposi: storia milanese del secolo decimosettimo
Sulla morale callolica
The betrothed
I promessi sposi (The betrothed)  With introd. and notes
Postille al vocabolario della Crusca nell'edizione veronese
L'Histoire de la colonne infame
La signora di Monza
Manzoni e il suo lettore
Liriche e tragedie
Opere minori
Le postille del Manzoni al Vocabolario della Crusca
I promessi sposi: storia milanese del secolo xvii, scoperta e rifatta da ..
Appendice alla Morale cattolica, o, Del sistema che fonda la morale sull'utilità
The sacred hymns <Gl' inni sacri> and The Napoleonic ode <Il cinque maggio> of Alexander Manzoni
Del romanzo storico e, in genere, de' componimenti misti di storia e d'invenzione
Una patria per Renzo e Lucia
Poesie e tragedie
Dell'indipendenza dell'Italia
Sul romanticismo
Lettere sui Promessi sposi
Tutte le poesie
Tutte le opere di Allessandro Manzoni
Morale Filosofica E Morale Religiosa
I promessi sposi di Alessandro Manzoni: raffrontati sulle due edizioni del ..
Discorso sopra alcuni punti della storia longobardica in Italia (1845)
Storia della colonna infame
Le correzioni ai Promessi sposi e l'unità della lingua
Opere inedite o rare
Del romanzo storico
La Colonna infame
Il dialogo dell'invenzione
Alle origini della corruzione
I promessi sposi a teatro
Alessandro Manzoni
Riassunto dei Promessi sposi
Un libro 'inedito' di A. Manzoni
Osservazioni sulla morale cattolica
Les fiancés
Scritti sulla lingua italiana
Prose minori, lettere inedite e sparse, pensien e sentenze
Tutte le poesie di Alessandro Manzoni
I Longobardi in Italia
Opere inedite o rare
Morale Filosofica E Morale Religiosa
Alesanndro Manzonis
I figli di Renzo Tramaglino e di Lucia Mondella: séguito ai Promessi sposi ..
Lettere inedite di Alessandro Manzoni
Le opere..
Storia incompiuta della Rivoluzione francese
Théatre et poésies
Il conte di Carmagnola
Scritti di teoria letteraria
Lettere inedite o disperse
Traducciones españolas del Cinco de mayo de Alejandro Manzoni
Les Fiancés
Poesie di Alessandro Manzoni, prima della conversione
Alessandro Manzoni
Le postille del Manzoni al Vocabolario della Crusca
I promessi sposi. Storia milanese del secolo XVII, scoperta e rifatta
Tutte le opere di Alessandro Manzoni
Libri e manoscritti dalle nuove acquisizioni
Prose minori, lettere inedite e sparse, pensieri e sentenze
I promessi sposi di Alessandro Manzoni: raffrontati sulle due edizioni del 1825 e 1840
Epistolario di Alessandro Manzoni
Scritti linguistici inediti, 2
Lettera al signor Chauvet sull'unità di tempo e luogo nella tragedia
Storia della colonna infame
Le tragedie, gl' inni sacri, le odi, nella forma definitiva e negli abbozzi e con le varianti delle diverse ed., a cury di Michele Scherillo
Lettre à M.C*** sur l'unité de temps et de lieu dans la tragédie
Alessandro Manzoni, 1785-1873
Inni sacri.--Odi.--Cori
Poesie prima della conversione
Manzoni intimo ..
Opere poetiche.  Volume unico
Opere minori
Bruud og Bruudgom
Un libor inedito di A. Manzoni
Opere varie
In margine a Storia della colonna infame di Alessandro Manzoni
Le tragedie
Pest, Folter und Schandsäule
Liriche e tragedie
Lettere sui Promessi sposi
Antologia delle opere minori, a cura di Marcello Turchi
Sulla modestia e sull'umiltà
Alessandro Manzoni, studio biografico e critico
La rivoluzione francese del 1789 e la rivoluzione italiana del 1859: saggio comparativo
I promessi sposi
Fermo e Lucia
I promessi sposi, storia della colonna infame
I promessi sposi
Tutte le opere
Manzoni, i fiori del bene
I Promessi Sposi Illustrated by Francesco Gonin
Lettera al signor Chauvet sull'unità di tempo e di luogo nella tragedia
Storia della colonna infame
Cori delle tragedie ; Strofe per una prima comunione ; Canti politici ; In morte di C. Imbonati ; Urania ; Sermoni ; Frammenti d'inni, versi e sonetti
Yue hun fu fu
Inni sacri ..
Opere poetiche ..
I viaggi e gli amici genovesi di Manzoni
Edizione nazionale ed europea delle opere di Alessandro Manzoni
Die Verlobten. Eine Mailändische Geschichte aus dem Siebzehnten Jahrhundert
I promessi sposi ; e, Storia della colonna infame
Scritti filosofici
Le poesie
I promessi sposi di Alessandro Manzoni nelle due edizioni del 1840 e del 1825 raffrontate tra ..
Sul romanticismo
Opere, a cura di Riccardo Bacchelli
Carteggio Alessandro Manzoni, Claude Fauriel
Prose minori, lettere inedite e sparse, pensieri e sentenze
Alessandro Manzoniʼs I promessi sposi
I promessi sposi =
Liriche scelte
La lettre à M. Chauvet
I promessi sposi =
The betrothed
Opere inedite o rare
Le comte de Carmagnola; et, Adelghis
Opere inedite o rare
Lucia, the betrothed
Pensieri Di Letteratura E Filosofia
Lettere inedite di Alessandro Manzoni
I promessi sposi di Alessandro Manzoni
Tutte le poesie, 1797-1872
Documenti cappuccini di interesse manzoniano
Le liriche
Les fiancés : histoire milanaise du dix-septième siècle, découverte et refaite
Storia incompiuta della rivoluzione francese
Tragedie del conte Alessandro Manzoni
I promesi sposi
El 5 [Cinco] de mayo y los himnos sagrados
I promessi sposi
Scelta di scritti grammaticali manzoniani
L'autografo del "Cinque Maggio"
Betrothed, The
I promessi sposi
Voci e volti di casa Manzoni
Sul romanticismo
I primi anni di Alessandro Manzoni
Il teatro
La poesia di Alessandro Manzoni
La prima stesura inedita della "Lettre à M. Chauvet"
Scritti teorici
Le tragedie
Tragedie e poesie
Un libro inedito di A. Manzoni
Théatre et poésies
Alessandro Manzoni
Poesie liriche di Alessandro Manzoni