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poets who wrote historical fiction
Showing 49-56 out of 397 results
Paul Kingsnorth
Paul Kingsnorth (born 1972)

journalist, poet, opinion journalist, environmentalist, activist

  • University of Oxford, The Royal Grammar School, High Wycombe
Zofia Kossak-Szczucka
Zofia Kossak-Szczucka (1889-1968)

opinion journalist, poet, teacher

  • School of Fine Arts in Warsaw
Blessed are the meek
Troja północy
The covenant
W Polsce Podziemnej
The leper king
Wspomnienia z Kornwalii 1947-1957
The meek shall inherit
Troja północy, 966-1966
Szaleńcy Boży
Złota wolność
Dzień dzisiejszy
Kłopoty Kacperka góreckiego skrzata
Rok polski
Z otchłani
Na emigracji
The blaze
Król trędowaty
Suknia Dejaniry
Błogosławiony Jan Sarkander ze Skoczowa
The blaze
Bez oręża
The gift of Nessus
Nieznany kraj
Pątniczym szlakiem
Bez ore̦źa
The leper king
Blessed are the meek
Król trędowaty
Ognisty woz
Du fond de l'abîme, Seigneur..
Beato sacrilegio
Rok Polski
Patniczym szlakiem
Złota wolność
The covenant
Rok polski
Król Tredowaty
The blaze
Blogoslawiona wina
Legnickie pole
Król trędowaty
Suknia Dejaniry
Ognisty wóz
Blessed are the meek
Bez oręża
Namık Kemal
Namık Kemal (1840-1888)

poet, journalist, politician, historian, playwright, translator

Müntehabāt-i Taṣvīr-i Efkār
Namik Kemal'in şiirleri
Terācüm-i aḥvāl, Yavuz Sulṭān Selīm
Evrak-i perişan
Rūnān Mudāfe'e nāme-si
Osmanlı tarihi
Evrak-i perişan
Evrak-i perişan
Namik Kemal
Terācüm-i aḥvāl, Yavuz Sulṭān Selīm
Zavalli Cocuk
Kara bela
Namik Kemal antolojisi, Topliyan Ahmet Hamdi Tanpinar
Evrāḳ-i perīşān
Silistire muhasarasi
Cumel-i muntehabe-i Kemal
Namık Kemal
Namık Kemal'in tarihı̂ biyografileri
'Osmanli tārīhī
Silistire muhasarası
Terācüm-i aḥvāl - Sulṭān Selīm
Celaleddin Harzemşah
Intibah, sergüzeşti-i Ali Bey
Zavalli çocuk, hazirliyan Mustafa Nihat Ozön
Renan müdafaanamesi
Celaleddin Harzemşah
Müntehabāt-i Taṣvīr-i Efkār
Kanije muhasarasi
Vatan yâhut Silistre
Hususî mektuplarina göre Namik Kemal ve Abdülhak Hâmid
Büyük İslâm tarihi
Akif Bey
İntibah : Ali Beyʼin sergüzeşti
Cümel-i müntehabe-i Kemal
Rūnān Mudāfe'e nāme-si
Makalat-i siyasiye ve edebiye
Makalat-i Siyäsiye va edebiye
Rü'ya va maghusa maktübi
Tahrib-i harabat
Vatan yahut silistre
Vatan yahud silistre
Celâleddin Harzemşah
Terācüm-i aḥvāl - Sulṭān Selīm
Namik Kemal'in husûsî mektuplari
Yavuz Sultan Selim
Namık Kemalʼin talim-i edebiyat üzerine bir risalesi
Kara belâ
Osmanlı tarihi
Külliyat-ı Kemal tabolunuyor
Zavallı çocuk; üç fasıldan ibaret tiyatro yunu [sic, yazan] Namık Kemal.  Hazırlıyan: Mustafa Nihat Özön
Vatan yahut Silistire
Namık Kemâl'in şairliği ve bütün şiirleri
Mukaddime-yi Celal
Doğumunun yüzellinci yılında Namık Kemal
Namık Kemal'den mektup var
Ölümünün 100. yılında Namık Kemal
Rönan müdafaanamesi
Ölümünün 100. yıldönümü münasebetiyle Namık Kemal'in Türk dili ve edebiyatı üzerine görüşleri ve yazıları
Kosova şehifi
Osmanlı modernleşmesinin meseleleri
Rüya ve Magosa mektubu
Nevruz Beyin tercüme-yi hali
Yavuz sultan Selîm
Namık Kemalʼin husûsı̂ mektupları
Ölümünün 100. yılında Namık Kemal
Devr-i istilâ
Zavallı çocuk
Ze'ev Jabotinsky
Ze'ev Jabotinsky (1880-1940)

poet, orator, activist, local historian, journalist, military officer, translator, opinion journalist

  • Sapienza University of Rome
The Five
Tagar u-magen
Samson nazoreĭ
Samson Nazoreĭ
The political and social philosophy of Ze'ev Jabotinsky
Di geshikhṭe fun Yidishen Legyon
Stato e libertà
The Jewish war front
Megilat ha-Gedud
Vladimir Jabotinsky's Story of My Life
The story of the Jewish legion
Turkey and the war
Zeʼev Z'aboṭinsḳi
Evidence submitted to the Palestine Royal Commission
Ḥazit ha-milḥamah shel ʻam Yiśraʼel
From the pen of Jabotinsky
ʻInyan Stavsḳi
Medinah ʻIvrit
Państwo żydowskie
The five
Vybrani statti znatsional'noho pytannya
Vybrani statti z nat͡s︡ionalʹnoho pytanni͡a︡
Zamelbukh far Betarisher yugend
ha-ʻEdut she-nimserah li-fene ha-Ṿaʻadah ha-malkhutit le-Erets-Yiśraʼel
ʻOlamo shel Z'aboṭinsḳi
Bund i sionizm
The War And The Jew
'Olamo shel Z'abotinski
Mah yiheyeh ha-sof?
Der Ḳamf fun natsiʾonaln arbeṭer
La nación judía y la guerra
ha- Mivṭa ha-ʻIvri
Shṭaṭs-tsiyenizm: dos reṿizyonisṭishe program
Raʻayon BeITa"R
Di Yesodes fun der Hebraysher beṿegung
Nedrugam Siona
Doktor Gertsl'
Idishe yugnṭ ṿuhin?
Ṿos hoṭ gezogṭ Zshaboṭinskị far der ḳeniglekher ḳomisye
La legión judía en la guerra de 1914
Philister über dir, Simson!
Slovo o polku
ʻEḳronot manḥim li-veʻayot ha-shaʻah
Umah ṿe-ḥevrah
Seyfer Zshaboṭinsḳi
A pocket edition of several stories, mostly reactionary
Evidence submitted to the Royal Palestine Commission, House of Lords, London, February 11th, 1937
Prelude to Delilah
Sefer Zshabotinski
Di Shuts-frage in erets-Yiśroel
Der Islam un erets Yiśraʾel
Golah ṿe-hitbolelut
Nedrugam Sīona
1. Dünya Savasi ve Türkiye
Di Zikherheyṭ in erets Yiśroel
Nutsloze farhandlungen (ṿegen der Londoner ḳonferents)
Israil'i Kur
The war and the Jew
Tsu di fun meyn eygenem dor. Enṭṿeder-oder
ha- Mediniyut ha-Tsiyonit
Dos Araber-problem un erets Yiśroel
State Zionism
Ketavim nivḥarim
Ba-derekh la-medinah
Shelk i stalʹ
Zamelbukh far Beytarisher yugend
Estado u sociedad
Vegn veis bukh un einheiṭ-fronṭ
Judge and fool
ha-Reṿizyonizm ha-Tsiyoni be-hitgabshuto
ha-ʻEdut li-fene ha-Ṿaʻadah ha-malkhutit ʻal yede Zeʾev Zhaboṭinsḳi, neśi ha-Histadrut ha-Tsiyonit ha-ḥadashah
Verso lo Stato
Bund i sionizm
Raʻyon Betar
Sheʼelot ʻavodah
ha-Shaʻah 12 higiʻah
זכות הבחירה לכל דיכפין
Taḳtsir shel geʾografyah kelalit ṿe-ʻIvrit
Di geshikhṭe fun Idishen Legyon
ha-Yehudim ṿeha-milḥamah
Vittnesmål inför den kungliga Palestina-kommissionen
O zheleznoĭ stene
Sikum ṿe-hatḥalah
[ʻEdut Zeʼev Z'abotịnsḳi bi-fene ha-Ṿaʼadah ha-malkhutit ʻal Erets-Yisŕaʼel, 697-1937]
Le-mahutah shel ha-demoḳraṭyah
ha-Derekh el ha-reṿizyonizm ha-Tsiyoni
Leʼumiyut liberalit
Der sotsyaler program fun reṿizyonizm
ʻAl hadar
Di zikherhayṭ in Erets Yiśroel
Histoire de ma vie
I︠A︡--syn svoeĭ pory
Be-shaʻah harat-ʻolam
Megilat ha-gedud
Sheʾelot ha-haganah be-Erets Yiśraʾel
Slovo o polku
Sochinenii︠a︡ v devi︠a︡ti tomakh
Zeʼev Z'aboṭinsḳi be-ḥazon uva-ḥazit
La legión judía
Die Idee des Betar
Estado u sociedad
ha-Reṿizyonizm ha-Tsiyoni be-maʾavaḳaṿ
Demut ha-ishah be-'ene Z'aboṭinsḳi
Hisṭoryah, dat ṿe-tarbut Yehudit
ʻOlamo shel Z'aboṭinsḳi
Bund i Sionizm
Zeʾev Z'aboṭinsḳi, ha-ish u-mishnato
Taryag millim
Raʻyon ha-yovel
Igrot Zeʼev Z'aboṭinsḳi
Povestʹ moikh dneĭ
ha-ʻEdut she-nimserah li-fene ha-Ṿaʻadah ha-malkhutit le-Erets-Yiśraʼel
משירי נעוריו של זאב ז׳בוטינסקי
La Legione Ebraica nella guerra mondiale / Vladimiro Giabotinschi; traduzione di Maurizio Klingbail Bar Zevi
ʻEḳronot manḥim li-veʻayot ha-shaʻah
Matsav ha-umah
Erets Yiśraʼel
ha-Ḳets le-hatsharat Balfor?
The selected writings of Ze'ev Jabotinsky
ha-Tsiyonut ha-tsevaʼit
Ideologja Bejtaru
Di yesoydes̀ fun der Hebreisher beṿegung
The war and the Jew
Zeʼev Z'aboṭinsḳi
Zsidó állam felé
Di naye Tsienisṭishe organiyatsye
ha-Reṿizyonizm ha-Tsiyoni liḳrat mifneh
A zsidó légió a világháborúban
El sionismo
Demut ha-ishah be-ʻene Zhaboṭinsḳi
Mishnato ha-sotsyalit shel Zeʾev Zhabotinsḳi
Igeret Zeʾev Zhaboṭinsḳi
Charles De Coster
Charles De Coster (1827-1879)

journalist, poet

  • Free University of Brussels
The legend of Ulenspiegel and Lamme Goedzak
Lettres à Elisa
The Legend of the Glorious Adventures of Tyl Ulenspiegle in the Land of Flanders and Elsewhere
Flemish legends
The legend of Ulenspiegel and Lamme Goedzak, and their adventures heroical, joyous and glorius in the land of Flanders & elsewhere
The legend of the glorious adventures of Tyl Ulenspiegel in the land of Flanders & elsewhere
La légende et les aventures héroïques, joyeuses et glorieuses d'Ulenspiegel et de Lamme Goedzak au pays de Flandres et Ailleurs
Heer Halewijn
La légende d'Ulenspiegel
Ṭil Ulenshpigel
Flemish legends
Brieven aan Elisa
Ulenspiegel und Lamme Goedzak
Die Geschichte von Ulenspiegel und Lamme Goedzak
The Glorious Adventures Of Tyl Ulenspiegl
La legende et les aventures héroïques
Légende d'ulenspiegel au pays de flandres et ailleurs
Thyl Ulenspiegel
The glorious adventures of Tyl Ulenspiegl
The glorious adventures of Tyl Ulenspiegl
Tyll Ulenspiegel und Lamm Goedzak
Tÿll Ulenspiegel
Flemish Legends
Flemish Legends
Die Hochzeitsreise
Charles de Coster, journaliste
Smedje Smee
Vlämische Mären
Tyll Ulenspiegel und Lamm Goedzak: Legende von ihren heroischen, lustigen ...
The legend of Ulenspiegel and Lamme Goedzak, and their adventures heroical, joyous and glorious in the land of Flanders and elsewhere
The Legend of Ulenspiegel and Lamme Goedzak and Their Adventures Heroical, Joyous, and Glorious in the Land of Flanders and Elsewhere; Volume 1
De legende en de heldhaftige, vrolijke en roemrijke avonturen van Uilenspiegel en Lamme Goedzak in Vlaanderen en elders
Flämische Legenden
La légende d'Ulenspiegel et de Lamme Goedzak
Lettres à Élisa
La legende et les aventures héroïques, joyeuses et glorieuses d'Ulenspiegel et de Lamme Goedzak au pays de Flandres et ailleurs
Legend of the Glorious Adventures of Tyl Ulenspiegel
The Legend of Ulenspiegel and Lamme Goedzak and Their Adventures Heroical, Joyous, and Glorious in the Land of Flanders and Elsewhere; Volume 1
Ulenspiegel und Lamme Goedzal
The legend of Ulenspiegel and Lamme Goedzak and their adventures heroical, joyous, and glorious in the land of Flanders and elsewhere
Briefe an Elisa
Légendes flamandes
Smetse der Schmied
Herr Halewijn
Legenda ob Ulenshpigele
Legend of Ulenspiegel
Légendes Flamandes
The Legend of Ulenspiegel and Lamme Goedzak and Their Adventures Heroical, Joyous, and Glorious in the Land of Flanders and Elsewhere; Volume 2
The Legend of the Glorious Adventures of Tyl Ulenspiegle in the Land of Flanders and Elsewhere
The glorious adventures of Tyl Ulenspiegl
Tijl Uilenspiegel
Maʻaśeh Ṭil Ulenshpigel
... Legenda ob Ulenshpiegele i Lamme Gudzake
Uilenspiegel und Lamme Goedzak
Ṭil Ulenshpigel
Herr Halewijn ...
Charles de Coster
Till l'espiègle
Smetse, der Schmied
Contes brabançons
Ulenspiegel und Lamm Goedzak
Lettres à Élisa
La légende et les aventures héroiques, joyeuses et glorieuses d'Ulenspiegel et de Lamme Goedzak au pays de Flandres et ailleurs
מעשה טיל אולנשפיגל ולמה גודזק
Legenda jako też bohaterskie wesołe i sławne przygody Dyla Sowizdrzała i Jagnuszka Poczciwca w krajach flamandzkich i gdzie indziej
Lettres à Élisa
Jens Peter Jacobsen
Jens Peter Jacobsen (1847-1885)

botanist, poet, translator

  • University of Copenhagen
Marie Grubbe
Niels Lyhne
Mogens and Other Stories
Fru Marie Grubbe
Frau Marie Grubbe
Et venskab
Entre la vie et le rêve--Niels Lyhne
Novellen, Briefe, Gedichte
Essai sur les origines de la comédie en France au moyen-age
Eros og døden
Samlede vaerker
Das Schönste
Udvalgte digte
Marie Grubbe A Lady Of The Seventeenth Century
J. P. Jacobsen-manuskripter
Samlede Skrifter
Sech s Novellen
Niels Lyhne
The plague in Bergamo
To Fortællinger: Elisabeth.  Professorens Huus
Mogens og andre noveller
Lyrik og prosa
Samlede skriften
Niels Lyhne Dodo Press
Digte og udkast
Samlede værker
Novellen und Gedichte
Samlede skrifter
Gesammelte Werke
Poems and Sketches
Omkring Niels Lyhne
Sämtliche Werke
J.P. Jacobsens spor i ord, billeder og toner
Mogens, and Other Stories: And Other Stories, Short Story Index Reprint Ser
Breve fra J.P. Jacobsen
Die Pest in Bergamo
Frau Marie Grubbe
Niels Lyhne. Roman
Afhandlinger og artikler
Marie Grubbe
Marie Grubbe
Jean-François Marmontel
Jean-François Marmontel (1723-1799)

philosopher, politician, journalist, poet, historian, playwright, librettist, literary critic, encyclopédistes

Memoirs of Marmontel
Poetique françoise
Poetique françoise
Contes moraux
Les Incas
Moral tales
Poetique françoise
Mémoires de Marmontel
Marmontel's moral tales
Select translations and imitations from the French of Marmontell [!] and Gresset
Memorie sulla vita del signor G. Francesco Marmontel
Œuvres complètes de Marmontel
Eléments de littérature
Memorie sulla vita del signor G. Francesco Marmontel
Déjeuners du village
Contes moraux
Les Incas, ou, la destruction de le̓mpire du Pérou
Memorie sulla vita del signor G. Francesco Marmontel
Contes moraux
Les Incas
Éléments de littérature
The shepherdess of the Alps
Memoires de Marmontel
The Incas, or, The destruction of the empire of Peru
Classic tales, serious and lively
La neuvaine du Cythère
The history of Belisarius, the heroick and humane Roman general
Memoirs of Marmontel
The Peruvian
Epitre a Son Excellence M. l'abbé comte de Bernis, conseiller d'Etat, ambassadeur auprès de Leurs Majestés Impériales, sur la conduite respective de la France & de l'Angleterre
Moral Tales
Bélisaire: Fragments de philosophie morale
Les contes moraux
Correspondance ..
Les contes moraux
Mémoires de Marmontel : secrétaire perpétuel de l'Academie franc̜ais. / Précédés d'une introduction par m. F. Barrière
La bergère des Alpes
Le Huron
Memoires de Marmontel
The misanthrope corrected
The widow of the village, or, The adventures of innocence
Moral tales, by M. Marmontel. Translated from the French. In two volumes. ... Cooke's edition. Embellished with superb engravings
Moral tales, by M. Marmontel
Denis le tyran
Mémoires de Marmontel, secrétaire perpétuel de l'Académie franc̜ais
Contes moraux
Mémoires de Marmontel, secrétaire perpétuel de l'Académie français /précédés d'une introduction par m. F. Barrière
Suite de contes moraux
Le Huron
The specious friend, or, A wife of ten thousand
L' ami de la maison
Œuvres posthumes de Marmontel, historiographe de France, secrétaire perpétual de l'Académie française
Select moral tales
[Oeuvres choisies de Marmontel] ..
Élémens de littérature
La neuvaine de Cythère
Zemire et Azor
Marmontel et Polymnie
Éléments de littérature
Poétique françoise
Memoirs of Marmontel
Denis le tyran,: tragédie
Poetique françois
La fausse magie
Memoirs of Jean François Marmontel
Contes moraux
Zemire et azor, comedie en quatre actes et en vers, melee de chants
Les Incas
Montalde; or, The honest Breton
Selima & Azore
Contes moraux
Oeuvres de monsieur Marmontel
L'amitié à l'épreuve
Zemire et Azor
Nouveaux contes moraux
Pensées philosophiques, ou L'ame de monsieur de Marmontel
Memoirs of Marmontel, written by himself
Los Incas, ó, la destruccion del imperio del Perú
Oeuvres complettes de M. Marmontel, historiographe de France ..
Oeuvres complètes
Œuvres complettes de M. Marmontel
Belisarius. By M. Marmontel, ... To which are added, Fragments of moral philosophy, by the same author, in three essays, never before translated: I. Of glory. II. Of the great. III. Of grandeur
The Incas: or, The destruction of the empire of Peru
Belisarius. A tale. By M. Marmontel. ... Cooke's edition. Embellished with superb engravings
Trois contes moraux
Oeuvres complètes
Oeuvres complètes
Oeuvres complètes
Oeuvres complètes
Les Incas, ou, La destruction de l'empire du Pérou
Contes Moraux, T. 2
Bélisaire, et fragmens de philosophie morale
Oeuvres complètes
Poetique françoise
Le Huron
Oeuvres complètes
Œuvres de Marmontel
Les Incas, ou, La destruction de l'empire du Pérou
Zemira e Azore
Contes moraux
Oeuvres complètes
Select translations and imitations from the French of Marmontell [sic] and Gresset
The widow of the village, or, Adventures of innocence
Tales translated from the French of M. Marmontel. Consisting of The village breakfasts, ... Vol.II
The Incas: or, The destruction of the empire of Peru
Zémire et Azore
Oeuvres complètes
Oeuvres complètes
Essai sur les romans
Le Huron
Œuvres posthumes
The moral tales of M. Marmontel. Translated from the French by C. Denis, and R. Lloyd, ..
Oeuvres complètes
Denis le Tyran
The widow of the village: or, The adventures of innocence
Les Incas, ou, La destruction de l'empire du Perou
Memoirs of Jean Francois Marmontel
Les Incas, ou, La destruction de l'empire du Pérou
Belisarius. By M. Marmontel, ... A new translation
Contes Moraux, T. 3
Oeuvres complètes
Bergère des Alpes
Oeuvres complètes
Contes moraux, T. 1
Oeuvres complètes
Annette et Lubin
Oeuvres complètes
Oeuvres complètes
Contes moraux et pièces choisies de M. Marmontel
Oeuvres complètes
Elizabeth Madox Roberts
Elizabeth Madox Roberts (1881-1941)


  • University of Chicago
The great meadow
Prentice Hall Literature -- Platinum
The time of man
Under the tree
My heart and my flesh ..
The time of man
Not by strange gods
The haunted mirror
Black is my truelove's hair
Song in the meadow
Jingling in the wind
He sent forth a raven
Under the tree
The time of man
In the great steep's garden
A buried treasure
Elizabeth Madox Roberts
Time of Man
The great meadow