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journalists who wrote historical fiction
Showing 65-72 out of 481 results
Richard Hughes
Richard Hughes (1900-1976)

journalist, poet, playwright

  • Oriel College, Charterhouse School
The Fox in the Attic
The Human Predicament
The Wooden Shepherdess
The Fox in the Attic
The Human Predicament: Vol.1
The Wooden Shepherdess
The fox in the attic
The Fox in the Attic
Fox in Attic
Innocent Voyage
Wolf's Complete Book of Terror
Gertrude's Child
In Hazard
The Wonder Dog
A High Wind in Jamaica
A High Wind in Jamaica
In hazard
In Hazard
Gertrude's child
Fiction as Truth
A high wind in Jamaica, or, The innocent voyage
In Hazard
In Hazard
Bound for Boston
The Wonder Dog
In the Lap of Atlas
High Wind in Jamaica
Gipsy-Night and Other Poems
The Spider's Palace
False Accusation - Level 4
Queen bee
The Fox in the attic
Assemblies for secondary schools
Hong Kong, borrowed place, borrowed time
The Innocent Voyage
The Spider's Palace
A Secondary Religious Education Course
Lost in London
Don't Blame Me! and Other Stories
Byd y bigail
Those Things Which Are Above
The Man Born to Be Hanged
The Sisters' Tragedy
Gertrude and the Mermaid
Foreign Devil
The Sisters' Tragedy
In Hazard
Hazard Elimination Inc., Shaken, but Not Stirred
Cyclone à la Jamaïque
Hazard Elimination Inc
Richard Hughes
New Approach to Religious Education
Davy Jones, or, Harlequin and Mother Carey's chickens
A Moment of Time
Gertrude Child
Péril en mer
Guy, Earl of Warwick
A Primary Religious Education Course
A high wind in Jamaica
Gipsy-Night and Other Poems
Gertrude's Child
Hucarán en Jamaica
Confessio Juvenis
A Comedy of Good and Evil
A Moment of Time
Bringing Down the Safety Guy
The Spider's Palace
Ecstatic ode on vision
No Royalty A/C Spider's Palace
Richard Hughes
A rabbit and a leg
Demographic change and the measures that can be taken to attract and  retain sewing machinists
Guidelines for Promoting Equal Opportunities in the Health Service
The spider's palace & other stories
Confessio juvenis
High Wind in Jamaica (1563)
The human predicament
A moment of time
Wooden Shepherdess
Plays Richard Hughes
Burial and the dark child
The human predicament
A high wind in Jamaica <The innocent voyage>
Hughes, Glyn in Hazard (Coll.edn.)\pan Only
The wonder-dog
A High Wind Jamaica
Daddy's Practising Again
Selected modern short stories
The Bus
The case of Richard Hughes, contractor and builder of the fish-market, Westminster
El perro prodigio
The sisters' tragedy
The wooden sheperdess
In hazard
Hughes Plays
Legends of the Heart
A moment in time
Paul Kingsnorth
Paul Kingsnorth (born 1972)

journalist, poet, opinion journalist, environmentalist, activist

  • University of Oxford, The Royal Grammar School, High Wycombe
Anisul Hoque
Anisul Hoque (born 1965)

editor, journalist, columnist

  • Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Rangpur Zilla School
Kim Hoon
Kim Hoon (born 1948)

journalist, essayist, literary critic

  • Korea University
Michael Kumpfmüller
Michael Kumpfmüller (born 1961)


  • Werner-Heisenberg-Gymnasium Garching
Zofia Kossak-Szczucka
Zofia Kossak-Szczucka (1889-1968)

opinion journalist, poet, teacher

  • School of Fine Arts in Warsaw
Blessed are the meek
Troja północy
The covenant
W Polsce Podziemnej
The leper king
Wspomnienia z Kornwalii 1947-1957
The meek shall inherit
Troja północy, 966-1966
Szaleńcy Boży
Złota wolność
Dzień dzisiejszy
Kłopoty Kacperka góreckiego skrzata
Rok polski
Z otchłani
Na emigracji
The blaze
Król trędowaty
Suknia Dejaniry
Błogosławiony Jan Sarkander ze Skoczowa
The blaze
Bez oręża
The gift of Nessus
Nieznany kraj
Pątniczym szlakiem
Bez ore̦źa
The leper king
Blessed are the meek
Król trędowaty
Ognisty woz
Du fond de l'abîme, Seigneur..
Beato sacrilegio
Rok Polski
Patniczym szlakiem
Złota wolność
The covenant
Rok polski
Król Tredowaty
The blaze
Blogoslawiona wina
Legnickie pole
Król trędowaty
Suknia Dejaniry
Ognisty wóz
Blessed are the meek
Bez oręża
Namık Kemal
Namık Kemal (1840-1888)

poet, journalist, politician, historian, playwright, translator

Müntehabāt-i Taṣvīr-i Efkār
Namik Kemal'in şiirleri
Terācüm-i aḥvāl, Yavuz Sulṭān Selīm
Evrak-i perişan
Rūnān Mudāfe'e nāme-si
Osmanlı tarihi
Evrak-i perişan
Evrak-i perişan
Namik Kemal
Terācüm-i aḥvāl, Yavuz Sulṭān Selīm
Zavalli Cocuk
Kara bela
Namik Kemal antolojisi, Topliyan Ahmet Hamdi Tanpinar
Evrāḳ-i perīşān
Silistire muhasarasi
Cumel-i muntehabe-i Kemal
Namık Kemal
Namık Kemal'in tarihı̂ biyografileri
'Osmanli tārīhī
Silistire muhasarası
Terācüm-i aḥvāl - Sulṭān Selīm
Celaleddin Harzemşah
Intibah, sergüzeşti-i Ali Bey
Zavalli çocuk, hazirliyan Mustafa Nihat Ozön
Renan müdafaanamesi
Celaleddin Harzemşah
Müntehabāt-i Taṣvīr-i Efkār
Kanije muhasarasi
Vatan yâhut Silistre
Hususî mektuplarina göre Namik Kemal ve Abdülhak Hâmid
Büyük İslâm tarihi
Akif Bey
İntibah : Ali Beyʼin sergüzeşti
Cümel-i müntehabe-i Kemal
Rūnān Mudāfe'e nāme-si
Makalat-i siyasiye ve edebiye
Makalat-i Siyäsiye va edebiye
Rü'ya va maghusa maktübi
Tahrib-i harabat
Vatan yahut silistre
Vatan yahud silistre
Celâleddin Harzemşah
Terācüm-i aḥvāl - Sulṭān Selīm
Namik Kemal'in husûsî mektuplari
Yavuz Sultan Selim
Namık Kemalʼin talim-i edebiyat üzerine bir risalesi
Kara belâ
Osmanlı tarihi
Külliyat-ı Kemal tabolunuyor
Zavallı çocuk; üç fasıldan ibaret tiyatro yunu [sic, yazan] Namık Kemal.  Hazırlıyan: Mustafa Nihat Özön
Vatan yahut Silistire
Namık Kemâl'in şairliği ve bütün şiirleri
Mukaddime-yi Celal
Doğumunun yüzellinci yılında Namık Kemal
Namık Kemal'den mektup var
Ölümünün 100. yılında Namık Kemal
Rönan müdafaanamesi
Ölümünün 100. yıldönümü münasebetiyle Namık Kemal'in Türk dili ve edebiyatı üzerine görüşleri ve yazıları
Kosova şehifi
Osmanlı modernleşmesinin meseleleri
Rüya ve Magosa mektubu
Nevruz Beyin tercüme-yi hali
Yavuz sultan Selîm
Namık Kemalʼin husûsı̂ mektupları
Ölümünün 100. yılında Namık Kemal
Devr-i istilâ
Zavallı çocuk
Joe Parkinson
Joe Parkinson
