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journalists who wrote historical fiction
Showing 33-40 out of 481 results
Eka Kurniawan
Eka Kurniawan (born 1975)

journalist, designer

  • Universitas Gadjah Mada
Kenizé Mourad
Kenizé Mourad (born 1939)


Marcia Davenport
Marcia Davenport (1903-1996)

biographer, music critic, journalist, opinion journalist, musicologist

  • Wellesley College
Too strong for fantasy
East Side, West Side
Of Lena Geyer
My Brother's Keeper
The valley of decision
Too strong for fantasy
The valley of decision
East side, West side
The constant image
Les frères Holt
Too Strong for Fantasy
The constant image
Lena Geyer
Le fleuve qui tout emporta
The constant image
ʻEmeḳ he-ḥaruts
Of Lena Geyer
Too strong for fantasy
Of Lena Geyer
Marcia Davenport papers
Darkah shel Lenah Gayʼer
Frederic Tuten
Frederic Tuten (born 1936)

journalist, film critic, essayist

  • City College of New York, New York University
Tintin in the New World
The Green Hour
Van Gogh's Bad Cafe
The adventures of Mao on the long march
Dostoyevsky's Crime and punishment
Roy Lichtenstein bronze sculpture, 1976-1989
The Worlds of Joaquín Torres-García
Photographic Work of Robin Broadbent
Tallien. Ein Roman
Tintin en el nuevo mundo
Self Portraits
My Young Life
Autorretrato con toros =
Tintin in the New World. Frederic Tuten
ha-Ḥeṭ ṿe-ʻonsho
Tim und Struppi in der Neuen Welt
Autorretrato con toros =
Autoritratto con Sicilia
Uzun Yuruyus’te Mao’nun Maceralari
Bar at Twilight
Philippe Collin
Philippe Collin (born 1975)

journalist, radio personality

  • University of Western Brittany
Karel Schulz
Karel Schulz (1899-1943)

poet, journalist, editing staff

  • Charles University, Charles University
Kámen a bolest
Legendy a invokace
Papežská mše
Peníz z noclehárny
Pochvala svatých patronů českých k povzbuzení, abychom je vroucně vzývali v tento čas přenebezpečný
Kamień i cierpienie
Sever, jih, západ, východ
Blázen před zrcadlem a jiné prózy
Waldemar Łysiak
Waldemar Łysiak (born 1944)

art historian, journalist, architect

  • Faculty of Architecture, Warsaw University of Technology
Francisco Navarro Villoslada
Francisco Navarro Villoslada (1818-1895)

politician, journalist

  • Complutense University of Madrid, University of Santiago de Compostela
Doña Blanca de Navarra
Doña Blanca of Navarre
Doña Blanca de Navarra
Doña Toda de Larrea, o, La madre de la Excelenta
Echarse en brazos de Dios
Amaya; o, Los vascos en el siglo VIII
Obras completes
Doña Urraca de Castilla
Obra poética
Doña Urraca, la reina temeraria
Doña Blanca of Navarre: An Historical Romance
El atrevimiento de los bombardinos
Amaya y los vascos en el siglo VIII
La prensa libre
Obras completas
Dona Blanca de Navarra, oro nica del siglo XV
El ante-Cristo ; La princesa de Viana
Dona Blanca de Navarra
Doña Blanca de Navarra
La dama del rey