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historians who wrote historical fiction
Showing 81-88 out of 156 results
Iain Pears
Iain Pears (born 1955)

art historian, journalist

  • University of Oxford, University of Oxford
The dream of Scipio
Stone's fall
An instance of the fingerpost
Stone's fall : a novel
An Instance of the Fingerpost
The dream of Scipio
Stone's fall
The immaculate deception
Giotto's hand
The discovery of painting
The Portrait
Death and restoration
The Bernini bust
The last judgement
The Last Judgement (Art History Mystery)
The portrait
The Titian Committee
Giotto's hand
The Bernini Bust (Art History Mystery)
The Dream of Scipio
The Titian Committee (Art History Mystery)
The Raphael affair
The Titian Committee (Jonathan Argyll #2)
El Sueño De Escipion / The Dream of Scipio
The Raphael Affair
An Instance of the Fingerpost
LA Cuarta Verdad
Le Songe de Scipion
Le Jugement dernier
The immaculate deception
Immaculate Deception (A Jonathan Argyll Mystery)
El Sueño De Escipion (Otros Titulos)
L'Affaire Bernini
Le Comité Tiziano
Le cercle de la croix
The immaculate deception
L'Affaire Raphaël
Giotto's hand
Caravaggios Erben
Scipios Traum
Diana-Taschenbücher, Nr.70, Giottos Handschrift
The Portrait
LA Cuarta Verdad
Dream of Scipio (Signed)
The Raphael Affair
L'énigme San Giovanni
Arcadia: A novel
Le Jugement dernier
Le portrait
Arcadia: A novel
The Bernini bust
The Titian Committee
Der Tod des Sokrates
La chute de John Stone
The Last Judgement
Dream of Scipio
Raphael Affair
Death and restoration
El Retrato (Otros Titulos)
Falso Tiziano, El
Perst ukazui Łushchii
Ruka Dzhotto
X 5 Instance at the Fingerpost Reading Guide
Instance at the Fingerpost
Instance of the Fingerpost
Il Quadro Che Uccide (The Last Judgement)
Il sogno di Scipione
Zagadka Rafaėl︠i︡a
The Portrait
Le cercle de la croix
Jason Goodwin
Jason Goodwin (born 1964)


  • University of Cambridge
The snake stone
The Bellini card
The janissary tree
An evil eye
The Baklava Club
The snake stone
The Bellini card
Lords of the horizons
On foot to the Golden Horn
The gunpowder gardens
A time for tea
Lords of the Horizon
Lords of the horizons
The snake stone
Otis: Giving Rise to the Modern City
Lord of the Horizons
Chemins de traverse
The Janissary tree
Los Senores del Horizonte
חוכמת הסריס
De kaart van Bellini
Le complot des janissaires
Lords of the Horizons (Bookclub)
Die Bellini-Verschwörung
The bellini card
אבן הנחש
Le trésor d'Istanbul
De brand van Istanbul
Larry Collins
Larry Collins (1929-2005)

war correspondent, historian, journalist

  • Loomis Chaffee School, Yale University
Is New York Burning?
Black eagles
O Jerusalem!
Freedom at Midnight
Is Paris Burning
5th Horseman
Or I'll dress you in mourning
Yasimi Tutacaksin
... O llevarás luto por mí
Ou tu porteras mon deuil
El quinto jinete
Kudüs... Ey Kudüs
Esta noche, la libertad
Der fünfte Reiter
Les aigles noirs
Laura Mancinelli
Laura Mancinelli (1933-2016)

professor, translator, historian, Germanist, essayist

  • University of Turin
I dodici abati di Challant e Il miracolo di Santa Odilia
Da Carlomagno a Lutero
I dodici abati di Challant
Biglietto d'amore
Il principe scalzo
La sacra rappresentazione
I dodici abati di Challant
Biglietto d'amore
I tre cavalieri del Graal
La sacra rappresentazione, ovvero Come il forte di Exilles fu conquistato ai francesi
Un misurato esercizio della cattiveria
I fantasmi di Challant
La musica dell'isola
Il miracolo di Santa Odilia
Persecuzione infernale
Il fantasma di Mozart, e altri racconti
Killer presunto
I colori del cuore
Il signor Zero e il manoscritto medievale
Il fantasma di Mozart
Attentato alla Sindone
Il passato è presente
The Twelve Abbots of Challant and The Miracle of Saint Odilia
La canzone dei Nibelunghi
Notte con Mozart
Il messaggio razionale dell'avanguardia
Attentato alla Sindone
Andante Con Tenerezza
Gli occhi dell'imperatore
Il ragazzo dagli occhi neri
La casa del tempo
Il mistero della sedia a rotelle
Gli occhiali di Cavour
La musica dell'isola
I racconti della mano sinistra
Il miracolo di Santa Odilia
Un peccatore innocente
Ubaldo il galletto che amava la musica di Ravel. Vita e opinioni del polpo chiamato Arturo
Due storie d'amore
Il Codice d’Amore
Miguel M. Abrahão
Miguel M. Abrahão (born 1961)

playwright, historian, actor, television actor, essayist, stage actor, theatrical director

  • Faculty of Management and Business of the Methodist University of Piracicaba, University of São Paulo

historian, mercenary, philosopher, military personnel

Xenophon's Cyropaedia
Xenophon's Cyrus the Great
The School of Cyrus
Education of Cyrus
The history of Zenophon
Hiero the tyrant and other treatises
The Landmark Xenophon's Hellenika
The first four books of Xenophon's Anabasis: with notes, adapted to the revised and enlarged ..
The shorter Socratic writings
The Symposium
Die pseudoxenophontische Athenaion politeia
Socratic discourses
History of my times
De l'art équestre
Apology and Memorabilia I
The First Four Books of Xenophon's Anabasis: With Notes Adapted to Goodwin's Greek Grammar ..
Xenophon's Anabasis of Cyrus: books iii. iv., with a Gr. syntax, notes [&c.] by R.W. Taylor. [2 ..
Xenophontos oikonomikos  The oeconomicus of Xenophon
Whole Works
Xenophon's Anabasis of Cyrus, books i. and ii.: with Engl. notes, by D.B. Hickie
Hellenika II.3.11-IV.2.8
Xenophon's Spartan constitution
Hellenika I-II.3.10
Selections adapted from Xenophon, with Engl. notes by J.S. Phillpotts: scenes from Greek history ..
Hellenica, books I and II
Scripta minora
The Memorable Thoughts of Socrates
Opera omnia
Xenophontis Historia Graeca
Kyropădie: Für den Schulgebrauch Erklărt von Ludwig Breitenbach..
Conversations of Socrates
The Sea, The Sea
The Hellenica, books 1 and 2
On horsemanship
Hellenics of Xenophon.  Books I and II
The Economist
Anabasis, Book III
Xenophon's Anabasis: books i. and ii.; with a copious vocabulary. By J. Fergusson
Xenophontis quae extant opera, graece & latine, ex editionibus Schneideri et Zeunii
Xenophon's Memoirs of Socrates.  With the defence of Socrates, before his judges
Anabasis, books 1-4
O príncipe perfeito, Kirou paideia [por] Xenofonte
The second book of Xenophon's Anabasis
Cyropaedeia.  Book I.
The first four books of Xenophon's Anabasis
Xenophōntos logos oikonomikos
The second book of Xenophon's Anabasis
Memoirs of Socrates for English readers
The Cyropaedia of Xenophon
Hiero; on the condition of royalty: a conversation, from the Gr., by the tr. of Antoninus's ..
Anabasis: Or, Expedition of Cyrus, and the Memorabilis of Socrates
Hellenics: Books i and Ii
Xenophontis Expeditio Cyri, Recensuit Ludovicus Dindorfius
Anabasis, Books I-IV
A Narrative of the Expedition of Cyrus the Younger, and of the Retreat of the Ten Thousand
The Fifth Book of Xenophon's Anabasis
The memorabilia of Xenophon
The Anabasis of Xenophon, book V.
Xenophontis Expeditio Cyri ex recens. L. Dindorfii. [With] Appendix
Commentarii (Memorabilia)
Recollections of Socrates, and, Socrates' defense before the jury
The Shorter Writings
The first four books of Xenophon's Anabasis
Über die Reitkunst
Scritti socratici
Xenophon, with an English translation by Carleton L. Brownson
De Cyri expeditione.  Libri septem
Xenophontis De vectigalibus
Xenophōntos Kyrou paideias : biblia oktō =
The Hellenica (Greek history) of Xenophon of Athens
Hellenica, books I-IV
Memorabilia, The
The Symposium Or The Banquet
The Anabasis, book VI
Xenophontos Apomnemoneumata
La Cyropédie
Xenophons Cyropädie
Memorabilia of Socrates
Xenophon on Government
Peri hippikēs
The expedition of Cyrus
Xenophon's Symposium, With Notes
The Hieron of Xenophon
Apología de Sócrates
Cyropaedia, with an English translation by Walter Miller
Scripta minora, with an English translation by E.C. Marchant
Erinnerungen an Sokrates
Easy selections adapted from Xenophon
Landmark Xenophon's Anabasis
Griechische Geschichte
Anabasis. Kommentar
Xenophōntos Kyrou anabaseōs istoriōn
Symposium, The
Ἀπομνημονεύματα (Apomnemoneumata)
Estate Management and Symposium
The economist of Xenophon
Anabasis, book 1
Xenophon in seven volumes
The whole works of Xenophon
Xenophon: Memorabilia. Oeconomicus. Symposium. Apology (Loeb Classical Library)
De Re Equestri (Peri Hippikes)
The Memorabilia
Xenophon of Athens
Socrates' defense
La república de los atenienses [por] Pseudo-Jenofonte
Die Verfassung der Athener
The Cyropædia, or, The institution of Cyrus
Cyropaedia, or, The institution of Cyrus
Memorabilia Socratis cum apologia Socratis
Le Commandant de la cavalerie
Xenophōntos Kyrou paideias A'[-H'] =
Xenophontos Kyrou paideias
The art of horsemanship
Institutio Cyri
Xenophōntos Kyrou paideia =
Xenophontis qui inscribitur libellus athenaion politeia
Xenophon's Cyropædia
Vzpomínky na Sókrata
Xenophontis opuscula politica, equestria et venatica
Xenophon's Memorabilia of Socrates with English notes, critical and explanatory, the Prolegomena of Kühner, Wiggers' Life of Socrates, etc.
Memorabilien. Text. Auswahl aus den vier Büchern
Premier livre de la Cyropédie
Xenophontis Agesilaus
Entretiens mémorables de Socrate
First five books of the Anabasis of Xenophon
Opera Omnia (Tomus I: Historia Graeca)
The Old Oligarch
Xenophon Constitution of the Athenians
The first and second books of Xenophon's Anabasis
Oeconomicus VII-XIII
Xenophon on hunting
Kyrou paideias biblia okto
La república de los Lacedemonios
Xenophontos Kyrou paideias biblia e
Opera omnia
Hieron [por] Jenofonte
The Constitution of the Lacedaemonians by Xenophon of Athens
The Oeconomicus of Xenophon
Xenophōntos ta euriskomena
A discourse upon improving the revenue of the state of Athens
The Education of Cyrus. Translated From the Greek of Xenophon
[Xenophōntos ta sōzomena]
Minor works
Xenophontis philosophi et historici clarissimi Opera
Memorabilia and Oeconomicus
Auswahl aus dem Gesamtwerk. Text
(Zenophontos Kyroy anabaseos biblia epta) =
Cyropaedeia.  Book II
Deuxième livre de la Cyropédie
Xenophontos Peri hippikes
Le opere socratiche (Memorabili, Convito, Apologia di Socrate, Economico) a cura di Renato Laurenti
The minor works of Xenophon
The works of Xenophon
De Cyri minoris expeditione libri 7, et alia opuscola, graece et latine, ex recensione Edvardi Wells
Xenophontis Institutio Cyri
Hellenica, Books 5-7
Xenophontis opera omnia
Cyropaedia, Books 5-8
Xenophontis opera
The constitution of the Lacedaemonians
Memorabilien. Kommentar. Auswahl aus den vier Büchern
Opera Omnia (Tomus II: Commentarii, Oeconomicus, Convivium, Apologia Socratis)
Xenophon's Agesilaus
Hellenica; Anabasis; Symposium
Anabasis, Books IV-VII
Selections adapted from Xenophon
Xenophontis De Cyri expeditione libri septem
Oeuvres complètes de Xénophon
Hellenica, Books 1-4
The story of Cyrus
History of my times (Hellenica) translated with an introduction by Rex Warner
La Cyropaedie
Xenophons Memorabilien
Xenophon's history of the affairs of Greece, in seven books
[Xenophntos Hellnikn Istorin biblia hepta.] =
Recuerdos De Socrates, Economico, Banquete, Apologia
Xenophontis Scripta minora
The Cavalry General
Xenophontis qui inscribitur libellus Athenaiōn politeia
Kleine Historische und ökonomische Schriften
Le Banquet - Apologie de Socrate (Collection Des Universites De France) (French Edition)
La vida y las doctrinas de Sócrates
The Cryopædia of Xenophon
Tou Xenopho ntos he  tou Kyrou paideia =
About horsemanship
Opera Omnia (Tomus III: Expedito Cyri)
Jagd und Jagdhunde
L'Expédition de Cyrus, dans l'asie supérieure, et La retraite des dix mille. Ouvrage traduit du Grec, avec des Notes Historiques, Géographiques & Critiques
The Anabasis Or Expedition Of Cyrus And The Memorabilia Of Socrates
Ta tou Xenophōntos Hellēnika =
Narratio om Herkule
The first three books of Xenophon's Anabasis
The Banquet of Xenophon. Done From the Greek, With an Introductory Essay to Lady Jean Douglass, Concerning the Doctrine, and Death of Socrates. By James Welwood,
Hiero; on the Condition of Royalty
The bookes of Xenophon contayning the discipline, schole, and education of Cyrus the noble kyng of Persie. Translated out of Greeke into Englyshe, by M. Wylliam Barkar
Xenophons Hellenika
The Hellenica of Xenophon, books I. and II
Historia Graeca (Hellenica)
Recollections of Socrates
Xenophontis Commentariii
Abradates and Panthea
Ross und Reiter
Expeditio Cyri
Kyru anabasis
The Hiero of Xenophon
Xenophōntos Kyrou Anabaseōs 1.-4
The Polity of The Athenians and The Lacedaemonians
The March of the Ten Thousand (The March Upcountry, The Anabasis, The Persian Expedition)
The Cyropædia of Xenophon
Cyropédie, tome 3
Kyrou anabaseo s biblia hepta
Tocht van de tienduizend
The Polity of the Athenians and the Lacedaemonians
Xenophon's Hellenika
Vollständiges Wörterbuch zu Xenophons Anabasis
L'Art de la Chasse (Collection Des Universites de France Serie Grecque) (French Edition)
Della vita di Cyro re de Persi
Xenophontis Opera omnia
Xenophontos hapanta =
L' art de la chasse
[Xenophontos ta heuriskomena] =
Apomnemoneumata =
Fourth Greek Book. Xenophon's Anabasis: The Last 4 Books: With Notes. Ed. by T.K. Arnold
The Cyropædia; or, Institution of Cyrus, and the Hellenics; or, Grecian history
Xenophontis Opera Omnia: Tomus V
A translation from ancient Greek into English of Xenophon's Manual on the duties of a cavalry commander
Ta tou Xenophōntos peri tou Sōkratous apomnēmoneumata, kai hē tou Sōkratous apologia
Xenophontis... Opera, partim graecorum exemplarium collatione recognita, partim a viris doctissimis iam primum latinitate donata
Xenophontis Historia graeca
Xenophontos apomnemoneumaton biblia 4. = Xenophontis memorabilium Socratis dictorum libri IV. Cum notis H. Stephani, Leunclavii, Æ. Porti & Ernesti. ... ... Editio tertia, auctior.
Xenophontos Hellenikōn istoriōn biblia epta
On Horsemanship
The Memorable Things of Socrates
Cyropaedia, Books 1-4
Xenophon's Symposium
Xenophontis liber qui oeconomicus inscribitur in Latinum è Graeco conversus
The Cyropaedia, or Institution of Cyrus
The Memorable Things of Socrates. in Four Books. Translated from the Greek of Xenophon. a New Edition, Corrected and Improved.
Anabasis. Der Zug der Zehntausend
[Xenophōntos hapanta
March of the Ten Thousand
Anabasis III [and] IV
Les Mémorables
Xenophontis De Socrate commentarii
Selections From The Cyropedia
Memorable Thoughts of Socrates
Xenophōntos ta heuriskomena =
Kyrou paideias biblia okto
Libellus de republica Atheniensium
The Whole Works of Xenophon
Xenophōntos Hellēnika
Anabase / Banquet / Economique
Xenophon's defence of the Athenian democracy
Xenophontos Kyrou paideias biblia ē.=
Hellenica, books I, II
Xenophons Memorabilien
Xenophōntos Kyrou paideias biblia oktō: Xenophontis De Ciri institutione ..
Xenophōntos logos eis Agēsilaon, Ierōn, ē Tyrannikos, Lakedaimoniōn politeia, Athēnaiōn politeia, kai Poroi, ē peri prosodōn
Xenophons treatise of housholde
Xenophon's Agesilaus
The Persian Expedition (The Great Commanders Series)
Xenophon in seven volumes
The First Four Books Of Xenophon's Anabasis
Le Elleniche
Memoirs of Socrates
Premier livre de la Cyropédie Volume 1
Xenophon's Cyrus the Great
L'Anabase de Xénophon
Xenophon Apology (Bryn Mawr Greek Commentaries)
On Horsemanship
The works of Xenophon, tr. by H.G. Dakyns
The expedition of Cyrus into Persia, and the retreat of the ten thousand Greeks
On Horsemanship - Xenophon
The Sportsman
Socraticas - Economia - Citropedia
Mémoires sur Socrate (entretiens mémorables)
Xenophontis Opera omnia
The art of horsemanship
La Expedicion de Los Diez Mil
Xenophontos ta sozomena biblia
Anabasis, Book III
Xenophon's Memoirs of Socrates. with the Defence of Socrates Before His Judges. Translated from the Original Greek. by Sarah Fielding. the Third Edition, Corrected
Kyrou paideia, or, The institution and life of Cyrus the Great
Le storie Elleniche
Shorter Writings
Xenophon's Hellenics, books I-IV
The symposium
The First Part of Xenophon's Memorabilia of Socrates
Xenophon's History of the Affairs of Greece
Xenophontis Institutio Cyri
A narrative of the expedition of Cyrus the Younger
Xenophōntos Apomnēmoneumatōn
The ascent of Cyrus the Younger
The Memorable Thoughts of Socrates
Opera omnia
Xenophon VII (Hiero. Agesilaus. Constitution of the Lacedaemonians. Ways and Means. Cavalry Commander. Art of Horsemanship. On Hunting. Constitution of the Athenians) Loeb Classical Library
Sōkratous apologia
Xenopho ntos Helle nika 1, 2, 3
The science of good husbandry
Xenophontis Libri Socratici
[Peri hippikēs
The Cyropædia of Xenophon
La vida y las doctrinas de Sócrates
Ta euriskomena
Xenophon's memorabilia
Polity Of Athenians And Lacedaemonians
Zug der Zehntausend / Cyri Anabasis
Qvae extant opera in duos tomos diuisa
Memorabilia (100 Copy Collector's Edition)
Historiæ Græcæ
Constitution Des Athéniens. Ouvrage Traduit Du Grec de Xénophon.
The Anabasis of Xenophon
Xenophontos Kyrou anabaseos biblia hepta
La retraite des dix mille de Xénophon
Xenophontos logos eis Agesilaon, Ieron, e Tyrannikos, Lakedaimonion politeia, Athenaion politeia, kai Poroi, e peri prosodon
Xenophōntos tà sōzómena biblia =
The Cyropædia
Det Persiske Felttog (Selskabet Til Historiske Kildeskrifters Oversaettelse)
Schriften über Sokrates
Xenophon : Cyropaedeia Book I
Xenophontos Kyrou Paideias Biblia Okto. = Xenophontis de Cyri Institutione Libri Octo. Græca Recognovit
Xenophon's Memorabilia of Sokrates
Kurou Paideia [romanized form]
Cyropaedia; The Education of Cyrus
L'Anabase Ou l'Expedition Des Dix-Mille
Sokrates geschildert von seinen Schülern--Zweiter Band
Memorabilia of Socrates
Xenopho ntos Kyrou paideia =
Vida y doctrinas de Socrates
(Me morabilia) Ta tou Xenofontos peri tou Sōkratous apomnemoneumata
Hui yi Sugeladi
Helle nika
Erinnerungen an Sokrates
Xenophontis qui inscribitur Libellus
Greek Lessons
Xenophōntos ta sōzomena
Minor Works of Xenophon
Opuscula politica, equestria et venatica
On Revenues
Xenophontos Apomnemoneumaton biblia D. [i.e. 4] = Xenophontis Memorabilium Socratis dictorum libri IV
Xenophōntos apomnēmoneymata =
Xenophōntos ta sōzomena =
Xenophontis ... Opera, quae quidem extant, omnia
Xenophon's Memorabilia of Socrates
[Xenophōntos ta sōzomena biblia]=
An Athenian critic of Athenian democracy
The Apology, and The Cavalry General
Lacedaemoniorum respublica
Kyrou anabaseōs biblia hepta
Las obras de Xenophon
The First Ten Chapters of Xenophon's Oeconomicus or Treatise on Household Management, Tr. Into Literal Engl., by A. Stewart
Xenophōntos Kyrou paideias biblia oktō =
Xenophontis Operum
The Fifth Book of Xenophon's Anabasis
Xenoph¿‍ntos Kyrou paideia
Anabasis, books IV-VII
Opera, quae quidem graecè extant omnia
Cyropædia : Or, the Institution of Cyrus By Xenophon Translated From the Greek by the Late Honourable Maurice Ashley Esq
Minor works, literally translated from the Greek, with notes and illus. by J.S. Watson
Helle nika
The Apology, and The Cavalry General
Scripta minora
Memorables (recuerdos socráticos)
The art of riding
Xenophōntos Hellēnikōn biblia hepta
Scripta minora
Tou Xenophontos He Tou Kyrou Anabasis. = Xenophontis Expeditio Cyri. Tomis Quatuor. Ex Editione T. Hutchinson. ... of 4; Volume 1
Xenophontis Commentarii
[ Xenophontis philosophi excellentissimi Opera
The history of Xenophon
On Revenues
Tou Xenophōntos hē tou Kyrou paideia =
Oekonomische Schriften (Schriften Und Quellen Der Alten Welt)
Persian Expedition
Complete works
[Xenophōntos ta sōzomena] =
Le tavole di Licurgo
Xenophōntos Kyrou Anabaseōs biblia hepta = Xenophontis de Cyri expeditione ..
Hē  tou Xenophōntos tōn Lakedaimoniōn politeia =
Xenophōntos Kyrou Anabaseōs
The First Three Books of Xenophon's Anabasis: With Explanatory Notes, and References to Hadley's ..
Xenophon's Anabasis books I, II, III
Cyrus's expedition into Persia
Xenophontis qui inscribitur libellus =
Griechische geschichte für den schulgebrauch
Hē tou Xe nophōntos tōn Lakedaimoniōn politeia. = Xenophontis Lacedaemoniorum respublica. Accedit interpretatio Latina Leunclavii
The Cyropaedia: Or, Institution of Cyrus, and the Hellenics, Or Grecian ..
The First Four Books of Xenophon's Anabasis: With Notes Adapted to the Latest Edition of Goodwin ..
The Anabasis of Xenophon, Book VI
Xenophon's Anabasis Book VI
Xenophon, Die Verfassung der Spartaner =
[Xenophōntos Poroi]
La retraite des dix mille de Xenophon, ou, L'expedition de Cyrus contre Artaxerxes
Quae extant opera
L' opere morali di Xenophonte
The Cyropædia, or, Institution of Cyrus
Xenophontis De reditibus libellus
Peri hippikēs =
Hiero; on the condition of Royalty
Xenophontis omnia quae extant opera
Obras menores
Xenophōntos Kyrou paideias biblia oktō: Xenophontis de Cyri institutione ..
Xenophōntos rhētoros Lakedaimoniōn politeia =
La retraite des dix mille
Xenophōntos logos eis Agēsilaon, Hierōn, ē tyrannikos, Lakedaimoniōn politeia, Athēnaiōn politeia, kai Poroi, ē peri prosodōn. Græce & Latine. Recensuit Bolton Simpson, ..
Greek Lessons: Consisting of Selections from Xenophon's Anabasis : with ..
The Anabasis of Xenophon, Book II
Go gO Ji!!
Hellenica, books VI & VII. Anabasis, Books I-III
Three essays
Xenophontis quae extant
L' ordinamento politico degli Spartani
Xenophontis Opera omnia. Text in Greek. Ed. By E.C. Marchant
The Ephesian story
Anabasis.  Book I
Xenophontis libri Socratici: (De Socrate commentarii, Oeconomicus, Convivium; anonymi Socratis ..
Xenophontos Kyrou paideias, biblia octō
Historia graeca
Xenophōntos ta euriskomena =
Xenophons sämmtliche Schriften
Scripta minora Pseudo-Xenophon constitution of the Athenians
Xenophōntos Kyrou paideias biblia 8
Omnia quae extant opera
The Anabasis of Xenophon, Book 1
Xenophontis Oeconomicus, Convivium, Hiero, Agesilaus
Xenophon's discourse upon improving the revenue of the state of Athens
Xenophatis Philosophi excellentissimi opera
Der Zug der Zehntausend, Cyri Anabasis
Pantheia og Abradatas
Morceaux choisis
The complete works of Xenophon
Kyrupädie. Die Erziehung des Kyros. Zweisprachige Ausgabe. Griechisch / Deutsch
L' anabase de Xénophon (Retraite des dix mille)
Xenophōntos Apomnēmoneumata =: Xenophontis Commentarii
Hellenika. Zweisprachige Ausgabe
Selections from Greek Historians
Anabasis, books III, V, VI, VII
Xenophontos Kyrou anabasia
Three Socratic Works
Ho  tou Xenopho ntos te n Lakedaimonio n politeia =
Athenernes Statsforfatning
Xenophōntos Kyrou Anabasēos biblia hepta
Opera varia
Xenophontis opuscula politica, equestria et venatica, cum Arriani libello de venatione ..
Scripta minor
Selections illustrative of Greek life from the minor works of Xenophon
The Anabasis of Xenophon, Book VII
Xenophontis quae exstant opera, Graece & Latine
Sokrates geschildert von seinen Schülern--Erster Band
Memorabilia Socratis
Xenophontis philosophi et historici clarissimi Opera, quae quidem Gre ·ce extant, omnia
Xenophon's minor works
Xenophontis qui inscribitur libellus Atēnaōn politeia
Xenophon's Anabasis, or Expedition of Cyrus, and the Memoribilia of Socrates
Hellencia (Greek Texts and Commentaries)
The Anabasis of Xenophon, Books III & IV
The first book of the Anabasis
Xenophon: Anabasis, Book 1
De Cyri expeditione.  Libri septem
Hellenica, Books VI & VII. Anabasis, Books I-III: books VI & VII ; Anabasis ..
Wyprawa Cyrusa
The expedition of Cyrus into Persia
Wybór pism
The first and second books of Xenophon's Anabasis. The first interlined, the second with the Greek in the natural order of ideas, and the literal english opposite, also the Olynthiac orations of Demosthenes
De l'art e questre
Le opera di Senofonte
Xenophōntos Kyrou paideias
Anabasis, Book I, chapters I to VIII
Xenophōntos Kyrou paideias biblia oktō
La constitution d'Athènes attributée à Xénophon
Go gO Ji!!
Peri ippikes =
Xenophon's Anabasis or, expedition of Cyrus and the memorabilia of Socrates
Xenophontos Logos eis Agēsilaon basilea ; Lakedaimoniōn politeia ; Athēnaiōn politeia ; Symposion ; Hierōn ē Tyrannikos ; Poroi ē peri prosodōn
La costituzione degli Ateniensi
I sette libri di Xenophonte della impresa di Ciro minore
Indtægtskilder (Poroi)
L' Exp©Øedition de Cyrus, dans l'asie sup©Øerieure, et La retraite des dix mille. Ouvrage traduit du Grec, avec des Notes Historiques, G©Øeographiques & Critiques
Anabasis in Auswahl
Xenophōntos Hierōn, ē tyrannikos. = Xenophontis Hiero, sive de regno. Accedit versio Latina Joannis Leunclavii
Selections adapted from Xenophon: with English notes and maps
Memorabilium libri IV
La caccia (cinegetico)
Cyropaedeia books I and II
Alma Katsu
Alma Katsu (born 1959)

journalist, political historian

  • Johns Hopkins University, Brandeis University
Felix Dahn
Felix Dahn (1834-1912)

jurist, poet, historian, poet lawyer, lawyer, biographer

  • Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Humboldt University of Berlin
A Struggle For Rome
Die König der Germanen
Ein Kampf um Rom
Urgeschichte der germanischen und romanischen völker
Westgothische Studien
Urgeschichte der germanischen und romanischen Völker
Ueber die Wirkung der Klagverjährung bei Obligationen
Sigwalt und Sigridh
Vom Chiemgau
Eine lanze für Rumänien
Kleine Romane aus der Völkerwanderung
Die Goten
Odhins Rache: Erzählung
Saga of Halfred the Sigskald
König Roderich
Markgraf Rüdeger von Bechelaren
Ein Kampf um Rom. Historischer Roman
Felicitas: Historischer Roman aus der Völkerwanderung(a. 476 n. Chr.)
Prokopius von Cäsarea
Die Staatskunst der Frau'n
Die vernunft im recht
Paulus Diaconus
Odhins Trost
Bissula: Historischer Roman aus der Völkerwanderung(a. 378 n. Chr.)
Die Könige der Germanen
Die Germanen
Felix Dahn am Chiemsee
Felicitas: A Tale of the German Migrations, A.D. 476
Sind Götter?
A captive of the Roman eagles
Moltke als Erzieher
König Roderich: Ein Trauerspiel in fünf Aufzügen..
Balladen und Lieder
Attila the Hun
Kämpfende Herzen: Drei Erzählungen
Ein Kampf um Rom
Gesammelte Werke, erzählende und poetische Schriften
Bis zum Tode getreu: Erzählung aus der Zeit Karls des grossen
Herrscher und Helden germanischer Frühzeit
Strijd om Rome
Sind Götter?  Die Halfred Sigskaldsaga
Prokopius von Cäsarea: Ein Beitrag zur Historiographie der Völkerwanderung und des sinkenden ..
Zwölf Balladen
Die Kreuzfahrer
Das Weib im altgermanischen Recht und Leben
Die Völkerwanderung
Die schlimmen Nonnen von Poitiers
Skhvatka za Rim
Deutsche Geschichte ..
Der Vater und die Söhne
Gesammelte Werke
A struggle for Rome
Felix Dahns Gedichte
Fürst Bismarck
Die Völkerwanderung
Julian der Abtrünnige
Taistelu Roomasta
Sind Götter?
Die Kreuzfahrer
Der Entwurf eines Gesetzes über die Volksschule in Preussen
Felix Dahns Gedichte
Ein Kampf um Rom
Der fremdling
Die Alamannenschlacht bei Strassburg, 357 n. Chr
Bissula ; Attila ; Chlodwig
Ein Kampf um Rom
The last of the Vandals
Taistelu Roomasta
Il capestro d'oro
Die schlimmen Nonnen von Poitiers ; Weltuntergang ; Die Kreuzfahrer
Gesammelte Werke
Sind Götter?  Die Halfred Sigskaldsaga
Feidelike xiao jie
Gelimer ; Karl der Grosse
Gesammelte Werke
Die schlimmen Nonnen von Poitiers