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poets who wrote fantasy
Showing 57-64 out of 394 results
Peter Straub
Peter Straub (1943-2022)


  • University of Wisconsin–Madison, Columbia University
The talisman
Black house
Novels (Black House / Talisman)
The Year's Best Dark Fantasy & Horror 2010
American fantastic tales
Prime Evil
Mrs. God
Mrs. God
In the Night Room
Mr. X
Lost boy lost girl
Houses without doors
Ghost story
The throat
Bad Seeds
A Dark Matter
The Hellfire Club
Murder for Halloween
Floating dragon
Magic Terror
If you could see me now
Wild animals
The Mists From Beyond
The WaveDancer Benefit
Floating dragon
Houses without doors
McSweeney's enchanted chamber of astonishing stories
A dark matter
The Hellfire Club
Poe's Children
Floating dragon
Mister X
The fallen colossus
Floating dragon
Bewusstsein als eine Funktion der Moral
Last Drink Bird Head : A Flash Fiction Anthology for Charity
Full Circle
If you could see me now
A dark matter
Blue Rose
The Ballad of Ballard and Sandrine
Best New Horror #26
Poe's Children
Lost Boy, Lost Girl
A Dark Matter Audio CD
The Green Woman
American fantastic tales
Ghost story
Pork pie hat
Great Writer's and Kids Write Spooky Stories (Great Writers & Kids Anthology)
Under Venus
Shadow land
Magic Terror
Interior Darkness
The juniper tree
Floating Dragon Signed Edition
Interior Darkness: Selected Stories
Mister October, Volume II - An Anthology in Memory of Rick Hautala
Mrs. God
The Green Woman
The Green Woman
Ghost Story [Paperback] P. Straub
Hellfire Club
Other Aliens (Conjunctions Book 67)
A Special Place
Lost boy, lost girl
Circus: Fantasy Under the Big Top
Mr X
THE BEAUTY OF DEATH - Vol. 2 : Death by Water
Dark Screams. Volume Nine
Lost Boy Lost Girl
Poe's Children
The Buffalo Hunter
Open air
Lost Boy, Lost Girl
American Fantastic Tales Terror And The Uncanny
Lost boy, lost girl
American fantastic tales
SAP business intelligence
Mr. X
Cabinet of Curiosity
La Camara Oscura/ in the Night Room
Floating Dragon
Le club de l'enfer
Hayalet Hikayesi
The Throat
Lost Boy Lost Girl :--A Novel
Interior Darkness: Selected Stories
If you could see me now
Dark Screams: Volume Three
Golgeler Diyari
Pork Pie Hat
A dark matter
Voices in the Dark
Le club de l'enfer
Ghost Story
Bajo Venus/Under Venus
Cehennem Kulubu
Tales of Pain and Wonder [Trade Paperback]
The Skylark
Het Kwaad
Pork Pie Hat (Criminal Records)
Mrs God
In the Night Room
If you see me Now
Mr. X
Si pudieras verme ahora
If You See Me Now
In the Night Room
Houses without Doors
Ghost Story
Mystery by Peter Straub (1990-01-03)
Magic Terror
Pan X
If You Could See Me Now
Repetitorium Strafprozessrecht
Gece Odasinda
Das geheimnisvolle Mädchen
Houses Without Doors
Hellfire Club
Mrs. God
Throat, The
Pork Pie Hat
Monsieur X
The Process (is a Process All Its Own)
Mr X
X 10 Shrinkwrap If You Could See
Floating Dragon  Can
Ghost Story
Yitik Oglan Yitik Kiz
Shadowland Intl Ed
Mr. X
Floating Dragon
La gorge
If You Could See Me Now
Um Passado Sombrio (Em Portuguese do Brasil)
Ghost Story a S/Wx10
Floating dragon
Dark Matter
The Hellfire Club
Last Days
The throat
La garganta
Cuando El Circulo Se Cierra/Julia
Circulo diabólico
If You See Me Now
Magie & doodsangst
5 stories
Mi mi jin di =
Ghost Sty
Wenn Du wüßtest ...
Mrs God/Boxed Signed Edition
Pork Pie Hat (The Isis Crime Lost Casebooks)
Si Pudiera Verme Ahora/If You Could See Me Now
Monsieur X
Hellfire Club. Reise in die Nacht
Casa Sin Puertas
Bajo Venus
Sans portes ni fenêtres
Tu as beaucoup changé, Alison
PETER STRAUB'S GHOSTS (HORROW WRITERS OF AMERICA ) (Horror Writers Association Presents)
Le Fantôme de Milburn
Magie de la terreur
La Gorge
Fantasmas/Ghost Story
Circulo Diabolico/the Hellfire Club
Sans portes ni fenêtres
The general's wife
Le dragon flottant
Leeson Park and Belsize Square
Isn't It Romantic?
The Little Blue Book Of Rose Stories
Wenn du wüßtest..
Fantasmas/Ghost Stories
Dragon/Floating Dragon
Dark Voices Volume 4
Das geheimnisvolle Mädchen / Die fremde Frau. Zwei Romane in einem Band
Poe's children
Die Symbolisierung diskreter Strukturen in Strukturplänen und Konzepte zu ihrer graphischen Edition
5 Stories
Bernardo Atxaga
Bernardo Atxaga (born 1951)


  • University of Barcelona, Bilbao University
The Lone Man
The Accordionist's Son
Lista de locos y otros alfabetos
Shola Y Los Jabalies
The Lone Man
Adventures Of Shola
The lone woman
The Accordionists Son
                Lannan Translation Selection Graywolf Paperback
Nevada days
Seven Houses in France
Memorias de una vaca/ Memories of a Cow
Memoiren einer baskischen Kuh.
The accordionist's son
Siete casas en Francia
Seven Houses In France
Seven Houses in France
Casas y tumbas / Houses and Graves
El Hombre Solo
Poemas & híbridos
Shola y los leones
El hijo del acordeonista
Memoiren einer baskischen Kuh.
Lista de locos y otros alfabetos.
El Hijo del Acordeonista
Recuerdo de mis abuelos
UT, Nr.61, Obabakoak oder Das Gänsespiel
Two Basque stories
Un Espia Llamado Sara/ a Spy Named Sara
Fenster zum Himmel
Siete casas en Francia
O Fillo Do Acordeonista
Memorias de una vaca
Ein Mann allein
Bi anai
Las bambulísticas historias de Bambulo
Lone Man
Water over Stones
A Xente Da Mina Aldea
Hombre Solo, El - Bolsillo -
Two Basque stories
Un espía llamado Sara
Nueva Etiopía
El hombre solo
Shola Y Los Leones/ Shola and the Lions
Sugeak txoria'ri begiratzen dionean
Obabakoak (Spanish Edition)
Historias de Obaba
Shola y los jabalíes
Las bambulsticas historias de Bámbulo
Shola Y Angelino/ Shola and Angelino
Ricardo Toja
Desde el otro lado
LA Caceria/the Hunting
Seven houses in France
Esos cielos
Días de nevada
Shola and the Lions
Shola Y Los Jabalies
Relatos urbanos
Memoria del futuro
Una infancia de escritor
El fill de l'acordionista
El hombre solo
Esos cielos
L'home sol
Esos Cielos (Spanish Edition)
Contos Apátridas
El hijo del acordeonista
Samotny mężczyzna
Lista de locos y otros alfabetos
Duas letters
La lista de la compra
Set cases a França
Un espía chamado Sara
Memoirs of a Basque Cow
Lone Woman
Henry Bengoa Inventarium
Markak-Guernica pack
Ramuntxo detektibea
El hombre solo
Seven Houses in France
El hijo del acordeonista
Horas Extras
Dos hermanos
Shola y la tía de América
Pata Pank y Pato Punk
Alfabeto sobre la literatura infantil
VVB. 204 La Pank i el Punk
Nikolasaren abenturak eta kalenturak
Txoriak kolpeka
Casas y Tumbas
Días de Nevada
Paradisua eta katuak
Behi euskaldun baten memoriak
El hombre solo
Siete casas en Francia
Memorias de una vaca
Esos cielos
Memorias dunha vaca
Memorias dunha vaca
Muskerraren bidea
Nevada Days
Kendini Aslan Sanan Şola
Soinujolearen semea
Zuk-Zuk jaunaren alfabeto berria
Yalniz Kadin
Órdago-Hor dago
Akordeoncunun Oglu
Horas extras
Casas y tumbas
Yalniz Adam
El paraíso y los gatos
Un espía chamado Sara
La Xola i l'Angelet
Pata Pank y Pato Punk
El hijo del acordeonista
Nikolasaren abenturak eta kalenturak
Cuentos apátridas
Muskerraren bidea
Miradas sobre Extremadura
Erase una vez la paz
Memòries d'una vaca
Accordionist's Son
Hitz beste eginez
Obabakoak (Espasa Bolsillo)
Astakiloak jo eta jo
Le fils de l'accordéoniste
Astakiloak jo eta jo
Pata Pank y Pato Punk tienen un deseo
Set cases a França
Nikolasaren abenturak eta kalenturak
Markak-Guernica pack
Casas y tumbas
Sara izeneko gizona
ha-Ish ha-boded
Adventures of Shola
Etxeak eta hilobiak
Zazpi etxe Frantzian
Lista de locos y otros alfabetos
Un Espia Llamado Sara
Egungo munduaren globalizazio eta fragmentazioa =
Erase una vez la paz
Zuk-Zuk jaunaren alfabeto berria
Historias de Obaba
Nevadako egunak
Ramuntxo detektibea
Mémoires d'une vache
Memorias de una vaca
Mervyn Peake
Mervyn Peake (1911-1968)

poet, illustrator, painter

  • Croydon College, Eltham College
Titus alone
Knights of Madness
Titus Groan
Titus Groan
Titus Alone
The Gormenghast novels
Gormenghast Trilogy
Boy in darkness and other stories
Titus Groan
Titus alone
Captain Slaughterboard drops anchor
The Illustrated Gormenghast Trilogy
Letters From A Lost Uncle
Gemen gui cheng
Captain Slaughterboard drops anchor
Collected Poems
Peake's progress
The glassblowers
A book of nonsense
Figures of Speech
Mr Pye
Ride a cock-horse and other nursery rhymes
Titus Groan
Mr. Pye
The drawings of Mervyn Peake
Boy In Darkness (Signature)
Figures of speech
Shapes & sounds
Rhymes without reason
Letters from a lost uncle
The rhyme of the flying bomb
Sometime Never
Sketches from Bleak House
Boy in darkness
Mervyn Peake, 1911-1968
Titus Books (Titus Groan, Gormenghast, Titus Alone)
Selected poems [of] Mervyn Peake
Mr. Pye
Word and image 3
Drawings by Mervyn Peake
Poems and drawings
The Inner Landscape
Collected poems
The craft of the lead pencil
Titus Groan
Twelve poems, 1939-1960
A book of nonsense
Titus Alone
A reverie of bone, and other poems
Mervyn Peake, Oscar Wilde
Complete nonsense
Titus Groan
Mervyn Peake (1911-1968)
Captain Slaughterboard drops anchor
Craft of the lead pencil
Boy in Darkness
Titus d'enfer
Gormenghast, Bd.3, Der letzte Lord Groan
A Book of Nonsense
The rhyme of the flying bomb
11 poems
Figures of speech
The drawings of Mervyn Peake
The Gormenghast Trilogy
Inner Landscape
A book of nonsense
The cave or anima mundi
Twelve poems, 1939-1960
Mervyn Peake retrospective
Titus errant
Peake's Progress
The Illustrated Gormenghast Trilogy
The glassblowers, ♭and other poems!
The Gormenghast trilogy
Titus dans les ténèbres
Titus Groan
Titus Solo (Hades)
A reverie of bone and other poems
Lettres d'un oncle perdu
Word and image 3 Mervyn Peake 1911-1968
Ride a cock-horse and other nursery rhymes
Ride a Cock-Horse and Other Nursery Rhymes
Mervyn Peake/Oscar Wilde
Writings and drawings
Gormenghast Trilogy - Titus Groan, Gormenghast, Titus Alone
Shapes & sounds
Peake's Alice
Titus Alone
Le Cycle de Gormenghast
Gormenghast, Bd.1, Der junge Titus
Titus Groan
Gormenghast, Bd.2, Im Schloß
Mr Pye
Der junge Titus
Captain Slaughterboard
Rhymes Without Reason
Andrei Belyanin
Andrei Belyanin (born 1967)


Friedrich de la Motte Fouqué
Friedrich de la Motte Fouqué (1777-1843)

librettist, poet

Knights and Captains
Sintram and His Companions and Aslauga's Knight
Knights and Captains
The magic ring or, The castle of Montfaucon
Sintram and His Companions
Ausgewählte Dramen und Epen
Sintram und seine Gefährten
Sintram and his companions
Sintram and his companions. From the Germ. [by J.C. Hare]
Sintram & his companions
The Two Captains
Sintram and His Companions
Aslauga's Knight
Sintram And His Companions
Sintram und seine Gefährten
Undine, eine Erzählung
Minstrel-love: From the German of the Author of Undine
Friedrich de la Motte-Fouqués Drama "Belisar"
Miniature Romances from the German: With Other Prolusions of Light Literature
Thiodolf the Icelander
Aslauga's Knight
Ausgewählte Werke
The Two Captains
Sintram and His Companions
Aslauga's Knight
Magie der Natur: Eine Revolutions-geschichte
Ausgewahlte Dramen und Epen
Briefe an Friedrich baron de la Motte Fouqué von Chamisso, Chezy, Collin ... [et al.]
Collected Works of Friedrich Heinrich Karl Freiherr de La Motte-Fouque
Aslauga's Ritter
Sintram and His Companions
Sintram And His Companions
The Two Captains
The four seasons
Sintram and His Companions
Sängerliebe: Eine provenzalische sage
Ausgewählte Dramen und Epen
Undine and other tales
Die beiden Hauptleute
Undine, and Sintram [and his companions]
Aus der Geisterwelt
Don Carlos, Infant Von Spanien
Aus der Geisterwelt
Undine und andere Erzählungen.
... Undine and Other Tales
Sämtliche Romane und Novellenbücher
Undine, and Sintram and his companions
Don Carlos Infant von Spanien: Ein Trauerspiel
Thiodolf the Icelander
Undine and other tales
Thiodolf the Icelander
Ausgewählte Dramen und Epen
The magic ring
Ausgewählte Werke
Undine, and other tales
Ausgewählte Dramen und Epen
Die Jahreszeiten
Sigurd: Der Schlangentödter. Ein Heldenspiel in sechs abentheueren
The Magic Ring
Sintram and his companions
The four seasons
Sämtliche Romane und Novellenbücher
Ausgewählte Werke...
Die Jahreszeiten
Auch ein Wort über die neueste Zeit
Neue erzählungen
Dramatische Dichtungen für Deutsche
Die vier Brüder von der Weserburg
Der held des Nordens
Die Geschichte Vom Galgenmännlein
Sintram and His Companions
Reise-Erinnerungen. T. 1-2
Briefe an Friedrich baron de la Motte Fouqué von Chamisso, Chezy, Collin ... [et al.]
Sir Elidoc. From the German
Altsächsischer Bildersaal
Ritter Elidouc
Die Saga von dem Gunlaugur, genannt Drachenzunge und Rafn dem Skalden
Der Zauberring
Minstrel love
Auch ein Wort über die neueste Zeit
Ausgewählte Werke
Bertrand du Guesclin
Popular Tales and Romances of the Northern Nations; 2
Die Fahrten Thiodolfs des Isländers
Sintram and his companions
Thiodolf the Icelander
Der Verfolgte
Die zwei Brüder
The Four Seasons
Die Pilgerfahrt
Der Sängerkrieg auf der Wartburg
Der mord August's von Kotzebue
Die beiden hauptlente
Romantische Erzählungen
Göthe und Einer Seiner Bewundrer; ein Stück Lebensgeschichte Von Friedrich Baron de la Motte Fouqué
Gefühle, Bilder und Ansichten
Der refugié, oder, Heimath und fremde
Sigurd, der Schlangentödter
Thiodolf the Icelander
Collected Works of Friedrich Heinrich Karl Freiherr de La Motte-Fouque
Undine und andere Nixenmärchen
Wild love, and other tales
Sophie Ariele
Sintram and His Companions
Undine; or, The water-spirit
Wilde Liebe
Sintram and his companions
Der Zauberring
Briefe an Friedrich Baron de la Motte Fouqué von Chamisso [et al.]  Mit einer Biographie Fouqué's von Jul. Ed. Hitzig und einem Vorwort und Biographischen Notizen von H. Kletke
Erdmann und Fiammetta
Undine, Fairy Tale Stories, Short Stories for Kids, Stories for Children
Die wunderbaren begebenheiten des Grafen Alethes von Lindenstein
Fata Morgana
Die Beiden Hauptleute
Göthe und einer seiner Bewundrer
Sintram and his companions
Die fahrten Thiodolfs des Islaenders
Held des Nordens, Erster Theil
Karls des Grossen Geburt und Jugendjahre
Kleine Romane
The Seasons
Der leibeigne
The Seasons
Die Fahrt in die neue Welt
Sintram and his companions, and Undine
Die Musen
Der Zauberring
Taschenbuch der Sagen und Legenden
Bertrand du Guesclin
Briefe an Friedrich baron de la Motte Fouqué von Chamisso, Chezy, Collin ... [et al.]
Gespenstersagen und Rittergeschicten
Ritter und Geister
Sängerliebe. eine provenzalische Sage in drei Büchern
Fouqués Werke
Lebensgeschichte des baron Friedrich de La Motte Fouqué
Sintram und seine Gefährten
Friedrich, Baron de La Motte Fouqué, und Josef, freiherr von Eichendorff
Sintram und seine Gefährten
Romantic fiction
Undine and other stories
Hieronymus von Stauf
Ausgewählte Dramen und Epen
Fata Morgana
The magic ring
Zwei Handschriften Friedrich de la Motte Fouqués
Minstrel love
Werke Bd. 4.2
Thiodolf the Icelander...
Ausgewählte Werke
Altsächsischer Bildersaal
Die Pilgerfahrt
Briefe an Friedrich baron de la Motte Fouqué von Chamisso, Chezy, Collin ... [et al.]
Die beiden hauptlente
Lebensbeschreibung des Königl. Preuss. Generals der Infanterie Heinrich August Baron de la Motte Fouqué
The four seasons
Jakob Böhme, ein biographischer Denkstein
Eginhard und Emma
Karls des Grossen Geburt und Jugendjahre
Fata Morgana
Sendschreiben an den verfasser der Betrachtungen über die neuesten begebenheiten in Deutschland
Die Saga von dem Gunnlaugur, genannt Drachenzunge und Rafn dem Skalden
Der Zauberring
Ondine [par] Frédéric-Henri-Charles de La Motte-Fouqué
Ausgewählte werke
Der Sängerkrieg auf der Wartburg
Sigurd, der Schlangentödter
The magic ring
Das Galgenmännlein
Aslaugas Ritter
Die Zauberring
Etwas über den deutschen Adel über Ritter-Sinn und Militair-Ehre
Bertrand du Guesclin
Sintram and his companions
The magic ring
Die beiden Hauptleute
Minstrel love
Undine and other tales
Joseph und seine Geige ; Kaiser Karl V. Angriff auf Algier
Romantische Erzählungen
Göthe und Einer seiner Bewundrer
The seasons
The two captains
Matthew Gregory Lewis
Matthew Gregory Lewis (1775-1818)

playwright, politician, poet

  • University of Oxford, Westminster School
The Monk
The Evil Image
The monk
Seven Masterpieces of Gothic Horror
The bravo of Venice
Raymond and Agnes; Or, The Bleeding Nun
The Monk: A Romance. In Three Volumes. By M. G. Lewis, ..
The Monk A Romance, Volume II
The Castle Spectre
Journal of a West-India Proprietor: Kept During a Residence in the Island of Jamaica
The Monk A Romance, Volume I
Bravo of Venice, The
Journal of a West India proprietor
The Monk
Tales of wonder
Castle Spectre, The
The Anaconda
Tales of wonder
Romantic tales
El monje
Journal Of A West India Proprietor
One o'clock; or, the knight and the wood demon
The harper's daughter, or, Love and ambition
Mistrust Or Blanche And Osbright
The Anaconda
The Monk
One o'clock!
The Castle spectre
De monnik
Raymond and Agnes
The castle spectre
The Monk: A Romance (Gothic Classics)
Journal of a Residence among the Negroes of the West Indies
Life and correspondence, with many pieces in prose and verse, never before published
The Bravo of Venice
Tales of terror and wonder, with an introd. by Henry Morley
One o'clock!
The love of gain
The Monk - a Romance
The Monk
The Monk; a romance
The Castle Spectre
Feudal tyrants
Journal of a West-India Proprietor, Kept during a Residence in the Island of Jamaica
Alfonso, King of Castile
Rugantino, the bravo of Venice
Rich and Poor a Comic Opera in Three Acts Etc
The Monk a Romance
The life and correspondence of M. G. Lewis
Le Moine
The Monk
The monk
The Bravo of Venice
The New Monk
The Isle of Devils
Tales of terror and wonder
The Life And Correspondence Of M. G. Lewis V1
The Castle Spectre
Osric the lion!
Timour the Tartar
The monk romance
Monje, El
Songs, &c. in the romantic drama of Adelmorn, the outlaw
The castle spectre, a drama
Life and correspondence, with many pieces in prose and verse, never before published
The Bravo of Venice
Rivers: or, the East Indian. A comedy. In five acts, as performed at the Theatre-Royal, Drury-Lane. By M. G. Lewis, ..
Le moine
The Monk
Journal of a Residence among the Negroes of the West Indies
The monk, a romance [by] Matthew Lewis
The castle spectre 1798
Journal of a West India proprietor, 1815-17
The life and correspondence of M. G. Lewis
The castle spectre
The wood daemon, or, The clock has struck
Journal of a residence among the Negroes in the West Indies
Adelmorn, the outlaw
Ambrosio, or the monk
Journal of a West India proprietor, 1815-17
The East Indian
Tales of terror and wonder
Venoni, or, The novice of St. Mark's
Rugantino, or, The bravo of Venice
The Castle Spectre: A Drama
The castle of Lindenberg
Rich And Poor
Crazy Jane ; together with Kathleen Thail ; The Irishman ; The wedding of Paddy O'Carroll
Tales of terror
The Hour of One
Alfonso, King of Castile
The castle spectre, a drama
Crazy Jane ; together with Kathleen Thail ; The Irishman ; The wedding of Paddy O'Carroll
The monk
Tales in verse of terror and wonder
Monody on the death of Sir John Moore
Rivers: or, the East Indian. A comedy. In five acts, as performed at the Theatre-Royal, Drury-Lane. By M. G. Lewis, ..
Tales in verse of terror and wonder
Tales of mystery
One o'clock!, or, The knight and the wood-dæmon
An investigation to determine the cause and effects of maintenance deferral in the national housing stock with specific reference to the response of external joinery components
One o'clock!
The East Indian
The castle spectre 1798
Monody on the death of Sir John Moore
The monk romance
The love of gain
Raymond and Agnes, the travelers benighted, or, The bleeding nun of Lindenberg
Journal of a residence among the negroes in the West Indies
One o'clock!, or, The knight and the wood-dæmon
Tales of terror
Rich And Poor
One o'clock, or, The knight and the wood demon
The monk
Tales of terror and wonder, with an introd. by Henry Morley
Adelmorn, the outlaw
The Isle of Devils
Songs, &c. in the romantic drama of Adelmorn, the outlaw
The monk
Raymond and Agnes; The travellers benighted
Romantic Tales
Tales of wonder
Raymond and Agnes, the travelers benighted, or, The bleeding nun of Lindenberg
Raymond and Agnes; The travellers benighted
Alonzo the brave and fair Imogine
Le moine
The Bravo of Venice; A Romance
The monk, a romance [by] Matthew Lewis
The harper's daughter, or, Love and ambition
One o'clock, or, The knight and the wood demon
Adelgitha, or, The fruits of a single error
The monk
Adelgitha, or, The fruits of a single error
Alonzo the brave and fair Imogine
Romantic tales
The Monk
The castle of Lindenberg
Raymond and Agnes
Journal of a residence among the Negroes in the West Indies
Poems (Classic Reprint)
The Animanics in Sir Yaksalot and the dragon
The Bravo of Venice; A Romance
The wood daemon, or, The clock has struck
Timour the Tartar
Rugantino, or, The bravo of Venice
Venoni, or, The novice of St. Mark's
Osric the lion!
The Bravo of Venice
The harper's daughter, or, Love and ambition
Journal of a West India proprietor
The castle spectre, a drama
Raymond and Agnes
Adelgitha; or; The fruits of a single error
Rugantino; or; The Bravo of Venice
Timour the Tartar
Raymond and Agnes, or, the bleeding nun of Lindenberg
The Castle of Lindenberg; or, The history of Raymond & Agnes
Monk, A Longman Cultural Edition
Raymond and Agnes, the travellers benighted; or; The bleeding nun of Lindenberg
Journal of a West India proprietor
The castle spectre
One o'clock; or; The knight and the wood demon
Tales of terror and wonder
The East Indian: A Comedy. In Five Acts. As Performed at the Theatre-Royal, Drury-Lane
Tales of terror; with an introductory dialogue
Journal of a residence among the negroes in the West Indies
Le Moine
Venoni; or; The novice of St. Marks
Jerzy Żuławski
Jerzy Żuławski (1874-1915)

poet, translator, philosopher

Stara Ziemia
Młoda Polska
Auf silbernen Gefilden
Shabtai Tsevi
Szkice literackie
Kuszenie szatana
Bajka o czlowieku szczȩśliwym
Eros i Psyche
Wiersze wybrane
"La  bestia"
Eros i Psyche, powieść sceniczna w siedmiu rozdziałach
Das problem der kausalität bei Spinoza
Na srebrnym globie
Fred Chappell
Fred Chappell (1936-2024)

poet, professor

  • Duke University
A shadow all of light
The inkling
Brighten the corner where you are
Farewell, I'm bound to leave you
Lovecraft's Monsters
Look back all the green valley
More shapes than one
Spring garden
Family gathering
The gaudy place
I am one of you forever
Ancestors and others
Wind mountain
A way of happening
Moments of Light
The world between the eyes
It is time, Lord
Shadow box
First and last words
Castle Tzingal
The Fred Chappell reader
Plow naked
A new pléiade
Ancestors and others
Ma famille inoubliable
Me voy con vosotros para siempre
The Lodger
Center of the universe
New Ground
The man twice married to fire
L'hameçon d'or