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philosophers who wrote fantasy
Showing 25-32 out of 75 results
Robert Anton Wilson
Robert Anton Wilson (1932-2007)

philosopher, essayist, playwright, psychologist, poet

  • New York University Tandon School of Engineering
Schrödinger's Cat Trilogy
Masks of the Illuminati
Cosmic Trigger
The Earth Will Shake - Historical Illuminatus Chronicles Volume 1
The Widow's Son
The Illuminatus! Trilogy The Eye in the Pyramid, The Golden Apple, Leviathan
Cosmic Trigger
Prometheus Rising
Nature's God - Historical Illuminatus Chronicles - Volume III
Right where you are sitting now
Everything is under control
Portable Darkness
The illuminatus! trilogy
Schrodinger’s Cat
Cosmic Trigger
Schrodinger’s Cat 3
Semiotext(e) SF
The Illuminati Papers
Rebels and Devils
Great Tales of Madness and the Macabre
Schrodinger’s Cat 2
Masken der Illuminaten
The new inquisition
Reality is what you can get away with
Principia Discordia, Or, How I Found Goddess and What I Did to Her When I Found Her
Quantum psychology
Sex and Drugs
The Sex Magicians
Robert Anton Wilson Explains Everything
The Dream Illuminati A Global Revolution Takes Wing
The Widow's Son Volume 2 (The Historical Illuminatus Chronicles)
Die Illuminati- Papiere
The Walls Came Tumbling Down
Chaos and Beyond
Earth Will Shake
Wilhelm Reich in Hell
Email to the Universe
Schrödingers Katze. Das Universum nebenan / Der Zauberhut / Die Brieftauben
Everything Is Under Control: Conspiracies, Cults and Cover-ups
Literary Voices #1
The New Inquisition
RAW Memes
The book of the breast
Nature's God (The Historical Illuminatus Chronicles)
Playboy's book of forbidden words
The Starseed Signals
Email to the Universe
El ciego de Sevilla
Religion for the Hell of It
Robert Anton Wilson
Reality is What You Can Get Away With
Undoing Yourself
Acceleration of Knowledge
Enciclopedia mit de ciencias cognitivas
Enciclopedia mit de ciencias cognitivas
Lion of Light
Natural law, or, Don't put a rubber on your willy
Enciclopedia mit de ciencias cognitivas
Sexo y cohetes
Schrödingers Katze
Wilhelm Reich In Hell
Natural Law
Das Lexikon der Verschwörungstheorien
Trilogía ¡illuminatus!
Prometheus Rising
Enciclopedia mit de ciencias cognitivas
Trilogía ¡illuminatus!
El Martillo Cosmico II
The Walls Came Tumbling Down
Tale of the Tribe
To Lie Is Human
Das Lexikon der Verschwörungstheorien. Verschwörungen, Intrigen, Geheimbünde
Iain Banks
Iain Banks (1954-2013)


  • University of Stirling
The player of games
Canal dreams
A song of stone
The Algebraist
Against a Dark Background
Use of Weapons
Look to windward
Surface Detail
The State of the Art
Espedair Street
Feersum endjinn
The wasp factory
The Crow Road
The Steep Approach to Garbadale
The Bridge
Walking on glass
Dead Air
The Hydrogen Sonata
The Business
Consider Phlebas
Raw Spirit
The quarry
Personal Effects
Efroyabl ange1
Iain M. Banks Culture - 25th anniversary box set: Consider Phlebas, The Player of Games and Use of Weapons
Burning Brightly
Pasos sobre cristal
Song of Stone Hb D/Bx12
Iain Banks X10 S/W
Whit X48 Bin with Custom Header
Surface Detail
Iain Banks Mixed B S/Wx12
Culture Iain Banks Fanzine
Iain Banks B/List Mixed B S/Wx12
Iain Banks Hb S/Wx5 Amazon
Iain M Banks B/l B D/Bx32 2For10
Iain Banks
Break into Banks D/Bx45 2 for #10 B
Iain Banks Export X20 D/B
Iain Banks Contemporary B S/Wx12
Iain Banks collection - Whit, a Song of Stone, Espedair street
Iain M Banks Scifi Mixed B S/Wx12
Iain Banks Sampler X20
Iain Banks X20 D/B
Song of Stone C d/B X20 Export
Banks Mixed B Backlist D/Bx28
Iain Banks Mixed X35 D/B
Whit B S/W X12
Iain Banks Mixed B S/Wx12
Iain Banks Backlist X18 D/B
Iain M Banks Mixed B 2 S/Wx12
Iain M Banks
Iain Banks Hb S/Wx5 Amazon Signed
Whit Dumpbin X12
Banks Mixed B Sf Backlist D/Bx18
Iain M Banks Collection Culture Series 9 Books Bundle
Use of Weapons
Juegos de Familia
Olaf Stapledon
Olaf Stapledon (1886-1950)

paramedic, philosopher, peace activist

  • University of Oxford, University of Liverpool
Antología de la literatura fantástica
Last and First Men
Last men in London
Odd John & Sirius
Star Maker
An Olaf Stapledon reader
Philosophy and living
Last and first men, & Star maker
Talking across the world
Darkness and the Light
Last and first men, and Last men in London
To the end of time
Nebula maker
Far Future Calling
Nebula maker ; & Four encounters
Hacedor de Estrellas
The Flames
Worlds of wonder
A Man Divided
LA Ultima Y Primera Humanidad
A modern theory of ethics
Saints and revolutionaries
New hope for Britain
Death into life
Juan Raro
Waking world
The opening of the eyes
Man Divided Illustared
Youth and tomorrow
Last and First Men (Annotated)
Death into Life Annotated
Last Men in London Illustrated
Death into Life Annotated
Last and First Men Illustrated
Latter-day psalms
Beyond the "isms"
Last Men in London (Annotated)
Last Men in London-Original Edition;illustrated
Last Men in London Annotated
Last and First Men Annotated
Last Men in London Annotated and Unabridged
Last and First Men Annotated and Unabridged
Last Men in London-Original Edition(Annotated)
Last and First Men Annotated
Last and First Men (Annotated)
Last Man in London (illustrated Edition)
Last and First Men Illustrated Edition
Last Men in London (annotated)
Last and First Men
Last and First Men Annotated
Old man in new world
Man Divided Annotated
World of Sound
Last and First Man Illustrated
Last Man in London Illustrated Edition
Last and First Men Illustrated
Last Men in London Annotated
Son ve Ilk Insanlar
Flames Illustared
A modern theory of ethics
Créateur d'Étoiles
Monique Wittig
Monique Wittig (1935-2003)

essayist, philosopher, activist

  • Sorbonne
Les Guérillères
Les Guerilleres
Corps lesbien
Brouillon pour un dictionnaire des amantes
The straight mind and other essays
The straight mind and other essays
Lesbian peoples
The lesbian body
The Opoponax
Brouillon pour un dictionnaire des amantes
Le Corps Lesbien
El pensamiento heterosexual y otros ensayos/ The Straight Mind and Other Essays (Colección G/ G Collection)
La Pensée straight
The Opoponax
Across the Acheron
Le corps lesbien
The Guérillères
Paris-la-politique et autres contes
L' Opoponax
Le voyage sans fin =
Across the Acheron
El cuerpo lesbiano
L' Opoponax
Virgile, non
Le Voyage san Fin
Le voyage sans fin =
Borrador Para un Diccionario de las Amantes  Draft of a Dictionary for Lovers
Lesbian People
Sylvie Germain
Sylvie Germain (born 1954)

philosopher, teacher

  • Paris Nanterre University
Weeping Woman on Streets of Prague
Days of Anger
The Book of Tobias (Dedalus Europe 2000)
Infinite Possibilities (Immensites) (Dedalus Europe)
L'univers de Sylvie Germain - actes du Colloque de Cerisy, 22-29 août 2007
The Book of Nights
Night of Amber
Tobie Des Marais
The Song Of False Lovers
The Medusa Child (Dedalus Europe 1992-95)
L'encre du poulpe
The Weeping Woman on the Streets of Prague (Dedalus Europe 1992-95)
Le Vent reprend ses tours
Le livre des nuits
Jours de colère
Petites scenes capitales
Invitation to a Journey
L'enfant méduse
The Book of Nights (Dedalus Europe 1992)
Couleurs de l'invisible
Les personnages
Enfant Meduse
Days of Anger (Dedalus Europe 1992-95)
Sara in der Nacht
Magnus (Folio) (French Edition)
Night of Amber (Dedalus Europe 1992-95)
Cuatro actos de presencia
Petites scènes capitales
Hors Champ (French Edition)
Brèves de solitude
Mourir un peu
A la table des hommes
Echos du Silence (les)
Cuatro actos de presencia
Jours de Colere
Prague Noir
Nuit d'Ambre
La pleurante des rues de Prague
Auguste Villiers de l'Isle-Adam
Auguste Villiers de l'Isle-Adam (1838-1889)

playwright, poet, philosopher

Antología de la literatura fantástica
Eve future
Isaac Asimov Presents the Best Horror and Supernatural of the 19th Century
The Frankenstein Omnibus
Clasicos de Suspenso y de Terror - 2 Cassette
Relatos escalofriantes
La révolte
The best horror stories
La révolte
Nouveaux contes cruels et Propos d'au dela
Contes cruels
Contes Cruels
Contes cruels
Histoires souveraines
Tribulat Bonhomet
Le nouveau-monde
Nouveaux contes cruels et propos d'au delà
The Vampire Soul And Other Sardonic Tales
Cruel tales
Nouvelles reliques
Villiers de l'Isle-Adam
L'Ève future
Œuvres complètes
Contes cruels
Claire Lenoir et autres contes insolites
L' Ève future
Le prétendant
Chez les passants
Correspondance générale de Villiers de L'Isle-Adam et documents inédits
Contes cruels
Cuentos Crueles
De l'unité transcendante des religions
Nouveaux contes cruels
Contes cruels; Nouveaux contes cruels
Contes et récits
The Scaffold And Other Cruel Tales
Correspondance générale et documents inédits
Le Pouvoir de l'amour
Cruel Tales
Isis précédé de "L'Allure mentale" par Bernard Noël
Clair Lenoir
Contes cruels
Véra et autres nouvelles fantastiques
Textes politiques inédits de Villiers de l'Isle-Adam
Contes cruels : nouveaux contes cruels
Contes fantastiques
Contes cruels
Cruel tales
Akëdysséril ..
Contes cruels
Villiers de l'Isle-Adam
The revolt
The revolt, and The escape
Secret de L'échafaud
Textes politiques ine dits de Villiers de l'Isle-Adam
Premières poésies, 1856-1858
L' Eve future
The Revolt, and the Escape. Translated from the French by Theresa Barclay
Tribulat Bonhomet
Les Fleurs Du Mal
Tribulat Bonhomet
Oeuvres Completes (Bibliotheque de la Pleiade)   Vol. 1
Derniers Contes
Oeuvres Completes   Vol. 2
L' évasion
Los Amantes De Toledo Y Otras Historias Insolitas (Clasicos De La Diversidad)
The erring sister
Contes Cruels
L' Ève future
The revolt and The escape
Tribulat Bonhomet
L' Eve future
Le prétendant ; drame en cinq actes et en prose
Sardonic Tales   (English Version)
Correspondance Generale   2 vols
Claire Lenoir et autres contes insolites
Derniers contes
L' Eve future
Nouveaux contes cruels
L' amour suprême
Contes Cruels
Eve of the future Eden
Chez les Passants, Fantaisies, Pamphlets et Souvenirs; Suivi de Pages Inédites
Oeuvres comple  tes de Villiers de l'Isle-Adam
Contes cruels
Contes cruels
Chez les passants
Cuentos crueles
Foltering door hoop en andere griezelverhalen
Axel (New library of French classics)
Axe l
Legende vom weiszen elefanten
Cruel tales
Oeuvres Completes   11 vols
Nouveaux Contes Cruels et Propos d'au Delà
Cruel tales
The erring sister
Contes cruels
Claire Lenoir et autres contes insolites
L'Ève future
L'Ève future
Grandes amoureuses
Un conte, une lettre
Chez les passants
Œuvres complètes de Villiers de L'Isle-Adam ..
Le prétendant
Nouveaux contes cruels, et Propos d'au dela
Oeuvres complètes de Villiers de L'Isle-Adam
Les trois premiers contes
?uvres comple?tes de Villiers de L'Isle-Adam ..
Contes fantastiques
Nouvelles reliques [de] Villiers de l'Isle-Adam
Contes cruels
Cruel tales
Cruel tales
Akëdysséril et autres contes
Nouveaux contes cruels
Tribulat Bonhomet
Le pre?tendant
Trois portraits de femmes
The revolt, and, the Escape
Contes cruels
Contes et récits
Le prétendant
Le secret de l'échafaud
Correspondance genérale de Villiers de l'Isle Adam et documents inédits
Correspondance genérale de Villiers de l'Isle-Adam et documents inédits
Tribulat Bonhomet [par] Villiers de L'Isle-Adam
The revolt ; and, The escape
Visionen aus dem Osten
Claire Lenoir
Derniers contes
Zhestokie rasskazy
Le Convive des dernières fêtes
Contes cruels ; Nouveaux contes cruels
Histoires insolites
Queen Isabeau
Les trois premiers contes
Trois contes cruels
Sardonic tales
Contes cruels
12 contes cruels
L' amour suprême
L' élu des rêves
Villiers de l'Isle-Adam
Eine Auswahl seiner Erzählungen
Correspondance générale et documents inédits
Premières poésies, 1856-1858
La révolte
Giovanni Papini
Giovanni Papini (1881-1956)

poet, journalist, literary critic, biographer, philosopher

Antología de la literatura fantástica
Watch For The Light
Un uomo finito
Selected works
Life of Christ
Life of Christ. Freely translated from the Italian by Dorothy Canfield Fisher
Labourers in the vineyard
Storia di Cristo
Il crepuscolo dei filosofi
The Failure
Dante Vivo
Laborers in the vineyard
The failure (Un uomo finito)
L' altra meta
Dante vivo
Il non finito
Ritratti stranieri (1908-1921)
La leggenda di Dante
Four and Twenty Minds
Il diavolo
Le memorie d'Iddio
L'uomo Carducci
Pagine scelte
The letters of pope Celestine VI to all mankind
Scritti postumi
Der heilige Augustinus
Saint Augustine
I nipoti d'Iddio
Storia di Cristo
Saint Augustine
El Libro Negro/the Black Book
Historia de Cristo
Chiudiamo le scuole!
Life of Christ
Poeti d'oggi (1900-1920)
The story of Christ
Giorni di festa
Il libro nero
Storia di Cristo
Giovanni Vailati, 1863-1909
Buffonate, Satire e fantasie
Le felicità dell'infelice
L' uomo Carducci
Carteggio Papini-Signorelli
Lettere domestiche agli amici della Valtiberina (1909-1951)
Italiener vor dem Jüngsten Gericht
The memoirs of God
Life and myself
Storia di Cristo
Histoire du Christ
24 cervelli
... Santi e poeti
Diario 1900
Il Diavolo
Eresie letterarie (1905-1928)
Sant' Agostino
Parole e sangue
A man--finished
Italia mia
L' esperienza futurista, 1913-1914
Concerto fantastico
Storia di Cristo
Histoire du Christ
Carteggio (1914-1941)
Jacopone da Todi
Un uomo finito
Danite vivo
Michelangiolo und sein Lebenskreis
Rapporto sugli uomini
Il tragico quotidiano
Passato remoto
Giovanni Papini, Giuseppe Prezzolini
La spia del mondo
Passato remoto, 1885-1914
Storia di Cristo
4 And 20 Minds
Gli operai della vigna
Svedkovia utrpenia
The story of Christ; transl. from the Italian by M.P. Agnetti.
Gog, El Libro Negro
Scrittori e artisti
Las Almas Cambiadas / The Changed Souls (Benteveo)
Un homme fini
Carteggio, 1904-1925
E Istoria tou Christou
Storia di un'amicizia, 1900-1924
Dante vivant
Grandezze di Carducci
Vita di Michelangiolo nella vita del suo tempo
Cento pagine di poesia
24 [Ventiquattro] Cervelli
Ritratti italiani (1904-1931)
Lettere agli uomini di Papa Celestino VI
Saint' Agostino. --
Strane storie
Un uomo finito
Figuras humanas
Opera prima
Giorni di festa (1916-1918)
Lo specchio che fugge
[Historia de Cristo]
24 cervelli
La leggenda di Dante
L'imitazione del padre
Grandezza di Carducci
Figure umane
Vita de Michelangelo nella vita del suo tempo
The story of Christ
L' inquietudine di un secolo
Il sacco dell' orco
Gli amanti di sofia (1902-1918)
Stroncature (1904-1931)
Giudizio universale
Io, Papini
Polemiche Religiose
Life of Christ
Poeti d'oggi (1900-1925)
Le memorie d'Iddio
Vecchio e nuovo nazionalismo
Diario (1916-1953)
Filosofia e letteratura
Poesia in prosa
Istoria tou Hristou
Foglie della foresta
Tutte le opere di Giovanni Papini
24 [ i.e. Venti quattro] cervelli
Poesia e fantasia
Świadkowie meki
La corona d'argento
Racconti di gioventù
I testimoni della Passione
Incontriamo Papini
Città Felicità: Firenze
Tutte le opere
Le crépuscule des philosophes
Das Wesen der Renaissance
La loggia dei busti
Storia di un'amicizia
Italia mia
Storia della letteratura italiana ..
L' uomo Carducci
The devil, notes for a future diabology
El Diablo
Giorni di festa
Lettres aux hommes du pape Célestin VI
La seconda nascita
A prayer for fools
The Story of Christ
L' Altra metà
Felicità di Giacomo Leopardi
Pane e vino
Michelangelo, his life and his era
Le livre noir
Modlitba ke Kristu
... Dante vivo
La spia del mondo
Memuarn fun Reboyne sheloylem
Prose morali
Le pazzie del poeta
Opera prima, venti poesie in rima e venti ragione in prosa
Dante vivo
Le disgrazie del libro in Italia
Poeti d'oggi
Sefer zikhronotaṿ shel ha-Elohim
Cento pagine di poesia
Storia di un'amicizia, 1900-1924
Poesia in prosa
Giovanni Papini
Giorni di festa
Diario, 1916-1953
Poesia in versi
Pagine scelte
Life of Christ
Giovanni Papini, 1881-1981
Historia de Cristo
Il crepuscolo dei filosofi
Laborers in the vineyard
Scritti postumi di Giovanni Papini
L'inquietudine di un secolo
Polemiche religiose (1908-1914)
Storia di Cristo
Saint Augustine
Città Felicità
Carteggio, 1939-1956
El libro negro. - 2. ed.
Le felicità dell'infelice
Ritratti italiani (1904-1931)
Ḥayāt al-Masīḥ
I racconti
Four and twenty minds
Life of Christ
24 [i.e. Ventiquattro] cervelli
Poesia e fantasia
I carteggi di Giovanni Papini
Le ombre di Parnaso
Carteggio, 1904-1925
... tutto il presente era da loro sacrificato a un futuro che a sua volta sarebbe diventato presente e sacrificato a sura volta a un altro futuro e cosi fino all'ultimo presente, fino alla morte
La oracion del buzo
... Il mio futurismo
Cento pagine di poesia
Petronius (0026-0066)

politician, military personnel, poet, philosopher

Antología de la literatura fantástica
Cena Trimalchionis
The Bellum civile of Petronius
Cena Trimalchionis
Apocolocyntosis / Satyricon
Petronius: Cena Trimalchionis
Cena Trimalchionis
Trimalchio's dinner
Petronii Arbitri Satyricon reliquiae
The Satyricon of Petronius Arbiter [adaptation]
The Poems Of Petronius (American Classical Studies, No 25)
The courtship of Eumolpus
Petronii Centa Trimalchionis
El Satiricon
Cena Trimalchionis
Gastmahl Bei Trimalchio
Œuvres complètes de Pétrone
Satyrgeschichten (Schriften Und Quellen Der Alten Welt)
Petronii Arbitri Cena Trimalchionis
Satyricon Reliquiae
The satyr of Titus Petronius Arbiter, a Roman knight
Satyricon Reliquiae
Erotica: The Elegies of Propertius, The Satyricon of Petronius and The Kisses of Johannes ...
Cena trimalchionis
London Unexpurgated
El Satiricon
The Cena Trimalchionis of Petronius
Satiricon (Clasica)
Le satiricon
Satiricon, El
Trimalchio's dinner
The Cena Trimalchionis of Pretonius
Pétrone, Apulée, Aulu-Gelle
The works of T. Petronius Arbiter
Petronius, leader of fashion
Petronius Satyrica
Fragmentum Petronii
The Satyricon ; and Seneca, The apocolocyntosis
Marci Annaei Lucani Pharsalia, sive De bello civili libri decem: Cum ...
Petrone, Latin et Fran©ʻcois
The works of Petronius Arbiter
Cena Trimalchionis.
A collotype reproduction of that portion of Cod. Paris. 7989 commonly called the Codex Traguriensis which contains the Cena Trimalchionis
Satyricon, cum fragmento nuper Tragurii reperto
Satirae et Liber Priapeorvm
The satyrical works of Titus Petronius Arbiter, in prose and verse
A collotype reproduction of that portion of cod. Paris. 7989 commonly called the Codex traguriensis
The satyrical works of Titus Petronius Arbiter
The works of Petronius Arbiter
Petronii Satirae et Liber Priapeorvm
The complete works of Gaius Petronius
The Complete Works Of Gaius Petronius
El satiricón
Le Satiricon
The Cena Trimalchionis of Petronius
Il Satiricon
Oeuvres completes de Pétrone
The satyrical works of Titus Petronius Arbiter, in prose and verse
Trimalchio's Feast
Le Petrone en vers
Satyricon. Apocolocyntosis
Il Satiricon
Cena Trimalchionis
Satire de Pétrone ...
The works of T. Petronius Arbiter
Le satiricon
Satirae et Liber Priapeorum
Satyricôn, qvae supersunt cum integris doctorum virorum commentariis
Petronii Satvrae et Liber Priapeorvm
El Satiricon
Satyrische Geschichten
Petronius Satiricon oder Begebenheiten des Enkolp
(Pétrone) Le satiricon
Satyre de Petrone
Petronius, Satyrica, 1-15
Satyricon, cui accedunt diversorum poëtarum lusus in Priapum, Errones Venerei, Pervigilium veneris, Floridi de qualitate vitae, Epigrammata Valerei AEditui, Ausonii Cento nuptialis, Cupido Cruci-affixus, ejusdem Rosae, Priapismus, Epistolae de Cleopatra, cum Ecloga Tobiae Gutberleth.  Cum notis Bourdelotij et glossario Petroniano
Satiricon Liber et Fragmenta
Petronii satirae et liber Priapeorum, tertium ed. F. Buecheler. Adiectae sunt Varronis et ...
Satire di Tito Petronio Arbitro, cavaliere romano
Oeuvres complètes de Pétrone
The testimony of truth to exalted merit; or, A biographical sketch of the Right Honourable the Countess of Derby;in refutation of a false and scandalous libel
Das Gastmahl des Trimalchio
Satirae et Liber Priapeorum
Sul pudore delle donne
The Satyricon and Poems [of] Gaius Petronius
Il Satiricon
Petronius Cena Trimalchionis
Petrone Latin Et François
Sämmtliche Werke
Satyricon, et diversorum poëtarum lusus in Priapum
The Cena Trimalchionis of Petronius together with Seneca's Apolocyntosis and a selection of Pompeian inscriptions
El Satiricón
Satirae, et Liber Priapeorum
Petronii Cena Trimalchionis. Mit Deutscher Übersetzung und Erklärenden Anmerkungen
Sämmtliche Werke
Works of Petronius Arbiter, in Prose and Verse. Translated from the Original Latin, by Mr. Addison. to Which Are Prefix'd the Life of Petronius, ... and a Character of His Writings by Monsieur St. Evremont
The bellum civile
Petronii Cena Trimalchionis
Petronii Satvrae et Liber Priapeorvm
Testamentum Porcelli
Trimalchio's dinner
Petronius Cena Trimalchionis
Il romanzo satirico di Petronio Arbitro
Trimalchios middag
T. Petroni Arbitri in Dalmatia nuper repertum fragmentum
The Satyrical Works of Titus Petronius Arbiter, in Prose and Verse. in Three Parts. Together with His Life and Character, Written by Mons. St. Evremont; And a Key to the Satyr, by a Person of Quality
Le Satiricon
Petronii Arbitri Satirarvm reliqviae
Satirarvm reliqviae
Petronii Cena Trimalchionis nebst Ausgewählten pompejanischen Wandinschriften
Petronii Arbitri Satyricon Reliquiae
La cena di Trimalcione
Tutti i versi intarsiati nella prosa del Satyricon
Der Gastmahl des Trimalcion
The satyricon of Petronius Arbiter
Fragments from the Satyricon
Pétrone, latin et françois
Bellum Civile (Sat. 119-124)
Oeuvres complètes de Pétrone
Petrone, latin et françois, traduction entière, suivant le manuscrit trouvé à Belgrade en 1688
El Satiricón
T. PetronI Arbitri Satyricon cvm Petroniorvm fragmentis
Petronius the Satyricon
Satyricon [1/2]
Anekdoton ex Petronii Arbitri Satirica, fragmentvm
Satyre de Petrone
Petronii Saturae et liber priapeorum
The Satyricon of Petronius Arbiter; Adapted From the Translation of W. C. Firebaugh, with an Essay By Charles Whibley (Black and Gold Library)
Party Distinctions
Satyricon quae supersunt
The Works of Petronius Arbiter, in Prose & Verse
The complete works of Gaius Petronius
The Satyricon of Petronius
Geheime Geschichte des Römischen Hofs Unter der Regierung des Kaisers Nero, Erster Band
Titi Petronii Arbitri ...
Satiricon d̀i  Petronio Arbitro
Petronii Arbitri Satyricon
The satyr ... with its fragments
Petronius.  With an English translation by Michael Heseltine. Seneca, Apocolocyntosis.  With an English translation by W.H.D. Rouse
Begebenheiten des Enkolp
The Satyricon and poems
Satiricon, cum supplementis Nodotianis
Titi Petronii Arbitri, Equitis romani, Satyricon
Petrone latin et françois
The satyr of Titus Petronius Arbiter ..
The satyrical works of Titus Petronius Arbiter
Petrone latin et françois
Sat. 79-110
Erotica: The Elegies of Propertius, The Satyricon of Petronius Arbiter, and The Kisses of ...
Dinner at Trimalchio's
Moeurs romaines, Le festin de Trimalcion, Eumolpe, La matrone d'Éphèse, La guerre civile, A Crotone, Fragments
Gastmahl des Trimalchio
T. Petroni arbitri, equitis romani Satyricon cum Petroniorum fragmentis. Noviter recensitum, interpolatum & auctum. Accesserunt seorsim notae & observationes variorum
Petrone, Latin et François
The Satyricon of Petronius Arbiter, (The modern library of the world's best books)
The Satyricon and poems (Bestseller library)
La satyre de Petrone
Il Satirico
Uczta Trymalchiona
Petronius with an English translation by Michael Heseltine (1st ed.) revised by E. H. Warmington and, Apocolocyntosis (of) Seneca with an English translation by W. H. D. Rouse
Satyricon [2/2]
La satyre
Die Fragmente des Petronius und vier Liebes Elegien des Ovid in Umdichtung
Die Verseinlagen im Petron
The Works of Petronius Arbiter, in Prose & Verse (English and Latin Edition)
Cena Trimalchionis, Textband
Petronii Cena Trimalchionis nebst ausgewählten pompejanischen Wandinschriften
I racconti del 'Satyricon'
Le satiricon