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critics who wrote fantasy
Showing 57-64 out of 165 results
Jorge Luis Borges
Jorge Luis Borges (1899-1986)

translator, librarian, literary critic, poet, opinion journalist, essayist

  • Collège Calvin
Antología de la literatura fantástica
The Fantasy Hall of Fame [30 stories]
The Oxford Book of Gothic Tales
Literature of Fantasy and the Supernatural
The Garden of Forking Paths
The Slaying of the dragon
La literatura fantástica
Cuentos argentinos
Prentice Hall Literature--World Masterpieces
Prentice Hall Literature -- Platinum
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--World Literature
Prentice Hall Literature - Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes - The British Tradition
El Aleph
Historia universal de la infamia
Short Fiction, Classic and Contemporary -- Second Edition
Libro de los seres imaginarios
World Literature
The Story and its Writer -- Third Edition
The Story and Its Writer
The Story and Its Writer -- Ninth Edition
Prentice Hall Literature--The British Edition--Volume II
The Story and Its Writer -- Compact Eighth Edition
The Norton Anthology of Short Fiction
Historia de la eternidad
The Norton Anthology of Short Fiction -- Shorter Seventh Edition
Crime Classics
Short Stories (25 Agosto 1983, La rosa de Paracelso, Tigres azules, Utopía de un hombre que está cansado)
Evaristo Carriego
Literature--An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, Drama and Writing--Eleventh Edition
Backpack Literature -- Fifth Edition
This craft of verse
The Story and Its Writer -- Compact Fourth Edition
Spanish Short Stories 1 — Cuentos hispánicos 1
Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius
Fictions--Second Edition
El informe de Brodie
Literature--reading fiction, poetry, drama, and the essay
Los mejores cuentos policiales
Poems (L' Or des tigres ; L'Autre, le même II ; Éloge de l'ombre ; Ferveur de Buenos Aires)
Obra Poética, 1923-1967
The Norton Introduction to Fiction--Fourth Edition
Fiction Gallery
The Vintage Book of Amnesia
The World of Mystery Fiction
Otras inquisiciones
Jorge Luis Borges
El oro de los tigres
Fiction, A Pocket Anthology--Fifth Edition
Borges at eighty
Borges On Writing
World Literature
The Story and Its Writer -- Compact Seventh Edition
Literature--Third Compact Edition
Siete conversaciones con Jorge Luis Borges
Qué es el budismo
The aleph
McDougal, Littell Literature and language--English and World Literature
La Cifra
The Short Story
Wolf's Complete Book of Terror
Borges - un diálogo sobre cine y los venidos a menos
Obras Completas 1. 1923-1949
Literature--Eighth Edition
Everything and nothing
That Glimpse of Truth
Cuentos de cine
Achievements in Fiction
Borges, a reader
Nueva antología personal
The Story and Its Writer--Fifth Edition
Literature--An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry and Drama--Compact Edition
Twice-Told Tales
Philosophy. A text with readings--Sixth Edition
El informe de Brodie / Historia universal de la infamia
Fiction, A Pocket Anthology--Third Edition
Introducción a la literatura norteamericana
The shapes of fiction
Obras completas. Historia universal de la infamia
The Norton anthology of short fiction--Seventh edition
Traditions in literature -- Seventh Edition
Collected Fictions
Works (Elogio de la Sombra / Informe de Brodie)
Prólogos con un prólogo de prólogos
Libro de sueños
Los mejores relatos latinoamericanos
El hacedor
An Introduction to English Literature
The total library
Veinte cuentos hispanoamericanos del siglo xx
Leopoldo Lugones
The Short Story
Sudden Fiction International
Siete noches
The Story and Its Writer--Compact Fifth Edition
The Norton introduction to literature--third edition
Short Fiction, Classic and Contemporary -- Fifth Edition
El Libro de Arena
Trio--Third Edition
Cuentos latinoamericanos
Literature -- A Pocket Anthology -- Second Edition
70 años de narrativa argentina
Literature--Twelfth Edition
On Mysticism
Literature, The Human Experience -- Sixth Edition
The Norton Introduction to Fiction--Second Edition
An introduction to fiction -- Tenth Edition
Biblioteca personal
An introduction to literature -- twelfth edition
Other Voices, Other Vistas
Rêves et réalités / Sueños y realidades
Glencoe World Literature
Nueve ensayos dantescos
Los conjurados
El tamaño de mi esperanza
Crónicas de Bustos Domecq
Literature--an introduction to fiction, poetry, and drama--Third Edition
Antaeus/No. 73 and 74, Spring, 1994
Twenty-four conversations with Borges
Elogio de La Sombra
Fiction, A Pocket Anthology--Canadian Edition
The light fantastic
Cuentos hispanoamericanos del siglo XX
The Story and Its Writer--Eighth Edition
Literature, a pocket anthology -- Canadian Edition
Borges Esencial
Obras completas
The Widow Ching Pirate [5 stories]
Short Fiction, Classic and Contemporary--Third Edition
Fiction, A Pocket Anthology--Second Canadian Edition
Prentice Hall Literature--Platinum--Second Edition.
Literature, the human experience. Shorter Sixth Edition with Essays
Literature--An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, and Drama--Sixth Edition
Borges, sus días y su tiempo [reportaje por]
An Introduction to fiction -- Fifth Edition
Arte Poetica
Textos cautivos
The Story and its writer--Second Edition
Obras completas ** 1975-1985
Short Fiction, Classic and Contemporary--Fourth Edition
The Norton anthology of short fiction--Fourth edition
Borges oral
Campfire Legends
The Riverside anthology of literature -- Second edition
The Road to Science Fiction From Here to Forever
Works (Libro de arena / Memoria de Shakespeare)
El otro, el mismo
Introduction to fiction
Backpack Literature--Second Edition
Obras Completas 1952-1972
Literature--Sixth Compact Edition
A Hammock Beneath the Mangoes
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--The British Tradition
The Norton Introduction to Literature--tenth edition
The Modern Tradition - Second Edition
The story and its writer--Sixth Edition
Philosophy, A Text with readings--Fifth edition
Extraordinary tales
The Riverside anthology of literature
Borges, el memorioso
The Norton anthology of short fiction--Third edition
World literature
The Story and Its Writer--Compact Sixth Edition
Antología personal
The Story and Its Writer--Compact Ninth Edition
The Secret Books
The art of the tale
Fervor de Buenos Aires
The Norton Introduction to Literature--Shorter eleventh edition
Hablan los renovadores
The Norton introduction to literature--ninth edition
El jardín de senderos que se bifurcan
The realm of fiction--74 short stories
Elements of Literature -- Fourth Edition
Literature -- A Pocket Anthology
Seis problemas para don Isidro Parodi
Poesía completa
The language of literature--World literature
Professor Borges
Moving Beyond the Page
Elements of literature
Modern World Literature
World literature -- revised edition
Relatos completos
An Introduction to Fiction -- Sixth Edition
The Norton Introduction to Literature--Shorter Thirteenth Edition
Selected non-fictions
Ficciones ; El aleph ; El informe de Brodie
Literature -- Part 1. Fiction -- Custom Edition for Anne Arundel Community College
The Norton introduction to literature--shorter tenth edition
Xul Solar
Die zwei Labyrinthe Lesebuch
The Aleph and other stories, 1933-1969
Jorge Luis Borges - Conversations
Borges en Revista multicolor
El idioma de los argentinos
Literature, For English 1020 at the Cuyahoga Community College
Dialogos Sobre La Vida y La Muerte
Obra poética, 1923-1976
Mond gegenüber. Gedichte 1923 - 1929
Breve Antologia De Cunentos Policiales
La Moneda de Hierro
The Norton Introduction to Literature--ninth edition
Literature--fourth edition
Literature--Compact Sixth Edition
Von Büchern und Autoren
The Norton anthology of short fiction--Second edition
Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes -- The British Tradition, Volume I
Literature--Second Compact Edition
Luna de enfrente y cuaderno San Martin
Backpack literature--Fourth edition
Aprendizaje del Escritor
Persönliche Bibliothek
Dos fantasías memorables ; Un modelo para la muerte
Zwielicht und Pomp
An Introduction to Fiction -- Seventh Edition
Understanding fiction -- Third Edition
Introduction to fiction
World writers today
Fiction--Twelfth Edition
An Introduction to Fiction -- Eighth Edition
Cuentos marinos
On Writing
Cartas del fervor
Jorge Luis Borges en Sur, 1931-1980
Prose works
Manual de zoología fantástica
Trio - Fourth Edition
Die zyklische Nacht. Gedichte 1934 - 1965
The Norton introduction to literature--shorter eighth edition
Cervantes y el Quijote
Espejo de escritores
Borges--sus mejores páginas
An Introduction to literature -- sixteenth edition
Universalgeschichte der Niedertracht Fiktionen Das Aleph
The Norton Anthology of Short Fiction--Shorter Eighth Edition
Un ensayo autobiográfico
Borges, el palabrista
Livre de préfaces suivi de "Essai d'autobiographie"
Prólogos de La biblioteca de Babel
Garzanti - Gli Elefanti
Literature--Structure, Sound, and Sense--Second Edition
La Memoria de Shakespeare
L' univers de Borges
Literature--Third Edition
El lenguaje de Buenos Aires
Conversations, Volume 1
Discreta Efusión
El Martin Fierro
On Argentina
The Norton introduction to literature--eighth edition
El compadrito [su destino, sus barrios, su música, por] Jorge Luís Borges [y] Silvina Bullrich
The Early Modern Period -- Second Edition
Literaturas germánicas medievales
Borges--imágenes, memorias, diálogos
Literature--Fifth Compact Edition
The Norton introduction to Literature--eleventh edition
Obra poética
El tango
Literature--Thirteenth Edition
La rosa profunda
The Perpetual Race Of Achilles And The Tortoise
Poesía gauchesca
Premio de la literatura en lengua castellana "Miguel de Cervantes" 1979
El candelabro de los siete brazos
The Mirror of Ink
The British Tradition
La biblioteca de babel
Obras completas, 1923-1972
Textos recobrados, 1919-1929
The Short Story -- Second Edition
Literature, the human experience. Fifth Edition
El Congreso
Literature--Seventh Compact Edition
Literature--Fifth Compact Edition
Cuentos Memorables
Obra Poetica
Borges de Buenos Aires
Textos recobrados, 1956-1986
Literature--Eighth Compact Edition
The Norton Introduction to Literature--Shorter thirteenth edition
The Twentieth Century -- Custom edition for UNLV
Ghost stories
Literature, the human experience. Shorter Fifth Edition with Essays
Literature--an introduction to fiction, poetry, and drama--Fifth Edition
Antología del cuento hispanoamericano
Selected Poems
Textos Recobrados
El río
Dos fantasías memorables
Literature--An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, and Drama--Fourth Compact Edition
Diálogos Jorges Luis Borges Ernesto Sabato
Death and the Compass / Playground
Jorge Luis Borges
The realm of fiction
Poemas, 1923-1958
Conversations, Volume 3
El libro de Job, Baruj Spinoza
Sokrovennoe chudo
Literature -- Part 1, Fiction -- Twelfth Edition
Antiguas Literaturas Germanicas
Dos palabras antes de morir y otras entrevistas
Cuentos Duplicados
Essentials of British and World Literature
Literature--Approaches to Fiction, Poetry, and Drama
Classics in World Literature
Historias de dos
Borges por él mismo
Cuentos hispanoamericanos
Traditions in Literature -- Classic Edition
HabitaciÓn Propia
Borges en El hogar, 1935-1958
El círculo secreto
Poetry--Tenth Edition
Il congresso del mondo
Libro de diálogos
Metamorfosis : (Revisado y Corregido)
Un cuarto propio
Cuentos completos
Leopoldo Marechal
Textos Recobrados 1931-1955
Rêves et réalités / Sueños y realidades, 1952-1977
Literature -- Tenth Edition
Nuevos cuentos de Bustos Domecq
En Dialogo II
Borges na luz de Borges
La muerte y su traje
Writers at Work Around the World
eFictions [Pasco Hernando Community College Collection]
Antología poética argentina
Cuentos para leer los sábados
Luna de enfrente
Poesía Completa
Eine neue Widerlegung der Zeit und 66 andere Essays
Literature--third edition
El matrero
La Casa de Asterión; Un sueño; El laberinto y La metamorfosis
The Norton Introduction To Literature--combined shorter edition
Borges en diálogo
Historia universal de la infamia / Hombre de la esquina rosada
El Otro Borges
Autores Latinoamericanos
Six problèmes pour don Isidro Parodi
The uncommon reader
Totalmente Suya
Backpack Literature -- Sixth edition
Literature -- Ninth Edition
Introduccion a la Literatura Inglesa
Elementary Chinese Readers
Florida y boedo
Diccionario privado de Jorge Luis Borges
Libro del cielo y del infierno
Jorge Luis Borges - Radioscopie de Jacques Chancel
Diálogos últimos
Literature--Custom Edition for Florida A&M University ENC 1102
Borges. el Misterio Esencial / Borges. the Essential Mystery
Fervor de Buenos Aires / Luna de enfrente / Cuaderno San Martín / El hacedor
The sonnets
The Norton introduction to literature--fifth edition
Autobiografia / Borges
Literature--Compact Sixth Edition
Prentice Hall Literature -- Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes -- The British Tradition, Volume II
Obra poética, 1923-1969
Prosa completa (1930-1975)
Literature--reading fiction, poetry, drama, and the essay--second edition
Obras completas en colaboración - 1. Con Adolfo Bioy Casares
Encyclopaedia of the World
Conversations, Volume 2
The Norton introduction to literature--Shorter Twelfth Edition
Motero Sucio
Cuentos breves y extraordinarios
El Príncipe Feliz
Un cuarto propio
Todo Borges y ...
S. E. X. O. : Salvajes Erecciones, EXtremos Orgasmos
Do cinema
Jorge Luis Borges 1899-2019
Historia de la noche
Historia EDUNV de la infamia
Salvando a Amaia
An introduction to literature -- fifth edition
In memory of Borges
Entretiens avec alina diaconu
En voz de Borges
The Spanish language in South America
De 0 A 100
Don Isidro Parodi’ye Altı Bilmece
Chico Malo
Das Eine und die Vielen
Essai sur les anciennes littératures germaniques
Prosa completa. Volumen 1
Lottery in Babylon
Cuentos históricos
Kum Kitabi
Cuentos completos
Obra poética, 1923-1977
Rose und Münze
El libro de la almohada
Le Sud et autres fictions
Seis siglos de la ciudad de México
Öteki Sorusturmalar
Obras Completas IV - Borges
Sonsuz Gul
Dios Del Sexo
Obra poética, 1923-1985
Das Buch von Himmel und Hölle. Anthologie. ( Werke in 20 Bänden, 11)
Cuentos de hijos y padres
Borges, un sueño de los espejos
Widow Ching--Pirate
Inquisitionen. Essays 1941 - 1952. ( Werke in 20 Bänden, 7)
Sonetos a Buenos Aires
Tensión Mecánica
Poesia Gauchesca, in Two (2) Volumes [Vols. I & II]
The gold of the tigers
F*llame Hasta el Fin
La rosa de Paracelso ; Tigres azules
Entretiens sur la poésie et la littératur, suivi de, Quatre essais sur J.L. Borges
Backpack Literature--Third Edition
Deathwatch on the Southside
25 cuentos argentinos del siglo XX
látigo Del Cowboy
Antología poética 1923-1977
Borges por Borges
Sobre Sonhos e Outros Dialogos
The Language of Literature [grade 10]
Priblizhenie k Alʹmutasimu
Poesía Gauchesca II
Un modelo para la muerte
Miss America Latina
Valoración de Jorge Luis Borges en la comunidad judía de Argentina
Elogio da sombra
Homenaje a Borges
Sudando de Placer
Borges, el otro
Gesammelte Werke, 9 Bde. in 11 Tl.-Bdn., Bd.5/1, Essays 1932-1936
Yedi Gece
OEuvre poétique, 1925-1965
Borges, obras reseñas y traducciones inéditas
Poesía completa
Borges en la Escuela Freudiana de Buenos Aires
Poemas escogidos
Sonsuzlugun Tarihi
Las obsesiones de Borges
El otro, el mismo. Para las seis cuerdas. Elogio de la sombra
Protegiendo a Alba
Imperio Sucio
Fiktionen.: Erzaehlungen 1939 - 1944
Labirinto Brasil
Spiegel und Maske. Erzählungen 1970 - 1983. ( Werke in 20 Bänden, 13)
Oro en la piedra
Blaue Tiger und andere Geschichten
Ultimas conversaciones con Borges
Obra Poetica (Volume 1)
Perfectamente Odiable
Entrevista caraqueña a Jorge Luis Borges
Poems of the night
Sexo Siempre Es la Respuesta
Narcisista, Sociópata e Irresistible
Arjantin Öyküleri
Alcakligin Evrensel Tarihi
Reina Roja
Trío Infernal
F*llame Como Si Salieras de la Cárcel
Memória de Borges - Um Livro Raro Com Diferentes Entrevistas de Jorge Luis Borges Compiladas Por Floriano Martins
Selected Essays and Prose
Les Dialogues de Borges
Gespräche in Buenos Aires
25 Agustos 1983 Ve Diger Öyküler
La muerte y la brújula
Pisʹmena boga
Ficciones - Hayaller ve Hikayeler
Fictions (Jupiter Books)
Obra poética, 3
Cuentos en el laberinto
Borges para millones
Dvoĭnik Magometa
Un Jardín para Borges
Storia dell'eternità
Poesía completa
Düssel Varliklar Kitabi
Library of Babel
Niedertracht und Ewigkeit
H�roe Anti-V�rgenes
Sobre la escritura
Luz Negra
Miscelánea. Vol. 2
The Story and Its Writer--Seventh Edition
Del escrito
Destino e obra de Camões
Sochinenii︠a︡ v trekh tomakh
Presa en la Isla
Besitz des Gestern
Kabbala und Tango. Essays 1930 - 1932. ( Werke in 20 Bänden, 2)
Introduction to Literature
Il libro di sabbia
Paginas de Jorge Luis Borges
Rüyalar Kitabi
Literature from around the world
Veinticinco agosto 1983
Nueva refutación del tiempo
Dangerous Dimensions New Pub Date Jan 2021
Promise the Infinite
Introduction to Literature
Gesammelte Werke, 9 Bde. in 11 Tl.-Bdn., Bd.4, Erzählungen
Borges und ich. (El hacedor). Kurzprosa und Gedichte 1960
Farenheit 451
Rosa y azul
Textos Recobrados 1929
Library of Babel and Other Stories
F*lladores Fuertes
Vaqueros Armados
Die letzte Reise des Odysseus
Literature--Tenth Edition
Antologia da Literatura Fantastica
Racconti brevi e straordinari
Book of Sand
Storia Universale Dell'Infammia
Nove saggi danteschi
Literature--Sixth Edition
Neuf essais sur Dante
Obra poética, 2
Borges laberintos Ducmelic
Literature--Seventh Edition
Harén de Músculo
Borges Poesias - Golu
Para las seis cuerdas ; milongas
Gesammelte Werke, 9 Bde., Bd.6, Erzählungen
Bohesi shi wen ji
Italiano Descarado
Aspectos de la literatura gauchesca
Die unendliche Bibliothek: Erzählungen, Essays, Gedichte
Gritando de Placer
Trabuco Armado
Cuentos Completos
El Arte del cuento
Obra Poetica - 1975-1985
Entretien avec André Camp
L'oro delle tigri. Testo spagnolo a fronte
Poesía completa
Siete poemas sajones =
Collected Fictions -- Translated By Andrew Hurley
Khorkhe Luyis Borkhes
Las Mil Y Una Noches: Segun Burton/the Thousand and One Nights
J*diendo Mucho
Cuentos completos
Obras completas en colaboración
L'altro, lo stesso. Testo originale a fronte
Soldada Urbana
John Doe
Manual de Zoología Fantástica
Borges con los abogados
Posesión Agradecida
Historia universal de la infamia
Conversaciones con J. L. Borges de Armenia y los armenios
De Borges a María Kodama
Cuentos de H. Bustos Domecq
El Martín Fierro
Un modelo para la muerte
Indice de la nueva poesia americana
Qué es el budismo
Cuentistas y pintores argentinos
Moderns and contemporaries -- second edition
Borges - Poesias
Para las seis cuerdas
El libro de arena
La intrusa y otros cuentos
Do Cinema
Antología clásica de la literatura argentina
Tema del traidor y del héroe
Antología poética
Breve antología anglosajona
Proa (1924-1926)
Sefer ha-yeshuyot ha-dimyoniyot
Gesammelte Werke, 9 Bde. in 11 Tl.-Bdn., Bd.6, Borges und ich
El matrero
Los orilleros
El Cuento argentino contemporáneo
Les conjurés
Un modelo para la muerte p̀or  Jorge Luis Borges ỳ  Adolfo Bioy Casares
Doze Figuras do Mundo
La Generación poética de 1922
Le bugie della parola
Truciolo familiare
Nueva antología personal
Utopía de un hombre que está cansado
Borges En Sur 1980
Obra poética, 1923-1976
Tabibito e no okurimono
Borges el mismo, otro
Conversaciones, versaciones con
The Norton introduction to literature--second edition
Τα μονοπάτια της Ιθάκης
Cuentos urbanos
Borges profesor
Poemas (1922-1943)
Páginas escogidas
Asesinos de papel
ha-Duaḥ shel Doḳṭor Brodi
מלאכת השיר
Ancient Germanic Literatures
Los paraísos perdidos
al-Maraya wa-al-matahat
Tiempo Falto
El advenimiento
Die Anthologien: Handbuch der phantastischen Zoologie / Das Buch von Himmel und Hölle / Buch der Träume
Strastʹ k Buėnos-Aĭresu
Poemas, 1923-1953
Yfir saltan mar
La hermana de Eloísa
Mutarjimū Alf laylah wa-laylah
Diez cuentos magistrales
Peregrinos de la lengua
Poemas (seleccion)
Zoología fantástica
Antología de la poesía oral- traumatica y tanatica de Jorge Luis Borges
Chroniques de Bustos Domecq
Sus mejores paginas
Cuaderno San Martín
Literaturas germánicas medievales
Obra poe tica, 1923-1964
Literature--second edition
Obra poética
El Golem
Mevokhe ha-zeman
Obras completas de Jorge Luis Borges
Ficciones ; El aleph ; El informe de Brodie
Livre de Prefaces Suivi d'Essai d'Autobiographique
Espacio Borges
Breve Ant. De Ctos. Fantasticos (Antologias)
Cristo en la cruz y otros poemas
Jorge Luis Borges
Borges literal
Deux fictions
El Cuento policial
Obras completas
Xewn û xeyal
Manuale di zoologia fantastica
Literature--Fifth Edition
Literature--Approaches to Fiction, Poetry, and Drama--second edition
Literature--Compact Seventh Edition
Boheshi de mo huan tu shu guan =
Short story collections by Jorge Luis Borges
Hombre de la esquina rosada y otros cuentos
Dos fantasías memorables
Borges, el judaísmo e Israel
Obra poética, 1923-1966
Los Franceses en la Argentina =
Literature--Compact Edition
La Rosa d'oro
Manual de zoología fantástica
El aleph borgiano
Oeuvres complètes
An introduction to literature -- thirteenth edition
Les Autres
Libro del cielo y del infierno
Irish strategies
Los Rivero
Ensaio autobiográfico (1899-1970)
El Aleph
En torno a Borges
Introducción a la literatura norteamericana
Antiguas literaturas germánicas
El Aleph
Proa (1924-1925)
La sabiduría de Jorge Luis Borges
Destino y obra de Camoens
Obra poética, 1923-1964
Racismo y judaísmo
Henry James
Henry James (1843-1916)

playwright, poet lawyer, literary critic, editing staff

  • Harvard University
The turn of the screw
The Turn of the Screw
Daisy Miller
The United States in Literature [with three long stories] -- Seventh Edition
Washington Square
Tales of
The Wings of the Dove
The awkward age
The Bostonians
The American
The Aspern Papers
The Arbor House Treasury of Horror and the Supernatural
The Princess Casamassima
What Maisie knew
The ambassadors
Henry James
The Dark Descent
The Europeans
The spoils of Poynton
The Golden Bowl
Classic American Short Stories
Great American Short Stories
English hours
Henry James and H.G. Wells
The Penguin Book of Horror Stories
Guía literaria de Londres
Italian Hours
The tragic muse
Roderick Hudson
Guía literaria del amor
The short stories of Henry James
The lesson of the master
A little tour in France
A small boy and others
Words of Ages
The Evil Image
Great American Short Stories [34 stories]
Guía literaria de Londres
The Reverberator
Great American Short Stories
The Outcry
Selected letters of Henry James
French poets and novelists
In the cage
Beast in the Jungle
The altar of the dead
The Marriages
The great short novels of Henry James
The Situation of the Story
Great American Short Stories
The sacred fount
A London life
The other house
The ambassador
The turn of the screw, and other short novels
Henry James, selected letters
A bundle of letters
Partial portraits
The jolly corner
Great Horror and Fantasy Collection
A landscape painter
Watch and ward
Forms of the Novella
[ Henry James : manuscripts letters in Harvard]
The Bodley Head Henry James
The Author of Beltraffio
Daisy Miller and other stories
The Aspern papers and other stories
The Turn of the Screw
The diary of a man of fifty
Blessings from the Condemned
The ivory tower
Classic Ghost Stories
The portable Henry James
The Best Ghost Stories Ever
An international episode
Great American Short Stories
Achievements in Fiction
The Europeans
The middle years
Portraits of places
The Great English Short-Story Writers, Volume 1
Henry James and Edith Wharton: Letters
Daisy Miller & An international episode
The art of the novel
The Aspern Papers, The Turn of the Screw, The Liar, The Two Faces
Four Great American Novels (Adventures of Huckleberry Finn / Billy Budd / Daisy Miller / Scarlet Letter)
Masters of the Macabre
William Wetmore Story and his friends
The sense of the past
Henry James: autobiography
Stories of writers and artists
Transatlantic sketches
The complete notebooks of Henry James
The Pupil
American Short Stories
The Figure in the Carpet
The notebooks of Henry James
Selected literary criticism
The Finer Grain
The Turn of the Screw
Short Stories
The Europeans
The Penguin Book of American Short Stories
The Henry James reader
The Britannica Library of Great American Writing - Volume II
The Private Life
The real thing
The soft side
Stories revived ..
Victorian Short Stories
Edges of Reality
Classic Ghost Stories
William Wetmore Story and his friends; from letters, diaries, and recollections
Notes of a son and brother
The Correspondence of William James
The Chaperon
Henry James and Robert Louis Stevenson
The house of fiction
The spoils of Poynton and other stories
The Beast in the Jungle and Other Stories
The Death of the Lion
The art of criticism
Literary reviews and essays, on American, English, and French literature
Librivox Short Story Collection 051
The Point of View
Art of the Novel
The art of the novel
A Passionate Pilgrim
Gabrielle de Bergerac
Great short works
The real thing, and other tales
Traveling in Italy with Henry James
The Coxon Fund
Introduction to the novel
The two magics
Great Short Works of Henry James
Notes on novelists
The siege of London, The Pension Beaurepas, and The point of view
Picture and text
A passionate pilgrim, and other tales
Dearly beloved friends
Daisy Miller
                Bedford College Editions
Daisy Miller: a study
Turn of the Screw
The letters of Henry James
Henry James on Culture
The Turn of the Screw
Views and reviews
The wheel of time ; Collaboration ; Owen Wingrave
The scenic art
The Beldonald Holbein
Henry James Collected Stories
Essays in London and elsewhere
Notes and reviews
Letters, fictions, lives
The novels and tales of Henry James
The Oxford Book of American Essays
Notes and reviews, with a pref. by Pierre de Chaignon la Rose
The siege of London
The American
The two magics ; The turn of the screw ; Covering End
The correspondence of Henry James and Henry Adams, 1877-1914
The question of our speech ; The lesson of Balzac
Portrait of a Lady, The
Travelling companions
The Bench Of Desolation
The Figure in the Carpet and Other Stories
The better sort
The American
The Portrait of a Lady
The Lesson of the Master: The Marriages, The Pupil, Brooksmith, The Solution, Sir Edmund Orme
Four Meetings
The Complete Letters of Henry James, 1878-1880
Notes on novelists, with some other notes
Louisa Pallant
The turn of the screw
The wheel of time
The Turn of the Screw and Other Short Fiction
Daisy Miller
Daisy Miller / The Turn of the Screw
Selected fiction
Sir Dominick Ferrand
La tercera persona y otros relatos fantásticos
The spoils of Poynton. A London life. The Chaperon
In the cage & other tales
The American, Riverside Edition;
Daisy Miller, Pandora, The Patagonia
Lady Barbarina
Dear munificent friends
The Turn Of The Screw
The American novels and stories of Henry James
The Altar of the Dead/the Beast in the Jungle/the Birthplace, and Other Tales
Les ailes de la colombe
Within the rim
The madonna of the future, and other tales
Instructions for Taking Meteorological Observations: With Tables for Their ..
The Wings of the Dove
London Stories and Other Writings
Eugene Pickering
The question of our speech
A London Life
Portrait of a Lady
Amato ragazzo
In the Cage and Other Stories
Collected travel writings
Henry James Portrait of a Lady
The Pension Beaurepas
Confidence Novel
The lesson of the master, The death of the lion, The next time
Pictures and other passages from Henry James
The portrait of a lady
The correspondence of Henry James and the House of Macmillan, 1877-1914
The art of fiction
The Patagonia
Daisy Miller: A Comedy in Three Acts
Guía literaria de Roma
The American Novels and Stories of Henry James.
The American Scene
Sacred Fount
Stories of Successful Marriages
What Maisie Knew
Four Meetings
The Critical Muse
Great English Short-Story Writers
Greville Fane
Letters of Henry James to Walter Berry
The Europeans
Letters of Henry James
The Turn Of The Screw And Daisy Miller
Turn of the Screw by Henry James
Letters from the Palazzo Barbaro
Foreign parts
Stories by American Authors
The lesson of the master
American : (Annotated Edition)
Louisa Pallant
In the Cage : (Annotate Edition)
The American scene
La Casa Natal [Próxima aparición]
Roderick Hudson : (Annotated Edition)
Notes and reviews
Pictures and other passages from Henry James
Otra vuelta de tuerca
The Velvet Glove
Sherlock 2022 Calendar
Lesson of the Master
Roderick Hudson
Aspern Papers
Sacred Fount
Theatre and friendship
Turn of the Screw
Una vuelta de Tuerca
Aspern Papers
Henry James
The Ambassadors Volume I
The Portrait of a Lady
Portrait of a Lady - Volume 1
Los mejores cuentos de fantasmas
Aspern Papers
The Nature Of Evil
The Awkward Age Volume II
Altar of the Dead
The Henry James yearbook
Copa Dorada
Within the rim and other essays, 1914-15
The other house
Beldonald Holbein
Italian Hours
Tales of three cities
Picture and Text
Figure in the Carpet
Awkward Age
The jolly corner
Ambassadors : (Annotate d Edition)
Julia Bride
Passionate Pilgrim
A little tour in France
Portraits of places
PORTRAIT of a LADY by Henry James
Les dépouilles de Poynton
Jolly Corner
Golden Bowl
Eugene Pickering
Terminations ; The death of the lion ; The Coxon fund ; The middle years ; The altar of the dead
What Maisie Knew
Great English Short-Story Writers
English hours
Alphonse Daudet
Golden Bowl
The Gothic Terror MEGAPACK ™: 17 Classic Tales
Path of Duty
Path of Duty
The Turn of the Screw and the Aspern Papers By Henry James
La Casa Natal [Próxima aparición]
The Ambassadors. Heron Collected Works of Henry James
Portrait of a Lady
The suburbs of London
The Wings of the Dove
Portrait of a Lady : (Annotated Edition)
Figure in the Carpet
Wings of the Dove
The author of Beltraffio ; Pandora ; Georgina's reasons ; The path of duty ; Four meetings
Outcry Illustrated
Roderick Hudson
El último de los Valerio
Daisy Miller
Roderick Hudson
Almost a prophet
Stories of the supernatural
Ambassadors Illustrated
Wings of the Dove
Nona Vicent
Altar of the Dead
The Henry James year book
Beast in the Jungle
The complete letters of Henry James, 1855-1872
Awkward Age
Whole Family
Awkward Age by Henry James
Bundle of Letters
Otra Vuelta de Tuerca
Madame de Mauves
Roman neighborhoods
The Secret of Swedenborg: Being an Elucidation of His Doctrine of the Divine ..
Portrait of a Lady by Henry James
Nona Vicent
The Awkward Age Volume I
Figure in the Carpet
Princess Casamassima
Picture and Text
Real Thing
The diary of a man of fifty ; and, A bundle of letters
The portrait of a lady
The Ghostly Rental
Within the rim, and other essays, 1914-15
Diary of a Man of Fifty
In the Cage
Figure in the Carpet by Henry James
Stories of the supernatural
Beast in the Jungle
Madonna of the Future
The Aspern papers, Louisa Pallant, The modern warning
International Episode
Madonna of the Future
Views and Reviews
La Casa Natal [Próxima aparición]
The Aspern Papers / The Turn of the Screw
Daisy Miller & An international episode
The Portrait of a Lady Volume 1
What Maisie Knew
Roderick Hudson
Turn of the Screw
The mammoth book of Victorian and Edwardian ghost stories
Greville Fane
Goal Setting Planner
Daisy Miller
Lady Barberina, and Other Tales
Jolly Corner
Daisy Miller
Turn of the Screw by Henry James
Lady Barbarina
The complete letters of Henry James, 1872-1876
The portrait of a lady
Aspern Papers : (Annotated Edition)
Madame De Mauves
Figure in the Carpet
Turn of the Screw
Jolly Corner
"A  most unholy trade"
Portrait of a Lady
Du Maurier and London society
The American
The Portrait of a Lady
Point of View
The Aspern Papers and Other Tales
Small Boy and Other Stories
Spoils of Poynton Annotated
Notes On Novelists With Some Other Notes By Henry James
Happy Mothers Day
The portrait of a lady
The reverberator.
Portrait of a Lady
Representative selections
Passionate Pilgrim
A London life
La bête dans la jungle et 6 autres histoires
Wings of the Dove - Volume II
Louisa Pallant
Be-ṭabaʻat ha-ḥeneḳ
The portrait of a lady
The Tragic muse
The Portrait of a Lady
Author of Beltraffio
Pension Beaurepas
Wings of the Dove
The other house
Portrait of a Lady Illustratted
The madonna of the future
Inventing the real (Old Maid / Real Thing)
Spoils of Poynton
A small boy and others
Some Short Stories
Tragic Muse
The Ambassadors( monarch Notes)
Mikhtavim be-Ṿenetsyah
Four Meetings
Passionate Pilgrim
Wings of the Dove - Volume I
The two magics
The Aspern papers, Louisa Pallant, The modern warning
Parisian sketches
Middle Years
The Ambassadors Volume II
The Portrait of a Lady, V2
Death of the Lion
Portrait of a Lady - Volume 2
Eugene Pickering
The Turn Of The Screw
Spoils of Poynton
Louisa Pallant
The other house
Tragic Muse
Madonna of the Future
Beast in the Jungle
La Bestia En La Jungla
Le Tour d'écrou
The portrait of a lady
Small Boy and Other Stories
A little tour in France
Aspern Papers
Turn of the Screw Illustrated
The Lesson of the Master and Other Stories
What Maisie Knew
International Episode
Beldonald Holbein
Daisy Miller
Neji no kaiten
Golden Bowl
Golden Bowl
Notes on novelists
Vings of the Dove
The Turn of the Screw & the Aspern Papers
International Episode
Diario de un hombre de cincuenta años
Aspern Papers
Sacred Fount
Romance and realism
Sacred Fount
The tragic muse
Letters of Henry James
The reverberator ; Madame De Mauves ; A passionate pilgrim, and other tales
Spoils of Poynton
The Portrait of a Lady
Nouvelles complètes
Beast in the Jungle
Transatlantic sketches
The Bostonians Volume II
Bundle of Letters
Foreign parts
Daisy Miller
Homage to Henry James, 1843-1916
The American (1877)
Henry James
Haunted House Classics
Jolly Corner
Drzewo wiadomości
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Fields
Point of View
Portrait of a Lady
Notes on Novelists with Some Other Notes
Little Tour in France
Madame de Mauves
Coxon Fund
The Sense of the past
The altar of the dead
Bundle of Letters
The reverberator
Whole Family
Die Aspern-Schriften
Turn of the Screw
Une Vie à Londres
Seven stories and studies
Theatricals: 2d Series. The Album, The Reprobate
La Casa Natal [Próxima aparición]
The Spoils of Poynton
Picture and Text
Lady Barberina, and other tales
The American
American 19th Century Literature
Lady Barbarina... and other tales
The complete plays of Henry James
Italian hours
The Spoils of Poynton.
William Wetmore Story and his friends
International Episode
The Turn of the Screw
An American art-scholar
Author of Beltraffio
In the Cage
The Selected Letters of Henry James
The Golden Bowl tie-in
Bostonians by Henry James
Passionate Pilgrim
El sitio de Londres ; Los papeles de Aspern
Wings of the Dove
Turn of the Screw
Whole Family
The Princess Casamassima
The Author of Beltraffio
Roderick Hudson
Owen Wingrave
Portraits of places
Picture and Text
The Art of the Novel
The Liar
Aspern Papers
In the Cage
Four Meetings
Sacred Fount
Daisy Miller : a Study
Real Thing
Author of Beltraffia
La Création littéraire
Pictures and other passages from Henry James
Mr. Longdon
The Bostonians
The novels and tales of Henry James
Altar of the Dead
Awkward Age
The sense of the past / by Henry James
The American
The Lesson of the Master
Turn of the Screw (GoodVibeRead Edition)
Turn of the Screw by Henry James
Golden Bowl
The London theatres
Some Short Stories
Madonna of the Future
The Soft Side
Master Eustace
Bostonians : (Annotated Edition)
What Maisie knew
Lesson of the Master
Turn of the Screw
Beast in the Jungle
Le Tour d'écrou
The Europeans
Madame de Mauves
Lady Barbarina
Moralism and Christianity: Or, Man's Experience and Destiny. In Three Lectures
A landscape-painter and other tales
What Maisie Knew : (Annotated Edition)
Beast in the Jungle
The Turn of the Screw
The complete tales of Henry James
The Spoils Of Poynton
Great English Short-Story Writers
The picture season in London
Old New England
The private life ; Lord Beaupré ; The visits
Middle Years
The ambassadors
An international episode and other stories
The Ambassadors
The Notebooks of Henry James
Little Tour in France
The sense of the past
Happy Bunny : Bunny Coloring Book
THE AMBASSADORS the Complete Text of the Novel
The American
House of Mirth / Turn of the Screw
Henry James : stories of the supernatural
Literary reviews and essays
The Wings of the Dove
The art of travel
The Sweetheart of M. Briseaux
The Portrait of a Lady Volume 2
The diary of a man of fifty ; A New England winter ; The path of duty
The Golden Bowl  Volume 1
Gustave Flaubert
Bravest of women and finest of friends
London Assurance and Other Victorian Comedies
The Turn of the Screw and Other Short Novels
The future of the novel
Cardinal Newman: the story of his life
Broken Wings (volume 16)
The Whole family
The Ambassadors (1903)
Portrait of a Lady
Eight Tales from the Major Phase
The Turn of the Screw and Other Stories
Humor Fantasmal Vol. II
The master, the modern Major General, and his clever wife
The New York stories of Henry James
Travels with Henry James
On Provence
The Reverberator
The Papers
Sacred Fount
The Turn Of The Screw
Ghost stories
The complete letters of Henry James, 1876-1878
International Episoden
The Great Condition
Collected Classics, Vol. 4
Princess Casamassima (volume 5 & 6)
The portrait of a lady
Internationality in American Fiction
England at war
A London Life, the Patagonia, the Liar, Mrs. Temperly
Tales of Henry James 1870-1874
Glasses and the Coxon Fund
Wings of the Dove (Classic Literature with Classical Music)
Americans and Europe
Stories for Summer
The Golden Bowl Vol. 1 & 2
Humor Fantasmal Vol. II
The Birthplace
Lake George to Burlington
The Portrait of a Lady
Theory of fiction
Italian Hours
Lettres, 1900-1915
The Portrait of a Lady.
The Bostonians Volume I
The turn of the screw
The Wings of the Dove
Nona Vincent
Portrait of a Lady
The jolly corner and other tales
The Altar of the Dead and Other Short Works
The Golden Bowl
The Novels of Henry James: A Study
Invisibles visiteurs
Selected letters of Henry James to Edmund Gosse, 1882-1915
Turn of the Screw
Portrait of a Lady
Italian hours (Black cat book)
The Turn Of The Screw
Letters of William James
The Princess Casamassima; A Novel
Dominoes: Level 2
The Real Thing and Other Stories
The Turn of the Screw
El fin de la inocencia
L'élève et autres nouvelles
The Complete Letters of Henry James, 1883-1884
Lovet︠s︡ chelovekov
The portrait of a lady
New York revisited
The Turn of the Screw  Owen Wingrave
The correspondence of Henry James andthe House of Macmillan, 1877-1914
The painter's eye
The album
Italian Hours
In after days
Richard Olney and His Public Service
La Otra Casa
Retrato de Una Dama
Best of Classic Books
Affairs of the Heart
Greville Fane
Papers on the Great pyramid, including a critical examination of sir Henry James' 'Notes on the ..
The Complete Letters of Henry James, 1880-1883
Selected Tales
Henry James: letters to A.C. Benson and Auguste Monod
The uncollected Henry James
Travelling in Italy with Henry James
Tales of Art and Life (Signature Series (Union College))
Guest's Confession
The Turn of the Screw
Ambassadors, the
Letters to A. C. Benson and Auguste Monod
The Portrait of a Lady
The Turn of the Screw
Tales of Art and Life
Gothic Terror Megapack
The American
The Portrait of a Lady
The Golden Bowl  Volume 2
Chaperon (volume 10)
Turn of the Screw (Heathen Edition)
Daisy Miller
The Turn of the Screw
The Reprobate
The Other House
Guy Domville
Lord Beaupré
The Classics of Style
The Ivory Tower
Crónica de una amistad
Patagonia  (volume 18)
Tragic Muse (volume 7 & 8)
Brooksmith (volume 18)
Lady Barbarina (volume 14)
Marriages, The
Private Life (volume 17)
The Lesson Of Balzac
Turn of the Screw (AmazonClassics Edition)
The Real Thing
Le motif dans le tapis
Turn of the Screw and in the Cage
Daisy Miller
The Real Thing
Great American Short Novels
Owen Wingrave
Fourteen stories
The Portrait of a Lady Volume 2 of 2
The Princess Casamasimma
Ghost Stories of Henry James
Watch And Ward
Cathedrals and Castles
The Turn of the Screw
Henry James letters
The Turn of the Screw
Lectures and Miscellanies
Lessons Of The Master And Other Stories (volume 15)
Paste (volume 16)
Quotations from Henry James Selected by Louis Auchincloss
The speech and manners of American women
Leccion del Maestro, La
Private Life
Pension Beaurepas (volume 14)
Notes On Novelists
Aspern Papers and Other Tales, 1884-1888
The Turn of the Screw
Point Of View (volume 14)
Wings of the Dove, The
Love, Marriage, and Divorce, and the Sovereignty of the Individual: A ..
Tree Of Knowledge (volume 16)
What Maisie Knew
Les innocents
The Golden Bowl Volume II
Stories Of Writers & Artists
Great American Short Novels
Hawthorne (American Recoveries)
Portrait of a Lady
L'Image dans le tapis
Awakening 2e & Turn of the Screw 3e
Roderick Hudson (volume 1)
Tales Of Three Cities
Otra Vuelta De Tuerca
Une amitié littéraire
Henry James, selected fiction
The Europeans
Guy Domville
What Maisie Knew (volume 11)
Coxon Fund, The
Middle Years (volume 16)
Letters to an editor
Roderick Hudson
Bleak House Part One
Portrait of a Lady
Madame De Mauves  (volume 13)
Story In It (volume 18)
Friends Of The Friends (volume 17)
Next Time (volume 15)
Real Right Thing
250 Poems A Portable Anthology & The Turn Of The Screw
Louisa Pallant (volume 13)
The Ivory Tower (unfinished)
Los Europeos
The Turn of the Screw
Death Of The Lion (volume 15)
L'espèce particulière et autres nouvelles
Jolly Corner and Other Tales, 1903-1910
The Turn of the Screw/Daisy Miller (SparkNotes Literature Guide) (SparkNotes Literature Guide)
The Finer Grain
What Maisie Knew
The Spoils of Poynton & the Aspern Papers
Collected Works Of Henry James Jr.
Turn of the Screw
A Small Boy And Others
The Portrait of a Lady Volume II
Daisy Miller and Other Tales
Confidence, 1880
Sacred Fount, The
Scarlet Letter Followed by Hawthorne of Henry James
Liar, The (volume 12)
A Bundle of Letters (volume 14)
Los Papeles de Aspern
Account Of The Observations And Calculations, Of The Principal Triangulation
French writers and American women
Golden Bowl (volume 23 & 24)
Great Good Place (volume 16)
English Hours
Portraits of places
TURN of the SCREW Annotated Young Adult Age
Daisy Miller
Henry James: Literary Criticism
Portrait Of A Lady
Daisy Miller
Ten short stories
William Wetmore Story And His Friends
Theatricals - Two Comedies
Eight uncollected tales
Sir Edmund Orme (volume 17)
Four Meetings (volume 16)
American, the
Bostonians, The
Figure In The Carpet (volume 15)
Europe (volume 16)
Pandora (volume 18)
Letters, 1900-15
Turn of the Screw
Roderick Hudson
Partial Portraits
The American Volunteer Motor-Ambulance Corps in France
La Tour d'ivoire
Flickerbridge (volume 18)
The Sense Of The Past (unfinished)
Notes Of A Son And Brother
Picture And Text
LA Vuelta Del Tornillo
The High Bid
Turn Of The Screw (volume 12)
Daisy Miller - Pandora - The Patagonia - And Other Tales
Daisy Miller/The Real Thing
Better Sort
Portraits of Places (Duckworth Discoverers)
What Maisie Knew
Madonna Of The Future (volume 13)
Portraits Of Places
Owen Wingrave (volume 17)
The Portrait of a Lady, Vol 2
Aspern Papers and Other Stories
Coxon Fund (volume 15)
Story Of A Year
Italian Hours
Henry James Year Book
The Turn of the Screw
Turn of the Screw
Jolly Corner
A record of friendship and criticism
"The Turn of the Screw" and "The Third Person"
In The Cage  (volume 11)
Henry James and H. C. Wells
Miss Gunton Of Poughkeepsie (volume 16)
The restless analyst
Complete tales
The reprobate
Daumier, caricaturist
The Ambassadors
Selected letters
Painter's Eye
An International Episode (volume 14)
In After Days
Breville Fane (volume 16)
Soft Side
The Turn of the Screw and Other Ghost Stories (Penguin Classics)
Two Faces (volume 12)
The Portrait of a Lady, Vol. 1
Spoils Of Poynton (volume 10)
Literary Criticism
El arte de la ficción
Great Short Novels of Henry James
Sacred Fount
Death of the Lion, The
The Europeans
Mini Modern Classics The Beast In The Jungle
Views And Reviews
Beloved boy
Golden Bowl
Notes of a son and brother, and the middle years
Soft Side
What Maisie Knew
Washington Square, and Daisy Miller
The Scarlet Letter followed by Hawthorne
Theory of fiction: Henry James
Three novels : The Europeans. The spoils of Poynton. The sacred fount
Literary reviews and essays
Princess Casamassima
Complete Letters of Henry James, 1884-1886
Transatlantic Sketches
"The  heiress"
The question of Henry James
L' ufficiale prussiano
Coxon Fund (The Art of the Novella)
Roderick Hudson
English hours
Europeans, The
The Ambassadors
Awkward Age (volume 9)
Travel writings
Complete Letters of Henry James, 1883-1884
Turn of the Screw
Mrs. Medwin (volume 18)
La maison natale, et autres nouvelles
The Portrait of a Lady Volume 1 of 2
Marriages (volume 18)
Henry James Guy Domville
Lady Barberina and other tales
International Episode, An
Otra vuelta de tuerca
Turn of the Screw
The Golden Bowl Volume I
The Portrait of a Lady
Patagonia, The
Daisy Miller
The Golden Bowl Complete
Portrait of a Lady, The
The ambassadors
Daisy Miller
The wings of a dove
The complete plays
Pardon my delay
The Turn of the Screw
Daisy Miller (volume 18)
A London life, The Patagonia, The liar, Mrs. Temperly
The picturesque English of Henry James
Italian Tales
Das Durchdrehen der Schraube
Daily Henry James
Ethique Litteraire
Complete Writings of Henry James on Art and Drama
Diary Of A Man Of Fifty
Henry James: representative selections
Henry James' Shorter masterpieces
Henry and William James on CD-ROM
Daisy Miller
El arte de la ficción
Les ambassadeurs
A Little Tour In France
Reverberator (volume 13)
Henry James
Birthplace (volume 17)
A London Life  (volume 10)
Two Magics
Henry James's waistcoat
The art of fiction and other essays
Turn of the Screw
The Golden Bowl
Pension Beaurepas
Henry James Letters, Vol. 4
Oeuvres complètes
Sir Dominick Ferrand
Beldonald Holbein Annotated
Glasses (Esprios Classics)
Small Boy and Others (Esprios Classics)
Güvercinin Kanatları
Selected literary criticism
The Awkward Age
The Princess Casamassima, Volume I
Turn of the Screw
Passionate Pilgrim
The Ambassadors
Notes of a Son and Brother
Turn of the Screw (Legend Classics)
William Wetmore Story and His Friends
Views and Reviews
Three novels
Madonna of the Future, and Other Tales
Partial portraits
The Point of View
Turn of the Screw
The Princess Casamassima
The portrait of a lady. --
The American
Guy Domville
Greville Fane
Wings of the Dove
Alexandra's Accident
Sacred Fount
¡Pobre Richard!
La maison natale
Lesson of the Master
Daisy Miller Illustrated
The Coxon Fund
Aspern Papers
Awkward Age
Passionate Pilgrim
What Maisie knew
Portrait of a Lady
Some Short Stories (Esprios Classics)
Giro Di Vite
Madame de Mauves
Princess Casamassima; Volume II
Art of Travel
La bête dans la jungle
Otra Vuelta de Tuerca / The Turn of the Screw
The Turn of the Screw
Picture and Text
Golden Bowl
Otra vuelta de tuerca
The Literary Remains of the Late Henry James
Wings of the Dove Annotated
American Scene
Portraits of Places
The Bostonians (Volume one)
Bundle of Letters
Portrait of a Lady Illustratted
Roderick Hudson ...
The Madonna of the Future
The Sacred Fount , by Henry James NOVEL,
Reverberator (Esprios Classics)
Wings of the Dove; Volume I
Little Tour in France
Daisy Miller
The Novels and Tales of Henry James - Scholar's Choice Edition
Passionate Pilgrim
Portrait of a Lady Illustratted
The Wheel of Time; Collaboration; Owen Wingrave
What Maisie Knew
Les Europeens (The Europeans)
French Poets & Novelists
Some Short Stories
The Ivory Tower
A landscape painter
Portrait of a Lady
Novels and Tales of Henry James; Volume 7
Literature and Its Writers 4e & Turn of the Screw
Notes of A Son and Brother
Greville Fane
The Beast in the Jungle
La mort de Lysanda
The Sense of the Past
Hommage to Henry James, 1843-1916
French poets and novelists. 2nd ed
The Ivory Tower
The Tragic Muse; Volume 7
The Real Thing
Coxon Fund (Esprios Classics)
Passionate Pilgrim
London Life, and Other Tales
Henry James - the Ivory Tower
Jolly Corner
Portrait de femme
Wings of the Dove
Daisy Miller / Otra vuelta de tuerca
Turn of the Screw
Italian Hours
Finer Grain
La Protesta
La lección del maestro
Washington Square and the Europeans
The Madonna of The Future
Travels with Henry James
The Spoils of Poynton with A London Life and The Chaperon (The Chiltern Library)
Eine Dame von Welt
The Art of Fiction
Portrait of a Lady Illustratted
Eugene Pickering
The Spoils of Poynton
Daisy Miller
Views and reviews
Love, Marriage, and Divorce, and the Sovereignty of the Individual
The Europeans
Daisy Miller
Awkward Age Annotated
Death of the Lion Annotated
The Impressions Of A Cousin
Mrs. Medwin
The Portrait of a Lady with CD (Audio) (Reading & Training: Step 5)
The Reverberator
Selected literary criticism
Els Papers D'Aspern
Jolly Corner
The Tragic Muse
The Turn Of The Screw & Daisy Miller
The Portrait of a Lady, V1
Travelling Companions
Hamīn̲ carāg̲h̲ hamīn̲ parvāne
Wings of the Dove
The American
In Search of Venice
The Ambassadors
La muerte del león
Figure in the Carpet
Aspern Papers
The Great Good Place and In the Cage
The Pupil
Cousin et Cousine
Henry James - the Patagonia
Bundle of Letters
The golden bowl
Cuatro encuentros
The Beast in the Jungle, Vol. 5 (Classic Reprint)
Little Tour of France
International Episode
In the Cage
What Maisie Knew Illustrated
Güvercinin Kanatlari
Some Short Stories
The Lesson of the Master, the Death of the Lion, the Next Time, and Other Tales
The Tragic Muse (The Novels and Tales of Henry James, Part 2)
Daisy Miller and other stories
The Novels And Tales Of Henry James, Volume 1
What Maisie Knew Illustrated
Figure in the Carpet
Diary of a Man of Fifty Illustrated
Madonna of the Future
Jolly Corner
Golden Bowl - Volume 1
Views and reviews by Henry James, now first collected
Otra Vuelta De Tuerca/ The Turn of the Screw (El Barco De Papel / the Paper Ship)
In the Cage
Louisa Pallant Illustrated
Views and Reviews (Esprios Classics)
La muerte del león
Henry James - a Little Tour in France
Portrait of a Lady Illustratted
Wings of the Dove, Volume 1 Of 2
Mr. Tennyson's Drama
Stories Revived
The Sense of the Past / By Henry James
Sacred Fount
In the Cage Annotated
Turn of the Screw (Esprios Classics)
Turn of the Screw Annotated
Turn of the Screw
Beast in the Jungle
Short novels of Henry James: Daisy Miller, Washington Square, The Aspern papers, The pupil, The turn of the screw.  Introd. by E. Hudson Long
A Little Tour In France
Eugene Pickering
The Turn of the Screw
Partial portraits
Pension Beaurepas
Novels and Tales of Henry James; Volume 11
A Little Tour In France
Cuadernos de notas
Lesson of the Master
Turn of the Screw Annotaed
Los Embajadores
The portrait of a lady
Otra Vuelta de Tuerca
Awkward Age Annotated
Embarrassments (Esprios Classics)
The Tragic Muse (2 Volumes)
The Wings of the Dove (Novels and Tales of Henry James)
The Turn of the Screw: an intriguing amalgam of ghost story and pyschological thriller (Aziloth Books)
Daisy Miller
Henry James - the Path of Duty
The Jolly Corner
Americans and Europe;
In the Cage
Confidence Annotated
Little Tour in France
Daisy Miller
Madonna of the Future
Little Tour In France
The Wings of the Dove
Confidence Annotated
Eugene Pickering
The golden bowl.
Awkward Age
What Maisie Knew
Portrait of a Lady
Sir Edmund Orme
What Maisie Knew Illustrated
Bostonians, Vol. II
The altar of the dead
Wings of the Dove
Novels, 1871-1880
The American
Un altre pas de rosca
The Wings of the Dove
La bestia en la jungla
4 Selected Novels of Henry James
Lady Barberina
Stories of Henry James
Louisa Pallant
Fifteen short stories
What Maisie knew ; In the cage ; The pupil
The Diary of a Man of Fifty
Outcry (Esprios Classics)
Daisy Miller, a comedy in three acts
Lectures and Miscellanies
Beast in the Jungle
Der Wunderbrunnen
Henry Miller Turn of the Screw
The Madonna of the Future
Kisa Romanlar Uzun Oykuler - Hasan Ali Yucel Klasikleri
La font sagrada
Henry James Collection : Selected Works 1888-1896
The Turn of the Screw & the Aspern Papers
Daisy Miller
The Story Of A Masterpiece
In the Cage
Bostonians Annotated
The American
The Turn of the Screw, the Aspern Papers
Lesson of the Master
Passionate Pilgrim
In the Cage
Lesson of the Master
The American
Daisy Miller - Les Ailes de la colombe - Les Ambassadeurs
English Hours. With 92 Illus. by Joseph Pennell
Georgina's Reasons
In the Cage- by Henry James(Annotated)
The Ambassadors
Un episodio internacional
Awkward Age
The Turn of the Screw (Ultimate Classics.)
Golden Bowl
L'autel des morts ; suivi de Dans la cage
Retrato de una dama
Die Drehung der Schraube
The Portrait of a Lady
The complete tales of Henry James; edited with an introduction by Leon Edel. Vol.8, 1891-1892
Henry James
The Golden Bowl
Le menteur
The Spoils of Poynton and Other Stories
London Life, and Other Tales
RODERICK HUDSON The Novels and Tales of Henry James, Volume I
Die Drehung der Schraube
Three letters from Henry James to Joseph Conrad
Los embajadores
Bundle of Letters
Beast in the Jungle
Real Thing
De París a los Pirineos
Confidence (Annotated)
Princesa Casamassima
Bostonians Annotated
Aspern Papers
Los documentos de Aspern
Beast in the Jungle
Scarlet Letter Followed by Hawthorne
Bly'ın gizemi
EL alumno
Porträt einer jungen Dame
The Bostonians
The short stories
Diary of a Man of Fifty Illustrated
The Finer Grain
The Collected Works of Henry James, Vol. 34
The Wings Of The Dove
Aspern Papers
My Friend Bingham
Sense of the Past (Esprios Classics)
Turn of the Screw Annotaed
Guy Domville
The Two Magics; the Turn of the Screw; Covering End
Portrait of a Lady
What Maisie Knew
Views And Reviews
Daisy Miller
Nona Vincent
Lady Barbarina
Washington Square and The Europeans (The Laurel Henry James, LC136)
Bundle of Letters
Eugene Pickering
Awkward Age
The Reverberator
The art of the novel
Roderick Hudson
Within the Rim, and Other Essays, 1914-15 (Esprios Classics)
Tour D'écrou
Beast in the Jungle
Daisy Miller
Figure in the Carpet
Theophile Gautier
Jolly Corner Annotated
Altar of the Dead
Portrait of a Lady Illustratted
Watch and Ward
Les journaux
Bi lu yuan nie
The Golden Bowl
Real Thing and Other Tales
Death of the Lion
Path of Duty (Esprios Classics)
Bostonians, Vol. I (of Ii)
Letters of Henry James to Walter Berry
The Picture Season in London
What Maisie Knew Illustrated
Picture and Text
The Turn Of The Screw
American Scene
Turn of the Screw
Los papeles de Aspern
Un altre pas de rosca
Novels and Tales of Henry James; Volume 18
The Europeans
What Maisie Knew Illustrated
The Ambassadors (Everyman's library -no.987)
Los documentos de Aspern
Diari d'un home de cinquanta anys
Ivory Tower
Notes of a Son and Brother
Round of Visits (Annotated)
Jolly Corner Annotated
Turn of the Screw and Other Ghost Stories
The American (Rinehart Editions)
The lesson of the master ;
Henry James - Louisa Pallant
London Life, and Other Tales
The Abasement of the Northmores
The Church of Christ not an Ecclesiasticism
The Novels and Tales of Henry James; Volume 17
International Episode (Esprios Classics)
Beast in the Jungle
Passionate Pilgrim
A Portrait of a Lady (Classic Literature with Classical Music)
A Tragedy Of Error
Bedford Anthology of American Literature, 2e V2 & Daisy Miller
Diary of a Man of Fifty
Golden Bowl
Bundle of Letters
International Episode
Turn of the Screw Annotaed
Portrait of a Lady
Damen in Boston
The Marriages
Jolly Corner Annotated
Nona Vincent
Complete Tales
La revanche et autres nouvelles
"The Jolly Corner" and "The Pupil"
The Letters of William James; Volume 2
Jolly Corner Annotated
The Complete Tales of Henry James VOL. VII
Henry James - the Chaperon
In After Days or Thoughts on the Future Life
Partial Portraits
Tour D'écrou
Small Boy and Others
Little Tour in France
Altar of the Dead Annotated
The American Scene
The Coxon Fund
Italian Hours
The Portrait of a Lady, Volume 2
Diary of a Man of Fifty (Esprios Classics)
La lección del maestro
Point of View
The Wings of the Dove (Classic Books on Cassettes Collection) [UNABRIDGED}
The Figure in the Carpet
Complete Letters of Henry James, 1872-1876
The Diary of a man of Fifty ; and, A Bundle of Letters
In the Cage
Daisy Miller Annotated
Bostonians, Vol. I (Esprios Classics)
Confidence Annotated
Henry James - an International Episode
Portrait of a Lady Illustratted
Sir Dominick Ferrand
Beast in the Jungle
Otra Vuelta de Tuerca
Moralism and Christianity, or, Man's Experience and Destiny
The Novels And Tales Of Henry James, Volume 17
Wings of the Dove Annotated
Golden Bowl
Osborne's Revenge
In the cage
Italian Hours
Los Europeos
Güvercinin kanatları
Turn of the Screw Annotaed
Wings of the Dove
Dernier des Valerii et Autres Nouvelles (le)
The Special Type
Daisy Miller
Partial Portraits
Daumier, caricaturist
Georgina's Reasons (Esprios Classics)
The Turn of the Screw
Diari d'un home de cinquanta anys
Golden Bowl
Middle Years
The Way Home
Daisy Miller
The golden bowl
The Outcry
Madonna of the Future
The Aspern papers [and] The Europeans
The Wings of the Dove
Daisy Miller (Macmillan Reader)
The Point of View
The Bostonians
Author of Beltraffio (Esprios Classics)
English Hours (Esprios Classics)
Dostlarımızın Dostları  [The Friends of the Friends]
Picture and Text
Novels and Tales
Nona Vincent
Selected stories
Die Damen aus Boston
Turn of the Screw by Henry James Illustrated (Penguin Classics)
Tragic Muse
Otra vuelta de tuerca / The Turn of the Screw
El eco
Spoils of Poynton
Coxon Fund
The Spanish Gypsy
Pension Beaurepas
Portrait of a Lady Illustratted
Hawthorne (Esprios Classics)
Daisy Miller
Dostlarimizin Dostlari
La princesa Casamassima
The Beast in the Jungle
Louisa Pallant
Portrait of a Lady Illustratted
Reverberator a Novel
Bundle of Letters
The Portrait of a lady
The Painter's Eye
Bundle of Letters Illustrated
William Wetmore Story and His Friends
Turn of the Screw Annotaed
L'âge difficile
Figure in the Carpet
Confidence, 1880
Novels and Tales of Henry James Volume 6. the Princess Casamassima; Volume 2
La Vuelta de Tuerca
The Europeans
Aspern'in Mektuplari
Otra vuelta de tuerca
Portrait of a Lady, Vol 2
Greville Fane
Arbol del Conocimiento, El
The Golden Bowl  Complete
La Leçon du maître et autres nouvelles
Four selected novels of Henry James
International Episode [Annotated]
The Better Sort
Diary of a Man of Fifty Illustrated
What Maisie Knew (Esprios Classics)
Alexandra's Accident
Portrait of a Lady
Awkward Age
Wings of the Dove Vol - 1&2
John Delavoy
Voyage en France
Turn of the Screw (Illustrated)
Bostonians Annotated
Aspern Papers
The Siege of London
The Author of Beltraffio; the Middle Years; Greville Fane and Other Tales
Beast in the Jungle
Death of the Lion
Pupil (Webster's French Thesaurus Edition)
The Ambassadors
The complete letters of Henry James, 1876-1878
Daisy Miller
Bostonians Annotated
In the Cage Annotated
The Sacred Fount
Otra vuelta de tuerca
Un altre pas de rosca
Point of View
Spoils of Poynton
The Real Thing and Other Tales
Wings of the Dove, Volume II (Esprios Classics)
Eugene Pickering
Point of View
Beast in the Jungle
Listiny Aspernovy
Daisy Miller
Madame de Mauves
Golden Bowl Illustrated
Un altre pas de rosca
Two Magics
Aspern Papers; the Turn of the Screw; the Liar; the Two Faces; Volume 12
Ambassadors; Volume 21
Golden Bowl Complete
Les Européens
The portrait of a lady
The Letters of William James; Volume 2
Portrait of a Lady, The
The Madonna of the Future
Eugene Pickering
Aspern Papers
Singulières jeunes filles
Otra vuelta de tuerca
Eugene Pickering
The author of Beltraffio
Daisy Miller
Eugene Pickering
The Portable
The Sweetheart of M. Briseux
Washington Square and the Europeans
Daisy Miller
Diary of a Man of Fifty Illustrated
Diary of a Man of Fifty Illustrated
Passionate Pilgrim
Turn of the Screw
Coxon Fund
Roderick Hudson
Turn of the Screw Annotaed
The Golden Bowl — Volume 1
Gabrielle de Bergerac
A letter from Henry James to Mrs. Linton
De Grey
The Collected Works of Henry James, Vol. 08
The Portrait of a Lady
Louisa Pallant
Spoils of Poynton (Esprios Classics)
Los papeles de Aspern
La copa dorada
Jolly Corner
Turn of the Screw ILLUSTRATED
The Novels and Tales of Henry James, Volume 2
Turn of the Screw
Daisy Miller
American Scene
The real thing, and other tales
The better sort
Madame de Mauves
La coupe d'or
The Romance of Certain Old Clothes
Watch And Ward
The Tragic Muse; Volume 7
The Turn of the Screw
Wings of the Dove Annotated
Portrait of a Lady Illustrtaed
Diary of a Man of Fifty
Lord Beaupre
Daisy Miller y los papeles de Aspern
Wings of the Dove Annotated
Giro di vite
13 Cuentos de fantasmas
Golden Bowl
What Maisie Knew
Coxon Fund
Beast In The Jungle (volume 17)
Travelling Companions
The Siege of London
Turn of the Screw Illustrated
Tragic Muse
Wings of the Dove, Volume 1 Of 2
Portrait of a Lady Illustratted
Der geisterhafte Mietzins
The American
Louisa Pallant
Henry James - What Maisie Knew
In the Cage
Tales of the Occult
Visites de fantômes
Sir Dominick Ferrand  [Biographical Edition]
Daisy Miller
Small Boy and Others
Henry James - the Outcry
Louisa Pallant
Portrait of a Lady Illustratted
Sense of the Past / by Henry James
Lesson of the Master
The Literary Remains of the Late Henry James
Death of the Lion
Portrait of a Lady Illustratted
Daisy Miller
The Europeans
The Jolly Corner
Los papeles de Aspern
Spoils of Poynton
Hommage to Henry James, 1843-1916
Awkward Age (Esprios Classics)
Portrait of a Lady
Daisy Miller
Dernier Des Valerii
The Tragic Muse
Bostonians- by Henry James(Annotated)
Author of Beltraffio
What Maisie Knew
Suburbs of London Illustrtaed
The lesson of the master ; The death of the lion ; The next time and other tales
The turn of the screw
The Portrait of a Lady
The Tragic Muse
William Wetmore Story and His Friends
Parisian Sketches
Daisy Miller
Theatricals - 2nd Series
Two Countries
Princess Casamassima, Vol. I (Esprios Classics)
Daisy Miller
Notes for The ivory tower
The Ambassadors and Journal
Daisy Miller, a Study in Two Parts [Annotated]
Picture and Text
Daniel Deronda
Letters Of Henry James, The (2 Volumes)
The Theatre Francaise
A passionate pilgrim, and other tales
International Episode
La Figura en el Tapiz
Portrait of a Lady
The Ambassadors
Letters to Isabella Stewart Gardner
The Lesson of the Master (Classic, 60s)
In de greep
Sacred Fount (Esprios Classics)
Madame de Mauves
The Complete Tales of Henry James, Volume IV [4]
La lección del maestro
Turn of the Screw Annotaed
Four selected novels
Parisian sketches
Awkward Age:(Annotated)
Turn of the Screw Annotated
Bundle of Letters (Esprios Classics)
El punto de vista
Bostonians Vol. I
The Third Person
Portrait of a Lady Illustrated
The Turn of the Screw by Henry James
The Tales of Henry James: Volume 3
La vuelta de tuerca
Partial Portraits
Turn of the Screw Annotaed
What Maisie Knew
Sacred Fount
Le Tollé
Mora Montravers
Homage to Henry James, 1843-1916
The Question of our Speech ; The Lesson of Balzac
The Portrait of a Lady
Diary of a Man of Fifty
What Maisie Knew Illustrated
The Middle Years
El comienzo de la madurez
La Fontana Sagrada
La edad ingrata
Real Thing and Other Tales
Golden Bowl; Volume 1
Tragic Muse
The last of the Valerii
The Diary of a Man of Fifty. A New England Winter. The Path of Duty and Other Tales
El expolio de Poynton
Little Tour in France (Esprios Classics)
The Lesson of the Master, The Marriages, The Pupil, Brooksmith, The Solution, Sir Edmund Orme
Ivory Tower
Awkward Age
Collected essays and reviews
The Portrait of a Lady; Volume 1
Partial Portraits
Beldonald Holbein and Greville Fane (Esprios Classics)
Madone de L'avenir
Pension Beaurepas
Some Short Stories
Diary of a Man of Fifty
Bostonians Vol 1&2
The American
The tragic muse
The death of the lion
Notes on Novelists, with Some Other Notes
Madame de Mauves
Portrait of a Lady Illustratted
Views and Reviews
The Golden Bowl
Pension Beaurepas, The
A little tour in France
A Small Boy and Others
Selected Tales - Henry James - The Franklin Library - Jeffrey Cornell Illustrations
Henry James - Nona Vincent
Golden Bowl
Turn of the Screw Annotaed
Sacred Fount
Stories Revived; Volume II
Aspern Papers
Un épisode international
The turn of the screw
International Episode
Little Tour of France
Lady Barbarina, the Siege of London, an International Episode, and Other Tales
El futuro de la novela
What Maisie Knew Illustrated
The Sense of the Past
Jolly Corner Annotated
Portrait of a Lady Illustrated
Portrait of a Lady - Volume 1 (Esprios Classics)
In the Cage
Gabrielle de Bergerac
Washington Square, and Daisy Miller
The short stories
Awkward Age Annotated
Daisy Miller Annotated
Practice Education Evaluation
Theatricals : Two Comedies
Tragic Muse
Lady Barbarina ; The siege of London ; An international episode, and other tales
Round of Visits
Princess Casamassima
The Complete Plays of Henry James
Pension Beaurepas
Volta Do Parafuso
Portrait of a Lady -- Volume 2
Covering End
The turn of the screw ; & Washington Square
Washington Square
Private Life
The Ivory Tower
Daisy Miller / Turn of the Screw (Coles Notes)
The Portrait of a Lady Volume 1
The Lesson of the Master
Golden Bowl Annotated
Bostonians Annotated
The Golden Bowl
Los papeles de Aspern y otros relatos sobre escritores
What Maisie Knew
What Maisie Knew Lib/E
An International Episode
La madona del futuro y otros relatos sobre artistas
Portrait of a Lady
RODERICK HUDSON [1 Volume (New York Edition Series Vol IV)
The Real Thing, and Other Tales
Portraits of Places
Diary of a Man of Fifty Illustrated
Real Thing and Other Tales (Esprios Classics)
Beast in the Jungle
What Maisie Knew
The reverberator
Portrait of a Lady Illustrated
What Maisie Knew
La Copa Dorada
Le Tour d'écrou - Henry James
The Princess Casamassima, Vol. II
Portrait of a Lady Annotated
Altin Kase
Ambassadors Annotate
Dominoes 2. The Turn of the Screw Multi-ROM Pack
Sir Dominick Ferrand
Young Adult Eli Readers - English
Great Short Novels of Henry James
The Portrait of a Lady; Volume 2
In the Cage Illustrated Edition
Princess Casamassima
The Bostonians
Portrait of a Lady Illustratted
Daisy Miller
The portrait of a lady
The short stories of Henry James
The Jolly Corner
In the Cage- by Henry James(Annotated)
En la jaula
Portrait of a Lady Illustratted
Awkward Age
The Real Thing
Young Adult ELI Readers - English
The Wings of the Dove
Turn of the Screw Annotaed
English Hours
L'Ultim Dels Valeri
Selected stories
Golden Bowl
Bir Hanimefendinin Portresi
The Literary Remains of the Late Henry James, Ed. With an Intr. by W. James
Yürek Burgusu
Aspern Papers
Tour D'écrou
The Turn of the Screw and Other Short Novels; The Aspern Papers, The Altar of the Dead, Daisy Miller, An International Episode, The Beast in the Jungle
Ghostly tales
Some Short Stories by Henry James
Awkward Age
Real Thing and Other Tales
Louisa Pallant
The Ambassadors
Aspern Papers
The Great Good Place
The Illustarted Dictionary of Bio Chemistry
Madonna of the Future, The
El fantasma que pagava lloguer
The Ambassadors
Turn of the Screw Annotaed
Wings of the Dove
Golden Bowl - Volume 2
The Pupil
Daisy Miller (Annotated)
La copa daurada
Madonna of the Future
Portrait of a Lady Illustratted
Bundle of Letters
What Maisie Knew
The Spoils of Poynton
Death of the Lion
Louisa Pallant
Coxon Fund
Portrait of a Lady Illustrated
Middle Years
Henry James - the Marriages
The Portrait of a Lady; Volume 3
The Europeans. A sketch.  NOVEL By
Instructions for Taking Meteorological Observations
Turn of the Screw Annotaed
Portrait of a Lady Illustratted
Bostonians, Vol. I (of Ii)
Pension Beaurepas
Letters of William James, Volumes 1-2
What Maisie knew
The Finer Grain
The Marriages
EIGHT UNCOLLECTED TALES OF HENRY JAMES. Edited with an Introduction by Edna Kenton.
Sacred Fount
Novels and Stories of Henry James
Passionate Pilgrim, and Other Tales
The Letters of Henry James
Portrait of a Lady Illustratted
Beast in the Jungle
The Writing from Sources 6e and Dracula and Frankenstein 2e and Turn of the Screw
Madame De Mauves
A Small Boy and Others
London Life, and Other Tales
Author of Beltraffio
Madame de Mauves
The Jolly Corner
Turn of the Screw
What Maisie Knew
Les Deux visages
La Princesa Casamassima
Esquisses parisiennes
The Europeans
Italian Hours
Diary of a Man of Fifty
Golden Bowl; Volume 24
Longstaff's Marriage
Selected Fiction, Letters and Criticism
The Story of It
Nueva York
The Europeans
The Novels And Tales Of Henry James; Volume 12
Cuentos de Fantasmas
Wings of the Dove
Aspern Papers
The work of the Irish Leagues
The American
El banco de la desolación
Wings of the Dove
Portrait of a Lady
What Maise Knew, in the Cage, the Pupil, New York Edition (XI)
The Outcry
Charles W. Eliot, president of Harvard University
The question of our speech
Madame de Mauves
Henry james
The Portrait of a Lady
What Maisie Knew
Awkward Age Annotated
Confidence Annotated
Middle Years (Esprios Classics)
What Maisie Knew Illustrated
Portrait of a Lady Illustratted
Portrait of a Lady Illustratted
The Novels and Tales of Henry James; Volume 17
The coxon fund
Chaperon Annotated
A little tour in France
Portrait of a Lady Illustratted
Italian Hours
Du Maurier And London Society
Patina (German Edition)
Die Flügel der Taube
Washington Square and the Europeans
Tragic Muse, Vol. II (Esprios Classics)
La font sagrada
The Aspern papers. The spoils of Poynton
Notes of a Son and Brother
American Scene
The Wings of the Dove
The Reverberator. Madame de Mauves. A Passionate Pilgrim
Henry James' Shorter Masterpieces
The other house
Passionate Pilgrim
Turn of the Screw
Foreign Parts
Middle Years
The Given Case
Hamīn̲ carāg̲h̲ hamīn̲ parvāne
Italian Hours
Portrait of a Lady
Daisy Miller Annotated
The Turn of the Screw
Complete Letters of Henry James, 1887-1888
Guarda y tutela
Madame de Mauves
English Hours. with 92 Illus. by Joseph Pennell
Crawfords Consistency
Henry James' the Portrait of a Lady
Our Artists In Europe
The tragic muse
The two magics
Otra vuelta de tuerca
Madonna of the Future
The Bostonians
William Wetmore Story and His Friends
Historias de Fantasmas / Ghost Stories
La locura del arte
Roderick Hudson. By Henry James, jr
Real Thing and Other Tales
Daisy Miller A Study
In the Cage- by Henry James(Annotated)
Selected novels of Henry James
Collected Stories 1
Secret of Swedenborg
Portrait of a Lady Illustrated
Wings of the Dove
Italian Hours
Golden Bowl
Crapy Cornelia
Daisy Miller, Pandora, the Patagonia, and Other Tales.
En Province
Voyage en France
The Finer Grain
What Maisie Knew
Golden Bowl
Otra Vuelta de Tuerca
Coxon Fund
A New England Winter
Wat Maisie wist
Daisy Miller
The Tragic Muse, Vol. I
Death of the Lion Annotated
The American. Edited by Roy Harvey Pearce and Matthew J. Bruccoli
Beast in the Jungle
The Author of Beltraffio
Theatricals. 2d Series. the Album, the Reprobate
La heredera
Picture and Text
Coxon Fund
Turn of the Screw (Annotated)
Wings of the Dove
Daisy Miller
Imaginacion Literaria, La
Hawthorne Illustrated
La madona del futuro y otros relatos sobre artistas
Ivory Tower
Theatricals : Two Comedies
Golden Bowl; Volume 2
Novels and tales
The Wings Of The Dove
The golden bowl
The Two Magics
The portrait of a lady
What Maisie Knew
Turn of the Screw Illustrated
Private Life and Other Stories (Esprios Classics)
Els papers d'Aspern
Turn of the Screw Annotaed
Portrait of a Lady Illustratted
Jolly Corner Annotated
American Scene
Golden Bowl
Portrait of a Lady
The Tone of Time
Death of the Lion
The Portrait of a Lady; Volume 1
Daisy Miller / Otra vuelta de tuerca
Turn of the Screw Annotaed
Golden Bowl
Novels and Tales of Henry James; Volume 13
Essays on London and Elsewhere
Hao men you hun
Compañeros de viaje
The Patagonia
Turn of the Screw Illustrated
Londra Kusatmasi
Antique Rare The Portrait of a Lady ~ Henry James ~ The Heritage Press ~ Hardcover w/Slipcase
Beast in the Jungle
Principessa Casamassima
A Round Of Visits
The Story of a Year
Portrait of a Lady
Passionate Pilgrim
Collected Works of Henry James; Volume 1
What Maisie Knew Illustrated
Portrait of a Lady Illustratted
Henry James the Golden Bowl
The Other House
Transatlantic Sketches
Watch and Ward
The spoils of Poynton
Daisy Miller Annotated
Otra Vuelta de Tuerca
Small Boy and Others
La vuelta del torno
The Ambassadors
Georgina's Reasons
Cannabis Butter for Beginners : Cannabis Butter for Beginners
Private Life
Portrait of a Lady Illustratted
Portrait of a Lady Illustratted
Daisy Miller
Complete Letters of Henry James, 1876-1878
In the Cage Illustrated Edition
Portrait of a Lady Illustratted
Italian Hours
Les Papiers d'Aspern
The Turn of the Screw
Louisa Pallant
The Two Magics, the Turn of the the Screw, Covering End
Cuadernos de notas
Author of Beltraffio
Golden Bowl - Volume 1
The painter's eye
A London life
Eugene Pickering
Turn of the Screw Annotaed
Turn of the Screw and Other Stories
The Spoils of Poynton
Tour de la Vis
Portrait of a Lady
Altar of the Dead
The portable Henry James
Wings of the Dove, Volume I (Esprios Classics)
American Scene
Italian Hours
Little Tour of France
Complete Letters of Henry James, 1855-1872
The Reverberator
Ten short stories of Henry James
The turn of the screw ; The lesson of the master
The Bostonians
Die Flugel der Taube
Robert Browning's Optimism and ethics
Death of the Lion
The Patagonia
Small Boy and Others
The Point of View
London Life, and Other Tales (Esprios Classics)
La lección del maestro
Jolly Corner
La copa dorada
Du roman considéré comme un des beaux-arts
Complete Letters of Henry James, 1880-1883
Portrait of a Lady Illustratted
Portrait of a Lady Illustratted
Picture and Text
Awkward Age
Author of Beltraffio
Picture and Text
International Episode
The Complete Tales of Henry James, Volume V [5]
Four Meetings
Henry James - the Beast in the Jungle
The Turn of the Screw. Text mit Materialien.
L'élève Suivi de l'autel des Morts
Un altre pas de rosca
Prinzessin Casamassima
Wings of the Dove
Turn of the Screw Annotaed
Altar of the Dead
La muerte del león
Letters from America
In the Cage Annotated
Turn of the Screw Illustrated
What Maisie Knew Illustrated
The short stories of Henry James; (The Modern library of the world's best books.  Modern library giants)
El último de los Valerios
Little Tour of France
The tragic muse (The Laurel Henry James, LX 133)
Daisy Miller
The Birthplace
Bundle of Letters Illustrated
Private Life
Wings of the Dove; Volume I
Altar of the Dead
The short stories of Henry James, selected and edited, with an introduction
Novels And Tales Of Henry James, The (26 Volumes)
Teorie del punto di vista
Beast in the Jungle (Esprios Classics)
Bir Basyapitin Öyküsü
Dins la gàbia
Some Short Stories
Henry James - the Middle Years
The Bostonians; a novel 1886, by Henry James Volume I (Penguin Classics)
Histoires de fantomes
An international episode
The American
The Complete Tales of Henry James
Point of View
In the Cage- by Henry James(Annotated)
Henry James in the Cage
Princesse Casamassima
Portrait of a Lady
Portrait of a Lady -- Volume 1
French Poets and Novelists. by Henry James
The Diary of a man of Fifty ; and, A Bundle of Letters
The ambassadors
Figure in the Carpet
La pátina del tiempo
Portrait of a Lady Illustratted
Daisy Miller a Study
The Ambassadors
The turn of the screw
Pension Beaurepas
Turn of the Screw Illustrated
The Novels And Tales Of Henry James, Volume 13
Awkward Age
Altar of the Dead
Jolly Corner
Eight Short Novels
Ein leidenschaftlicher Erdenpilger und andere Erz©Þhlungen
Selected short stories; (Rinehart editions)
Henry James - the Altar of the Dead
Bundle of Letters
Better Sort
The author of Beltraffio ; The middle years ; Greville Fane
The coxon fund
Instructions for Taking Meteorological Observations
Henry James - the Finer Grain
Coxon Fund Annotated
Los embajadores
The Last of the Valerii, Master Eustace, The Romance of Certain Old Clothes and other tales
World of Ideas 8e & Turn of the Screw 3e
Novels 1881-1886
Die Drehung der Schraube
Yürek Burgusu Ciltli
In the Cage
The portrait of a lady
Italian Hours
A Passionate Pilgrim
Henry James - a Passionate Pilgrim
Portrait of a Lady Illustratted
Portrait of a Lady Illustratted
A Little Tour in France LT
Daisy Miller : a study -novela by Henry James : Daisy Miller
The Wings of the Dove
W kleszczach leku
The  Sense of the Past
Moralism and Christianity, or, Man's Experience and Destiny
Lesson of the Master
The American
Complete Writings of Henry James on Art and Drama 2 Volume Hardback Set
Madame de Mauves Illustrated
The Novels and Tales of Henry James, Volume 13
Altar of the Dead
Giro Di Vite
Beast in the Jungle
Turn of the Screw
PICADOR SHOTS - 'The Ghostly Rental'
The Outcry
Picture and Text (Esprios Classics)
Roderick Hudson
The Novels and Tales of Henry James Volume I
The American
Kısa Romanlar, Uzun Öyküler
Ustanin Dersi
La font sagrada
Selected stories
Portrait of a Lady Henry James Illustrated
Yurek Burgusu
Beast in the Jungle
Portrait of a Lady Illustratted
Notes of a Son and Brother
Georgina's Reasons
Lesson of the Master
Portrait of a Lady
Novels and Tales of Henry James; Volume 12
Nona Vincent
Partial Portraits
Selected stories
Bir Kadinin Portresi
Wings of the Dove
The Figure in the Carpet
Transatlantic Sketches
Golden Bowl : (Aberdeen Classics Collection)
Level 2 : 700 headwords
Some Short Stories
Greville Fane
The reverberator
La edad ingrata
Madame de Mauves
Tragic Muse
Turn of the Screw
What Maisie Knew by Henry James an Annotated Fiction
Spoils of Poynton
Retrato de una dama
What Maisie Knew Annotated
Golden Bowl- by Henry James(Annotated)
What Maisie Knew
Story and Its Writer 8e & Turn of the Screw 3e
Selected Short Stories
Pension Beaurepas by Henry James
Otra Vuelta de Tuerca
Four Meetings
Golden Bowl
The Turn of the Screw and Other Stories by Henry James (Master Storytellers Series)
What Maisie Knew
The American (Signet Classical Books)
The Other House
The Princess Casamassima
Diary of a Man of Fifty Illustrated
The Golden Bowl
Un peregrino apasionado
Picture and Text
Portrait of a Lady Illustratted
Daisy Miller
Stories of Writers and Artists
Stories Revived
Within the rim, and other essays: 1914-1915
Daisy Miller
Turn of the Screw Annotaed
Portrait of a Lady Illustratted
A Most Extraordinary Case
The Turn of the Screw and Other Short Works
Collected Stories
Bostonians : Volume 1
The Madonna of the Future
The Jolly Corner
Hawthorne Annotated
The Portrait of a Lady
Professor Fargo
Tragic Muse
Daisy Miller / Otra vuelta de tuerca / Otros relatos
Portrait of a Lady Illustratted
Bundle of Letters
Novels and Tales of Henry James; Volume 8
Bundle of Letters
An international episode
Daisy Miller
The Spoils of Poynton
The Turn of the screw
Golden Bowl
La lección del maestro
Partial portraits
Golden Bowl
Madame de Mauves
In the Cage
Portrait of a Lady - Volume II (Esprios Classics)
Golden Bowl Annotated
Gabrielle de Bergerac
La princesse Casamassima
A light man
The Turn of the Screw/2 Cassettes/#847
The Portrait of a Lady
Golden Bowl
The short stories
The Europeans
The Death of the Lion
Daisy Miller
Italian Hours
The Real Thing and Other Tales
The Ivory Tower
Aspern Papers
Das Geheimnis von Bly. The Turn of the Screw
Selected tales of Henry James
The Bostonians; Volume I
Penguin Readers Level 6
Tragic Muse; Volume 2
Bostonians, Vol. II (Esprios Classics)
The Complete Tales of Henry James, Volume VI [6]
Stories Revived ...
Complete Letters of Henry James : 1888-1891
Nona Vincent
The Wheel of Time; Collaboration; Owen Wingrave
Louisa Pallant
Lo que Maisie sabía
Henry James - Embarrassments
Golden Bowl
Lesson of the Master
Historie drobnoziarniste
The Marriages
The Portrait of a Lady
Daisy Miller by Henry James the New Annotated Edition
Els papers d'Aspern
Italian Hours
Princess Casamassima
The ambassadors
The Portrait of a Lady
Louisa Pallant
The Spoils of Poynton ; A London Life ; The Chaperon
Daisy Miller
The American
The Ambassadors
Madonna of the Future
Relatos (Clasicos)
The Wings of the dove (Meridian)
The Literary Remains Of The Late Henry James
The Awkward Age (The Novel Library)
Henry James - the Author of Beltraffio
The Europeans
Daisy Miller / Otra vuelta de tuerca / Otros relatos
Wings of the Dove
Henry James
The Turn of the screw
The Bostonians
Portrait of a Lady
Daisy Miller
Madonna of the Future
Spoils of Poynton; a London Life; the Chaperon; Volume 10
Un Portrait de femme
What Maisie Knew Illustrated
The Spoils of Poynton
The American (Rinehart Editions, 16)
Otra vuelta de tuerca
Richard Olney and his public service
Turn of the Screw Annotaed
Confidence Annotated
Some Short Stories
The Siege of London
Death of the Lion Annotated
The American (Volume 2)
The Turn of the Screw (Annotated)
Chaperon and the Beldonald Holbein
Golden Bowl by Henry James Annotated
The Sense of the Past
The question of our speech
Daisy Miller, The Turn of the Screw
The Old Things
The Spoils of Poynton
Point of View Annotated
Jolly Corner
The Turn of the Screw and Daisy Miller (Dell #9154)
Le leçon du maître et autres nouvelles
The Turn of the Screw and Washington Square
Daumier, caricaturist
The Turn of the Screw
The Outcry
The Golden Bowl
Otra vuelta de tuerca
Turn of the Screw Annotaed
Turn of the Screw Annotaed
Figure in the Carpet
Society the Redeemed Form of Man, and the Earnest of God's Omnipotence in Human Nature
The portrait of a lady
Lady Barbarina
The Sacred Fount
The painter's eye
Europeans (Annotated)
Some Short Stories [by Henry James]
The Golden Bowl - Classic Illustrated Edition
Path of Duty
Verschijningen uit niemandsland
Partial portraits
Louisa Pallant
The Letters of William James; Volume 2
The complete tales of Henry James
The Wings of the Dove .NOVEL By
What Maisie Knew , by
The Sacred Fount
The portrait of a lady
Pobre Richard
International Episode
Turn of the Screw, Level 2
The New Testament in Lewisian Short Hand
Henry James - Views and Reviews
Volta Do Parafuso
Turn of the Screw and More Ghost Stories
The golden bow
The Patagonia
Bostonians Annotated
The Pension Beaurepas
The tragic muse
Daisy Miller
Author of Beltraffio
Master Eustace
What Maisie Knew Annotated
Three letters from Henry James to Joseph Conrad
A little tour in France
William Wetmore Story and His Friends
Ambassadors Annotated
Turn of the Screw and Other Short Works
Aspern Papers
French Poets and Novelists
What Maisie Knew (Illustrated Edition)
Golden Bowl
The Figure in the Carpet
The Portrait of a Lady. Heron Collected Works of Henry James
Awkward Age
Henry James and H.G. Wells; a record of their friendship, their debate on the art of fiction, and their quarrel
Christianity. The Logic of Creation
Henry James Volume 1
Figure in the Carpet
Die goldene Schale. Roman
The Golden Bowl
Portrait of a Lady Illustrated
Altar of the Dead
Author of Beltraffio
Theatre and friendship;
Other House, The
The Jolly Corner
Sacred Fount
Confidence (Esprios Classics)
El americano
Princesa casamassima
Lo que Maisie sabía & En la jaula
In the Cage
A Landscape Painter
The Sacred Fount
Sir Dominick Ferrand (Esprios Classics)
Sylvia's Lovers
The American (The Novels and Tales of Henry James, New York Edition, Volume II)
Novels and Tales of Henry James
The Two Amperes
The Pupil
Lady Barbarina ...and Other Tales
Turn of the Screw
Henry James - the Figure in the Carpet
Roderick Hudson
Novels and Tales
The reverberator
William Wetmore Story and his friends
Italian Hours
Figure in the Carpet (Esprios Classics)
El retrato de una dama
Golden Bowl
Wings of the Dove
Horsecar Acquaintances
The novels and tales of Henry James
Golden Bowl an Annotated Editing
English Hours
Notes of a Son and Brother
The Europeans Lib/E
Turn of the Screw Annotaed
Turn of the Screw Illustrated
La font sagrada
The Real Thing
Collected Poems and Letters from America with Photographs and a New Introduction
The Turn of the Screw, mit 1 Audio-CD. Level 4
The Bostonians a Novel Volume I
The ambassadors
Turn of the Screw
La mort de Lysanda
El fondo Coxon
Death of the Lion
The lesson of the master, and other stories
The Question of Our Speech; The Lesson of Balzac
Lesson of the Master
Daisy Miller
Tragic Muse
The Finer Grain
Roderick Hudson
Bedford Anthology of American Literature, 2e Shorter Edition & Daisy Miller
Portrait of a Lady
Golden Bowl -- Volume 2
Daisy Miller Annotated
Henry James Collection : Novels 1877-1879
The Princess Casamassima
A Little Tour in France
Death of the Lion
שלל פוינטון
Lady Barbarina. The seige of London. An international episode, and other tales
Partial portraits
La Humillacion de Los Northmore
Alas de la Paloma
Letters from the Palazzo Barbaro
Selected stories
Terminations and Other Stories
Question of Speech-The Lesson of Balzac
The American scene
The ghostly tales of Henry James
La copa dorada / The Golden Bowl
An International Episode / Daisy Miller
The reverberator
Los Tesoros de Poynton
Turn of the Screw and the Lesson Master
The princess Casamassima
Amer Scene
The novels and tales of Henry James
[The novels and stories of Henry James.]
The middle years
The art of travel
The American novels and stories of Henry James
Picture and text
The private life
The last of the Valerii ; Master Eustace ; The romance of certain old clothes
The Letters Of Honore De Balzac
The complete tales of Henry James
Lord Beaupré; The visits; The wheel of time, and other tales
The better sort
Madam Varnish and the Golden Era
The letters of Henry James
Deyoḳanah shel geveret
Distinctive Short Stories
El Discipulo
Copa Dorada, La
Americano, El
French writers and American women
Beast in the Jungle and Othe
The Ambassadors Lt
Un altre pas de rosca
Terminations ; The death of the lion ; the coxon fund ; The middle years ; The altar of the daed
What Maisie knew
The ambassadors
En La Jaula
Kanfe ha-yonah
Notes of a son and brother
The art of travel
Sense Of The Past, The (BCL1-PS American Literature)
Two short novels (Graded readers for students of English as a second language)
Europeos, Los
The Altar of the Dead / Glasses / the Coxon Fund Lt
Lady Barbarina the Siege of London
Lo que sabía Maisie
Views and reviews
What Maisie knew
R V The A B
The turn of the screw
Los Diarios
Daisy Miller
Diary of a Man of Fifty
The Private Life & Other Stories
Retrato de Una Dama - Bolsillo
Literary reviews and essays
The Coxon fund
Ek khatoon ki tasvir
The notebooks of Henry James
The turn of the screw, The Aspern papers
The portrait of a lady
Washington Square (Highbridge Classics)
The ivory tower
The author of Beltraffio. The middle years. Greville Fane and other tales
Turn of Screw and Daisy Miller
Portrait of a Lady
The Portable Henry James (The Viking portable library, P55)
The great short novels of Henry James
Moralism and Christianity (Selected works of Henry James, Sr)
Lord Beaupré; The visits; The wheel of time, and other tales
Siege Of London, The (BCL1-PS American Literature)
Small Boy and Others
The art of the novel
Ritratto Di Signora
Otra Vuelta De Tuerca/another Nutty Turn
Novels and stories of Henry James
El Eco
Marriages and Other
Ivory Tower, The (BCL1-PS American Literature)
El Sitio de Londres
The last of the Valerii
A little tour in France ...
Novels of Henry James
The American novels and short stories of Henry James
Daisy Miller Lt
Los matrimonios
Ḥamīn̲ cirag̲h̲ Ḥamīn̲ parvāne
The T.I.A.A. and Canadian universities
Lo Mas Selecto - Cuentos y Nouvelles
Notes for The ivory tower
Los papeles de Aspern
The turn of the screw
Golden Bowl (The Novels and Tales of Henry James, Part 2)
The Turn Of The Screw, By Henry James, Unabridged 3 Audio Cassettes, Narrated By Flo Gibson
Confidence Lt
Spoils Of Poynton, The (BCL1-PS American Literature)
La bestia en la jungla
Cerco de Londres, El
The Turn of the Screw (81120)
Neyarot ha-Aspern
Importance of pet
Henry James Volume 2
The Jolly Corner Lt
The Turn of the Screw Lt
The sun Shone Black
The question of our speech. The lesson of Balzac. Two lectures
The ambassadors
The two magics
Notes of a Son and Brother
The Turn of the Screw and Other Short Stories
[Novels and stories of Henry James / edited by Percy Lubbock]
Selected short stories
Mistrova lekce
El altar de los muertos y otros relatos
An International Episode Lt
Guy Domille
Europeans, The
The painter's eye
Complete Tales of Henry James 1903-1910
The indispensable Henry James
Henry James Short Stories
Figure in the Carpet
The Altar Of The Dead / Glasses / The Coxon Fund
Short Novels of Henry James
Henry James Selected Works
Other Stories by Henry James Lt
Lord Beaupré ; The visits ; The wheel of time
R V The A B
The wings of the dove
Carnets =
Henry James Stories of Superna
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and the Turn of the Screw
Carnet de famille
The alter of the dead. The beast in the jungle. The birthplace, and other tales
Transatlantic sketches
Levelling in Scotland
The Wings of the Dove (The Novels and Tales of Henry James, Part 2)
Society, the Redeemed Form of Man and the Earnest of God's Omnipotence in Human Nature
Mah she-Meizi yadʻah
Ordnance survey abstacts of the pricipal lines of spirit levelling in Scotland
Literary criticism
Stories of writers & artists
Lady Barbarina ; The siege of London ; An international episode
Maud-Evelyn ; The special type ; The papers
Watch and ward ; Longstaff's marriage ; Eugene Pickering
Ghostly tales
Daisy Miller, the Turn of the Screw and Other Short Novels
Periodicos, Los
Seven Was the Padre's Number
Golden Bowl, The
Edgar Allan Poe
Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849)

poet, essayist, literary critic

  • University of Virginia, United States Military Academy
The Raven
Poems and Prose
The Complete Tales and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe [67 stories, 52 poems, 4 essays]
The Works of Edgar Allan Poe in Five Volumes
Complete Tales and Poems [71 stories, 64 poems, 1 essay]
The Works of Edgar Allan Poe [68 stories, 31 poems]
Complete Stories and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe
The Complete Tales & Poems of Edgar Allan Poe [73 stories, 48 poems]
Antología de la literatura fantástica
Selected Writings of Edgar Allan Poe
Works [71 stories, 36 poems] (Complete Tales of Mystery and Imagination / Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym / Raven and Other Poems)
Great Tales and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe [21 stories, 34 poems]
Great Short Works of Edgar Allan Poe
The Fantasy Hall of Fame [22 stories]
The Fall of the House of Usher and Other Tales [15 stories]
The Tell-Tale Heart and Other Writings
Major Tales and Poems [24 stories, 15 poems]
The Poe Reader [27 stories, 9 poems]
The Illustrated Edgar Allan Poe [15 stories, 1 poem]
The Selected Poetry and Prose of Edgar Allan Poe [32 stories, 42 poems, 11 essays]
Essential Tales and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe [34 stories, 17 poems]
Edgar Allan Poe
Selected Stories and Poems [10 stories, 12 poems]
Selected Stories and Poems [10 stories, 17 poems]
Selected Writings of Edgar Allan Poe
The Oxford Book of Gothic Tales
Edgar Allan Poe Reader [13 stories, 18 poems]
Thirty-Two Stories
Nouvelles histoires extraordinaires (Berenice / Black Cat / Cask of Amontillado / Colloquy of Monos and Una / Conversation of Eiros and Charmi / Devil in the Belfry / Fall of the House of Usher / Four Beasts in One / Hop-Frog / Imp of the Perverse / Island of the Fay / King Pest / Lionizing / Man of the Crowd / Masque of the Red Death / Oval Portrait / Pit and the Pendulum / Power of Words / Shadow / Silence / Some Words with a Mummy / Tell-Tale Heart / William Wilson)
In the Shadow of the Master
Ghostly Tales and Eerie Poems of Edgar Allan Poe [14 stories, 9 poems]
The Works of Edgar Allan Poe including the choicest of his critical essays [42 stories, 37 poems, 10 essays]
Isaac Asimov Presents Tales of the Occult
The Raven and Other Writings [13 stories, 16 poems]
The Annotated Poe [26 stories, 6 poems]
The Raven and Other Poems [26 poems]
The Works of Edgar Allan Poe in Five Volumes - Volume One (Balloon-Hoax / Four Beasts in One / Gold-Bug / Ms. Found in a Bottle / Murders in the Rue Morgue / Mystery of Marie Roget / Oval Portrait / Unparalleled Adventure of One Hans Pfaall)
Selections From Poe [6 stories, 35 poems]
Visions of Poe [16 stories, 8 poems]
Poems and Tales from the Writings of Edgar Allan Poe [8 stories, 8 poems]
The Unabridged Edgar Allan Poe
Selected Tales
Tales and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe [24 stories, 30 poems]
Tales of Mystery, Imagination, & Humour, and Poems [8 stories, 11 poems]
Shapes of the supernatural
The Raven and Other Poems [adaptation]
Twelve Creepy Tales [11 stories, 1 poem]
The Works of Edgar Allan Poe in Five Volumes - Volume Five
The Raven and Other Poems and Stories [5 stories, 26 poems]
The Illustrated Edgar Allan Poe
Complete Tales and Poems [10 stories, 28 poems]
The Best Short Stories of Edgar Allan Poe (Balloon-Hoax / Black Cat / Cask of Amontillado / Descent Into the Malestrom / Fall of the House of Usher / Gold-Bug / Masque of the Red Death / Murders in the Rue Morgue	 / Pit and the Pendulum / Purloined Letter / Tell-Tale Heart)
The Raven and The Philosophy of Composition
Histoires Extraordinaires (Balloon-Hoax / Descent into the Maelstrom / Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar / Gold-Bug / Ligeia / Mesmeric Revelation / Metzengerstein / Morella / MS. Found in a Bottle / Murders in the Rue Morgue / Purloined Letter / Tale of the Ragged Mountains / Unparalleled Adventure of One Hans Pfaall)
The Complete Poetry of Edgar Allan Poe [48 poems]
The Works of Edgar Allan Poe in Five Volumes (The Raven Edition)
Collected works of Edgar Allan Poe
Selected Poems and Tales of Edgar Allan Poe [5 stories, 30 poems]
The Gold Bug and Other Tales of Mystery [9 stories, 8 poems]
The Poetical Works of Edgar Allan Poe [46 poems]
Poetry and Tales
Edgar Allan Poe Stories [27 stories, 8 poems]
Collected Stories and Poems [14 stories, 4 poems]
The Raven and Other Favorite Poems [41 poems]
Poetry, Tales and Selected Essays [74 stories, 62 poems, 5 essays]
Works [6 stories, 56 poems, 3 essays]
Poetry for Young People
Selected Poems & Tales
The Devil in the Belfry
Poems and Poetics
Edgar Allan Poe's Complete Poetical Works
Selected Poems and Tales of Edgar Allan Poe [5 stories, 22 poems]
Edgar Allan Poe
Poems [49 poems]
The Poetical Works of Edgar Allan Poe
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--The American Experience
Collected Poems [49 poems]
The Works of Edgar Allan Poe in Five Volumes - Volume Three (King Pest / Ligeia / Morella / Narrative of A. Gordon Pym / Spectacles / Tale of the Ragged Mountains / Three Sundays in a Week)
Works [49 poems, 5 essays]
Tales, and, The raven and other poems
Poems (Raven / Courtship of Miles Standish / Snow-Bound)
Poems of Edgar Allan Poe [59 poems]
Miscellaneous Poe [2 stories, 15 poems]
The Works of the Late Edgar Allan Poe in Four Volumes - II - Poems and Tales [23 stories, 42 poems, 4 essays]
Tales of Mystery and Imagination [adaptation]
Poems of Edgar Allan Poe with Memoir [45 poems, 3 essays]
The tales and poems of Edgar Allan Poe
About Time
The Poetical Works of Edgar Allan Poe [42 poems]
Poems and Essays on Poetry
100 wild little weird tales
The Junior great books -- Series Four, Volume Four
Six Creepy Stories (Berenice / Black Cat / Cask of Amontillado / Masque of the Red Death / Raven / Tell-Tale Heart)
The Unknown Poe
The Raven and the Monkey's Paw
Poems and Tales of Edgar Allan Poe (Alone / Annabel Lee / Black Cat / City in the Sea / Eldorado / Masque of the Red Death / Raven / To -- --)
The Complete Poetical Works [45 poems, 1 essay]
The Poetical Works of Edgar Allan Poe [4 stories, 43 poems, 1 essay]
The Essential Poe [32 poems, 2 essays]
The Selected Writings of Edgar Allan Poe
The Life and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe [46 poems, 2 essays]
The Poems of Edgar Allan Poe [50 poems, 2 essays]
The Short Fiction of Edgar Allan Poe [69 stories]
Poe's Poems and Essays
The 70 Best Tales of Edgar Allan Poe [69 stories]
Representative Selections, With Introduction, Bibliography, And Notes
Works (Cask of Amontillado / Masque of the Red Death / Raven)
Bizarre and Arabesque
The Raven and Other Poems [12 poems]
The Complete Poems of Edgar Allan Poe together with a selection from his stories [4 stories, 45 poems]
Tales and Sketches (1831-1842)
The complete poetry and selected criticism of Edgar Allan Poe
The Fall of the House of Usher and Four Other Tales (Black Cat / Fall of the House of Usher / Ms. Found in a Bottle / Oval Portrait / Three Sundays in a Week)
Collected Poems
A Classic Crime Collection [12 stories, 22 poems]
Poemas [29 poems]
The Tales and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe in Six Volumes - Vol. VI - Life and Poems
The Pit and the Pendulum and Five Other Tales (Cask of Amontillado / Devil in the Belfry / Hop-Frog / Masque of the Red Death / Pit and the Pendulum / Tell-Tale Heart)
The Works of Edgar Allan Poe - Vol. III - Poems and Essays [42 poems, 14 essays]
Spirits of the Dead - Tales and Poems
The prose romances of Edgar A. Poe (Man That Was Used Up / Murders in the Rue Morgue)
Erzählungen [40 stories, 4 poems]
The Lyrical Poems of Edgar Allan Poe [48 poems]
The Enigma of Poe
Edgar-A. Poë
Tales and Sketches (1831-1849)
Poems 1827-1849 [26 poems]
Between the Gothic and the Plague
The Works of Edgar Allan Poe in Ten Volumes - Volume One - Introductions and Poems
The Poems of Edgar Allan Poe [54 poems, 4 essays]
The complete poems and stories of Edgar Allan Poe, with selections from his critical writings
The Raven and Other Tales [15 stories, 1 poem]
Out of the Sand
Poems [43 poems, 1 essay]
The Raven And Other Tales
Le poesie [49 poems, 2 stories , 2 essays]
Collected writings of Edgar Allan Poe
Edgar Allan Poe
The city in the sea, and other poems (Annabel Lee / Bells / City in the Sea / Conqueror Worm / Dream Within a Dream / Haunted Palace / Raven / Sleeper / Ulalume / Valley of Unrest)
Edgar Allan Poe
The raven, and other poems
Great tales and poems
Works (Pit and the Pendulum / Raven)
Poems of Edgar Allan Poe at Fordham
Poems of Edgar Allan Poe
Works (Eureka / Raven)
The Illustrated Edgar Allan Poe
The Works of Edgar Allan Poe - POEMS AND THE STORY OF ARTHUR GORDON PYM [62 poems, 1 story]
The Works of Edgar Allan Poe - Volume IV - Tales [49 poems, 3 essays]
Edgar Allan Poe Poems [48 poems]
Edgar Allan Poe letters till now unpublished
Short Fiction
Poet's Gold
Spirited Engagement
Poésies complètes [57 poems, 1 essay]
œuvres choisies ..
Much of madness
Polnoe sobranie poėm i stikhtvoreniĭ
Collected poems
The raven, and other selections
Complete poems
Selections from Edgar Allan Poe
Collected poems, essays on poetry
Tales of Mystery and Imagination [46 stories]
The Murders in the Rue Morgue
The United States in Literature [with three long stories] -- Seventh Edition
The Assignation
The Fall of the House of Usher and Other Tales
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--The American Experience
Prentice Hall Literature -- Platinum
Tales of Edgar Allan Poe
The Complete Tales & Poems of Edgar Allan Poe [67 stories, 50 poems, 5 essays]
The Fall of the House of Usher
A Subtreasury of American Humor
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--Platinum
Prentice Hall Literature -- Gold
Zombies! Zombies! Zombies!
Tales of Mystery and Imagination [29 stories]
The Masque of the Red Death
The Works of Edgar Allan Poe in Ten Volumes
Great Short Stories of the World -- a collection of complete short stories chosen from the literatures of all periods and countries
Selected Stories and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe [29 stories, 24 poems]
Prentice Hall Literature - Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes - The British Tradition
The Black Cat
The Works of Edgar Allan Poe
Tales of Mystery and Imagination [22 stories]
The Works of the Late Edgar Allan Poe in Four Volumes - I - Tales
Great Short Stories of the World [30 stories]
21 Great Stories
The Complete Short Stories
Tales of Mystery and Imagination [22 stories]
Best of Poe [13 stories, 20 poems]
Tales of Mystery and Imagination [25 stories]
The Vampire Archives
The Pit and the Pendulum
The Best Known Works of Edgar Allan Poe
The Arbor House Treasury of Horror and the Supernatural
The Annotated tales of Edgar Allan Poe
Short Stories (Black Cat / Cask of Amontillado / Fall of the House of Usher / Gold-Bug / Ligeia / Masque of the Red Death / Murders in the Rue Morgue / Pit and the Pendulum / Tell-Tale Heart)
Prentice Hall Literature--Florida--Language and Literacy
The Fall of the House of Usher and Other Stories (35 stories)
Ten Great Mysteries [10 stories, 5 poems]
Prentice Hall Literature -- Platinum
Nouvelles Histoires Extraordinaires (Angel of the Odd / Berenice / Black Cat / Cask of Amontillado / Colloquy of Monos and Una / Conversation of Eiros and Charmi / Devil in the Belfry / Domain of Arnheim / Eleonora / Fall of the House of Usher / Four Beasts in One / Hop-frog / Imp of the Perverse / Island of the Fay / King Pest / Landor's Cottage / Lionizing / Maelzel's Chess Player / Man of the Crowd / Masque of the Red Death / Oval Portrait / Pit and the Pendulum / Power of Words / Shadow / Silence / Some Words with a Mummy / System of Dr. Tarr and Prof. Fether / Tale of Jerusalem / Tell-Tale Heart / William Wilson)
The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym
The Works of Edgar Allan Poe - Vol. I
The United States in Literature -- The Glass Menagerie Edition
The Dark Descent
Forty-Two Tales
The New Windmill Book of Mystery Stories of the Nineteenth Century
The Collected Tales of Edgar Allan Poe
A Book of Short Stories
The United States in literature -- Medallion Edition [with The Glass Menagerie]
Short Stories (Black Cat / Cask of Amontillado / Fall of the House of Usher / Masque of the Red Death / Pit and the Pendulum / Tell-Tale Heart)
Selected Tales
The Tell-Tale Heart
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--Silver Level
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--Gold
Der Untergang des Hauses Usher (Assignation / Black Cat / Cask of Amontillado / Descent Into the Maelstrom / Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar / Fall of the House of Usher / Hop-Frog / Man of the Crowd / Masque of the Red Death / MS. Found in a Bottle / Murders in the Rue Morgue / Mystery of Marie Roget / Pit and the Pendulum / Purloined Letter / Tell-Tale Heart / William Wilson)
Great Short Tales of Mystery and Terror
Ghost Stories
Murder Most Foul
Selected Tales of Edgar Allan Poe
Short Fiction, Classic and Contemporary -- Second Edition
The Works of Edgar Allan Poe - Vol. II (Assignation / Balloon-Hoax / Black Cat / Cask of Amontillado / Descent Into the Maelstrom / Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar / Fall of the House of Usher / Gold-Bug / Imp of the Perverse / Island of the Fay / Masque of the Red Death / Mesmeric Revelation / Ms. Found in a Bottle / Murders in the Rue Morgue / Mystery of Marie Roget / Oval Portrait / Pit and the Pendulum / Premature Burial / Purloined Letter / Tell-Tale Heart / Thousand-and-Second Tale of Scheherazade / Unparalleled Adventure of One Hans Pfaall / Von Kempelen and His Discovery)
The Nightmare Reader
Selected Tales
The Works of Edgar Allan Poe in Ten Volumes - Volume Five - Tales-Mystery and Occultism (Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar / Gold-Bug / Imp of the Perverse / Man of the Crowd / Mesmeric Revelation / Metzengerstein / Some Words with a Mummy / Von Kempelen and His Discovery / William Wilson)
Tales of Mystery and Terror (Black Cat / Descent into the Maelstrom / Fall of the House of Usher / Hop-Frog / Masque of the Red Death / MS. Found in a Bottle / Oblong Box / Oval Portrait / Pit and the Pendulum / Some Words With a Mummy / Sphinx / Tell-Tale Heart / William Wilson)
The Story and its Writer -- Third Edition
The Purloined Letter
Prentice Hall Literature--Silver
100 Crooked Little Crime Stories
Classic American Short Stories
Poe stories and poems [17 stories, 9 poems]
The Raven [25 stories, 19 poems]
Stories & Poems [12 stories, 11 poems]
The Story and Its Writer -- Ninth Edition
Selected Poetry and Tales [28 stories, 17 poems]
Great American Short Stories
The United States in Literature
Prentice Hall Literature -- Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes -- Bronze Level
Short Stories
Prentice Hall Literature--The British Edition--Volume II
The Rinehart Book of Short Stories
Tales of Mystery & Imagination
Edgar Allan Poe Audio Collection
Essential Tales and Poems [25 stories, 18 poems, 1 essay]
The Best Short Stories of Edgar Allan Poe
The Story and Its Writer -- Compact Eighth Edition
The Norton Anthology of Short Fiction
The United States in Literature -- All My Sons Edition
Tales of Suspense
Selected Works of Edgar Allan Poe [22 stories, 19 poems]
The Works of Edgar Allan Poe - Vol. II (Assignation / Black Cat / Cask of Amontillado / Domain of Arnheim / Fall of the House of Usher / Imp of the Perverse / Island of the Fay / Masque of the Red Death / Murders in the Rue Morgue / Mystery Op Marie Roget / Oval Portrait / Pit and the Pendulum / Premature Burial / Purloined Leiter / Tell-Tale Heart)
Edgar Allan Poe
Tales of Mystery and Imagination
Selected Tales and Poems [24 stories, 47 poems]
The Penguin Book of Horror Stories
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--Bronze
The Essential Poe
Tales of Horror (Berenice / Black Cat / Descent into the Maelstrom / Devil in the Belfry / Eleonora / Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar / Fall of the House of Usher / Imp of the Perverse / Ligeia / Man of the Crowd / Masque of the Red Death / Metzengerstein / Morella / MS. Found in a Bottle / Murders in the Rue Morgue / Never Bet the Devil Your Head / Oblong Box / Oval Portrait / Pit and the Pendulum / Premature Burial / Purloined Letter / Some Words with a Mummy / Sphinx / Tale of the Ragged Mountains / Tell-Tale Heart / William Wilson)
Edgar Allan Poe
Mysteries and Tales of Edgar Allan Poe
The complete short stories of Edgar Allan Poe. Volume I of II
Tales of Mystery and the Supernatural
Great Tales of Action and Adventure
Macabre Tales & Poems [8 stories, 15 poems]
The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket and Related Tales (Balloon Hoax / Descent Into the Maelstrom / How to Write a Blackwood Article / Loss of Breath / Ms. Found in a Bottle / Mystification / Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket / Pit and the Pendulum / Premature Burial)
The Fall of the House of Usher and Other Stories
The Black Cat and Other Stories (Black Cat / Descent Into the Maelstrom / Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar / Imp of the Perverse / Ms. Found in a Bottle / Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket / Oblong Box / Premature Burial / Tell-Tale Heart)
The Works of Edgar Allan Poe - Ten Vols. in Five - Volume Three - Tales--Mystery and Occultism/Horror and Death
The Horror hall of fame
Edgar Allan Poe's Tales of Mystery and Madness (Black Cat / Fall of the House of Usher / Hop-Frog / Masque of the Red Death)
The experience of literature
Cuentos de imaginación y misterio (Assignation / Berenice / Black Cat / Cask of Amontillado / Colloquy of Monos and Una / Descent Into the Maelstrom / Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar / Fall of the House of Usher / Gold-Bug / King Pest / Ligeia / Lionizing / Masque of the Red Death / Morella / MS. Found in a Bottle / Murders in the Rue Morgue / Mystery of Marie Roget / Pit and the Pendulum / Premature Burial / Silence / Tell-Tale Heart / William Wilson)
The Cask of Amontillado
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--Copper Level
Selected Short Stories (Assignation / Berenice / Black Cat / Cask of Amontillado / Descent into the Maelstrom / Devil in the Belfry / Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar / Fall of the House of Usher / Gold-Bug / Hop-Frog / Ligeia / Man of the Crowd / Masque of the Red Death / Ms. Found in a Bottle / Murders in the Rue Morgue / Pit and the Pendulum / Purloined Letter / Tell-tale Heart / William Wilson)
World's Great Adventure Stories
Short Stories (Cask of Amontillado / Gold-Bug / Murders in the Rue Morgue / Oval Portrait / Pit and the Pendulum / Some Words with a Mummy / Tell-Tale Heart)
Tales of Mystery
Poe (Assignation / Black Cat / Cask of Amontillado / Fall of the House of Usher / Gold-Bug / Ligeia / Ms Found in a Bottle)
Tales of Mystery and Imagination (Black Cat / Cask of Amontillado / Fall of the House of Usher)
Classic Crime Stories
Oeuvres complètes de Ch. Baudelaire - Nouvelles histoires extraordinaires (Angel of the Odd / Berenice / Black Cat / Cask of Amontillado / Conversation of Eiros and Charmi / Devil in the Belfry / Domain of Arnheim / Eleonora / Fall of the House of Usher / Hop-Frog / Imp of the Perverse / King Pest / Landor's Cottage / Lionizing / Oval Portrait / Power of Words / Silence / Some Words with a Mummy / System of Dr. Tarr and Prof. Fether / Tell-Tale Heart / William Wilson)
Prentice Hall Literature -- Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes -- Reader's Companion -- Bronze Level
The Evil Image
The 50 Greatest Mysteries of All Time
Tales of Horror and Suspense (Cask of Amontillado / Fall of the House of Usher / Gold-Bug / Murders in the Rue Morgue / Pit and the Pendulum / Purloined Letter / Tell-Tale Heart / William Wilson)
Isaac Asimov Presents the Best Horror and Supernatural of the 19th Century
Eight Tales of Terror (Cask of Amontillado / Fall of the House of Usher / Hop-Frog / Imp of the Perverse / Ligeia / Mask of the Red Death / MS. Found in a Bottle / William Wilson)
Tales of Terror and Fantasy (Black Cat / Cask of Amontillado / Descent Into the Maelstrom / Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar / Fall of the House of Usher / Gold Bug / Ms. Found in a Bottle / Pit and the Pendulum / Premature Burial / Tell-Tale Heart)
The Fall of the House of Usher, and Other Tales and Prose Writings of Edgar Allan Poe
The Norton Anthology of Short Fiction -- Shorter Seventh Edition
The Gold-Bug and Other Tales
Great American Short Stories [34 stories]
Crime Classics
Short Stories (Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar / Oblong Box / System of Dr. Tarr and Prof. Fether/ Tell-Tale Heart)
Murders in the Rue Morgue and Other Stories (Descent Into the Maelstrom / Mask of the Red Death / Murders in the Rue Morgue / Purloined Letter / Raven / Thousand-and-Second Tale of Scheherazade)
Edgar Allan Poe the Dover Reader [17 stories, 41 poems, 3 essays]
Tales of Terror (Black Cat / Cask of Amontillado / Descent into the Maelstrom / Fall of the House of Usher / Hop-Frog / Ligeia / Masque of the Red Death / Ms. Found in a Bottle / Pit and the Pendulum / Tell-Tale Heart)
Cuentos de terror
Great Tales and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe (Black Cat / Cask of Amontillado / Descent Into the Maelstrom / Fall of the House of Usher / Hop-Frog / Ligeia / Masque of the Red Death / Metzengerstein / Ms. Found in a Bottle / Murders in the Rue Morgue / Never Bet the Devil Your Head / Oval Portrait / Pit and the Pendulum / Premature Burial / Purloined Letter / Sphinx / Tell-Tale Heart)
The Complete Works of Edgar Allan Poe - Tales (Angel of the Odd / Cask of Amontillado / Domain of Arnheim / Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar / Hop-Frog / Imp of the Perverse / Landor's Cottage / Literary Life of Thingum Bob, Esq. / Mellonta Tauta / Power of Words / Purloined Letter / Some Words with a Mummy / Sphinx / System of Dr. Tarr and Prof. Fether / Thou Art the Man / Thousand-and-Second Tale of Scheherazade / Von Kempelen and His Discovery / X-Ing a Paragrab)
The Shadows of Sherlock Holmes
Poe After Dark
Tell-Tale Heart and Other Stories
The Detective Story
Selected Prose and Poetry
Great Cat Tales
Fourteen Great Detective Stories
The Shape of Fiction. Stories for Comparaison
Edgar Allan Poe Collection [10 stories, 4 poems]
Tales (Assignation / Black Cat / Cask of Amontillado / Descent Into the Maelstrom / Fall of the House of Usher / Gold Bug / Man in the Crowd / Manuscript Found in a Bottle / Masque of the Red Death / Murders in the Rue Morgue / Mystery of Marie Roget / Pit and the Pendulum / Purloined Letter / Telltale Heart / William Wilson)
Classic Tales of Horror
Great American Short Stories
The Best Crime Stories of the 19th Century
Backpack Literature -- Fifth Edition
The Works of Edgar Allan Poe - Tales - Volume III
The Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar
Spectral Tales
Tales of Mystery and Horror - Vol. II (Assignation / Berenice / Cask of Amontillado / Descent into the Maelstrom / Fall of the House of Usher / MS. Found in a Bottle / Purloined Letter / Tell-tale Heart / William Wilson)
18 Best Stories
Famous Modern Ghost Stories
The Story and Its Writer -- Compact Fourth Edition
Narraciones extraordinarias (Berenice / Black Cat / Cask of Amontillado / Eleonora / Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar / Fall of the House of Usher / Ligeia / Murders in the Rue Morgue / Oval Portrait / Purloined Letter / Tell-Tale Heart / William Wilson)
Tales of Poe (Cask of Amontillado / Descent Into the Maelstrom / Fall of the House of Usher / Pit and the Pendulum / Purloined Letter)
Selections from the Prose Tales of Edgar Allan Poe (Assignation / Cask of Amontillado / Descent Into the Maelstrom / Fall of the House of Usher / Gold-Bug / Ligeia / Masque of the Red Death / Murders in the Rue Morgue / Pit and the Pendulum / Silence / William Wilson)
Tales of Edgar Allan Poe
Tales of Mystery and Imagination [adaptation]
The Essential Edgar Allan Poe (Cask of Amontillado / Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar / Fall of the House of Usher / Masque of the Red Death / Murders in the Rue Morgue / Pit and the Pendulum / Premature Burial / Tell-Tale Heart)
The Murders in the Rue Morgue [adaptation]
The Tales and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe in Six Volumes - Vol. I - Tales of Imagination
The Works of Edgar Allan Poe in Ten Volumes - Volume Six - Tales-Horror and Death (Assignation / Berenice / Black Cat / Cask of Amontillado / Eleonora / Fall of the House of Usher / Ligeia / Morella / Oval Portrait / Pit and the Pendulum / Premature Burial / Shadow / Tell-Tale Heart)
Le chat noir et autres récits fantastiques (Angel of the Odd / Berenice / Black Cat / Cask of Amontillado / Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar / Fall of the House of Usher / Ligeia / Masque of the Red Death / Mesmeric Revelation / Metzengerstein / Morella / MS. Found in a Bottle / Oval Portrait / Pit and the Pendulum / Silence / System of Dr. Tarr and Prof. Fether / Tale of the Ragged Mountains / Tell-Tale Heart / William Wilson)
Literature -- second edition
The Garden of Romance
Ghost Stories [35 stories]
Narraciones extraordinarias (Berenice / Black Cat / Cask of Amontillado / Descent Into the Maelstrom / Fall of the House of Usher / Gold-Bug / Masque of the Red Death / Murders in the Rue Morgue / Pit and the Pendulum / Purloined Letter / Raven / William Wilson)
Fictions--Second Edition
Selected English Short Stories (Nineteenth Century)
Poems and Tales [12 stories, 16 poems]
Los mejores cuentos policiales
Seven Tales (Black Cat / Fall of the House of Usher / Ligeia / Man of the Crowd / Mesmeric Revelation / Oval Portrait / Purloined Letter)
Cuentos clásicos del norte - Primera Serie (Black Cat / Cask of Amontillado / Descent into the Maelstrom / Fall of the House of Usher / Gold-Bug / Ligeia / Masque of the Red Death / Murders in the Rue Morgue)
Horror Classics
The Works of Edgar Allan Poe in Five Volumes - Volume Four
Tales (Black Cat / Colloquy of Monos and Una / Conversation of Eiros and Charmion / Descent Into the Maelstrom / Fall of the House of Usher / Gold-Bug / Lionizing / Man of the Crowd / Mesmeric Revelation / Murders in the Rue Morgue / Mystery of Marie Roget / Purloined Letter)
Essential Stories and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe [14 stories, 7 poems]
Short Stories, Please!
Great American Short Stories from Hawthorne to Hemingway
Perrine's Story and Structure--Twelfth Edition
The Greatest Cat Stories Ever Told
Narraciones extraordinarias (II) (Black Cat / Cask of Amontillado / Fall of the House of Usher / Ligeia / Man of the Crowd / Masque of the Red Death / Oblong Box / Oval Portrait / Pit and the Pendulum / Premature Burial / Purloined Letter / Shadow / Silence / Some Words with a Mummy / Tell-Tale Heart)
Literature, The Human Experience, Reading and Writing--Shorter Ninth Edition
Cuentos de Horror y Misterio
Dead of Night
Selected Stories of Poe (Black Cat / Cask of Amontillado / Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar / Fall of the House of Usher / Gold-Bug / Hop-Frog / Ligeia / Man of the Crowd / Masque of the Red Death / Murders in the Rue Morgue / Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym / Pit and the Pendulum / Purloined Letter / Tell-Tale Heart / William Wilson)
Tales of Mystery and Imagination [16 stories]
The Complete Works of Edgar Allan Poe - Tales (Devil in the Belfry / Fall of the House of Usher / How to Write a Blackwood Article / Ligeia / Man That Was Used Up / Narrative of A. Gordon Pym--Continued / Predicament / Silence / William Wilson)
Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque
Edgar Allan Poe's Premium Horror and Weird Fiction [19 stories, 14 poems]
The Complete Works of Edgar Allan Poe - Tales (Balloon-Hoax / Black Cat / Diddling / Gold-Bug / Mesmeric Revelation / Mystery of Marie Roget / Oblong Box / Pit and the Pendulum / Premature Burial / Spectacles / Tale of the Ragged Mountains / Tell-Tale Heart)
Best Short Stories -- Advanced Level
Tales (Black Cat / Colloquy of Monos and Una / Conversation of Eiros and Charmion / Descent Into the Maelström / Fall of the House of Usher / Gold-Bug / Lionizing / Man in the Crowd / Mesmeric Revelation / Murders in the Rue Morgue / Mystery of Marie Roget / Purloined Letter)
The Gold-Bug
Stories and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe [adaptation]
Great Science Fiction About Doctors
The Last Letters of Edgar Allan Poe To Sarah Helen Whitman
The Norton Introduction to Fiction--Fourth Edition
Tales of Mystery and Imagination [12 stories]
The Situation of the Story
Classic Ghost Stories
Cuentos (Cask of Amontillado / Eleonora / Fall of the House of Usher / Ligeia / Lionizing / Masque of the Red Death / Ms. Found in a Bottle / Murders in the Rue Morgue / Oval Portrait)
The Works of Edgar Allan Poe in Ten Volumes - Volume I - Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque I
Histoires extraordinaires
The Tales of Edgar Allan Poe (Assignation / Black Cat / Descent Into the Maelstrom / Fall of the House of Usher / Hop-Frog / Ligeia / Ms. Found in a Bottle / Murders in the Rue Morgue / Oval Portrait / Pit and the Pendulum / Sphinx / Tell-Tale Heart / William Wilson)
Prentice Hall Literature--Bronze
Literature and Science in the Nineteenth Century
Nevermore (Berenice / Black Cat / Cask of Amontillado / Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar / Hop-Frog / Masque of the Red Death / Never Bet the Devil Your Head / Oval Portrait / Pit and the Pendulum / Premature Burial / Raven / Tell-Tale Heart / William Wilson)
65 Great Spine Chillers
Canterbury Classics Box Set
The World of Mystery Fiction
The Raven and Selected Short Stories (Black Cat / Cask of Amontillado / Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar / Fall of the House of Usher / Hop-Frog / Masque of the Red Death / Murders in the Rue Morgue / Mystery of Marie Roget / Pit and the Pendulum / Purloined Letter / Raven / Tell-Tale Heart)
Histoires Extraordinaires (Balloon-Hoax / Descent into the Maelstrom / Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar / Gold-Bug / Ligeia / Mesmeric Revelation / Metzengerstein / Morella / MS. Found in a Bottle / Murders in the Rue Morgue / Mystery of Marie Roget / Purloined Letter / Tale of the Ragged Mountains / Unparalleled Adventure of One Hans Pfaall)
Great American Short Stories
Great Tales of Crime and Detection
Great American Suspense (Ethan Brand, Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge, Oval Portrait, Upper Berth, Yellow Sign)
The Masque of the Red Death and Other Stories (Berenice / Black Cat / Cask of Amontillado / Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar / Fall of the House of Usher / Hop-Frog / Masque of the Red Death / Morella / Oblong Box / Oval Portrait / Pit and the Pendulum / Tell-Tale Heart)
Pearson Literature - California - Reading and Language
Selected Stories and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe (Annabel Lee / Bells / Cask of Amontillado / Fall of the House of Usher / Lenore / Masque of the Red Death / Pit and the Pendulum / Premature Burial / Raven / Tell-Tale Heart)
The Treasury of Science Fiction Classics
Diez cuentos de terror (Berenice / Black Cat / Cask of Amontillado / Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar / Fall of the House of Usher / Ligeia / Masque of the Red Death / Pit and the Pendulum / Premature Burial / Tell-Tale Heart)
Penny Dreadfuls
Tales of Mystery and Horror
Great Short Short Stories
The Family Book of Best Loved Short Stories
Fiction, A Pocket Anthology--Fifth Edition
American 24-Karat Gold
The Works of Edgar Allan Poe in Ten Volumes - Volume IV - Tales of The Grotesque and Arabesque IV
The Book of the Sleuth
Edgar Allan Poe and the Dupin mysteries
Scarlet Letter with Connections
Tales of Horror and Mystery
El gato negro y otros cuentos (Berenice / Black Cat / Cask of Amontillado / Descent Into the Maelstrom / Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar / Fall of the House of Usher / Hop-Frog / Ligeia / MS. Found in a Bottle / Pit and the Pendulum / Premature Burial / Tell-Tale Heart)
Tales of Edgar Allan Poe
World Literature
The Murders in the Rue Morgue and Other Stories (Assignation / Berenice / Domain of Arnheim / Eleonora / Landor's Cottage / Ligeia / Metzengerstein / Morella / Murders in the Rue Morgue / Mystery of Marie Roget / Purloined Letter / Tell-Tale Heart / William Wilson)
The Selected Works of Edgar Allan Poe
The Arbor House treasury of science fiction masterpieces
Chilling Ghost Stories
Lords of the Housetops
Histoires grotesques et sérieuses (Angel of the Odd / Domain of Arnheim / Eleonora / Landor's Cottage / Maelzel's Chess Player / Mystery of Marie Roget / Philosophy of Composition / Philosophy of Furniture / System of Dr. Tarr and Prof. Fether / Tale of Jerusalem)
Great Short Stories
100 Creepy Little Creatures
William Wilson
Tales of Terror (Black Cat / Cask of Amontillado / Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar / Fall of the House of Usher / Hop Frog / Masque of the Red Death / Murder in the Rue Morgue / Pit and the Pendulum / Tell Tale Heart)
101 mystery stories
Unbegreifliche Ereignisse und geheimnißvolle Thaten (Assignation / Black Cat / Cask of Amontillado / Devil in the Belfry / Fall of the House of Usher / Hop-Frog / Man of the Crowd / Morella / Mystery of Marie Roget / Oblong Box / Pit and the Pendulum / Spectacles / Sphinx / Tale of the Ragged Mountains / Tell-Tale Heart / Thou Art the Man / Three Sundays in a Week / William Wilson)
The Murders in the Rue Morgue and Other Tales (Black Cat / Cask of Amontillado / Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar / Hop-Frog / Imp of the Perverse / Murders in the Rue Morgue / Purloined Letter / Some Words with a Mummy / System of Dr. Tarr and Prof. Fether / Thou Art the Man / Von Kempelen and His Discovery)
Fiction 100
Ghost Stories From the Grave
Short Stories (Black Cat / Descent Into the Maelstrom / Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar / Fall of the House of Usher / Gold Bug / Ligeia / Masque of the Red Death / Ms. Found in a Bottle / Murders in the Rue Morgue / Mystery of Marie Roget / Pit and the Pendulum / Purloined Letter)
Murder for Halloween
Librivox Short Story Collection 074
Into the Mummy's Tomb
Black Stories (Black Cat / Cask of Amontillado / Fall of the House of Usher / Masque of the Red Death / Murders in the Rue Morgue /  Tell-Tale Heart / William Wilson)
Impact--Second Edition
Great Horror and Fantasy Collection
The Black Cat (Black Cat / Cask of Amontillado / Descent Into the Maelstrom / Fall of the House of Usher / Gold-Bug / Masque of the Red Death / Ms. Found in a Bottle / Murders in the Rue Morgue / Mystery of Marie Roget / Oval Portrait / Pit and the Pendulum / Premature Burial / Purloined Letter / Tell-Tale Heart / William Wilson)
Mystery Tales of Edgar Allan Poe
Classic Poe (Bells / Berenice / Black Cat / Cask of Amontillado / Fall of the House of Usher / Man Who Was All Used Up / Raven / Tell-Tale Heart)
Great American Short Stories [48 stories]
Stories for Young People (Cask of Amontillado / Fall of the House of Usher / Masque of the Red Death / Oval Portrait / Tell-Tale Heart)
Tales of Science (Balloon-Hoax / Descent Into the Maelstrom / Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar / Mesmeric Revelation / Ms. Found in a Bottle / Some Words with a Mummy / Thousand-and-Second Tale of Scheherazade / Unparalleled Adventure of One Hans Pfaall)
Obras Completas [38 stories, 23 poems, 3 essays]
The Pit and the Pendulum and Other Stories (Black Cat / Pit and the Pendulum / Premature Burial / Tell-Tale Heart)
Annabel Lee
The Fall of the House of Usher and Other Stories (adaptation)
Classic Stories & Poems [15 stories, 4 poems]
Cuentos de Horror (Cask of Amontillado / Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar / Fall of the House of Usher / Ms. Found in a Bottle / Murders in the Rue Morgue / Oval Portrait / Pit and the Pendulum / Premature Burial / Tell-Tale Heart)
Masterpieces of Adventure
Racconti del terrore (Black Cat / Cask of Amontillado / Descent Into the Maelstrom / Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar / Fall of the House of Usher / Masque of the Red Death / MS. Found in a Bottle / Pit and the Pendulum / Premature Burial / Tell-Tale Heart)
Tamerlane and other poems
Ghost Stories
Cuentos de intriga y terror (Berenice / Black Cat / Fall of the House of Usher / Ligeia / MS. Found in a bottle / Pit and the Pendulum / Purloined Letter)
A Descent into the Maelstrom
A Selection of Short Tales and The Raven (Berenice / Black Cat / Cask of Amontillado / Eleonora / Loss of Breath / Premature Burial / Raven / Tell-Tale Heart)
Selected Tales of Mystery (Assignation / Cask of Amontillado / Eleonora / Fall of the House of Usher / Gold Bug / Ligeia / Masque of the Red Death / Metzengerstein / Pit and the Pendulum / William Wilson)
Short Stories (Black Cat / Cask of Amontillado / Tell-Tale Heart)
The Day They Hanged My Best Friend Jimmy... And 21 Other  Weird Tales
Signet Classic Book of American Short Stories
The Short-story
The Short Story
Edgar Allen Poe (Black Cat / Cask of Amontillado / Fall of the House of Usher / Gold Bug / Metzengerstein / Murders in the Rue Morgue / Narrative of Arthur Gordn Pym / Never Bet the Devil Your Head / Pit and the Pendulum / Purloined Letter / Tell-Tale Heart)
Literature as Art
Bodies of the Dead and Other Great American Ghost Stories
Favourite Scary Stories from Graveside Al
Wolf's Complete Book of Terror
La caída de la casa Usher y otros cuentos (Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar / Fall of the House of Usher / Ligeia / Masque of the Red Death / Ms. Found in a Bottle / Murders in the Rue Morgue / Oval Portrait / William Wilson)
Prentice Hall Literature -- Grade Ten
Future perfect
100 Hilarious Little Howlers
Blessings from the Condemned
The Great Book of Thrillers
Tell-Tale Heart and Other Stories (Black Cat / Cask of Amontillado / Fall of the House of Usher / Ligeia / Masque of the Red Death / Murders in the Rue Morgue / Pit and the Pendulum / Purloined Letter / Tell-Tale Heart / William Wilson)
El gato negro y otros cuentos (Black Cat / Fall of the House of Usher / Masque of the Red Death / Murders in the Rue Morgue / Pit and the Pendulum / Purloined Letter)
Thirteen Classic Short Stories
Arthur Gordon Pym, Benito Cereno, and related writings
Isaac Asimov Presents the Best Science Fiction of the 19th Century
Selected Tales and Poems (Annabel Lee / Berenice / Black Cat / Cask of Amontillado / Dream-Land / Fall of the House of Usher / Pit and the Pendulum / Raven / Tell-Tale Heart / Ulalume)
The Compact Bedford Introduction to Literature--Eighth Edition
Histoires extraordinaires d'Edgar A. Poe (Balloon-Hoax / Descent Into the Maelstrom / Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar / Gold-Bug / Ligeia / Mesmeric Revelation / Metzengerstein / Morella / Ms. Found in a Bottle / Murders in the Rue Morgue / Mystery of Marie Roget / Philosophy of Composition / Purloined Letter / Tale of the Ragged Mountains / Unparalleled Adventure of One Hans Pfaall)
Tales of Poe (Cask of Amontillado / Descent Into the Maelstrom / Fall of the House of Usher / Murders in the Rue Morgue / Pit and the Pendulum / Purloined Letter / Some Words with a Mummy / Sphinx / William Wilson)
Tales and Poems
The Fall of the House of Usher (adaptation)
Prentice Hall Literature--Bronze
Cuentos (Black Cat / Cask of Amontillado / Fall of the House of Usher / Gold-Bug / Murders in the Rue Morgue / Mystery of Marie Roget / Purloined Letter/ Tell-Tale Heart)
Weird Tales (Assignation / Berenice / Black Cat / Eleonora / Fall of the House of Usher / Gold-Bug / Ligeia / Murders in the Rue Morgue / Oval Portrait / Pit and the Pendulum / Shadow / Silence / Tell-Tale Heart / Thou Art the Man)
Cuentos imprescindibles
Old World Romances (Assignation / Cask of Amontillado / Hop-Frog / Masque of the Red Death / Metzengerstein / Pit and the Pendulum / Tale of the Ragged Mountains)
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--Readers Companion--Silver Level
Relatos cortos de terror
Reader's Companion--Bronze Level
The Best Ghost Stories Ever
HISTORIAS ESTRAORDINARIAS (Black Cat / Cask of Amontillado / Four Beasts in One / Gold-Bug / Imp of the Perverse / Lionizing / Man of the Crowd / Oval Portrait / Premature Burial / Some Words with a Mummy / Tell-Tale Heart / Unparalleled Adventure of One Hans Pfaall / William Wilson)
Le chat noir et autres nouvelles (Black Cat / Fall of the House of Usher / Masque of the Red Death / Metzengerstein / Oval Portrait / Pit and the Pendulum / System of Dr. Tarr and Prof. Fether / Tell-Tale Heart)
Great Classic Mysteries II
Detectives A to Z [26 stories]
Great American Short Stories
Short Stories (Cask of Amontillado / Fall of the House of Usher / Gold-Bug / Masque of the Red Death / Murders in the Rue Morgue / Mystery of Marie Roget / Pit and the Pendulum / Purloined Letter)
The Anthology of Ghost Stories
Murder Most Postal
10 Creepiest Stories (Black Cat / Cask of Amontillado / Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar / Fall of the House of Usher / Hop-Frog / Masque of the Red Death / Murders in the Rue Morgue / Pit and the Pendulum / Raven / Tell-Tale Heart)
Novelas y Cuentos (Berenice / Cask of Amontillado / Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar / Four Beasts in One / Hop-Frog / Ligeia / Masque of the Red Death / Murders in the Rue Morgue / Mystery of Marie Roget / Oval Portrait / Pit and the Pendulum / Purloined Letter / System of Dr. Tarr and Prof. Fether)
Horror Stories
Achievements in Fiction
Perrine's Story and Structure--Tenth Edition
Narraciones extraordinarias
Edgar Allan Poe's Tales (Cask of Amontillado / Descent into the Maelstrom / Gold Bug / Masque of the Red Death / Murders in the Rue Morgue / Mystery of Marie Roget / Pit and the Pendulum)
Mystery Tales (Black Cat / Fall of the House of Usher / Gold-Bug / Ligeia / Masque of the Red Death / Murders in the Rue Morgue / Oval Portrait / Purloined Letter / William Wilson)
America's Literature
The Sophisticated Cat
Classic Poe (Bells / Black Cat / Cask of Amontillado / Fall of the House of Usher / Murders in the Rue Morgue / Raven / Tell-Tale Heart)
The Works of Edgar Allan Poe in Ten Volumes - Volume Seven - Tales-Fantasy and Extravaganza
Historias Extraordinarias (Black Cat / Cask of Amontillado / Descent Into the Maelstrom / Gold-Bug / Ligeia / Metzengerstein / Murders in the Rue Morgue / Pit and the Pendulum / Tell-Tale Heart / Unparalleled Adventure of One Hans Pfaall / William Wilson)
The Black Cat and Other Stories (Black Cat / Fall of the House of Usher / Imp of the Perverse / Masque of the Red Death / Pit and the Pendulum / William Wilson)
Ghosts and Ghouls
These Will Chill You
Derniers Contes
The Harbrace Anthology of Short Fiction -- Fourth Edition
Terrifying Tales by Edgar Allan Poe (Cask of the Amontillado / Fall of the House of Usher / Masque of the Red Death / Murders in the Rue Morgue / Pit and the Pendulum / Purloined Letter / Tell Tale Heart)
Edgar Allan Poe Volume I (Pit and the Pendulum / Sleeper / Tell-Tale Heart)
The Great English Short-Story Writers, Volume 1
The Scary Short Story Collection (Berenice / Black Cat / Cask of Amontillado / Hop Frog / Imp of the Perverse / Pit and the Pendulum / Raven / Tell-Tale Heart)
Twice-Told Tales
Prentice Hall Literature
Scary Stories
Tales (Cask of Amontillado / Descent Into the Maelstrom / Fall of the House of Usher / Gold Bug / Ligeia / Masque of the Red Death / Murders in the Rue Morgue / Pit and the Pendulum / Purloined Letter / William Wilson)
Tales of Mystery and Imagination [13 stories]
Narraciones extraordinarias (Black Cat / Cask of Amontillado / Fall of the House of Usher / Ligeia / Masque of the Red Death / Murders in the Rue Morgue / Mystery of Marie Roget / Pit and the Pendulum / Purloined Letter / Tell-Tale Heart)
Great Classic Horror
El Gato Negro y Otros Cuentos de Horror (Black Cat / Cask of Amontillado / Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar / Fall of the House of Usher / Hop-Frog / Masque of the Red Death / Pit and the Pendulum / Tell Tale Heart)
The American Short Story [59 stories]
A study of the short story
Gateway to Mystery Stories
Detective, Mystery, Crime, and Horror Books on CD
Masters of the Macabre
The Realm of Fiction - 61 Short Stories
The Science Fiction of Edgar Allan Poe
The 5th Fontana Book of Great Horror Stories
Tales of Mystery and Terror [adaptation]
The Prose Tales of Edgar Allan Poe - Second Series (Berenice / Devil in the Belfry / Domain of Arnheim / Duc de L'omelette / Eleonora / King Pest / Landor's Cottage / Ligeia / Lionizing / Metzengerstein / Morella / Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym ​/ Oblong Box / Spectacles / Tale of the Ragged Mountains / Three Sundays in a Week / William Wilson)
Master's Choice - Volume II
Fireside Reader
Fireside Al's Treasury of Classic Stories
The Man Without a Country and Other Stories
Victorian Tales of Mystery and Detection
Ιστορίες αλλόκοτες (Assignation / Hop-Frog / Imp of the Perverse / Ligia / Pit and the Pendulum / Premature Burial / System of Dr. Tarr and Prof. Fether / Tell-Tale Heart)
Great Ghost Stories
Three Tales of Horror
Don Quixote / Plutarch's Lives / The Republic / The Canturbury Tales / The Cask of Amontillado / Letter of application to the Duke of Milan / Denunciation of the conspiracy against Dreyfus
Treasury of Great Short Stories
The Carolina reader--writing about literature 2008
Historias Extraordinarias
The Personal Poe Collection (Annabel Lee / Berenice / Black Cat / Cask of Amontillado / Hop-Frog / Masque of the Red Death / Pit and the Pendulum / Raven / System of Dr. Tarr and Prof. Fether / Tell-Tale Heart)
Visions of Darkness (Cask of Amontillado / Masque of the Red Death / Oval Portrait / Raven / Tell-Tale Heart / To Helen)
Adventures in Reading -- Volume 1-- Short Stories
Storie incredibili (Berenice / Colloquy of Monos and Una / Descent Into the Maelstrom / Fall of the House of Usher / Ligeia / Man of the Crowd / Masque of the Red Death / Morella / Shadow / Silence / Tell-Tale Heart / William Wilson)
The Works of Edgar Allan Poe - Tales - Volume I (Assignation / Berenice / Bon-Bon / Conversation of Eiros and Charmion / Descent into the Maelstrom / Devil in the Belfry / Duc De L'Omelette / Fall of the House of Usher / Four Beasts in One / How to Write a Blackwood Article / King Pest / Ligeia / Lionizing / Loss of Breath / Man That Was Used Up / Metzengerstein / Morella / MS. Found in a Bottle / Predicament / Shadow / Silence / Tale of Jerusalem / Unparalleled Adventures of One Hans Pfaall / William Wilson)
Great Mystery Collection
American Short Stories
Roger Caras' Treasury of Great Cat Stories
One Dark Night
Elements of Literature - Third Canadian Edition
Steampunk Poe (Balloon-Hoax / Bells / City in the Sea / Conqueror Worm / Dream Within a Dream / Fall of the House of Usher / Masque of the Red Death / Murders in the Rue Morgue / Raven / Spectacles / System of Dr. Tarr and Prof. Fether / Tell-Tale Heart / To Helen)
Specimens of the Short Story
Famous Tales of Mystery and Horror
Classic American Short Stories
The American Landscape
Short Stories
The Best American Tales
Isaac Asimov Presents the Best Science Fiction Firsts
Noveelen des todes (Black Cat / Descent Into the Maelstrom / Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar / Fall of the House of Usher / Man of the Crowd / Masque of the Red Death / Tell-Tale Heart)
Great Classic Mysteries
The Arbor House celebrity book of horror stories
A book of the short story
Classic Victorian & Edwardian Ghost Stories
Great Tales of Horror & the Supernatural
Horror Classics
The Best of Poe (adaptation)
The Harbrace Anthology of Short Fiction -- Second Edition
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--Reader's Companion--Copper Level
The Thousand-and-Second Tale of Scheherazade
The Imp of the Perverse
An Edgar Allan Poe Reader
Sterling Stories
The Short Story
Tales of Terror and Detection (Ms. Found in a Bottle / Mystery of Marie Roget / Oblong Box / Purloined Letter / William Wilson)
The Elements of the Short Story
Great Tales of Terror (Black Cat / Cask of Amontillado / Fall of the House of Usher / Ligeia / Pit and the Pendulum)
The Penguin Book of American Short Stories
The United States in Literature
The Bedford Introduction to Literature--Reading, Thinking, Writing--Sixth Edition
The Tales and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe in Six Volumes - Vol. V - Miscellaneous Tales (Domain of Arnheim / Four Beasts in One / Hop-Frog / Journal of Julius Rodman / Landor's Cottage / Murders in the Rue Morgue / Mystery of Marie Roget / Premature Burial / Purloined Letter / Sphinx / Thou Art the Man)
Cuentos (2) (Cask of Amontillado / Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar / Mystery of Marie Roget / Purloined Letter)
Forebodings [5 stories]
Kriminal-novellen (Black Cat / Descent Into the Maelstrom / Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar / Fall of the House of Usher / Gold-Bug / Ligeia / Morella / Murders in the Rue Morgue / Purloined Letter / Unparalleled Adventure of One Hans Pfaall / William Wilson)
The Lighthouse Horrors
The Man of the Crowd
Selected Tales
Short Stories (Black Cat / Cask of Amontillado / Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar / Fall of the House of Usher / Ligeia / Masque of the Red Death / Pit and the Pendulum / Premature Burial / Raven / Tell-Tale Heart)
My Favorite Horror Story
Classic Short Stories
Mystery Cats
The raven, The fall of the house of Usher, and other poems and tales
Ghost Stories
The American Short Story
The Works of Edgar Allan Poe - Ten Vols. in Five - Volume Four - Tales--Fantasy and Extravaganza/Humor
Relatos de terror (Black Cat / Cask of Amontillado / Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar / Hop-Frog / Masque of the Red Death / Pit and the Pendulum / Tell-Tale Heart)
Le chat noir et autres contes fantastiques (Black Cat / Masque of the Red Death / Metzengerstein / William Wilson)
Stories New and Old
Stories and Poems for Extremely Intelligent Children of All Ages
Stories of the Macabre (Bells / Berenice / Black Cat / Cask of Amontillado / Fall of the House of Usher / Man That Was Used Up / Raven / Tell Tale Heart)
Short Stories (Murders in the Rue Morgue / Purloined Letter)
El Gato Negro Y Otros Cuentos (Berenice / Black Cat / Cask of Amontillado / Man of the Crowd / Pit and the Pendulum / Premature Burial / Tell-Tale Heart)
Complete Tales and Poems (Penguin Classics)
Ne pariez jamais votre tête au diable et autres contes non traduits par Baudelaire (Assignation / Bon-Bon / Business Man / Diddling / Duke de L’Omelette / How to Write a Blackwood Article / Light-House / Literary Life of Thingum Bob, Esq / Loss of Breath / Man that was Used Up / Mellonta Tauta / Morning on the Wissahiccon / Mystification / Never Bet the Devil Your Head / Oblong Box / Premature Burial / Spectacles / Sphinx / Thou Art the Man / Thousand-and-Second Tale of Scheherazade / Three Sundays in a Week / Von Kempelen and His Discovery / Why the Little Frenchman Wears His Hand in a Sling / X-ing a Paragrab)
Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque - In Two Volumes - Vol. II (Berenice / Conversation of Eiros and Charmion / Epimanes / Loss of Breath / Metzengerstein / Siope / Tale of Jerusalem / Unparalleled Adventure of One Hans Pfaall / Visionary / Von Jung / Why the Little Frenchman Wears His Hand in a Sling)
El corazón delator y otros relatos (Cask of Amontillado / Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar / Masque of the Red Death)
Histoires grotesques et sérieuses (Angel of the Odd / Domain of Arnheim / Eleonora / Landor's Cottage / Mystery of Marie Roget / System of Dr. Tarr and Prof. Fether / Tale of Jerusalem)
Cuentos I [33 stories]
Seven American Short Stories
Classic Horror Stories
The Unparalleled Adventure of One Hans Pfaall
Graphic Classics, Special Edition
Creepy Stories
Clasicos de Suspenso y de Terror - 2 Cassette
The World's One Hundred Best Stories
Prose Works - Selections
Short Stories (Murders in the Rue Morgue / Mystery of Marie Roget / Purloined Letter)
The Portable Edgar Allan Poe
The Poetry of Edgar Allen Poe
Classic Crime Stories
The Works of Edgar Allan Poe - Vol. III
Ligeia und andere Novellen / Sieben Gedichte (Annabel Lee / Bells / Berenice / City in the Sea / Coliseum / Domain of Arnheim / Eleonora / Island of the Fay / Landor's Cottage / Ligeia / Morella / Raven / Tamerlaine / Ulalume)
40 Short Stories -- Sixth Edition
The Book of the Dead
Tales of Mystery and Imagination - Level 5
Short Stories (Murders in the Rue Morgue / Mystery of Marie Roget)
Familiar poems, annotated
Librivox Short Story Collection 051
Great Classic Stories II
Short Stories (Black Cat / Cask of Amontillado / Fall of the House of Usher / Pit and the Pendulum)
The Assignation and Other Tales
Clasicos de Terror III
Selections from the critical writings of Edgar Allan Poe
Short Stories (Gold-Bug / Murders in the Rue Morgue)
The Black Cat and Other Stories - Level 3
Tales of Illusion (Mystification / Oblong Box / Premature Burial / Spectacles / Sphinx / System of Dr. Tarr and Prof. Fether)
The Oxford book of American detective stories
The Family read-aloud Christmas treasury
Creepy Classics
Tales (Business Man / Colloquy of Monos and Una / Conversation of Eiros and Charmion / Descent Into the Maelstrom / Eleonora / Island of the Fay / Journal of Julius Rodman / Man of the Crowd / Masque of the Red Death / Murders in the Rue Morgue / Mystification / Never Bet the Devil Your Head / Oval Portrait / Three Sundays in a Week / Why the Little Frenchman Wears His Hand in a Sling)
The works of the late Edgar Allan Poe
Narraciones Extraordinarias - 4a Seleccion (Black Cat / Eleonora / Island of the Fay / Ligeia / Morella / Never Bet the Devil Your Head / Three Sundays in a Week / Von Kemplen and His Discovery)
Lovecrafts dunkle Idole 02. Das rote Zimmer
Short Stories (Berenice / Fall of the House of Usher / Ligeia / Morella / Oval Portrait)
Die Maske des roten Todes und andere Geschichten (Black Cat / Fall of the House of Usher / Hop-Frog / Masque of the Red Death / Murders in the Rue Morgue / Oval Portrait)
The fall of the House of Usher and other stories
Tales (Black Cat / Facts in the Case of M Valdemar / Fall of the House of Usher / Gold Bug / Masque of the Red Death / Murders in the Rue Morgue / Pit and the Pendulum)
Poe (Assignation / Black Cat / Cask of Amontillado / Fall of the House of Usher / Ligeia / Ms. Found in a Bottle)
Greatest Short Stories [2/6] -- American
Light Princess and Other Stories to Die For
Short Stories (Gold-Bug / Murders in the Rue Morgue / Mystery of Marie Roget / Purloined Letter / Thou Art the Man)
Edgar Allan Poe's Erzählungen (Descent Into the Maelstrom / Gold-Bug / Man of the Crowd / Murders in the Rue Morgue / Mystery of Marie Roget / Oblong Box / Premature Burial / Purloined Letter / Some Words with a Mummy / Spectacles / Tale of the Ragged Mountains / Thou Art the Man)
The Poems
Forgotten Tales (Morella / Oblong Box / Oval Portrait / Premature Burial / Shadow / Spectacles / Sphinx)
The experience of literature
Librivox Short Story Collection 007
Le chat noir et autres nouvelles (Black Cat / Colloquy of Monos and Una / Conversation of Euros and Charm Ion / Descent Into the Maelstrom / Imp of the Perverse / Loss of Breath / Ms. Found in a Bottle / Pit and the Pendulum)
A Book of Short Stories
Dramatic Reading Scene & Story Collection - Volume 2
Edgar Allan Poe (adaptation)
Los mejores relatos de terror
Tales of Terror
Librivox Short Story Collection 034
Maxon's Poe (Bells / Cask of Amontillado / Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar / Masque of the Red Death / Pit and the Pendulum / Raven / Tell-Tale Heart)
A Shocking Accident
Seven Masterpieces of Gothic Horror
Mystery Theatre. Volume 1
The Works of Edgar Allan Poe in Ten Volumes - Volume V - Tales of Adventure and Exploration V (Journal of Julius Rodman / Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym)
Works (Annabel Lee / Bells / Descent Into the Maelstrom / Fall of the House of Usher / Israfel / Lenore / Masque of the Red Death / Raven / Shadow / To Helen / To One in Paradise / Ulalume)
The Raven & Other Tales (Black Cat / Fall of the House of Usher / Masque of the Red Death / Raven / System of Dr. Tarr and Prof. Fether)
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--Gold Level
Le Veston ensorcelé et autres nouvelles inquiétantes
The experience of literature
The Arbor House treasury of mystery and suspense
Seltsame Geschichten (Balloon-Hoax / Descent into the Maelström / Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar / Gold-Bug / Murders in the Rue Morgue / Mystery of Marie Roget / Purloined Letter / Tell-Tale Heart)
Los Crimenes de La Rue Morgue y Otros Relatos (Black Cat / Cask of Amontillado / Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar / Ms. Found in a Bottle / Murders in the Rue Morgue / Premature Burial / Purloined Letter)
Ligeia und Andere Novellen (Berenice / Domain of Arnheim / Eleonora / Island of the Fay / Landor's Cottage / Ligeia / Morella)
Selected Works of Edgar Allan Poe (Cask of Amontillado / Pit and the Pendulum / Raven / Tell-Tale Heart)
6 nouvelles fantastiques (Black Cat / Fall of the House of Usher / Ligeia / Masque of the Red Death / Metzengerstein / William Wilson)
Complete Works of Edgar Allen Poe
Tales of Mystery and Imagination [29 stories]
The Black Cat and Other Tales (Descent Into the Maelstrom / Black Cat / Cask of Amontillado / Murders in the Rue Morgue / Pit and the Pendulum / Raven)
Mystery Hall of Fame
American Short Stories
The Letters of Edgar Allan Poe
Closed on Account of Rabies [9 stories, 4 poems]
The conchologist's first book, or, a system of testaceous malacology
La chute de la Maison Usher et autres histoires
The Oxford Book of American Essays
Feline Felonies
Crime Stories
An Edgar Allan Poe Reader [adaptation]
The Best Crime Stories Ever Told
Campfire Legends
TALES OF THE GROTESQUE AND ARABESQUE - In Two Volumes - Vol. I (Bon-Bon / Devil in the Belfry / Duc de L’omelette / Fall of the House of Usher / King Pest / Ligeia / Lionizing / Man That Was Used Up / Morella / Ms. Found in a Bottle / Scythe of Time / Shadow / Signora Zenobia / William Wilson)
The Saturday Evening Post Treasury
Poe (Black Cat / Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar / Oblong Box / Premature Burial / System of Dr. Tarr an Prof. Fether)
La mosca de Virgilio
Los Mejores Relatos Marinos
The Bells
Tales of Terror (Cask of Amontillado / Facts in the Case of M. Valedemar / Fall of the House of Usher / Masque of the Red Death / Pit and the Pendulum / Tell-Tale Heart)
The Works of Edgar Allan Poe - Tales - Volume II
The Literature of the American Renaissance
Great American Ghost Stories
Reader's Digest Best Loved Books for Young Readers--Volume Six
El escarabajo de oro y otros relatos (Gold-Bug / Murders in the Rue Morgue / Pit and the Pendulum / William Wilson)
The Gold-Bug and Other Tales (Fall of the House of Usher / Gold-Bug / MS. Found in a Bottle / Pit and the Pendulum / Sphinx / Tell-Tale Heart)
The Gift
Heart Throbs: In Prose and Verse
The Bells and Other Poems (Annabel Lee / Bells / Dreams / Dream within a Dream / Eulalie / Haunted Palace / Lenore / Raven / Sonnet—Silence / To Helen / To one in Paradise)
The Raven and Three Tales of Terror (Cask of Amontillado / Masque of the Red Death / Raven / Tell-Tale Heart)
Terrors, Terrors, Terrors
Trois histoires extraordinaires (Black Cat / Fall of the House of Usher / Pit and the Pendulum)
E. A. Poe's Novellen von der liebe (Berenice / Eleonora / Leonainie / Ligeia / Morella / Oval Portrait)
Basil Rathbone Reads Edgar Allan Poe (Cask of Amontillado / Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar / Pit and the Pendulum)
The Prose Tales of Edgar Allan Poe - Second Series
Three Thrillers from Poe, Master of Horror (Fall of the House of Usher / Pit and the Pendulum / Tell-Tale Heart)
The Complete Works of Edgar Allan Poe - Tales - Volume I
Sci-Fi Horror Stories
Types of the Short Story
Tales to Make Your Skin Crawl (Black Cat / Cask of Amontillado / Fall of the House of Usher / Masque of Red Death)
The Fall of the House of Usher and Other Stories (Fall of the House of Usher / Man in the Crowd / Masque of the Red Death / Murders in the Rue Morgue / Oval Portrait / Tell-Tale Heart)
Adventures in Air (Mellonta tauta / Unparalleled adventure of one Hans Pfaall)
Cuentos de terror
Maelzel's Chess Player
The Complete Works of Edgar Allan Poe - Prose Tales - Volume One
Pit and the Pendulum and Other Stories - Level 2
Short Stories
The Masque of the Red Death and Other Stories
Das verräterische Herz - 13 Erzählungen
The Works of the Late Edgar Allan Poe in Four Volumes - III - The Literati
Histoires extraordinaires (Balloon-Hoax / Berenice / Black Cat / Cask of Amontillado / Colloquy of Monos and Una / Conversation of Eiros and Charmi / Descent into the Maelström / Devil in the Belfry / Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar / Fall of the House of Usher / Four Beasts in One / Gold-Bug / Hop-Frog / King Pest / Ligeia / Lionizing / Man of the Crowd / Masque of the Red Death / Mesmeric Revelation / Metzengerstein / Morella / MS. Found in a Bottle / Murders in the Rue Morgue / Oval Portrait / Pit and the Pendulum / Power of Words / Purloined Letter / Shadow / SilenceIsland of the Fay / Some Words with a Mummy / Tale of the Ragged Mountains / Tell-Tale Heart / Unparalleled Adventure of One Hans Pfaall / William Wilson)
Short Stories Old and New
Great Tales of Madness and the Macabre
Racconti [55 stories]
The Oxford Book of Sea Stories
Silence — A Fable
The Murders in the Rue Morgue and Other Tales (Fall of the House of Usher / Gold Bug / Murders in the Rue Morgue / Mystery of Marie Roget / Purloined Letter)
Histoires Extraordinaires
The Journal of Julius Rodman
Mystery Tales (Furnished Room / Lost Hearts / Tell-Tale Heart)
Edgar Allan Poe
Poems by Edgar Allan Poe - Complete
Tales of Madness (Cask of Amontillade / Fall of the House of Usher / Ligeia / Pit and the Pendulum / Premature Burial / Raven / Tell-Tale Heart)
Great Detective Stories
Essays and reviews
The Works of Edgar Allan Poe in Ten Volumes - Volume Eight - TALES—HUMOR (Business Man / Devil in the Belfry / Lionizing / Loss or Breath / Man That Was Used Up / Mystification / Never Bet the Devil Your Head / Spectacles / System of Dr. Tarr and Prof. Fether / Three Sundays in a Week / Why the Little Frenchman Wears His Hand in a Sling / X-Ing a Paragrab)
Histoires grotesques et sérieuses (Angel of the Odd / Domain of Arnheim / Eleonora / Landor's Cottage / Maelzel's Chess Player / Mystery of Marie Roget / Philosophy of Furniture / System of Dr. Tarr and Prof. Fether / Tale of Jerusalem)
The Complete Works of Edgar Allan Poe - Volume IV - Tales
The Poetical Works of Edgar Allan Poe, Complete
Double assassinat dans la rue Morgue et La lettre volée (adaptation)
Thrillers and More Thrillers
Clasicos de Misterio [5 stories]
The Complete Poems of Edgar Allan Poe
Short Stories (Fall of the House of Usher / Imp of the Perverse)
The Winchester Reader
Introduction to Literature, Stories -- third edition
The Works of Edgar Allan Poe - Vol. II - Tales-continued
Charles Keeping's Book of Classic Ghost Stories
The Gold Bug and Other Stories (adaptation)
El escarabajo de oro y otros cuentos (Descent Into the Maelstrom / Gold-Bug / Landor's Cottage / Philosophy of Composition / Shadow / System of Dr. Tarr and Prof. Feather)
Scary Stories
The Works of Edgar Allan Poe in Ten Volumes - Volume III - Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque III (Gold-Bug / Murders in the Rue Morgue / Mystery of Marie Roget / Mystification / Oblong Box / Premature Burial / Purloined Letter / Spectacles / Sphinx / System of Dr. Tarr and Prof. Fether / Thou Art the Man)
Chamber of Horrors
Short Stories (Gold-Bug / Murders in the Rue Morgue / Mystery of Marie Roget / Purloined Letter)
Contes étranges / La tragique aventure du mime properce / L'étrange Aventure de M. Hoopdriver
Six Tales (Fall of the House of Usher / Gold-Bug / Murders in the Rue Morgue / Mystery of Marie Roget / Oblong Box / Pit and the Pendulum)
Purr-Fect Crime
Short Stories -- Classic, Modern, Contemporary
The Moral of the Story
Tales of Mystery and Imagination
The poets and poetry of America
The Tell-tale heart and other stories
La Ruina De La Casa De Los Usher Y Otros Cuentos Terrorificos (Black Cat / Fall of the House of Usher / Ms. Found in a Bottle / Purloined Letter / Tell-Tale Heart)
The Masterworks of Edgar Allan Poe (Annabelle Lee / Bells / Descent Into the Maelstrom / Eldorado / Unparalleled Adventure of One Hans Pfaall)
Le chat noir et autres nouvelles (Black Cat / Masque of the Red Death / Oval Portrait / Sphinx / System of Dr. Tarr and Prof. Fether)
The Domain of Arnheim
Narraciones Extraordinarias
The best horror stories
The complete stories
Cinco Cuentos de Mujeres (Berenice / Eleonora / How to Write a Blackwood Article / Oblong Box / Predicament)
Classic Gothic Horror Collection
El gato negro y otros relatos de terror (Black Cat / Pit and the Pendulum / Premature Burial)
100 Hair Raising Little Horror Stories
The Oblong Box
Great Classic Ghost Stories
The Edgar Allan Poe Collection
The gold bug, The purloined letter, and other tales (Eleonora / Gold-Bug / Purloined Letter / Tell-Tale Heart)
The Complete Illustrated Works of Edgar Allan Poe
The Oblong Box & other Tales of the Uncanny
Creepy Classics II
More Classics to Read Aloud to Your Children
The stories of Edgar Allan Poe
Narraciones Extraordinarias (Cask of Amontillado / Descent Into the Maelstrom / Murders in the Rue Morgue / Mystery of Marie Roget / Tell-Tale Heart)
Murders in the Rue Morgue and Other Stories (Cask of Amontillado / Gold-Bug / Murders in the Rue Morgue / Mystery of Marie Roget / Pit and the Pendulum / Purloined Letter)
The complete works of Edgar Allan Poe
Der Doppelmord in der Rue Morgue, und andere Verbrechergeschichten
Never Bet the Devil Your Head
Narraciones extraordinarias (I) (Descent Into the Maelstrom / Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar / Gold-Bug / Ms. Found in a Bottle / Murders in the Rue Morgue / Mystery of Marie Roget)
Works (Bells / Fall of the House of Usher / Haunted Palace / Tell-Tale Heart)
The Conversation of Eiros and Charmion
Librivox Short Story Collection 046
Four Classic Horror Stories
Librivox Short Story Collection 021
The Complete Works of Edgar Allan Poe - Volume X - Miscellany
Tales (Balloon-Hoax / Black Cat / Gold-Bug / Purloined Letter)
The Fall of the House of Usher (adaptation)
The Premature Burial
Clásicos de terror
The Works of Edgar Allan Poe in Ten Volumes - Volume VI - Literary Criticism I
Collected Tales, Poems, and Other Writings of Edgar Allan Poe [26 stories, 13 poems, etc.]
The Works of Edgar Allan Poe, Vol. II
Short Stories (Cask of Amontillado / Tell-Tale Heart)
Edgar Allan Poe Volume II (Cask of Amontillado / Masque of the Red Death  / Silence)
Los mejores relatos de terror llevados al cine
Haunted Stories
The System of Dr. Tarr and Prof. Fether
A Medley of Murders
Poems and Tales of Edgar Allan Poe (Cask of Amontillado / Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar / Pit and the Pendulum)
A Variety of Short Stories
Cuentos imprescindibles (Angel of the Odd / Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar / Man That Was Used Up / Masque of the Red Death / Oval Portrait / Pit and the Pendulum / Sphinx)
Poe's Detective (Murders in the Rue Morgue / Mystery of Marie Roget / Purloined Letter / Thou Art the Man)
Breve Antologia De Cunentos Policiales
Tales of Mystery and Horror - Vol. I (Black Cat / Gold-Bug / Ligeia / Murders in the Rue Morgue / Mystery of Marie Roget)
Historias de Detectives
Stories of Cats We Love
The Works of Edgar Allan Poe
Tales of terror & suspense [adaptation]
Cuentos clásicos del Norte
The Tales and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe in Four Volumes - Vol. III - ARTHUR GORDON PYM AND OTHER TALES (Domain of Arnheim / Landor's Cottage / Murders in the Rue Morgue / Mystery of Marie Roget / Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym / Purloined Letter)
Great Tales of Mystery and Suspense
Edgar Allan Poe
The Mystery of Marie Roget
Tales of Mystery and Imagination [23 stories]
The World Anthology
Great Short Stories [sample book]
American short stories (2)
The Works of Edgar Allan Poe - Volume III - Tales
More Stories by Poe
Short Stories (King Pest / Pit and the Pendulum / Some Words With a Mummy)
The Colloquy of Monos and Una
The Complete Poetical Works of Edgar Allan Poe with three essays on poetry
Classic American Short Stories
Stories of Mystery and Suspense (adaptation)
Complete Works of Edgar Allan Poe - 10 Volumes - Volume II - Tales
Stories and poems
The Exham Cycle
Masterworks and Science Fiction of Edgar Allan Poe (Annabelle Lee / Bells / Descent Into the Maelstrom / Eldorado / Ms. Found in a Bottle / Some Words with a Mummy / Tale of the Rugged Mountains / Thousand and Second Tale of Scheherazade / Unparalleled Adventure of One Hans Pfaall)
The Works of Edgar Allan Poe - Volume I (Four Beasts in One / Gold-Bug / Unparalleled Adventure of One Hans Pfaall)
Poe - Collected Stories and Poems (Annabel Lee / Bells / Black Cat / Cask of Amontillado / Fall of the House of Usher / Man of the Crowd / MS. Found in a Bottle / Man Who Was Used Up / Pit and the Pendulum / Raven / Sleeper / System of Dr. Tarr and Prof. Feather / Tell-Tale Heart)
La Novela Breve (Black Cat / Pit and the Pendulum / Tell-Tale Heart)
American Classic Collection (Birthmark / Gift of the Magi / Masque of the Red Death / Yellow Wallpaper)
The Phoenix Pick Anthology of Classic Science Fiction Stories
Relatos comicos (Angel of the Odd / Businessman / How to Write a Blackwood Tale / Lionizing / Loss of Breath / Man of the Crowd / Predicament / System of Dr. Tarr and Prof. Fether)
Selected Tales
The Works of Edgar Allan Poe - Vol. IV
Haunted House Classics
Pioneers of Science Fiction and Adventure
Greatest Short Stories [1/8]
Nouvelles Histoires Extraordinaires
Tales by Edgar Allan Poe (Black Cat / Cask of Amontillado / Gold-Bug / Tell-Tale Heart)
Tantalizing locked room mysteries
Horror Story
Tales of Edgar Allan Poe
In the Grip of Terror
Complete Works of Edgar Allen Poe
Zwei Erzählungen (Cask of Amontillado / Masque of the Red Death)
X-Ing A Paragrab
Modern Masterpieces of Short Prose Fiction
The Complete Edgar Allan Poe - Tales
Great Conversations 2
Short Stories (Black Cat / Gold-Bug)
Two Tales (Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar / Hop-Frog)
La chute de la Maison Usher et autres nouvelles (Berenice / Fall of the House of Usher / MS. Found in a Bottle / William Wilson)
The raven & other poems and tales
Comedies and Satires
El Cuervo y Otros Poemas
Von Kempelen and His Discovery
Death in Dixie
Literary theory and criticism
Prose tales
The Complete Works of Edgar Allan Poe - 2- Tales (Assignation / Berenice / Bon-Bon / Duc de L'omelette / Four Beasts in One / King Pest / Lionizing / Loss of Breath / Metzengerstein / Morella / Ms. Found in a Bottle / Narrative of A. Gordon Pym / Shadow / Tale of Jerusalem / Unparalleled Adventure of One Hans Pfaall)
10 Relatos de Terror
Thou Art the Man
Short Stories (Berenice / Purloined Letter)
Behind the Mask - Tales from the Id (Things In The Well)
Masterpieces of Mystery in Four Volumes - Detective Stories
Short Stories (Gold-Bug / Purloined Letter)
Poe Masterpieces (Fall of the House of Usher / Pit and the Pendulum)
Cuentos fantásticos del XIX
The Complete Poems of Edgar Allan Poe [54 poems, 6 stories, 3 essays]
Short Stories (Black Cat / Devil in the Belfry / Gold-Bug / Tell-Tale Heart)
Tales of Mystery and Imagination Retold by Henniker
MS. Found in a Bottle
Collection Set of Stories That Stick
Four American Poems - Vier amerikanische Gedichte
Red Sky
Edgar Allan Poe's Complete Poetical Works
The Tell-Tale Heart and Other Tales
Two Tales of Terror (Masque of the Red Death / Tell-Tale Heart)
Histoires extraordinaires / Nouvelles histoires extraordinaires
The raven, and other poems [8 poems, 1 essay]
Phantastische Erzählungen
Cuentos, 2 [34 stories]
The centenary Poe
Seven Stories of Mystery and Horror (adaptaion)
The Works of Edgar Allan Poe in Ten Volumes - Volume II - Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque II
Todos Los Cuentos/ All the Stories
The Works of Edgar Allan Poe in Ten Volumes - Volume Nine - Essays-Philosophy (Colloquy of Monos and Una / Conversation of Eiros and Charmion / Eureka / Philosophy of Furniture / Power of Words)
The Tales and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe in Six Volumes - Vol. II - Tales of Imagination / Tales of Humor
Muse anthology of modern poetry
Works of Edgar Allan Poe - Volume 4
Collected Works - Stories and Poems
Selected Works of Edgar Allan Poe
The Murders in the Rue Morgue and Other Tales
Amazing Stories - Vol. 1 No. 4
Fantasías femeninas de Edgar Allan Poe (Berenice / Eleonora / Ligeia / Morella)
Best Loved Works of Edgar Allan Poe
Amazing Stories - Vol. 3 No. 2
Relatos de vampiros
Best Stories of Edgar Allan Poe
Gothic Horror Short Stories
Murders in the Rue Morgue, and Other Tales
Edgar Allan Poe - Die besten Geschichten
Great American Short Stories Volume III
The Murders in the Rue Morgue and other Mysteries (Gold-Bug / Murders in the Rue Morgue / Mystery of Marie Roget / Oblong Box / Purloined Letter / Spectacles / System of Dr. Tarr and Prof. Feather / Thou Art the Man)
Morella (Morella / Shadow / Silence)
Some letters of Edgar Allan Poe to E.H.N. Patterson of Oquawka, Illinois
The best American humorous short stories
Heavy Weather
The Poems of Edgar Allan Poe with an essay on his poetry
The Gold-Bug and Other Tales (Black Cat / Gold-Bug / Pit and the Pendulum)
Poesia e prosa, obras completas
The Cask of Amontillado - Level One
Classic Stories
Treasury of Animal Stories
The InterActive Reader
The Works of Edgar Allan Poe in Ten Volumes - Volume IX - Eureka, and Miscellanies
Mysterious Erotic Tales
3 Famous Mysteries
Librivox Short Mystery Story Collection Vol. 003
Short stories
Thirteen tales of terror
An hour with Edgar Allan Poe (Berenice / Cask of Amontillado / Ligeia / Tell-Tale Heart)
The black cat and selected works
John Henry Ingram's Poe collection at the University of Virginia
Listen & read Edgar Allan Poe's The Raven and other favorite poems [5 poems]
The Works of Edgar Allan Poe - Literary Criticism II - On novels, essays, and travels. Marginalia
Kara Kedi
American Fiction
Contes grotesques (Bon-Bon / Journal of Julius Rodman / Loss of Breath / Marginalia / Mystification / Never Bet the Devil Your Head / Oblong Box	 / Premature Burial / Von Kempelen and His Discovery / X-Ing a Paragrab)
Horror Stories
Cuentos policíacos
Critical theory
Tales of Mystery and Imagination (21 stories)
Tre passi nel delirio, di F. Fellini, L. Malle, R. Vadim
Poe's short stories
The Purloined Letter and the Black Cat
Short Stories (Fall of the House of Usher / Masque of the Red Death)
The Works of Edgar Allan Poe
2 (Masque of the Red Death / William Wilson)
Le chat noir et autres nouvelles (Angel of the Odd / Black Cat / Cask of Amontillado / Hop-Frog / Man of the Crowd / Some Words With a Mummy)
Rosebud Graphic Classics - Edgar Allan Poe
Progressez en anglais grâce à Edgar Poe et ses voyages extraordinaires
Mesmeric Revelation
Edgar Allan Poe's Tales of Science Fiction (Conversation of Eiros and Charmion / Descent into the Maelstrom / Unparalleled Adventure of One Hans Pfaall)
Librivox Short Story Collection 035
Raven - Poems and Essays on Poetry
Invisibles visiteurs
The Lock and Key Library -- American
El Gato Negro y Otras Narraciones Extraordinarias
Amazing Stories - Vol. 1 No. 1
The Yellow Wallpaper , The Fall of the House of Usher, An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge
A Treasury of American mystery stories
The Complete Works of Edgar Allan Poe Volume 2 - Poems & Tales 1831 - 1833
Short Stories (Black Cat / Devil in the Belfry / Gold-Bug / Silence / Tell-Tale Heart)
Dark Tales in Winter
El fin de la inocencia
Lovet︠s︡ chelovekov
Best Critical Writing
Short Stories (Black Cat / Pit and the Pendulum)
Antología de Relatos Románticos Tormentosos
The Works of Edgar Allan Poe - Volume VII (Angel of the Odd / Diddling / Duc de l'omelette / How to Write a Blackwood Article / Literary Life of Things Bob, Esq. / Mellonta Tatua / Metzengerstein / Mystification / Predicament / System of Dr. Tarr and Prof. Fether)
The Works of Edgar Allan Poe in Ten Volumes - Volume Four - Tales--The Detection of Crime (Murders in the Rue Morgue / Mystery of Marie Roget / Purloined Letter / Sphinx / Thou Art the Man)
Kolokola, Op. 35
Short Stories (Premature Burial / Tell-Tale Heart)
The Works of Edgar Allan Poe - Vol. VI
Literature--Texas Treasures--Course 3
Edgar Allan Poe
The Works of Edgar Allan Poe - Ten Vols. in Five - Volume Two - Tales--Marvellous Adventure/The Detection of Crime (Balloon-Hoax / Descent Into the Maelstrom / Mellonta Tatua / MS. Found in a Bottle / Murders in the Rue Morgue / Mystery of Marie Roget / Oblong Box / Purloined Letter / Sphinx / Tale of the Ragged Mountains / Thou Art the Man / Unparalleled Adventure of One Hans Pfaall)
A Tale of The Ragged Mountains
Short Stories (Black Cat / Tell-Tale Heart)
More conflicts
Poe's Poems
Science Fiction of Antebellum America
A Tale of Two Cities and Related Readings
The Poetry of Edgar Allen Poe - Volume 1
Complete Poems
Amazing Stories - Vol. 1 No. 2
Halloween Howls
The Murders in the Rue Morgue
Short stories
El corazon delator y otros cuentos
The Complete Works of Edgar Allan Poe - Prose Tales Volumes Three and Four
Essays - English and American - Volume 28
Classic Ghost Stories
Tales of Mystery and Imagination
The Marvellous and the Strange
Literary criticism of Edgar Allan Poe
The Fall of the House of Usher and Other Stories
Edgar Allan Poe, Volume Four (Dream Within a Dream / Purloined Letter / Valley of Unrest / Ulalume)
Complete tales and poems
Tales of Mystery and Horror (Hop-Frog / Masque of the Red Death / Murders in the Rue Morgue / Raven / Tell-Tale Heart)
Comic tales of Edgar Allan Poe (Angel of the Odd / Business Man / How to Write a Blackwood Article / Lionizing / Loss of Breath / Man That Was Used Up / Predicament / System of Dr. Tarr and Prof. Fether)
Classic Adventure (Adventures of Huckleberry Finn / The Call of the Wild / The Gold Bug / Moby Dick (an extract))
Phantastische Erzählungen (Gold-Bug / Masque of the Red Death / Morella)
Some Edgar Allan Poe Letters
Scarabée D'or
The Works of Edgar Allan Poe, V4
Histoires Extraordinaires (Texte Intégral)
Oeuvres Complètes de Charles Baudelaire, Volume 2...
Tales of Terror [12 stories]
Nevermore Prose and Poems (the big read)
Leave Your World Behind - a Fantasy Fiction Sampler
Humor fantasmal
El hombre que contaba historias
Twelve American Crime Stories
Tales of mystery & imagination
Poe--man, poet, and creative thinker
International Short Stories. Stories from America
The Murders in the Rue Morgue (adaptation)
The Complete Works of Edgar Allan Poe - Tales
The Poetry of Edgar Allan Poe (Arcturus Great Poets Library)
Narración de Arthur Gordon Pym
Cuentos Duplicados
Works of Edgar Allan Poe
The Haunters and the Haunted, Edited by Ernest Rhys, Fiction, Horror, Fantasy, Short Stories
Tales of Mystery and Imagination
Tales of Mystery and Imagination
The literati
Los poemas de Edgar Poe
The American Experience
Stories of Mystery and Imagination (adaptation)
The Black Cat and the Ghoul
Great tales of horror
Letters to Edgar A. Poe
The Works of Edgar Allan Poe Vol. 1 - Tales Vol.1.
Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar
Classic Tales (adaptation)
A Collection of Stories
Pym (the Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket / An Antarctic Mystery)
Die Maske des Roten Todes
Short Stories (Shadow / Silence)
The Poems of Edgar Allan Poe
Histoires Extraordinaires
Aventures d'Arthur Gordon Pym de Nantucket
Edgar Allan Poe Short Stories
Tales of Mystery
Edgar Allan Poes Contribution to Alexanders Weekly Messenger
Southern Literary Messenger - Volumes 24-25
Edgar Allan Poe - Poesia Completa
The Man That Was Used Up
South Wind
Essential Tales & Poems of Edgar Allan Poe
Narracion de Arthur Gordon Pym/ The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket (Lb Seleccion) (Spanish Edition)
Cuentos, 1
The Raven Illustrated
Edgar Allan Poe's Tales of Terror
Complete Poems and Selected Essays
Mystification et Autres Contes (Man That Was Used Up / Mystification / Spectacles / Sphinx / Thou Art the Man / Von Kempelen and His Discovery)
Masque of the Red Death
Great Ghost Stories
Landor's Cottage
Histoires Extraordinaires
Poems of Edgar Allan Poe
Anastatic printing
Cottage Landor
The Complete Illustrated Works of Edgar Allan Poe
Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket and an Antarctic Mystery
Last Flowers
Escritos sobre poesía y poética
El escarabajo de oro
Edgar Allan Poe Stories
Double Assassinat Dans la Rue Morgue
La Caida de la Casa Usher
Selected Poems
The Magic Garden of My Book House
A chapter on autography
Literary criticism
Complete Poems And Tales
The Detective Tales of Edgar Allan Poe (Cryptography / Gold Bug / Murders in the Rue Morgue / Mystery of Marie Roget / Purloined Letter)
Three Poems of Edgar Allan Poe (Annabel Lee / Bells / Raven)
Works of Edgar Allan Poe V. 1
The Dracula Book of Great Horror Stories
The Poetic Principle
Humor fantasmal
Retold Edgar Allan Poe
Works of Edgar Allan Poe. Volume 1
El Universo De Poe
The experience of literature
Lords of the Housetops-Thirteen Cat Tales
Nouvelles histoires extraordinaires
The Works of Edgar Allan Poe in Ten Volumes - Volume Three - Tales-Marvellous Adventure (Balloon-Hoax / Descent Into Tre Maelstrom / Mellonta Tauta / Ms. Found in a Bottle / Oblong Box / Tale of Tre Ragged Mountains / Unparalleled Adventure of One Hans Pfaall)
Histoires Grotesques et Sérieuses(Annotated)
Edgar Allan Poe's Complete Poetical Works
El cuervo y otros poemas [27 poems]
Horror Classics Volume 1
Tales of Mystery and Imagination
The book of Poe
Young blood
Stories for Halloween
Cuentos, 2
The Duc de L'Omelette
The Mayor of Casterbridge with related readings
The poetical works of Edgar Allan Poe and Richard H. Dana
El Corazon Delator
Selected Tales by Edgar Allan Poe (Narrated By Grover Gardner)
King Pest
The Fall of the House of Usher and Other Great Tales by Edgar Allan Poe
The tales of Edgar Allan Poe
Le Scarabee D'or (French Edition)
Bodybuilding Cookbook Ripped Recipes
Tell-Tale Heart and Other Stories
Black Cat
A Descent into the Maelstrom
Un Viaje a la Luna y Otros Cuentos (Domain of Arnheim / Metzengerstein / Mystery of Marie Roget)
The Stories of Edgar Allen Poe (adaptation)
Edgar Allan Poe
Fireside stories, old and new
Собрание сочинений Эдгара По в переводе с английского К. Д. Бальмонта. Том первый - Поэмы, Сказки
Narrative Of A. Gordon Pym
Edgar Poe
Tales of the Macabre
The Works of Edgar Allan Poe - Volume VIII (Business Man / Colloquy of Monas and Una / Conversation of Eiros and Charmion / Landscape Garden / Loss of Breath / Maelzel's Chess Player / Man That Was Used Up / Oblong Box / Philosophy of Furniture / Power of Words / Shadow / Sphinx / Tale of Jerusalem)
El escarabajo de oro y otros cuentos
The Raven and Other Poems [27 poems]
Three Sundays in a Week
El Gato Negro - Antología VI
Cuentos de terror y miedo
The Works of Edgar Allan Poe - Vol. IV - Autography, Criticisms, and Index
Writings in the Southern literary messenger - nonfictional prose
The Fall of the House of Usher and Other Stories
Los Misterios de Dupin
Poems and Tales of Edgar Allan Poe
Architectural Details by Vintage Wood Works -- Bringing Back Yesterday in Quality & Service -- Master Reference Catalogue No. 20 -- as shown
English Poetry, Vol. 3
The Works of Edgar Allan Poe in Four Volumes - Vol. IV - ARTHUR GORDON PYM, &c.
Selected works
The Cask of Amontillado
Antología de Cuentos Cortos
Poems (Annabel Lee / Raven)
Poems of Edgar Allan Poe Including Some Poems Not Hitherto Introduced in His Works
The Murders in the Rue Morgue - Reading & Training
El gat negre i altres contes d'horror
The tell-tale heart, and other stories
American Detective Stories
How To Write a Blackwood Article
Tales of Mystery and Imagination
The tell-tale heart, and other stories
Famous Stories of Surprise
The Works of Edgar Allan Poe - Volume VIII - Miscellaneous (Angel of the Odd / Autography / Diddling / How to Write a Blackwood Article / Journal of Julius Rodman / Literary Life of Thingum Bob, Esq. / Mystification / Predicament / System of Dr. Tarr and Prof. Fether)
Short Stories (Simply Stories: Level 2)
Los Crímenes de la Calle Morgue
Edgar Allan Poe
The Raven and Other Works
Edgar Allan Poe and Ambrose Bierce
American Horror (adaptation)
The Black Cat and Other Stories (Neadaptirovannye izdaniya na yazyke originala)
Raven and Other Poems
Cuentos de Poe / Tales, 1854 (Cuentos, Mitos Y Libro / Stories, Myths and Book) (Spanish Edition)
Alle verhalen van Edgar Allan Poe [36 stories]
Del Capitán Kidd y su tesoro
The weirdest of weird tales
Poetical works and Essays on poetry
Complete Works of Edgar Allan Poe - Volume 7 - Poems
Tombs of the Sea
Selection of Short Stories by Edgar Allen Poe (Legend Classics)
The Poems of Edgar Allan Poe with an essay on his poetry by Andrew Lang
Entire Tales & Poems of Edgar Allan Poe
Best Stories By Edgar Allan Poe
The Complete Works of Edgar Allan Poe - 9 - Criticisms
Kursiyom para baithe caunka pare hama
The Works of Edgar Allan Poe in Ten Volumes - Volume Ten - Essays-Criticism and Miscellaney, Index (Diddling / Elk / How to Write a Blackwood Article / Literary Life of Thingum Bob, Esq. / Maelzel's Chess-Player / Old English Poetry / Predicament / Rationale of Verse)
Journal of Julius Rodman
Edgar Allan Poe
Carta Roubada e Outras Histórias de Crime e Mistério, A
Letters and documents in the Enoch Pratt Free Library
The Oval Portrait
The Complete Works of Edgar Allen Poe Volume 1 - Poems 1824-1829
Stories for the Home Circle
Poesie di Edgar Poe [47 poems]
The Shape of Fiction. Second Editon
Las Damas y la Muerte
La Esfinge y otros relatos
Collected Works
Histórias Extraordinárias
The Complete Works of Edgar Allan Poe - Volume XIV - Essays and Miscellanies
The Tales and Poems of Edgar Allen Poe in Six Volumes - Vol. III - Tales of Humor
The Island of the Fay
Edgar Allan Poe's The Masque of the Red Death and other tales of horror
The Works of Edgar Allan Poe - Volume IX (Bon-Bon / Hop-Frog / Man of the Crowd / Never Bet the Devil Your Head / Old English Poetry / Poetic Principle / Some Words with a Mummy / Thou Art the Man / Why the Little Frenchman Wears His Hand in a Sling)
Short Stories (Gold-Bug / Sphinx / William Wilson)
Aventure Sans Pareille d'un Certain Hans Pfaall
Nouvelles Histoires Extraordinaires
The Complete Works of Edgar Allan Poe; Volume 10
The Raven (Annabel Lee / Bells / Black Cat / Lenore / Ligeia / Raven / Silence / To Helen / Ulalume)
Tales to Make You Check Under the Bed (Business Man / Ms. Found in a Bottle / Pit and the Pendulum / Sphinx / Why the Little Frenchman Wears His Arm in a Sling)
Poe Illustrated (Hop-Frog / System of Dr. Tarr and Prof. Fether / Thou Art the Man)
... Poems and tales of Edgar Allan Poe
Nouvelles choisies d'Edgard Poë (Gold-Bug / Unparalleled Adventure of One Hans Pfaall)
Tales of Mystery and Terror (Great Illustrated Classics) by Edgar Allan Poe (2008) Paperback
Tales of Mystery and Imagination
Poetry of Edgar Allan Poe
Works of the Late Edgar Allan Poe
Great American Short Stories
Poems and Essays of Edgar Allan Poe
Cuentos de miedo
Cuentos completos
Works of Poe
The Works of Edgar Allan Poe
Private Perry And Mister Poe
Histoires mysterieuses (Black Cat / Gold-Bug / Lionizing)
Lettres d'amour
Histoires grotesques et sérieuses
Edgar Allan Poe Illustrated Tales
How to Write... (How to Write a Blackwood Article / Philosophy of Composition / X-ing a Paragrab)
Narraciones Extraordinarias
Las Aventuras de Arthur Gordon Pym
Poems (Annabel Lee / Bells / Raven)
Tutti i racconti del mistero, dell'incubo e del terrore
Poesie di Edgar Allan Poe in rime italiane di Cesare Sofianopulo.
Complete Works of Edgar Allan Poe; Tales
Classic Crime Collection
Raven : (Aberdeen Classics Collection)
Works of Edgar Allan Poe - Volume II
La caída de la casa Usher
Tales of Mistery and Imagination - Grade 5 -
Para leer con la luz encendida
Mellonta Tauta - Original Edition
Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque
Spirits of the Dead
Works of Edgar Allan Poe. Volume 1 Large Print
Mystery of Marie Roget
Mystery Tales of Edgar Allan Poe
El cuervo y otros poemas
Tell-Tale Heart
Balloon-Hoax/Ms. Found in a Bottle/the Oval Portrait
Pit and the Pendulum
Thousand-And-Second Tale of Scheherazade
La carta robada i altres narracions
Gold-Bug Illustrated
The Masque of the Red Death
Ms. Found in a Bottle
Works of Edgar Allan Poe. Volume 2
Complete Poetical Works of Edgar Allan Poe
Die Schwarze Katze und Andere Kurzgeschichten
Eureka : A Prose Poem
Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque
Unparalleled Adventure of One Hans Pfaall
MS. Found in a Bottle
Murders in the Rue Morgue
Narraciones extraordinarias 3a seleccion
Poetical works of Coleridge, Poe and Rossetti
Works of Edgar Allan Poe. Volume 3
Ocho Cuentos Clásicos de Edgar Allan Poe
Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque
Young Adult Eli Readers - English
Murders in the Rue Morgue
Thousand-And-Second Tale of Scheherazad-Classic Novel(Annotated)
Works of Edgar Allan Poe -- Volume 2
Imp of the Perverse
The Works of Edgar Allan Poe - Ten Vols. in Five - Volume One - Introductions and Poems/Tales--Marvellous Adventure
Edgar Allan Poe Collection Short Stories
Gothic Tales of Horror and the Supernatural
Contes. Edgar Allan Poe
Classic Tales of Detection & Adventure
Complete Poems
Tale of the Ragged Mountains
Edgar Allan Poe's Complete Poetical Works Unique Annotation
Gold Bug
Manuskript in der Flasche
Annabel Lee and Eldorado
Sombras Entre Las Paredes
Thousand-And-Second Tale of Scheherazade
Works of Edgar Allan Poe. Volume 4
Works of Edgar Allan Poe. Volume 2
System of Doctor Tarr and Professor Fether
Best of Poe
Cuentos completos
First Detective
Works of Edgar Allan Poe, Volume 5
Thousand-And-Second Tale of Scheherazade
Mystery of Marie Roget
Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym
The Fall of the House of Usher and Other Tales
Os crimes da rúa Morgue
Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket
Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque
Masque of the Red Death Illustrated
William Wilson
Some Words with a Mummy
Complete Poetical Works of Edgar Allan Poe [microform]
Gold-Bug Illustrated
Works of Edgar Allan Poe -- Volume 2
Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket
Mystery of Marie Rogêt
Poe's Tales of Mystery and Terror
Short Stories (Assignation / Black Cat / Cask of Amontillado / Fall of the House of Usher / Gold Bug / Ligeia / Ms. Found in a Bottle)
The Masque of the Red Death
Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket
William Wilson
Crimen de la Rue Morgue
Selected tales; with an introduction by Kenneth Graham (Classic American texts)
Racconti Straordinari (Edizione Italiana) by Edgar Allan Poe - Illustrato
The fall of the house of Usher,
The gold bug,
Narrativa completa
Tale of Jerusalem
Fall of the House of Usher
Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket
The Complete Short Stories of Edgar Allan Poe
Tales of Edgar Allen Poe
Eureka an Essay on the Material and Spiritual Universe
El relato de Arthur Gordon Pym
Las Mujeres De Poe
Storie 1
Landscape Garden - Original Edition
Edgar Allan Poe. Edición anotada
Works of Edgar Allan Poe; Volume 5
Raven and Other Tales of Horror
The brevities
Descent into the Maelström
Premature Burial
Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque
Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque
Edgar Allan Poe's The Raven and Other Poems
The works of Edgar Allan Poe - Tales Vol.3
Mystery of Marie Rogêt
Erzählungen (illustriert)
Thou Art the Man
Complete Works of Edgar Allan Poe, Volume 3 : Collecting
Works of Edgar Allan Poe
Geschichten der Phantasie und des Geheimnisses
Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque
Unparalleled Adventure of One Hans Pfaall
Greatest Works of Edgar Allan Poe
Murders in the Rue Morgue
Murders in the Rue Morgue
Purloined Letter
Mystery of Marie Roget
The Letters of Edgar Allen Poe - Volume I and II
Las Mujeres De Poe
The Murders in the Rue Morgue
The Best American Humorous Short Stories
Works of the Late Edgar Allan Poe; Volume 1
The Complete Works of Edgar Allan Poe
Murders in the Rue Morgue (Illustarted)
Man of the Crowd
Murders in the Rue Morgue
The Cask of Amontillado
The gold bug,
Nouvelles Histoires Extraordinaires
Los crímenes de la calle Morgue
The Gold Bug and Other Tales
Gold Bug
Purloined Letter
Mystery of Marie Rog�t
Edgar Allan Poe Selected Tales
American Masterpiece Library (Complete Stories, Complete Stories)
El escarabajo
Edgar Allan Poe. Edición anotada
Escarabajo de Oro
Racconti Straordinari' Illustrata
Essential Tales and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe
The Works of Edgar Allan Poe; Volume 2
Aventures d'Arthur Gordon Pym de Nantucket (1837) : ( Traducteur Charles Baudelaire )
Never Bet the Devil Your Head
Greatest Works of Edgar Allan Poe (Deluxe Hardbound Edition)
Selections from Poe
Murders / der Doppelmord -- Lektüre Zweisprachig, Englisch / Deutsch
Murders in the Rue Morgue (Annotated)
Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym (with Annotations). Large Print Edition for Easy Reading (16 Pt)
King Pest
Murders in the Rue Morgue
Histoires extraordinaires
Cuentos de Edgar Allan Poe
Al Aaraaf
Mystery of Marie Rogêt-Classic Novel(Annotated)
Murders in the Rue Morgue (Annotated)
King Pest
Colloquy of Monos and Una
Purloined Letter
Los crímenes de la calle Morgue y otros cuentos
Tales of Mystery and Imagination
Les poèmes d'Edgar Poe
Works of Edgar Allan Poe - Volume V
Mystery of Marie Rogêt
Works of Edgar Allan Poe
Complete poems of Edgar Allan Poe, (The American poets)
Thousand-And-Second Tale of Scheherazade Illustrated
Murders in the Rue MorgueBy Edgar Allan Poe Illustrated Edition
King Pest
Imp of the Perverse
Ms. Found in a Bottle
Los Crimenes de la Calle Morgue
Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket
Works of Edgar Allan Poe -- Volume 4
El cuervo
Cuentos de terror
El gato negro y otros relatos de terror
English Poetry in Three Volumes, Volume III
The Cask of Amontillado (adaptation)
Stories by Poe
Loss of Breath
The Gold Bug and Other Selections
Landor's Cottage - Large Print Edition
Diddling Considered As One of the Exact Sciences
Complete Works of Edgar Allan Poe - Volume 5
Ms. Found in a Bottle
Murders in the Rue Morgue
Gold-Bug - Publishing People Series
Edgar Allan Poe
Gold Bug
Mesmeric Revelation
Black Cat
Ensayos completos II
Nouvelles Histoires Extraordinaires
Racconti Di Immaginazione e Mistero
Die Feeninsel
Complete Poems. Collected
The Murders in the Rue Morgue
MS. Found in a Bottle
Never Bet the Devil Your Head
Histoires Extraordinaires d'Edgar Poe - Edition Intégrale
Narraciones extraordinarias/ Extraordinary Stories (Spanish Edition)
Contos completos iii
O Gato Preto
Sobranie Sochinenii Edgara Po V Perevodie S Angliiskago K. D. Balmonta; Volume 1
Selected Tales and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe
Cask of Amontillado
System of Doctor Tarr and Professor Fether
Treasury of World Masterpieces
Works of Edgar Allan Poe
A Descent Into the Maelstrom - Grade 4 -
Fall of the House of Usher and Other Writings
Berenice - Large Print Edition
Mystery of Marie Rogêt
Os Crimes Da Rua Do Necrotério
Purloined Letter
Classics of American Literature
Narraciones extraordinarias/Las aventuras de Arthur/Gordon Pym/ Relatos cómicos
Fall of the House of Usher and Other Stories
Histoires extraordinaires
Tale of Jerusalem
Caída de la Casa Úsher
Tale of the Ragged Mountains
Edgar Allan Poe
Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym [pseud. ] of Nantucket, North America
Tales of Mystery and Imagination
L'escarabat d'or (adaptation)
Gold-Bug (Annotated)
Island of the Fay
Pit and the Pendulum
Tales of Edgar Allan Poe
Complete Works of Edgar Allan Poe
Descent into the Maelström Annotated
Works of Edgar Allan Poe
System of Doctor Tarr and Professor Fether
Berenice and Other Short Stories
William Wilson
Works of Edgar Allan Poe. Volume 4
Works of Edgar Allan Poe - Volume 5
Descent into the Maelstrom
Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym
Works of Edgar Allan Poe. Volume 2
Works of Edgar Allan Poe
Contes, volum II
Misteriozko ipuinak 1
Racconti Di Immaginazione e Mistero
Cuentos Macabros
Tales by Edgar Allan poe
Works of Edgar of Allan Poe; Volume 3
The Business Man
Mesmeric Revelation
Some Words with a Mummy
King Pest
Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque
Filosofia del mobile
Relatos de intriga y terror
Imaginary Voyages (Journal of Julius Rodman / Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym / Unparalleled Adventure of One Hans Pfaall)
Phantastiske Fortællinger
Cask of Amontillado
Murders in the Rue Morgue (Annotated)
Raven : Edgar Allan Poe Reimagined
Works of Edgar Allan Poe. Volume 4
Literary Life of Thingum Bob, Esq
Tell-Tale Heart
Works of Edgar Allan Poe. Volume 2
Mellonta Tauta
Der Rabe
Phantastische Erzählungen
L'escarbat D'or. Els Crims Del Carrer Moggue. Colecci—
Works of Edgar Allan Poe
Die denkwürdigen Erlebnisse des Artur Gordon Pym
Tale of Jerusalem
Le Corbeau - Edition bilingue
Purloined Letter - Unabridged
The Works of Edgar Allan Poe in Ten Volumes - Volume VIII - Literary Criticism III
Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque Illustrated
Works of Edgar Allan Poe -- Volume 1
Cask of Amontillado
Premature Burial
Unparalleled Adventure of One Hans Pfaall
The Raven & Other Poems
Relatos de ciencia ficción
Racconti Di Immaginazione e Mistero
Edgar Allan Poe versei
Loss of Breath
Corbeau = the Raven
Tales of Mystery and Horror
The Complete Poems of Edgar Allan Poe, with Memoir, Notes and Bibliography
Poe's Cats
System of Doctor Tarr and Professor Fether
Unparalleled Adventure of One Hans Pfaall
Racconti Straordinari
LibriVox Short Story Collection 091
Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar
Pit and the Pendulum
Premature Burial
Oblong Box
Dear Mr. Poe... . . Just Call Me Edgar : Musings about Life
Complete Works of Edgar Allan Poe, Volume 2 : Collecting
William Wilson
Purloined Letter-Classic Novel Idtion Illustarted
Complete Poems and Tales
Complete Works of Edgar Allan Poe - Volume 5
Never Bet the Devil Your Head
Works of Edgar Allan Poe. Volume 1
Histoires Extraordinaires
The Works of Edgar Allan Poe Volume Ten Essays Criticism and Miscellany Index (The Cameo Edition)
Los Crímenes de la Calle Morgue
Contos de Imaginação e Mistério
Complete Works of Edgar Allan Poe
Journal of Julius Rodman - Original Edition
How to Write a Blackwood Article - Original Edition
Short Stories
Récits Extraordinaire
Works of Edgar Allan Poe in Five Volumes
Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket
Unparalleled Adventure of One
Edgar Allan Poe - the Purloined Letter
Tales of Mystery and Imagination (Collector's Library)
Works of Edgar Allan Poe Vol 6;fifty suggestions;devil in the belfrey;oval portr
El escarabajo de oro y otro relatos
Histoires Grotesques et Sérieuses
Spirits of the Dead
The Complete Poetical Works of Edgar Allan Poe
The Cask of Amontillado
Works of Edgar Allan Poe
Von Kempelen and His Discovery
Works of Edgar Allan Poe. Volume 2
Histoires Extraordinaires
Tales of Mystery and Imagination
Carta Roubada
Works of Edgar Allan Poe : Volume 3
Eureka : A Prose Poem
Lords of the Housetops
Edgar Allan Poe
Edgar Poe, Allokotes Istories
Descent into the Maelström-Original Edition(Annotated)
Золотой жук
Thou Art the Man
Works of Edgar Allan Poe
The Tell-Tale Heart
El escarabajo de oro
The Gold-Bug and Other Tales : Including
The Works of Edgar Allan Poe in Ten Volumes - Volume V
Unparalleled Adventure of One Hans Pfaall
Histoires Extraordinaires (illustré)
Never Bet the Devil Your Head
Works of Edgar Allan Poe-Volume 4
The Works of Edgar Allen Poe in One Volume
The Gold Bug - Le Scarabee D'or - Bilingual Version - Version Bilingue
Fall of the House of UsherThe Fall of the House of Usher
Versos para musas e catro contos de Edgar Allan Poe
Tales of Mystery and Terror (Illustrated Classic Editions)
Edgar Allan Poe, Cuentos de Terror Contados para Niños
Narraciones Extraordinarias - 1
Fantastic Tales
Works of Edgar Allan Poe. Volume 4
Some Words with a Mummy
Tell-Tale Heart
Works of Edgar Allan Poe
Works of Edgar Allan Poe. Volume 1
Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque
Tale of the Ragged Mountains
Works of Edgar Allan Poe - Volume 5
Edgar Allen Poe's Tales of Mystery and Horror Volume I (Volume I)
The Works Of Edgar Allan Poe, Volume 8
Collection of Stories
Descent into the Maelström Annotated
Edgar Allan Poe the Dover Reader
Complete Works of Edgar Allan Poe - Volume 2
Oval Portrait
Works of Edgar Allan Poe. Volume 2
Works of Edgar Allan Poe
Bells and Other Poems
Narracions extraordinàries
Works of Edgar Allan Poe - Volume IV
Works of Edgar Allan Poe -- Volume 2
MS. Found in a Bottle
Never Bet the Devil Your Head
Works of Edgar Allan Poe - Volume 3
Burton's Gentleman's Magazine and American Monthly Review; 1839 Jul-Dec (V. 5)
Poemas y cuentos, Edgar Allan Poe
The Works of Edgar Allan Poe; Volume 2
The Raven
Murders in the Rue Morgue Illustrated
Aventures d'Arthur Gordon Pym de Nantucket
Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque
Lettre Volée (French Edition) Traduit
Best Works of Edgar Allan Poe
Island of the Fay
Edgar Allan Poe
Selected Poems
Gold-Bug and Other Tales
Thousand-And-Second Tale of Scheherazade Complete Illustrated and Unabridged Edition
The Raven
Corbeau = the Raven
Works of Edgar Allan Poe : Volume 4
Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque
Las aventuras de Arthur Gordon Pym
Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket
Tell-Tale Heart
The Works of Edgar Allan Poe in One Volume Poems, Tales, Essays, Criticisms and New Notes.
La filosofía de la composición = The philosophy of composition
Leichenschauhaus-Straßenverbrechen Edgar Allan Poe
Vier Amerikanische Gedichte
Opowieści miłosne, śmiertelne i tajemnicze
Geschichten des Grauens.
Some Words with a Mummy
Von Kempelen and His Discovery
Complete Works of Edgar Allan Poe
Raven and Other Poems
Purloined Letter
Mystery of Marie Rogêt Illustrated
Never Bet the Devil Your Head
Eureka : a Prose Poem
Works of Edgar Allan Poe Volume 3
Edgar Allan Poe, Cuentos de Terror Contados para niños y Niñas
Oval Portrait
El cuervo y otros poemas
Contes, volum IV
Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque Illustrated
Eureka : a Prose Poem
Black Cat
King Pest
Works of Edgar Allan Poe-Volume 3
Edgar Allan Poe. Edición anotada
Narraciones Completas
Tales and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe
Bells and Other Poems Annotated
Balloon-Hoax - Original Edition
Mystery of Marie Rogêt
Great Tales and Poems Of Edgar Allan Poe
Caída de la Casa Usher
Book of Edgar
Spirits of the Dead
Purloined Letter
Bells : And Other Poems
Raven and Other Selected Poems
Never Bet the Devil Your Head
La narración de Arthur Gordon Pym
Edgar Allan Poe
Cuentos completos
Best of Edgar Allan Poe (Diversion Classics)
Erzählungen Außerordentlich
Terrifying Tales
Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque
Cask of Amontillado
The Spooky Bunch - Book & Cassette
El gato negro y otros cuentos
Edgar Allan Poe. Edición anotada
Mystery Tales of Edgar Allan Poe
Raven (softcover)
Un descenso ao Maelström / Sombra
Poems and Essays
Extraordinary Stories
Premature Burial
Murders in the Rue Morgue
Istories tromou
Murders in the Rue Morgue (Annotated Edition)
Poetical Works of Edgar Allan Poe
How to Write a Blackwood Article
Imp of the Perverse
Works of Edgar Allan Poe. Volume 3
Gato Negro
A chapter on autography
The Fall of the House of Usher
Murders in the Rue Morgue and Other Tales (Annotated)
Pit and the Pendulum
Le scarabee d'or
Contes 2
Opowiesci milosne smiertelne i tajemnicze
Works of Edgar Allan Poe; Volume 4
Works (Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym / Some Words with a Mummy)
Fall of the House of Usher
Man That Was Used Up
Poe's tales of mystery and terror (Magnum easy eye books)
Gruwelijke Verhalen
Edgar Allan Poe - A Collection Of Stories
Oblong Box
Essential Tales and Poems
Stonehearst Asylum
Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket Illustrated
Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket (Collins Classics)
The Fall of the House of Usher and Other Tales
Works of Edgar Allan Poe - Volume I
Terrifying Tales
Double Assassinat Dans la Rue Morgue
The Works of Edgar Allan Poe , Cameo Edition, Volume Seven, 7, Tales Fantasy and Extravaganza
Tales of mystery and imagination
A verdade sobre o caso do señor Valdemar e outros
Narraciones Extraordinarias
Histoires Extraordinaires
William Wilson
Tell-Tale Heart
Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar
Sporting Library of Mr. William Brewster of New York City
Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket
Why the Little Frenchman Wears His Hand in a Sling
Power of Words
Works of Edgar Allan Poe - Volume 5
Works of Edgar Allan Poe
El escarabajo de oro y otro relatos
Contes, volum IV
Tales of Mystery and imagination (Everyman`s Library No. 336)
Stolen Letter
Oval Portrait
The gold insect
The letters of Edgar A. Poe to George W. Eveleth
The Works of Edgar Allan Poe - Volume X - Miscellaneous
Purloined Letter by Edgar Allan Poe Annotated
William Wilson (illustriert)
Poesia completa
Works of Edgar Allan Poe
El gato negro y otros cuentos - 1. edicion
Edgar Allan Poe.
A Tale of Jerusalem
Telltale Heart and Other Short Stories by Edgar Allan Poe
Murders in the Rue Morgue (Annotated Edition)
Works of Edgar Allan Poe
Tell-Tale Heart
Complete Stories and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe by Edgar Allan Poe (1966-11-18)
Grube und Pendel und andere Erzählungen. Mit Materialien.
Prose tales (first series)
Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque
Grandes Relatos de Poe
Poes Tales Of Mystery And Terror.
Criticisms (Vol. 8)
Murders in the Rue Morgue
Works of Edgar Allan Poe. Volume 4
Works of Edgar Allan Poe (Annotated)
Gothic Tales by Edgar Allan Poe
Gatto Nero
Edgar Allan Poe Ki Lokpriya Kahaniyan
System of Doctor Tarr and Professor Fether
Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket
Works of Edgar Allan Poe - Volume 3
Gold Bug
The Works of Edgar Allan Poe Cameo Edition (vol. III Tales: Marvelous Adventure) Vol. 3 (The Works of Edgar Allan Poe, vol. 3)
Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque
Edgar Allan Poe. Complete Poetry and Selected Criticism
Escarabajo de oro y otros cuentos, El
Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque
Angel of the Odd
Selected Tales
Contes, volum I
Grusel- und Schauergeschichten
Gesammelte Schriften
The Complete Works of Edgar Allan Poe V. 13
Murders in the Rue Morgue Illustrated
Selected Writings of Edgar Allan Poe
Cuentos de terror y de aventuras
La narración de Arthur Gordon Pym
Descent into the Maelström
The Works of Edgar Allan Poe - Tales Vol.4
Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar
King Pest
Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar
The Complete Tales and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe
Cuentos de Edgar Allan Poe
Jogador de Xadrez de Maelzel
Tales of Edgar Allan Poe
Mystery Tales
Tales of Edgar Allan Poe
Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym
Edgar Allan Poe
The Philosophy of Composition
Mystery of Marie Rogêt-Classic Novel(Annotated)
Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket
Best of Edgar Allan Poe
Descenso Por el Maelstr�m
Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque
Versos para musas e catro contos de Edgar Allan Poe
William Wilson
Poe Knows
Murders in the Rue Morgue : [Annotated]
Works of Edgar Allan Poe-Volume 3
Fall of the House of Usher
Descent into the Maelstr
Fall of the House of Usher
Bogue D'or
Purloined Letter - Large Print Edition
Purloined Letter
MS. Found in a Bottle
Power of Words
Premature Burial
Histoires Grotesques et Sérieuses
tales of mystery and imagination by edgar allan poe 100 greatest books collector's edition full leather
The Pit And The Pendulum And Five Other Tales
Relatos goticos
La incomparable aventura de un tal Hans Pfaall
Some Words with a Mummy - Original Edition
William Wilson
Gold-Bug Four Beasts in One-The Homo-Cameleopard
William Wilson
Cask of Amontillado
The Complete Works of Edgar Allan Poe, Volume Nine (9) - Criticisms
Some Words with a Mummy
Conchologist's First Book
The Poems and Tales of Edgar Allan Poe
Double Assassinat Dans La Rue Morgue !
Obras selectas Alan Poe Edgar
Tales of mystery and imagination.
Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque Illustrated
Premature Burial
Tale of the Ragged Mountains
Escarabajo de Oro
Selections from Poe
Black Cat
Complete Science Fiction of Edgar Allan Poe
Murders in the Rue Morgue Annotated Edition
Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque Annotated
Premature Burial
Tell-Tale Heart
Misterio de Maria Roget
Tale of the Ragged Mountains
The Pit and the Pendulum, and Five Other Tales
Tales of mystery and imagination
Berenice. the Unparalleled Adventures of One Hans Pfaall. the Fall of the House of Usher and Seventeen Other Stories
The Complete Works of Edgar Allen Poe; Volume 8
Assassinii Della Rue Morgue
Essential Edgar Allan Poe Collection
Gato Negro
Enterrado Vivo
Selected tales of Edgar Allan Poe
Murders in the Rue Morgue
Works of the Late Edgar Allan Poe; Volume 4
Murders in the Rue Morgue / Mystery of Marie Roget / Purloined Letter
Tales, poems, essays (Collins New classics series;no.592)
4 : The Works of Edgar Allan Poe
Racconti d'incubo
Cuentos de Edgar Allan Poe
Poems of Edgar Allan Poe
Nouvelles Histoires Extraordinaires
Angel of the Odd
Works of Edgar Allan Poe. Volume 1
Premature Burial
Edgar Allen Poe
Tell-Tale Heart and Other Stories
The Complete Works of Edgar Allan Poe - 10 Volumes
Edgar Allan Poe Short Stories
Oval Portrait
Premature Burial
X-Ing a Paragrab
La Chute De La Maison Usher Et Autres Nouvelles
Complete Poetical Works of Edgar Allan Poe
Raven, and the Philosophy of Composition
Işidilmedik hikâyeler
Cuentos fantásticos (Angel of the Odd / Descent Into the Maelstrom / Eleonora / Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar / Gold Bug / Ligeia / Method of Composition / Murders in the Rue Morgue / Purloined Letter / Raven / System of Dr. Tarr and Prof. Fether)
William Wilson
Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym
Works of Edgar Allan Poe Volume II
Man That Was Used Up
Great Tales of Horror and Suspense; Weird Tales of Edgar Allan Poe
Cuentos Satiricos y de Humor Negro
Relatos de misterio y terror
La caída de la casa Usher
My Beautiful Annabel Lee
Edgar Allan Poe Collection
Geschichten der Phantasie und des Geheimnisses
Complete Short Stories
Aventures d'Arthur Gordon Pym
Works of Edgar Allan Poe - Volume 3
Stories of Edgar Allan Poe
Business Man
El gato negro y otros cuentos de terror
Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar
The Works of Edgar Allan Poe, Volume 4 (Book Four of Ten-Book Commemorative Edition series)
Gothic Horror Stories
Eureka...and more
Adventures on the Go
Five Short Stories
Thousand-And-Second Tale of Scheherazade
Cask of Amontillado
Calatorii Imaginare
Works of Edgar Allan Poe
Le mystère de Marie Roget
Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque
Polnoe sobranie sochineniĭ v odnom tome
Tales of Mystery and Imagination
Complete Poetry of Edgar Allan Poe
Mystery of Marie Roget
Complete Works of Edgar Allan Poe - Volume 1
Mystery of Marie Roget
Works of Edgar Allan Poe -- Volume 3
Edgar Allan Poe
Tales, by Edgar Allan Poe,
Works of Edgar Allan Poe. Volume 3
Edgar Allan Poes Classic Tales of Horror
Literary Criticism
Alien Worlds - A Dream Within a Dream
Poe on Poetry
Some Words with a Mummy
Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque (Illustrated)
Works of Edgar Allan Poe : Volume 4
Racconti Straordinari Illustrata
Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket
Murders in the Rue Morgue
Complete Works; Volume 1
Derniers Contes
Mystery of Marie Rog
Works of Edgar Allan Poe
Descenso Al Maelström
The Selected Poetry and Prose of Edgar Allan Poe (The Modern Library, No. 82)
Poe dice
L'escarabat D'or.aula Literaria N/c
Narracions extraordinàries
Narraciones Extraordinarias
Tales and Poems
Tales Of Mystery and Imagination / Stage 5
How to Write a Blackwood Article - Large Print Edition
Gold-Bug Illustrated and Unabridged
Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque
King Pest
Works of Edgar Allan Poe : (Vol. 3)
La Carta Robada Y Otros Cuentos
Tales of Mystery and Imagination Complete
Loss of Breath
Works of Edgar Allan Poe - Volume 5
Black Cat
Tales, Poems, Essays
Relatos de intriga y terror
Racconti Straordinari (Edizione Italiana) - Illustrato
Tales (Vol. 6)
Poemas de amor
Works of Edgar Allan Poe -- Volume 2
Cuentos Clásicos Del Norte
Works of Edgar Allan Poe. Volume 1
Works of Edgar Allan Poe. Volume 2
Rue Morgueko hilketak
The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket
Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque Illustrated
Works of Edgar Allan Poe. Volume 1
Edgar Allan Poe Short Stories
Works of Edgar Allan Poe in Five Volumes
Works of Edgar Allan Poe. Volume 1
The Murders in the Rue Morgue and Other Stories
The Works of Edgar Allan Poe; Volume 6
Murders in the Rue Morgue
Tale of the Ragged Mountains
Purloined Letter
Domain of Arnheim
Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque
Complete Stories and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe
Fall of the House of Usher, and Other Tales
Poe's Masterpieces of Mystery (World's Popular Classics)
La caída de la Casa Usher
Pack Edgar Allan Poe
Los Crímenes de la Calle Morgue
The Philosophy of Furniture
Works of Edgar Allan Poe. Volume 2
Complete Works of Edgar Allan Poe Vol. 1. Annotated
Cask of Amontillado
Assignation/the Pit and the Pendulum
Works of Edgar Allan Poe. Volume 4
The raven. Le corbeau, poem
Narraciones extraordinarias
Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket
Domain of Arnheim
William Wilson
Nouvelles Histoires Extraordinaires
Al Aaraaf, Tamerlane and Minor Poems
Black Cat a Short Stories by
Las Aventuras de Arthur Gordon Pym (con Anotaciones) (Fácil Lectura, Fuente 12 Pt)
Literary Life of Thingum Bob, Esq
Mystery of Marie Rogêt
Els assassinats del carrer de la Morgue
Cuentos de muerte y demencia
Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque Original Edition(illustrated)
Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket
Murders in the Rue Morgue
Works of Edgar Allan Poe. Volume 3
Cask of Amontillado
Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket Large Print
The fall of the House of Usher, and four other tales
Aventuras de Arthur Gordon Pym
Versos para Musas y cuatro cuentos de Edgar Allan Poe.
The Premature Burial
Murders in the Rue Morgue(Illustrated)
Pit and the Pendulum
El escarabajo de oro
Loss of Breath
Contos completos i
Cuentos extraordinarios
The Select Works
Landscape Garden
Aventures d'arthur Gordon Pym
The Works of Edgar Allan Poe
Edgar Allan Poe Collection - Volume III
Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket
Diddling Considered As One of the Exact Sciences
Chat Noir
Escarabajo de Oro
Mystery of Marie Rogêt
Derniers Contes
Contes 1
The gold bug,
Tales (Vol. 4)
The other Poe
Premature Burial - Large Print Edition
Works of Edgar Allan Poe. Volume 4
Fall of the House of Usher and the Other Major Tales and Poems by Edgar Allan Poe (Reader's Library Classics)
Al Aaraaf (Facsimile Text Society. Series I: Language and literature) (Facsimile Text Society. Series I: Language and literature)
Contes, volum I
Carta Robada
Gestohlene Brief
Murders in the Rue Morgue
Lettera Rubata
Works of Edgar Allan Poe; Volume 1
Works of Edgar Allan Poe. Volume 2
Thousand-And-Second Tale of Scheherazade Annotated
Purloined Letter
The Works of Edgar Allan Poe Volume One
El escarabajo de oro EDGAR ALLAN POE
Histoires extraordinaires
Works of Edgar Allan Poe; Volume 3
The Works of Edgar Allan Poe
Gold-Bug Illustrated and Unabridged
Premature Burial
Works of Edgar Allan Poe - Volume 1
Escarabajo de Oro
Die Scharlachpest, Die Pest in Bergamo, Die Maske des Roten Todes - Drei Meisterwerke in einem Band
Philosophie de l'ameublement
Tregime te misterit
Sieben Gedichte (Annabel Lee / Bells / City in the Sea / Coliseum / Raven / Tamerlaine / Ulalume)
The Tell-Tale Heart
Works of Edgar Allan Poe Volume 5
Purloined Letter (Illustrated)
Diddling Considered As One of the Exact Sciences
Thousand-And-Second Tale of Scheherazade
Thou Art the Man
El gato negro
Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque
The complete works of Edgar Allan Poe
Works of Edgar Allan Poe -- Volume 3
Pit and the Pendulum
Never Bet the Devil Your Head
Geschichten Des Grauens
Selected Stories and Poems of Edgar Allen Poe
O Gato Negro E Outros Contos De Horror
La caída de la casa Usher
Contes d'imagination et de Mystère
Di ṿerḳ
The works of Edgar Allan Poe - Vol.6 - Miscellaneous essays, marginalia, etc..
Oblong Box
Los Cr
Tale of the Ragged Mountains
MS. Found in a Bottle
Thousand-And-Second Tale of Scheherazade
Aventuras de Arthur Gordon Pym
Tales of Mystery and Imagination (World's Greatest Literature, 8)
The Works of Edgar Allan Poe
Edgar Allan Poe's Tales of Mystery and Imagination ( Everyman's Library )
Giocatore Di Scacchi Di Maelzel
Prose Tales
Works of Edgar Allan Poe,
Literary Theory and Criticism
Never Bet the Devil Your Head
Domain of Arnheim
Works of Edgar Allan Poe. Volume 3
Edgar Allan Poe's Selected Short Stories
The Imp of the Perverse
The Murders in the Rue Morgue
The Complete Poems and Stories of Edgar Allan Poe with Selections From His Critical Writings - Volume I
Escarabajo de Oro Illustrated
Racconti Straordinari Illustrata
Works of Edgar Allan Poe : Volume 2
Purloined Letter
Colloquy of Monos and Una
Pit and the Pendulum
King Pest
Le scarabee d'or
Classic Detection and Adventure Stories
Gruwelijke Verhalen
Edgar Allan Poe Collection Short Stories
William Wilson (illustriert)
Poetical Works of Edgar Allan Poe
Works of the Edgar Allan Poe
Contos de Imaginação e Mistério
Os Crimes Do Necrotério Street Edgar Allan Poe
Geist des Boesen
Murders in the Rue Morgue - Unabridged
The raven & other poems
Edgar Allan Poe Annotated and Illustrated Entire Stories and Poems
Never Bet the Devil Your Head
Cask of Amontillado
Colloquy of Monos and Una
Domain of Arnheim
Edgar Allan Poe
William Wilson (Fantasy and Horror Classics)
The Works of Edgar Allan Poe (10 Volume Set)
Works of Edgar Allan Poe
Doctor Brea y el Profesor Pluma
Premature Burial
Imp of the Perverse
I Crimini Di Morgue Street
Fall of the House of Usher and Other Stories
The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym
Complete Works of Edgar Allan Poe
Business Man
Mystery of Marie Rog
Tales of Imagination and Mystery
Tales of Mystery and Terror (Illustrated Classic Editions)
Quaint, Curious, and Forgotten, His Favorite Detective Stories
Edgar Allan Poe Collection
Murders in the Rue Morgue
Complete Works of Edgar Allan Poe, Volume 1 : Collecting
The Complete Tales and Poems of Edgar Allen Poe (Modern Library Giant, 40.1)
Tell-Tale Heart and Other Stories
Assassinii Della Rue Morgue
Works of Edgar Allan Poe - Volume V
The Complete Tales and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe
Cuentos de muerte y demencia
Gato Negro
Tales (Vol. 3)
E.A. Poe
Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar
Descent into the Maelström Illustrated
Mesmeric Revelation
Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque
Works of Edgar Allan Poe Volume III
Purloined Letter
Works of Edgar Allan Poe
Works of Edgar Allan Poe
Cuentos de Poe
Cuentos de terror
Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket
The Works of Edgar Allan Poe; Volume VI
Opowieści kryminalne i tajemnicze
Novellen des Todes
Detective Stories of Edgar Allan Poe
Fall of the House of Usher
William Wilson
Thou Art the Man
Complete Works of Edgar Allan Poe Vol. 1
Works of Edgar Allan Poe, Volume 2
Poe's poems and essays (Everyman's library)
Cuentos policiales
Black Cat - Unabridged
Edgar Allan Poe and the Philadelphia Saturday courier
The Complete Works of Edgar Allen Poe
Complete Poems and Tales
Imp of the Perverse
I Crimini Dell'obitorio Street
Die schönsten Katzengeschichten
Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket Novel (1838) by Edgar Allan Poe (Original Edition)
MS. Found in a Bottle
Works of Edgar Allan Poe - Volume 2
Tales of Mystery and Imagination
Els millors contes de la literatura fantàstica
Penguin Readers 3
Mystery of Marie Rogêt-Classic Novel(Annotated)
Works of Edgar Allan Poe. Volume 3
Tale of the Ragged Mountains
Imp of the Perverse
Thousand-And-Second Tale of Scheherazade
Works of Edgar Allan Poe -Volume 4
Obras de Edgar Allan Poe Historias Extraordinarias Box 3 Volumes
Tales and Poems
The works of Edgar Allan Poe in One Volume; Tales and Poems
Gold Bug
Tell-Tale Heart
Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque (Illustrated)
Edgar Allan Poe
Histoires Extraordinaires
Works of Edgar Allan Poe. Volume 3
enterrement Prématuré
Cuentos de Misterio e Imaginación
El Gat Negre I Altres Contes
El Cuervo y Otros Poemas
Unparalleled Adventure of One Hans Pfaall
Black Cat
Novelas y Cuentos
Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar
System of Doctor Tarr and Professor Fether
Relatos con nombre de mujer
Oval Portrait
Poe's tales of mystery and imagination and poems.
19th Edition's Cask of Amontillado
Contes foscos
Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym
Works of the Late Edgar Allan Poe; V. 2
Der Doppelmord In Der Rue Morgue Und Andere Erzählungen
The Works Of Edgar Allan Poe, Volumes 5-6
Landscape Garden
Descent into the Maelstr
System of Doctor Tarr and Professor Fether
The Complete Tales of Edgar Allan Poe
El gato negro y otros cuentos
Barril de Amontillado
Pit and the Pendulum
Racconti Straordinari (Edizione Italiana) - Illustrato
MS. Found in a Bottle - Large Print Edition
Works of Edgar Allan Poe. Volume 4
Murders in the Rue Morgue and the Purloined Letter - Unabridged
Murders in the Rue Morgue and the Mystery of Marie Roget
Masque of the Red Death
Landor's Cottage
Descent into the Maelström
System of Doctor Tarr and Professor Fether
Gold Bug
Edgar Allan Poe Short Stories
Maelzel's Chess Player
The Complete Works of Edgar Allan Poe
The poetical works together with his Essays on the poetic principles and the philosophy of composition ; and a critical memoir.
El Cuervo
Descent into the Maelström-Original Edition(Annotated)
Descent into the Maelström-Original Edition(Annotated)
Fall of the House of Usher
Fall of the House of Usher
Works of Edgar Allan Poe -- Volume 1
Edgar Allan Poe's Horror Tales
Fall Valdemar
Works of Edgar Allan Poe; Volume 2
Murders in the Rue Morgue
Rasskazy. Stikhotvoreniia
Histoires extraordinaires.
MS. Found in a Bottle
Narrative of A. Gordon Pym
Mystery of Marie Rogêt
Cuentos Cortos
Eureka an Essay on the Material and Spiritual Universe
Selected tales and poems
Il corvo e altre poesie
Histórias 2
The Works of Poe
Doppelmord in der Rue Morgue
Criticisms (Vol. 9)
13 Plus One
Purloined Letter Short Story Novel(illustrated)
Descent into the Maelstr�m
System of Doctor Tarr and Professor Fether
Nouvelles Histoires Extraordinaires (Folio (Gallimard)) by Edgar Allan Poe (2006-07-04)
The Ladies' Companion, Volumes 14-15
Peguin Readers 3
Man That Was Used Up
Thousand-And-Second Tale of Scheherazade
Hans Pfaall
Racconti Straordinari
Complete poetry and selected criticism (The Signet classic poetry series, CY384)
Relatos de misterio y terror
La narración de Arthur Gordon Pym
Joueur d'échecs de Maelzel
The tales of Edgar Allan Poe
Racconti Straordinari Annotata
La narració d'Arthur Gordon Pym
Works of Edgar Allan Poe - Volume 2
Tales of Mystery & Imagination By E. A. Poe
Edgar Allan Poe Complete Collection of Short Stories Volume 1
Fass Amontillado
The Tales and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe
Four Beasts in One
Works of Edgar Allan Poe
King Pest
Tales of Mystery and Imagination
Englisch Mit Edgar Allan Poe. Kurzgeschichten
Seltsame Geschichten
The Old South, book collection on CD
The Fall of the House of Usher
Historia de Arthur Gordon Pym
Man That Was Used Up
Mystery of Marie Roget
Fall of the House of Usher
William Wilson
Selections from Poe
Balloon Hoax & the Oval Portrait
Black Cat
World's Great Classics : The Works of Edgar Allan Poe
Four Beasts in One
Mystery of Marie Rog�t
Eureka : A Prose Poem
Complete Stories of Edgar Allen Poe (International Collector's Library)
Tales of Mystery and Imagination
Aventures d'Arthur Gordon Pym
Derniers Contes
Canard Au Ballon
Unparalleled Adventure of One Hans Pfaall
Cuentos POE / Poe Tales
Contes, volum IV
Man of the Crowd
William Wilson
Domain of Arnheim
Purloined Letter
William Wilson
Black Cat
O Gato Negro E Outros Contos De Horror
The Power of Words
Nouvelles histoires extraordinaires
Gold-Bug : [Annotated]
Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket
Island of the Fay
Work of Edgar Allan Poe
Works of Edgar Allan Poe. Volume 4
Works of Edgar Allan Poe - Volume 4
Ensayos y críticas (El Libro De Bolsillo (Lb)) (Spanish Edition)
Tales of Edgar Allan Poe.
Works of Edgar Allan Poe : Volume 2
Oblong Box
Ensayos completos II
La Máscara de la Muerte Roja y otros relatos / The Masque of Red Death and other stories
Contes, volum I
William Wilson
The Poems of Edgar Allan Poe
Tuhaflık Meleği
William Wilson (illustriert)
Selected Works of Edgar Allan Poe
William Wilson (Annotated)
Black Cat-Annotated
Fall of the House of Usher
Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque Illustrated
Works of Edgar Allan Poe
Some Words with a Mummy
Mystery of Marie Rogêt
Works of Edgar Allan Poe. Volume 3
Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket
Tales of Mystery and Imagination by Edgar Allan Poe ~ The Book League of America Edition 1940
The Fall of the House of Usher and Other Tales by Edgar Allan Poe (1981-01-01)
Tales of Mystery with Audio CD
Narrazioni Straordinario
Racconti Straordinari
MS. Found in a Bottle
Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket
Works of Edgar Allan Poe - Volume 2
Mesmeric Revelation
Descent into the Maelström
Tales of the Grotesque
Narracions extraordinàries
Works of Edgar Allan Poe; Volume IX
Fall of the House of Usher - Unabridged
Short Stories (Hop-Frog / Oblong Box)
Edgar Allan Poe Collection
Literary Life of Thingum Bob, Esq
Premature Burial
Eureka : A Prose Poem
Tell-Tale Heart
Historias extraordinarias
Angel of the Odd
The works of Edgar Allan Poe - Vol.5 - Poems, essays on poetry, and Eureka
Mesmeric revelation
Works of Edgar Allan Poe. Volume 2
Murders in the Rue Morgue
Tell-Tale Heart
Misteriozko ipuinak 2
Classic Adventure
Selected Short Stories
Journal of Julius Rodman
Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar / the Black Cat / the Fall of the House of Usher
King Pest
Mystery of Marie Rog
El cuervo y otros poemas
Tales of the Folio Club
Selected Tales
Works of Edgar Allan Poe (Annotated)
Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque Illustrated
Escarabajo de Oro Illustrated
Tales Of The Grotesque And Arabesque V2
Unparalleled Adventure of One Hans Pfaall
Some Words with a Mummy
Works of Edgar Allan Poe Volume V
Tales of Terror and Fantasy
Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket
Murders in the Rue Morgue : Special Annotations by
The Masque of the Red Death and Punch Brothers Punch
Edgar Allan Poe Poetry
System of Doctor Tarr and Professor Fether
Stolen Letter
Relatos / Stories
The works of Edgar Allan Poe - Vol.7 - Criticisms and reviews Vol.1.
Philosophy of Composition
Man That Was Used Up
Mystery of Marie Roget
Double Assassinat Dans la Rue Morgue
Edgar Allan Poe. Cuentos de terror para niños
Some Letters of Edgar Allan Poe to E. H. N. Patterson of Oquawka, Illinois
Even in the Grave All Is Not Lost
Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque : (Annotated Edition)
Power of Words
Complete Works of Edgar Allan Poe, Volume 3 Eleonora and Other Stories : Also Collecting
Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym
The Works of Edgar Allan Poe
Raven and Other Poems (Barnes and Noble Collectible Editions)
Pit and the Pendulum
Complete Works of Edgar Allan Poe - Volume 4
Murders in the Rue Morgue
Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket
Business Man
Angel of the Odd
Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket
O Escaravello De Ouro. Os Crimes Da Rua Morgue
The Gold Bug and Other Stories
A descent into the maelström, and other tales
Opowieści podróznicze
The Works of Edgar Allan Poe - Vol.5
Poesía completa
El gato negro
Cuentos POE / Poe Tales
Short Stories of Edgar Allan Poe
Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket
Contes macabres
Poesia completa
Narraciones Extraordinarias
Murders in the Rue Morgue
Calinan Mektup
Edgar Allan Poe Complete Tales and Poems 5
The Purloined Letter
MS. Found in a Bottle
Purloined Letter
Aventures d'Arthur Gordon Pym
L'escarbat D'or. Els Crims Del Carrer Moggue. Colecci—
The Literary Life of Thingum Bob, Esq
Purloined Letter
Mystery of Marie Rogêt
Complete Poetical Works
Mystery of Marie Rogêt
The Fall of The House of Usher by Edgar Allan Poe (1960-11-05)
Edgar Allan Poe Bedside Companion
Poe Illustrated
Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym
Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket - Original Edition
Works of Edgar Allan Poe -- Volume 1
Unparalleled Adventure of One Hans Pfaall
Works of Edgar Allan Poe : Volume 2
Works of Edgar Allan Poe
Gestohlene Brief
Maelzels Schachspieler
Works of Edgar of Allan Poe; Volume 3
Stories by Edgar Allan Poe
The best tales of Edgar Allan Poe
El Demonio de la Perversidad
Works of Edgar Allan Poe. Volume 2
Purloined Letter
William Wilson
Mystery of Marie Roget
Nevermore Poe Collection
The Complete Works of Edgar Allan Poe; Tales - Vol. 6
Complete Works of Edgar Allan Poe - Volume 2
Mellonta Tauta
Mystery of Marie Rog�t
Eureka : A Prose Poem
El corazón delator y otros relatos
Contes de Poe
O escaravello de ouro
Ten Great Mysteries
Edgar Allan Poe's Classic Tales of Horror
Narraciones Extraordinarias - 5a Seleccion (Mystery of Marie Roget / Oval Portrait / System of Dr. Tarr and Prof. Fether)
Fall of the House of Usher
Purloined Letter-Classic Novel(Annotated)
Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket
Pit and the Pendulum
Purloined Letter
Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket
Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym. 1967 Edition
Contos completos ii
Scarabée d'or Illustrated
Poetical Works of Edgar Allan Poe
Pit and the Pendulum
Los extraordinarios casos de monsieur Dupin
Tales of Mystery and Imagination
Derniers Contes
Selected poems of Edgar Allan Poe
Purloined Letter and Poems
Le sphinx et autres histoires
ŒUVRES COMPLÈTES de CHARLES BAUDELAIRE (Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym / Eureka)
A fekete macska
Murders in the Rue Morgue
Man That Was Used Up
Man of the Crowd
Tale of the Ragged Mountains
Mellonta Tauta
Racconti Straordinari
Cuatro Bestias en Una
Edgar Allan Poes Tales of Mystery and Imagination
The Works of Edgar Allan Poe - Volume VII - Miscellaneous
The Fall of the House of Usher
Power of Words
Fall of the House of Usher
Some Words with a Mummy
Carta Robada
Gothic Horror Classics Collection
Caída de la Casa Usher 1839
Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket
Poems and tales of Edgar Allan Poe
Lettre Volée
Gold-Bug - Large Print Edition
Vier Amerikanische Gedichte
Marginalia. Eureka
Werke in vier Bänden
The Works of Edgar Allan Poe -  Vol.8 - Criticisms and reviews Vol.2
Black Cat
Los crímenes de la calle Morgue y otros relatos
Storie Incredibili
Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket
Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar
Tales (Vol. 2)
Works of Edgar Allan Poe. Volume 2
Works of Edgar Allan Poe Volume I
Narracions extraordinàries
The Works of Edgar Allan Poe - Volume VI - Miscellaneous
Oval Portrait
Pit and the Pendulum
The Oval Portrait
Premature Burial
Mellonta Tauta
Murders in the Rue Morgue
King Pest
Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket
Tales and poems
Carta Roubada
Mystery of Marie Rogêt-Classic Novel(Annotated)
The Pit and the Pendulum
Tale of the Ragged Mountains
Works of Edgar Allan Poe -- Volume 1
Pit and the Pendulum
Murders in the Rue Morgue
Why the Little Frenchman Wears His Hand in a Sling
Murders in the Rue Morgue
Black Cat and the Pit and the Pendulum
Cuentos Tenebrosos
Edgar Allan Poe Collection
Tales and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe
Mysteries and the Macabre
Di verk fun Edgar Elen Pou (1/2)
Oblong Box
Premature Burial
Berenice i altres contes orientals
Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque Annotated
King Pest
Works of Edgar Allan Poe -- Volume 5
Complete Poe
The Light-House
Histoires Extraordinaires
The Poems of Edgar Allan Poe
Tales of Terror and Detection
Introduction to Poe
Tales of Mystery and Imagination
Berenice Illustrated
Pit and the Pendulum
Selected Short Stories
Works of Edgar Allan Poe -- Volume 2
Some Words with a Mummy
Conversation of Eiros and Charmion
Cask of Amontillado
Murders in the Rue Morgue
Collection of Tales by Edgar Allan Poe
Four Beasts in One
Racconti Straordinari Illustrata
Os crimes da rúa Morgue
Gatto Nero
Tales of Mystery and Terror
The Poems of Edgar Allan Poe
Edgar Allan Poe - an AI Journey into Madness & Mournful Memory
Edgar Allan Poe Short Stories
Histoires Grotesques et Sérieuses d'Edgar Poe - Edition Intrégrale
Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym
Purloined Letter
Gruwelijke Verhalen
Fall of the House of Usher
Crimes de la Rue de la Morgue
Selected Stories and Poems.
Cuentos de Edgar Allan Poe
Unparalleled Adventure of One Hans Pfaall
The Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar
Historias Extraordinarias
Tales of Edgar Allan Poe
La narracion de Arthur Gordon Pym/ The narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym
Landor's Cottage
Siete Historias de Terror de Edgar Allan Poe
American Horror N/e
I Crimini Di Morgue Street
Pit and the Pendulum and Other Tales of Terror
Works of Edgar Allan Poe. Volume 4
Works of Edgar Allan Poe. Volume 4
System of Doctor Tarr and Professor Fether
Geschichten 1
Pit and the Pendulum
Kızıl Ölümün Maskesi
Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym
Mesmeric Revelation
Morgue Street Crimes Edgar Allan Poe
Relatos cómicos
Tell-Tale Heart
Colloquy of Monos and Una
Relatos de misterio y terror
The Haunted Palace
The Poetry of Edgar Allan Poe - Volume 2
Works of Edgar Allan Poe
Racconti Straordinari Illustrata
Unparalleled Adventure of One Hans Pfaall
Fall of the House of Usher
Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar
Works of Edgar Allan Poe -- Volume 2
Gato Negro
The Raven
Complete Stories and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe
Le Chat noir et Autres nouvelles
The Works of Edgar Allan Poe
Raven and Other Selected Works (the Gothic Chronicles Collection)
Doings of Gotham
The Works of Edgar Allan Poe - Vol.1
The Premature Burial
Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque
William Wilson (illustriert)
Works of Edgar Allan Poe -- Volume 4
William Wilson
Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque
Edgar Allan Poe
Works of Edgar Allan Poe
Works of Edgar Allan Poe - Volume 1
Edgar Allan Poe - A Collection Of Stories
Black Cat - Large Print Edition
Works of Edgar Allan Poe - Volume III
Oval Portrait
Murders in the Rue Morgue
William Wilson
Pozo y el Péndulo
Le chat noir
Cuentos Clásicos Del Norte, Primera Serie
The Gentleman's Magazine - Volume VI
Tales and Poems
Paris Mysteries
The Works of Edgar Allan Poe Complete and Unabridged
Literary Life of Thingum Bob, Esq
Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket
Works of Edgar Allan Poe. Volume 1
Works of Edgar Allan Poe : Volume 2
Complete Works of Edgar Allan Poe Vol. 2
Edgar Allan Poe
A verdade sobre o caso do señor Valdemar e outros
Geschichten der Phantasie und des Geheimnisses
Complete Works; Volume 1
Der Untergang des Hauses Usher und andere Erzählungen
The Works of Edgar Allan Poe - Vol.6
Edgar Allan Poe Complete Tales and Poems 1
The Works of Edgar Allan Poe Volume 1
Works of Edgar Allan Poe. Volume 1
Edgar Allan Poe
Unparalleled Adventure of One Hans Pfaall
Cuentos de Imaginación y Misterio
American Horror N/e
Die schwarze Katze
Die Schwarze Katze
The Landscape Garden
Peguin Readers 5
Hidden Treasures in Literature - Book Two
Works of Edgar Allan Poe. Volume 1
Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque (annotated)
William Wilson (illustriert)
Fall of the House of Usher
Literary Life of Thingum Bob, Esq
Purloined Letter
Narraciones extraordinarias/ Tales (Spanish Edition)
Crimes of Morgue Street
Edgar Allan Poe's Thou Art the Man
Collected Works of Poe
Edgar Allan Poe's Complete Poetical Works
Landscape Garden
Cuentos de Edgar Allan Poe para estudiantes de español. Nivel A1
Selected Poetry and Prose
Crimes de la Rue de la Morgue
System of Doctor Tarr and Professor Fether
Histoires 1
Narraciones Extraordinarias
Works of Edgar Allan Poe. Volume 2
Pit and the Pendulum (Illustrated)
Doppelmord in der Rue Morgue
Unparalleled Adventure of One Hans Pfaall
Colloquy of Monos and Una
Complete Poetry of Edgar Allan Poe
Poesia completa
Tales 1845
to pigadi kai to ekkremes / το πηγάδι και το εκκρεμές
Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque
Works of Edgar Allan Poe - Volume II
Complete Works of Edgar Allan Poe - Volume 3
Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque
Fall of the House of Usher
Misteriozko ipuinak 1
Edgar Allan Poe
The Complete Works of Edgar Allan Poe - 8 - Criticisms
The Raven and Other Poems
Tales of Edgar Allan Poe
Purloined Letter : (Annotated Edition)
Descent into the Maelström Illustrated
Edgar Allan Poe
Works of Edgar Allan Poe. Volume 4
Tales of Mystery and Imagination
Thousand-And-Second Tale of Scheherazade Annotated
Thousand-And-Second Tale of Scheherazade Illustrated and Unabridged
Works of Edgar Allan Poe. Volume 4
Loss of Breath
Works of Edgar Allan Poe -- Volume 2
Complete Poetry
Raven and Other Selected Poems
Select Recitations for Catholic Schools and Academies
The Works of Edgar Allan Poe
The Complete Poems and Stories of Edgar Allan Poe with Selections From His Critical Writings - Volume II
Edgar Allan Poe.
Short Poetry Collection 1
Complete Poetical Works of Edgar Allan Poe
Mystery of Marie Rogêt Illustrated
Tale of the Ragged Mountains
Works of Edgar Allan Poe -- Volume 2
Facts in the Case of Mr Valdemar
Works of Edgar Allan Poe. Volume 1
Poems of Edgar Allan Poe
Poe's Tales of Mystery and Terror
Tales of Edgar Allan Poe with an introduction by Hervey Allen and wood engravings by Fritz Eichenberg
The Works of Edgar Allen Poe In Ten Volumes
Le système du Dr Goudron et du Pr Plume et autres histoires extraordinaires (Devil in the Belfry / Four Beasts in One / Imp of the Perverse / Lionizing / Story of Jerusalem / System of Dr. Tarr and Prof. Fether / Tell-tale Heart)
Murders in the Rue Morgue
Works of Edgar Allan Poe
The narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym,
Geschichten 2
The Works of Edgar Allan Poe; Volume 5
The Pit and the Pendulum
Poems of Edgar Allan Poe
Works of Edgar Allan Poe. Volume 3
Unparalleled Adventure of One Hans Pfaall
Derniers Contes
Peste écarlate de Jack London, Suivi de le Masque de la Mort Rouge, Par Edgar Allan Poe
Manuscrito encontrado en una botella y otros relatos
Selected tales; (Books that have changed man's thinking)
Complete Stories
Seven stories adapted Adapted from the original of Edgar Allan Poe
Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket
Thousand-And-Second Tale of Scheherazade a Descent into the Maelström
System of Doctor Tarr and Professor Fether
Masque of the Red Death
Purloined Letter
Masque of the Red Death
The Works of Edgar Allan Poe Volume One Introductions and poems (The Cameo Edition)
The Mystery of Marie Roget
Man That Was Used Up
Works of Edgar Allan Poe. Volume 5
Bogue D'or
Works of Edgar Allan Poe
Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque
The Complete Works of Edgar Allen Poe; Volume 9
Der Teufel im Glockenstuhl
Mystery of Marie Rogêt : (Annotated Edition)
Complete Science Fiction of Edgar Allan Poe 1000 Copy Limited Edition
Descent into the Maelström Illustrated
Malcolm's, January 1954
Island of the Fay
Black Cat
Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque
The Works of Edgar Allan Poe
Tales and poems
Von Kempelen and His Discovery
Works of Edgar Allan Poe. Volume 4
Oblong Box
Relatos de misterio y terror
El Rey Peste
Untergang des Hauses Usher
Works of Edgar Allan Poe- Volume 1
Tales of Imagination and Mystery
Cuentos extraordinarios
Die schwarze Katze und andere Verbrechergeschichten
Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque Illustrated
Black Cat Illustrated
Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket - Large Print Edition
Cuentos imprescindibles
Murders in the Rue Morgue Annotatedv
The Murdres in the Rue Morgue. Mit Materialien. Level 2. 700 headwords.
The Cask of Amontillado
Thousand-And-Second Tale of Scheherazade - Large Print Edition
Fall of the House of Usher and Other Stories
Mystery of Marie Rogêt
Fall of the House of Usher
MS. Found in a Bottle
Purloined Letter
The Purloined Letter The Murders in the Rue Morgue
The Works of Edgar Allan Poe, Essays, Criticism and Miscellany
The Letters of Edgar Allan Poe (Vol II)
Tales of Mystery & Imagination
Oeuvres En Prose
Oysgeṿelṭe ṿerḳ
Tales by Edgar Allan Poe
Manuscrito Encontrado en una Botella y Otros Relatos
La Korvo
Scarabée d'or Illustrated
Some Words with a Mummy
Escarabajo de Oro
Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket
Loss of Breath
Raven a Graphic Novel
Annabel Lee
Thou Art the Man - Large Print Edition
Mesmeric Revelation by Edgar Allan Poe Annotated
Murders in the Rue Morgue Illustrated
Complete Tales and Poems
Diddling Considered As One of the Exact Sciences
Black Cat
Cuentos de terror
Guglielmo Wilson
Select Tales
Thousand-And-Second Tale of Scheherazade
Ms. Found in a Bottle
Mystery of Marie Rogêt
Pit and the Pendulum
Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym
Die Scheintoten
Purloined Letter
Purloined Letter
Works of Edgar Allan Poe -- Volume 5
Murders in the Rue Morgue
Der entwendete Brief und andere Erzählungen. GroÃdruck
The Complete Works of Edgar Allen Poe; Volume 3
Premature Burial the Domain of Arnheim
Eureka an Essay on the Material and Spiritual Universe
La caída de la Casa Usher
Contes, volum IV
Poesia completa
Oisgewehlte werk ..
The works of Edgar Allan Poe - Vol.9 - Miscellaneous
Black Cat
Descent into the Maelstr
Los Crímenes de la Calle Morgue
Works of Edgar Allan Poe : Volume 3
Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym
Hinab in Den Maelström
Edgar Allan Poe. Medo Clássico
Poesía completa
The complete illustrated stories and poems
Graham's Magazine, Volume 43
The works of Edgar Allan Poe - Vol.2
Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque Illustrated
Works of Edgar Allan Poe (Annotated)
The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket
Purloined Letter Von Kempelen and His Discovery Mesmeric Revelation
Tale of the Ragged Mountains
The Black Cat Edgar Allan Poe
Selections from Poe Edited with Biographical and Critical Introduction and Notes by J Montgomery Gambrill
Entre los vivos, historias de fantasmas
Essential Tales and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe
Hop-Frog - Large Print Edition
William Wilson
Man of the Crowd
Never Bet the Devil Your Head
Works of Edgar Allan Poe. Volume 1
Tales Of Mystery And Imagination
Murders in the Rue Morgue
La réhabilitation de Edgar Poe et ses plus beaux poèmes en vers français, avec texte anglais en regard ..
Short Stories
Edgar Allan Poe - Medo Classico Volume 2
Contes Policiers et Autres
Racconti Straordinari Illustrata
Bells and Other Poems
Murders in the Rue Morgue Annotated
Discesa Nel Maelstrom
Mystery of Marie Rogêt
Unparalleled Adventure of One Hans Pfaall
Murders in the Rue Morgue
El universo de Poe
La filosofía de la composición = The philosophy of composition
Tales (Vol. 5)
The Complete Short Stories of Edgar Allan Poe
Murders in the Rue Morgue
A Descent Into the Maelstrom
Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque
Diddling Considered as One of the Exact Sciences
Edgar Allan Poe Collection
Complete Works of Edgar Allan Poe - Volume 3
Some Words with a Mummy
Business Man
Oblong Box
C. Auguste Dupin Mystery's
Works of the Late Edgar Allan Poe; V. 4
Andy Biersack Presents the Works of Edgar Allan Poe
Unheimliche geschichten
Writings in the Broadway Journal - Nonfictional Prose - Part II, The Annotations
The Complete Collection of Edgar Allan Poe
Works of Edgar Allan Poe
El escarabajo de oro
The Complete Poetical Works Of Edgar Allan Poe
Works of Edgar Allan Poe - Volume 3
Works of Edgar Allan Poe. Volume 2
Works of Edgar Allan Poe. Volume 4
The Complete Poems and Stories of Edgar Allan Poe Volumes 1 and 2
Poems of Edgar Allan Poe
Mystery of Marie Rogêt
Black Cat
Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym
The Murders in the Rue Morgue and Other Tales (First Modern Detective Story)
La caída de la casa Usher
Premature Burial
Morgue Sokağı Cinayetleri
Murders in the Rue Morgue Illustrated
Unparalleled Adventure of One Hans Pfaall
Historias Extraordinarias
Unparalleled Adventure of One Hans Pfaall - Original Edition
Works of Edgar Allan Poe. Volume 3
Narratives Extraordinary
Modern Detective
System of Doctor Tarr and Professor Fether
Bells, and Other Poems - Large Print Edition
The Works of Edgar Allan Poe Raven Edition
Portraits of Poe
Poe : Unheimliche Geschichten
Short Stories
William Wilson (illustriert)
Oval Portrait
X-Ing a Paragrab
Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket
Impareggiabili notizie. Sei falsi giornalistici
L'escarabat D'or.aula Literaria N/c
Fall of the House of Usher
Classic Gothic
Die Maske des Roten Todes
Cuentos Extraordinarios (Edición Conmemorativa) / Edgar Allan Poe. Extraordinary Tales
Weird Fiction Review #5
Murders in the Rue Morgue, The
King Pest
The Murders In The Rue Morgue And Other Stories
The Raven and Other Poems
Penguin Readers 5
El Arte del cuento
"The Fall of the House of Usher" and "The Raven"
Island of the Fay
MS. Found in a Bottle
Carta Robada
Poets and Poetry of America; a Satire (by
Pozo y El Pendulo y Otras Historias Espeluzna
Conqueror Worm
Works of Edgar Allan Poe
Complete Tales and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe
Los asesinatos de la Rue Morgue y la carta robada
Edgar Allan Poe Stories
Works of Edgar Allan Poe. Volume 2
Pozo y el Péndulo
Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket
Nuovi Racconti Straordianri
The Complete Works of Edgar Allen Poe, Volume 6
Tales of Mystery and Imagination (Worth Literary Classics)
Cuentos Policiales, Edgar Allan Poe
Masque of the Red Death
The poetical works of Edgar Allan Poe
Works of Edgar Allan Poe - Volume 5
Fall of the House of Usher
Some Words with a Mummy
Unparalleled Adventure of One Hans Pfaall
The Man of the Crowd
Escarabajo de Oro
Thousand-And-Second Tale of Scheherazade
Poetical Works of Edgar Allan Poe;
Mystery of Marie Rogêt Illustrated
Murders in the Rue Morgue
Man of the Crowd
Works of Edgar Allan Poe. Volume 1
Novelas y Cuentos
Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym
Manuscrito encontrado en una botella y otros relatos
Tales of the Macabre (Deseret Alphabet Edition)
Descent into the Maelström
William Wilson
Descent into the Maelström-Original Edition(Annotated)
Andy Black Presents the Works of Edgar Allan Poe
Fall of the House of Usher
Black Cat
Pit and the Pendulum
William Wilson (illustriert)
Relatos Escogidos III
Writings in the Broadway Journal - Nonfictional Prose - Part I, The Text
Bells, and Other Poems
Works of Edgar Allan Poe
Edgar Allan Poe Tales of Mystery, Murder, and Adventure
MS. Found in a Bottle
The 1,000 Page Children's story Book (A Young Persons Guide to Literature)
Racconti del terrore
Un descenso ao Maelström / Sombra
Pack Edgar Allan Poe
Discesa Nel Maelstrom
Poems ([Macmillan's pocket American and English classics])
Works of Edgar Allan Poe
Catonsville Ghost Story
Gothic Book Box Set
Racconti Straordinari
Oval Portrait
Some Words with a Mummy
Man of the Crowd
Landor's Cottage
Mr. Valdemar
Az aranybogár
Murders in the Rue Morgue Annotated
Journal of Julius Rodman
Descent into the Maelström Complete Illustrated and Unabridged Edition
Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque
Thousand-And-Second Tale of Scheherazade
Nouvelles Histoires Extraordinaires
Essential Edgar Allan Poe Collection
Contes d'imagination et de Mystère
Man of the Crowd
Zolotoĭ zhuk
Poe, The Complete Poems and Selected Criticism of Edgar Allan
Tell-Tale Heart
Landscape Garden
King Pest
Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket
Murders in the Rue Morgue
Works of Edgar Allan Poe. Volume 1
Mystery of Marie Roget
Der goldene Skarabäus - Erzählung
Graham's Magazine, Volume 32
Racconti Straordinari Illustrata
Lettre Volée
Thousand and-Second Tale of Scheherazad Original Edition Novel(illustrated)
Cuentos para Leer Antes de Medianoche
Black Cat
Works of Edgar Allan Poe : Volume 2
El Gato Negro y Otros Cuentos (NORMA)
Stories 1
Works; Volume 3
Short Story
Selected Works of Edgar Allan Poe (Collins Classics)
The Fall of the House of Usher
The Black Cat
Pozzo e il Pendolo
Premature Burial the Domain of Arnheim
Business Man
Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket
The Conversation of Eiros and Charmion
Black Cat Illustrated
Unparalleled Adventures of One Hans Pfaal
Man That Was Used Up
Tale of the Ragged Mountains
L'Univers de Poe
Complete Poems of Edgar Allan Poe Illustrated by William Heath Robinson
Raven with Literary and Historical Commentary (Heathen Edition)
cuervo y otros textos poéticos
Edgar Allan Poe Stories, Essays and Poems
Narratives Extraordinary
Works of Edgar Allan Poe -- Volume 5
Purloined Letter
Black Cat
Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque
Eight Tales of Terror
Complete Works of Edgar Allan Poe
The Works of Edgar Allan Poe
Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque
Nouvelles Histoires Extraordinaires
Bells and Other Poems Annotated
Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket
Complete Poetical Works of Edgar Allan Poe
Works of Edgar Allan Poe
Tales of Terror
Tale - Edgar Allen Poe
Enigma of Poe
Faszination des Grauens.
The Works of Edgar Allan Poe
Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket
Raven and Other Poems
Raven and Other Favorite Poems
Murders in the Rue Morgue
Purloined Letter
Black Cat
Purloined Letter
Raven; and, the Philosophy of Composition
The Works of Edgar Allan Poe
Mystery of Marie Rogêt Illustrated
La Chute de la maison Usher (1CD audio) (French Edition)
El gato negro y otros cuentos
Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket
uomo Della Folla
The Science Fiction of Edgar Allan Poe (Some Words with a Mummy / Thousand-and-Second Tale of Scheherazade)
Oblong Box
Tale of the Ragged Mountains
Pozo y el Péndulo : (spanish Edition) (Black Label Edition)
Works of Edgar Allan Poe - Volume 2
Cuentos Cl�sicos Del Norte
Complete Poems of Edgar Allan Poe, Prepared, and Edited With a Commentary By Louis Untermeyer; Illustrated With Lithogaphs By Hugo Steiner-Prag
Man That Was Used up
El escarabajo de oro y otros cuentos
Relats de terror
Complete Works of Edgar Allan Poe (Annotated)
Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque
Black Cat
Premature Burial
Some Words with a Mummy
Contes, volum III
Best Tales of Edgar Allan Poe
Great Short Works of Edgar Allan Poe
Complete Poetry of Edgar Allan Poe
Best Works of Edgar Allan Poe
Premature Burial
Angel of the Odd
Os Crimes Da Rua Do Necrotério
William Wilson
Works of Edgar Allan Poe : Volume 1
Misteriozko ipuinak 2
Edgar Allan Poe's Hop-Frog
Journal of Julius Rodman
Complete Poems and Tales
Works of Edgar Allan Poe - Volume 4
Oblong Box
Works of Edgar Allan Poe. Volume 3
O escaravello de ouro e outros contos
Fall of the House of Usher and Other Tales Illustrated
La narración de Arthur Gordon Pym
Histoires 2
The Complete Works of Edgar Allan Poe - Volume XII - Literary Criticism--Volume V
Thou Art the Man
Representative selections, with introduction, bibliography, and notes
O Escaravello De Ouro. Os Crimes Da Rua Morgue
Histoires Extraordinaires (French Edition)
Aventures d'Arthur Gordon Pym
Poe's Tales of the Macabre
Complete Short Stories
Edgar Allan Poe
Mystery of Marie Rogêt Illustrated
Works of Edgar Allan Poe
Tale of the Ragged Mountains
Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym
Works of Edgar Allan Poe. Volume 3
Debate con una Momia
Rue Morgueko hilketak
Narraciones Extraordinarias
Tamerlane and Other Poems
When the Rest of Heaven Was Blue
The Pit and The Pendulum
Works of Edgar Allan Poe
Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar
Tales of Edgar Allen Poe; Eleven Bizarre Stories from the Master Teller of Tales
Complete Poe
The best known works of Edgar Allan Poe, the best of the famous tales and poems
Histoires Extraordinaires (French Edition)
Mystery of Marie Rogêt : [Annotated]
System of Doctor Tarr and Professor Fether
X-Ing a Paragrab
Cask of Amontillado
Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque
Barril de Amontillado
Gato Negro
Tales Of Edgar Allan Poe
Contes, volum I
Die Verbrechen der Leichenhalle Straße
Tales of Imagination and Mystery
The Fall of the House of Usher
Tales of Mystery and Imagination (adaptation)
The Tell-Tale Heart
Murders in the Rue Morgue : (Annotated)
Gold Bug and the Raven
Murders in the Rue Morgue
Mystery of Marie Roget
The Tell-Tale Heart and other stories
Tales of Edgar Allan Poe
Die Morde in der Rue Morgue
Edgar Allan Poe
Ellery Queen's Poetic Justice
Joyario de Poe
Tales of adventure, mystery and imagination ...
Edgar Allan Poe (Illustrated Poets)
James Stewart Reads Edgar Allan Poe
Tales of Edgar Allan Poe
Cuentos - Con Sobrecubierta
Edgar Allan Poe válogatott művei
The murders in the Rue Morgue ;facsimile of the ms. in the Drexel institute
The Sign of the Four / Morella / Metengerstein / The Tale of the Ragged Mountains / The Spectacles / Le Duc de L'omelette
Oysgeṿehlṭe ertsehlungen
Poezii și poeme
Phantastische Geschichten. Mitarbeiter und Manager im Unternehmen der Zukunft
The Poetic Priciple
Tamerlane and other poems
Le scarabée d'or
Contes inedits d'Edgar Poe
Classic Short Stories
Narraciones Extraordinarias (2a Seleccion)
The Complete Tales of Mystery and Imagination, The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket & The Raven and other Poems
Neobyknovennye razskazy
The bells, and other poems
Poo shōsetsu zenshū
Der Goldkäfer und andere Novellen
Selections from Marginalia
The gold bug
Edgar Allan Poe i udvalg
A Predicament
Histórias Extraordinárias
Filosofía del mueble
The rising stars series
The Tales and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe - Volume Seven
Die denkwürdigen erlebnisse des Artur Gordon Pym
O Angelos tou paraxenou ke alles istories
El Gat Negre I Altres Relats (Llibres Infantils I Juvenils)
Raconti del terrore
Masterful Essays
Ṿillyam Ṿilson
The Forest Reverie
Maige lu de xiong an
A selection of poems by Edgar Allan Poe
The Illustrated Poetry of Edgar Allan Poe
Carta Robada y Otros Cuentos, La
Hei mao
Cuentos Fantasticos
The poetical works of E.A. Poe
Pude duan pian xiao shuo
Poemetti e liriche
Pád domu Usherových
Eseyen un lider
The Conqueror Worm
The raven and The bells
The works of Edgar Allan Poe
Masterpieces of mystery
Du Bin zhen tan an
[Great tales. Vol. I.
The chess player
Compete Poems
Histoires extraordinaires
Edgar Allan Poe: Short Stories, Poems, Novels
Some tales of mystery and imagination
Pō kessakushū
Afsānahʹhā-yi rāz va khayāl
Poésies complètes
Obras en prosa
Essays and stories
Edgar Poes Werke
Ailunpo gu shi ji
Key Writings
The last letters of Edgar Allan Poe to Sarah Helen Whitman
Di verk fun Edgar Elen Pou
The mystery of Marie Roget and other tales
Grube und Pendel. Schaurige Erzählungen
Das Beste von Edgar Allan Poe
Artasovor patmutʻiwnner
Last flowers
The Works of Edgar Allan Poe - Ten Vols. in Five - Volume Five - Essays, Philosophy, Criticism and Miscellany/Index
The fall of the house of usher
Pude duan pian xiao shuo
˜Dieœ Maske des roten Todes
The Letters of Edgar Allan Poe - II
Miscellaneous tales and poems
The Complete Works of Edgar Allan Poe - Letters of Poe and His Friend
The works of Edgar Allan Poe
... In sunshine and shadow
Edgar Allan Poe the Best Tales of Myster
Poemes: Traduction de Stephane Mallarme ; et, La genese d'un poeme
Histoires extraordiaires
Meistererzahlugen/an Anthology
Selected Tales and Poems (New York Post Family Classic Library) No 4 (Family Classic Library, 4)
Masekhat ha-maṿet ha-adom
The Raven
The Best Short Stories of Edgar Allan Poe
The fall of the house of Usher
אויסגעוועלטע ווערק (1/2)
Obras Escogidas
The prose tales of Edgar Allan Poe
The raven
Ausgewählte Novellen
Tales of mystery, imagination, and humour
Ghost, Horror, and Supernatural Stories (including Gothic Novels and Halloween) on CD
Edgar Allan Poe Collection #1
Al Aaraaf, Tamerlane
Critica Literaria 1
Mille et deuxième nuit
The works of Edgar Allan Poe
Ḥipushit ha-zahav ṿe-ʻod sipurim
Poezje wybrane
The raven and other poems
Poesias Completas
Œuvres en prose
The prose tales of Edgar Allan Poe, third series
Selections from Poe's Marginalia
De zwarte kat en andere griezelverhalen
Faszination des Grauens. 11 Meistererzählungen
Poesia Completa
Gato Negro y Otros Cuentos, El
Cuentos Clasificados T
Some poems
Histoires extraordinaires
Trois histoires extraordinaires
Fragments des Marginalia
Der Untergang des Hauses Usher. Meistererzählungen
Di verk fun Edgar Elen Pou (2/2)
The Complete Works of Edgar Allan Poe - Volume IV - Tales--Volume III
Histoires extraordinaires
Selected tales
Poesia Total - Primera Seleccion
The Baltimore Years
Le corbeau
The Works of Edgar Allan Poe - Volumes VII and VIII - Miscellaneous
The Philosophy Of Animal Magnetism
Tales, poems, essays
Hai shang li xian ji
Hei mao, gao mi de xin
How I Wrote The Raven
Selections from Poe's literary criticism
An Edgar Allan Poe Calendar for 2009
The Works of Edgar Allan Poe - Volume V - Miscellaneous
La máscara de la Muerte Roja y otras historias macabras
Taʻalumat ha-retsaḥ bi-reḥov Morag
The tell-tale heart
Der Goldkäfer und andere Erzählungen. und andere Erzählungen
The Stylus
Ailun Po duan pian xiao shuo jing xuan
Narrativa completa
Els assassinats del carrer Morgue
Obras Completas En Prosa
Histoires extraordinaires
The pit and the pendulum and other stories
שיטת הדוקטור גודרון הפרופ׳ פלים
E. A. Poe's Short Stories
Tales of horror & imagination
The Gold Bug and Other Tales (Regents Illustrated Classics, Level B)
Erstaunliche Geschichten und unheimliche Begebenheiten
Ailun Po an hei gu shi quan ji =
Zánik domu Usherova
Strange, Supernatural, Horrible & Fantastic Tales Vol. Lss-8: Special Edition
Rejtelmes történetek
Gorudon Pimu monogatari
Edgar Allan Poes werke
Critica Literaria 2
The works of Edgar Allan Poe
The complete tales of Edgar Allan Poe
Meiguo wen xue
The Sleeper
Ailunpo xuan yi xiao shuo ji
Edgar Allan Poe Complete Tales and Poems
The poetical works of Edgar Allan Poe
Edgar Allan Poe letters till now unpublished
Fantastische vertellingen
Tales of mystery and imagination ...
Poems and essays of Edgar Allan Poe
The complete poetical works of Edgar Allan Poe
E. A. Poe omnibus
The Complete Works of Edgar Allan Poe - Volume IX - Literary Criticism--Volume II
Two poems
Complete stories of Edgar Allan Poe
El escarabajo de oro y otros cuentos
Les Poemes D'Edgar Poe
The poems of Edgar Alan Poe
Edgar Allan Poe Soundbook (Sbc 106)
Les poèmes d'Edgar Poe
Ṿiliʼam Ṿilson
The Works of Edgar Allan Poe - Vol. V
Aventures d'Arthur Gordon Pym
די ווערק (1/2)
K podstatě básnictví
ha-Retsiḥot bi-reḥov Morg ṿe-sipurim aḥerim
Eureka ; La genèse d'un poëme
Edgar Allan Poe's Stories & Tales II (Mystery Theatre)
Hans Pfaalls Mondreise und andere Novellen (Oval Portrait / Shadow / Spectacles / Sphinx / Tale of Jerusalem / Thou Art the Man / Unparalleled Adventure of One Hans Pfaall)
Tales of the grotesque and arabesque
The Sporting library of Mr. William Brewster of New York city
[Detached copies of articles from Graham's magazine]
The works of Edgar Allan Poe
Poems, reproduced from the edition of 1831
The tales and poems of Egar Allan Poe ... With biographical essay
ʻAlilat A. Gordon Pim
Edgar Allan Poe et les textes sacrés
Cuentos De Humor Y Satira
The complete poems of Edgar Allan Poe
Gesammelte Werke
Tales of the Folio Club and three other stories
The Poetical Works of Edgar Allan Poe
Antologia Poetica
Edgar Allan Poe ...
Byōinʼyoko-chō no satsujinhan
Suvarṇa kīṭa
Murders in the Rue Morge, and other stories
The city in the sea
American fiction
Nevermore  the Poems of E.A. Poe
The Lake
A kút és az inga
Edgar Allen Poe (Poetry Library Series)
The Mind of Poe
The raven
The Complete Works of Edgar Allan Poe - Volume I - Biography
Histoires grotesques et sérieuses
Piisi Ke fantasia
The mask of the red death
Tales, poems, essays
Huit histoires extraordinaires
Raven and Other Works
Escarabajo de Oro, El y Otros Cuentos
Geschichten des Grauens
Ailunpo xiao shuo xuan =
ha-Mikhtav ha-ganuv ṿa-aḥerim
Insel Taschenbücher, Sämtliche Erzählungen, 4 Bde
ha-Igeret ha-genuvah
[Excerpts from Graham's magazine
Allokotes istories
Matsav bish ṿe-sipure emah aḥerim
The poetical works of Edgar Allan Poe
Selected poems
Fall of the House of Usher and Other Works/1 Cassette Cdl5
Ballady i fantazīi
The Letters of Edgar Allan Poe - I
Poetical works
Tales of Mystery and Imagination (Simple English)
Selected Works of Edgar Allan Poe Lt
Oeuvres en prose
An appendix of autographs
Some poems of Edgar Allan Poe
Early criticism
Pole blanc
Manuscrit trouvé dans une bouteille
Das Feuerpferd und andere Novellen
Edgar Allan Poe centenary
Narraciones extraordinarias. - 1. ed.
To the River
Sobranie sochineniĭ v chetyrekh tomakh
Tales of mystery and imagination
Tales of Mystery and Imagination (Cask of Amontillado / Fall of the House of Usher / Gold-Bug / MS. Found in a Bottle / Pit and the Pendulum)
The complete poems of Edgar Allan Poe
Tales of Effect
Evening Star
The gold-bug
The murders in the Rue Morgue and other tales of mystery
Complete poems of Edgar Allan Poe
Le corbeau
Tuo yuan xing de xiao xiang
Narraciones Extraordinarias
Mr. Hawthorne's description of his daughter
Cuentos esenciales
The works of Edgar Allan Poe
The works of Edgar Allen Poe
The essays of Elia
Chapter on Autobiography
Les cloches
The works of Edgar Allan Poe
Hei mao, Jin jia chong
Selected stories of Edgar Allan Poe
The Best Poems And Essays Of Edgar Allan Poe
Crimenes de La Calle Morgue y Otras Historias
Edgar Allan Poe: Writings in the Broadway Journal , Nonfictional Prose
Crítica literaria
Aventures d'Arthur Gordon Pym
Axia jia di mo luo
Maʻaśe ha-retsaḥ bi-reḥov Morg ṿe-ʻod sipurim
Three Tales of Mystery (Mystery Library)
די ווערק (2/2)
Two Poe Tales (How To Write a Blackwood Article / Predicament)
The Complete Works of Edgar Allan Poe - Volume II - Tales--Volume I
Poems and tales of Edgar Allan Poe
Dos poemas
Stories: twenty-seven thrilling tales by the master of suspense
Mystification and ther Tales
The Complete Works of Edgar Allan Poe - Volume III - Tales--Volume II
The raven
Tales of the grotesque and arabesque with other stories
The Complete Works of Edgar Allan Poe - Volume V - Tales--Volume IV
Maʻaśe ha-retsaḥ bi-reḥov Morg ṿe-ʻod sipurim
Der Goldkäfer. Und andere Erzählungen
Select works of Edgar Allan Poe
Ailunpo di gui yi wang guo
Die Glocken
Eureka. Marginalia. A chapter on autography. The literati
Ailun Po jing song xiao shuo xuan
The works of Edgar Allan Poe
Phantastische Erzählungen
Huang liang tao
אויסגעוועלטע ווערק (2/2)
Cuentos de lo grotesco y lo arabesco
Some Secrets of the Magazine Prison-House
Honoré de Balzac
Honoré de Balzac (1799-1850)

literary critic, journalist, art critic, essayist, dramaturge, publisher

  • University of Paris, Lycée Charlemagne
Contes bruns
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--World Literature
La Cousine Bette
Eugénie Grandet
Illusions perdues
The Penguin Book of Horror Stories
Isaac Asimov Presents the Best Horror and Supernatural of the 19th Century
Physiologie du mariage
Great Cat Tales
The World's One Hundred Best Short Stories [In Ten Volumes]. Volume Five. Drama
Horror Classics
The Greatest Cat Stories Ever Told
The Chouans
La peau de chagrin
Tales of Horror and Mystery
Lords of the Housetops
La comédie humaine
Colonel Chabert
Les contes drôlatiques
Scènes de la vie privée et publique des animaux
Selected Short Stories
Cousin Pons
Splendeurs et misères des courtisanes
The Resources of Quinola
A harlot high and low
Fille aux yeux d'or
The Vicar of Tours
Chef-d'oeuvre inconnu
Maitre Cornelius
An Historical Mystery
Lys dans la vallée
Scènes de la vie privée et publique des animaux
Contrat de marriage
La cousine Bette
Lettres à Madame Hanska
The Commission in Lunacy
Classic Horror Stories
Les petits bourgeois
A Father's Curse and Other Stories
Eugenia Grandet
Deux frères
Le cure  de village
Lock and Key Library -- Classic French
The Human Comedy, Vol. I
César Birotteau
The Alkahest
Scènes de la vie privée et publique des animaux
Ferragus, Chief of the Devorants
Selected short stories [of] Honore de Balzac
The Duchesse De Langeais
A passion in the desert
Lost Illusions
La Femme de trente ans
Le contrat de mariage
Catherine De Medici
Curé de village
Une ténébreuse affaire: Un épisode sous la terreur
Muse du département
Splendeurs et mise  res des courtisanes
Histoire de la grandeur et de la décadence de César Birotteau
Albert Savarus
The Magic Skin
Les débuts littéraires de Gustave Flaubert, 1831-1845
Les Chouans
The works of Honoré de Balzac..
Old Man Goriot
Le curé de village
Grand homme de province ©  Paris
Oeuvres complètes
Le médecin de campagne
Eve and David
Le curé de Tours
Histoire des Treize
The splendors and miseries of courtesans
Envers de l'histoire contemporaine
Lost Illusions Volume I
The Lesser Bourgeoisie
Oeuvres complètes de H. de Balzac ..
Lost Illusions Volume II
Études philosophiques
At the Sign of the Cat & Racket
The Chouans
A start in life. Madame Firmiani. The message. The atheist's mass
Le lys dans la valle e
History of the thirteen
Le Colonel Chabert
The country doctor
Tales for a Stormy Night
Pere Goriot and Eugenie Grandet
The Marriage Contract
Domestic Peace
La comédie humaine
The Atheist's Mass
The Seamy Side of History
The Girl with the Golden Eyes and Other Stories
La médecin de campagne
An Old Maid
Père Goriot and Eugénie Grandet
Scènes de la vie de province
La Duchesse de Langeais
Letters of Two Brides
Albert Savarus. A daughter of Eve
The country parson and Albert Savaron
Physiologie du mariage, ou, Méditations de philosophie éclectique sur le ..
The Village Rector
Librivox Short Story Collection 087
The Hated Son
The Thirteen
Histoire intellectuelle de Louis Lambert
The wrong side of Paris
Sur Catherine de Médicis
La peau de chagrin: roman philosophique
The celibates
A Daughter of Eve
The Centenarian, or, The two Beringhelds
Lost Illusions Volume III
The best horror stories
Le cure de Tours ; suivi de, Pierrette / c edition presentee, etablie et annotee par Anne-Marie Meininger
Petites misères de la vie conjugale
Scènes de la vie privée
La père Goriot
Mémoires de deux jeunes mariées
Physiologie du mariage, ou, Méditations de philosophie éclectique: sur le bonheur et le malheur ..
Les Parisiens en province: L'illustre Gaudissart, La muse du département
La maison Nucingen
Essais Historiques Et Politiques
Une ténébreuse affaire
Old Maid
Glanz und Elend der Kurtisanen
The Lily of the Valley
The Jealousies of a Country Town: (Les Rivalités)
Fame and Sorrow: With Chabert, The Atheists̕ Mass, La Grande Bretèche, The ..
La Peau de chagrin
A Distinguished Provincial at Paris: Lost Illusions, and Other Stories
Cinq scènes de La comédie humaine
La Grande Bretêche
Balzac moraliste
Le cousin Pons
A murky business
The Secrets Of The Princesse De Cadignan
Les Francais peints par eux-mêmes
Honoré de Balzac
Louis Lambert ; Les proscrits ; Séraphita
Comedy of Human Life
Melmoth Reconciled
The Chouans: A Passion in the Desert
The Elixir Of Life
At the Sign of the Cat and Racket =: (La Maison Du Chat-qui-pelote)
La vieille fille
Théatre complet
Les secrets de la princesse de Cadignan
Contes bruns
An Old Maid
The Human Comedy and Other Short Novels
La recherche de l'absolu
The Illustrious Gaudissart
The Stepmother
The two young brides
Eugenie Grandet
A Start in Life
The Celibates: Bachelor's Establishment, and Other Stories
Louis Lambert
Physiologie der Ehe: Eklektisch-philosophische Betrachtungenüber Glück& Unglück in der Ehe
The Alkahest
Le Medecin de Campagne
Ten droll tales
The Deserted Woman
Two Poets
Massimilla Doni
The Deputy of Arcis
Sce  nes de la vie parisienne
Seraphita And Louis Lambert The Exiles
A Daughter of Eve
Balzac : La Com??die humaine, tome 2
Ursule Mirouet
La Peau De Chagrin
Memoires de Deux Jeunes Mariees
The lily in the valley
Droll Stories Volume 2
La Légende de Napoléon
The Lesser Bourgeoisie
La Recherche De L'Absolu / La Messe De L'Athee
Ecrivains De Toujours (Par Lui-Meme)
Les paysans
Le Colonel Chabert
Une Tenebreuse Affaire
Le secret des Ruggieri
Annette et le criminel
The Correspondence of Honore De Balzac
Das Mädchen mit den Goldaugen
Maitre Cornelius and Other Short Novels
Œuvres complètes de H. de Balzac
The Duchesse of Langeais
A Second Home
A Study of a woman
Illusions perdues
Droll Stories, Volume II
Le cure  de Tours
Balzac par lui-meme
Petty Troubles of Married Life
The bureaucrats
Aphorisms And Thoughts
The works of Honore de Balzac: Novelettes
The Collection of Antiquities
La maison du chat-qui-pelote
Cousin Bette (Everyman's Library, 15)
Short Stories of Honore de Balzac
A Prince of Bohemia and other stories
The Shorter Stories of Honore de Balzac
Le Cure De Tours
Eugenie Grandet
Modeste Mignon
Vetter Pons
Le Père Goriot
Sce  nes de la vie prive e
The Human Comedy
La Maison Du Chat-Qui-Pelote
Histoire Des Treize
Le Lys Dans La Vallee
My Journey From Paris To Java
El Tio Goriot
A bachelor's establishment
The centenarian
Utrachennye illiuzii
The Duchesse de Langeais, Book Two of 'The Thirteen'
The Unknown Masterpiece and Other Works
French History, Philosophy, Literature, and Language on CD ROM
Analytical Studies
Penguin Classics Ursule Mirouet
Verlorene Illusionen
Parisians in the Country
La Piel de Zapa
La Peau de Chagrin
Le lys dans la vallée
Le chef-d'oeuvre inconnu
The human comedy
Contes Français
Le Chef-d'Oeuvre Inconnu / Gambara / Massimilla
Ursule Mirouët
Petty Troubles of Married Life, First Part
Un inédit de Balzac
Comédie humaine
A father's curse
The Jealousies of a Country Town
Le Colonel Chabert Et Autres Aventures Heroiques
Lectures Cle En Francais Facile - Level 3
Estampas de mujer
Une Fille D'Eve / La Fausse Maitresse
The Girl with the Golden Eyes, Book Three of 'The Thirteen'
The Firm of Nucingen
The Works Of Honore De Balzac V13-14, V2
Las ilusiones perdidas
Three stories by Balzac
Les Chouans
The Adieu, and Other Short Stories
The short novels of Balzac
Le Colonel Chabert AND Peines De Coeur D'une Chatte Anglaise (Classiques Francais)
Pamela Giraud
Scenes from a Courtesan\'s Life
La Peau de Chagrin
Louis Lambert
Eugenie Grandet
Les Paysans
La Comedie Humaine, Vol. 1
Annette Et Le Criminel
Histoire de l'empereur, racontée dans une grange par un vieux soldat
L´Auberge rouge
Gobsek. Shagrenevaia kozha. Otets Gorio
Les chouans ou la Bretagne en 1799
Honore de Balzac
The Centenarian, or, The two Beringhelds
La Duchesse De Langeais
Le Pere Goriot
Seraphita and Louis Lambert and the Esciles
Country Doctor; Quest of the Absolute and Other Novels
Monographie de la presse parisienne
L Envers De L'Histoire Contemporaine
The unknown masterpiece and other stories
Ls Peau de chargrin (Classiques Larousse) (Petits Classiques Larousse (173)) (French Edition)
La dernière fée ou, La nouvelle lampe merveilleuse
L'enfant maudit
Z marcas
Où Mènent les Mauvais Chemins
La Vieille Fille
The Red Inn and others
La Vieille Fille
La Femme de trente ans
La Vendetta
Socrate chrestien
Le Lys Dans La Vallee
La Peau de chagrin
Catherine de Médicis expliquée
LA Duchesse De Langeais (Folio Series : 846)
Gobseck et Jésus-Christ en Flandre
Ursule Mirouet
Deserted Woman
Treatise on Modern Stimulants
Secrets de la Princesse de Cadignan
La fille aux yeux d'or
La Peau de chagrin
Traité de la vie élégante
Le Cabinet des Antiques
The Deserted Woman
La peau de chagrin
Atheists Mass
The Human Comedy
Cousine Bette
Le Colonel Chabert
Une\Tenebreuse Affaire
Madame Firmiani
Le Contrat De Mariage / Une Double Famille / L'Interdiction
L' illustre Gaudissart
La physiologie du mariage
Splendeurs et miseres des courtisanes
The poor parents =
Les Marana
La Cousine Bette
Oeuvres complètes de Honoré de Balzac
Vater Goriot
Morceaux choisis
L'envers de l'histoire contemporaine ; Les precepteurs en Dieu
La fausse maitresse
Die Heilung Von Touren
The Marriage Contract
Ameliore Ton Francais
La Femme abandonnée (French Edition)
A Poor Wise Man
Les Chouans
The complete novelettes of Honoré de Balzac in one volume
Le barbon
Le Faiseur (Littérature et civilisation) (French Edition)
Colonel Chabert
Leixlip Castle, Melmoth the Wanderer, the Mysterious Mansion, the Flayed Hand, the Ruins of the Abbey of Fitz-Martin and the Mysterious Spaniard
Distinguished Provincial at Paris
Père Goriot
Pere Goriot
                Folio Plus Classique
Le colonel Chabert
Mémoires de Deux Jeunes Mariées
Petty Troubles of Married Life, Second Part
The Lilly of The Valley
Eugenie Grandet
Albert Savarus
L'illustre Gaudissart ; La muse du departement
Cousin Pons
Eugenie Grandet
Curé de Tours
Short stories
Colonel Chabert
La duchesse de Langeais
La Peau De Chagrin
Nouvelles et contes
Balzac : La Com??die humaine, tome 6 :Bibliotheque de la Pleiade
Oeuvres Complètes de H. de Balzac ...
Oeuvres Complètes de H. de Balzac ...
The curé de Tours
The deputy for Arcis, The middle classes ..
Le Colonel Chabert Suivi De Trois Nouvelles (Folio Ser. : 593)
Théorie de la démarche
Balzac : La Com??die Humaine, tome 3 :Bibliotheque de la Pleiade
Die Frau von dreißig Jahren.
Cousin Pons
La Vendetta, and Pierre Grassou
Histoire de la grandeur et de la decadence de Cesar Birotteau
Five Plays
The Physiology of Marriage and Pierre Grassou
Les Chouans
Beatrix - Etudes de moeurs. 1er livre. Scenes de la vie privee. T. 3-4
Z. Marcas
Les Chouans
Scènes de la vie privée et publique des animaux
The Girl with the Golden Eyes
Splendeurs et Misères des Courtisanes
Cesar Birotteau
The Collection of Antiquities
Melmoth Réconcilié
The Chouans : La Comédie Humaine
Eugenie Grandet
Fausse Maitresse
Etudes philosophiques. Sur Catherine de Medicis. 1. Le martyr calviniste
Lost Illusions
Etudes de moeurs. 3e-4e livres. Scenes de la vie parisienne et scenes de la vie politique. T. XII (sic). Une tenebreuse affaire
The Oakdale Affair
The atheist's mass ; An accursed house
Eugenie Grandet (World Classics
Cura Di Tours
The Napoleon of the People
The Old Bachelor
Cousin Bette
Eugénie Grandet
Le Lys dans la vallée, Honoré de Balzac--
The Hidden Masterpiece
Esquisse d´homme d´affaire d´apres nature
Girl with the Golden Eyes
Eugénie Grandet
The Exiles, and Other Short Stories
A bachelor's establishment
The Human Comedy
Histoire DES Treize
Dissertations politiques
La peau de chagrin
Balzac par lui-meme
Treatise on elegant living
Cousin Bette
Le messe de l´athee
Histoire de la grandeur et de la decadence de Cesar Birotteau
Cousin Bette
Un début dans la vie
Dissertations critiques
La m aison du Chat-qui-pelote, suivi de
La Grande Breteche, and other stories
Ursula.   Or Ursule Mirouet
Eugenie Grandet
Thirteen (Histoire Treize) by H. de Balzac, Trans. by Ellen Marriage, with a Frontispiece Etched by W. Boucher
Correspondances a l'Exception Ides Lettres de Mme. Hanska   5 vols
Eugenie Grandet
An Old Maid
Paris marié
Classiques Abreges
A murky business...
The Love-Makers
Les Illusions Perdues
Études sur M. Beyle
Le Pere Goriot,
The Human Comedy
Girl with the Golden Eyes
French Literature on Tape
Amour masqué
Lauberge Rouge
La Peau de chagrin
Old Man Goriot
Grosse und kleine Welt
Massimilla Doni
A Murky Business
The novels of Balzac
The bachelor's house
Colonel Chabert
Cousin Bette
The Elixir of Life, And the Exiles
Scènes de la vie privée
Les parents pauvres
Le Chefdoeuvre Inconnu
Le Bal de Sceaux
Melmoth réconcilié
Eugénie Grandet
Domestic peace and other stories
Scenes from a Courtesan's Life
La peau de chagrin, Le curé de Tours, et Le colonel Chabert
La peau de chagrin
Oeuvres de H. de Balzac
Cure de Tours
La Rabouilleuse
Fille Aux Yeux D'or
La Comedie Humaine Vol. 3
Cousin Bette
The country doctor
Honoré de Balzac in twenty-five volumes
Le Cure de Tours et Pierrette
Lettres à sa famille, 1809-1850
La vendetta
Ren jian xi ju
La Duchesse De Langeais/La Fille Aux Yeux D'or/Ferragus
La Fille aux yeux d'or
Facino Cane / Sarrasine
Une fille d'Eve
Scènes de la vie privée
Peau de Chagrin; or, the Skin of Pain
Catherine de Ḿedici
Z. Marcas
L' enfant maudit
Le chef-d'oeuvre inconna
The Human Comedy, Vol. II
La comedic humaine
Z. Marcas ; The other side of contemporaneous history
Ursule Mirouet ; scène de la vie de province
Les Paysans
Cousin Pons
Eugenia Grandet
La Femme de trente ans
Père Goriot
Le cousin Pons
Les secrets de la princesse de Cadignan
Double Famille
Le cousin Pons ...
I triantachroni gynaika
Ursule Mirouet
Livre Mystique; Volume 1
Jane la Pale
Le père Goriot
Le cabinet des antiques
Scènes de la vie militaire et scènes de la vie de campagne
La Recherche De L'Absolu. Suivi De La Messe De L'Athee. Introd. De Raymond Abellio. Notice Et Notes De S. De Sacy
Peines De Coeur D'Une Chatte Anglaise
Madwoman of Beresina and Other Napoleonic Plays
Lettres à l'étrangère
The correspondence of Honoré de Balzac
L'Envers de l'histoire contemporaine. Les précepteurs de dieu, classiques garnier
Oeuvres Completès de H. de Balzac
Eugénie Grandet
Le médecin de campagne
The Human Comedy
Contrat de Mariage
Physiology of Marriage
Balzac : La Com??die humaine, tome 1 :Bibliotheque de la Pleiade
Balzac : La com??die humaine, tome 7 :BIbliotheque de la Pleiade
Petty Troubles of Married Life
French fiction
Lost Illusions
The Unknown Masterpiece
Etudes analytiques. Petites miseres de la vie conjugale
Cousin Pons, Le
Fille Aux Yeux D'or
Le pe  re Goriot
The physiology of the employee
Une tenebreuse affaire
The Human Comedy
Scenes from a courtesan's life
Cure de Tours
LA Prima Bette
Les Chouans
Cabinet des Antiques
The poor relations
Les deux frères
Ursule Mirouet
Sur le dandysme
Splendeurs Et Miseres Des Courtisanes (Classiques Francais)
Girl with the Golden Eyes
La Recherche de l’Absolu
O Primo Lindo
Une tenebreuse affaire
The Human Comedy
La comédie humaine of Honoré de Balzac
Bal de Sceaux
Les chouans et Une passion dans le désert
Albert Savarus ; A daughter of Eve
Old Goriot - (1835)
The Works of Honore De Balzac
Le Peŕe Goriot
Le Colonel Chabert suivi de Ferragus, chef des Dévorants
The Human Comedy
The Duchesse of Langeais
Un grand homme de province à Paris
La Cousine Bette
La Vieille Fille
At the Sign of the Cat and Racket and Other Stories
Cousine Bette
Les femmes
Le colonel Chabert, suivi de Honorine et de L'interdiction
La peau de chagrin
Balzac : La Com??die humaine, tome 5 :Bibliotheque de la Pleiade
Memoires de deux jeunes mariees
Four novellas
The country parson
Les journalistes
The lily of the valley ; The country doctor, and other stories
Le médecin de campagne
Sete dell'oro
Le Lys dans la vallee
The Personal Opinions of Honore de Balzac
Oeuvres Completès de H. de Balzac
The human comedy
La vieille fille, suivie de Le cabinet des antiques
The Hated Son
A princess's secrets =
Le vicaire des Ardennes
Chef-D'oeuvre Inconnu
Bal de Sceaux
Eugenie Grandet
Pierrette -le curé de tours
Droll stories
Ilusiones Perdidas
Fisiologia Del Matrimonio
Illusions Perdues Illustree
envers de l'histoire Contemporaine
Cousine Bette
Muse of the Department
Illusions Perdues
Commission in Lunacy
Comédie Humaine Volume I
Louis Lambert ; Les proscrits ; Séraphita
Une passion dans le désert
Splendors and Miseries of Courtesans
Femme Abandonnée
Start in Life
Magic Skin
Lily of the Valley
Pamela Giraud
L'Envers de l'Histoire Contemporaine
La Maison Nucingen
Chouans Annotated
Melmoth the Wanderer and Melmoth Reconciled
Prince of Bohemia : (Annotated)(Biography)
L'Élixir de Longue Vie
Louis Lambert
Contrat de Mariage
Enfant Maudit
Eugenie Grandet
envers de l'histoire Contemporaine
Vater Goriot
Grosse und Kleine Welt
Voyage de Paris à Java
La cousine Bette
Christ in Flanders
La Rabouilleuse, or The Black Sheep
די רעקרויט
Gizli Başyapıt
Secrets de la Princesse de Cadignan
Father Goriot Illustrated Edition
Distinguished Provincial at Paris, Lost Illusions, and Other Stories
Works of Honoré de Balzac
Petites Misères de la Vie Conjugale
Curé de Village
Fille Aux Yeux D'or
Curé de Tours
Woman of Thirty
Colonel Chabert - Large Print
La prima Bette
Katharina Von Medici
The Physiology of Marriage
Lost Illusions
Cousin Bette
Colonel Chabert
Die Alte Jungfer
Brotherhood of Consolation (illustrated Edition)
Jésus-Christ en Flandre
Two Brothers
Paysans Illustree
Eugenia Grandet
Maître Cornélius
Colonel Chabert
Distinguished Provincial at Paris
Histoire de la grandeur et de la de cadence de Ce sar Birotteau
Curé de Tours and Other Stories
début Dans la Vie
Peau de Chagrin
Sur Catherine de Médicis
El gran libro del dandismo
Colonel Chabert
Girl with the Golden Eyes
The petty bourgeois
Fame and sorrow, and other stories
Les Paysans
El Lirio En El Valle
Le centenaire : ou, Les deux béringheld
Bal de Sceaux
Eve and David
L' Elixir de Longue Vie Precede de el Verdugo
The bachelor's house
Piel de zapa
Verlorene Illusionen
Die Geheimnisse der Fürstin Von Cadignan
Le Cabinet Des Antiques V1 (1839) (French Edition)
Father Goriot
Maître Cornélius
Father Goriot
Vieille Fille
La paz del hogar
La Comedia humana. Volumen XI
Albert Savarus
La España Tetrica
Contes bruns
Black Sheep Illustrated
Marriage Contract Annotated
Chouans Translated
Comédie Humaine
Vieille Fille
Cousin Pons
Paix du M�nage
The Lily of the Valley
Ferragus, Chief of the Dévorants
Comédie Humaine
Honoré de Balzac in Twenty-Five Volumes
Comte de Sallenauve Volume 2
Cousin Betty
Médecin de Campagne
Illustre Gaudissart
�pisode Sous la Terreur
Ménage de Garçon
Eugenie grandet
Eugenia Grandet Papá Goriot
Eugenia Grandet
Il·lusions perdudes
Cesar Birotteau
Le Pere Goriot. Mit Materialien. Texte Integral.
Oeuvres complètes de M. de Balzac
Cousin Pons
The Physiology of Marriage, Part 1
Bal de Sceaux
Modeste Mignon
Unknown Masterpiece
Vater Goriot (Kommentiert)
Diable À Paris
Etudes analytiques
Le Medecin de Campagne
The magic skin
Le médecin de campagne
Les paysans : scènes de la vie de campagne
Illusions Perdues
Girl with the Golden Eyes
Pierre Grassou
Ménage de Garçon
Un caso tenebroso
Two Poets
Petites misères de la vie conjugale
Comte de Sallenauve Volume 1
Scenes from Provincial Life
Contrat de Mariage
Pathologie de la Vie Sociale
Lily of the Valley
Eugénie Grandet
Tratado de la vida elegante
Un Grand homme de province à Paris
The Lily of the Valley
Duchesse de Langeais
Secrets de de la Princesse de Cadignan...
Lys Dans la Vallée
Eugénie Grandet
César Birotteau
Grenadière Suivi de le Message
Fille Aux Yeux D'or
Cousin Pons
La duquesa de Langeais
Maison du Chat-Qui-pelote
Ou Ye Ni, Ge Lang Tai
The Thirteen
L’Enfant maudit
Thes Chouans : (with Notes)(Biography)
Lily of the Valley
Girl with the Golden Eyes
Le colonel chabert suivi de honorine et de l'interdiction
The Gallery of Antiquities (Classic Reprint)
Le Colonel Chabert (Pocket classiques) (French Edition)
Lys Dans la Vallée
Contes Bruns
Christ in Flanders and other stories
Peau de Chagrin
Le Pere Goriot
Le Cousin Pons
Memoirs of Two Young Married Women
Girl with the Golden Eyes
Peau de Chagrin
Father Goriot
Cousine Bette
Sons of the Soil
Volume VIII
Cousin Bette
The Thirteen : Ferragus; The Duchesse De Langeais; The Rise and Fall of Cesar Birotteau : Honore De Balzac in Twenty-Five Volumes : The First Complete Translation Into English
Père Goriot Illustre'
The Two Brothers
La famille Beauvisage
Bette Abla
Iki Sair - Sönmüs Hayaller 1
Célibataires un Ménage de Garçon
Las Ilusiones Perdidas I
Another Study of Woman
Jean Louis, ou, La fille trouvée
Histoire des treize
Eugenie Grandet
The Novels Of Balzac, Volume 15
La vendetta
Eugénie Grandet
The Works of Honoré De Balzac, Volume 15
Comedie Humaine of Honore de Balzac; Volume 1
Cesar Birotteau and Gaudissart the Great
Mémoires de Deux Jeunes Mariées
Cousin Pons
Les paysans
Catherine de Medici
Un ménage de garçon
La Maison Nucingen - Melmoth réconcilié
Z. Marcas
Deserted Woman
Marriage Contract
The Chouans, Brittany in 1799
Girl with the Golden Eyes
Drama on the Seashore
Illusions Perdues
Monografía de la prensa parisina [Los periodistas]
Rise and Fall of Cesar Birotteau
Louis Lambert
Village Rector
Die Alte Jungfer
Eugenie Grandet
The Chouans
La bourse
Eve and David
Vater Goriot (Kommentiert)
Cousin Betty
Girl with the Golden Eyes
Distinguished Provincial at Paris
Passion Dans le Désert
Illusions Perdues Illustree
Ba'erzhake duan pian xiao shuo
Cesar Birotteau
La Comedia humana. Volumen IX
Sons of the Soil
La Peau De Chagrin
La Grenadière ; Le chef-d'oeuvre inconnu
La Grenadière
Colonel Chabert
Lily of the Valley
Duchess of Langeais
Femme Abandonnée
Rise and Fall of Cesar Birotteau
O Primo Lindo
Cabinet des Antiques
Grande Bretèche
Eug©♭nie Grandet
L interdiction
Parfumcu Cesar Birotteau'nun Yukselisi ve Dususu
Z. Marcas
Ténébreuse Affaire
Ursule Mirouët
Maison Nucingen
Colonel Chabert
C�sar Birotteau
Modeste Mignon
Eugénie Grandet
Eve and David
Les rivalités ; La vieille fille ; Le cabinet des antiques
The Last Fay
Journey from Paris to Java
Employés Ou la Femme Supérieure
Adieu Suivi de le Réquisitionnaire
Muse du Département
Balzac Short Stories
Xiang xia yi sheng
La Comedia humana. Volumen III
Les employe s. Un prince de la bohe  me. Gaudissart II. Pierre Grassou
Lost Illusions
Tratado de la vida Elegante
La peau de chagrin
Z. Marcas
Prima Bela
Two Poets
Works of Honoré de Balzac
Eugenie Grandet
Colonel Chabert
Kehrseite der Geschichte Unserer Zeit
Physiology of Marriage, Part
Splendeurs et misères des courtisanes
La Comedie Humaine 11/Oeuvres Philosophiques, Etudes Analytiques
Ball at Sceaux
Illusions Perdues
Bal de Sceaux
At the Sign of the Cat and Racket
Distinguished Provincial at Paris
Colonel Chabert
illustre Gaudissart
Girl with the Golden Eyes
Albert Savarus
Commission in Lunacy
La Cousine Bette
Louis Lambert
After-Dinner Stories from Balzac
Secrets de la Princesse de Cadignan
Autre étude de Femme
Ball at Sceaux
La Comedia humana. Volumen VIII
Vicar of Tours (annotated)
Secrets de la Princesse de Cadignan
Maison Nucingen
At the Sign of the Cat and Racket
Old Goriot / by Honore De Balzac
Die Kleinbürger
Scènes de la vie parisienne (French Edition)
The Country Doctor
Member for Arcis
Modeste Mignon
Girl with the Golden Eyes
Physiologie Du Mariage
Works of Honoré de Balzac
Fausse Maîtresse
Lebensbilder I
La piel de zapa
Modeste Mignon
The Country Doctor
Modeste Mignon
OEuvres Complètes de H. de Balzac; Volume 8
Ménage de Garçon
Lily in the Valley
député D'Arcis
Cousin Pons
Commission in Lunacy
The Droll Stories of Honoré de Balzac
एक देश के शहर की ईर्ष्या
OEuvres Complètes de H. de Balzac; Volume 6
Chef-D'oeuvre Inconnu
Femme de Trente Ans
Bal de Sceaux
Lost Illusions
Cousin Betty
Massimilla Doni
Louis Lambert, edition critique
Two Brothers
Cousine Bette
Eugenie Grandet
Marriage Contract Book
About Catherine de Medici
Bal des Sceaux
Cousin Betty
Dernière Incarnation de Vautrin
Droll Stories
Peau de Chagrin
Cousin Bette (Royal Collector's Edition) (Case Laminate Hardcover with Jacket)
Folk-Tales of Napoleon Napoleonder from the Russian; the Napoleon of the People from the French of Honoré de Balzac
Obra Maestra Desconocida
La Comedie Humaine Vol. 12
Oberst Chabert
Le Père Goriot
L’illustre Gaudissart
Works of Honoré de Balzac
Eugenie Grandet Illustrated Edition
Fille D'Ève
At the Sign of the Cat and Racket
PÈre Goriot
Pere Goriot & Eugenie Grandet
The Physiology of Marriage
Another Study of Woman
Unconscious Comedians
Le Lys Dans La Vallee, Grands Textes Classiques
Vicar of Tours
Fille D'�ve
Auberge Rouge Suivi de l'élixir de Longue Vie
Pere Gorit,
Ursule Mirouët
Histoire de la Grandeur et de la décadence de César Birotteau, Parfumeur, Chevalier de la légion d'honneur, Adjoint Au Maire du 2E Arrondissement de la Ville de Paris
Magic Skin
Father Goriot
Goriot Baba Mini Kitap
The Novels Of Balzac, Volume 13
Lys Dans la Vallee
Colonel Chabert (illustré)
Z. Marcas
Lesser Bourgeoisie
Cousin Pons, Old Goriot, Vol 15
Rise and Fall of César Birotteau : (Grandeur et décadence de César Birotteau)
The Human Comedy
El gabinet dels antics
Glanz und Elend der Kurtisanen (Splendeurs et Misères des Courtisanes German-Edition)
Sons of the Soil (Webster's English Thesaurus Edition)
The last incarnation of Vautrin
Eugenie Grandet (in French)
Ferragus, jefe de los Devorantes
Illusions Perdues
Black Sheep
Eugenie Grandet
Splendeurs et Misères des Courtisanes
Marriage Contract
Eve and David
Cäsar Birotteaus Größe und Niedergang
Drama on the Seashore
The deputy from Arcis
Sur Catherine de Medicis
Vadideki Zambak
Father Goriot( Illustrated Edition)
Glanz und Elend der Kurtisanen (Kommentiert)
Daughter of Eve
La Rabouilleuse
Le Colonel Chabert ; El Verdugo ; Adieu ; Le Réquisitionnaire
The Muse of the Department
The Works of Honoré De Balzac, Vol. 11
Albert Savarus
Country Doctor
Bal de Sceaux
Étude de Femme
Fausse Ma�tresse
Colonel Chabert
Illusions Perdues
Grande Bretèche
Eugénie Grandet
Maitre Cornelius
Leb Wohl!
Human Comedy
Lettres à Madame Hanska, tome 1
Gizli Basyapit
Girl with the Golden Eyes - Original Edition
Girl with the Golden Eyes
Colonel Chabert
Eugénie Grandet
Distinguished Provincial at Paris
Eve and David
After-dinner stories from Balzac
Le centenaire ou, Les deux Béringheld
Cesar Birotteau
Annette et le criminel : ou, Suite du Vicaire des Ardennes
Femme Supérieure
Cousin Pons / Old Goriot
début Dans la Vie
Mémoires de Deux Jeunes Mariées
Eugenie Grandet : (French Edition)
Glanz und Elend der Kurtisanen (Kommentiert)
Le Pere Goriot + CD
La peau de chagrin. Avec introduction, notes et variantes par Maurice Allem
Die tolldreisten Geschichten
El pobre Goriot
La duquessa de Langeais
El gran libro del dandismo
Distinguished Provincial at Paris
Oeuvres complètes illustrées
La Peau de chagrin de Balzac
Colonel Chabert
Village Priest
Fille D'Ève
Woman of Thirty
Le médecin de campagne
La Peau de Chagrin. Introduction, Notes et Releve de Variantes par Maurice Allem.
Illusions Perdues
Letters of Two Brides
Ecrits sur le roman
Illusions Perdues
Rise and Fall of Cesar Birotteau
Rise and Fall of César Birotteau
Louis Lambert
Splendeurs et misères des courtisanes (French Edition)
Droll Stories
Le Cabinet des Antiques
Curé de Village
Rise and Fall of Cesar Birotteau
Autre étude de Femme
Parents Pauvres Sc�nes de la Vie Parisienne
Illusions Perdues
Illusions perdues
Lys Dans la Vallée
Old Goriot (Everyman's Library)
Comédie Humaine Volume I
Illusions Perdues Illustree
Girl with the Golden Eyes
Deserted Woman, The
The unpublished correspondence of Honoré de Balzac and Madame Zulma Carraud, 1829-1850
Honoré De Balzac In Twenty-five Volumes
Les Chouans
La Comédie Humaine Of Honoré De Balzac, Volume 20
Eugenie Grandet
Fausse Maîtresse
Fille D'Ève
Eugenie Grandet - Large Print Edition
El tío Goriot
Tante Lisbeth
Oeuvres de Balzac
Une fille d'Ève
At the Sign of the Cat and Racket
Field Physician
Maison du Chat-Qui-pelote
Village Rector
The Fatal Skin (The Novel Library)
Droll Stories; Volume 2
La casa del gat que piloteja
Histoire de l'empereur
L'auberge rouge et autres récits criminels
Ursula (Illustrated)
Gobseck (illustré)
Contes Bruns (1832)
Cabinet des Antiques
Femme de Trente Ans
Eugenie Grandet
Country Doctor
Oeuvres illustrées de Balzac
La Peau de chagrin
Le vicaire des Ardennes
Study of a Woman
Dark Affair
Duchesse de Langeais
Lily of the Valley
Cousin Betty (la Cousine Bette)
Girl with the Golden Eyes
Comédie Humaine of Honoré de Balzac
À Combien l'amour Revient Aux Vieillards
The Exiles  and Other Short Stories
Le père goriot
Cesar Birotteau Eng Trans
The love letters
The Duel And Colonel Chabert
Iki Yeni Gelinin Anilari
Second Home
Chouans Ou la Bretagne En 1799
C�libataires un M�nage de Gar�ons
Mercadet a Comedy in Three Acts
Petty Troubles of Married Life
La Vendetta
An Historical Mystery (The Gondreville Mystery)
Cesar Brotteau
Le Lys Dans La Vallee
Country Doctor
Fausse Maîtresse
Comédiens Sans le Savoir
Enfant Maudit
début Dans la Vie
Marriage Contract
Z. Marcas
Louis Lambert
Médecin de Campagne
Petty Troubles of Married Life
Die Dreißig Tolldreisten Geschichten - Erstes Zehent
Scènes de la vie privée
The magic skin
Tolldreiste Geschichten
At the Sign of the Cat and Racket
Nouveau tableau de Paris
Lost Souls
Eugénie Grandet Annotated
Brotherhood of Consolation (illustrated Edtion)
Country Doctor
The jealousies of a country town,
Duchesse de Langeais
Eugenie Grandet
Five short stories
Eugenia Grandet
A Woman of Thirty ; the Seamy Side of History and Other Stories
Cousin Bette
Jésus-Christ en Flandre
Bachelor's Establishment : (un Ménage de Garcon)
Cabinet des Antiques
Magic Skin
Comédiens Sans le Savoir
Marriage Contract
Deputy of Arcis
Massimilla doni
Cousin Betty Lt
Modeste Mignon
Old Man Goriot
Esthetique de Comparaison, Balzac et George Sand
Modeste Mignon
L' envers de l'histoire contemporaine
The complete novelettes of Honore  de Balzac in one volume
Cuentos Libertinos
Bal de Sceaux
Daughter of Eve
The Poor Parents Part 1 Cousin Betty
Curé de Tours
Ursule Mirouët
Splendeurs et Misères des Courtisanes
The Works of Honoré de Balzac (The Member for Arcis, The Seamy Side of History)
Pamela Giraud
Fiche de lecture Le Chef-d'oeuvre inconnu de Balzac
Parisians in the Country
Lost Illusions
César Birotteau
Illusions Perdues
épisode Sous la Terreur Suivi de Z. Marcas
Comédie Humaine - Volume 01/11
Eugenie Grandet
Muse du Département
Works of DeBalzac With Introductions, Vol. 17
L' initié
Two Poets
Secrets of the Princesse de Cadignan
Black Sheep( Illustrated Edition)
Illusions Perdues
Colonel Chabert
d�but Dans la Vie
Eugenie Grandet
Illusions Perdues
Comedie Humaine - Volume IX
Marriage Contract
Correspondance de H. de Balzac. 1819-1850...
El coronel Chabert
The Droll Stories of Balzac
Physiologie des Alltagslebens
Marriage Contract
Leb Wohl!
La Vieille Fille
Le Colonel Chabert, suivi de "L'Interdiction"
The Two Brothers
Ténébreuse Affaire
At the Sign of the Cat and Racket
PÈre Goriot
Com�die Humaine II
Paix du M�nage
César Birotteau
Marriage Contract
illustre Gaudissart. la Muse du Département
Gu wu chen lie shi
Mercadet a Comedy in Three Acts
Woman of Thirty
Oeuvres de jeunesse, illustrées
LeContrat du Mariage /  une Double Famille /  l'Interdiction
La Comedie Humaine 6
Une double famille
Albert Savarus
Eugenie Grandet
Commission in Lunacy
Duchesse de Langeais
enfant Maudit
Eugenie Grandet
A Marriage Settlement, Modeste Mignon
Katharina Von Medici
La Femme de trente ans de Balzac
Deux Poètes
Maître Cornélius
Duchesse de Langeais
the lily of the Valley, the Country Doctor and Other Stories
Le lys dan la valle e
Pere Goriot
La Femme abandonnée
Modern Uyaricilari Kullanma Kilavuzu
La Peau de chagrin
Prince of Bohemia
Grand Homme de Province à Paris
Girl with Golden Eyes
Old Maid
Ursule Mirouët
Verdugo Suivi de un Drame Au Bord de la Mer
Histoire de la Grandeur et de la décadence de César Birotteau
Curé de Tours; Edited with Notes and Vocabulary by O B Super
Pere Goriot
Die Entmündigung
Deputy of Arcis
Eugénie Grandet
Un Grand homme de province à Paris
Autre étude de Femme
Curé de Tours
Grande Bretèche
Maison du Chat Qui Pelote
Catherine de Medici
Curé de Tours
L'obra mestra desconeguda
Lesser Bourgeoisie
Two Brothers
Eugenie Grandet
La Physiologie du Mariage
Folk-Tales of Napoleon
Girl with the Golden Eyes
La Fille Aux Yeux D'or
Magic Skin
Girl with the Golden Eyes
Deux Poètes
Prince de la Bohême
Father Goriot Large Print
Magic Skin
Eugenie Grandet
Melmoth Reconcilié
Illusions Perdues
Le Père Goriot. Buch mit Audio-CD
le pere goriot
The Lily Of The Valley, The Country Doctor, And Other Stories
Magic Skin
Autre étude de Femme
At the Sign of the Cat and Racket
député D'Arcis
The Atheists Mass and Other Stories. Dent edition
Scenes of Parisian life
La maison Nucingen
La Comédie Humaine Of Honoré De Balzac, Volume 15
Grand Homme de Province À Paris
Colonel Chabert
Peau de Chagrin
Girl with the Golden Eyes
Eugenie Grandet
The unpublished correspondence of HonorGe de Balzac and Madame Zulma Carraud, 1829-1850;
The village curé
Grandeur et décadence de César Birotteau
Firm of Nucingen
interdiction Scènes de la Vie Parisienne
Vieille Fille
Fille Aux Yeux D'or
Magic Skin
Distinguished Provincial at Paris
The Human Comedy
Relatos Celebres Sobre la Pintura
Louis Lambert (Webster's Spanish Thesaurus Edition)
La femme supérieure
A Paris !
héritière de Birague, Histoire Tirée des Manuscrits de Dom Rago, Ex-Prieur de Bénédictins
Magic Skin
Facino Cane
Maison Nucingen
Femme Abandonnée
Comédie Humaine
CGesar Birotteau
Le Colonel Chabert
Dan shen han de jia shi
Second Home
Girl with the Golden Eyes
Albert Savarus
The Wild Ass's Skin
Eugenie Grandet-Can Yay.
Chouans Illustrated
Brotherhood of Consolation
envers de l'histoire Contemporaine
Comédie Humaine
Modeste Mignon (Webster's English Thesaurus Edition)
The Unpublished correspondence of Honore  de Balzac and Madam Zulma Carraud, 1829-1850
Glanz und Elend der Kurtisanen
Contrat de Mariage
Comédie Humaine
Start in Life
Girl with the Golden Eyes
Napoleon of the People
Comédiens Sans le Savoir
Grand Homme de Province À Paris
Passion Dans le Désert
Cousin Bette, pierre Grassou, and the girl with the golden eyes, Vol 2of "The poor Relations"
Eugenie Grandet (Bolsillo Narrativa)
The country doctor
Le M Decin de Campagne
Le Chef-d’œuvre inconnu
Père Goriot
Vautrin and the Resources of Quinola and Other Stories
Mémoires de Deux Jeunes Mariées
Lys Dans la Vallée
début Dans la Vie
Le Colonel Chabert
Peasantry : (les Paysans)
Modeste Mignon
Recherche de L'absolu
Maison du Chat-Qui-pelote
La Comedie Humaine Vol. 6
Honore de Balzac Collection
Albert Savarus
Maison Nucingen
Grand Homme de Province À Paris
Droll Stories
Eugénie Grandet (Kommentiert)
Honoré de Balzac in Twenty-Five Volumes
Eugénie Grandet
Père Goriot
Country Doctor
Collection of Antiquities
La comédie humaine
Cuitas de amor de una gata inglesa / Cuitas de amor de una gata francesa
Un caso tenebroso
Physiologie des Alltagslebens
Les célibataires
Lettres a l'étrangere
Code des Gens Honnêtes Ou l'art de Ne Pas être Dupe des Fripons
At the Sign of the Cat and Racket
Pierre Grassou
Old Goriot, translated from the French by Ellen Marriage with an Introd. By François Mauriac.
Magic Skin
Splendeurs et Misères des Courtisanes
La muse du département
Eugenie Grande
Marriage Contract Annotated
Modeste Mignon
Comédie Humaine (Illustré)
Second Home
Curé de Tours
Catherine de' Medici
Honore de Balzac in Twenty-Five Volumes, Vol. 17 Of 25
At the Sign of the Cat and Racket
Peau de Chagrin
Ozornye rasskazy
Cousin pons, Vol 3 of "The poor relations
The deputy from Arcis /[tr.] by G. Burnham Ives
Médecin de Campagne
Paix du Ménage
M�moires de Deux Jeunes Mari�es
Letters of Two Brides
Kuzynka Bietka
Mujeres lo bastante ricas
The tragedy of a genius
Histoire de la grandeur et la décadence de César Birotteau
Chouans - Original Edition
Père Goriot
Duchesse de Langeais
Eugénie Grandet
Eugénie Grandet
Commission in Lunacy
El Hechicero (Coleccion Infernaliana)
Yaşamda Bir Başlangıç
Human Comedy : Scenes from Provincial Life : Eugénie Grandet. the Illustrious Gaudissart. Scenes from City Life
Petty Bourgeois
Magic Skin
Comédiens Sans le Savoir
Louis Lambert
Ursule Mirouët
Ball at Sceaux
La fausse maîtresse
Louis Lambert
Histoire de la grandeur et de la décadence de César Birotteau, marchand parfumeur, adjoint au maire du deuxième arrondissement de Paris, chevalier de la Légion-dh̓onneur, etc
Les parisiens en provinces ; L'illustre Gaudissart ; La muse du département
OEuvres completes de M. de Balzac
ScÈnes de la Vie Parisienne Livre 5
Colonel Chabert
Oeuvres Complètes de H. de Balzac; Volume 10
Chouans Illustrated
Harlot High and Low
Drame Au Bord de la Mer
Albert Savarus
Maison du Chat Qui Pelote
Balzac's Contes Drolatiques]. Droll Stories Collected from the Abbeys of Touraine. Illustrated with Designs Gustave Dore and Decorative Borders by Camden
Melmoth Reconciled
Fame and sorrow
Le Colonel Chabert; Gobseck
Ursule Miroue t
Magic Skin
Selected Stories by Honoré de Balzac
Goriot Baba 1.Cilt
Rise and Fall of Cesar Birotteau
The Quest of the Absolute
Modeste Mignon
Colonel Chabert
Le Pere Goriot (French classics)
Collection of Antiquities
Cinq Scénes de la Comédie Humaine
Le Pere Goriot*
Clotilde de Lusignan ou, Le beau juif
A Distinguished Provincial at Paris
Chouans - Large Print Edition
Recherche de L'absolu
Tragedy by the Sea and Other Stories
Colonel Chabert
Eugénie Grandet
Illusions Perdues
The country doctor (Le medecin de campagne)
The Country Doctor (Everyman's Library)
Conjugal life
Touraine, Touraines
Catherine de Medici
Brotherhood of Consolation
Contrat de Mariage. la Grenadière - Gobseck
Passion Dans le Désert
Recherche de L'absolu
Girl with the Golden Eyes
Cousin Betty
La Femme de Trente Ans
Vicar of Tours
Droll stories
La Comedia humana. Volumen X
Grandeza y Decadencia de César Birotteau, Perfumista
Colonel Chabert
Une ténébreuse affaire, suivi du "Député d'Arcis"
Le Bal de Sceaux
Lys Dans la Vallée
Unknown Masterpiece
Cousine Bette
enfant Maudit; Gambara; Massimilla Doni
Le Père Goriot, tome 1
Le Pere Goriot (French Edition)
Maître Cornélius
At the Sign of the Cat and Racket
Eugénie Grandet
Eugenie Grandet
The Brotherhood of Consolation
Historical Mysteries
Country Doctor, The
Oeuvres complètes
Second Home
Eve and David
L'élixir de Longue Vie
Magic Skin
Contrat de Mariage
Illustrious Gaudissart
Historical Mystery
Splendeurs Et Miseres Des Courtisanes
Chouans Complete Illustrated and Unabridged Edition
Femme Supérieure
Colonel Chabert
Hated Son
Colonel Chabert
Cousine Bette
Lys Dans la Vallée
Femme de Trente Ans
Brotherhood of Consolation Illustratedc
Illusions Perdues
The Gondreville mystery : (Une ténébreuse affaire)
Gobseck and Une Double Famille
La Maison Du Chat-Qui-Pelote
Albert Savarus
Catherine de'Medici
Pierrette - Hasan Ali Yucel Klasikleri
The Unknown Masterpiece
Cousin Betty
Physiologie du Mariage
Lys Dans la Vallée
Modeste Mignon
Girl with the Golden Eyes
Stepmother, a Drama in Five Acts
La comédie humaine
début Dans la Vie
Eugénie Grandet, The country parson, and other stories
La Duchesse de Langeais
Marriage Contract Annotated
Eugenie Grandet
Cousine Bette
Vater Goriot (Kommentiert)
Mujeres lo bastante ricas
La Piel de Zapa
Evde Kalmis Kiz - Hasan Ali Yucel Klasikleri
ScÈnes de la Vie de Province Livre 2
Firm of Nucingen
Contrat de Mariage
Albert Savarus
Cousin Pons, Old Goriot
Droll Stories; Volume 2
La Comedia humana. Volumen XII
Le Chef-D'Oeuvre Inconnu/Sarrasine (French Edition)
Ou ye ni, ge lang tai =
Distinguished Provincial at Paris
Eugenie Grandet (illustrated Edition)
Daughter of Eve
Fille D'Ève
Code des Gens Honnêtes
Drame Au Bord de la Mer
Secrets de la Princesse de Cadignan
Jean Louis
Le Pere Goriot
Father Goriot
Tilsimli Deri
L' anonyme ou Ni père ni mère
Facino Cane
Les chats
Colonel Chabert : La Comédie Humaine
Honoré De Balzac In Twenty-five Volumes
Cabinet des Antiques
Melmoth Reconciled
Curé de Tours
Modeste Mignon (1844)
T�n�breuse Affaire
Peau de Chagrin
Girl with the Golden Eyes
Rise and Fall of Cesar Birotteau
Szenen Aus Dem Landleben - Die Bauern
Petty Troubles of Married Life, Second Part
Christ in Flanders
Black Sheep
Contes drôlatiques [1/?]
Vicar of Tours
Wild Ass's Skin
Magic Skin
Eugenie Grandet
Muse of the Department
Modeste Mignon
Colonel Chabert
Wild Ass's Skin
La Comedia humana. Volumen XI
Eugenia Grandet
A daughter of Eve (Une fille d'Éve) and Letters of two brides (Mémoires de deux jeunes mariées)
The Lesser Bourgeoisie
Vadideki Zambak
Chouans Illustrated
Eugénie Grandet
Maître Cornélius
About Catherine de' Medici; Seraphita and Other Stories
M�moires de Deux Jeunes Mari�es
Elixir of Life
Marriage Contract:(Illustrated Edition)
Comédiens Sans le Savoir
Ouzhenni Gelangdai
Cong mei Beide
Duchesse de Langeais
Pere Geriot
Eugénie Grandet
The country parson ; and Albert Savarus ; The peasantry
Un drame au bord de la mer
Cousin Betty
Paix du Ménage
Grand Homme de Province À Paris
Modeste Mignon, the Lily of the Valley, and Other Stories
Búsqueda Del Absoluto
Facino Cane
A Harlot's Progress (Volume II)
Le Colonel Chabert
Les chouans
Girl with the Golden Eyes
Gobseck [and other stories]
Colonel Chabert
Oeuvres Complètes
Facino Cane
At the Sign of the Cat and Racket
Albert Savarus
Sur Catherine de Médicis (Illustré)
Woman of Thirty
Die Geheimnisse der Fürstin Von Cadignan
Physiologie der Ehe
Morceaux choisis
La Vieille Fille
Eugénie Grandet Illustrated
Search for the Absolute
Gaudissart II Suivi de les Comédiens Sans le Savoir
Oeuvres Complètes
Eugénie Grandet
Honoré de Balzac - Eugenie Grandet
Massimilla Doni
Le cabinet des antiques
L’Élixir de longue vie
Muse du Département
Jésus-Christ en Flandre
Unknown Masterpiece
Comédie Humaine
Cousin Betty
Fille D'�ve
Père Goriot
Another Study of Woman
Melmoth Reconciled
Eugénie Grandet (Kommentiert)
La Comedia humana. Volumen XVII
Eugenie Grandet
The Celibates
LA Obra Maestra Desconocida (Intemporales)
La cousin Bette
The two brothers
Maître Cornélius
Le Message
Honoré de Balzac in Twenty-Five Volumes
Ménage de Garçon
Girl with the Golden Eyes
Illustrious Gaudissart
Cousin Pons
Die Dreißig Tolldreisten Geschichten - Zweites Zehent
Muse of the Department
Brotherhood of Consolation Illustrated
Vadideki Zambak
Black Sheep Illustrated
Distinguished Provincial at Paris
Girl with the Golden Eyes
Two Poets (Illustrated)
épisode Sous la Terreur
Eve and David
Femme Abandonnée
Catherine de Medici
Cousin Pons
The vendetta
Domestic Peace
Cakallarin Basi Ferragus - Onuclerin Romani 1
Ève et David
Femme de Trente Ans
Jésus-Christ en Flandre
Eugénie Grandet
Messe de L'athée
Cousin Betty
Seamy Side of History
Lily of the Valley
Le père goriot
The deputy for Arcis
Sce  nes de la vie de province
Altin Gozlu Kiz
Maître Cornélius
Ferragus, Chef des Dévorants
Fausse Maîtresse
Bal de Sceaux
Colonel Chabert
Brotherhood of Consolation
Lettres A L'Etrangere, 1842-1844 (1899) (French Edition)
Curiosités Littéraires et Pages Inconnues, H. de Balzac
Illusions Perdues
Madame Firmiani
Verlorene Illusionen
Colonel Chabert
Autre �tude de Femme
At the Sign of the Cat and Racket
Woman of Thirty
Le Lys Dans La Vallee
Fisiologia Del Matrimonio; o, Meditazioni Sulla Felicità e la Infelicità Coniugale
Duchesse de Langeais
L' oeuvre
Étude de femme
Le centenaire : ou, Les deux béringheld
Rue de Paris et Son Habitant
Femme Abandonn�e
Marriage Contract
Die Lilie Im Tal
L'Auberge rouge
Suyu Bulandiran Kiz - Hasan Ali Yucel Klasikleri
Distinguished Provincial at Paris
Fille Aux Yeux D'or
envers de l'histoire Contemporaine
Unconscious Comedians
Correspondance inédite avec madame Zulma Carraud (1829-1850)
La Peau De Chagrin
Physiologie du mariage, ou, Méditations de philosophie éclectique sur le bonheur et le malheur conjugal
César Birotteau
Lys Dans la Vallée
César Birotteau
Eugénie Grandet
Code des Gens Honnêtes Ou l'art de Ne Pas être Dupe des Fripons
Eugenia Grandet
Resources of Quinola
Colonel Chabert. Honorine. L'interdiction
Le Cure De Tours; Pierrette
Les chouans
début Dans la Vie
Duchesse de Langeais
Louis Lambert (Illustré)
Le cure de tours, suivi de, L'illustre Gaudissart
Gelande Ouqinni
Correspondance, Tome I
César Birotteau
Code des Gens Honnêtes Ou l'art de Ne Pas être Dupe des Fripons
Vicaire des Ardennes
César Birotteau
Théorie de la démarche et Autres textes
Le Faiseur
Le Médecin de campagne
La Vendetta
Daughter of Eve
Prince de la Bohème
Combien l'Amour Revient Aux Vieillards
Magic Skin
Magic Skin
Mémoires de Deux Jeunes Mariées
Eugénie grandet (tome premier)
Maximes & pensees
Die Frau von dreissig Jahren
Oeuvres Complètes
Splendeurs et Misères des Courtisanes; Volume 2
Pierre Grassou Suivi de les Secrets de la Princesse de Cadignan
Colonel Chabert
Colonel Chabert
Père Goriot
Eugenie Grandet
Les employés
Honorine ; Le colonel Chabert ; La messe de l'athée ; L'interdiction ; Pierre Grassou
Un debut dans la vie
La Bourse
Otuzunda Kadın
Madame Firmiani
Vendetta (Illustrated)
Enfant Maudit
Hija de Eva
At the Sign of the Cat and Racket
La duchessa de Langeais
Magic Skin
Cesar Birotteau
The Rise and Fall of César Birotteau
Passion in the Desert
Suslu Hayatlar
Cuir Zapa
Glanz und Elend der Kurtisanen (Kommentiert)
Die alte Jungfer (La vieille Fille).
Magic Skin
Le Colonel Chabert
La dona de trenta anys
Ball Von Sceaux
Eugenie Grandet 2
The Vicar of Tours
Le contrat de mariage
Colonel Chabert Annotated
Recherche de L'absolu
Curé de Village
The Girl With Golden Eyes - Honore de Balzac
Auberge Rouge
Massimilla Doni
At the Sign of the Cat and Racket
Magic Skin
Double Famille
Vicar of Tours
The Atheist's Mass
Le Colonel Chabert
Second Home
enfant Maudit
Grandeza y Decadencia de Cesar Birotteau, Perfumista
Chouans Annotated
Albert Savarus : (Annotated)(Biography)
M�moires de Deux Jeunes Mari�es
Girl with the Golden Eyes
Illusions Perdues
Curé de Village
Il·lusions perdudes
A Distinguished Provincial at Paris
La Vieille Fille - Le Cabinet des Antiques
Father Goriot
Gercegi Arayis
Gondreville Mystery
Purse : (with Notes)(Biography)
Gaudissart II
Paix du Ménage
Illusions Perdues Illustree
Annette et le Criminel Tome 3 et 4 Ou Suite du Vicaire des Ardennes
Jue dui zhi tan qiu
The come die humaine
Splendeurs Et Miseres DES Courtisanes
La Comédie Humaine Of Honoré De Balzac, Volume 13
Oeuvres Complètes; Volume 2
Illusions Perdues...
Grande Breteche
Girl with the Golden Eyes
Daughter of Eve
Cousin Betty
At the Sign of the Cat and Racket
Le Père Goriot
MÉdecin de Campagne
Eugenie Grandet
Selected Short Stories
Médecin de Campagne
Louis Lambert
Employés Ou la Femme Supérieure
Maison du Chat-Qui-pelote
Madame Firmiani
Muse du Département
Eugénie Grandet
Du'er de jiao shi
Le Lys dans le vallée
Droll Stories Collected In The Monasteries Of Touraine. Translated By Alec Brown
Vater Goriot
Honoré de Balzac - Father Goriot
At the sign of the cat and racket
Pere Goriot
Die falsche Geliebte. .
Le curé de village
Les Paysans
Sönmüs Hayaller
Iki Gelinin Anilari
Kibar Fahiselerin Ihtisam ve Sefaleti
Diable À Paris
Beatrix and the Purse
Colonel Chabert
Catherine de' Medici
Código Dos Homens Honestos
Las Ilusiones Perdidas y Los Dos Poetas
Fa ming jia de ku nao
Eugenie Grandet
Recherche de L'absolu
Cuentos filosóficos
Paysans Illustree
Haus Nucingen
Scenes from a Courtesan's Life
La Comedie Humaine Vol. 4
Magic Skin, The
La comédie humaine
Bir Havva Kizi - Hasan Ali Yucel Klasikleri
Modeste Mignon-Hasan Ali Yucel Klasikleri
Colonel Chabert
Cursed Child
Fille D'�ve
Enfant Maudit
Girl with the Golden Eyes
Colonel Chabert
Droll Stories
Pere Goriot
Droll tales
Collection of Antiquities
Physiology of Marriage, Part 1 (Webster's English Thesaurus Edition)
Brotherhood of Consolation( Illustrated Edition)
Father Goriot Annotated
Pensées, Sujets, Fragmens
Muse du Département
Cousin Pons. les Parents Pauvres
At the Sign of the Cat and Racket
Comedie Humaine - Volume IX
Girl with the Golden Eyes
Country Doctor
The Alkahest
Droll tales
The girl with the golden eyes
Illusions Perdues Illustree
ScÈnes de la Vie PrivÉe Livre 1
Enfant Maudit
Episode Sous la Terreur
Mémoires de Deux Jeunes Mariées
Pierre Grassou
début Dans la Vie
Rise and Fall of Cesar Birotteau
Double Famille
Chief of the Devorant's
Femme de Trente Ans
Illustre Gaudissart
La Comedia humana. Volumen XIV
Memorias de dos jóvenes esposas
Contes Bruns
La dernière fée
Eugénie Grandet - niveau A2 2ed
Cousin Betty
Les Proscrits
Melmoth réconcilié
Collected Works of Honore de Balzac
Wild Ass's Skin
Duchesse de Langeais
Passion Dans le Désert
Modeste Mignon
Peau de Chagrin
Rise and Fall of César Birotteau : (Grandeur et décadence de César Birotteau)
Eugénie Grandet
Die Dreißig Tolldreisten Geschichten - Drittes Zehent
Cousin Betty
Die Börse
At the Sign of the Cat and Racket
Honoré de Balzac in Twenty-Five Volumes; The First Complete Translation Into English
La vendetta
Facino Cane
Médecin de Campagne
Dernière Incarnation de Vautrin
Ève et David
Pierre Grassou
Cousin Betty
Colonel Chabert
Eugenie Grandet and the Cure of Tours
Girl with the Golden Eyes
Il parroco di Tours
The Illustrious Gaudissart
The Alkahest
Histoire de la Grandeur et de la Décadence
Calisanin Fizyolojisi
Unknown Masterpiece and Other Stories
Proscrits (Illustré)
Girl with the Golden Eyes
Old Maid
Unconscious Mummers
Le medicin de campagne
César Birotteau, Béatrix, and other stories
Papa Goriot
Un prince de la Bohème
Contrat de Mariage
Eug�nie Grandet
Lucien de Rubempré
Daughter of Eve
Maison du Chat-Qui-pelote
Louis Lambert
Vater Goriot
Glanz und Elend der Kurtisanen
L' excommunié
yOgiêni Grăngđê
Cousin Pons
Woman of Thirty : (la Femme de Trente Ans)
CliffsNotes on Balzac's Pere Goriot
Fille D'Ève
Unknown Masterpiece
Cousin Pons
Cousin Betty
Código Dos Homens Honestos Ou a Arte de Não Ser Enganado Por Patifes (Coleção Duetos)
Illusions Perdues
La Comedie Humaine 4
Eugénie Grandet
Rise and Fall of Cesar Birotteau
Eugenie Grandet (A Bantam Classic)
Love in a mask; or, Imprudence and happiness
Sce  nes de la vie de province
Verloren illusies
Ursule Mirouet
Cousin Betty
La Peau de chagrin
Histoire des Treize
Fille D'Ève
Lily of the Valley
Magic Skin
Christ in Flanders
Petites Misères de la Vie Conjugale
Cousin Pons (The Novel library)
Romans de jeunesse L'israelite
Eugenie Grandet
La duquesa de Langeais
Histoire impartiale des Jésuites
The Peasantry
The jealousies of a country town =
Cousin Bette
La piel de zapa
L'auberge rouge et autres récits criminels
Bir Yaratıcının Çektikleri - Sönmüş Hayaller 3
Curiosités Littéraires et Pages Inconnues, H. de Balzac
Contrat de Mariage
Girl with the Golden Eyes
Old Goriot
The Lily of the Valley the Country Doctor and Other Stories
After-Dinner Stories from Balzac
Cousin Betty
La Comédie des ténèbres
Le colonel Chabert
Father Goriot Illustrated
Eugénie Grandet
Comédie Humaine of Honoré de Balzac
Colonel Chabert
ScÈnes de la Vie PrivÉe (recueil de Romans)
Eug�nie Grandet
Médecin de Campagne
Le cousin pons
Ball at Sceaux
Etudes de Moeurs
Eugenie Grandet
The Poor Parents, Part 2 Cousin Betty, Concluded
Albert Savarus
La duquesa de Langeais
Haus Nucingen
Goriot Baba
Musa Del Dipartimento
Mémoires de Deux Jeunes Mariées
Correspondence of Honoré de Balzac; Volume 1
Rise and Fall of Cesar Birotteau
The Jealousies of a Country Town
Mystische Geschichten
A Daughter of Eve
Father Goriot
L’Auberge rouge
Country Doctor Illustrated
House of the Cat-Who-pilots
Ferragus, Chef des Dévorants
At the Sign of the Cat and Racket
Eugenie Grandet
Start in Life
Dunkle Geschichte
Pe  re Goriot
Pierre Grassou - Balzac - 72
Rise and Fall of Cesar Birotteau
A Daughter of Eve
Employés Ou la Femme Supérieure
Fille D'Ève
Parisians in the Country
Lily of the Valley
Lily of the Valley
Bal de Sceaux
Louis Lambert
Petty Troubles of Married Life, Complete
The Bankrupt
Colonel Chabert
Petites MisÈres de la Vie Conjugale
Eugénie Grandet
Gaudissart II
Cousin Pons
Magic Skin
Lily of the Valley
The house of the cat and racket; The dance at Sceaux; The purse; The vendetta
The a tre
La Cousine Bette
La Recherche de l’Absolu
The Girl with the Golden Eyes
Père Goriot
Cousin Pons
Muse du Département
Massimilla Doni
Z. Marcas
Ténébreuse Affaire
Prince de la Bohème
Las Ilusiones Perdidas y Los Dos Poetas
Second Home
The Duchesse of Langeais
Ursule Mirouet
Glanz und Elend der Kurtisanen (Kommentiert)
La Peau de chagrin
Lys Dans la Valee
Grande Bretèche
Paix du M�nage
Romans de jeunesse (XXXVI)
Le Lys Dans la Vallee
Jealousies of a Country Town
Hated Son
Z. marcas suivi de traité des excitants modernes
Tilsimli Deri Ciltli
Peau de Chagrin, Roman Philosophique; Volume 9
Petites Misères de la Vie Conjugale
Muchacha de Los Ojos de Oro
Country Doctor
Unknown Masterpiece
Colonel Chabert and Other Short Works
La prima Bela
Le Pere Goriot
Blesk i nishcheta kurtizanok
Fiche de lecture Le Chef-d'oeuvre inconnu de Balzac
Le centenaire : ou, Les deux béringheld
Works of Balzac
Honoré de Balzac
Colonel Chabert
Louis Lambert; les Proscrits; Séraphita
Le Père Goriot
Firm of Nucingen
Femme de Trente Ans. /Die Drau Von Dreissig Jahren. German
Correspondance de H. de Balzac, 1819-1850
Peau de Chagrin (Annoté)
Marriage Contract
Grande Bret�che
Magic Skin
Père Goriot and Eugénie Grandet (Modern Library college editions)
Princess's Secrets : (les Secrets de la Princesse de Cadignan)
Collection Honoré de Balzac - le Lys de la Vallée
Deputy of Arcis
Contes philosophiques
Illustre Gaudissart
Black Sheep
History of the Thirteen
Curé de Village
Magic Skin
Oeuvres Complètes
Scènes de la vie parisienne
La duchesse de Langeais, histoire de treize 2
La búsqueda del absoluto
Chouans, or Bretagne In 1799
Lily of the Valley and Other Stories
Elixir de Longue Vie
Peau de Chagrin
Passion Dans le D�sert
Colonel Chabert
Ténébreuse Affaire
The Temple Edition Of The Comédie Humaine, Volume 24
Contrat de Mariage
Maison Nucingen
Recherche de L'Absolu
Esplendors i misèries de les cortesanes
La Comedia humana. Volumen XVI
Illusions perdues illustrée (édition enrichie) (French Edition)
Chouans Illustrated and Unabridged
OEuvres Complètes de H. de Balzac; Volume 1
Cousin Pons
Eugenia Grandet
Muse du Département
Quest of the Absolute
Magic Skin
Père Goriot;
Lily of the Valley
auberge Rouge
Père Goriot
Start in Life (annotated)
Father Goriot
Brotherhood of Consolation Illustrated Edition
Cesar Birotteau
Collection of Antiquities (annotated)
Woman of Thirty, the Seamy Side of History, and Other Stories
Recherche de L'Absolu
Maison du Chat-Qui-pelote
Paix du Ménage
Le Chef-d'œuvre inconnu
The Girl With The Golden Eyes
Karanlik Bir Is
Lost Illusions
Cousine Bette
épisode Sous la Terreur
Eve and David
La Comedie Humaine 5
Milu'ai Yu'erxu
FERRAGUS, chef des dévorants. Pointes sèches originales de Camille Berg
The Country doctor
Brotherhood of Consolation Illustrated Edition
Marriage Contract
Physiologie du Mariage
Eugenie Grandet
At the Sign of the Cat and Racket
Cousin Betty
Maison du Chat Qui Pelote
La Peau de chagrin (Collection Folio)
Scènes de la vie parisienne
Les Illusions Perdues 1*
La Piel de Zapa
About Catherine de Medici
Marriage Contract Illustrated(illsturted Edition)
Fausse Maîtresse
Colonel Chabert
Cäsar Birotteau
The plays of Honoré de Balzac
Stories from Balzac
Ursula (Ursule Mirouet)
Les Célibataires ; II. Un ménage de garçon
Unconscious Comedians
Les Comédiens sans le savoir
Deputy of Arcis
Cousin Pons (le Cousin Pons)
The Girl with the Golden Eyes
Domestic Peace
Maison du Chat-Qui-pelote
Passion Dans le Désert
Magic Skin
Daughter of Eve
Cousin Betty, Cousin Pons and Other Stories
La Comedia humana. Volumen IV
The Alkahest
Memoirs of two young married women
Catherine de Medici
Curé de Village
Jésus-Christ en Flandre
Cong xiong Pengsi
Lirio en el Valle...
Historical Mystery
Études de femmes
Cousin Pons;
Maître Cornélius
Rise and Fall of César Birotteau : (Grandeur et décadence de César Birotteau)
Marriage Contract Book
Cesar Birotteau
30-Year-Old Woman
At the Sign of the Cat & Racket
Old Maid
Elixir of Life
La Comedie Humaine Vol. 8
The Message
The Marriage Contract
Le Bal de Sceaux
Sönmüs Hayaller 2-Tasrali Bir Büyük Adam Paris'te
Grand Homme de Province à Paris
Melmoth Réconcilié
M�moires de Deux Jeunes Mari�es
Ténébreuse Affaire
Letters of Two Birds
Collection of Antiquities
The complete novelettes of Honoré de Balzac in one volume
Colonel Chabert
An Episode Under the Terror
Lost Illusions
Bir Havva Kizi - Hasan Ali Yücel Klasikleri
Deputy of Arcis
Works of Honoré de Balzac
Eugenie Grandet
Tales of the Napoleonic Era
Ténébreuse Affaire
Femme de Trente Ans
Eug�nie Grandet
Colonel Chabert
Episode under the Terror
Massimilla Doni
The Works of Honore De Balzac Novelettes
Die Falsche Geliebte
Die Frau Von Dreißig Jahren
LA Grande Breteche (Creative Short Stories)
The dramatic works of Honoré de Balzac
Annette et le criminel : ou, Suite du Vicaire des Ardennes
La Rabouilleuse
Koylu Isyani
Eugimie Grandet
Histoire Intellectuelle de Louis Lambert
Drama on the Seashore
Ojciec Goriot
Lao xiao jie
La Comedie Humaine Vol. 5
Vader Goriot
Une fille d’Ève
Magic Skin
Honoré de Balzac in Twenty-Five Volumes
Magic Skin
Hated Son
A recherche de l'absolu suivi de La messe de l'athee
Pierre Grassou
Droll Stories
Magic Skin
A great man of the provinces in Paris
Het meisje met de gouden ogen
La Comédie Humaine Of Honoré De Balzac
Village Cure
Rabouilleuse : (Barnes and Noble Digital Library)
Code des gens honnêtes ou L'art de ne pas être dupe des fripons
Albert Savarus
Daughter of Eve
Oeuvres completès de H. de Balzac
La Maison du chat qui pelote (coffret 2 CD)
La Maison Du Chat Qui Pelote
The Peasantry
Eugenie Grandet Illustrated Classic Edition
Albay Chabert - İnsanlık Komedyası
Father Goriot (Annotated)
Maître Cornélius
Gobseck (illustrated)
Cousin Betty
La Comedia humana. Volumen VI
La femme et l'amour
The Correspondence Of Honore De Balzac V2
The Stepmother
Bilinmeyen Şaheser - Sarrasine
Massimilla Doni
Contes Drolatiques Colligez Ez Abbayes de Touraine et Mis en Lumière
Piel de Zapa
Old Man Goriot (The Ten Greatest Novels of the World)
Sur Catherine de Médicis
Commission in Lunacy
Maison du Chat-Qui-pelote
Cousin Pons
Cousin Pons
Grenadière; le Chef-D'oeuvre Inconnu
César Birotteau
Double Famille
Two Poets
Eugénie Grandet
Magic Skin
The Works of Honore de Balzac
The Chouans
Les Comédiens sans le savoir
Grandeza y decadencia de Cesar Birotteau & La Casa Nucingen Edition
Father Goriot Annotated
Melmoth Réconcilié
Glanz und Elend der Kurtisanen
Honore de Balzac Collection
Große und kleine Welt
Autre étude de femme
Eugenie Grandet Illustrated
Human Comedy
Maître Cornélius
Autre Étude de Femme
Étude de Femme
Letters of Honoré de Balzac to Madame Hanska, Born Countess Rzewuska, Afterwards Madame Honoré de Balzac, 1833-1846
Massimilla Doni
Colonel Chabert
La Peau de Chagrin, etc
Lebensbilder II
Dunkle Geschichte
Etudes philosophiques
Jiao ji hua sheng shuai ji =
Black Sheep Annotated Edition
˜Dieœ Base Lisbeth
Eugénie Grandet
Employés Ou la Femme Supérieure
Esther Heureuse (1874)
Magic Skin
Splendeurs et Mis�res des Courtisanes
Illusions Perdues
Paix du Ménage
Oeuvres Complètes
Femme de Trente Ans
Father Goriot, Ursule Miroue t, and other stories
Le Lys dans la vallée
Marriage Contract Annotated
Father Goriot Annotated
Chef d'Oeuvre Inconnu
Muse du Département
Fille Aux Yeux D'or
Eugenie Grandet
La Comedia humana. Volumen II
The deputy from Arcis
O Coronel Chabert
Le Pere Goriot
Oeuvres Complètes; Volume 1
Rosalie (Albert Savarus)
Prince de la Bohème
Curé de Village
Petit Dictionnaire Critique et Anecdotique des Enseignes de Paris
Historical Mystery
Oberst Chabert
La cousine Bette
Het huis 'De kaatsende kat'
Oeuvres complètes
Le Lys Dans La Vallee, Grands Textes Classiques
Vadideki Zambak
The Unconscious Mummers
La recherche de l´absolu
Albay Chabert
Mechul Saheser
Colonel Chabert - Original Edition
PeÌ?re Goriot (Great illustrated classics)
Eugénie Grandet
Le Chef-d’œuvre inconnu
At the Sign of the Cat and Racket
Eugenie Grandet
History of The
Colonel Chabert
RABOUILLEUSE Ou un Ménage de Garçon Scènes de la Vie de Province
Ball at Sceaux
Eugenie grandet, ii
Hidden Masterpiece
Resources of Quinol
Ferragus, chief of the De vorants
Black Sheep Illustrated
Contes Bruns (Annotée)
Cousin Betty
�tude de Femme
Girl with the Golden Eyes
Sons of the Soil
Massimilla Doni
The seamy side of history (L'Envers de l'histoire contemporaine)
Gao lao tou
Colonel Chabert
Maison du Chat-Qui-pelote
Eugénie Grandet
Couro Zapa
Brotherhood of Consolation Illustrated
Colonel Chabert
Contes Bruns
Muse du Département
Le Père Goriot
Recherche de L'Absolu
Physiologie der Ehe
Collection of Antiquities
Memoirs of two young wives
Papá Goriot (Spanish Edition)
Gao lao tou ; Ouyeni Gelangtai =
La Bourse
Kibar Fahişelerin İhtişam ve Sefaleti
At the Sign of the Cat and Racket
Black Sheep Illustrated Edition
Ténébreuse Affaire
Madame Firmiani
Albert Savarus
Magic Skin
Letters of Two Brides
Old Goriot / by Honore De Balzac
ha-Filosofyah shel ḥaye ha-niśuʼim
Cun jiao shi
Eugenie Grandet I
Médecin de Campagne
Father Goriot Translated
La Comedia humana. Volumen XVII
Illustrious Gaudissart
Grandeur et de cadence de Ce sar Birotteau
Dime Como Andas, Te Drogas, Vistes Y Comes. . .y Te Dire Quien Eres
Louis Lambert
Zapa Pelle
CENTENAIRE Ou les Deux Béringheld Tome 1-2 Melmoth Réconcilié
Albert Savarus
Illusions Perdues Illustree
Confidence des Ruggieri
Brotherhood of Consolation
Sons of the Soil
Le Lys dans la Vallée (Classic Reprint) (French Edition)
Albert Savarus
Vadideki Zambak Mini Kitap
Fille D'�ve
Gaudissart II
Colonel Chabert
Cura Di Tours
Liang shi ren
Old Goriot
Le Cousin Pons
Die Frau Von Dreißig Jahren
Cäsar Birotteaus Größe und Niedergang
Oeuvres Complètes de H. de Balzac ...
Cousin Pons
Mémoires de Deux Jeunes Mariées
Madame Firmiani
Massimilla Doni
Ursule Mirouet in French
Une te ne breuse affaire
Le vicaire des Ardennes
Colonel Chabert
Fille D'Eve
Paix du Ménage
Messe de L'Athée
Lys Dans la Vallée
Chef-D'oeuvre Inconnu
La maison nucingen
Cesar Birotteau
La Peau de Chagrin (The Laurel Language Library French Series)
La Comedie Humaine Vol. 7
Les cahiers Balzaciens
A Princess's Secrets
Unknown Masterpiece and Other Stories
Illusions Perdues Illustrée (édition Enrichie)
Madame Firmiani
Sarrasine - Publishing People Series
The Physiology of Marriage
Muse du Département
Ball Von Sceaux
Le Pere Govot 30210 (30210/Three Audio Cassettes)
Histoire de la grandeur et de la décadence de César Birotteau, marchand parfumeur, chevalier de la légion-d'honneur, et adjoint au maire du deuxième arrondissement de la ville de Paris
The student's Balzac
Oeuvres Complètes de H. de Balzac ...
Girl with the Golden Eyes
Physiology of Marriage
Colonel Chabert
Princess's Secrets : (les Secrets de la Princesse de Cadignan)
Ball at Sceaux
The Celibates and Other Stories - Colonel Chabert - The Vendetta
Illusions Perdues IllustrÈe (Èdition Enrichie)
Physiology of Marriage, Complete
Colonel Chabert
Romans et contes philosophiques
Eugénie Grandet Annotated
Illustre Gaudissart
Contrat de Mariage
Com�die Humaine I
Eugénie Grandet
Les Chouans
The country doctor (Everyman's library)
Magic Skin
Le cabinet des antiques
Les Marana
Otuzunda Kadin
Colonel Chabert
Eugenie Grandet Illustrated
Eugénie Grandet (Kommentiert)
Madame Firmiani
Episode under the Terror
Albert Savarus
The atheist's mass, and other stories
Peau de Chagrin (Annoté)
Start in Life
Peau de Chagrin
Histoire de la Grandeur et de la décadence de César Birotteau
Pathologie de la Vie Sociale
Honoré de Balzac - la Duchesse de Langeais
Analytical Studies
La Cousine Bette Vol. I (Extraits)
Tio goriot, o
La peau de chagrin
La dernière incarnation de Vautrin ; Un prince de la Bohême ; Un homme d'affaires ; Gaudissart II ; Les comédiens sans le savoir
Le curé de Tours
Mutlak Pesinde
Chouans : (Annotated Edition)
Vieille Fille
Marriage Contract
L'élixir de Longue Vie
Pere Goriot
Two Poets
Honoré de Balzac - Sarrasine
La Comedie Humaine 6
Eugenie Grandet-Hasan Ali Yücel Klasikler
At the Sign of the Cat and Racket
Albert Savarus
Magic Skin
Chef-D'oeuvre Inconnu
La Duchesse De Langeais ;La Fille Aux Yeux D'or
Cousin Pons =: (Le cousin Pons) (Comedie humaine / H. de Balzac)
Le cure de Tours; Pierrette
The Correspondence of Honoré de Balzac; Volume 2
The Novels Of Balzac, Volume 17
A Distinguished Provincial at Paris
Oeuvres Complètes
Physiologie du Mariage, Ou Méditations de Philosophie Éclectique Sur le Bonheur et le Malheur Conjugal
Catherine de Medici
Ferragus Chef des Dévorants
"Le curé de village". Manuscrits ajoutés pour l'édition souverain de 1841.Edition originale de documents de la collection Lovenjoul. Précédé de la genèse du roman par Ki Wist.
Old Goriot
Best of Balzac
Balzac et l'imprimerie
The works of Honoré de Balzac
The Member For Arcis
Peasantry : (les Paysans)
Otuzunda Kadin
Médecin de Campagne
Peau de Chagrin - Annotée
Eve and David
Honoré de Balzacs Roman la Peau de Chagrin
Cesar Birotteau
Massimilla Doni
La Comedia humana
La vendetta
Catherine de Medici
La fille aux yeaux d'or, or The girl with the golden eyes
Rise and Fall of Cesar Birotteau
Chouans Annotated
Magic Skin
TraitÉ des Excitants Modernes - TraitÉ de la Vie ÉlÉgante - ThÉorie de la DÉmarche
Illusions Perdues
Pere Goriot and Eugenie Grandet (Modern Library of the world's best books. [245])
Lettres à Madame Hanska
Les il·lusions perdudes
enfant Maudit
Eugenie Grandet
A Murky Business : Written by Honore de Balzac, 1972 Edition,  Publisher
Wild Ass's Skin
Woman of Thirty
La Comedia humana. Volumen IV
La femme de trente ans
Girl with the Golden Eyes
Girl with the Golden Eyes
Français Peints Par Eux-Mêmes
Fille Aux Yeux D'or
Illustrious Gaudissart
La Fille aux yeux d'or - Classiques et Patrimoine
Koy Doktoru
Pathologie de la Vie Sociale
La Comedia humana. Volumen VII
Colonel Chabert
Balzac par lui-même
La Cousine Bette (Classiques Francais)
The Wild Ass's Skin
Drama on the Seashore
Collection of Antiquities
Femme de Trente Ans
Melmoth Réconcilié
Girl with the Golden Eyes
Eugénie Grandet
Hated Son
Le colonel chabert
Cousin Betty
La Cousine Bette (Littérature et civilisation) (French Edition)
Magic Skin
Daughter of Eve
Eugenie Grandet
La Comedie Humaine Vol. 10
Colonel Chabert
Paix du Ménage
Große und Kleine Welt
Illusions perdues.
Oeuvres Completes de M. de Balzac
Die Lilie Im Tal
Petty Troubles of Married Life, Part 1
Le Cousin Pons
La Comédie Humaine of Honoré de Balzac
Papa Goriot
Femme de Trente Ans
Madame Firmiani
Ambitieux Par Amour
envers de l'histoire Contemporaine
Piel de Zapa
Toni el descuidado
A Daughter of Eve
Recherche de L'Absolu
Colonel Chabert : (Annotated)(Biography)
Albert Savarus
Catherine De'Medici
�ve et David
Marriage Contract
La Comedie Humaine of Honore Balzac
Country Doctor
Honore de Balzac
The Member for Arcis.  The Seamy side of history
La Recherche de L'absolu
L'élixir de Longue Vie
Beatrix, the Jealousies of a Country Town, and the Commission in Lunacy (The Works of Honore de Balzac, University Edition, VII)
The Wild Ass's Skin
Eugenie Grandet
Ball at Sceaux
Sce  nes de la vie politique
Gao lao tou
Père Goriot
enfant Maudit
Magic Skin
Modeste Mignon
Le Pere Goriot (Introduction, notes et appendice critique) Edition illustree de 23 reproductions (Classiques Garnier)
Droll stories
The Works of Honore De Balzac with Introductions By George Saintsbury Vol. IX
Father Goriot
Eugénie Grandet
Eugenie Grandet
Ursule Mirouët
Pierre Grassou
Madame Firmiani
Eve and David
The Complete Novelettes of Honore De Balzac
Physiology of Marriage, Part
Parisians in the Country
Père Goriot
Oeuvres de jeunesse
Une Double Famille
Marriage Contract Illustrated
Start in Life
Paysans Illustree
Curé de Village
Father Goriot
La Comedie Humaine 2
Le colonel Chabert
Eugénie Grandet
Maitre Cornelius
Maison du Chat-Qui-pelote Annoté
Ursule Mirouët
Lettres À l'étrangère; Volume 1
Femme de Trente Ans
Contrat de Mariage
Cabinet des Antiques
Recherche de L'Absolu
Ursule Mirouët
Cousin Betty
Magic Skin
Código de ladrones
La Comedia humana. Volumen XVI
Le Chef-d'oeuvre inconnu et Autres nouvelles
Otuzundaki Kadin
Tilsimli Deri
Two Brothers
Modeste Mignon
Albert Savarus
Curé de Village
Étude de Femme Suivi de Albert Savarus
Eugenie Grandet
Sarrasine - Large Print
Honore de Balzac in Twenty-Five Volumes
OEuvres Complètes de H. de Balzac; Volume 10
Sons of the Soil
La Comedia humana. Volumen XIII
La noia dels ulls d'or
Balzac's Le message
La Vieille Fille - Audio Format
Study of a Woman
The Quest of the Absolute
Mystische Geschichten
Cousin Betty
Father Goriot
Colonel Chabert
La Peau de Chagrin
Eugenie Grandet
Collection of Antiquities
Ball at Sceaux
Las Ilusiones Perdidas y Los Dos Poetas
Oeuvres complètes
Catherine de Medici
Ménage de Garçon
Pere Goriot
Ursule Mirouet
Ursule Mirou�t
Louis Lambert
Woman of Thirty
Combien l'amour Revient Aux Vieillards
Deputy of Arcis
Pierre Grassou
Père Goriot
Lily of the Valley
Analytical Studies
Histoire des parens pauvres
The Alkahest
Ursule Mirouet - Hasan Ali Yucel Klasikleri
Lanetli Cocuk
Eugénie Grandet
Louis Lambert
Eugénie Grandet
Traité des Excitants Modernes
Albert Savarus
Esquisse d'homme d'affaires d´après Nature
Eug�nie Grandet
Rise and Fall of Cesar Birotteau
The Wild Ass's Skin. (Everyman Paperback)
Code des Gens Honnêtes Ou l'Art de Ne Pas Etre Dupe des Fripons
Las ilusiones perdidas
La obra maestra desconocida o El fracaso en el arte
Juana, and other stories
Sämmtliche Werke: Die Letzte Fee, Volume 72... (German Edition)
Eugénie Grandet niveau A2 + CD 2è éd.
Tefeci Gobseck
Catherine De Medici
Cousin Pons
Comédie Humaine of Honoré de Balzac
Father Goriot (Annotated)
Ténébreuse Affaire
Skin of Sorrow
Illusions Perdues
Auberge Rouge
Médecin de Campagne
M�moires de Deux Jeunes Mari�s
Honoré de Balzac in Twenty-Five Volumes
Cousin Betty
Une fille d'Éve
Der Landarzt
Iki Yeni Gelinin Anilari
The Deputy Of Arcis
Modern Caš Uyaricilari Risalesi ve Z. Marcas
Ferragus, Chief of the Dévorants
Ténébreuse Affaire
Envers de l'Histoire Contemporaine
Maison du Chat-Qui-pelote
Gaudissart II
Fausse Maitresse
Firm of Nucingen
Illustrious Gaudissart
Illustre Gaudissart
Ferragus ; La Fille aux yeux d'or
The Peasantry
Femme de Trente Ans
Country Doctor
Femme de Trente Ans
Madame Firmiani
L'Illustre Gaudissart. La muse du département
Autre étude de Femme
Girl with the Golden Eyes
Mémoires de deux jeunes mariées ; Une fille d'Ève
The Chouans
The Rise and Fall of César Birotteau
Fiche de lecture La Peau de chagrin de Balzac
Histoire de la Grandeur et de la décadence de César Birotteau
Marriage Contract
Illusions Perdues
Colonel Chabert
Historical Mystery
Magic Skin : Or, the Wild Ass's Skin
Eugenie Grandet
Eugenie Grandet
Le Lys dans La Vallee
El Verdugo
Eugénie Grandet
La Grenadiere
La Fille aux yeux d’or
The Jealousies of a Country Town
La maison Nucingen
Pathologie de la Vie Sociale
Firm of Nucingen
Chef-D'oeuvre Inconnu
Lost Illusions (A Distinguished Provincial At Paris)
At the Sign of the Cat And Racket, the Ball at Sceaux, And the Purse
Contes de Balzac
Zarif Bir Yasam Üzerine
Vater Goriot (Kommentiert)
Comédiens Sans le Savoir
Napoleon of the People (Illustrated)
Paix du Ménage
Illustre Gaudissart
At the Sign of the Cat and Racket
Pere Goriot - Honore de Balzac - The Franklin Library - Eugene Abot Illustrations - Limited Edition
Droll Stories, First & Second Ten Tales (Modern Library Edition)
Magic Skin
Red Inn
El cosí Pons
Sce  nes de la vie militaire
Une fille d'E  ve suivi de, La muse du de partment
Le contrat de mariage ; Un début dans la vie
L'Enfant maudit ; Gambara ; Massimilla Doni
Oeuvres complètes
Honoré de Balzac, eine Dunkle Geschichte
Femme de Trente Ans
Maison Nucingen
Cousine Bette. les Parents Pauvres
Die Falsche Geliebte
Magic Skin
La cousine bette
Duchesse de Langeais by Honoré de Balzac the Roman Classique Français
Fausse Maîtresse
Femme Abandonnée
Black Sheep(Illustryted Edition)
Clotilde de Lusignan
Les cent contes drolatiques, colligez ès abbaïes de Touraine, et mis en lumière
Cure de Tours
Comédie Humaine
Glanz und Elend der Kurtisanen (Kommentiert)
Pamela Giraud
Catherine de' Medici
Sons of the Soil
Albert Savarus
Correspondance avec Zulma Carraud
Les Petits Bourgeois
The memoirs of two young wives
Modeste Mignon
Girl with the Golden Eyes
Marriage Contract and Other Stories
At the Sign of the Cat and Racket
Bal de Sceaux
Splendeurs et Miseres des Courtisanes
Domestic Peace
Peau de Chagrin
La Comedie Humaine 5
Ilusiones perdidas
Maison du Chat-Qui-Pelote
Ferragus / La Fille Aux Yeux D'or
Fiche de lecture Le Chef-d'oeuvre inconnu de Balzac
L'auberge rouge et autres récits criminels
La duchesse de Langeais -Une ténébreuse affaire
The Celibates
Father Goriot Illustrated Edition
Fille D'Ève
Duchesse de Langeais
Eugénie Grandet
Lily of the Valley
Cousin Pons
Le Pere Goriot
Vater Goriot
Father Goriot
La fille aux yeux d'or
Les Secrets de la princesse de Cadignan
Otuzunda Kadin
Girl with the Golden Eyes
Albert Savarus
Marriage Contract
Father Goriot (illustrated Edition)
ScÈnes de la Vie PrivÉe Livre 2
Illusions Perdues Illustree
Cabinet des Antiques
Woman of Thirty
Die Heilung Von Touren
Comédie Humaine of Honoré de Balzac
Cousin Bette
Tales from Balzac
Honoré De Balzac
Colonel Chabert (illustrated)
Duchesse de Langeais
Sur Catherine de Médicis
Magic Skin
The Wild Ass' Skin And Other Stories
Pere Goriot
The Lily of the Valley
La duquesa de Langeais
Droll Stories - Complete Collected from the Abbeys of Touraine
Kehrseite der Geschichte Unserer Zeit
La femme auteur et autres fragments inédits
Le Lys Dans La Vallee*
La duchesse de Langeais -Une ténébreuse affaire
Code des gens honnêtes, ou, L'art de ne pas être dupe des fripons
Eugenie Grandet - Klasik Kadinlar
Grandeur et décadence de César Birotteau
Cousin Betty
Scenes from a Courtesan's Life
Illusions Perdues
Médecin de Campagne
Le Curé de Tours (French Edition)
Théorie de la démarche
Le Curé de Tours
La fille aux yeux d'or, histoire des treize 3
Melmoth Reconciled
Girl with the Golden Eyes
Fausse Maîtresse
At the Sign of the Cat and Racket
Physiologie du Mariage
EugGenie Grandet
Second Home
Eugénie Grandet (Kommentiert)
Prince de la Bohême
Eugénie Grandet
La fausse maitresse
Lost Illusions
Eugénie Grandet (Kommentiert)
Albert Savarus
Contes Bruns
Le lys dans la vallée (Classiques Garnier)
Lily of the Valley
HISTORICAL MYSTERY by Honore de Balzac
La Comedie Humaine Vol. 9
début Dans la Vie
Madame Firmiani
Message Nouvelle
Eugenie Grandet
Grande Bretèche
Massimilla Doni (Webster's French Thesaurus Edition)
Contes drolatiques precedes de la comedie humaine
The Country Doctor
Ihtisam ve Sefalet
Paris'ten Cava'ya Yolculuk
Femme Abandonnée
Fausse Maîtresse
d�but Dans la Vie
Drama on the Seashore
Peau de Chagrin
Louis Lambert
Le Lys Dans LA Vallee
Duchess of Langeais
Paix du Ménage
Eugénie Grandet
Albert Savarus
L'Élixir de Longue Vie
Droll Stories , Vol. 1
Daiyi fu ren
Wei zhuang de ai qing
Louis Lambert
El pare Goriot
Le député d'Arcis
Le Pere Goriot 1*
The heartless woman
La Comédie humaine, tome 7
La Comedie Humaine Vol. 11
Oeuvres Completes  La Peau de Chagrin /  Jesus Christ en Flanders /  Melmoth Reconcile Vol. 14
Oeuvres complètes de Honoré de Balzac ..
La Comedie Humaine of Honore de Balzac; Volume 1
Colonel Chabert
Scenes from a Courtesan's Life
די פירמע פון נוסינגען
Illusions Perdues
Study of a Woman
Firm of Nucingen
Balzac - la Peau de Chagrin
Cabinet des Antiques
Episode under the Terror
Paroles de Balzac
Father Goriot Illustrated Edition
Messe de L'athée
Cousin Pons
Commission in Lunacy
Human Comedy
Eug�nie Grandet
Hated Son
Ferragus, chef des dévorants (Littérature) (French Edition)
Contes Drolatiques
The Country Doctor
Le centenaire
Père Goriot
Scènes de la Vie Privée
Combien l'amour Revient Aux Vieillards
Femme de Trente Ans
Paix du Ménage Suivi de la Fausse Maîtresse
Paix du Ménage
Vieille Fille
Lost Illusions
Sons of the Soil
Collected Works of Honore de Balzac In One Volume
Eugenia Grandet
Brotherhood of Consolation
Double Famille
Ferragus : Suivi de
Eugénie Grandet
The Wild Ass's Skin
Ya'erpei Safalong
Passion in the Desert
La dona de trenta anys
Szenen Aus Dem Landleben - Die Bauern
Don Juan
Comédie Humaine,
ScÈnes de la Vie Parisienne Livre 1
Modeste Mignon
Père Goriot
Maison du Chat-Qui-pelote
At the Sign of the Cat and Racket
Mémoires de Deux Jeunes Mariées
Double Famille
Epigrams on men, women, and love
Massimilla Doni
Eugenie Grandet
Bilinmeyen Saheser
Eugénie Grandet (Kommentiert)
Louis Lambert
Etude de Femme
Modeste Mignon
Mercadet a Comedy in Three Acts
Resources of Quinola
Comédiens Sans le Savoir
The Imaginary Mistress
Atheist's Mass
Français Peints Par Eux-Mêmes
Old Goriot / Honore De Balzac ; translated from the French by Ellen Marriage ; with an introduction by Francois Mauriac ; and Illustrations by Rene Ben Sussan
Autre Etude de Femme
Honoré de Balzac (Illustrated)
Histoire de la Grandeur et de la décadence de César Birotteau
Femme de Trente Ans
Maitre Cornelius
The Unknown Masterpiece
Vadideki Zambak
Eugenie Grandet Handbook
Die tödlichen Wünsche. Das Chagrinleder
Cousin Pons
Physiologie du Mariage
Tilsimli Deri - Hasan Ali Yucel Klasikleri
Albert Savarus
Bal de Sceaux
Colonel Chabert
Comédie du Diable
Drame Au Bord de la Mer
Girl with the Golden Eyes
illustre Gaudissart Suivi de la Muse du Département
Splendeurs et Misères des Courtisanes
Commission in Lunacy
The Atheists Mass
Fatal Skin
Le Colonel Chabert, Suivi De Ferragus, Chef Des Devorants
Eugénie Grandet
The Works Of Honoré De Balzac, Volume 15
Letters to Madame Hanska
Le Chef-d’œuvre inconnu
Honoré de Balzac in Twenty-Five Volumes; the First Complete Translation into English
Unknown Masterpiece
Woman of Thirty
Physiologie du Mariage
Duchesse of Langeais
Ferragus : Chief of the dévorants
Deputy of Arcis
Illusions Perdues - Tome 1
Passion in the Desert
La Cousine Bette
Le livre mystique
César Birotteau. the Last Incarnation of Vautrin. Nuringen and Co. , Bankers. Pierre Grassou
Unconscious Mummers
Lys Dans la Vallée
César Birotteau
Vieille Fille
At the Sign of the Cat and Racket
Magic Skin
Rise and Fall of César Birotteau
Illusions Perdues
Oeuvres diverses
Eugenie Grandet
Splendours and Miseries of Courtesans
Maison du Chat-Qui-pelote
Fausse Ma�tresse
Grande Breteche
Pere Goriot
Los Pequenos Burgueses
Kuzin Bette
Colonel Chabert Annotated
Petites Misères de la Vie Conjugale
Peau de Chagrin
Illusions Perdues by Honoré de Balzac
Honoré de Balzac - the Magic Skin
Lost illusions / translated from the French by Kathleen Raine ; with an introduction by Raymond Mortimer ; and illustrated by Philippe Jullian
Commission in Lunacy
Brotherhood of Consolation
La Comédie humaine, tome 2
Altın Gözlü Kız
Catherine De' Medici
Vadideki Zambak
Father Goriot Annotated
Illusions perdues
Selected Short Stories (Dual-Language)
Scenes of Parisian Life
Wild Ass's Skin
Madame Firmiani Suivi de une Double Famille
Passion in the Desert
Prince of Bohemia
Los Chuanes
Père Goriot
Eugénie Grandet
Ball at Sceaux, The
La peau de chagrin
Le lys dans la valle e
Eygenia Gkrante
Father Goriot
Chouans Illustrated
Brotherhood of Consolation
Eugénie Grandet Annotated
Correspondance de H. de Balzac, 1819-1850
Z Marcas
Cuentos filosóficos
Wann-Chlore (1825)
The Works of Honoré de Balzac
The Works Of Honoré De Balzac
Le Curé de Tours
Zapa Leather
Honoré de Balzac in Twenty-Five Volumes : The First Complete Translation into English
Girl with the Golden Eyes
Chef-D'oeuvre Inconnu
Eugénie Grandet
Lys Dans la Vallée
Marriage Contract
Rise and Fall of Cesar Birotteau
Un caso tenebroso
A study of woman
Langeais Düsesi
Eugénie Grandet
Vater Goriot
Recherche de L'Absolu
Honoré de Balzac
The art of tying the cravat
Another Study of Woman
Traité des excitants modernes
Euge nie Grandet
Altin Gözlü Kiz
Eugenie Grandet
Verlorene Illusionen
Cousin Betty
Fausse Maîtresse
Vicar of Tours
Colonel Chabert
Vieille Fille
Fille Aux Yeux d'or Scènes de la Vie Parisienne
Ferragus, Chief of the Devorants
Grosse und Kleine Welt
Lebensbilder I
Ascensão E Queda De César Birotteau - Coleção L&PM Pocket
Physiology of Marriage
Peau de Chagrin
Recherche de L'absolu
Peau de Chagrin
Maitre Cornelius
Glanz und Elend der Kurtisanen (Kommentiert)
Oberst Chabert
L' église
El Coronel Chabert
Pierre Grassou
Letters of Two Brides
Chouans, Ou, la Bretagne En 1799
Elixir of Life
Peau de Chagrin
Eug�nie Grandet
Eugenie Grandet
Pere Goriot (Rinehart editions)
Secrets of the Princesse de Cadignan
Maitre Cornelius
Les Chouans ; Une passion dans le de sert
Peau de Chagrin
Letters to Madame Hanska
Eugénie Grandet
Mémoires de Deux Jeunes Mariées
d�put� D'Arcis
Lys Dans la Vallée
�pisode Sous la Terreur
Pierre Grassou
Chouans - Large Print
Two Young Brides
Bal de sceaux (nouvelle couverture) (Le) (ETONNANTS CLASSIQUES)
début Dans la Vie
Commission in Lunacy
The Lesser Bourgeoisie
Evde Kalmis Kiz - Hasan Ali Yücel Klasikleri
Peau de Chagrin
Esquisse d'Homme d'Affaires d'Après Nature
Modeste Mignon
Cousin Betty
LA Peau De Chagrin (French Edition)
La comédie humaine, tome VI
Albert Savarus
Gercegi Arayis
Marriage Contract Annotated
Père Goriot
Père Goriot
Lucien de Rubempre
An Episode Under the Terror
The Napoleon of the People
Facino Cane
Magic Skin
The Works of Honore De Balzac (The Lily of the Valley; The Country Doctor, Volume 9)
Sur Catherine de Medicis
Cousin Pons
Le colonel Chabert
Firm of Nucingen (annotated)
Bal de Sceaux
Vater Goriot (Kommentiert)
Messe de L'athée
Fausse Maîtresse
Petites Misères de la Vie Conjugale
Old Man Goriot (The Ten Greatest Novels of the World)
The Deputy for Arcis, Part I
La Comedia humana Vol V
The Girl with the Golden Eyes [La fille aux yeux d'or]
Second Home
Ball at Sceaux
Ball at Sceaux
Cousin Bette, Pierrie Grassous, and the girl with the yellow eyes, Vol1 of "The poor Relations"
Ce sar Birotteau
le pere goriot
Aklanmis Melmoth
L’Auberge rouge
Catherine De'Medici
Madame Firmiani
Recherche de L'absolu
Lily of the Valley
Albert Savarus
At the Sign of the Cat Racket
Balthazar Claës
At the Sign of the Cat and Racket
Cousin Betty
Modeste Mignon
Père Goriot
La Comedie Humaine 3
Country Doctor
Lirio en el Valle...
Start in Life
Distinguished Provincial at Paris
Splendeurs et Miseres des Courtisanes
La Paix du ménage
Chouans Annotated
Pere Goriot
Recherche de L'absolu
Autre étude de Femme
Contrat de Mariage
Lily of the Valley by Honoré de Balzac
L'illustre Gaudissart. le chef d'oeuvre inconnu. sarrasine
Deserted Woman
La Comedia humana. Volumen XV
The Stepmother by Honore De Balzac
Historical Mystery
Die Dreißig Tolldreisten Geschichten - Drittes Zehent
L' oeuvre de Balzac
Honoré de Balzac in Twenty-Five Volumes
The Elixir of Life
Stepmother, a Drama in Five Acts
Father Goriot
Street of Paris and Its Inhabitant
La Comedia humana. Volumen XV
Catherine de Medici
The deputy for Arcis Part 1
Les Chouans (World Classics
Gizli Başyapıt
Ferragus, histoire de treize 1
Kibar Fahiseler
Ténébreuse Affaire
Fille Aux Yeux D'or
Secrets de la Princesse de Cadignan
Père Goriot
Coronel Chabert, El
Le Colonel Chabert ; suivi de Le contrat de mariage
El coronel Chabert
Albert Savarus
Aba Goryo
Eugénie Grandet
Comédie Humaine Volume I
Le médecin de campagne
Jésus-Christ en Flandre
Maison du Chat-Qui-pelote
Brotherhood of Consolation
EL coronel Chabert
Relatos Celebres Sobre la Pintura
Magic Skin
Sce  nes de la vie de campagne
Sumholais gamou
Pere Goriot
Sarrasine (Annotated)
Père Goriot Illustree
Marriage Contract
Facino Cane Suivi de la Messe de L'athée
Stepmother, a Drama in Five Acts
Rise and fall of Ce sar Birotteau
Un grand homme de Province a Paris
Melmoth Réconcilié
Cousin Betty
Magic Skin
Second Home
Melmoth Reconciled
Eugenie Grandet
Pere Goriot Honore De Balzac - The Franklin Library 1980
Eugenie Grandet
enfant Maudit
Z. Marcas
Commission in Lunacy
Catherine de Medici
Physiology of Marriage, Part
Les chovans
La Comedie Humaine Vol. 2
Ou ye ni, ge lang tai
Pierre Grassou (annotated)
Double Famille
Enfant Maudit
Etude de Femme
Comédie Humaine - Volume 03/11
Pere Goriot
Pere Goriot and Eugenie Grandet (Modern Library, 245.1)
La Peau de chagrin. With introduction and notes by Maurice Allem.
About Catherine de Medici
The jealousies of a country town.  The old maid.  The collection of antiquities
The wild Ass' skin and other stories
Oeuvres de Balzac
Le cousin Pons
Balzac en Bretagne
The Country Parson (Le Curé de Village)
Le cycle Vautrin
Les Français peints par eux-mêmes
Les parisiens comme ils sont, 1830-1846
Kobieta trzydziestoletnia
Le père Goriot
Oeuvres Completes  Theatre /  Vautrin /  les Ressources de Quinola /  Pamela Giraud Vol. 19
Lost illusions
Os jornalistas
Honoré de Balzac
Cousin Bette
The novels of Balzac
Paris marié
Balʹzak ob iskusstve
Le Napoléon du peuple
The Physiology of Marriage: Petty Troubles of Married Life ; Repertory of the Comédie Humaine
La vendetta, suivi de La bourse
Čiča Gorijo
Las Ilusiones Perdidas/ the Lost Illusions
The Purse Lt
Eugénie Grandet
ha-Dodanit Beṭ
Sobranie sochineniĭ v 24 tomakh
A Prince of Bohemia
Le colonel Chabert * Gobseck
Physiologie du marriage
The Purse
Études sur Stendhal et la Chartreuse de Parme
Pensées, sujets, fragmens
Le curé de Tours
Ojciec Goriot
La maison du chat qui pelotte.  Le bal de sceaux.  Une fille d'Eve
Le théatre inédit de Honoré de Balzac
Clotilde de Lusignan, ou, Le beau juif
Jean Louis
A tragedy by the sea and other stories
The Gondreville mystery = Une Ténébreuse affaire
La comedie humaine of Honore de Balzac
Physiologie de Mariage
Maximes et pensées
Parisians in the Country (Les Parisiens en Province)
Scènes de la vie parisienne
ha-Dodan Pons
A daughter of Eve.  Letters of two brides.  A Woman of thirty
Le Lys Dans La Vallee (Petite Bibliotheque Lattes)
La cousine Bette
Ai chui lu
The Chouans Lt
Meâdecin de campagne
Histoire de la grandeur et de la décadence de César Birotteau
Lettres à l'égtrangère
Le Colonel Chabert
Le cure de village
Le dernier chouan, ou, La Bretagne en 1800
Le Lys dans la vallée (coffret 6 CD)
Le Pere Goriot (Profil d'une euvre)
Lettres de femmes adressées à Honoré de Balzac
Le Médecin de campagne
The Recruit
Gobseck Lt
Le Lys dans la Vallee, 10 Audio Compact Discs in French, 9 hours playing time
Sarrasine L'Hermaphrodite
Konto dororateiku
Études analytiques
The house of Nucingen
Le Curé de Tours (coffret 3 CD)
Honorine ; Le colonel Chabert ; La messe de l'athée ; L'interdiction ; Pierre Grassou
Eugénie Grandet
Splendeurs et misères des courtisanes
The Correspondence Of Honore De Balzac V1
Eugénie Grandet, avec une notice sur la vie de Balzac ... par Jean Thoraval
The middle classes =
Père Goriot
Les contes drolatiques colligez ez abbayes de Touraine et mis en lumière par le sieur de Balzac pour l'esbattement des pantagruélistes et non aultres
Les cent contes drolatiques mis en lumière par le sieur de Balzac
La Fille aux Yeux d'Or / 2 Audio Compact Discs in French
Sarrasine Gambara Massimilla
Honoré de Balzac in twenty-five volumes
Le Colonel Chabert Et Autres Aventures Heroiques
ha-Ḳomedyah ha-enoshit
Les peines de cœur d'une chatte anglaise
Paris romantique
Duchesse de Langeais
La bourse
Le\Colonel Chabert  Le Contrat de Marriage
Le Père Goriot
Correspondance inédite de Honoré de Balzac avec le lieutenant-colonel L.-N. Périolas (1832-1845)
La\Derniere Fee Ou la Nouvelle Lampe Merveilleuse/ Paris/ 1825
The complete novelettes of Honore de Balzac
Contes drolatiques précédés de La comédie humaine: Œeuvres eb́auchées, II -
Eugenie Grandet (Twelve Point)
Le Père Goriot. Illusions perdues. Splendeurs et misères des courtisanes
Louis Lambert ; Les proscrits ; Séraphita
La bourse
Scènes de La vie de province
Goriyo boway
The Human Comedy_ Introductions and Appendix Lt
La\Femme de Trente
Le contrat de mariage ; Un début dans la vie
L'Enfant maudit ; Gambara ; Massimilla Doni
Historie de la grandeur et de la décadence de César Birotteau, suivi de la Maison Nucingen
Le colonel Chabert Godspeck
Muse of the department and Les Employ'es
Les parisiens en provinces ; L'illustre Gaudissart ; La muse du département
The complete works of Honoré de Balzac
Colonel Chabert
Lettres a sa famille, 1809-1850
La vieille
Modeste Mignon Lt
The poor parents and Cousin Pons
La peau de chagrin
Scènes de la vie privée
ʻAl ha-ḥayim ha-eleganṭiyim
An Historical Mystery Lt
The Deserted Woman, and La Grenadiere
The Physiology of Marriage, Complete
A ultima fada
Father Goriot
La cousine Bette
The Human Comedy, Vol. IV: A Second Home and Other Works
La derniere incarnation de Vautrin
L'Enfant maudit ; Gambara ; Massimilla Doni
Die Frau Konnetable
Les fantaisies de la Gina
Lettres sur Kiew
La cousine Bette
Les parents pauvres
Correspondance   Vol. 3
Cuento Fantastico Frances - Antologia
Splendors and miseries of courtesans
The step-mother : mercadet
Le faiseur
Die Frau von dreissig Jahren
Études philosophiques
Esquisses normandes
Les illusions perdues
Eine dunkle Geschichte
The love letters of Honoré de Balzac, 1833-1842
A Marriage Settlement =: (Le Contrat de Mariage) and Other Stories
Ḳolonel Shaber
La Grande Breteche
Christ in Flanders and Other Stories
Ursule Mirouet
Le Médecin de campagne
La Comédie humaine, tome 4
Oeuvres Completes Set 24 tomes
La dernière incarnation de Vautrin
Urszula Mirouët ; Eugenia Grandet
Tsūru no shisai ; Akai yadoya
Juana Lt
The member for Arcis
The thirteen--Ferragus, The duchesse de Langeais
La Duchesse de Langeais - Book and Two Audio Compact Discs
Un\Debut dans la Vie Avec
Correspondence 1819-1850
Le colonel Chabert
La dernière fée
The best of Balzac
The Chouans and the conscript
Regards sur Balzac et la musique
The Rise and fall of César Birotteau.  The Secrets of a Princess.  The Middle classes
Un Grand homme de province à Paris
The Country Doctor Lt
Treatise on elegant living
Physiology of marriage
César Birotteau
La peau de chagrin
A Drama On The Seashore
The Illustrious Gaudissart Lt
Study of a Woman Lt and Other Stories
The wisdom of Balzac
César Birotteau
La vieille fille
Catherine De' Medici Lt
La Rabouilleuse, Classiques Garnier Collection
La fille aux yeux d'or
The Quest of the Absolute: La Recherche de L'absolu
Las ilusiones perdidas
Annette et le criminel
A Distinguished Provincial at Paris Lt
Le colonel Chabert
Les journalistes
Père Goriot
Oberst Chabert
Ursule Mirouët
Nouvelles révolutionnaires
Mémoires de deux jeunes mariées ; Une fille d'Ève
Short stories
The Alkahest Lt
La maison Nucingen ; Les secrets de la princesse de Cadignan ; Les employés ; Sarrasine ; Facino Cane
Melmoth Reconciled Lt
Physiology of marriage ; Petty worries of conjugal life
Œuvres complètes de Honoré de Balzac
Colonel Chabert, Le - 28 -
Lettre sur Kiew
Parisians in the country--Gaudissart the great
L'Affaire Dreyfus et autres récits
David Séchard
Les chouans, ou, La Bretagne en 1799
Bureaucracy Lt
Dinah Piédefer
Argow le pirate
A passion in the desert ; An episode under the reign of terror ; A dark affair
Traité des excitants modernes
Le colonel Chabert
Historia wielkości i upadku Cezara Birotteau
Béatrix, ou, Les amours forcés
D'ung paouvre qui avoyt nom Le Vieulx-par-chemins
A házasság élettana
La Maison du Chat-qui-Pelote
The rise and fall of Cesar Birotteau and Gaudissart the Great
Colonel Chabert and The Commission in Lunacy
Maître Cornélius
La vieille fille
Tatík Goriot
Oeuvres illustrées de Balzac
Der Israelit: Clotilde de Lusignan
Le lys dans la vallʹee
Histoire ... de Cesar Birotteau
Béatrix, ou Les amours forcés
La maison Nucingen ; Les secrets de la princesse de Cadignan ; Les employés ; Sarrazine ; Facino Cane
Melmoth Reconciliado y Otros Cuentos Fantasti
An Episode Under The Terror
The Atheist's Mass (Classic, 60s)
Conversation entre onze heures et minuit
The deputy for Arcis and The middle class
Les Illusions Perdues 2*
Oeuvres Completes  Physiologie du Mariage /  Petites Miseres de la Vie Conjugale Vol. 17
Correspondance de H. de Balzac, 1819-1850
Listy dwóch mlodych mężatek
The celibates and other stories
Lettres a Sa Famille
The Human Comedy, Vol. III: A Start in Life and Other Works
Piel De Zapa
An English Translation of Honore De Balzac's Novel Wann-Clore (Studies in French Literature)
Maitre Cornelius Lt
Facino Cane
L' Amour masqué
Scènes de la vie privée
La Comedie Humaine, Volume 5
Louis Lambert ; Les proscrits ; Séraphita
Théorie de la démarche
Œuvres complètes de Honoré de Balzac ...
L' employé
A Man of Business and Other Stories Lt
Massimilla Doni and Le Chef D'Oeuvre Inconnu
The works of Honoré de Balzac
Physiologie du mariage, ou, Méditations de philosophie éclectique sur le bonheur et le malheur conjugal
Scènes de la vie de campagne
Pages choisies des grands écrivains
Der Succubus
Correspondance, 5 Volumes
Penas de amor de una gata inglesa
Luc Maize (1913-2004)
Inaka no isha
Comedie Humaine - The Unknown Masterpiece (and other stories)
Oeuvres Completes  L'Auberge Rouge /  sur Catherine de Medicis /  L'Elexir de Longue Vie Vol. 16
Aba Goryo
Nouveaux contes philosophiques
Annette et le Criminel/ ou Suite du Vicaire des Ardennes
The cat and battledore, and other tales
The dramas
Ferragus, Book One of 'The Thirteen'
... The Stepmother ...: a play in five acts
Petites misères de la vie conjugale
La peau de chagrin
"Zettai" no tankyū
The civil service; Gaudissart II; A prince of Bohemia
Die Lilie im Tal
Ferragus - 543 -
İki gelinin hatıraları
Obras selectas
Le faiseur
Les petits bourgeois (les parvenus)
The letters of Honoré de Balzac to Madame Hanska
Nouvelles Revolutionnaires
Le colonel Chabert ; suivi de Honorine ; et de L'interdiction
Batailles impériales
Monsieur Vautrin
Droll stories ; Sarrasine
The gallery of antiquities
Louis Lambert - Les Proscrits - Jésus-Christ en Flandre
The dramas
Sur Catherine de Médicis
Chouans, Les
La Grande Bretèche - Un épisode sous la terreur, suivi de "Du nombril à l'échaffaud" de Baptiste-Marrey
Étude de mœurs par les gants
Um comêço de vida
Eugénie Grandet
Cousin Betty (La cousine Bette)
Les dangers de l'inconduite
Albert Savarus Lt
Another Study Of Woman
Letters of Two Brides Lt
Obra Maestra Desconocida, La
Correspondance de H. de Balzac, 1819-1850
L àuberge rouge
La Rabouilleuse
Œuvres complètes. Éd définitive
Correspondence avec Zulma Carrand
Eugénie Grandet
The novels of Honoré de Balzac
An Historical Mystery (The Grondeville Mystery)
Melmouth Reconciled
L' oeuvre de Balzac: extraits)
Correspondance de H. de Balzac, 1819-1850
Le curé de Tours ; Pierrette
The unknown masterpiece
The letters of Honoré de Balzac to Madame Hanska
La femme de trente ans
The comedy of human life
Peines de Coeur D'Une Chatte Anglaise
Les paysans
Oeuvres completes de Balzac
Père Goriot
La comédie humaine
ha-Ḥeṭ ha-sheviʻi
Falsa Amante
The complete novelettes of Honoré de Balzac in one volume
The Exiles Lt
Le depute d'Arcas
Modeste Mignon
Droll stories collected from the abbeys of Touraine
Les rivalites
Eugénie Grandet
Le père Goriot
Honore de Balzac in twenty-five volumes
Le centenaire ou, Les deux Béringheld
La femme auteur
La Duchesse de Langeais. La Fille aux yeux d'or
Oeuvres Completes  Falthurne /  Stenie /  la Seconde Falthurne Vol. 21
Eine Leidenschaft in der Wüste
Eve and David.   Lost illusions Part 3 (Lost Illusions)
Un drame au bord de la mer
About Catherine de'Medici and other stories
Comédie humaine
The child of malediction
Louis Lambert
La Comédie humaine, tome 3
Le Medecine de Campagne, 7 CD's, 7 hours playing time
Honorine ; Le colonel Chabert ; La messe de l'athée ; L'interdiction ; Pierre Grassou
Grandeur et décadence de César Birotteau
The Deputy of Arcis Lt
The History of Thirteen
Modeste Mignon. A daughter of Eve. The peace of a home
Physiologie de l'employé
The country parson
Les meilleures pages
A Study of Woman, Another Study of Woman, And La Grande Breteche
Les Chouans
Eugénie Grandet
The country doctor ; The quest of the absolute and other stories
Honorine ; Colonel Chabert ; The interdiction
The Illustrious Gaudissart II Lt
The cat and battledore
La pensée de Balzac
Les contes drolatiques
The Brotherhood of Consolation Lt
A double family
Gambara Lt
Les Chouans
L'héritière de Birague, histoire tirée des manuscrits de dom Rago, ex-prieur ...
Ez'eni grandeh
Père Goriot ; The marriage contract
Le vicaire des Ardennes
Balzac's shorter stories
La Grenadière
Le colonel Chabert, suivi de Honorine et de L'Interdiction
Le Cousin Poms, Classiques Garnier Collection
The Red Inn Lt
The bachelor's house
Eugénie Grandet (coffret 6 CD)
Le Médecin de campagne (coffret 7 CD)
Le député dA̓rcis
Geschichte der Dreizehn
Shirarezaru kessaku ; hoka Go hen
Balzac's Short Stories
Les illusions perdues, édition critique commentée par Gilbert Mayer
A Man Of Business and Other Stories
A woman of thirty
The civil service
Le Chef-d'oeuvre inconnu, suivi de "La Belle Noiseuse, un film de Jacques Rivette"
Ténébreuse affaire
Ūjenii Gurande ; Itoko Betto = Eugénie Grandet ; La cousine Bette / by Balzac ; translated by Shiina Motoji and Mizuno Akira
Curiosités littéraires et pages inconnues, H. de Balzac
Physiologie du mariage, ou, Méditations de philosophie éclectique sur le bonheur et le malheur conjugal
The works of Honoré de Balzac
A szamárbőr / Honoré de Balzac ; [szerkesztő Gordon Etel, fordító Rónay György, grafikus Sinkó Károly]
Napoléon dans Balzac
The Magic Skin/la Peau De Chagrin
Love in a Mask; Or, Imprudence and Happiness: A Hitherto Unpublished Novel
Le chef d'oeuvre inconnu
The Magic skin. The Quest of the absolute
Oeuvres Completes  L'Epicier /  la Femme comme Il Faut /  le Notaire Vol. 24
Tratado De LA Vida Elegante Y Teoria Del Saber Estar
Le médecin de campagne
Correspondance avec Aulma Carraud
La femme abandonnée
L' auberge rouge
Pedro Grassou
Di farmasḳirṭe liebe
Dom Gigadas
La rabouilleuse par Honoŕ́e de Balzac
Eugénie Grandet
Les Célibataires ; II. Un ménage de garçon
La dernière incarnation de Vautrin ; Un prince de la Bohême ; Un homme d'affaires ; Gaudissart II ; Les comédiens sans le savoir
Traité de la vie élégante
Correspondance de H. de Balzac, 1819-1850
Beatrix Lt
The Illustrious Gaudissart II
Ėti︠u︡dy o nravakh
Œuvres complètes de M. de Balzac
Wild Ass' skin and other stories
The child of malediction ; A mad musician ; The King's friend ; Venetian nights
La Busqueda de Lo Absoluto
Le recherche de l'absolu
Z. Marcas Lt
Pere Goriot
Honorine Lt
Seraphita ; Louis Lambert ; The exiles
Le livre mystique
Histoire de la grandeur et de la décadence de César Birotteau, parfumeur, chevalier de la Légion ..
Modeste Mignon and other stories
La Maratre
Eugénie Grandet
El Ṿerdugo
Journaux à la mer
La Ravouilleuse
The Muse of the Department (The Parisians in Provincial France
Histoire des treize
At the sign of the cat and racket. A Bachelor's establishment
The Commission in Lunacy Lt
The unknown masterpiece ; Christ in Flanders ; Melmoth reconciled ; The Maranas ; El Verdugo ; Farewell ; The conscript ; A seaside tragedy ; The red house ; The elixir of life
Histoire des Treize: Ferragus.  La duchesse de Langeais.  La fille aux yeux d'or
The Unconscious Mummers =: (Les Comediens Sans Le Savoir) and Other Stories
Le vicaire des Ardennes
Le chef-d'œuvre inconnu
Father Goriot Lt
The Firm of Nucingen Lt
La Fausse maîtresse
La pell De Xagrí
Revue Parisienne
Epigrams on men, women, and love
The Ball At Sceaux
The deputy for Arcis ; The middle classes ; and indices
La peau de chagrin
A double family ; The peace of the household ; A study of woman ; Another study of woman ; The pretended mistress
Le Rendez-vous
La comédie humaine.̐.
Illusions perdues
Cousin Betty, Cousin Pons and other stories
Mercadet A Comedy in Three Acts
Le curé de Tours
Eugénie Grandet I
The false courtesan, and other bawdy tales from 'Droll stories'
Les Maranas
Beatrix; love in duress
Le Colonel Chabert ; (suivi de) El Verdugo ; Adieu ; Le Réquisitionnaire
Mémoires de deux jeunes mariées ; Une fille d'Ève
Le cousin Pons
Le p'ere Goriot
Szenen aus dem Privatleben
Balzac in English Translation on CD ROM
Eugénie Grandet
OEuvres complètes
Jesus Christus in Flandern
La paix du menage
La femme de trente ans
The Celibates: Includes
Le Colonel Chabertde Balzac
Le Cure de Tours / 3 Audio Compact Discs in French
Prima Bette, La
Sl=plendori miserie delle cortigiane
Traité de la prière
Un Grand homme de province à Paris
The Middle Classes =: (Les Petits Bourgeois)
Le sorcier
Le Médecin de campagne
The Chouans
Le lys dans la vallée
Hōtō oyaji
הקמיע (עור־היחמור)
La Comedie Humaine tome 4
La Comédie humaine
Balzac and Souverain
Eve and David Lt
Les Choauns, Classiques Garnier Collection
The wild ass' skin
Oeuvres complètes illustrées
Eugénie Grandet
The house of Nucingen; The secrets of la Princesse de Cadignan; Sarrasine; Facino Cane; A man of business; The involuntary comedians
The Red House
Un Grand homme de province à Paris
A Bachelor's Establishment =: (Un Menage de Garçon)
The country doctor
La maison du chat-qui-pelote
Balzacs briefe an die Fremde
Etudes de moeurs au XIXe siècle
The history of the grandeur and downfall of César Birotteau
Le diable à Paris
The hidden treasures, or, The adventures of Maître Cornelius
Illusion perdues
Le colonel Chabet, suivi de Honorine et de L'Interdiction
The magic skin. The hidden masterpiece
The Quest of the Absolute and other stories
Philosophie de la vie conjugale
The Atheist's Mass Lt
The marriage contract; La grenadiere; Gobseck
Unconscious Comedians Lt
La femme de soixante ans
Le Cure de Tours
Eti︠u︡d o Beĭle (Frederike Stendale)
Honore de Balzac
Provincial Parisians
La dernière incarnation de Vautrin ; Un prince de la Bohême ; Un homme d'affaires ; Gaudissart II ; Les comédiens sans le savoir
Scènes de la vie privée
Eugénie Grandet
The black sheep
Collection "Les Romans de Balzac"
Pierrette, and The abbé Birotteau =
The quest of the absolute
Eugeńie Grandet
Les petits manéges d'une femme vertueuse
Œuvres diverses
Di masḳirṭe liebe
Le Père Goriot (extraits)
The Message Lt
The Secrets of the Princesse De Cadignan Lt
Maximes et Pensees
A Murky Business (Une Tenebreuse Affaire)
Honoré de Balzac in twenty-five volumes
Code des gens honnêtes, ou, L'art de ne pas être dupe des fripons
Le contrat de mariage ; Un début dans la vie
The  works of Balzac
Monographie de la presse parisienne
Ferragus, chef des Dévorants
El Verdugo
Conjugal life
Balzac, 1799-1850, maximes et pensées
Iznanka sovremennoiĭ istorii
Shorter stories from Balzac
Un Grand homme de province à Paris
Les rivalités ; La vieille fille ; Le cabinet des antiques
Le siècle
Cousin Pons ; Old Goriot
Des salons littéraires et des mots élogieux - Des mots à la mode
Les cent contes drolatiques
Hated Son
Peines de coeur d'une chatte anglaise et autres scènes de la vie privée et publique des animaux
Les rivalités ; La vieille fille ; Le cabinet des antiques
Histoire de la grandeur et de la decadence de Cesar Birotteau marchand parfumeur, adjoint au maire du deuxieme arrondissement de Paris, Chevalier de la legion - d'honneur, etc
La\Recherche de l'Absolu/ la Messe de L'Athee
Vautrin: drame en cinq actes et en prose
La cousine Bette
Les cent contes drolatiques, colligez ès abbaïes de Touraine, et mis en lumière
Grandeur de décadende de César Birotteau
Physiologie du mariage, ou, Méditations de philosophie éclectique sur le bonheur et le malheur conjugal
Correspondance de H. de Balzac, 1819-1850
Le père Goriot
Balzac's masterpieces
La vieille fille
The Girl with the Golden Eyes Lt
Étude de femme
Le Faiseur
Le lys dans la vallée
Béatrix and The purse = La bourse
Etudes sur Stendhal et la Charteuse de Parme
La Fille Aux Yeax D'or
La maison Nucingen
Maximes & pensées
Histoire de Jane la Pâle
La muse du département ; Un prince de la bohème
Lettres a Madama Hanska 1832-1840
Scènes de la vie parisienne
Les proscrits
Die Chouans, oder, Die Bretagne im Jahre 1799
Correspondance   Vol. 4
Jesus-Christ en Flandre: Meimoth reconcilié.--L'eglise
A start in life ; Madame Firmiani ; The message ; The atheist's Mass
Baruzakku ai no kattō, muma shōsetsu senshū
Four great short stories
A distinguished provincial at Paris and Z. Marcas
La comédie inhumaine
Ėti͡udy o nravakh
Honoré de Balzac's short stories
Opinions sociales et politiques, suivi de pensées diverses
La rabouilleuse
Le centenaire
Une fille d'Ève ; La fausse maîtresse
Blesk i nishcheta kurtizanok
Glanz und Elend der Kurtisanen
Comedie Humaine - History of Thirteen
Droll Stories, The Second Ten Stories
The Duchesse De Langeais Lt
Oeuvres completes
Grandeur et décadence de César Birotteau
Gobseck et Jésus-Christ en Flandre
Lost illusions
La dernière fée
Peau de Chagrin (Folio Plus Classique) (French Edition)
The illustrious Gsudissart
Two Poets Lt
The Country Parson =: (Le Cure de Village)
Le théatre inédit
The Stepmother, A Drama in Five Acts
Modeste Mignon
La Maison de Chat-qui-Pelote
Le Chouans ou La Bretagne en 1799
Two Poets.   Lost illusions part 1 (Lost Illusions)
Ba'erzhake di yi shang
Balzac, pages sociales et politiques
Droll Stories, the Third Ten Stories Lt
Histoire de la grandeur et de la décadence de César Birotteau, suivi de la Maison Nucingen
La comedie inhumaine I : histoire vřitable de la bossue courageuse
Scenes from a courtesan's life. The Government clerks
Eugénie Grandet
Les contes drolatiques
Oeuvres Completes  Contes Drolatiques Vol. 18
Papa Goriot - C y C
Balzac, l'ambition et l'amour
The Ball at Sceaux Lt
Lettres à Madame Hanska ... [par] H. de Balzac
Das Mädchen mit den Goldaugen
A daughter of Eve and Letters of two brides
La Comedie Humaine, Volume 1
Nouvelles et contes
Une passion dans le désert
Cuentos completos de La Comedia Humana
Der pfarrer von Tours
Ursule Mirouët
La Duchesse de Langeais
A daughter of Eve (Une fille d'Eve)
Le Colonel Chabert Suivi De Honorine Et
The Elixir of Life Lt
The peasantry ; About Catherine de'Medici, and other stories
The wild ass's skin (La peau de chagrin) Translated by Ellen Marriage with an introd. by George Saintsbury
Stories from Balzac
La femme de trente ans
La\Vielle Fille  Le Cabinet des Antiques
Petty Troubles of Married Life, Complete
Maitre Cornélius
The country doctor
Scènes de la vie militaire
Une instruction criminelle
Les Célibataires ; II. Un ménage de garçon
A Distinguished Provincial at Paris=: (Un Grand Homme de Province à Paris)
Cousin Betty =: (La Cousine Bette)
Eugénie Grandet
Les Chouans, ou, La Bretagne en 1799
Le Médecin de campagne
At the Sign of the Cat and Racket Lt
Falthurne, manuscrit de l'abbé Savonati
Oeuvres Completes  Cambara /  la Recherche de l'Absolu /  l'Enfant Maudit Vol. 15
Le Lys dans la valée
El Coronel Chabert El Rector De Tours
Cousin pons
A Bachelor's Establishment: (Un Ménage de Garçon)
La Maison du Chat Qui Pelote / 2 Audio Compact Discs in French
Le Cousin Pons (Classiques Francais)
The mysteries of Honoré de Balzac
La peau de chagrin
Albert Savarus [par] Balzac
Le péché veniel ...
Droll Stories, the Second Ten Stories Lt
Unconscious Comedians
La cugine Bette
The Chouans (Les Chouans)
La Recherche de l'absolu
La Recherche de l'absolu ; (suivi de) La Messe de l'athée
La cousine Bette
Eugénie Grandet
Le colonel Chabert
Physiologie du mariage, ou Méditations de philosophie éclectique, sur le bonheur et le malheur conjugal
Nouvelles musicales
The Hidden Masterpiece Lt
Oeuvres Completes  Vie de Moliere /  Vie de la Fontane /  Souvenirs d'un Paria Vol. 22
The Physiology of Marriage, Part 1
San shi sui di nü ren
Di froy fun draysiḳ yor
Ursula Lt
The novels of Balzac
L'\Illustre Gaudissart  Avec
The Member for Arcis (Le Deputé D'Arcis)
The wild ass's skin ; The quest of the absolute
A marriage settlement
Dernier Chouan
Eugenie Grandet Balzac ; avec une notice biographique, une notice historique et litteraire, des notes explicatives, des jugements, un questionnaire et des sujets de devoirs, par Jean-Pol Caput
Father Goriot and M. Gobseck
La\Muse du Departement & un Prince de la Boheme
Mémoires des deux jeunes mariées
Louis Lambert Lt
Piel de Zapa, La
The Recruit Lt
Seraphita Lt
Histoire des treize
Le lys dans la vallée
La comédie humaine of Honoré de Balzac
La grande Bretêche, and other stories
Le cousin Pons
Droll Stories, First Ten Stories
La princesse parisienne
Le Curé de village [par] Honoré de Balzac
THE THIRTEEN - Comprising;  Ferragus chief of the devorants, The Duchesse de Langeais,  The Girl with the  Golden Eyes
Christ in Flanders
Correspondance   Vol. 5
The devil's heir and other tales
Gambara; Massimilla Doni; The accursed child
The rise and fall of César Birotteau
Honoré de Balzac
Die dreissig sehr drolligen und sehr kuriosen Geschichten gennant Contes drolatiques des weiland Honoratus sieur de Balzac
Oyz'eni grandeh
Scenes from a Courtesan's Life Lt
Eugénie Grandet
La fille aux yeux d'or
Le cousine Bette
Cousin Betty =: (La Cousine Bette)
La duchesse de Langeais
Miniatures from Balzac's masterpieces
Correspondance inédite de Honoré de Balzac avec la duchesse de Castries (1831-1848)
The Lesser Bourgeoisie Lt
Eugenie Grandet; or, The miser's daughter
Oeuvres completes de Balzac
Folk Tales Of Napoleon Napoleonder From The Russian The Napoleon Of The People
Splendeurs et misères des courtisanes ; extrait avec une notice sur la vie de Balzac, une présentation générale, une analyse méthodique du roman, une étude littéraire, des notes, des questions, des jugements et des thèmes de réflexion, par Jacques Gautreau
Tolldreiste Geschichten
Théorie de la démarche
Splendeurs et misères des courtisanes
Cousin Betty
Mademoiselle du Vissard
A woman of thirty ; The deserted mistress
Le colonel Chabert
Journaux ıa la mer
Les cent contes drolatiques
The personal opinions of Honoré de Balzac
Traité de la vie élégante, suivi de la Théorie de la démarche
Œuvres diverses
Le Médecin de campagne
At the Sign of the Cat and Racket =: La Maison Du Chat-qui-pelote
La comédie humaine
Annette et le criminel
Eugenie Grandet (Clarendon French)
History of the thirteen ; Ferragus, chief of the Dévorants ; La Duchesse de Langeais
Ursule Miorouet
Théatre de H. de Balzac
Scènes de la vie parisienne
Scènes de la vie privée
Tolldrastische Geschichten
Sur Catherine de Médicis
La peau de chagrin
La Comédie humaine
Pierrette and The Abbé Birotteau (Le curé de Tours) Translated by Clara Bell, with a preface by George Saintsbury
A Second Home Lt
Ursule Mirouët and other stories
Eugénie Grandet
La Comedie Humaine, Vol. 3
Napoléon dans Balzac
Oeuvres Completes  Enquete sur la Politique des deux Ministeres /  Ecrits et Articles Legitimistes /  Enchantillon de Causerie Francaise Vol. 23
Pierrette ; and the Abbé Birotteau =: (Le Curé de Tours)
Letters to his family, 1809-1850
Jésus Christ en Flandre
The Human Comedy  Introductions & Appendix
Eugénie Grandet
Pierrette (The Celibates Pt. 1)
La Grenadière ; Le chef-d'oeuvre inconnu
A marriage settlement ; Modeste Mignon and other stories
Scènes de la vie parisienne
Folk-tales of Napoleon
Gao lao tou
Les contes drôlatiques [1/2]
Le cousin Pons
Eine dunkle Geschichte. Roman
Ferragus chef des devorants
Paz Lt
Pierrette, Le curé de Tours
Rise and Fall of Cesar Birotteau Lt
The splendors and miseries of a courtesan
La Grenadière ; Le chef-d'oeuvre inconnu
Le lys dans la vallée
Tante Lisbeth
Lettres a sa famille, 1809-1850
The peasantry ; The country parson
The seamy side of history and other stories
A Distinguished provincial at Paris.   Lost illusions Part 2. (Lost Illusions)
Jiao shui nü ren
Oeuvres Completes  Theatre /  la Moratre /  le Faiseur /  l'Ecole des Menages Vol. 20
The Two Brothers Lt
Jiao shui nü ren
Le centenaire, ou, Les deux Béringheld
Jesus Christ in Flanders
Les fantaisies de Claudine
Les marana
La recherche de l'absolu
Traite des excitants modernes
La Vendetta, suivi de "La Bourse"
Pensées, sujets, fragments
Eugenia Grandet * La Piel de Zapa
Le Faiseur
Correspondance inédite de Honoré de Balzac avec le docteur Nacquart (1823-1850)
The country doctor ; the quest of the absolute
Les Secrets de la princesse de Cadignan et Autres études de femme
The Marriage Contract Lt
The Message, And Gobseck
Het gevloekte kind
La fausse maťresse
Balzac ; introduction de Ch. Défossez
Zwei Frauen
Modeste Mignon
Correspondance de H. de Balzac, 1819-1850
Dunkle Geschichten
La Comédie humaine, tome 1
Le médecin de campagne, avec une introd. et des notes par Maurice Allem
Die Bauern
Une fille d'Eve
Illusions perdues
Adieu Farewell
Eugénie Grandet
Die Frau von dreissig Jahren
La rabouilleuse
La Comedie Humaine, Volume 6
le colonnel Chabert
Madame Firmiani
Droll Stories, The Third Ten Stories
Historie de la grandeur et de la décadence de César Birottear
A most mysterious case ; An episode under the terror ; The seamy side of history ; Z. Marcas
Jésus Christ en Flandre
The Red Inn
Short stories
Ai chui lu
Utrachennye ill︠i︡uzii
Eugénie Grandet
Le médecin de campagne
Fame and sorrow
La Comedie Humaine, Volume 4
La maison du chat-qui-pelote.  Le bal de Sceaux.  La vendetta
The poor parents ; Cousin Betty
L'Albergo rosso
Oeuvres de H. de Balzac
The purse, and Albert Savarus
The Chouans - Honore de Balzac
The illustrious Gaudissart; The muse of the department
Massimilla Doni Lt
A Start in Life Lt
Le lys dans la vallée
Louis Lambert
La peau de chagrin
Domestic Peace, And Paz
The Muse of the Department Lt
L' héritière de Birague
Colonel Chabert Lt
Pierre Grassou
Œuvres complètes ..
The country doctor and other stories
The Human Comedy_ Introductions And Appendix
Kontrakt ślubny
A Man Of Business
Splendeurs et misères des courtisanes [par] H. de Balzac
Ursule Mirouet and other stories
Le médecin de campagne
The Exiles
The human comedy
Sur le dandysme
The fatal skin
Jesus Christ in Flanders ; Melmoth Converted ; The Elixir of long life ; Seraphita
La maison du chat-qui-pelote, suivi de ; Le bal de sceaux ; La vendetta ; La bourse
Scènes de la vie de province
Clotide de Lusignan; ou, Le beau juif
Eugenie Grandet and other stories
Lettres à Madame Hanska, tome 2
L'envers de l'histoire contemporaine
Colonel Chabert
La vieille fille [par] H. de Balzac
La peau de chagrin
Splendeurs et misères
The old maid; The cabinet of antiquities
Study Of A Woman and Other Stories
La fille aux yeux d'or
The Magic Skin Lt
Physiologie du mariage pré-originale (1826)
Ḥozeh ha-niśuʼim
Un épisode sous la terreur
La Comedie Humaine, Volume 2
The Love Letters of Honore de Balzac (1833-1842)
Physiologie du mariage
La maison Nucingen
Cesar Birotteau (in French), 6 audiocassettes, 8 hours playing time
The Collection of Antiquities Lt
Le Pere Goriot (Petite Bibliotheque Lattes)
The petty annoyances of married life
The Village Rector Lt
Les parisiens en provinces ; L'illustre Gaudissart ; La muse du département
Maitre Cornelius
David Séchard
Lettres ıa sa famille, 1809-1850
Droll stories (Contes drolatiques) with Sarrasine, etc
The personal opinions of Honoré de Balzac
Nine tales from the Contes drolatiques of Honoré de Balzac
The poor relations, Second episode
Les Parisiens en Province
L'auberge rouge
Morceaux choisis
The Chouans ; The country doctor
A woman of thirty and A start in life
Les Illusions Perdues
Scènes de la vie de province
The dramas: Vautrin, the resources of Quinola, Pamela Giraud, the stepmother, Mercadet
Ferragus,chief of the Devorants Lt
Melmoth réconcilié
Traité de la vie elegante ; Physiologie du rentier de Paris ; Physiologie de l'employé ; Les boulevards de Paris
Scènes de la vie parisienne
Les petits bourgeois
Eugenie Grandet and The curé of Tours
Le curé de village suivi de Véronique et de Véronique au tombeau
Les\Secrets de la Princesse de Cadignan et Autres Etudes
The Physiology of Marriage, Part 3
Scènes de la vie militaire et scènes de la vie de campagne
Le lys dans la vallée
Озорные рассказы
An Old Maid Lt
Lettres a Madame Hanska ..
Mother and daughter
Physiologie de l'employé
Pierrette Lt
Adieu ; The conscript ; The executioner ; The exiles ; Louis Lambert
The cat and battledore
Nouveaux contes philosophiques
Seraphita and other stories
Les illusions perdues
Ujenī Gurande ; Tanima no yuri
The unconscious mummers =
Damon Knight
Damon Knight (1922-2002)

literary critic, journalist, editor, critic, poet

The Magazine of fantasy and science fiction. A 30-year retrospective
The golden road
Tomorrow's children
Humpty Dumpty
Damon Knight SF Gateway Omnibus
The world and Thorinn
The man in the tree
Humpty Dumpty
The dark side
100 Great Science Fiction Short Short Stories
Science Fiction of the forties
Science fact/fiction
Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Treasury (The Future in Question / Space Mail)
Fifty short science fiction tales
The Second Omni book of science fiction
The man in the tree
Why do birds
The Future in Question
Time Waits For Winthrop
Happy Endings
The Science Fiction Hall of Fame -- Volume Two
Beyond the barrier
A pocketful of stars
Laughing Space
One side laughing
The Seventh Galaxy Reader
In search of wonder
A Century of Science Fiction
Three novels: Rule golden, Natural state, [and] The dying man
The world and Thorinn
Isaac Asimov presents the golden age of science fiction. Sixth Series
A science fiction argosy
The observers
Far out
Creating short fiction
The Clarion awards
Isaac Asimov Presents The Great SF Stories 22 (1960)
Far out
Dimension X
TV 2000
A for Anything
The Last Man on Earth
A century of great short science fiction novels
The Futurians
Two novels
Off centre
Nebula Award Stories
Orbit 14
In Search of Wonder
Cosmic Stories, March 1941
The 1987 Annual World's Best SF
Orbit 10
Isaac Asimov Presents the Great SF Stories 15 (1953)
Orbit 15
First voyages
Orbit 16
Damon Knight's Orbit 12
Out of this world
The other foot
Isaac Asimov Presents The Great SF Stories 12 (1950)
Western classics from the great pulps
Orbit 16
Late Knight edition
Space Science Fiction Super Pack
Worlds to come
Damon Knight's orbit 7
A for anything
Best stories from Orbit, volumes 1-10
Thirteen French science-fiction stories
Hell's pavement
One hundred years of science fiction
A reasonable world
Isaac Asimov Presents The Great SF Stories 18 (1956)
Isaac Asimov Presents The Great SF Stories 21 (1959)
A century of great short science fiction novels
Orbit 3
In deep
Science Fiction of the Thirties
Better than one
Futuria Fantasia, Spring 1940
A Shocking Thing
Orbit 5
Perchance to Dream
Turning on
Charles Fort
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, January 1964
The dark side
Cities of wonder
Tomorrow and Tomorrow; Ten Tales of the Future,
Masters of Evolution / Fire in the Heavens
Isaac Asimov Presents The Great SF Stories 16 (1954)
Hell's Pavement
The best of Damon Knight
Beyond tomorrow
Charles Fort: prophet of the unexplained
Turning points
Beyond the Barrier
Perchance to dream
Tomorrow X 4
Why dobirds
Worlds to Come
Creating short fiction
Turning on
Damon Knight's Collection 1
World without children and The Earth Quarter
Orbit 21
Towards Infinity
Orbit 17
Perchance to dream
First contact
Orbit Fifteen
Reasonable World
Earth Quarter & Envoy to New Worlds
Anthology of Sci-Fi V21, the Pulp Writers
Cities of wonder
The best of Damon Knight
Tomorrow and tomorrow
Orbit Twenty
Orbit 19
Orbit Eighteen
Best Damon Knight
Worlds to come
Web of the Worlds & Rule Golden
One Hundred Years of Science Fiction
Le pavé de l'enfer
Toward infinity
The Worshippers
Off centre
A century of science fiction
Orbit Two
Science fiction of the thirties
Nebula award stories
The World and Thorinn
Mind Switch
Beyond the Barrier
A pocketful of stars
Turning On
World Without Children and the Earth Quarter
Special Delivery by Damon Knight, Science Fiction, Adventure
First Contact
In Deep
Damon Knight SF Omnibus (eBook)
The World and Thorin
Westerns of the 40's : classics from the great pulps
The Other Foot
Orbit 9
Far Out
Off Centre
Beyond tomorrow
Cities of wonder
Nine new SF stories especially written for Orbit 4 (A Berkley medallion book)
Hell's Pavement
Orbit: No. 4
Humpty Dumpty
Orbit 2
Man in the Tree
Los mundos
Orbit Thirteen
Orbit 11
The dark side
Three Novels
5 Unearthly Visions
Voorbij De Barriere
Why Do Birds
Double Meaning
A century of science fiction
Beyond the Barrier
The Man In The Tree
Toward Infinity
Turning Points
In Deep
Orbit 6
In Search of Wonder
Perchance to Dream
The Other Foot
Isaac Asimov Präsentiert Sagenwelt Der Fantasy
Special Delivery by Damon Knight, Science Fiction, Adventure
The Metal Smile
Special Delivery
The World and Thorinn
for Anything
Natural State
A century of science fiction;
Damon Knight's collection
Special Delivery
In Search of Wonder
Hell's cartographers : some personal histories of science fiction writers
Tout et n'importe quoi
Turning Points
Analogue Men
Damon Knight's Collection 4. Neue Science Fiction Stories
Toward Infinity
Doorway to Kal-Jmar
Dimension X
Tomorrow X 4. A Stellar Quartet of Short Science Fiction Novels
The Mote in Time's Eye
Rule Golden
Mind switch
De 10 Sterkste Korte Verhalen Van Damon Knight
Thirteen French science-fiction stories
Nebula Award Stories 1965
Die Analog-Maschine
The Dark Side
Elsewhere X 3
The Metal Smile
Better Than One
The Shape of things
Pocketful of Stars
Charles Fort
The Worshippers by Damon Knight, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Adventure
First Contact
Turning on
First Flight
The Best of Damon Knight
Special Delivery
A Century of Science Fiction
Three novels
Reasonable World
Passée la barrière du temps
The people maker
The goldenroad
Computer streiten nicht
Panne in der Hölle
Rule Golden and Double Meaning
Ne vivez pas dans le passé
Les Univers
Nebula Award stories
Nebula award series, 1965
A for anything
Lafferty in Orbit
Towards infinity
First flight
A pocketful of stars
Yet more Penguin science fiction
Orbit 13
Rule Golden and Other Stories
Nebula Award Stories 1965
Far out
Three novels
Worlds to come
Natural State And Other Stories
Zweibeiner sehen dich an
The best of Damon Knight
Analogue men
Arthur Machen
Arthur Machen (1863-1947)

translator, literary critic, journalist, stage actor, politician

  • Hereford Cathedral School
Antología de la literatura fantástica
The Hill of Dreams
The angels of Mons
The house of souls
The Great God Pan
Selected Letters
The secret glory
The autobiography of Arthur Machen
The white people and other weird stories
Great God Pan and Other Classic Horror Stories
Supernatural Short Stories
The children of the pool
The great god Pan and other horror stories
The Nightmare Reader
Cuentos de terror
Famous Modern Ghost Stories
The Terror
The three impostors or The transmutations
Tales Of The Occult
The great god Pan, and, The inmost light
Lovecrafts dunkle Idole 02. Das rote Zimmer
Ghostly Clients and Demonic Culprits
Welsh Tales of Terror
Memoirs of Casanova
Five Gothic Masterpieces
Shadows of Carcosa
Dreads and drolls
Arthur Machen & Montgomery Evans
Best Short Stories of All Time
A Fragment of Life
The Great God Pan & Xelucha
Dr. Stiggins
A Collection of Fiction and Essays by Occult Writers on Supernatural, Metaphysical and Esoteric Subjects
The shining pyramid
Tales of horror and the supernatural
Far off things
The Great God Pan and The Hill of Dreams
The Heptameron
The chronicle of Clemendy
Dog and duck, a London calendar et caetera
The great return
The Great God Pan The Shining Pyramid The White People
The Terror & Other Tales
A few letters from Arthur Machen
Strange roads, sketches by Joseph Simpson
The Caerleon edition of the works of Arthur Machen
The White People and Other Stories
The Inmost Light
The Novel Of The Black Seal
The Necronomicon
The collected Arthur Machen
Guinevere and Lancelot & others
The Canning wonder
Red Hand
Tales of Horror and the Supernatural
Ornaments in jade
The Novel of the White Powder
Eleusinia and Beneath the Barley
A Machen Omnibus
The Ghost Ship and Other Stories
Out of the Earth
Holy terrors
The Memoires of Casanova, Volume IV, V and VI
The Caeleon Edition of the Works of ARTHUR MACHEN, the terror, the bowmen, the great return.
The Works of Arthur Machen
Black Seal and Other Stories
The grande trouvaille
The Green Round
'The Red Hand' and 'The White People'
The London adventure
The White People
Hieroglyphics and Other Essays
Gizli Ihtisam
The Islington Mystery
Short Fiction
La casa de las almas
The Secret Glory, Chapters Five and Six
Le Peuple blanc
The Shining Pyramid & The Three Impostors
A Venerable Assembly
The White People and Other Stories (The House of Souls)
Strange roads
Fantastic and Horrific Stories
Arthur Machen
Secret of the Sangraal
Things near and far
The glorious mystery
Black Crusade
Great God Pan and Other Horror Stories
Düsler Tepesi. Translated by Büsra N. Erturan.
Rus in Urbe and Others
Dr. Stiggins: his views and principles
The Arthur Machen MEGAPACK ®: 25 Classic Works
Edgar Allan Poe and Arthur Machen
Thesaurus incantatus
A note on poetry
Spirits of battle
Spagyric Quest of Beroaldus Comopolita
The novel of the black seal, and other stories
Letters of Arthur Machen [esq
The Ritual and Other Stories
Tales of Horror and the Supernatural: v. 1
The White People and Other Weird Stories (Penguin Modern Classics)
Arthur Machen: Masters of the Weird Tale
Arthur Machen, best weird stories
Under the Leads
The book of the prophet Jeremiah and that of the Lamentations
The rose garden
War and the Christian faith
Precious balms
Bridles & spurs
Arthur Machen Megapack
The strange world of Arthur Machen
Tales of Horror and the Supernatural
Tales of Horror and the Supernatural: v. 2
The anatomy of tobacco
Ciemnosc w poludnie
Collected Fiction Volume 3
Tales of Horror and the Supernatural
The day's portion
Notes and queries
Dr. Stiggins
The chronicle of Clemendy
The cosy room and other stories
The three impostors
In the eighties
War and the Christian faith
The hill of dreams
Thesaurus incantatus
The collector's craft
The London adventure
The terror
The shining pyramid
Les Trois imposteurs
The green round
Strange roads
Far off things
Tom o'Bedlam and his song
Starrett vs. Machen
Parish of Amersham
Things near and far
Dreads and drolls
Beneath the barley
The autobiography of Arthur Machen
Precious balms
The grande trouvaille (A legend of Pentonville)
J. Rodolfo Wilcock
J. Rodolfo Wilcock (1919-1978)

linguist, poet, translator, journalist, literary critic, engineer

Antología de la literatura fantástica
The Temple of Iconoclasts
El Templo Etrusco
L' abominevole donna delle nevi
La sinagoga degli iconoclasti
Italienisches Liederbuch
El Ingeniero
Persecución de las musas menores
Los DOS Indios Alegres
La Sinagoga de Los Iconoclastas
Libro de poemas y canciones ..
L' ingegnere
Il libro dei mostri
Le chaos
El caos
Le nozze di Hitler e Maria Antonietta nell'inferno
Il reato di scrivere
I due allegri indiani
Ensayos de poesía lírica
Il tempio etrusco
El delito de escribir
La Synagogue des iconoclastes
Lo stereoscopio dei solitari
Le stéréoscope des solitaires
El Estereoscopio De Los Solitarios
Frau Teleprocu
La Boda de Hitler y Maria Antonieta en el Infierno (Emece Cruz del Sur)
Teatro inédito
Traidores, Los
John Clute
John Clute (born 1940)

literary critic

  • New York University
The Encyclopedia of fantasy
SCORES: REVIEWS, 1993-2003
Pardon this intrusion
The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction
Look at the Evidence
Science Fiction
Tesseracts 8
SF, science fiction
The book of end times
Canary Fever Reviews
The encyclopedia of science fiction
The disinheriting party
Science fiction
Interzone, the 4th anthology
Tesseracts 8